#so i trust that they genuinely put a lot of care into it bcs its such an underdeveloped field comparatively
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months ago
God I so much prefer researching Habsburg history over reading about literally any of the other figures I'm interested in bcs it gives me genuine stress parsing through the giant amount of biographies, that have such a huge range of biases and narratives, and trying to decide which to actually embark upon. It's not like Habsburg scholarship is a small field or anything, but it's so much more limited than it is for someone like, say, Napoleon. For Habsburg stuff, I'll pretty much read anything bcs I'm so desperate to learn anything, and I usually have to go out of my way to even find books and papers
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thehigherseekerastro · 5 months ago
→ Venus Through the Houses 🪷 (the fourth house)
The manifestations of having the planet Venus through the houses in the natal chart, in a wider perspective, without being predictable about it.
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DISCLAIMER 1: I am NOT a professional astrologer, traditional or modern. I study astrology for a few years, and this is a collection of what I've learned, and what I've seen manifested in real life.
DISCLAIMER 2: Use caution and discernment when reading, and understand that this post is about one isolated planet in one isolated house in a chart. There are 12 houses, 6 major planets, 3 outer planets, and at least 5 possible major aspects between planets in your chart. Those detail can and WILL affect how the energy shows up in your life personally, so it might not apply to you. Everybody is unique.
Venus in the 4th house 🏡🏩
What a lovely, deep and rich placement, this one. I try not to overhype nor demonize any placement, because each one has its own moments, good and bad. But this one is very cute. I'll be honest with you and say that it does NOT guarantee a fairytale, but if it's well-aspected, if other parts of the chart agree with, it could be inducing to very beautiful things.
Imagine the planet of love making her literal home in your house of feelings, the deepest most private part of your chart. Here, feelings gush out like a waterfall. Venus in the 4H lives on cloud 9. It lives in a state of buzzing romance 24/7. Venus here also breaks her natural character of wanting to be pampered and waited on, and she wants to do the nurturing herself. Of course, she wants to feel cared for back too. Very generous Venus.
The good 😊:
Very nurturing people. Warm and welcoming.
Great listeners and very empathetic.
Beautiful way with words. Not in a poetic sense, but in an emotionally sensitive way. They know what to say, when to say it and how to say to make someone feel loved and protected.
Protective of loved ones, but not in an aggressive way.
Tend to be tender, sweet and gentle.
Very angelic demeanor. Might have cherub face too.
Knows how to make any place a home.
Is somewhat of a leader (since it is a cardinal house), but in a Cancer-like way. It leads not because it commands people, but because people just trust them to lead and feel safe with them, fully believing they will do the best to provide love and care and protection.
Put their heart and soul into whatever they do.
Knows how to build a genuine connection.
Great mothers. (And fathers).
Can be good cooks or bakers (but I myself consider baking part of cooking, so I don't separate them).
Romantics at heart. About all things.
Might like children a lot and want a big family of their own.
Could possibly get along with their family very well.
Can instantly make others feel safe and trust them.
Knows how to translate their feelings.
Good emotional intelligence.
The bad 😠:
Might be prone to melodrama, and could be overdramatic.
Could be too cautious with their feelings, to a point they become guarded.
Might be stingy and hold on to things too tightly.
Could "eat their feelings" when stressed, which could lead to unwanted weight gain, an eating disorder, shame around food, or not learning healthy ways to self-regulate.
Family could be ALL up in their business all the time. Serious boundaries issues.
Could be nitpicky, just as much as Virgos. Could be a snob about cleanliness.
Slight tendency to take their feelings out on other people.
This one is gonna be hard to say, and hard to read, so, please READ WITH CAUTION – it's not about everyone. Just SOME people: Could be the type who threatens to kill themselves if a lover tries to end the relationship. Depending on how problematic the person is, might actually go ahead and actually do harm themselves, not bc they actually want to end themselves, but to guilt their ex into not leaving.
Inability to let go of toxic relationships because they feel bad for the person, or don't wanna lose what's familiar, and might wear rose-colored glasses around people from their childhood. 4H Venus is like a combination of Scorpio and Pisces Venus.
Prone to immaturity fits, wanting to be babied by others.
Could struggle with a nasty little victim complex.
Could have a "me, me, me!" attitude, but in a different way than 1H. It's more "But, what about ME and MY FEELINGS?!" kind of way.
Could struggle to spend their hard-earned money on themselves because they keep giving it away to their family/friends/buying things for the house.
Might overlook themselves physically and emotionally because they keep waiting that others are gonna take care of them instead.
Forms bonds too quickly, get too eager, might scare people away.
In love 💕:
Wants to formalize quickly.
Prefers committed relationships.
Wants to have a family.
Will devote themselves to their partner.
Could get hurt easily in love.
Emotional manipulation.
Or could just be the utmost sweetheart.
Acts of service and quality time as love language.
A little jealous from time to time.
Will try to harmonize and find a common ground when in disputes or disagreements.
Could do some shady shit behind their partner's back to fulfill personal dreams (e.g.: stopping taking contraceptives without telling them to get pregnant without the partner's consent, because they want kids.)
Could struggle with boundaries themselves and overstep a lot. Might also force themselves into private parts of their lover's life that the person hadn't felt comfortable giving access to yet.
Could confuse drama and emotional turmoil with passion and might even romanticize it and think that if they just conquer it, love will be like a movie.
Could have a food compulsion.
Could struggle with laziness, even more so than 2H Venus.
The type to cook, clean, sew, nurse and therapize their partner.
Wants to feel safe and loved above all else.
Will share all the parts to them with their partner.
Will put the children before the marriage/union after having them together.
Will step into some form of a traditional role one way or another, regardless if they are male, female or otherwise.
Lasting love. Love that leaves a mark on their psyche.
Big hearts, even bigger hearts in love.
Makes a lot of plans and dreams they wanna achieve with their loved one.
Drama queen when feeling slighted.
Not a stranger to the occasional "psycho girlfriend" behavior, regardless if they are a male. That's usually a sign they are emotionally exhausted at that point, though.
Easy to love, even easier to give love.
Might preserve the relationship a lot, shielding it from the world.
"You and me against the world" type of relationships.
Usually successful in marriage.
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cottoncandythunderhead · 2 months ago
aiura mikoto analysis!!
i feel that theres a big lack of miko analyses in this world and its bc ppl usually ignore or justify all her character flaws bc they js wanna see her as “the better teruhashi”, so here i am to right the world and attempt 2 do an in-depth analysis on miko!! pls forgive if im missing things, i will edit this as i get a better understanding of her character. and yes i mostly focus on her relationship with saiki soz abt that :p (this is NOT a saiura post tho and ull be disappointed if u go in thinking that)
aiura mikoto is a kindhearted and mostly selfless character who goes out of her way to help ppl, usually for no reason other than she cares, and shes willing to put herself in danger for the sake of others. shes blunt and knows the value of herself and her powers- though this can go a bit too far at times…
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she plays the role of kokomis love rival which makes sense since her genuine desire to help others and expect no personal gain and her upfront and honest attitude sharply contrasts kokomis ingenuity and tendency to be kind to others for personal gain (at least as far as she believes)
miko is honest to a fault, blurting out whatever she thinks, while kokomi speaks carefully to curate her image. miko has a tendency to act first and think later, while kokomi thinks first and acts in a crafted way that aligns with her goals.
