#so i decided to make you all suffer with me 🤗
kisasan · 4 months
„Youngblood thinks there's always tomorrow…”
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„I miss your touch on nights
when I'm hollow…”
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„I know you crossed a bridge that I can't follow…”
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„Since the love that you left is all that I get…I want you to know…”
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„That if I can't be close to you
I'll settle for the ghost of you…”
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„I miss you more than life…”
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„I'd leave it all behind if I could follow…”
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„I miss you more than life
I miss you more than life…”
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sansaorgana · 6 months
Can you do a buck x reader where she’s a nurse and takes care of everyone at the 100 and they all think she’s just perfect and a mother figure while all the soldiers are away from that mother figure and one day she like snaps when having to deal with screaming soldiers and she goes up to one the higher power guys and like cussing them out for constant sending the men into a death trap and her having to pick up the pieces and buck has to hold her back while she’s just screaming at the other guy and everyone else is like 🧍
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hello, thank you for your request! 🧡 I've just realised that none of my previous Readers in the stories with Buck were nurses lol 😷 most likely because I can't even imagine myself as a nurse and writing about all these things is enough to make me feel sick 🤣 but because of this, it was easy to write this story where the Reader is at her breaking point lol proceed with caution because there are ugly descriptions of blood, needles, death etc.
also this gif asdfghjkl I swear, in the story he has more compassion towards the Reader 🤣🤣🤣
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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You thought you could do it. When the war had started, you hadn’t thought twice as you had signed up to help. Real help. No paperwork or coffee making. You had wanted to become a nurse.
The physical aspect of your job was not that difficult. You knew what to do in most situations and you had learnt how to stop frowning at the physiological body functions. It was the emotional aspect of the job that no one had prepared you for.
Sometimes the boys would come back from the air battles with nothing but mere scratches. They would still come by just to spend time with you and let your gentle, skilled hands to patch them up as they were telling you stories.
Sometimes the same boys would not come back from their next mission and the stories they had told were all that was left of them. You would cherish them in your heart forever.
Sometimes the boys would come back burnt, with half of their faces blown out or their guts bleeding all over the floor. Their screams of pain would haunt you later at night. Those were your boys.
Perhaps that was why you were everyone's favourite nurse. You were getting attached to them so easily, treating everyone as a friend, offering them a loving hug when they needed it, listening to their stories, helping them to write letters to their mothers and girlfriends or children. You were a good spirit of the base and one of the planes was named after you. So far it still hadn’t gone down and everyone treated it as a sign that you were their guardian angel indeed.
You didn’t see yourself as a guardian angel. If you had to stay within the religious imagery examples, you’d rather describe yourself as a mater dolorosa – lady of sorrows watching her son’s suffering and not being able to help him.
Sometimes they would die in your arms. Still, it was better than to die in a burning plane. Better for them. Not for you.
Today was a day of a very difficult mission. Most of the planes hadn’t come back at all. And the ones who had, were full of men screaming in agony and pain. You were barely able to hold it all together when they were reaching their hands out for you as if your touch would heal them. But it wouldn’t. It couldn’t, no matter how much you wanted it.
“(Y/N), you should take a break…” Your friend put her hand on your shoulder. You were exhausted indeed. You were working for three hours straight without sitting down for one second and you were running around from one bed to another. “Go, rest,” she insisted but you shook your head and went back to work.
Only when you noticed that your hands were shaking so much that you weren’t able to inject a needle into a vein properly, you decided to take a break indeed. You didn’t want to cause even more damage by trying too hard.
But before leaving the sickbay you wanted to check on one of the young pilots. He was nineteen years old, it had been his first mission and you remembered how excited he had been about it. Now he was laying on one of the beds, barely breathing as his chest was burnt and lungs damaged.
You were approaching his bed and your heart sank to your chest at the sight of the doctor putting a white sheet over his face.
“Wh-what… What are you doing to Johnson, sir?” You asked.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” the doctor shook his head. “He’s just passed away.”
You just stood there with your lips slightly parted. Johnson was just another surname on the list of all these boys you would never forget about. But Johnson was special. He was the youngest you had known. He couldn’t stop talking about his mother and little sister, about his dog and his girlfriend waiting for him back in Alabama.
Your sadness overtook your whole body and then it developed into an anger so big that you felt as if you were about to explode and bring down the whole base.
“Son of a bitch…” You breathed out angrily as you stormed out of the sickbay without even taking your apron off. It was full of blood but you did not care.
You walked down the corridor with murder in your eyes, making everyone step out of the way. And you entered the Colonel’s office without knocking, so loudly and rapidly that all the men inside startled.
“Miss?” Colonel Harding asked as he was sitting behind his desk and showing some sort of a map to a few Majors.
One of them was Major Cleven. He hadn’t been up in the air on that day but he would be tomorrow. And was the one you had befriended the most. But even his presence couldn’t stop your rage at that moment.
“You can’t just keep sending them to die, Colonel!” You clenched your fists and approached the desk as the men watched with big eyes. “Look! Look, Colonel! Look!” You showed him your bloody hands and your apron. “Why is it me with their blood and guts all over me? While you’re just sitting here, planning…” You gave the map a very angry look. You wanted to tear it apart and you were shaking to stop yourself from doing so. “You’re sending them to death, all of them, they’re just boys! Johnson was nineteen years old! Do you even know who he was? Or was he just another number to you?!”
“(Y/N), calm down, let’s take you outside…” Buck approached you carefully but you moved away.
“No! I will not be silenced. I have things to say and I will say them!” You snapped at him and he froze. You laid your eyes back on the surprised Colonel again. “You just sit here and plan how to send them to death more efficiently. You men… Can’t you see how stupid this whole war is? How stupid every war is? And just because some brilliant engineers constructed planes, doesn’t mean they should be used to kill people!”
“Miss…” Colonel furrowed his brow, “Miss I-Don’t-Know-Your-Name, are you done?”
“You son of a bitch!” You banged your bloody fists on his desk and his stupid map got covered with blood. “You don’t even know my name. But I am the one to patch them up and hold their hand when they’re dying after you sent them to death. God damn you, Colonel Harding! You and all the Generals that you serve! God damn Hitler, God damn Churchill and God damn your fucking President Roosevelt!”
“(Y/N), please,” Buck’s strong hands pulled you away. “I’m sorry, Colonel. She’s all shook up,” he tried to explain your behaviour as you started sobbing when the anger had finally left your body. You hid your face in his uniform and allowed him to put his arm around you. “I’ll take her outside.”
“Yeah, you better do it, son,” Colonel nodded at him. Buck started to walk you out slowly and carefully as you heard Colonel’s voice while you were walking out of the door. “Poor girl… She needs a free weekend.”
Buck took you outside and watched you worryingly as you were catching your breath back and trying to calm yourself down, wiping the tears off of your face with the palms of your bloody hands.
“Here, let me,” he took out a handkerchief and wiped your face with it gently. “Gee, (Y/N), what was that?”
“I… I don’t know… I just can’t… I can’t do it anymore, Buck… That boy, Johnson, he was nineteen… Nineteen, for God’s sake,” you sniffed your tears back and looked into his eyes as your lips trembled. “He was telling me stories about his mum and little sister… His dog and his girlfriend… And now… And now he’s gone. Just like that. His lungs were burnt. Every breath was agony…” You tried to explain, still shaking.
“You really need a free weekend,” Buck pointed out and brought you closer to give you another hug.
It felt good to be in his arms. It was comforting. But you were scared to admit to yourself that you indeed liked him more than just a friend. Because if he would go down tomorrow or any other day, it would hurt even more.
“I can’t… I can’t leave my boys…” You took a step back to look at his face again. “And… And I can’t just take a free weekend. It would feel wrong. When you boys are up in the air, so brave and so heroic. All I can do is patch you up later. I can’t give up, no…”
“We all need a break sometimes. Hey,” Buck raised your chin up with his finger, “promise me that you’ll take a free weekend.”
“Aren’t you on a mission this weekend?” You asked.
“Then no way, Buck,” you shook your head. “I have to be here to patch you up,” you smiled through the tears.
“There are other nurses ‘round here,” he pointed out with a soft smile.
“I don’t want them to touch you,” you admitted suddenly as your cheeks heated up.
Why the hell had you said that…?
“They don’t know how to patch you up properly, I mean…” You tried to explain yourself quickly. “Only I know how to–”
But he didn’t let you finish. He leaned in very carefully and placed a gentle kiss upon your lips. You were stunned.
“I know what you mean, sweetheart,” he teased after finally breaking the kiss and caressing your cheek with his thumb. “I promise I won’t get a single scratch when you’re not around.”
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abbyromanoff · 9 months
hellloo🤗 i was wondering if u could do a 1850s natasha x f!reader based on ivy by taylor swift. kinda like where nat is a nurse or something and reader is a housewife. nat wants reader to herself. kinda like emily dickinson and sue gilbert from dickinson?
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PAIRINGS: Natasha Romanoff x reader
WARNINGS: death, nat kills someone but not in a dark way, talks of witch craft, cheating, think that’s really all :)
“Will he be okay, Nat?” She sighed, grabbing your hand and leading you to a more secluded area. You gulped nervously, your eyes falling around the building to spot if anyone else would have sighting of your shared encounter.
“You’re worrying me, what’s wrong with him?” She rubbed your arms soothingly, bringing you in for a quick, soft kiss before resting her forehead against yours.
“I’m sorry, love, I’m afraid the wound is too great to heal. It’s spread throughout his body and is infecting him. The doctors have tried removing it but there’s only a slim chance he can survive, and even then he would live a life of deep pain and suffering.” You bit your lip, removing yourself from her hold and turning, unable to let Nat see the tears that threatened to escape. You never loved him, that was known to her, but she understood your grievance.
