#so i was like ok i dont want my dad to feel left out even though he could also like initiate it and say yo my daughter is turning 30
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lalalenii · 1 month ago
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normanssurvivalsite · 1 year ago
Could I request a third part of the prince? I love it!
Yeah I might have forgot to mention I do in fact take requests😎
Actually ya'll have been loving the prince series and I was wondering if you want me to making it into like a full blown story like following the series events and what not, or like just a little series of cute scenarios?
Let me know.
The prince (part 3)
(Alastor x male reader)
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Currently you were arguing with your father. Since the moment he found out you are dating Alastor he was not happy, to say the least.
"Why the sudden urge to leave? Is it not good here anymore because I can clean up the rubber ducks-"
"No dad thats not the point I just think I'm old enough to move out and Charlie has her hotel with a lot of rooms, and I mean I guess her dream is not that impossible-"
"Yeah right, like I'm going to believe that you just want to move in with that bambi of yours" he scoffed
"Dont call him- thats not- ok fine yeah, I want to move in with Alastor why is that such a problem I am a grown ass adult I can do as I please." And with that you left the room to pack.
"I swear, he still thinks I am a kid." You were pacing in Alastor's room while he was sitting on a couch and calmly drinking tea.
"He let Charlie go?? Why not me why cant I do what I want with my life" you continued your angry ranting while unpacking you clothes.
At this point you were basically moved in with Alastor. You had all your stuff there you just needed to unpack, which he solved with a flick of his wrist. You could have done that too, but your father raised both you and your sister to not be careless with the amount of power you have, also you were busy rambling.
"*sigh*...thank you honey." You said quietly as you took a seat next to him slumping into the couch.
Alastor looked at you. Till now he was just half listening to you ramble and he thought you would feel better once you let it out and you two could cuddle but right now you looked even more sad, defeated even.
This did not sit right with him. If there was anything he hated most was seeing you sad or hurt.
He took a hold of your hand and put his other one on your cheek to guide your head to look at him.
"My dear, this issue will be resolved just as any other, you will make up with your father." He reassured you with a smile.
"I know but than it will start again, and I'm starting to feel like he will never accept you even though you are so important to me and... it's just too much right now, I'm sorry I need to be alone." And with that you left.
There it was again. That stinging feeling in his chest. Alastor had to take matters into his own hands.
You walked down the stairs and took a seat by the bar.
"Damn kid, rough day?" Asked Husk as you put your head into your hands and groaned.
"Thats one way to put it, can you please get me a whisky on the rocks" you said in your ever so kind voice.
Husk liked you. On contrary to your father and older sister you were calm, quiet and well spoken. All this while still having the heart of gold they have as well.
He never understood how a charming young man such as yourself would find himself in a relationship with a demon like Alastor.
During your numerous visits to the Hotel you have talked to Husk a lot and you two became really good friends. The same went for Angel who usually joined you guys. You three usually sat by the bar chatting for hours.
"Hi (Y/N)," you heard Angels voice approaching as you sipped on your whisky. He took a seat next to you and shared a quick kiss with Husk. You chuckled to yourself quietly, you have been rooting for the two from the very beginning and when they finally got together you were so happy you shedded a few tears.
"Hi Angel" you gave him a small smile but he saw through it.
"Aww, toots hard times?" He asked as Husk handed him his drink.
"It's a long story" you answered.
"We got time" said Husk encouragingly.
You smiled a little than started telling the story.
Alastor was on his way to find Charlie. He needed to solve the situation or he had to gauge his own eyes out so he doesn't have to see you sad.
He figured if he got your father to come to the hotel you can talk things out. As well as, he is going to try and make an effort not to be a complete ass with him but Lucifer has to try and be nice as well, for your sake.
He needed Charlie for this because if Alastor asked Lucifer to come he would not. However if Charlie asked, he'd be there in a second.
"Oh Charlie?" He wondered into the princess's room.
"Yes? OH Alastor HI how is my brother doing?" She asked with excitement. She was more than thrilled that her little brother is going to move into her hotel.
"Not so well I'm afraid I acquire your assistance to make him feel better"
"What? Whats the problem is he ok? Did you hurt him? Alastor I do not care how helpful you are around here if you hurt my little brother-" Her eyes started glowing red as her hair was swept into the air and her horns started to show.
Before this could go any further Alastor cut her off.
"My dear, rest assured I would kill hell's entire population and my self before causing any harm to your darling brother." He said calmly.
"Oh, then whats the problem?" Asked Charlie now calm.
And so Alastor explained everything to Charlie.
When Alastor and Charlie knocked on her father's door there was no answer. They looked at one another and Charlie checked if it was open. It was, so they could go in without problems.
"Hello? Dad?" Yelled Charlie as her voice echoed in the huge mansion.
"YOU, It's your fault you took them away from me" they heard as they looked to their right.
In seconds Alastor was tackled to the floor with a very angry Lucifer on top.
When Charlie registered what she was seeing she started to pull her father off of the Radio demon to almost no avail. The devil wouldn't budge.
Lucifer was not happy. He was yelling in his demon form wings out and fire spewing from his mouth.
Everyone stopped. You were standing in the door looking at the scene before you, baffled.
You rarely raised your voice, so to hear it this loud and clear shocked most people in the room.
You cleared your throat. And said in your normal calm voice again.
"Can we talk in private."
Lucifer calmed down and followed you into the room you left to.
When he entered the room to his surprise, you hugged him.
"Listen dad, I understand that both of your kids growing up is hard for you, and I'm sorry for leaving you alone but I need my space I'm starting to live my life and its with Alastor because I love him."
You said in a very gentle tone.
Your dad looked at you for some time then hugged you again.
"You really love him, kiddo?" He looked at you with understanding eyes as he let go.
"I do, dad I really do." You answered.
Your dad sighed. He took a hold of your hands.
"All that matters to me is that you are happy. I'm sorry I have been such a jerk about it but...it's so hard to let you kids go, you will always be my babies" He sniffed lightly.
You chuckled at that and squeezed his hands.
"Can you please make an effort to not hate Alastor?" You tried.
He groaned.
"Yeah, yeah I'll see what I can do but he needs to be cooperative"
You walked out of the room.
Charlie stood up with tears in her eyes and hugged you both.
"Oh...the walls are thin here aren't they?" You asked as you looked at your dad.
"Yeaaah, forgot to mention that."
"You guys, I'm so happy you made up are we ok now?" She asked between sniffles.
"Yeah, we are ok" you smiled at your dad.
After your sister let you go from her crushing embrace Alastor walked up to you.
"I- listen no pressure about saying-" he cut you off by swapping you off your feet into a breathtaking kiss.
"I...I love you too, darling" he said quietly, without the radio statics, he said it in his real voice, as he put his forehead on yours.
"OK, see, I promised to be nice but there is no need to rub it in my face" your father said as he dragged you away.
Alastor straightened up and, with the static back in his voice and an eye twitching, he held his hand out to your father.
"I promise to make an effort to not murder you" he smiled eerily at your dad.
Lucifer had a brooding expression on his face but shook the radio demons hand none the less.
"Thank you." You said at last as you hugged both of them. They hugged you back. While glaring at each other behind your back.
Sure they are gonna make an effort. When you're looking.
I really hope you like it again thank you for the request.
Also please let me know if y'all want any of what I mentioned in the beginning.
When Alastor's staff broke and he started talking w/o the statics I was ON MY KNEES.
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clemelntine · 4 months ago
Heart killers ep 4 uncohesive stray thought
With to many screenshots cuz I keep taking more
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A better view of what is now confirmed to be a cross with a cross necklace on it. He hasn't shown to be religious in any way. It could just be storytelling purposes or he's into shit like that (sexually)
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Why tf does he sleep on a mattress in what seems to be the middle of a living room
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I don't want to be rude to Style or his dad but Style is on of the most obviously queer men I've seen in a while. But also nice to see an openly gay character with (realistically) supportive dad
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What's with the matching emblem on their shirt? Like I get their friends but why this episode? Could have been foreshadowing for them ending up in the same situation in the end. But also Fadel destroying this shirt might indicate that Styles relationship with Fadel will get in the way of his friendship with Kant (or the other way around)
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It's very difficult to make laying on your back not look akward. Dunk can't do it.
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A little side plot for the boys, very fun
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Omg its Paul!!
I really hope that Babe and Knot will have more stuff, I'm really curious what their acting is like and I think two innocent young characters wrapped up into the older fours world of lies could be a really interesting story, and motivated for the four to be/do better. Also maybe a lil father/brother figure time for the four. I'm a lil sappy, what about it
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Yeah hes selfish but has okay morals we get it
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Said the two decieving criminals to eachother. Hopping that ig is foreshadowing of some sorts for them saving each other near/in the end.
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Okayy, our first official boyfriends
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Interesting, in contrast with the scene of Fadel taking the pin of Style
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Oh its his 10 things i hate about you poem. Although he only said i dont like 7 times (catherine said it 10, fadel did list 10 things, if you count the things he said after 'and' as separate). Also i guess "i dont like that i miss you" is his "i hate that i dont hate you"? Or maybe it is unfinished and well get a more fleshed out confession scene when they both like each other
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I haven't felt this way since the bad buddy rooftop kiss.
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Oh don't make me cry
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Oh, Style with his hand in Fadels pants. An interesting development, might have to ad that on to my post about the other nc scenes weve seen from them.[god am i really gonna dedicafe my blog to joongdunk sex scenes]
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Why does he have soap dispensers attached to his shower wall
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Ah cmon , i was in my feelings dont drag me back to the reality of lies like this.
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Look at how cute they are. Look at the potential. They better get this heartbreak over quickly so we can get to healing and being happy.
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Oh god, they were not even that young when their parents died.
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No, I think it was lilly actually. This is going to negatively impact this shit so much.