and they also have things in common like both being very self-sacrificial and being kind to others at their own expense, but again kokomi does this more out of desperation for validation while miko does it out of genuine kindness
their crushes on saiki r also a bit similar, ill talk abt this more but aiura goes into her crush not bc she genuinely has feelings for saiki but bc she believes hes her soulmate and so she makes up a personality for him that matches her desires while kokomi goes into her crush not bc she was actually attracted to him but bc she was confused abt her resentment towards him and wanted him to be infatuated with her. tho, we get to see teruhashi develop past and acknowledge this while aiuras misunderstandings r consistent until the end
then theres the chapter where they switch styles and we see how their typical selfish vs selfless bit can also be reversed in ways bc the main reason for their differences is that miko is so blunt and open while kokomi hides her feelings, bc although we do see kokomi thinking badly abt miko, shes never anything but kind to her aloud while miko despite thinking so highly of kokomi, ends up being the 1 who does something to directly affect kokomi negatively
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its a little hard to tell whats going in this scene but by my pov it seems like the 1st part is what saiki wanted miko to tell kokomi, with how serious it is and how thats the main focus b4 we go into kokomis own thoughts and saikis reactions, and so the 2nd thing is NOT a part of saikis objective and is miko trying to take advantage of the situation bc its her going on and on in the background while the focus has already changed. by this point kokomi has already begun to move on from her jealousy and the little freakout she had, while miko is stuck in her jealousy and seeing kokomi as "the final boss" and trying to change kokomis feelings. tho her feelings r much milder than kokomis ever were, her approach is blunt and an attempt to effect kokomi while kokomis was quiet and would only affect herself. this is why their rivalry is so important, they represent the "good" and the "bad" that the other doesnt have
as for mikos relationship with kusuo, they have a good bond thats highlighted pretty immediately when they meet and they work so well together to keep chiyo safe. bc of this, hes able to trust her (and toritsuka) to help him out with things involving his powers that at this time he cant trust any1 else for
the chapter with meras dad has them clashing a lot, but it does end up working out. the chapter highlights mikos stubborn and reckless nature clashing with saikis pessimism and tendency to refuse to look past the badness of a situation
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mikos intentions r entirely selfless, but her reaction here is stubborn and unreasonable :p saiki was also not entirely reasonable, and this shows their opposite values that clash so much yet come together in the end to get the best outcome for mera. in this moment tho, it feels hurtful that saiki genuinely confides in her his hesitations and concerns for others and specifically meras health after something miko did ended up hurting her and miko responds like this and only rethinks when saiki leaves. in the end she does show that shes thought abt what saiki says, so its not a “half-hearted attempt” anymore and she goes into it knowing itll be okay bc she saw that it will
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but despite this, miko doesnt learn her lesson abt recklessly using her powers nor does she think past her misunderstandings and realize saiki does care abt ppl, she still moves past this believing she was right the whole time and saiki is unreasonable and selfish. imo these chapters were a chance for them to have a way better understanding of each other especially since saiki opening up to her abt his hesitations was such a rare moment but unfortunately she didnt understand and never rlly ended up doing so beyond having a doki doki moment abt saiki caring abt her after she was the one he had to save from the consequences of her actions
tho these chapters highlight how off her perception of him is their relationship is still furthered by them bc of how wonderfully they worked together even when they werent getting along, saiki clearly trusts her a lot since this ends with him asking her to help him stop the volcanic eruption
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however when it comes to romance... for all my love for miko, im never ever gonna ship saiki with someone who tried to sexually assault him :p n yes, ik its a gag manga, thats not relevant :p if ppl can like and understand toritsukas character without shipping him with ppl he sexually harassed, i can do the same with miko!!
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she was genuinely surprised when he caught her here which tells me despite knowing abt his powers she didnt think he would catch her, so if he were powerless or otherwise hadnt caught her she wouldve simply sa him here. ive seen some ppl say "she realized he wasnt into it after this so shes very respectful of his boundaries" and im kinda baffled at that interpretation :p its not a flex that she realized he didnt wanna be sexually assaulted. idk guys maybe sexually assault is js generally bad??? besides, even beyond the fact this shouldnt have to be an established boundary in the 1st place, it seems way less likely that she understood a boundary here and more likely that she js realized that strategy wouldnt work on him bc of his powers :p
the one where she undresses in his bed is more of a genuine misunderstanding but it still shows how badly she misunderstands him. she ignored most of his message and only read the part she wanted and expected and had clearly been waiting for, and immediately jumped into his bed and took her clothes off, ending up in him almost kicking her out
despite these situations where he clearly expresses disdain at the idea of sexuality, this misunderstanding of hers is consistent throughout her character :p the overwhelming evidence to the contrary never makes her stop assuming that he secretly wants it or smth
i think despite being into other men, she put a lot of stake in her idea of soulmates :p she scryed it and transferred schools to find him after all, and she has a lot of trust in her own self and power, so i think she made a lot of untrue assumptions abt soulmates and how perfect they are and thought she and saiki would immediately click and get along and thered be 0 incompatibilities at all- as if finding her soulmate will fulfill all her romantic n sexual desires. this is why she makes 0 effort to build a romantic connection between them b4 declaring them soulmates and lovers, several times claiming theyre already dating, she assumed itd already exist. therefore she thinks that since SHE is very sexual, her soulmate must be as well. they seem to have nothing in common besides powers and the drive to help others which she isnt aware of, especially in what they want in life and from a partner, which i think is another reason she decided early on based on no evidence that hes a very sexual sadist and latched onto the idea, unable to believe anything else despite all evidence otherwise, for the entire show. 
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shes obviously wrong. shes js too fixated on her own desires and expectations to realize that.
she originally claimed to have “fallen in love” with saiki only after seeing his powers and deciding that his mild sassiness was somehow indicative of sadism or sexuality. in the same breath she expresses disappointment in who her soulmate is and doesnt like his personality, so its pretty clear she cooked that up so she could have something to latch onto. from that point forward, i dont remember her showing attraction to anything abt saiki beyond his powers and the sadism/sexuality she misunderstood.
miko deserves some1 she doesnt feel the need to project onto js to feel like her desires r being fulfilled, and saiki deserves some1 who doesnt continuously expect from him what he doesnt want to give and has expressed that.
the thing is they have WAY better chemistry when she ISNT trying to force romance or sexuality into their relationship and she tends to misunderstand every platonic situation with him as that so it makes it a bit hard to see past her misunderstandings and see their friendship through it
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at the very end of volcano arc she ALMOST ruins the moment by misunderstanding the situation as romantic and asking to kiss him but the hug she ends up giving him after is much sweeter and more emotionally impactful. its ofc not wrong for her to ask honest questions, im not saying she was wrong for it and its also not wrong 4 her to want to kiss him in that moment, but it does show her inability to read him and the situation and how this limits the chemistry between them. her stubborn nature still came out here when instead of simply accepting the “no” she said “AT LEAST let me give u a hug then” as if he owes at least something to her, but i dont fault her for this bc they both def needed and deserved a hug in that moment. saiki himself has also generally never been averse to platonic physical touch, often letting nendo or toritsuka etc to touch him without protest so this isnt any kind of boundary being broken. funnily, miko is the only person i remember him refusing to let touch him like him making her sit on the other side of the table and teleporting away from a hug but that seems to have changed by the end, or at the very least hell allow it from her in certain situations
miko is overall a good and genuine person, most notably how despite her jealousies of kokomi she still admires her so much, her defenses of kumi who was being bullied in a clothing shop, her expressing she doesnt mind helping kusuo for nothing in return (despite saying this immediately after implying she still wanted a favor after he didnt want to have sex with her, honestly not sure abt this part), and her mostly genuine intentions with her clients
this post will serve as my miko reference from now on and is subject to change!*
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prettyboykatsuki-moved · 5 months ago
This is a weird thought piece question so if you don’t wanna answer it’s okay. But genuinely as a character I think Katsuki is very aware of people he cares about. Almost in an Izuku type of obsessive way, maybe less intense and prone to writing it down, lol. But as I trust your perspective on him a lot I wanted to ask, do you think he’s the type of person as a friend or significant other or potential person, to be aware of insecurities?
Or to care genuinely? For example if you were insecure about your size. Do you think he would be aware of that and be silent? Or would he love the insecurity in spite of your feelings? Or does he not really think twice because he cares about you and doesn’t know you would even feel that way. It’s a weird dilemma I ran into wanting to write a piece for him and I realized I couldn’t figure it out. Hopefully I am explaining myself properly?
