#so ig this is my birthday art for her!!!
sotogalmo · 15 days
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* “If only, perhaps I didn't run away ...”
Hyuna as Carlos Marlon/KAITO
Oli: @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid -as Pollo/Len
Flor: @sotogalmo -as Arte/Rin
This au, or these placements (Hyuna's) is a follow up to my Luka Conchita art! Which is based on my tags on @shakingparadigm 's post along with @bluemoonscape 's addition of Luka's behavior towards food. — @4listr / @chokkito / @aakaneeee
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immortality is so lonely
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dragoness05 · 4 months
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happy birthday to our phantom queen 👑
she stole Aiden's hoodie again
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explodingstarlight · 2 years
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the universe has had 23 years to smite me and it's yet to succeed,,, so now i get cake
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pinksilkribbons · 15 days
COLLAGE: yan! classmate
CW/TW: non-consensual candid photos, elijah has a shrine of [name], mentions of praying to and basically viewing another human being as god, small implication of a boner, general yandere stuff ig.
You guys my last post on Elijah got quite a few likes I’m so glad y’all like him!! He’s my least developed OC so i decided to write more on him and develop his character. I’ll post some of my others soon!
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Ever since he bought his new polaroid, Elijah has discovered a new side of himself. At the beginning he’d only taken pictures of you and hung them around his closet.
But eventually…he grew tired of it. Not of his darling, no! Of course not! But…it was rather difficult to sneak photos of you without getting caught. Not to mention the majority of them turned out blurry anyway.
Something needed to change.
He didn’t just want pictures of you at school. He wanted pictures of everything. When you’re angry, when you’re sad, when you’re eating. Pictures in normal clothes instead of a school uniform for fucks sake!
In the beginning school was the easiest (and only) way he could gain access to you, but now it’s proving to make his job that much harder. There’s too many risks involved.
With a dramatic sigh he shut his closet door, making sure to click the padlock into place. After hanging so many pictures of you on his closet walls he decided it would be wise to invest in a lock.
He knows it isn’t normal. Taking pictures of people without asking isn’t normal. Being so deeply obsessed with someone isn’t normal.
But not being normal doesn’t make him bad. Just…more passionate!
“Hey mama?”, He asks, trudging down the stairs.
His mother turns away from her phone with a quick glance his way. Her head tilts up as if to silently ask him what he needs.
“You aren’t using these magazines anymore, are you?”
A small stack of magazines with a bunch of ‘trendy fashion’ labels catches his eye. On the front cover a young lady with blonde hair is posed in a field of flowers. The lady, however, isn’t what he’s interested in.
She laughs playfully and watches Elijah pick up the stack. “Well, not exactly. But why do you need them? I’ve never known you to be interested in fashion.”
Elijah feels a rush of red to his cheeks. A part of him feel dirty. Perverted, even. It’s clear his mother is implying something dirty, and while she isn’t even wrong, he’s probably planning something much worse than whatever she’s imagining right now.
It takes a few good seconds for his mind to come up with a plausible excuse. “W-well, I’m not interested in fashion! I just need some material for this project in art class.”
Luckily his mom doesn’t question him further. She definitely rolled her eyes at him though, clearly not believing his story.
As soon as he makes it back to his room Elijah is quick on his feet. He rushes over to his closet so quickly he almost falls over. A pulse of excitement gushes through his body as he begins to unlock his closet door.
The password to which is his darlings birthday, of course!
Upon opening the door, one wouldn’t suspect much of anything. Clothes, shoes, some random boxes, but nothing out of the ordinary. The real magic is in the far right corner, at the very bottom of the wall.
So far his collection is pretty small. The few photos he does have are all taped beside one another, carefully placed to ensure nothing is crooked or overlaps with the other. This small corner is Elijah’s entire life.
He lives and breathes [Name]. In fact, every morning, without fail, he finds himself in this exact position; sitting on his knees, admiring his darling. He bows his head and prays to your existence.
The amount of sheer joy your being grants him should never be taken lightly. Elijah is a good boy. He’s thankful. And He proves it every single morning.
“I feel kinda bad, cutting up her picture like this”, he mumbled to himself. His hands carefully maneuvered the scissors, making sure to save as much of his darlings face as possible.
Believe it or not it came out pretty good! Next he needed to cut the cover from his mom’s fashion magazine, which proved to be the real challenge.
The blonde lady on the cover was dressed in a blue flowy sundress. From the moment he saw it Elijah knew that dress was meant to be his darlings. The chances of him getting a real photo of you in this dress were zero, but he’d like to think he’s quite creative!
To finalize his creation he glued [Name]’s head onto the models face, successfully dressing her in the beautiful gown. Just imagining her in such an outfit had his heart racing and pants tightening.
It made him feel proud knowing he found a way to grow his collection while also reducing the risk of getting caught. Next time he visited the library, Elijah would be sure to pick up a few books on collaging.
You truly did bring out a new side of him. Who knew he was so artistic?
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jerzwriter · 2 months
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Happy Birthday, Baby! 🩷🤍🩷
Every time Ainna (@/artbyainna - IG) creates something for me, I say it's my new favorite, but this time, I doubt it will ever be topped!
Last month, I was busy and going through some stuff, so I completely forgot to get a slot with Ainna. Imagine my surprise when she reached out a few days later and said, "a secret someone" got a slot for me. It honestly couldn't have come at a better time. I was so down and this act of kindness lifted my spirits so much. When she said my slot was 7/24, I knew what we were going to do! Casey's "birthday" is 7/26, and this had to come to life. And OMG, I could NOT love it anymore.