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Cmon Style, you were my only kinda earnest character left.
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Both physically and morally (engaging woth Fadel, lying to him, is something he didn't want to do.Going further than he intended to)
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Wait is this the person from Kants previous marraige? Thailand has legalized gay marriage for less then a year and were already doing divorces.
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How tf does he know
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Ok kinda cool tattoo. Blacking that out will actually low key look really ugly. Just a dark blob behind his ear
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Wait he has a different gay (rainbow) necklace now. It's bigger
Bison is starring to doubt Kant more while Fadel is staring to trust Style more.
Favorite scene:
FadelStyle in the woods ofcourse
Big brother Kant was also very cute tho
Also if anyone is wondering I took 87 (successful) screenshots this episode
And idk if anybody actually follows my blog and updates about heartkiller. But I'm gonna have to take a break next week cuz I have exams :( . After that I will have more time to watch different bl tho.
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missmarveledsblog · 7 months ago
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SUMMARY: now at home while the guys navigate to looking after her in her recovery while she navigates  her feelings to her new friend and now roommate since he was staying in the spare room to begin  while also learning to  get used to her new temporary life  not being able to do much .  
warning : adding the roommate trope  to the list , the two get closer more flirty this chapter, we're getting there promise . mention of injuries , mutual pining , idiot in love  flirty tension.  little angst  but more of  goofy part to be honest . reader is in wheelchair after the accident but not permanently .
Once again the men left , some to get food while went, hangman and rooster wanted to stay it was new to see him like that and had her head reeling .
" so what weren't you telling me that little head thinking about " sarah asked .
" caught that huh" .
" caught the goo goo eyes at the tall blonde too" she winked .
" oh jake hang man i caught that too " maria simpson giggled .
" we've notice it even when she said she couldn't stand him" penny laughed .
" he beat up a dude twice for her ... dont tell your husband" nat gulp looking at maria .
" lips are seal wow how romantic" .
" yeah it was kinda bad ass .. don't tell hangman" she looked at y/n .
" wait he's the other one that requested leave to help her too" maria asked.
" does your husband tend to gossip like a high schooler this much" y/n asked shocked.
" only when it matters" she smirked .
" well i approve and i know your mom , tom , nick and carol would too" sarah smiled warmly .
"oh carol would be setting them up" penny nodded .
" oh honey whats wrong" they asked hearing a little cry .
" i miss them all so much" she sniffled starting to feel a little loopy too
. " they're here in spirit" penny kissed her head as sarah wiped her tears .
" i know but still" she cried harder.
" oh shit we broke her" nat joked. "Don't make me laugh it hurts" she sniffled .
" hey what's wrong darling" jake rushed to her side as the women shared smiles.
" i want my dead people back" she cried .
" what" rooster snorted .
" your mom, her mom , your dad and her husband " nat explained as they tried to not laugh.
" sorry it's not funny" sarah shook her head before they start laughing again .
" she get her meds" rooster asked.
" half an hour ago" penny wiped her eyes crying from laughing so much .
" explains it" jake smiled down helping her get comfortable .
" come on we let her settle,get coffee" nat herded them out the room including bradley.
" jake anyone ever tell you that your like a real life ken doll and g.i joe rolled into" she asked slightly dopey smile on her face.
" think you did couple times darling" he smirked .
" darling ugh i love that" she copied his accent .
" ok go sleep you" he laughed .
" so pretty i ever tell you , your pretty" she asked. " nope you did not unless pretty annoying counts" . " so pretty handsome pretty" she said dosing off . " think your beautiful darling" he whispered. "AWHH" he turned to see them all standing there . " not a word of this" he rolled his eyes.
Two week she was in hospital , she'd met the good samaritan charlie and his wife them giving her their number and address to keep in touch which she promised she would . Cops also visiting her taking her statement and let her know they caught the man who apparently was also drunk when he hit her only reason they knew was he crashed into a wall after a car chase that day and also was unharmed which she felt was like a kick in the gut since she was still in hospital and it was going to take at least ten more week of recovery also physiotherapy. But she was going home she sat as the beautiful nurse ruby went over after care as her dad , bradley and jake listened intently although the nurse gaze lingered on bradshaw the longest . when she finished she had her number over to the man incase he has more question .
" go roo" she cheered.
" you missy keep in touch too , i wasn't lying when i said you were my favourite patient although i will say my fellow nurses will miss the eye candy" she giggle as she hugged y/n .
" don't worry can't get rid of me but i will send some beach shots " she winked .
" sweetheart you little perv" jake laughed .
" hey what nurse ruby wants she gets after her excellent care" .
" don't be a stranger but also don't end up in here either" again her eyes lingered on rooster before she left.
" ok lets go push me i may be free but i'm not fully mobile yet" she cheered .
" you sure your in a rush darling we're riding in the bronco" jake asked.
" hey leave my baby along bagman" he gasped.
" it's not a bike but it will do" she sighed itching to get moving .
" i'm buying you a car any car you want princess" mav joked although she could sense the seriousness to it too .
" i guess these are only wheels i need for now huh" she looked down at the wheelchair.
" well then lets get rocking and rolling hot wheels" . " jesus christ bradley" the other two men hissed as her and roo laughed their ass off out the room .
Pulling up to her drive way was exciting , seeing the dagger squad standing a make shift sign in their hands along with penny and amelia. " hey where the ramp come from" her head tilted .
" bob got it , it's only temp one" rooster got out the car to get her only jake got their first.
" i gotcha" he smiled lifting her out of the car and into the chair.
hey look my new wheels" she said .
" oh your home finally" nat bounced towards her taking the chair from hangman and pushing her to the house.
" i mean i glad to be out of there but i think we might see a face around if someone grows a pair that is" she called back words targeted bradley.
" not only one who should grow a pair" he smirked at jake who glared at him . he was happy she didn't hear it or see how red his cheeks were.
The house was sparkling , looking around to see they cleaned it from top to bottom that was till her eyes stopped on the helmet that sat scratched , broken and in rough shape on coffee table .
" shit bob i told you hide that" .
" is it here?" she asked looking around at the pained faces.
" the garage when your ready" rooster crouched down to her level. " i wanna see it".
" no come on just enjoy being home pretty girl it can wait" .
" either someone brings me or i bring myself i wanna see it" she snapped .
" come on i wanna see it too" mav sighed.
" mav no she not.." .
" i got her" he said knowing she wasn't gonna give up . she was quiet as he wheeled her to the garage opening the door he but stopping turning to her.
" you sure?" and yet the words wouldn't come from her mouth so she nodded. He opened the door and closed it once they were inside he almost moved in slow motion walking over and pulling the sheet back . a gasp escaped her lips taking in the wreckage , lucky was an understatement as she looked at the completely destroyed machine. The way part hung off or the metal bent and scratched beyond repair but it in perspective of how close to never seeing her loved ones again. Her lip trembling and the sobs broke free , gut wrenching cries that made her dad snap out of his shock state and cover the bike before his arms wrapped around his daughter.
i got you sweet girl , daddy's got you" he repeated his own emotions getting best of him.
" get rid of it please daddy get rid of it" she hiccuped through the sobs that echoed through the room pleading like when she was little afraid of the monster in her closet or under the bed , she didn't care the other would hear them . " get rid of it" she begged.
" i will sweet girl lets get you into the house" he wiped his own face before the door that connected from house opened .
"i got her chair" rooster said not daring to look at the sheet it was evident on his face he was crying , they all were not a dry eye in the house when she looked around the room .
" i ruined the mood" she sniffled. " damn dust" rooster said swatting around them making her laugh only for the others to copy . " ok dustbusters lunch time" nat rolled her own teary eyes .
The mood restored as they ate food , she listened and laughed as they explained the trial and errors of setting her ramp up .
" cyclone said it was easy" bob held his hand up in defence .
" it was once we got the hang of it" fanboy fell over he was laughing so hard.
" wanna play on it later really test it out " .
" not in my chair you giants will break it"she yawned.
" she looks tired" nat face looked her over.
" med time too" bradley checked his watch.
" but i was having fun" she whined.
" we'll be back tomorrow hotstuff" nat winked.
" come on" jake lift her up and out of the room as she called good bye to others. " jesus in that much of a rush to get me to bed" she asked still waving at her friends leaving
. " know me too well sweet heart" he chuckled . she couldn't help miss her room and her bed but something was very different .
" why is there a baby monitor on my bed side table " her head tilt looking at the machine confused.
" chicken got them incase you need him during the night" .
" ooh that is clever.. Don't tell him i said that" she giggled.
" too late pretty girl wanna say it again only this time i can record it keep it with me for ever" he chuckled walking in pills in one hand and water bottle in the other .
" bagman do the honours i'm going to text ruby think i'm forgetting something" he said handing over them over .
" forgot my ass he misses the pretty nurse" jake handed her them as she laughed and groaned . " i miss being able to laugh with out pain" she pouted .
" they should help for now with that" jake smiled holding the bottle for her and she drank it back .
" can you sit with me til i sleep i kinda got use to it in the hospital" . " course i will sweetheart" .
He should of left an hour ago but yet he couldn't every little sound he was checking if she was ok .
" bagman the spare room is made up for you over" roosters voice called through the monitor.
" their not walkie talkies man , i'll head in now thanks.... Over" he chuckled giving her one more check before .
" goodnight darling" he whisper leaning down to kiss her head.
" awwhh cutie over" .
" creep" he shook his head walking out the door only to open door to spare room and rooster standing there.
" i figure you wanted them tonight , night lover boy" rooster patted his back heading to his own room .
" night bird brain " he rolled his eyes . " your good friend" he added closing the door . routinely he checked on her during the night from her to her injuries making sure the dressing were clean and she wasn't in pain then he went to sleep .
"Roo i need help" she whined sending him to his feet and into her room not caring he was in just his underwear.