“He was a good man, he didn’t deserve this.” That was a lie, and the bruises often marking your body only proved so. Nat would never tell you her lips turned upwards when hearing the news, but deep down you knew she was thrilled. This could be your one chance to escape with her through the woods to the small cabin she had spent her free time building for you. It was the one of your dreams, and your husband never cared to listen, stating he was too busy to build. But Nat wasn’t, she devoted the time she did not have to making everything and anything your heart desired, and she guessed watching her father working tirelessly building homes for others helped her learn a few steps.
“It may be best to say your goodbyes now before it is much too late.”
The following day you decided to visit your husband who awaited his time, he knew he didn’t have long, but he refused to admit it to himself. Flowers were held in your hand from your garden, despite the fact that he never cared to even notice them. Everything you worked hard for he lacked to notice, but you grew used to it.
But what you didn’t expect to walk in on was Nat silencing his screams, and her needle ripping the stitches the doctor performed on. Your eyes widened, and you dropped the petaled object in hand, the action catching her ear as she turned quickly, copying your position the moment she saw your figure.
“You’re- you’re killing him! How could you?” You rushed over to the man, and Nat worried your noises would alert the few other nurses or doctors. When you reached for him, you felt his heart slowing to a stop, and you assumed Nat had been putting him through this for longer than you had seen.
“He wished to die, Y/N. It hurt him too much to even breathe, and he begged me to take his life, so I did. I’m sorry.” Your tears began to fall onto his now warm skin, you did not want to feel it when he was cold and empty.
“I just- I can’t believe he’s actually gone.”
“I know, I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” She was taken aback when you wrapped your arms around her figure, desperately searching for comfort that you could only receive from her.
“Take me away from this, please, I can’t handle it.” That night she brought you to your home, allowing you to gather your belongings in secrecy. People hadn’t quite yet heard of the death of your husband, but your sudden departure would cause awful suspicion from the townsmen. So, you decided that this would be the last time your presence was spotted in this town, and you were to run off with the love of your life.
“Do you need any help with that?” Nat stood in the doorway of your bedroom, the one you used to share with your now-late partner.
“I’m almost done, I’m only gathering essentials.”
“Really? I took a few pieces of furniture as well, I’ve never been able to afford any of this.” You chuckled, stalking towards her and pressing a kiss to her sweet lips, the action bringing you a quick relief. When she was with you, holding you, kissing you, making love to you, everything seemed to fade away until it was only the two of you left.
“You’re the most important thing in my life, Y/N. I can not even imagine losing you.” You smiled, resting your head on her shoulder as she embraced you in a warm hug, causing you to melt in her hold.
“I have a surprise for you, darling.” Your face lit up, and her heart skipped a beat at the sight.
“Follow me when you are done packing, I have a place for the two of us to stay.”
Less than an hour later you were both scavenging through the woods, giggles leaving both of your lips as you ran, the leaves teasing your ankles as your hand was held by her.
“Okay, it’s right over here.” You both stopped, and she came up behind you with a smirk, her hands coming to cover your eyes as she led you forward. Even in the dark, she knew where to lead you, and you followed, trusting that she would never bring you into danger.
“And open!” You gasped when spotting the small building, and words seemed to fail to gather in your mind. It was beautiful, everything you had ever dreamed of, and everything you confined her in.
“It’s…beautiful. I can’t even believe it,”
“Well, believe it, because this is our new home.” She gripped the sides of your waist softly, pecking your cheek and lifting each item into her arms with ease, her strength always seemed to interest you.
“Here we can grow old together, just like we always wanted. I have a garden for you out back, so you can grow all the vegetables and flowers you wish. There’s a lake not far from here that I promise to bring you to any time I can, and there we can make love on the soft grass while the water sways in the wind. We can marry there, even if it may not be legally, I will still consider you my wife. I want to spend every waking moment with you here, and I will never wish to leave you, my love. So, Y/N, will you take my hand in marriage, and join me as my lover for all eternity? In sickness and in hell, I want you under all circumstances. And even in death, I will be with you, in every universe.”
And in every universe, you two found your way together, just like she promised.
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sanskari-kanya · 2 months
Guess who got 30/30 on her finals’ viva 😭💃
It was the biggest adventure of my goddamn life.
The viva was scheduled at 3 pm today so I was pretty chill. I was like okay I’ll do the hardest ones till late night, grab some good sleep and wake up a little early to revise the rest.
But my university sent a mail at 10:30 pm, saying ✨surprise motherfuckers, the time is changed to 9:30 am, all the best insufferable freshers✨
Post this mail, I had made peace in accepting that I aint gonna get any sleep tonight and I had to revise 4 subjects till 8 am (minus 30 minutes to get my boogie ass ready because I will never enter the uni looking like crap and 30 more minutes to reach the university)
I started studying around 12 am because all we did was cuss the fuck out of the university and exam managers for a bloody 1.5 hours.
Considering my attention span, my study session lasted for approximately 15 minutes before I opened Pinterest and keep scrolling mindlessly until it was suddenly 2 am 🤩. Then I went for a mindless walk around the hostel, disturbed my bf for a good 15 minutes, and realised he wasn’t giving me any attention because he actually studies and uski fati padi thi so I came back in my room and re-started studying. It continued till 5 am (paired with stress eating, gossiping, watching a documentary)
THEN, I ACCIDENTALLY FELL ASLEEP AT 5 AM AND WOKE UP AT 8 AM!?!? I had to leave at 9 am so there was no bloody chance of revising Histology and Radiology that I very confidently left for the morning 🤗 I left the house at 9 and kept a ppt of histological slides open on my phone so I could at least revise SOMETHING.
If this drama was not enough, here is more :
Me and my friend had decided to pair up for the viva but some dude mishandled the list and jumbled the numbers and I had to beg my classmate to go with a random dude so me and bestie could go tgt.
As I was about to enter the viva room, a physical fight broke pit between two students and my examiner walked out to stop the fight and never returned.
I confidently wrong answered a sub question and made the doctor believe that I was right cus I answered everything else too. 10 in Anatomy ✅
Manually picked the harder examiner for Histology because bestie shat in anatomy so I wanted her to score in Histology with the easier examiner. My reactions to the first two questions- ✨ma’am I don’t know✨ and she was glaring me so bad I cannot explain y’all but then by god’s grace, she asked me more questions (redemption arc) that I answered but she gave me 7.5 so I was like okay, I did shit in the beginning so-
Next was physiology and if y’all weren’t aware of my bad reputation with the professor (George), well now you are 🤗 But then I again had a choice to choose my examiner and I chose my favourite teacher from last semester and George was like ✨why are you not sitting with me huh✨ in the most sarcastic tone ever like i would ever voluntarily chose you , kind sir.
End result, I scored full in physiology too which just proves that my physiology wasn’t a problem, George was the problem!
Last was Radiology. I was scared for my life since I slept and didn’t revise radiology AT ALL. But the examiner was impressed by my marks and gave me 2.5 🙂‍↕️
Now if that still wasn’t enough adventure for you, let me introduce you to my bad math skills. 7.5 in Histology + 2.5 in radiology makes 10 which meant I had scored 30/30 but my dumbass forgot math and thought I scored only 27.5 and went out a little sad.
Then a senior dude asked me how was it and I was like ‘Accha tha bas muje ek baat bata histology ke liye maximum kitna hota hai?’ And he was 7.5 and then it hit me ‘Oh bhaiii fir toh muje full mile hai’ 😭😭😭
I’m never forgetting this day. I narrated this entire thing to my mom twice, once to bf, a 30 min voice note to @hum-suffer and now on tumblr.
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maryleclerc · 1 year
𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐲/𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 — charles leclerc
prince!charles leclerc , princess!reader ; already divorce
summary: in which princess y/n decided to interview with royalty: in their own words after her divorce with prince charles leclerc. and her life after the divorce
au: this just an extra part of 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭
warning: english is not my native language, use google translate. this is just a fanfiction, please do not take it seriously!
read all my royal series here
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Liked by lewishamilton, charlottesiine, arthur_leclerc and others
yourusername Spending the best time of my life with my bestiee, love you charlottesiin
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charlottesiine Love you too my bestie, wish you always be happy
⤷ yourusername 🥹❤️
vivianawllms Happy look great on you Y/n
finnhenry_ She looks so great after her divorce with Prince Charles Leclerc
hachii__ How are you feeling right now Y/n?
⤷ yourusername I’m feeling WONDERFUL ✨ thank you for asking 🤗
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Liked by arthur_leclerc and others
charles_leclerc Although the issues between me and Y/n have been resolved amicably, I myself have been a husband, close friend and an important person to you and you’re also an important person to me. I want to write this letter to expressing gratitude and apology to you, Y/n for the hurt and loss during the past time. First of all, I would like to sincerely thank you to you for everything that you’ve done for me, our family, and secondly I want to sincerely apologize not being able to be there to support you while you was suffering from postpartum depression, and I also feel very sorry for having a relationship behind your back. Now to think back, I really didn't know what I was thinking back then at that time and did these illegitimate things, maybe I really didn't deserve the love and affection from you. In the end, the person who was hurt the most was Y/n, once again I would like to apologize to you from the bottom of my heart. And I also want to wish you a very happy life, Christian and I will always be there to support you in every decision you makes. You’re the best things that ever happened in my life, It’s my fault to not knowing how to kept my own happiness save. I still really love you 🤍 yourusername
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yourusername Thank you to you too Charles, I had alot of happy time with you…
penelope_jamess Well atleast he knows he has done a wrong things
charles_myprince Y/n, she does not deserved all of this shit to be happen to her. Even though I’m a Princes Charles Leclerc fan but I’m cannot believe what he had done to her.
hrhcharlesleclerc I just hope he truly realise what he had done
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yourusername It’s Christian time ✨
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billyjonas Are you with Prince Charles Leclerc?
