#so here have a little nugget of a fic i guess??
maruxee · 2 years
I know we're all clamoring to see Knives get his ass kicked (by Vash) in the next ep - including myself. And we know it's not gonna end well for anybody. And I'd be nice if Knives actually realized the extent of the damage he caused his brother, y'know?. But good lord, what would that even take, to have him reach that point?
So with that in mind, I've started to imagine scenarios - not looking to be canon, but just in a "wouldn't it be fucked up if" "what if" sort of way.
What if -
(warning: major character death)
The portal flickers and threatens to collapse as soon as he gets in.
Nai notices just in time to get out before it closes. He is livid. Goes to Vash's blackened form, demanding to know what he's doing. Grabs him by the shirt and inky dust floats off, staining his hands. He shakes Vash, demands an explanation, and a crack spiderwebs across Vash's neck. By the time Nai notices through his haze of fury, pieces are crumbling in his fist, and he is shocked into silence before he screams. His brother's name in one long agonized wail that makes the glass panel rattle.
It sticks to Nai's skin as he helplessly watches his brother dissolve. He can't hear himself, what he's saying, all he knows is that it hurts like losing a limb, begging like there's anything left to listen. He can't sense anything anymore, the body is empty, there's nothing there but void. He knocked down the pillars of Vash's mind to the point it collapsed onto itself, left it with nothing to fill up the black hole of self-loathing. And now it grows.
Anything he touches crumples even more. Vash is now an ink block melting in the water, staining it like an oil slick, spreading like a stormcould. The roots, attached to their sisters, spilling out the tank and into the city, they shrivel so violently they squeeze anything caught in their grasp. Flecks of rot fall off them to poison anything they touch. The ground and the walls rumble like an omen, an echo of a fall from long ago. The entire city of July in a chokehold, caught in Vash's death grip.
Yet all Nai can do is keep screaming at the pocket of void where his brother had been, blades creaking as the rot makes them rust. Through the static in his head, he hears noise from behind the glass, pounding fists and loud aggression.
He turns and sees a small young woman. Dark hair, dressed in white.
Another one.
Like that woman that his brother attacked him for.
Like Rem.
Through the plant-blue fluid and flurries of black dust in the tank, her eyes are bright with tears and fury. Through the ringing in his head, he can't hear her words, but he knows. His only thoughts are Vash's words.
"It's my fault?"
He screams and stabs himself to pieces.
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licorice-tea · 9 months
I Wish You Knew I Was Real
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x reader
Content: strawhat! reader, fluff and feelings, confessions, midnight snacks (literally), mentions of WCI but no huge spoilers, reader has no specified gender
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: first fic of the new year! i don’t usually write for sanji so i hope this isn’t ooc… anyway, enjoy! also lmk what you think bc idrk how i feel about this one 🤷‍♀️
It’s well past midnight when you sneak into the kitchen of the Thousand Sunny to fix yourself a snack. It wouldn’t really matter if you get caught, seeing as it’s your ship too, but you’d rather not wake up or bother your crewmates.
You pause your chopping to find the source of the voice, Sanji, standing in the doorway. He yawns behind his hand as he walks in, “It’s the middle of the night, what are you doing up here?”
“I just got hungry.” But as soon as he’s close enough to see your hands working on cutting up fruit, he seems appalled. “What’s wrong?”
In Sanji’s mind, you should never have to cook for yourself. At least, not when he’s there on the same ship. Not when he would always be so willing and ready to help you out; to use his skills to please you.
“Why didn’t you wake me up? You know I can do it for you, sweetheart-“
“That’s why I tried not to wake you up. You need to get your rest, but I guess I was too noisy, huh?”
Sanji shakes his head determinedly, then gently moves his left hand over yours to take the knife while also holding your waist with his right so that he can maneuver you away from the cutting board. You let him, and he explains, “I get plenty of rest; if you ever need something, y/n, you can come to me. Day or night.”
You hum in acceptance of his statement, and feel content with simply watching him cut the apple into slices from your place beside him. He finishes creating the perfect little slices quickly, then goes the extra mile by carving small triangles out of the peel of each. A smile grows on your lips as you realize they’re meant to look like little bunnies; and they do.
“Cute,” you muse quietly at his creation “Thank you, Sanji.”
The cook smiles to himself before looking over at you, “I thought you’d like them more this way.”
This makes you laugh before replying, “Like a kid who only eats dinosaur shaped nuggets?”
“No, no,” he chuckles as well, “but I know you have an appreciation for aesthetics. Besides, I was right wasn’t I? You think they’re cute, so that’s all that matters.” Sanji says while plating the bunny-apple slices.
You scoot closer, so that your sides are pressed against each other, in a futile attempt to reach across and grab the plate. But, Sanji stops you again with his gentle touch (he’s always so very soft with you, rather than overbearing and borderline obsessive. But, you’d like love him either way.)
His right hand stays on your wrist as his left reaches up into a cabinet to grab the honey jar. He makes a display of lifting a generous amount of honey using the honey dipper over your plate, and drizzling it over the apples. Enough to satisfy your sweet tooth, but not so much it will create a sticky mess.
“Perfect.” he gestures for you to go sit at the kitchen island, but you insist you can “carry the plate just fine.” To which Sanji replies, “I know, but I don’t mind. I like taking care of you like this.”
There’s a faint tinge of red on his cheeks, but you’d never mention it. Especially not when your own, not so platonic feelings for the cook seem to constantly be in the back of your mind these days.
You take a seat on one of the stools at the kitchen island, and Sanji presents your midnight snack with a flourish. “Enjoy, y/n.” He’s walks away to wash his hands, and you expect him to return to sit beside you, but then he walks toward the door.
“Sanji…” He pauses and looks back at you, “Do you want to stay?” You feel sort of awful asking, really, because he’s probably tired, but something inside you just can’t let him go.
And sure enough, his lips curve up into a smile. “I thought you’d never ask!”
He pulls out the stool next to yours and slides onto it, then rests his arm on the back of your seat. The proximity is not unwelcome- you felt it never could be when it came from him- but even if he was, he’s not invading your space. More so creating a kind of link between the two of you, and a feeling of closeness beyond the physical.
You take a bite of one of your apple slices, only to frown slightly when you pull the half eaten slice away from your mouth and realize you’ve destroyed the bunny. Sanji nearly laughs, for he has a similar empathetic disposition and knows how you feel, but then he notices something.
There’s a smidge of honey left behind on the corner of your mouth, which you have not taken notice of, because if you had you surely would’ve licked it up. Even the thought of that sight could make him act a fool, but he’ll try his best not to (just for you.)
“Look here.” he says in a near whisper, and you do. With no other words, he cups your chin and wipes the honey from your lips with his thumb. Your eyes go wide at the first action (when he touches your face to begin with), but they seem to soften when you realize what he’s doing. Sanji takes notice of this too, and just offers a smile. Because what else can he do?
He’s a flirt; he knows that, and so do you, and everyone else he’s ever met. So if he ever were to make a move on you, there’s no way you’d take him seriously. Then again, that’s why he tries to tone down his flirting with you in the first place. He can’t stand the thought of you being under the impression that you’re the same as every girl in the world is to him; because you’re not. You’re… special, in a way. He feels bad saying you’re his favorite of the many objects of his affections, because he has genuine love for so many people (you are though.) But, he can say with certainty that his feelings for you are the only serious ones. No matter how many women he tries to woo on all the adventures of the Straw Hats, he’ll always come back to you. Sanji will always choose you.
“Um, Sanji?” His hand is still on your jaw with his thumb on your bottom lip, so you pull it away with gentle force. “Sanji?” Hearing your sweet voice pulls him out of his stupor (the first time, he was concentrated on simply the sound of your voice.)
“Sorry, sweetness, I uh… Your pretty lips distracted me for a second~” Sanji purposely exaggerates his tone a little, so you just accept his reasoning with a giggle.
“Sure thing, Sanji.”
You eat your apple slices in comfortable silence for a bit, thinking of the aforementioned feelings you’ve been harboring for the chef since… Who knows- but you didn’t realize these feelings until you saw him for the first time after 2 years spent training apart. There had never been such a strong excitement in your voice as when you called his name that day, and he launched himself onto you in a tight hug. You had walked to the predetermined meeting place and entered the bar together, hand in hand. It felt so natural, too; like your hands were meant to fit together. Of course, you’d never voice these feelings, because if Sanji had feelings for you surely he’d tell you. Eventually, you hope. This brings about another question in your mind;
“Why do you like women? I mean, like, every woman we meet, even if she’s an enemy?”
He shrugs slightly, “At one point, the only people who were kind to me were women. Remember I told you about my mom and my sister?” During the Whole Cake Island experience, Sanji had in fact explained more about his relationships with his family members, and you recalled how his mother and sister were the only ones that showed him any sort of empathy.
“Mhm… That makes sense.” a moment of silence passes, as you’re a little nervous to ask this next question. “And why do you like me?”
The cook’s eyes widen like a deer in headlights, and he glances at you before concentrating on the surface of the island table. “I… I like this crew because you’re all my nakama. But…” It’s unusual to hear the typically very passionate man say something so quietly. You tilt your head as if to say, “Go on. I’m listening,” so he continues, “You’re important to me, y/n.”
“Good, you’re important to me, too.”
“Really?” Sanji seems a little shocked, “You know, I… I try not to be the way I am with women, with you, because I want you to take me seriously. I want you to know I mean it when I say nice things or do favors for you. I want you to know that it’s real.”
“I do take you seriously.”
Then, he takes a deep breath and puts both of his hands around one of yours, “And I want you to take my feelings for you seriously, when I confess them to you.”
“…Didn’t you just…?”
He grins and shakes his head, “No, y/n. When I confess the type of feelings I have for you and the extent of them, I’ll do it much more romantically than this.” Sanji looks positively giddy now, smiling and tightly (but not uncomfortably) holding your hand. “I just want you to know that what I feel for you is real.” And with that, he plants a chaste kiss on your cheek. It’s nothing like his occasionally vulgar and pg-13 methods of wooing women, but it makes your heart skip a beat. You’re sort of at a loss for words…
This time you’re the one pulled out of a daze by the other’s voice when he says, “Goodnight, y/n.”