" what's wrong , where hurts?" he began checking her over as she was completely taking off guard of half naked man in her room .
" where's roo" she asked forcing her eyes to his face .
" sleep what ya need, i can do it" he asked softly. " i need to pee" she whispered.
" i'll get rooster" he laughed heading out the room as it appeared both men decided to forgo clothes to be . wordlessly rooster lifted her half a sleep and to the toilet and back before some from of grunt and back to bed.
" oddly more efficient and less annoying half asleep" she giggled. " also why you here" she asked still trying to keep her eyes on his face although she did let them flicker .
" well i'm taking your spare room while you recover so get used to me being around" he shrugged trying to come off as confident but honestly he was a little nervous.
" he put the monitors in your room huh?" she asked seeing how nice her ceiling suddenly was .
" yeah i don't mind even if you snore like a hornet either" he teased .
" i do not snore like a super hornet , more like a kitten" she mused although her cheek felt on fire at possibility of her snoring in his ear though a monitor.
" no kitten don't shake the walls" he teased .
" that's clearly roo" she rolled her eyes .
" go sleep i'll wait til you are snoring" he wink loving the sound of her laugh or the little blush on her cheeks .
" no go before ROO's snoring keeps you awake night jake" she yawned. " night darling" he laughed heading to his temporary room .
" i ain't saying it man just pretend you didn't hear it , she enough on her problem without mine" she awoke to jake's voice as sun peaking in the curtains . it only felt like she closed her eyes and yet it was now morning .
" come on man just tell her she can help" .
" help with what why are you fighting this early" she groaned as they walked in fully clothed this time.
" jake needs help with something" rooster help her sit up although she wasn't fully awake and still groggy from her meds .
" it's nothing sweetheart ignore him" jake held the tray with her breakfast .
" ok you two are yelling and waking me up so tell me and give me real coffee" she yawned.
" he need a place to stay and won't ask" rooster spoke up .
" ok take spare room , coffee now" she grumbled .
"your using it anyways so just go with guys later to get your stuff while nat bathes me now bitches stop and coffee me " she said.
" told you" rooster stuck his time out. " coffee" she whined .
"shit sorry , you sure" he asked waiting til she drank it.
" yeah you'll be staying while i recover so why not just same as roo for rent and help towards bills and groceries" she said happier after her coffee.
" sorry for waking you pretty girl" bradley finally said. " nah its ok it's only ... 11 am what the hell" she wanted to rub her eyes but couldn't hole lack of mobility was killing her dramatic flare.
" thanks sweetheart" jake smiled. "Yeah next time don't be all bashful i maybe broken but i can still be useful ... can someone wipe my eyes" she asked sweetly.
she sat now cleaned on her bed at first the thought of being bathed at home well honestly was weird and yet funny as they wrapped the casts in plastic bags . " that was so good thank you feels nice to be clean and home" she sighed happily sitting on her bed as nat dried her hair.
" no problem although i didn't expect to come and find jake was moving in this morning you move quick"she laughed.
" not like that although he came into my room in just his boxer i think i died a little although so did roo not the same affect i mean think that cause he's my big brother in a way" she laughed.
" so half naked nurses " she giggled.
" i mean can't complain i don't think anyone would nat i could die with the hotness" she sighed dramatically.
" shh that's the front door" she laughed.
" new rule no shirts allowed" she yelled out . "your father is here perv" rooster yelled back.
" that's medication dad" she winced.
" i'll pretend i didn't hear it" he chuckled.
" do we take out shirts of or not" .
"keep your clothes on fanboy" the two girl burst into tear of laughter.
" hey was worth a shot" she snorted only for nat to hit the floor and guys rushing out.
" oh it's just phoenix" bradley said relieved .
" here let me help you up" mav held his hand out.
" love you too bradshaw" she snickered.
" what has gotten into you two" .
"we were watching magic mike" nat lied easily.
" got my own show of it last night" she whispered .
" i didn't heard that either" her dad walked out.
" what she say" .
Monday came as she and bradley called their goodbye to jake eating their breakfast in her bed starting their morning at home . they watched countless hours of trash tv to the point they were taking score of the lie detector and paternity test result what was unexpected was how good rooster was at calling it .
" HAHA he fail i said it" she cheered .
" ok you won this times but i got the rest right pretty girl i know my trash tv".
" ok that's sad roo , this is sad" she looked at what they were doing .
" want to watch a movie or we could take you on a spin around the block .
" fresh air would be nice but i need to get dressed" she said sadly.
" and i've changed you drunk a lot in the past " he shrugged.
" i don't have a bra on" .
" i'll close my eyes pretty pst i got this" he smiled confidently.
He didn't have it not even close to it first he got it stuck before he put it on her head , then it got stuck on her arm which when he tried it hurt her so he had to look which was awkward as hell for both of them .
" we don't speak of it" she said as he wheeled her out the room .
" speak of what now" jake walked in the front door.
" i saw her boobs" bradley shuddered.
" that's not speaking of it and there not bad don't shake like that" .
" what me to show you mine make it even" he joked.
" no i seen them enough" she shuddered.
" see you did it too" he laughed.
" ok kids what are you doing" jake asked.
" oh walk around the block hot wheels here has cabin fever" bradley explained .
"scar face is right i can't take anymore paternity test and lie detectors" she pouted.
" you wanna take her i'll get lunch started" bradley asked .
" yeah sure i'm finished for day anyways" jake threw his bag down and took her chair.
" you can't cook , he gonna burn the house down" she yelled .
" i seen your boobies" he called making her shut up instantly.
" next time you play magic mike sweet heart give me heads up" jake teased .
" hard to magic mike it when you can barely move one arm and not move the other" she rolled her eyes.
Fresh air was so needed , seeing the birds in the sky or bees in the flower . even just feeling the slight breeze in her hair it was magical . little thing she missed being stuck at home or in the hospital . she missed work to itching to get back to being in the hanger, she loved her job and it suck not being about to do what she loved.
" what going on that pretty head of yours" jake asked instantly taking her attention funny she well not hated but didn't like him and now she looked forward to seeing him .
" pretty careful might think you don't hate me" she joked.
" never did wise ass" he laughed.
" fair anyways this all of it being out and enjoying the world instead of watching it out the window" she took as deep breathe letting it fill her lungs.
" you'll be running around in no time darling back to the hike least this time you won't ignore me" he chuckled.
" yeah i was an ass" she shook her head slightly guilty of her behaviour .
" nah i deserved it i was the ass" he said softer.
" we are both asses you can be left cheek and ill be right since it's my good side". " plus hard too ignore you ... being the account of you being so blonde i mean" she backtracked .
" hmm i don't think that's what you meant sweet heart do explain" he came closer she could feel his breathe on the back of her neck .
" i'm medicated don't let it go to your head bagman" she narrowed her eyes at him .
" nuh uh none of that i like my name coming from those pretty lips" he didn't know how it turned this way but he was enjoying the flirty tone.
" hey i'm broken you don't need to flirt cause you feel bad" she fake sniffled .
" ain't flirting cause your broken ..." .
" oh y/n your home bradley never said" an elderly woman came over to the two.
" hey mrs wilson i sure am" she smiled at her old neighbour .
" how are you doing dear" she gave a pity filled smile. " oh well intact sort of but i'm here" .
" who is this fine young man" she cooed batting her lashes.
" jake seresin ma'am nice to meet you" he shook her hand and y/n though the woman was melt on spot because she was same lately.
" jake actually new room mate naval aviator like roo not young though" she giggled . " but fine huh" he whispered in her ear making her gulp.
" oh she is very red maybe bring her in out of the sun" the woman worriedly checked her over.
" oh god kill me ... i mean i'm fine i'm fine" her voice went all pitchy only adding to the flush .
" best be going" jake held the laugh in .
" i'm medicated" she hissed.
" hey pretty girl med time come on" rooster called from their porch.
"oh kill me now."
taglist : @harrysgothicbitch , @djs8891
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stolentrekblr · 12 days ago
Trekblr Community Reaction
I have wanted to compile reactions from the community for a while now, and today I finally made it happen. I have not editorialized anything, doing my best to copy reactions as written. Without further ado:
i love accs like this and the people behind them. the dedication to search for stuff like this and bring it home. sounds absolutely maddening and i salute them. to sift through garbage theft accs… doing the lords work
idk if i should feel honored or not, at least my username is there lol. this is very funny to me. like i dont even use facebook anymore
Omg they erased the last sentence. Lmao. I mean if you’re gonna steal my posts at least include the entire thing. It’s literally the least you could do
chat should we kill them?
OMGOD IVE MADE IT!!! this is crazy because i feel like my dad might actually see my star trek posts LMFAO. he's always on there. this is a big moment
I don't have a problem with reposts of my stuff if the watermark/username is included, but I appreciate the spirit of what you're doing
Nice sentiment but i really don't want people on facebook to have a link to my tumblr blog. thank god it's uncredited... been around a while my posts are always being stolen
The person Im thinking of flat out took OC memes from me and passed off my captions as his own. He gave me credit once from what I've seen and then the other times it looks like he made it up himself. I'm all for tossing memes out there and letting them be wild and free, but this guy twists it and uses it to beg for money on his page. He's got the lobes.
Why did they censor my pfp but not my username WHAT
damn. ig im famous now. better start lining up for autographs
People are posting me to Facebook???????
Damn... I'm not even mad about this tbh... someone thought my stupid post was good enough to steal and put on a facebook group 🤣🤣
You know what I'm ok with Facebook enjoying this one I appreciate it being edited over them
This has never happened to me before
I honestly don’t mind seeing screen shots of my posts showing up elsewhere, it’s inevitable, but the nature of a screenshot shows the source of the post as well as the OP. But this crap is blatant plagiarism. Obviously this person is on tumblr, so I hope they see this. Please do better and have a smidgeon of integrity. Just give credit? It’s really not difficult? Thanks @stolentrekblr for the effort here.
