#so if you're an adult who acts like a child when they dont get their way then i will treat you with the contempt you deserve
jewreallythinkthat · 26 days
If you can't even write the word Israel without censoring it, or saying isra-hell or is-not-real or Isn't-real, your argument is invalidated immediately because you are so immature you can't even hold an actual conversation.
Sorry but how do you expect literally anyone ever to take you seriously if you act like a 14 year old child having a tantrum because someone else has taken their fave toy at playtime.
Grow up and be pragmatic and talk about the horrific situation like an adult who is able to understand complexity (unless of course you don't want peace and you are actually pro genocide if you get to choose the group that gets annihilated which it appears a fair few people are)
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bnnuy-wabbit · 8 months
Man, I'm gonna be honest. I played the two partnered endings back to back to see the differences and I like the detective kuuno ending more than the one where we recruit kim! Its just much more fulfilling emotionally!!!!
Kim is overall very serious and composed about stuff and hes well respected by the other cops. When you get to keep your job and recruit him it DOES feel good!! Because it was smooth and really cool of him to defend you like that and you've gotten yourself a friend! a friend who truly trusts you and believes in you. Kim is the nicest and most patient man on planet earth.
But Cuno??? It's a different message. Cuno knows fuckall. Nobody there respects him and he doesnt have the measured responses and fancy words kim has, just pure utter PASSION. He almost cries of RAGE when people dont listen to him when you're trying to convince everybody about the Phasmid. Jean specifically is a cunt to Cuno and spaces out all the time and doesnt listen to anything he says ("you're hearing, but you're not listening"). Nobody believes him. Nobody takes him seriously. He's used to that, i bet.
During the islet section, Cuno is A LOT like Harry. having him around as your partner isnt like having kim at all. he doesnt help with cop stuff or adult stuff. rather, he says your lines for you. i just played the one with kim and CUNO SAYS WHAT YOU WOULD SAY IF YOU WERE WITH KIM. he has the same thought processes as You do. he asks questions just like you do. he acts a bit like you do. he makes comments you would sometimes. He literally says YOUR lines in his runs. and hes impulsive and a child, so he asks it willy nilly. you have to be the responsible one now, you need to hold him back if anything.
And then the way cuno literally BEGS the officers to let him join? to take him away from martinaise, to give him a better chance at life. Hell do anything, he promises to stop saying shit, he promises to behave. Just get him OUT of there. It feels like there are WAY more stakes, so the emotional payoff is MUCH higher
(If you like cuno of course. Which i do. theres a LOT to unpack regarding that boy.)
Like, seeing him EXCITEDLY skipping to the coupris kineema and opening the door to the other cops?? It feels good!!!! It feels really good! Like on top of everything you did, you also got to take this kid out of that shithole, to give him a chance.
You Must Understand.
Cuno mirrors Harry in MANY ways.
Nobody respects Harry, nobody respects cuno either. Harrys just some insane alcoholic, cunos just a delinquent kid. Neither are considered particularly trustworthy by the people who interact with them in daily life. HOWEVER. cuno has the spark and excitement harry lacks when harry lets him come along. he has hope. he wants to help, he wants to participate even if he doesn't quite know what he's doing. Why? Because if you got him in your party in the first place, it means he feels comfortable around you! For real, when you get that kid to respect YOU he REALLY starts trusting and looking up to you. He's ride or die. For hells sake he chooses HARRY over cunoesse! You don't belittle him and his interests like Cunoesse does! He gets to be unashamedly himself! Plus you're HIS pig. He already very much has a cop/detective fixation and during the entire time he's around harry he's absolutely PUMPED to be solving the crime with him and he's more than willing to help you out and give his two cents on the matter even if he doesn't really know anything about anything.
And so WHAT if he's just some kid? So what if he's POOR and doesn't have a camera to photograph the phasmid? He talks about harry a LOT more than kim does and with awe in his voice. He defends harry until the fucking end and he does NOT stop. He literally doesn't shut up. he just keeps fucking GOING. He blurts stuff out to defend you even if it's not helpful because he respects harry!!! truly respects him! he WANTS to help. he'll say stuff even if his words fail to convey properly what he means.
And then what?? You do the same for him. Well, youre giving me a chance right? Then take the kid along, he helped. He has nothing, his dad is a wasted dying drunkard (like me) and hes poor (like me). But he did good (i did too). He has potential (do do i). Hell behave (i'm trying to behave). Hell be a good detective (like me. he's just like me). PLEASE take him in (you're giving me a second chance, give him one too).
I Need you to understand. In my playthrough i got harry talking about how he feels like he had children at home when he's asked if he has a family. He feels like he has children, daughters. But alas. You're hit at the end of the game with Dora's 'i terminated our pregnancy because youre poor.' I get a feel that he WANTED to be a father. He wanted a family, but he was just So Fucking Mentally Ill about Everything it never came to be.
But honestly? He'd be an alright mentor figure. He clearly enjoys older kids, despite what he says about not being good with kids. He was a high school teacher! He's Clearly used to dealing with older kids and delinquents and he can talk to them like an equal, if he wants to, he can crack them too! He can be understanding.
And so what? Hell never have Dora's kids, but then he, harry (the drunken cunt) (the cunt everybody hates) (the fucking asshole), can be nice to this delinquent addict child a bunch of times (a foul mouthed jackass) (everybody Loathes that kid) (he doesnt know love) and then said kid starts following him like a lost puppy the moment harry needs company THE MOST. He accepts The Cuno. They have each other's back. They don't give up on each other. They want life to change for the better. Yknow???????
Cuno's ending hits muuuuch harder because of all that. Anyways. Yeah. rant over
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mocatii · 4 months
Hi! This post is a response to a post made by Ranidspace/Splatoongamefiles. For context, they (19 at the time) were accused of sending a 15 year old minor pornographic content. Here is the post from the victim that contains a link to a document with screenshots. I will warn that the screenshots are disgusting, view at your own risk.
I am making this it's own post so that A: The victim's original post isn't cluttered B: More people can see and be aware. The victim themselves also told me they would prefer this be it's own post. and C: I have Ranid blocked.
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The allegations we are, and have been, making against you are that you send porn to a minor. Thats it. There is no missing story when the whole fucking story is you sent porn to a child.
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I want to mention: you encouraged Wick to send porn. You, a 19 year old, fostered a situation where you told a 15 year old child that it was okay to send you porn. I dont fucking care if it was drawn, i dont fucking care if it was adultxadult personxdog childxadult or whatever, you let a 15 year old send you porn and encouraged it.
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Ranid. You are an adult. The fact you kept telling this minor you were uncomfortable yet made no real attempts to stop this shows me you were only looking for reassurance from wick. You, a 19 year old, kept looking for reassurance from a 15 year old that it was okay to send them porn. You are the fucking adult in this situation, and you should've fucking acted like it.
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1. There was no misinformation. All we said was you sent porn to a minor.
2. There is a difference between sending a minor porn and telling people to DM someone if they personally feel comfortable seeing evidence of someone sending a minor porn. Maybe we could've handled this situation better the first time, but it still pisses me off that you're trying to paint the original poster of the first callout (Who wants to remain anonymous, so i'll call them A) as doing something similar to you when we were trying to show evidence of what you did.
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This entire statement is a lie.
You harrassed A and to the point where they had to take the original post down for their own fucking safety. You tried convincing A that calling you out would actually be harmful to everyone (Including the minor) because you wanted the evidence taken down.
You claim you've learned your lesson and are taking accountability, but none of what you've said and done shows that. You're acting like a person who got caught and is now trying to justify why sending porn to minors is okay, actually.
You have messed up a childs life and are now trying to run instead of taking accountability.
Fuck you.
Edit: Ranid responded claiming they already addressed everything yet they have not addressed 90% of this post. The only thing they've admitted is they've sent porn to a minor, yet they keep attempting to shift some blame onto the minor and everyone else who tries to call them out for it.
Edit 2: Someone else made a response post and i'm too mentally tired to get into it tdlr theyre defending Ranid because people called them a groomer when they werent technically grooming and they apologized to Person A and not the minor. I can't get fully into the harrassment thing because as i've said all parties involved want to remain anonymous and out of this whole thing and i'm choosing to respect that, hence why i'm not posting more screenshots.
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icarusredwings · 21 days
i *live* for your agere wade omg 😢🙏🏻 i also age regress there's just something about your favorite character being like you that makes me smile :) your writing is absolutely wonderful as well!! :3
Hi hon, Im so proud of you for doing what's good for you, and I am so happy that you've found something to enjoy that makes you feel good about yourself.
Thank you so much for the support. I've seen more people mention how excited they were to find cute, mild, and nonnsexual regressions for Wade, so I've decided to put it on A03 for more people to enjoy.
I actually was nervous about posting them in general because of the stigma around it but seeing how supportive you all have been (I dont know why im even shocked) it's made me a little more confident in my writing. I was abused quite a bit as a child, and while I don't regress, I do have a special attachment to my stuffed animals and find comfort in kids' shows. Annnddd, as someone who was working towards becoming a geneticist? It's comforting to know that some very intelligent and successful people also do.