When Ainna sent me the final today, I sent a sneak peek to just one person... @lucy-268. Not ten seconds later, I got a message from Ainna saying, "By the way, this was from Kathy (aka Lucy-268)." The coincidence was wild! And given that Kathy & I are total Tobias stans - it was perfect! Kathy was so glad I chose to do Tobias & Casey (naked Tobias at that! lol), and I'm so touched by her generosity & kindness. Thank you SO SO much, my dear friend! You have no idea how much this lifted my spirits when Ainna told me initially and again today. I'm so blessed to have you in my life, and now, we're all blessed with this art! 🥵 Yeah, her birthday is July 26th, but I'm not sitting on this one! Though Casey probably will, but I digress. 😏😏😏 This deserved a little fic - which can be found below. Thank you again, Kathy! You're the best! 🩷🤍🩷🤍
Book: Open Heart (Post Series) Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey Carrick) Featuring: Bryce, Ethan, Aurora, Sienna, Jackie Rating: Teen (It's racy, but not that racy) Words: 1,700 Summary: Tobias wants to make this a birthday that Casey will always remember, so he plans a girl's night out for her and her friends. Once they're gone, he and Bryce start the second part of his plan. Eventually, Ethan gets dragged in, too. It's definitely a night to remember! A/N: Mostly already above, but some at the end, too!
Tobias stood in front of his townhome, a sparkle twinkling in his bright blue eyes as he watched the white stretch limo disappear into the night. Casey popped her head out of the sunroof just moments before, enthusiastically waving and blowing kisses as her friends raucously cheered her on. He was determined to make this birthday special for her, and it looked like his mission was a success.
He stepped back inside and shut the door with a sigh, leaning against it as Bryce approached, placing a freshly made strawberry mojito in his hand.
“Man, did you see her?" He asked. "She looked amazing tonight."
“She sure did,” Bryce agreed, spreading out on the couch with a massive bowl of chips on his lap. “You did good, T. The girls’ night out idea? Legendary! I’d say you’re bound to get it now, but...”
“Yeah,” Tobias chuckled, getting comfortable in his recliner. “I’m not worried about that ever. But I am slightly worried about tonight."
“Tonight? Why?”
“Did you see her? She could give up medicine and be a freaking model. Goddamn, one day, that woman’s going to realize she could do much better than me. Let's hope that night isn't tonight."
Bryce went pale; he rushed over to his friend and placed his hand on his forehead.
“What the hell are you doing?” Tobias asked.
“Checking to see if you had a fever! Since when have you thought there was anyone better than you?”
“Heh,” he chuckled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “You have a valid point there.”
“I mean, the rest of us always told her she could do better,” Bryce teased. “But she hasn’t listened so far. Now that you’re married with a kid and a cat, I think you’re safe, buddy.”
“You’re right,” Tobias let out a deep breath and clinked his glass against Bryce’s with a grin. “Besides, did you see that limo I got them? Now they’re off for dinner at Contessa, then a VIP table at The Grand... you’re right; I’m the best husband in the freaking world. What do I have to worry about?"
“Aaaand just like that, he’s back!” Bryce grinned, grabbing the remote to flip on the television.
A couple of hours later, as the guys ate pizza and watched mindless TV, Tobias’s phone buzzed. Casey sent him pictures of her and her friends having the time of their lives. Then, a quick message: I'm having so much fun!! I don’t care what anyone says! You’re my favorite husband! I adore you, baby. 😘
“Favorite husband,” Tobias laughed, rapidly texting back: Your ONLY husband, sweetheart! Have fun, baby. I love you.❤️
Bryce laughed with a mouth full of chips. “You are so freaking whipped. Now, what’s the surprise that I’m here to help you with?”
Tobias glanced at his watch. “We still have a little time to chill, but you're going to help me put up a balloon wall.”
Bryce raised a brow. “A... balloon wall?”
“Yeah,” Tobias said, pulling a picture up on his phone. Bryce’s eyes popped.
“That looks... complicated. T, you’re loaded. Couldn't you have just hired someone to do this?”
“Dude... the kit says ages ten and up. We’re seven times that between us. We both managed to graduate med school, right? We’ve got this.”
Two hours later...
Perched precariously on the top rung of a ladder, Tobias carefully balanced a cardboard frame brimming with balloons.
“I’ve got it... I’ve got it! I’ve got it!” he shouted just before the frame slipped from his hands, plummeting onto Bryce, who found himself entangled in the balloons, looking like a large cluster of pink and white grapes.
He glared at his friend as he untangled himself. “T. I think it’s about time that we admit... we absolutely do not have this!”
Surrendering, Tobias climbed down the ladder, cursing under his breath.
“You're right! Now, what the hell do we do? Normally, I’d call Sienna at this point, but....”
“Yeah, no,” Bryce laughed, scrolling through his Instagram feed. “Right about now, she’s five martinis in, and based on this picture... she’s getting a lap dance.”
“A lap dance!” Tobias’s eyes went wide. “From who?”
“Your wife,” Bryce cackled, handing Tobias his phone.
Tobias couldn’t wipe the smile from his face. “Well, I'm glad they're having fun! But we need to call in some help.”
Twenty minutes later, Bryce answered a knock on the door. “Thank God you’re here,” he exclaimed. “We desperately need your help.”
“Your panicked phone call made that abundantly clear," Ethan groaned. “Now, what am I here to fix?"
Stepping into the living room, he saw Tobias sitting defeated in front of a wall of half-covered with balloons.
“Hey, buddy,” Tobias half-smiled, handing him a picture of what the wall was supposed to look like. We need your help.”
“With this?!”
Ethan’s face went blank. He looked from the picture to Tobias, to the wall, and back to the picture again, shaking his head.
“This. You called me for this. What about me has ever given you any indication that I would be of any help with... this.”
“I'm desperate,” Tobias pleaded. “Everyone who could be of any use to me is currently out celebrating with Casey. You’re it, man.”
“I don't know how to do this! How do you think I can help?"
“Look,” Bryce said, placing a hand on Ethan’s shoulder. “Three idiots are better than two; now, let’s get to work.”
“You’re so lucky I love Casey,” he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Ethan instructed Tobias and Bryce to remove everything from the wall; they were starting from scratch. One hour, ten arguments, and three "confetti incidents" they swore would never be spoken about again later, the balloon wall was perfect!
“There you go!” Tobias said, brimming with pride. “A work of art!”