Yooooo this is wild! Glad people like it I guess
This one ALMOST gives credit. But not quite. Could’ve just typed my handle in the post 🤷‍♀️ super easy, barely an inconvenience.
Come on... Just type "credit: *tumblr handle of the OP*" It's so easy not to be a spineless thief.
The watermark 🙄🙄
keep doing your thing op. you're like an archeologist but instead of screaming about how it belongs in a museum you are adamantly making sure people know where these things came from. i can't even fucking imagine the searching you have to do to find these posts. earlier today i couldn't find a post i had seen yesterday. keep it up!
I tracked down a post of mine that you found reposted on the data FB page, and left them a comment. "Hey look, its my post! didn't even crop out my tumblr url lmao. it was much more popular on my blog tho (1,817. notes)" They did not respond. 😒 It only got 344 reactions and 6 comments on the data page though... that page has like 38k followers... at least my posts do well when I post them myself on the Star Trek Shitposting page 🤣
I've made it. I have arrived. I got my 5 second shitpost lifted and put on another social media site, complete with a hazy photo overlay. I have won at Tumblr. I can rest now. I can rest.
Ohh yeah, this guy's a real loser. It's the WATERMARK for me 🙄
ahh wow Ive never had a post escape containment before!! did they at least link back?
I am touched ^-^
plagiarism is the real problem. it gets worse when you see someone profit off the passions of other people in a fandom
well damn. and i'm here looking for employment...
sad to see someone else repost on fb and even watermark it. seriously what is up with the watermark over a screenshot of a tumblr post
Yeah. I think you're doing good work. I think exploitation is so baked into society that some people don't even realize when they are using the free labor of others for their own gain.
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amaramizuki666 · 2 years ago
Dp x DC crossover
Ok so deaged danny plus bad parents jack and maddie. In Gotham. Here is my take. So sam invited danny and tucker to tag along to a gala with her because while the Fenton parents didnt try and hurt danny when he came out of the ghost closet, she didnt want to leave him with them for 3 weeks alone. So they go and guess who is also there, vlad.
Vlad cornered danny and used a relec he took from the ghost zone. He was told it would make danny more susceptible to suggestion. But instead it deaged him to a 8 years old.
Vlad thought he could work with this and tryed to grab danny. But danny bit him and bolted, Vlad chased after him. Danny ended up running into one Richard 'dick' grayson, known to the public as dear ol richie.
Dick would look at him and be like "you ok kiddo did you loose your parents?" Snd before 8 y/o Danny could reply vlad would show up and put his hand on Danny's shoulder to keep him in place like "sorry young wayne this boy is mine, he is quite the truble maker. Now Daniel and I must be heading home, come Daniel".
Danny looks up to dick with tears welling up in his big ice blue eyes and wails "please help this creepy man wont leave me alone". Dick looks at masters with a blank face "mister masters, I dont belive you have a child" he says in a cold polite voice.
Danny shrugs off vlads grip and runs over to dick and hides behind him. "L..look I assure you he is mine, he just wants attention" vlad trys to say but dick is having none of it, vlad is rubbing him the wrong way. "Please dont belive him he isnt my dad, hes really creepy and a frootloop" danny cried clutching onto the back of dicks shirt.
"Mister master I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" dick says coldly standing protectively in front of danny when vlad takes a step closer. Danny sticks his head out from behind dick "you heard him be gone frootloop" he says sticking out his toung. Vlad takes his leave all huffy.
Dick turns and kneels down to Danny's level "you ok kid?" He asks and danny wiles away his (crocodile) tears "yeah thanks for scareing off the frootloop" he says smiling. Dick looks down at the black haird blue eyed child "sooooo where are your parents" he asks. "Um at home" danny says "and who are you here with?" Dick asks "my freinds" danny says happily.
"And your freinds parents?" He asks "at home" danny says. Dick thinks there are more small children running around the gala unattended now. "And your parents are ok with you being here?" Dick asks "they probably havent even noticed I left" danny says. Dick sighs in concerned big brother. He feels the need to pull a bat and get the kids parents.
Jeez if dick ends up pulling a bruce his siblings would never live it down. "Come on kid let's find your freinds yeah".
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paingoes · 18 days ago
(in the earth college AU where Paris has a complete psychotic break during his sophomore year and drops out of school and his nepo FBI internship so he can instead backpack w lorelai across eurasia for her travel vlog)
[iphone 8 with busted screen rings 5 times before he picks up]
paris: what
paris: if this is about the phone bill i already told you i would pay it
paris: also can you quit sending your fucking minions to spy on me you motherfuckers glow in the dark
constantine: It’s incredible to me that you’ll take any pill a junkie hands you without even stopping to read the label, but you somehow can’t manage to get your hands on any anti-psychotics.
paris: fuck off
constantine: No. Just how inflated is your sense of self importance that you seriously think I would waste resources watching you?
constantine: You were on the news.
paris: oh
paris: look did you need something
constantine: Do you remember Delta?
paris: yes i fucking remember delta what
paris: did he cure cancer
paris: did he solve cold fusion
paris: what is it what bullshit did he do that you  are going to lord over me this time im a fucking adult it doesnt work anymore
constantine: He is wanted for suspicion of terrorism.
paris: repeat that
constantine: Yes, he is wanted in connection to a left wing terror cell.
constantine: It’s not ambiguous either, off-record.
constantine: We’ve got him dead to rights.
paris: what the fuck
paris: you said wanted, though?
constantine: Yes. Whereabouts unknown.
constantine: I was wondering if he’d been in contact with you at all.
constantine: Or with the girl, more likely.
paris: “the girl” what like you dont know her fucking name  
paris: and what do you mean more likely
paris: kinda dont love what you’re implying 
constantine: What do you think I’m implying?
paris: no i havent heard from him since graduation and neither has lorry
constantine: He was over the house that summer.
paris: okay yeah i meant since then
paris: dude don’t fucking interrogate me over this shit, no, we’re not in touch
constantine: Did he ever say anything to you?
paris: my fucking god, what? no. i plead the fifth, what the fuck are you doing?
constantine: It was just a question. Why are you getting defensive?
paris: cause im not fucking stupid
paris: what did he even do
constantine: Cybercrime — and a lot less carefully than I would have expected from him. He left fingerprints all over the place.
paris: what the fuck
paris: …i mean thats kinda ballsy of him all things considered
constantine: Is it?
constantine: Is terrorism considered “ballsy” to you?
paris: haha i feel like i shouldnt answer that
paris: this call is definitely being recorded isnt it
constantine: All my calls are recorded.
paris: ok bye dad great hearing from you
constantine: And you owe me 3000 now, if you’re even keeping track.
[call ends]
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udkmehahaha · 5 months ago
Hey there, you expressed that you are open to talk about byler so I hope it’s ok that I ask you :D I was wondering how you deal with byler / duffer doubt, if you have doubts at all?
The last time I was emotionally invested in a ship was with Sherlock and John back in the day,,, and that ended up being heartbreaking, so I‘m afraid of this happening again..
Especially since I see some parallels with the way a lot of people look at the writers, I think? The writers of Sherlock were also thought to be these great detail oriented writers, who craft the narrative so wonderfully subtle … and with Sherlock it turned out that they were not these writers we imagined them to be at all…
I’m also afraid that I just project my own feelings onto Mike, my queer gaze haha
But it’s a comfort for me to know that el will have her arc of independence, cause she obviously deserves to explore the world and herself and not just stay with the first guy who stumbled upon her! :D it also comfort‘s me that will‘s feelings for Mike will have to be addressed even more in s5
Do you have anything to comfort you? Or are you very convinced?
i think everyone has their fair share of byler doubt moments, but for the most part, i truly believe that byler will become a thing for 3 reasons.
1. byler is the only ship in the show handled with SO MUCH CARE. the van scene took a whole DAY to film, and the writers, directors, and the crew (even the actors) all love this ship so much and you can see that through all the thought that is put into their scenes.
2. i always tell anti-bylers to rewatch the show and really dive deep into the mike/el/will love triangle because if you REALLY analyze, (and have some common sense) you will see with the way the characters have been written, the way the story has been going, it ALL adds up to mike and will being the end couple and if you dont want them to be the end couple then you dont want happiness for the characters.
3. since the beginning, we have been feeling bad for will. the poor kid went missing in an alternate dimension, had an abusive (later absent) father, gets bullied in school, got possessed by an evil monster and told people how to fix the problem even if it would end up killing him, got left behind by all of his friends, still has a connection to the place that will haunt his nightmares forever and likely will still have that connection until vecna is dead, got swerved a hug buy his best friend, got third wheeled (on his birthday) and is a gay kid in love with his best friend (and made us believe that his friend "does not reciprocate his love") in the 80's. so tell me, why would they make this kid suffer AND make him queer just for us to see him get heartbroken and sad in the end, because its a pretty known fact that without mike, will might likely never be happy, so why would they end up doing ALL OF THAT for will, just to see him lose in the end? that doesnt make sense, the audience is rooting for will, and vecna dying, healthy relationship with his family and friends, and being able to kiss mike on the mouth are the key things to make will happy.
honestly my only doubt it that the writers will just simply change their mind about it. 😭 or netflix will not let them do it. also this might sound crazy but sometimes i dread byler coming on screen because my dad is probably the most homophobic person ever and i dont want to deal with him talking about some "2025, they wanna make everyone gay so people will keep watching" and im just like no. you dont get it.
thank you for the question! keep sending more.