“Oh, goodnight Sanji.” You smile at him, and he smiles back before nodding at you and leaving.
Even if that wasn’t a real confession, and maybe the timing wasn’t quite right, you were still biting back a smile as you rinsed off your plate and placed it in the dishwasher. But now you have a real confession to look forwards to, according to Sanji.
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fizziepopangel · 6 months
A Surprise For You, My Dear
* Author’s note: In this story, I’m going to interpret Alastor’s asexuality and aromanticism as more fluid than it seems to be canonically. Also, this is my first fanfic so please keep that in mind if it's shit... That being said, I hope you enjoy!
P.s. If you enjoy this fic, you can always request more with the Fic Request Form
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Alastor. The radio demon. Everyone knew the radio demon, and though he had been gone for quite a while, most still feared him upon his return, but not me. Because he was different from me. Softer, kinder, more genuine. It wasn’t a relationship, at least I didn’t think it was, but I still enjoyed my time with Alastor; the dancing, the laughter we both shared, every moment left me in awe of the man that had come to be feared by so many.
“You gonna answer me or not?” Husk snapped, pulling me from my thoughts. 
I tried to cover my embarrassment that struck me when I realized that I hadn’t been listening to the old bartender at all despite having been the one that came and started conversing with the man. I sat up a little straighter and looked over at the bar cat. “Sorry, I… my mind was somewhere else. What did you say?”
Husk rolled his eyes. “I’m goin’ out with Angel tonight but that damn pig of his is sick. I think the little shit got into my whiskey when Angel brought him down here last night. Angel wants to know if you’ll watch him.” He takes a long sip of whiskey in his glass. “So you up for it?”
Although I loved Fat Nuggets and would usually jump at the chance to spend time with the sweet little pig, I shook my head. “Sorry, I have plans with Alastor.” I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. “Al said he has a surprise for me tonight…”
“Right.” Husk gives me an unimpressed look that seems to say something along the lines of fuck you without outright saying fuck you. “Your boyfriend and your date night.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” I say awkwardly. “I mean.. I don’t think so…I mean, I… I just… I like him but its, it’s…” I sigh deeply, a heat rising in my cheeks. “Shut up, Husk.”
 “Whatever.” Husk says in his usual empty sarcastic tone. “Guess Angel and me’ll just stay in with the pig tonight…” I watch as he turns, grabbing a glass and beginning to polish it with a rag that ironically  didn’t all that clean.
“Oh… sorry, Husk…” I mumble awkwardly, suddenly feeling a bit like a dick for essentially denying the couple a night out. I knew they both deserved it but I just couldn’t bring myself to say that I would cancel on Alastor when he made the night out seem so special. “I…” I trail off for a moment, feeling the other demon’s judging eyes despite his back still being turned to me as he continues to polish glasses on the shelf behind the bar. “I’m gonna go get ready to meet Alastor. I’ll see you later, and maybe I can take Fat Nuggets another time?”
I receive a grunt in reply, but as I get off my barstool, I hear the old demon grumble under his breath…. A simple warning. “Just… Be careful around Alastor, kid…. You been having a rough enough time without his bullshit” He says, not even sparing me a glance as the words left his lips. I promise him I will, knowing that he’s only looking out for me… Husk always told me that, or at least something along those lines…. But this time felt different; this time it sent a spear of anxiety through my chest and made my mind wander to what everyone in hell knew about Alastor versus the Alastor that I knew. The Alastor that I loved despite knowing he probably didn’t and would never feel the same about me… when I really thought about it, I did wonder why the man had taken such a liking to me. I wasn't indebted to him, I had no real power in hell or the hotel, and even I knew that no matter what version of Alastor was on display, he didn't keep people around without a reason. 
My thoughts continued to wander from one shitty thought to the next as I went up to my room to change for our little hang out. I was so lost in the whirlwind of thoughts when a knock at the door jolted me from where I sat in my room.
“Darling,” Alastor’s cheery, sing song voice. “Are you ready to go?”
Despite the fact that I had just been questioning my entire purpose in his life and why my companionship was so valued by him, I practically tripped over my own two feet trying to get to the door. “Al!” I beam the second I see him. “I thought we were supposed to meet up? What are you doing here?”
Sporting his signature smile, the usually detached demon waltzed into my room, grabbing me and spinning me around. “I thought we could make our way to our outing together, hmm?” He says as I giggle. “What do you say, my dear? May I escort you to the roof for your surprise?” Alastor’s smile faded into a warmer grin as he held out his hand in invitation, waiting for me to take it.
When I took his hand and let him lead me through the halls of the hotel toward the roof, it felt as if all at once the anxieties that had been gnawing away at my gut just melted away ... it was like butterflies just swarmed my insides.
“What is this big surprise, Al?" I giggle as he whisks me up to the roof, stopping just outside the door. 
“Now, I know that you've had a rough week, and that you've been absolutely dying to see that new horror film…” He said giddily. “And I've set something up that I think you'll enjoy very much.”
A frown crossed my face for a moment. I had mentioned wanting to see the horror movie that came out last weekend, and I had been pretty having a shitty week, but I wasn’t sure where Alastor was going with this surprise since he wouldn’t dare touch a tv that would stream the movie. “Yeah…?” I laugh lightly as we stand in front of the door. “What, did you find someone to go to the movies with or something?”
“Not quite.” I can actually heat the excitement in his voice as he opens the door and pulls me through it. “What do you think?”
“Alastor…” I breathe, looking around at the rooftop. There’s twinkle lights strung up all over and blankets and pillows and wine sitting and a basket of my favorite snacks all sitting beside a projector pointed at the wall beside the door. “This is…”
“Oh, but wait, there’s more!” Alastor said, his shadow hitting play on the projector. The beginning sequence of the movie I had been dying to see popping up.
My eyes lit up and despite myself, I launched myself into the radio demon’s arms, eliciting a small ‘oof’ from the man before I felt his arms snake around me. “Alastor, this is amazing! I love it!” I looked up at the man who everyone around me seemed so terrified of, the man my friends warned me to be careful around. “Did you really do this for me?”
“Why of course!” The man smiled down at me, pulling me a bit closer than he usually did before his head dipped just a bit lower and I felt him place a soft kiss on my forehead. “I would do anything to make you happy, my sweet little radio wave.” 
My heart stopped for just a moment before it began racing, hammering against my ribcage as the butterflies in my stomach went wild. “Al…” Before I could stop myself, I found my lips connecting with his and despite his usual aversion to touch and romance and anything that could even possibly lead to sex, he pulled me a bit closer. 
When he didn't pull away, it felt like electricity crackling in my veins. I felt like every star in the sky aligned perfectly as he held me. It felt perfect, it felt right. 
Radio static cracked in the air around us and Alastor’s face was just a light shade of red, no doubt mirroring my own embarrassment at what I had just done.
“Well then, “ Alastor cleared his throat, the static seeming to fade a bit as he straightened his jacket and held his hand out to me. "Shall we sit down and watch the movie?” I take his hand and nod wordlessly, afraid that I would ruin what was certainly a perfect moment if I uttered even a word or asked him to define our relationship.
Alastor showed me to my seat on the blanketed area he had set up, I immediately sank into the soft pillows and blankets, and smiled as he sat down beside me. The movie began to play and as the opening credits began to roll, I knew I should at least thank him for all of this since I knew it was a show of care he reserved for only those he loved on some level, but before I could form a coherent sentence, I felt it… His arm snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to his own body.
“I don’t think I could’ve made this anymore perfect if I tried, Al.” I sigh softly, resting my head against his chest and listening to the quiet, steady crackle of radio static that always seemed to emit from the demon. Although he set this movie night up for me, I’m not even watching the movie, but rather, just trying to soak up this moment before it slips away. “Thank you.”
Alastor chuckles, his hand gently coming to rest on my chin. My breath caught in my throat as he leaned in, our lips hovering just apart from one anothers. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, my dear.” The static completely stops and his whisper tickles my lips as he catches them in another soft kiss.
The week had been shitty, but this… This was perfect.
Alastor Tag list : @writersonicfan91
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apomaro-mellow · 7 months
Hot for Teacher(s) 2
Part 1 / AO3 Link
@babydollbaron I need you to know your tags basically changed the trajectory of this fic
In the mornings, Steve dropped Shawn off at the before care offered by the school and then went to work. Afterwards, Shawn took the school bus home and went over to a neighbor's house, Miss Robin, until his dad got home from work.
Because of this, Steve knew he would hardly have a reason to see Eddie outside school functions and conferences. Which was fine. It was totally fine. He absolutely was not spending nights thinking about those curls under his fingers. Whenever Shawn had a story from school to tell, he hung on every word. And it was only because these were the formative years of Shawn's life.
"Oh yeah, Mr. Munson asked about our practice and I got to tell him all about it", Shawn said.
Steve paused in his current task, which was the dishes while Shawn did his homework at the kitchen table. He knew exactly what his son was talking about.
"Oh? How'd that come up?"
"I told him about it before but I didn't get to tell him about it before Yasmin started crying. He asked me and I told him."
Steve currently taught middle school, but he'd had a little experience with the younger ones. When it got close to Shawn starting school, he did his best to make sure he was prepared. And to make things a little easier on whoever was teaching him. Steve tried to be subtle with his next words.
"Tell me more about Mr. Munson."
And then the floodgates opened. Mostly because it seemed Mr. Munson was very open about his personal life. Apparently, anytime the students had a question, he answered it. Just in this five minutes between drying the dishes and plating up dinner, Steve learned that Mr. Munson played guitar, loved the color red, played a game about dragons, and was single.
"Wait, how do you know he's not married?", Steve asked.
"Because Briana asked him and he said he's not married", Shawn answered easily.
Steve tried not to think too hard about it. Mr. Munson being single didn't change anything. Not a single thing. But a really hot alpha who was unattached and also happened to be really good with kids who his kid loved was kind of the ultimate wet dream.
