#so i thought- at the very least writing a switched version could help me get a good grip on waynes character! ^^
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slashingdisneypasta · 1 year ago
Jim Bickerman + Wayne Jackson *Separately* x Reader || Drabble Set
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Plot: This is a Vs set. Its Jim calling you to go check your dumbass ex (Wayne) out of the hospital Vs Wayne calling you to go check your dumbass ex (Jim) out of the hospital.
*Bickerman Twins AU.
Warnings: Sexual references in Drabble #2. Movie spoilers? These are both set post-movie (Final Chapter for Jim).
Jim calling you to go check your dumbass ex (Wayne) out of the hospital:
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"-Y'ello?" You ask quickly, tucking the phone between your shoulder and your ear as you awkwardly unlock your front door and slip into your apartment; chucking your keys onto the coffee table and flopping into the couch to rest as soon as you make it inside. My god you had a long day. You just want to lay down, put on a true crime doc and order pizza the rest of the night.
"Hey, s'this Y/N?"
"Yes," you sigh, leaning up off the cushions and reaching for the TV remote set on the counter. "Who's this?" The voice is quiet and tinny; there's very terrible reception wherever they are, thats for sure.
"Hey, there, Y/N its Jim."
Immediately you drop the remote and straighten your spine; going into serious mode. "Oh. What is it?"
"Well thats not a nice tone."
"You never call with good news. Where's Wayne?" Usually he's in jail again, or he needs money. Its one of the two, and you always have to go and get him. The cops always call his brother- but Jim calls and brushes off the responsibility onto you. Every time.
Which is ridiculous, considering you aren't even with Wayne, anymore. Thats what friggen breaking up means!- you don't have to deal with the restless old bastards crap, anymore!
Or at least thats what you thought- before you met these people.
"Yeahhhh, thats actually what I wanted t' call, about... "
"Why, I'm shocked." You huff, shaking your head and kicking off your work shoes before getting up to put on comfier ones- sneakers. Once again you tuck the phone in between your ear and your shoulder as you tie them up. "So, what's wrong; where is he?"
"Wayne's, uh- well, he's- he's-- He's in the hospital." Any frustration you were feeling slips away from you like smoke through your fingers, your heart thudding in your chest. He's where!?- "I haven't been by, but I've been told its lookin' pretty bad. Got hit in the head with somethin- 'nd they thought he was already dead, apparently." When Jim doesn't hear a word come from your end of the phone for a few too many moments (You wouldn't be surprised if he could hear your heart beating so loudly, though. You can sure hear it hot in your ears), he has the good sense at least to employ a tiny bit of tact. "... but, uhhh- I'm sure he'll be fine,.. We uh- we Bickerman's are a tad stubborn, so... "
Finally, you gather your wits about you once again and take a deep breath, nodding and grabbing a notepad and pen off the coffee table by the remote. You may not be with Wayne anymore, but- "Thanks Jim. What hospital? I'm going right now." But if he needs you, you have to be there. You really liked (loved) the rowdy old bastard once, after all, and you like to pretend you're over it, but-
After he gives you the address, and before you have a chance to hang up (Leaving Jim to go right back to hunting whatever expensive endangered wildlife in the middle of nowhere that he's definitely not supposed to be hunting), he pipes up again real quick. You're not really listening though, already configuring in your head the rout you're going to have to take to get to this hospital. How long is going to take? Can you call the hospital on the way?? Oh, shoot, you're not his emergency contact anymore- "And hey- I promise, next time I'll call for a nice reason. Hm?~"
"Oh, sure." You roll your eyes sarcastically, hanging up and shaking your head. Most of the time you think Jim's the slightly better brother- then he says something like that and you remember they're not that different. Wayne's just more upfront about it.
After switching coats, you head right back out your front door that you just came through and down to your car again.
But- maybe you aren't as over it as you like to think you are.
Wayne calling you to go check your dumbass ex (Jim) out of the hospital:
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"This is Y/N! Make it succinct and if at all possible make it chipper, I'm about to get on a bus and go to work." You quip, answering your phone with a cheery voice which should not be possible on this frosty 6am morning- but hey, its a wonder what you can accomplish after a g i a n t coffee with 6 sugars and 3 marshmallows.
"Well hey there, Y/N~ You still taken the bus? Y'know I could give ya a ride if you want~ "
As soon as you hear that bastard's voice on the other end you take the phone away from your ear and hang up- because nope. No. You do not need to be sexually harassed by Wayne Jackson today; no amount of pink marshmallows covered in coffee will make that fun for you.
'we're twins, we've got the same equipment you know' oh har har har. You roll your eyes upwards, before shaking yourself of the memory. You didn't have to put up with that when you were with Jim- and you certainly don't have to, now. Didnt he get the news?? You're done. Its done. Its been done for 3 weeks now.
And its been hard! You loved Jim, so- yes. Its been hard. But even so, you know that you made the right decision in leaving, you're s u r e, but the absolute LAST thing you need is Wayne dumping an extra pile of crap on you for you to deal with! No thank you!
-your phone is ringing again, goddamnit.
"Ughhhhhh," You pick it up, pressing the screen to your ear and snapping an irritable "What!?" into the reciever.
"Alright alright alright- don't hang up on me again, huh? I got news."
"Is it that you're moving to Australia and losing my number that you stole out of Jim's phone?? Because- great."
"Not exactly... " You can picture him scratching his beard, and roll your eyes. Can he hurry up?? Your bus is a few minutes away and you'd rather not be talking to him where early morning commuters can hear you- those poor sods don't deserve to hear the foul things that are destined to come out of your mouth all depending on where he goes with this. "Uh- my brother is... "
"Your brother is what? The better Bickerman son? Yes, we can agree, though we all know Nathan takes home the trophy. Can we hang up now?- "
"He's in some bad shape." ... Your brain stops working for a moment. What? "I got a call from a hospital back in Maine and, well," A chuckle reverberates through the phone connection and you're not sure whether its just nervous or he's really that horrible, but either way- it makes you feel sick. "Sounds like people might finally be able to tell us apart. I'll be the handsome one~ I figured you might like to know 'bout it."
... Slowly, you step back from the bus stop, forgetting your urgency to catch this bus and get to work. Your head is swimming. What happened?? Maine??? Thats where Delores lived, and- got eaten by- "... what hospital?"
"Oh, you're gonna go visit? How sweet~ And here I thought you left him and I finally had a shot here~ "
"... "
"Fine, fine, fine. Its- "
As soon as the name of the hospital is out of his mouth, you hang up, block the number and order an uber.
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dazed-19 · 7 months ago
based on @havanillas role swap au
normal ratio and gambler ratio switch places :3
probably gonna write this out when i finish up my argenthill fic
dr.kakavasha is suspicious of “Lapis” but chalks it up to him being weirder than usual
ratio actually understands what’s going on and tries to play the role of Lapis. he hypothesized that aven probably took his place in this universe but when he sees dr.kakavasha he freezes up and almost reveals himself.
when dr. kakavasha actually has a meeting with veritas (by force not choice, more contrast between the characters hahaahha) he realizes its not Lapis and threatens veritas.
“You’ve done your research, you know that this stoneheart’s real name is veritas ratio, but it seems you somehow haven’t caught wind of who he is now. I suggest you reveal yourself so you can lessen your punishment. Impersonation of a stoneheart is strictly forbidden.”
Ratio being ratio, uses his wits to convince dr.kakavasha. He understands that since Dr. Kakavasha is similar to himself, he should see his reasoning. Dr. Kakavasha is surprised at first, but after he learns of what Ratio’s universe is like he obliges and helps Ratio figure a way back home. All the while asking Ratio questions about himself as he finally has a chance to see who the Veritas Ratio he heard so much about while studying was like before he turned into Lapis. He does this to also understand Lapis better, because he wants to know what was the difference and why they became so different. He also is very surprised when veritas whips out his abalasor head because what the fuck?? when they’re alone together ratio uses it when he’s deep in thought because while this is kakavasha, he isn’t his.
aventurine immediately realizes it’s not his doctor bc while Lapis understands what’s going on, he dreads having to be veritas ratio again. so he disappears (as best as he can) as he knows his counterpart will find a way to fix this. aven being aven finds Lapis (he’s lucky ofc he’s gonna find him) and is surprised to see how different Lapis is from veritas and makes note of how much nous’ gaze really impacted the both of them. (if aven already knows that ratio never received nous’ gaze make it so that he realizes how much it matters as well. idk if aven actually knows this so that’s why we gotta research.) he also invites Lapis to stay with him bc Lapis has been staying at a run down hotel with a casino. aven invites him also because he wants to understand veritas more so if he learns more about Lapis, veritas’ opposite but still similar, he’ll be able to figure veritas out. and also because he wants to find out how to get his doctor back. Safe to say he is SHOCKED when Lapis is almost exactly like himself. He knows he shouldn’t be surprised since Lapis already explained what was going on, but he’s still surprised. While he would love to see a version of Ratio gamble and win 10 times in a row, he knows that his Doctor would hate to see his reputation ruined and to be thought of as a gambling addict so he makes sure that Lapis stops before things get even crazier. He opts to let Lapis gamble with himself to at least keep him entertained. Also while Aven originally let Lapis stay so they could find out how set things right, he is again shocked when Lapis slacks off and almost never touches a single book or article about dimensional travel.
“Lapis, I hope you know that while I enjoy winning against you when we gamble,” Aven stated. He wanted to get a start on how to get his doctor back, and Ra- Lapis, had done as much as spending two seconds reading a book. He took a breath, “That’s not why I invited you to stay with me.”
“I am aware, however I’m sure your Ratio is on his way to figure out whatever happened. He’s honestly probably working with my little doctor hah. Oh how I wish I could’ve seen Dr. Kakavasha’s face when he realized it wasn’t me.”
Aventurine froze. “Sorry, Kakavasha?” Lapis looked at him for a moment. And then laughed.
“Oh right, hah. Here you’re not called by your birth name since your a stoneheart. I keep forgetting that, sorry Aventurine.”
Also there’s probably one moment where Aven finds Lapis drunk and there’s a reference to the comic the artist made.
“Lapis stared into Aventurine’s eyes. Like he was lost in them. It seemed as though he could stare into those multicolored eyes forever.
“Lapis, my friend, its about time we head back no? I’m sure you’ll regret not drinking any water tomorrow so-“
“They’re beautiful.”