While you're waiting for me to write more or upload to A03, have some HCs:
Depending on what's going on, he fluctuates between 5-8.
Wade has 3 caregivers, Al, Vanessa, and Logan. He loves them all so much but certian care givers are for certain things. Al (Mama) is he goes too for booboos, Ness (Mommy) is who takes him out the most, to the park and doctors (If things get too out of hand, she can pull the "He's my disabled son you bastard" card, and Logan (Kitty) is general. The one youll find when wade is casually colouring or playing tea party with.
He'll take "sippies" but hes a bit too old for them because he chews the tops off.
Cereal, mac and cheese, pizza, bassically anything he already eats as an adult, including spicy tacos.
He doesn't have a lot of toys (and if he does, they're from a give away or a dumpster) so is very possesive of them and will instantly get upset if you try to take them away or "hurt" them.
Wade is the type to just chill with you on the couch and eat snacks if you don't have the energy to play or take him to the park. Even as a child, he was very emotionally intelligent, and it shows.
Most kids would have tantrums, but he seems to either be understanding or go cry in silence while isolated (its what hes used too)
As much as people say he's a potty mouth, I don't see it. Not yet anyway. Sure he'll say "bad words" sometimes but as someone whos used to being screamed at to shut up all the time, I believe he talks so much as an adult BECAUSE he wasn't allowed as a kid so he's more of an observer unless you are unfortunately his favorite and then hes going to tell you random facts.
Oftentimes, the "perfect child" are ones that are independent, quiet, and who monitor their emotions/ actions around other kids and adults. This means being forced to act older than you actually are, walking on eggshells around adults and trying to do things by himself.
He likes to wear clothes that are too big for him rather then tight. (Bonus points if they're a hoodie or a sweater)
He likes baths and sometimes will tell you that his "Skin hurts" when really it's just itchy/peeling/ needs lotion.
He's not big on babytalk but "puppy" "mama" "mommy" "park?" "Kitty scratch bad guys" "I watch tv?" "Go home?" "Play horses?" Are common. Its either small unfinished sentneces or endless rambling with full sentences that repeat themself. Logan has once heard "Did you know-?" 30 times once all in 10 minutes
He has a stuffy of a Wolverine named Fluffy from Kitty, a unicorn named Buttercream from Mommy, and a bear shaped dog toy from Mama. In her defense she didn't know it was a dog toy (because shes blind and cant read duh) but Wade loves it more that it squeaks.
Because kidWade (He is "NOT little", he's a "Big boy") is bigger than them, he has issues playing a little... rough... with other kids. He has infact shoved a kid into the sand while playing tag.
Wade is very erm... possesive.. over his caregivers and will act out if he believes Kitty is ignoring him. Because of their history, hes even more prone to acting out with Ness and has gone as far as telling someone they looked like a burnt quesodilla that "had a baby with a wrinkled cucumber" before (and will do it again)
Flappy hands. Giggles. Screeches. That is all that needs to be said.
Wade likes music, arts, and crafts. Physical exercise is nice too but naps are needed afterwards.
Naps must be willing. If you tell him to go take a nap he'll just stomp his feet and cry that hes "being good" so "doesn't need one" bassically, naps are punishment.
Tw for sensitive topics such as mental and physical health
The worst part about having Wade isn't that he is a "brat" or "bad", no infact wade barley ever is a brat. He's very people pleasing because he just wants as much affection as possible. it's the fact that you can't trick him or keep him from doing something. He's too smart.
"Come on baby, we're going to the park"
"Yay!!- wait.... Mommy... Mommy the park is that way...Mommy this is how you go to the mean doctors! They're gonna rip my teeth out!"
It's even HARDER to care for a kid who can escape literally anything and can run all the way home if you upset him too badly. The only thing really you can do is call a different cg and double up on the reassurance. (And maybe a bribe)
Another thing is that just because he's in this headspace doesn't mean his issues are gone. Between the nightmares, the flashbacks, the scary hallucinations that he can't understand, intrusive thoughts about harming a person, impusive thoughts, and just straight up having to deal with cancer on top of it all, etc.
Do you know how hard it is to explain to a child that they're nauseous and exhausted because the cells inside of him are eating the other cells, dying, and healing all at the same time?
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andreabandrea · 5 months
i think all the time about how hard it is to be a kid even in the best case scenarios. like yeah as a kid you have very few responsibilities and youre innocent etc but i think the thing is that adults (at least in the USA) largely do not consider you to be a human.
i remember when i was a kid, my parents were nice to me and supportive and so on-- i didnt have a bad childhood. but there were times where my dad would just take things from me, or interrupt me on the computer/tv, not because i had exceeded screen time or anything but just because "im the dad and im more important so i can do what i want". i remember how powerless i felt when adults would shout at me, especially if it was over something i didnt understand and/or hadnt been taught.
i remember adults laughing in my face sometimes when i was crying or upset, and i think about this when i see those 'toddler/kid freakout' tiktok videos mocking a child's reaction, even if it is for something "stupid" like they dropped their candy or whatever.
even the most well-meaning adults will often write off your pain and negative emotions as 'overreactions', and this goes triple if youre neurodivergent. i had pneumonia as a child and my doctor thought i was just being dramatic.
your input on things is largely seen as worthless. if your parents want to travel the country in a van, but you want to go to school and have friends and have your own bedroom, they'll just pack you up and take you in that van because you're the child and you're their property. i think about this when i see those 'van life' families, and i think about this as i'm reading the Wavewalker book about the girl who was forced to live on her parents' boat with little to no schooling for 10 years.
if your parents spank you and hit you, largely thats seen as their "choice" as parents, no matter how many studies tell them it traumatizes children. and youre dependent on the adults around you and if those adults suck, or if youre in a bad situation, you have very little to no ability to change that and you just have to endure.
and thats what drives me insane about desantis is that we see more and more rhetoric like "the rights of parents" and "protecting children" but these kids are being told that they do not have rights. its as if people truly believe parents deserve to know everything, even if the child doesnt feel safe telling them. people think parents deserve to control their kids' every choice and every move. but when it comes to protecting kids from gun violence and protecting gay/trans kids and especially kids of color, republicans could not give less of a shit. hell, even the grand majority of democrats barely care.
yes, i get it. parenting is unimaginably hard. the nuclear family is unsustainable especially in today's double-income-not-even-making-rent economy. the world is fucked up. sometimes kids are shitty and it might hurt you as an adult. but kids are not evil, and kids are not adults who are acting with fully developed brains and social skills and empathy and so on and its important to keep that in mind.
on the chance that anyone wants to reply with "well i hate kids :/" look. you dont have to be a parent. but at least be kind to children in your life. let the kid in the park ramble to you about skibidi toilet or fucking whatever. you do owe people kindness, especially children
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
"If it's closer to fanon Tim, he would feel guilty for Jason. Closer to canon Tim would either be indifferent to Jason's troubles or he'd feel glad (maybe even a little spiteful) that Jason is facing the consequences of his actions. He would, however, feel guilty for how the revelation affects the street kids."
I have to say I disagree with this. Firstly; with the whole post you're framing this as though Jason beat up a child... which like, true, but also Jason is hardly two years older than Tim. I know comics make him seem aged up, but its simply not the case. (dont @ me if u know this cuz u probably do know this already)
Secondly, Canon Tim.... doesn't hate Jason?? Like, really not at all. If there is any dislike, I'd see it as when Jason is acting particularly villainous, he treats him like any other rogue. Though they don't necessarily interact a lot when Jason is in his villain moments. It's other bats who take care of that, so there's really no beef there.
When Jason isn't having an evil moment, honestly a good word for what Tim feels for him is either pity at worst, admiration at best. With the admiration, I'm not talking about Tim liking him as Robin 'cause that's honestly pretty fanon, I'm talking about how Tim admires his tenacity and determination to keep going even when he feels like everyone is against him. And Tim wants to support him! He sees Jason struggling a lot and wishes Jason would accept help- hence the pity.
I sincerely doubt that Tim would ever feel glad or spiteful towards Jason. He's gotten him back for the whole 'beating the shit out of him' thing. Which really, wasn't really about Tim? Plus its far in the past at this point.
Not to mention Tim is one hell of a badass, he doesn't wallow in self-pity, and I don't think he'd want to interfere with RH's stuff and would probably stop the information leak himself, or even deny the rumors with something like "Oh that? It was just a disagreement/misunderstanding lol the rumors got out of hand,"
Sorry if this was too much, I like ur blog and the things u say, this one just felt really misinformed.
Thank you for letting me know. Reading the post back, I can see how I worded it wrong. I appreciate you giving me the chance to correct that and clarify.
Yes, Jason and Tim are close in age. However, Jason's age (as far as I'm aware) isn't known to civilians. Because of his helmet and bulkiness, a kid would view Jason as an Adult. If they knew his age and then the fight with Robin, that would probably be an acceptable level of violence for them. That's just two kids beating each other up, then. From their perspective, though, Robin is a Kid and Jason is an Adult. A possible solution to gain back their trust could be to disclose how old they were at the time (they might not even need to disclose any details or reasoning with that).
Later in canon, Jason and Tim start getting along. If the reveal happened at that point, Tim would not feel gleeful and spiteful. He'd feel bad for Jason. That is entirely my bad for not making that distinction.