For Halloween, the students were allowed to come in costume and before the day was over, Steve's email was blessed with a collection of pictures of the class, including one where several superheroes, princesses, and even a kid dressed as Chucky defeated the mighty Munson dragon.
It was so cute that Steve had half a mind to send a reply that said so but second guessed it. He didn't need to tell Shawn's teacher it was a cute picture that was the whole reason he sent it. He had to keep all correspondence professional. But it was a picture of Shawn so he was well within his rights to save all of them to his phone.
"You ha~ve a cru~ush~", Robin sang on the phone. She was pulling some dino nuggets from the oven in preparation for Shawn coming over.
"Shut up, I don't!", Steve hissed on the other end. School had just ended but there would be a staff meeting in about five minutes. "I didn't tell you so you could make fun of me-"
"Come on, you knew it was coming-"
"I told you because I just had to tell someone." Steve sighed and took of his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. "It's not creepy if he's Shawn's former teacher, right?"
"Steve, I'm gonna be honest, I don't think it's creepy now." Robin picked up one of the nuggets and chomped on it. "It's kind of crazy how we have dino nuggets and animal crackers but not the other way around."
"Please save that for Shawn when he gets there. What do you mean? Wouldn't it be weird?"
"You're both two grown adults. I don't see the harm in asking him out", Robin said.
Steve slouched in his chair behind his desk. "That's not the only fact here. There's the fact that he's teaching my son. If any of the other parents find out, they'll think I'm sleeping my son's way to the top."
"....In first grade? That would be pathetic."
"Most suburban gossip is, but you already know this. It's not me I'm worried about really, it's Shawn. Kids talk too and what if they make fun of him?"
"Oh no! My awesome dad is dating my awesome teacher! Whatever will I do?!", Robin wailed.
"He thinks we're awesome separately. There's no telling what he'll think of us together. And I...I don't want to give him false hope."
"Steve...when was the last time you went on a date?"
Steve let out a puff of air. "Does that one guy who ogled me a few years ago count?"
"Gross! Steve! No! Do you mean the guy who was just staring at you breast feeding?"
"Serves me right for doing it in public. And in shorts."
"Hey, no, there will be no slut-shaming in this household." Robin paused when she heard the door open and the bounding of feet. "Your gremlin is here."
"I think you mean my precious miracle from above. And you will treat him as such. My only gremlins are my sixth graders."
"Whatever. Just get your shipwreck together and decide what you want to do."
Turns out, Steve didn't have to wait long for an opportunity. Shawn had come home that day with a flyer for a Thanksgiving performance and was asking for parent volunteers.
Eddie wasn't like, actively hoping that he would see Shawn's dad again. But when the fliers went home asking for volunteers, as well as an email, there was something going up. But it wasn't hope. It definitely wasn't hope. It couldn't possibly be hope. That way nothing could be dashed when nothing came of it.
So when he came into the auditorium after school, he was simply pleasantly surprised to see Mr. Harrington there. Not elated. Not ecstatic. Just appropriately pleased.
He greeted all the parents of his students, of which he only saw two others before coming to Mr. Harrington.
"Nice to see you again", he said with a handshake.
"And you as well", Mr. Harrington replied.
Eddie was sure he was imagining the electricity passing through their touch.
"Well, welcome to elementary theatre. Where we're gonna nurture any and all blossoming passions in the arts."
"Can't wait to see it. Um, so what exactly will they be doing?", Steve asked.
"The first grade class as the honor of doing a little song on what they're thankful for. Mrs. Clifford usually accompanies them by piano, but this year I'm hoping to get some more instrumentation for it."
"Oh, Shawn told me you play guitar."
Eddie's first instinct was to twirl his hair to hide his smile but it was still up in a bun, so he tried to fix his face to not be too obvious but he was sure it came out as a weird grimace.
"Yeah, yeah I do. Been playing for years. What about you, any instrumental skills?"
"None", Mr. Harrington shook his head. "My parents tried piano lessons, but I never took them for long. Just long enough to learn 'Mary Had a Little Lamb'."
"Everybody's got their talents. And no better place to showcase them", Eddie thrust his arms out around them.
"Well for now, I'm volunteering my time being a watchful eye and working on backgrounds and costumes. Plus snacks."
"Wait, did you bring the chips and sliders?", Eddie jutted a thumb toward the table near the stage.
Mr. Harrington shrugged. "It's just turkey and ham. And I know how ravenous kids can get."
"Are you guys talking about me?", Shawn asked, coming up to them.
Eddie watched the odd look on Mr. Harrington's face and was sure his must've looked similar. This was probably the longest he'd been talking to a parent without talking about their kid.
"I was just about to bow to your dad's culinary prowess", Eddie said. "Apparently, he made the snacks for this evening."
"I asked him to make his stuffing because, you know, Thanksgiving, but he said it was too early", Shawn said.
"I'm sure his stuffing is delicious", Eddie smiled down at him.
"You should come to our house and try it", Shawn beamed, leaning his head against his dad's hip.
Eddie looked back up at Mr. Harrington. "I'd love it if I could do that."
What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
Steve was thankfully saved from replying to that by rehearsal starting and so Mr. Munson's attention was drawn away but seriously. What the fuck was that? Was that man inviting himself over to his house? Was it simple small talk? What was it all supposed to mean?
He was put on costume duty while the children practiced which kept his hands busy but not his brain, so he spent the next hour over thinking about that one line, which led to him overanalyzing the entire conversation. When practice ended, the teachers stood by the front entrance to wait for any parents that weren't already there or hadn't shown up toward the end to get their kids.
Mr. Munson waved off the last of his students just as Shawn finished in the bathroom and Steve helped him get his coat on. He looked hesitant before speaking up.
"Looks like you're my last one. I can walk you to your car if you want. It's pretty dark out."
Pretty dark was an understatement. It was near pitch black and the parking lot had bare minimum lighting. Steve definitely would've felt better about it if he had someone on the other side of Shawn.
"Yeah, that'd be great, thanks."
And without being told so, Mr. Munson put Shawn between them as they left the school and walked out into the parking lot. He gave a whistle once they got to Steve's BMW.
"Nice car."
"Thanks. She's been pretty faithful to me all these years." Steve unlocked the car and let Shawn into the backseat first. When he closed the door, he smiled at the alpha before him. "Thanks for walking us out.
"Consider it a routine then. At least until this place can afford to fully light up the lot."
"Thank you. I really appreciate it." There must have been the tiniest bit of a lull in the conversation because suddenly Shawn piped up from inside the car.
"Dad, can we get tacos for dinner?"
Steve snapped out of whatever staring contest he was having with Mr. Munson and looked down affectionately at his son. "What? My casserole not good enough all of a sudden?" He opened the driver side door and got in, turning the ignition on.
With them safely in the car, Eddie went over to his van and got in, waiting until he saw Mr. Harrington pull out before going his own way.
Later that night, after putting Shawn to bed, Steve was left alone with his thoughts again as he graded papers using an answer key at the kitchen table. It was easy to let his mind drift into just how...how wonderful Mr. Munson seemed.
He bit his lip and squeezed his legs together. Mr. Munson was handsome, and charismatic, and so safe, so much the perfect alpha that he'd been led to believe didn't exist. He could protect him and his pup... and Steve could give him more pups...
Steve's hand drifted down between his legs and he let it stroke a few times before freezing and closing his grade book. Time for something more mentally stimulating.
"Guess I'm lesson planning tonight."
Part 3
Tag Team
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @lololol-1234 @hippieg1rl420
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can i request a conrad fisher fic with ‘santa doesn’t know you like i do’ by sabrina carpenter? thank u smsm i love ur writing
I've been loving Sabrina Carpenter at the moment, thank you for the idea anon <3 It fits right with an idea I had in my list!
Warnings: mention of losing a parent (Susannah)
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Dressed in a red sweater and sparkly skirt, you were about to head to your aunt’s house for Christmas dinner. But just as you were reaching for your coat, you saw Jeremiah’s name on your phone screen. A frown formed between your eyebrows as you answered. 
‘’Are you with Conrad?’’ 
He sounded worried through the phone. You could feel the prayer for a positive answer in his voice, which made your frown deepen. 
‘’No. Why?’’ 
‘’He didn’t come home. He said he would. He promised Dad— He’s not answering my texts or picking up my calls.’’  
‘’Maybe he got held back at college because of the snow?’’
Jeremiah denied that supposition. ‘’I don’t think so. I called his roommate at Brown and he said he left last night.’’
‘’Maybe he went to Laurel’s? He’s talked about going to Pennsylvania this winter break.’’ 
‘’I already called her. We don’t know where he is. He hasn’t talked to anyone in the last few weeks. You’re the only one he talks to. That’s why I thought he might have been with you.’’ 
A heavy pause hung in the air as you recalled your and Conrad’s last conversations, trying to find a clue of where he was. He talked about finals and living off coffee and cup-o-noodles and how excited he was to eat a home-cooked meal, even if it was mashed potatoes or chicken that wasn’t in a nugget form. The sweater he got Jeremiah for Christmas. His roommate. His mom and the bike he got her last Christmas. It’s still in the garage, at the exact place she left it. 
‘’I think I might know where he is,’’ you said. 
It was a wild guess, but it was Conrad’s comfort place. 
‘’Where?’’ Jeremiah's urgency echoed through the phone.
You shook your head although he couldn’t see. ‘’I’m sorry Jeremiah, but I think it’s best if I go by myself. I’ll call you when I get there.’’ 
Armed with your double espresso, you braved through the snowy roads and drove to Cousins. It was a wild guess, but you were confident enough that he was there. It was the place he went to every time he wanted to be with his mom again. That house was Susannah all over. She had handpicked everything that was inside, painted all the paintings on the walls, and placed every little trinket just the way she wanted. 
Your family was disappointed that you had to cancel dinner at the last minute, but if Conrad was at the beach house, you couldn’t leave him alone. No one should spend Christmas alone. Especially not after losing a parent. 
Propped and clipped to your car’s air vents, your phone screen showed several texts from Jeremiah, all trying to get more information about Conrad. You ignored them all and focussed on the road and taking the right directions. 