“Those eyes.” He pauses, taking another moment to stare before he dons a smile too wide for the face Aventurine has come to know. “Hah its just like what happened last time I drank this much.” The blonde’s eyes widen into saucers. The sharp inhale he does does nothing to calm himself down.
“Haha, is- is that so?”
“Quite. It's most likely the one constant throughout the universe. Your eyes will always be pretty, and they will always make me yearn.” Lapis whispers the end of that sentence, like if he says it any louder this moment will shatter into a million pieces, like a mirror.”
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tmntxthings · 2 years ago
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I watched it 🤭🙌🐢💜❤️💙🧡
so good! so cute!!! spoilers below the cut ↓
soooooo I really really really enjoyed how much effort they put into making them like sad about their circumstances, the reality of it all, being a mutant and wanting to be accepted by humans,
Splinter not being a human to begin with but just a rat and quite frankly traumatized by humans all his life so very distrustful and doesn’t want his sons going through that or getting killed, and what tops the cake is that he actually tried to go out on his own with the tots, only to be instantly turned on, which just solidified the fear! even though he wasn’t just a rat anymore he was still cast out, still shunned!
but the turtles were too young to really remember that so they had endless hope, at least Mikey, Donnie, and Raph, kinda sorta Leo especially when April came onto the scene 🤭
WHICH SPEAKING OF THAT! Idk how I feel, super cute, Leo liking April instantly reminded me so much of 2k12 Donnie maybe a less intense version, all the scenes where romance was implied wasn’t so heavy (maybe slightly cringe) but still had me smiling so I guess I’m for it????? Still need to think on it more, overall my thoughts are : cute ✨ Leo was just being so cute 💀
THE BROTHERS WERE DRAGGING HIM OUT THO, like practically the whole first half of the movie, which is typical for tmnt, but gah damn 😂 it was so apparent when just Donnie, Mikey, and Raph would group up/link up, because Leo would constantly “rat” them out to the rat! Super different vibes from rise!leo for sure, that was kinda switched where Mikey was the one who couldn’t really lie… and it wasn’t about lying per say, just Leo being a pleaser? or a good kid? or wanting to do the right thing??? maybe that’s all the same thing as not wanting to lie 😂
anyhow, my favorite part had to be the very first fight scene the bros go into! Leo springing into action, being the one to propel his brothers into danger all because he wanted to help April (again so cute) get her scooter back! Technically their fault too! Anyhow they were getting whooped but also holding their own simultaneously, and just thinking quickly on their feet and helping each other out, it was all pretty intense and very stressful like where Mikey almost got run over twice 😨 I was like oml someone do SOMETHING!!!!! Thankfully we got big bro Raph, always coming in clutch! But yeah I just really enjoyed the first fight and them coming out on top! And right after being accepted by their first human aka April O’Neil!!!!!!!!! :D
There’s so much more to say, I could quite literally write down everything that happened in words but not gonna go there 💀💀 anyone wanna just gush about the movie?!? What was your favorite part??! What do you guys think about Leo x April???
Do we have a date yet??? Oml so flippin’ excited that we have confirmed more content on the way!!!
Someone, anyone, TALK TO MEEEEEEEE 💞🤗😚
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vaguely-concerned · 11 months ago
I wanted to write out a more condensed version of the Garashir thoughts I accumulated through my read of a stitch in time, because it really is driving me slightly nuts. so here we go!
I think my basic takeaway is something like: if you look at what's actually on the page as dialogue and not just the story garak tells himself internally of what has happened between them (which is basically 'I've fucked up somehow and I don't know how or why but something's broken here and I messed it up; I have nothing left of interest to offer him', pretty clearly going over it in his head like he would trying to figure out what he did wrong when tain locked him in a closet as a child), you kind of get the feeling that julian doesn't know what to do with the way garak flinches away from him whenever he tries to get closer or offer help. (which like. not for nothing but that's actually the dynamic between garak and mila too, but with garak's role switched to the mostly-resigned seeker of contact rather than the flincher-away. we all know garak’s daddy issues but I think the mommy issues at work are doing some gulf stream shit under the surface as well lol.) so julian starts hesitating in seeking out contact in the first place, nevermind asking him for anything more when garak's also clearly falling apart mentally and seems unreachable in the first place. and Julian also doesn't want to mess this up and make something already fraught and painful even worse; he still wants to help! he always wants to help, that’s just who he is, he keeps trying through the whole book. and when garak mostly-gently but reflexively and firmly rebuffs him each time he tries… after a while it seems like he doesn't think he's welcome, or that he's imposing and garak doesn't really want him there — that he's just humoring him or something when he does let him in, just like garak was so afraid palandine was doing with him in the beginning. it’s only in the final scene between them that garak invites him in and asks for help on his own initiative. 
“I’m pleased you stopped by”/”No, you’re not,” he said quietly. ‘I really won’t take up any more of your time’. “You see, this is so difficult, Garak. I know what a private person you are, and how you detest people meddling in your affairs….”. “Your holosuite program. The one that allows me to visit the traumas of my childhood.”/“I hesitate to suggest this, remembering how you reacted the last time … but, yes, I feel it could make a difference,” the Doctor gamely admitted. (Julian I love you so much. Eternal optimist hours. Keep it up it’s going to get you spectacularly laid if you just get on that shuttle to Cardassia.) All these moments do not read to me as someone who has no interest in continuing or deepening this relationship (maybe the opposite, in fact), it gives me more the sense of someone who feels he keeps putting his foot in his mouth and making the damage worse no matter what he tries, and not knowing what else to do but to back off to save them both more pain. (he also needs help and support, but he’s not going to go ask it of someone who’s clearly in no position to give it (on account of visibly falling apart even more than usual). And also because the good doctor is such a hypocrite lol ‘of course you’re worth asking for and receiving help!! I’m just fine tho don’t worry about me *light is slowly dying in his eyes behind the smile as the seasons go on*’. Stiff upper lip to the point of psychological breakdown-off (cross-cultural, competitive))  
and the most painful thing to me is that after their disastrous tea party in garak’s shop, at the very least, garak clearly realizes he's hurting julian by keeping him out (But as to the question of which group suffers the most…), and he desperately wants to stop hurting him but he just doesn't know how!!! he's never learned how to close the distance! he's been locked completely into himself by the way tain shaped him and doesn't know how to get out of the closet so to speak yet! ('...am I not. *supposed* to pretend to be functional and have no needs. is that not like. my entire job interpersonally. I am confused.') it’s something Tolan already observes in him and grieves over when he comes home from Bamarren, and the years since have uh not helped with that particular problem lol. for all he longs for it, intimacy is like a hot stove to him; he can’t help but reach out, and he can’t help but flinch away when he actually comes into contact with it. almost the worst part is that I think Julian can tell some of that too and sort of understands it/doesn't hold it against him, and it just makes it even sadder, somehow. they both move so carefully around each other through this, because even in the middle of all that they really do try to be kind to each other the best they know how and it fucks me up so bad. which makes it even crazier and more touching that all of asit is basically garak processing his shit until he can get to the last line honestly — 'You're always welcome, Doctor'. he pulled a full lizardly mr darcy in the post-apocalypse here, he got around to starting to fix himself at least partly to be in a place where he could be able to meet Julian in the ways he needs if he wants that from him. And that drives me utterly insane thanks for asking!!! WILD BOOK COMPLETELY UNHINGED 300+ PAGE DECLARATION OF LOVE AND INTIMACY WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL
(this post started life as a tag ramble under @spocks-kaathyra‘s wonderful post about Julian’s side of it over here, but — as I’m sure you'll be astonished to learn at this point — I found I somehow had even more things to say, my neurons boileth over perpetually and it seems I just have to live with that)
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powluna · 8 months ago
Hello, I absolutely adore the clothing you make for children, infants, toddlers, they are so cute!
However, I am aware of the fact that you do post your CC on Curseforge in addition to your own website and Patreon and given that the company that owns Curseforge, is them is an Israeli company that did a crowdfunding campaign for the IDF which supports the ongoing genocide against Palestinians, I want to ask if you could remove your downloads from Curseforge entirely. I hope this doesn't come off as demanding or aggressive in any way, but by divesting from Curseforge, we also divest from Israel's economy completely and perhaps it seems small in comparison, but it would be a small way to show support for Palestine. Thank you for listening, and again, I hope I don't come off as impolite in any way.
Hello to anon and everyone who might have been waiting for a response from me. I want to thank you for treating me with respect and that I have not (yet) received any threatening messages or similar. It is very difficult for me to write the following message in my native language, let alone post a translated version of it. Everything I write here comes from the heart and merely describes my personal situation.
First of all, I want to express that I, personally, and my internet persona "PowLuna" in no way stand for oppression, violence, exclusion, or worse. The situation has certainly not passed me by—quite the opposite. The discourse on the topic has caused me to engage deeply with the subject, keep myself regularly updated, and talk a lot about it in my personal environment, educating others. Due to experiences I had as a teenager, I no longer express my opinions regarding a lot of topics on the internet. However, I must do so now because it is very important to me and it currently affects my daily life significantly in terms of depression and existential fears.
I want to express my sorrow for all the suffering that people in Gaza and all Palastinians endure daily. The things one encounters on the internet are cruel and heartbreaking, and denying that something terrible is happening there is wrong. I feel the same about all atrocities happening anywhere in the world, whether far away or in my neighborhood. I hope every day for peace throughout the world. A utopian wish, I know.
Now to what might be controversial: I will not participate in the boycott against CurseForge. At least not as far as requested. I no longer actively promote the links for it; that was a kind of compromise I could make. You can judge me for this or not. But let me first describe my situation. I believe that pressuring individual small creators is not the right way in this situation, as you can never guess who is behind the internet personas and what stories they carry with them.
I come from a family that has always lived in poverty. After finishing school and completing an apprenticeship, I thought about studying so that I could do more with my potential. I moved away for my studies and had to stand completely on my own feet. I had saved a little money. For the rest of the support and because a part-time job would have hindered my ability to perform well, I applied for financial aid from the state. This is possible here in Germany. I can keep half of the money, and the other half I have to pay back after my studies. All well and good. While studying, I found a great interest in creating custom content and sharing it with others. I taught myself more and more skills and gradually shared them with others because I really enjoy to help people.
In 2022, I decided to make money with what I do. So, I had to register a business. That's mandatory here. I started with Patreon, where I gathered some subscribers who believed in my potential from the start, for which I am very grateful. I always appeal to the good in people, worked "hard," uploaded more and more stuff to convince people, and get more voluntary subscribers. This didn’t work out as expected. So, I switched to an early access model, which actually brought more subscribers, but I wasn't really happy with it, so I moved away from it a few months later. I lost more and more subs over time, while still giving the same effort as before.
