#so hopefully i don't burst into tears at work that's what i'm getting at
witchwhaat · 3 days
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pray for me.
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daddy-dins-girl · 6 months
Playdate - Chapter Nine
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Main Masterlist Series Masterlist
AO3 link
pairing: Marcus Pike x f! Reader x Dave York
Word Count: 9.1k
Notes: All the feelings in this chapter... I'm so sorry everyone. I swear I have an end goal in mind and I'm gonna make it better... just not YET.
Chapter Warnings: (skip if you don't wanna be spoiled, if you've made it this far in the series, you'll be fine). 18+ MDNI. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Confessions of infidelity. Dry humping. Oral Sex. 69 sex position. Unprotected p in v. Creampie. Daddy Kink. Rough sex. Breathplay. Daddy!Marcus. Dom!Marcus. Aftercare. Consensual somnophilia. Lots of feelings. Severe lack of Dave York (I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you I swear).
HUGE thank you to @janaispunk for beta'ing and letting me talk her ear off when I get an idea in my head and helping me work it out lol. And also for calming my anxiety every time I go to post a chapter :P
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You woke up to a bed that seemed suddenly too large and missing the warmth Dave’s body heat provided it with. Marcus was sleeping soundly next to you and you’re not even sure when that had happened or when he got in but clearly it was after you had passed out.
But where was Dave? Did Marcus walk in and find you and him in bed together and an argument ensued? Surely that would have woken you up so you quickly shake that notion from your head. Maybe everything was fine and you were freaking out preemptively over nothing. Dave had probably just gone down to the lobby again for coffee and when he came back the three of you could sit around and hopefully have an honest and open conversation. That sounded, to you, a logical reason for his whereabouts as any so you decided you weren’t going to begin to fret about something without any warrant and snuggled up to your husband to wait, but when nearly half an hour had passed and he didn’t return, you decided to pull out your phone to send a text in your group chat.
Your throat nearly dropped into your stomach at the words that greeted you when you opened it.
Dave York has left the group.
Without giving it a second thought you quickly scroll through your contacts until you find his name and hit the call button but after a single ring it goes to voicemail. Unsure what exactly that means you try for a text instead. Simple, direct, to the point.
Hey, are you ok?
The blue bubble pops up on your screen and you wait, however neither the “delivered” or “read” notification appears underneath it and that’s when it hits you.
Dave has blocked your number.
Confused and hurt, you toss your phone over to the nightstand where it clatters to the surface, skids across the smooth wood and then falls to the carpeted floor with a light thud, though you couldn’t be bothered to care right now. The commotion however rouses your husband who, lying on his stomach, quickly pushes himself up onto his elbows and glances around the room before his gaze lands on you.
“What’s the matter?” he asks, voice groggy with sleep.
You don’t answer him right away, because, how could you. Everything. Fucking everything was the matter! What you had done last night, it all comes flooding back to you in an instant and you suddenly feel overwhelmed with emotions and you have no choice but to burst into tears, your knees coming up to your chest as you wrap your arms around them and bury your face, shoulders shaking with every sob that leaves your body.
“Honey! What…” Marcus sits up in an instant, panicked. His arms immediately envelop your frame and his voice frantic as he pulls your whole body into his lap and holds you close to his chest. “Hey, hey, hey, shhhhh. Sweetheart tell me what’s wrong” he tries, fear still lacing his tone as he attempts to appear outwardly calm, holding you to him and gently rubbing a hand up and down your back.
You feel so absolutely wracked with guilt that you can’t even find words to even begin trying to explain yourself to Marcus so instead you just bury your face further into his throat and let him comfort you, though you know you don’t deserve it. The moment he hears what you have to say for yourself you fear he’s going to be putting as much distance between the two of you as possible so you need him to just hold you a little while longer before that happens. It’s selfish. You’re selfish. But at this moment, you don’t care. How could you have done this to Marcus? And for what? For Dave to just leave you both like that? Like these months have meant nothing to him? You want to believe that’s not true, but what choice has he left you with?
Marcus worries endlessly as he holds you in his arms, honestly surprised you’re even allowing him to hold you but he’ll take it for as long as he can get it. Dave must have told you what he’d done yesterday while you were asleep and now look at the problems it’s caused.
You both lie there in each other's arms, taking in whatever comfort you can get from one another. You’re openly sobbing while Marcus’ tears are more subdued, but definitely still there. You can feel them on the naked flesh of your shoulder as he buries his face in your neck and the two of you clutch onto each other, terrified of the other letting go. What you don’t realize is that you’re both fretting over the exact same thing.
After several long minutes of just holding each other your words echo each other as you both let them out at the exact same time into the heat of each other’s flesh.
“I’m sorry.”
The words cause you both to stiffen momentarily and then slowly pull back, finding each other’s watery gaze as you both stare, confused.
The murmured apologies eventually turn into a good hour of confessions from both of you. You take turns spilling everything about what happened last night without the other present all while failing to hold back the flow of tears. Marcus admits not only to his indiscretions in the shower with Dave, but how there was no work emergency last night and he’d lied to you because he was too scared that he’d ruined everything. He tells you how absolutely horrible he’d felt, leaving you on your birthday like that but he felt so confused after what had happened, he couldn’t even bear to have you look at him knowing what he’d done and was keeping from you. The admission about what he and Dave had done in the shower nearly had your eyes bugging out of your head, though you tried your absolute best not to outwardly react too much, you didn’t want to make Marcus uncomfortable or have him hold back anything so you kept quiet and mostly just nodded your head, though your brain was working a mile a minute trying to process everything. You’d decided near immediately that you weren’t upset at him for it. The only thing you were upset about in that scenario is that you hadn’t been there to witness it; though you keep that admission to yourself for now. You were upset, however, that he had left. If he would have just stayed maybe you all wouldn’t be in this position now. Maybe Dave would still be here. You know though that Marcus isn’t the only one to blame and it’s not fair to put this all on him. The fact was he did leave, and you did what you did afterwards, knowing full well how it could affect things.
You tell Marcus how Dave had originally left but had come back and that the two of you had slept together. Your tears turned into sobs as you admitted the last part. You knew it was wrong, you felt in your heart that it was cheating, regardless if Marcus saw it that way or not. He’d tried to quickly shrug it off at first, to make you feel better, reminding you that “you’d slept with Dave lots of times” but when you responded with a quiet “yeah, but not like this…” and were unable to look him in the eyes, you could see the moment the realization dawns across his sad, handsome face and he lowers it to look away, gently nodding in understanding.
Marcus swallowed the lump in his throat but wrapped his arms around you and held you tight to his chest, peppering kisses to your hair and ensuring you over and over that he loved you.
It only made you cry harder.
Eventually the tears subside and Marcus drapes the bedclothes over you both and pulls you into his side, gently petting your hair until you both fall back asleep, it was barely 7am after all and you didn’t even know how late Marcus had got in. You still had a lot to discuss but you were both exhausted, physically and emotionally. Your head was pounding from the amount of tears you cried and you just needed to shut out the world for a little while longer, held safe in the comfort of your husband's arms until you fell back asleep.
When you do wake up again, barely an hour later, Marcus is already out of bed and wandering around the suite, freshly changed into a new set of clothes and shoving his old ones into the suitcase you had already packed. There’s a takeout coffee cup waiting for you on the bedside table when you open your eyes and you sit up, wordlessly taking the simple peace offering and taking a drink.
You get through a few sips but your stomach is doing somersaults. All the anxiety and emotions of the last twelve hours or so wear heavily on you so you place the cup aside and climb out of bed, holding the sheet tight around your frame as you head over to the dresser where Marcus had kindly laid out your last clean outfit for you.
You barely speak a word to each other as you both get ready to leave this room behind. Occasional questions like “did you remember to grab your toothbrush” or “is this your lotion or the hotel’s?” as you putter around the room and prepare to leave.
Finally everything is packed, you're both dressed, the room is mostly back in one piece and you’re ready to go. You meet Marcus at the door and you both take a breath, a heavy sigh leaving your lips as your shoulders settle and you reach down and slide your hand into his. His fingers interlace around yours and for the first time all day you finally feel grounded again.
“Come on, let’s go home” he says, pulling the door open with his free hand and guiding you out.
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The first week that you’re back home goes by in a blur. You both had to go back to work on Monday and you manage to settle back into your usual routines easily enough but there’s still a strain between the two of you. You know you need to talk more but had both decided you needed time to just let everything sink in and process. You missed Marcus immensely, despite the fact that he still slept in your bed every night and kissed you goodbye every morning, things were far from how they were before your birthday weekend happened.
Perhaps fortunately or unfortunately for you both, your work lives were very busy. Typically Marcus left before you because his commute was longer and you both worked long shifts most days so your time together at home while you were both still awake and functional was limited. Some nights you managed to both be home to eat dinner together, but this week it was a pretty quiet affair. You’d ask each other about your days, small talk mostly, and then if you weren’t too exhausted you’d cuddle on the couch and watch a little tv before bed and start the process over again the next day. Despite the rift, you still wanted to be close to each other. Neither of you were angry at the other; more so at yourselves than anything. That, and you were confused. It was hard to have a conversation together about all the feelings you were having when you hadn’t quite sorted them out for yourselves. And with Dave AWOL it made it even more confusing and hurtful to navigate. It was difficult to figure out where the three of you stood when there were only two of you willing to talk things out.
Your mind often wandered to Dave, particularly when you were at work and would have a few minutes of downtime. You pulled up your private message chat with him every couple of days too just to see if your single text to him ever got marked as ‘delivered’ or ‘read’, wondering if he’d unblocked you, but nothing. What was so frustrating is that you know it wasn’t one-sided. It couldn’t have been. You know what he felt with you that last night together because you felt it too. Perhaps the real reason he left is because of his loyalty to Marcus, he didn't want to be a burden on your marriage, but the truth was Dave just enriched it. And you had a feeling Marcus might feel the same way, you just needed him to admit it to you. You hoped the two of you would have a good chance to talk this weekend, you felt like it was time.
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Saturday evening was finally upon you and you lay on the couch after a simple dinner, wine glass mostly untouched on the coffee table in front of you as you half paid attention to the movie playing on the TV. Marcus had had a busy day, having to work for a couple hours from home in the morning and then running some errands for his elderly father that he typically would do on a Saturday. Today took a little extra long due to him being away last weekend for your birthday so by the time he got home he was exhausted so you had offered to cook and now the two of you were laid out on the sofa, Marcus behind you with his back to the cushions and you on your side snuggled with your back to his chest and laying your head on his arm.
You attempt to focus on the movie playing in front of you because you know how tired your husband is, but he makes it difficult when the fingers of his right hand trail absently up and down your side where your shirt slightly rides up, the delicate trace of his fingertips leaving goosebumps on your flesh in their wake. You shift slightly and in doing so the fabric of your shirt catches a little more on the seat of the sofa and rises up further, and Marcus’ hand reaches a little higher too until his fingers are at your ribs. You let out a little whine at the contact. He’s barely touching you but it's more than you’ve had all week and you’re missing him so desperately so you give up the facade and turn fully onto your back, causing his hand to slip even higher until it rests just underneath your breast.
You hear his breath hitch slightly and he turns his head down to look at you, your soft, wanting gaze boring into his. Wordlessly you reach your hand up to rub at the side of his neck and turn your body again so that you’re face to face. He moves his hand voluntarily, finally, splaying it across your breast and giving it a gentle squeeze, his breath catching in his throat when he sees your eyes fall shut and your lips release a hum of pleasure.
“Marcus” you whimper, your voice barely a whisper. “Please”
It’s all Marcus needs to hear. In a moment he’s got both his hands going underneath your ass and hauling you up on top of him, positioning himself on his back with your full weight resting on him, hands still on your ass and pushing downwards to grind you against his already stiffening length. You surge forward, sealing his mouth with yours. The kiss is sloppy and desperate and filled with pent up sexual desire and you’re both moaning into it, reveling in the dominant dance between your two tongues.
“Do you wanna go to bed?” he asks breathlessly a few moments later when you’re forced by lack of oxygen to pull apart.
“Mnnnm mmm” You shake your head before your mouth latches to his again. “Need you” you mumble against his lips. “Take me right here”
“Fuck” he groans, both hands squeezing roughly at your ass as he continues to ground you down into him, his own hips thrusting upwards to meet yours. “God I fucking missed you” he confesses, mouth trailing down the side of your throat now instead as his hands reach up to the waistband of your sweats and push them down along with your underwear.
You help him free you of the confines of your pants, kicking them down your legs and finally flinging them off to the floor while Marcus grabs for the hem of your t-shirt and pulls that over your head. You're grateful at this moment that you had foregone a bra tonight, dressed for a comfortable evening at home. Marcus, on the other hand, is far too overly dressed in your opinion, still in his jeans and a long sleeve Henley. Though you find it hard to complain at the delicious friction the unforgiving denim gives to your now bare core and it's no secret to Marcus either, the way you moan and writhe against him.
“Baby, please” you whine, hands desperately grasping at the buttoned enclosure of his jeans. The button pops open and you manage to drag the zipper down but before you get any further he’s growling into your throat and shaking his head, repositioning your body until you're straddling on just one of his thighs.
“Need you to cum for me first” he demands, already sounding wrecked and breathless and you think he needs you to for his sake as much as your own, probably trying to extend this experience for longer than it would have been were he to push inside you right now like you both so desperately want him to. You let out another moan, eagerly obeying his wishes as your hands go to his chest and you push yourself upright so you’re sat on his muscular thigh and begin to rock back and forth against it, the delicious drag of denim against your weeping cunt creating a wet patch on his jeans that neither of you could be bothered to be embarrassed or care about. His large hands come up and each grab hold of a breast, expertly manipulating and teasing the soft mounds of flesh, thumbs and forefingers coming down to pinch and squeeze at your nipples until they’re hardened peaks under his touch.
“Oh fuck,” you cry out, head thrown back as you continue to ride his thigh, amping up the pace as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to your orgasm that is just within reach.
“That’s it baby,” Marcus encourages, his own pupils blown wide with lust as he watches you arch your back and grind desperately against him. His hands leave your breasts and go to your hips, helping you reach that point of long awaited bliss. He bares his teeth as he watches your features contort into what can only be described as pure ecstasy and growls out the words that have been lingering on his tongue since he actively took charge of your impromptu makeout session just minutes ago, “Good girl, come on, you’re gonna fucking cum for your Daddy now.”
“Fuck!” His words, along with the relentless rocking pressure of your cunt digging into his thigh sends you flying over that edge with a screamed curse leaving your lips, your arousal pooling out of you, body trembling and spent but Marcus doesn’t let up, continuing to drag your folds along the strong muscle and it’s too much, you try to push off of his chest with your hands but his grip is strong and fierce at your hips, ensuring you get every last drop of pleasure from your prolonged orgasm.
“Fucking soak me baby” he groans and you look down to see the own wet patch he’s created in his boxers that are peeking through his partially opened jeans. It doesn’t appear to be enough that he’s finished and he’s still visibly hard as steel underneath the soft cotton, but he’s certainly gotten himself worked up to the point where the precum is eagerly flowing from him.
Evidently satisfied with you as you slow the rocking of your hips to indicate the waves of pleasure have subsided Marcus repositions you again so you’re lying back fully on top of him. He pushes his jeans down to his thighs but leaves his boxers in place as he gently ruts into you from underneath, the strained fabric of his boxers rubbing against your oversensitive sex, causing you to whimper and tremble.
“Let me suck you baby” you breathe against the hollow of his throat where your face is currently buried. Not only does your cunt need the reprieve but he’s got you so turned on you feel like you might just combust if you don’t get him inside of you in some form or another.
“Yeah? You wanna suck my cock, dirty girl?” Marcus growls and lord help you if it doesn’t send another pool of wetness right between your legs. Marcus was not normally like this. Sure the two of you could get a little kinky sometimes on your own but he’d never been like this before and it was driving you crazy with want.
You both knew what he was doing, filling a void a certain someone had left behind. Something you both craved without having to admit to each other. You both needed this, and so, you went along for the ride.
“Please Daddy, want you in my mouth, please” you beg helplessly, your lust-filled brain reduced to complete mush and barely able to string a sentence together and Marcus audibly groans at your submission to him.
“Turn around, want you to sit on my face while you do it” he breathes against your cheek and then slides his hands down to grab at your ass and squeeze firmly. His hands release you but he gives you one sharp swat to your left asscheek that has you crying out and arching into him before he helps you reposition yourself so you’re kneeled overtop of him with your knees on either side of his head and bent over his body so your face hovers above his pelvis. He pushes his boxers down to meet his jeans at his thighs then brings his hands to your hips to lower you down to his mouth just as your head retreats to take his leaking tip between your lips.
The groan he lets out into your cunt as you fully envelop him in your mouth has your lower half spasming, your thighs involuntarily squeezing his head as your hips chase the pressure of his tongue.
“Oh fuck!” You cry out, mouth falling away from him as you crane your neck back to try and get a glimpse of the feast Marcus is making of what’s between your legs. It doesn’t last long however because his hand comes up and swats at your ass again, reminding you without words what you’re supposed to be doing and you quickly oblige, turning back and doubling your efforts on sucking him off, taking him as deeply down your throat as your body will allow and swallowing down before you ease back up and repeat the action. Your hand soon joins your mouth, wrapping around the base of his shaft and stroking it in time with each bob of your head and he hums and groans his approval of your actions into your core as he continues to lick and suck and prod at your clit and hole with his talented tongue.
When he feels your thighs trembling again and his own release too rapidly approaching he goes for what knows drives you crazy and will easily pull another orgasm from you and sucks your clit into his mouth, relentless and unforgiving until your mouth rips off of him and you cry out, your hand pumping him furiously as wave after wave of your orgasm crashes around you and you ramble out little mewls of pleasure and praise at how hard he’s made you come.
He lets out a content, satisfied sigh as he slows the efforts of his mouth, gently bringing you back to earth with slow licks and prods of his tongue until you're shaking and trembling begins to subside and your rocking against his face finally slows. Your hand wrapped around his length has also slowed to barely moving, not having brain capacity or muscle coordination to simultaneously pleasure him and ride the aftershocks of your own orgasm but Marcus is thankful for the reprieve, needing to be inside you before he finishes.
“Up,” he gently demands, tapping lightly against your hip and you pull away from him with a long drawn out groan, your limbs feeling like jelly as you attempt to get control over them again. Marcus chuckles a little but is quick to help you, gently raising your hips and then pushing you forward as he manages to snake his own body out from underneath you until you’re on hands and knees on the couch and he’s behind you.
“Lean forward, just relax” he instructs, pushing lightly on your shoulders so your elbows collapse and you slowly slide forward, knees still bent and kneeling on the couch but your face now buried in the seat cushion. “Yeah, just like that” he coos, fingertips tracing down your spine and you arch at his touch, desperate and ready for him. He lets his hand trail further still, over the swell of your ass until he’s between your legs and he gently plays with you, fingers gliding through your slick folds and up to circle at your clit before they slide back down and prod at your entrance.Your body keens at his touch, back arching, ass up in the air as your arms stretch out in front of you, not unlike a cat waking up from a long nap in the sun and Marcus lets out a little chuckle.
“Yeah, this is where you need me, hmm?” He rasps, voice low as he teases at your entrance with his fingers. “Poor baby needs her pretty little pussy filled up?” His hand leaves you only to go to his own mouth so he can wet his fingers with his own saliva before he brings them back between your legs and presses two inside of you, curling them just right and sliding in and out of you a few times before he adds a third. It’s so much, feels so good, and yet still not enough.
“God, Marcus, please. Please fuck me” you cry out, desperate and needy, hips beginning to rock back and forth against his hand, anything you can do to get some relief.
He gets up from the couch suddenly to rid himself of the rest of his clothing before positioning himself behind you again, grabbing hold of his hard, leaking member and guiding it between your legs. He groans when his naked flesh finally makes contact with yours, his smooth length pushing back and forth between your wet folds, coating himself in your slick and the tip of his cock teasing at your clit. You whimper unintelligibly at the contact that stimulates every last one of your nerve endings, your whole body keening with delight.
Marcus marvels at how soaked your folds are as he slides through them with ease. “Yeah you’re nice and ready for me, hmmm? Gonna be my good girl?”
“Yes, please, take me. I fucking need you so bad.” You’re not above begging at this point, especially if it gets you want you want, need, crave.
With your desperate pleas still lingering in the air Marcus lines himself up at your entrance and presses forward, filling you completely on the first push of his hips until he’s buried to the hilt, his hands gripping tight around your waist, thumbs digging in deep to the meat of the top of your ass.
“Holy fuck” he groans as he takes a moment stilling inside you, needing a second not only to let you adjust, but to resist his own temptation to let go and finish before he’s even begun. It’s only been a week but it somehow feels like an eternity since he’s last had you. He’s done his best to distract himself with work and other obligations but not a minute of the day has gone by where he hasn’t thought about you, about how much he missed you, how much he needed you. It had taken everything in him not to beat himself off in the shower every morning this week, the only thing holding him back was knowing how much better it would feel when he finally gets the relief the way he wants it; being inside of you.
After a few long moments and steadying breaths, Marcus manages to collect himself and center himself back into the moment. His hands grip you a little tighter and he finally begins to move, pulling back with a slow and delicious drag of his cock against your walls until he’s almost fully out before he slams forward, driving himself back deeply inside with a single snap of his hips that sends you lurching slightly forward, something between a gasp and cry punching out from your lungs.
“Marcus! Oh my - fuck. Baby, fuckfuckfuck” You’re a mewling, writhing mess underneath him as Marcus keeps up his steady pace, fucking into you with reckless abandon, hips pistoning back and forth, fast and hard.
“Yeah you like that” Marcus grinds out through clenched teeth before he lifts his right hand and lands a sharp smack to your ass, causing you to jolt forward again. “Can feel you fucking trying to squeeze me out baby, choking my cock. Good girl. Good fucking girl” he groans, railing into you even faster and you’re reduced to just mumbled cries and gasps into the couch cushion your face is still buried in.
“I can’t hear you” he suddenly growls, one hand leaving your hip to grab your hair and force your head to tilt up and oh fuck if Marcus pulling your hair doesn’t do something to you.
“I fucking love it!” You cry out, breaths coming out hard and fast. “Love taking your big cock Daddy, don’t stop”
“Shit… baby, shit I… fuck!” Marcus curses, not faring much better as he ruts into you like a man possessed. He lets go of your hair and repositions to your hips, his fingertips digging into your sides so desperately that you know come tomorrow you’ll be bruised but you don’t care. You want the reminder, you’ll welcome it even.
“Take me. Takemetakemetakemetakeme” You chant breathlessly, the words punching out of your throat timed perfectly to each of his rough forward thrusts.
Somehow despite you being fucked into a near stupor, you find the wherewithal to sneak a hand underneath yourself and reach between your legs, fingers desperately rubbing fast and furiously against your aching and needy clit. It only serves to empower Marcus, seeing how desperate you are to climax again and despite the less than comfortable position he’s got himself into kneeled on the couch he takes full advantage, leaning down slightly to wrap an arm all the way around your throat so it’s caged in by his bicep, the other gripping the back of the couch to get as much leverage as he possibly can from the position and he doubles his efforts. He pushes harder and faster until the room is filled with the debauched sounds of wet slaps of skin and heavy breathing and moaning and within a few short moments your vision goes white behind your eyelids and you cry out a shuddering gasp turned moan and your hand falls away from your now oversensitive sex as your orgasm takes over, the effects of it gushing out of you and coating Marcus’ length, dripping down to his balls and surely leaving a mess on the couch that you can’t begin to care about right now.
