#so im sorry if it sucks
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Gates to Heck Chapter 6
Shigeo didn't bother to explain the blackmail. Joseph was a smart man. He worked for the government. He seemed to understand that Shigeo was ready to blow that secret government agency wide open, if it meant saving his best friend from a life of vigilante justice.
He could do it. If Mezato helped, but he was pretty sure she would.
"Calm down," said Joseph, when he finally answered Shou's phone. "I was already looking for Shiro-san."
"Then why didn't you say that?" asked Shou. He had put his cellphone on speaker so he could make the introductions, which he did with what Shigeo felt was an unnecessary level of formality.
"You're not supposed to make promises to civilians, Shou."
"That's cops, not government assassins, Joe."
Joseph met them at Shou's apartment, where he informed them that one of the in-custody members of Final Dog had identified their missing esper as Shiro-san. Joseph assured them that he had done so willingly.
The informant had described Shiro-san's aura as "kind of ozone-y, but with, like, a hint of mint." Shigeo concentrated hard and extended his psychic scan further than last time. Eventually he found it just beyond city limits.
He still couldn't feel Teru's aura, but it might have simply been too weak.
Shiro-san was northbound, moving faster than the speed limit, which meant he was using his powers to fly. Shigeo couldn't fly that fast without swallowing a lot of bugs.
Shiro-san stopped in a rural area called Furikake Village. Shigeo used side-along teleportation to bring everyone there, and then promptly threw up in a rice paddy.
In addition to Reigen, Ritsu, and Shou, he had used side-along teleportation to bring Joseph from the government. Shigeo needed someone to take Shiro-san into custody while they took care of Teru.
Shigeo had never carried that many people at once. He thought that might also account for his aim, which had not been as accurate as he would have hoped. They were lucky for the rice paddies. Their feet got wet, but Shigeo didn't want to think about what would have happened if he had teleported them into a cow.
It was much easier to sense Shiro-san's aura now. He could sense Teru's aura too, although it was still concerningly faint.
Reigen patted Shigeo on the back, and Shou offered him a handkerchief with only a little Cheeto dust on it. Ritsu backed away a little, clutching reflexively at his hoodie.
Shigeo wiped his mouth and flew in the direction of the two auras. He identified the corresponding figures before he could make out any of their details, and it took him a moment to realize why one of them looked wrong. It was upside down.
Teru was suspended in midair with his face underwater. Shiro-san was holding up his hands, which were glowing ice blue. A matching aura restrained Teru's arms, preventing him from saving himself.
There was a moment where Shigeo wasn't sure who he was. He didn't seem to be himself anymore. His feelings were muted, but in a different way than usual.
His head was full of TV static.
Shigeo fought against it as hard as he could. He couldn't hear anything over the buzz of the static, but he felt his mouth move over familiar words. A familiar name.
The next thing Shigeo knew, he was on the ground, and Teru was in his arms for the second time that day. It was difficult to believe that basketball practice had only been a few hours ago.
Shiro-san was wrapped in an aura of much richer blue than his own. In addition to pinning his arms and legs, Shigeo had apparently gagged him. His muffled protests were still audible.
Shigeo ignored them. He could feel the static start to come back when he looked at Shiro-san for too long.
Teru was coughing up an alarming amount of water, but he didn't seem to require any additional lifesaving measures, which was good, because Shigeo didn't know any. He vowed to learn some. Teru got hurt a lot.
They were both on the ground, but they were up on a bund, so at least it was dry ground. Shigeo unzipped his hoodie and wrapped it around Teru's shoulders, which were shaking too hard for it to be from the cold alone, but Shigeo didn't know how to help with anything else.
The others caught up to him while Teru was still coughing. Ritsu dropped Reigen in the rice paddy before he got a good look at them.
Reigen was asking increasingly high-pitched questions, but Shigeo had gotten pretty good at tuning him out over the years. Something in his mind had just clicked into place.
"Is that the man who showed you how to do that?" he asked. Maybe it wouldn't have made sense to anyone else, but Teru nodded.
"Do what?" asked Reigen. "What did he do? Why are you wet? Was he waterboarding you?"
