#so hes just like come on guys youre just being mean :( i like regis :)
ghostiiess · 1 year
[NSB HEADCANONS] - when they do a prank on youtube and call you clingy and actually hurt you
pov: (this headcanon is long!!) filming a youtube prank for their channel and calling you clingy, the boys didnt know you were going to be angry and upset after these words. the truth is, you had a rough day and all you wanted to do is spend time with them..
warnings: keeping emotions, a bit of angst at the beginning, being called clingy/needy, being laughed at, being tired from school, i think that's all? let me know if there's more!
type: a bit angsty at the beginning when the guy say you're being clingy/needy and all, but otherwise it's pretty much comfort with an happy ending at the end!!
member: all of them!
!! note: i don't think the boys would ever do this, they're all really sweet and caring. so please, do not take this too seriously! :) !!
this one was requested! thank you!! i'm so sorry it took so long!! i've been super busy with my finals exams and i was super stressed- also, i changed social media / situation for each members (some do not have social media's prompt) depending the one they were using the most/ fitted them the most!
likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated :)
Tumblr media
he woud be gaming with the boys
probably playing smash or something like that
and you just finished a bunch of rough days :/ you were super busy with college stuff and all the studies you had
and of course, you didn't want to tell oli
he was already a bit stressed and working super hard over his music and the videos for the nsb channel
you didn't want to make him more tired and stressed then he already was :(
(the rest of oli's hc and the members' under the cut!!)
to say the truth, all you wanted to do was hearing your boyfriend's voice
so you called him in hope to hear his soft voice
when he heard your call, he sighed
he continued playing like he didn't hear the ringtone.. to which the members were pretty surprised about it..
usually, he's picking up the phone super quick when it comes to you..
so why wasn't he taking his phone?
"your girl is calling you, bro" ryan said while continuing to play
"i know" oliver replied while gaming with his best friends
"did you guys had a fight or smth?" sebastian asked while looking at him "usually, you pick up your phone super quick when it comes to her.."
the oldest moy brother in the group sighed
"yeah, but.. i want to finish beating up regie! i'm this close to have this win!"
a new ringtone could be hear in the room
oliver moy sighed again and gave his joypad to one of the members
he quickly walked of the room while taking his phone
"i'll be right back"
oli walked out of the room and sighed while accepting the call
"hey y/n" oliver said
"hey oli! how are you?" you said
"i'm good, how are you my love?" he said smiling, happy to hear your voice
"i'm tired" you said while sighting
oliver laughed "but you don't seem to be tired of me, huh?"
you laughed a little bit
"what do you mean by that?"
oliver played with his hair anxiously
"i mean.. you always call me and text me.."
you sighed enough for him to hear it
"oh yeah..?"
you sighed again
"y/n, baby, i love you, but please don't say you didn't notice the numbers of call and texts you gave me for the last past weeks.."
"i mean.. can't i call you and texts you?" you asked while yawning from your exhausting day
he sighed
"yes.. i'm not saying you can't, it's just.. you're being clingy a bit.. you're not usually like that.. that's all"
you sighed and felt a pain in your throat
"what do you mean i'm clingy? i'm just asking if we can see each other soon. i just miss you, that's all.."
oliver moy sighed
"you're always asking that, y/n! it's just.. i love you, i really do love you, but.. no need to call me everyday or texts me if i'm being okay and if we can hang out.."
you started to feel tears in your eyes
"fine, i'm sorry then" you said with your voice breaking, making oliver understand he hurt you
"baby, wait, i didn't want to-"
and you hang up
you were just tired of always studying, revising, going to college and still not be able to relax at home. you had work to do nonstop and everytime you thought you were done, your teachers gave you more and more homeworks and studies to do
you just wanted to hang out with your boyfriend to feel more relax, pass time with him and receive his hugs that always made you feel better
and still, you couldn't even have that
you started tearing up until you heard a knock on your door
you knew it was him.
you texted oliver and sighed
"what do you want?"
"i just want to talk, okay? please, i hate when i see or hear you crying. as soon as we're done talking, i'll leave you alone if you wan to, i promise. i just want to talk. i'm really sorry, y/n."
you opened the door and immediatly felt two pairs or arms around you and his head on yours
"i'm really sorry, y/n. i really am. i didn't know it was going to make you cry. if i would have known, i wouldn't have do this. i hate seeing you sad, even more when i'm the cause of your tear on your face.."
he hugged you tighter, your arms were wrapped around him
"i'm sorry if i was obsessive with the numbers of calls and texts. i just had a rough week, but today was the worst. i have a ton of exams and studies to do and it seems like it never ends. i should have just tell you how i felt. i just didn't want to make you worry since you already have a lot of stress and things to work out right now.." you said
without moving, oliver said softly:
"no, don't apologize. it's not your fault. it's mine. i shouldn't have called you like that, i'm sorry. i should have accepted your love and appreciation. i don't care if you call me. i love you and if you want to call me, then do it."
he kissed the top of your head and looked at you with teary eyes
"i hate seeing you like this, y/n. i know college isn't easy and i should have known that you were tired too. you're working so hard, my angel. i'm sorry, y/n."
you hugged him and sighed
"if you want to call me, do it. you don't need a reason to call me. i love you and as a boyfriend, i should be here with you. next time, please tell me how you feel, okay?" he wipe your tear of your face and smiled a little bit
"i want to take care of you, y/n.."
he was in his parents' kitchen, facetiming you and making his breakfast
he was pretty happy to finally be able to talk to you
he was smiling so hard
"did you eat your breakfast today, baby?" he asked you while looking at the screen
you smiled
"i did."
he smiled even more
"glad to hear that."
he smiled and cracked an egg in the stove
"do you want to crash at my place, tonight?" you asked seb
seb smiled and looked at you in the screen while laughing
"why? we saw each other yesterday.. are you that obsess with me?"
he wanted to tease you
you laughed and rolled your eyes
"you wish"
he laughed and continued to cook his breakfast
"so.. can you? i miss you and i would love to have some of your hugs tonight!"
he smiled
"what's up with the cuddly thing? are you missing me that much so we have to see each other everyday?"
you frowned, losing your smile
"what do you mean?"
"i mean, we facetime pretty much everyday and.. i think that's enough? we don't need to see each other every night, do we?"
"i've just missed you that's all.. i've been pretty stressed for the latest days"
he laughed
"you are so clingy i swear to god... but okay! I'll come to 6, is that okay?"
you quickly hang up
you didn't know why you were that affected by that
it was only the word "clingy"
but still..
you missed his hugs and his presence, his spicy cologne he was wearing only for you, his sweet and warm kisses he was giving you..
when seb noticed the call was done, he didn't though much about it
but when he tried to text you and saw that you were lefting him on read, he started to understand a little bit
maybe he did hurt you with his word..
"seb, guess what y/n did?!" matteo said while smiling and showing him a picture of your recent work that you spent at least 30 hours on it for the latest weeks and months
"what's that?" seb asked smiling
"y/n's project! she texted me yesterday that she finally was done with it.. it must have been stressful for her.. look at all the details!! soooo cool!"
then it hit seb
you were stressed
and anxious
all you wanted his hugs and his kisses after working for so long
and still
you couldn't.
he felt so bad 😭
so he immediatly tried to call you and text you like "i'm so sorry, i didn't know, i'm so stupid"
since you were going to college today, he couldn't just go there like that
so he bought you your favorite candy, your favorite snacks and drinks
and since he knew when you finished school or when you had breaks, he was trying to text you once in a while, hoping you'll answer
"i'm so sorry, y/n. i should have know. i'm really sorry to have calling you like that when all you wanted to do was relaxing and passing times with me"
he would greet you with hugs and promise himself to never make the same mistake again
he hate seeing you sad and if he can avoid it, he'll 100% do it
that boy
he was playing videogames and was playing with the boys online
when he saw you entering his bedroom, he quickly smiled
"hey babe." he softly said
"hey" you said while (trying) giving him a side hug
"someone's in the mood for hug, huh?" he laughed
"i love your hugs, what can i say?"
he kissed the top of your head and smiled
"alright shorty. imma continue to play, stay here if you want"
after like 30 minutes of playing, you gave him a kiss and played with his hair
"someone's touchy today... you're usually not like that.."
"boy, stop lying, i know you like my hugs"
he laughed
"hahaha you wish"
you looked at him, still kissing his head and admiring his beauty, while he was continuing to play with the boys
"you are so needy sometimes, y/n, it's funny"
you stopped kissing him and looked at him
"you think it's.. funny?" you asked in confusion
"i mean, yeah.. you're like super introverted and hate physical touch.. so it's kinda funny to see you like this"
you quickly walked away from him and sighed before going on his bed
"sorry, just tired"
he looked at you and laughed before talking into his mic
"guys, i think we found the missing piece!!! go, go, go!!"
you sighed again
"ryan, could we cuddle, please.."
he looked at you and frowned
"maybe later, baby? i'm playing a game, right now. but you can continue to hug me if you want to.. i won't just be able to hug you back"
you sighed
"please, ryan.. for like 10 minutes at least?"
he sighed
"babe, i promise i'll cuddle you right after the game. we have one left"
you frowned
"can't the guys do it without you or like something like that? i mean.. we're rarely had the time to see each other this week and i thought you would want to pass some quality time with me.. we're both pretty busy an it's rare to have both day off.."
he sighed, while smiling
"you're so clingy for me.."
he looked at you and saw the expression on your face and frowned
"you okay, hun..?"
"whatever, i'll go take my shower"
he knew something was wrong
he looked back at his computer's and saw the little calendar standing there, on his left, saying"Y/N'S FINALS!!!!" encercled in red ink
he understood really quick.
"humm guys, i need to go, i'll be right back maybe later. bye" he said not letting them reply
he quickly went to his bathroom and knocked on the door
ofc you didn't respond
you just wanted comfort.. and your boyfriend couldn't even give you that to you
"i'm so sorry. i forgot that your finals were today. how did it went?"
you sighed
"leave me alone, ryan. i want to take my shower. go back to your game"
he sighed and knocked back on the door
"please, y/n. i'll let you alone right after this, but we both know we need to have this lil' talk right now. i hate when we're mad at each other"
you opened the door and instantly received a hug
"i shouldn't have called you clingy. i'm really sorry, i didn't meant to hurt you."
you hugged him back and sighed
"i accept your sorry. i was just super stressed and tired and i'm sorry if i was sounding like i was depending on you or some stuff like that"
he frowned
"never. i should be the one saying that. i shouldn't have said that and.. even though i love gaming, i should have understood your feelings."
he kissed your forehead
"let's just forget this and cuddle, okay? we can talk about those finals if you want to."
you quickly nodded
"right after my shower."
i feel like it would be in texts
"i miss you :(" you texted
"hope ur taking care of u and not negligating ur health"
"bc u often do that lol"
"damn i can't write correctly"
"fuck english grammars, i rather fuck you instead ;)"
"how do i delete this message"
"wait i think i found it"
"idk if it will only be deleted for me orrrr"
"i did it, can you see the message?????"
"i saw a tiktok and it made me thought about you lol"
"anyways, today a random girl went to me"
"smh she just asked me for ur number -_-"
"i thought we were pretty evidate"
"like kissing and holding hands"
"sometimes making out.."
when justin saw his phone notifications, he didn't thought he'll have that many messages of you
you and him usually don't send a lot of message during the day
and when he saw the notifications, he quickly thought something was wrong
"is everything okay? and no i cannot see the message, what were u saying"
"NOTHING- and yeah i'm ok, y?"
"idk, you texted me like 20 times. that's like a lot"
"i thought u were in danger"
"i am not, i just missing you"
"no shit you're missing me, did you see the numbers of messages you sent me 🤣"
"sorry i guess"
justin sighed
"im working on a song, i cannot talk rn, but what did you want to tell me?"
"nothing. like i said, i was just missing u"
justin sighed again
see, justin is like an independant guy
he wouldn't send too much messages at the same time just to say "hey i miss you"
he would rather send you messages like "hey cutie, i miss you"
or like "hey" "baby" "my loveee" "i miss you!! <33"
but nothing like you did
"i miss you too, but i have to work so i'll ttyl, ok my love?"
"r u mad or smth"
justin continued to work on his song with oli
his concentration stopped at the vibration of his phone in his pocket meaning he had received another message from you
"what do you want, y/n, i have to work, i cannot text you rn"
"sorry i was just sending you the tiktok"
"it's giving clingy vibes lmao"
"the tiktok?"
"no, you. it's giving clingy vibes when you spam me like this 🤐"
"is it a bad thing that ur gf want to text you"
"no but it's clingy"
you didn't really know what to say
it was making you hurt a bit
"im sorry ig"
"clingy y/n 🙄 am i right? <3" he texted you while joking, thinking you'll get the joke and the sarcasm
in reality he didn't mind having spam of you
he thought you knew he was only kidding
so when you stopped texting him
and lefting him on read..!
he knew something was wrong :(
"baby, are u mad? 😟"
"i'm sorry i called you like that"
"i didn't mean it. i was only kidding, i didn't know why i said that and thought that it'll be funny."
"i'm sorry. pls resply to my texts. i hate when we fight"
you continued to left him on read
you didn't know why it was making you so mad
and so disapointed
you just wanted to text your bf and have quality time with him
you knew he was working but you loved texting him
"y/n, please"
"don't u have a song to work on???"
"i do, but i want us to talk. i wont b able to concentrate after that"
you sighed
"i'm sorry if i was sounding like a clingy person, i had a rough week and i only wanted to text you and to have some of ur attention. i know you're working and can't leave to see me, but i thought we'll be able to text for a bit today"
"i'm sorry, i should have told you i had a rough day, but i didn't think you would mind it or that we'll have a small fight about it"
justin sighed.
he felt so bad
"don't say sorry. i'm the idiot for calling you like that. i know it can hurt and i should have been more careful with my words. i'm sorry, so sorry and pls next time, let me know. again, im so sorry y/n"
"i'll stop working and go to ur dorm. i don't mind if i dont work on the song 4 now, ty won't fire me or smth, plus seb's not here either so.. we cannot even do videos or tiktoks to promote our songs"
"fine, but only if you bring ur hoodies and ur switch"
"4sure. as again im sorry and will think more before acting or speaking."
so it happenned in the anime store..
so you were choosing anime figurine and felt kane's hand on yours who were on the figurine
"nice figurine!"
"yeah, i think i'm going to buy it for my room!"
"you should! It'll look super great!" he said
you smiled and took his hand
"hey, check the shirts! we could match, what do you think?"
"yeah, maybe.. we could.."
he checked other figurine and smiled
"god this store is one of my favorite! check this figurine!! so amazing, isn't it?"
you smiled and kissed his cheek
"you're too cute when you're smiling and having fun. i love you"
he smiled
"thank you"
he continued shopping like nothing happened
"i love you, kane"
he walked away from you and your hand while you checked the clothes based on one of his fav anime
"i love you, pls say it back. for real this time."
"i love you? you happy?"
you sighed and played with his fingers while he looked at you
"god, you want attention this afternoon.." he said while laughing
"i thought it was going to be a fun afternoon with you.."
he frowned
"wdym? i'm with you! we're having fun, aren't we?"
he frowned
"everytime i'm want to hold your hand or something, you just do the opposite. is everything okay?"
he sighed while having a smile on his mouth
"baby, y/n, i'm fine, don't worry!"
after a few seconds, he finally said
"god, i didn't know that you, not holding my hand would make you clingy.."
at first, he didn't know how hurtful the word "clingy" was
it's only when you frowned and stopped talking when he knew something was up
"is everything okay? why are you mad?"
"i'm not mad."
"you are, i know you! what's up, y/n? did i say something bad?"
you looked at him in the eyes
"i just had a rough week of studying, i had my final this morning and all i wanted was being with you and you call me clingy..?"
it hit him
he felt so bad
like so bad :/
"y/n, i'm so sorry. i didn't know it would make you hurt. if i would have known, i would never have told you that. i'm sorry. i didn't think before speaking"
"i don't know why i thought it was going to be funny. i'm sorry. i really don't mind if you want to hold my hand or give me hugs or even kisses.. i don't mind at all. i like it. no.. I love it!"