Thank you 😭
i understand what u mean lol dw and i think if u read some of my pieces my stance on this aspect of him is hard to grasp bc i dont often write more insecure readers. mostly bc i think its a little bit harder to write well as it requires more nuances but thats a diff can of worms jdhfkj
i think its important to understand less so what bakugou does and does not care about and moreso the way he process information - which is largely intuitive.
like i do understand what you are asking and because bakugou is bakugou - yes, i think he is probably aware of these things. he picks up on them often and usually uses them in some context when throwing insults or even in more light hearted interactions.
but a lot of bakugous informational processing is based on a pragmatic, systemic and reason based way of thinking. and a lot of what impedes that way of acting is his own emotional state. in the beginning of the series, he's a lot more insecure in himself and he projects that onto other people. it causes him to act in very irrational and ridiculous ways
however by the end of the series, katsuki s a fully processed and emotionally realized man. so he defaults to a more elevated, calm and secure version of himself that relies on what he's best at which is using his intuition to draw conclusions and implementing a reason based plan. before he was doing that just with logic.
but he has the emotional tuning to also do this in his relationships and he's taken a lot of time to learn to navigate them.
so i think in a partnership, it's unlikely that he does not know at all. i think he probably picks up on the insecurity in smaller ways but does not put a real name to it (i.e. i dont think he thinks of it consciously / actively) until something comes up which forces him too do it
and that something would be if its putting his partner in any kind of serious emotional distress or comes up frequently as a reason for their upset.
katsuki has this line he says very famously says to shouto "there's no way you could've noticed something that i didnt but lets hear it anyway." and he's being passive aggressive af lol but there is some merit to that.
he's a very keen person naturally and he spends a significant amount of time with you - so he definitely knows to an extent. maybe no actively, maybe not consciously - but just an intuitive understanding.
however, because he loves you - he will only intervene when he thinks its necessary to do so. and this isn't because he doesn't care about you, but because he specifically had to handle his own insecurity and he knows firsthand what you're experiencing in himself.
but katsuki loves you and also has a lot of faith in you. he will push if he thinks you need to be pushed, and he will assure if he thinks you need to be assured. he's a good partner in that way. but for the most part, he won't interfere because he trusts in you as a person to overcome things. insecurity is not something that can be mended by another person if it's within yourself, but it can be healed when it's reframed to you by someone who loves you.
and if you need that from katsuki he will undoutedly give it to you. but he trusts you to handle business basically. so not in a bad way, he treats your insecurities as simply being apartof you.
he doesn't have any feelings about the insecurity itself. he's not lying when he says that. but thats because he loves you more as an amalgalm of all the parts of you. his view of you is rounded out and he sees all of it as you. if he loves you, he loves you. there's nothing that needs to be changed as longs as its you. so he has no opinion on if you like or dislike something. you are you no matter who you are or what you look like.
bakugou is very explicitly not shallow. appearances in love are generally unimportant to him. he falls in love with people not looks even when people don't believe that because he's so pretty lmao
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koifly · 1 month ago
more crp rambles...bc stomach still hurts
Slenderman isn't called that in my au. It's called the Faceless. Plus it's mainly referred to with it. It doesn't wear a suit n tie but its body tints black from his neck down. The Faceless also doesn't have true hands and feet, they look more like weird, gooey, tar like tree roots. It also doesn't talk. Like at all.
Slender-sickness in my au is just called parasite. Some variations would be parasital infection or tar parasite.
With all the naming I tried to put myself into the shoes of the affected and thought "hm what would be the most easy, short, kinda serious and accurate way to name these things..." btw...
The Faceless isn't inherently evil. Just tries to stay in existence with ways that are unethical in human views. It has a inhumane set of morals??? If it even has morals.
James (oc) is not interested in anything romantic or sexual....like ever. He sometimes manipulates ppl with 'romance' or a hint of it but really he doesn't give a shit...sorry...
Also, James has had a complete change of personality when he died. In his life he was rather insecure, unsure, kind and genuine and now he is really damn confident, knows exactly what he wants and what he doesn't, is an absolute ASS in secret and a liar...makes me appreciate all my non crp versions of James even more, he's just a cutie in every other timeline:(
Clocky has a love-hate situation with James. PLATONIC LOVE BTW!! Like she doesn't really trust him and knows he kinda...yk...manipulates a lot of people but he's also one of the very, very few people she feels comfortable with. Like, she tells him so much and tries to spend a lot of time with him even if she knows that he's gonna use all that information against her. My girl is just extremely starved of care, attention and interest to herself.....I feel like Toby n James are almost on the same lvl in her relationship ranking, the only difference is that she sees James in a more familiar way, like older close cousin or something while she's really damn in love with Toby.
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bonesandthebees · 2 months ago
im really enjoying tnt duo AND NIKI AND PUFFY👀👀 its great
the rainduo fall out was bound to happen, we knew it, but somehow this coldness and quiet and uncertainty between them hurts so much more than any anger could
its the fact that what split them was just slow distancing and loss of trust and the one wilburs lie that they both knew was a lie but didnt acknowledge, like it was never really said out loud, just shown through smaller things like having lessons apart
schlatts assassination in reaction to crimeboys attack and wilburs injury is very based, phil is protective and spiteful af and i love that for him
everything going amazing on the crimeboys front, the bonding definitely got much deeper after that assassination
and the dynamic going on dhdhdhhdhdh like wilbur is attached to tommy, but hes also under phils tutoring and so hes working on securing his place, manipulative even on tommy, you can see he sees the world through a different lense, hes grown a lot in that sense in the three years
theres a thin line between wilbur caring for tommy and manipulating him bc hes kinda doing that to help him secure the throne but also its still manipulation and its just so DELICIOUS to read, im obsessed
also his cane, rhdhhdhdhdjdjdh, just the fact that he has a cane changes the image of him in my mind and i love it sm
the forever reminder of his and tommys fates getting tied together
its really cool that it feels quite balanced, like im kinda inclined to think that tommy will get the throne just bc wilbur is our pov, but its still feels like everyone has a chance (well not quackity rn, but that doesnt mean he still cant win and for it to work)
like i know you, i know its not gonna be that simple
but its also not like im rooting for just one side, they are all kids who have been uprooted for the chance to be a ruler, but there will still be two left with nothing at the end of this (that is assuming no one gets killed which i wouldnt rule out too)
aaaand thats all the thoughts i have now that i didnt put in the comments (wanna bet that im gonna remember three more things as soon as i send this?)
i hope you kick the sicknesses ass soon and are enjoying arcane, happy and calm holidays bones
EILEEN HELLO I'm finally getting to this <33
it's funny I actually wasn't planning on making the puffychu as explicitly romantic until I was writing that scene and then I was like fuck it why not. like it was going to be implied no matter what but I wasn't planning on directly pointing it out that's just kind of how the scene went and I'm very happy with it because I think the tntduo dialogue there is so fun
godddd writing rainduo like that hurt so badly. writing them as being so unfamiliar and cold with each other compared to just a few chapters ago when they were so close- ouch. my heart.
you do not fuck with phil or his kid that's the lesson to be learned here. like there were probably more reasonable options besides outright killing schlatt but. phil was pissed lmao.
i'm sooo glad you're liking the crimeboys dynamic it's such a fun one for me to balance. because they're so brotherly now and wilbur does genuinely care for tommy but he's also so outright manipulative and it's a bit chilling to write sometimes. and while logically wilbur knows this isn't 'right', a part of him is desensitized to treating tommy like this because of how he's been raised. it's what's expected of him and how he was taught to interact with people thanks to phil.
very glad you like the cane addition :D I'm trying hard to balance making sure it's not just disregarded/forgotten about in a scene and using it as a way of showing wilbur's emotions in any given moment. but also wilbur is our main pov, the fact that he's a cane user is only one part of who he is as a character so I don't want it to seem like I'm mentioning it too much. it's just a balance I'm trying my best to strike.
I'm so glad the battle for the throne feels balanced! I really want to emphasize how niki (and quackity as well, to an extent) are both far better suited for the throne, but neither of them have the backing that tommy has being supported by the consil, the keeper of knowledge, and the consil's son. it really evens out the playing field.
but yeah, the tragedy is that none of them should've been put in this position in the first place. sam should've been man enough to choose an heir when they were a child (tbh he should've just chosen niki outright the only reason he didn't was out of obstinance) so now he's got these young people ruining their relationships and struggling to play political games because of it.
I'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter!!!
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whoblewboobear · 8 months ago
I do think that between all of the zarajaceporter pairings, Porter and Zara have some of the most intense sex.
The rest is under a read more bc this truly is just smut
Porter has never had a safe word before he never thought he’d need to use one himself and he thinks that if that’s good enough for him that’s good enough for his partners.