After three hours, you finally arrived to Cousins. The small town was dark. Most small shops were closed — it was almost 11pm —, barely any houses were decorated for Christmas as most residents only came for the summer. 
You pulled in the familiar driveway and parked your car. A light layer of snow coated the grounds, allowing the grass to peek through. The air was crisp, and you could see your breath as you walked up to the porch. 
Using the spare key that was hidden under the doormat, you unlocked the door and let yourself in. It was dark and cold as the power was not turned on outside the summer months. The air was a bit stale too from being inhabited. 
As you ventured further into the entryway, you could see light coming from the living room — the fireplace. Using that light to guide you, you called Conrad’s name. He had to be there. If he wasn’t, someone else was in the Fishers’ beach house.
The tension in your shoulders dropped when you saw him asleep on the couch, a thick plaid over his curled up body. He looked so small like this. You got closer and gently said his name, not wanting to startle him. Conrad was a light sleeper. He stirred, slowly waking, a mixture of surprise and sadness in his eyes when he saw you.
‘’What are you doing here?’’ Conrad asked, noticing your skirt and sheer tights. He knew it was Christmas eve. You should be with your family, not in Cousins.
‘’Jeremiah called me, he was worried,’’ you explained briefly.
‘’How did you know I was here? I didn’t tell anyone...’’
No one knew Conrad like you did. You were there through the good and the bad — and there was a lot of this bad this past year. You were the one who had brushed his tears at his mother’s funerals. You knew all of his favorite songs and picked up every time he called regardless of the time. You always knew just how to make him laugh. 
You sat on the edge of the couch, giving your best friend a soft look. ‘’No one knows you like I do.’’ 
The smallest smile curled on his lips. ‘’I’m glad you’re here,’’ he admitted, a veil of tears in his eyes. ‘’I thought I wanted to be alone, but it makes me miss her more.’’
Your heart broke and you pulled him in your arms.
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs @grxnde-dwt @lexasaurs634 @teeeree13 @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634 @teeeree13 @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis@Shasta89 @sierraluvz @specialk6802  @CZARINERA @katherinejess  @cookielovesbooks-akie
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight  @maritaleane @dingus0401 @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti @lomlolivia @5sosbands @bloodyhw @depthsofdespairr @a-band-aid-for-your-heart @gilbertscurls @brandirouse86 @leilani-nichole @bloody-mf-bsc @papayaboyluvr  @bchindureyes @bellysbeach  @slytherinambitious @darylscvmdumpster  @johannelis2302nely  @aqshua @foockingasshole @straberryshortcake143 @luiise  @sickntiredtoo  @adrluvh @mymultiveres @Rosekar16 @hopeurokays @amysangrl  @hopelessromantic727  @beth-gallagher22 @lonelywitchv2  @arinexeisnotworking @cloudrainy342 @theflcwer  @alllriseabove  @angelxxrose @angelxxrose-blog  @r1vrsefx @sierraluvzz @rodriqos @cruzgrecia @evelestrange @aesthetixhoe
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explorevenus · 2 years
toy cars & princess tea parties ♡ steddie x reader
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nsfw (18+) - minors dni !!! srsly i will scream
word count - 4.8k
description - a few years after the (non-canon) events of season four, steddie and reader are grappling with the implications of adulthood-- eddie comes home from work with an interesting idea to take their relationship to the next milestone...
tags/warnings - polyamory, pet names (baby, princess, angel, doll, etc.), praise, threesome, breeding, fem!reader, eddie being mischievous bc he 100% planned this, steve playing right into eddie’s hand and going absolutely feral, p-in-v ofc ♡ also one use of (Y/N) which i didn’t know was a problem for some people but apparently it is so there’s ur warning
a/n - ok i’m sorry but ever since my first time witnessing the six lil nuggets speech i cannot get over the CANONIZED FACT that steve harrington is INTO BREEDING. it’s canon to me and u can ARGUE WITH THE WALL. that being said i felt it was my civic duty to rope eddie into it bc i physically cannot help myself and here we are ♡ i hope u enjoy, i will repent later ♡
p.s. i used the stand-in name ‘jennifer’ for them to refer to a random npc classmate of theirs bc apparently that was an incredibly popular name in the 80′s so if ur name is actually jennifer i am sorry in advance but the name is only mentioned like two or three times at the beginning so
my masterlist ♡
my ao3 ♡
fic under the cut, thanks so much for reading and i hope u enjoy ! ♡
-venus ♡
It started out as a quiet, normal evening.
You were curled up on the couch with Steve, drifting in and out of naps as he played with your hair and absently watched whatever was on the TV. You were both off work today, and unsurprisingly, it was rather quiet without Eddie around. He'd been working late shifts at the record store lately-- something about a coworker needing a schedule change to coincide with her college classes.
So, there the two of you sat, your hair messy with sleep as you slumped into Steve's chest, his strong arm closed tight around your shoulder, thumb caressing your exposed arm where your blanket had slipped down. It was cozy, it was lazy, it was sweet.
A stark contrast to what you didn't know you were in for that night.
Your sleepy eyes blinked open at the sound of the front door to your shared apartment opening, and you and Steve both turned your heads to see Eddie walk in. Eddie tossed his keys on the counter and stretched his arms up with a dramatic, satisfied groan before kicking his boots off, and his dark chocolate eyes soon trailed across the room to you and Steve.
His lips were quick to upturn into a smile. "What a sight to come home to. Aren't you two just adorable?"
"Says you," You mumbled tiredly, opening up your arms so as to coax him to join you on the couch. "How was work?"
Eddie's posture softened and he wasted little time giving into your command, plopping down on the couch beside you and joining Steve in playing with your hair. "It was fine. Work's work, y'know."
You hummed in acknowledgement, just about to drift back to sleep at the added warmth of his body before he spoke up again.
"Do you guys remember Jennifer from high school?" Eddie asked.
Steve pondered for a moment. "Jennifer... which Jennifer?"
"Chess club Jennifer," Eddie confirmed. "She came into the record store with her boyfriend today, that guy Todd? Well, I guess he's her husband now. Anyway, she was like, super pregnant. Isn't that weird to think about? People we went to high school with are having kids now."
It certainly was weird to think about. High school felt like it was a lifetime ago just about as much as it felt like yesterday, and classmates getting married and starting families were just another harsh reminder that you were all well and truly adults now.
"Yeah... wow. That's a trip," You mumbled, reaching up to rub the sleep out of your eyes. "Sometimes I forget we're not 16 anymore."
"Yeah, seriously," Steve hummed in agreement, and you could have sworn you noticed his muscles tense beneath you.
"Well, good for them," You added, hoping to cut through some of that tension. "They've been dating since like, freshman year. I guess it was only a matter of time."
Eddie let out a little breath through his nose, grinning as he stared forward at the TV, but it was evident he wasn't really watching.
You raised an eyebrow and nudged him. "What?"
Eddie shrugged, drumming his fingers on your hip and stealing glances between you and Steve. "Only a matter of time, huh?" He asked. "Good to know."
Eyes widening, you quickly straightened your posture and stared at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" You pressed further. Steve was watching him too, reaching for the remote and muting the TV without even looking. The silence was deafening.
Eddie shrugged again, face smug with amusement. "I don't know, it's just... seeing them all happy together and starting a family, it just kinda got me thinking, y'know? That could be us someday."
Steve's hand froze on your arm, and now you could hardly read his expression. You just stared between them with eyes so wide you were sure they could see right through them and into the cogs turning in your head.
"Just think about it for a sec, okay? Indulge me for a minute," Eddie continued. "Little Munsons and Harringtons running around, Saturday morning cartoons, bathing fat little babies in the sink... wonder whose seed'll take first," He chuckled to himself.
But that comment alone got to you. Your face burned, and now it was you pretending to watch the TV, even with the sound off. Heat pooled in your core with an embarrassing quickness, and it felt nearly impossible to fight off the image of trying, Steve and Eddie fucking you into a sobbing mess and filling you up to the brim, competing to see who would knock you up first. You swallowed dryly.
"I-I need some water," You stammered, peeling yourself out of their arms and abandoning your blanket as you disappeared into the kitchen.
You had never really talked about having kids before. Steve had always shown an interest in starting a family, but you weren't really sure where you stood, and Eddie didn't seem like the type. You always figured it would be a conversation for another day, a day in the distant future when you were all finally adults working big jobs, picket fence and whatnot.
Yet here you were.
"You alright there, baby?" Steve's voice broke you out of your deep thought and you realized your glass was full beneath the tap, cool water spilling out over your fingers shortly after he'd spoken.
You flinched and turned off the water, setting your glass down and reaching for a rag to dry your hands. You couldn't quite bring yourself to look at him as you replied, "I'm fine, just... thinking."
"Thinkin' pretty hard, it looks like," Eddie teased, coming up behind you with a squeeze to your hips and a sweet kiss to the crown of your head. "Didn't mean to freak you out, doll."
"I'm not freaked out! I promise," You were quick to clarify, taking a big sip of your water with a shaking hand. "Just... caught off guard, I guess. I've never really thought about having kids before."
Eddie let out a little pff. "Oh, come on, I don't believe that. You've never thought about it before? Not even one time?"
You shook your head.
He turned you around in his arms, taking the glass from your hand and returning it to the counter, ensuring he had your full attention. Steve was leaned on the door frame listening, observing. Watching your reddened face.
"You're blushing," Eddie chuckled quietly, leaning down to brush his lips over your forehead before turning over his shoulder to look at Steve. "Help me out here, Harrington?"
But Steve looked just about as flustered as you did. "It would be nice," He admitted. "I've thought about it. A lot. You would make a beautiful mother, (Y/N)."
"See?" Eddie smirked. "Harrington agrees with me."
"Don't you guys think we should wait? I mean, the apartment works just fine for the three of us, but it's a little small to raise kids in, and we're still so young," You said, though you weren't fully sure whether you were trying to convince them or yourself. "It's just a really big decision. I don't think we should rush into it."
"We can get a house!" Eddie grinned, brushing your hair away from your face. "I'll work overtime at the record store, book extra gigs at The Hideout. Whatever I need to do to make that happen. We'll find somewhere real nice, fenced yard and all that. Maybe we can even talk Steve into building a treehouse." 