Ethan shot him a look as he poured a tumbler of Tobias’s most expensive Scotch, a reward for his hard work.
“How long before Casey gets home?” he asked. “I may as well stay to see how she reacts to our handiwork.”
“Oh,” Tobias smiled deviously. “I’m afraid you can’t stay for that.”
“Why not?”
“You won’t like all the... props,” he grinned.
“You don't scare me,” Bryce chimed in, stretching out on the couch. “I put in all this work. I’m waiting.”
“Suit yourself,” Tobias sighed. "But don't say I didn't warn you."
He texted Aurora, knowing she’d be the most coherent member of Casey’s entourage, for an estimated time of arrival. She said they’d be back within 30 minutes, and he asked her to help Casey to the door but warned her not to come in. He then turned to his friends and offered them a final chance.
“You've been warned," he repeated. "Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go make the final preparations.”
The two men were engrossed in a conversation when Tobias returned, and they didn’t see him step into the back of the room. He positioned himself in front of a now perfect balloon wall, wearing nothing but the skin God gave him and one strategically placed mylar balloon.
The front door burst open, and Casey stepped inside, followed by her friends, who clearly hadn't listened to Tobias.
“Surprise!” Tobias shouted with a bright grin, drawing all attention his away.
“Oh my God!” Sienna gasped, quickly covering her face with both hands.
Casey burst into laughter, doubling over while everyone else stared, mortified but unable to look away.
"It's like a train wreck!" Aurora mumbled.
Ethan buried his face in his hands. “I did not sign on for this.”
Bryce shook his head, attempting to suppress a laugh. “This was definitely not in the plan.”
Tobias shot them a quick glance, “Hey, you were warned.” But his eyes quickly returned to the object of his affection as his beautiful wife rushed toward him.
“Oh my God," she gushed. "I have to admit, I did not see this coming!”
Tobias's eyes narrowed as he looked her over. “Oh, baby, there’s going to be lots of coming very soon!”
“Aaaand that’s our cue to leave!” Aurora announced. Ethan was already ten steps ahead of her, putting his coat on at the door.
“Hey, where’s everyone going,” Tobias hollered as Casey wrapped her arms around his waist, almost causing a wardrobe malfunction. “We’re about to put on quite a show!”
“You better believe it,” Casey beamed, squeezing him tight.
“We’re good!” Sienna yelled, rushing to the door. “We are so good!”
“Sienna! Wait!” Casey ordered. “Don’t leave before taking a picture.”
“A picture... but he’s... he’s naked!” She gasped in horror.
“Oh, come on!” Casey winked. “You're a doctor! You've seen naked men before."
"But in fairness, none that look this good," Tobias teased.
"True," Casey agreed. "But the balloon is covering the best part!”
“She has a point,” Bryce agreed, only adding fuel to the rapidly burning fire.
“Oh, things are coming to a point, all right!” Tobias droned.
“Oh, for Christ’s sake! Take the damn picture so we can all get out of here!” Ethan grumbled.
“Say uh... say cheese?” Sienna said as Casey reached up and placed a flirtatious kiss on her husband’s cheek.
“God, you look beautiful,” he whispered.
“Me?” she winked. “You look good enough to eat.”
“Aaand we’re out....” Bryce announced as the friends all rushed out the front door.
"This is how they end up with another little Carrick!" Jackie fumed.
“Happy Birthday, Casey!” Aurora yelled from the distance; then the door closed with a bang.
Once they were alone, Casey ripped the balloon out of Tobias’s hands with a grin. She read the inscription on the champagne bottle-shaped balloon.
“Make it pop, huh?” She smiled, lowering her eyes and dragging a manicured hand slowly up his thigh, then higher. “Looks like I’ve already completed the assignment.”
“You sure have,” he growled, slowly unzipping the back of her dress, his eyes lustfully taking her in as it fell to the floor. “Now, this is a team project. You completed your part; the rest is on me.”
His lips met hers in a passionate kiss as their hands roamed over the contours of their bodies. With a low groan, he lifted her as she wrapped her legs around him. He carried her to a velvet armchair and gently placed her down, leaving one of her legs draped seductively over the side.
He stepped aside to pour a flute of pink champagne, giving her another lingering kiss as he placed the gas in her hand.
"What's this for?" She asked.
"Your favorite, baby. You sit back and enjoy it," he smirked and dropped to his knees before her. "Relax, the rest is on me. I want this to be a birthday you'll remember."
“Oh, I assure you,” she said, her eyes fluttering shut as he began his ministrations. “It already is.”
Tobias stopped just for a second, reaching up for one last kiss. "Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet. Happy Birthday, baby."
I'm still light-headed over the art!
A/N: Participating in @julychallenge Pink: Love, Joy, Playfulness, Friendship and Black: Seduction, Attraction
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanart @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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stinkypeanutbutter · 7 months
silly Aiden headcanons because I have no impulse
i probably already done these before in other headcanon posts I made but ermm I’ll do it again 😹
small TW for scars at the end 🗣🗣
Aiden has the most unhinged playlist ever like oh my giggly goodness we got metal we got rock we got classic we got indie we got pop we got vocaloid Idfk whatever you can think of ( same 😹 )
totally had an immense phase of just everything . Creepy pasta , animation , FNAF , idk any other phases from 2016 help
Probably dated like once or twice , but they weren’t serious at ALL and mostly online . He just said yes because he wanted to be nice since he never really had friends ofc , so why hurt someone you barley know if it means getting a friend ? ( I’m gonna explode 😭 )
I’m not sure when this was actually invented , but he’d probably try and convince everyone to make battery acid candy drinks . ( they all say no 😔 )
Sorta sad headcanon they if no matter how hard to tries to solve a difficult puzzle , and he fails , he just starts silently bawling his eyes out . Cause you know he’s really good at them right ? He can solve them pretty quickly ? So if he’s like absolutely pressured by a bunch of people watching expecting him to win ( or like his friends cause yk they believe in him !!!! ) and he can’t solve the puzzle he’ll be like “ why can’t I solve this why is this hard why am I failing “ or something and then start crying ig ( Yeouchers angst 😿 )
Bro is the heaviest napper ever you can stack things on him for HOURS but the moment he actually sleeps most things can wake him ( if he’s not comfortable at least . He’ll sleep pretty well at sleepovers )
I can’t figure out an art style for him but I updated it so ignore that last drawing it’s grody anyway he sometimes draws people but prefers just random splotches of color . He has extremely stylized art but yk , it’s just ‘ weird ’ according to some people since it’s really . . graphic . Not in a BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD way but very mixed ( if you get what I mean )
Hugs everything when he sleeps you can’t tell me otherwise like you seen his old bed ?? He had NOTHIN so absolutely is he gonna cuddle everything near him
Hates competing . ( idk if he did it before but we’ll see ) like he doesn’t like doing puzzle competitions anymore that much , he just got bored of it and was really kinda forced to do it when he was younger . BUT if it’s in a game against his friends , he’ll probably do it just to help them out cause they always get stuck if Logan can’t figure it out either .