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camryntheking · 8 months ago
Season 5 reaction
5x01 and Buck and Eddie are already acting like a married couple lmao. But i can understand where the panic attack Eddie had came from. Buck is now just like a concerned husband
5x02 and Clipboard Buck! I love Clipboard Buck! And naturally the way to Buck’s heart is through the kids in his life. He is so precious. And he immediately picked up on Eddie’s panic when Ravi assumed Ana was Eddie’s wife. And then in the firetruck when Buck is talking about the zoo we learn that Buck takes Chris there all the time. Buck is Chris’ dad, and no one can tell me otherwise lol. And Eddie looks so proud. And Bobby is such a dad. Love him. And him and Athena are so cute together
Also, Eddie breaking up with Ana? That scene was also done well. And Eddie acknowledged that he was stringing her along, which is great. Terrible that he did it, but great that he admitted to it
And i just wanna point out that Kenny is such an amazing actor. The emotion he conveys during this whole arc of Maddie leaving is just… whew. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Also, i should have known that Buck knew. I do get Chim’s frustration. The punch shocked me ngl. But, i can see why he did it. I dont think punching was the answer, but like i said. I see why it happened. And naturally Eddie is the one he calls for help the next day. They are husbands your honor
5x05. I LOVE RAVI. “Probie, if you’re gonna vomit do it somewhere else.” “Copy!” *Scurries off.* I love him lmao
And Buck’s panic in 5x06 when he hears the gun shot. He immediately feared that Eddie had been shot again and ran out as fast as he could. And Bobby getting breakfast with Ravi 😭. I love Dad Bobby moments. And speaking of dads, Eddie and Chris 🥹. He loves his kid so much and my heart cant handle it
And Michael wanting to propose to David in 5x08!! The whole montage of the rings and outfits is so funny and i love them so much. And im so happy David said yes!!
The scene in 5x09 where May walks into Bobby and Athena is also fucking hilarious. And Bobby’s little shuffle to the bedroom is just so quirky. And then when he goes “why does this keep happening to you?” Then interrupts Buck and says “No. I’m gonna tell you why.” Bobby is Buck’s dad and i love him so much for it
And later Buck called Eddie out for watching telenovelas and it was so domestic. And Eddie was eating up the drama between Clive and Toni. He just loves it lol. And the episode made me dislike Taylor less. But i really feel like Buck said The Words just cos she did. I dont feel like they were genuine. That might just be me tho
Then in 5x10, Eddie is decorating with Chris and he is just doing as Chris says cos he wants him to be happy and im just melting. This man loves his kid so much and it just makes me so happy. Then Hen’s “baby’s first Christmas” comment to Buck made me chuckle, then I got distracted by the Appa plushie that someone handed Bobby. I love my flying bison sm. And Taylor asked Bobby if Buck would like the sweaters! Everyone knows that Bobby is Buck’s dad! And later Eddie is talking to Buck about Chris’ nightmare. Husbands. They both love their kid so much
Eddie looks so miserable at the beginning of 5x11 ☹️. Baby boy just wants to be fighting fires with his boyfriend. But dinner with Eddie, Chris, Buck, and Taylor kinda surprised me honestly. But ig it makes sense. “You dont need to pretend with me.” Ok. Imma cry now. Thats so sweet wtf. But he misses the 118 and feels left out and i feel for him. Also, drunk Buck is so funny lmao. And Hen is like another sister.
I can understand that Eddie is frustrated that Bobby isn’t letting him back into the 118 yet, but bringing up Bobby’s past like that was totally uncalled for
Im glad that Buck finally told Taylor about the kiss in 5x13, but i didnt even think about how he was kinda trapping her so she couldnt leave, which is. Not great. But i guess they are wanting to work through it so thats good. But the ending with Eddie’s breakdown made me wanna cry. He is going through so much and he wants to get better but he keeps hitting rough patches. But having Buck there to support him and Chris is so sweet and i love that Buck is willing to have those hard convos with Eddie.
And the breakfast scene in 5x14 with Chris and Eddie? These two have a special place in my heart and i cannot handle it lmao. And of course i type that only for it to be a nightmare 😭. But father figure Bobby also has my heart. And the scene with the heart drawings. So domestic
And Karen in 5x15 is so cute. “To catch a thief!” I love her lmao. And Eddie is learning from therapy! Im so proud of him! And Buck was giving total puppy energy during the wedding call. I love him so much.
And in 5x16 Bobby called May his kid!! Excuse me while i cry. And the Eddie/Linda friendship is just so, idk, refreshing? Idk if that is a good word for it but i really like the idea of him being friends with everyone at dispatch. My boy needs to get out there lol. Josh is also such a flustered homosexual and like. Me too. And Eddie was so ready to be back in firefighter mode. Buck being completely clueless about what to not say to a patient then Eddie just. Shaking his head. And May calls Bobby her dad 😭😭😭
5x17: Buck messing with Chris’ dinosaur while Eddie is packing, man there is just something so domestic about it. And the Chim and Hen friendship is so funny i love it so much. And i just really dislike Taylor. Also i know that we call Buck the golden retriever, but Eddie looked like such a kicked puppy when we was talking to his dad. But im glad they had a conversation and they want to do better
5x18: Im glad to see Eddie acknowledging how bottling things up isnt good, even if its in his joking manner. “I dont have your bone structure. I could never pull it off.” Bro im DEAD. Thats so funny to me. And my boy Ravi. Talking about having a partner is about knowing that they will have your back. Buck, takes notes. Cos who’s back did you promise to have? Hmm?? Then Buck talks about partners being at their lowest together and still working together and growing together. If that isnt foreshadowing idk what is. And Eddie is back at the 118!! Obviously i knew it was gonna happen but im still happy
And thats that for season 5! I dont really have any other additional thoughts, just that with things that happened in season 7, it just feels like there was some foreshadowing for Buddie. But i think we all know that
As always, feel free to discuss!
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idiotsonlyevent · 11 months ago
One day I'm going to write a fic about half foots and gender on the premise that chilchuck and his wife actually tried very hard to raise their daughters separate from the worst of half foot gender roles while still falling victim to those gender roles themselves, leading to the eventual collapse of their relationship wherein chilchuck is Emotionally Repressed but also due to being the family breadwinner has a fairly full life, which starts especially conflicting with chilwife once the kids are moved out because her life is now notably emptier and she's not really sure how to fill that space. But instead of directly stating this it ends up being articulated as like... extra fussing and worrying about chilchuck (because gender is a bitch and Proper Womanhood is frankly just a different mode of emotional repression), which he brushes off because like, he's fine? Both in the repressed way but also like. Genuinely he's doing pretty alright.
Which is why she leaves after meeting his coworkers. It's like that last straw of "my husband is out here having a Life and I have what? A house thats empty most of the time?" And from her perspective he's rebuffed her attempts to reach out, and she's played this role of wife and mother for so long now she doesn't actually know how to exist and communicate outside of it so she just... leaves.
Anyways. Sorry this is long I have a lot of thoughts on that gender flipped chilchuck image and the implications it has on gender roles for half foots. And also on the narrative framing of chilchuck admitting he doesn't know Why his wife left, implying that its the truth. And also that meijack is, as far as I have seen, the only female half foot not seen wearing a dress. And how we never see a female half foot in the dungeon.
(God fuck I'm still not done, I've gotta be clear that when I say chilchuck and his wife tried to raise the girls outside gender roles, that's not even in some like... chilchuck feminist moment way. It's in a "I think its narratively tasty if chilchuck and his older brother become the household breadwinners after their dad dies, and for chilchuck to not have thoughts about this until he has three daughters and suddenly he's realizing he doesn't want them to be dependent on their husbands or sons or uncles when he dies" kind of way)
YOU!!!!!!!!! YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!!!!!! this ask...
Tumblr media
"[chilchuck's] fine? Both in the repressed way but also like. Genuinely he's doing pretty alright." THISSSSS!!! this is exactly why i've started/scaffolded multiple chilfics, but havent gotten around to actually writing/finishing them; because i think he has so many hangups abt how he's been infantilized and dehumanized and used.... and his wife left him without SAYING ANYTHING and WE KNOW he's torn up as Fuck about it!!!!! there's a very real chance he feels really isolated and lonely, especially because he feels like he can't talk about it, and i dont even think he realizes!
like, i wouldn't be surprised if part of why he hates being 'treated like a kid' is because he doesn't want people 'taking care of him' - maybe because its 'his job' as the 'head of household ('oldest' in the party, in a sense); maybe because his wife used to take care of him and she left him so was it too much? was he too much work? maybe he feels like he doesn't deserve it? i wouldn't be surprised if he drinks not just to loosen up, but because it makes it easier to 'not think about it.'
like i don't think he's 'actually ok' but it's pretty well-concealed under a veneer of competence and stability that i... have no idea how to write that? like, yeah there's the drinking and the pushing people away. but also i think he's the type to drop some shit like 'i don't believe in romance because i'm unlovable' out of nowhere after being provoked/pissed off, and everyone's like '!?!;??!! HUH?!' like it's infiltrated his thinking in ways that he thinks is normal.... he doesn't even realize that his one massive blind spot is himself!