"as again, i'm super sorry, y/n. Please, never feel like you're my second priority.. because you're actually my first."
no because this man give me cooking vibes???
like- omg
so i HAD to write one with like cooking and all
i'm already losing tracks, let's gaur >v<
anyways, so like i was saying, i think darren's one would be about cooking!!
cooking together and all, something like that? i don't think it'll be on social media because i don't think darren would say it over the phone or smth like that
like he's more a direct person
so let's set the background :)
he was cooking rice and ramen
and the boys were next to him
and let's say, you had a rough week, a lot of exams and stress
you missed him
like a lot
not only because it's been like two, almost three, weeks you guys haven't see each other except on facetime and on call
but also because you were so stressed and you knew how comforting he was when you had days like these
his hugs and kisses always made you feel better when you had rough days
it's been a while since you guys had see each other so.. of course, he was happy to see you when you walked in the kitchen where the others boys were
"hey y/n!! baby! i missed you!" he said
you gently hugged him and felt his hand coming up and down your back
"someone wanted a hug, huh..." he said laughing
you rolled your eyes, ignoring what he had just said and waved your hand to the others members to say hi
"what're you cooking, dar?"
"rice with ramen"
"oooh" you said smiling "smell good!"
"yeah, i'm also making your favorite with some rice on the side. i thought it could be good. and i wanted to make you something nice"
you smiled while tooking his hand
"i missed youuu"
"i missed you too, y/n"
some minutes later, you hugged him and smiled even more
"ah it smells so good, you're a real chef!"
"thank you babyy"
darren isn't really a pda guy.. i mean he doesn't really mind, he's just a bit more comfortable and lovey dovey when he's alone with you
and just a reminder that you were in front of the others boys
they were trying their best to not make fun of darren and how he couldn't handle your love and all
they thought you both looked so good together
"i missed you" you said with your head on his back while back-hugging him
"i know, you said it earlier"
you smiled and started to kiss his neck (don't worry, it won't turn into a smut) and went to the sink to wash your hands
"can i help you?"
"nah, i'm good. just sit at the table and stay here, i'm almost done, anyways"
"c'mon, you forgot the main ingredient! let me help you with that, at least."
he sighed
"y/n, i'm okay, don't worry! i can handle it alone, trust me! just go sit somewhere and i'll bring you a plate of it, okay? i don't want you to do anything for the moment, just go relax, okay baby?"
"you didn't even started to cook the main ingredient. at least, let me help you with that so we can eat sooner"
he sighed again
you guys knows what's coming...
"why do you want to help me so bad?? i'm good, i told you!"
"aw jeez, i just wanted to help you, that's all. i just missed you, i'm sorry"
he sighed again for the 4758585 time already (yes he sigh a lot in this hc)
"why're you acting like that??"
"like what? i'm not doing anything!"
"no, you're all clingy and all needy!"
then it hits you
damn bro
you don't know what was the most painful: your irrevalant stress you had for like two weeks straights because of your exam or the fact that your boyfriend called you clingy just because you missed him
you knew it was only a word, but still.. it still hurt you know?
"wdym i'm clingy? i'm just hanging out with you, that's all. i missed you"
"i know, but you're acting like that.. anyways, if you really want to help, then could you pass me a fork? i think the rice's boiling or smth, idk"
you just walked away
the rest of the members were like 🤨
"you good, bro?" they said
"yeah...? why?"
"idk, you just called your girl clingy.." justin replied
"and..? what is the problem? she was just a bit.. overwhelming.."
"boy, you're stupid af" regie said while rolling his eyes "you know that clingy and needy aren't just words, right? just.. ah fuck off man, what the fuck is going on in your head, bruh.."
"darren doesn't know how to treat a girl or what?" sebastian laughed while walking in the room
"stfu sebastian, you're not even in the problem, you didn't even know what happened!"
with that, he walked away and went to his room
where you were
"y/n? can i come in?"
after a few seconds of not you answering, he decide to open the door and saw you all sad on his bed :(
it broke his heart
he didn't know the words clingy or needy could hurt you
and if he would have knew, he would have never said that
"y/n.. i'm so sorry.."
we know how darren isn't really good with expressing his feelings because he's more a show guy than a talkative guy if i can say it like that, like he won't say it how he feel but he'll show it to you
so i guess he'll do smth like that haha
"i'm so sorry, y/n. i truly mean it. i didn't know it would make you sad."
"i love the attention you gave me, i don't know why i said that"
he sighed again
"i know you're stressed and i feel super bad to not have noticed your feelings and your stress building up to you"
darren would try his best to show you how he cares about you :(
he won't say sorry a lot
but when he do, know he mean it.
he won't ever say "sorry" just because he need to or have to say it
he'll say sorry because he mean it.
"i promise i'll be more careful with my actions and my words for now on, at least, i'll try my best to do it so"
this man is nonchalant
we know him..
he just wanted to watch some tiktoks by himself..
listen, everyone have rough days
and it was one for regie :(
he was a bit stressed with the work and the job the boys and him had to do
filming tiktoks, filming youtube videos.. work on music video and on different music.. write music, edit their videos and do some meetings..
that was only a lil' part of regie's everyday life
he knew you had finals and exams too and that you were also a bit stressed
but let's say the stress make us forget things..?
when you came to his room and quickly went to his arms, he smiled
"hey pretty girl"
"hey" you said tiring
he kissed the top of your head and smiled
"you missed my arms, huh?"
you could feel and hear his smile literally???? like i know when you smile it doesn't have a sound, but to me, i think regie have some type of smile that we can know if he's smiling or not
when you took his hand and kissed it (no because i feel regie's type of relationship is simply super pure and cute like?? idk he just give me a vibe of like sweet dom boyfie or smth), his heart >>
he smiled even more
"something's up, babe?"
"nah, just tired"
"cuddle into me, if you want.. i don't mind"
he continued to watch tiktoks
until he felt your lips on his neck
were you in the mood or what????
nah bc neck kisses for regie is NOT something to ignore
like bye, we're talking about regie macalino here
if you know the meaning, you know the meaning 😏
he sighed at the affection you were giving him
"yeah, just tired, i told you"
"you okay, bubs?"
"whatcha have today, jeez? do you need some hugs or attention?"
he nodded and when you started to hug him and hold his hand.. damn this boy was a bit annoyed 😭
he really love them at little parts and not too much
so when it's becoming too much, he'll tell you
regie didn't mean it in a mean or a bad way
he was just.. curious? he normally don't get that much attention usually
"i mean.. we usually don't have that much kind of attention to each other... is everything okay?"
you just nodded and sighed
"i'm just tired of all my studies, that's all."
he nodded without really listening since he was watching a tiktok that caught his attention
you played with his fingers and kissed them slowly when regie looked at you and started laughing
"you're such a clingy girl, omg"
he said it in a teasing tone of voice and with his smile
he though you knew that he was only teasing you and trying to make you smile or laugh
but indeed, he made you sad :(
your smile quickly fade
ofc he didn't notice
after a few minutes of you not talking and not really moving because of your thoughts, he quickly saw how it affected you
you were lost in your thoughts
were you really that clingy?
was he angry because of all the affection you gave him?
what if he really thought you were super clingy?
he quickly took your hands and put yours in his' and sighed
"i'm sorry."
you looked into his eyes and shruged
"i'm sorry, y/n. i really am."
he sighed again
"i was only trying to make you smile, but indeed, i didn't. i don't know why i thought it could be funny"
you looked at him without saying a word, feeling tears in your eyes
"i know we're both stressed right now, but it still doesn't give me a reason to joke with the meaning of these words.. i'm sorry again, y/n."
he'll try to comfort you as much as he can
"i know i'm an idiot sometimes, but i truly care about you and i love every affection you give me.. i know i don't say it enough, but i do loves you and cares about you. i truly do."
he's so so sweet :(
our regie nonchalant boy haha
anyways, that's the end of the headcanon since i'm running out of ideas, i'm sorry 😭
that's it!!! i really hope you guys liked it, i think it took me like 5 hours to write this thing 😭😂 i couldn't think of differents ways with the apologies and all, so sorry if it's a bit repetitive, but i did try my best to do some differencies with the context, the situation and the different ways to tell them :) i also did some researches (like i usually do when i'm not 100% sure about the subject) so i hope those were rights and not stuff that isn't relatable or something like that!
thank you for the request again, and i'm sorry it took me so long :(
taglist (open! send an ask if you want to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0
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animelosers · 2 years
"Nobody loved me at my lowest-" "I did!"
Warnings: Heartbreak, crying, arguments.
Summary: NSB and you. Not Regie, he has a girlfriend <3
He takes a step back as those words come out of your mouth. His heart drops and shatters into a million pieces the person he loved the most on this world he realized he was going to lose. If it wasn't for his stupid new girlfriend and his stupid new persona he maybe would've been WITH the person standing in front of him. "I did!" Just repeating in his mind not knowing how to fix this. This dumb argument of him finally having 'fame' and being 'recognized for once' but not in the way neither he nor you wanted or imagined.
"No you didn't-"
"Sebastian! If I didn't I wouldn't have been there during the nights you were crying because you were worried about what was in it for your future. I was there when you had the stage of pain and regret with everything that you have been doing and helped you get back up and continue to do what you should do!"
He listens. And listens. And listens a bit more. Everything you are telling him has been correct.
At this moment in time, he finally realizes how much he discredits your feelings. All he could do was listen as you prove how much you loved him. Emphasize "love-d" because it was the past. You love-d his past self. You love-d the Sebastian that allowed you to help him with anything or cuddled with you when you both had a long day. Now... now you aren't a thought to him. Until now.
"I fucked up." He admits.
He looks at you confused as you look at him with relief and determination. No words were traded off, the silence and the body language were enough for him to understand that if they said anything else they, most likely, will never talk to each other after this. He didn't want that. He never wanted that. He never meant for that or this to happen but.. it did and it's ruining the longest friendship he has ever had.. and the love of his life is slipping through his fingers at this very moment.
"I love you too." That's what he could say at this very moment. All you could do is shake you head in disappointment.
"You're lying." He immediately says.
"I'm lying?! Justin. I have been by your side since middle school. I moved out here for you-"
"Nobody asked you to," He says in a confusing tone or, in other words, unadmittingly confessing his mistakes.
"Justin, you had nobody here to support you. I have been with you since the beginning of time. You became a douchebag ever since you got into an argument with your ex. You ignored me for two months straight for absolutely no fucking reason. How you think I feel?"
He didn't know how to respond. He didn't want to because he knows if he fucks this up. It's over. Not just your guys' friendship, but his life. You are his life and he never noticed how much he fucked up. How much he'll lose? So. Fucking. Much. He just looks at you as his eyes water.
"You... deserve better,"
"... You did?" Those simple words make him rethink everything between the two of you, "I am so sorry. I am a fucking idiot-"
Kane never really cussed unless he is frustrated or upset or just unhappy. That's when everyone knows he means what he is saying. The way he looks at you so apologetically and sincerely makes you want to forgive him but he already put you in too much pain. Him on the other hand, he is breaking. His heart. His love for his current partner. A bit of his soul. His love for you has been always so high and healthy.
Now here you are, crying because of him. You are crying because of him.
"I love you, so much."
Darren doesn't know how to respond to you. He just listens to what you have to say and once you are done you finally look at him in the eyes.
Tears falling down his face, the world just stops.
You guys never had emotional moments with each other unless it was a breakup. At this moment, you two are crying, at the park, at 3 am because you guys realized how much you guys cared for each other... not just cared.
"I've been in love with you ever since college,"
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goodmode · 4 months
what are your top 10 bugs. or top 5 .or top 3. whichever number is less hassle?
there are pictures of bugs in this post! you have been notified!
this blog
5. goliath beetle
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this one is a Goliathus regis aka a royal goliath beetle, but i see no difference love is love etc. they're beautiful but my FAVOURITE thing about them is their babies.
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this is from this youtube video of a guy breeding them. he just plops one in a box and weighs it. look at the state of that. incredible
4. euglossine/orchid bees | (wikipedia page also)
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christ just look at them, sources are saying. my sona was at first mostly based on these but i branched out very quickly as i designed them and now they're a mashup of multiple bugs. still, they kept the gloss!
3. giant house spider
no pics for this one because i know people feel like there's a difference between bugs and spiders and that this difference is that one is scary to look at. so click through to see the spider i mean. but basically they're the big leggy buggers you might find around the house.
i don't find them scary at all, i grew up catching them in my hands to put them outside or wherever they couldn't get trodden on or attacked by cats. they get really big here, for uk crawlies at least. i've seen some almost the span of my hand, which i know because i had them sitting on my hand.
they hang out in dark corners in little web funnels and mind their damn business, and they keep the other insects down for you. these animals pay important rent to be in your house. please let them be if you can bear them!!!
i love big spoidur!!!
2. hoverflies
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i love hoverflies. they're like the only fly i'm comfortable with. they flit around visiting flowers, like bees, and they have incredibly dexterous aero-manoeuvrability, which is a fancy way of saying damn those hoverflies sure can hover.
i remember being very young and curiously staring at hoverflies in my grandma's garden while they hung completely still in the summer air observing me right back. i remember being told they can't sting, and so i let them land on my arms and watched them lick the sweat off me.
one time i was on a high ropes course and i was getting spooked (not good with heights) and a hoverfly came and sat on my hands, which were covered with sticky tree sap from clinging to the bark in fear in the hot weather, and it did its little thp thp thp thing and hung out on me while i waited for my turn to do something scary, and i remember watching and calming down, and it felt suddenly wonderful to be up in the air at this height with the hoverflies. i love them
1. the humble lasius niger/black garden ant
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they are so common and so unassuming and we're so used to them that people forget how absolutely incredible these guys are. go look at the Mutualisms part of their wikipedia page. then think about how widespread they are, how adapted, adaptable. how clever not as individuals but en masse. consider the ant colony as one superorganism. consider the beauty of a life of invisible pheromone trails and the intimacy of antennae tapping. consider knowing exactly what your role is and what you're to do for your whole life and that being enough and no more. consider their wars and losses and victories, all their dramas that happen underfoot completely unseen every day except by small children crouching in the sun mesmerised by lines of little black specks. consider their global success over millions of years. consider that the average person doesn't care about them. how could you not care about them. i think they're fascinating
oh to be a little ant, and come what may, to simply get on with it. i hope we can all simply get on with it.
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hanzajesthanza · 5 months
okay your whole analysis of why geralt felt bad is exactly what i was thinking but i'm ALWAYS convinced that i'm making cahir a poor little meow meow in my head so if YOU also think that geralt feels bad because he's being a dick to someone that straight up is not engaging then i am clinging to that interpretation as well (sorry i keep sending you asks sfgrsdgs i think i haven't followed you long enough to reply to posts)
yes! cahir at times has his own kind of innocence about him. it's part of his duality. because like the rest, like milva, like regis, he has his two sides to him. the black knight and the imperial soldier vs. the young man and innocent youth.
this is how he's introduced in blood of elves, well, introduced not in a nightmare:
Summoned from the antechambers, the knight entered the chamber with an energetic, strong and noisy stride, his black armour grating. He stopped short, drew himself up proudly, threw his wet, muddy black cloak back from his shoulder, and laid his hand on the hilt of his mighty sword. He leaned his black helmet, adorned with wings of a bird of prey, on his hip. Coehoorn looked at the knight’s face. He saw there the hard pride of a warrior, and impudence. He did not see any of the things that should have been visible in the face of one who had spent the past two years incarcerated in a place from which – as everything had indicated – he would only leave for the scaffold. A faint smile touched the marshal’s lips. He knew that the disdain for death and crazy courage of youngsters stemmed from a lack of imagination. He knew that perfectly well. He had once been such a youngster himself.
cahir's proud, honorable, and fights for an ideal like a real fairytale knight, but he's also youthful as such a knight is, which makes him a bit stupid.
one of the times cahir shows his immaturity, which even though is a blink-and-you'll-miss-it scrap of a dialogue tag, makes me laugh, is when he snickers at regis mentioning sex:
‘(...) Regis, in the name of science and the spread of knowledge, puncture some other myths about vampirism. Because I bet you’ve still got at least one.’ ‘Indeed.’ The vampire nodded. ‘I have one more. It’s the last, but in no sense any less important. It is the myth behind your sexual phobias.’ Cahir snorted softly.
like. regis just said "sexual phobias" and he started snickering. it shows me that, under it all, cahir is just... some young guy.
i mean, especially in the company, because he's the youngest of them (until they come across the company of the fair-haired angoulême. but even then, he's still second-youngest, and he and angoulême are not very far apart in age at all). milva's actually probably close to him in age than he is in age to angoulême, but her youth isn't emphasized by the narrative in the same way.
another example of cahir's immaturity, actually another contrast to regis' maturity, is this, from when they first meet:
‘Is he a sorcerer?’ ‘No,’ Regis answered from behind Pegasus, demonstrating his exceptionally sensitive hearing. ‘But does it really matter who I am? After all, I haven’t asked for your personal details.’ ‘I am Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach.’ ‘I thank you and am full of admiration.’ The barber-surgeon’s voice had a slight note of scorn. ‘I heard almost no Nilfgaardian accent when you pronounced your Nilfgaardian surname.’ ‘I’m not—’
cahir spits out his full name, not hiding his identity, giving his personal details, to who at this point is a complete stranger, makes me smirk, as he's a fugitive from the imperial forces. it makes me think cahir is the kind of person to send his IRL address to someone he's arguing with on the internet.
contrast cahir's immediate release of his full name, to how regis does it with his later in the chapter, only when geralt's sword has been held to his throat and he dramatically reveals himself to the rest of the company.
yet another moment in which cahir seemed boyish to me was later in september, when he mistakenly presumes dandelion was drawing a map or making tallies, and accidentally draws his ire:
‘(...) I can’t bear it when people look over my shoulder when I’m writing! And I don’t intend to put up with it!’ The Nilfgaardian moved away from the poet, and after a moment’s thought seized his saddle, sheepskin and blanket and dragged them over to Milva, who was dozing. ‘I apologise,’ he said. ‘Forgive my obtrusiveness, Dandelion. I glanced involuntarily, out of pure curiosity. I thought you were creating a map or drawing up some tallies—’ ‘I’m not a bookkeeper!’ the poet said, losing his temper and standing up. ‘Nor am I a cartographer! But even if I were, it doesn’t justify taking a sly look at my notes!’ ‘I have apologised,’ Cahir repeated dryly, making his bed in the new place. ‘I have reconciled myself with and become accustomed to many things in this honourable company. But I’m still accustomed to apologising only once.’
it makes me snort that he moved closer to milva, who he knew would defend him, haha. as she defended him against geralt in august.
and cahir's capacity for innocence and boyishness grows more when they are closer:
‘Just a month ago…’ Cahir moaned from his back. ‘Who’d have thought you’d be lugging me like this…’ ‘Quiet, Nilfgaardian… You’re heavier when you talk…’
especially when they winter in beauclair.