To Zara that’s all bullshit (she’s so right) and as long as she and Porter are involved she plans to break him of the habit. She's not a fixer, she doesn't care and shes doing it mainly for her and to some extent Jace's benefit. its been years since shes enacted her safe word, but its always known and in place. She LOVES bloodplay and with that, safety needs to be involved.
When Porter asks for her to drain him until hes near death she explains this to him but he tries to wave it away. He’ll look at her, so fucking desperate and needy and gooooods damnit he really can flash those stupid puppy dog eyes at her and get her on board with anything. He does agree to use a safe word though, so progress.
Porter doesn't like putting a lot of thought into his plans. His full idea was just: Slurp me like a juice box. And that was just kinda it lmao. But when the day actually comes he’s glad that Zara made him prep snacks and drinks to have on standby and had Jace talk him through what it would feel like. Jace and Zara have been there done that, and she was way more comfortable doing it with them bc she actually listens 😌 (she loves her obedient butch to pieces)
Jace is so excited for them to take this step. He knows Zara is careful about feeding for pleasure rather than hunger. They’ve discussed her bloodlust and how she used to have trouble with it and still gets the urge every now and then if she’s not careful. She knows her limits but she’s fucked up severely in the past and suffered the consequences. And as much as she hates to say it, she doesn’t want to accidentally kill one of her partners, she likes Porter. She did from the minute she met him even if the allure faded, now genuine care and affection for him is in its place. She likes Porter. Jace teases her about it all the time and tries to get her to say it to their boyfriend more often. She refuses, but she will drain him.
When she does, she’s perched on top of him staring down at him beneath her. His eyes full of trust and anticipation and when she sinks her fangs into him, the whine he makes encourages her. Porter strokes her hair until his limbs feel detached from his body, he’s in ecstasy, head somewhere floating in the clouds. When Zara releases him, his blood coats her from mouth to chin; dripping down onto her breasts. She looks incredible like this. If he had enough blood in his body he’d be so fucking hard right now. He didn’t take that into account.
Zara pecks his lips, then presses a gentle kiss to the puncture wounds in his neck and casts healing light. Porter can feel the life returning to him. Zara climbs off of him and goes to wipe her mouth and grabs the snacks and things for him so he can build his strength back up. She feels good, like there’s a buzz thrumming through her body. It wasn’t her first time tasting his blood, but never this much of it. She tucks the thought away before she starts to obsess over and takes a seat next to him.
“How are you feeling?”
“‘M alright. I liked it,” he grins at her and takes her hand, placing a gentle kiss to her knuckles. “Was it good for you?” She flushes, looking away for a moment to compose herself as she nods. “Yeah, really good,” she breathes, feeling a bit lightheaded from his question. Porter munches on his apple slices for a bit before he breaks the silence. “How’d I taste?”
Zara’s body feels hot, it was such a simple question and it was making her so wet she could barely think straight.
“Good, really- uhm. Robust- but with something else underneath. There is a kick, like caffeine.” She doesn’t even noticed how tightly she’s clenching her thighs together, but Porter does. He hums at her response. She was getting off on this, just talking about the notes of his blood like it’s some aged vintage she and Jace saved for special occasions. “Keep talking,” he grunts, abandoning his snack in favor of placing his massive hand on her thigh.
Zara bites her lip, unclenches her legs and gives him the invitation if he’d like to take it.
“Well. It’s not that different from any other blood- it’s just- Porter-!” She gasps, as his hand slides her panties to the side before he inserts two fingers, stretching her open. He leans over and kisses her jaw, sucking the skin there. Only pausing to rasp, “Keep talking, Love.”
She shivers, rocking her hips and following his lead for once. “Your blood- it fuck.. uh- it was warmer than I’m used to. Delicious like hot chocolate, there’s an aftertaste of heat- mm, yes- Right there! Fuck- like when you eat spicy food, it lingers!” She keens, head falling back as a tight heat settles in her belly. Porter continues to work, thumb ghosting over her clit enough to draw a desperate moan from her.
“Good girl,” he smirks, pressing a kiss to her lips. “I like the insight.” He pulls his fingers from her and she growls.
“Don’t be a prick. Finish,” she eyes him, pouting. The stupid smirk doesn’t leave his face as he licks his fingers clean, not daring to break eye contact with her. “You’re a big girl, you can handle it.” Is all he leaves her with as he gathers his things and leaves her room.
For a moment she wishes she killed him.
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pansy-picnics · 6 months ago
I’m curious, what do you think uknighted dream would argue about and how would they apologise to each other?
Cause I personally think Cass hates apologising, Eugene’s not used to it, and Rapunzel according to the show can do no wrong!
Oh, and if you don’t mind me asking, are you planning on updating Children of the moon soon? Sorry, it’s just one of my favourite fics for this ship!
Thank you x
God ive been so bad about that fic i swear i have so many ideas for it but this year has been SOOO busy for me 😭😭 most of my free time has been dedicated to drawing and playing games cuz writing doesn’t come as naturally to me ngl….BUT SOON ENOUGH I WILL LOCK IN I PROMISE!!!! its been crossing my mind a lot more recently snd ive started a little bit of the next chapter…Ur guys’ support means the world to me im so happy to know people enjoy it as much as i do 🥹 and i desperately wish i had more time to dedicate to all my projects
as for your first question though….LMAO yeah the show did rapunzel DIRTY….Honestly it really depends for me, but i think you’re definitely right about cass and eugene. and rapunzel definitely struggles i think to apologize Genuinely, because she can get really overwhelmed with her guilt and anxiety to the point that she loses sight of the actual problem. its kind of a rough spot for all of them
I honestly haven’t thought abt it a lot so idk if i know what they’d fight about Specifically, but what i can come up with off the top of my head is ummm
rapunzel is a chronic Fixer. whenever someone expresses a problem to her shes quicker to try and “solve” it than she is to just. Listen because she kind of has grown up with the idea that everything is Her fault and She needs to fix everything. I think cass and eugene can end up feeling really unheard because of this. Usually it’s just something they can quickly talk through but when put on top of other conflicts it exacerbates things a LOT.
Raps, cass and eugene can all be INCREDIBLY stubborn and set in their ways and they sometimes struggle to hear each other out. rapunzel i think has her moments, but generally she isn’t too bad about it; eugene has a temper and he can be VERY petty but i think unless he REALLY has a reason to hold a grudge against you, he usually just needs about a week to cool down- but Queen of Anxious Attachment Cassandra Tangled (tm) can end up going AGES holding a grudge and just refusing to check in with anyone. as you probably can imagine it does not go well
i think bc rapunzel has such a strong belief that love is transactional she sometimes gets trapped in a cycle where she basically attempts to min-max her time with eugene and cass respectively because she worries if she isn’t spending “equal” amounts of time with them then it means she must not love them enough. as you might imagine this causes a lot more harm than good….
cass is REALLY REALLY bad at asking for help and being vulnerable and especially admitting when someone does something that hurts her. i think this causes a LOT of really stupid miscommunications between them. eugene or rapunzel are both usually able to talk her through it depending on who shes upset at…and it really helps to have a third party there who she trusts because otherwise it could easily just spiral out of control and cause her to grow bitter and distant (As seen in canon LOL)
Ummm….To be completely honest i cant really see a lot of situations where cass and eugene like, Genuinely fight after they get with rapunzel. they obviously still bicker a lot but like, frankly after they’ve both figured their shit out i just don’t think they have much of a reason to fight anymore. Their whole rivalry has always been really childish and most of the more serious stressors have already been taken care of by the time the series ends. i think most of their fights are just over stupid shit and get resolved within the hour. i think they’d have to both go through a MAJOR traumatic event to actually get as bad as they were in season 1 again LMAOOO
How they apologize definitely depends a lot on the situation (go figure) but i genuinely dont think they get into Big fights very often…so when it does happen it takes a toll on all of them.