Tim is, undeniably, an asshole at times. He wants to do good, tries to help people, and overall is kind. He's badass and I love him, but he can be an asshole (particularly to Steph). He, especially his inner dialog, sometimes makes asshole comments. This includes Jason. To add on, when Jason was beating him up and demanding Tim to answer if he thought he was good (skill wise), Tim answered yes twice. To me, this seems like a petty/spiteful response. That or Tim is just being honest af about his feelings, not giving a shit he's taking a beating.
However, Tim would not hold this grudge against Jason. One of his better qualities is to not hold grudges against most people (even those that he arguably should). It's why some villains/rogues/enemies become his allies or end up becoming fond of him.
Tim may feel glad that Jason is experiencing the consequences of his actions, but not for himself. This would be during his time as Robin exclusively. Red Robin would not feel this way.
Spiteful, though, was the wrong word to use. Tim, as the loveable asshole that he can sometimes be, might be sort of happy that Jason, in his villain era, is being shown the effects of his actions and possible wrongs in his ways. Happy also seems to not match, but the emotions wheel isn't really giving me an alternative.
Tim would, despite his feelings, hate the effect of this on everyone. The street kids, Jason, and the batfam would be negatively impacted by this, and Tim would try everything he could to stop or mitigate the outcomes. He would never release this information willingly nor stand aside to let it happen. Robin may internally say some shit about Jason and the situation if it blew up in their faces, but you're right that he wouldn't purposefully make shit worse. He would actively work to fix the entire mess.
I really am thankful that you helped me articulate this.
It's 100% my bad that I dropped the ball so hard. If y'all see me fuck up like that again, feel free to let me know. As long as you're not mean about it, I appreciate constructive criticism.
Imma edit the previous post this is about and link it to this one so that I fix the mischaracterization
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Heyyy you probs already know who this is but could u pls do slashers reacting to their s/o (who is an age regressor) asking them to be their caregiver :3!!
Ty ur amazing🙏🙏🙏 - ur Agere follower 💗🙏
BRO IM SO SORRY FOR LONG WAIT😭 school gives me no free time! Anyways here's your request!
(Caregivers are basically people who take care of age regressing person (in this context) )
Info: they/them, sfw, Request open
Slashers being s/o's caregivers
Jason Voorhees
Dude already acts like you're a baby, so he wouldn't mind doing it more often
When s/o asked him about being their caregiver dude kinda didn't expect that? You trust him to take care of you? THE Jason Voorhees?? Yay💖
He enjoys taking care of s/o whether they are age regressing or no
He doesnt even need to know what is age regression and how it works. Jason just vibes
Will absolutely spoil them btw
9/10 sweet guy
Micheal Myers
Dude doesn't care
He is a bully and probably thinks that "You are already acting like a crybaby🥱 so whats the diffrence"
Tbh he always vibed more with kids than adults cuz they often judge him for all the 'killing innocent people' ugh. So he doest really mind s/o age regressing
The cons are that he is acting like old grandad who has no clue how to child
The pros are that he will throw hands if somone is rude (tbh they dont even need to be rude towards s/o they just have to look at them for too long)
He sometimes doodles with s/o! You guys have similar artystyles😭
4/10 evil
Brahms Heelshire
Funfact! I refuse to belive that name Brahms fucking exists, tf is that name, it doesn't sound like an acuall name but some made up shit
Dude is kinda worried that he will do something dumb while s/o is regressing. Like what if he sets kitchen on fire or something😭
Makes all schedule for little s/o😊 when there's nap time, when to eat, ect. Cuz he would get so lost without the plan
Picks s/o up like sack of potatos
6/10 pookie tried
Billy Lenz
Dude is simple minded, and childish and
Yeah he sucks at taking care of s/o, like how could he know that little humans need to be taken care off???? Like??? Why would he give them food? Dude bearly knows how to boil water
Exept all 'taking care of s/o' thingy he is a good at keeping company! He shares snacks and watches cartoons with s/o!
Sometimes he likes to pretend that he's a rat and he bites their legs during nap/sleep time (he doenst care if they are regressing or nah he just does that)
2/10 will hiss
Vincent Sinclair
Has siblings, hes knows how to child
Makes nice food and will spoon feed s/o if necessary
Very good at reading emotions so if s/o isn't very talkative... dude knows what's up
Infodumps them about pokemon games and lets s/o play on his old Nintendo DS
10/10 knows how to child
Bo Sinclair
Definitely dad vibes
Picks you up and goes 'ew a child' and after few days hes like 'if something happens to them I'm going to kill everyone in this room then myself'
Tbh he kinda lets himself be silly around little s/o cuz they won't judge or tease him for it
Dude absolutely picks them up and play-fights alot btw
6/10 b(r)o
All x reader tags are purley to reach bigger audience!! I used 's/o' cuz thats what anon wanted🥱
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the-solar-system52 · 7 months
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I was listening to Sun's Help Wanted 2 voicelines again and noticed something interesting I wanna discuss (spoilers: Fazbear Entertainment is doing something shady again)
First, we need to clarify something. It pretty clear that our POV character in HW2 is an adult, and someone who works at Fazbear Entertainment. Once more, I think this minigame is supposed to be like a test simulation of how Sun would act around a child, which explains why we are a grown adult playing arts and crafts. And explains why there are no other children present. The player and Sun have to act out the situation of Arts and Crafts, as a test of some sorts, like employee training.
I think this is why Sun's personality is so inconsistent throughout the minigame. He will go from calling us his 'friend' to insulting us in a second. Sun isn't perfect, but I doubt this is how he would actually act around a child.
His personality is changing because some voicelines are him playing along with the role play, and pretending our POV character is a child. And the others are him going off-script and making jabs at Fazbear Entertainment by insulting us and our work.
This is also why he compliments our artwork and then proceeds to shred it. Because its not real, its just a role play, so there's no need to keep the artwork. I dont think he'd shred a real child's artwork. The player character probably isn't even offended by it.
No matter what DCA lore you believe, it always circles back to Sun being treated awfully by Fazbear Entertainment. Mainly, they refuse to properly fix the Moon problem and I think this explains some of Sun's weirdly out of character voicelines in this. His attitude probably stems from the fact our characters works for Fazbear Entertainment, and he has a huge grudge against the company and all who work there.
"Ha, I should turn off the lights myself."
"Do it again, and you're taking a nap."
Sun is absolutely terrified of the Moon and the dark. From all his other behaviours in other games, it doesn't make sense for him to joke about the lights going out and a child getting hurt. But if our POV character isn't a child, then it makes more sense. Since it's Fazbear Entertainment fault that Moon is so violent, he doesn't mind using some dark humour because he feels like the employee deserves it. Reaping what you sow, in a way. Sure our character is just an employee and doesn't make big decisions like that, but Sun doesn't know that and I don't really blame him for being distrusting to any adult human he meets.
A lot of people, mainly Moon fans, try to use that first line about the lights to reason that Sun isn't actually that scared of Moon. Because he can joke about it, which obviously means he would be willing to turn the lights off out of spite! And he isn't as afriad as we originally thought!
But if you listen past this line into other voicelines, you can see this obviously isn't true. At some point, Sun mentions that it will be naptime soon, and is obviously very scared. He pushes the player character to finish the art quicker and generally becomes more and more anxious and frustrated from that point onward. So it's clear he is still very afraid of Moon, and probably wouldn't be okay with our character getting murdered.
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(Also, literally everything that happens in the hard mode of this level confirms this.)
Anyway, this is where it gets really interesting in context. Because when he mentions it's nearing naptime he says,
"Don't work in the dark, never work in the dark."
And then, after a second, adds
"You'll...hurt your eyes if you work in the dark."
This is obviously a cover-up as to the real reason you can't work in the dark, Moon. But it's not like this employee wouldn't already know about Moon.
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(Probably my favourite peice of worldbuilding in SB is that Sun literally has a warning for Moon at the back of his head, so this cover-up isn't so the employee doesn't learn about Moon, because they obviously already have.)
But with the context that this is supposed to the employee acting out the role of a child, this made me realise something.
Fazbear Entertainment doesn't allow Sun to talk about Moon.
Listen to the line again, and tell me you don't hear it! It sounds like he just remembered the employee was in the room and had to add the excuse on quickly so he didn't get in trouble.
He never calls Moon by name, and always uses some sort of riddle or metaphor to explain what is happening to him. At first I thought that was just how he talked, but maybe it's because he's just not allowed to tell people whats going on!
He omniously warns Gregory to keep the lights on, but doesn't tell him why. Even when Gregory gets closer to the security desk he only says "that area is off limits" and doesn't try to explain how dire the situation really is.
Hell, even when the lights are out and he has nothing left to lose, he doesn't say anything direct about Moon that would help Gregory.
Maybe part of the reason he banned Gregory from the daycare is because he felt he had no other option, it would be pretty hard for Gregory to stay if Sun couldn't explain what just happened.
And you could make the argument that he's just trying not to freak out Gregory, but what about a situation where he has no hope of not freaking someone out? Why doesn't he say anything about Moon then, if he once again, doesn't have anything left to lose.