‘Tell that to Geralt,’ said Milva. ‘It’s him you should tell.’ ‘Yes, talk to him,’ said Cahir somewhat sarcastically. ‘During one of those brief moments when he’s free. Between the two activities he’s been engaging in for two months to help him forget.’ ‘As for you,’ snorted Angoulême, ‘you’re mainly available in the park, playing at hoops with the barons’ daughters.’
i love that he went from "remaining tactfully silent" to being a sarcastic, and even a mouthy little shit:
‘I guarantee you that the Witcher will hear my opinion on the subject.’ ‘Why, naturally,’ snorted Cahir. ‘How did I know you’d say that, Madam Fringilla?’
‘For you see, he hasn’t mentioned any such plan, and he usually tells me everything.’ ‘Of course he does,’ Cahir grunted. Fringilla ignored him.
all of this being said, cahir's also, on his other side, threatening. and frightening.
like when he appears in time of contempt:
Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach was furious. He had seen the girl he had been ordered to capture, but only for a moment. Then, before he had been able to act, the insane sorcerers unleashed such an inferno in Garstang that no action was possible. Cahir lost his bearings among the smoke and flames, blindly stumbling along corridors, running up and down stairs and through cloisters, and cursing Vilgefortz, Rience, himself and the entire world.
(and then, of course, almost immediately gets his ass kicked by ciri, his hand cut open, and is lying bleeding on the floor. well, that completes the image of cahir.)
but he can be really imposing and authoritative, when he wants to be. such as on the bridge with geralt turning the tide against nilfgaard, or when fighting geralt under the fireworks on the solstice.
something that's funny is that, when cahir gets all "military," his language got a bit censored in the english translation. whereas he cursed worse, originally.
like on the bridge, he calls the fleeing soldiers "skurwysyny," which became "bastards," but is really "motherfuckers."
and, when they cross the bridge over later on september 10th, as chronicled by dandelion:
Thus on the tenth day of September we all crossed to the left bank of the Yaruga, only once being hailed by the guard, at whom Cahir, wrinkling his brow imperiously, shouted back something menacing about imperial service, backing up his words with the classically military and ever effective ‘for fuck’s sake’.
Tak to dziesiątego dnia miesiąca września przejechaliśmy wszyscy na lewy brzeg Jarugi, raz tylko okrzyknięci przez straż, której Cahir, władczo zmarszczywszy brew, odwarknął groźnie coś o cesarskiej służbie, popierając wypowiedź klasycznie wojskową i zawsze skuteczną kurwą waszą macią.
So, on the tenth day of September, we all drove to the left bank of the Yaruga, hailed only once by the guards, to whom Cahir, imperiously furrowing his brow, growled something menacingly about the imperial service, supporting the statement with a classically military and always effective whore's your mother.
as far as i looked up, the official translation is correct insofar as the modern use of kurwa mać (from what i've read it's more used like "for fuck's sake" rather than "(your) mother's a whore," though you could specify, kurwa twoja mać if you wanted to use it that way) but this is the witcher, so the setting adopts some archaic language and uses of language.
back to cahir being a frightening S.O.B., i have to mention his imposing presence at stygga castle. this line sticks with me:
Again they chanced upon some men, this time armed. Cahir and Angoulême jumped towards them with a yell, and the men bolted, mainly, it seemed, because of Cahir and his impressive winged helmet.
and when his stature and presence is added to his strategist nature:
when they persuade the ferryman, you can literally see their different approaches as individual characters... god, what a beautiful D&D party they'd make:
(intimidation) ‘We can kill you,’ Milva said, grinding her teeth. ‘We can also beat you up first. Open your trap again and you’ll see what we can do.’ (perception) ‘I’m sure the fact there’s a war on,’ the vampire said, boring his eyes into the ferryman, ‘doesn’t interfere with smuggling, does it, my good man? Which is what your ferry is for, after all, craftily positioned as it is far from the royal and Nilfgaardian toll collectors. Am I right? Go on, push it into the water.’ (persuasion) ‘That would be wise,’ Cahir added, stroking his sword hilt. ‘Should you hesitate, we shall cross the river ourselves, without you, and your ferry will remain on the far bank. To get it back you’ll have to swim across doing the breaststroke. This way you ferry us across and return. An hour of fear and then you can forget all about it.’
and later, more notably, when he talks about a plan to interrogate, not kill in rage:
‘I was afraid,’ he calmly finished, ‘that you’d butcher Schirrú to death in your frenzy. And we wouldn’t get any information out of a dead man, would we?’ Geralt cleared his throat. He was growing to like the young Nilfgaardian more and more. He was not only brave, but smart too.
emblematic of him is cintra, at which he commanded a squad of soldiers, at literally the slaughter of cintra, and was, at the same time, terrified.
probably the entire explanation of his character right here:
‘A soldier doesn’t question his orders,’ said Cahir, feeling the dressing on his head. ‘Doesn’t analyse them, doesn’t ponder over them, doesn’t wait for them to be explained to him. That’s the first thing they teach a soldier where I come from. So you can understand that not for a second did I ever question an order which was issued to me. The thought of why I had to capture a Cintran princess didn’t even cross my mind. An order’s an order. I was cross, naturally, because I wanted to taste fame, fighting against the knighthood, against the regular army… But working for the intelligence service is also treated as an honour where I come from. If it had only concerned a more taxing task, a more important prisoner… But a girl?’
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papakhan · 11 months
The Great Khans have melted my brain, they're such an interesting group and I love their aesthetic! I'm low-key collecting headcanons from the fandom and my own to fit my own lore of New Vegas and I'd like to ask your opinion. How would you best describe Regis and Chance's personalities? I wonder what particularly Chance was like before Bitter Springs. As wild as Jessup, or more calm and powerful like Melissa? Was he just as quiet? I'm so sad that we'll never know (in canon, at least)
oh my god this has been in my wips for sooo long I'm so sorry. I'll do my best
Regis and Chance are some of my favourite characters and tbh do fulfil the similar kind of niche! They're both big, imposing melee-focused characters who struggle somewhat with communication and are both feared by their allies but also a lot smarter and more caring than they first appear. TBH I ADORE this trope but Regis and Chance are very very different guys at their core
Regis is more fleshed out in my mind (headcanon wise) so I'll start with him. I have said this many times but I believe in the deepest depths of my soul that Regis is autistic and some of his traits coming from that is having a very flat tone of voice and finding it difficult to control his volume. He comes across as kind of stiff or off-putting without really meaning to, also his main job is the Khan's chief law enforcer and I think he puts a lot of effort into keeping his emotions in check as to not get the better of him when making choices.
Under all that he's actually a very chill guy, very difficult to rattle or rile up. He's the matching pair to Papa Khan who can and will get emotional and fly off the handles very quickly. And none of this is to say Regis is void of emotions or totally stoic, he obviously cares for Papa and the other advisors a lot by how sweetly he talks about all of them, and is pretty sensitive to all their needs, especially Papa Khan's emotional state. Plus he gets really snarky with couriers who dismiss his advice about talking to Papa, like you can practically hear him rolling his eyes at you. i love him. To summarise I would call Regis straight-laced and sensitive. and gay
Chance, on the other hand, is almost the opposite of Regis. I don't really think Regis is a quiet guy, I think he's just choosey about what he says and who he says it to. Chance is the way he is due to trauma, which makes him withdrawn and despondent. He communicates in small ways that a lot of people tend to miss if they don't know him so well. Chance is also a very emotionally driven guy, and I think he always has been, which again puts him at opposites with Regis. Regis wants to step back and think while Chance wants to charge in. However that doesn't mean Chance is totally reckless, he's very direct and thoughtful when he needs to be, like when he carves the map of the Mojave or whenever Benny talks to him. I think the way we see him in All Roads is an exception, especially as its in the tail-end of a downward spiral that results in his suicide. I think more often he's like how he is at the start of the comic. Where he kinda flipflops between being aimless and focused, distant and direct. that's the trauma for you tho, I guess
Pre-Bittersprings ive discussed before back here and Here! since this has gotten so long already :') thanks for the ask
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cinnbar-bun · 2 years
We Are Worthy Pt.1
Relationship: Ravus Nox Fleuret/Female!Reader
Summary: As the eldest of the Lucis Caelum line, you are to be wed to Ravus Nox Fleuret. Noctis isn't pleased by this discovery and finds out just how much you two have been hiding from him. And, well, truthfully, he can't fight back against what fate has in store without both of you helping.
AU: I just had this random AU idea come in my head. The explanation of it is: you are Noctis's older sister (around 28 or so- same age as Ravus) but since you are a woman, you cannot be the True King and aren't a part of the prophecy (to keep Noctis's place). Ravus here isn't as hellbent on destroying Lucis/Regis (for purposes that will be explained later), and him and Reader team up privately to save their siblings from the prophecy. It'll make a bit more sense as it goes along (trust me bro). This chapter focuses a bit more on Noctis and Reader, but the next one will be more about Ravus/Reader and their relationship. Concrit is always welcome and appreciated <3 please enjoy!
Crossposted on my AO3!
Noctis frowned as Gladiolus opened the passenger door for you.
You gave him a gracious smile and stepped into the car, promptly fastening your seatbelt and sitting with perfect posture.
“My lady, are you comfortable?” Ignis asked, and you nodded.
“I’m fine, thank you, Ignis,” you replied, bowing your head respectfully.
“Then we shall be off,” he murmured, starting the engine of the car.
Prompto was giddy with excitement and snapped a few photos of the scenery and everyone in the Regalia.
“So, you excited to get hitched, (Y/n)?” Prompto joked and Ignis shot a glare at him in response. The photographer seemed to take the hint and awkwardly clammed up. “Uh, I mean, well, uh- you excited to get married?”
“There’s no need to worry, Prompto,” you chuckled. “I am not sure how I feel, in all honesty. I’m just proud to do my people a good service with this marriage.”
“Ah, the politically correct answer as always,” Noctis sighed. You didn’t say a word back, not giving Noctis the chance to argue over this matter again. “Seriously, you’re not gonna even answer?”
“No. This doesn’t warrant a discussion, Noctis,” your voice lowered into a threatening tone that said you would not tolerate his behavior.
He glowered at you and huffed, folding his arms and pouting like a spoiled child.
“Hey now, you two, let’s take it easy. I know the wedding jitters can get rough, but let’s play nice, okay?” Gladiolus attempted to break the awkward silence.
“My apologies,” you stated as you took a sip of water to calm yourself.
“Whatever,” was all Noctis had to say.
“What’s the issue? Did something happen?” Prompto asked, confused why you and your brother seemed to be at each other’s throats. Gladiolus eyed him, warning him to drop the subject, but Prompto didn’t notice.
“The issue,” Noctis began, making Gladiolus and Ignis roll their eyes and sigh in annoyance. “Is that my sister is getting married to some guy, and neither her nor my father told me! And now she’s acting like a martyr who needs to go through this!”
“Firstly-” you countered, “Ravus Nox Fleuret is not ‘some guy’- have more respect for him. Second off, it’s a political marriage- it’s not up to you to decide what I need to do.”
“You could have at least argued with him! Hell, I could’ve married Luna instead! You didn’t need to do this for Lucis!”
“Why does it matter anyways? I don’t have that choice. I am not the heir apparent.”
“And that’s the issue, don’t you get it?” Noctis leaned over the seat to talk closer to you. “You don’t have a choice, and that’s what’s making me upset! You don’t need to do this just because dad said so. We could have figured something out.”
Ignis shook his head.
“Prince Noctis, we’ve been through this plenty of times now. It is imperative the marriage goes through for the sake the kingdoms. The treaty being negotiated is one that will bring peace. And though it is a shame that Princess (Y/N) can’t choose, it is her duty as a member of the royal family to think of the people.
“Thank you, Ignis. At least someone understands my position.”
“Not everyone can be perfect like you, I guess,” Noctis mumbled under his breath.
“Noctis, enough. Come on, it’s a week before her wedding. Let’s spend it not trying to argue,” Gladiolus suggested.
“Great idea!” Prompto yelled. He gasped loudly and leaned towards Ignis. “Hey, Iggy, pull over! I wanna take this shot of the mountain!”
“Prompto, we will not-”
“Let him,” you cut Ignis off. “His photos are rather lovely to see. They’ll be a nice memento in the future.”
You grinned at Prompto and his smile grew wider than usual. Ignis pulled the car to the side of the road and put it in park.
“Thanks, (Y/n)!”
“Prompto! What did we tell you about titles?” Ignis shouted as Prompto unbuckled his seat belt and practically leapt over the others to take a few photos. You didn’t argue, instead getting out of the car and asking Prompto to take a few shots with you in them. The blonde complied, posing you and taking all sorts of pictures.
“Do you all want to join in?” You asked. Ignis shook his head, while Gladiolus shrugged and joined you and Prompto to take some photos. Noctis meanwhile stared at you before pouting even harder than before.
Night drew closer and Ignis decided to rest and camp for the time being. Given your status and impending marriage, you had your own separate tent, away from the others. While you did appreciate the privacy, you were rather upset with the larger distance it created emotionally.
But you could not argue, and instead, after eating a wonderful meal whipped up by Ignis, you went straight to your tent.
You glanced at Noctis and debated with yourself if you should attempt to talk with him. You hated the fighting and the distance this treaty had put between you two. And, of course, the real truth behind the reason they were with you. When Regis revealed the treaty to Noctis, he was enraged and begged for your father to consider a different path.
The subsequent arguments between you and Noctis left you feeling even more hurt at the fact you had to lie to him to his face.
But it was for him and for the people. You were a woman, and thus, you had no stake within the kingdom or the prophecy. Noctis, on the other hand, was more crucial to it all. You didn’t mind being the sacrificial lamb for this moment, if it ensured the safety of your younger brother.
Ravus was more than happy to agree with you, if it meant his sister could be safe, too.
That’s why you understood where Noctis was coming from, given he was so adamant that you be able to choose your own happiness for once. But him and Lunafreya were much too important to the kingdom, and to you and Ravus.
Still, you remembered the oath you gave to your father as you said your farewells to him. A promise you had to make to lie to Noctis about the truth. So you quietly zipped the door to your tent closed and hoped your tears wouldn’t be heard from them.
Noctis grumbled at the remaining vegetables on his plate as the fire crackled under the starry sky. He hadn’t said a word since the fight in the Regalia, and he was too angry and hurt to begin a conversation.
Prompto was goofing off with Gladiolus and Ignis was impatiently waiting for the prince to eat his carrots.