⤷ yourusername Yea we decided to take Christian and his cousin to visit a strawberry farm today
arthur_leclerc Christian and Constantine, when did they get so close?
jeniferr They looks so cute together
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montecarlo.royal Princess of Monte Carlo today celebrate The Monte Carlo Day. She wearing this elegant long brown dress, more attention to her earring belong to the late Queen Mother, Queen Mary to to commemorate the passing of the late Queen Mary of Monte Carlo.
They both seem very happy together at today ceremony after 2 years of their divorced.
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annafashion I really like the way she dresses, elegantly, luxuriously and aristocratic, always showing a pure beauty while exuding feminism.
y/nleclercc I wish that Y/n and Prince Charles Leclerc can be back together :(((
herikson_ She’s glowinggg 😩🥹
lillyhana This felt like a Princess Diana and Prince Charles, but it’s a Monte Carlo version of it
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Liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and others
yourusername Hello! I wanted to write this post to just to update some new things in my life after everything had happen. May some of you curious about the situation between me and Charles, and everything between us are fine now. Also there’s some rumour about my new relationship with Pierre.. How excited it is to confirm that I am now in a relationship with F1 driver Pierre Gasly, so it’s not a rumour anymore.
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gomezriiaz She’s dating Pierre Gasly, this is so insane 😩
jaqueengg Y’all stop talk shit about this relationship
kookook Look how happy she is, so freaking prettyyyy
philpp I don’t know how does Christian feel about this
wgebbn Cannot believe she’s move on this fast, just after 2 years?
⤷ mckayly wtf? What do expect? Wanted her to be crying her eyes out and begging Charles to take her back? 🙄 Y/n’s a strong women :))))
4 years later
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royalbreakingnews [BREAKING NEWS 🚨] Today, the media discovered that after 6 years of divorced, Princess Y/n and F1 driver, Pierre Gasly also as known as the closest friend to Prince of Monte Carlo are now officially engaged and expecting their first child together. The couple appearence today at Prince Charles Leclerc of Monte Carlo niece infront of the palace where the Royal Ceremony held. Being ask about Christian felt about Pierre, Y/n said “He like Pierre alot and he also felt comfortable around Pierre, which make me so relief” Prince Charles also said if Y/n’s happy with him then he’s 100% support her relationship with Pierre.
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katherine Pierre Gasly, what?!!!.
f1pierregaslyy Hope he’ll not treat her the way Charles did, but still I don’t think it’s possible
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Liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and others
yourusername Welcome Agatha Perrie Gasly 🤍
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charles_leclerc Congratulation Y/n, Christian are so excited to meet his baby sister
⤷ yourusername Yea, he’s all excited like a fluffy ball running around with happiness haha
arthur_leclerc What a pretty name
⤷ yourusername Thank you to you for help us chose a name
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pierregasly My life would not be complete without you
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Hii there's absolutely no pressure but I love your writing and thought: what about Ravine working with the 141 on a mission where drugs are related and they need to find them (or something of that sort, I'm no expert in military stuff) and they bring a k-9 with them that is known for being aggressive and attacking if not treated with utmost precision, only for it to warm up to Ravine and snuggle up to him even tho he's the scary and "mean" one?
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Pictures: Cooper with Ravine VS Cooper with anyone else
Dear Anon, I love your magnificent brain for coming up with this scenario!!! And thank you so much!🤗 Also no worries I don’t know anything about the military either :’)) I hope I wrote this how you imagined, do let me know 🙌
Warning: Mentions of drugs, PTSD, amputation, transplant- Probably wrong military name usages and stuff. Maybe OOC?💧
Let me know if you want a part 2 of this, where they chase down the drugs with Cooper 😀
Drug mission with an aggressive K-9 who only turns putty for the "mean” Ravine. The boys are conflicted about who to feel jealous of- Cooper or Ravine, both who usually don't let themselves be touched.
Ravine, who just finished his massacre, was sent to 141’s base once their mission to get intel turned into a drug chase. Along with the confiscated information, they found a hidden stash of high class heroin on the boat, therefore they wanted the soldier to join them.
Laswell had tracked the owner later: Caro Edgar, a well known drug lord that has been long enough on the wanted list. Price decided it was time they get the man behind bars- or dead.
Someone from the DATR (Defence Animal Training Regiment) was delivering their best narcotic detection dog to the squad per Price’s request. Some of the boys were ecstatic to have a little furry friend with them…
Until the dog actually came into the base.
The K-9, Cooper was a menace to deal with.
He bared his fangs at the men in front of him once his cage was open. Gaz, who was excited to greet their four-legged friend, took a sudden step and Cooper was already in his face, mouth ajar to bite his head off, if it weren’t for the chain being pulled back by the dog handler.
Soap flinched back from the sudden hostility and that owned him a bunch of barkings while saliva flew from the K-9’s mouth.
Safe to say, both men backed off and used Ghost as a human shield. Said man glared at the canine, his shoulders tensed. Price on the other hand looked at the soldier with a questioned look, who lent them the aggressive canine.
“I apologize but he is the only one qualified with the mission, the others aren’t ready or already on duty.”
 For the past two days, they tried to get along with the aggressive K-9 but it wasn’t getting any better.
If they moved too fast, he barked.
Breathed wrong? He growled.
Too close and shifting wrong? Cooper jumped them if it weren’t for the chain stopping him. They had to fill his bowl and slide it over from a distance due to Ghost almost losing his hand the first time he tried to fill his plate.
Price was 100% certain that Soap was having nightmares of the dog ripping him to shreds while he slept. Gaz refused to come near the devil spawn and walked along the edge while pressing his back to the wall. His eyes never left the four-legged demon when he passed around it.
Ghost? He and Cooper had a glaring contest every single time the dog started barking and growling like a feral animal when they came across each other.
 On the third day, Ravine finally reached the base and the dog hadn't lessened his bullshit which made the Task Force slowly lose it. Cooper made noises throughout the night when he felt like they didn’t suffer enough trying to take care of him.
The dog trainer admitted that she was a little afraid of the Belgian Malinois herself. The previous owner died on the mission so the dog was passed down to her. Cooper was one of the best K-9 they had so they had to keep him even if he was being hostile to the other dogs. They had to separate him into solo training with a group of supervisors to get the K-9 under control.
They were all currently all out in the open, trying to make Cooper listen to their commands. They couldn’t keep waiting due to the risk of Caro Edgar shipping a whole warehouse of drugs underground.
“Steaming bloody Jesus!”
Soap jumps back, close to losing his footing when Cooper jumps up to meet the man face to face.
“This isn’t going anywhere! We need a new dog damn it!”
Price sighs and opens his mouth to agree but notices the collar ripping from the sideline.
“Get away from him, NOW!!”
Cooper wastes no time to attack, Gaz who he seems to be running to, screams in fear and throws his body to the side. Only to reveal Ravine appearing from behind him, the men panic at the soldier staring at the report in his hands.
Their hearts skip a beat when the dog comes slamming down onto him from above. Papers flew through the air as Ravine couldn’t even finish registering what Ghost was screaming about until a blur of black and brown came into his sight.
They run towards the fallen soldier, expecting blood to pour from his shoulders or any part Cooper decided to bite into.
But Ravine laid on the ground unharmed with a hand holding the front legs and the other grabbing tightly on the dog’s mouth like a muzzle as he proceeded to get the K-9’s face further away from his.
“That was close. You good mate?” Soap warily inches closer but stops when Cooper starts growling again.
Ravine sits on the dirt for a moment before casting the dog to the side. As if the squad felt the change in their newcomer, they huddled together on the sideline with the dog trainer holding a brand new collar in her hands.
Cooper shakes his fur, his fangs out, ready to pounce at the threat in front of him. Ravine on the other hand stood calmly on his feet, his height casting a shadow on the dog as it came flying towards him.
The dog flinches at his voice, hesitates for a split second then prepares to pounce, his jaw open-
What some humans didn’t know was the highly sensitivity of a dog to pheromones. Cooper feels it, the malice from the stranger standing before him seems to grow and expand to an immeasurable size, all pointed at him and him only. Cooper was lost inside, alone, hunted down like a prey. If he didn’t listen now- he knew he was actually going to perish.
So he sat down, lowering as far as his body allowed.
 Gaz glances between Ravine and the dog in worry. “He doesn’t actually think this is going to work, is it?” His hands feel sweaty as he wiped them down on his clothes, his eyes peeking at Ghost and Soap. “He wasn’t here to see how dangerous it is.”
“I don’t think he’s dumb to believe that.” replies L.T. with crossed arms, the thought of shooting the little menace crossing his mind if the mutt decided to take a bite out of him.
They suddenly find themselves on the ground before they hear Price cackle loudly on the bench. Soap’s legs felt like jelly when Ravine ordered them- the dog with a tone he hadn’t heard him use before.
Ravine stared at the quartet on the ground and Price on the bench, curious what the Captain found so funny at him getting the dog to lay down. He might never know because they avoided looking into his general direction.
Soap laid on his back, his face in his palms, Gaz pushed his hat down to hide his expression and Ghost was lucky to have his mask on as he grabbed his arms while turning away, the dog trainer pushed her head into her knees that were pulled towards her chest.
And lucky Price, who was already sitting, continued to crack up towards the squad with the occasional whines being let out from Cooper in the background.
Ravine thought the Captain told a joke that made the others react so strongly and didn’t bother questioning it, to their relief. When everyone calmed their hearts, they mentally agreed to never talk about this situation ever again but they knew Price would never let them live this down.
 They decided the little demon was Ravine’s responsibility now.
And at first they were glad to not have to risk their limbs anymore.
Cooper listened to every word Ravine spoke and slowly throughout the day, the dog started to waddle around without having to be leashed although he would still snap at the other’s who weren't Ravine.
What started out as an aggressive attack dog, turned in half a day into a puppy longing for affection and attention.