Shortly after, I was invited to the CurseForge project, to which I confidently agreed because I already knew CurseForge and saw a lot of potential for the Sims area. I also find the platform really good and many changes I wished for were implemented. And yes, CurseForge has given me a steady income since then, sometimes more, sometimes less, but still far from what I made with voluntary subscribers on Patreon. I felt really proud because I suddenly earned good money with something I am passionate about. And I did it all by myself!
But this income brought new obligations: I have to pay taxes. Additionally, I no longer receive financial support from the state and won't be able to get it again.
The whole discourse has shown me that self-employment always carries a risk when you rely on a platform, so I switched back to the Patreon early access model for more security. However, I still can't live off that alone. Therefore, I continue to host my creations on CurseForge. Considering their statement from a few months ago and because I believe in the good in people, I don't see a problem with it. Of course, the economic aspect plays a role, but I am also not "clean" when I pay my taxes here in Germany, which are then used for the same purpose.
To demand that I delete all my stuff means taking away my livelihood and existence. I don't think that's fair. And yes, I know this is privileged, and my fears are not comparable to the fears of people in Gaza. Never.
All this does not mean that I am indifferent. As I said, I talk to other people about the topic, I inform myself, and as soon as I am able and have saved some money, I want to support the children in the region with donations. This has always been my approach to conflicts and crises around the world.
It is important to keep talking about the topic so that hopefully, one day, it will reach the people who can put an end to the horror.
Thank you for reading. If anything is unclear, please feel free to ask.
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katyspersonal · 8 months ago
In today's SoTE progress: ARRRGHHH I am SO goddamn angry!!!! Gfhghmjm But also I am thinking about Messmer and Marika a LOT now.
1) So, I was getting mentally prepared for going to battle Messmer, and decided to visit just one last piece of fort associated with his location!
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^ This shield was dropped by a Black Knight Garrew that acted like a boss but was no harder than a regular enemy. He was using a Crucible aspect that gave him chameleon's shooting tongue to attack with and I hoped he'd drop it instead hfhghgj I'm gonna assume it was somewhere in the game and I just missed it for a dumb reason :pensive:
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^ A valid reference in case if anyone will want to draw/write certain grim scenes in detail or something like that
2) There was also a fairly well-hidden secret that I felt proud of discovering, but it was just a stronger version of the talisman that makes arrows stronger! And not only I don't use bows, but also it didn't even give lore! Goddamn it Fromsoft reward me with INFORMATION for my explorer's interest!!
3) Okayyyy sooo :/ I was soooo ready to get my ass kicked by Messmer that I kinda dreaded it, but needed to get this over with! Alas, DLC should end sooner or later...
And at first, I did get my ass kicked, sure. But..... ...not only he switched to the second phase halfway through his health bar and not after it was fully reduced like I expected.. but also I adopted OBNOXIOUSLY fast. :/ :/ :/ It didn't take me EVEN 15 MINUTES to fully adapt to him and just get closer and closer with every try. And!! I did kill him? Like are you JOKING. Are you KIDDING me. That was IT? It took me several days and tormenting @fantomette22 for useless tries to finally defeat Rellana, I had to try many strategies and be extremely smart and inventive with her!! I thought if she was so strong, Messmer would have been even WORSE, and yet I am just sitting here like:
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Dude yeah no SHIT you needed Rellana to protect you :/ Guess I was not impressed by 18 inches of Messmer the Impaler 😔😔😔
4) Okay but I DID like his voice acting a lot hfhgv I was just sitting there like "stop sounding sexy you dunce, I already decided that I'm going to dislike you!" XD /j
5) His final words were "Mother... Marika... A curse... upon thee..." and.. hell if I know whether he cursed us or her. I am assuming he cursed her since switching to calling your parent by name instead is a kind of strong sentiment. Like defying them their status over you sort of. Besides all the statues of her in Shadow Realm but one being headless. So... yes, interesting.
6) It was not patched out btw! :>
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7) Okay actually when I was about to beat Messmer's ass for good I've accidentally found the summon sign for Hornsent NPC! I was not seeing it during the fight, just happened to run into it, and if Igon taught me anything is that such summons are a good idea because they progress the questline. Maybe. So, he gave a dialogue after Messmer was defeated:
"We meet again I see, comrade-in-arms. Upon his end, did you see Messmer's face? Twas sublime - a very tangle of snakes! To think he dared to call us savages. When he himself was most base of all.
To say the least, I am to you indebted. Yet unquenched remains my thirst for revenge. The death of Messmer was merely the start. Now comes the piper to collect from Marika, her offspring, and all the Erdtree's denizens... In vengeance for the flames, my blade I wield... If Miquella's redemption soothes the ache... that throbs within, demanding blessed vengeance... Then I wish not to be by him redeemed."
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Sigh... I just can tell that the guy will have to turn on us sooner or later. Honestly, rejection of anything that could help/heal/etc the pain that demands revenge is such a... real reaction? He is a very real character. He straight up doesn't want to stop even after achieving his objective and himself, ironically, fell for the path of punishing every associate including innocent people whose only sin is being "born in this culture". He became like Marika in this regards!
Honestly, this is a very good writing moment! Second favourite after Miyazaki's jab at horrors of believing in "sacred mission" in Crusader's Insignia! (I like the character even more now for very real negative character development, but I just can TELL we'll have to kill him gfhhgg)
8) .... ah, right, I forgot this post about Messmer
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Again: hatred like what? Hatred coming from Abyss Serpent? His hatred for Marika? Hatred for all divested of her grace? Hatred for himself? Is this many things? Fromsoft spare me I am too autistic to read hfggjhgjgb
9) This is actually sweet:
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So, the snakes were friends all along, and I suppose the counterparts/antagonists to the "evil" serpent within him!
10) *points at this like in the meme* Hey I remember that this bit was mistranslated! XD
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It actually says that he did that for his mother's sake, and not by her wish! It makes even more sense with the following sentence, as if HE really wished for no single mfer to look weird at her. No, as if he INSISTED to accept all blame and hatred. Considering he curses her in his dying breath, after all (or at least calls her name which is a bad sign from a child), there must have been such a long build-up of unhealthy relationship between them to it...
He not only wished to keep her away from all fear and hatred that follows, and fulfill her vengeful desires, but also basically said to use him like a punching bag. But if she feared the curse within him in the end, then SHE is to blame that he gave up on any and all hope to be pure, good and loved. Like.. whose fault do you guys think it IS that his self-image centered entirely on being fear and dread, as well as someone to hate? I have an impression that he did want to take the blame and excile for her sake, but also resented that she actually accepted his request to use him. Like.. maybe he didn't even realize that what he, subconsciously, wanted was for her to refuse. I might be speaking from too much personal experience, but sending such mixed signals (requesting something with expectation that the person will refuse) is a sign of bad parenting at least, abuse at most. And knowing Marika's horrid parenting skills... yeeeeah.
Again, really good writing. They are saying so much with so little, as always. Glad that Mister Miyazaki keeps the mark with his stories only being readable if you have at least one PTSD ggbhjghbb
11) I have a bad guess that they did not elaborate on what exactly Abyss Serpent is, otherwise @val-of-the-north would've already spoilered me because we love worldbuilding xd
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But seeing how Marika Had a Moment about Giants' Fire all because it's capable of burning the Erdtree, the reason is probably similar. She I with Fire like Gwyn is with darkness: it can end her era, maybe end herself, so it is terrifying.
At the same time, she was trying to love her children, at least at first. She created this eye for Messmer and created a lot of Divine Blessings to ease his burdens in the past. Then there were Omen Twins that she yet named with her initials and at least Godfrey and Godwyn were seeing them, although horned creatures would be her worst nightmare. I feel like the pipeline from this to "children become kings or lords or else you'll only be worthy of sacrifices" + "unwanted bastard in Mausoleum" was a long one. She tried to love even the children that were either a walking hazard or walking PTSD, but failing to overcome fear before Messmer set her down the spiral. God, I can see all of her snapping if Messmer asked too many questions, accidentally acting hostile if he tried to be physically affectionate unable to conceal her fear fast enough... She would not be the type to try again with anyone after casting him aside in the end, but, she would take the passive position of "kids, prove me that you deserve my love because ME putting in effort won't avail anything, apparently". The guilt but one that made a quitter rather than a better person.
12) Also *points like in the meme again*
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Yeah, every forge type of the dungeon in Shadow Realm has throwing weapons!!! He adapted!
So yeah this post gotten EMOTIONAL ALL OF A SUDDEN when I expected it to be short. Damn, the girls didn't lie, he IS an interesting character!
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corazondebeskar-reads · 1 year ago
save your tears
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Joel Miller x f!reader
originally for Febuwhump 2024 Day 18 - too weak to move | Febuwhump masterlist
words: 1.1k
summary: What would have happened if you went with Joel and Ellie instead of staying in Jackson?
-- I cheated a little for this one but this is an alternate universe scene from "you know you never stood a chance" (spoiler warning). BUT this can be read as a standalone.
warnings: established situationship, canon-compliant-ish, canon-typical violence, description of wound, description of bodily fluids related to a wound, realistic thoughts about a survival situation, hunting and eating of animals
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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A/N: this is what I call the silver lake alternate version. in my very early draft of the story, you did not stay in jackson. you got mad at Joel for abandoning Ellie and went to the stables in the morning, planning to go with Ellie and Tommy. The rest of the events happened as per canon. However, as I was writing this scene, it became quickly apparent that it was the wrong narrative choice. but just for fun, here's a snippet after Joel is wounded. (stay tuned in the end notes for the one single David line I wrote).
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“You can’t shoot,” Ellie says. She won’t look at you. It’s not mean; it’s just another way you’re failing them. 
“I’m sorry.”
“I’ll be back,” she promises. 
You hate this. But there’s no time for self-loathing. What you can do instead is boil snow. 
You creep up to the main level of the house. When you’re sure it’s clear, you crawl through, trying to stay out of sight through any windows. You’re able to scrounge up a few containers of dubious origin and cleanliness but better than your two canteens. 
You light a fire in an old ration tin and prop a steel mixing bowl (the best find of the lot) on top. The first round of snow goes to scrubbing out the containers with an unfortunately large sliver from your bar of soap. 
It’s a loss, but you can’t risk putting dirty water on Joel’s wound. 