“You know, they’re not going to disappear just by staring at them, your highness,” Ignis cheekily commented.
“Yeah, yeah, you don’t need to remind me, Iggy.”
Ignis frowned at the sulking prince and sat in the chair beside him.
“Noctis, I know how you’re feeling-”
“The thing is, you don’t. Like, I really love you all, but none of you know how I’m feeling,” Noctis argued. He was cursing himself for raising his voice, and he took a deep breath to try and relax. “None of you do. And I’m pissed that everyone else is just accepting everything so easily.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because, (Y/n)’s my sister, damn it! She was the one always with me, but then all these ‘royal duties’ made her have to give up her life. I just end up sitting there like a little kid while she’s shouldering everything,” Noctis blurted out. “I feel like shit knowing she’s just marrying Ravus because dad told her to. I-I could’ve done something for once so she would have the freedom to choose. I thought because she wasn’t the heir that she would at least be able to find someone she loved, but she can’t even have that!”
Ignis nodded, pursing his lips as he debated to find the right words to say.
“Listen, Noctis, it is unfortunate but it is-”
“Yeah, don’t worry, I know, everyone’s told me over and over. ‘It’s just what royalty has to do’, but that’s not right at all! It’s just… it’s just not fair. I hate seeing her lie to me that she’s ‘fine’ and okay with marrying Ravus. I don’t even think she had met the guy in years! What kind of prince am I if I can’t even let my own sister be happy?”
“Have you considered that you both are saying the same thing?” Ignis asked.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I mean that I may not know Lady (Y/n) well, but I know her well enough to see she loves you dearly. She wants you to choose and be free from the duties of royalty, because she feels you aren’t happy as the heir. You both want the other to be okay but neither of you are working together. And, well, maybe I’m overstepping, but perhaps you should try and talk to her with that mindset. Don’t go attack her, just try and let her know how you feel and that you wish to help alongside her. ”
Noctis soaked in Ignis’s words and nodded.
“Yeah… I guess… but knowing her, I doubt she’ll listen. She’s so stubborn.”
“Like some young prince I know?”
Noctis chuckled and smacked Ignis’s arms lightly.
“Shut up,” Noctis joked. He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and stared at his plate. “I just… don’t know how I’m gonna last without my sister around, anymore. I don’t know if I’m really ready to say goodbye to her like that.”
“That’s just what every brother feels,” a voice cut in. Noctis looked up to see Gladiolus and Prompto walking towards him and Ignis.
“How much of that did you hear?”
“Enough to know how worried you really are,” Gladiolus groaned as he sat down. “Kid, some things just aren’t always going to go how you want. And even though you’re family, you can’t hold them down forever. No matter how badly I wanna protect Iris from everything, I know it’s not a reality. You’re gonna have to let them make their own choices and be their own person. Don’t go around picking a fight, just support her and protect her when she needs it.”
Noctis felt his eyes water and he quickly rubbed them.
“Damn, I’m really not good with this.”
Prompto threw an arm around Noctis and gave him a reassuring smile.
“Hey, Noct, don’t worry! We’ll be here for you all the way.”
“Thanks guys,” Noctis murmured as his lips twitched into a small grin. “I’ll try and talk to her later.”
Unfortunately for Noctis, “later” would have to be postponed. According to the newspaper, Regis was killed during the signing of the treaty. The rage and sadness he felt were only blocked by the slim chance that this was all fake and sensationalized news. Perhaps his father was alive still and nothing happened.
Despite your adamance that it was too dangerous, you yielded and obliged to joining the men back to Insomnia. Noctis saw your ‘perfect’ exterior falter with worry and unease, seeing how Regis’s death was shaking you up. It was the first time in a while that he had seen you look so unsure and zoned out.
The confirmation of Insomnia’s collapse and Regis’s death both put his mind at ease and made his soul shatter into a million pieces. He didn’t know what to think anymore. All he had to go off of now was Cor telling them to meet him up at Hammerhead.
With nothing left to do, they simply drove the Regalia to the gas station and followed the rest of the directions to where Cor was.
Noctis really wasn’t in the mood for surprises or any more shocking information.
Which is why he was incredibly pissed the minute he saw a head of white hair wearing black leather.
“Why you-” Noctis began, stomping over to him before he heard you gasp.
“Ravus! You’re alive!” You happily shouted, running over to him and leaping to the man. He caught you in his arms and stumbled before he managed to regain his balance.
“Darling, you’re doing well. Thank the Six,” he sighed in relief. You two embraced each other and Noctis gawked at the scene.
“W-wait. Time out. What the hell is going on? Why is he here? What are you-”
“Patience, Noctis,” Cor stated.
“You two… what is going on?” Ignis asked, confused at why Ravus of all people was standing before him. You broke yourself off of Ravus and stood firmly in front of the group.
“Well… it’s a lot. I first want to apologize for hiding the truth from you all. But I made an oath with father as his dying wish. We couldn’t make others aware of our plans.”
“And… he was in on it?” Prompto pointed at Ravus.
“And what was the plan, exactly?”
“It was just as Cid said. Regis knew and anticipated something would happen. Ravus tried to send some information our way in order to prepare, but it seems like they weren’t enough. Although, thankfully, many of our citizens survived thanks to father’s prepping. Ravus and I were the ‘bait’ for this treaty, if it succeeded, we would have peace, and if it didn’t at least you all would be safe.”
“Does that mean Lunafreya is-”
Ravus nodded.
“She is safe for now on the run. She has the Ring of the Lucii with her and can hopefully find shelter,” he explained.
Noctis shook his head.
“I can’t believe you two.”
Noctis stepped forward and pointed an accusatory finger at you.
“You… you did all this? You knew he was planning on dying? You knew this whole time, and yet you didn’t say a thing?”
“I didn’t like it, Noctis. But it was the way father suggested I do it. He was the one who made me promise not to tell you until after the battle,” you couldn’t face your brother and gazed at the ground in remorse.
Noctis felt his anger boiling over and yelled.
“You lied to me! Why would you do that to me? I’m his son, too! I’m your brother! Why wouldn’t you tell me?” His voice lost its power as the tears he was holding in overflowed in abundance. “Why didn’t you trust me…?”
You bit your lip and stayed silent, unsure of what to say. Ravus rested a comforting hand on your shoulder and looked Noctis straight in the eye.
“She was adamant that you be the one to know. Regis and I were the ones who didn’t want that. Truly… all (Y/n) and I wanted was for you and Lunafreya to be alive and well. That’s why we had to formulate our own plans and stop this madness from continuing.”
“So you made her do this?”
“No, Noctis. I chose to do this. You can hate me and you have every right to do so. I did something inexcusable, but I need you to trust me right now.”
“Trust you? How can I? You spent this whole trip lying to every single one of us. Why would you do this when you could have talked to me? Did you think I would have messed it up?”
“I didn’t want you to be hurt, Noctis… you’re the important one here. Not me. I have no bearing upon the future, no matter how much I wish it weren’t so. You and Lunafreya are the ones meant to be a part of the prophecy. Me and Ravus wanted neither of you involved with the plans in order to keep you safe.”
“(Y/n), stop saying you want to keep me safe. I’m not that weak little kid you need to take care of anymore. Please…I need you to be safe as well.”
“No. Stop,” he weakly pleaded. “Please. You two need to think of how this effects us. You may not be a part of the prophecy or whatever other bullshit there is, but you can’t go around throwing your life away. That doesn’t help me or anyone else.”
You quietly nodded and wrapped your arms around your brother.
“I’m sorry. I really am. But this part is one we need to do together, if you’ll allow it.”
Noctis quietly held you and sniffled.
“Yeah. Let’s hear it.”
You broke away from Noctis and pointed at the cave Cor was standing in front of.
“In there, there’s a tomb of the previous kings of Lucis. As it is your birthright, you can gain their powers and wield it. There are plenty more scattered about, and Cor is having the hunters locate them as we speak.”
Noctis nodded.
“Why can’t you do this?”
“Because… I’m not the True King.”
Noctis nodded.
He ran a hand through his hair and Ravus cleared his throat.
“Noctis Lucis Caelum,” he stated formally. He brought out a familiar sword and gently handed it to a stunned Noctis. “A parting gift from me. It belongs to you. It was… it was one of the few things I could grab from Regis before he passed.”
Noctis grabbed the hilt of the sword and felt his throat was full of cotton.
“I can’t take this.”
“What? Why not?” Ravus asked.
“I can’t use this. This is my dad’s. I’m not… I’m not ready for this yet.”
“But Noctis,” you cried. “It can only be wielded by those of the Lucis bloodline.”
Noctis gave a sad smile.
“Then you take it. For me. I can’t hold that when I’m not a king. Use it for yourself.”
He handed the sword back to you and you complied.
“All right. I trust you know what you’re doing.”
“I don’t really know,” Noctis admitted. “But I know that you can wield it better than I will. Dad would have wanted it.”
“I doubt he-”
“Don’t doubt it. Dad loved you. And I bet he wished every day of his life he could’ve given you more.”
You held the sword tightly against you, feeling the remnants of your father’s life within it.
“I already have enough with me,” you tearfully replied to Noctis. “I hope you and father know that.”
Noctis used the pads of his thumbs to wipe your tears.
“There. Come on, let’s go make dad proud.”
“Of course. Ravus,” you called to your betrothed. “Do you have to leave right now?”
“I think it would be best. I don’t want to loiter around and have you all get caught up in my mess. And to the rest of you,” Ravus pointed at the group. “You did not see me. I have no relation to you. I am your enemy.”
Prompto gasped.
“Why?” Ravus chuckled at the blonde’s shock.
“I must play my part to keep the Imperial Army off your back and Lunafreya’s. I can’t do that if they think I’m supporting you. So, act as if I was the traitor. And if you see Lunafreya… please… protect her.”
“We will, darling,” you pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Farewell.”
“I expect you to be back alive.”
“I will.”
“Good,” he smiled softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I must be off now. Good luck on your journey.”
Ravus turned and began walking away, disappearing into the darkness.
Gladiolus was the first to speak, sauntering forward and laughing.
“So, you really managed to get hitched with him?”
“Oh for Six’s sake, Gladiolus!” You cried, your face erupting in red. “Have some manners!”
“Enough of the chit chat,” Cor interrupted. “You all got an important mission right now.”
Noctis nodded, stepping forward towards Cor.
“Alright, I’m ready. Take me to the tomb,” Noctis said, steeling his nerves for the task ahead.
He couldn’t run away now. Not this time.
His eyes flicked towards you as he saw you looking at where Ravus had walked away.
This time, he’d be the one to protect you and give you the chance to live your life.
That was a promise.
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gayregis · 4 years
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styleslistic · 2 years
How it Turned Out - Harry Styles Fic Part 10
Y/N goes to Harry’s show and he performs a new song
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New post from @/yn on Instagram: 
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@yn : i heard we're wearing cowboy hats for Love on Tour?
@ynfan: !!!!!! She's going to Harry's show oh my god
@ynfan2: ahh im going tonight too!
》 @yn: see you there 😘
Y/N had, somehow, managed to find a date where she could come  to Harry’s show. She was excited on practically every level: to see a talented musician perform, to hear music she loved being played, to see Harry, to see Harry perform, to see Harry dressed in whatever obscene outfit his stylist had put him in. It was a lot.
Heart-breakingly, she wouldn’t have time to see him before the show, as she was in interviews all day. But perhaps that was for the best because there was a slim chance she’d be able to keep her hands off him.
So here she was, in the VIP box with a couple of friends from the industry who knew she knew Harry in a work capacity but had no idea what was really going on. Because that was what they’d decided. The public, and their friends, could know they worked together and were friends, but it wouldn’t go beyond that.
Her Instagram post would, in a few weeks once their music video came out, look like a clever PR move ahead of their first official collaboration.
It was always a little strange being in a venue but sat in the audience instead of back stage before a concert started, so Y/N let herself enjoy watching Harry’s fans chatter excitedly, show of their signs and outfits to one another. 
Of course, a few of them spotted her and pointed or took photos of her. She was too far away to interact properly, but posed and waved accordingly, flashing her signature grin. 
While the support act did their thing, Y/N’s phone buzzed with a text from Harry.
Harry: Love the outfit babe :)
Y/N: I see you’ve been on the ‘gram haha. Thanks gorgeous, can’t wait to see yours
Harry: I have a surprise
Y/N: Oh?
Harry: I wrote a new song and I’m performing it tonight
Y/N: Oh wow, that’s pretty fucking cool
Harry: It’s like kind of about you, but kind of more about how our relationship and all the possibilities it entails make me feel
Harry: Like, how your approach to relationships kind of means freedom to explore stuff
Y/N: Oh man, you are killing me here I need to hear it NOWWW 
Harry: You’ll have to wait, sorry ;)
Harry: I wrote if after that phone call...
Y/N: Jesus
Harry: It’s just Harry actually
Y/N’s mind was reeling. A song about their relationship, so soon into it, was really quite something. She felt a little giddy about it, to be honest. But well, she knew which phone call he was referencing and that set her imagination alight. 
A few weeks ago, Harry had, for the first time, acted on their agreement that they could sleep with other people when they were apart. Y/N had left the ball in his court with all that stuff, letting him take it at his own pace and saying she was happy to wait till he knew how he felt about it a bit more before she acted on it herself. 
So yeah, Harry had had a one night stand with a guy he’d met at a bar. And the next day he had called Y/N the first moment she was alone in her hotel room to give him the full debrief. 
So when to lights dimmed, signalling that Harry was about to get on stage, Y/N had not quite emotionally prepared herself for what was bound to be a rather emotionally intense couple of hours.
Harry on stage was something else. First of all he looked just stunning, but his presence, the fire that being on stage seemed to light inside him was incredible. In contrast to most of the people in the room, Y/N had gotten to know the Harry that existed privately first, and that was already plenty good enough for her. But seeing him transform into this absolute force, bursting at the seams with charisma, was really doing things to her. 
“I’m gonna play you a new song,” Harry said. This was it then. “You’re gonna have to listen carefully, because it’s not getting released anywhere. This one’s just for the stage.”
Y/N absently registered a slew of fans scrambling for their phones to record this moment of camera. But she just felt like the breath had been knocked out of her. 
When the cheering, which went on for a rather long time, finally died down, Harry looked back to his band with a nod. 
“Here to take my medicine, take my medicine Treat you like a gentleman”
Y/N could do nothing but stare, wanting to sear every second of this moment into her brain. 
“And when I sleep I'm gonna dream of how you t—”
On stage, Harry threw the audience a very cheeky grin. But up in the stands, Y/N flushed, with some combination of embarrassment and arousal. But there were two lines in particular that send her over the edge.
“I mess around with him and I'm okay with it,    I'm coming down, I figured out I kinda like it” 
And if that didn’t paint an image. Because that had pretty much been what Harry had said at the end of the phone call. After i he’d called Y/N and relayed the night to her in extreme detail. This had been the phone call in question. A minute into the call, Y/N’s hands were creeping into her knickers and Harry was touching himself too. As Harry had talked, voice low and words interspersed with little moans and pants, the pair of them had brought themselves off to the sound of each other and the picture of Harry’s story.
In their panting, post-orgasmic haze, Harry had confessed that “I kind of liked thinking about telling you all about it when I was with him, made it even hotter.”
Y/N had grinned. “Well it was pretty hot hearing about it too. So you’’re a little bit into sleeping with other people then huh?”
“I think I’m figuring that out, yeah. It didn’t feel like, weird or anything knowing I’d been with someone else?” Harry had said gently.
“No, not really, as long as you come back to me I’m pretty chuffed.”
“Ok,” Harry had said. 
Now, Y/N could only watch the next few songs only half checked in to what was going on. The rest of her concentration was set on replaying the lyrics of Harry’s new song over and over. 
When the final notes of Fine Line struck, and Harry left the stage so that he could return in a minute for his last few songs, Y/N whipped out her phone in record time. 
Y/N: Nah Harry if this is how you felt watching my concert idk how you managed to look me in the eye when we finally met
Harry: I’m flattered
But if you remember, I did not manage look you in the eye till our third conversation. It went: first, horribly embarassing phone call; second, horribly embarrassing conversation where I literally wouldn't face you, and third, horribly embarrassing conversation where I tried to fend of a panic attack. Only then did I actually look you in the eye.
Y/N: well i feel much better now thank you.
Y/N: Seriously though I'm very turned on right now, its a little cruel of you to be that good.