 On the fourth day, 141 was slowly getting fed up.
At one point they were jealous that Ravine gets to be on the menaces' good side. He gets to ruffle the dogs fur, pet it while they get a face full of teeth and saliva. Along with Cooper sitting on his lap, his thighs making it look really cozy to touch, the K-9 performed tricks and wagged his tail like a love-sick puppy yearning for cuddles from the man.
As if the four-legged demon didn’t plan to give Gaz a nose transplant, a hand amputation for Ghost and PTSD for Soap.
Then they couldn’t approach Ravine without Cooper getting in between them.
They weren’t allowed to be near him and had to stay at least a good few feet away. They couldn’t even hand him things over without the damn dog scaring them, so Cooper could bring the stuff to Ravine like some newspaper.
At the meeting to track down Caro Edgar, Cooper decided to interrupt by going in between his legs and standing up to put his front legs on Ravine’s chest. He wouldn’t stop bouncing until his human put an arm around him, his hand laying on top of his head for scratchies.
Price’s content that Ravine was a help to get the dog under control. They couldn’t risk flunking the mission caused by a misbehaving K-9. He lets his eyes linger on the duo, a smile spreading on his lips when the faceless man doesn't repulse from the physical affection.
He wanted to go back to the report but noticed that no one was really paying attention anymore besides Ravine, who was looking at the documents on the desk.
Gaz is tempted to pull at its tail beneath the desk so the K-9 would stop bothering Ravine so much. He snaps his eyes away from it when Cooper looks directly at him. The menace threw his attention back to the man petting him when the smell of fear slowly radiated off of Gaz.
Beside Ravine sat Soap as he wondered if one day the slouching male would give him a hug too. For a while he stared at the demon disappearing and replaced by a puppy in Ravine’s embrace.
Ghost gawks at the mutt in irritation. He fed him and got his limp nearly bitten off and now the same mutt is squeezing his teammate’s chest like some paw toy. He knows that Cooper was given him side eyes and showing his sharp fangs to mock him. Ravine looks down to check on the K-9 and there it goes acting all innocent.
 On the sixth day, the dog trainer already left while the team wanted to get the mission done and over with, so they could immediately return the K-9 back to her.
Soap’s mind wanders around until he thinks aloud, his eyes following the dog wagging his tail at the tall man trying to train in peace. He grimaces at it for stealing his chance to bond with Ravine all to itself.
“Do you think that brat sleeps in the same bed as him?”
“I’m sure it does-” Gaz sips loudly from his bottle, his eyes glaring down at Cooper when the K-9 gets to snuggle closer to his chest before being pushed to the side, “Look at it! The dog gets to hug him before I even get the chance for Ravine to let me touch his shoulder!”
“I don’t even get a high five from him.”
“Me neither.”
Both turn their heads towards Ghost, silently edging him to answer the question. He sighs under his breath. “Negative.”
They all turn back to watching their friend from afar, occasionally cursing the dog under their breaths when they see how physical Cooper was getting with the man who was known to back away from people who wanted to touch him.
Even Ghost wasn’t that stingy.
Hell breaks loose when Cooper starts to put his paws on the man’s ass.
“ThaT’S IT-”
“Wait Soap, don’t dO THAT-!”
Terrified screams could be heard through the base along with a string of curses and a dog’s vicious barking. It ended with Ravine ordering Cooper to back off from his friends with a slight edge to his voice which scared the dog into laying on the ground shamefully.
On the other hand Gaz and Soap grin victoriously and pull faces at the dog behind the safety of the soldier’s back. Ghost silently curses the mutt for acting inappropriately while Price is hiding in the back, recording the whole situation to send to some people.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 10 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 90... You have been warned...! 👌
What an adorable little chapter today!! It sure was a sweet one...!! 🤗
Honestly, nothing too crazy happened in today's chapter, but there is still quite a bit that I wanna talk about...!! 😁 So let's get to talking about it, shall we...? 😊
The chapter begins with Anya tagging along with Yor, who's taking Bond for a walk...!! 😁
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Once there, Anya's having the time of her life until she overhears some kids talking about this old man...:
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And when I first saw this man, my theorist brain started thinking of all the possible people who this man might be...! 🤔
Is he possibly one of the scientists that experimented on people and animals to give them powers? (Like Anya and Bond... 🤔)
Does he have powers like Anya? (Maybe to read minds or something else...! 😲)
Is he a long lost relative of one of the Forgers? (Most likely to Anya, but Yor and Loid are also possible...! 😌)
Honestly, out of all the possibilities that I thought of, being a long lost relative to one of the Forgers is what I think is the most plausible...!! (But for now, he's just a random old man.)
Anyway, because of what those kids were saying about him, Anya thought that the old man was a spy, but he just wants to go home to his wife...!! 💗
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So, Yor, Anya and Bond decide to help the lost old man find his home...!! 😊 But since he mumbles a lot, Anya uses her powers to, um... Varying degrees...! 😅
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OH MY GOD ANYA!! 🤣That is NOT at all what the old man was thinking...!! 😂
Yor, Anya and Bond take the old man to the market because he remembered that he was gonna go do some shopping...! 😄 And as they walk through the market, the old man remembers how it was during the war... 😔
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Every time when I see stuff about the war that took place in this story, it always makes think about all the horrible conflicts that are happening out in the world right now and how I hope that one day no one will have to suffer through things like war ever again...
Anyway, Yor, Anya and Bond try to figure out where the old man lives, but they end up back at the park...! So they try again and...:
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After running around some more, they stop near a place that sells waffles and the old man offers to buy Anya one...!! Then, Yor has a thought:
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Oh, my heart... 💔
Honestly though, this is probably my favorite moment in this chapter...! 💗 Just the fact that Yor thinks about if Anya misses something that she never had, it makes me wonder how Yor will feel when she finds out that Anya didn't really have anything until the Forgers came to be...
Then, the gang gets a lead as to where the old man might live thanks to a coupon that fell out his pocket and Anya recognizing where it's from...!! And then...:
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They end up at their apartment building...!! But, all is not lost because this IS where the old man lives!! 😆 We see Twilight helping the old man's wife with moving because they are going to be living next door to the Forgers...!! 😊
Lastly, the old man and his wife properly introduced themselves as Sigmund and Barbara Authen...
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...and two of them get real lovey dovey with each other after being reunited...!! 💗🤗💗
And that was Mission 90, and it was such a sweet little chapter...!! 🤗 I am loving the recent focus on showing more of Yor and Anya (and Bond) together, their relationship just makes me so happy...!! 💗 Something else that I'm wondering is if whether or not Sigmund and Barbara are gonna show up again in the future (and if they'll have a secret connection to Anya in some way) because I both love them and are quite intrigued by them (especially since they were actually given names...!! 😌) I also wonder if the Authens' relationship is a possible hint as to how Loid and Yor will be like to each other in the future...!! 💗😏💗
Something that I just realized is that ten chapters from now, we'll be at Mission 100!! 😆 I don't know if Endo will do something special for this milestone, but I sure do hope that he does!! 😊
Anyway, that's pretty much all I wanted to say about this chapter...!! 😁 So until the next Mission... Take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! 👋😄
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hydriko · 3 months
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gojo is finally out of the box : gojo satoru x gn!reader
genres / warnings : angst, hurt/no comfort, cursing, spoiler warnings⚠️!, reader is mad at gojo, mentions of character death, gojo is in love w reader but nothing is established, arguing, Gojo + Yuji survive bc I refuse to make them die, reader is also a teacher at JJT
notes : I was talking with a cai bot earlier so kinda inspired by it (sxgarcore on cai)! I was also feeling angsty 🤗 Also I've never exactly read the manga, so my knowledge is very general so please lmk if I've made any mistakes!
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19 days that Gojo Satoru had been sealed in the prison realm by Kenjaku. Or, in your eyes, 19 days that Gojo Satoru left the world to suffer at the hands of Sukuna.
You hated him. You hated him for letting himself get sealed up, blaming him for all of the casualties and the people you’d lost. Students, for God’s sake, to be put up against the king of curses.
Gojo is the strongest, and there is no doubt about that. Your anger sometimes felt like you were doubting the abilities of you and your fellow sorcerers, because there was always a possibility that things would’ve ended up the same way with him there.
Still, you couldn’t help but be angry with him. Those 19 days, you along with everyone worried about his wellbeing and safety. All that time spent trying to get him back whilst fighting a demon from hell that possessed the body of Yuji Itadori.
You knew that Gojo had been unsealed, and you were trying your utmost best to avoid him. You knew that you’d lose your shit on him if you came face to face with him, so you decided to distance yourself for the sake of everyone’s happiness during recovery.
What you didn't know, though, was that those days felt like years to him, like an eternity on the brink of madness. It drove him insane knowing that he couldn’t be there to help, and the longer he was there the more he began to miss you. As soon as he was back, the first thing he wanted to do was see you again.
You were at JJT, not particularly doing anything other than roaming the hallways trying to clear your mind. The hallways were unusually empty, any typical day you’d probably be teaching your students—but that wasn’t the case now.
You rounded the corner, eyes focused on the ground when all of a sudden you walk straight into someone. You were about to say sorry before you actually realized who it was. Surprise! It’s Gojo.
When you first made eye contact with him, it practically made your blood run cold. But surprisingly, you didn’t feel the same amount of rage as you thought you would. Rather, you felt shocked, completely frozen.
"Long time no see, yeah?" He spoke after a good long minute of silence, putting on the same stupid smile that told you that he wasn’t actually happy. The same smile that said that nothing had happened, the smile that said that his mind was elsewhere.
"Gojo," You frowned, eyebrows furrowing and expression falling. You felt your shoulders slump slightly, almost as if you were disappointed at his presence.
You watched him tense, confusion creeping onto his features as the gears began to turn in his head.