Does that thing with music where If it absolutely hits he just starts spazzing out and dances to it
that one thing where he walks around in a circle talking to himself if he’s really deep in thought ( he could go on for hours so someone has to pull him out to drink water at least )
TONS of posters in his room
Him and Taylor binge shows together , often ask the others to join when they aren’t busy . They totally watch anime ( Tyler calls it childish then gets really invested in uhhhh let’s say full metal alchemist and sport animes like haikyuu or something I can’t think of any he’d like . But I’m gonna make them all watch Ghost stories because it’s funny )
Aidlyn cuddling is mostly done at Aidens house cause his parents rarely go up to check on him ( 😅💥 ) and also he had a ton of blankets for Ashlyn to wrap herself in . He got her a heavy weighted blanket for her birthday one time so when that’s not around she just uses Aiden as a blanket if she’s feeling affectionate ( he’s warm in the winter time and pretty light believe it or not )
Has a medium spice tolerance , eats more then what he can handle like a stinky loser
doesn’t like anyone pointing out his growing hair roots so just don’t talk about it much 😅😅
steals chopsticks from restaurants cause who needs to buy any ??? They’re free if you don’t get caught / hj
sometimes just locks himself up in his room and lays in his bed thinking about life
LOVES drawing his friends ( especially Ash ) in his free time because he rarely draws in front of people , and will make an airplane out of it to throw it over to them . But he has that mentality where “ Everyrhing I make kinda sucks “ so expect to find doodles in the trash or hidden in his room
IPad kid , can’t tel me otherwise .
Loves hover boarding but he kinda sucks at it so he just 🧍🕺☠️ ( falls )
Will ram into everyone in bumper cars , almost sent someone flying ( Lilly , he bought her candy as a sorry )
rarely catches cavities because he actually has really strong teeth and willingly bites down on hard candies ( I do the same thing because I’m impatient 😹 )
Does all his school work at home cause school has too many distractions ( real )
Buys like body foundation to smear onto his legs and arms . He doesn’t want anyone to point out them out , and if they do he just tells them their from skateboarding . It can come off after a few days if he doesn’t reapply , but it’s fine since he does it again in between and would have to reapply anyway . Idk how it works 😿
Anyway who shall I do next ????? Put your answers in the comment section below subscribe like and support my Patreon see you in the next video 😹😹😹☝️☝️💥💥
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https-hunter · 8 months
Mean girls (2024) thoughts
(obviously spoilers for the movie!)
- personally, I loved it. As someone who’s been totally (not) normal about the og mean girls movie since 2015 and saw the musical on broadway, the target audience was me
- Reneé Rapp Regina my beloved. She was the Regina I saw on broadway so this was extra special to me
- MS NORBURY AND PRINCIPAL DUVALL ARE A COUPLE?? “Can you run this?” “Fine but you walk the dogs the rest of the week” “I love you” “I love you too”. I’m so glad she found a good guy after her divorce <3
- Janis was such a vibe. Idk she just reminds me of myself in high school but with my current fashion sense. Weird art kid rep !!
- I cried twice. Once when they showed cady in kenya bc I always cry at musical opening numbers and again when Mrs. Heron said September 9th. THATS MY BIRTHDAY THEY SAID MY BIRTHDAY IN THE MOVIE
- When Damien performed the icarly theme song in french like it was a film from the 1930s. That was so real of him
- I think it’s actually really important for gen z to have their own version of this story. The explicit queerness of Janis was great. Waaay less of the casual fatphobia that was rampant in the 2000s. As someone who grew up loving mean girls, but also relatively recently graduated from high school, I can relate to this one more and it felt so nice
- in a similar vein, I liked the use of social media throughout the movie. It felt real, like how teens actually use it. This movie just didn’t feel like it was making fun of teens, like a lot of teen media does nowadays
- It’s so funny to me that they’re just not revealing what Glen Coco looks like. Not even some random extra. It’s just everyone reacting to Glen Coco getting the candy cane grams, but no shots of Glen
- WHY is Megan Thee Stallion giving input to drama at some high school in Illinois?? I love how she’s getting into acting now
- Also. The fact that they get real tiktokers sent me. Why did I see chris olsen in this movie
- The beanie baby 😭 so real for girls who grew up in the 2000s
- Lindsey Lohan being at the mathlete competition was everything to me. It was my version of Tobey McGuire & Andrew Garfield in no way home
- I thought the detail that Karen’s necklace with her name on it was backwards several times. She’s so stupid and I love her <3
- Speaking of Karen, her expressions were so funny. Just like this for 90% of the movie 👁️ 👁️
- Principal Duvall’s still got carpal tunnel after all this time, huh
- When Karen was trying on different Halloween costumes, I noticed that she had one of the tank top with the holes cut in it like Regina had in the first movie. We love to see callbacks like that
- Lastly, it was a good movie! People who say it’s bad don’t know what they’re talking about. They probably just didn’t know it was a musical or anything about the musical. But as someone who adores every adaptation of mean girls (except for the “sequel”), it was great!! Ppl who hate it just don’t like fun ig
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choburka · 2 months
hiii, ig I'll post some of my headcanons on rddk till I finish my current art ( ◜◡')
I can't tell who would've confessed their feeling first because in my imagination, it's something what happened "accidently":
February 13th, Rody invited Deku in Otheon for his birthday, and now they're about to meet in the airport. Back then, when the ginger asked him if he could come, Izuku said he could've invited some of his classmates as well, so the celebration would've been more exciting and interesting, for Rody as well, but he refused saying he's not much of a party-fan. I think he wouldn't really mind the others to come along, but Deku was the person he truly wanted to see. They're having video-calls once a two weeks. They even fell asleep like this once, but that's different from seeing each other like this.