"I don't know, Eds..." You sighed.
You fully expected Steve to back you up on the absurdity of that suggestion, but he didn't. "That's not such a bad idea. I've been saving up from my paychecks since we graduated. It was meant to be a safeguard if Vecna came back and we all needed to hit the road, but it's been a few years now. Maybe we should just do it. Real estate's pretty cheap around here, given everything that's happened."
Perhaps they had a point, although selfishly, you sort of wanted them to keep trying to talk you into it.
"That's great, but have you guys really thought this through? Like really thought it through? Babies are a lot of work, and our relationship is hard enough to explain as it is, people are going to have so many questions--"
"Then let ‘em ask," Eddie interrupted you, planting a sweet kiss on your lips, though he quickly became distracted by your throat, tipping your chin up with his pointer finger. "I don't give a fuck. It doesn't change anything. They'll just be jealous that they don't have an extra parent for their kids like we do, right Stevie?" He spoke between increasingly sloppy kisses to your neck, teeth nipping at your warming skin.
"Exactly," Steve smiled softly, crossing his legs where he stood, and you almost could have sworn you saw the front of his sweatpants tightening. "We're already better off than most couples, if my math is right."
You were quickly melting under Eddie's attention, and Steve's lustful gaze. While you might have initially hoped that excusing yourself for a drink of water would help you cool off, it was entirely obvious now that such an attempt was in vain-- you couldn't fight with yourself anymore. They'd successfully convinced you.
Swallowing thickly, you tangled your fingers into Eddie's messy curls and could hardly bring yourself to look at either of them as you spoke in a near-whisper, "O-Okay, let's do it..."
Eddie froze, pulling away from your neck with a parting nip of the flesh so that he could stare at you with stars in his eyes. "What did you just say?" He asked.
Shyly, you glanced between them, a giddy smile tugging at your burning cheeks. They both looked truly in disbelief. "I said let's do it. Let's try for a baby."
Eddie hardly had a chance to react before Steve crossed the small kitchen and took your face in his hands, pupils blown wide as his mouth collided with yours. You stumbled back into the countertop at the force of him, gripping the edge with one hand and fisting his old Hawkins High gym shirt with the other. Eddie could do little but step back and observe, and unbeknownst to you and Steve, since you were preoccupied, Eddie had quite the satisfied smirk resting on his face. Truthfully, he knew this was what Steve wanted and that it likely wouldn't be much of a challenge to get you both going, the devil that he is. There was nowhere better to start than to just witness the fruit of his efforts.
"You have no idea how long I've waited for this," Steve spoke against your lips, letting one hand drop down to slide up beneath your shirt-- a shirt you'd stolen from Eddie's side of the closet-- and you shivered at the feeling of his warm skin on yours. "No idea how long I've wanted to hear you say it, princess..."
"S-Steve--" You gasped, but he wasn't finished yet.
"Say it again," He grunted, hips rutting into yours, and... yeah, his grey sweatpants were definitely getting tight. "Say you're gonna make me a fuckin' daddy, sweetheart."
Eddie watched with anticipation, palming impatiently at the front of his jeans. He knew Steve wanted this, but he didn't know he wanted it this badly.
Breaths quickening, you briefly took Steve's bottom lip between your teeth just to drive him that much crazier before giving in to his request, voice soft and sweet. "I'm gonna make you a fucking daddy, Steve..."
Steve let go of your face to hike one of your legs up over his hip, driving his clothed cock into the seat of your thin pajama shorts. You let out a choked whine, feeling a rush of wetness pooling in your panties, head swimming with need.
"Forgetting someone, angel?" Eddie interjected smugly, eyebrow raised, working himself stiff over his jeans.
Panting against Steve's hot, wet kisses, you barely managed to get the words out. "G-Gonna make you a daddy, Eds... gonna give you a baby..."
Steve groaned against you, lips sloppily trailing down your chin as he lifted you up in one quick motion, peeking his eyes open just enough to orient himself so that he could carry you towards the bedroom. You grabbed at Eddie's free hand as you passed, dragging him along with you, although he hardly needed any convincing-- he'd been waiting for this all day, resisting the urge to feign a sudden onset illness just to skip out of work and fuck you dumb, even though it appeared Steve was determined to beat him to it.
Steve shoved the bedroom door open with a heavy hand and wasted no time pinning you to the bed, tugging at your shirt like he'd die if it didn't come off, and in your eagerness to be touched by them you were quick to lift it over your head for him, exposing your soft chest to the cool air of the room. Steve's teeth dragged over your collarbones and down to the swell of your breast, sucking a harsh mark there before he took your nipple into his mouth and swirled over it with his slick tongue.
"F-Fuck," You sighed, taking a fistful of his thick hair.
Eddie shed himself of his t-shirt and jeans before joining the two of you on the bed, smoothing your hair out of your face with one hand and stroking his hardened cock with the other. "You're gonna look so pretty with a baby in you, dollface," He mused, taking his bottom lip between his teeth. "Everyone's gonna know you're fuckin' ours, huh? Ours forever."
You nodded hazily, reaching out to grab at his thigh, your nails pressing little crescent moon shapes into his alabaster skin. He sucked in a sharp breath, pace of his hand faltering. Eddie didn't want to cum just yet, for obvious reasons, but it was hard to stop himself from jerking off as he watched you writhe under Steve's touch. He found himself having to exercise some serious self control.
Pulling away from your breast with a soft pop, Steve slid his hand beneath the waistband of your shorts and ran two fingers over your drenched panties. "So good and wet for me already," He praised, watching with lust thick in his eyes as you inadvertently bucked into his hand. "You just can't wait, can you? Want me to fuck a baby into you so bad..."
"Y-Yes, Steve, please," You whimpered, shaking hands carding through his hair. "W-Want it so bad..."
"Easy, Harrington," Eddie chuckled breathlessly. "It was my idea. I'm goin' first."
Steve shot him a look that could truly kill, dragging his fingertips over your clothed clit just to make you squirm. "What are we, twelve?" He scoffed.
"Whatever. Don't make me push you off the bed, Stevie. Move," Eddie grunted, expecting Steve to put up more of a fight, but he didn't. He simply rolled his eyes and withdrew his hand from your shorts, clambering off of you to busy himself undressing for now.
Eddie crawled atop your trembling body, kissing down your chest as he dragged your panties and shorts down with a hooked finger. You hastily kicked them off and let them drop off the edge of the bed, leaving you completely bare for them. Eddie took a moment to soak in the sight of you with adoring, hungry eyes, dipping a calloused finger into your folds to ensure you were as wet as Steve said-- you definitely were, in fact, even more so than he'd been led to believe.
With a proud smirk and shaking hands he took hold of your hip, dragging the reddened, weeping head of his cock up the length of your pussy to slick himself with your arousal. You flinched at the stimulation, bucking toward him with a soft mewl of his name, a coded plea for him to get on with it, and he chuckled.
"I've got you, baby," He soothed, gifting you a sweet kiss. "Gonna fuck you real good, promise."
Your jaw dropped in bliss as the head of his cock breached your entrance, and without even thinking about it you hooked a leg around him and drew him deeper into you. He was trying to be gentle, considering they hadn't prepared you quite as well as they usually would, but he was impatient and clearly, so were you. His hips jerked into yours as he lost himself to the feeling of your plush, soaked walls hugging him tightly, and as he buried himself in to the hilt he let out a low growl that was almost animalistic.
Eyelashes fluttering, you whimpered in pleasure at the feeling, holding his soft biceps to ground yourself. "Fuck, Eddie..." You sighed, rocking into him.
"Jesus, baby, you gotta be patient, or I'm gonna bust and then neither of us will get to enjoy this," He chuckled breathlessly, fingertips pressing into your hips as he slowly began to move. "Fuck, you feel like a dream..."
Your head fell back into the pillows as the pace of his thrusts picked up and steadied-- he'd quickly found his rhythm, watching your tits move with every snap of his hips against yours, and he could hardly believe his luck that he'd found two people as perfect as you and Stevie, let alone that you'd agreed to start a family with him. Just the thought of it drove him crazy, and he could barely look at you anymore or he would finish way too soon. Screwing his eyes shut, Eddie let his own head fall back similarly to yours as he submitted himself to the feeling, and the sinful sounds of your slick cunt taking all he would give you.
Steve, newly naked, sat beside you on the bed, taking your breasts into his big hands, thumbs skimming over your pebbled nipples as he watched Eddie fuck you. "Takin' him so well, sweetheart," He mused, resisting the urge to reach for your clit. "You're such a good fuckin' girl, aren't you?"
"S-Stevie," You whined, speech slurring with pleasure as you reached weakly for his hand. "Feels so... so good..."
He hummed, taking a hold of your hand, lips brushing over your knuckles. "I'll bet it does, princess. Gonna let Eds make you a mama, huh?"
"Mhm," You nodded, squeezing his hand. "A-And you too..."
Steve chuckled softly, kissing your knuckles again, more affirmatively this time. "That's right. That's my good girl."
With the combination of their filthy words and the near bruising feeling of Eddie's engorged cock prodding at your cervix, you were ashamed to admit that you were already nearing the finish line too. You desperately clenched around Eddie in an attempt to hold on, but it would seem as though the action brought him that much closer to his own end.
His rings were cold on your hot skin as one hand moved from your hip to the lower part of your stomach, applying just enough pressure to intensify the feeling of his swollen cock inside you. Your mouth fell open in a near silent cry, and Eddie couldn't help a breathless little laugh at your reaction. He just couldn't believe how adorable you were, how perfect you looked even while he was fucking you like a touch starved teenager.
"Right here," Eddie groaned, taking his lip between his teeth with a wild grin. "That's where our perfect little baby is gonna grow, right between these gorgeous fuckin' hips of yours, princess..." His inked skin glowed with sweat in the low bedroom light, and your cheeks burned.
It was in that moment that you started to realize that Eddie really must have been thinking about this for a long time-- running into a classmate of yours at work was just a convenient excuse to bring it up. Regardless, you couldn't help but be glad that he did.