When he meets Cassie he says
"I am trapped in a nap!"
And in Help Wanted 2 he says
"He'll wake up if the lights go out."
Both use sleep as a metaphor for not being in control of the body, even though I highly doubt Moon is actually unconscious during these moments, since Moon always seems to know where is his target is, so I'm guessing he has Sun's memories.
Again in Ruin, he instructed Cassie to turn on the generators, warned her when it wasn't safe, and even sang a creepy metaphor-ridden version of Daisy Bell! And yet he never mentions Moon by name??
He also never mentions Eclipse by name, and instead just asks Cassie to make them "whole".
And in Help Wanted 2, there was no reason he couldn't properly explain the situation to the employee in the hard mode, since they weren't in the role play anymore.
For whatever reason, Fazbear Entertainment has pretty much brainwashed him to never directly mention Moon. I think this was probably to keep up the false narrative they have made with the Moondrop Candy posters that Moon is a good guy. And Sun telling the kids, or other people, the truth about Moon would be bad for publicity.
I feel really bad for Sun though, that he couldn't properly warn anyone if the lights were about to go out, or talk about his problems at all.
What I'm really interested in is if he has just been told not to say anything OR is there something in his coding literally stopping him from saying Moon's name. Like, if he tried, he would just go mute and not be able to talk.
Although the latter is an interesting concept, I don't think it's true.
First of all, Moon mentions Sun by name in his Ruin voicelines and I wouldn't really make sense for this coding to only apply to Sun.
Second of all, even if his code prevents him from talking about Moon, if he was really determined to say something, he could just use substitute words, write, draw, or in any other way communicate what he wants to say and bypass the coding.
No, I think it's a little more psychological. It could be possible Fazbear Entertainment has simply just told him to keep his mouth shut, and since they have control over everything in the Pizzaplex, he's too afraid to go against them. I wouldn't put it past them to threaten to turn the lights off if he speaks up either. Or to scrap him.
Sun has always had an irrational attachment to rules, which would also be explained by Fazbear Entertainments threats. He is determined to keep things clean in the Daycare, but his room is an absolute mess. He doesn't bat an eye at Gregory trespassing in the Pizzaplex at night, but does care when he goes into an "off limits" area. His hypocritical and confusing take on rules can be explained by these not actually being his real opinions, but just paranoid habits brought on Fazbear Entertainment's treatment of him.
"You're gonna get us in trouble..."
As far as we know, he doesn't have any friendships with the other animatronics. And besides Moon's patrols, Sun never seems to leave the daycare. Dudes just a paranoid loser with no friends. (real) This isolation could've been encouraged by Fazbear Entertainment's threats.
In conclusion, fuck Fazbear Entertainment and I hope the next game involves a robot uprising of sorts.
Edit: I have no clue how forgot this, but thank you to @technowingsgs for reminding me of Sun's line,
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"Not me! The OTHER me!"
This is probably the most egregious and direct example of Sun refusing to say Moon's name. Since he's trying to tell Cassie that she needs to reboot Moon, but can't get away with just using a pronoun, he actually resorts to using an alias. Which may point more to the theory that its his coding that stops him from mentioning Moon, since hes ok with using an alternative name, but I'm not sure. But it could be a combination of factors.
I mean, I doubt its just that Sun doesn't know Moon's name. If MY name was SUN and I saw merch littered around the pizzaplex of a dude that looked like THIS:
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Wouldn't exactly take a genius to come up with a name.
Also! A lot of people were confused at this line and didn't know why Cassie couldn't just reboot Sun in his AR body. So I want to attempt to explain what I think!
It seems that, since Moon is controlling their real body, Sun's consciousness has been pushed into the AR World. And the thing about the AR World is that it isn't exactly real. MXES can't hurt you when you take the mask off, because he doesn't have a physical body, he's more of an ghost or hologram. You can walk through walls, use portals, and enter arcade machines. Overall, it's seems to be some sort of non-physical unreality.
So the reason Sun tells you to reboot Moon and not him, is because he's really talking about his physical body and his AR body. If you tried to reboot him with the Vanny mask on, it simply wouldn't work!
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This because you have to stick the fazwrench into his head, flip a switch, and that somehow merges Sun and Moon's code together into Eclipse. Their code is no doubt stored in a circuit board of some sorts, maybe even the one that's visible at the back of their head. All of these things are physical changes, that rely on the materials and mechanics inside his physical body. So if you tried to reboot him in a non-physical plane, it wouldn't do anything! Since AR Sun is more of a projection of his consciousness, like a ghost, and isn't fully connected to his corporeal body. Thus, the fazwrench couldn't reach the necessary code inside his circuit boards. That's why he asked you to turn the lights on, so Moon would freeze up and you could safely reach him.
That, and the game would be too easy if you didn't have to turn on the generators to freeze Moon! Sorry if that segment was too technical, I waffled on a bit.
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tamayakii · 1 year
Simonrileyscockring aka Maxim is a liar and claims frogchiro stole their ideas. Here's proof he lied.
@simonrileyscockring Now since you dont wanna acknowledge me or my post calling you out, i decided to make it its own post so more people can see it. I don't like liars. i don't like virtue signalers "dni proshippers" we interacted tons of times, i sent you asks, my own art, we talked in dms, i even checked on you when i worried about you and now you're worried about "proshippers" and realize the term i identify with, which means "anti-harassment, respecting peoples fictional preferences" and not whatever tiktok-brained bullshit you think it is? So convenient you say that AFTER i send you an ask asking if you were gonna acknowledge what the hell you did. edits: the only edits i did was "@/" Konigsblog cause they said they apologized and acknowledged what they did, whether or not the apology is accepted is not up to me.
original call out below: you absolute dunce. i LOVED your writing before but the drama on your page, responding to hate anons rather than just deleting their asks drove me off. I have so many words for you
EVERYONE can see your personal posts, they just don't LIKE them cause who the fuck wants to like a post that's a vent post? it feels wrong, people see it and choose not to react, people see you vagueing about someone stealing "your" concepts (which theyve written BEFORE cod fandom erupted on tumblr and aka before YOUR popularity) they'll want to know  cause stealing writing is very serious!! but oh wait!!! they didn't steal shit!!! They never wrote about a teenager, which btw when you say all this shit and show no proof it fucking sucks!! cause people are so tiktok-brained that they will believe anything!
Because you decided to pull a fuckin mean girl move with @/konigsblog you ruined someone's love for writing and this fandom. "no one got harmed" my fucking ass. You as a writer should know that motivation comes and goes, and that hyperfixtations can be the closest thing to people. So rather than acting like a fucking man, you vague and claim they wrote about a minor as well, btw heres the teenager you claim is well, a teenager
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Scaramouche is a puppet made by Raiden Ei, over 500 years ago to the current time in genshin impact. When Raiden Ei's sister had passed and she wanted to make a puppet to be the archon but she left him in a slumbering state, free from her own control cause he came to life crying which puppets aren't supposed to do. He woke up and thought she abandoned him, then OVER 5 HUNDRED YEARS AND THREE BETRYALS LATER. The fandom baby-fies him admittedly, but he's not obsessed with his mother nor does he have a teenager mentality. He's a bitter and aloof character, only getting mad when his creation or betrayals are brought up,

"a teenager physqiue" Okay lets challenge that, In the game this model is called Short_Male, it been used for Cyno, Tighnari, Kazuha, Xiao, Albedo, Mika, Chongyun, Bennet, Xingqiu, Heizou, Gorou, Venti, Razor, and even the male traveller.(I'm gonna use basic terms since you obviously never played the game if you think he's child like) Cyno is basically an officer in the game for the Akademiya, aka an adult. Tighnari is basically like a forest ranger, an adult. Kazuha sails around the sea while being a poet AND a sword expert because of his family line, becoming an expert swordsman takes YEARS even in real life, he's an adult. Xiao is over 5,000 years old and a "deputy" for an Archon. Albedo is a synthetic experiment human made 500 years ago from the current timeline in the game. Heizou is also a cop, an adult. Gorou is a fucking ADMIRAL, an adult. VENTI is literally over 2k years old. an adult. The traveller is AT LEAST over a thousand years old, cause the traveller that you choose slumbers for 500 years.
The rest are hinted to be late teenagers or early twenties depending on who you ask.
I even took pictures of these models in-game compared to a Tall_Male model!
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Here's scaramouche, compared to Diluc and Tighnari! who aren't children! Now let's see an actual model of CONFIRMED children, why don't we?
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here we have klee, who despite being something like 50 or 75 years old, is still mentally a child!! So she has the child model since she is still physically growing up, unlike Scaramouche AND Albedo.
Scaramouche isn't a child. he doesn't have child-like features. He's not obsessed with his mother, cause he does not have one cause motherfucker is a 500-year-old puppet, he's mentally an adult, physically an adult that was prepared for archon duties.
Sorry, i droned on about this for so long but i just fuckkking hate it when people are wrong. So blindly like you are,
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here's proof that you said that, incase you go on a deleting frenzy.