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Once you have one clean bowl of water, you set another to boil and pull back his shirt and bandages. 
It’s bad. You know it, Ellie knows it, Joel knows it. But you have to try. You have to, or all three of you are dead. 
Well. Maybe not Ellie. She’s tough and capable. Maybe she could make it back to Tommy without you slowing her down. 
You have nothing remotely sterile, so you mentally set aside the next bowl of water for cleaning a scrap of fabric. For now, you try to flush the wound with a slow stream of warm water. 
You’ve been talking to him quietly, explaining to him what you were doing, though his consciousness is dubious at best today. But when you start to pour, his eyes snap open, and his hand flashes out to squeeze at the bones of your wrist. 
“Joel, it’s me, it’s just me,” you say quickly. His grip is grinding, and things are not going to be helped by a broken wrist. And you know it never really healed right, that breaking it a second time would mean it possibly never working the same again. You try not to panic. 
“Joel, please,” you whimper, and he seems to finally recognize you. His fingers loosen, but don’t let go. 
“I’m just trying to help,” you say. You feel like the basement is getting smaller, darker, like it might swallow you up. Someone is breathing shakily, and you’re humiliated to find out it’s you. 
His thumb rubs against your pulse for a moment. “Take Ellie and go,” he whispers, voice hoarse and cracking. 
Instead of responding, you bring the canteen up to his mouth and let a little water drip into his mouth. His eyes close for a moment. 
He purses his lips too soon, a tiny shake to his head. 
“It’s okay, I’m boiling more, please drink.”
But he’s already passing back out. You reach up and stroke your fingers through his hair. It’s damp with sweat despite the crystalline spread of ice inside the windowpanes. 
Sweat is good, right? It means his body is burning the infection. At least, you think so. 
You pause to switch the water so you can get a clean rag. Maybe when Ellie gets back, you can try to ransack the other houses for anything of use. 
You wait until you have a full slate of clean water before you drink any. When it hits your tongue, you think you might cry. Pacing yourself is so hard. 
He wakes up again when you try to clean the wound with the fabric you’d torn from your ragged t-shirt. Every breath draws bile you have to swallow again and again, a fruitless endeavor that ends with you scrambling to throw up outside, terrified of introducing any other contaminants to his environment. 
When you scrub at the wound, he’s awake enough to struggle with the pain but not awake enough to be aware of what’s happening. So he tries to move away, to fight you off. 
It’s worth it, you tell yourself over and over. You’re able to get some of the dirt away with some soap, and some of the pus flows, but not enough. You don’t put pressure on it, afraid to push the infection deeper. 
The skin around his stitches is puffy, red, and oozing. Dread settles deep. You’re probably going to need to cut them and clean the wound. But not now; you can’t force yourself to at this moment. Plus, you might need Ellie to help in case he tries to fight it. 
Instead, you use a clean corner of the rag to wipe dirt from his face and another to try and drip a little more water into his mouth. Suppressing a sob, you press your lips to the burning skin of his forehead. 
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Ellie comes back a few hours later and a few rabbits richer. She’s skinned and prepped them when she comes inside, and you set to boiling the meat and bones. 
The two of you eat the meat, and you spend the rest of the evening trying to drip broth into Joel’s mouth. 
It turns into a rhythm. Joel doesn’t get worse, but he doesn’t get better. Sometimes, he wakes and tries to convince you to leave again, to take Ellie and abandon him. Neither of you are very tolerant of his arguments. 
Once, when you’re alone, he seems a little lucid. Ellie is out checking traps, and you’re sitting helplessly next to Joel, sniffling. You’ve got squirrel boiling in the little can fire, but it takes a long time, leaving you with little to do but wait. 
“Why’re ya cryin’, sweetheart?” His voice cracks from disuse, and he tries to clear his throat. 
You’re up on your knees with the canteen to his lips in an instant. He drinks a little and swats it away, reaching a shaky hand to cup your cheek and brush away a tear with his thumb. 
“I know y’ain’t cryin’ over me,” he scolds. 
It only makes you cry harder, though you scramble to choke it back. You peel his hand from you, holding it for a moment in both of yours before giving it a gentle squeeze and placing it back on the mattress. 
“Let me get you some broth,” you mumble, wiping your eyes on your dusty sleeves. 
He lets you feed him a little. 
“C’mere,” he says when you’ve reluctantly stowed the broth. He tugs you to his uninjured side, and you have to squeeze your eyes tight as you gently curl to him. “Remember when you used to be a good girl and do whatever I’d tell ya?”
“We’re not leaving you, Joel.” You’re so tired of this conversation. Actually, you realize as his heat seeps through your clothes, you’re just so tired. 
“Even though I was gonna leave you?”
“Shit, you’re right,” you say and watch exasperatedly as he has the nerve to look a little hopeful. “You nearly leavin’ me behind in the safest place you know is the same thing as leavin’ you to rot in a random filthy basement.”
“Stubborn brat,” he grumbles before he falls back into a fitful sleep.
BONUS — The one line I wrote for a scene with David:
“something rude,” says David.
*title from "Save Your Tears" by The Weeknd
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depressopax · 1 year ago
Dating Mike Ehrmantraut headcanons NSFW
Pairing: Mike Ehrmantraut x gn!reader Genre: Smut Warning(s): Sexual content, handjobs, oral (reader receiving & giving) Gender neutral reader, dom!Mike, cuss words, degradation, public sex Words: 800 Summary: Being in a relationship with Mike Ehrmantraut would include…  English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3
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He likes being in charge, and wants his lover to be submissive to him.
I see him as a switch, with the preference of being dominant.
But if you “ask nicely”, Mike might let you be in charge…
The idea of you dominating him for change is a turn-on, but this, he would not admit.
He has a thing for thighs - especially yours - and loves grabbing them, biting, licking, kissing…. You name it. 
He marks your thighs too, as a reminder that “you’re his”.
He’s not that vocal in bed, will moan and grunt if something feels good, cuss, too. But besides that? No.
It’s only if he’s really overstimulated or into the pleasure that he’ll let himself be loud. 
…If you’re lucky, he might even whimper for you. 
When it comes to you? Mike wants you to be LOUD.
He’s not satisfied if you’re not moaning or screaming his name.
Don’t try to cover the sounds, he will be pissed off.
Not that fond of “foreplay”, he’ll make sure both of you are turned on enough, but apart from that, he has no patience.
Let’s just say, he takes what he wants 🤭
Mike is a bit older, but honestly? Just means he has a lot of experience and knows his turn-ons and turn-offs. 
And boy, he has a lot of turn-ons.
And very willing to experiment to find your turn-ons.
Your satisfaction goes before his own, in most cases, at least.
He's not afraid to “put you in your place” and be dominant. 
But that doesn't mean he likes being too rough 
He wouldn't want to do something that could hurt you, so blood- and wax-play etc is a big no. He doesn't get the idea of choking either, and wouldn't try it, even if you beg.
But he would be willing to try “lighter” versions of kinks, for example bondage.
He also likes spanking you ;)
He i's either slow and passionate, or he will fuck you hard and fast.
He is older, and doesn't have as much stamina as you do.
…But you can't really complain, that just means he's extra focused on satisfying your needs to “make up for it”
This man LOVES giving oral 
…And receiving, too.
He is very slow and teasing when giving, his goal to make you whimper in frustration and beg
He doesn’t really tell you, but he loves the way you taste. 
When you give him heads, he’s not shy to praise you. “Fuck… Just like that.” “Such a pretty little mouth.” “You’re taking me so well, y/n.” “...Doing so well for me. Fuck you’re good.”
If you have long hair, he’ll grab it or hold you in place for you whilst your lips work on his length.
Mike will encourage you to take more of him
Lowkey likes brat-taming 👀
Disobey or disrespect him, and you’re in for a wild ride…
But you can’t complain, since it is satisfying.
“Acting like a brat”, just to tease him, and watch your calm boyfriend lose his patience with your brattiness… 
He would be hesitant to try it, but the thought of public sex excites him.
When sitting at cafés or the cinema, for example, he’d have these dirty thoughts of using his hands on you, whilst making sure you keep quiet, despite his touch. 
If you’re into it, he’d probably act on the thought, too. 
When taking you on coffee dates, he’d waste no time before his hand found their way into your pants.
And somehow, managing to do so in a discreet way, so no one suspects a thing. 
He also likes fucking you in his car. And if you rile him up at the most random times, he’ll definitely pull over at some empty parking lot and take you. 
But the bedroom remains to be his favorite place to have sex
It’s the best option, and allows for you to feel comfortable during and after sex.
He doesn’t like making a mess, so he’ll help you tidy up afterwards, and make sure the bed is clean. 
He prefers finishing in a condom or somewhere on your body 
Mike might not seem like that guy - but he’s good at aftercare.
He makes sure you’re not hurt and wants you to feel comfortable.
He’ll bring you water if needed, clean you up, fix a bath, or just hold you soothingly. 
Mike has a hard time falling asleep at night, but with you in his arms - and after some hot sex - he tends to sleep really well.
That’s why he also has extra stamina and libido when stressed or frustrated.
…And he is in a bad mood pretty often, ngl.
Which only means one thing…
Yk what I mean ;)
Mike is not that much of an emotional guy, but during and after sex, he’s really loving, not hesitating to let you know he loves you.
Ik I got issues, but I'm so fucking in love with this old man bruh 😭 ENJOYYY
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auroralwriting · 6 days ago
bad reviews
billy dunne x popstar!reader
rockstar v. popstar masterlist
synopsis: billy finds himself writing song after song about a little popstar
warnings: sexual comments, billy is still a hater but he's also her friend, billy can't make up his goddamn mind
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Billy was sick and tired of you and your little pop songs.
It had only been two weeks since he met you, twelve days (to be exact.. but he wasn't counting) since he made a very, very bold comment about you, and you had already written a new song and released it. Bet U Wanna was a hit, too. It was clear it was about him. The lyrics so clearly were taunting him, mocking him.
At first, he didn't believe what he was hearing. He had to switch radio stations to listen again, even write down the lyrics to make sure he was hearing them right. There was no way you had written this song about him, right?
Didn't think about it when you let me down
Hurts to see me out of your reach, bet you wanna touch me now
It's cold out there, let me know what you found
Bet you wanna love me now
You must've thought you were so smart for that. You had to have thought you got him with that stupid fuckin' song. Immediately, Billy was writing his own song to reply. Their new song, Second Hand News, was also a hit. A dig at you, of course, because Billy was angry, not petty, just very angry with you. The media outlets were going insane, very clearly aware of the drama and they were loving every second of it.