"S-So close, Eds, m'close... please," You whimpered, feeling that knot begin to tighten deep within you, but in his concentration it would seem Eddie had barely registered your plea.
No matter, Steve was certainly paying close attention. He gently brushed your hair away from your face so that he could admire you properly before allowing his hand to travel down the length of your stomach, dipping in the space between you and Eddie so that he could toy with your clit. Mewling in pleasure, you gripping Steve's wrist with a shaking, white knuckled hand as your high crested over you-- you felt your walls pulsing around Eddie's thick cock as your cum seeped out around him.
It would seem that alone was enough to push Eddie finally over the edge. His fingertips bore deeply into your skin, pace of his thrusts faltering as he buried himself as deeply inside you as he could manage and shortly thereafter, you were graced with warmth and butterflies as his hot seed flooded your cunt. The deep, broken moan that fell from his lips was unlike anything you'd ever heard from him before, primal and satisfied like he'd never had an orgasm quite like this. With stilted movements he continued to fuck his seed into you for just a moment until he was absolutely positive you'd drained him dry, and only then was he able to will himself to pull out.
"Jesus, sweetheart, you drive me crazy," He huffed, catching his breath as he reached forward with his thumb and caught a stray globe of pearly white that was threatening to slip out of you, pushing it gently back into your sensitive pussy. "Can't waste a single fuckin' drop, now can we? Not 'til you're good 'n knocked up, huh?"
"E-Eds," You whimpered, jolting beneath his touch and finding yourself unable to do much more than make grabby hands at him, craving his affection.
Flopping to the bed on the other side of you, his lips brushed over your sweaty temple as he soothed, "M'right here, princess, m'not goin' anywhere."
Steve was kind enough to allow you a moment to come back to Earth before reminding you of his presence with a soft touch to your thigh. "Are you ready to go again, sweetheart?" He asked, kind words juxtaposed by the absolute carnal hunger in his eyes, pupils blown wide as he soaked in the pretty sight of Eddie's seed leaking from your cunt.
Just the sight of him hovering over you, careful hands spreading you open by your shaking thighs was more than enough to reignite the flame in your core, bringing a renewed wave of need. You nodded lazily, reaching for his hand.
Steve laced his fingers in yours. "Use your words, princess."
"I-I'm ready, Stevie," You sighed with a sweet smile, your hips working off of a mind of their own as you bucked gently toward him. "Want your cum... n-need it so bad..."
You almost could have sworn you saw his eyes roll back into his head in pure bliss at the sound of those words leaving your lips. In no need of any further convincing, Steve softly kneaded your quivering thigh in his large hand before taking his woefully hard cock in the other, lining himself up with your entrance in a way which took special care to push any stray seed of Eddie's back into you. Your head fell back with a quiet whine, already sensitive from having came already, but equally so your mouth was watering and you could hardly think coherently through the thick fog of need that clouded your fucked out brain.
Steve drove into you as carefully as he could manage in his eagerness, cognizant of your sensitivity but all too anxious to give it all to you. As he bottomed out inside of your slick cunt his eyes screwed shut, almost overwhelmed by the feeling of your cum-soaked walls pulling him in. 
He groaned deeply, hips snapping impatiently forward. "S-Six..." He muttered, perhaps to himself, but the utterance did not go unnoticed by you or Eddie.
"Huh?" You mewled, squeezing his hand as you rocked on the bed. "Stevie?"
"Six," He said more clearly now. "I've always wanted six... six cute little terrors, and you're gonna be their mama, huh?"
"Six?" You gasped, but were quickly subdued by the pleasure of his thick cock rutting deeply inside of you, threatening closer to your cervix.
Eddie chuckled. "We could handle it. I mean, we've had plenty of practice."
Now it was you squeezing your eyes shut, head lazily shaking back and forth on the mattress. "Uh-uh," You moaned. "T-That's... s'too many..."
"Jus' think about it," Steve grinned. "Three boys, three girls. Toy cars and princess tea parties, road trips in Eddie's van..."
"S'too much," You slurred, though at this point neither Steve nor Eddie could tell if you were still referring to the six kids thing or if you were just getting overstimulated. They silently figured both were possibly true.
Eddie smoothed your hair away from your forehead. "Doin' so well for us, princess. Just a little longer, m'kay? Stevie's gonna take good care of you."
Tears pricked at your eyes as your second high of the night continued approaching all too quickly. Every last movement Steve made pushed you closer and closer to the edge, beckoning you to finish once more, and it felt so horrifically good that it almost hurt. You could hardly think straight, unintelligible moans tumbling from your lips as you squeezed Steve's hand like he'd disappear if you let go.
"Don't fight it," Steve said breathlessly, squeezing your hand in return as an acknowledgement of your inability to speak up. "Just cum for me, honey, just let go and cum for me..."
His words alone sent shivers down the length of you that glittered and bloomed at the base of your spine and brought your legs together, inadvertently pulling him deeper into you as you cried out and gushed over his hard cock. Your whole body shaking, you hardly even noticed that your free hand was reaching for Eddie's.
"Aww... you're okay, you're alright," Eddie cooed, taking your hand while Steve continued to rut into you, though it was evident he wasn't far from his end, either. "You still with us, pumpkin?" Eddie checked in.
It took you a second to fully process what he'd asked of you, but once you did, you nodded hazily.
"That's my girl, all fucked out and dumb," He praised. "Aren't you just the cutest, hm?"
Eddie brought your hand to his lips, pressing a sweet kiss to your knuckles, and when you pulled his hand towards yourself he expected you would return the affection-- instead, you took his thick middle and ring fingers into your mouth as if to pacify yourself.
He nearly came again at that motion alone.
Steve, who watched this exchange occur with lust-blown eyes, drove into your cunt hard, white knuckling your hips as his jaw dropped in a jagged moan and he emptied his seed as deeply inside you as he could physically manage. For a moment he couldn't bring himself to pull out, rocking into you just a few more gentle times as if to fuck it further in. You were a quivering, whining mess at the hand of his ministrations.
Once he had properly descended back to Earth from his high, Steve leaned down to kiss the blushing bridge of your nose, and then Eddie's ringed knuckles that rested just before your lips. You blinked absently, tears bubbling in your lashes, but even so you couldn't help but smile at how sweet they could be in the aftermath of acts that would reasonably deny you entry into heaven.
"You're so good for us, sweetheart," Steve mused, steadying you by your waist as he unsheathed himself from you, slowly so as not to waste any of their seed. "I can't wait for us to have our own family."
You sucked softly at Eddie's fingers, gazing up at Steve with hazy doe eyes that wordlessly pleaded for him to join you on the bed. Typically he would make you say what you wanted out loud, but neither of them felt the need to bother tonight. After all, you were gifting them something they couldn't get from anyone else, something they only wanted from you.
Catching his breath, Steve brushed his hair away from his face and laid on the other side of you, drawing your shaking body into his warm chest. Eddie scratched your back lovingly as Steve played with your soft hair.
A few moments of comfortable silence passed while you all regained proper consciousness, but that silence was broken by Eddie.
"I hope it’s a boy.”
"A boy?" You gasped, turning over your shoulder to look at him with raised eyebrows. "Like there aren't enough of you already?"
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deedala · 5 months
🎼 weekly tag wednesday 🤳
thanks for the game this week @jrooc and for tagging me!! also @creepkinginc @mybrainismelted @lingy910y @energievie 💖💖💖
Name: deanna
What is the most listened to artist in your music app of choice this month?
chappell roan
What song do you know all the lyrics to?
red wine supernova (and most of the songs on the rise and fall of a midwest princess)
What song do you pretend to know all the lyrics to and sing along to even though you don't?
If you were to be crowned Queen/King/Royalty of listening to a band or artist, who would that be? (Shoutout Misobot)
well ACTUALLY...i do have the chappell roan crown on the fic server
What band/artist surprises you the most on your frequently listened to artists?
none of them surprise me, i know exactly what i have on repeat 🥲
Favourite line from a song (or one you have been thinking about lately?
"i want this like a cigarette, can we drag it out and never quit' (guilty pleasure - chappell roan) - i just think its so clever and poetic and it gives ian and mickey in a way i cannot get over
Guilty pleasure band or song?
i dunno!! i guess maybe all my silly little nerd songs from or about video games
Okay let's talk fandom music:
Fave band or song you've discovered from a Fan Fic?
i've not discovered any from fanfics but i have gotten some fuckin amazing songs from gifsets!! petey is the one artist who i have become extremely invested in the most after seeing lyrics in a gifset.
Fave Fanfic Playlist?
hi its me, one of the outliers?? that doesnt really dive into peoples fic playlists sorry 🫠
Fave Gallavich song?
like songs officially from gallavich moments in the show? if so, then: pink + white
Do you listen to music recommended by the writer or an included playlist?
not really, however i will occasionally add songs to my shameless playlist that are mentioned in fics. like i definitely have listened to i believe in a thing called love like 8 million times because of CG!
What song do you think is Gallavich coded?
surely i can shove the gallavich puzzle piece into any song hole?? here's one: sad to breathe - the japanese house
What’s a bop you want to share with your mutuals today? 
do i rec chappell when she's already spreading through the fandom like wildfire at this point?? 😆 here have something old:
circles - soul coughing
and now i shall tag some nuggets if you would like to play. if you would like to pass then please accept some awkward fingerguns from across the room ilu 👉👉 @heymacy @michellemisfit @tanktopgallavich @too-schoolforcool @darlingian @heymrspatel @thepupperino @metalheadmickey @softmick @callivich @vintagelacerosette @gallawitchxx @whatwouldmickeydo @mickeysgaymom @suzy-queued @crossmydna @gardenerian @mmmichyyy @the-rat-wins @sam-loves-seb @blue-disco-lights @sickness-health-all-that-shit @samantitheos @wehangout @squirrel-fund @loftec @iansw0rld @transmickey @tsuga-of-mars @lee-ow @ardent-fox @rereadanon @palepinkgoat @themarchg1rl @thisdivorce @sleepyfacetoughguy @purplemagpie @mikhailoisbaby ✨
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hlficlibrary · 5 months
Hey, I’ve read all the meet cute fits you linked in the pinned post.. do you have more recommendations?