eugene i imagine is a little extra but sincere. doesn’t do Too much because he doesn’t want to overwhelm the girls, but probably just picks a quiet night and orders takeout or makes a small dinner to talk over. sometimes it can take eugene a while to realize when he’s fucked up but when he DOES realize it, it hits him like a TRUCK and he IMMEDIATELY jumps to do everything in his power to rectify it. he’s a big softie <3
cass is a lot more prideful than raps and eugene whether she realizes it or not, so its a lot harder for her to admit her faults, even when she knows she was wrong. she doesn’t like to make a big deal of when she apologizes because it’s really embarrassing for her. she’s the kind of person to send the apology text to the group chat and have to like physically put her phone down and start pacing around the room. To me.
rapunzel, like i said struggles to genuinely apologize because her anxiety and guilt can just become so overwhelming….she usually has to spend a bit of time away before shes ready to Really talk things out. When she is she definitely shows it quietly but clearly, she writes little notes with a paper bouquet and leaves them around where the other two will find them. they leave her little notes back and let her come to them when she’s ready.
admittedly i’m Not good with thinking of character conflicts off the top of my head, they have to come to me in Visions, and i just don’t end up thinking about a lot of ukd conflicts so hopefully this is okay LOL…..I would love to hear other ppls thoughts….. :3
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plusultraetc · 1 year ago
fiiiiiic reeeeecs? 👻
Thank you for being so sweet & patient with this, HERE ARE SOME!!! (also I know this is a long post but I didn't want to put any of them under a keep reading😭):
Nine Lives by machiroads | You may have been wondering if I was going to start by recommending Nine Lives again and yes I'm going to recommend Nine Lives again, who do you think I am. This fic was my Book Of The Year 2023. I'm also going to recommend its Shinsou-centric spinoff, Naruhata Noir, bc I love Shinsou and NN is so fun despite the literal actual cannibalism (mind the tags, but I didn't find anything in this fic overly graphic!)
Actually, I am going to blanket recommend everything by machiroads, you literally can't go wrong. Special shoutout to 1966 Ford Nutstang GT350 Shelby for Present Mic's quarter-life crisis and Aizawa at his Most Gremlin Ever, I love this fic sm.
let's make some noise (time goes fast when you're having fun) by carolinaa | The first time I read this fic, I actually scrolled right back up to the top and read it again. It's so good. I don't even know where to start. First of all, my favorite Hizashi POV I have literally ever read. The way the author handled everything from his hearing loss to the inherent horror of trying to navigate your 20s. How much he and Aizawa love each other. So much about this fic feels so whole? in a way? I don't know? 1000/10, no notes.
Cry Me A River is another favorite by carolinaa. I literally am wrapping this fic around my shoulders like a weighted blanket.
Passaggio by kashinoha | If you would Like To Cry, this fic is a very recent read for me. Another really good Present Mic POV, but also I curled up into a weepy little ball on the ground upon reading it. I just want the boys to take care of themselves for once is that too much to ask.
nothing as undoing by HalloweenClown | 'Fics that land somewhere between soft and stabbing me in the heart,' which is where a lot of Aizawa & Eri fics land for me. This fic does such an excellent job of capturing the very early stages of building trust™ between them.
acid reflux by lcthe | Vigilante Midoriya AU with a twist(?) The vibes are surreal, the vibes are I'm confused, the vibes are I'm having a great time, and the writing is excellent. It's incomplete and being revised, but I read up to Chapter 3 fairly recently and the erasermic in that chapter,, so painful but so good. Fair warning, this one does get a little dark!
the river walked me home by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion | Writing this post actually reminded me that I want to reread this one. It was the first Todoroki-centric fic I ever read in this fandom (something like a year ago? or close to it?) and I can vividly remember shedding tears over Animal Crossing. I have never played Animal Crossing.
My Brother, My Brother, and Me and Breaking the Ice by seventh_time_lucky | SPEAKING of fics I want to reread, we are going back to 'Liza's pre-ao3 era' (as in, the fics are on ao3, but I was not) These two follow Natsuo as he tries to get to know Shouto after growing up as virtual strangers. There are sentences in the first fic that genuinely haunt me, and the entire coffee conversation (motif?) in the second fic is just. So good? I'm so glad I was able to find them again.
komorebi by Calamitatum | If you're interested in a waaay canon divergent fic, this one reads like a gut punch (in a good way!!) komorebi is one of those fics that I started reading thinking 'oh, that's an interesting premise' and then ended up thinking 'oh god wait what oh no.' I don't want to spoil anything but it definitely went in a direction I wasn't expecting, and honestly it feels like a masterclass in building tension, tackling multiple POVs, and callbacks, my beloved. This author is soo good at unpacking exposition, backstory, and motivation through conversations as well, which I appreciate greatly bc I struggle so hard with that in my own writing. The fic is incomplete with one chapter remaining, so I'm currently rereading it while waiting for the final update!
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callmearcturus · 2 years ago
Gods damnit, Arc, I did _not_ need to be yeeted back into MI fandom!
But since you're doing it anyway ( :D ), care to ramble on Ethan's complicated relationship between sex between friends, sex in a relationship, and sex on a mission?
I don't know if I can delineate that much but it does dovetail into my reading of Ethan as ace. Because wow the self recognizes the self, that boy has intense vibes. Sex neutral ace is my read from him.
I'm finally watching MI1 tomorrow with some friends, but I've seen a lot of scenes from it and the vibe I get from Ethan is very unethical slut boy who then goes through a massively traumatic event that almost permanently damages the mechanism that lets him trust and rely on other people.
When we reach the McQuarrie Trilogy and catch up with Ethan, there's a lot of interesting stuff with gender and sex going on. Notably, in GP, Ethan does not get a love interest at all and while he's a joy to watch and the camera loves to frame him in compelling ways, it's not really sexy at all. We spend a lot of the movie thinking he got left by Julia, then we find out she's dead, then we learn she's alive and they still love each other but can't be together.
All of that is super compelling to me. In Hollywood Action Movies, I find the lack of sexual tension and love interest to be refreshingly weird. I'm trying to think of another action hero who gets treated like Ethan does, and the only thing that kind of came to mind was Cobb from Inception, but even then there's shipteasing with Arthur and Ariadne (and also Nolan's gender politic is a treacherous wasteland, so bad example anyway).
In Rogue Nation, the trend continues and honestly gets even more odd to me. Because on paper, Ilsa should be Ethan's love interest and there's small moments like escaping the opera and the body search int he car, but both of them are outliers. Hell, when they meet, Ethan COMPLIMENTS HER SHOES which is. About the least heterosexual thing ever.
Ilsa is extremely important to Ethan and I think he loves her, but after the big climax, their huge moment of intimacy is a hug. Which makes me go wild, it's so interesting that there's not even a goodbye kiss.
Pairing that with how Ethan treats Benji in RN and how structurally he's the love interest-- BUT EVEN THEN Ethan is so fucking careful and guarded with how he touches people. I keep thinking about Ilsa in Morocco, coming out of the pool and how its potentially a Bond Girl Moment but the camera doesn't linger on her much and Ethan keeps his eyes on her face. There's no leering, there's not even checking her out. IT'S JARRING. I LOVE IT.
And then in Fallout, there's the White Widow thing, which makes me want to scream. That moment when the White Widow kisses Ethan out of the blue and Ethan is fucking stone-faced, like the ace vibes are wild.
It's not just that he doesn't react so oooh he must be one of My People, but there's also how Fallout makes you feel Ethan's age. Ethan spends 90% of Fallout looking tired and sad, and it's almost like... on some level he's not even willing to put on the show anymore. He's not going to crank up the charisma and woo people to do what he wants, he can't be fucking bothered, and I feel the gravity of him so acutely every time I watch it. The only time he really has that big lovely smile is when he's talking to Benji and Luther in the beginning, which makes it a genuine charisma, a genuine urge to relax and grin and share a moment with people he loves.
But as soon as the job says he should maybe seduce the White Widow bc she's clearly into him, he's just. Not there for it.
Anyway the ace vibes are off the charts. Does Ethan Hunt fuck? Possibly, but it has to be with someone he trusts and they're probably going to have to be the one to suggest it. If you invite him to Netflix and Chill, he's going to be in the kitchen heating up popcorn kernels in a cast iron because you gotta have popcorn for movies. Then you say "actually how about sex" and there's a two second lag as he processes that and goes "Oh yeah sure that sounds like it could be fun too."
Ace as fuck.
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forgottentristan · 27 days ago
OOC | Love Languages
continuing w this series...