“God Baby, you’re so fucking good, fucking soaking me” Marcus manages, voice faltering along with the steady rhythm of his hips as he bucks into you sloppily now, the sheer force of your constricting walls inciting his own release and with a few more pushes of his hips he begins to paint your insides.
“Holy fuck” he reiterates, body spent and breathing heavily as he slowly continues to rock in and out of you. You whimper and moan underneath him, the overstimulation bordering on too much as you wait for your trembling to subside.
Marcus’ grip on your throat loosens significantly so you can fully catch your breath and he brings his hand up to run soothingly down your back instead, still fucking into you deep and slow and honestly you don’t know how he’s found the stamina or managed to stay hard but you’re not about to complain, he feels that fucking good.
“You want me to stay inside you?” He asks, though you both know he already knows the answer.
You bring your bottom lip between your teeth and manage to mumble an affirmative “mmmhmmm” into the couch cushion.
“Fuck you full of my cum, you like that baby?”
“Yes, fuck,” you tear your face away to the side so your words are no longer garbled into the couch cushion, you want him to hear you. “Fucking me so deep Daddy, holy shit it feels so good.”
Marcus hums his apparent satisfaction at your words, his hand that was gripping the back of the sofa coming to join the other to soothe up and down your back and sides, occasionally smoothing over the globes of your ass before they come back up and make their way up towards your shoulders again. He manages to keep going for another minute or so until he physically can’t, his cock softening inside of you eventually slips out and you both groan at the loss but his hands don’t stop touching you. When his spent dick leaves your swollen sex he leans down and places little kisses all over whatever inch of flesh on your back and shoulders he can reach until finally he pulls away, standing up from the couch and offering his hand to you. You take it, and with a groan (and Marcus’ help), manage to pull yourself up from the sofa. His fingers interlace with yours when he grabs your hand and he wordlessly leads you out of the living room, up the staircase to your bedroom.
Once inside he guides you immediately to the ensuite bathroom and turns you to rest with your back against the countertop while he busies himself grabbing a fresh facecloth from the linen shelf and turns on the hot water, wringing the cloth out a few times before turning off the taps and turning to face you. To your surprise, and a night and day contrast to how he was acting just minutes ago, he sinks to his knees on the unforgiving marble flooring and gently pries your thighs apart and then stares up at you, holding your gaze as he gently cleans up the mess between your legs. Your hand comes down to push through his hair, pushing it back past his forehead and a smile pulls at your lips. Once he’s finished cleaning you up he rises to his feet again, tosses the cloth in a nearby hamper and then his hands go straight to your hips, a gentle barely-there hold and he looks down at them, murmuring under his breath at the little discolored indents on your soft flesh, “I didn’t hurt you did I?”
It catches you off guard, the question. He seems unsure and maybe even upset with himself and you frown, reaching for his face and forcing his gaze back up to meet yours.
“Baby, no, of course not. You could never hurt me”
“Promise?” he asks just to clarify, soft, round brown gaze boring into yours.
“I promise. Marcus, that was… thank you” is all you can think to say. He seems to accept your answer, leaning forward and capturing your lips in a gentle kiss, hands leaving your hips to come up and cup your face as his tongue parts your lips and slips inside to entangle with yours. When he finally pulls away you’re breathless and lean your head forward to rest on his shoulder, arms going around his waist.
“I just love you so much” he whispers against your hair. “I’d do anything for you, you know that?”
“I know” you murmur. “You do do everything for me Marcus. I love you too, more than anything” Your arms tighten a little more around his middle and you bury your face in his neck, unable to hold back the few tears that spill out. Marcus nuzzles at the side of your face and you can feel his own tear stained cheeks as he holds you close in the quiet serenity of your bathroom. You both take a minute to just let the moment settle over you before finally Marcus heaves a little sigh and pulls back, quickly wiping away at his face with the back of his hands.
“Come on, let me take you to bed”
You spend the night in his arms. The steady beat of his heart where your ear lays pressed against his chest lulling you into a peacefulness that you hadn’t felt in days.
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Sunday is a whirlwind. The first time you wake up it’s to Marcus with his head between your legs, slowly lapping at you like a cat with a bowl of cream. He’s not hurried or frenzied or even seemingly trying to work towards an end goal of an orgasm for you, he just needs to be close to you, taste you. He lazily licks and kisses and sucks at you while you gently writhe your hips against him, hands lost in his soft hair and fingernails occasionally scraping against his scalp, which you know he loves. He murmurs little sweet nothings into your heated core while he pleasures you for what seems like a small eternity, never tiring or complaining, just reveling in the closeness. You end up orgasming twice during his time down there, which you’d guessed to be about an hour, both coming on quick, strong and sudden and from seemingly nowhere. Your hand fists in his hair and your hips arch upwards and still as he works you through each one and then he continues on. By the time your second orgasm has fully settled you gently push at the top of his head and he takes your wordless request, single digit slipping out of you and mouth moving away from your over sensitive sex to kiss and lick at the insides of each of your thighs, the top of your mound, and eventually making his way up your body until he’s lying on his side next to you.
He’s being his soft, sweet, gentle self this morning, you think it’s his way of making up for last night. Not that he has anything to make up for, at least in your mind.
“Baby,” you sigh, right hand coming up to cup his cheek.
“I love you” he says, in a way that makes it seem like he needs to remind you, like he’s saying it for the first time and needs to ensure you hear him.
“I love you too” you assure him.
He opens his arms and you crawl into them without question, letting him hold you, his arms wrapped around your shoulders and you half draped over top of him with your face resting on his chest. He gently pets your hair and places little kisses to the top of your head while he holds you and you let out a content little sigh, snuggling deeper into his chest. You feel the unmistakable hardness of him between your two bodies but he seems to be trying to ignore it so you do your best not to grind against him like your body’s instincts want you to.
“We should talk” he murmurs against your hair and you gently nod your head in agreement.
“We should”
“How do we start?” He wonders honestly and you shrug your shoulders a little.
“I think first and foremost we need to be honest, no matter how hard it is to say or how hard it may be for the other person to hear”
“I agree” he says quietly, heaving a sigh.
A long silence stretches on before you realize you’ll have to be the one that starts this conversation.
“I miss him” you decide to start with, straight out of the gate. You agreed to be honest, after all, and that was the first thing on your mind, and it’s been on your mind all week. Your voice is quiet, meek even, but loud enough you know he’s heard you.
“I do too,” Marcus confesses, his arms tightening a little more around you, like he’s afraid you’ll be upset with his response.
You do gently pull away from Marcus’ hold, but only because you want to be able to look him in the eyes while you have this conversation so you gently push back and raise yourself up a bit so you’re fully on your side facing him. You settle his nerves by quickly wrapping both your hands around one of his and giving it a firm squeeze, bringing it to your lips to place a kiss on it.
“Why do you think he left?” You ask next, unable to hide the hurt in your voice.
“I don’t know” Marcus sighs deeply, his free hand coming up to scrub over his face. “I thought, at first, maybe you know it was me? Like what we did… he… didn’t like it or regretted it or something”
“Did you like it?” You flip the question back to Marcus. You assume he did, but you two really hadn’t had much of a conversation about it. He’d told you what they did, but didn’t dwell on it or how he’d felt about it.
“Um,” Marcus turns his face slightly away from you and you can see the tips of his ears turning a brighter shade of pink.
“Hey,” you say firmly, hands dropping his so you can place one on his cheek and force his gaze back to you. “Honesty, remember? There’s nothing you can say that will change how I feel about you, ok? Ever”
“I know, I’m sorry” he closes his eyes and takes a breath before opening them again and his gaze finally settles on you. “I… I mean, yes, ultimately. It was amazing. I came like… really fucking hard” he admits with a laugh to cover his obvious nerves and you offer a reassuring smile, nodding your head for him to continue. After a moment, he does. “I don’t know though, like I’ve never done anything with a guy before, or ever wanted to, so I think it was more so because it was Dave, rather than what we were doing? If… if that makes sense?” He tries, trailing off and unsure of how to articulate himself.
And it does make sense. At least to you. Because what had started between the three of you was supposed to be Dave offering you both something different, new, but then last weekend you had been with Dave in a similar way that you are with Marcus and you’d loved that too. And last night how Marcus was with you was everything Dave typically brought to the table and you loved that as well and yet, you still missed Dave. Not just the way he grabbed your hair when your mouth was around him, or the filthy words he’d murmur against your ear when he was deep inside you, or how his hand would tighten around your throat and release just moments before your orgasm inevitably crashed around you, but you missed him. You missed Dave.
“No, I get it” you finally say out loud, gently nodding your head. “Last night was… God Baby, that was fucking amazing” you admit, grin stretching across your features as you tilt your gaze back up to look at him and his own smile tugs at the corners of his lips like he’s elated to hear you say that.
“Yeah?” He questions with uncertainty in his tone.
“Yeah” you affirm with a solid single nod of your head. “But that’s kinda my point. Last night you gave me everything I could’ve wanted before and you did it so perfectly but…” you trail off, wanting to make sure you choose your words carefully but then you don’t have to because Marcus picks up on it immediately.
“But you still miss him”
“Yeah,” you shrug, your voice soft and you bring your gaze down to your lap, fingers absently picking at the sheet covering you. “Is that okay?”
Marcus heaves a sigh, pulling you close into his chest again and you go willingly, snuggling in his warmth and letting him hold you.
“Of course it’s ok”
There’s a long stretch of silence until finally Marcus murmurs into your hair, barely above a whisper but you hear him clear as day, “do you think you love him?”
Tears instantly well in your eyes and you turn your head to bury it in your husband's neck, bringing your own arms out to wrap around him and keep him close. You don’t give him any type of verbal confirmation or denial, because you haven’t really figured that out for yourself, but the non-answer is perhaps an answer enough itself for Marcus. He knows it the moment he feels the hot tears on his skin and he hugs you tighter, large hand splayed across your back gently smoothing up and down your spine and whispering quiet little affirmations about how it’s ok as he holds you in his arms.
You don’t need to assure Marcus that you still love him, or that your feelings for Dave in any way take away from what you feel for him. He knows, because deep down inside in a place that he hasn’t allowed his head or heart to go yet, he knows has similar feelings for Dave too but that it doesn’t change a single solitary thing he feels for you.
“I know, I know” he gently soothes, slightly rocking you in his arms as your tears begin to flow freely.
He continues to hold you, letting you cry until finally he hears you sniffle a few times and he knows the tears have begun to subside before he speaks again.
“I uh… went by his office. This week”
That gets your attention. You gently push away from his chest, quickly swiping at your wet face with your hands before you lean back enough so you can look at him again.
“He wasn’t there” Marcus quickly offers, before you get too invested. “But I asked around and someone eventually told me he took a sabbatical. I guess he was due for one for a while and never took it but Monday morning he came in and put in the request and told them it was urgent so they let him take it” Marcus finishes with a shrug.
Your heart sinks even further as Marcus tells you this. You had no idea it was this bad that Dave would rather abandon his job just to avoid seeing either of you. You still don’t understand it all, what happened. You wish he would just come back and talk to you, explain himself. Even if it was to officially end things, at least you’d know where he stands.
“Wherever he is, I hope he’s OK” you sigh, snuggling further into Marcus. At least you still had each other. Your mind doesn’t want to wonder whether or not Dave has someone in his own bed to help ease the pain away. Not that he doesn’t have every right to, but it hurts your heart too much to even consider that he might.
“Yeah, me too” Marcus echoes your sentiment, bringing his lips down to press to your forehead.
You spend the rest of the day naked in bed together, making love for hours. It’s slow and sensual at first as Marcus explores every inch of your body and you of his, re-cementing your bond through every touch and kiss. You both need this. When more urgent needs arise your pacing and breathing picks up but what doesn’t change is the way you hold each other's gaze the entire time, refusing to look away even as you both reach your climaxes and your eyes beg to squeeze shut. As the day drags on and the sun begins to set outside your bedroom window you’ve lost count of your combined orgasms, only taking breaks when you need a refractory period during which one of you will patter off to the kitchen to get something easy to eat in bed along with some water and bring it back for you both to refuel your energy.
You talk more too, in those in-between moments when your bellies are full and your libidos are taking a much needed rest. Eventually you even get into hypotheticals, what you would have done had Dave not left that night, how it would change things for your relationship going forward. You both agreed you wouldn’t mind him being a more permanent fixture in your lives,if that’s what he wanted. And not just for sex. You wanted to have dinners with him, and lazy Sunday mornings in bed. You wanted him to come over after a long day at work and all cuddle up on the couch together, or for him to let the two of you take care of him in whatever capacity he needs whenever he needs it. You just wanted Dave. Both of you did.
You realize though that talking like that only makes it hurt more, knowing Dave clearly didn’t want the same thing. Maybe you and Marcus had gotten too familiar with him, too close, and that’s why he left. He never signed up to be part of your marriage and maybe what you’d thought you’d felt that last night with him was just delusion on your part. If he’d felt what you felt, how could he have just walked away?
You both ultimately resign to the fact that it’s over, whatever you had with Dave, and you mourn the loss together and make the united decision to put all your efforts into building your marriage even stronger than it had been before. The two of you need each other more than ever to fill the Dave York sized hole that was left in both your broken hearts.
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Less than a couple hundred miles away the man in question sat at a small dining room table in the overly priced and blandly decorated vacation cottage he had rented for the summer. The sound of his children laughing and playing in the front yard brought a smile to his face just as he lifted his coffee cup to taste that first morning sip. He’s thankful in this moment to his ex-wife for allowing him to take his girls on an impromptu summer getaway to the quaint little beach town just one state over in Delaware. He missed them, of course, and always wanted more time with them, but really and truly he needed an escape from his life. He knew it was only a matter of time before you or Marcus would come looking for him and knew that Marcus could easily get access into his office building with the credentials he had so he felt he had no choice. He couldn’t face either of you right now, it was too painful. He knew if he didn’t stop seeing you now, he’d never want to stop, and that’s not what either of you had signed up for. It was easier for everyone this way, he’d let you get back to your lives and he would rebuild his own into what it was before. Quiet, solitary, comfortable.
Over the two and a half months he was away he would occasionally pick up his phone and check on your social medias. Neither of you posted a lot, but when you did you always looked happy. Marcus with his arm around you at an outdoor music festival, cocktails on a patio somewhere at sunset, a picture of Marcus in a sharp suit at one of your work fundraiser events standing next to the coat check with a slightly crooked smile on his face and holding your purse for you with your cute little caption that read ‘name a more perfect husband, I’ll wait’. Marcus had ‘liked’ and replied to the post saying “anything for my perfect wife.”
And they were perfect, Dave mused with a heavy sigh, clicking off his phone and tossing it across the table before burying his face in his hands. He needed to stop this, it only made it harder instead of easier. His children were a great distraction during the day, but at nights when he was alone in bed, his mind and his dick always betrayed him and thought of the two of you. He’d wrap a fist around himself and close his eyes, picturing the way you looked up at him on that last night together when he stood broken and desperate at your doorstep. Or Marcus sinking to his knees in front of him in the shower, or the way he felt when tremors racked his body as he came with Dave’s strong arms wrapped around his wet body.
God he missed you. Both of you. And unfortunately for him his sabbatical was coming to an end and the school year would be starting for his kids again and he had to go home, face reality. It was ok though, he doubted you still thought of him or would even bother to come looking for him after all this time. He could go back to the way his life always was. Dave had always been good at compartmentalizing and he could do this, too, he thinks. Washington was plenty big for the three of you, what were the odds he’d even run into you?
He didn’t know it at the time, but he was about to find out.
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Likes/comments/reblogs mean the world to me and encourage me to keep this wild ride going so thank you in advance for your love 💜 I really appreciate it!
Taglist (if you want to be added - or removed!, lmk!) @senaar-ika @suzdin @boliv-jenta @prolix-yuy @vabeachazn @seasonalobession @pedroshotwifey @nerdieforpedro @chronically-ghosted @macabremads @survivingandenduring @theywhowriteandknowthings @axshadows @iamasaddie @vickywallace @lincolndjarin @its-nebuleuse @janaispunk @missladym1981 @heareball @staywildflowahchild @guelyury @anotherpedrolover @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @runningmom94 @yorksgirl @harrington-thedad @missyorkswhore @disassociation-daydreams
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
For kinktober, maybe Leviathan and dacryphilia? I want to make that boy SOB-
So excited for this! I always love your work
Hello, anon! And thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying my writing! <3
Okay, hopefully I didn't go overboard with how much Levi is crying, but you said you want to make him sob, so here we are lol. I very much believe that it's praise that will make Levi cry every time. Is that based on personal experience? No absolutely not. I just want to praise him until the end of time, that's all.
Anyway, I'm hoping this turned out okay!
Thanks for submitting a prompt!
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GN!MC x Leviathan
Warnings: dacryphilia, penetration (reader receiving), pet name (for Levi, also I almost never include pet names but it just felt right this time lol I'm sorry in advance)
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It was a quiet day at the House of Lamentation. For once, you were almost alone in the house. Most of the brothers were out somewhere else. Lucifer was in his office working and Leviathan was with you, but otherwise the place was empty.
You had convinced Levi to leave his room long enough to come to your room because you wanted to watch anime with him while sitting comfortably on your bed. Levi was a blushing mess as you settled in beside him. It was clear he was trying not to react to the way you rested your head on his shoulder.
About halfway through the episode, you noticed that Levi was squirming quite a bit beside you. It wasn't like him to get distracted while watching anime, so you turned your head to look at his face.
You weren't surprised to see his blush, but he also wasn't even looking at the screen. You felt around for the remote, finding it under your fingers before pausing the show.
Levi blinked. "Huh? Why did you pause it?"
"You aren't even watching," you said, sitting up to look at him more directly.
Levi rubbed at the back of his head, his eyes on the ceiling. "Of course I was! The librarian was about to take off her glasses and reveal her beauty!"
This was proof of nothing because it was obvious that was about to happen next. Any otaku worth his salt would've been able to tell you that, even if he hadn't been paying attention. You squinted at Levi, trying to figure out what was really going on.
Your eyes traveled down from his face and that was when you finally figured it out. The bulge in Levi's pants was so obvious, you weren't sure how you didn't notice it earlier. You smirked.
"Oh," you said. "I see what the problem is."
"Y-you do?" Levi practically squeaked, still unable to look at you.
You leaned forward and put a hand on his bulge. "Why don't we take care of this so that you can focus on the show, hmm?"
Levi whimpered. "I'm so sorry, MC!" he burst out. "I'm just a gross otaku and I'm not even good at that! How could I lose focus like this during such an important episode! You don't have to do anything. Just let me go back to my own room in shame."
He was about to scramble off your bed, but you put your hands on his shoulders, pushing him back down. You straddled his hips before he could try to get away again.
"Absolutely not," you said, looking down at him. You put your fingertips on his lips. "You aren't gross, Levi. Right now? All I want to do is ride you."
Levi stared at you, seemingly at a loss for words. "Y-you want to…?"
You brushed some of his hair back and out of his eyes. "Don't you get it? I think you're beautiful. You're perfect."
The tears that filled Levi's eyes surprised you. He took in a shaky breath and closed them, causing the tears to spill over and run down his cheeks.
"No, no, baby," you said, leaning down to kiss the tears off his skin. "If you're going to cry it's because I'm making you feel good, got it?"
Levi couldn't even formulate a response. You had to take control, moving enough to pull down his pants and freeing his cock. It was still hard, even leaking, and you pumped it a few times with your hand. You were rewarded with a throaty moan, slightly tinged with the thickness of Levi's tears.
You moved enough of your own clothing to allow you to position yourself to take him in.
You paused, hands on Levi's shoulders, and looked into his eyes. They were still wet and he looked up at you as though he couldn't believe you were even real. You smiled and maintained eye contact with him while you lowered yourself down on his cock.
You weren't able to keep your eyes on him for long because they rolled back as you went all the way down, feeling the tip hit that perfect spot inside you. You moaned and Levi whimpered.
Levi's hands went to your hips, resting there almost hesitantly. You began to move and you weren't gentle. You already couldn't get enough of his cock, bouncing quickly in his lap. Levi's hands gripped harder as you did this, like he couldn't help it.
"MC, MC," he moaned out your name. When you looked at him again, you saw the tears had returned. They were trailing down his cheeks.
You put your hands on either side of his face. "These better be tears of pleasure," you said between your heavy breaths.
Levi only nodded, unable to speak. His eyes were closed now, tears continuing to seep out of them, running into your fingers.
You increased the pace, chasing that high you could feel yourself so close to. The build up and the tension filling you, as you felt Levi begin to thrust up into you, his cock hitting you so perfectly, his tears damp against your skin.
Levi cried out as he came, voice still thick with tears, and the sound of it pushed you over the edge. You clamped down on his shoulders as you felt your mingled liquids dripping down your legs.
You rested your forehead against his, gently wiping away all of his tears. "Hush now," you said. "You were amazing, Levi."
Later you would be able to finish watching the episode you had paused. But Levi insisted on keeping his head in your lap the whole time, seemingly unable to look at you. He was embarrassed about crying so much, no matter how you reassured him. You made a mental note that complimenting Levi a lot was the way to turn on the waterworks.
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flufftober | kinktober | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
taglist: @anxious-chick @t0tallycoolname
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wanderingelvis · 2 years
Heyy so i have a request since u want some ideas mabye like an elvis x Innocent reader 🤷🏽‍♀️ I mean I don't have that much imagination so whatever u do with it will be brilliant 💕
Oh wow! My first request and I've barely started but this is such a dream request, so thank you!! Here goes nothing, I hope you like it! 🧚 🧚🏻 Masterlist 🧚🏻 word count: 1,503 pairing: elvis presley x f!reader
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Ever since you'd been signed to the same label as Elvis, you'd struggled adjusting to the Hollywood lifestyle. You'd found a friend in Elvis though, something you'd never thought you'd say. As soon as he'd met you, he'd been kind, protective and patient with you, when not many people had been. He'd let you spend time in his trailer between takes and rehearsals which you were grateful for, especially since you were having a tough time in media training classes with other new talent that had been signed.  The boys and girls in those classes weren't as kind to you as Elvis was, they all came from the Hollywood area, with rich relatives who were higher up in the label, whereas you'd auditioned and came from a pokey little town out in California. You tried your best to fit in but your upbringing just hadn't been the same. 
That's where Elvis felt awful protective of you, he'd faced a similar difficulty, growing up in Tupelo all those years ago. He could see the talent and potential in you, not to mention how hard you worked. He didn't want you to face the same hardships he'd had to. 
You'd had enough today, you'd been made fun of, yet again by the other guys that were all training to be dancers and stunt guys, and it had all gotten too much. You missed home and everything that came with it. You made a beeline for Elvis' dressing room, keeping your head down because you knew if someone even dared to ask if you were okay, you'd burst into tears.  You gently knocked on the door, praying that Elvis was there and hopefully not with his entourage. The door swung open and you were met with Elvis' grin.  "Are you busy? I don't wanna bother you." You asked quietly, looking past him to see if he had company. 