Y/N: And I don’t care what you told your fans, I’m going to need a copy of that new song for personal use
Harry: Put your phone away ;)
She smiled, glad he was thinking of that same moment when their roles had been reversed and he’d been texting from her audience. She did in fact put her phone away, keen not to miss a second of Harry’s performance, especially not now that her brain seemed to have come back online. 
Harry returned to the stage to sing Sign of the Times. This gave Y/N a glimpse of the vulnerable Harry she’d gotten to know behind closed doors, and got her excited to see Harry for another, completely non-sexual reason. 
But with Kiwi closing out the show, there was no hope really. Y/N was gonna have to climb Harry like a tree. 
With the ~lights up~, Y/N said bye to her friends, who were headed off to a party elsewhere in the city. That done, she made her way to the security guard who was there to take her backstage.
In the wings, Harry was surrounded by a crowd of crew and bandmates. Y/N leaned against a wall and watched as they clamoured around him, happy to watch him in his natural habitat for a few minutes. She could hear people congratulating him on the new song, and felt a hot rush of smugness flow through her body.
Harry was speaking when he spotted her, and Y/N watched as he stumbled over his words for a second, eyes locked on hers for just a moment. He recovered quickly and apologised to whoever he was talking to and finished what he’d been saying. As they replied, Harry’s eyes slipped back to Y/N. 
Other times - because staring at each other across a room seemed to be their main occupation - she would have seen Harry stifle a grin, maybe risk mouthing a few words to her. But not this time. Now, Harry’s eyes were filled with a look she’d seen before, back when they were alone in that dance studio. 
“I’m gonna show Y/N around the venue,” Harry announced to the people around him. “She’s thinking of playing here soon.” 
He walked over to her and extended his hand for a handshake, keeping up the pretense of professionalism. Quite how a handshake of all things could make Y/N feel week at the knees, she wasn’t sure, but it sure did. 
“That was the worst excuse I’ve ever heard,” Y/N muttered. 
“Well I can barely think right now, so I think it was quite a good excuse given the circumstances,” Harry said. 
“Fair enough then, I’ll let you off this time,” she said dropping his hand at last. “But only if you get your mouth on me in the next thirty seconds,” she whispered, leaning towards his ear. 
Harry’s eyes widen, and he clears his throat. “Better start this tour with my dressing room, yeah?” 
“There better be a lock, Mr Tour Guide.”
“Oh there is, don’t you worry.”
Face-claim is the musician Chinchilla. 
I hope yall like this part! the previous part was a total flop haha but this one has a bit more meat to it!
Taglist: @theekyliepage @sleutherclaw @b-reads-things @mxltifxnd0m @lovurryy golden-hoax @spinningoutwaiting4ya @gothmingguk (just reply or send an ask to be added)
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chocobrotus · 2 years
How would the chocobros react to their crush who is also a royal? Also who is your favorite chocobro and why?
Thanks for your request ❤️
Im gonna answer your second question first. of course I love all of them very much but if I have to decide it's definitely Prompto because he's such a sweetheart with an awesome personality. He's not like an average hero or the average sidekick. He seems like a normal person who struggles with lots of anxieties and struggles throughout the day. He's trying to be the best version of himself and tries to make peace with his imperfections. I can identify with him in many ways which made him one of my comfort characters.
I hope I got it right. I guess you want me to write about their reaction on finding out about their crush's royalty. ✨So here we go✨:
The Chocobros' reaction after they found out that their crush is a royal
I imagine the guys meeting you at a street festival a few days before you were invited to a royal gala by king Regis. You have a great night. You laugh a lot. You're very chill with everyone but you kinda notice how one of them got a bit flirty. You dressed upfor the gala and see said man in the corner of the room.
Noctis was standing beside his father, talking to a bunch of important people
You could tell he wasn't enjoying it at all
When he saw you coming down the stairs he apologized to a countess who was about to tell him something he didn't want to know and head out to you
He seemed to be quiet surprised to see you there
"no way, Y/N! I guess you forgot to tell me, hm?"
He's not angry at you because he understands the struggles of being royal
He smiles at you instead and takes a quick look at his father who was already looking for him
"you wanna sneak out for a while? If I have to shake another hand its gonna fall off"
It made you laugh because you can totally relate to this
His only reason to be at the gala was because Noctis convinced his dad to invite him
Prompto didn't realize that it was you at the first sight
He recognized you at the second though
He's totally surprised, having his mouth wide open for a few seconds until he makes his way towards you
"Y/N! You..what I...you're one of the nobles! I mean you look royal but I didn't know that you were!"
He then realized that you wouldn't be interested in him cause he's just a commoner
He immediately seems to be insecure about being in your presence
He clears his throat before he apologizes
"I'm sorry for yelling at you, I was just hella surprised about that. I'm not a royal, just so you know, I'm just here because Noctis invited me"
He looks at his feet, doesn't know what to say
You reach out your hand to him and ask him if he wants to dance
At first, he didn't notice
He slowly looks up to you and gives you the sweetest smile "well..I guess at least I can try. I'm giving my best not to step on your feet" while he's saying that, he scratches his neck from embarrassment
Ignis came out of the kitchen because one of the waiters was struggling with something
when he saw you coming down the stairs into the ballroom, he just admired your appearance
He recognized you on the second sight
He stopped and raised his eyebrows because he was surprised to see you at this exclusive event
Ignis slowly made his way to you and stopped at the end of the stairs
He then adjusted his glasses before he spoke
"well I guess you left out a little detail on our latest conversations, dear"
Iggy gave you a little smile before he continued
"If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to show you the garden while you are free to tell me about your noble roots"
He offered you his arm before you took the last step
Gladio stood next to Noctis talking to a baron of Lestallum when he recognized you
He had to act like he'd be interested in what the baron told him until he could escape the conversation to head out to you
He raised one eyebrow, crossing his arms, giving you a smile
He slowly walks towards you until he stopped a few steps apart from you
"guess someone forgot to tell me that they're one of the nobles of Lucis"
He's not shocked, just surprised checking your look from head to toe
"didn't recognize you without the ripped jeans at first but I guess this one will also work out if you want to go for a walk with me"
He offers you his arm
That's when you realized that there is something like a gentleman behind the muscles
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ghostiiess · 1 year
[NSB HEADCANONS] - date with regie!
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pov: going to restaurant with your boyfriend regie!
warnings: some swears here and there, mention of the word ‘sexy’ and regie compliments y/n, hands on the thighs, kisses, mention of a sugar mommy (he wants you as a sugar mommy since he’s ‘broke’), i think that’s all? Let me know if there’s more!
type: wholesome
member: regie macalino from nsb
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Regie is nonchalant.
If you don’t know what nonchalant mean, let me give the definition (from google)
« feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm. »
Which is true, because regie’s really like that. He is nonchalant 😍 he even have an university with this name, remember?
(More under the cut!)
So, you weren’t surprised when your man texted you at 9:34pm on a tuesday night:
« Hi, get ready in 30, imma come pick u up 4 a date at the house, hope u r not sleeping lol»
« Btw, wear something sexy »
« So wear what you want since ur always sexy, ok bye ily »
After getting ready and everything, your boyfriend knocked on your door, not expecting his jaw to be dropped-
You were so stunning.
When i say his jaw dropped, i mean it
His heart started beating faster, he knew you were already sexy and beautiful and everything, but not like THAT
Like this was another step for regie
« Holy shit.. »
« Damn baby, you look so fucking good, omg… »
« You look stunning, babe, wow… you’re so cute »
Ofc, he kissed you
« we should stop here, bc there is absolutely no way I’ll be able to control myself if we continue our lil’ make out session »
Ok, regie
You are making regie weak in the knees 🤪
You should be proud of yourself, because regie’s nonchalant, and this man do not get weak in the knees that easily
So you guys went to a restaurant (bc i lack of inspiration and also bc date restaurant are cute too)
As you all know, this man is a gentleman
He opened the car door for you, closed it, did the same thing when you guys arrived at the restaurant
He even opened the restaurant door for you
« After you, baby »
Oh and please, do not let me forget to say that his hands were on your thighs during all the road time
If you do not feel comfortable with this, just know he’ll stop doing it, but if you like it??? Bye, you will never be able to be in the same car with him and not have his hands on you
Yes, even with the guys 😆
Anyways, back to the restaurant
Both of your arms were on a side of the table, holding each other’s hands
His fingers were caressing the top of your hand
Regie knows how to make us weak 😍🫣
“You look so good tonight, baby..”
“I mean, you always look stunning, but tonight.. holy fuck”
During the date, you both talked about your day, how work was going for both of you, the lastest news and dramas… literally everything haha
And this man could not stop complimenting you over your clothes, how you looked, how great you were doing at your job, how cute you were, like this man was being soft and all cutie cutie
When it was time to pay, this man did not want to let you pay
“I gotchu babe, dw ‘bout it”
You were like “no, i can pay, you always pay, anyways can i pay for once?”
And he was like “hummm…. No! 😇”
The worst part? He’s saying “I’m broke, baby” and “i need a sugar mommy, y/n, please buy me things” like ok, we can do that i guess, but HE’S NOT EVEN LETTING US BUYING STUFF FOR HIM, LIKE FHVCUGFGB-
When it was time to drive you back home, he was super happy (not bc he was going to end the date, but bc he was so happy of the date with you)
When he walked you towards your home door, he did like in every movie:
💃🚶‍♂️ (sorry i didn’t find an emoji where the girl was standing on the left and looking at the right)
“We should do it more often… Going on dates randomly like that”
He smiled so much this night
And his smile, omg his smile
“ i am so happy to have you as my girlfriend, y/n”
Then he kissed you
“I love you baby, ill text u when I’ll be home”
And this is what complete the headcanon, hope you guys liked it!! (I didn’t know how to end it, sorry)
Taglist! (Open! Send an ask if you’d like to be added!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
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thithesandofferings · 3 years
Yandere FFXV Crew
FFXV being Yandere- Gladiolus/Noctis/Prompto/Ignis/Ardyn/Regis
*Covers eyes* I am not here. But you are. You might as well read. 
TW:  MINORS DNI  Dark Content. Yandere themes. Stalking. Dubious Dubious Consent. Slight Daddy kink. Masochism. Sadism. Slight exhibitionism. Fear play. 
Gladiolus - Geeezzz he's so in love with you. Has been for so long. Just watching you through the castle. He just knows you'd look good in his bed. With a ring on your finger (and neck) crying out his name. He sees the other knights in the castle chatting you up, but he may or may not be standing behind you giving them the death glare. Its only accidental that a couple of knights disappear. Only happenstance that these were the same men that gave you a hard time. When you look at him with needy eyes asking him for help, he has to have you. Wont let you out of his room. Look hes trying to make you feel safe and secure. You may think he's not the kindest when he buckles you in your collar connected to a brick wall and gives you the deepest of kisses. Grips your chin to open your mouth so he has more access- every day before he goes to work. He knows you hate when he leaves and hes gonna make it up to you. He even promised you a baby if youre good. Your eyes are misting, but theres no reason for it. you know he's gonna fuck you into that very same wall when he gets home. Give you all the attention that you've been whining for. "Awww sorry princess, Daddy didnt mean it. Im not letting you go unitl you forgive me".
Noctis- Two words. Cage Beds. Always. He loves you, but he cant trust you as far as he can throw. He was even nice enough to pick the bed with you in the room.  Keeps one leg shackeled at all times when he doesnt have sights on you. Why would you want to get out anyways? Your sole purpose is to serve him. He would never feel bad for taking your life. Its his anyways. He might use the guards to spy on you, and so what? You like to run. And not that he doesnt like to chase you, no, it becomes a hassle when he has duties to fulfill for the kingdom. Playtime is not 24/7 pet and you know this. He has to roll his eyes because it seems that no one understands that not a single soul is allowed to talk to you in any capacity. At this point he's going to have to pay his public executioner more, he's been working overtime. Probably gonna have to fuck your little mouth shut again just to give everyone a break.  He would hope you'll get used to being his possession. Its hardly sexual at this point, especially when he can use you like a malleable toy. You're cute,  but he's really been thinking about...experimentation during his down time. Wonders what you'd do if he held a syringe of anything next to that cute face.  
Prompto - He doesnt mean to be angry. He doesnt. But you just make him so hot, its hard to cipher his feelings out of something so strong. You were so nice and thats why he took you in the first place; but now youre so hurtful. How is he supposed to deal with that- especially when youre saying mean things to him. How could you say something about his humanity! He has it! He definitely doesnt mean to bruise you, gripping your waist so tight that bruises form, its an honest mistake. But he has to prove it to you somehow that he is deserving of you. He adores it when he fucks you so good that you pass out. Pleas and gasp making an abrupt choked noise when your head hits the pillow. Doesnt mean he's gonna stop his hips from moving. He needs to prove to you that you are it. So he'll fuck you awake so he can remind you. No matter how much it takes.
Ignis- Wants to get inside your head first. To be the only thing you think about. Walks by you and sometimes bumps into you. Says he's sorry and touches you. makes sure that your mind drifts to him. He knows exactly where you're going to be at the exact time. Of course he's input cameras into every point in your house and office. He cant keep an eye off you for a second. What if that "partner" from the other cubicle comes by and hassles you again? He sees the way that man looks at you. Distractingly similar to how Ignis himself looks at you. But that guy doesnt care about you. Doesnt know what you like to eat or what flowers you like first thing in the morning. Or that you even prefer to be bent over the desk rather than pressed against the window. Probably doesnt know that your hole squeezes just a little tighter when someone walks pass. Has to press his hand against your mouth when you get a little too loud. Frown deepens when he thrust into you as hard as he can when your "partner" knocks on the door.
Ardyn- He's so giddy when you wake up and his lips are already on yours before your eyes open. He picked up the change of breathing and wanted to be ready for you. He can mark what belongs to him right? Gods he cant wait until he puts bruises on that pretty skin. He wants to hear you whine for him. You may be a resistant now, but you'll come around. They always do. He's seen the way your eyes flutter just slightly when he grasps your throat when youre being just a little too bratty. The way you beg gets him so hard- he wants to fuck you where you stand, but he's trying to be patient. Knows that one day you'll come to him crawling on your hands and knees with that cute little collar, leash in mouth, begging for him to fuck you. He can wait. He's waited this long hasnt he?
Regis- In the name of the throne, it has to be done. You have to be his. Does not matter your standing whether high status or low born. You were supposed to be his. The Gods told him so. Its a shame you were taken from your home by his very guards, but he knew you would have a better life with him. He would treat you right. Give you all the little toys your heart desired. He's wanted you for so long. How dare you ignore him? A king? He'd make sure you never step foot out of the castle again. For your own good. You deserved the best. And you would get the best too wouldnt you? His fingers, his mouth, even his time. He wants those beautiful face writhing in pleasure not pain, but if you dont behave, he'll take either.
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lune-hime · 4 years
We All Fall Down (Chocobros x f!Reader)
For those times when clumsiness gets the best of us. 
“Noctis, how did the two of you get up there?” Regis inquired, already mentally preparing himself for the absurd situation the prince was about to relay. Seeing his son and his fiancee dangling from one of the Citadel’s many spires was not what the King had pictured his Tuesday afternoon would look like.
“Y/N and I bet each other that the other wouldn’t be able to get from the throne room to the training room blindfolded.” Noctis stated as if it was a normal activity that young people did in their free time. The disappointed, but not surprised, look on Regis’ face made Noctis hesitant to continue.
“Y/N might have fallen a couple stories off a balcony before I warped to catch her.” Noctis grimaced and gave a cautionary look down to his father.
“But I’m okay!” You chimed in as cheerful as ever. Throwing the King an enthusiastic wave caused Noctis’ grip on the spire to falter. Both you and the prince screeched in fear, your holds tightening around one another.
“Do you need help getting down?” Regis offered, cringing slightly when Nocts’ arm began to quiver.
“No.” The Prince spat with a childish pout. It was like a toddler arguing with his overworked father. It would have been an endearing interaction to observe if you were not hanging precariously from the side of a building.
Regis deadpanned before shaking his head and smiling.
“Get down quickly, then. I was going to treat the two of you to ice cream.” He nagged playfully, turning on his heels. He didn’t get more than five steps before a resounding crash sounded on the walkway behind him. Turning his head, he was met with entangled limbs and pained groans.
The laughter that boomed from the King’s dignified frame shocked the two who were recovering from their fall. You and Noctis exchanged wide eyes before bursting into laughter yourselves. When you caught up to Regis, he placed an arm around each of you as you walked back into the Citadel, the sunlight warm on your backs.
If you thought you had escaped the dad lecture about how to navigate a castle safely, you would be wrong.