sorry THIS got long 😭 you 🤝 me > forever thinking about how passively important(?) gender is in dungeon meshi.... how, even though its unstated, different cultural expectations and associations w gender and genedered traits affect all of the characters in different ways.... getting a phd in dunmeshi-verse gender studies, brb 🫡
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saythewordheiress · 2 months ago
nobodys son, nobodys daughter
A/N: Hey y'all, so this takes place in the final gambit. You know when Toby was kidnapped and Eve was there and all that. its my first time writing so pleeaseee be nice. it takes a while to get to the javery parts pleasee sont hate me its my first time writing
synopsis—So basically Avery's dad dies and she doesn't let herself feel anything because her dad was never there and all that, you know? but Jameson knows that something's wrong, obviously. so he talks to avery about that
warnings: death
averys pov-
we were all in one of the 5 libraries in the Hawthorne house. the circular library. toby had been kidnapped and i had just gotten off the phone with his kidnapper. he told us to 'ruminate.'. libby went to make coffee, because that's what she did when things went wrong; she helped people. xander darted out of the room because, well, he was i started at the now-blank screen of my phone. it rang. it was an unknown number. not Toby's kidnappers. i wondered who it could be. i picked up and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I said causiously. a sweet sounding lady said, "Is this Avery Kylie Gambs speaking?" she asked. "Depends on who's asking," i said. "i work at St. Mary's Hospital in texas. "oh?" i said. i couldnt understand why she was calling me. everyone i knew from Texas was right here in this house. "im so sorry to have to tell you this but your father, Ricky Gambs, passed away due to a car accident. "im sorry?" i said,confused. ricky Gambs died? then i noticed everyone in the room staring at me. "Excuse me," i said, leaving the room. "Continue," i said into the phone. "He was drunk driving and crashed into another car. we tried our best to save him." "Was anyone else injured?" i asked. "He was the only person in the car," she said. "And what about arrangements for the funeral?" i asked. "He was prepared. its almost like this was planned. the funeral is to take place in Connecticut in two days time. his lawyer will be calling you later with the details," she said, then hung up.
oh wow. he was dead. i didnt know how to feel about that. he was barely ever there. 'shit. libby'. i thought. she probably got a call too. and she always saw the best in people so i know this was hard for her. i was fine. i woudnt let myself be anything else. he meant nothing to me. i didnt want his lawyer contacting me, but i didnt exactly have a choice. i walked back into the room, prepared for the worst. libby was crying in Nash's arms. he looked at me "She won't tell me what happened," he said. "Well, im assuming she got the same call as i did. ricky Gambs is dead," i said simply.
jameson crossed the room to get to me "are you okay?" he asked, concerned. "He meant nothing to me," i said coldly. he nodded.
later, we were in my room. my head was on his chest. "Are you sure your okay?" he asked. "i dont owe him anything. he was never even there in my childhood. why wouldn't i be okay?" i said. he started to say something but then my phone rang. "That's probably his lawyer," i said. "Hello," i answered the phone. "Miss Gambs," he said. "you are to come to coneccticut as soon as possible. you, your sister, and the Hawthorne brothers.". "Why them?" i asked, confused. "Because your father knew what they meant to you and your sister. maxine Liu is also to be in attendance," he said. my father knew Max, but why would he invite her to his funeral? "Okay," i said. "It will take place the day after tomorrow," he said. "Ok," i said again, hanging up the phone.
i looked at Jameson. "You and your brothers are invited, apparently," i said. he looked just as confused as i felt but still said, "i guess we're going to connecticut then."
the next day we left for Connecticut. i just wanted to see Max, honestly. i was glad she would be there. alisa had made arrangements for us to stay in one of the fanciest hotels ive ever seen. oh and i owned it apparently. she booked one suite with 5 rooms. it was probably the nicest hotel room i had ever been in. i looked at Libby. her eyes were bloodshot. i knew how hard all this was on her, and honestly, i felt bad.
the next day felt weird. getting ready to go to my dad's funeral. alisa insisted that i wear something showstopping because "paparazzi never sleep." i wore a black dress with thin straps. very thin straps. someone knocked on the main door of the suite. i opened it. "Well, hello, you beautiful beach," Max said. "Max!" i exclaimed, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into the tightest hug known to mankind. "i love you too, Ave, but i need to breathe," she said. i pulled away, "Sorry.". "Is Xander here?" she asked. "Wouldn't you like to know?" i smirked. then said, "hes in that room over there."
the funeral was...weird. there were way to many fancy people that i had never met. i refused to eat anything there. when Jameson asked me why i wasnt eating, i simply said, "It might be poisoned."
libby was sobbing at this point. did i also want to sob? maybe. but did i? no.
when we got back to the hotel, Xander, Max, and Nash went downstairs to get something to eat. jameson and Grayson went to their rooms. well Jameson went to our room. so it was just me and Libby. "Lib, he doesn't deserve your tears," i said softly. i knew for a fact that while he was still somewhat there in my childhood, he was NEVER there in Libby's. "HOW CAN YOU NOT CARE, AVERY?! OUR DAD JUST DIED. HE MAY HAVE BEEN A HORRIBLE PERSON BUT HE WAS STILL OUR FATHER." libby snapped. jameson and Grayson came out of their rooms, probably hearing the commotion. i flinched. i had never heard that tone from Libby. "Libby," i said quietly. jameson said something to Grayson. i was too far away to hear but it looked like he was saying, 'call nash.' grayson nodded and left. "DON'T 'LIBBY' ME, AVERY." just then Nash walked in. "What happened here?' he said. libby ignored him and continued shouting. "YES, I'M SAD THAT HE'S DEAD BECAUSE UNLIKE YOU, I HAVE FEELINGS. NOT ALL OF US ARE ASSHOLES WHO DON'T CARE ABOUT THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS." she did not just say that. tears filled my eyes. i matched her tone. "YOU THINK I DON'T CARE, LIBBY? I DON'T LET MYSELF CARE. THOSE ARE TWO VERY DIFFERENT THINGS. I'M NOT GONNA LET MYSELF CRY BECAUSE OF MY IDIOTIC FATHER WHO WAS BARELY EVER THERE IN MY LIFE. YOU THINK I'M FINE? I'M NOT. I AM DYING ON THE INSIDE. BUT I DON'T LET MYSELF FEEL THAT EITHER BECAUSE I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BREAK. THE YOUNGEST BILLIONAIRE IN THE WORLD FOR GOD'S SAKE!" my voice broke. i took a deep breath. libby didn't say anything after that. i shook my head at her and went into my room.
almost immediately after i closed the door, Jameson entered, locking the door behind him. i walked straight into his arms and cried gently. "It hurts. its not supposed to hurt," i said "it is supposed to hurt, heiress. its okay to grieve this loss," he said. i was done keeping to myself. i looked up at him, meeting his eyes "Say it," i said shakily. "are you sure?" he asked. he understood what i meant. he always did. "i want you to say it," i said. he nodded, then hesitantly said, "Tahiti."
i couldnt bring myself to say anything. i wanted to. but i couldnt. eventually i said "i think about him every single day. i still wonder why he left. was i really that bad of a daughter?" i asked, my voice breaking. "Avery," he said softly, "its not your fault. nothing is your fault. he chose to leave, and it's his loss because he missed out on the kindest, smartest, and prettiest person i know." for some reason, that made me start bawling. "It seems stupid to say, but i miss him like a little kid," i choked out. "That's not stupid, ave. i know its hard, but I promise it will get better. and until it doesn't, I'll be right here, holding you," he said, stroking my hair.
and he was. he held on tight to me while i sobbed, stroking my hair and whispering soft words of comfort. i thought about what he called me: 'Avery,' not heiress, not mystery girl. just Avery. "your perfect" i whispered. i wasnt even sure if he heard me. "me? never. he quipped. he always heard me. "i love you" i said looking up at him.
"i love you too, heiress"
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spacedlexi · 1 year ago
you said that you "need 2 characters to deeply care for each other and positively impact each other for me to want to ship them" so which of the twdg canon ships do you actually think work/make sense? and by canon ships i mean like actual established relationships, implied relationships or perhaps a character that was crushing on someone else before death.
me immediately blanking on every relationship in twdg upon reading this ask
the only one i stand behind with conviction is clemvi. idk if you need me to explain why i feel like ive done it a million times by now 👀 but yeah theyre the only relationship i "Ship" in regards to the quote where i see them as a match for each other and think romance makes sense for both parties
as for some "in defense of"s
i'll defend javi and kate. my only Real problem with them is how they handle david in it like girl can you at least take off the wedding ring before we kiss 😭 my brother still thinks youre his wife (plus they did push it Really hard.. but like.. narratively i understand why they did. family is a running theme of the series and javi and davids relationship is like the main conflict). but like. kate and javis relationship Makes Sense. she had a shit husband (who wanted to go back to the army anyway). her and javi already had the beginnings of Something before the outbreak even happened. she was left with javi to take care of 2 children that werent even biologically hers (i enjoy the complex family dynamics in twdg as a whole). and together theyve been surviving for years as a family unit. i think javi having feelings isnt up for debate, its more just will he act on those feelings or will he respect his brother? and like.. fuck david am i right? kate was Not happy in that relationship and deserves better, and javi cares about her. but also the pressure from their dad to get along after hes gone. it all works for me even if it couldve been executed better
and i .... sigh .... Understand gabe and clem. BUT!!! i think they have different feelings towards each other and its an important distinction. gabe definitely has a huge crush on her, shes cool as hell, but i think her feelings in return are fueled by hormones and the fact that she hasnt been around anyone her own age since DUCK (sarah was 15 at the time). like. does she think hes cute? yeah. but he can also be kind of a huge jerk sometimes and acts recklessly. i think its those moments that snap clem out of it lol. seeing this response in S4 felt vindicating im taking it as sad loner clem having a hormone induced crush. like girl yes or no?? this is the most direct option??