5 love languages:
words of affirmation
physical touch
giving/receiving gifts
quality time
acts of service 
and here's what i said my initial instincts were re: my peeps...
Godfrey — appears as a words of affirmation dude but if he ~really loves you it’s acts of service!!
Tristan — acts of service he is literally a knight!! Send him on a quest!! He will goooo!
Eabha — bc of her ruling lady outlook she looks like acts of service but she’s really more physical touch
Cormac — giving of gifts
Ronan — acts of service!! I hope you like someone just wordlessly doing smth for you bc that’s what ur in for here bc sadly he’s pr rubbish at a lot of the others these days
Cillian — quality time
Saoirse — physical touch
Rosie — quality time
Valentina — receiving gifts
Eilia — words of affirmation 
Rian — quality time
Roderick — giving of gifts
Amira — tbd
Arthur — tbd
words of affirmation
ok so in direct contrast to ~both his siblings lakjsdfkjlds tristan is the most genuine guy in the world like!!! if he tells you smth, he believes that thing!!! he legit wants you to know how valued and amazing you are and he will tell you!! idk how smooth he'd be abt that tho ngl...but he'd be earnest enough to hopefully make up for any failures of that kind. he's kind of a quiet person tho so this isn't really where he shines ngl and its def not his default mode of expressing how much he cares, tristan is a man of action(tm) as i mentioned above so he's more here to ~show you that stuff; he'll like stumble over the words but he! will! try!!!!!! if that's what the situation calls for!!!
real talk, i do think his siblings/not!parents being such large-scale liar-manipulator types who use language that way really kinda soured him on this mode of love language early on bc he hears ppl say smth and he goes 'idk that they're being sincere! doesn't seem like ppl are v sincere v often!' as he got older and met more ppl he realized that this pov was skewed and now he feels super guilty abt his gut reaction of distrust but anyway!!! he will try but its not his thing!!!
this makes me sad but...idk how much experience he honestly truly has w someone telling him they love him and not having any doubt whatsoever that they mean it ngl (ironically both his siblings ~do love him but they've lied abt sm and treated him badly so often he's like 'who knows!!') :( but yeah that lack of experience means he doesn't really know how to go abt doing that himself either so he's just kinda gotta feel his way along in the dark towards that one!! good luck to everyone!!
physical touch
i think this is one that tristan really values!! again, another way to ~show affection, yknow? squeezing someone's hand is more eloquent in his mind than tryna string together a bunch of words they probs won't even fully believe (skewed view again but here we are)
inversely for godfrey, i think tristan has almost a sense of yearning for their poverty, bc that's when he could trust in his siblings??? ofc he feels guilty af for the stuff they did out of desperation back then, but he also misses the certainty he had, then: knowing where they all stood and that they all had e/o's backs, smth he hasn't felt he's had since, yknow? so while physical touch bringing him back to those times horrifies godfrey, if anything that comforts tristan.
however, i don't think its as intrinsically a part of that time for him, either, like it is for godfrey. tristan was still a boy when they left kolchis and joined roderick's court, he was still being taught knightley arts, and went on to ~be a knight, etc and, being so physical a thing, touch isn't as sharply associated w a particular time in his life or anything. it just is. and to him, its warm and amicable and v nice! so yeah tristan is def the smile and put a hand on your shoulder type, just lil affectionate moments like that thoughtlessly given in lieu of words or smth
ofc, this is different w eithne ~specifically, bc there's attraction there and so touching her doesn't feel casual at alllll and that's largely how he uses touch: to casually say, 'hey, you, i care abt you' (godfrey: god pls stoP the psychological warfare ldkajsfkljsdf), sO w eithne he's in this weird push-pull of wanting to touch her but...not quite daring to presume to do it and!! yeah! lakdjsfksjdf
giving/receiving gifts
ok so you know that scene from the mummy where rick really really shyly comes up to evey and gives her a tiny lil archeology kit??? that is tristan w giving gifts!! like...he is v eager bc he saw that thing and it made him think of you and he thinks you'd love it!! but also he's weirdly awkward/a lil too raw abt it, while ~also tryna play that its casual but anxiously looking back to see if you like it?!! bc he just wants to make you happy!! #facepalm
but yeah this one is rare for him. generally, he'll only do this when like giving a gift is expected or else he saw smth that just made him go !! thinking of you and just...had to...even then he'll try to just keep it for one of the traditional gift-giving times and play it off or whatever but yeah!! there it is
i do think tristan ~is in general a lil clumsy in the use of pr much all his love languages -- but esp the more overt ones like this -- bc, again, not a lot of experience there!! and not a lot of faith that even the ppl ~he loves/values feels the same, so i think it does always feel like this giant, awful leap where you'll probs get slammed pr hard at the end but!! its worth it to try!! ppl deserve to know it when someone cares abt them, and he believes that v strongly. i think, tho, the divide does kinda come in when it leaps from care/value/friendship to bigger feelings of love, whether platonic or not, yknow? but whther love or casual affection, he still wants you to know at the v least that he values you!!
quality time
another homerun for tristan!! if you can play off affection casually, tristan is gonna be a lil better at that and!! honestly just spending time w the ppl you love is what its really all abt, isn't it??? i also don't think its a coincidence that this is one of godfrey's most-used love languages and that tristan is pr fluent in it/really loves it!! it is unfortunate but its also the truth that poor tristan did in fact learn how to love from his siblings klajsdfkljsdf #yikes but!! yeah!!
anyway, tristan is probs looking to be a lil more actively engaged w you when spending quality time, than godfrey necessarily is -- he'd be content to just hang out but he doesn't wanna feel like we're ignoring e/o he wants to actively engage w you, chat or go somewhere or do some shared activity!! in a modern au, game nights would be his idea of a good time! movie date nights where he can just hold his girl and they can enjoy being together while being told a story together would be his jam! but anyway he's got none of that so let him hold your yarn while you knit or smth or go on a walk w you!! if he can help you w smth while hanging out w you??? better yet bc the big one for him is in fact...
acts of service 
so here we are!! tristan's go-to love language!! this can be anything from helping you get smth down from the high shelf to fully putting life and limb on the line for you, but whatever it is you need he wants to give it to you!!
tristan doesn't even necessarily need/want credit, he just wants you taken care of and the self-satisfaction of knowing that he's been a positive influence on your existance, even if that's just from the sidelines. he's not someone whose looking to get anything out of you, he just wants to give to you!!
in fact, he'd probs be a lil embarrassed if you knew it was him bc he ~does get in his head abt being like godfrey and AM I MAKING THIS PERSON FEEL OBLIGED TO RESPOND bc he wants! it! to! be! real!!!!! more than anything!!!!! if someone reached out to him, he doesn't want to be afraid anymore that it isn't ~really for him but for smth else bc he's been burned that way too many times. sadly, bc of that he always ~will be afraid that its not real even if there's no real reason to doubt it just bc of his past, bc he ~does have this lil voice in the back of his head that always kinda doubts that he's wanted/loved by the ppl he loves most. sadly, that's true w all the love languages but yeah
anyway!!! tristan regards this as the purest love bc its just helping someone!!! improving their life!! and they don't have to respond, he just wants to do it bc they deserve that!!!! and he can make a difference for them!!! and at the end of the day that's all he wants from his life: to make a positive difference to the ppl he loves. tristan is a deeply idealistic person, and this one vibes veeeery strongly w his ideals!!