Elvis moved away from the entrance, making room for you to walk in, "No honey, want to come in?" You nodded, walking into the room that smelt of cigar smoke as he closed the door behind you. "Don't you have your press conference training now little one?" Elvis asked as he went to pour himself a drink.  "M'not going." You said grumpily, collapsing down onto the plush couch.  "I know it's a drag baby, but you gotta go, I made your Momma a promise that you wouldn't slack on your work." Elvis chuckled, not clocking onto your upset mood yet.  "I said I'm not going!" You snapped, your voice cracking a little. You were just so upset at always being left out and feeling like an idiot.  Elvis stalled, he hadn't heard you speak like that before, especially not to him. You were an innocent little thing, everyone on set knew it and you would never openly challenge or disobey anyone, whether it was a label executive or one of the catering staff.  "Baby, I don't know where you found that goddamn attitude but you best get rid of it right now. I ain't gonna let no little girl talk to me like that." Elvis warned, walking over to you. 
The harsh words tipped you over the edge, the last thing you'd wanted was to upset your one friend on set. You were just frustrated and Elvis snapping at you caused you to burst into soft sobs. You covered your face with your hands as you blubbed and Elvis immediately softened, taken aback with concern as he watched you hiccup and cry. "M'sorry," You choked. "I had a b-bad day." You stuttered, tripping on your words as you let out soft cries. "Oh little un', what's happened hm?" He cooed, sitting next to you, placing his hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles as he grabbed some tissues with his other hand to give to you. "I miss home, Elvis," You said quietly, "Everyone at the rehearsals and classes is so mean and they say stuff and I don't know what they mean and um," You paused to sniffle and wipe your pink nose, "They all laugh at me and it's n-not funny." You said as you sat cross legged on the couch, your whole body now facing Elvis. "What are they saying baby?" Elvis asked gently. He wasn't exactly surprised at what you said, you were an easy target, you were sweet, kind and gentle and it was a tough industry, one you weren't exactly made for. "I don't know, I don't understand it." You said quietly, feeling dumb and ashamed. "Can you tell me what they said to you, little?" Elvis encouraged.  You paused, taking a wobbly breath, glancing at Elvis who only smiled at you. He never made you feel dumb or stupid, even if you could be at times, a bit naive. "They a-asked me if I 'give a head' or if I ever have done and I said I don't know w-what that means, because I don't!" You said, tearily. "A-and they all laughed at me and they wouldn't tell me and I don't know what they mean and it's really confusing." You said, quietly trailing off.  Elvis felt his blood boil. He knew he was protective of you, the baby in front of him, everyone knew he was and maybe he was overprotective at times but how could he not be when this would happen to you? In front of him was the sweetest little girl and whilst Elvis would never call you dumb, even if other people might, he knew you were just innocent and inexperienced and definitely someone that somebody with bad intentions could take advantage of easily. It made Elvis, rightly or wrongly, want to protect you and take care of you in the way that he saw fit and that way was to preserve your innocence.  If Elvis could have his way, he'd take you away from all of this sin and misdemeanour, all the way to his home, Graceland, where he would let you stay and do everything you loved without the stress and pressure of working this gruelling schedule. "Who said this to you?" Elvis said sternly. "It's all of them Elvis, i-it's just confusing." You hiccuped. "I want a name, Y/N." Elvis said as you glanced up at him through wet lashes. "Paulie Matthews." You mumbled softly. "Are you gonna make me go back to rehearsal?" You asked meekly. "No honey, you're gonna stay right here, with me." As soon as Elvis said that, it was as if a visible weight had lifted from your shoulders. Elvis knew the press team would be angry at the lack of your attendance but he had enough power that no-one would question it. 
"Elvis?" "Yes, little one?" Elvis said, gently pushing back some hair that had fallen in front of your face. "What does 'give a head' mean?" Your brows furrowed together and cocked your head to the side with confusion and curiousity. Elvis breathed a heavy sigh at your question and the innocence in the way that you said it, before the door burst open with laughter and chatter, making you jump slightly. Elvis rubbed your back soothingly straight away to try and calm you. It was Jerry, Red, and the rest of the Mafia, chatting after their outing to the local steakhouse. "What have I told you about goddamn knockin'?" Elvis barked furiously. The guys all apologised, insisting that Elvis just needed to hear this story about how Red had pulled a waitress and got a free steak out of it, none of them paying any attention to you, the sweet thing, sat near Elvis. As the bustling continued, Elvis noticed you shuffled a little closer to him. 
You were visibly overwhelmed at all the men and the commotion. "You okay baby?" Elvis whispered to you softly. You chewed your lip feverishly. "Want to stay by my side and keep me company?" He offered, in a sweet and gentle tone. You nodded almost instantly, making Elvis smile down at you. "C'mere sweetheart." He nodded. You nestled into his side as he led his arm across the back of the couch, allowing you to perfectly slot in next to him. Elvis pet your hair and placed a tender kiss atop your head, as your wobbly breathing evened out.  "Elvis?" You whispered. Elvis hummed in response, lowering his head so you could whisper in his ear cutely. You leaned up a little, putting your hand by your mouth so no one could see or hear what you were whispering. "Do ya think the guys might know what 'give a head' means? Should I ask them?" You asked before moving back a little so you could study his face. Elvis laughed a little at you, he couldn't help but adore how sweet and innocent you were. "No baby, I'll show you later, you just relax now pretty girl." Elvis smiled. You smiled back, feeling relieved that you could always be yourself around the most famous man in the world.
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junabyclairo · 1 year
pls write smth smutty abt carmy x the bartender at the bear
when you got hired to be a bartender at the restaurant you never expected it to go so far that you would be fucking your boss in his office.
after everyone had left and you were finishing up your very intense cleaning routine (when asked about it you only stated how gross the messes were to clean so you simply had to stay longer - definitely not to watch carmy vigorously scrub the floors clean.) carmen asked you to come into his office with him. you were worried after that, thinking about anything you could've done to deserve a talking to from your boss. spilling a couple drinks maybe? but that was just honest clumsy-ness it could've have been that-
"i just wanted to ask you something." that's not what you were expecting.
"yeah anything go ahead." your voice shook mildly, wondering what the question could be.
"are you dating anyone right now?" you've never seen him as shy as he was right now. he looked as if he could burst at any second
"no i'm not, why do you ask?"
"richie has been busting my balls lately about not getting laid since i've been back in chicago and i've always thought you were absolutely gorgeous so i thought-"
"are you asking if you can fuck me?" you interrupted. jesus christ you don't think you've ever been so wet in your life.
"y-yeah pretty much. but only if you're okay with it i don't want to make you uncomfortable you can totally say no."
"no yeah i definitely want to." you pressed your legs together to hopefully feel some kind of friction.
"yeah? really?" you smiled at him,
"yeah i really do."
suddenly the next thing you knew was that his lips were on yours and you were being pressed against the wall. you don't know what you were expecting but you weren't thinking that he would want to do it right here.
he started to unbutton your work blouse and you push his shirt up over his head until the both of you are topless. he then kneels down and starts undoing your shoes in order to undo your pants and take them off. he stands back up and starts kissing your neck as he works his hands behind you and unhooks your bra and slowly slips it off your chest, marveling at how beautiful you are. before he can kneel back down you start undoing his belt and pulling down his pants.
after he strips down to his boxers, he kneels down again and reaches up to the straps of your thong and gently pulls them down while staring at you with his beautiful, blue eyes. once he finally strips you of all your clothes he spreads your legs apart to reveal your sweet, little pussy to him. he places kisses on your clit and your inner thighs before he starts sucking on his fingers and pressing the middle one inside of you. you never thought something could feel as good as this does.
"carm-" you moaned out.
"yeah sweet thing? what do you need?"
"need you to fuck me. right now."
he stood up and grabbed your hips and turned you around so that you were now facing the wall. you felt him pull down his boxers down just enough to be able to pull his cock out. you heard him spit into his hand and pull at his cock to make sure it was hard - for you.
when he was done he pulled your hips towards him in order to get a better view of your pussy. then he slowly sunk his cock deep inside you, inch by inch. at this point you couldn't hold in your moans anymore and moaned as loudly as you could.
after adjusting to him he started thrusting deep into you from behind, his cock hitting the sweet spot that was buried deep inside you over and over again until you were letting out tears because of just how good he was pounding into you.
"are you going to be a good girl and come on me, baby?"
"yes i will i promise please make me cum." at this point words were tumbling out of your mouth with no filter whatsoever, just begging for him to do whatever he wanted to you."
when the two of you were finished and he helped put your clothes back on you he asked, "do you wanna come over? rest a bit?"
"what are you going to fuck me more?"
"maybe i will, if you want to."
you smiled at him, nodding your head.
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lucy90712 · 7 months
Road to recovery- part 8
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Part of me was hoping that the hate would slow down a bit but of course it didn't. Every time I checked any form of social media all I saw was people posting about how much they didn't like me and assuming that I'm only friends with Pablo to gain something. I thought I'd be able to handle the comments but I just can't there has been so many more than I thought there would be and people have said such hurtful things about my appearance and my character. Pablo keeps apologising and asking if I'm ok and I just keep telling him I'm fine which is a bit of a lie but I can tell he already feels bad enough I don't want to make him feel worse by telling him how I really feel. The worst part about it is that everyone seems to be drawing attention to the things I was already insecure about which hasn't helped my mental state at all.
Today though I have a chance to cheer myself up a bit as I have a big check up with my doctor to see how my recovery is progressing. I think it's going pretty good so hopefully he agrees and says something positive as that would really lift my spirits. I've been nervous about the appointment today as well which has really made the last few days even more challenging on my mental health but I'm trying to stay positive as I know wallowing in sadness and anxiety won't do me any good. 
Alonso came to pick me up a bit before my appointment; when I got in the car I expected him to tease me about everything that happened with the game this weekend but he didn't instead he asked if I was ok. I was going to lie to him too but because he's my brother he knows exactly when I'm lying so I had to tell him the truth. It was kind of nice to get all of my feelings off my chest and Alonso was really supportive and gave me some good advice. He's been through things like this before with getting hate for his performances out on track so he told me to just delete the apps off my phone for a bit that way I'm not tempted to look at what people are saying. In fact he stole my phone and did it for me as I think he knew I probably wouldn't do it myself. 
Once I had my phone back I went into the hospital on my own leaving Alonso to wait in the car for me. The wait for my appointment wasn't long at all and then I went in and was immediately taken for some new scans to see how everything was healing. After scans I was subjected to a load of tests on my range of movement, how much weight I could put on my leg and how much pain I was in. The testing was rigorous and honestly quite exhausting as it's been a long time since I've done this much movement with my knee but for the most part it felt good. After I had done everything the doctor left for a while to review it all and look at my scans which left me just staring at the wall hoping to hear good news. Just as I was daydreaming the door opened again and the doctor came back in, his expression was impossible to read which for some reason filled me with a few more nerves.
"Ok Lola things aren't progressing as we would like them too internally you aren't healing as quick as we thought you would and your movement isn't at the range we would expect it to be" he said 
"What does that mean?" I asked holding back tears 
"For now it doesn't mean too much this can happen as we can't always accurately predict how quickly people will recover but we will set another one of these appointments in a few weeks and if we aren't seeing improvement you may need a second surgery so that we can see what's going on" the doctor explained 
"Ok" was all I could manage to say 
"I know this isn't what you wanted to hear but don't let it discourage you if you keep working hard you won't need the surgery" he said 
We scheduled my next appointment and that was as long as I could hold it together. All of my emotions that I'd been holding onto for the last few days came out all at once, as soon as I left the hospital doors I burst into tears and I couldn't do anything to stop them. I made my way back to where Alonso parked but before I could get into the car Alonso had got out and wrapped me in his arms. He tried to get me to stop crying and tell him what was wrong but I just couldn't he tried everything to help me all of which had worked before but today nothing could stop me. Eventually he gave up and let me get in the car so we could go home because right now all I want is to just go home and get to grips with my emotions as I clearly have a lot to process. 
As much as my eyes were filled with tears I could tell that Alonso didn't take the turn to take me back to my place which meant he was going to take me somewhere in hopes of cheering me up. I really didn't want to go wherever it was he was planning to go but I was sobbing too much to tell him to take me home. We went a bit further before the car stopped and I looked round a bit as at first I didn't recognise where we were but then I saw Pablo's house and realised we were just down the street. I should've known Alonso was going to bring me here but this is the last place I want to be I don't want Pablo to see me like this. I knew we said we would help each other out but I know for a fact Pablo is doing better and I know he's in a better place mentally and I don't want to ruin that by projecting my problems onto him that wouldn't be fair. 
Alonso had to practically drag me out of the car and down the road which was rather easy for him as I'm not strong enough to put up too much of a fight. We walked down the street to Pablo's house where Alonso left me to ring the doorbell, part of me was hoping that he wouldn't be in even though he said he had no plans today. Of course after just a few seconds the door opened and I locked eyes with Pablo who straight away rushed over as quick as he could and wrapped me up in his arms. I wanted to stop crying but for some reason I only cried more once I was in Pablo's arms it was like he made me feel safe enough to truly let all of my feelings out. Pablo said a few words to my brother before taking me inside and allowing him to leave. 
Pablo took me to the sofa and allowed me to settle into his embrace with my head buried in his chest so he couldn't see my tear stained and probably red and puffy face. His hand was gently stroking my back trying to calm me down while he whispered comforting words in my ears. It wasn't anything special what he was doing but hearing his words and feeling his hands on me did wonders in helping calm my emotions which I didn't have any control over. As my tears began to slow down Pablo kept rubbing my back and he even wiped some of the tears from my face that he could reach as I was still hiding most of my face. I never would've thought he would be so good at comforting me I mean he's always so hyper and full of energy I never imagined that he'd be any good at keeping calm and radiating that onto others but clearly he is. Once I had completely stopped crying and my breathing was getting back to normal Pablo put a hand under my chin and got me to look at him.
"Can you tell me what's wrong I hate seeing you so upset and I want to help" he said 
"The doctor said my knee isn't healing properly and I might need another surgery if things don't get better" I said still sniffling slightly 
"I'm sorry that sounds awful but that's not the only thing on your mind is it" he probed further 
"No that's it" I lied 
"Don't lie to me please just tell me what's wrong I'll do whatever I can to help and I won't judge you you know that" he said 
Damn why doesn't he have to be able to read me like a book.
"Ok I've been getting a lot of hate since we were seen together at the game and it's been getting to me a bit I thought I could handle it as I'm used to criticism but I can't some people are just so mean" I admitted letting a few more tears fall 
"I knew it was getting to you people on social media are assholes because they don't feel the consequences of what they say but none of what they say is true" he said 
"But they keep talking about how I must be using you or how I don't deserve to even be friends with you which that part is kind of true" I rambled 
"No it's not true I can't even imagine what my life would be like without you I love spending time with you just because you aren't famous doesn't mean you don't deserve to be friends with me and despite what they say I know you aren't using me I know you would never do that" he said 
"And before you say anything all of the things they say about your appearance aren't true either you are beautiful inside and out and they are just jealous" he added 
Hearing him say that put a smile on my face. Pablo has never really complimented me before he's told me my outfit was cool a few times but he's never called me beautiful so hearing it made me feel a lot better about myself. He must've noticed that I was finally smiling again as he told me I looked pretty when I smiled which only made my cheeks heat up but luckily my face was already red from crying so Pablo probably wouldn't have noticed. Although I kind of wish he knew how he made me feel because as time goes on it's getting harder and harder to hide my true feelings from him. 
Pablo's POV
The pain in her eyes just shattered my heart. She's been my rock throughout every step of the way so far so to see her breakdown right in front of me really hurt. This whole time she's been the strong one never letting anything get to her but finally it's caught up with her and part of it's my fault because we got seen together at the game and now people are tearing her apart and one person can only handle so much. I feel so awful that I'm part of the reason she's so upset but knowing that I can be there for her and calm her down makes me feel a bit better. When she arrived she was hysterical and her brother told me he couldn't get a word out of her so he wanted me to try so that's what I did. I'm not very good at keeping myself calm at times let alone other people but I tried my best and after a while of just rubbing her back and whispering to her she calmed down. It felt good to be the one to help her because she's done so much for me that anything I can do to even remotely repay that I'll do in a heartbeat.
Hearing the way she criticised herself as well it pained me. She's the most beautiful and kind person I've ever met so to hear her say that she thought she didn't deserve to be friends with me hurt but what hurt more was to see that those horrible people got to her and made her feel insecure in herself. Throughout the time we've known each other I've always wanted to tell her just how beautiful she is but I've refrained as I know once I open the flood gates there's no going back. Once I start complimenting her I'm scared that I'll let my feelings show but today she needed it so I knew I had to take the risk. Seeing the smile that my compliments gave her made the risk feel worth it though as I'd do anything to keep her smiling 24/7.
Looking into her eyes as she smiled and blushed at my words made me feel some type of way. I've felt something for her since we first met and I've kept those feelings repressed until now but I don't know if I can do it any longer. She's just the most perfect girl I've ever met and I don't want to lose her whether that be to another guy or to the fear of what us being friends might mean for her. I have to tell her how I feel in hopes that as long as she feels the same way it gives her a reason to stick around even when things are tough like they are right now. As scary as it is I have to take the risk. 
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itcanbegoodagain · 10 months
Pregnancy Cravings
Word Count: 1288
Rating: N/A
Inspired by this video.
"There's no rules, baby," Peeta says softly, the corner of his lip quirking up in amusement at my frustration. "Do what your instinct tells you to."
I close my eyes. Take a deep breath. Then, carefully, I dip the brush into the light pink I made, swirling together white and red. I bring it to the canvas and begin to fill in the gentle lines Peeta drew for me. I start at the edges of the petals, bringing the color down in quick strokes. I've learned that if I think too much about how I move the brush, the more I mess up.
A few minutes of silence pass by before Peeta murmurs that I'm doing well, and the primroses look beautiful. I smile, not taking my eyes off the painting in front of me. "Eyes on your own work, Mellark."
He laughs next to me, and I hear him shift before putting his palette down. He holds my head steady, pressing a kiss to the side of it. "What can I get you to eat? I'm going to the kitchen."
"I'm okay," I reply.
"Yeah, sure, the noises coming from your stomach totally mean you're not hungry," he says with an eye roll I can hear.
I look at him out of the corner of my eye, clearly admitting he's right. "Do we have any leftover cinnamon rolls from yesterday? I could probably eat a whole baker's dozen in three seconds."
"Lemme check." Then he's out the door, taking the warmth of his hands on my head with him.
Cabinets open, then he yells back. "No cinnamon rolls."
Immediately, tears spring into my eyes. They blur my vision slightly, but I focus on the flowers and holding the brush correctly. Slowly, one drips down my face. Down the drain that hope goes.
He walks back into the room, holding a small plate of date bread he made today. "I brought the bread from this morning to hold you over until-" he breaks off. Peeta sets the plate down with a quiet sigh. He nears, frees my hands, then kneels in front of me. He holds my hands to his chest and looks up at me. "What's up, Katniss?"
I sniff, feeling ridiculous, and say, "I just... cinnamon rolls sound really good right now. I wasn't lying when I said I could eat a lot of them."
He laughs quietly. "I know -- you can always eat a lot, even when there isn't a baby asking for more." He brings my hand to his lips for a kiss. "What do you want me to do?"
"Can you make some?" I ask hopefully.
"I don't have everything here," he says, protesting when my face breaks again. "But hey, hey, there is some dough at the bakery that I've had proving since last night. I can go get it and make you some fresh rolls in less than an hour."
"No, Peeta, I don't want you to go all the way there for me."
He smiles, shaking his head a little. "What, like that's the most taxing thing I've ever done for you?"
"Peeta, I'm serious," I cry.
He pulls me into a hug. "Me too, Katniss, okay? I love you and our baby you're carrying, and if you both want some cinnamon rolls, who am I to deny you?"
I brush my hands over my face, wiping away the tears. I look at him, and my heart feels so close to bursting it's hard to breathe. "Are you sure?" I ask quietly.
"There is nothing else I want to do right now," he replies. My stomach does a little flip at his words.
"Okay," I whisper. "Thank you."
He grins at me, leaning forward to press a kiss to my lips. I hold him there for a moment, relishing in his warmth and comfort and love.
"I'll be back soon. Get comfy, or keep painting, and there will be cinnamon rolls before you know it." He presses one more kiss to my lips before walking to the doorway. Once there, he pauses for a moment, leaning against the doorway to watch me compose myself. When I start painting again, he taps the wood with his hand a couple times and he's gone.
I'm in the living room when I hear the timer go off for the oven. I'm curled up on the couch with a blanket, stroking Buttercup's fur.
Soon, Peeta exits the kitchen with a large plate in hand, a knife and napkins in the other. He sits beside me, setting the plate on the small table before us. "There, fresh and warm. All for you," he tells me, laying an arm across the back of the couch.
I reach forward and grab one with my fingers, ignoring the knife completely. As I bring it close, I get a close whiff of its smell, and my stomach turns. My mouth closes, my face turning away from it and Peeta.
"Katniss?" he asks. "What is it?"
I break down into tears again, putting the roll back on the plate. I cover my face, getting a little bit of frosting on my forehead with the movement.
I cry and laugh simultaneously, not believing the state I'm in right now. This is absolutely stupid. "I..." I begin. I feel his hands on my back, rubbing soothing circles, and I cry harder.
"Katniss," Peeta says again, real concern pushing through.
I drop my hands and look at him, tears running down my cheeks. "I know I said that cinnamon rolls sounded good, but... But they don't anymore. And you went all the way to the bakery to get the dough and make them for me, and I don't even want them anymore, and I'm so picky and ungrateful-"
"Woah, hey," he says, cutting me off. "First of all, you are not picky. You would eat food off the floor. Second, you are not ungrateful, Katniss, okay?" His hands move to my face, brushing away the hair there so he can get a good look at my tear-stained cheeks. "You thank me all the time even though you don't need to. We're married, so you never have to feel bad or thank me for taking care of you. It's the pride of my life."
Without conscious thought, I crawl into his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms circle me, pulling me close. Slowly, he rocks us back and forth, and my slight hiccuping sobs grow smaller before they fade away entirely. He presses kisses to the side of my head the whole time, whispering little things about his love for me in my ear.
"Okay?" he asks, minutes later.
I take in a shaky breath. "I'm okay," I tell him quietly. "And I'm sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry for," he replies. "You're doing something incredible, giving over your body for months for something we both get to enjoy for the rest of our lives. I don't have to feel what you do. I want to take care of you, no matter what that looks like."
He pulls my head from his neck. "I love you, Katniss, and the baby you're growing in your stomach. If I wasn't in it for the ups and downs, for the long haul, I wouldn't have married you. But I am, so I did."
"I love you, too," I say, leaning forward to kiss him. It's a little snotty, a little teary, but that's okay. "You make me feel so safe. I wouldn't be able to do this without you."
Peeta hugs me close for a few minutes more. "Katniss," he says quietly, "I can literally feel your stomach growling. What sounds good?"
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strawbabys-blog · 1 year
Erm..hopefully this request is alright..