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personally i dont like them together because i Hate tropes where the more mature girl half has to teach the immature boy half to grow up and be capable and thats somehow romantic. ESPECIALLY in clems case where she is literally already raising someone like her hands are full ok. her assuaging his ego makes me 🤢 girl you dont have to take that second gun just because he was gonna cry about it if you didnt. its just not romantic to me. also i think its soooo funny that clem uses the same tactic on gabe that she does on aj in S4 with the "i need you to watch my back" to stop him from complaining about being left behind at the gate LOL. also i just think he loves his dad too much who clem hates more than anyone on earth so like.. theres that
uuhhh who else... alvin and rebecca are fine. like i have nothing to say about them but i believe their relationship and think they wouldve been good parents to aj. hmmm.... i guess thats it for the ones i have defenses for?? the others just like.. exist. like im neutral
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violnces · 5 months ago
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—       blasting  self esteem  by  the offspring  down  main  street  we’ve  spotted  VERITY MOREAU  sporting  their  gold chained ruby necklace engraved with her family insignia .  the  twenty five  year  old  DHAMPIR HYBRID  who’s  been  in  town  for  twenty years  often  can  be  seen  sketching new designs in the park on a summer day, sneaking through the woods at night to clear her mind, singing loudly at the top of her lungs at the shop while bored,  or  working  as  a  TATTOO ARTIST at  NEON INK.  people  say  they  display  imaginative  and  vindictive  traits,  but  we  rather  trust  their  vibes:  feeling the weight of ancient family values on your shoulder, being born into a legacy that bears the weight of the world, pink skirts and a dazzling smile with a tattoo gun in your hand, wanting to scream into oblivion without fear of being heard, the distinct feeling of wanting to go home - but not knowing where home is.  also,  we’ve  heard  they  love  COLLECTING ROCKS !   aren’t  they  fascinating ?
full name:  verity adeline moreau
nicknames: v, ver, little vamp,
gender:  cis woman
pronouns:  she + her
sexuality:  bisexual
age:  twenty five
date of birth:  april 10th
zodiac sign:  aries
occupation:  tattoo artist at neon ink !
parents:  lucinda matthews ( mother, deceased ), andreas moreau (dad, sort of estranged but still in contact )
siblings:  twin brother ( possible wc i dont know yet!!), two older half siblings (also.. possible wcs... think of a somewhat close but not really set of dhampir half-sibs.. running amuck in portum.... )
eyes:  sea blue
hair:  constantly dyeing her hair between dark brown and blonde... she's going through a crisis ok
piercings:  ears are littered with piercings, has a septum nose piercing as well.
tattoos:  a tattoo of four doves on her left wrist; one for each representation of her siblings, her zodiac constellation on her right shoulder, an alien pointing the finger on her ankle, a ghost on her other ankle & the phases of the moon only to piss her father off because he's a vamp <3 .
other distinguishing features:  a distinguished air around her that she's better than everyone else, always wearing her family necklace engraved with rubies, a sarcastic smile on her face 24/7.
style:  always wearing a splash of color unless her father's in town because he seems to suck the fun out of everything, loves skirts & dresses just as much as jeans and shorts. an avid fan of multiple bracelets and rings adorned on each arm & hands, always has her hair down unless, again her father is in town & she has to pretend to be the perfect moreau she knows she is not.
positive traits:  creative, resourceful, independent
negative traits: vindictive, cruel, self-destructive
health:  has dealt with depression her whole life, also has undiagnosed adhd
likes:  collecting rocks, painting, photography, can play piano however hasn't touched one in years, avid history lover, gardening, baking, secretly loves to read comic books, tattooing herself in her spare time, also loves a bit of chaos every now and then
dislikes  sitting down for too long, silent spaces, crowded rooms & mushrooms, fires, the familial pressure to live up to the moreau expectations and always falling short every time, got bitten by a deer once and now its on sight any time she sees one , also does not like moths.
HEAD CANONS/BIO. - TW: parental death !
turns out i cannot fully form a bio anymore so here are a bunch of headcanons and slight family history!! anyways, enjoy my ramblings <3
Verity is a girl who deep down tries her best to please everyone, even her estranged father & siblings, especially her twin brother. It doesn’t seem like it ; she is definitely one to march to the beat of her own drum, but she still shows up to the weekly moreau family dinners once a week, verity still answers her twin’s phone calls even if its two am and she hasn’t slept a wink. Just because she says she hates her family, doesn’t mean she doesn’t love them. After all she is a moreau in blood & defiance, nothing will break the invisible bond they share with each other. 
To those who don’t know her she comes across as rude and obnoxious, but those who do know her see the vulnerable & childlike side to her that she hides, because to be a moreau is to be strong. But the weight of her familial expectations is crumbling the very foundations of herself, but verity still maintains an air of sophistication and being better than everyone else to keep others at bay. She has enough friends thank you. 
She and the rest of her siblings are dhampirs, half-human & half-vampire; but verity has always seemed more human than the rest, especially her twin brother. She is the black sheep of the family due to her natural human instincts ; though she does have a liking to blood more than others, and verity for a fact is stronger than her brother, though he is faster than her. 
Never had any interest in her father’s family real estate business in the human world ; though it seemed like her siblings were in a constant competition to be the best in front of their father, andreas, as they all wanted to take over once he decided it was time. While she wasn’t competitive with her siblings, in school she had always been ruthless and callous - needing to be the best was apparently a moreau trait, and she was almost always top of her class. She’d hide behind her intelligence like a shield ; verity moreau seemed as untouchable as she was charming and elegant. 
Has been living in Portum since she was five ! [ tw ] when her and her twin brother were born, andreas collected them from the hospital as their mother had passed during birth, compelling anyone who worked that night to forget about the inhumanly intelligent new born babies who already had the strength of a three year old. [ end tw ] They spent a few years traveling with them while he built his growing empire in real estate, before returning back to portum and reuniting the twins with their half-siblings ( andreas had a problem okay, he cant resist the human ladies ), so they could grow up in a place where they didn’t have to hide who they were. 
Verity loves being a dhampir; having most of the perks a vampire has while being able to walk in the sun without being bothered, she’s fast, strong but her hypnosis is weak. She doesn’t care to hypnotise people, verity would rather charm them naturally. Constantly flirting with everyone just because she can. Her fangs pop out of her mouth whenever she smiles, though they aren’t as sharp as full-vampires, they’re unnaturally longer than an average human. Growing up verity realised she had some influence over human emotions ( much like… jasper in twilight ok…. Dont @ me ) though as she’s only a half vampire, she doesn’t have much influence over the supernatural, but she also hasn’t tried. It kind of scares her, being able to manipulate the emotions of others, and refuses to learn more about how to - a constant thought and worry is someone accusing her of influencing the way they feel about her. Her father says he doesn’t care, but she can feel the disappointment radiating off of him sometimes, so verity gives him a wide berth because of it. 
Verity hates moths & bugs, as much of a careless girl she tries to be if she sees one she will scream ! 
Loves to gossip !! verity is a gossip queen and loves to learn the intimate details of her clients at neon ink. Will usually yap their ear off while verity works, and has no problem showing them her cool little rock collection. 
Will usually only leave Portum to collect said rocks and always comes back with a new obsession ; last time it was candle making, the time before that it was soaps and perfume making. Verity is obsessed with trying new hobbies and her little apartment is jam packed with forgotten hobbies - knitting, flax weaving, cooking, body lotions…. She just loves to learn things okay 
Verity is a force of nature and she knows it, her smile always has an edge to it and her eyes will always twinkle with i can get away with anything. Is at her most peace when she has the tattoo gun in her hand and she’s humming a little tune.
these are just some lil ideas i got while writing... whatever that bio was shdjdkd but i am also up for plotting our own thing !
Best friend/s: she’s been in portum since she was five and i’d imagine y/m has adopted verity as one of their friends !! verity would have come off as a quiet, shy girl at first until getting to know all of her, but they love each other anyway!! Verity is loud and opinionated but she means well. They’re essentially ride or dies, bonus points if they have matching tattoos!! 
Mentor/parental figure: as her father hadn’t been around for her important milestones, i just think it would be cute if she got close to someone older than her that seemed to be a better parent than her dad is dhefkkdd and would cheer her on from the sidelines, and possibly helped her strengthen her vamp abilities ! 
Bad influence: verity’s the “black sheep” of the family due to different interests in life, but this is the person who would have influenced her to make bad decisions over the years, and verity always goes to this person when her dads coming to town and she needs to relieve some stress by being a nuisance to society <3
Enemies: verity is hard to like sometimes and that’s okay ! she’s blunt, cutthroat when she wants something & will tear someone down to get what she wants because that’s all she knows. Maybe they’ve beefed since school and as adults they just dont mesh well! Bonus points for catty arguments that end in free tattoos <3
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inkandarsenic · 5 days ago
911 8x11 Holy Mother of God lets gooooo
Aw he can’t sleep in Eddie’s empty house because it’s NOT A HOME WITHOUT EDDIE AND CHRIS
ugh. megachurch.
this is such bullshit jesus fucking Christ
oh shit
oh. No. CO poisoning
Poor Ravi
“No thank you, Satan” idk why but this made me laugh and spit my lemonade all over me. So. You know. We’re off to a great start
“Tell her you’re not” thank you Bobby for those words of wisdom
oh my god not this lady again
He really went full spectrum in the space of like ten minutes
the way Buck turned around when church lady said “hello Bobby”
“That’s my mother” HIS MOTHER???
Maddie my love
so we’re just. Avoiding our feelings then. Ok
“Make new friends” yeah Buck expand your social horizons
“When were you gonna tell me about this?” “I just did” Bobby. You know damn well that’s not what she meant
“I don’t talk about her because I don’t want to think about her” why does this feel like something Buck would say?
Like father like son fr
also I agree I like granite. Not so much for the hot pans but I just like the look and the vibe
Ok side note Athena looks GOOD in that lavender sweater
Rockstar Ravi? Really? Buck. Honey.
“It took me a while to warm up to Eddie when he first got here” “How long?” Buck suddenly forced to confront how Not Normal he and Eddie are.
Oh he is trying so hard it’s like baby’s first day making friends
“You have any kids?” Yes actually you just met his son downstairs
lol the kink in his neck just like he said
Athena. Be less nice to this woman
Bobby is so ready to be DONE with this
Oh she did NOT
“Someone burned the last one down” “Not you I trust” This fucking BITCH
Athena. Be less nice
“I stoke the fires of faith” oh so… you’re a fraud
dick move on the brother’s part to put them all in this situation
“I do think you’re a fraud but not as a preacher as a mother” YOU TELL HER BOBBY. SHE DOESNT DESERVE RECONCILIATION
Oh buck
Have you spent this whole time talking about Eddie
Let’s count how many times Buck has said Eddie’s name in this conversation
Five times in as many sentences
“Eddie would never do something illegal. Eddie has a silver star.” Ok babe one, punching the guy in the parking lot. fight club. And the story you just told. Two, Silver Star does not automatically mean “never breaks the law”
Ravi is ditching them????