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noellashes · 1 year ago
hiiiiiiii! feel free to ignore this ask but what do you like about noelashe? :0 I really like them too but I don't exactly know why myself... the parallels perhaps? the care? the potential? either way, I'm asking you how you feel about them! And I hope you have a wonderful day! :)
so so sorry for the late response but
anon you don't understand how long ive been waiting for someone to ask me this exact question
this may be extremely long depending on how much i feel like talking about so i apologize
spoilers inbound after this point!!
there are many, many reasons ive fallen in love with them and their dynamic, but ill try to condense them into a more readable format
the sections will be as follows:
 their parallels and how they compliment each other
their kindness and affection towards each other
how they treat the other differently to the others in the mansion
more surface level dynamic things i like
the things that got me attached to them in the first place
i feel like every noelashe fan understands their parallels somewhat but im insane so im gonna go in depth
they match and contrast each other in so so many different ways, down to even design (i actually made a post about that before it shouldnt be too hard to find)
their personalities are one thing, energetic and tired, extroverted and introverted, loud and shy, cruel and kind, fake and genuine, manipulative and naïve, i could go on but thatd be WAY too long so i'll just mention these
but thats just on the surface, they actually match each other a LOT more than you think
how ashe is more introverted than what meets the eye, not liking people out of distrust, and noel being tons more talkative and social, adoring people and barely being able to hate anyone
noel being smarter than he appears, willing to lie and manipulate for what he wants, and ashe being really easy to fool sometimes, immediately believing anything he thinks can bring back his family
and of course the obvious, their wishes
the same wish, the same pain, they go through such similar trauma with different ways of dealing with it
or so you think, their coping is very similar and this is acknowledged in sirius's conclusion, the only real difference being if theyre violent or not. noel, has sworn off harming people but he's still not above using backhanded methods for his goals. ashe, despite doing awful things for his wants, still has noble(ish) reasons for why he does these things
neither are entirely innocent, but neither are completely guilty
they both just want the people they care for to live peacefully, alive
but both do some pretty fucked up things for this wish, noel lies to sirius and uses dorothy as a ploy, ashe well- i think we all know. ashe commits multiple varied crimes that range from theft to murder and noel's own negligence can be considered a crime in some cases.
they have an understanding no one else does and it creates a lot of interest towards them and develops them as individuals too
they care so much for each other its insane
noel has trouble seeing ashe as anything but kind and ashe cant help but feel attached to noel even if he doesnt want to, which makes them get close each time and it makes them feel for each other a LOT more than they need to
the times where noel is sick and ashe takes care of him, ashe saying he lied so noel wont feel bad, noel letting ashe confide in him and ashe even trusting him enough to say his worries in the first place, the list goes on
they just have an instant bond bc they want someone to care and help them (even if both have trouble admitting it) and they want to help each other, which just makes them care more
it always ends in kindness between the two and it's one of the ways we get a happy ending
special treatment
i could put this in the kindness section but i think it deserves its own section bc its so damn cute
it does have a little less to go over tho as it doesn't happen much
im also gonna start adding screenshots and such
noel seems to really admire ashe and his abilities so much more than anyone else its adorable
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hes so amazed by him literally just cooking and he doesnt comment on anything to do with precise stuff that isnt smth ashe does, i may be wrong but i dont think ive ever seen him comment on smth like sirius drawing talismans which is highly specific but will ALWAYS think about how impressed he is with ashe
he also just
treats ashe in a similar way to claire, like he just casually says ashe saved him which is such a strong word to him with no thought and he LITERALLY SAYS HE TRUSTS HIM UNCONSCIOUSLY BC HE REMINDS HIM OF CLAIRE if that doesnt say smth i dont know what does
and ashe always opens up to noel so much more than anyone else like noel has gotten ashe to talk about himself unlike anyone else, the only other character he talked to about things was claire (technically sirius too but he was drunk off his ass so im not counting it) and that was like once he doesnt even say anything that isnt surface level
ashe also just refuses to harm noel and i dont think anyone has noticed this before
it makes sense if his killings are during the day bc noel literally just isnt there but some other times he has no excuse
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surface level things
as much as i love the incredible lengths of their relationship, i also like more simple things that im just gonna put into a little list
theyre so sun and moon guys
their color palettes look nice together
babygirl and wet cat
loves to cook and fucking awful at cooking
smartass x dumbass
mutual healing
their symbols being hearts and stars those look so cute together
"i care about you!!" "why??", mutually
little bitch and sweetheart
both are affectionate but neither can handle it
emotionally repressed x the one who wants them to grow again
bfs who rant about their interests
same trauma
very strange guy x doesnt care
"im a disgusting monster" "HOW?"
the black and white good evil thing is very aesthetically pleasing for them
angel and devil (kinda)
why i fell in love with them
theres a lot of reasons why i love them but theres a few very specific things that got me attached
most obvious is that theyre both my favorites, im extremely attached to ashe and i loved him from the start, i didnt start liking noel until a tiny bit later but he very quickly gained my love
i also relate to them both heavily so seeing them care so much for each other gave me comfort
its a huge pattern that most of my ships are of the character i got immediately attached to and relate to and other character i relate to who cares about the first character
the fate line. its just so gay i was like "thats kinda gay" and while i didnt always think of it like it was super important it always stuck in my head like "yeah i could ship them"
but the real thing that started this all was the wine scene
its when i realized how much they cared for each other and then the floodgates opened, and here we are now!!
its still by far my favorite scene of the two it just makes me so happy its so adorable
i have an extreme love for noelashe and just seeing them can make my entire mood better
i dont think many people have analyzed them as much as me so its sad to see how much stuff with them goes unnoticed
theyre genuinely so great for each other, platonic, romantic or anything in between, they deserve to be happy with each other
im so sorry for this being so long and maybe really hard to understand but i adore them so much
if you read this all thank you so much!! have a great day
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mariejordans · 1 year ago
I agree Jordan Marie and cate are the best most interesting characters if they're going to kill someone it should be Andre like you said he's useless and also unlikable as a person lmfao he ain't doing anything right. I love cate and I love villains so whatever way they go with her as long as it's believable I'm all for it. My thing with them killing more characters is because we're in the endgame now as in the boys probably has 2 more seasons to go and they're also going to start killing a lot of people like by the end I expect most of the main supes and at least half of the boys to be dead so as the gen v characters get pulled into that they're also going to start getting killed off but idc they better not touch Jordan and Marie I'm not kidding I already have hives thinking about stranger things maybe killing Steve in the last season I don't need this 😂😂😂😂
right EXACTLY jordan marie cate 🔛🔝
i genuinely didn’t expect them to pivot on cate’s character bc i really thought they’d stick with cate wanting to be good/wanting to be a hero, trying to earn her friends’ trust back, but i’m SOOO glad that they’re going the villain/anti-hero route. especially with marie and cate now on opposing sides and them basically being each other’s narrative foils, like i need them to go full on villain with cate like it’s just too good a set up for a really complex relationship between marie and cate.
*sighs* okay so my thing with andre is that he COULD’VE been a really interesting character. like, daddy issues, bisexual, doesn’t really care about being a superhero and lowkey in love with his best friend (the writers are cowards for not making the throuple happen) like there were so many ways his character could’ve been done, but then he ended up being a stereotypical nepo baby. it’s kinda like the writers put little to no effort in his character development and didn’t even try to make him likable 😭 he just constantly gets thrown around by the other characters, he slept with his best friend’s girlfriend, and he’s just kind of a dick in general. really the only thing i found really genuine and likable about andre was his love for luke, and to a certain extent, cate. but beyond that, he’s just not a very sympathetic character to me idk 😭
honestly, i’m not suuper attached to any of the boys characters, maybe it’s bc i always end up taking super long breaks between binge watching but if they decided to start killing off main characters, i think i’d be fine (except kimchie or starlight pls don’t touch them thx) but THEY BETTER NOT TOUCH MARIE OR JORDAN OR I’M STARTING A RIOT IN THE PRIME VIDEO BUILDING FR like you could even take cate from me just dont touch limoreau…
i’m gonna be honest, i kinda wish gen v was less tied into the boys and got to stand on its own more bc i really need homelander to stay FARRRRRR away from marie and jordan and cate. butcher too. but also bc i really liked the college setting but seeing as how we now know the entire college is a scam, it might completely move away from godolkin, which is a shame bc i loved the superhero college-sky high esque concept of it and i wish we had gotten MORE of it before we got into all the plot heavy stuff but…it is what it is ig 🤷🏼‍♀️
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ritzcuit · 2 months ago
Actually, if you don't mind me asking...