Harry Potter regression Headcanon or scenario of when Little! Harry Potter is reluctant about regressing (sp?) in front of you Caregiver! Reader who is also Ron's older twin sister..you found out about it and you didn't blame him for it..he went through a lot growing up and you wanted to help him feel safe so you gave him a Little! Environment in the room of requirement that he would feel happy with and you made sure that he knew that you accepted his Little! side.
You are an experienced Caregiver considering a lot of things.
Hiii, ofc, I love this request, baby Harry is the sweetest thing!! You didn't specify an age range so I went with around 3/4, I hope that's okay :) I'm so sorry this took me so long, I've been offline for a while now but I'm back and trying to catch up with requests
Precious Little Boy
Harry had been quiet lately, fidgety. He couldn't focus in classes and was having trouble paying attention in conversations unless you kept pulling his attention back to you. Most, if not all the people in your circle had caught on to the situation, people either attempting to cheer him up or giving him space. Either way, nothing was really working.
"I don't understand what could be bothering him so much that we wouldn't know about," Hermione says. She, you and Ron had been trying to study but it had quickly devolved into worrying about your friend, he'd disappeared after dinner again tonight and none of you had seen him since.
"I feel like we should talk to him," you say, "he's been like this for a week now, it's going to affect his school work if it keeps up,"
"I wish he would just come to us" Ron mumbles, still pretending to focus on the parchment in front of him.
"Mate, none of us are getting any work done at this rate, let's just go back to the common room and wait for him" You say, starting to pack your stuff away. They take your lead and you all head back to the common room.
It takes you a moment to realise that the mop of dark hair and glasses peeking over a thick blanket is, in fact, Harry. You and Ron exchange a glance.
"Hey Harry," you say, breaking the silence. He snaps out of his trance, his eyes locking onto yours for a second before he takes in his other friends in the room.
"Hi," he says, quietly.
"You okay mate?" Ron asks, walking over to the sofa and sitting down. You follow, sitting next to him while Hermione takes a spot on the floor between you both. Harry nods.
"Yeah, I'm okay,"
"Are you sure? You've been off this week," he pushes. Harry's face screws up a little, shifting uncomfortably.
"You can talk to us, hon," you say, the term of endearment slipping into your sentence naturally. He looks up at you, for a second you swear you see his eyes glass over before he screws them shut, "Harry?" He whines.
"Do you want us to leave you alone?" Hermione asks. His eyes shoot open again, the panic clear on his face.
"No," he says. This time you get a good look and can clearly tell what's happening.
"Hey, Harry, can I talk to you over here for a second?" You ask, gesturing behind you. He blinks at me for a second before nodding. You take his hand and gently lead him to the other side of the room, mouthing at Ron and Hermione that it'll be okay.
Harry rocks on his feet in front of you, looking about ready to burst into tears.
"Are you mad at me?" He asks.
"Oh no! Of course not, I just wanted to ask you something, is that okay?" You reassure him, running a hand down his arm. He mumbles out a yes, glancing at the floor between his feet, "Alright sweetheart, are you feeling little right now?"
His head snaps up, eyes widening as he shakes his head, immediately trying to deny it.
"No, no, I'm big, promise," he says, tears pooling in his eyes. You put a hand on his face, trying to calm him down.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," you say, thumb running over his cheek, "you can tell me, yeah? I won't judge you, I know all about it and I can even take care of you if you like,"
Harry looks away, biting on his lip hard enough that you have to refrain yourself from stopping him. He glances over to Ron and Hermione who had started chatting between themselves.
"Don't want them to know," he says, slurring his words together as he speaks.
"That's okay, I've got a special secret room we can go to if you like? I promise its super fun and cozy," he looks back at you, still quite clearly apprehensive but there was a new hint of hope on his eyes, a clear vulnerability that had you close to melting.
"Really?" He asks.
"Yeah! Can you wait here for me while I go talk to Ron and Mione?" You say, he pulls a face, clearly upset at the idea of you leaving, "it'll only be for a second, they've been worried about you, I just want to let them know that you're okay," he looks up, tears filling his eyes again.
"M' sorry, didn't mean to make em sad," he mutters, his hands clasping and unclasping around nothing. You move your hand down to his shoulder.
"No, baby, it's okay, no ones sad. Ron and Mione were just a little worried about you, you really needed to slip huh?" You say. He nods, sniffling a little, "okay, you wait here then honey, I'll be right back, yeah?" He nods again. You feel a little guilty about leaving him but there's no way you could take him with you without the two knowing something was different, and you couldn't just leave without telling them where you were going.
"Hey, is Harry okay?" Hermione asks as you walk over.
"He will be, we're just gonna go on a walk, we might be out late so don't wait up okay?" Ron gets up to give you a quick hug.
"Alright, make sure your careful and don't get caught yeah?" You nod.
"See ya later," you say, eager to get back to Harry who was still stood in the corner where you left him, "I'm back!" You say. His head shoots up and his little smile makes your heart jump, he was so adorable.
"They okay now?" He asks, looking over at your guy's friends, who were now setting up a game of exploding snap between them. You give Harry a reassuring smile.
"Mhm, they're all good. Now how about we get going?" He nods and you take his hand, leading him out of the common room. You lead him down a few winding corridors before you stop in front of a blank wall.
"Here?" Harry asks.
"Mhm, come here sweetheart," you say, moving behind him to cover his eyes. You watch as the door to the room of requirement appears before you two. You remove your hands and listen to the boy gasp.
"It's magic!" He says, turning around to you with a grin.
"It is baby! Now let's go inside," Harry skips ahead to the door and you help him open it.
The room of requirement had manifested itself as a lovely bedroom/living room. The decor was a bit of a mix between the Gryffindor common room and the Burrow, clearly pinpointing where Harry was most comfortable with ease. There was a big four poster bed pushed against the far wall with a ton of plush blankets and pillows, to the right there is a cozy fire blazing away with a three seater sofa in front of it. The room is covered in blankets, rugs, tables and lamps, it's mismatched but it works to form a soft, comfortable environment.
Harrys eyes light up at the sight of the place, turning around to smile shyly at you.
"It's pretty," he says.
"It is isn't it?" You say, going over and running a hand through his hair, "now how's about we have a look around and see what you want to do?" He nods and you take his hand, leading him over to a chest of draws and pulling them open. Inside are a stack of colouring books, some crayons, a myriad of kids cutlery and plates along with some sippy cups. Harry gasps and your heart swells with happiness.
"Books" he mutters.
"Yeah honey, how about you pick one and we can do some colouring," you suggest. He tentatively reaches out, shuffling through the books before picking out a dinosaur themed one. He looks back up at you for approval and you grin.
"That one looks great honey, can you pick one for me as well?" You ask. He nods, concentrating hard on the books once again before picking out a Disney themed one full of prince's and princess's. He holds it out to you and rocks back and forth on his heels, something you realised was a nervous habit.
"This one?" He says, "because you're like a princess... pretty and nice," His cheeks turn a bright shade of red and you feel your heart melt for what feels like the hundredth time today.
"Oh I love it baby!" You say, taking the book from him and grabbing the crayons from the draw, "Come on let's go colour," he gives you another shy smile and follows you to the sofa.
You sit on the floor, putting your book and the crayons on the coffee table and he follows your lead, sitting cross legged next to you and putting his book down. He looks nervous so you decide to start colouring. You pick out some crayons and start colouring a little mermaid themed page with Princess Ariel and Prince Eric. You watch from the corner of your eye as Harry slowly relaxes, picking a page and starting to colour too.
For a while you guys sit in silence, content to just be in each other's presence. Every so often you look over and see Harry bent over his book, his brow furrowed and his tongue sticking out a little as he concentrates. It's adorable.
Suddenly you feel a little tap on your shoulder and turn to see Harry holding his colouring out to show you, his cheeks turning red again. You take the book from him and gasp at the page, making a big show of how we'll he's done.
"Wow honey! This is amazing!" He smiles at you and shuffles a little closer to you, "do you want to keep colouring or maybe we can take a nap and cuddle?" You ask. His eyes light up and you can't help but grin at him.
"Cuddle please, I'm sleepy," he murmurs. You stand up and open your arms, offering to carry him. He lifts his arms up and you pick him up, sitting him on your hip and thanking Merlin that Harry is relatively short and you're just as tall as your brother. He cuddles into your neck and you smile.
"Do you want to change clothes?" You ask. He nods into your neck, "okay, do you want me to help or can you do it yourself?" He whines a little.
"Help, please," he mutters. You nod.
"Okay, sweetheart, let's get you some clothes. You take him over to the chest of draws again, opening one to find some pajamas. You let him pick out an oversized t-shirt and some shorts and take him over to the bed, setting him down and quickly helping him change.
As soon as your done, he falls backwards, snuggling into the covers. He holds out his arms for you, whining quietly.
"One second honey, I just need to get changed," you move as fast as possible, not wanting to leave him waiting, changing into some pajamas before climbing into bed next to him.
He immediately latches onto you, cuddling close. You smile softly and pet his hair as he drifts off next to you.
You watch as his breathing evens out, his features relaxing, and only then do you let your eyes close as well, falling asleep next to your boy.
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pardonmydelays · 11 months
"i don't think i'll ever understand musicals the way you do" is something i've heard from one of my friends a couple of days ago when i told him i'm about to cross the whole country just to see one of those (my favourite one!) live in theatre. and i can't blame him. if you'd have told me a year ago that i would do something like that, i'd probably have laughed in your face. life is so unpredictable. i guess i have changed a lot. and i could write thousands of essays about how musicals helped me get through the shittiest period of my life, but we are not going to talk about this today. today we are talking about in the heights, the first musical i got a chance to experience live in theatre, hopefully not last. so grab a cup of coffee and make yourself comfortable, this is going to be the longest essay you've ever seen, friends.
a little warning: spoilers. a lot of them actually. so if, by any chance, you haven't seen/heard it yet and you are going to, don't read it.
first thing i feel like i need to mention is that they had this mini bar inside the theatre and you could order a lot of different drinks there and one of them was called abuela's coffee. i heard one lady explaining to someone that it's actually coffee with condensed milk. my jaw dropped and i was like CAN I STAY HERE FOREVER, PLEASE? for those who don't understand why, here's a quote from the first song:
USNAVI: abuela, my fridge broke, i got café but no con leche ABUELA CLAUDIA: try my mother's old recipe: one can of condensed milk
so this was my first "OH! THEY GET IT!" moment (a little note here: i had a lot of oh, they get it moments, mostly because i don't have any people around me who understand musicals the way i do... honestly, you'd have to live inside my brain). that was the first time ever when i could actually be in the room where it happens with all those people who get it and care about it as much as i do (mostly actors and people responsible for the whole show tho, but we will get to this later).
let's get to the show. so when i finally went inside and i saw the stage, i already had tears in my eyes (don't judge me please). usnavi's store, abuela's door, daniela and carla's salon, all those puerto rican, cuban and dominican flags (one couple behind me was trying to figure out which one is which and it was funny because i knew and i wanted to scream)... listening and memorizing the whole soundtrack is one thing. being able to experience it all live is something else. all those things around me were so familiar and this was the first time in months (MONTHS! OR EVEN YEARS!) i felt really understood. after all, it was all like a little celebration of lin's story (the one i love with all my heart) and i truly felt like home. so that was another OH! THEY GET IT! moment.
i don't think i'm going to talk about every single song here, that's not the point. i will talk about my favourite moments, but also about things that didn't work very well in my opinion (again: this was a polish version so all the songs were translated into polish. and they did a really great job here, surprisingly. but it wasn't perfect, more about that later).
one thing you need to understand is that i will never be normal about musicals so of course i had to burst into tears at the very first song (i don't even know why, i think i was a little bit too excited). i was actually crying in the most random moments like when i first saw nina or at the end of carnaval del barrio because I KNEW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT (who the hell cries at carnaval del barrio when everyone is having the time of their lives lol, me apparently).
ok, so the first song. the choreography, oh my god. it was everything. the translation was also pretty good here, i need to say this was probably one of my favourite moments. imagine me leaving today giggling like a child when usnavi came on that stage and started rapping, i was in heaven. also, i have to admit, the cast was amazing. i could never imagine anyone better for this role (and again, i am talking about polish actors because everyone knows who's the best usnavi of them all). he was cute and charming and awkward and so adorkable and also really handsome. he was actually perfect in my opinion.
i kinda lost my mind when i saw nina for the first time. first of all: i already knew who was going to play her and let's just say i fell in love with this actress before i even saw her live on that stage. this was important to me, because (as some of you know) nina rosario is my favourite character. and oh my god, she was an absolute perfection. what a voice, sweet jesus. i'm being serious, this girl is so talented, give her every award (i honestly hope i will have a chance to see her again one day, i'm just crazy about her). and breathe was so good! polish version was amazing, i was so scared they would screw it up, but they didn't, so all's good (this song is very important to me, ok?). also, she's a phenomenal actress, i could feel all her emotions for real. and of course i cried, what did you expect?
i don't have that much to say about benny, except that he was really cute and he had amazing chemistry with nina, so once again, the casting was really good. i mean, he is not chris jackson of course, but i have decided i'm not going to compare all those actors because everyone knows at this point how much i love OBC, i was trying to have an open mind. vanessa was also pretty great, amazing voice and her dancing skills, wow, just wow. i could talk about all those actors for days actually, but i'm not going to do that, so i will just quickly mention that i absolutely loved daniela and carla, abuela claudia made me cry, sonny was the funniest character in the whole play and i don't think i will ever recover after piragua guy's performance (i was the only person in the audience who was laughing when he came on that stage, they don't get it, ok? polish people have no sense of humour and that's a fact). actually, there were a lot of funny moments (obviously) and i was the only person who was laughing, god help me.
so let's get to the first thing that was a little disappointing for me. you will not believe it, but it was actually... 96,000 (this is one of my favourite songs and i seriously can't live like this). it's not the translation tho (it was honestly fine), it's the voice overlapping part at the end (again, the best thing ever, just listen to we don't talk about bruno from encanto and non-stop from hamilton and you will understand why it works so well in every lmm's song). the thing is, you could actually only hear vanessa's part and i wanted to die, because EXCUSE ME. i always sing usnavi's part and you could barely hear a word from it. but apart from that, the rest was fine, the choreography was amazing and it's just something i needed to mention because i had thoughts about it.
paciencia y fe! ok besties, i have thoughts, again. abuela claudia was absolutely incredible, also, her relationship with usnavi is something that you can't see in the movie version (they were so sweet i wanted to curl up and die. i knew about it before, i saw slime tutorial with obc on yt, ok? i'm pretty sure lin would be mad at me for watching bootlegs lol. i just wanted to say this). the translation didn't work out at the very end of the song tho, because when in the og version abuela sings about the "winning ticket", everyone knows already she won the lottery. i don't remember polish translation exactly, but it was something with double meaning, depends on how you interpret it, and i'm 100% sure people who didn't know the plot just didn't catch it. the rest of the song was absolutely beautiful tho.
when you're home. i was so afraid of this one, because i am totally crazy about this song (did i ever mention lin wrote this one after one of his first dates with vanessa? no? yes? ok i'll shut up about this now). oh, they did a really great job with it and it's a relief. i have nothing else to say, except that i was crying like a baby, but this song always makes me cry so what did you expect exactly? one of the best moments for sure. again, nina and benny's chemistry was absolutely incredible.
as much as i loved the club, i was actually really disappointed with one part, which is usnavi's famous "jealous i ain't jealous, i can take all these fellas, wHaTeVaaaaa". i've been waiting so long for this! and they messed it up with their stupid cringy translation which i don't even remember at the moment but usnavi was actually mad at benny and he cursed? ANYWAY. the rest of the song was great and the choreography was absolutely phenomenal, oh vanessa! let me get the next one! (i love her so much, she was amazing here). a little note from me: no one was laughing at the "no hablo ingles" part, NO ONE BUT ME!!! THEY DON'T GET IT! WTF! i was so mad (i am aware of the fact that most people probably didn't even know this story before and they just wanted to see a musical, not THE MUSICAL, which is totally fine. but sweet jesus, where is their sense of humour? they left it at home or what?).
and blackout was that part where the voice overlapping effect worked very well, so all's good. actually, one of the best moments for me as well. people were actually so confused when all the lights went down, but that was just so amazing. all the panic! everybody was screaming, crying! WE ARE POWERLESS! THE END OF ACT I!!! oh, i had the time of my life.
i had this weird feeling that they didn't exactly know how to translate most of hundreds of stories so they just made this song shorter than it actually is. which is fine i guess. honestly, it's better than bad translation, so i can forgive them. what i absolutely can't forgive tho is that the audience wasn't laughing at US NAVY. polish people, you have no fucking taste. i said what i said. and then again, usnavi and abuela's relationship was so sweet this song actually made me cry (mostly because i knew what was coming but also, i was just this weird girl who was sitting there in the second row and was crying at the most random moments).
ok, guys, honestly. carnaval del barrio was the best moment from the entire musical. oh, how much i want to experience it again! daniela was absolutely incredible, carla was so sweet, piragua guy stole the whole fucking show for me (seriously guys! he was just so amazing!). also, those little details i have never noticed before? i can't even tell if the same thing happened in the original version (the quality of that bootleg is actually terrible), but benny dancing with american flag somewhere in the background was so fucking funny and i don't think i will ever get over that part where at the end they were all still dancing and celebrating and nina and usnavi just ran away as fast as they could because... because you guys know what just happened. also, this is the moment i started crying.
i was so scared of it. let me tell you one thing, i experienced abuela's death at least fifty times and i still cry every single time. so atención is something i have to mention, because all the emotions and kevin's shaky voice made me burst into tears right away, and this time i wasn't the only one because i saw a lot of people crying when they realized what happened (i also heard a lot of OHs when he said abuela passed away, so yes, most of them didn't know this story and they were surprised). and alabanza was something else. believe me when i tell you i am writing this with tears in my eyes, i have never cried so much in public. this was the moment i was the most scared of and i was absolutely right because holy fuck. i was a mess. all the actors with those candles singing alabanza a doña claudia! (yes, they didn't translate it, all the spanish parts were left like in the original version and i am so grateful for that), it was just so sad and so beautiful. and this time i was actually like oh, they get it now (everyone was speechless and people were crying).
everyone must know at this point how much i adore champagne and i wasn't disappointed (thank god!). once again, usnavi was absolutely adorable here and people were actually laughing this time (also thank god!). how do you get this gold shit off? (my favourite line from the whole musical) was translated really well and the moment when usnavi and vanessa kissed! with all lights on them! this was so emotional and the audience reacted so well! we were all clapping (it was so funny to pretend like i didn't know it was gonna happen haha i was just as excited as all of them and once again i was like OH! THEY GET IT!). 10/10, would recommend.
if you think i wasn't crying during the last song, think again. one thing i absolutely hate about the movie version is that they actually changed the graffiti that made usnavi stay in washington heights, but i'm not gonna talk about that and i'm not gonna talk about vanessa also being there in the movie. in the original version it was a portrait of abuela claudia made by graffiti pete and oh boy, i lost my mind (i knew about it but i still lost my mind because it was absolutely beautiful). i got the feeling it was a little rushed in our polish version, but i can forgive them because it still made me cry. also, at the very end, usnavi did not only finally acknowledge he's home, when the song was over he pretty much told the audience that we are all home right now and may i just say... i felt that. i was home. they made me believe for the first time in my life i was where i belong, and somehow that was everything.
one thing about me is that this is actually all new to me. this was my first musical i saw live in theatre (and also lin's first child, which is exactly how it was supposed to be i think), and believe me when i tell you i've never had this much fun in my entire life, not even at all the concerts of my favourite artists. it was worth every money. it was worth spending 11 hours on the train and 11 more on my way back home, which by the way we should normalize (people are doing crazy things just to see their favourite artists on the stage and it's considered normal, so why can't we consider THIS normal?). anyway, i don't expect anyone around me to understand it the way i do, but i feel like i really found my thing, and it's all because of lin-manuel miranda, our beautiful puerto rican genius. he made me believe musicals can be cool and i truly wish i could thank him for that one day.
and like i said, in the heights is my favourite story with my favourite characters and i listened to it so many times i have memorized all the little details. experiencing it live is something completely different tho and i think it's safe to say this was the best night of my entire life. even tho most of the people in the audience didn't really get it, i finally felt like i was a part of this world created by my favourite genius and for the first time ever i felt understood. so i think i can say that now: i found my island, guys, i'm there, i'm home!
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
It's Over!
"Fine, you know what! I'm done, Miles!" Hobie shouted at Miles on the roof top of a building in some New York City in another world on a mission with their Spider Band plus Miguel, Jess and Ben. They were fighting off three anomalies, some how the couple started to have a very heated argument. They took off their mask feeling the heat of their anger causing them to sweat.
"That's it Hobie! It's so fucking over. I'm done with you! I don't want this anymore." Miles practically in tears. Hurtful words were said, painfully regrettable words that felt like knives stabbing through their skin. Their anger took them over the edge instead of talking it out.
Well, it's not like this relationship was working for a while. Miles wipes his tears off knowing this was for the best. "I'm tired Hobie! I'm tired of trying an-and always waiting for you to fucking step up and be my man! I'm done. I don't want this anymore. It's not fair to me." He wipes his salty burning tears feeling the snot of his nose coming down on his upper lip. He sniffs to prevent it from touching his lips.
"Fine. I don't need this! I never wanted this! I just wanted us to have fun, this wasn't supposed to be serious!" Hobie shouted back feeling upset at himself and the way things are being left. He couldn't blamed Miles, the twenty year old wanted their relationship to be serious, more personal and he couldn't do that. He didn't want to risk heartbreak so, it's best to self destruct before things got to deep.
"MILES! HOBIE!" Miguel shouted over them as he claw one anomaly down while Jess caught it with a net. "Get your head in the game! We're on-" Miles snaps at Miguel, "SHUT THE FUCK UP! CAN'T YOU SEE WE'RE DEALING WITH SOME FUCKING SHIT! FOR ONCE NO PUEDES SER UN IDIOTA CONTROLADOR!"
Miguel blinks in surprised at Miles' loud out burst, he said nothing having to study the boy's face. He's hurting... Hobie merely sucked his teeth, "Pfft, there's nothing else to say, mate. It's fucking over. Whatever," Hobie began walking away to the edge of the building to jump off and help Gwen, "Anyway, see ya later, mate. Hopefully, we can stay friends." He jumps off the building to avoid the hurtful pain of Miles' face. This was hurting him too, he's just good at hiding it. He could only hear Miles' softly crying.
The twenty year old Spiderman stood unsure what to do! He felt so humiliated, so broken that he began breathing in an uneven pattern. "Morales..." Miguel's voice sounding concerned as he placed a hand on his shoulder, "Está bien. Desahogate."
The warm touched only made it worst the young hero. "I'm sorry." He softly cries, having to rub his arm needing to calm his nerves and pain. His heart broken into pieces, for the a man he thought would at least try to love him. He didn't want to embarrass himself anymore, quickly running off into an open portal to leave. Go anywhere but here. He needed air.
"Miles, esperarte!" Hearing Miguel's voice behind him before the portal closed. He didn't need this right now.