I mean. I get it this night has been rough for you but RAVI NO
“Diaz left?” Yeah and SO SHOULD YOU
Eddie Diaz hating Buck’s exes continues
“I’ve been fighting the urge to call you for months” GOOD. KEEP FIGHTING. GO AWAYY
“You wanna see it?” NO. NO HE DOES NOT. NO. STOP IT. BAD BUCK. NO.
“You want me to give you the tour?” YEAH GIVE HIM THE TOUR. RIGHT OUT THE FRONT FUCKING DOOR.
“that was the best night ive had in this place” ITS THE ONLY NIGHT. YOUVE BEEN SLEEPING AT MADDIES
“And he’s straight” buck. Please. Not to agree with that man but come on
“I don’t have to want to sleep with everyone I have feelings for, and I don’t have to have feelings for everyone I sleep with” you tell him Buck but uh. Can we talk about how exactly that relates to you living in Eddie’s house? Or how that has anything to do with Eddie being Tommy’s competition??
“Should I make entry?” Buck is SO READY to smash things
damn talk about instant karma
do not. 911 writers I am begging you
do not make Bobby reconcile with his mother
“As much as everyone seems to want me to be hopelessly pining for my straight best friend” are we being called out right now? Is that what’s happening here?
“I think maybe I don’t want to unpack” your FEELINGS????
oh. is it wrong to say im disappointed
sigh. I mean. Good for Bobby I guess.
Aw unpacking montage
He looks happier now. Maddie doing gods work as usual
Well. Now we know how Athena ends up on the ship
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mach1ne-g1rl · 3 months ago
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ocs ive never posted on here except its their roleswap/ua au designs
i want to talk a little about it maybe... be nice
in canon Tekiko is disowned by her parents for being quirkless (shes not, her quirk just came in late and her parents had a quirk marriage) and it gives her some sort of self worth issues. In This AU though they catch word of afo and take her back so that Afo can give her a quirk (Sublimation in this case) and she can grow up to be her parents trophy child or something idk. Canon typical Afo 'makes you a spy for him', they get Tekiko into UA and she does basically what Ayoama is already doing. But this takes place one year earlier (dont ask me what actually happens plotwise, i never cared enough to think about it). I tried to keep their personalities as intaact as i could, so she's still relatively herself, just with other driving forces, a little more pressured (she GOT disowned but they took her back with the condition that she does whatever they say, id imagine that would put a lot of fear into a 5 year old) and a little happier to initiate violence (encouraged to, even).
ouu Shiana in canon is like . so stereotypically edgy like living on the street but in a 'running around at night to do villanous activities type' way because thats what i made up for her 3 years ago and ive just worked around that and now it feels too late to change.. AnyWay she does this because she got involved with criminals in her area and thought itd put her mother in danger if she kept staying at home. so she like lives in warehouses or other peoples apartments or something. back to my point, she lives alone with her mom bc her dad abandoned her when she got pregnant (they were very young) and Shianas Quirk is that her Blood is Bromine (this worked better when her quirk was cyanide blood but whatever). IN this au, Something happens which causes her to get injured and then be exposed to fire, which lights up the bromine in her blood (is bromine even flammable like that?) and well. she burns a bit. which is a near death experience! Which leads to her quirk evolving! which makes her quirk one that allows her to change her blood to different chemicals! This happens before the whole involvement with bad people so yk her mom. takes her to a hospital and also tries to contact shianas dad for the first time after he left. hes an OK dude so he actually does help them out and after years of recovery they go to a doctor for her quirk and er stuff happens and her mom proposes going to a hero school like ua where they also have support classes since she can do so much more with her quirk now. shiana doesnt have it in her to turn down so she goes to ua yay. shes smart enough to pass the written exams and stuff and i do think shed be very innovative or would enjoy building if she was in a place where thats possible. which is ua! shes still not a fan of people who want to become heroes bc shes felt very let down by them and is just. cynical. but she toughs it out..
The way shiana and tekiko get involved here is through tekiko trying to sneak around past school hours and shiana, having access to support classes and keys, catches her in the act. Shiana is much less physically capable of combat in this au and tekiko is actually kind of trained to do like undercover stuff so tekiko eaasily gains the upper hand. tekiko and shiana have Met before this in this au, when the 1st years got a tour of the different sections the school has and what not. tekiko tried to strike up a covnersation with her bc it was important for her to get connections early but while shiana isnt asss aggressively pessimistic here, shes still very anitsocial and doesnt much care to make friends in ua. so she shoots tekiko down at almost any opportunity. for plot sake tekiko found out about her personal life through either finding files in school or stalking idk idc but she threatens shianas family when they have that fateful encounter after school. it does make shiana pretty complicit but this also reignites the fire in her that she lost when she started walking the Good Path (shiana isnt evil in canon. shes hardly a villain. shes not a good person but shes much further on neutral on the line between neutral and evil than she is on evil. its just circumstances..) Either way Shiana needs something to Hate to be her authentic self. its an important aspect of her character.. so tekiko can be that for her here. So while shiana cant tell UA staff or any other higher ups about . the mole in school, she can be mean towards tekiko. and tekiko isnt even mad about it, she probably thinks its funny. hating each other is in their nature.. tekiko never told anyone else that shiana knew either because she wants to protect the banter they get to have.. this would probably lead to an eventual switch in sides but im just going with the trope now, and besides, i dont have plot. i just have vague ideas and their hatred that i love
if you read all this i feel flattered and i hope you dont think too lowly of me for whateve rreason now idk oc lore makes me so self conscious its so cornyy but whatever. thats all
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lakesbian · 2 years ago
Dearest Aisha, I hope this letter finds you well on this horrible sunny day. I’m leaving you this message because my heart is twisted in twain, and you must know that it’s not you, it’s me. What we had was wonderful, but alas, my future in the Bay is either woefully short or non-existent and as such I must bid you adieu. Or in plain English, I’m leaving because this whole plan Glory and Taylor cooked up isn’t my thing and would just put a target on my back. Maybe things would’ve been different if we weren’t pulling up the curtain, but oh well. Try not to be too upset about it. I left the playstation behind, and feel free to save over my old files. Say bye to the others for me, just don’t be too mushy about it. -Alec.
JESUS. WHY DO PEOPLE THINK HE TALKS LIKE THIS. alec wouldnt say bid you adieu if you paid him. or Twain. or Dearest Aisha. oh my god hed gag before saying dearest aisha. hang on we need a full count off of the sins here
the base premise that he didn't discuss his feelings about victoria and taylor's plan with aisha beforehand is absurd--they're extremely communicative with each other
the base premise that taylor would go along with anything victoria cop dallon said in the first place is insane and makes me want to see the person op thinks victoria is killed badly by bugs
the base premise that Aisha is fine with victoria cop dallon's plans instead of going "alec isnt this fucking sucks." is insane.
the base premise that alec is the only undersider not okay with victoria cop dallon's plans is also insane. I'm going to be real with you they would kill her immediately and without hesitation for alec and they dont even like him that much.
again, it's absurd to act as if aisha and alec are noncommunicative enough that he would drop this on her as opposed to telling her he was considering leaving off the bat. also i think she has enough wrong with her that she would want to go with him. but i digress, that's besides the point because
alec would not want to leave without aisha in the first place. people latch on so hard to him casually suggesting leaving the undersiders in that one early chapter but like. he's doing that bc it's in the context of a hypothetical scenario where his dad is getting after him. he always unequivocally backs them & follows their lead when they get into Shit That Is Not About Him--he's just both not wanting 2 burden the undersiders w/ having 2 deal w/ his dad + assuming that they wouldn't necessarily Want to help. once they say they would help he's like. oh ok. and this is certainly the last time he ever even considers leaving. those are the only ppl he has he's not walking his ass out of there. he Thinks he doesn't care but in any situation where he's at risk of exiting or losing one of them he leans HARD into backing them up. e.g. knocking himself unconscious to help brian sacrificing himself for aisha suggesting leaving town As A Team when the s9 is there and explicitly mentioning stopping to pick up rachel first. his actions demonstrate how he feels even if he isnt consciously aware of it. this entire situation is cartoonishly implausible but even if it did happen he would just not react this way
anyway the fic literally just ends like this.
A/N: And so the curtain rises. Or sets? Maybe it’s an interlude? Or a intermission? I didn’t really think this metaphor through. Writing Alec is hard, but I’m hoping I managed well here. No, this is not an elaborate rug pull or “oh he shows up later”. Alec is gone. He doesn’t show up for the rest of the story. And the reasoning for that should be laid out pretty clearly here. Maybe in another world, where Tori and Taylor resolved the communication issue before this point, they could’ve had that conversation. But they didn’t and he didn’t. So the only way out was out. Alec was never going to be willing to unmask. And with that knowledge, what happened last chapter should be a lot clearer. Today’s rec is an essay on Alec’s Costume by ewingstan on Tumblr, which does an excellent job breaking down his character in terms of psychology and code switching between his cape self and who he is regularly. Or rather, how there’s not much difference at all. I’ll see you all next week.
YOU DID NOT MANAGE WELL. HOW ARE YOU READING AND LINKING GOOD ALEC POSTS (albeit ones i had a bit 2 expand on but like. Its a good post it stands on its own.) but not internalizing Any Of Them. my god. this is so funny. there he goes fucking off into the sunset leaving literally his entire life behind because op understands nothing about him. resti n peace boy. ok thus concludes my Complaining. i'd apologize but its my blog and i can do what i want forever
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