Izuku missed Rody as well. The time they spent together during the mission was something that helped him to keep on going. Rody was a good listener, even though if he wasn't a really good memory keeper. Deku recounted the complete contents of his notes about heroes and, of course, especially about the All Might, while Rody was sharing stories about his former crime job and some annoying clients from his new job as a waiter. Rody could only wonder how Midoriya never gets tired of listening to him.
(if there are some mistakes in the text, the fly in my room is the one to blame)
Izuku didn't wait for a long time. As he left the plain, he saw the red head waving at him with a familiar smirk and Pino on his shoulder, jumping for joy. She was almost never there during their calls. There was only the sounds of her being rather sad or happy, which appeared very rarely. No wonder Rody didn't let her show up: he couldn't let his dearest friend realize what kind of feelings he had for him.
On their road to Soul's home, it seemed like there was no way for them to stop talking. It started with an awkward silence at first, but whenever Deku starts the conversation, you know it won't be boring. Rody complained about not getting his guft "right now and right here" as a joke, and the green-head promised to hand it the second they'll arrive.
A deep, sensitive, and greating speech — something you probably should expect from Izuku. Rody remained still when listening, while Pino was almost tearing, hiding in his hair.
— ...and I'm glad you keep getting better. I couldn't really think of what you would like to get as a gift, but... here, I hope you will like it!
Midoriya got so nervous that he didn't even notice how he gave Rody a small kiss in a cheek while passing him the gift package. They stared at each other, remaining silent for about a minute, which felt like an eternity. Deku was the first one to realize what had just happened, so he started to apologize as much as he could.
— Woah, Hero, no need to worry. Was that your gift? Or have you just fallen in love with such a perfect dude like me? He-he
Was there any doubt that Rody would say something like this in such a moment? Pino sank even deeper into his hair while pulling it a bit. Such a good thing that it was cold outside, so she had to hide there because of this. Otherwise, the situation would've been even more weird. Suddenly, Deku got this serious expression on his face.
— Well, to be honest, the way I feel about you is kinda... different from the others. It's like more warm and... emotional to me, I guess.
But then Midoriya realized what he just said, so he turned a tiny, shy guy apologizing with bo abilityof stopping again:
— No-no-no, I wasn't supposed to say that! You are still my friend, and it's your birthday, and I didn't mean to, I'm really sorry, I-
You could barely see a slight blush on red heads face
— Wait a moment, so you mean you... like me?
— Oh, maybe, but I just... I hope we can stay friends, you don't have to worry about my feelings, it's nothing that important, really!!
— You know, that little kiss you gave me actually seems like the best gift I could get.
Izuku couldn't really understand if he was being sarcastic or not.
— I-I'm sorry, what do you mean by that? Is it like a joke, or do you mean you liked it?
It was unbelievable how Deku could shift from a deep shame to such straightforward questions. He just stared at Rody with no hesitations, waiting for his answer.
— Gosh, I can't say it like this... Just... Don't look at me like if it's a regular talk or something! — a crumb of annoyance in his tone, seems like his unemotional mask is now off.
— My apologies! But... so you mean you feel somehow alike towards me? — his tone got a bit of shaky while asking this.
— Congrats, you got it, hero, — he mumbled, covering his mouth with a hand.
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sgiandubh · 10 months
Anon rebelde
Como bien señalas en la cena hay matrimonios entonces, que impide que Cait acuda a la misma con el que dice que es su esposo? O ese *esposo solo le sirve de vez en cuando para para calentar los ánimos en un fandom fácilmente caldeable? Ya sabemos que Sam está en Londres así que Cait no puede estar allí y en Glasgow tampoco, esas obras no acaban nunca 🤣
Dear (returning) Anon Rebelde,
Y muy reactiva, hoy. 😉 Como se dice en Chile: 'a ver, a ver/por qué llora esta mujer'?
'As you very well observed, there were couples invited to that dinner. So, why would Cait not be there with the one she says it's her husband? Or would that be that the *husband* is only useful once in a while, to fire up tempers in a fandom that's easily heated? We know that Sam is in London, so Cait cannot be there or in Glasgow, so it never ends. 🤣'
You know I agree with everything you wrote, spare one detail: S was apparently not in LHR in October, when the Belfast dinner took place. I had to go look at my archives and make some sense of the context. And although I am not Marple, I couldn't help but notice last October was a very active networking/promo/shit show month for both of them, as the SAG-AFTRA strike was still not over yet.
Just a short summing up:
October 4, 2023 - C's 44th birthday and another mysterious donation to Project CaiTreena/One Tree Planted. S in NYC for drinks and Departures interview with Sophie Mancini. Fandom gets ballistic speculating - an empty 💩, of course.
October 5, 2023 - S in NYC for the Keepers of the Quaich US Chapter gala, with Norouzi (as I predicted) and Mancini. C's whereabouts unknown - not the US, I suppose. Maybe in LHR, re-enacting that Prophet Song excerpt, on behalf of the Booker Prize?
October 8, 2023 - C spotted in LHR for Harrods Iconic Dining Hall Relaunch hosted by Stanley Tucci, with McIdiot (the only time, that month!). Hullaballo ensues for something very close to a nothing burger. S supposedly in GLA, as shown by FaceTime snippet convo with Amanda Tutschek, Venice Beach topless artist extraordinaire. Date of above FaceTime snippet - unknown.