He expected you to run into his arms, hug him, act like you missed him, anything but the way you were reacting right now.
"The one and only. Did ya miss me?" he laughed nervously, his smile faltering slightly. Why were you acting so…mad? Was it something he said?
"I'd ask Nanami that question," you scoffed at him, "He's dead."
Gojo knew that already, but it didn't hurt any less coming from you. He paused, the facade he wanted to put on so badly slowly slipping from his grasp.
"...I know," he muttered, a blank face replacing his previous, more confident one.
That was all he could say. He didn't even know what to say, especially with the way you surprised him with being so angry.
He knew that many important people were lost, but now he couldn't help but begin to think that maybe it was his fault that they died. That it was his fault because he couldn't be there to save them. The way you responded filled him up with pure guilt, and he didn’t like it.
You rolled your eyes, his bluntness pissing you off. You sighed, turning on your heel to go the other direction. You planned on going to the hospital in a bit to visit the injured others, along with Shoko who was there right now.
You didn't want to be anywhere near Gojo. Not now, not when you saw him being the reason that people were injured in the first place.
Gojo panicked a little as he saw you start to walk away, reaching out and grabbing your wrist to spin you back around. He couldn't just let you leave. He'd spent 19 days trying to escape, trying to see you again, and he was not going to let that chance go. "Where the hell are you going?"
"The hospital, where everyone is," You muttered, acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You weren't wrong, though; Nobara and Megumi were some of the few who were there now. You managed to get out with a couple of scars and bruises, but the others weren't so fortunate.
Gojo sighed softly, letting go of your wrist. He felt like he should've expected that answer, to be honest. Knowing that the people he cared about were injured, knowing that you probably were too, it all just didn't sit right with him.
"Yeah...of course," He put his hands back into his pockets, looking at the ground for a moment before looking back up at you. "Are you alright?"
"Why do you care?" You quipped, "It's not like you cared if we'd be alright when you got locked up."
Ouch. That one stung a little. But maybe he deserved it.
You knew you were being meaner than you should, and a part of you knew that it wasn't entirely Gojo's fault for getting sealed, but it felt right.
To you, Gojo was reckless; he was reckless enough to get sealed in the prison realm, to let everyone else handle the king of curses. Even so, he let Kenjaku and Sukuna have that kind of power, where they wouldn’t have to worry about the him because he was locked away.
You both stood in silence for a moment, albeit very uncomfortable silence. It felt suffocating to him, and it made him want to just hug you and apologize a million times over. But he just couldn’t.
“I just—” you paused, sighing as you thought about what to say, “I just wish you were there.”
The hint of pain in your voice almost killed Gojo. He should’ve been there. He knew that much.
Gojo kept quiet, completely unsure how to respond to you. You, the person here probably cared about the most, hated him the most right now. He wanted to fix it all, to time travel back so that he wouldn’t be sealed up. He wanted to make it better but he didn’t even know where to start.
With his lack of response, you took that as your queue to leave. You turned once again, this time leaving Gojo where he stood.
You didn’t know if you could forgive him, at least not soon. You’d let it be, but who knows how long it’ll take you to come back around? It could be weeks, months, years—all options left a sour taste in Gojo’s mouth.
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mycupofrum · 5 months
I can't get enough, you have to tell me when I should stop. I wish I could ask every combination
I'm curious about 1+54, 79+95 and 88+84 (I'm so bad at picking cool combinations)
You can chose 🤗
Hii! ❤️ Sorry this took me ages to reply, I never meant to leave it hanging for so long!
Here are three Prongsfoot ideas for the Fanfiction trope mash-up ask game. Contains some nsfw-ish mentions.
Historical AU + Secret Relationship
James is an MI6 spy while Sirius is a Soviet spy during the Cold War. Neither knows that they’re spying on each other, and for their cover roles they both pretend to be professors at Oxford University. They end up in a ”secret relationship”, except they are both deceiving the other. James’s mission is to gain information from Sirius in any way possible, and Sirius is trying to do the same to James. They both feed false information to the other until they realise that they’re spying on each other.
Their employers are not happy with them and they’re taken off from their respective cases. James is suspended for a few weeks and assigned to do paperwork for the foreseeable future, but Sirius is tortured and imprisoned for not being successful in his mission. Once James finds out about it, it doesn’t sit well with him.
He then decides to break into the prison to rescue Sirius in Siberia in the cold of winter. It’s a completely mad mission to embark on and will cost him his whole future, but the sex with Sirius is really good and their chemistry is off the charts, and he kind of accidentally fell head over heels for Sirius during their secret fake relationship. James decides he’d rather spend a lifetime with Sirius on the run than go back to his old life and never see him again. He breaks Sirius free, and now they are both traitors to their governments, so they escape together and go somewhere nice and sunny far, far away.
Anger Born of Worry + Sleep Intimacy
Sirius is traumatised from all the emotional abuse he suffered at the hands of his parents, but he represses it to the point he convinces himself he’s all right after he goes to live with the Potters. The effects from the abuse don’t sneak up on him until he’s in his early 20s and fighting in the first wizarding war, at which point Sirius becomes reckless on Order missions. He doesn’t seem to care about his own life and runs off alone after death eaters, despite the fact that they should always be in pairs.
So far Sirius has been lucky and gotten results, which is why Dumbledore doesn’t exactly forbid him to do what he does. But James is furious and worries for Sirius, and they argue a lot. Emotions run high, but at night they settle their arguments with heated, angry sex, until they get the stress out of their system. That’s when they finally settle down to sleep (spooning, obviously) and have a few hours of peace until the next day comes and it all starts again.
Married to the Job + Erotic Dreams
Sirius is an established surgeon who operates on superstar footballer James Potter’s injured knee. They’re both busy with their work, except now James has a long recovery time ahead of him, so his mind wanders to the handsome surgeon so much so that he starts to dream about him and wakes up hard on many mornings. Sirius works long hours at the hospital, so he doesn't have much of a social life outside of work, even though his colleagues keep telling him he should do something about it.
When James comes to his control visit, he demands to speak to Sirius about his *knee*, but also poses an offhanded question on whether Sirius is seeing anyone. James manages to somehow strip down to only his underwear, even though Sirius tells him that he really doesn’t need to remove his shirt for Sirius to examine his knee. James just smirks when Sirius’s gaze lingers on his abs for a little longer than necessary. Yet Sirius insists that while he's single, he’s just too busy to date anyone, thinking that’ll be that.
Little does he know that his refusal only makes James Potter more determined. James flirts with a nurse to get Sirius’s phone number. They start texting, then sexting. Well, James sends the sexy messages, while Sirius’s replies are dry and witty. James has a vivid imagination and his dirty messages about his erotic dreams and fantasies amuse Sirius against his will but also make him undeniably horny. It takes a few weeks of James spamming him with sexy messages, when Sirius finally appears behind James’s door for a ”private consultation.” They end up sucking each other off on the living room sofa before making it to the bedroom a little later.
Eventually James returns to play for the team, and Sirius becomes the team’s super hot doctor (he even has his own unofficial fan club among the football fans). Their plan is that when James is done with his football career, Sirius goes back to work at the hospital if he wants to, but it’s okay if he doesn’t because James is loaded and Sirius is also very wealthy, so they can do whatever they like. Two years after meeting for the first time, they get married. Neither of them is happy when James’s friend Remus and Sirius’s tech-bro little brother Regulus as their best men decide to prank them by displaying some of James and Sirius’s early messages to the wedding guests (only the super cheesy ones when James tried to be romantic, there's a lot they had to censor). :D
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belit0 · 1 year
Ayyy i finally figured out how to send a request! I love your writings so MUCH! Finally one good writer who loves Indra as much as I do! Please never stop writing you got a talent!♡♡
Foe the request...Can I request Indra falling in love with a foreign princess who he meets during his travels? Or another place..?(I leave it up to you hehehe!)
Thank you so much for the support 😭😭💕💕 it means the world to me!! This blog is a sanctuary for our man, so of course I had to do your beautiful request!!
It got unexpectedly angsty at the end, so there's that lol. I can make a pt 2 if you would like, just lemme know!🤗💫
Again, thank you for trusting me, and I really hope you like it :)
TW: none Pairing: Otsutsuki Indra / reader SFW
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What else could have Indra done apart from running away after losing to Ashura? Not only was his life in danger by staying nearby, but also his ego.
He decided it would be wise to stay away for a while, rebuild his strategy, perhaps even add people to his cause, and then return to the attack. His home would remain where he left it, ruled unjustly by his younger brother.
Setting out on the road was the easy part, gathering just enough belongings and commanding an unknown route. The hard part was convincing himself this was the right thing to do. He fought fiercely with his own impulses to refrain from returning to battle after being defeated, having to think with a cool head and not through his anger or resentment.
Walking freely without feeling watched or pursued was the most rewarding part, once away from the lands he had once considered his own. He had to move cautiously and carefully in the immediacy of his former place, knowing Ashura was probably looking for him, wanting to negotiate some sort of peace between the two of them.
That would not happen.
This new sense of security brought with it the possibility of enjoying things he had lost track of. Walking in the winter sun, eating a bowl of hot soup sitting in the warmth of a local food stall, feeling the rain fall against his face.
Unwittingly, in all the years leading up to the culmination of the conflict with his brother, he had built up a tough, impenetrable image of himself. He stopped feeling like a normal person, no longer rejoicing in the simple pleasures of life, but forging an iron shell around himself.
Training, study, practice. The only three things he lived by for too long. Losing that confrontation and having to flee, he admitted to himself ruefully, somehow allowed him to behave like a regular individual again, and not as an untouchable being.
Finding his journey to be longer and longer, he was experiencing different places and things, interacting only enough so as not to be recognized. He had no idea how far-reaching his family conflict might have been, but he preferred not to find out.