~6 months later~
The tall black fit male got off a messy bed feeling a bit hungover, but not too much. He hears a soft snoring, then scowls as his hand rub his head feeling his hair strands coming out his braids. He sighs being a bit annoyed by his braids already messy because of his last night with his on and off fuck buddy.
"Hey, man. Wake up!" He's voice a bit hoarse from waking up, he tapped on his taller lover's back. "Hey yo! Not gonna ask again! Wake the fuck up, man!" This time he roughly shove his lover to wake up.
"Huh! Ugh, what?" The punker snap out of his drunken sleep feeling a slight headache around his temples, "Ugh, what time is it?"
"It's fucking eight in the morning, asshole." His lover snorted, "Come on, get up. You gotta go. I got shit to do."
"Pfft, you kicking' me out?" Hobie chuckles as he sat up to find Miles 42 putting on his boxers. "Ain't that lovely?"
"Whatever, man. You and I, both know this is all just to relieve stress. Nothing more." Miles 42 quickly grab his shirt to cover his chest, they were covered in hickeys. "Tsk, man! I told you to not fucking give me hickeys! Shit looks ugly."
"Does it matter?" Hobie asked as he sit up from the bed to turn to his side to reveal the deep scratches on his back. "I told you not to fucking scratch me, and lookie here?"
Miles 42 blushes for the moment then scoffs. "Pfft, whatever. You fucking deserve it the way you were licking my asshole." He stood over Hobie with his eyes narrowed, and lips puckered, "Shouldn't you go be Spiderman somewhere?"
"Nah! I'm fine. I'ma sleep a bit more then leave. You get going wherever you need to be at." Hobie yawns again before going back to sleep.
Miles 42 snorted, "Whatever, man. I'ma go get dressed and leave. Don't fucking take my joints! Last time, you left me with nothing!"
"I won't, luv." He lowly chuckles hearing Miles 42 walking out of the room to go to the bathroom.
Yeah, it was like this after his terrible break up with Miles. His Sunflower refused to look at him after that day. Hobie wanted to fix things after his anger... his terrible insults were washed over with panic and guilt.
In the end, the two had officially broken it off, his Miles had finally put his foot down, refusing to get back together. It's fair. Miles deserve someone better, Hobie knew this. He knew he couldn't be the man Miles wanted. Yet, fuck it still hurts.
It hurts so much to know his Sunflower avoided him no whatever what. If they were to stumble in the hallway back at HQ, the twenty one year old would quickly pass him by or turn the other way. At hang outs, Miles would cancelled or tell Gwen he won't go. It's fair.
Even on missions, Miles decided to separate himself from the Spider Band just to avoid the punker. "That hurt." He thought feeling his heart breaks. His Sunflower did whatever it takes to not be so involved with their friends group to avoid him. It's understandable, after all Hobie knew them longer.
Still their friends would awkwardly try to avoid bringing up Miles, so they would have a good time. Hobie still felt he lost part of his soulmate. He felt lonelier than before. "Fuck." He snuggle in his pillow smelling Miles 42 scent, hell they don't even have the same scent.
Miles 42 is drastically different from his Sunflower, however after a couple of drinks, that Miles becomes his Miles. The similarity in their faces is enough for him to sleep with him. It's easy to slow the pain with false fantasy.
Hobie slept for a bit more until his watch started beeping. "Ugh, looks like I'm needed." He got up just to get the day over with it. Putting on his clothes, and grabbing his treasured guitar on his back, he tapped his watch making a portal open.
-At Spidey Headquarters-
Hobie walks through the portal to find Gwen and Pav talking to Miles... his Miles. The young turned twenty one during their long six months of avoiding the punker, and looks so damn good.
Miles 1610 stood wearing a more high tech Spiderman suit with the same black and red color scheme, but with silver webbing designs around the sides and had a red V under his Spider logo. He's not wearing his mask showing his face glowing better than ever! His haircut changed from his densely afro cute to a high-top dreadlock fade. This is a new switch.
Hobie squint his eyes noticing Miles ended up with a septum nose piercing that is gold with a small gem on it. His left eyebrow have two slits. He did some sort of change through their silence.
"Oh hey, Hobie." Pav spotted him to say hello.
Gwen turns to him with a smile, he didn't care for it. He wanted to see Miles reaction, he thought he would avoid him. Instead, Miles turns to him with a soft smile and small wave.
"Hey, Hobie." He soft said. It melted his heart to hear him again. Those beautiful doe eyes that shine like precious Topaz, those full pouty lips begging for a kiss, and radiant glow on his freckled cheeks. Just seeing him, again brought back feelings he tries to get over with.
"Hey, Sunflower." Hobie finally said in a calm voice.
Miles merely pouted at the nickname and softly said, "You don't have to call me that." Gwen and Pav became unease as they felt this might cause problems.
"Heh, right." That hurts... then Hobie being stubborn as always, "We're friends, so I can still call you, Sunflower."
"I guess." Miles shrugs it off. "I mean, that's fair, man."
"So! What are we standing here?" Pav jumps to wrap his arms around the two's shoulders on each side, "What are we doing here? Didn't Lyla called us for a mission! Come on, the Spider Band back together again!"
"Yeah, I really want to see how that suit works, Miles!" Gwen said happily, "I can't believe Miguel let you wear the first prototype!"
"Miguel?" Hobie thought to himself, "Since when they got close."
Miles chuckles, "Yeah, I had to do a lot of crazy missions to get his approval. I was against Araña, and she really wanted to try it out."
"Ohh, I know she must be pissed." Pav giggles as the gang walk to Miguel's office.
Hobie merely stayed quiet as he watches Miles from behind, and his rear. It's looking mighty nice, seems like he's working out more often than before.
During the mission, Hobie had certain speculation that Miguel and Miles had a thing going on. Why? Well, in Miguel's office, the older Spider-man had his eyes on Miles, and would often place his hand on the twenty one year old's nape of his shoulder. It could be for reassurance and the punker's jealousy, but he knowns the signs.
He saw the way Miles gave Miguel a small smile with a nod then the leader would go back explaining about the mission's plan. When the gang was about to leave into the portal, Miguel stop Miles and asked something. Hobie couldn't catch it, he already went into the other world, then Miles follow.
During the mission, Hobie worked with Gwen and casually asked if anything was going on with Miles and Miguel. Gwen burst out laughing and scoff with "Your jealous, Hobie. Come on, them two? That's crazy!" She too didn't believe in them being together.
Hobie on the other hand knows they are. He can tell the way Miguel care for Miles, the small touches, and always asking if he's okay. It's not that hard to miss. His heart aches when he sees his Sunflower smiling brightly whenever Miguel comes to him, that smile use to belong to him, him only. To be admire and cherished by the punker.
"Shit." There goes those feelings again. He could feel anxiety and panic spiking in him, the regrets he did in their relationship. Now, all chances are gone and his Miles is running towards another man's arm- not just any man, Miguel's.
That's the worst! Hobie would be slightly fine with anyone- Hell even Ben would be okay on his book, but MIGUEL? Something about that controlling are made his blood boil, now it's worst when it's his Miles, his soul mate being in that man's arms. It irks him to the core. No, he needs to talk to Miles, there has to be a way to fix this. He didn't want this.
After their successful mission, the Spider gang decided to have lunch as a way to celebrate. Hobie saw Gwen and Pav heading to the cafeteria, but the punker stood behind to see Miguel taking Miles' hand back and softly asked, "Estás bien, Morales?" He hide behind the doorway to listen to them.
"Sí, Miguel. I'm fine." Miles nodded with a slight chuckles, as he felt Miguel's hand on his waist then on his shoulders.
"How's the suit? Lyla said it started to malfunction around your sides?" He asked softly.
"Yeah, I think it's not good at absorbing my energy... I think I got bruises? If it's okay. I can come back after lunch? Quieres que te traiga algo? Puedo conseguirte empanada y refresco."
"Sí, por favor," Miguel said with a soft kind smile that Hobie never seen before, "Take your time. I know you want to be with your friends." His hand gently caressing Miles' right shoulder.
Hobie clenched his fist in anger. So that's it. Miles is with Miguel. He quickly walk in the cafeteria being so upset. "Whoa, what's with you?" Gwen said, having to order McDonalds.
"Nothing..." Hobie mutters.
Sooner Miles came to order some food for him and Miguel. He looked chipper, "Miles, are you gonna join us?" Pav asked while he eats his lunch.
"A little bit. I promise Miguel to get his lunch." Miles said holding a bag of their take out. "I don't want him to eat alone."
Hobie slams his drink on the table, "So, is this what your doing now, Miles?"
Gwen and Pav quickly turns their heads being in shock by their friend. Miles didn't show any emotions, just a frown. "What are you talking about, man?" He asked in a serious tone, this time they could see anger building up.
"You and Miguel or you think I'm a dimwit, eh?" He began as he sat up from his seat, "I saw the way you two look at each other- by the way, fucking pathetic for an old man like him to be with someone that could be his child's age!"
"HOBIE!" Pav hissed in shock. Some of the spider-heroes listened on the drama around them. "Dude we're in public!"
Gwen scowls, "Dude, that's not okay! Stop it. I told you, him and Miles aren't a thing."
"No, let him think that! Because he always did when we dated, but that's what cheaters do huh! They blame everyone else but themselves." Miles snaps at his ex-boyfriend. "You think I didn't know about you and Miles 42?"
That caught the punker off guard. "Nothing happened." He lied.
"Oh please, I know you and him had it going on! Not to mention, you slept around with whatever groupies you got with. So put those insecurities to rest! I'm trying to be a team player now." Miles fumes, "You know, what I'm not dealing with this. Talk to me when you got nothing to say about me and Miguel."
"No. No! You don't get to leave and go to him!" Hobie slam his hands on the table causing a scene then getting up to face Miles, "You knew, I despised that bloke and there you go running to him! Why? I always knew you would go to him!"
"No, you used that as an excuse to cheat on me! It's not my fault you weren't ready to in a serious relationship!"
"I told you before that I never believe in them! You think loving you would be enough!" Hobie shouted out loud.
"YES!" Miles shouted back causing the two to stare with their eyes widen. Then his voice went soft almost hurt, "I loved you, Hobie. And maybe it was stupid of me to hope you would see that and give us a chance... but I was wrong."
Hobie stood with his hand clenching into a fist. "It is stupid of you to think that." He finally said in a low voice, he could've been honest right here. Confesses his love, admit to him that he wanted to be with him, but no. He couldn't. He didn't deserve Miles... after all the pain they went through.
No, he needs to end it. He can't risk another painful heartbreak, and disappointment like his crap life always treated him.
"I never loved you enough." Lies.
Miles stood with wide eyes. Pav cover his mouth with a small gasp.
"I never wanted us to be together." Another lie.
Miles eyes began to water. Gwen quickly went over to hug Miles, she glared at Hobie. "That's enough, Hobie!"
"I always thought what we had was an open relationship. All fun, nothing serious..." Another painful lie, he just need to cut the rope.
"Hobie, no! You loved Miles!" Pav said as he got up to comfort Miles, the young Spiderman already having tears running down his cheek.
"No, I never did! All that was lies... I just wanted to have fun." Hobie casually shrugs.
His friend glaring at him, while Miles weeps in their arms. This hurts way too much. He knows what he did can never be forgiven, his heart is shattering too. Then he felt a strong hand on his shoulder, "Hey," knowing that damn voice anywhere, Hobie turns over his left shoulder to find Miguel standing behind him looking very pissed up, "that's enough, Brown."
"Tsk, whatever." Hobie scowls at him, "I bet you like him like this, because you can take advantage of the lad."
Miguel said, "Don't you think you done enough?" His hand from Hobie's shoulder left to aim at a crying Miles, "Does that make you feel any better? Eres una persona terrible si así lo crees."
Hobie shrugs before taking his leave, "You can have him! I'm done. I don't care no more. He's always looking at you than me, so does it matter?"
No, they were lies. Miles loved Hobie more than anything in the world. He was one of the most loyalest and faithful partners, he had ever had.
In the end, Hobie left his friends, Miles and Miguel without another word. Miguel went over to check on the twenty one year old to see if he was okay.
"Hey, it's okay, kid." Miles hugs the leader of Spider Society for comfort, feeling so broken. It wasn't supposed to happen this way, he thought they could find a way to deal with each other.
Miguel's hand gently stroke Miles' back seeing how Gwen and Pav were looking at them a bit rather odd. No surprised, Miguel was never a gentle Spiderman like Peter.
Well, all the matters is that Miles is okay. That's his main concerned at this moment. "Look, let's go eat lunch in my office and you can talk to me about," His voice low for Miles to hear.
"Okay." Miles wipes his tears feeling embarrassed. He turned to his friends, "I'm sorry."
"No, it's okay." Gwen looks at Miguel, "Can we join?"
"Yeah, it's fine." Miguel said, "He needs people close to him." He just wanted the kid to be alright. Heartbreak is never easy, he will be honest about that.
Hobie came back into Miles 42's apartment drunk and tired. "Man, what the fuck are you doing in here?" Miles 24 scowled.
"Shut up, and kiss me." He slurred his words, "I had a shitty day."
"Pfft, since when you don't, man!" Miles 42 rolled his eyes then went over to roughly kiss Hobie, he felt his hands trying to pull down his jeans. "Hey, chill! Your drunk."
"Pfft, so! I need you right now! Shit..." Hobie touches his cheeks feeling his own tears coming down his face, "Fuck... I just saw my ex with that arse."
"Miguel? The big guy? Really, those two- damn." Miles 42 nodded knowing the large guy is pretty handsome, then saw Hobie looking down. "Ugh, come here, dumbass. This shit will go away." Being a softy, he made Hobie sleep on his bed.
"Thanks, luv. You really get me." Hobie mutters as he felt Miles 42's hand on his cheek.
"Pfft, I'm only doing this so you won't throw up on my shit!" He said out loud, then saw Hobie sleeping away. Man, this turns out to be one big mess.
Hobie merely mutters, "Sunflower..."
"I'm not him." Miles 42 rolled his eyes then leaves over to kiss Hobie's cheek. Fuck it, let's pretend for now.
(What do we think? Pure heartbreak)
(Part 2)
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1
Episode 16: My Phony Valentine
~Swellview High~
Henry saw Bianca taking a drink from the water fountain in the hall. It was the season of love, or rather, it was getting close to Valentine's Day and he wanted to ask his crush out.
"Boo!" He snuck up on her and made her jump. The girl choked in surprise and began to cough.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." Well, that wasn't how Henry had planned it in his head.
"That's okay. Hi." The brunette smiled at him.
"Hey, so chickity check it. Two tickets, you and me, tomorrow night. Yeah. Valentine's Day. That's right. I'm gonna keep saying things until you smile." Henry showed her the online tickets he had to Club Soda, but to his confusion, the girl didn't smile, she just looked anxious.
"Henry, I can't go with you to Club Soda tomorrow." She told him, making the teen boy's heart sink.
"But I bought us tickets for Valentine's Day." He spluttered.
"Well, you should've asked me a week ago," Bianca told him, trying to walk away but Henry kept talking.
"Oh come on. You, like, wanted me to officially ask you out?" Ah boy, this kid had a lot to learn about the art of dating.
"Yes. That's how girls work." Bianca frowned at his naivety, as Charlotte coughed from the other side of the hall.
"Oh, sorry. I just swallowed some 'told you so'." The dark-haired girl smirked at Henry. She had warned him about not asking Bianca earlier, but he hadn't listened. 
"Come on, Bianca." Henry pleaded with his crush after Charlotte walked off to her next class.
"Someone else already asked me to go to Club Soda tomorrow night." The girl sighed.
"Who?" Henry asked, agitated that some other kid had beaten him to the chase.
"Mitch Bilsky." Her answer horrified Henry. Who would want to go with that jerk?
"Mi--you're--wh---Mitch Bilsky is all big and mean and stupid. And Mitch." Henry looked at her with disgust on his face, but Bianca didn't care about his opinions on her date.
"Well, he asked me in advance, sorry." Bianca gave him a sympathetic smile, and walked away, leaving Henry to face the wrath of Miss Shapen.
"Well, Henry Hart. Or should I call you, Ffff?" The teacher said to the boy.
"Why would you call me 'Ffff'?" He asked her with a confused face.
"Because Ffff stands for 'F'." The teacher showed him his test result, causing Henry's face to turn pale.
"I failed my test?" He breathed out.
"Oh yeah, and I was just about to tape it to your locker." Miss Shapen said.
"To shame you." The woman replied and walked over to Henry's locker to stick up his failed test.
"Look, Miss Shapen, I can't get an F." He pleaded with her.
"Well, too late, poop tart." She snapped back, not being the kind of teacher to remark a test so easily.
"Well, why have you been in such a bad mood all week?" Henry asked her, noticing how on edge she was.
"I don't have to tell you." She replied, but she couldn't hold back her tears.
"Did nobody invite you out for Valentine's Day?" Henry didn't have to be a genius to work that one out.
"Oh, God, it shows? Do you have a tissue?" Miss Shapen looked at him in alarm. She burst into more sobs, making Henry feel awkward. He fumbled in his pockets to see what he had, but all he could find was a dollar bill.
"I got a dollar." He said, tentatively passing her the note.
"Give it." The woman proceeded to blow her nose on Henry's money, who looked at her in disgust, but then, he suddenly formulated a cunning plan.
"Hey. What if I could get you a Valentine's date with Captain Man?" Henry said to her, making her look up at him in disbelief.
"You don't know Captain Man." She told him, thinking that what he had just said was too good to be true.
"Uh, true, true. But if I can find him and get him to have dinner with you tomorrow night, can I re-take the test?" He looked at his teacher hopefully. Sure, Ray would be furious, he had been hoping to do something with (y/n), but Henry knew he didn't have the guts to ask her out.
"If you get me a date with Captain Man for Valentine's Day, I will take you F and turn it into one of these." Miss Shapen drew an F on her PearPad and turned it into an A, much to Henry's delight.
"Okay, I'm going to try." He said.
"Henry, wait. Your dollar." She gave him back the bill, and Henry stuck it to a locker, not wanting to carry around a mucus-filled dollar in his pocket all day.
~The Man Cave, later that day~
Henry had pulled up a picture of Miss Shapen on the supercomputer's monitor and was trying to convince Ray to take her on a date for Valentine's Day. His grade was on the line here, so he was using every trick in the book.
"Are you kidding me? That's your teacher, Miss Shapen." Ray asked him, looking at the woman's photo in repulsion. Why would he choose that over a certain (y/h/c) haired helper?
"My single teacher." Henry clicked his fingers at Ray, who wasn't any more convinced.
"Oh, I'm so surprised." The man replied sarcastically, wandering away from the computer.
"Come on, if you have dinner with her, she'll change my 'F' into an 'A'." Henry pleaded with his boss.
"Hey, I got a good idea." The man turned around to look at his sidekick.
"What?" The boy looked at him with hope.
"Why don't I have Valentine's dinner with your mom?" Ray smirked, causing Henry to snap at him.
"NO!" The boy shouted, not wanting (y/n) to hear Ray talking about his mom again.
"All right," Ray muttered back, as (y/n) came walking down the stairs from the sprocket. She saw that Henry had arrived and smiled at him. Ray looked at her with a pointed curiosity. She had a spring in her step, but he didn't know why.
"Hey, guys." She greeted them, as Henry noticed her particularly cheerful demeanour.
"Hey, what's got you all happy?" The boy asked her, watching as her smile grew even brighter.
"You'll never guess." She teased them, leaving the two males in suspense.
"What?" Ray shared her excitement, loving to see her so smiley.
"Yeah, come on, tell us," Henry added.
"Well...I have a date. For Valentine's!" She squealed, shocking Henry and almost killing Ray. She had a date? With who? When had she been with anybody else? How had he not seen this coming?
"A date?" Henry stumbled out, painting a smile on his face as Ray struggled to breathe, let alone appear happy. She never went on dates, so whoever had caught her attention must have been special. His heart sank to see her so happy about someone else and it was his turn to feel the bitter sting of jealousy.
"I know! Me, on a date!" She exclaimed. She knew that Ray would probably have hundreds of girls lined up to take out, so she decided that for once, she wasn't going to spend the night of romance alone. She would try to find companionship with someone else, even though they could never match up to him.
"W--who is he?" Ray stuttered, finally getting control over his tongue. He had even managed to twist his face into a smile despite his heart aching in his chest.
"Well, there's this guy called Drake I always see at the library, and for weeks he's been asking me out and every time I've said no. But he bought me a rose for Valentine's Day and he asked me on a date tomorrow, so I thought 'what the hell?' and said yes!" She explained quickly, her rapid words making her slightly out of breath. 
Ray took in her flushed cheeks and wide grin and could see how much this date meant to her. He could never deny anything that made her happy, but this made his head spin. Her beauty was obvious but subtle, classic but nonconventional. He scolded himself for thinking that other men wouldn't see it; of course, they would. She captivated those around her with a quick wit and shining personality, so it was no wonder this guy was desperate to ask her out.
"And he's nice?" He breathed out, copying Henry's smile when the kid tapped him on the back to remind him to be happy for her. He hadn't asked her out; it was his fault she'd found comfort with someone else. There was no use complaining when he'd done nothing. 
"Yeah, he's cute and funny, and we both love cheesy romance novels." She giggled, making the large man smile sadly.
"Then he sounds perfect for my best friend," Ray told her, the words leaving a sharp, acrid taste on his tongue. He wanted to be perfect for her. 
"So, will you do it?" Henry broke the tension, hoping that Ray wasn't too depressed to say no to his plan.
"Fine, I'll have dinner with Miss Shapen." Ray hissed. His Valentine's couldn't get any worse, so why not?
"Yes!" Henry cheered, here comes that 'A'!
"Wait, as in Henry's teacher, Miss Shapen?" (y/n) looked at him in surprise.
"Yeah, Henry wants Captain Man to take her on a date, so she'll change his grade." He groaned at her, but the idea of Ray sitting through a date with the odd woman made her laugh.
"Sooner you than me, that woman is weird!" The girl giggled, her friend looking both annoyed and amused by her entertainment at his predicament.
"Ooh, she loves chicken, so feed her some chicken," Henry added in, making (y/n) howl with even more laughter. 
"You're going on a date with a cat now!" She wiped the tears from her eyes when she imagined Ray throwing chicken scraps at the woman.
"All right," he growled at her playfully. 
"Oh, Ray. I will never forget this." The teen slapped his arm in excitement.
"Neither will he." (y/n) snorted, her joke setting her off again. Ray ruffled her hair, as Schwoz came down from the sprocket, wearing a frankly hideous and outdated suit.
"Hey, look at me. I'm Mr Varlintine's." The small man told them in his funny accent and gestured to his outfit. The three looked at him with frowns.
"That is bad."
"Yikes." They all said together, whilst Schwoz walked towards them.
"That's what you're wearing for Gerta?"Ray asked him, looking up and down at the other man.
"Oh yes. Gerta will love this." Schwoz stroked his neon pink, ruffled shirt.
"Is she blind?" (y/n) retorted, not seeing how anyone could like the awful clothing.
"Who's Gerta?" Henry asked in confusion, having not heard of this Gerta woman before.
"His Valentine's date, who's actually a..." Ray started, but then he had a brilliant idea.
"Hey, Schwoz?" He looked at the little guy.