Now let's talk about the point system, point systems are so widespread in real life and in fiction, even i used a point system once before. So to see it, in a COMPETITION(cause they are in the pervy AU) between men isn't weird to see. If you genuinely had a problem with this, Kin would've LOVED to talk it out with you as they're lovely and understanding human being.
the stray cat au? i even remember reading about it on both of your blogs but heres the thing.... the last time they wrote about it was in October.. of last year.
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i had to search your blog just in case i was wrong in thinking they wrote it before you did.
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as you can see, this is march of this YEAR. checking your archive, you made your blog back in February of this year. To claim they stole your concept of stray cat is beyond fucking insane, as well as bringing up the post with scaramouche in it cause.. that was over at least 10 months ago, cause Kin had went on a hiatus when December came around and came back with a COD hyperfixtation.
Onto the stealing the hubull concept! Searching their blog I can't find any evidence of them even writing a bull-like idea, at all. So you seemed to pull that one straight out of your ass.
So let's go over this real quick! one more time for the people in the back!!!
@simonrileyscockring made a post vagueing that someone stole their concepts and ideas, @/konigsblog replies below asking, hey who is it? maxim responds saying its @frogchiro and claiming that they wrote about a teenager and stole their point system for an au. Publicly. Instead of going to Frogchiro and trying to work it out, like a 23-year-old should. You keep drilling on about it, claiming that people trying to defend them are being your entertainment now
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sure some people shouldn't have come in attacking you, i won't defend people who throw cruel words at you. You can claim this to be an attack but all i'm doing is calling you out, cause as you claim "it doesn't affect the way you live your life" you let it go and ruin someone else's way of life, destroying their love for fandom and writing. As a writer yourself that ive SEEN struggle with motivation AND hate anons, you of ALL people should fucking understand that getting your love for writing ruined is a terrible thing to happen especially when its an outlet for stress.
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"i wanna talk shit in peace, not have my shit gossiped about." .. that is noooot how the internet works OR how shit-talking works, as the biggest shit-talker in MY family, i understand that when i talk shit, there's another person behind me talking shit. When YOU post vagueing about someone, and then continue talking about them, people will gossip about you. End of story. You should've blocked them in the first place, you also should've messaged Kongisblog PRIVATELY if you really wanted to avoid all of them. The only screenshots that i know that kin was sent, were you confirming that they "stole" your ideas and that they wrote about a teenager. How can they refute your claims without knowing what your claims are. They had to defend themselves from people in their inbox.
So, really in the end here, you fucked up. As a previous fan of your im highly disappointed in you but seeing how you act i doubt that will affect you, i make this post-DEFENDING frogchiro from pointless claims, AND in hopes that anyone who wants to follow you. Will find this post cause you are a fucking asshole to the core. Step back and realize that while it may not affect you, your actions affect others.
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turnstechgodhead · 7 months
Le sign... speaking of the server,
dirk is encouraging me to be more firm on my own thoughts for my comfort
i've seen ppl talk about it in stream a lil which im always like I Don't Care when it pops up but i've had Enough and i want to talk about the topic bc it's itching at my brain follicles.
since we're pretty strider-oriented, this had to happen at some point: strider cest/strilonde cest/in cest wont be allowed in the main server. if other people don't care, i might make a separate server.
-"hey why is that ^ something you would allow? pretty insane." / "are you a pro shipper then??"
"so you're an anti?"
also no
i dislike this argument as a whole bc i don't 'get it' i guess because im audhd. neither side is fully correct nor fully wrong.
"fiction affects reality." and "fiction is not reality." are two different thought processes that can and should coexist in the same space.
look. fiction can affect reality, but it IS also possible to separate from it. you can para or whatever responsibly. tag it. try to make sure people who don't want to see it don't have to see it. and if minors are getting sent your shit, make sure its clear that this should NOT be happening in reality. if you're a child, keep that shit blocked. it's NOT for you and you should not be actively consuming it. (please listen to this advice bc i grew up on the internet barely supervised, from a very unhealthily early age [7-8] and then developed into a fucked up hypersexual.) (seeing something fucked up and being like AUGH my eyes! is normal because that just. happens. thats life. you deal with it afterwards in some way. talking to someone you trust etc. you do not go back for more i am begging.) (if someone is showing you these things on purpose then please read this website all the way through for me ok?)
you should not be looking at an adult exploring/enjoying fucked up shit
videogames are not going to make you or me more violent by having violence, gore, and murder in them. but videogames DO make some people violent. those people should not have access to these things. but we (you and i) cannot control that beyond making sure content is labelled and set aside. i like playing games where i assassinate people. i am not an assassin. someone could play the same game and get terrible ideas they act on. this is not my fault for playing the game.
and, if you're an adult who likes fucked up shit (me too) tag your shit or have it listed somewhere on your about that it's something you post about frequently there. and maybe reiterate that it's not real. its just toys. and should never be followed irl. yeah, it fuckin sucks that we gotta do this shit, but kids are unfortunately on the internet, with the inability to differentiate grey from black and white. your shit might be the first exposure. which sucks!! so it's our responsibility to try and mitigate harm on both sides unfortunately until we can convince parents to start parenting their children again. which sucks. i just wanna post shit in peace but the buzzing around from very loud teenagers makes me anxious. i get it.
it fucking sucks!!! but we can't control other people, especially if theyre malicious
but you control what YOU see on the internet. block anyone. (i blocked someone back in the day for disliking johndave. be free.) and help people do that (control what they see) by making it very clear. you aren't evil for not wanting to see it, and other people aren't evil for enjoying fucked up content.
also some of yall on BOTH SIDES do some truly vile shit in the name of this argument when your energy could be spent elsewhere doing shit you like or even doing things that are actually. Helpful.
so i don't like either label i dont want to be associated with either of the sides but if you want to call me one or the other then . Whatever i guess? thats your business, not mine. just know you are not a failure or a freak for not constantly reinforcing and reassuring everyone that you think adults doing their own thing in fictional spaces with little toy dolls (that theyve been doing since the 70s-80s) is gross. you can just think that like. in general and look away because the dolls are dolls. but don't go posting doll horn-knees untagged. that's rude as fuck.
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roseychains · 7 months
Shut the fuck up omg
You as a child do not know better. Just because you /THINK/ its safe does not mean it is.
Adult content is called that for a reason. Its for fucking adults. Do children read it? Yeah. I even did. Yeah i lurked. But what i did not fucking do was have the audacity to think i had any right to openly participate in adult spaces.
It does not matter that you put warnings. It does not matter if you dont talk to any adults. We shouldnt have to worry about people like you in spaces meant for us at all.
You want to write smut? Share it in private. You are on a public platform.
Would you set up a stall at a convention for your smut? Do you think it is reasonable that you should have a place for yourself at a public events for adults? What fucking entitlement do you have to have to think you should be allowed her just because you want to be or think its fun. Should you be allowed to go to strip clubs or bars?
Why are adults not fucking allowed to have spaces for themselves. You can make your blog private btw. You can make your blog have a password to be able to view. But instead you post your shit publicly. You force yourself into our space because you think you have the right to.
Even it it was legal for you to do (which it isnt) what the fuck makes you think you have the right to make yourself at home in a space you are repeatedly told you are not yet welcome in. Do you think its just " oh adults are just being selfish and i should get what i want just because i want it regardless of how anyone else feels about it? Regardless of the consequences?"
You arent special. You arent mature. And you most certainly do not know better if you cant have the common decency to stay out of a community that isnt meant for you.
If you cant even respect the fact that adults dont want children in an adult space talking about adult topics then what makes you think you have any right to be here. Since you think you know so much do you also think you should be allowed to go to a sex dungeon and just exist and watch even though no one wants you there cuz you're a kid? Should you be allowed to set up a table there with your smut "just in case someone is interested"
The fucking audacity you have. I have to wonder how badly your parents must have raised you. And dont you dare accuse me of bullying you or "im a minor uwu". You wanna act like an adult then you can take confrontation like one too. You want to think you're mature enough to talk about sex but you cant even respect the wishes of the people in the PUBLIC community that said community was made for.
Fuck off. I am so sick and tired of entitled children like you who think they know better. If you did you wouldn't be here acting like an idiot.
Someone’s mad 🥺
Since when do you make the rules on who can and can’t write? Writing is for everyone, fuck off lmao. If it bothered you sm then block me and move on. How entitled are YOU to think that no one else is allowed to write things?? Minors read “young adult” type smut all the time? If it bothers you so much, if I’m “invading” your space, then block me. Christ.