October 10, 2023 - S confirmed in GLA, likely latergram (IG SS gin pics taken on own driveway). C confirmed in LHR, first by Gareth Bromell, then by Getty Image pics at Loewe Foundation's Studio Voltaire Award. Sans McIdiot.
October 17, 2023 - S signs APUK's Palestine letter, whereabouts unknown (my bet is on NYC/Nevis). C confirmed in LHR at the Portia Coughlan play Press Night/After Party, Almeida Theatre. Sans McIdiot, but with Tobias. LOL.
October 19, 2023 - S on Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show, in NYC. Ring ding ding proves to be a very effective lookie here, not there prop. C's whereabouts unknown, as S's in the October 10-17 interval (Nevis? both? That would be my best bet, and yeah, go ahead and screech. I DGAF).
October 25, 2023 - S confirmed in GLA, despite posting 'from Nevis' the same day and shirtless thirst trap the next day. C's whereabouts unknown? Not really, I should say.
Back to the Northern Irish dinner - bear with me, Anon Rebelde, I am trying to pinpoint a date, here. Begin Again, Jeffers' book that prompted it, was out in the US on October 2 and in UK/Canada and Ireland on October 10:
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October was a dementedly busy month for the author, as shown by the excruciating dates of his North American and UK book launch tours (https://www.oliverjeffers.com/begin-again-book-tour):
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One of the events surrounding this launch was held at Belfast's Crescent Arts Centre in partnership with No Alibis Bookstore, on October 24. Best thing? He is dressed exactly like in the NYT article pics.
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My best bet is that dinner took place in Belfast on October 24, Anon Rebelde or at the latest on October 25 (next to 0 chance, given the identical attire, but let's allow some margin of error to our estimate).
As for Jeffers' position on the Israel-Hamas Gaza War (which, may I remind you, started on October 7), I think this is a very clear statement:
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You draw your own conclusions, Anon Rebelde. I am here to try and bring some clarity in a shitstorm, not brainwash you.
Always waiting for your input, which is much appreciated! Hasta luego, hija de la rebeldía!
PS: The timeline game was fucking exhausting. I am not the Securitate, so you won't see me play at that any time soon :)
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cloudyswritings · 7 months
Just some HK headcanons!!
Beware of spoilers
This man might actually be one of the youngest characters in game? Like we know little ghost is older, and all of the knights and Quirrel are too. Like maybe only Bretta and Zote are younger? I guess also Cornifer and Iselda could be too.
He genuinely doesn’t dream, like it’s the only reason he doesn’t get infected. This is sorta based on some dialogue from when you give him that damn flower.
Hes very much a neat freak. And also has lots of childhood trauma— being born at the end of the infection will do that to you ig.
really deep sleeper honestly.
Ever since little ghost has rolled into town and befriended him he’s been feeling his age less and less(gee I wonder why that might be?)
Likes growing little succulents and other plants in his house. He cries over them when they die.
sweet lil guy.
Cornifer & Iselda:
Iselda absolutely wears the pants in the relationship, but she lets her silly little nerd husband do his things because it makes him happy.
She used to be an elite guards-bug in the kingdom she and Cornifer originate from.
She and Cornifer were childhood sweethearts. Cornifer may be busy and forgetful, but he’s never once forgotten their anniversary or her birthday.
Speaking of that Cornifer goes all out for her, and I mean like all out. He once derailed a parade so it would pass by her window(he also swapped out the banners to say happy birthday Iselda)
these two are just my favorite cute couple.
He’s a fly(obviously)
He can’t really have kids of his own, so he views all of his pupils as his children(Matt gets this from him)
The last member of a truly ancient society of nail masters/sages.
He thought the arts would die out with him before he found his pupils
Sheo is his favorite and most impressive pupil. He’s got mixed feelings about Sheo leaving behind the nails arts for painting, but he’s still supportive and believes Sheo through painting is still improving his nail skill(oddly enough he’s right).
His whole thing about loving geo/money is just a bit he’s committed to, it’s sorta his cover to hide he’s the last nail sage.
really likes fruit juice.
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twomanyfandomshelp · 18 days
Ur pfp is so kool!!
Aww, thank you, my best friend actually drew it! She’s an artist, and she draws all kinds of things, but one “series” (ig?) that she draws is the theater kids (because we’re all in theater) and so I have a bunch of drawings that she’s done saved in an album on my phone because I like looking at them. She’s so talented!
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Here’s the full image! Well, the image that’s my pfp, there’s actually more to the drawing but that includes other people and I don’t want to share it without their consent, so instead y’all can just have my part of the drawing. When I told her that I had used her art as my pfp she was so happy she almost started crying. I love her so much 🥰
I’m using this as an excuse to show off all her wonderful art, so here ya go! Some of them are going to very obviously be cropped because I’m only showing the parts that have me in them.
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This was the first drawing she ever did of me! She drew us all as different Minecraft mobs, and I was a shulk!
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She drew us all as fairies, and this was mine! Isn’t she cute?
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This is the only traditional piece of her art that I have saved.
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She also did the dnd alignment chart for all of us, and mine was lawful good.
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This was from a drawing of all of us, mine says “OG” cause I’ve been in theater since seventh grade. There were four OGs, three veterans, and one newbie when she drew this picture.
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This one comes from a drawing of me introducing my friends and them all being super intimidating, because they kinda are and then I’m just like “Hi guys! I’m just happy to be here!”
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We have a few aus, and this is one where we’re all superheroes/villians and named after Greek gods, this is my Hero Artemis (since this drawing we have changed her name from Athen to Artemis cause it fit the shapeshifting better).
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She did this for my birthday last year!
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She drew this for our Percy Jackson AU we have with @shellywith2ls! I’m a daughter of Athena, she’s a daughter of Persephone, and Shelly is a daughter of Apollo.
I’ve now hit my 10 image limit, but she has so much art and I absolutely love it! I collect it like a dragon hordes treasure.