"Our friend Henry here waited until today to ask a girl out for Valentine's," Ray revealed, making (y/n) and Schwoz look at the boy in disbelief. Ray couldn't really say anything though since he hadn't had the balls to ask the woman he was in love with on one, stupid date.
"What?" Schwoz couldn't believe it.
"You do know that's not how girls work, right?" (y/n)asked Henry, who sighed in frustration.
"I know that now." He said in a monotone voice, fed up with people telling him the same thing.
"So, why don't you let Henry take Gerta out for dinner tomorrow night?" Ray finished explaining his plan, but Schwoz was keen.
"Me take Gerta?" Henry hadn't even seen this woman. 
"No way. Gerta is for Schwoz only." The genius insisted, but Ray wasn't going to give up that easily.
"Come on, just lend her to Henry for one night." The larger man begged him, his words making Henry feel uncomfortable.
"This conversation is weird." The boy spoke.
"You don't know the full picture. Just call Gerta in here." (y/n) said to Schwoz.
"Sure." The man proceeded to call his 'girlfriend' over from the backroom in his native language. A large, angry-looking woman stomped in, causing Henry to flinch back at how unattractive she was. 
"You have an odd taste in women, Schwoz." (y/n) commented, making the small man turn around and frown at her.
"Uh, I'm pretty sure she's not my type," Henry told them, not being able to comprehend why they had thought this was a good idea.
"She's not a she," Ray replied.
"And I'm outta here." Henry freaked out and made for the elevator, but (y/n) grabbed his shoulders before he could leave.
"Relax, Gerta is an android." She explained to him calmly, but it didn't help Henry's understanding.
"A fancy robot." Schwoz clarified.
"She's...That's a machine?" Henry looked at the woman in shock.
"Show the kid." Ray nudged Schwoz as (y/n) leaned back into him. Schwoz turned to his robot and instructed her to take her head off. The sight of the woman's head in her hands made Henry fall over in surprise and Ray giggle along with (y/n). 
"That's the coolest thing I've ever seen." The teen told the adults once Gerta had put her head back on.
"You ain't seen nothing yet." The genius smiled at him.
"Really? What's she gonna pull off next?" The boy asked.
"No, no. Gerta's a shape-shifting android. Show him." Ray told his sidekick and put his arm around (y/n)'s shoulders as Schwoz gave them a demonstration. Using a remote control, Schwoz transformed Gerta into a pretty teenager, who wouldn't look amiss in Henry's school.
"Okay, shut up. That did not just happen. Did that just happen?" The boy looked at the cute girl who had just appeared before his eyes.
"Hi, my name's Delilah." The girl smiled.
"Well, hey there, Delilah," Henry smirked.
"Goddamn love that song." (y/n) stated, looking up at Ray, who just smiled down at her with the same-old lovesick grin.
"Eh?" The adults said to Henry, who was thoroughly impressed.
"So, I can take her to Club Soda tomorrow night and no one will know she's fake?" Henry wanted to be sure.
"I'm not fake, Henry. I love you." Delilah said to him, making Henry smile in success.
"Well, I love you too," Henry replied. 
"And dude, you take her to the club, it'll make Bianca so jealous." Ray reminded him, making (y/n) frown.
"Okay Casanova, are you sure this plan of yours is going to work?" The woman looked at him with a sceptical face. Ray just shrugged off her comment, even though behind all the countless dates he went on, he was terrible at love. 
"Yeah. Ooh, wait," Henry interjected, his brain concocting a devious idea.
"Wait for what?" Schwoz asked him, not understanding why the boy was hesitating.
"If I'm gonna make Bianca jealous, let's really go for it." The teen stated.
"Meaning?" (y/n) asked, not liking where this was going. Poor Bianca was being set up for something that wasn't even her fault.
"High school girl," Henry smirked at the men, as the young woman slapped her forehead in annoyance. 'Why are boys, such idiots?' She asked herself.
"And she's gotta be all like--" Henry tried to tell Schwoz, but the genius already knew what he was looking for. He pointed his remote at the cutesy teen and transformed her into a hot high school girl. She had brown hair, great makeup, a cute dress, and long, tanned legs that stretched on for miles. Boy, Henry was going to clear the floor tonight.
"Well, happy Valentine's Day to me." He put his arms around Schwoz and Ray, and they all looked at Gerta with smirks on their faces.
"Something will go wrong." (y/n) said in a sing-song voice, but like always, her foresight was ignored.
~The next evening~
Ray had been getting the Man Cave ready for his 'date' with Miss Shapen when Henry came down the tube to pick up Gerta. 
"Hey, dude. Is Gerta ready?" The teen asked his grumpy boss.
"Yeah, she's over there." Ray pointed at the android by the supercomputer. She was wearing a cute red dress and black flats and Henry was sure he'd get Bianca to notice him.
"Sweet." Henry beckoned the girl over to him, and it was then that he noticed Ray' lack of energy and tetchy mood. It dawned on the boy that (y/n) was probably in her room, getting ready for her big date with Drake. 
"Hey, you sure you're okay with (y/n)'s date?" Henry piped up, knowing that Ray was probably feeling awful.
"Not much I can do about it, kid," Ray mumbled, spreading a scarlet tablecloth across the couch table. He proceeded to roll out a midnight blue table runner over it and then started stacking some candles and roses around the back of the couch. If this stupid dinner had to be romantic, he was gonna make it romantic.
"Of course there is. You can---" Henry was cut off by the sounds of heels clicking from the sprocket and Ray knew that (y/n) was coming out to show them her outfit. One word from him and she'd screw her plans with David or Daniel or whatever his name was because Henry knew she felt exactly the same. 
They were just too chicken to see it. 
"Not a word, Henry. This means the world to her." Ray pointed a stern finger at the boy's face, making him swallow and nod in agreement. The two males looked at the sprocket expectantly, but Ray wasn't prepared for the beauty that appeared at the top of the stairs.
Like a princess, she floated down, her blood-red dress stretching over her curves exquisitely. Her hair had been styled to perfection and the smokey makeup she had chosen made her cheekbones and wine-coloured lips stand out. She took her time walking down the steps since her black stilettos were not her natural choice. (y/n) spent so much of her time in a pair of jeans and a pair of beat-up sneakers that seeing her dressed to the nines made both boys blow out their cheeks.
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"Woah, (y/n/n), you look hot!" Henry grinned at her. She could give the supermodels that Ray dated a run for their money. 
"Really? Do you think he'll like it?" The woman blushed under their gaze, feeling slightly nervous in the foreign clothes.
"If he doesn't, he's an idiot," Ray growled huskily and the baritone noise made a shiver go up her spine. If he couldn't be the one to take her out, then he was gonna make damn sure that this 'Drake' guy knew how lucky he was.
"Yeah, you're gonna knock 'im dead!" Henry agreed, glad that Ray was holding up.
"I'm meeting him at the restaurant in half an hour, so I should probably get going." (y/n) said shakily, her nerves whizzing around her tummy. Dates weren't her strong point.
"Have a good night." Ray swallowed his envy and passed her the black clutch bag she had left out. She smiled at him in thanks, the scent of her favourite perfume made him feel dizzy.
"I should be back around 11. Have fun with Miss Shapen." She smirked and walked away to the elevator. Ray busied himself by lighting the candles, not wanting to see her go.
"Me and Gerta better go too. Bianca will be at Club Soda by now." Henry said, taking the android's hand.
"Remember, her name's Tiffany now." Ray reminded him.
"Right, right. You sure you can handle Miss Shapen by yourself?" The kid asked over his shoulder as he went to the tubes. Ray popped a gumball and began to chew. After all, Miss Shapen didn't want to see Ray Manchester, she wanted Captain Man
"Yeah, Captain Man can handle anything." The superhero revealed, as he blew a bubble and transformed into his uniform.
"Cool, good luck," Henry called out, just before the tubes sucked him and Gerta away. Ray sighed to himself. This was going to be an interesting evening.
Ray wheeled the champagne trolley to the side of the table. He had set up all the food from the auto-snacker and the crockery for himself and Miss Shapen. The chicken wafted a lovely smell through the Man Cave, and he was certain that Henry's teacher would love it. All he had to do now was get through the night.
Suddenly, his phone beeped in his pocket, and looking at the caller I.D he saw that it was his sidekick.
"Yeah, Henry, what's up?" He answered in a tired voice. First (y/n), then a crappy date with a madwoman, he wasn't sure what else could go wrong.
"I need to know if Tiffany can dance," Henry told him, needing the information for a dance battle.
"Pffft. She's a highly sophisticated android. She can do anything, dance, fly a plane, she's good with puppets." Ray listed everything that came to the top of his head.
"Cool. Hey, are you on your way to pick up my teacher?" Henry asked. That date couldn't go wrong.
"No. I sent Gooch to get her and bring her here." The man said.
"What? You can't bring her down into the Man Cave. You said we always have to keep the location a secret." Henry spluttered. 
"She won't know anything." Gooch picked her up, put her in a sack, and he's gonna send her down here when--" Ray was interrupted as the woman in question came screaming down in a tube. She was in a huge sack and surprisingly, had managed to stay on her feet.
"She's here. I've got to go." He told his sidekick, knowing that a night of pain was about to begin.
"Hey, I know she's not (y/n) but make her happy. I need her to change my 'F' into an 'A'." The kid reiterated.
"Yeah, blah, blah. Bye-bye." Ray hung up the phone, the reminder about (y/n) made his heart twinge. He went to pick the teacher up off the floor, as the sensation of the tube retracting had made her fall over. She was groaning in pain, so Ray tiptoed over to her wriggling form. Untying the sack, he pushed the material over her head and then the woman smiled flirtily up at him. 
"Well, hello, Captain Man." She looked up and down at his body, making him tense in discomfort.
"Hello." He gave her a small smile. 
"So...you're gonna stand there looking handsome or are you gonna help me out of the sack?" The blonde woman said to him. Ray grabbed her hands and helped her up, revealing more of the woman's shockingly pink outfit.
"Oh, hey, is that chicken?" Miss Shapen asked, spying the food on the table. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the bird, as Ray guided her over.
"Yes." The woman let go of his hand and went to look at the food. It seemed that the chicken was more interesting than him.
"Please, sit down." He told her graciously, remembering that he had to make her happy.
"Oh boy, that chicken looks good," She said, pulling the plate that the entire bird was resting on towards her. Ray looked at her with an open mouth when she yanked a leg off the body and began to savagely eat away. Sighing, he served himself some of the sides he'd put out; looks like it was just rice and salad for him tonight.
Miss Shapen quickly discarded the leg bone and tore off a wing, devouring the meat in seconds as she had done previously. The superhero in front of her picked through his plate, watching as the bird became a pile of bones.
"Uh... can I get you another entire chicken?" He asked her, not believing how rapidly she had guzzled down the meat. He had barely touched his food since watching her eat had put him right off. Also, the fact that (y/n) was probably smiling over her pasta at Drake around now made his appetite shrink.
"Nah, I can still chew a little more off this one." The woman told him, so Ray looked back down at his plate and pushed through his rice again. Schwoz came singing from the back of the Man Cave and interrupted their date, not that Ray cared.
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know you had company." He apologised and tried to run back to where he came from. Desperate not to be alone with Miss Shapen for one more minute, Ray got up and quickly pulled him back.
"No, no. Please stay. Please. Come meet Miss Shapen." He squeaked to his little friend, conveying his distress to Schwoz.
"Sharona." The teacher reminded him.
"Right, Sharona Shapen, Schwoz Shwartz, Schwoz Shwartz, Sharona Shapen." He pronounced their tongue-twister names and quickly sat down. 
"Nice to meet you," Schwoz said politely.
"Anyone mind if I take off my shoe?" The woman asked, working her flat off her foot.
"Actually, please don't take off your---" Captain Man tried to tell her, but she did it anyway, revealing a huge, abnormal toe.
"That is a big toe." Ray groaned in disgust, Schwoz almost retching. The little man ran off to the back of the Man Cave to save himself from the smell of her feet. Seeing that they were now alone, Miss Shapen stood up and placed herself in Ray's lap, freaking the man out. She began to pet his hair, as he remembered all the times he and (y/n) sat like this when watching a movie or scanning the computer for crimes. It was never like this.
"So... I have this sore on my back." The woman told him.
"A sore?" The superhero was certain he was gonna throw up. 
"Uh-huh. Maybe one day you can drive me down to the wound clinic." Her attempts to flirt were terrible, and luckily for Ray, his phone started to ring in his pocket.
"I gotta take this!" He said sharply, taking the teacher off his lap and moving away from the couch.
"Well, who is it?" She asked in disappointment.
"It doesn't matter." Ray mashed the elevator button and swiftly stepped inside, eager to get away from the woman. Miss Shapen went back to gnawing at her chicken as her date answered a call from Henry.
"Hey, kid, what's up?" He answered, glad to be away from Sharona Shapen for a minute.
"Ray, listen. Tiffany's gone crazy." A panicked Henry rambled into the phone.
"What? What's she doing?" Ray asked.
"She's tossing Mitch Bilsky around like a big bag of fudge. Ray, how do I stop her?" Henry watched as the android threw the bully around the room. 
"You just have to press a small red button on the back of her neck." The superhero explained.
"Got it." Henry hung up, leaving his boss to face his teacher again. Opening the elevator door, he saw her nibbling on the chicken carcass and decided to just sneak back into the elevator and leave. 
"Maybe I'll just sit down in here for a little while." He told himself, the idea of doing nothing in the elevator sounding so much better than watching that woman eat. 
He sat for around fifteen minutes, moping about how the woman he loved was falling for someone else. He even found a bolo bat lying around, and used it to chip away at his boredom.
"Well, I better go back to my date and her big toe." He mumbled to himself, shivering in disgust at the thought of his gross foot. 
He opened the elevator and saw Miss Shapen back in her sack at the tube area, laughing with Schwoz.
"What's going on?" He smiled at them, the sense of relief he got when he saw her affections being lavished on someone else filling his body.
"Oh, I'm just going to take a little trip with your boss." The teacher explained, her words confusing Ray.
"My boss? Shwoz is not--My boss, Schwoz!" Ray quickly jumped onto what Schwoz was saying, knowing that this was his chance to get rid of her.
"He's going to take me to the wound clinic." She smiled at the little man.
"They love her there." Schwoz grinned too, tying the sack over Miss Shapen's head.
"I've heard," Ray noted.
"Happy Varlintine's Day," Schwoz said to the man and sent himself and Sharona up the tubes. Ray was happy to bask in the quiet stillness of an empty Man Cave and he wandered over to the table. He picked up what was left of the bird on the plate.
"There's no saving this chicken." He joked to himself, but his face bent into a puzzled frown when he heard the elevator come down. Maybe Schwoz had forgotten something?
His questions were answered when (y/n) stepped out into the Man Cave. Ray looked at her in confusion, wondering why she was home so early.
"(y/n)? Why are you here? What happened to Drake and your date?" He held her by her elbows and saw how distraught she was when her glassy eyes met his.
"Jerk never showed up." She said to him simply, her voice hoarse and close to breaking. 
"What?" Ray felt a dark anger rise in his stomach. He clutched her elbows tighter and watched as a tear rolled down her face. The bastard did what?
"I don't know. Maybe he got lost or he couldn't make it or maybe it was just one big joke." She smiled bitterly, so her friend brought her into a tight embrace. She didn't deserve this. All she wanted was one night to take her mind off how shitty her love life was, but this just cemented her idea that she was destined to be alone.
"He doesn't know what he's missing," Ray whispered into her hair, wishing that he could take away her pain.
"Yeah." She mumbled, leaning into his warmth for a few moments. Ray knew that he couldn't let her big Valentine's night end like this, so he thought about what he could do to make her happy.
"Come with me." He breathed into her ear and started to lead her to the tubes.
"What?" She sniffed, following him in confusion.
"Just trust me." The superhero gently told her, keeping her in his arms so they could share a tube. 
"Up the tube!" Ray shouted and they lifted, higher and higher until they could go no further.
"Ray, we're on the roof." (y/n) pointed out, looking at him weirdly. Why had he brought her here?
"Yeah, I know." He said nothing more, just guided her to the ledge that looked over the park. She rested her hands on the wall and turned to glance at his face.
"Look." He whispered, and she did, her face softening at the view. The sky was almost pitch black, apart from a small streak of fuchsia clouds where the sun's light was still receding. The tallest skyscrapers and buildings of Swellview were black silhouettes against the backdrop, as the park and its surrounding neighbourhoods began to flicker to life. Her eyes reflected the lights of the homes of Swellview and she never knew that the city could look so beautiful.
"I didn't even know you could come up here to see this." She said quietly as Ray came to stand beside her and placed his hand on top of hers.
"Yeah, I never really get the chance to do this anymore." He confessed, enjoying the way she seemed at peace now. He had discovered the view when he had first moved into the Man Cave under Junk-N-Stuff and his superhero life was becoming too much for him. 
"Thank you for showing me." (y/n) continued to gaze at the cityscape, feeling as though this was their view, no one else's. Their little slice of heaven.
"Happy Valentine's Day." Her love said softly, only he wasn't looking at the view - he was looking at someone infinitely more beautiful.
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axailslink · 2 years
Okay hear me out our poor girl Scotty has 0 play right? So maybe she reaches out to us (the reader) in an attempt to get better at talking to girls. Unknown to her tho the reader has had the biggest crush on her and just hasn’t confessed yet. This could be a series or just an imagine your choice
Care to do it again?
Scotty x FEM reader
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Summary: Scotty asks for your help when it comes to talking to women not knowing you have had a crush on her for two years or so that's what you think.
Scotty stands impatiently at your door as you leave your apartment you jump at her just standing there "God damnit Scotty you can't just be doing that knock good Lord" you place your hand on your chest and lock the door. "What's wrong Scott? Someone messing with you I need to kick someone's ass what is it love?" Scotty looks at you nervously as she slowly fidgets with her hands you immediately unlock the door and pull her in the apartment. "Hey I'm here what is it?" Scotty groans and rubs her face "this is embarrassing what if I just don't tell you?" It's your turn to groan now "you made the commute here you obviously need something don't hold back because of nerves you know I got you always for anything." She smiles a bit at the way you comfort her before finally saying what she needs to "I want to be able to talk to girls like talk talk as if I'm interested."
You're confused as fuck now you had to admit you're surprised she's come to you for this information. Did she think you were some well pimped out person? "And you're coming to me because..?" She smiles at you "I want you to help me you're always overflowing with confidence and beauty how do I do that? You have girls and guys coming up to you I don't have that."
This was like a nightmare to you your crush of two years wants to be more like you to get other girls that aren't you... You definitely couldn't deal but you also would never tell Scotty "no" you'd do anything for her. "I could pay you in return" you shake your head no "no Scott that's not needed love what exactly do you want?" She shrugs and you smile "okay how about you practice some game on me ask me out."
She smiles and looks away you love how shy she gets but you also knew her for the longest so you know that she's not as shy as she puts on. "Hi I'm Scotty-" you immediately burst out laughing she sighs "what?" You mock her with your hand up "hi I'm Scotty" your voice two pitches above her own she laughs at you and grabs your hand "I do not sound like that."
"Oh you so do okay okay I'll show you how I get a girls number" you pause as you remember she grabbed your hand a moment ago you gently loosen her grip and place your hand at your side "I'm goofy so being goofy works for me okay just let me get into character." You shake your arms and walk a few paces back before approaching her "I'm so sorry to interrupt but you are astonishing I mean I don't know if you like girls or guys but I like you and hopefully if you're interested enough could I possibly get your number?" She laughs at you and you break character "is that how you'd ask for my number?" She asks and you laugh before pulling her on the couch.
"No probably not but in all seriousness just be you Scotty shy little timid Scotty. Remember when you'd write me letters in grade school because you hadn't worked up the courage to talk to me? Be that Scotty she's the best version of you" you hated being a friend to someone you knew you loved why? Not only does it hurt but at the end of the day you still have to be a friend and give the best advice you can. She smiles and grabs your hand squeezing it "thank you Y/n you're so good to me" you smile feeling yourself about to reach tears you immediately get up looking everywhere but her she doesn't let your hand go though. "Of course always... uhm I have to head to work thanks to you I might be a bit late." You feel a squeeze on your hand bringing your attention back to her "you might be a bit later I have a question" she pulls you back down onto the couch "hm?" You hum instead of speaking because if you were to speak she'd hear the waver in your voice.
Why can't it be you? Why can't she learn to speak to girls so that can speak to you? Why do you just have to be the friend?
"I want to date you" you blink and your mind does fucking backflips while your face stays the same "what?" You ask thinking you misheard her of course that would be possible your emotions are all over the place you could just be conjuring up t- Scotty pulls you into a kiss catching you off guard however you immediately kiss back cupping her face with both hands. She pulls away rather quickly though she's nervous it's noticeable"I hope I did that right" you nod "I think you did" you look at her momentarily and smile "you could do it longer though I don't bite... unless you want me to" she laughs "oh that's fucking weird" she laughs and covers her face of embarrassment "how can you say things like that? We were having a cute moment" It was good to say you're taking a sick day just because this was huge to you and you needed all the time in the world so you could focus on Scotty.
A/n: not proud of this at all however I really wanted to get your request done.
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luverofralts · 6 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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"Theodosius, thank you for joining us. My name is Alys, and I will be part of your welcoming team for your entrance to Shadowvale Academy. Do you have any questions for me?"
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Theo glowered at the woman, who continued to smile politely back at him.
"Can I talk to my boyfriend now? Why are we still in stupid Arkhelios? I want to go back to Pleasantview."
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Alys' serene expression never wavered. She gestured to her right and another adult appeared beside her. Unlike this Alys, he didn't look like a demon, though maybe Theo was being presumptive. It's not like he looked like a demon most of the time either.
"My name is Leofric," the man said, smiling a little too enthusiastically. "I'm going to be your therapeutic guidance counselor. If you ever need to talk about your thoughts or feelings, I'm at your service. You can talk to me about anything, and it will stay between us. It's going to be a difficult transition, and sometimes demons can be a little too, uh, expressive when their emotions bottle up. Part of taking control over your abilities means taking control over your emotions too. I'll help you work through your emotional stumbling blocks, so that you can graduate into a responsible, mature hybrid in complete control of himself."
"No, I'm fine," Theo insisted angrily. "I'm going back to Pleasantview."
The teen snapped his fingers to summon a demonic portal, but none appeared. He tried again and again, but with no result.
"We've been entrusted with your true name, child," Alys stated coldly. "You'll find that many of your abilities may be out of your reach until you learn to master them. Coming with us isn't a choice. I'm afraid Pleasantview will have to wait."
"No! It's not fair! I need to talk to Adam! I'm not going!"
Overwhelmed with fear, anger, and despair, Theo found himself bursting into tears. He tried to stop the tears in order to look intimidating, but he couldn't. All he could feel within him was a cyclone of those emotions, blurring out every rational thought.
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"Change can be difficult, I know," Leofric said soothingly, putting a reassuring arm around the teen. "What you're feeling is natural, especially now that you've realized that your normal means of escape are no longer possible. This is all part of the process; it's only natural. Why don't we continue this conversation inside so that it can remain private?"
"Where are we?" Theo asked through his tears. "I don't even know this part of Arkhelios."