Letting a bunch of Crown City High School sophomores loose on a chocobo ranch screamed chaos from the beginning. After the scheduled tour of the facilities and getting an in depth lecture on the intricate process of chocobo breeding, the children were set free to roam about the premises. For the more fearless students, free and lets say,  too casual  chocobo lessons were open. Too casual meaning unsupervised while the handler took a smoke break.
Naturally, you and Prompto were the most willing participants out of your friend group.
“I think I’m getting the hang of it!” You shouted to the blonde boy leaning excitedly on the arena’s fence as you trotted around the dirt pen.
“Yeah, you look great-Y/N!” Prompto didn’t have time to finish his compliment before he was vaulting over the fence towards your crumpled form. The chocobo had thrown you from its back so quickly that he didn’t have time to process the situation until you had already flopped ungracefully on the ground.
Placing his hands on your shoulders, he frantically turned you over to check for a concussion. The wind had been knocked out of you but other than that you looked unharmed. You sat there dazed for a few moments propped against his embrace before giggles bubbled from your chest.
“I wanna go again!” You exclaimed happily, seemingly unphased that your head had just fallen short of the bird’s powerful kick.
“How about we go visit the babies, huh?” He gently coaxed, eyeing the annoyed bird. It ruffled its plumage and squawked angrily as the two of you waddled out of the pen and towards the petting barn. All the while he couldn’t stop thinking how simultaneously alarming and cute your reaction was.
“Stay awake, dear.” Ignis hummed in a low tone. The tour of the newly developed shopping complex had commenced once again and your group was now on the move towards the food court. Your head lazily dropped from where it rested on Ignis’ shoulder, snapping you back into reality.
“Huh? I was just resting my eyes.” You bluffed, briskly slapping your cheeks to bring some alertness into your veins. Ignis shook his head slightly as your group came to another stop.
“Why did you bring me on this again?” You stifled a yawn as one of the businessmen threw you a dirty look through his monocle. Hiding your tiredness with a cough you smiled awkwardly until he returned his gaze to the tour guide.
“It was  you  who insisted on coming, I told you to sleep in this morning.” Ignis whispered cheekily. The two of you were representing the Citadel in this group of stuffy conglomerates scouting for new business ventures. You decided to come, the nosy person you were, despite your exceptional exhaustion. Being a college student and a member of the Crownsguard was not recommended if you wanted to get a decent amount of sleep and graduate at the same time.
“Couldn’t bear spending an hour without me, hmm?” Ignis slyly poked you in the side, an amused smile on his lips. Huffing, you nudged him back playfully. Ignis was about to retaliate when the monocle man cleared his throat rather aggressively. It seemed you were disturbing his learning environment.
“And now we will make our way to the next floor.” The guide announced, his crisp tone filling the open space of the vacant mall.
Ignis ascended onto the escalator first, allowing you to rest your head on his back. You could care less if you got a makeup stain on his freshly pressed suit vest, any second you got to stare at the inside of your eyelids felt like pure bliss.
You had not anticipated for the ride to be so short and you didn’t have time to adjust to the absence of your headrest when he stepped off the escalator. Flailing like a fish, your face almost said hello to the tile when a strong grip on your waist held you up and pushed you, albeit clumsily, off the moving steps.
Regaining your composure you automatically thanked Ignis for catching your fall. Only, Ignis was in front of you and there was a hand still on your stomach. Slowly craning your neck back to see your savior, you saw yourself in the reflection of a polished golden monocle. An undignified squeak left your mouth as you jumped out of the man’s arms.
The man with the monocle scowled at you and clicked his tongue under his bristly peppered mustache. Heat rose to your cheeks and you sputtered a small thank you as he gruffly brushed past Ignis to rejoin the rest of the tour.
Ignis bit his lip to stifle his impending laughter. He needed to stay professional after all. He held out his arm to you, which you graciously took, and hid your face behind his sleeve until the embarrassment had washed itself from your cheeks.
“And then Cindy almost punched the guy in the mouth because he was getting a little to handsy but I managed to thro-WHOA.” Your rambling was cut short by your ankle twisting haphazardly as you padded down the sunbaked steps of Lestallum’s main street. The steaming hot styrofoam of the Cup Noodles in your hand consequently went flying out of your grasp as you scrambled to collect your floundering form.
Expecting to see the horrendous sight of your freshly brewed noodles splattered on the pavement like the scene of a murder, you were pleasantly surprised when it was intact in Gladio’s hand.
“You okay?” He asked, placing the noodles on the stairs. He crouched down to look at your ankle. You nodded, giving it a few rolls. “Yeah, I’m good. What about your hand? Did it get burned?” You prodded, gently bringing his hand that held your cup noodles to your eye level.
“Nah it’s fine. My hand just smells like ramen now.” He chuckled.
“Now it's beefy, just like you.” You smiled cheekily, snatching your noodles from his grasp in a fluid movement. You skipped down the remaining stairs, leaving him to smile fondly before quickly catching up and squeezing your side, your combined giggles meshing with the subtle buzzing of the power-plant.
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noirbriar · 3 years
FFXV AU: Valse Di Fantastica
A short from the Lion, the Coeurl and the Cub AU
“Un-fucking-believable.” Noctis hisses, chin on his elbow with his eyes fixed on the moving landscape by the side of the car.
“You are being absolutely immature, Noctis. What ever happened to being an understanding spouse?” Luna looks towards his direction.
 “That understanding spouse got eaten. By that…THING.”
Gladio who is stuck on the other end of the Regalia, blatantly ignores his charges. He flips a page of his novel like nothing is wrong in the world. Ignis glances at them momentarily in the mirror before focusing on the driving once more.
“Now you are just being rude. Think about it, this wouldn’t have happened if you simply- ”
“I can’t do this. I am getting a divorce.”
“You guys aren’t even married though?” Prompto chirps at the two royals. The gunner turns around from his seat, making sure to take a picture while he did.
“Says the one whose dads eloped.” The prince groans into his hand.
There, in the backseat of the car, were Noctis, Lunafreya and Gladio in that specific order. Also. One large Kenny Crow plush in the hands of the Oracle. Plus, it squeaks.
“See.If you have simply agreed to let me place it in your Armiger-“
“That THING is not coming near any of my magic- No. No. Nope. Fat NOPE.” Noctis looks at the horrifying plush toy with disdain. As if it were made of beans and carrots melded together by daemons, rather than simply cotton. The mascot’s beady black eyes digging into the depths of his soul. “Besides, where did you even get the money?! Specs is so stingy with our gil funds, how on Eos did you convince him to buy that??”
“I’m afraid that assumption is very much untrue, your Highness.” Oh,sassy Ignis is here.”I most certainly did not allow this…sad circumstance to happen. It was Prompto who had bought the merchandise for the Lady.”
“PROMPTO LEONIS YOU HAD FUNDS?!” Noctis shouts at his best friend in dismay, half leaping out of his spot, shoving the Kenny Crow off from his face. 
“Indeed he did. Without even telling us. For that, I’m afraid Prompto’s right in deciding dinner has been forfeit.” Ignis remarks nonchalantly, while Prompto gapes at the advisor before bemoaning he was innocent and it was all unintentional.
“Dad just gave me some gil! And I saw Luna really liked it, so I figured why not? She never had a Kenny crow toy before either.”
“See? Prompto is such a gentleman! You should be more like him, Noct.” Luna smiles sweetly, squeezing a CAW out of the large humanoid crow toy.
Noctis scowls at it. Before glaring at his blond friend,”traitor.”
“Again, why am I being deprived of so many privileges in this party?” Prompto complains as he tilts over the top of his seat precariously with no sense of self preservation.
“You are not driving, Prom. We said it many times. ‘No Leonis will touch the Regalia’s driver seat’, those were the King’s words. And my Dad’s. And Cid’s.” Gladio reminds his pouting friend.The Shield smirks back at the pouting gunslinger who sticks his tongue out at him like the mature 20 year old he is. “All it took was one father to crash it and his son to make it break down in the middle of the highway.”
“Ya’all mean.” Prompto sulks, slinking back in his seat proper.
Luna quietly inches the Kenny Crow beside Noctis’ face and squeezes a CAW at him.
Somewhere else far from the young crew, in Cape Caem where the older crew are guarded by some glaives and guards. Cor Leonis lets out a couple of soft sneezes while dressing some new bandages for Nyx. Whose arm is still looking grim and severely scarred by the Ring’s magic. The Galahdian just thinks his new tattoo that he’s sporting looks pretty amazing. Cor is not impressed.
“Cold?” Nyx looks at his husband concerned. They cannot afford being sick now.
“No, just felt like someone is talking behind my back.” With that, he resumes pulling the gauze.
“Ah. Could be anyone?”
“Regis, most likely.”
Song for this ficlet: FFXV Valse Di Fantastica
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mevekagvain · 2 years
Chapter 472 - So is there a reason why Raizel's brother says his whole name? I know that the lord and noblesse have that 'the entire thing is our first and last name' thing going on but even mvp lord just calls his daughter Raskreia. Is the brother just being an annoying older brother and using his whole name in a scolding way? Or is it just because he's being murdered?
- Wow the werewolves with their tiny population just had it halved after all the culling already occurring over 820 years from experimentation. How many people are left now? 100? 200?
- W-why is Kentas going upwards? Is there a sky city I'm unaware of? Are there actually winged werewolves that I should know about? Surely Kentas could leap in like, the direction he's heading for without going upwards that much.
Chapter 473 - Suddenly I'm illiterate. Why could Raskreia be blushing? No clue. Love Kei knowing jackshit though.
Chapter 474 - I like how neither Frankenstein nor Gechutel approve of the idea of Raizel and Raskreia being together.
Chapter 475 - Also Seira immediately jumping in to make fun of Regis sjjsjsis. "Regis has always been single. May the lord strike me down if I lie." And Regis not even registering it as a joke because Seira is likely saying it seriously.
- Obviously Rael is gonna kill either the lord or noblesse with Kartas to prevent Gechutel's fears. Why are you so dumb Karias 🙃
Chapter 476 - The way Shinwoo studies Raizel after Raskreia says he loves the time he spends with the kids... totally different meaning when you hc he's a noble <3
- So Karias is the only one in the household with love experience 🤣 Everyone else either doesn't get it or is a weirdo like Frankenstein. Also he tells Rael to stay away from Seira :)
- Grandpa is so fucking embarrassing.
Chapter 478 - Raizel using Muzaka as his gofer... Lmao.
Chapter 479 - Contradictory flashback time! Why is there a peaceful moment where Ashleen and Muzaka visit the Noblesse manor where the latter reveals that the former is his daughter? I'll just have to take it as Raizel fantasising about an alternate life where this happened instead of her death.
- Why does Garda get a default suit outfit btw? I actually think she looks good in it but you'd think she'd be given more casual clothes. Or maybe she chose this over whatever skimpy female clothes Crombel has...
Chapter 481 - Yeaaaah still hc that Muzaka transferring his power did nothing to help. Power /= Lifespan for anyone outside the noblesse after all. Ashoka doing it with Ragnarok is different since he just straight up gave Raizel his soul how romantic.
- Anyway I get why he did it this way but isn't making Raizel fight then transferring power kinda dumb? What if all your power is only equivalent to all the lifespan he used up in this fight?
- Muzaka's a very good actor btw. Better than Maduke imo. Like everyone knows the latter is an evil asshole. There are 0 people who are not wary of him unless brainwashed.
Chapter 482 - Garda's love (not romantic) and admiration for Muzaka is so deep and it makes me sad.
- Anyway did I rip my tragic hc backstory for Raizel's brother partly from this? Yes. But not exactly obviously. The nuances and circumstances are different. The aftermath on Raizel's psyche is the exact same though :)
Chapter 483 - Okay I know he wasn't the one who killed Gradeus but it is funny seeing every traitor except him.
Chapter 484 - 'that not even his species is known for' huh? Are you not a werewolf too mr. scientist on werewolf island? I guess not since Kentas says he'll give the guy the support of all his species.
- Oh. No in person meetings for 50 years?? So no recent Union pool parties either? At least, not between the Elders? That's so sad :( But actually... nah the Elders probably did come to any relevant Union parties or upper echelon human parties when they felt like it. Parties aren't the same as meetings after all. Or at least Lunark, Urokai, and Zarga showed up to Third Elder's pool parties. Four ppl party. They're friends <3
- And First Elder is here. Meh.
Chapter 485 - I feel like some of the other Elders did probably know about First Elder coughUrokaiwithhischokeholdonUnionfinancescough but they didn't care. Also all this does mean he's only been in the position for 50 years max or that Haydn has always been covering for him since he became First Elder, even in person, if more than 50 years.
- Amusingly enough, the room bg designs have gotten better now that it doesn't particularly matter to have them with the constant fighting. I do appreciate it though. Better than whatever tf Yuna's home was and the one (1) room in the noblesse manor. Like Raizel pls put more furniture in there.
Chapter 486 - The manhwa throneroom with the elevated throne area (stairs, platform, pillars, floaty blue diamonds) and straight red carpet, the anime throneroom with the fancier carpet and throne combined with the manhwa throne (so gold with red plush but dragon armrests. though only actually for ashoka and raskreia since I like to think that lords have personalised thrones for their reigns), the anime lord's sanctuary with its chessboard style floor and mosaics, and my own design where the entire walls and ceiling are just mosaics aside from one layer of glazed windows, thus bathing the throneroom in multicolour light in the day, is how I imagine it. It does ofc mean that the throneroom is on the topmost floor.
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Chapter 487 - Not everyone with red eyes is a noble :/ Some are just emo.
Chapter 488 - Geo!! Considering her clothes/accessories compared to her skin colour I'll always hc that she's from a minority group in China.
Chapter 490 - King of the humans... so fucking lame.
- I can't be bothered by righteous anger when it comes from some rich white prick like First Elder. Because it's people like him who worked with the werewolves and traitor nobles to hurt other humans in the first place.
Chapter 491 - I do want to point out that the other Elders were also all :/ at Maduke destroying random human areas. Canonically they probably didn't care about the people and just that it was Maduke who did it but. Yeah. Seriously though, Maduke is so bad at politics. No wonder the only times he got what he wanted is when others wanted something from him too like with the Muzaka Raizel fight or with humans wanting werewolf sponsorship.
Sidenotes - The last episode of the anime was utter shit but the anime did give me one of my fav noblesse bgs. It's just such a nice room.
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- Just like how I imagine lords have personalised thrones, I also imagine that there is a room in the castle with special multimedia mosaic paintings for each lord representing them/their rule. The frame is created based on their likes (Kalidasa's is a strange black and white amalgation, Chinasa has a simple wooden frame he made himself, Mai has a really pretty and fancy jewelled one comissioned by Chinasa using jewels he found himself, Al-Kahina's is carved detailed wood made by Hesediel, Gentilus has a detailed Agvain metalwork frame, Ashoka's is a strange one that glows white always so you can't tell what the material it is or how it actually looks, Raskreia has an ornate gold one made/commissioned by her family, Helia and Lan Yue's is ofc shared if Lan Yue exists and is ornate wood and metal with silver gold veins) while the mosaic/painting itself is enchanted so it comes into being over the course of the lord's reign. Each piece has the lord, their version of Ragnarok and symbolic representations of important things in their rule or personality.
- First and Third Elder's relationship will forever make me uncomfortable because of how it reminds me of master/slave, caste, racial, etc dynamics. Easiest way to solve this would be if Raizel had been dark skinned lol.
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Big Break
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Request: Can I request a Luke x reader with like 1995 Luke and Y/N where reader has a concert and invites her friends and boyfriend (not Luke as BF yet 😪😂) and she’s really nervous and looks for her boyfriend before hand but doesn’t see him and learns he didn’t want to come so Luke (who is her BFF and completely in love with her and her him) supports her and calms her down and after the concert she breaks up with her boy and dates Luke ~ @im-a-writer-right​
Word Count: 3.5k
P.S. Sorry for the fic spam today. My TVD and 100 fics were scheduled for today. and I just really wanted to get this one out.
Tonight is the biggest night of your life. You booked a gig that could give you your big break. You were opening up for one of your friend’s band, Twisted Island, who has a contract with one of the biggest record labels, Sub Pop Records. You were so nervous you practically didn’t sleep the night before. Luckily, one of your friends gave you some melatonin to make you practically pass out. 
You look to your computer to find a message on AOL  from your boyfriend, Tyler. 