He walked countless routes and places, saw things he never thought possible, and began to understand perhaps there was something beyond all his pain and suffering, beyond his anger. The hatred became smaller inside him, and that malicious dark voice constantly whispering terrible things in his ear, disappeared.
Eventually, the money he had initially taken from home became scarce. He could no longer afford to use it indiscriminately and found himself in the position of needing to work to keep a hot plate of food before him.
Thus, he began to gain experience in simple things which allowed him access to basic necessities. Plowing an old man's field in exchange for a hot shower, helping to shear sheep for some good noodles, and drawing water from a well for a woman in return for a fresh change of clothes.
He took a taste for a life of toil, seeing how his hard work got him things, and entirely forgot about the cradle of power and royalty into which he had been born.
In this fashion, he arrived at an opulent palace, just as holes were emerging in his pants as a result of his hard work. He would surveyed the area before even considering venturing to knock on the door, squatting in the undergrowth of the garden, shouldering a sack with the belongings he still kept.
Right in the middle of his analysis, totally absorbed by ideas that crossed his mind about what services he could offer to the residents of the place, a feminine voice spoke happily behind him.
"It's a nice place, isn't it? Don't even think about trying to rob it, it's heavily guarded."
Surprised at how the girl managed to outwit his personal high guard, he took a moment to look at her and decide if she was a threat.
"I'm not contemplating theft, ma'am. I intend to trade services for personal goods."
"Pretty good vocabulary you've got there! You don't seem to be a simple country bumpkin. Where are you from, where are you going and what are you looking for?"
"Those might be lots of questions, ma'am."
"Perhaps they are. Come, let's go."
The young woman guided him into the palace, where he discovered she was the princess of the land. Her father agreed to provide duties for him, offering a long-term contract and a stay at the manor. He would work, eat and live on the premises, where he was provided with his own hut and privacy.
As time went on, he learned the girl's name was (Y/N), and she had a wonderful personality. Unlike many of the royalty he had met in his past, hell, including himself! (Y/N) broke all the rules.
She was rarely seen following diplomatic protocol, slipping away and preferring to interact more with the employees than with her own family. The two began to spend time together, only because she would show up to keep him company while he went about his daily chores.
She would bring him refreshing drinks on sunny days, and make him hot tea on chilly nights. She managed to convince her father to spare him from working on rainy days, to which Indra flatly refused. Unable to accept the special treatment, it was (Y/N) who cured his cold when he became terribly ill.
Even so, throughout his entire experience, Indra refused to lose his physical abilities, always finding time to keep up with exercise in spite of his work. If he couldn’t train, it felt like losing himself in a different life, and he had no way of coping without having physical relief. He needed to feel soreness in his muscles, pain after long afternoons of moving around. Still, (Y/N) became a great companion in his leisure time, watching him practice his moves and techniques, even asking him to teach her some of them.
The legend of his cursed eyes, though he learned over time and from people who like to spread rumors, became a popular story. The monster with long brown hair and red eyes who tried to mercilessly murder his poor younger brother. The poor younger brother who refused to believe his older brother was evil, and continues to search for him to this day.
It became a bedtime tale mothers would use to put their children to sleep, recounting the words "If you don't go to sleep early, the red-eyed beast will come for you!” It became the warnings parents would give their daughters before letting them go out alone, "Walk in places with people and lots of light, the red-eyed man is out there".
He would hear these incorrect stories everywhere, even leaking into the palace. (Y/N)'s father increased security, fearing the tyrant would come through the gates and destroy his family.
Indra became much more careful with himself, what he said, or how he acted since any false step could push him through endless misfortunes, losing everything he had worked to achieve.
The one who always managed to catch him red-handed, however, was her. At some point, he started to feel a certain discomfort in his chest every time they saw each other. His heart raced and his thoughts wandered to the beauty of her face, her perfect figure, her flowing tresses.
Soon, it became all he could think about, and it seemed to be a reciprocated feeling. (Y/N) started to prove herself closer to him, taking advantage of any excuse for caressing him or getting closer to him. Every training session he allowed her to observe was a way for her to end up entangled in his arms, a closeness that was unfamiliar and adrenalin-inducing for Indra.
He had never considered any woman in this way, never thought he could entertain romantic ideas. His vision of womanhood was only through retrograde thinking, a vessel he would use to carry his future generations once he became the leader of his clan.
This was completely different, (Y/N) turned him upside down, caused him to get tongue-tied, made him feel physically weird and emotionally a mess. She seemed to carry him with ease, as if it wasn't her first time in the ring, having had experience in flirtation.
Without even thinking about it, he let himself go. New experiences also applied to personal situations, things he never thought he would encounter.
But all good things come to an end.
Everything was a wonderful rosy color until the worst happened. Indra allowed himself to let his guard down around her, to relax completely, and once the rumors about him disappeared from immediacy, he indulged in training as he needed to.
Using his Sharingan to its fullest, even unleashing the Mangekyōu, he drifted into his personal session. He trusted (Y/N) was entertaining a family lunch, royalty gathering from all places in her house, princess duties.
He would always conduct his training away from the perimeters of the palace, fearing that its intensity might alert his patrons. But (Y/N) knows the location, and Indra should know by now how hard it is for her to keep up with her political agenda.
She has never seen him use his strength 100%, getting caught up in the moment and practicing even his most difficult techniques. She always observed him in his more physical, simpler movements. Indra didn't plan on teaching any of his true potential, but it seems he didn't have a choice.
At the precise moment when his black flames of Amaterasu self-consume by his own volition, (Y/N) watches him closely. She can see his demonic red eyes burning, with an intricate pattern in his pupil. Indra looks calm, sitting before the fire and spreading it at different distances to extinguish it the next moment.
He does not seem to have noticed her presence, until she tries to move away from a scene unlike anything she expected to see, stumbling over her own feet and falling to the ground. A small shriek of panic escapes her lips as she falls, watching in disbelief as Indra turns to look at her with blood-colored eyes.
He asks in a small voice, unbecoming of the man in front of her. It sounds like a small child being caught playing with something he shouldn't.
Before he can react, (Y/N) gets up and flees as fast as her speed allows, running the path she knows like the back of her hand to the immediacy and safety of her home.
It can't be him, it can't have been him all this time.
The monster is here, has been here all along, and sadly, she is infatuated with him.
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lorei-writes · 11 months
I got curious about your OCS and hope so much not to bother 🙏 but please tell me more how Esther and Chev will end up together ? Cause they will, right ? Like I ship them so much and I absolutely love them as couple I wish you a nice day 🤗
Julie! Thanks for dropping by! You've made my day ;-; <3
They do end up together! I've made a little timeline for how their relationship progresses (link), but it's not complete yet.
Now, to your question. I think it has been partially answered in the last reblog in this conversation with @olivermorningstar (link). I'd like to elaborate a bit more on what was already said there >:)
To recap elements that factor into how Esther and Chevalier's talk goes:
Esther is convinced she would not be a beneficial partner from the political point of view (factually correct), and that therefore the relationship would be impossible.
Esther assumes that political gain is the primary criteria Chevalier would take into account.
Chevalier does not know whether the sentiment he holds for her could be called love, however, he is aware of the fact that he has a soft(er?) spot for her. At the same time, he knows what are the realities of the court life. If he truly cares for her, he under no circumstances can be with her, for her own well-being.
Chevalier assumes that finding a partner outside of royalty / nobility would be in Esther's best interest.
Esther dreads the reality in which Chevalier keeps on considering himself to be unlovable.
Esther hates seeing nobles only ever approaching Chevalier with fear.
Esther genuinely cares about him.
Esther defines her own well-being in relation to that of her loved ones. She cannot be happy when the people she deeply cares for suffer or are mistreated -- even if changing said state may make her less comfortable.
With all that in mind, let's skip ahead to the moment when they actually have to talk.
I do not have the exact dialogue written out (yet). As such, it is hard for me to predict which exact points I'll manage to hit... But, I think that the following are likely to occur, in whichever form:
Esther clarifies why she put that confession-not-confession story. She wasn't hoping for them to be together. She knows it is impossible given all her flaws. However, even if it hurt her, she did want to be the counterexample to his logic.
Now, Chevalier expects that she will go on to work in the court, and that one day she will become a minister. At the same time, he knows that the line of thinking she has just presented is going to cause harm to her in the long run. He knows other parties may hold her illness, heritage and upbringing against her, and he knows that if she allows them to, they will use those to run her into the ground.
But he's grown to genuinely care about her. It's not just a thought. It's a feeling. Compelled by it:
Chevalier states that she has misunderstood his meaning.
He elaborates by saying that it would be of more benefit to her not to get romantically involved with the royalty.
At this point, Esther realises what was his reasoning. She'd claim it is not up to others to decide what risks she takes, and that she is well aware of them.
And here my predictions stop. I'd have to write the entire thing down to know exactly what happens here :')
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celestialcrownsvn · 2 years
Progress Update 12/20/22 - Scene teaser, background sketch, kickstarter rewards, character quiz!
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Hello all! Thank you so much for following Celestial Crowns thus far! ✨ Please wishlist on itch.io (https://harlevin.itch.io/celestial-crowns) so that you can follow the devlog, which features more in-depth updates than I post here. The Steam page will not be created until closer to Kickstarter timing. 👍🏾
Anyway, let’s jump in! 
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I’m currently working on Aalam’s route! 🌌 There’s about 5,000 words so far and I’m just about to start scene 3. My goal is to write one scene a day until route completion.
Here’s a little sneak peek.This will feature the “spoiled” choice option, and a male Terra.
Terra "And what has your mood so elevated?"
Aalam "I am eager to begin the journey home. Andromeda awaits, and she is beautiful in the fall. You will be pleased."
Terra "I'm sure."
Aalam "Come, I will not have my future [groom] so displeased. What must I do?"