I fell unloved with these kind of fanfics.
Thank you
Hi, anon! You're very welcome! I love meet cute fics, and there are so many great ones! Here are some more for you!
Stole My Heart by @haztobegood
“Oh my god, Niall.” The door slams shut as Harry rushes into the flat. He’s still panting from his rush to get away from the scene of his crime. “You won’t believe what just happened!”
Niall is sitting on the couch in their tiny living room. He looks up from his laptop. “What happened?”
“The worst thing. I’ll never recover. I just reached into a box of free samples outside that new chicken restaurant. Only it wasn’t free samples. It was a man. Holding a box of chicken nuggets. His chicken nuggets. I stole this man’s food, Niall!”
Stuck in Midnight Traffic by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28
The curly haired man sniffles again, but the tears seemed to have stopped for now at least. “I was supposed to spend Christmas Eve with my boyfriend, that is until we got into a horrible fight.” He seems to wince at his own words. “I guess I should start getting used to calling him my ex-boyfriend. But anyways, we just couldn’t stay there any longer. Kevin and I had to get out.”
Louis blinks before looking around the empty tube car confusedly. “Kevin?”
The man nods and then squeezes a little tighter to the little potted plant clutched in his arms. “Kevin is a Christmas Cactus, but he doesn’t bloom.” He quickly adds. “Which is completely fine, because I love him just as he is.”
Louis’ not sure what most of that means. All he does know is that he needs to make sure this strange, beautiful creature is never sad again.
(Or the one where two broken people meet in an empty tube car on Christmas Eve. Can they find a way to heal each other?)
I Remember (The Distances We Covered) by @lululawrence
@ColleenisStylish: @LouisTomlinson my dad thinks he’s sat next to you on a train from Edinburgh right now, so if you could confirm that would be amazing. His name is Harry and he’s just had white wine and says you’re on red x
Louis glanced at the glass of red wine in his hand before taking a quick look around those nearest him on the train. Just across the aisle in a seat facing him was a man with graying, curly hair falling into his face yet somehow staying above his glasses. He was reading a book as he tapped his foot, seemingly oblivious to everything around him, and there sitting on the table in front of him was a half glass of white wine.
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stillswearing · 1 year
oh wow (spoilers, i guess)
I'm not over how poorly done the story for Shazam 2 was, lmao. I know I'm in the minority to even care about it a this point.
But it was so sad. I have half a mind to write a fic that's just a slight retelling of the film, but with better character moments for the family. The thing is, we can totally build on the nuggets already planted in the film:
mary regretting her choices about college
pedro plucking up the courage to come out
freddy struggling with self-worth without their superpowers
billy's major abandonment issues
rosa and victor being unsure how to parent super kids
All this will be tied together to inform the primary theme: A family is where you are accepted and celebrated unconditionally - period. Regardless of one's abilities (super or not), sexuality (straight or not), or personal choices (leaving for college or staying home), your family never abandons you.
And that will be juxtaposed against the antagonist sisters, whose family is centered around power. Their family was where you were controlled, where one sees their value as conditional upon their contribution to that quest for power. As soon as you're seen as too weak, you are discarded (as with Helen Mirren's character). And Anne is obviously key here since she lets go of that philosophy after meeting Freddy, and joins the shazamily.
[And we're going improve the sisters' evil motivations by completely removing the weird justification about being stolen from? They can just be really cool baddies, you know? Don't need weird pseudo-historical baggage, since the theme is primarily about healthy vs toxic families.]
Anyway, these scenarios were so ripe for drama and character growth. It was all right there in the movie! It's so baffling that this sequel did NOT explore them further. It would have made the ending way more devastating and triumphant. (It should've been a Young Billy rising from the ground btw.)
Honestly, they did Asher incredibly dirty in this sequel. This is HIS franchise. HE is Billy, not the adult hero he turns into. And he's a far better actor anyway. He brings an emotional depth to Billy that just isn't there when his counterpart is the one onscreen. He did so well with the little they gave him. This movie needs Asher, just as much as it needs Jack and Grace and the rest of the family.
The biggest mistake of this film is really the choice to decenter the kids' internal lives just so it can have more adults doing stunts. What set Shazam 1 apart, to the surprise of many, was its heart and sincerity - it doesn't wink at the audience at all. I was disappointed to see that the sequel lost sight of that.
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sstwins · 10 days
Hot as Hell - Angel Dust, Valentino
Summary: Angel was really fucking hot.
Not just sexy hot. Which he was, obviously. But also fucking burning up and feverish. Apparently, you could still get sick in hell.
But even being sick wouldn't get you off work. Not when you worked with Valentino.
Word Count: 1,338
Characters/Ships: Angel Dust, Valentino
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Dub-con
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53179879
uploading all my hazbin fics in the order i wrote them! i think they get better (and definitely longer) over time. follow me to read more! there's a general sensitive content warning for all of them.
Angel was really fucking hot.
Not just sexy hot. Which he was, obviously. But also fucking burning up and feverish. Apparently, you could still get sick in hell. Guess it made sense. God sending down the plague and whatever.
He would have loved to just take a day and lay in bed and do nothing. Snuggle up with Fat Nuggets and not move. But work was work, and he’d gotten a nasty call from Valentino ordering him to get his “sorry ass” over to the studio. Not even for a damn porno. Just because Val wanted to fuck him.
The call had told him to meet in Val’s bedroom. Not many people knew how to get in there, but Angel had special privileges. The room was dank and dimly lit by lamps all over, with a heart-shaped bed that sat in the middle. There were mirrors all around the place, and Angel caught a glimpse of himself in one of them. 
He looked like shit. His eyes were all bloodshot and baggy. And maybe it was the humidity in the room, or the fever, but everything felt like it was spinning.
Val wasn’t there yet, but Angel knew what was expected of him. Strip and wait on the bed. He shed his jacket and shorts, leaving only his stockings and collar. Angel fluffed his chest fur in the mirror, mustering a cocky smile. Still got it.
He sauntered over to the bed, falling into it and trying to arrange his body in a way that looked sexy. He didn’t know how long he was gonna have to wait. Somewhere between a few minutes and an hour. It didn’t really matter if the waiting was really fucking annoying and ruined his day. Things worked on Valentino's schedule.
Angel stared up at the heart-shaped canopy, trying to focus his gaze. There were a few things he would normally do while he was waiting. Masturbate with some of Val’s sex toys. Prep himself for getting railed. But none of that really sounded appealing right now. What sounded fucking great was sleeping, but that would definitely not be approved of. Things seemed a little blurry around the edges right now though. Plus, Angel usually was on high alert while he was here, so he was sure he would wake up from hearing Val’s key in the lock. Maybe if he just closed his eyes for a minute. It was just so fucking hot in here. But the bed was so plush… and dark… and…
Angel jolted awake to the sound of a snarling voice. He snapped to attention to see Val looming over him with a nasty expression on his face. Fuck.
“Is this a place you come to rest, or a place you come to work?” Val snapped as he started undoing his coat. His eyes glinted in the dark.
“W-work.” Angel stammered, sitting up a little. 
“So I must have been wrong in thinking that you were sleeping on my bed during working hours. Was I wrong?”
“I didn’t-” Angel fought to get the words out. There wasn’t really a right answer to the question. His head was fucking pounding now too. “I’ll be better,” he settled on.
Val’s lips curled up ever so slightly. “Good boy,” he purred. He sat down on the edge of the bed, leaning in to stroke Angel’s fur back from his face before looping a finger in his collar and pulling tight. “I know you know how to behave. But you know what happens to little boys who slip up, now don’t you?” His other hand stroked down Angel’s body, resting on his inner thigh.
Angel swallowed thickly. “Yes, Val.” 
“I only have a few minutes before my next appointment,” Val continued, his voice smoothing out. “And Daddy’s all pent up from working.”
This was easier. This made sense. Angel drifted two of his arms down to the tent in Val’s underwear. “Oh my,” he purred, the words practiced. “I’d love to help you out with that.” God, Val was so fucking big.
Valentino climbed into bed on top of him, pinning down his top two arms with his large body. He bucked into Angel’s grasp. “You feel hot, baby,” he muttered as he licked a stripe up Angel’s cheek. “Show Daddy what makes you so famous around here.”
Angel slid down Val’s shorts, wrapping his free hands around Valentino’s cock. He fucking hated being restrained at all, but that was how Val liked it. He loved having Angel pleasuring him and also being pinned down at the same time. When Val leaned in to kiss him, Angel couldn’t help but flinch back a little. “Val,” he whispered, all his nerves on edge. “Remember I told you I’m not feelin’ good. I wouldn’t want you to get-”
His words were cut off as Valentino forced his mouth open, diving his tongue in and swirling it around. Angel moaned into it, letting himself be pressed into the bed. When Val pulled back, he tightened his grip on Angel’s arms.
“Don’t fucking tell me what I can’t do,” he hissed, and Angel nodded quickly, refocusing his attention on Val’s cock. It was hard, and especially if there was a time crunch, he was sure Val wouldn’t be interested in foreplay.
Pinching his eyes closed from the pain in his head, Angel spread his legs, knocking his knees against Val’s hips. “Fuck me hard, Daddy,” he whimpered, flexing his hips. The sooner the better.
Val let his arms go, grabbing his cock in his hand. He lined it up with Angel’s entrance. As he started pressing in, Angel couldn’t help but let out a little whine from the pain.
Val smiled. “No prep this time, huh baby?” He licked his lips and ran his free hand up Angel’s chest, tangling in his chest fur. “You’re so fucking hot and tight,” he moaned.
Angel tried to force his face into a position that was more sexy and less ‘this fucking hurts’. Val liked it when he was loud, so he let himself moan with it. As Val bottomed out and started pulling back and thrusting in rough, he knotted his free arms in the sheets. It felt like being on a fucking weird trip. Everything was so hot but he was shivering at the same time. Val’s face was swimming in his vision, and everything was still spinning. He just had to take it and get through it. Thankfully getting fucked was more of a passive thing. If Val had wanted him to ride him, that would have taken so much more fucking energy.