Tyler: Morning 
You: Morning
Tyler: Meet @ Moonshine Cafe in1 hr. I want to spend time with you before work
You: Ok, love. See you soon
Tyler: See you soon <3
Your boyfriend wasn’t only one of your oldest friends from LA but also an emerging music artist. He was the one who helped you land the gig, on top of your friends who you were opening for. He knew some other big record labels and invited them to your show. In case you didn’t land a deal with Sub Pop Records you had the other labels you could possibly sign with.
You get up to shower and get ready to meet your boyfriend. You hop in your car and head to the cafe. Not long after your boyfriend arrived. You gave him a big kiss and head to get seated. Of course, Tyler pulled some strings so you two could be seated at their private table. 
“These are for you, for good luck,” Tyler says and hands you some flowers.
“Awe, thank you,” You smile.
“I’m sorry I can’t help you prep more for tonight. I just can’t miss out on this collaboration with Madonna,” Tyler says.
“It’s ok. It’s an amazing opportunity, I’m excited for you. But you can make it for soundcheck right? It’s at five and I got you a backstage pass,” You say pulling out a lanyard.
“Yes. We should be done between 3:30-4,” Tyler says taking the pass from your hands. 
“So how many songs are you gonna record with Madonna?” You ask.
“Not sure. Today we’re just writing some. I’m hoping for at least two or three,” Tyler says.
“Well, no matter how many you write together. I bet they’re going to be amazing. I can’t wait to hear them,” You say as your food arrives. The two of you spend the rest of the time talking about his collab and your gig before you receive a call.
Luke: Y/N I just woke up. The guys and I are gonna meet at the garage soon.
You: I’ll meet you guys there in 30.
“Who was that?” Tyler asks
“My friend in Sunset Curve, Luke. The guys told me they’d help me prep for tonight so I gotta go soon,” You tell Tyler.
“Those guys are great. I have to go soon too anyways. I need to be at the studio in like an hour. But I wanted to get there a bit early,” Tyler says.
“You always like to please people,” You laugh. 
“You know me too well,” Tyler laughs as a waiter brings boxes over. You pack your leftovers in the box as Tyler pays.
“Thanks again for breakfast,” You say.
“You’re welcome. The best way to start off the day. I’ll see you later tonight,” Tyler says.
“See you tonight. 5 O’clock at The Los Angeles Theatre, don’t forget,” You say.
“I promise, I won’t,” Tyler says and kisses you goodbye. 
You get into your car and head to the Sunset Curve garage. Once you made your way into the garage you find that only Alex and Reggie were there.
“Hey guys,” You say.
“Hey,” The boys say in almost unison. 
“Where’s Luke and Bobby?” You question.
“Bobby is supposed to pick Luke up. He probably slept in,” Alex says.
“I thought Bobby was the punctual and responsible one?” You ask.
“Who says we’re not responsible?” Reggie asks, clearly feeling hurt.
“Me, but you guys did have that gig last night right? How’d that go?” You ask.
“It was great. Reggie even--” Alex starts before he gets slapped in the chest by Reggie.
You raise your eyebrow, “Reggie even what?” You question.
“Dude, just tell her. She’s not gonna give up, you know that,” Alex says.
“I may have had a special night with this girl,” Reggie says quietly.
“Oh yeah? Is this someone you’re gonna see again? Or more like a one-time thing?” You ask.
“I-I don’t know,” Regie says.
“Either way I’m happy for you,” You say. You then hear the doors open and turn to find Luke and Bobby walk in.
“There’s our big shot!” Luke yells before tackling you with a hug.
“Not quite yet. I still gotta play tonight,” You say pulling away.
“Either way. My best friend is getting her big break AKA our big shot,” Luke says.
“What about us?” Reggie asks furrowing his eyebrows.
“We’ll get our shot, but today is about Y/N,” Luke says.
“Aw shucks,” You chuckle. “So I’m playing like five songs and if I’m being completely honest...I haven’t picked them out yet,” You say.
“Well I know ‘Rose’ and ‘Shadows’ are two of my favs,” Luke says.
“‘Constellations’ is also a great one,” Alex adds.
“Those three are at the top of my list,” You say and pull out your music journal.
“What about the song you and Luke wrote together?” Bobby asks.
“‘Red Hearts’? That’s a duet song. I can’t really play that one,” You say.
“Y/N’s right. It’s meant to be sung by two people,” Luke smiles at you.
“I think ‘Bracing for impact’ and ‘Devil’, will fit in with the others then,” Bobby suggests.
“Yeh, but I haven’t played ‘Devil’ more than twice and one of those times was in front of you guys,” You say.
“You are an amazing artist, Y/N,” Luke grasps your arms. “You barely need any practice. Remember when I threw you on stage with us to sing one of our songs?” Luke says. 
“That doesn’t count, Luke. I watch you guys practice all the time,” You point out.
“But you memorized the lyrics,” Alex says.
“Ok...I guess that was impressive. Fine, I’ll do these five. Thanks, guys,” You say. 
“Great! I can’t wait to hear them,” Luke says as the other nod in agreement.
“Oh! Also, I pulled some strings and got you all backstage and sound check passes,” You say pulling four lanyards out.
“Backstage passes to the Los Angeles Theatre?!?” Reggie exclaims taking all four passes from your hand.
“You know the three other passes are for your bandmates right?” You ask.
“Oh. Yeah. I just can’t believe we get to go backstage at the Los Angeles Theatre,” Reggie says handing his bandmates the remaining passes.
“Soundcheck is at five,” You say.
“You know we’ll be there,” Luke says and smiles at you. You and the boys hang out as they practice. 
“Y/N, who are you opening up for again?” Bobby asks.
“Really? My friend whose in Twisted Island. They’re signed with Sub Pop,” You respond.
“Seriously? How did you get this gig exactly,” Alex asks.
“Well, my friend. But Tyler also invited a couple of other labels to see my show,” You say.
“Don’t forget us when you get big,” Luke says.
“How could I? You guys are the ones who told me I should play gigs in the first place,” You say.
“You and Luke have known each other for however long. Why didn’t we invite her to sing with us again?” Reggie asks as everyone in the room gives him blank looks. “What?” He asks.
“Reggie...do you really think that an amazing singer like Y/N would ever want to join Sunset Curve?” Luke says putting his hand on Reggie’s shoulder. 
“In my defense, none of you asked me,” You respond. 
“So is that a yes?” Reggie asks.
“I didn’t know that was an invite,” You say.
“Ok. Hypothetically if we offered...would you like to join?” Reggie asks.
“Uhh...we didn’t have a band meeting about this,” Bobby adds.
“It’s a hypothetical question, but I know I wouldn’t mind,” Luke says.
“I mean she’d be a great addition,” Alex says.
“And she can play a mean guitar. But she might steal your lead singer role, Luke,” Bobby says.
“Why do I feel like I’m being interrogated?” You ask.
“Just answer the question,” Reggie says.
“Ok, ok. Let’s say you offered me today. My answer is, let’s see how tonight goes,” You respond as the boys seem pleased with your answer. “Speaking of tonight, it’s like 3. I need to get ready and then head to the theatre,” You say and get up.
“Alright we’ll see you there,” Luke says as you hug each of the boys.
“5 O’clock. Don’t be late,” You say walking out of the garage.
“We won’t!” Reggie yells.
You head back to your apartment and get ready to head to the Los Angeles theatre. You grabbed your guitar and your accessories and head to the theatre. Once you got there you already heard Twisted Island doing their soundcheck.
“There she is,” Adam, your friend, says as you walk in.
“Hey,” You say setting your stuff down.
“Ready for tonight?” He asks.
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be, but I don’t have any choice,” You respond hugging him.
“You’ll do great. You remember Jessie, Shawn, and my brother Mike,” Adam says pointing to the respective band members.
“Yeh, I’m Y/N Y/L/N,” You awkwardly say.
“We’re almost done with our soundcheck. Miles, there, will show you to your dressing room,” Adam says pointing to the man with a headset on.
“Thanks,” You smile as you’re lead to your room. You make your way in and set your stuff down. You first make a call to Tyler, but no answer. A few minutes later you hear a knock at your door.
“You’re up for soundcheck,” Miles says. You grab your guitar and other things and head to the stage. As you were setting up you see the Sunset Curve boys walk in. You stop and go to greet them.
“Hey, guys. I was just setting up,” You say as you hug them.
“This is amazing!” Reggie says excitedly as the others look around in awe.
“This is Adam the lead singer and guitarist in Twisted Island,” You say noticing him and his bandmates walk up. They introduce each other.
“Hey, where’s Tyler?” Luke asks.
“I don’t know. I told him to be here at 5 for soundcheck. I called him but he didn’t pick up. I’m sure his meeting with Madonna is going late,” You say before heading to finish setting up. You play the five songs out while the two band watch. Tyler still hadn’t shown up. 
As you finish your soundcheck, you set your stuff down and go to your dressing room to try and call Tyler again. He didn’t pick up so you decided to leave a voicemail, “ Hey, Ty. I just finished soundcheck. The show starts in 30, hope you’ll be here before I go on,” You say before hanging up.
You hear a knock at your door, “Yes?” You say. The door opens to the four Sunset Curve boys walking in.
“That was amazing,” Luke says.
“And Twisted Island is a cool band,” Reggie adds.
“Not as cool as you,” You say half excitedly.
“You good Y/N?” Luke asks as you look at your phone.
“Yeah. Just uh, waiting for Tyler to get here and a little pre-show jitters. You know, the usual,” You say. Luke notices the sadness in your voice and looks at you with sad eyes, but you don’t notice.
“If your soundcheck sounded that good. Then your show is gonna sound twice as good,” Alex says.
“Thanks,” You say when you get another knock on your door. You open it to find Adam there.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to let you know the theatre is filling and you’re going on in 15,” Adam says.
“Thanks,” You say. “Hey, guys, I’ll be right back,” You tell the boys. You follow Adam to the stage, hoping to see Tyler in the audience.
“Hey, I know you’re gonna do great, and our agent is gonna be impressed. You’ll get some offers tonight,” Adam says.
“Thanks again for this gig. It really means a lot to me,” You say while hugging Adam. 
“You’re welcome. Anything for one of my oldest friends. See you in 15,” Adam says and walks away. You make your way to the edge of the wings and look out to see if you can see Tyler. Yet the reserved seat you had Adam set out was empty. 
You made your way back to the dressing room and check your phone. You find a missed call from Tyler along with a voicemail. You head out of the dressing room to listen since the boys were being quite loud. “Hey, Y/N. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for soundcheck. Madonna and I just went a bit over with the writing. And then she invited me to a party. I can’t miss out on this opportunity, but I know you’ll do great tonight. Love,” The message said. 
This wasn’t the first time Tyler had missed one of your gigs due to an opportunity he had himself, but this was the first time that it was just for a party. He had always supported you when you needed it, but on a big night like this, where lots of labels were looking at you, was not the night to ditch you. Especially since he personally invited a few himself, they were here but he wasn’t. 
You took a few moments to take a hold of yourself before walking back into the dressing room, but as soon as you walked in you felt the mood change as all of the boy’s eyes landed on you. “You alright?” Luke asks again.
“Yeh, yeh,” You say looking at your phone.
“Hey, guys. Can I talk with Y/N alone?” Luke asks the boys and they quickly made their way out of the room.
Luke walked up to you and took your hands in his, “It’s just us now. Tell me, are you ok?” Luke asks once more.
You take a moment before responding, wishing you could lie but you knew he’d catch it, “N--no. Tyler promised he’d be here. And I was calling him to make sure he’d be here on time. But I just listened to a voicemail saying that he’s going to a party with Madonna instead,” You explain.
“You know I always thought he was a jerk right?” Luke says.
“Luke…” You sigh.
“Seriously. I don’t care what connections he has or if he really got labels to see you play tonight. He never supported you like I have, like the guys have,” Luke says.
“He has though. He’s come to my gigs before,” You say.
“Can you count the number of your gigs he’s attended on both hands? I know you’ve been to way more of his. Look, Y/N. Forget him, he never really cared for your dreams and career. If he really loves you he’d be here tonight instead of going off with Madonna,” Luke says.
“Yo--you’re right. He’s only been to three of my gigs and I’ve been the millions of his. It just makes me nervous with all these big people looking at me,” You say.
“Here,” Luke says letting go of your hands. “I’m gonna give you my bracelet. It’s my lucky bracelet. All your nerves will go away and you’ll kill it tonight. I know it,” Luke says slipping his bead bracelet on your wrist.
“You’re on in 2,” You hear someone outside of the door say. Luke kisses your forehead. You take a big sigh and head to the stage. 
You wait for your cue as you see all of the people in the audience chatting away and the people from the labels scattered through the crowd. Not a moment later you’re told to make your way on stage. You walk on stage and pick up your guitar, you take a big sigh and rub your fingers across the beads on Luke’s bracelet. Once you felt calm enough and your heart started to beat a bit slower you start to strum the chords to your song “Shadows”.
Claps filled the air as you finished,” Thank you. My name is Y/N Y/L/N. That song was called Shadows, it was about me fighting my demons and getting over my stage freight. This next one is called Rose,” You say and start to play your guitar again. You play the last four songs in your set while cheers and claps filled the air. 
“Thank you! My name is Y/N Y/L/N. Here is Twisted Island!” You say after you finish your set. The band members made their way onto the stage.
“Give it up for my good friend Y/N,” Adam says before you head off stage. You watched their show from backstage cheering and clapping with the audience. 
As soon as the show ended you see Twisted Island’s agent walk up to you, “My name is Ashley. That was some great music. I’m glad Adam had you open for them tonight. We’ll be in touch,” She says before walking off. A few more agents had talked to you and offered you some deals or told you they’d also be in contact. 
“You killed it!” Luke yells as he and the boys run up to you.
“Thanks guys,” You say with a big smile.
“Honestly I think you played better than Twisted Island,” Reggie whispers to you.
“You’re only saying that because you’re my friend,” You say.
“It’s true!” Reggie says as you head to the dressing room. 
You and the boys make your way into the dressing room and you find some flowers on the table. You pick up the card and read “Heard you did a great job. Congrats -Tyler” You quickly pick the flowers out and throw them in the trash, right as the boy walked in, they all looked at you confused. 
“They’re from Tyler,” You say nonchalantly. Everyone but Luke looked at you confused. The rest of the boys left, but Luke stayed behind to help you pack up. 
“Thanks for the bracelet. It really helped,” You say starting to take it off.
“Keep it,” Luke says stopping you from pulling it off completely. He then goes to puck your guitar case up and the two of you head to your car. You pack your car up, drop Luke off, and head to your apartment. 
~The next morning~
You wake up to hear a knock at your door. You get up and look in the peephole to find Tyler standing there.
“Hey sweetheart,” Tyler says. “What?” He asks noticing the pissed look you had plastered on your face.
“You missed the biggest night of my life. You’re lucky that a lot of labels are interested in me,” You say monotone.
“Sorry, I just couldn’t--” He starts.
“No. I sick and tired you not supporting me,” You say.
“I’ve been to your gigs,” He says.
“You’ve been to three of the 10 of my gigs. I’ve been to all of yours,” You protest.
“Ok. I’m sorry, how can I make it up to you,” Tyler says trying to step into your apartment, but you stop him.
“I think you’re letting your fame get to your head. And if you can’t support me and be there for me while dealing with your growing fame at the same time. I don’t want to be with you,” You say sternly. 
“Babe,” Tyler says.
“Look. I just landed some of the best offers I could get in life and I can’t have your lack of presence distracting me. So, I’m not really sorry. But we’re done,” You say before shutting the door in Tyler’s face. You didn’t know what to do with yourself after that but you did feel like a big weight lifted from your chest.
A few minutes later someone knocked on your door, “Tyler I told---Oh. Luke,” You say realizing it was someone completely different.
“Hey,” Luke says.
“Hey,” You say quietly while letting him inside.
“You look like you had an eventful morning,” Luke points out.
“You could say that. I...uh, just broke up with Tyler,” You say.
“Really?” Luke questions as you notice his eyes light up and you nod. 
The next thing you know you feel Luke’s hands cup your face and his lips against your own. He quickly pulls away, “ Sorry….I shouldn’t have done that,” Luke says quietly.
“It’s ok. Can I be honest for a second?” You ask.
“Always,” He says.
“I’ve always known you liked me. Don’t rat him out but Alex told me like a year ago,” You say.
“And I’m guessin…” Luke says rubbing the back of his head.
“That you are my best friend and I couldn’t ask for a better guy in my life,” You say before kissing him again.
“So I take it the break up really wasn’t that bad,” Luke says after pulling away.
“Better now that you’re here,” You chuckle. Luke gives you a big smile as you return the same.