Terra "Get me another drink, please?"
"I only asked for a moment of peace and quiet, but Aalam seems pleased by the simple task regardless."
Aalam "Consider it done, Milav."
Terra "Excuse me?"
Aalam "I thought the good Advisor was exaggerating when he said you were behind in your studies."
Aalam "It is a word in the ancient tongue, it means \"beloved.\""
"I clear my throat, embarrassed that I didn't realize. I have never been very good at learning the second language, it seems to go in one ear and out the other, but Royals are supposed to be fluent."
Terra "Is that appropriate? We hardly know each other."
Aalam "We will know each other better soon enough."
"He gives me a polite nod before stepping away to get the drink, and I sigh." Terra "I thought I'd at least get a few months before having to suffer through pet names."
Celeste "Aw, that's so cute!"
"I jump, turning to see Celeste close behind me."
Terra "Celeste! Were you listening to our conversation?"
Celeste "Of course not. I was making myself available in case you need anything. Until you leave the palace, I am still your personal maid, after all."
"I give her a knowing look, but she just flutters her eyelashes innocently."
Terra "Well then, I {i}need{/i} you to dispose of this glass and find someone to clean up this mess."
Celeste "As you wish!"
"She bows and leaves to follow my orders. Aalam returns shortly after with a fresh goblet of wine, and I accept it with a \"thank you.\""
Aalam "You're very welcome. If you like wine, then you will be pleased by the castle stores in Andromeda. We have an extensive collection, some with over 100 years."
Terra "Fascinating."
Aalam "I see you are a hard man to impress. That is all right, I look forward to many, many attempts."
"I watch him over the rim of my glass as I take another drink."
Terra "Why bother trying to impress me? I've already agreed to marry you. What do you hope to gain?"
Aalam "Your love, of course."
"I nearly laugh out loud."
Terra "With all due respect, I'm sure we can both agree that this is a political marriage. Love has nothing to do with it."
Aalam "Not yet. But that doesn't mean it never will. Why limit ourselves to an existence where we merely tolerate each other? There's no reason not to test our compatibility in areas other than the practical. We might just fall in love."
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The Kickstarter is still planned for May, and I am quickly trying to gather all needed assets! 🎨 The currently planned rewards are:
CG pack
And more!
Some rewards I don’t want to start until the routes are complete, as they’ll need the context. That’s why I’m trying to finish at least the rough drafts quick. I hope to complete Aalam’s by the end of January, Sahi’s in February, and Lune’s in March.
But some rewards are in progress now! I’m currently working on the stickers. 
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I decided to draw them as a set on one sheet, so they could be interacting with one another. Aren’t they cute? 🤗
I haven’t decided if I’ll also be drawing the keychains or if I’ll ask one of the other artists.
Which kickstarter reward are you looking forward to the most?
More backgrounds are in progress! Here’s just a peek at the beautiful sketch Stef has made for the grand hall. 🥰
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It’s enough to make me cry 😭 every background just makes the game more and more beautiful. I can’t wait until I get to show off everyone’s hard work! 
Character Quizzes
Finally, I’ll be posting character quizzes for each of the main characters! First up, Lune! Respond in the comments with any questions you’d like to ask the next character, Sahi! I’ll probably do a separate post for this as well.
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[Picture text:
Q: So, what is your role in the castle?
A: Publicly, my role is to give the Monarch guidance on a spiritual and political level. Privately, I’m just here to make sure Terra doesn’t screw something up beyond repair.
Q: Do you enjoy working for Terra?
A: No. They make me attend a daily tea time. As if I have nothing better to do than sit and socialize.
Q: If you were King, what would you change?
A: The first thing I’d do is reevaluate General Sahi’s fitness for his position. I believe the previous King was far too generous with him.
Q: What’s your favorite color?
A: Is that a joke? Any decent citizen of Lauté bleeds purple.
That’s all for today, folks! Please please please reblog this to get it out to as many people as possible! Once this tumblr hits 300 followers, I will reveal the full version of Sahi’s CG! 🥳
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fiercehildr · 1 year
Hi! I have 3 things if that’s okay!
Firstly, is it bothersome to ask why you stopped any ACOTAR blogging? Was it just to much toxicity? All good either way, still love you <3 I was just wondering. Pls ignore this if you want.
Secondly, what about ghost do you love? I love the art and such you’ve been posting even though I’ve never consumed any of that media lol
Thirdly, not a question but thanks for all the commissions you’ve posted! I love to see them (and I’m trying to read glow! It’s of course quite in demand at the library) k that’s all. Sorry to bother you!
Hi Nonnie! ♥️ Thanks for the ask! Sorry the answer might be long and trigger warnings: Traumatic events (second question)/A quick reference to s**cide (first question)
1- It’s fine, I can answer that no worries 🤗 What happened is that I realized the ACOTAR toxicity made my depression worse and constantly had me in a haze of anger as I could not really ignore everything going in that fandom, not with how deeply I was involved in it.
I was heavily bullied numerous times for liking a different fictional ship and I guess the last straw for me was when I was falsely accused of racism because of a commission of mine- never mind that the one thing they (-the usual suspects and bullies) complained about was the decision of the PoC artist I worked with and who they silenced or that their complaints actually highlighted how they automatically viewed a WoC serving tea as her being a slave.
I think we pretty much all knew that it was never our (the artist and mine) intent or that this drama was started with something else in mind. I even had numerous PoC in my asks and IG inbox telling me it was all good and that they couldn’t understand the issue at all. BUT… I was at a very low moment of my life, my mental health was extremely bad and I did a massive panic attack which was quickly followed by some pretty bad s**cidal thoughts where I almost did something really bad.
That’s when I decided to stop everything and after a 4 months long break from the internet and social medias, I came back but with not much love for ACOTAR anymore. I do not find joy in anything related to this fandom. My maximum is liking pretty arts from artists I like or friends and sometimes making games with the characters in my Insta stories. But I don’t even care about the characters anymore and I even feel a certain dislike for the author, for allowing us all to suffer this shitwar for the sake of her mental health. I know that, PERHAPS, the issue is more complicated than that from her side but I consider that my anger is justified anyway.
Will I come back at some point and rewrite posts and theories about the characters etc? Hopefully, but I’m fine in my little bubble right now. I’ll let the dogs eat their bones.
I hope I answer that first question for you and I’m sorry, I know it’s quite a long answer. 😅 I do love to hear you enjoyed my commissions! Always glad when I know they brought happiness to someone. ♥️
2- As for Ghost, funnily enough, he is not my favorite CoD character. I’d say he’s actually third on that list behind Soap and Price but he’s so aesthetically pleasing and makes for such beautiful art pieces! ♥️ I do appreciate his character though, mostly because I’m appreciative of his inner strenght. Now as you’re not familiar with the lore, to make it short, Ghost had a pretty horrible childhood, tortured by his father who was a notorious trash (like forced to kiss living snakes when he was terrified of them kind of stuff). Sadly, when he was in the army, he was also captured and tortured for month before finding his freedom again. Only to lose his mother, brother, sister-in-law and nephew to an atrocious murder. His past is basically the worst thing you could be imagining and if you’re interested in it, there is actually a comic about it you can find online. Do beware though, it’s pretty graphic.
So what I like is that even with that, he still remains level headed, tactical, and, to some extend, even kind. Seeing him develop a relationship with Soap and open up, even making jokes when he’s seen as this gigantic grumpy man, was actually a nice insight in who he really is! 🤗
Also watching plenty of tiktoks of him and Soap, even before I played the game (and I had never touched a CoD before!) helped me so much during my hard post acotar time.
There you go, I hope my answers was good enough and I do hope you get glow! If you do and read it, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with me! 🤗
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Recently I've seen so many book stans repeating all the time that harwin was rhaenyra's soulmate/great love or whatever and I'm always so surprised lol, like when did someone make up that hc and decided that it was true just because they liked it???? There is barely anything on f&b about their relationship and I wouldn't say that the little the book has about them could lead me to that conclusion. Him being her lover and giving her children while she's married to a gay man is not enough to treat that as canon. I'm used to stans of the trash hbo show treating hcs or whatever they did there as the truth but book stans talking about their hcs as if they were established facts on the text makes me confused
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Hi there Anon 🤗
I could say I am surprised but I would honestly be lying because book fans, "experts" and "intellectuals" saying things (and at times making wild claims - though it's not the case here) without a proper canon source has been common for many years.
Once again, having headcanons is perfectly fine, and to each their own, but claiming things we think are true without proper basis should not be made.
So Harwin Strong suffers much from the same problem as Laena Velaryon does in the sense that he does not have a proper personality. Her personality is liking to fly, his is being strong. He's also in a way defined not as a character but just as a way to get the "Velaryon" princes much like Laena is a way to get Baela and Rhaena and make Daemon a father.
About his relationship with Rhaenyra we know a few things, let me elaborate for anyone not familiar with the facts:
1- He had courted her before Viserys decided to marry Rhaenyra to Laenor (check Fire and Blood pg. 369)
2- He had long desired her (check Fire and Blood pg. 371)
3- According to Mushroom he was the man who actually took Rhaenyra's v-card. However, also according to Mushroom, this was less based on any love and more on rejection by Criston + anger + being h0rny (check Fire and Blood pg. 371)
4- Also according to Mushroom he was always by her side, they were lovers and he was the father of her three sons (Fire and Blood pg. 371, 372, 373, 376, and 377).
5- Septon Eustace raises the rumour that Harwin was Rhaenyra's lover and the father of her sons and dismisses it. HOWEVER, he also says that Harwin was by her side when she gave birth to Luke (check pg. 376) AND LATER ON gives us this pearl -> "Septon Eustace, more plausibly, suspects Prince Daemon, removing a rival for Princess Rhaenyra's affections." (Fire and Blood, pg. 383)
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Can I just:
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6- The year of 120 AC started and ended the same way: with Daemon's wife giving birth. Plot twist -> it was not the same wife.