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kewpidity · 2 months
i keep meaning to send you this and i keep forgetting omg HERE is your formal invitation [ in fact. a plead ] to ramble about your thoughts on agilink
hmmmMMMMM okay okay okay thank you for this opportunity it took a bit for me to get to it cause i realized that Literally ive never actually talked about/explained my thoughts and feelings about them to someone else in detail??? so it took me a minute to collect my thoughts jkfds
So Basically while i love it in the original canon context, there is a bit that needs to be explained first:
i have a big head canon that agitha is in fact a fairy, the child of a great fairy, that abandoned her and her father, who died when she was v v young
her father had a banker that handles her estate and gives her a little pension until she becomes an adult and can fully inherit her fortune, and thats the explanation i have for why she's so young and already living by herself
beyond that, she's a v lonely girl who doesnt really seem to get on with anybody in town, the only other npc that talks about her really is the guy thats always peering through her window, and it seems he's afraid of her, or thinks she's weird
i chalk this up to otherwordly heritage, but even just within the context of the canon its pretty clear that people either fear her or are at least uncomfortable with the way she acts, and her hobbies
and then there's link, who is open and eager to help, even if its something silly like collecting bugs (which is of course not silly to her at all), he never balks when she acts off putting
on his part of course link is used to dealing with kids, he's the village babysitter after all (which is a bit problematic to play into a ship but what can ya do lmao) but she's also not really. like the kids he would look after? even without the fairy stuff, she's one of those 'aged beyond her years' types, thats just what happens when you're taking care of yourself and living alone most of your life, you dont develop normally and it makes you simultaneously too old and too young (maybe much like being 17 or so and suddenly finding yourself with the fate of the entire world resting on your shoulders 👀)
so now let's talk about link and what the plot would do to him! something that i like about tp link is that he's one of the older versions we get to play as, and he also feels v much like he has an active, established life and a community he's a part of, he has responsibilities to and cares about the people he lives with, which makes it feel all the more heart breaking when he's ripped away from it because of being the chosen hero, cause even after everything, and During everything, his experiences because of the plot are going to make him a fundamentally different person, he Came Back Different if you will, and by the end of the game midna leaves, he has no personal connection with zelda in this specific version, and he feels a bit out of place even now when he returns home, he feels v much alone in this world now even after he starts to settle again
on top of that, when he's in his wolf form, everybody is afraid of him. and on a logical level he does understand that of Course theyd be afraid and of Course they wouldnt recognize him, but on an exhausted and traumatized level, it hurts him v deeply when people he's known his whole life are afraid of him
except for agitha, in fact she isnt phased by him being a wolf at All, and i think that must surely be a comfort to him
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i think one of the most likely scenarios for them getting closer over all is that maybe he gets injured as a wolf, and doesnt have anywhere he can go where they wont be chased away, so he ends up going to agitha's house to try and rest up in a safe place, scratches at her door and all, and she does in fact let him in because she's not afraid of him (this is contingent on the fact that for whatever reason he cant turn back human at the moment, its been a while since ive played the game and i dont quite remember how it works so bear with me here lol) which leads him to trust her more in his human form as well, and they get closer over time because of it
she'll of course figure out link and the wolf she lets in sometimes are one in the same eventually but i'll have to iron out the details a little more for all that
so i guess at the end of the day, the appeal to me for agitha and link is that by the end of it all, they're both out there isolated by circumstance and can seek comfort in each other, even after the dust of the story settles
have some disjointed Thoughts™️ that have been circling in my head for years:
Thought One:
as the Agitha Expert, while everybody else is making dirty jokes about her liking the way it feels to be pinched by a beetle, i know that she's Stimming, so there is a scenario in my mind that plays out where one day while she's pinning insects as she does, she starts putting the pins in her fingers and palms, not enough to hurt or even bleed (think like acupuncture), she's not really thinking about it, she's just Feeling (in the case of her being a fairy, its not just the Autism, its a matter of like. 'i feel disconnected from the things and people around me, this is my life but this is not my body, and these pins are a grounding sensation' sorta thing (so still also the autism but with Extra Flavor ljkfds))
and link walks in to bring her a new bug and obviously is thrown off guard about it. they dont really say anything, but he comes over and takes her hand and v carefully removes the pins, and this is a big turning point for them because the thing about link is he always comes across as v brave and unshakable, but here now, while she's not in any danger or even really hurt, his hands as shaking because he's not sure how to approach this situation but he's caring for her regardless, and it really hits her that this is someone not that much older than her that is absolutely just a guy and nobody is taking care of him despite all the care he puts into everybody around him and how scary that is
Thought Two:
if we're explicitly going with the idea of fairy!agitha, she's going to live a long time, and eventually go into the woods to be a greaty fairy probably, so i imagine centuries down the line, another reincarnation of link finds her, and she recognizes him but doesnt Remember him and it fills her with an intense longing and sadness and she doesnt know why but she wants to give him anything he could possibly ask of her
Thought Three:
sometimes when i think about him turning up at her door as a wolf, i think about old myths about werewolves where the only thing that can turn them back into men is their name being called by someone who loved and trusted them and it breaks me all to pieces
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one day i wanna write something for them, even if its only vaguely connected drabbles or something
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ultfreakme · 6 months
im a zutara multishipper though i often feel like a fake cause im not as hardcore as most of em.. i forgot all about that scarf scene its not as memorable as I'll save you from the pirates is that probalmatic imeaniguess but it was a fun scene in the cartoon ..
. so many zuts are celebrating over a silyl scarf scene but i can tell there's higher chances of hell freezing over than zutara and i dont look forward to them going again We were robbed when it doesn't happen. i love being a multishipper though cause i was very well fed with zukaang
im begging shippers not to bully gordon over shipping and it is interting to note how uncomfortable zutara makes the actors prob cause they recognize Kia is a teenager and Dallas is 22 year old.. theres hooplah over how the age gap is fine cause she' ll be 18 and theres a difference with 11/14 vs 15/ year old met guy when he was 20. of course kia is uncomforatble with zutara she met dallas aas a child. but here we got people treating her like she's an adult already.
the way kia is talked about creeps me out and i still think about the people telling me im a fake fan bec i think maybe we dont talk about kias age like shes not even real. i do enjoy the fanart comig from promo pics cause people are super talented but sometimes . it feels that people are shipping Kia/Dallas more than zuko/katara
Hi!! Honestly it's fine if you ship even if things for the ship are considered 'problematic'. I mean I ship Zukka and both of them have genuinely wanted each other dead or gone for a good chunk of the show lol.
I think, and I'm not going to generalize and say EVERY Zutara shipper, but one thing I've encountered as a pattern of difference between Zutara shippers and every other ATLA ship shipper, is canonicity. Zukaang, Zukka, Jetko, MaiLee, TyZula, Tokka, Taang, none of them are of the mindset that their ship will be canon so no one has any real problems with these ships. But a lot of Zutara shippers I've seen on twitter at least are convinced that Zutara was meant to be canon, and this inability keep fanon and canon separate is what's getting people's hopes up. And when it's made clear that these ARE separate, there's upset. I've seen the same thing happen with multiple other shippers and ships across fandoms.
Being a multishipper sounds fun anon, and I hope you're doing well <3
You're so right on the way people act about and treat Kia. Dallas has on interview said Kia is like a little sister to him, and yeah people keep forgetting that these two met when Kia was a child and he was an adult. It's why Dallas and Ian are fine when they talk about Zukka or can joke about "shipping" them.
I've noticed that people are doing the thing again(in 2024 dear GOD), where they keep waiting for young girls to be "legal" to be fucking creeps. People did it with Billie Eilish, the Olsen twins and a bunch of other female celebs and artists. I just feel terrible for her and Gordon, and I wish people would stop being weird about the actors and take a hint because Kia, Dallas, Gordon- none of them are being subtle about being uncomfortable about zutara. The only way they can be more obvious is plaster it on their foreheads. I didn't know about people talking about...ugh I can't even say it, Kia and Dallas like a ship GROSS. Leave Kia and Dallas out of it gosh. I got an ask a while back basically saying people will stop being mean to Gordon if Zutara becomes canon and I was flabbergasted. Like, you won't treat a child, with respect and dignity, because your 20 year old ship isn't real???
I've said this before, but people are just jumping to make Kia out to be more...older? People saying she looks like Gordon's mom(I will hunt these people on sight she looks like a child). And it's this, intermixing of sexism and racism and colourism (I've seen people be extremely disgusting about Dallas and Gordon too about their appearance. Pretty much everyone who doesn't fit into Western beauty standards are receiving awful hate- Thalia Tran playing Mai, Elizabeth Yu playing Azula).
People seriously need to get a grip and start learning to differentiate between fiction and real human beings or this is going to hurt EVERYONE involved, but especially Kia and Gordon. It doesn't matter if Kia is 18, she DOES NOT LIKE IT. DALLAS sees her as a sister, like i wish people would keep that in mind.
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sokkastyles · 11 months
Hey I normally agree with you on things about ATLA, but that post from the user themattress(sorry I dont remember their username, just what they talked about in regards to Azula and who is responsible for shaping her to be the way she was) didn't seem to be wrong at all? Maybe this is my own experiences talking but while Ursa and Iroh aren't entirely guilty for how Azula turned out, there is a level of responsibility there? They're not completely absolved of everything because they were the adults in that situation, Azula was and is the child? Who depends on and looks up to the grown ups in her life and they are the ones who have the responsibility to teach and guide her?
Honestly I really don't get what you didn't connect(? Is that the right word?) or I guess agree with(?) with in that post since it made very much sense to me and I don't think I'm an Azula apologist or whatever that is? I want to understand where you're coming from since to me it feels.. very much like blaming Azula for being the victim of Ozai and the imperialism and fascism in the Fire Nation at the time. These don't absolve her of anything though because her choices to hurt and attempt to kill others are the choices she made, it's just trying to understand why and how she would have ended up the way she did and the adults who were involved and are culpable for it.