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rriverdrawss · 2 months
First post on Tumblr ig
But I wanted to introduce my TMNT fan iteration
A Broken Clan
(abc for short)
“Leonardo has been separated from her brothers for 9 years by Splinter, their father, so that he could train her alone. Now, after a rocky start to a new relationship between her brothers, they all have to try to work together to take the Foot Clan and not try to kill each other in the process.”
A bit of info about each one of the turtles and the world of abc:
Leo: she/her, 19 years old, maybe a bit too quiet for a leader, a skilled swordsman and a very overwhelming older sister.
Donnie: he/it, 18 years old (technically as old as Leo, but his birthday (hatchingday?) is late in the year), sarcastic, can’t stand Leo’s bs, snarky and seclusive
Raph: he/him, 17 years old, an angsty teenager, strong willed, maybe a bit snippy and not too good at hiding how he feels about certain things
Mikey: she/he, 16 years old, excitable, just happy to have another person to talk too, maybe a bit too much, but a generally good person
I will warn you once, this au contains gore (sometimes heavy gore, but I’ll try to keep most of it off tumbler-). This au isn’t for the faint of heart
This au was made for me and not for fans. If you don’t like something about my au, leave.
If there are any questions, please do ask them! I love answering questions:]
Art:3 (Leo and Donnie’s (the first and second drawings) art isn’t canon, they were simply me having fun with giving them other clothing)
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rapunzelforlorn · 10 months
Nick is so brave introducing Charlie to his dad
Two more years of high school?? I thought Nick was like a junior
Seeing the style on Nick's face, meeting his dad already seems difficult but he wanted to tell him about Charlie so bad
Are they playing find Waldo?
I love that the boys & girls had the same reaction to E&T's kiss
Sneaking around the hotel 🙈
Issac looks left out 🥺
Everyone sneaking to smooch town
Charlie needs to listen to Nick
Ajayi is trying his charms
Faruk IS gay!!
Clocked him 👀👀👀
"You flirting with me?"
Oh, happy birthday Tara
Imogen being part of the gang makes me so happy
Isaac is in book heaven
Charlie's a little hoodie thief
"I'm just recharging" - Nick 💜
There's a lot of underage drinking for a relatively wholesome show
Why isn't Isaac with James???
Who the FUCK let Ben in?
Kiss the boy Isaac
Paris is so gay 🏳️‍🌈
Hey babe let's go to a party just to escape it and enjoy each other's company, that's Nick & Charlie's relationship
Harry is trying...I think genuinely
But I'm pissed Ben is there much his church ass out too
Tao is always a ham
Who is this sour ass, shaved head ass, biiiiitch bringing down the vibe of the party??? Uhh...kid 1 that's who! Not even relevant enough for a name
Ben's bitch ass shouldn't have been there
Nick is a boss! And bi, actually
Why did they ruin to the teachers and not the bathroom if she was gonna get sick
Not sure if I want to be carried or carry someone like Nick "strong man" Nelson
Sharing a bed, how scandalous 😏
The revenge of the hicky
Oh Nick is so sweet & innocent, despite the hicky allegations
Darcy is having a time
Teachers getting scandalous now too 🙈🙈
Nick seems so bummed not noticing or maybe not talking to Charlie sooner about eating habits
Go Elle!!
Tao's mom is great we love supportive mothers
Nick's mom fucking ROASTING David
Tori better go to this dinner party too
Congrats Elle!
What's with the purple smog at Darcy's?
Isaac seems off
Will Ben just FUCK OFF!!!
No matching suits?? Outrageous!!
Darcy doesn't have a good home life did she 😒
Issac actually ACE?
Fucking slay Elle 😍😍😍
Tao is so bad with change
Clocked Isaac
So glad he met someone to explain it to him
Imogen is trying, really
Prom is tomorrow?!?!
Elle's art 💜💜
Tao maturing
Ben is stalking now???
Don't make us feel bad for Ben, fuck him
Oh so he's ALWAYS been a predator
I'm here for you "mate"
Tori in the house!!
Fuck David!!
NICK 🥺💜🥺💜
Stephane 👀 no, no Stephane
He's always got mom
Tori's about to go away for murder if David doesn't shut the fuck up
Charlie's mom cares, just wants him to do well
Nick is always so proactive with the Google machine
Oh Darc ☹️
No way this man woke up and didn't have his phone on a charger
The (I'm bi, actually) ig post 💗💜💙
The ig comments 🤢
Everything's prefect except you aren't eating Charlie boy
And they were official T&E
Tara sending out the prom SOS
The squad rolling up
That's a waste of paint
Coach wingmate
Nick opening up to Tao about Charlie
Tao opening up to Nick 🥺
Charlie needs to open up
They look so good for prom!!
I miss prom
Charlie's little prom fantasy was so cute
Darcy needs some help
Isaac is also on the struggle bus
Elle's dad, is exactly what I hoped
She always looks stunning 🤩🤩
They all look so great!!
Why did Sahar bring a guitar?
I want to believe Henry is trying
The rugby mates for sure are trying
Nick giving Tara advice that's actually for himself too
Oh she's in the band
I wish my school put this much effort into prom
These high schoolers are having so much growth
Tori at prom too 🥳
"That night in Paris..."
"Next time 😉"
Is Imogen...bi?
Neither can dance? I doubt that
Oh no 😨 Tara went to Darcy's
Her mom's such a bitch!!!!!
Sit down at Nick's
Big group hug 💜
Poor Darcy 🥺
We love disasters
Playing pong with normal cups 😂
Isaac looks so much happier knowing who he is
Best Team Player 🏆
Charlie 😭😭
"Promise to tell me, if it ever gets that bad again? "
Just hold hands through it all 💜💜
"I love..."
Gets me everytime Charlie gets on his tippy toes to kiss Nick
Wait...have they not said I love you too each other??
What a cliff hanger!!
Were both ready for season 3 😁
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Bangtan Weekly Report
Why did JK come back to Korea?? I seriously thought it was to send Yoongi off but we're still not there yet.