Daisy and the rest of the band weren't as into it as Billy. Yes, it gave them good music, but they refused to speak badly of you. Billy just had a thing with pop stars, especially ones who were potentially better than they were. It didn't help that you wrote a song about him. But, the rest of the band still liked you. This was Billy's drama to deal with.
The two of you released two more songs each. You had released Vicious and they had released an extended version of their already hit song, More Fun To Miss. That was low. Oh, so very low. Using a song that was already a hit might as well have been cheating the charts. After all, it was already a success. An extended version guaranteed a high chart placement.
Billy getting a call from the little pop princess was very unexpected. When Teddy told him who was on the other line, he was surprised to say the least.
"You're a son of a bitch, you know that?" Your voice was very angry. It was clear Billy's latest stunt had gotten under your skin. It made him smile; a personal victory.
Billy just chuckled into the phone, toying with the cord. "Princess, watch that mouth of yours. Tone could use some adjusting, too."
"Can you stop talking about me to the press?" You asked, the sigh in your voice evident. You really regretted inviting the band backstage, especially after showering them in compliments. "I'd really like it if this didn't happen."
"Look, it's just the game," Billy replied. "I'm here to get my band that number one spot for at least eight weeks. You keep ruining that shot with every fuckin' song you put out."
You laughed bitterly, "Oh, so that's what this is about? You feel threatened by me." Billy stuttered, clearly trying to eat his words, but you cut him off. "No, that's sweet, Dunne. That's really sweet to think that I'm a threat. But I swear to god, you put out another goddamn statement or-or song and I will end your career personally."
"Princess, no offense, but there's just no way you could do that," Billy tsked. "It's cute that you think you could, though."
A loud grunt of anger came through the phone and the call quickly disconnected. Billy liked that he was getting under your skin so easily. He set down his phone, smirking to himself as he lit his cigarette. Well, to be fair, you probably would never forgive him for this, but luckily he wasn't trying to make friends in the industry. He just wanted to sit at the top.
What he didn't expect was for you to do a live SNL performance.
It was really, really fucking good, too.
Clearly, you'd pulled out all the stops for it. You had actors, different props and sets, costume changes. It was choreographed and polished to perfection. It was absolutely astonishing how much you did in just five minutes. Billy had to admit, he was entranced the whole time. He swore he didn't blink for the whole duration of your performance. He was in so much awe that he really sort of began to feel a bit guilty for how far this was going. You were good. Even for a popstar. It was very clear you worked your ass off, especially if you could write as fast as Billy did. Based on the time span between the two songs you released, you did.
Billy began trying to reach out to you. He wasn't sure if he was trying to apologize yet or not, but your lack of communication frustrated him to no end. He was trying to own up to his mistake, but you weren't having it. In a way, this was sort of his karma for being such a dick. But Billy Dunne never gave up. Not only, but he was extremely impulsive, too.
He ended up flying out to Austin, Texas for your latest show. Seeing as he was as famous as he was, he automatically was placed up in the front for safety reasons. He felt a little out of place surrounded by fangirls all dressed up like you, clearly watching him, whispering about why he was there.. probably. He brushed it off. He was here for one reason only; to apologize.
Your show began, and once again, it was just.. amazing. However, Billy noticed the exact moment you saw him in the crowd. Holy shit did you look angry. Taste suddenly became a whole new song based on how you were singing it. You avoided his eye contact for the rest of the show, even if it was extremely hard because damn did he just look so good standing there.
After the show finally ended, Billy literally had to force himself backstage. It was clear you had told your crew to not let him back based on their dismissal of him with different random excuses, but Billy was very convincing when he had to be. He found his way to your dressing room and knocked on the door quickly.
"I fucking knew you'd come back here," you grunted as you opened the door. It was hard to take your angry expression seriously when you were so dolled up. "What do you want, huh? Want to rub it all in my face in person? Because I'm serious, I'll get you kicked out of here."
"I came to apologize, Princess," Billy replied.
For a second, Billy was convinced you weren't going to let him in. Then, you turned around, letting the door slowly fall open as you plopped down on one of the couches in your dressing room. Billy walked in behind you, carefully shutting the door as he hesitantly took a seat a few cushions way.
"Look," Billy sighed as he began, "I'm sorry for the.. hassle I've caused you."
"Hassle?" You seemed very shocked at his choice of words, "You put my team through hell with that comment you made about my performance and my fans."
Billy held his hands up in defense. She was right. "I know, I know. I'm sorry for the hassle and hell I caused you and your team," Billy felt so weird apologizing. Normally, he didn't do that. But he was a dick and he knew it. "And I'm sorry for the songs I put out about you. It was low. I did feel threatened by you. You're.. fucking good, you know that? I've never felt threatened by a pop artist before this. I overreacted."
You took in Billy's words, nodding once he was finished. "Okay." Okay? What, he poured his heart out and you tell him okay? "For what it's worth, I'm sorry too. For the songs, not anything else."
"I wouldn't expect any more," Billy said honestly.
"Did you even mean what you said when we met? Or was that all just bullshit," you asked.
"I meant it. I really do like Decode," Billy admitted, scratching the back of his neck. "You're a really good lyricist."
You nodded in response, nearly having to force the words from your lips. God, how you hated saying, "Thanks."
"It can't be that hard to say," Billy teased your tone, hoping you wouldn't sock him in the face for it. Instead, you chuckled back. Crisis avoided.. narrowly.
"How about we just.. start over," you asked. "You and your band can come to another one of my shows or something. Maybe we can all get dinner out afterwards."
Billy smiled, just a little bit. "That sounds nice. I'm sure they'd love to. Maybe you can come see one of our shows, too."
"That wouldn't be such a bad idea," you softly chuckled. "I will warn you, though; do anything bad to me ever again and I'll write such an awful song about you that it'll sink your career so far into the ground that--"
"I believe you, Princess," Billy replied, a laugh escaping his lips at your very real threat.
You raised a brow at him, "I have a name, you know."
"I know it. Princess just suits you better," Billy smirked when he saw you roll your eyes at his words.
"You're so annoying," you sighed, shaking your head with a small sigh.
"Let's be honest here, I'm your favorite hater." Billy sure did hate her. He hated everything about her. He hated her songs, her outfits, her attitude. But that's what made her oh, so sweet. That's exactly what made Billy oh, so obsessed with a little popstar.
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Hi there :) Is there a reason this blog died? is it harder to get shinies in scarvio? or just busy irl? no worries ofc! im truly just curious! i miss you guys! i miss the gen 7 era lol :'3
Hi there, Nonny. There is not an easy answer to this question, and unfortunately it involves breaking my biggest rule with this blog and steering away from pure positivity. I'm happy to share the story if you want to read on, though.
TW for family member death, therapy trauma, and friendship ending.
I always had a tradition of doing a big giveaway around the December holidays and then taking some time off for the new years. Generally I'd try to get back into giveaways no later than February since that's Mewtwos "birthday" and it would be a yearly tradition to give away versions of this blogs mascot.
In December 2019, my mom passed away.
There is no good time to lose your mom, but there is most definitely a worst time. Five days before Christmas, one year after the death of your father, two weeks after the birth of her one and only grandchild (following years of fertility issues between myself and both of my siblings), one month after her retirement, and one month before a massive family vacation that was meant as a Christmas gift she never opened ... Well that's pretty much the worst time. She was in near perfect health but her death was the result of a car accident, and she did not leave any form of will. I don't know if it's possible to explain how much work it is to deal with probate, burial, and associated lawsuits on top of mourning the death of one's own mother. Needless to say, it's a lot.
My sister lived in another state at the time and was busy with her newborn, and my brothers disabilities prevented him from contributing much to the situation, meaning the only one who was able to handle things was me.
Which unfortunately meant pokemon giveaways had to be put off for longer, and as expected, it's pretty hard to write pep talks in that state of mind.
For obvious reasons, I started going to therapy. While there I expressed interest in wanting to do giveaways again, and my therapist encouraged it. I even purchased a hackable switch with the intention of finding a way to hack the newer gen mons, but figured I could use the old action replay for the old gens until I got that figured out. A small handful of you may recall this is when I started streaming; in part, it was too reach a wider audience, and in part to encourage more engagement. Unfortunately, engagement in the giveaways only decreased, and that's on top of the hacking taking twice as long with the need to mass transfer between the 3DS and Switch.
During this time I actually quit my job, because being executor of my mother's estate became a full time focus and I was fortunate enough to have a supportive partner to encourage me. Not to mention, well, we all know what happened in 2020 to make working more difficult for everyone.
Before long, I realized that doing giveaways had become a chore. No longer was it work that brought joy to myself and others, it felt like an obligatory burden. It was no longer fair to put so much pressure on myself over something that was meant to be fun, and with everything else I was dealing with, it was time to be fair to myself.
However, I did not originally intend to abandon this blog indefinitely, and thought at least I would keep up the daily pep talks.
Now I want to be clear: I am not anti therapy. In fact I encourage anyone who can to seek professional help whenever the situation calls for it. I will not go into any further details besides this: I actually have some trauma regarding therapy. It makes seeking out and opening up to therapists very difficult, and it's something I've struggled with since childhood. So when the therapist I had (who I felt was working well) left the practice and I was assigned a new one, it was not a good mix. Especially when the new therapist wanted to focus on things I felt were irrelevant and/or non-issues.
One of the unforseen "advantages" to having barriers between yourself and professional help is that you get pretty good at helping yourself. The reason why I enjoyed writing this blogs pep talks is because they were often words I used to encourage myself, and it brought me joy seeing them encourage others. At this point in my journey, I had to focus exclusively on helping myself, and that carried the consequence of no longer being able to help others. After all, if I do not care for myself, then eventually, there will be nobody to care for anybody.
Another factor came into play at this time. Many of you noticed this blog changed names from Vales Home to Xaviers Home. At first I said this was because the new mod team shifted focus away from the original "lore" of the blog and that a focus on our mascot as opposed to one member of the mod team made more sense (keep in mind, when it started, the blog was equal parts giveaways and fanfiction/RP). While this is true, it is only part of the truth. The fact of the matter is, Vale and I had a falling out. Vale was legitimately one of my dearest, closest friends who I felt I could turn to for anything, and the decision to end the friendship was one of the hardest choices I've ever had to make. While I do not regret the decision, it does make looking back on this blog a little bittersweet.