Either way, whether we agree or disagree, you're opinions and interpretations are valid too, as are other peoples. I hope you have a good rest of your day! 👋🏼
Okay, first of all, I never said they didn't have a responsibility for her, and you're right that adults do have certain responsibilities towards children, particularly Ursa as Azula's mother. But the ting is, we are shown this responsibility in canon. We are shown Ursa acting as a maternal figure for Azula and trying to teach her right and wrong. That IS her showing responsibility. The OP of that post claimed that Ursa neglected Azula, in ways that just aren't canon. We can say that certain interpretations are "valid" all day long, but the thing is, there are interpretations that can be backed up with canon evidence, and there are interpretations that cannot be backed up with canon evidence. The idea that Ursa neglected Azula is not backed up by any canon evidence.
Further, the OP says a lot of incorrect things about how abuse actually happens, specifically in statements made about Ursa. OP also specifically said that Ursa was "a guilty party." They didn't just say Ursa had a responsibility to Azula, which I agree that she does. They tried to make an argument that she was, actually, just as guilty as Ozai. I should not have to explain why it's victim blaming to say that an abused wife and mother is just as guilty as her abuser for the abuse of her child. There is a WORLD of difference between that and blaming Azula for her abuse, which I never did. Because I never said that Ozai's abuse of Azula was okay. In fact, it was Ursa who was often trying to counteract it. Because Ozai not teaching Azula right from wrong and not teaching her boundaries or how to function socially and just letting her treat people cruelly is abuse, as abusive as the pressure he put on her to be perfect. It's also neglect, neglect of Azula's emotional and social needs. Neglect is a word that I often see lobbed at Ursa, but the thing is, chastising your child isn't neglect. Not giving your child boundaries and rules and not teaching them the tools they need to grow into a happy, healthy person is. Ozai neglected Azula in every way except when he wanted her to be his perfect princess, and that aspect of his abuse is often ignored in order to make these accusations at Ursa, when we have no canon evidence of Ursa's so-called neglect.
Let's also take a closer look at some specific things the OP said.
Ursa gets some leeway for being a victim of Ozai's abuse, but it can only carry her so far. As frightened of Ozai as she was, she was still an adult, and her children were far more vulnerable and at risk from Ozai. And yet Ursa let her fear of Ozai, whom she saw in Azula, and her guilt for inadvertently setting Zuko up for being targeted for abuse by Ozai, cloud her maternal judgement. She focused her energies on Zuko, neglecting Azula save for chiding her when she acted out for attention, and gave Ozai the perfect opportunity to convince Azula that unconditional love was a fantasy. And on top of that, she ended up completely abandoning both her children. Both of Azula's parents sucked.
First of all, where, where oh where in canon, is it stated that Ursa's "fear of Ozai, who she saw in Azula, cloud her judgement." What scenes can you point to from the show to show this? Every scene of Ursa chastising Azula happens because of something Azula specifically did, not because Ursa is afraid of Ozai. Ursa is afraid of Ozai, for good reason, and probably also afraid of what Ozai is turing Azula into, but there's no reason to believe that her judgment was clouded. She's not wrong when she chastises Azula for wishing death upon family members. She's not wrong when she chastises Azula for terrorizing her brother. Her judgment of Azula is not clouded during these scenes. She reacts in the way a parent should react to that situation.
There's also no evidence that she "focused her energies on Zuko." Where is this in the show? Us being shown more scenes of Ursa with Zuko in a flashback from Zuko's perspective is not proof of that. There's no evidence that she neglected Azula. We don't see her excluding Azula in things, and in most of the scenes from Zuko's memory, Azula is there with him and Ursa.
What we do see, and this is where the "favoritism" argument always comes in, is Ursa protecting Azula from Zuko or attempting to mitigate Ozai's and Azula's attempts to exclude or terrorize or mistreat Zuko. And that's where I have to call bullshit, because this logic? Is straight out of the abuser's playbook.
We also have no evidence that Azula "acted out for attention" because she was neglected by her mother. We know why Azula did the things she did. She did them because she was being groomed by Ozai to behave that way. Trying to frame it as something else is ignoring and diminishing and excusing Ozai's abuse. Azula was not cruel because she was acting out for attention, she was cruel because her father made her believe that being cruel was the best way to show your worth, and that other people were weaker than her and deserved to be treated cruelly.
In fact, the show itself contradicts the idea that she was acting out for her mother's attention, since in "Zuko Alone," we see her lie to her mother about her bad behavior twice because she knew her mother would not approve. Azula is smart, and very aware, even as a young child, that her father will enable her behavior and that her mother won't, but that her mother can also be manipulated because of her expectations for Azula. For example, Azula knows that Ursa expects her to be kind to her brother, so she lies to her mother about wanting to play with her brother so she can play a mean trick on him and Mai. Later, she lies to her mother about threatening her brother with Ozai's plan to kill him because she knows Ursa would not approve of that, either. She is not trying to get her mother's attention here, even negative attention. She is trying to hide and get away with bad behavior, specifically the abuse of her brother, which she has been taught by her abuser how to get away with.
Also, the claim OP makes that Ursa "gave Ozai the opportunity" to abuse Zuko and Azula is disgusting. Full stop.
I'm going to address this because this is something that needs to be said. NOBODY should be blamed for "giving abusers the opportunity," and yes, that is just another form of victim blaming. Obviously it's important for adults to be aware of how abusers gain opportunities in order to prevent abuse, and that's why it's vital to talk about these things, but abusers also a very good at finding and making opportunities for themselves. Sometimes abuse happens because of other ways adults in a child's life are negligent, but not always. Sometimes the adults do everything right and it still happens. And in the case of Ursa, I wrote another post about how Ursa was also groomed and how this is actually a really common abusive situation. It's not a reflection of Ursa's negligence or guilt. It is a reflection of Ozai's abusiveness. Period.
I have never and will never blame Azula for being abused, but the thing is, she is already an abuser herself by the time we see her in "Zuko Alone," as I said above, and every time we see Ursa chastise her it's because of her own violent or abusive behavior. Being an abuse victim does not mean she gets free reign to abuse others, even as a child. She especially does not get free reign to abuse other children. Namely her brother, who was also being abused by her father who encouraged her to participate in his abuse. We have no evidence that Ursa didn't care about Azula or didn't try to stop her from being abused. We have evidence that Ursa tried to prevent Azula from abusing Zuko, and that is being used as evidence that she either didn't care or abused Azula herself. This is victim blaming because it is twisting an event where an abuser abused someone and trying to make them the victim. And while Azula is a victim of Ozai, she is not a victim when her mom is telling her not to light her brother on fire.
OP claims that not only did Ursa cause Ozai's abuse of Azula, but that she also caused Ozai's abuse of Zuko. And I could really dig in and talk about how manipulative Ozai is with Ursa. I could get into what we learn from the comics about how Ursa lied about Zuko's parentage because she knew Ozai was reading her letters and how this is often held up as "proof" that she caused Zuko's abuse, and how much people miss the point of that scene. For one, Ozai purposefully sets up Ursa to fail, and then he himself blames Ursa for Zuko's abuse. So like, first of all, I hope anyone who reads that comic and takes away that Ursa "caused" Zuko's abuse realizes that they're agreeing with Ozai, here, which should be your first clue that it's wrong. But second, Ozai does to Ursa exactly what he does to Zuko when he purposefully sets up Zuko to fail an agni kai against him that he didn't know he'd be fighting, and then punishes him for failing.
Abusers know how to do this. They know how to leverage your guilt and do it purposefully. That is one of the reasons why it's so hard to leave an abusive relationship. Ozai also does this to Azula, by making Azula feel guilty for how he made her complicit in his horrible actions, while convincing her that it was actually her mother that made her feel like a monster, when it wasn't. It was Ozai all along.
The whole idea that abuse can be prevented if only all adults "stepped up" is a comfortable fantasy, but it's one that encourages shifting blame away from where it actually lies: with the abusers.
Now, on what OP says about Iroh, their first sentence right off the bat is an example of faulty logic.
Azulon and Iroh are both guilty through inaction. In Azulon's case, he just straight-up didn't give a damn about Azula...her being named after him and being a prodigy at firebending failed to move him in the way Ozai had hoped.
Putting Azulon and Iroh in the same category doesn't make a lot of sense here, unless you consider that OP is trying to reach for that comparison on purpose to show that Iroh is "just as bad," just like they did by putting Ursa and Ozai in the same category. But before we even get into Iroh, they're assessment of Azulon is totally wrong.
OP lists Azulon's flaws as "inaction" and "failure to be moved in the way Ozai had hoped." But like...that's not what happens in the show at all. Azulon didn't ignore Azula despite Ozai's hope that he would be "moved" by her firebending prowess, and that wasn't how Azulon shaped Azula, either. This statement imagines that Azulon could have rescued Azula from Ozai's abuse if only he'd been "moved" enough by her firebending ability. Azulon didn't fail to save Azula because he wasn't moved, he failed to stop Ozai's abuse because for all we know about him, he probably agreed with it. Like Ozai, he also valued power and conquest above all else, which was why Ozai wanted to show off Azula to him in the first place.