This trip for JK is supposedly associated with a fashion schedule. Seems like if he was on his way to the VMAs they'd be ramming his appearance down everyone's throat for clout.
Personally, I hope he does not appear on that farce of an award show but if he does he'll pomichidai or however you spell it.
Dazed and Jungfused. He let those nipples see daylight and hasn't looked back.
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JK is single-handedly dragging us along in Chapter 2, force-feeding us some grown-ass man full bleed adult Bangtan with his cigarette-smoking, nipple-feuled photos.
You know Mr. OG with the nipples will need to step up his game now right?
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Tae x Layover ... poor guy wondering why everyone was cursing him out during his listening party on Stationhead.
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So I listened to Layover. Added it to my playlists. It's nice, jazzy, R&B. Those genres are not my usual vibe.
Of all the songs, I think Slow Dancing is the one I like best. They were right to choose that as the title track.
The MV is gorgeous, except for the weird images of Yeontan in the trees of the mountain. Those kinda creeped me out... a little hokey, lol.
I was surprised that the songs are heavy in English lyrics. I know Tae has memorized things in English for things like award shows and all, it never seemed like he was confident in speaking English so it surprises me there is so much English in these songs.
Perhaps this is why he had Jungkook record the guides so he could follow them to help with pronunciation.
I watched a few of his Layover promotion interviews. I've been waiting to see him let more of his personality out during this solo rollout.
Tae is very animated and expressive when he speaks. And this is where I say he would excel at acting. He mentioned wanting to play a villian and I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT!
The Weverse Magazine story and today's Suchwita episode were more enlightening to me than anything else so far and gave me more insight as to the differences between him and the others. He made me understand his personality better. He made me realize or remember how sentimental he is. They talked in-depth about several topics: 2018, Chapter 2, individual projects and best of all they talked about when they get back together as 7. It did make me tear up when he said when they get back together he would like them to go on a trip together.
Tae has been feeding us on Instagram daily along with Namjoon...
Happy 29th birthday Namjoon!
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You are loved and admired. Thank you for normalizing fuzzy mole head Bangtan, but I'm still going to fall down in a weeping mess when I see Jimin's head like that.
RM just going about his business and showing Jimin some art. The Leeum Museum is within walking distance of their apartments at Nine One, not that I think they walked there, they probably went in Jimin's car since Joon still doesn't drive... just kidding... but who knows. I got behind a Porsche Panamera the other day and was thrilled. That's a much larger car than I originally thought it was.
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[Pretty sure that's a drink Jimin's holding in his left hand. Maybe iced coffee.]
I want to think that some deep conversations happened while these two were contemplating art. How can deep conversations NOT happen when you are hanging around Joon?
And Hobi and Jin still making their presence known on Weverse and IG. We are on the downslide for Jin. I can't wait for him to be back.
I think, not 100% sure, but I think after Korean men are discharged from the military they are automatically put in reserves. I didn't know that until the other day. So we may think they are scott-free when they are discharged but not really. Phooey.
Just a quick thing for insight: Miley Cyrus said touring is hard for her because she felt her "ego" gets "overused" and that "it's hard to turn it off." She said "I think when you're training your ego every single night to be active, that's the hardest switch, for me, to turn off." Having every day the relationship between her and other humans to be basically 'subject' and 'observer' isn't healthy for her because it erases her humanity and her connection.
Just food for thought...
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pinyeti · 5 months
overwhelming day today here's the debrief
I have two humongous final projects both worth half my grade due on Wednesday and im losing my mind AND I HAVE A PAPER DUE TOMORROW MORNING AT 8AM AND I HAV.E AMIDTERM TOMORROW AT 3.30Pn, my groups suck for both projects and THEY JUST
and I just
I have this friend who im kinda close too but she's curt with me sometimes and we are kinda rude to each other as a joke but she just
she's rude to me sometimes on purpose and I dont know why and I just feel like she hates me and won't tell me why and I JUST I do love her and it bothers me ig and Ive had alot of issues with this friend and every time I try to solve anything
and I am having a huge body image attack which isn't that deep but whatever and my brother wlel
he's got every mental illness on the planet and makes my life a living hell I get being mentally ill makes life difficult for you but YOU CANNOT EXPECT ME TO SEE THEM AS MORE THAN EXPLANATIONS FOR YOUR BEHAVIOUR RATHER THAN A FUCKIN EXCUSE?? IM NOT EXCUSING YOU TELLING ME YOU WANT ME T
okay and then
today was another friends birthday and she was so
we made a whole birthday surprise thing for her and I went to alot of effort to do it and she just I invited her boyfriend and one of her other friend and she sprent the whole time talking to them and making it awkward for everyone else and I
she was like send pictures? and it just bothered me cuz she went out of her way to make it look like she hated them and if thats so then ill just not invite her to things??? cuz wth I do like my friends and this is really fuckin inconsiderate and we had karaoke but there was an issue with the mic and she was just
being really weird about ti and I felt kinda disrespected and she really doesnt fuckin care
and im so sick of this and
its like she just tolerates them for pictures and it was weird and idk
maybe I dont like her as much as I thought and maybe im the problem cuz I really tried to make it special for her and she just
she was just not having it and I tried so hard and I wish I didnt cuz I felt so stupid for caring about mics cuz when she left the rest of us were singing nd it wasn't awkward and clean up was fun even
and the thing with happened with the friend that was curt with me earlier she just we found out a guy we knew was spreading rumors about her sexuality ( his friend group did this to me first) so I asked her about it and she said yea that guy confessed to her and she told him she didnt like him like that but also that her and my other friend fought cuz this guy was being weird and I was BUSY BABYSITITNG MY FUCKIN GROUP AT THE TIME AND WE COULDNT PROPERLY TALK ABOUT IT so I called her when I got home and she got so weird and defensive about it like I was crazy and I just
I hate when she does this and I hate that I care about her more than she cares about me
in fact I know this is toxic as fuck and caring isnt measured on scales
I need a break
I need a break
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