At the end of the day, there is not one reason why this blog died. My own personal turmoil, trauma, Nintendo's decisions, and a general shift in the community combined to make running this blog a burden too great for me to bear. While I have no intention to start it up again, I also cannot bring myself to delete the blog. The happy memories and positivity it generated during its time is worthy of preseveing, in my opinion.
I also do not want you to think my life has been pure turmoil over the past five years. On the contrary, I think I am in a better place now than I was in 2019. I went back to school and started a new career. I now work in a hospital helping people in real life instead of online. I overcame a lifelong phobia of driving and bought a car. I rediscovered a love for crafting, and have taken up new hobbies in driving to craft fairs, camping, and nature photography. I ended 2019 miserable working a dead-end sales job and mourning the death of my mother. I am ending 2024 with a thriving career, a joyous hobby, and a big group of supportive friends both old and new.
While I am not active on this blog, my main is still very much alive and you're welcome to follow me if you don't mind largely video game shit posting interspersed with occasional writing or photography. Also, even though the discord server associated with this blog is inactive, I am still on and using discord should you ever wish to chat.
I am beyond glad if this blog ever sparked joy for you. If you read all of this, thank you for staying by my side. If you didn't, that's okay too.
And remember: Xavier loves you. ♥️
-Typhon ( @typhonserpent )
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pearlmoney · 2 years ago
The Haunting of Miss Caroline Marsden (snippet)
The audience’s applause could be heard two storeys down, everyone knew the name Caroline Marsden. She stepped from behind the tall black curtains putting on her best smile, she had practised everyday since she was ten for this exact moment. Her sleek black heels clacked on the hardwood floor, she felt as if she would slip with every step she took. It seemed like their cheering would never stop, this stage was so big, it would take at least twenty seconds to walk to the desk. Caroline kept her performed smile on, waving back to the hundreds of staring faces who claimed to know everything about her; who all adored her. Finally, Caroline was on the other side of the stage, shaking hands with an equally, but not quite as, famous TV host. She sat down on the bouncy red couch, feeling the bumpy rhinestones on her dress under her. 
‘Welcome Caroline, it’s so lovely to have you here! Can we all give her another big round of applause?’ Oh god not again. Their hands must be red at this point. Did she even care though? The applause is what she lived for, she needed it. Caroline continued smiling, her face still like stone on the brink of collapse. The clapping slowly faded and Caroline locked eyes with the host once again.
‘So, Please Let Go, huh? Coming to theatres on March 10th; What an amazing piece of work this is!’
‘Oh yes, thank you John.’
‘Why don’t you tell us a little bit more about this film?’
As soon as that question is asked it feels as though everything fades, all sounds are muffled and her vision subsides, Caroline is only able to see her memories and her art.
‘Well, Please Let Go is a drama piece about a girl, Rachael, who is in a difficult first relationship and doesn’t know how to get out of it because she’s afraid of what her partner will say or do. It’s a very important piece of film that I think a lot of young people can relate to and find comfort in.’ she talked so highly of her work it made her want to vomit. Caroline never wanted to be one of those directors who were stuck up and talked freely about how amazing they were. She knew she and her art were perfect but no one was allowed to use that against her, so she had to be perceived as humble. But the applause gets to her, and she can’t help but talk like she’s the only person in the world. 
‘That’s amazing. Now what’s the backstory to this film? How did you come to create it?’
Caroline smiled wider than she thought possible and let out a breath of satisfaction. This was her favourite question. She sat up and fixed her posture, wanting to look her absolute best.
‘Well it’s actually based on the book my partner wrote with the same name. I remember reading it the first time and being so moved by it, I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.’
‘Did you two write this together?’
‘Oh my partner Rose definitely helped me a lot, I mean it was based on their book, of course I’d look to her for guidance.’
There were soft ‘aaw’s in the crowd as Caroline spoke of Rose, someone these fans should be quite familiar with by now. The amount Caroline talks about them online and in interviews was astounding, she was shocked no one told her to be quiet by now.
‘That’s lovely, and where is Rose tonight?’
‘She’s in Seattle on her book tour, promoting her new limited edition version of Please Let Go. I hope they’re watching me in their hotel room tonight.’ Caroline spoke with a less forced and more fond smile, thinking about her loved partner watching her from afar. Caroline looked right down the barrel of one of the huge film cameras on set, ‘I love you Rosey, I hope you’re having a good time over there.’ The audience erupted in cheers once again, Caroline’s ears didn’t respond to it, blocking it out as she dreamt of her partner being here with her talking about their new movie.
The loud applause was cut short by the TV switching off, leaving Caroline in a dark, cold, empty room. Tissues, wrappers, bottles, anything else that would’ve been cleaned off the floor in an instant stayed there in a depressing tableau, almost waiting to be put away, watching in judgement at Caroline's newly found state. Caroline stared at the black screen, just able to see her now rejected reflection. Before she could think too hard on that, she pulled herself up from her chair and dragged her feet to the kitchen.
 She sighed, opening the fridge to find another drink, but she had already wasted them all. She hung her head in shame before turning to the clock on the microwave. ‘7:09AM’ it read, that familiar pit sat in her stomach realising she’s gone another night without sleep. How long has it been now? 75 hours? It was hard to keep track, Caroline had more important things to think about, like her premiere in two weeks, her fitting tomorrow, or well today. And the funeral on Friday. Before she could even stop herself she let out a quiet chuckle.
‘What kind of heartless bastard holds a funeral on a Friday? Like come on Jill, we all have better things to be doing, I’d rather spend my Friday dressed in a bikini on the beach with a drink in one hand and a woman in the other! Not standing around people I hate, mourning a person who shouldn’t even be having this so called fucking celebration!' Caroline shouted to no one, throwing her half empty bottle at the wall opposite her, gasping as it shattered against the paint. She stared at the wet stain on the wall, trying to slow her breathing back to normal but failing completely. She left the glass pile on the floor, too distressed to even think about cleaning it. She slowly walked back to her chair and slumped down, giving a long dramatic sigh. Caroline hadn’t felt like this since college. Excessive depression and nothing to help it, not a single thing could pull her out of her ‘funk’ as her mom would call it. Well there was one thing, but she was gone now.
Thank you so much for reading a short piece from my book I'm working on The Haunting of Miss Caroline Marsden!! If you want to learn a little more about it, have a look at my pinned post on my account. I have been working so hard on this project for a few months now and would love feedback on it. If you have any questions, comments, critiques, please share!!
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trudemaethien · 2 years ago
Meme thing! Fi/Ordo for 001 and Echo for 002 plz!
🤡 this got long, both answered under the cut 🥰
001 Fi/Ordo
started shipping: When I first read them interacting I said “That, that’s flirting, right there.” I was immediately sold: stamped, signed, and sealed.
my thoughts: they ought to wear the heck out of some skirts.
happy: they are both yearning and then they find what they were looking for—family belonging, love. (In my version at least. we don’t talk about that 501st travissty)
sad: they only knew each other in canon for a very fleeting moment despite having the same trainer/father figure. Fi got brain damage and might never be the same. Ordo congealed into a colder and grimmer version of himself as time went on. BUT we don’t talk about brunooo that ending.
fanfic annoyed- this is a rare ship so there is not a lot of fic, so general characterization: when they make Fi the bottom/fem gay boi and Ordo this serious badass cishet macho man.
fanfic i look for: like i said, grand total of SIX fics for them rn, and one is mine. So, uh, first thing I look for is, is the writer one of my friends? yes, for four of the six remaining. (@kungfuslippers i am so thankful for your half of the tag🙏) and one more I hadn’t seen so I’m gonna be reading that as soon as i’m done here LOL
end up with who else? Well. I ship a convoluted and very fun repcomm polycule so uh. Fi has (counts fingers) three or four other partners (Atin, Sev, Parja, and sometimes Corr) and Ordo has like. six? (Besany, Corr, Laseema, Mereel, Maze…maybe some of the other Nulls idk) but ideally they will all be happy together. If i have to pick my fave ships, Bes/Corr/Ordo, and Fi/Sev
happily ever after: ^^^ sprawling family and yaim and maybe some kids they help raise, getting old and fat and still absolutely fabulous in their skirts. 👁️🫦👁️
big spoon/little spoon: switch. they tend to full-body flop on top of each other more often, to quell each other’s fidgets/anxiety. very active sleepers. no sheet survives first contact.
favorite nonsexual activity: I think they like to try new things, and bonus points if they can do whatever the activity of the hour is while holding hands. Ordo is the most solid of Fi’s partners and Fi is the most unrestrained of Ordo’s, so they gravitate toward each other rather than any of the others when that’s what they need.
002 Echo
feelings: this guy’s a BITCH and i have a GRUDGE but no actually I do like him 😂😂😂 He’s just a godawful pain to write!
romantic ships: Commander Fox, Rex, Fives, the Torrent polycule in general, TBB
platonic OTP: Dogma
unpopular opinion: hm. i think he might feel proprietary about and even sort of enjoy his techno union swag?
canon: i wish desperately that he got to see Fives again.
crossover ship—maybe it’s stuck up of me but i don’t think about crossovers, sryyy
headcanon: he’s very mentally organized even before the body mods, and Fives’ chaos has a category all of its own in his data directory. Also that he kept the regulation appearance to stand out in Torrent’s sea of unique markings and hairstyles, and because he had too many ideas about how he could look. Post-techno union, he’s guiltily pleased he did not have to choose. Like he earned his distinctive look?
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homeiswherethe-artis · 2 years ago
The Haunting of Miss Caroline Marsden (snippet)
The audience’s applause could be heard two storeys down, everyone knew the name Caroline Marsden. She stepped from behind the tall black curtains putting on her best smile, she had practised everyday since she was ten for this exact moment. Her sleek black heels clacked on the hardwood floor, she felt as if she would slip with every step she took. It seemed like their cheering would never stop, this stage was so big, it would take at least twenty seconds to walk to the desk. Caroline kept her performed smile on, waving back to the hundreds of staring faces who claimed to know everything about her; who all adored her. Finally, Caroline was on the other side of the stage, shaking hands with an equally, but not quite as, famous TV host. She sat down on the bouncy red couch, feeling the bumpy rhinestones on her dress under her. 
‘Welcome Caroline, it’s so lovely to have you here! Can we all give her another big round of applause?’ Oh god not again. Their hands must be red at this point. Did she even care though? The applause is what she lived for, she needed it. Caroline continued smiling, her face still like stone on the brink of collapse. The clapping slowly faded and Caroline locked eyes with the host once again.