A/N: I’m sorry if there are any 1995 inaccuracies. I did my research and tried my best, please don’t hurt me haha. Anyways, I loved writing this and had ideas coursing through my brain the last 2 days. Please let me know what you think and if you would maybe like a part 2, maybe? Thanks again to Ria for requesting and thanks for reading.
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searchingwardrobes · 3 years
Not the Type - 6/8
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Finally! A new update :) Sorry for the delay, but the muse has been fickle as of late. In this chapter, Emma has her first competition of the season, and it's psyching her out. Will Killian be her encouragement, or will she push him away in the midst of it all? This chapter includes another iconic scene from the movie, when Torrance dances around her room to Cliff's song. I wanted to use the actual lyrics to the song, but in looking at it, there were a few lines that bothered me. One literally says "I'd bring you flowers every day just to roll you in the hay." And then there's a constant refrain that says "I'll make you mine." Those lines just don't seem to jive for me with Killian's character when in canon he specifically tells David that he doesn't see Emma as loot and tells Emma that he will win her heart, but not through any trickery. We know he isn't the kind of guy to give a woman flowers in order to manipulate her into sleeping with him. We also know how much agency means to him, so I didn't think telling Emma in song "I'll make you mine" fit either. Anyways, that's a long way of explaining that the lyrics are 99% like the ones in the movie, minus those two parts.
Massive thanks to my beta, @hookedonapirate who takes my confusing sentences and makes them sound purty ;) You’re the best! And thanks also to the @captainswanmoviemarathon��� for putting together this event and being massively supportive and patient. 
Summary: Emma Swan first notices him in the stands at the Friday night football game. She can tell right away Killian Jones is not the football type. Then again, she’s not the cheerleader type either, but here she is with pom poms. Life hasn’t ever gone the way Emma planned. Lately, that’s actually been a good thing. Maybe Killian Jones is a good thing, too.
My loose Captain Swan AU of the movie Bring it On
Rated: T
Also on Ao3
Tagging: @kmomof4  @snowbellewells @whimsicallyenchantedrose @xhookswenchx @teamhook @let-it-raines @winterbythesea @spartanguard @shireness-says @superchocovian @thesschesthair @resident-of-storybrooke @vvbooklady1256 @hookedonapirate @ultraluckycatnd @hollyethecurious @welllpthisishappening @wellhellotragic @bethacaciakay @optomisticgirl @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @ekr032-blog-blog @itsfabianadocarmo @profdanglaisstuff @thisonesatellite @winterbaby89 @tiganasummertree @xsajx @jennjenn615 @zaharadessert @stahlop @scientificapricot @thislassishooked @kday426 @ultraluckycatnd @carpedzem @ohmakemeahercules @branlovestowrite @delirious-latenight-laughs @jennjenn615 @snidgetsafan @lassluna​
The room was thick with hair spray, and Emma and the rest of the Storybrooke Knights Cheerleaders were sucking on orange slices. Except for Ruby who was touching up her blood red lipstick in front of one of the mirrors propped up on the classroom’s smart board. 
“I think they’re red enough already, Ruby,” Coach Ava remarked as she sprayed more Aquanet all over her daughter’s hair. MM was having to wear a hair extension so she didn’t look out of place with their “hair” theme, and Coach was paranoid it was going to go flying across the gym floor during their routine. Emma wasn’t sure hairspray worked that way, but she wasn’t about to say so. 
Ruby smacked her lips together with a loud pop. “The redder the better, I say. I want them to see my smile.”
She turned to the rest of the group and flashed a toothy grin. They all laughed, and Belle grimaced. 
“More like a predator about to devour her prey.”
Ruby winked at Belle and growled, resulting in more laughter. Coach Ava rolled her eyes as she capped the hairspray. “Just don’t get it all over your teeth, okay Lucas?”
“No worries, Coach, it’s that long-lasting stuff that isn’t supposed to come off.”
“So why did you need fifty coats?” Tiana quipped.
They were all still laughing when a woman wearing a t-shirt that read, East Maybrook Invitational and holding an ipad poked her head into the classroom. “Storybrooke High in the hole!”
The girls all stood, gathering up their things, tossing orange peels into the trash bins and giving their hair and make up one last glance in the mirror. They followed the woman in the official t-shirt down two hallways to East Maybrook High’s cafeteria where cheer mats had been set up in the same configuration as on the performance floor. The girls took their places as if they were really performing, and marked out the routine while Coach Ava counted out the beats. If something went wrong with the music, they would have to keep going. They only pantomimed doing the stunts, however, not wanting to risk a last minute injury. 
After running through the routine, a nervous silence fell among them. Some girls stretched, others did a few jumps, or even a back handspring. Anything to handle their nervous energy. Emma bounced on the balls of her feet, heart pounding in her chest more than usual. A phone call had followed the letter: someone from the UK cheer staff would be in the stands today. 
And she still hadn’t told her friends about it.
“Storybrooke High on deck!” 
The girls gave each other nervous glances and clasped hands in little groups as they followed the woman out of the cafeteria doors. Emma had Ruby on her left and Mary Margaret on her right, their arms threaded together. For once, Ruby was quiet. 
As they neared the gym, the girls could hear the familiar sounds of competition: loud music, an announcer's voice, shouts as the audience cheered for the cheerleaders for once. It made the adrenaline pump even harder. It usually was at this moment that Emma went into her competitive “zone” where everything around her went fuzzy and her mind became laser focused on the routine and what she had to do. Today, however, she felt like she was on sensory overload, unable to turn off all the sights, sounds, and smells around her. 
Before she could even process everything, Storybrooke was being announced to the crowd. Emma ran out onto the floor with a huge smile, cheers, and fist pumps for the crowd, but it felt like she was outside of herself, watching. She took her place on the floor, standing in prep, her arms straight at her sides and her head down. Her fists were clenched, and she tried to control the nervous tremors coursing through her as she waited for their music to start. 
A synth-pop remix of “Hair” from the Broadway musical started to play, and the Storybrooke Knights whipped their ponytails as they started their back handspring/back tuck peel-offs. Coach Ava always said that the music needed to appeal to every generation represented in the judge’s panel as well as the crowd, and as Emma flawlessly landed her tumbling pass to roaring applause, she saw the two boomer judges smiling and bopping to the music. 
She reprimanded herself for looking at the judges as she jogged across the floor for her next tumbling pass. Nevertheless, she scanned the crowd just before she started her pass, wondering where that UK recruiter was. It was the most difficult pass in the entire routine: a back handspring into an arabian, then a double whip into a full twisting double back. She hesitated, stumbling, before getting started because of her distraction, and by the time she did her second whip, she had a sinking feeling. Sure enough, when she landed her double back, she was way out of bounds. She didn’t need the loud buzzer from the line judge to alert her to the fact. She gritted her teeth in frustration, but then remembered to fake a smile as she got into the dance formation. Her face ached from her forced smile as she swung her hips to the rhythm of “Whip My Hair.”
Emma’s next mistake came in the squad’s first pyramid. It felt like she had a weight attached to her ankle, and she couldn’t lift her leg as high as she normally did to connect to Mary Margaret’s stunt group to her left. She almost lost her balance completely, but Ruby compensated and saved it. Mary Margaret didn’t falter either, thank God. Emma was practically shaking as she went into the twist up stunt - her nemesis in this routine. Kelly Rowland singing “Crown” as Emma popped up, her hand grasping her ponytail, helped her power through, as cheesy as it sounded. 
Despite the mistakes Emma was berating herself for, the crowd was going crazy for the combination of the theme, the music, and the cool tricks. By the end, the entire gymnasium was on its feet with thunderous applause. Emma ended the routine seated on the mat, back to the audience with her head flung back. Since she saw them all upside down, she couldn’t pick out her family or anyone in Kentucky blue. 
Ruby yanked Emma to her feet, screaming loud enough to shatter her eardrums. Mary Margaret and Ariel sandwiched her in a hug, and then they were swept away by the rest of their ecstatic teammates. 
“Amazing job, girls!” Coach Ava praised, gathering them in a big, squirming, awkward group hug. “Mary Margaret didn’t even lose her hair!’’
They all laughed giddily, except for Emma. Her mind was reeling. “I went out of bounds,” she confessed.
Coach Ava waved off her words. “It’s our first competition. It’s normal for there to be kinks to work out. Let’s not worry about that until the next practice, though. For now, let’s just celebrate a solid opening for the season.”
Her teammates seemed to all be in agreement, and so did the judges, awarding The Storybrooke Knights with a third place finish. It wasn’t their best opening - that had been last year’s first place trophy to kick off the season - but making the top three was the goal of every top squad right out of the gate. Even the UK recruiter had congratulated her on a solid routine.
“I could see the nerves a bit,” she told Emma, her smile kind and reassuring, “but the level of tumbling skill you possess is rare. Top five I’ve seen so far, no doubt about it. We’ll definitely be in touch.”
Emma, however, couldn’t shake the feeling of failure that clung to her. 
“I’m blown away, Swan, that was amazing!”
Emma was in Killian’s arms before she could even register that he’d rushed out of the bleachers and onto the floor to greet her. He brushed a kiss to her cheek and deposited a bouquet of white daisies into her arms. 
“It wasn’t amazing,” Emma whispered, staring down at the white flowers. 
“Come now, don’t be modest.” Killian’s grin conveyed giddy pride in her which she found inexplicably annoying. 
“I stepped out of bounds on my big tumbling pass, I almost took down our first pyramid, and I was shaky on every single stunt!”
Killian’s eyes narrowed. “Your team doesn’t seem put out with you.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “They’re being nice. If we hadn’t placed, it would have been a different story. It would have all been my fault.”
“Whatever happened to the whole we win as a team, we fail as a team thing?”
“My team relies on me keeping my head on straight!” Her voice had risen, and she slashed the air with the bouquet of flowers. White petals fluttered to the gym floor. 
Killian cocked his head and studied her. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“It’s something, Swan.” 
He stepped forward, reaching for her, but she stepped out of his reach. 
“I just let everyone down, but no one will be straight with me. Why can’t you all just admit I screwed up today?”
Killian shook his head. “I don’t think you’re seeing things clearly. I saw an amazingly talented athlete today, Swan. You were amazing.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right. Of course you’d say that. You’re a high school guy. You’ll say anything you have to to get in a cheerleader’s panties.”
Killian’s eyes widened and his head jerked back as if she’d slapped him. “You really think so little of me?”
She tilted her chin. “I’m no fool. Did you think tonight would be the night? Show up to my little competition, compliment me, throw in some flowers, and I’d spread my legs for you?”
Killian backed away, his jaw clenching, nostrils flaring. “I’m going to assume you don’t mean any of that, Emma, so I’m walking away before either of us can say anything we might regret.”
“Fine!” she yelled as he turned and walked toward the gym doors. “Walk away! That’s what every guy does when a girl won’t put out.” She threw the flowers at his retreating form. She watched the white petals swirl through the air and the green stems hit the parquet floor with a soft swish and crinkle of cellophane wrapper. 
She whirled around to see Ruth standing there, frown upon her face and her brow furrowed. David stood next to her, his arms crossed in disapproval. Nearby a cluster of her teammates stared as if she’d morphed into some mythological creature with two heads. Her face burned as she realized how loudly she’d yelled at her boyfriend. 
Probably ex-boyfriend now. 
Humiliated, she turned and fled, fingers pressed to her flaming cheeks. 
“Go away,” Emma muttered into her pillow.
“What if I were Mom with a plate of brownies?”
Emma grabbed a teddy bear, clutching two tiny red pom poms (a gift from Ruth after last year’s state championship win), and smacked her brother in the head with it. She glared at him through one eye, the rest of her face still smashed into the pillow. 
“I knew it was you because you crashed down on my bed hard enough to catapult me out the window. Ruth’s more subtle.”
David just laughed as he rubbed at his cheek where the bear had met his face. 
“Go away,” she repeated, turning her face fully into the pillow again.
“You left your phone downstairs.”
“So, you have like fifty text messages and thirty missed calls.”
Emma rolled over, still clutching her pillow to her chest. “Well, he’s persistent, I’ll give him that.”
“It wasn’t just Killian. Your entire team is worried about you.”
“Because I choked?”
“Because you're delusional,” David shot back with equal parts humor and frustration. “You didn’t choke. You didn’t let any of us down. You didn’t give a lousy performance, or any of a thousand other ridiculous claims you’ve made in the past few hours.”
Emma turned to look at her brother. “I made mistakes, David.”
He shrugged. “Who doesn’t? It was one competition, Emma, not the Olympics. It wasn’t even the state championships or regionals. One. Competition. At some tiny high school in the middle of nowhere, Maine.”
Emma groaned as she pushed herself up to the headboard and let her head drop to David’s shoulder. He put his arm around her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
“Why didn’t you tell me about Kentucky?”
Emma sighed. When the recruiter had called, she insisted on speaking to Ruth as well. Emma should have known she would spill the beans to her son, especially after Emma acted like a complete lunatic. 
Yes, a delusional lunatic. Her brother wasn’t wrong. 
“I don’t know, it was just . . . a lot to process. And a lot rides on this. I mean, there aren’t any football recruiters looking at you, which means college is gonna be expensive, Mr. Quarterback. If my tuition is taken care of, Ruth can just worry about you.”
“I could get other scholarships.”
“You’re a white, middle class male. You aren't getting any other scholarships.”
He chuckled and poked her in the ribs. “Regardless of all that, Mom just wants what’s best for you. We’ll figure out college and the money and all that, but we’ll do it together. That’s what a family does. Okay?”
This family thing was still new for Emma, so she just nodded in agreement against David’s shoulder. 
“But speaking of Killian,” David said, waving her phone in front of her face, “some of these calls and texts are from him. He sent you a video, too. Then called me and pretty much begged me to get you to watch it, so just give him that much, okay? So he’ll leave me alone?”
Emma rolled her eyes as she took the phone. David could protest all he wanted, but she knew about the little bromance he had with her boyfriend. 
She waited until her brother went downstairs before she sat cross-legged in the center of her bed and pulled up the video from Killian. She gnawed on her bottom lip nervously before pressing “play.” 
And there Killian was, on the tiny screen, smiling like they’d never had a fight. Emma’s lips pulled up into a grin of her own. He was also holding his guitar in his lap and fidgeting.
“Hi, Emma,” he said with a nervous little wave. “You’ve been ignoring all my calls and texts, so I decided to pull out the big guns. I was gonna give this to you as a gift for like Valentine’s Day or something, but  . . . you know . . . desperate times call for desperate measures.”
He cleared his throat and shifted again, and Emma blinked back tears. She’d never seen him at such a loss for words. 
“I wrote you a song,’ he continued, “so, I’ll just shut up and sing it already.”
Emma gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as he began to strum his electric. It started 
out as a kind of slow, cheeky punk rock ballad.
Oh, Emma, I don’t get your cheerleading squad, but I love your pom-poms. I'd feed you bon-bons all night.
Then it transitioned into a full on rock song, and Killian began to shred on his guitar. He was really good, and the song had Emma bobbing her head to the music. 
1,2,3,4. Yeah, you got me to feel all those butterflies inside. In your locker I would hide. The truth, it's only you I see, and you're just what I need. I'll bring you flowers all the time in hopes that you’ll be mine. Well I'm feelin' fine, I'm right on time. I hope I’ll win your heart.
When he transitioned into the chorus, Emma leapt up from her bed. She propped her phone on her nightstand and began to dance around the room to Killian’s song.
And you're just what I need. And you're just what I need. Not everything works as it seems. Is that so hard to believe? So I went down to the record store. Picked my head up off the floor. The truth, it's only you I see. And you're just what I need. And if it's my world that you fear, let me make this very clear. Well I'm feelin' fine, I'm right on time. I hope I’ll win your heart. And you're just what I need.
The chorus repeated a couple more times, and Emma danced around her room like she hadn’t in a long time. She even grabbed an old pair of pom poms she’d gotten as a joke at the squad’s white elephant Christmas party. They were those enormous pom poms cheerleaders used to wave in the long ago days of letter sweaters and megaphones. They made a fun swishing sound as she bounced around the room to Killian’s song. 
A song he’d written for her! A song about her! If she wasn’t so giddy and happy, she would burst into tears. 
When the song ended, Emma collapsed onto her bed, panting from her ridiculous dance party and grinning ear to ear. She rolled over and grabbed her phone. She texted rapidly, her fingers trembling. 
I watched your song. 
Did you like it? 
Good. I meant every word. 
I’m sorry. 
I know. 
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