"Because your parents and elected leader are sheltering you," Alys replied. The tone in her voice dashed Theo's hopes of escaping. Hopefully the rest of his so-called team were nicer than she was. Somehow, he didn't think he'd be that lucky.
"This is the former residence of the Chun family and the current residence of the Chun Undead. It is a part of your journey and where we must begin."
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"I don't remember this place," Theo insisted, staring at the walls, hoping something would spark in his mind and trigger a reason why he was being forced to be here. "Those are my parents on the wall, but I've never been here before."
"This is the area where President Bellamy houses the undead," Leofric explained. It's part of a small zoned area for Arkhelios' undead residents to embrace their second chance at life."
"This is the zombie containment area?" Theo gasped. "No one's been here but the president herself! How did you get access here? Aunt Lucy and Grandma petition the government every five years to keep this place sealed. No one is allowed here."
"I think you will find that there are very few places where we don't have access," Alys replied. "We had need of it and it was made available to us. For our purposes, we were also granted the help of the undead. Your president has been very helpful. "
Theo frowned. These weren't the same same kind of teachers the Pleasantview Academy had, and they were well known for their long reach within the country. Wherever he was going, it looked like he would miss the freedom of Pleasantview. Whoever these people were, they were impossibly powerful, both politically and magically.
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"Theo! Theo Dorhack."
"Grandpa? Is that you?" Theo stared at the zombie that was creeping toward him. He certainly looked like Theo's father, and was a zombie, so logically that would make this man his Grandpa Ian.
Theo didn't really know what to expect of his grandfather. From his grandmother's rants, Ian had been a worthless, cheating bum who squandered their money with his whore mistress. There may be some truth to that description, but when Theo thought about how she usually spoke about him, he decided to give his grandfather some grace. Nearly everyone was actually better than how his grandmother described them.
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"Hey, Grandpa," Theo greeted nervously. "How have you been? It's been awhile, huh?"
Theo vaguely recalled his father mentioning that Theo had met his grandfather when he was younger, but Theo had no memory of it. The zombie seemed to understand what Theo was saying, even if he couldn't respond in complete sentences.
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"Sit down, Theodosius," Alys commanded, gesturing to the couch beside her.
Ian seemed to respond to the command, gently pushing his grandson towards the requested seat. Theo grudgingly gave into the command, seeing that he was outnumbered and nearly powerless.
"Now, before we can continue with your admittance, we need to measure the limits of your potential," Alys said. Theo perked up at the thought that he could stall the process, but abandoned all hope when Alys locked her eyes intensely with his. "This is in no way optional. If you refuse to participate willingly, we have your true name already. You will be made to complete the exams."
Theo tried not to show fear, but this woman was a professional. Even when she was merely watching him, flashes of terror flooded Theo, warning him against defying her.
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"O-okay," Theo gulped. "What do I need to do?"
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"We were hoping to chart your natural state to establish an estimate of your abilities," Leofric answered. "Your file indicates that you displayed a large amount of power in this location as an infant. There is a stain of demonic magic in this house that we were hoping to attribute to you, but from seeing you interact with the space, it looks like it belongs to another demon. Perhaps Dorhack, as this was once his domain. It will be added to our measurements, but we need to dig deeper. You will accompany us at dawn to the secondary location. Until that time, you are permitted to sleep. I'd suggest that you take this opportunity. Testing may be...tiring and the chance to sleep may not come again any time soon."
Theo stretched out on the couch he was sitting on, watching his team members watch him coldly. Falling asleep wouldn't be so bad, especially if it meant escaping this nightmare for a few hours. In his dreams, he could return to Pleasantview like he wanted. In his dreams, he could hold Adam again.
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As soon as the sun rose, Theo was rudely awakened when a freezing cup of water was emptied on his head. Alys tried to remain impartial, but Theo swore that there was a devious sparkle in her eye when he woke up sputtering.
"We're leaving. Now."
With sleep still in his eyes, Theo walked through the portal Alys had opened for him. On the other side, he stood in front of a weathered, small house, surrounded by water. Theo recognized the area from his childhood.
"This is still Arkhelios," he stated. "Is this the school? This is down the street from where my dad used to live."
This was much closer to the water than where Roman used to live, but Theo could still see the lights of Arkhelios in the distance. He didn't fully remember the near bunker they had lived in before taking over the Bellamy estate, but he did remember how quiet it was. Very few people came to the island next to Arkhelios due it's size and lack of amenities.
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"This, Theo, is where you were born. Your entrance into the world was here, so it stands to reason that this is the best place to connect with the root of your magic. We have your true name and the location and time of your birth. All we need now is to see how your body reacts to our conditions."
"Conditions?" Theo repeated, but Alys was already climbing the stairs that led to the house.
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"Stand in the magic circle and reach out your hands," the demon commanded. Leofric lingered near her, writing something in a notebook.
Theo did as he was told and immediately felt a rush of energy. His outstretched arm began to waver with the intensity of it all.
Alys nodded her approval and looked over at Leofric.
"Okay, test one, attempt one. And...go."
She snapped her fingers and immediately, all the rush of energy Theo felt exploded, colliding into him at breakneck speed. Energy flooded his mind, and he could feel the weight of the horns on his head, indicating that he'd shifted into his dark form.
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"This feels funny," Theo stated, noticing the energy forming around his hands. He felt the top of his head worriedly. "There's still the extra horns from before. Plus the wings. They're sort of a new thing. Maybe they're part of what's wrong with me?"
"Unlikely." With a snap of her fingers, Theo immediately shifted out of his dark form, hitting the ground as his regular self. The change happened before his body could even register the movement.
"Well, that's what happened the other day with Adam," Theo said, hopeful that the experiment had concluded for the day and that he could go home. "So, since you've got the data, I should probably-"
"Test one, attempt two," Alys replied, snapping her fingers again. Theo swore she looked excited at the opportunity to inflict pain and discomfort on him.
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The rush of energy came faster this time, still nearly knocking Theo to his feet. The transformation felt nearly instantaneous. Theo could feel the power coursing through his veins, energy exploding from his fingers. Every second, he felt as though he was about to burst from the amount of energy coursing through him. This was how he felt with Adam. The wild, unyielding power that threatened to destroy him had taken over his body within seconds.
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"Now hold that position," Alys commanded. "We're getting a good reading. Okay, now try to summon energy to your hand, just what you did with Apprentice Darktide."
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Theo obeyed the order, despite the amount of pain that he felt while doing so. Energy crackled in the air around him. His eyes felt like they were burning in their sockets. The room faded away from his vision, leaving him with nothing but endless darkness. Theo was sinking into darkness as an unnatural light shone within him, destroying his ability to concentrate on what was happening to him. He was going to explode from the magical pressure building inside of him. There was only darkness and pain and fear and....
Theo's mind snapped back to attention the instant it collided with something impossible to ignore. A tiny light in the darkness called to him, offering him shelter from the chaos of his thoughts.
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The more Theo reached for the light, the more familiar it became. He could feel an unmistakable warmth unfurl around him, easing the fury of the energy forcing the shift into a dark form.
Adam, I finally found you.
There could be no mistaking the change in the air. Even Ian could sense that something had changed, despite not having the capacity to voice it in words. Theo didn't appear to be struggling nearly as much as he had before.
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It was impossible for Theo to fight the urge to stay in his dark form, but he was making an incredible effort resisting it. He was no longer breathing heavily and was able to maneuver his hands together to expel whatever he could of the power burning within him.
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"Fascinating," Alys exclaimed, putting away her notes in order to fully observe what she was seeing. "Finally, a reading that makes sense. Leofric, when we get back to the school, please send our gracious sovereign a message. The situation is as she thought it might be. The boy is stable here where he entered the world, while using a secondary source's power."
"That's wonderful," Leofric replied. "He can follow a fairly standardized course of study then. I'll have most of his entrance package ready within an hour of our arrival." He paused for a moment, running different scenarios through his mind. "And the secondary source? Do we need to contact them?"
Alys shook her head, still marveling at the teen in front of her. With every passing second, the boy seemed more calm, more in control of himself. Provided the right elements, this little hybrid was more than capable of growing into the threat the Sovereign envisioned. Once he learned to control his abilities, who knew what he could do, especially when paired with this secondary source?
"Only the Sovereign and Master Maricourt need to be informed," she decided. "They are our employers. The magic that they have said this boy can produce...well, the Ocean never gifts such power to a single person. You remember the stories. How odd to finally see such a thing in person."
Leofric nodded, still unsure of what his opinion on the matter would be.
"I'd be more inclined to believe the boy is the result of blood and contracted magic," he suggested. "This Dorhack and his daughter making contracts with powerful families and performing illegal magic would also explain the boy's abilities."
"No, this has the stink of a deity all over it. Impossible life magic, pairing the boy off to be grounded by another? You're far too young to know this, but our controversial life deity came into being due to circumstances much like this. Maybe this all started with Dorhack, but even he couldn't pull this off."
"I disagree. Blood magic amplified by a broken curse can easily explain this," Leofric replied. "I suppose we'll see when he gets settled in and starts training which one of us is right."
Alys snapped her fingers again, releasing Theo and sending him crashing to the floor, his dark form immediately vanished.
"It's a bet. Take Mr. Bellamy through the portal and get him settled. I'll be along shortly."
She gestured towards a wall, opening a portal that would lead Leofric and his young charge to the school.
"I have a feeling that this will be one of our more memorable students."
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askaceattorney · 9 months
Christmas Chicken
It is the day before Christmas and Larry wants to buy Edgeworth chicken from KFC. Hopefully, this year's Christmas will be better than it was 16 years ago.
Today would be the last day before Christmas break when Phoenix would be off work for two days. Last Christmas was the exception because of Edgeworth, but this year he would finally have his days off. It wasn't as if there weren't other lawyers willing to take cases. Usually, trials would not take place on Christmas unless they were big ones, especially ones that involved those who worked in law. After last year, Phoenix wanted this year to celebrate Christmas with Maya, Pearl and-
The door burst open with Larry storming in urgency. Oh no.
“NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK! We gotta hurry before it's too late!” Larry cried excitedly.
“Before what is too late? Larry, what do you want?” Phoenix asked.
“Chicken, dude! It's the Holidays and we still haven't got our chicken for Edgey!”
“Wait, what are you talking about?” Phoenix asked, now seemingly more confused. Sure, California followed the tradition of eating chicken for Christmas instead of turkey or ham, but he couldn't recall him and Larry agreeing to buy chicken for Edgeworth. Not that he wouldn't want to.
“Don't you remember? How could you forget about our promise?” Larry asked his eyes in tears.
“Promise?” Phoenix questioned, rubbing his chin to figure out what it was that Larry was talking about. Christmas. Chicken. Edgeworth. “Hold it! Are you talking about that time you dragged to go to KFC to buy chicken for Edgeworth for Christmas?”
“YES! I knew you wouldn't forget!” Larry smirked, hands on his hips, before crying again. “But, Edgey and Pops weren't home that day!”
“And left me out in the cold rain for hours while the chicken grew cold,” Phoenix reminded Larry, already feeling his buckets of sweat pouring.
“And ruined our beloved chicken,” Larry finished, still in tears.
Actually, the chicken wasn't ruined. It had just turned cold and Larry left Phoenix by himself in the rain with the chicken still in the box, trying to keep it from sogging in the rain. It was recalling that memory that Phoenix remembered how much trouble he got for being out in the rain and catching the flu. This was also the last day he ever saw Edgeworth and the last Christmas they had before DL-6.
Sighing, Phoenix agreed, “I'll go, if it makes you feel any better.”
“Awesome Nick. I knew I could count on you!” Larry grinned happily, showing his teeth. He then showed his smirk again. “I checked the weather too. There should be no rain this time.”
“That's... good I guess,” Phoenix replied, still wanting to bring an umbrella just in case. “There should be a KFC just a few blocks away.”
“Let's go, then!”
Phoenix and Larry went outside, hopping on their bikes and riding along. However, Phoenix made sure to put up a 'Closed for the Holidays' sign before leaving. Maya was already shopping for chicken for her and Pearl, so why couldn't he? It was very cool today with the entire city of L.A. decorating for the holidays with their bright lights on the buildings and trees that sparkled green, yellow and red. Christmas trees were propped up with decorative lights and snowflakes were planted on the windows and doors. Advertisements were everywhere of Christmas cakes, chicken, chocolates, coffee and sodas. Lines were piling up to get their holiday meals.
“No worries, I already made a reservation, so we should have our chicken hot and ready!” Larry assured excitedly.
“Did you reserve a whole chicken?” Phoenix asked, being that 16 years ago Larry had only got the chicken bucket since he didn't know that the whole chicken had to be reserved. “How much did it cost?”
“Don't worry, it's only forty bucks. I figured you'd be able to pay for it. It beats using Edgey's lunch money,” Larry said as Phoenix shot him a glare. “I'm kidding, man!”
“Of course, you are because, at the time, you had to beg your sister for money while combining it with my pocket change I got from mowing lawns,” Phoenix reminded Larry.
“Hey, you remembered! Man, my sis was so mean! I had to clean her room for the entire week just so she could give me ten dollars. Between the two of us, we were able to reach enough to afford a big chicken bucket,” Larry said blissfully.
“Don't you get paid for that Santa gig or wherever you're working at now?” Phoenix asked.
“Yeah! You want us to split like 16 years ago? I can cough up twenty.”
“Yes! I still need to save some for Maya and Pearls! I'm not spending Forty bucks for a bird you ordered!”
“Fine. Fine. We'll split the cost. Geez, that's all you had to say.”
Phoenix was now remembering that last Christmas with Edgeworth so clearly, now that he was helping Larry. He never realized how much this meant to his childhood friend. He still remembered, that after buying the chicken bucket, he and Larry were searching for Edgeworth. It was almost Christmas Eve and had realized that the Edgeworths were not home. They didn't realize that Gregory had taken him and Miles to have Christmas with his colleague, Raymond Shields. Worst of all, it began pouring rain.
“Great, now our Christmas Present is ruined!” Larry whined as Nick protected the chicken bucket with his body and the edge of the roof of the apartment where the Edgeworths lived. “Let's go home, Nick.”
“No! The chicken is fine! We can still give it to Miles,” Young Nick exclaimed, feeling the pour of water from the rain pouring from the roof and onto his back. He was determined to protect the chicken bucket.
“Forget it. He's not home. We're already in trouble as it is,” Larry sighed, walking mopily back home. “Merry Christmas.”
“Larry,” Nick muttered, hearing the thunder from the rain and feeling stupid for not bringing an umbrella like his mom always told him to. He stared down at the bucket of chicken with determination in his furrowed eyebrows. “Miles will come home. He has to.” He looked up at the dark clouds of the sky as his entire back began to drench in water, his body shaking from the cold water. Thankfully, it rarely ever got cold in L.A.
“We're here!” Larry cried excitedly, Phoenix was now back to reality as the two of them parked their bikes at the bike rack, remembering to lock their bikes with the bike lock. “Hurry!” Larry took his best friend by the sleeve of his blue suit, then dragged him to the back of the line inside KFC.
There was an aroma of cooked chicken and fried foods. It was enough to make anyone who entered go hungry, even after eating. It was mostly clean with a sizable line and people at the tables talking among themselves. The sounds of beeping could be heard from behind the cash registers all lined up along the long counter where the crew workers were cooking the food, taking orders from the drive-thru and preparing.
Larry excitedly stared at the screen menu, grinning, “I've already ordered ahead of time, so they should be ready with the chicken to pick up.”
“Did you really order a whole chicken?” Phoenix asked in an amazed tone.
“Sure did! I wasn't going to ruin the chicken this time,” Larry smirked braggingly.
“The chicken wasn't ruined last time either. It just got cold,” Phoenix reminded his friend once more, sighing.
“It was still ruined. We never even got to eat it together,” Larry cried sadly as Phoenix shook his head.
“Because you left so soon.”
“The chicken was ruined!” Larry cried with such heartbreak that Phoenix felt bad, but also...
“Larry, we...” Phoenix tried to explain before they made it to the clerk.
“What can I get for you?” The Clerk asked politely.
“Oh yes, we ordered a whole chicken earlier this month. Larry Butz,” Larry said, his tears now gone and replaced with his usual cocky expression.
“Ah yes! Mr. Butz. Let me check,” The Clerk replied checking the orders to find a whole chicken.
“Thank you!” Larry cried out.
“Larry, listen, about the chicken,” Phoenix said, taking his friend by the shoulder.
“I know, right!? I can't wait until we get a bite of that!”
“No, I mean when we were kids. After you left, I waited with that chicken bucket for hours until the Edgeworths got home.”
“I know, Nick. The chicken was cold and you caught the flu because I always ruin everything,” Larry sighed sadly.
“Larry, that's not wha-” Phoenix tried to say, but was interrupted.
“Don't try to make me feel better, Nick. I know I'm trouble. That's why they call me the Butz. 'When something smells, it's always the Butz.' I just wanna do something right for once, alright. I always mess everything up, even my relationships.”
“Larry...” Phoenix said gently before the clerk came with the bag with the whole grilled chicken inside. The white bag showed the face of Colonial Sanders on the front.
“That will be 41.23,” The Clerk said as both Phoenix and Larry opened their wallets.
“Wait, I checked the price and it said $40!” Larry exclaimed.
“That's before tax, Larry,” Phoenix explained, feeling like facepalming right now. “It's fine, I'll pay the extra dollar and cents.”
“Thanks, Buddy,” Larry cried joyfully before he and Phoenix split the pay of the chicken, with Phoenix paying an extra dollar and twenty-three cents more.
Larry and Phoenix tied the bag before making their way to their bikes. Larry dropped the chicken in Phoenix's front bike basket. The two of them made their way, peddling to Edgeworth's apartment. Larry seemed so excited that everything was going his way for once. However, the one thing he seemed to underestimate was how long it was going to take to get to the apartment and to check the sky. Phoenix knew and was thankful he always knew to bring an umbrella. It was just like 16 years ago.
The first few drops landed on Larry's face before he screamed, “SERIOUSLY!?! It's raining!” He stopped peddling as Phoenix paused his, opening his umbrella.
“I've got an umbrella and the bag is tied tightly. The rain isn't going to ruin the chicken if we hurry,” Phoenix promised before the few drops turned into a downpour.
“Why does the world hate me!?” Larry cried dramatically, Phoenix keeping his umbrella above the chicken to keep it dry.
“I just want this Christmas to go right for once! I even checked the weather to make sure it wouldn't rain and they said it wouldn't!”
“This is not fair! Christmas is ruined and I-”
“LARRY BUTZ WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!?!” Phoenix screamed at Larry, making him stop his dramatics and stare directly at his friend, who was using his umbrella to protect the chicken. “You are a butz and always cause trouble, but you were the one that brought us together!” Larry stared at his best friend dumbfounded, his eyes still blinking in shock as Phoenix continued, “You stole Edgeworth's lunch money and while that might've resulted in me getting thrown under the bus by my classmates, that action showed me who my real friends were. You were the one that introduced me to Cow Tipping.”
“Yeah, before almost getting killed by a bull,” Larry muttered.
“But, we weren't and do you know why?”
“Because Edgey got us out?” Larry replied with a question.
“That's right. In the end, getting me to Cow Tip is what brought Edgeworth into the cattle pin and got us Detention. We were the only ones in the Detention Room. We were together.”
“Our Christmas was ruined that day, but not because of the chicken. It was because you weren't there,” Phoenix said as Larry's face began changing to that of a look that had been hit by a bulldozer. “So, don't leave this time when you don't even know how Christmas will turn out. Just because it didn't go the way we wanted, that doesn't mean it's all for naught. Look at the chicken.”
Larry looked at the chicken, seeing that it was still tied shut without a drop of rain on it. Even so “The chicken will get cold,” he said.
“It will. So, don't leave us this time. Let's have Christmas together,” Phoenix said as Larry nodded solemnly.
“Let's have Christmas together... rain or no rain,” Larry decided, getting back on his bike. “I won't leave this time.”
Phoenix smiled warmly before the two of them peddled down the rainy path. They were almost to Edgeworth's apartment anyhow. While riding his bike, Phoenix made sure that the chicken stayed as dry as it could with his umbrella. He was just as determined to save the chicken as he was those years ago. At the time, he never realized how much that day meant to Larry or his wanting to make that Christmas without causing trouble. Phoenix always assumed that Larry just never thought much of all the times he caused trouble for others. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that, in Larry's shoes, he'd feel dejected.
That Christmas was the last holiday Phoenix and Larry had with Edgeworth before DL-6 which would take place only three days later. Larry just wanted to make things right with Edgeworth, knowing Christmas was probably the worst holiday for him as a reminder of the worst day of his life. However, what Larry never knew was what had happened that day after he left.
Nick waited at the Edgeworths' apartment for hours and minutes he couldn't count. It was already black outside and had been freezing from the rain pouring and trying to keep the food dry. His arms went stiff at this point, his breaths panting before taking notice of the headlights from the car. Nick blinked, focusing on his breathing without noticing someone approaching.
“Nick, is that you? What are you doing here so late at night?” Gregory asked as Nick turned, not realizing his face was in tears.
“Larry and I got Miles some chicken a-and now it's...” Nick sobbed before sneezing.
“You're an idiot! Where is Larry!?” Miles asked, sounding angry as Nick turned his face down sadly, his body shaking again before feeling a brown coat over his body.
“Come here,” Gregory cooed, holding Nick in his arms. “Miles, bring the chicken inside. Hurry!”
“Yes, Father!” Miles replied, hurriedly taking the bucket of chicken and bringing it inside the apartment.
“B-B-But the chicken's probably co-oh AH-CHOO!” Nick trembled before sneezing.
“We can heat it up and eat it. Come on, now. I'll go warm you up some hot tea,” Gregory said, bringing Nick inside to provide him with warm clothes and to warm up the chicken.
Larry and Phoenix finally made it to Edgeworth's apartment, the sky already dark with its black clouds and thunder. Grabbing a hold of the bag of chicken, Phoenix dashed the doors of the stairwell, making their way to the front door of Edgeworth's apartment. At least the rain couldn't touch the chicken, now that it was dry. Larry pressed the doorbell.
“Hey Edgey! It's Nick and your old pal!” Larry called as Phoenix's body began shaking. He turned, taking notice. “Hurry up man, Nick is shaking! It's pouring out there and we brought you some chicken!”
The door opened, only to meet a familiar face that Phoenix did NOT want to meet, but it seemed Larry thought the opposite. He grinned, “And, who are you supposed to- EEK!” An oncoming whip made his way from the trigger-happy prosecutor.
“What is the meaning of this!? Phoenix Wright, you better explain yourself before I-” Franziska demanded before Phoenix began to sneeze.
“Sorry,” Phoenix moaned, feeling the sniffles.
“Honestly Wright, after all of these years, I'd think you'd have learned about going along with Larry's ideas!” Edgeworth rebuked with a voice filled with annoyance.
“You know this foolish man?” Franziska asked dumbfoundedly, glaring at Larry who got up.
“Sure do. Edgey and I go way back. So... are you Edgey's girlfriend? I didn't think he would ever get a date,” Larry grinned as Edgeworth glared at him.
“For your information, she is my mentor's daughter and like a sister to me!” Edgeworth glared.