‘So, Please Let Go, huh? Coming to theatres on March 10th; What an amazing piece of work this is!’
‘Oh yes, thank you John.’
‘Why don’t you tell us a little bit more about this film?’
As soon as that question is asked it feels as though everything fades, all sounds are muffled and her vision subsides, Caroline is only able to see her memories and her art.
‘Well, Please Let Go is a drama piece about a girl, Rachael, who is in a difficult first relationship and doesn’t know how to get out of it because she’s afraid of what her partner will say or do. It’s a very important piece of film that I think a lot of young people can relate to and find comfort in.’ she talked so highly of her work it made her want to vomit. Caroline never wanted to be one of those directors who were stuck up and talked freely about how amazing they were. She knew she and her art were perfect but no one was allowed to use that against her, so she had to be perceived as humble. But the applause gets to her, and she can’t help but talk like she’s the only person in the world. 
‘That’s amazing. Now what’s the backstory to this film? How did you come to create it?’
Caroline smiled wider than she thought possible and let out a breath of satisfaction. This was her favourite question. She sat up and fixed her posture, wanting to look her absolute best.
‘Well it’s actually based on the book my partner wrote with the same name. I remember reading it the first time and being so moved by it, I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.’
‘Did you two write this together?’
‘Oh my partner Rose definitely helped me a lot, I mean it was based on their book, of course I’d look to her for guidance.’
There were soft ‘aaw’s in the crowd as Caroline spoke of Rose, someone these fans should be quite familiar with by now. The amount Caroline talks about them online and in interviews was astounding, she was shocked no one told her to be quiet by now.
‘That’s lovely, and where is Rose tonight?’
‘She’s in Seattle on her book tour, promoting her new limited edition version of Please Let Go. I hope they’re watching me in their hotel room tonight.’ Caroline spoke with a less forced and more fond smile, thinking about her loved partner watching her from afar. Caroline looked right down the barrel of one of the huge film cameras on set, ‘I love you Rosey, I hope you’re having a good time over there.’ The audience erupted in cheers once again, Caroline’s ears didn’t respond to it, blocking it out as she dreamt of her partner being here with her talking about their new movie.
The loud applause was cut short by the TV switching off, leaving Caroline in a dark, cold, empty room. Tissues, wrappers, bottles, anything else that would’ve been cleaned off the floor in an instant stayed there in a depressing tableau, almost waiting to be put away, watching in judgement at Caroline’s newly found state. Caroline stared at the black screen, just able to see her now rejected reflection. Before she could think too hard on that, she pulled herself up from her chair and dragged her feet to the kitchen. She sighed, opening the fridge to find another drink, but she had already wasted them all. She hung her head in shame before turning to the clock on the microwave. ‘7:09AM’ it read, that familiar pit sat in her stomach realising she’s gone another night without sleep. How long has it been now? 75 hours? It was hard to keep track, Caroline had more important things to think about, like her premiere in two weeks, her fitting tomorrow, or well today. And the funeral on Friday. Before she could even stop herself she let out a quiet chuckle.
‘What kind of heartless bastard holds a funeral on a Friday? Like come on Jill, we all have better things to be doing, I’d rather spend my Friday dressed in a bikini on the beach with a drink in one hand and a woman in the other! Not standing around people I hate, mourning a person who shouldn’t even be having this so called fucking celebration!’ Caroline shouted to no one, throwing her half empty bottle at the wall opposite her, gasping as it shattered against the paint. She stared at the wet stain on the wall, trying to slow her breathing back to normal but failing completely. She left the glass pile on the floor, too distressed to even think about cleaning it. She slowly walked back to her chair and slumped down, giving a long dramatic sigh. Caroline hadn’t felt like this since college. Excessive depression and nothing to help it, not a single thing could pull her out of her ‘funk’ as her mom would call it. Well there was one thing, but she was gone now.
Thank you for reading a section of my book The Haunting of Miss Caroline Marsden!! If you have any questions or want to see more let me know, I do want to start posting more about my books and actual content in them. 
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aspiring-interpreter · 2 years ago
Resources and Goals 2: A shift in strategy
I can add a few more resources to my list now, as well as a change in strategy.
First, I'm going to drop Mango Languages. I don't need any help with understanding the individual words that they teach, and my pronunciation is generally quite good. It takes a bit too much time for what it's worth.
I went to the library and borrowed a few children's picture books. Some of the illustrations are simply incredible. Having pictures with the text will help me parse out meanings, but my reading isn't really anywhere near good enough to understand what's written without extensively using a dictionary tbh. I'll keep those books on me for now, though. I seem to have gained a lot of character recognition in the past week, so maybe I'll be able to read the books before they're due back (the loans are 3 weeks, but they auto-extend for a while).
Next, I've managed to find copies of "Intermediate Written Chinese" and the workbook, as well as "Chinese: An Essential Grammar". IWC could be a second textbook/workbook set to stretch my grammar and vocabulary, while "Chinese Made Easy" can cover the gaps in character recognition. Apparently, if I finish IWC, I'll know around 2600 words - which is enough to do the Level 3 (Band B) part of the TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language, Taiwan's version of the HSK).
My reasoning is that the TOCFL seems to correspond more to actual usage of Chinese, at least in Taiwan, rather than memorising chengyu and other formal phrases that won't be used often (there is this idea that HSK 5 and 6 does this). Plus, I plan on studying Chinese in Taiwan someday, before I start the Master's, and the Taiwanese government offers scholarships which are apparently easier to get with TOCFL certificates under your belt.
In terms of other resources, I've tried out Taiwanese radio channels, and some of them are interesting enough, but they often mix Taiwanese Min Nan Hua, which would not be an issue (in fact, very interesting to me), but the accents are also quite thick, which makes it hard to tell if they're speaking Min Nan Hua or Mandarin when they code-switch quickly.
Instead of radio, I'm turning to video games and TV shows now, both of which provide context through visuals and a storyline. I'm going to be watching "Shards of Her" and maybe writing my thoughts here (not sure if in English or Chinese yet), and replyaing OMORI (one of my all time fave games).
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fluffytriceratops · 3 years ago
Cookie Confession - Donatello [2016]
Note: This is a new-ish imagine! Finally I'm sharing something that isn't too shitty. xD When referring to the bayverse turts, I'll just write 2016. That's just me referring to this version, I'm not saying that this takes place during the second/2016 movie. If it does ever take place during a specific moment, I'll be sure to let you know! ^^ Just some fluff for this cutie! :3 Thanks for reading! <3
Warnings: mature language, y/n makes a suggestive comment ;)
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The wind felt harsh as it hit her face and nipped at her nose. She shivered as it ruffled her hair. Y/n adjusted the scarf that was wrapped around her neck and pulled her jacket closer to her. Normally she loved this time of year, but this morning was so cold she was tempted to change her opinion on it.
Sighing through her nose, Y/n made her way to the sewers. She was planning on giving her favourite turtle friends a visit. Of course she texted before hand to make sure it was okay. Donnie had assured her it was. Y/n always felt like she was intruding or unwanted. Even when she wasn't. Plus it was just the polite thing to do to ask. At least she thought so.
She slipped her phone out of her jackets pocket and switched the flashlight on so she could see better. Walking down the tunnels, Y/n drummed her fingers against her thigh nervously. Recently she had been getting more anxious to stop by the lair. She guessed it was because she had recently discovered she had feelings for the purple branded turtle. Which made everything ten times more awkward than it needed to be. Especially since Donnie was so awkward on his own.
Y/n used to be able to be with Donnie on her own all the time. They used to hang out just the two of them. She liked to watch him work, sometimes she'd do her school work, or read a book. Other times she would nap or try to help him anyway she could. Ask him questions about his work which he always loved to answer. Recently things had been so awkward, it was harder for them to be alone for so long.
The two of them were very aware of their sudden awkward atmosphere. Which led to them both avoiding each other.
It sucked, but they were both far too awkward to deal with it any other way.
Donatello's brothers had taken notice of the sudden change in attitude around the two. They had tried to figure out what was going on, but both Y/n and Donnie claimed everything was fine.
Y/n approached the turtles lair slowly. Drawing in a deep breath to calm her nerves before entering. She lightly nipped at her lip, turning her flashlight off and slipping her phone back into her satchel that hung comfortably from her shoulder. Both Raph and Donnie were no where to be seen. But Y/n noticed Leo immediately as she entered the familiar home.
He was practicing using his katanas. His movements were quick and swift and Y/n couldn't help but watch him for a moment in awe.
Mikey was skateboarding around the lair, occasionally tossing something in Leo's direction in the hopes of catching him off guard and knocking him off of the pedestal(?) he was standing on. Leo would effectively hit whatever came his way with his katanas. Y/n ducked as a ninja star zipped past her head. Shrieking lightly at the close call.
"Whoops. Sorry, Angelcakes. I didn't see you there." Mikey chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck as he stopped in front of her.
Y/n shrugged, "It's all good. No harm done."
Leo slipped his katana's into his holsters and flipped onto the ground, stalking over smoothly. "I should apologize too. I was the one who hit it in your direction." He bowed his head apologetically, and Y/n smiled lightly at the gesture.
"Leo, it's fine, really." Remembering what she had brought down for them, she opened her satchel and pulled out the two plastic containers full of baked goods. "I brought you guys some cookies n stuff."
Mikey greedily snatched the top container, opening it up and peeking inside almost lustfully. "Y/n, you seriously are the best."
The h/c haired girl smiled. "I know."
"Thanks, Y/n." The leader smiled before grabbing the cookie Mikey had been going for.
"Hey!" Leo only chuckled at his younger brother before taking a bite, humming in delight. "You should take some to Raph and Don before Mikey eats them all." He nodded towards the hall that led to the dojo, if she listened carefully she could hear Raphael's grunts from here.
"Don's in his room." He added, grabbing a few more cookies before moving towards his own bedroom.
Mike had already begun to stuff his face, at the sight, Y/n gripped the one container she still had in her hand a little tighter.
With a small smile, Y/n decided to head to Raph first. Even though she was a little intimidated by the brute, she'd rather be in his company right now than Donnie's. Scared that she might confess to the intelligent terrapin if she was alone with him for too long.
Padding down the tunnel that led towards the dojo, Y/n peeked inside to make sure Raph was really there before entering. Sure enough, the sai wielding hot head was beating up the punching bag. It swayed with each hit he placed on it. Y/n was sure the chain holding it up would snap if he hit it hard enough.