"What makes you like SoJ and the Dragon Family so much?" I can tell from your drawings that you deeply enjoy both!
its a good question...!! HMMM
for soj, it's mostly because i like revolutionary stories! i looooove a good rebel group, a good "fighting the powers that be" story, and ESPECIALLY love the fact that the rebels in soj aren't demonized. or like, they are, but as propaganda, not as a genuine part of the narrative. when you meet datz in 6-3 and he starts tearing down the propaganda phoenix has been fed, it's just so nice..
especially that the dragons are shown to just be like, normal citizens, mostly. like when you hear someone talking about their family member being wrongly accused, and beh'leeb is reassuring them... it's so. </3 the sympathetic view is so appreciated. and with the current political climate of everything... augh. it's just refreshing. i love it...
but really, the reason why i love soj And the dragon family so much, is entirely because of datz 🥹🥹 soj is the best game because it has datz. simple! he's the perfect mix of goofy-crazy unhinged guy, and serious-earnest-loyal rebel guy, and his heart is so big and WAAHH DAAAATZ
datz loves that family so much, i had to love them too :'3 he talks so proudly about yuty and hypes up apollo all the time... it just gives the impression that he's the proud uncle who saw them both grow up into capable adults, and *sniffle*its just so cute. it's so cute!!!!
plus, thankfully, everyone involved is so fun to think about. nahyuta is such a regal and put-together character that it's almost addictive to think about him having a crazy uncle LMAO and apollo...! i don't care what everyone says, the soj backstory is so fun for apollo. he's SUCH a normal underwhelming guy that imagining him saying "oh right and i was raised in the himalayan mountains by criminals but it doesn't really matter--" is so funny...
*also i know it's set in, you know, the himalayan mountain range, but at least through the english translation, a lot of the vibe reminds me of appalachian america, and a lot of my family is from there so it just feels very cozy to me :3
AND THEN... OF COURSE... its the implied history... between him and dhurke. that has driven me crazy for 5 years. AUHG. AUAHGH. WOAHGH. i can talk about how soj has its merits and how cutie cutie the dragon family had to be, but really, it's all because of the Insane Devotion one must extrapolate datz having towards dhurke 😭BC HE WAS THERE. FOR EVERYTHING. HE TRUSTED DHURKE IMPLICITLY. THROUGH ACCUSATIONS OF TREASON. AND HELPED RAISE KIDS WITH HIM. AND. AUAHG. AOUGH. I'M SUFFERING POISON DAMAGE!
soj just loosely implied a backstory but gave just enough details that you can imagine anything. datz coming up with asinine stories to tell the kids before going to bed.. dhurke trying to homeschool his boys and then he's like, wait a second, we live in the mountains. and him relishing in that off-grid feeling, free from everything, just getting to see his kids run around safely.. :') he'll teach them, sure, but they can learn from all sorts of things. not just books. but then datz brings books! and toys! and they all go fishing together! and maybe dhurke suggests datz stays the night, you know, since it's already late...!! AAHHHH
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tojikai · 2 years ago
also wanted to add this part since i forgot to add this to the original ask:
the manipulation is so cruel and heartbreaking. to constantly torment the reader knowing how she feels and to just upset her on purpose is disgusting. also to mention in front of the baby mom you discarded and mistreat that you want to have children with someone else and willingly allow the gf to diminish the reader’s role in her own child’s life. i was more sad than mad at first when the child called the gf mama but now i think the anger and sadness are equal. i know the child is young (and that gojo probably cosigned that) but they are inadvertently turning them against reader. she already has to coparent with him and the gf enabling him too so she definitely doesn’t deserve to be put last by her own child for the people who torment her especially since she is the only one being the bigger person and that no one as of right now is in her corner. the taking the child on trips was appalling; they didn’t consider how reader would feel and they overstep her boundaries and just disregard her role. part of me even thinks that there is a possibility gojo cares more about antagonizing the reader than being a dad sometimes. hopefully the child will stop calling the gf mom bc it isn’t right (they’re not even married, she didn’t even see or care how reader felt about it and the gf is trying to slide into the role too quick) maybe its just me but despite not having kids, having them around strangers is a definite NO. the fact that she could see how the entire situation affected reader and had the audacity to smile at her and to just watch her get mistreated screams “pick me” but also screams “evil and enjoying her suffering” i just don’t trust her. it makes me sad that the child doesn’t have loyalty to her mom and hopefully they develop to have more loyalty to the reader. i hope the reader can find happiness and at least have her child also (saying also bc i think someone else said this too) and then leave gojo and his gf where they are at. i do genuinely hope that gojo suffers in this fic lmao pls dog walk his behind😭
hopefully her feelings can fade and that she falls in love with someone who will have her back, protect her and just be loyal to her.
(maybe this entire this sounds bitter, but i didn’t know how else to phrase it. i know when i was little and even now i would see my mom have this kind of personality and is kind to everyone so i stick with my mom on everything so to read that kinda shocked me and made me sad. if my child called someone else mom id be devastated.)
sidenote: i also would like to think that reader’s child would be gojo’s karma since he is so malicious towards the reader and that with time the child will pick up on that and strengthen their bond with the reader as well as her loyalty.
(this is honestly a lot but i had a lot of feelings and thoughts 💭)
- theory anon
i definitely get you. seeing a babydaddy's gf try to take over the mom role even when the real mom is literally alive and kicking can be really revolting. and the fact that the babydaddy is not taking action is just disrespectful. tho, we cant blame the child bc they're weak when it comes to toys😭irl, i know that as a child grows, they slowly realize all of that and side more with what is right. i really enjoyed reading this, theory anon <33 hope you're doing great~
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koffing-time · 10 months ago
So… What would you say is your best espresso. I’ve been searching for alternatives after my favorite local spot closed.
Hmmm, sorry for the late answer, i had to think about this a bit.
I can give you a few nods and infos, but it depends on your taste and preferences.
Well, let's start at the beginning. I'm not that much of an espresso kinda person, i'm more into standard coffee, but espresso is (genuinely) not much more than concentrated coffee. You have to be more careful when preparing it, but in the end, you have the same flavors, just more concentrated. (I promise, i can do that, i know how to make a banger espresso)
And, well, the flavors mostly depend on the coffee you're using. Obviously there are different grades of quality, but i'm assuming you want some high quality stuff, right? Now, i do have some standard beans for normal ass coffee, and you can do a lot of different things with that alone.
Depending on the place your beans come from, they'll have a slightly different taste, but i won't go into that rn because that would go WAYYYYY beyond the scale of this post lmao.
Something more managable is the color (or roast level). Rule of thumb: darker roasts give you more bitterness, a more full and earthy aroma and some chocolatey hints. More lighter roasts are sweeter, less bitter and the more nuanced aromas come out more.
Secondly, there are two different kinds of beans (for the most part. you can probably get some exotic shit as well, but i usually don't have that around). Arabica and Robusta. In general, Arabica is more popular bc it's more... light? i wanna say? It's gentler with its flavors, but the Robusta has more punch, more caffeine and will make overall stronger coffee (espresso). I don't actually have pure Robusta, because, if we're honest, pure robusta coffee (espresso) is REALLY bitter and kind of bland. Something more interesting is a blend between the two. Depending on the ratio, you can get a lot of different profiles. (there are pure arabica versions of course)
Third is the freshness. Of course, the fresher the beans, the better the coffee (espresso). Well... there are a few exception, but they always exist. That part is more important when you make it at home, check the roast date and go to a good shop to buy your coffee.
BUT something that is wayyyy more interesting imo than just... color and arabica/robusta ratio, that is... roast style. You can roast coffee beans in a variety of ways. You can just put them in the oven, you can put them on the grill and smoke them, you can deep fry them, there are tons of ways, and all influence the flavor of course.
One more thing i wanna mention is the fermentation: i love love love coffee that is fermented with the cherry. It makes the coffee (espresso) a lot lighter and actually gives it a fruity and fresh note. Those kind of beans are usually little bit more expensive, but trust me its worth it.
And, lastly, you can blend your coffee with a ton of other stuff to enhance your experience. Mix it with cinnamon, occa berry, cheri berry, chilli powder, i have so many blends here that are really really great. The italians hate me for it, but i again, i usually drink standard coffee, not espresso. That doesn't mean its bad in espresso though.
And to conclude, specifically for your question about our BEST espresso? Well, we do have an assortment of homemade coffee blends, and one is called the "Tix' Mix". It's got a little spice to it, but is mainly sweet and has a full flavor profile between chocolatey and herby. There's also "Olivia's Original" of course (and more varied ideas), but for integrity reasons i have to insist that my personal blend is better lol.
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