I'm not saying Azulon cared about Azula, but the main way he shaped Azula is by being another example of the Fire Nation legacy which she whole-heartedly embraced, one of cruelty and lust for power. He wasn't going to save her no matter how much he was "moved" by her firebending prowess. In fact, if anything, he would have probably seen her the same way Ozai did, as someone he could mold into his perfect weapon.
In contrast to how Azulon helped shape Azula by being another example of the power and control and cruelty she was taught to value, Azula actually resented Iroh long before he turned his back on the Fire Nation for not fitting into that legacy perfectly, as she derides him as "kooky" and "not a real general."
As for Iroh, he knew damn well what kind of a parent his brother was likely to be, but let his own military ambitions and desire to please his father take precedence over any concerns.
Again, where is this stated or shown or even implied in the series? The only thing we know about how Iroh felt about Azula pre-series is that he once got her a gift. How do you get "he had no concerns" from this, exactly? Oh, I know, I know, the doll wasn't good enough. That's not an argument. Adults have responsibilities to children, but "getting exactly the gift they want and ONLY the gift they want" is not one of those responsibilities. I don't know how else to say this. It would actually be an example of irresponsibility if an adult responded to a child destroying a gift in the way Azula did with "oh, you're right honey, let's get you a shiny new, COOLER gift." That's how narcissistic parents create narcissistic children. And, well, we know how that turned out.
As for "he knew damn well what kind of a parent his brother was likely to be..." Again, what even is this argument? That Iroh should have like, gelded Ozai before he had the chance to reproduce? I kid, but for real, it is incredibly insensitive to argue that abuse could have been prevented if only the people involved tried. That is not how it works. No. You do not get to do that. That IS victim blaming. It's the same logic used on victims, and it doesn't become better if it's used on the victim's families or friends or other people close to them, who often are usually victims to a lesser degree. If you really think that's true, say this kind of shit to, for example, the parent of a child who was groomed by a teacher, and I hope you get punched in the face for it. And I say that in the nicest way possible. Because once again, abusers know how to thrive on this logic, and manipulate that misplaced guilt to their advantage. You are only enabling abusers by believing this to be true.
Then, when he finally had the opportunity to help, he only did so for Zuko because he saw in him both his own dead son and a young version of Ozai that he could save from falling to darkness, while in Azula he only saw current Ozai which completely ignores the fact that she's a child. He didn't help her, and she got worse. Especially damning is that even after Zuko betrayed him and he was locked in prison, Iroh still reached out to help Zuko through teaching him he was Avatar Roku's descendant which somehow means the potential for good is inherit in him...yet did no such thing for Azula even when she is also Avatar Roku's descendant whom that theory should also hold true for.
Iroh had a specific opportunity to help Zuko that he did not have with Azula. Azula wasn't burned and banished. Azula also didn't come to visit Iroh in prison or previously show any inclination that she would listen to him like Zuko did. And, as I previously mentioned, Azula also dismisses the idea that the story of Roku and Sozin could have happened any other way than how Fire Nation propaganda says it did.
And again, where is it shown, said, or implied in the story that Iroh saw Azula as only exactly like Ozai? It isn't. It's Azula's actions that we can point to for why Iroh had no opportunity to help her. I can point to where Azula tells Zuko he is dumb for questioning the story of Roku and Sozin to know that she wouldn't be open to hearing it from Iroh. NOT because Iroh wrote her off, but because of her own actions.
And no, none of that is blaming Azula for being abused, because I'm not saying it's her fault Ozai abused her. It's her fault that she became an abuser and an imperialist and never shows an remorse for her actions or desire to be different.
It is NOT anyone's fault that they couldn't change her, especially when she goes from victim to abuser. But I can tell you that abusers are really invested in getting you to believe that they are the victim so they can continue being abusive. That's what's wrong with blaming Iroh or Ursa for not saving Azula.
I get the impulse to "understand" Azula and why she became the way she did, but as I said above, OP is totally wrong about how Azula became the way she did, and twists canon to suit their own narrative when we already have explanations for how and why Azula became the way she did in canon.
Edit: I also forgot to address, but quoted above, that OP blamed Ursa for "abandoning" both her children, when she was literally banished by Ozai, after he manipulated her into doing his dirty work by blackmailing her with her son's life. That is victim blaming and there is no argument where it isn't.
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vicontheinternet · 4 months
Fandoms you couldn’t pay me to join even though I either really do like the show, did once or have been interested but for whatever reasons have been turned off by its fandom in no order
9-1-1 (did watch but fell off vapid fandom)
Buddie (no)
Bridgertom (was interested vapid racist fandom I find shonda Rimes to be very...)
Greys anatomy (did watch fell off vapid fandom with hints of racism)
Japril (I hate this ship with a passion mostly because their stans are annoying and turned me off)
Atla cartoon (comfort show vapid vapid fandom)
Anti legend of korra ( I have a love hate relationship with this show)
Driven (I do like them on a surface level but some of their fans can be intense) you will never get me to interact with driven content one I’ve seen multiple post attacking musa for being with riven or or calling musa ugly (she’s a cartoon character) or calling Darcy’s “spell” a dubbing issue while that might be true atp I’m over driven
Klaroline (jesus fucking christ sorry for using your in vain but this ship stans I once saw a fanfic that made caroline a original heretic and she was in the box instead of ester I'll give the points for originality but if they were to do a heretic bonnie was right there you know the wich that already had powers
Anti jegulus ( im not entering a fandom where the couple is written ooc to be together atp they are whole different characters) not trying to yuck someone yum
Sterek (these are some of the most annoying fanbase they don't even like these characters fr because rewrite them to make them so ooc that they are new characters. Why would stiles be in derek pack)
Stiles (I'm not going to lie I used to like stiles but his stans ruined him for me they were insuffible he could do no wrong in their eyes. All because he's a white snarky/sarcastic boy. Dont let write a crossover then they'll make him the most powerful being in the universe. Crossover with tvd/to he's loss mikealson crossover with supernatural hes either a Winchester that has demon blood also or an angel. They think that stile would be a better werewolf then Scott when everything in the show has told us that if he was the that had been the that had been bit his eyes would been blue by the end of season 1. And don't get me started on the friend subject)
The mcu (I used to love the mcu and watch every release but it became quantity over quality and its downfall for me was very sad)
Wanda maximoff and wandavision (I could make a whole video on the whole rollercoaster of thoughts I had on wanda and wandavision because like the mcu I liked both then I didn't. The decent of wandavision was more gradual with wandavision it was episodic to me it was a let down and didn't make sense while I thought Elizabeth Olsen acting was good the writing was not it find out that the writers were swayed not to look at the source material for the show because kevin fegie didn't want them to be influenced although that's the whole point because you're making a supposed comic book adaptation then there's the alleged part reshoot that happened because ppl guessed the ending and let's not forget the whitewashing of Wanda and peitro maximoff who are canonically romani and the mcu deliberately changed it to a made up country somewhere remotely European and made wanda a knock off Jean grey (red hair, pale skin, mind powers) for over ten years so bad that it started to influence the comics
Tony stark (hes a war profiteer, his fans infantilize him. They recognize his PTSD and mental problems only. His side of civil war was dead wrong and ppl to this day will not accept that even if you explain it to then like they are 2. Come onguys the un is useless even iron man knew he was wrong he broke the accords three times in the movie and kidnapped a child to fight adult that he had no business fighting. Also his fans are insane)
Specifically black arianitors that excuse everything thing that grow women does (now I don't dislike her or hate her but man her fanbase is annoying as hell especially the black ones it's like the one non black person who does problematic shit but has a lot black ppl in their corner rooting for them so when they do something out of pocket they don't even have to say anything they're black friends do it for them)
Taylor swift (need I could say more mind you I like some of her songs)
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tippedarrows · 2 days
I just wanted to say you're cool and awesome, and you're super real for defending minors against immature adults on this platform, so thank you for getting your voice out because me and friend has been nothing but ignored
Tumblr media
I've seen it happen to you guys in specific. It makes me so, sooo, so mad because you both are doing NOTHING wrong. It's called having whimsy and fun and finding comfort in something you like!
I'm so very happy that you guys find comfort in things here!!.
dont worry about a thing. I'm a little dummy who gets so excited when he reads things that his eyes move at 100mph!
this is a safe space. I will damn well be sure it is. In a sea of adults who decide to act like babies, I'll be mature. I feel like.. that one picture of the military dude standing in front of the sleeping child, blocking them from oncoming knives.
If you or your friend ever need a space, I'm here. I've been on the internet since I was 10. that's 21 years of experience right there.
waving my arms around with a green flag in my hands.
I will defend you and your friend to the death, I promise!!!! If you're my moot, you're automatically my friend, so that's what friends are for!!!!!! I will spread positivity where there is none, because even if IM not sad, as undertale once said, " it's always raining somewhere else."
Just remember, even if no one knows you, theres someone out there(me) that really cares about you.
I'll be here if anyone ever needs comfort for anything! I am a safe space!!!!
never be afraid to talk to m, really! I'm like a bat! I'm more scared of you than you are of me!!!!
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