"Hey, Raph?" She stepped fully into the dojo, shifting her weight from one foot to the other nervously.
He peered over at her, grunting in response as he landed another hit. Y/n took that as him letting her know she could continue.
"I baked some cookies, and Leo thought I should bring some to you before Mikey ate them all." She lifted the container in her hands to show him what she was talking about.
Raphael stopped what he was doing and turned towards her, he snatched up his towel and wiped his face before stalking over. Y/n bit her tongue in an attempt to calm herself down, even if she had known the turtles for a while Raph still tended to make her skittish.
He cocked an eye ridge at her, glancing down at the container. She opened it up and allowed him to grab one. He basically shoved the entire thing in his mouth. Y/n watched him in amusement as he reached for another.
"Thanks, Y/n. They're good. I didn't know you could cook." As he glanced down at her, Y/n noticed his hand slowly reach for another cookie. This caused her lips to upturn in a small smile at the action.
"Well I'm no Gordon Ramsay, but I know a few things." She chuckled, tucking some hair behind her ear timidly.
"Has everyone tried em?" Y/n knew what he was hinting at. Raph was really asking if she had gotten the courage to give some to Donnie yet.
"Almost everyone. I have yet to see Donnie or Splinter." She tried to ignore the small smirk Raph sent her. He knew about her feelings for his brother, didn't he?
"Dork's in his room. You should take some to him."
Y/n sucked in a small breath, but she knew Raph had probably heard it, despite her best efforts to make it as silent as possible. "Yeah.. I will."
Raphael cocked his head slightly. "He's not gonna bite, ya know."
Her cheeks flushed at the comment, she would have crossed her arms over her chest if she wasn't holding the cookie container. "I know.."
"Then why are you so afraid of him?"
"Afraid? I'm not afraid.."
Raph clicked his tongue, eyeing the e/c eyed beauty. "You're trembling." He pointed out, nodding down towards her.
"I'm not trembling.." Y/n puffed her cheeks out slightly, glancing off to the side to avoid eye contact.
Raph simply shrugged, "Whatever you say, Y/n.." He grabbed a few more cookies before gesturing to the doorway.
Y/n glanced towards it before looking back up at him. She turned to leave when his hand stopped her. "You should tell him."
Her eyes widened and she swallowed thickly. "..I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."
"Stop with the bullshitting, Y/n. You know exactly what I'm talking about.. Just.. Tell him. You won't regret it."
She opened her mouth to respond but he had already began walking away. She drew her eyebrows together with a sigh before leaving the dojo.
Y/n nervously walked towards Donatello's bedroom. Her footsteps were soft, slow, and silent. At this point she was delaying the inevitable but she couldn't help herself. When she finally got to his room, she gave herself a second or two to compose herself before rapping on his door with her knuckles.
There was some shuffling along with some sort of clanking coming from inside, before she heard a muffled 'come in'. Taking in one final deep breath, Y/n opened the door and stepped inside.
"Hey, Donnie. It's Y/n." His room was dimly lit, but she could still make out his tall figure.
Donnie jumped a bit at hearing her voice, fumbling with the screwdriver that was in his hand. "Oh, h-hey- Y/n.. What brings you here?" He nearly flinched at his own voice, he was a mess when she was around.
Like she had done with Raphael, Y/n lifted the container to draw his attention to it. "I made cookies, I thought I should bring some to you before they were all gone."
Donnie's face flushed and he flashed her an awkward smile. Gesturing for her to come further into the room. "Thanks. I didn't know you could bake.." He grabbed a cookie when she opened the container for him to do so. Y/n watched him carefully to see his reaction.
"Raph said the same thing.. I guess I never mentioned it before." She shrugged, placing the container onto his desk.
"Guess not.. B-But you'll probably be doing it a lot more often now that Mikey knows about it. He'll want you to make all kinds of things." He smiled, and she did so as well as he reached for another of the baked goods.
Raph's words entered her mind, and her smile faltered a little. "Y-Yeah. I'll be sure to keep that in mind."
Donatello arched a 'brow' at her sudden stutter, but didn't bring it up. Which she was grateful for.
An awkward silence slowly wrapped around the both of them. They avoided eye contact as they raked their brains for something to say or do.
"So-" They both mumbled at the same time. Eyes jumping to each other nervously.
They both barked out an awkward laugh, Don cleared his throat and gestured towards her. "You first."
This is it...
Taking in a quick breath, Y/n wet her lips with her tongue anxiously before speaking. "Look, Donnie.. There's something I want to tell you.. And I'm not really sure how to say this, so.. I'm just gonna say it."
"I.. I really, really like you.. As more than a friend." Y/n glanced up towards him, watching as his eyes widened at the confession. She felt herself begin to panic so she continued. "B-But, I'd totally understand if you didn't feel the s-same way! I just thought y-you'd want to know.."
Donatello was silent for a few seconds, taking his time to process this. Like she had done moments before, he wet his lips with his tongue nervously. "I... I guess I like you t-to. As more than a friend.. And I'm not just saying that to make you feel better! I really do like you, Y/n.." He rubbed the back of his neck, eyes jumping from her to his giant green hands and back again.
Y/n smiled softly, she reached out and took his hands in his own. "I'm glad to hear that."
His eyes jumped back to hers once again, and he smiled a bit. Both of them ignoring their own blushes as he gave her hands a gentle squeeze. "Me too."
Y/n leaned up, grabbing his mask tails she pulled him down a bit as he towered over her. Donnie's face turned a shade of red that would put Raph's mask to shame as he bent down to stoop to her level. Instead of getting a kiss like he had expected, Y/n simply rubbed her nose against his snout.
Donnie let out a small squeak in surprise, his face only darkening at the embarrassing sound that left his lips. Y/n giggled at the noise, pulling away slowly.
"If you make that sound from a nose rub, I wonder what other kinds of sounds I can get out of you if we do other things."
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beesmygod · 2 years ago
i think u scared off the liberal
good. i'd be lying to say it didnt get under my skin because even adam noticed it lol. if only it were as simple as "white artist bristles when confronted about a depiction of race" instead of "a frequently hammered nerve was struck involving things anon has no context for, intentionally". grrr growl!!! i tried to talk about this with other people and then pussed out bc i realized no one cares but me. so at least i can ramble about it on my own space.
long post ahead sorry~
even putting my neurosis aside, from where i'm standing, anon's overt discomfort with a depiction of an ethnicity or race involving the use of vernacular is some real fucking bird-brain shit. anon reads "huckleberry finn" and runs off to the library to have it banned for racism lol. like, we're talking that level of intellectual cowardice that turns tail and hides when made merely uncomfortable. anon subscribes to the school of thought that being mean and making me feel bad are the worst crimes someone could ever commit. if i want to be really mean, i think anon has never spoken to another latino person outside of a service worker context.
and like, i understand the initial bristle when confronted with it. it's not as though phonetic accent writing or vernacular usage can't be invoked for racist reasons. but you would literally have to try very hard to read jack, white man for hire, as anything other than the explicit butt of the joke. the latinas poking fun at his discomfort lol wait holy shit i just realized life imitated art. am i a secret genius after all......? (no)
here are the pages in question: i asked people on twitter what they thought but ofc that way i still only hear from people who are likely to ostensibly agree with me. (click for full)
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lol i just realized i missed an overlay layer on the third page. i should fix that.
this is a webcomic with almost, if not more than, 800 pages so some context: white spikey hair boy (jack) is from corpus christi, texas, a city on the gulf of mexico VERY close to the border. jack was always supposed to be from texas bc its a state i have some cultural understanding of. my dad grew up there. my dad is mexican-american. i am bi-ethnic. tri-ethnic, i guess, since the italian/irish half had a massive influence on me growing up as well.
the ladies are members of maxine's (the other protag's) witch coven. these women don't dress like this on a day to day basis (the one in the poncho might since she's a curandera, anyway), the outfits are like uhhh special occasion stuff. its your witch outfit. red bow is wearing like a day to day version of the traditional oaxaca outfits and has her hair pulled back in a traditional braid. the other is wearing just normal shit but with a traditionally patterned (or as much as i could bear to draw) poncho. the egg cleanse is a basic brujeria technique that like, every mexican family knows of at least lol. poncho is cutting the bad airs away, like in this video of a limpia.
the spit is my favorite part of all the limpias lol. WATER CANNON
all of this is just shit i know from growing up. i had to ask help on the spanish bc mine is a double whammy of being both terrible AND non-conversational (i learned all mine in textbooks ( ._.)) but the spanish code-switching to shit talk is how real people behave lol. i know this, because family and friends do it.
i take the character writing of this stupid comic more seriously than it probably deserves. i wanted to make sure it felt authentic and like these were "real" characters. having a world where the only people with personalities are the protagonists leads to a universe that feels flat and empty. a cardboard world. when i was able to use the women from a culture i know as a way to advance the plot, it was a small blessing lol. whew.
i dont really know how to talk about how this relates to me more in depth without compromising my belief that i have a right to privacy when it comes to my personal life lol. my entire existence exists on edges and borders that should not matter to anyone but me; but these details (ethnicity, race, sexuality, gender, etc and so on and you know) have a tendency to become the sole factor through which people view your work, your potential, and the expectations they begin to develop for you. currently, i think the expectations people have set for minority creators fucking sucks and i am relieved not to be a part of the ecosystem that rewards mediocrity and poor quality with accolades and purchases. looking at you, YA fiction and webtoons!!!
quite frankly: the more details people have about your life, the more they are able to scrutinize your authenticity based on their own biases (as the original anon did lol) or whether or not you are "deserving" of the descriptors that you are open about or accumulate over the years. i already have enough problems with this on my own directed at myself. i dont need input from the peanut gallery about my identity when its something ive struggled with and continue to struggle with my entire life.
i am not interested in bothering minority creators with my crybaby shit about how i feel alienated. i don't want inclusion to their groups centered around their unique and more specific experiences out of obligation when i realize the non-minority halves of me have also had massive influence on my upbringing and my beliefs. i dont like having to debates whether or not i am ____ enough to qualify for appearances on lists or databases or awards so i don't bother with any of it. i just want to grill for gods sake
anyway idk. im mad but i also realize a lot of my mad comes from offline baggage that no one is privy to on purpose so i have a hard time gauging how people will read how i write things. but bc i keep it tight to the chest i guess that invites random anons to speculate reasonably that i've transformed into a racist overnight bc they read a character say a double negative. dipshit. fucking moron
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