“Oh, a sister. Why didn't you say so?” Larry said, not erasing his grin.
“S-So um... can I go inside. The chicken's already cold and I- AH-CHOO!” Phoenix sneezed.
“It went cold again?” Larry asked, saddened. “It's just like 16 years ago. I always ruined everything, even chicken.”
“What are you blabbering about?” Edgeworth asked, seemingly confused.
“H-H-He's talking about that time when we bought that KFC chicken bucket and AH-CHOO!” Phoenix explained before sneezing again.
“Ah yes, my last Christmas with you. You really did miss out, didn't you?” Edgeworth smirked slightly, showing a much softer smile.
“Huh?” Larry asked with blinking, surprised eyes.
“Father took Wright in and got him a new change of clothes while heating the chicken he brought in the oven. We ate while spending Christmas Eve together. It was the very first ever sleepover I had and Father was grateful that I made a friend,” Edgeworth explained while Larry sat there, hearing everything that he had missed out on. “I always knew you were foolish, but leaving your friend out in the rain by himself and missing out on the happiest Christmas of my life was the most foolish out of all of them. Honestly.”
It hit Larry over the head in his realization of just how stupid he had been. He felt so angry and upset with himself at the time that he just gave up. Phoenix never gave up, even when all the rain was pouring down on him. This was the last and happiest time Edgeworth ever had with his father and Larry missed out on it. He got himself up, not even noticing Franziska folding her arms and thinking.
“I'm... very sorry, Edgey. I'm sorry for not being there and I'm sorry for leaving you out in the rain, Nick,” Larry apologized.
Phoenix sniffed, replying, “Y-You're always trouble. AH-CHOO but... I told you didn't I? You brought Edgeworth and I together.”
“Maybe, but you're the one that is keeping us together. You still sought Edgey when I gave up on him after he left. Don't sell yourself short,” Larry said, showing a warm smile.
“O-Only if you d-d-d- AH-CHOO don't,” Phoenix sniffed as Edgeworth humphed.
“Honestly, get inside. You're freezing to death, Wright! I've got a pair of extra clothes your size,” Edgeworth offered, guiding Phoenix inside as Franziska took the bag of chicken.
“Hmph, it seems you fools were able to keep this dry. I'll see to it that it's heated up properly, but it will have to be eaten now,” Franziska stated factually as Larry followed her.
After eating the bucket of chicken that had been warmed up by Gregory, Nick and Miles slept in their sleeping bags with night clothes on. Gregory made sure to call Nick's mother to inform her where he was and ask if he could sleep over. Nick knew that his mom was going to get onto him for staying out in the rain and catching a cold. He felt his nose stuff up, making it hard to breathe in though his nose. He blew his nose, but his nose still felt stuffed.
“You are the most stupid individual I've ever met in my life,” Miles rebuked.
“Sorry,” Nick apologized, huddling into his sleeping bag. “I had a great time tonight.”
“I did too,” Miles replied, smiling softly. “Thank you. I never had friends over for Christmas. Can we do this every Christmas?”
“Mhm,” Phoenix promised. “We'll spend every Christmas together.”
“Make sure to bring Larry this time. I won't forgive you, if you let him ditch you again,” Miles stated as Phoenix nodded. “I mean it. Larry is trouble, but that's because he only sees what's in front of him, not what's beyond. You need to remind him that there's always something beyond his sight. I know he's more capable than he thinks. If he only just tried and never gave up, he can reach the stars beyond my reach.”
“You really think so?” Nick asked.
“I believe the both of you can. Larry just never tries, while you try too much,” Miles said, sighing before closing his eyes to go to sleep.
“Heh,” Nick responded, staring up at the ceiling as he began feeling sleep taking over, perhaps from the cold medicine he was given earlier. “Merry Christmas.”
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c0rrupt4 · 3 months
𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘆 •︎ Il Dottore x Male Reader
This is Chapter 3. Prologue. Chapter 1. Chapter 2. You can read the book on Wattpad here.
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"Can we meet Lady Ruka?" Dottore questioned, causing a moment of silence between the three.
"I said. Would It be alright for us to meet Lady Ruka?" Dottore questioned again causing Feno to let out a heavy sigh.
"The Blooming Lantern Festival is beginning tonight and it lasts for the week, it's an Elven tradition to welcome in spring and to see what the future holds... Lady Ruka will be very busy this week."
"Well, Feno I'm sure I can help out in some way so that Lady Ruka could have time to meet with Lord Dottore. I could even take notes while I'm at it!" Viva beamed happily.
"Ah, yes, finally a worthwhile idea, Viva. Hopefully, you can make up for your recent mistakes. After all, you have been nothing but utterly useless this trip Viva."
"Ah, Dottore don't be so harsh with the people that serve you—"
"Respectfully Feno. I have no need for your insights on this matter. This mission was Viva's chance to prove Why she should still be alive much less work under me. And yet neither has been proved."
Feno sighed once more realizing he would get nowhere with this. Feno's heart ached at the fact that Viva was used like a tool and nothing more. It was devastating to see.
"Alright follow me and we shall meet Lady Ruka. To the capital of the Rokoskha Empire is about a half a days journey we should hopefully arrive by sundown just in time for the first and most important event of the Blooming Lantern Festival, Foresight."
I groaned as I got up and trudged towards my desk. They fortunately left me with hundreds of thousands of scrolls and an abundant amount of ink to write with. These scrolls are probably the sole reason why I have any sanity left, well the pathetic people of Lumar would beg to differ. It doesn't matter though, 200 years to do nothing but reflect and improve my magic, why those sorry little maggots will be doomed once I'm freed of this tower.
I whistled a tune as I began writing on a scroll. It was a musical spell, the only feeble attempt of magic I could manifest in this tower
The familiar shattered mirror that was hung up beside my desk began to glow a violent bright pink and out flew a large beetle, yet it had beautiful elegant wings that rivaled many of the butterflies native to Lumar. My precious Hendra, the only form of 'friends' I have now in my oh so pathetic state.
I swiftly turned around with the scroll to greet my little friend..
"Hello, my dear Hendra. You are to be my eyes, ears, and mouth to the outside world. I'm going to enchant you with large amounts of magic, of course, the spell won't take effect until you leave the tower. Lead a hoard To the capital of the Rosokha Empire and wreak havoc upon these pathetic..little people. And most importantly, lead il Dottore here. I don't care what you take to do it. Give him this map and go about your way to complete your duties."
The Hendra after receiving its orders soon flew away into the mirror portal, it brings me much joy that I know my Hendra will fulfill their duties or die trying to. Hendra lacks morals so unlike my so-called 'followers' they have no problem carrying out every single common I utter.
I burst into laughter and tears as the sudden realization hits me. The time has come when no chains will hold me hostage to this godforsaken tower. The time has come when the people of the Rosokha Empire will feel my wrath for what their so called 'Goddess' so honorably did to 'save' them. The time has come when I shall be able to bask in the sun once more.
I will be free.
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Hours later Dottore was left frustrated, and quite frankly disgusted too. He was expecting so much more from the Rokoshka Empire and their 'Goddess' Ruka. But something is VERY off here. The woman seems more phony than the hydro archon. And that says something as all the information he's gathered about both characters were second-hand accounts. But what troubles Dottore is how this woman sits back and lets these people whom she is 'protecting' rule. In this cultish-like kingdom.
Why it is so disgusting how blatantly obsessed these people are with their 'Goddess' that they can't put the pieces of the puzzle together. After all, they claim she's a grant warrior but the only battle defeat she has claimed so far was stopping the alleged tyrant (Y/N) (L/N). Yet there is no proof either... why if Dottore was back on Teyvat he'd skin these fools alive for acting in such a way. But alas the only thing Dottore could do was sigh in the confines of his room and wait for the festival and wait for Feno to fetch copies of Teyvat's history. Dottore prayed he'd at least hear some good news from Viva later.
A few moments later, Dottore heard a familiar rhythmic knocking sound.
Rat-a-tat-tat... tat!
"Come on in Viva. Please, Please! Tell me you brought something worthwhile before I lose my temper and make an example of you here on Lumar."
Viva quickly swung open the door "Ah yes yes. Here is the report on what I found so far, I personally got to work under lady Ruka and help for the event and she seems like the sweetest God-"
"Don't tell me you fell for this foolishness too?" Dottore said as he quickly cut off Viva and snatched the report to look through
"We'll she seems quite mellowed out I mean being alive for almost 230 years. Time really does change a person in this case the person is a God-"
"From these notes, she seems nothing more than a rich noblewoman who has a lot of money and respect."
"Ah, Lord Dottore we've been invited to witness the first and most important event of the festivals, Foresight."
"Yes, there's a lot about this in your notes, give me the quick version and we'll get ready to attend."
"Uh Yes! Foresight is the most important event of the Blooming Lantern Festival. It's where the elven ruler of this time uses a large portion of their power to get a quick glimpse of the future, using the EverBloom mirror. The eleven rulers who are deemed unworthy are very quickly killed by the mirror. alsooo.... uhm, it is custom for people to NOT wear any sort of masks during the festivals as those who wear masks are seen as traitorous and lack morals-"
"So you are telling me to remove my mask to please these pathetic eleven people? The same cultish people we saw carrying many expensive and luxurious large silk rugs around just to place on the ground so their 'Goddess' to walk on it as they deem the ground is unworthy of her. THE SAME cultish ignorant fools that practically kiss the very tiles she walks on???"
At this point, Dottore was shouting and Viva knew depending on her next words guards may either find her dead in this castle sweet or enjoying the festival that takes place in an hour.
"L-L-Lord... Lord Dottore.. I'm positive they'd make an exception for someone as exceptional as you." Viva managed to squeak out
"Get out of my sight woman before I lose my temper."
"Ah, yes. Maids will be coming by to bring you a... I forgot what it's called but it's essentially a kimono of sorts."
Dottore only huffed as he turned to continue reading the report Viva gathered. Viva quickly took this as her queue to leave.
A little over an hour Dottore had received a white Haori and and Black Kimono to match. A little bland but it's better than wearing something tacky. Ultimately although Dottore had a horrible feeling pooling in his gut he chose to ignore it. Along with Viva's suggestion to take off his mask. I mean, after all, he is here to learn about Lumar so anything that does happen adds to the experience.
Rat-a-tat-tat... tat!
Once again the familiar melodic knock was heard once more. Dottore moved to open the door to greet Feno and Viva. Viva was wearing a white kimono, towards the end of her sleeves, had an ocean themed pattern with a ocean patterned Obi to match. Feno was wearing his priestly garments still.
"Let's leave now Dottore, Lady Ruka is waiting for us at the Elder Thusarch Tree, the center of the Rokosha Empire. We must not be late as we will miss the Foresight."
"Ah yes the Elder Thusarch tree there wasn't much information on it from Viva's notes-"
Feno quickly cut off Dottore, "Lady Ruka will explain everything when we arrive. Now move along you two we shall be late!" Feno said as he rushed the two to the carriage.
Dottore wished he could have stabbed Feno then and there.
Stepping into the midst of the city that surrounds the elder tree felt surreal as the living arrangements in the Rosohka empire were truly unique. As there were now houses around... we'll not be on the ground at least. The entirety of the city was built into the large trees of this forest. It was late at night too, yet the sky was so illuminated due to all the homes and lanterns in the trees and sky.
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The people were buzzed running back and forth to gather last-minute things for the festival. Of course, Feno was also in a hurry, as Viva and Dottore didn't get to take in much of the scenery as they dragged along to the center of the city. Running through the forest you can hear much chatter from the city above.
"HUNNY! Where are you!? We going to be late."
"Where's my gifts for Lady Ruka!?"
"Ah, I wonder if my dessert set in time..."
It didn't take long for the three to get to the center as the city wasn't particularly large in width as the city is built higher up with houses stacked upon one another built into the trees. Dottore honestly wishes to poke his head in a few of the homes to see what it feels like.
Are the walls or should I say wood solid or could you hear your neighbors through them?
Are their homes flammable seeing as they are built into the trees?
What are the wealthier homes like?
What are the poorer homes like?
But never mind that, as they arrived at the Elder Thusarch Tree. It was a large willow tree with a mirror embedded into it. There were already at least hundreds of priests that had arrived not including the thousands of citizens that arrived for this event. They have to push their way through the crowd. A tedious task, but after a few moments, people started backing away from them and giving them space... Ah? Was it Dottore's mask? Something as simple as going against their culture struck quite a bit of fear in these eleven people.
Dottore mind was swimming with questions, hypotheses, and more; but there are far more important things. Like finding who Lady Ruka really is, and information about the Elder Thusarch Tree.
"Ah Greetings, Travelers from Teyvat! I hope you've enjoyed your time at Lumar so far--- ah, Dottore... Didn't Viva tell you that wearing masks at the festival is a large offense... seeing as his servants used to use enchanted masks to wreak havoc in the festival... I'd ask you to please remove it."
"Removing my mask is not something I'm willing to negotiate on, it's not my fault your people are so bothered by my mask."
"I- I see.. we'll as visitors to Lumar I will not hold this against you." Ruka paused to face the elven crowd of people. "Let us begin the Blooming Lantern Festival!"
The elven people began to cheer and clap excitedly. Dottore couldn't tell if it was for the festival or if it was just to see Lady Ruka. I mean sure she's a sweet elven woman with long black hair that touches the ground with a pair of vibrant green eyes to match. Or maybe it was her soft voice that captivated these people? Either way, it was a mystery...
Ruka turned to face the Elder Thusarch Tree and walked up to the Everbloom mirror that was embedded into it, The mirror was covered in moss and was foggy. The people fell silent, the only noise was that of the flickering flames in lanterns that were all around them. Then Ruka touched the mirror.
Then suddenly there was a Fierce wind! The rushing winds blew out all the nearby lanterns, taking the only light source of the night, and nearly knocking over many people.
But as soon as it started...
it stopped.
【︎ᴜᴘ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪᴠ...】︎ ✼「彼」との出会い ⚘
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zylophie · 1 year
Styling Dates 🎀
↳ Makeup and Styling their hair
♬ X is typing...
↻Improved version of ModNene/X's work on this blog
ModRui, I revamped my work. Please let my family go/j
𝅘𝅥𝅮 If you would like to request click here and read the noticeboard
■ Contents: Fluff/Comfort/Angst [Drabble]
► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Mizuki Akiyama and Ena Shinonome
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(Y/N) had called over Mizuki to their place for a makeover. Upon hearing the request, Mizuki got really excited to come over as she had never tried styling anyone from out of her circle. Though the question now bugs is, did (Y/N) asked to do makeup for fun?
Nightcord at 22:00
(Y/N): Hey Mizuki? Are you there?
Amia: What's up?
(Y/N): Are you free tomorrow?
Amia: Yeah, I don't have any work.
(Y/N): Could you come over to my place tomorrow at 08:00?
Ding Dong!
"Yahoo! Is anyone home?"
(Y/N) quickly rushed down to the door of their apartment. Stood behind it, was their friend, Akiyama Mizuki, who (Y/N) had called over yesterday on Nighcord, to invite them to their place for help
"Ah there you are! Geez, you really surprised me with this one. Asking me out of nowhere to do your makeup and at this time of the day too." Mizuki states as (Y/N) invited them into their abode. "Ahah sorry about that! Hopefully you got sufficient rest at least since you did mention that you stay up late to work on music videos." (Y/N) replied with a sorry expression on their face for interrupting Mizuki's sleep.
"Don't worry about it, I'm already getting energized thinking of how I'll be styling you. Anyways do you have all your beauty products ready? I also brought some of my things to make you extra cute 𝅘𝅥𝅮" Mizuki then held up a mini tote bag, showing various clothing's and accessories sticking out of it. (Y/N) immediately went to see the tote's bag contents in it and were surprised to find at least 10 different outfits which led (Y/N) turning their head to see Mizuki smirking at them.
Now (Y/N) was in front of a mirror while Mizuki was coming their hair. (Y/N) learnt a lot about makeup during the time you spent with Mizuki and was really glad Mizuki was available for the day. "Oh (Y/N)? I didn't manage to ask this since I was too excited to style you. However, why do you need this makeover for? I mean.. You already look so cute 𝅘𝅥𝅮" Mizuki questioned (Y/N) while they moved onto trying to braid (Y/N)'s hair.
"Hehe thanks for the compliment. As what I need it for.. I guess you could say I'm meeting up with my crush today." (Y/N) replied. "YOU HAVE A CRUSH?!" Mizuki accidentally blurted their thoughts out due to the shocking news, and realised they stopped moving their hands. "Ah, sorry about that accidental burst. I'm.. just surprised.." Mizuki apologised before going back to brushing (Y/N)'s hair. "Are you alright Mizuki? You sounded a bit.. I don't know, upset?" (Y/N) replied, feeling concerned of Mizuki's feelings due to their friends' sudden outburst.
"Me being depressed? Hah, never! I'm fine really!" Mizuki stated, however they felt their heartstrings tearing apart. '(Y/N)? Having a crush? Why can't I be happy for them but I'm not.. I know they deserve better.. But.. It would be nice to be selfish for once..' Mizuki thought to themselves, before Mizuki knew it, they finished styling (Y/N)'s hair.
"I looks so amazing and cute! Thank you so much Mizuki!" (Y/N) immediately inspected their hair through the mirror in their house. "N-no problem! I'm really glad that you like it" Mizuki replied. 'No.. I can't show them I'm sad. They do deserve better, I should just be happy I could be able to give them a makeover for the day. But at the same time.. Why does it hurt so much? ...'
"Oh would you look at the time! I-I just remembered I got work today! I'm so sorry (Y/N)!" Mizuki spoke.
[Angst Ending] - Optional to read
"Eh? I thought you got nothing going on today?" (Y/N) responded to them. Although looking kind of sad for some reason. "Ah yep! I totally forgot about it since we all had new schedules. See you next time (Y/N)!" As Mizuki rushed out of the house, knowing themselves they don't have any work that day. Nontheless, all they wanted to do is cry when they reach their home.
"Oh.. They left quite fast.. Did I mess up..?" (Y/N) questioned themselves. "It's my fault. I probably should've been more direct that they were my crush.."
[Fluff Ending] - Optional to read
As Mizuki was about to leave the room.
"Wait Mizuki!" As (Y/N) rushed over to grabbed their hand. "Is there a way you could probably call to reschedule?" (Y/N) asked. "Don't you have a date to get to? Plus I already took up so much of your time today aha. Don't worry about me, I'm fine really!" Mizuki responded, mustering up all their courage to smile at (Y/N).
"..In that case we do have some time before you work right? From what I know you work fairly close around here." (Y/N) spoke, in hopes that Mizuki had a bit of time left. "Huh? Oh yeah, I guess I do have a little bit of time.." Mizuki responded "Great! In that case how about we go on that small date? Even if it is just a little." (Y/N) asked leaving a really puzzled Mizuki.
"Oh come on! Don't just give me the silent treatment. After all the work I put into preparing myself too" (Y/N) joked sarcastically. "..Eh?" 'Did I hear it right? Man I'm being so desperate my brain is playing mindtricks on me' "But that would mean.."
"Do I have to spell it out for you? Geez, you aren't that dense Mizuki. You are my crush" (Y/N) tried to look away to hide the subtle blush on their face due to admitting it and hoped Mizuki was actually confused instead of trying to tease them.
The moment Mizuki heard those words. They immediately felt warm and went back to their normal self. "Ha ha ha! Got ya to admit it, I knew acting could come in handy one day~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮" helding their head high, though it wasn't acting.
"Why yo-" Before (Y/N) could finish their sentence, Mizuki cut in "Well let's just spend the whole day giving each other a makeover 𝅘𝅥𝅮"
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Ena would always include you whenever she is taking selfies as she wanted to show off your looks to her socials. However one day, you decided you wanted to try in her makeup as you found it really interesting. However, is that the only reason?
"Look at this (Y/N)! Our selfie got over 1000 likes!" As your friend, Shinonome Ena, placed her phone in front of your face. "We should take pictures with each other more often. We look super pretty and adorable together!" As Ena boasted while scrolling through the comments of the selfie post.
"I don't mind taking selfies with you, however in exchange for taking selfies with me, could you teach me how to put on makeup?" Ena immediately halted in her tracks after hearing what (Y/N)'s favour. "Huh?! You don't need makeup! You're already so pretty. Who said you weren't?!" Ena replied angrily. "No one, I just want to learn how since I've seen you put it on several times and I've got interested." (Y/N) tried to clarify, although Ena did not fully believe her. However, she accepted the request.
'Whoever told (Y/N) that they're ugly. I'll make them have regrets by making them the prettiest they could be! I'll show them!" As Ena worked really precisely on (Y/N)'s makeup and ensured every foundation, blush, beauty products is applied with most cautious and care on her beloved (Y/N)'s face.
Ena then continued on to do (Y/N)'s hair. Which she found was really soft and smooth and was easy to comb through. '(Y/N)'s hair is really pretty.. Wait why am I helping them again. Is this the right thing to do? If (Y/N) really did get insulted then aren't I making it worse to show that they need makeup?'
Ena, who was focus began to drift away in her own thoughts, debating if this was the 'right' way to help. After all she did learn that she should've helped Honami embrace her own style instead of changing it.
"Ena? Are you alright? You sort of paused a little." (Y/N) spoke up, looking worried for Ena, since she paused her work. "Ah.. I can't help but notice if this was the right thing to do. I know you said it was for interest but I really still think someone is insulting you. Could you please tell me the truth?"
[Fluff Ending] - Optional to read
"Alright alright, you caught me. The real reason is.." (Y/N) suddenly paused which cause Ena to be more anxious. "Oi! Don't leave me hanging, is there's actually a person insulting or harassing you.. I'll.. I'll scream at them up for you!" Ena jumped in, hoping that whatever she said would cause (Y/N) to open up. Though what Ena said had shocked (Y/N) a bit.
"You would? Thanks but actually my reason for this is simple." (Y/N) quickly spoke to ease Ena's worries.
"I actually just want your attention." (Y/N) put it bluntly. "..Eh..?" "You being on your phone 24/7 and leaving me attention-less! You know how sad that makes me?" (Y/N) scoffs sarcastically. After hearing this, Ena grew a little red. Feeling a little glad she is behind (Y/N) so they couldn't see her flushed face. She then sighed.
"I'm really glad you're okay then.. Also if you want wanted attention you could've asked me!" As Ena slowly became back to her normal self.
"Really? You would've probably argued saying you're not on the phone all the time, Tsundere." (Y/N) instantly regretted calling her a Tsundere as Ena stroked their hair roughly once because of that.
[Comfort Ending] - Optional to read
"..Was it that obvious?" (Y/N) asked. "So there IS someone out there insulting you?! Jeez, people these days." Ena scoffs. "Aha.. Sorry.." (Y/N) apologised as they knew they made their friend worried for them. "They're jerks, don't listen to them (Y/N). You're already so pretty, you shouldn't need to change for others." Ena retorts trying to cheer (Y/N) up a little bit. Though feeling quite a bit of regret doing (Y/N)'s makeup now as it would be changing her for others. "I'm going to stop doing your makeup now if that's fine. I don't think it's right for me to hide your beauty with it. Plus it'll also be proving those jerks right." Ena responded. "If there's someone bothering you please let me know next time." As Ena hugged you from behind.
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