"Not technically," said Teru. His voice was raw, like he'd been screaming for hours.
Reigen approached Shiro-san and rifled through his jacket with expert fingers. He pulled out a wallet, removed the driver's license, and returned the wallet to Shiro-san's pocket.
He read the license, "Ochinko Manabu. Yeah, I can see why you would want to change that. Well, Ochinko-san, we're going to be handing you over to the government assassin in a moment, but just in case you're considering another jailbreak, I want you to know that you have a Reigen Arataka Special Restraining Order against you now." He pointed a dramatic finger at Teru. "If you come within a thousand kilometers of this boy or attempt to contact him in any way, I will find you. That's only if you're lucky. If you're unlucky, Joseph from the government will find you." He hooked a thumb over his shoulder at Shigeo. "And if you're really unlucky, Mob will find you."
Reigen was just joking, but it gave Shigeo an idea. It was the only thing he could think of that would silence those muffled shouts without giving him a crisis of conscience, and the more of them he heard, the closer the static came. Shigeo wasn't sure what he would do if it took over completely, but he could guess.
Shigeo shifted his body slightly to block Teru's view. Then he turned Shiro-san upside down and held him over the water. The muffled protests became significantly more frantic.
"Nice," said Shou.
"Didn't know you had it in you, Bowl Cut," said Joseph.
"Shut up, Shishou," said Shigeo.
He lowered Shiro-san until the water was up to his eyebrows.
Shiro-san passed out.
He didn't realize Teru had been peeking over his shoulder until his head dropped onto it, where he hid an only-slightly hysterical giggle in the fabric of Shigeo's gym T-shirt.
Shigeo removed Shiro-san from the water and handed him off to Joseph.
"Aw," said Joseph. He let out a dramatic sigh full of cigarette smoke, then hardened the smoke into cuffs around Shiro-san's wrists and ankles. "Goodbye, Bowl Cut. See you around Kaijin. Shou."
"Bye, Joe!"
Shigeo felt Teru's shoulders tense under his hands.
"You aren't going to try to recruit Hanazawa-kun now, are you?" asked Shigeo.
"Are you kidding?" Joseph took to the air, dragging a weightless Shiro-san by his ankles. "He's clearly under some heavy protection."
He took off and into the night.
"Damn, Mob." Reigen had always made an effort not to swear excessively around Shigeo, but he seemed to have decided these were exceptional circumstances. "I mean, of course I knew you weren't going to kill him, but I really thought you were about to violate the Geneva Conventions for a second there."
"It's not a violation of the Geneva Convention unless it occurs during wartime," said Ritsu.
"I knew that," said Reigen. "I was testing you."
"I was only applying inversion therapy," said Mob. "I thought it would help Ochinko-san calm down. Inversion therapy is very useful for easing stress and reducing the harmful effects of gravity. Onigawara-san told me about it during club last week."
There was another one of those rasping giggles against his shoulder, and Shigeo felt the static finally start to recede.
"Well," said Reigen, apparently without knowing what he was going to say next, because he floundered for a moment before finishing, "he's certainly calmer  now."
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four-pointed-leaf · 3 months
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celestialwrites · 11 months
saying ‘i love you’ without saying ‘i love you’ dialogue prompts
@celestialwrites for more!
♡ “to me, you are perfect.”
♡ "don't you realise? you are my world."
♡ "you brought me back to life."
♡ "the only way i know how to describe what i feel around you is home. i feel at home."
♡ "it's as if my entire life i have been sinking in a storm and you came and pulled me out."
♡ "you know i stayed for you, and frankly, i don't regret it one bit."
♡ "with the whole of my heart, i believe that together we are infinite."
♡ "i never intend on leaving you. you hear me? never."
♡ "thank you for being the shoulder i always needed, even when you hated me."
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♡ "never leave me, my heart couldn't bear it."
♡ "i've spent my whole life waiting for you."
♡ "consumed in darkness, you darling, were my light."
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breadandblankets · 7 months
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Jason: I mean you get hit enough to be one sure
Duke: shut the fuck up, i mean like we can't die, i can heal freaky fast, we wear more armor than like everyone-
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