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Why am I bringing this up you ask? Well, because you see at the start of the year Daemon was married to Laena and Rhaenyra was still together with Harwin (who was her husband in every way except on paper). Yet at the end of the year Rhaenyra and Daemon are welcoming their first son together.
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So they have at most 3 months for:
-Laena to die
-Laenor to die
-Harwin to die
Until the moment of conception... though... Harwin was sent away not too long before the fire of Harrenhal and Otto arriving to court as the new Hand to replace Lyonel, when it's announced Rhaenyra and Daemon got married. We don't know exact dates but it's entirely possible that Aegon's conception happened before my last point - Harwin's death.
So... what is undeniable here? Harwin and Rhaenyra were lovers for 6 years. They had 3 sons back to back (hehe). They spent a lot of time together. From the small information we have he seems very devoted to her. If nothing else they seem physically compatible and attracted to each other, and we know he desired Rhaenyra s#xually. It is also undeniable that barely was he cold on his grave - if he was dead at all - and Daemon was already "in" Rhaenyra (either they were married around this time or not remains a matter of debate).
Also undeniable, we have a LOT mentions of how Rhaenyra loved Daemon throughout her life - childhood, teenage years, and adulthood - and how they were close in all three of these moments. They were repeatedly separated only to be reunited and eventually married, and even while he was still married to Laena, and Rhaenyra was still together with Harwin and they were often together -> and no I don't believe they had any time of affair around this time and there is no mention/rumour of this having happened so if you see someone saying this it's a headcanon not a fact.
If the question here was: What was the healthiest relationship Rhaenyra had? The answer is clearly with Harwin Strong, a man much closer in age to her (estimates are that there were 7 years between them though it can be slightly more but likely not that much; if Harwin was 30 or pushing 30 by 114 AC it would be highly unusual for him to still be unmarried given his high position in society and the average age of marriage in Westeros), that was devoted her, and that she never actually ended the relationship as much as she was forced to end the relationship because they were made to be separated -> much like it happened with her and Daemon in 112 AC.
Small note on this last point because it does showcase a major difference between Rhaenyra's relationship with Harwin and her relationship with Daemon.
In 112 AC, when she and Daemon are discovered - what exactly they were doing can be debated between bases 2, 3, or 4 - after they are separated, Rhaenyra has no other relationship (besides being courted and having dudes after her) until 114 AC... when she is forced to marry Laenor Velaryon.
In 120 AC, upon being publicly accused of having an affair with Harwin Strong and being separated from him not two months pass - and this would mean Laena's death and Laenor's death happened in the same month which I find unlikely so we are probably dealing with less time than two months - and she is in bed with Daemon.
Now, some points could be made here such as:
What she went through in 112 AC was more traumatic than what she went through in 120 AC so maybe it was not like she liked one man more than the other but just that she didn't want to be caught again and have more trouble;
Or that -> the man she truly wanted was Criston (according to Mushroom) but he had refused her so that's why there was no one else and she only attempted again when she was desperate; But I ask, given everything that happened, given the entire story, what do you think? What is the simplest answer? What is more plausible? If you have to think too much or give too complicated an answer, if it’s not obvious... it’s probably not the correct option. 
About the question is Harwin her soulmate/one true love? On that regard, given the book and the facts, I think given everything the answer is no. Clearly the most important relationship of her life, the man she loved above all others, the one she never forgot, was Daemon.
Was this reciprocated? Debatable. Maybe very debatable. But from Rhaenyra's part I really do fail to see any merit in arguing against it when there is just so much in the books and it all aligns with the simple fact that: she loved and never forgot Daemon.
Did this mean she didn't love Harwin? No, I don't think it does. It is more than possible and completely common that throughout one's life we will love more than one person -> I am talking about actual love not just passion. It's highly unlikely that someone like Rhaenyra who had so few partners (2) would maintain a relationship for so long without having feelings for the person. Going any further and extrapolating it to "love of her life"... yeah stretch, and headcanon. Which everyone is very free to have!
Everyone is entitled to their opinions and headcanons and we should respect them and if it's not for us, we just move away.
Tbh though, it's not a headcanon that I have any significant problem with. It's justice for Harwin and he kind of deserves it because for so long he was completely brushed over and ignored and while Laena was the love of Daemon's life based on www.voicesinmyhead.com, by the same voices Rhaenyra didn't give a flying f_ck about Harwin and he was little more than a disposable dild0. What I think is motivating this though is not the books said readers read, but another thing and you guessed it: REDACTED.
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If I had a penny for every "book-reader" that is now debating REDACTED as if it's part of book canon I would be very rich. Which would be nice since I would have something positive come out of this :))
And if there is still doubt about what REDACTED says about canon, besties, here you go:
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Sorry for the very long answer! Anyway, good on you Ser Beefcakes! At least you are having some recognition.
Harwin Strong regarding his fate of dying yet still having been Rhaenyra's lover for 6 years and potentially having her v-card on his back pocket:
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Hi hello! Life update regarding fics!
I know it’s been awhile since I have updated by stories or posted new projects, so here is what’s been happening and why I haven’t written as much. I suffered some major health problems starting in November and am still on the road to recovery. This has impacted my physical and mental capacity to write. Know that I am on the mend and have a great team of specialist helping me navigate my chronic illness. With that being said below I’ll go through each project and give you guys a status update on when I expect to be posting again! :)
Freshly Mowed Grass and New Parchment- not going to lie, I am disappointed in myself
Res Ipsa Loquitur- I know. I know. You want the epilogues to this story. I also want the epilogues to this story. However, I did lose my Og beta TigerAndDaisy and because of that it’s been hard for me to continue. We didn’t have a falling out and are still good friends. She also has a lot going on in her life and needed to take a step back, which I can totally respect and am so proud of her for doing so. But just because there is no beta right now, doesn’t mean I gave up. My New Year’s resolution is to outline, write, and start posting the epilogues by March 2023. 🤗
Freshly Mowed Grass And New Parchment- Not gonna lie, I am disappointed in myself for not revisiting this story sooner. 😔I even had someone from Tiktok reach out and ask to help me plot out where I want the fic to go. I think we got some headway, but then life happened and I have at been able to sit down and properly go through this fic. BUT EVENTUALLY I will pick this story back up. Right now it is to remain on Hiatus until I can decide how the plot should fully unfold.
!New fic alert! But We Always Come Back Around - So, fun fact, I do write for other fandoms besides HP and Dramione. Starting January 13th, I’ll be posting my Miraculous Ladybug Big Bang fic, which features aged up characters, angst, fluff, smut, drama, and… why does Marinette disappear for five years only to return to Paris with a blond toddler? 😏
Reylo fic- Begin Again - I honestly don’t know where this fic stands at this point. I’ve tried reaching out to my co-author in the past but she’s got a lot going on and hasn’t really had time to sit down and write. I think I might have to accept this fic will never be finished. 🤷‍♀️
Companion fic in Narcissa’s perspective- Acta Non Verba - Once I finish RIL, I plan on going back through and finishing this one. It just requires a lot of review to make sure things from Narcissa’s POV add up to Draco’s reality. 😅If I finish and post the Epilogues by March 2023, then you can expect this to start posting end of May 2023.
Companion Fic- Omnia Vincit Amor - This is also a companion story to Res Ipsa Loquitur and will be Ron/Aurora’s love story. It’s going to take place a year after the battle of Hogwarts and will feature flashbacks. Expect this story to start posting August 2023. 🥰
Well, that’s all for now folks! Check back here and on Tiktok for when I post. Please subscribe so that you stay up to date when chapters go out.
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magicaltear · 2 years
Hey! For the AO3 ask, could I ask, 7 and 28?? Thank you! 🤗🤗
Hello, there! Yes of course, thank you so much for the ask! Please, have some tea ♥
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7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? I almost had the gall to say I rarely ever use song lyrics in my fics, and then I remembered I wrote a freaking musical at the beginning of the year! A friend and I co-wrote Please Don’t Go (Rushing By) in March. It follows the 2013 film Sunshine on Leith but features the characters from 1917. It’s a very lighthearted fic that explores how two soldiers learn to settle back into civilian life after their military service, and all the songs we included into the chapters are by The Proclaimers (they are the same ones the original musical uses). Other than that, I took the title of my first ever IronStrange fic I’m Better When I’m Dancing from the song by Meghan Trainor that shares the same name. It encapsulated the cheerful and playful mood I wanted to achieve in my little story.
28. Favorite work you wrote this year? I’ve enjoyed writing all of my fics this year because each and every one had very unique tones and challenges I had to tackle as a writer. That said, the only thing that marked the difference in my experience was my readers’ responses. In that sense, my ongoing IronStrange fic An Outside Chance has been my favorite fic to write this year. I had never gotten such an large and eager response to my stories before, and all that interaction fueled me into writing even more. I initially dreaded writing this fic because of how long I could already imagine it getting, but I decided to take the plunge regardless and am very happy I did. I always aim to write the fics I would enjoy reading, and I actually re-read my stories constantly! However, it was a nice change of pace to have readers telling me what they loved best about certain chapters or wondering what would happen next. The constant stream of kudos and comments never fails to improve my day, and they make writing fic so much more fun and enjoyable. Regarding the fic itself, it’s been very enjoyable to explore Stephen’s character as I navigate the early MCU timeline with him. He has suffered so much yet still keeps that mischievous personality we all love, and I’ve been enjoying the challenge of portraying that in my story. One thing I’ve noticed is that the characters Marvel constantly frames as selfish and egocentric are actually the most caring and selfless ones in the entire MCU, and I love that.
🌸 Here's the AO3 Wrapped post if anyone else wants to play too! ♥ 🌸
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