When Val came inside of him not too long after, Angel wasn’t surprised. Seemed like his body was primed right now to get people off. Val didn’t really care if Angel climaxed or not, so he hadn’t even put in the effort. His dick had barely gotten hard the whole time, and it quickly softened again when Val pulled out, grabbing Angel for one more deep kiss. 
“Daddy’s gotta go back to work,” Val muttered against his lips as he pulled back. He swirled a finger in his cum that was dripping out of Angel and pressed it to the demon’s lips. Angel opened his mouth and sucked it clean, wrinkling his nose a little at the taste. 
Val patted him roughly on the face and straightened up, rising from the bed. “Don’t fucking be here when I get back,” he said as he pulled on his coat, voice hardening and losing any of the sexual allure from their roleplay. Then he walked to the door and was gone.
Angel lay back on the bed, taking in a deep breath. He was all sticky now from the cum, which was clumping into his fur. Funny enough, the substance felt almost cool right now. He stared up at the canopy, trying to muster up the strength to get up and walk all the way back home.
It really was so fucking hot in here.
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shanakin-skywalker · 1 year
Shanakin's Stranger Things Fic Recs
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Stranger Things
🍦Steve Harrington🍦
Title: Do You Have The Soup?
Author: @hannuhbee
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Word Count: 865
Type: Fluff; Drabble
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Not Provided
My Thoughts: This is such a sweet drabble. Literally so cute to the point my heart almost burst.
Link: [Tumblr] https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/hannuhbee/690683013464506368?source=share
Title: With Cable-Knit Sweaters and Freshly Pressed Levis
Author: @cursestothemoon
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Word Count: 5700+
Type: Slight Angst/Hurt/Comfort/Fluff; OneShot
Warnings: Slight steam, some cursing, nothing serious.
Summary: You’re going off to college and Steve starts to feel a little insecure about where his life is going resulting in him saying something he regrets. Robin talks some sense into him.
My Thoughts: I love the writing. The characterization is great and this squeezed my heart in the best way possible. I also love the flashbacks throughout this oneshot.
Link:  [Tumblr] https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/acunningstargazer/690554846766661632?source=share
Title: You Shook Me All Night Long
Author: @pinkchubbiebunnie
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!PlusSized/Thick!Reader
Word Count: 45091
Type: Fluff/Smut, Multi-Chapter(4)
Warnings: Inappropriate Work Boners, Masturbation, Smut, Mentions of Bullying, Mentions of Food, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Sexual Fantasy, Face Sitting, Subby Steve, Praise Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Shower Sex, Outdoor Sex, Mentions of Past Steve x Nancy, Mentions of Dieting and Diet Culture
Summary: Steve had never pictured himself eding up here – working for minimum wage at an ice cream shop, wearing a fucking sailor costume. But hey, life catches up to you and plans change. He also never would have guessed that someone who had been sitting quietly in the background of his life for years would secretly be the hottest babe of the century – and in the moent he found out, he had never been more thankful for ice cream minimum wage slavery and the stupid outfit you seemed to find adorable. Set Pre Season 3.
My Thoughts: This is such a satisfying read. Everything wraps up perfectly. There is no major conflict. Just Steve being a simp and I love that for him.
Link: [Ao3] https://archiveofourown.org/works/40074273/chapters/100363440
Title: Boy With Love
Author: @kxnobi
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4569
Type: Smut/Fluff; Multi-Chapter (2)
Warnings: Smut, Sub!Steve, Dirty Talk, Dirty Thoughts, Breeding Kink, Dom!Fem!Reader, Dacryphilia, Service Kink, Masturbation, Multiple Orgasms
Summary: Steve got the emotional connection he’s been looking for! But now he’s too nervous to make a move so you take matters into your own hands.
Link: [AO3] https://archiveofourown.org/works/40685739
Title: Stone Cold Sober
Author: @fairyysoup
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2222
Type: Smut; OneShot
Warnings: Smut, Mild Dubcon B/C Steve’s Drunk, Switch!Steve, Phone Sex, Mutual Masturbation, Intoxication, Mutual Pining
Summary: This isn’t the first time Steve has called you- it’s just the first time it’s led to this.
My  Thoughts:
Link: [AO3] https://archiveofourown.org/works/43608471
Title: Hot for Teacher
Author: @handfulofteeth(sonorous)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 12960
Type: Smut/Fluff/Mild Hurt&Comfort/Angst; OneShot
Warnings: Cunnilingus, Car Sex, Blow Jobs in a Car, Blow Jobs, Porn with Plot, Porn with Feelings, Dirty Talk, Smut, Dom/Sub Undertones, Face-Fucking, Multiple Orgasms, Steve Harrington Really Loves Eating Pussy, Vaginal Fingering, A ‘lil Bit of Squirting, Mostly Just WAP.
Summary: “You know I heard Steve Harringtion can’t eat pussy?” It’s the day of your long-awaited date with Steve Harringtion, and your best friend chooses to drop that little nugget of information right on your head hours before he’s due to pick you up. But surely she’s just messing with you… right?
Link: [AO3] https://archiveofourown.org/works/42719895
Title: Have You Seen Her?
Author: @luveline
Pairing: Steve Harringtion x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 27772
Type: Fluff/Hurt&Comfort/Smut; Multi-Chapter (2)
Warnings: Fluff, Mutual Pining, Sick Fic, Hurt/Comfort, Smut, Eventual Smut, Smut in Second Chapter, Penis in Vagina Sex, Praise Kink
Summary: Steve finds out that falling in love can be really, really easy. You find out what it’s like when somebody wants to take care of you.
Link: [AO3] https://archiveofourown.org/works/43097013
Title: I Don’t Wanna Wait My Whole Life Through (To Say I’m In Love With You)
Author: @kazbrekker
Pairing: Steve Harringtion x Fem!Reader x Eddie Munson
Word Count: 8853
Type: Smut/Fluff; OneShot
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Pining, Reader Loves Books, And Changes Hyperfixations At A Rapid Pace, Eddie and Reader Are In An Established Relationship, Spit Roasting, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Face-Fucking, Cunnilingus
Summary: You and Eddie start to notice all the things Steve does for you two. Or, alternately, sometimes things that feel too good to be true are true anyways.
Link: [AO3] https://archiveofourown.org/works/40359996
Title: Her Best Friend’s Girl
Author: @starlight_searches
Pairing: Steve Harringtion x Fem!Reader x Robin Buckley
Word Count: 5534
Type: Smut; OneShot
Warnings: Porn without Plot, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, Daddy Kink, Recreational Drug Use, Underage Drinking
Summary: Robin watches the wiggling of his fingers, grimacing. Maybe she’s gayer than she thought, but it doesn’t look like it would feel very good at all. Steve frowns at his own hand, and then brushes the confusion away in a puff of smoke. “It’s too hard to describe. It’d be easier if I just show you. “Ewwww. Steve!” Robin slaps him hard enough that he almost drops the joint, but even her disgust is tempered by the high- punctuated by a deep throaty laugh. “Gross, no. Not like that-“Steve’s laughing too, falling over until his hair brushes her shoulder. “No, god no. I meant, you know, on my girl.” He shrugs, like its totally not a big deal. Like he hadn’t suggested something insane.
Link: [AO3] https://archiveofourown.org/works/42437568
Title: You Shook Me All Night Long
Author: @pinkchubbiebunnie
Pairing: Steve Harringtion x Plus Size!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 45091
Type: Smut/Fluff; Multi-Chapter (4)
Warnings: Season 3 Steve, Plus Size Reader, Inappropriate Work Boners, Masturbation, Smut, Mentions of Bullying, Mentions of Food, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Sexual Fantasy, Face-Sitting, Subby!Steve, Praise Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Shower Sex, Outdoor Sex, Mentions of Past Steve x Nancy, Mentions of Dieting and Diet Culture
Summary: Steve had never pictured himself ending up here- working for minimum wage at an ice  cream shop, wearing a fucking sailor costume. But hey, life catches up to you and plans change. He also never would have guessed that someone who had been sitting quietly in the background of his life for years would secretly be the hottest babe of the century- and in the moment he found that out, he had never been more thankful for ice cream minimum wage slavery and the stupid outfit you seemed to find adorable.
Link: [AO3] https://archiveofourown.org/works/40074273
Title: Hold On Loosely
Author: @eratothemuse
Pairing: Steve Harringtion x Fem!Reader x Eddie Munson
Word Count: 10385
Type: Smut; OneShot
Warnings: Smut, Spoilers for Stranger Things Season 4 Vol 1, Unprotected Sex, Sex Pollen, DubCon B/C of Sex Pollen, Oral Sex, Fuck or Die, Canon-Typical Injury, NSFW
Summary: There’s next to nothing truly known about the Upside-Down, but after you get stuck there with Eddie Munson and Steve Harringtion, you learn one thing; don’t touch the flowers.
Link: [AO3] https://archiveofourown.org/works/39589479
Title: Come Together (Over Me)
Author: @kazbrekkcr
Pairing: Steve Harringtion x Fem!Reader x Eddie Munson
Word Count: 6327
Type: Smut; OneShot
Warnings: Smut, Porn Without Plot, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in Vagina Sex, Cunnilingus, Blow Jobs, Oral Sex, Face-Fucking, Dirty Talk, Unprotected Smut
Summary: You meet Steve and Eddie one at a time, and then all together.
Link: [AO3] https://archiveofourown.org/works/48148630
Title: Head Over Heels
Author: @underoossss
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Grumpy!Fem!Reader
Word Count: N/A
Type: Angst/Hurt&Comfort/Fluff; OneShot
Warnings: Mentioned Family Problem, Trust Issues, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Steve falls for Robin’s grumpy friend, and he falls hard. Grumpy x Sunshine Trope
My Thoughts: Listen, this was so romantic, I swooned.
🎸Eddie Munson🎸
Title: Play Pretend
Author: @webslinger-holland
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4647
Type: Fluff; OneShot
Warnings: Sexual Tension, Swearing, Some Kissing, Fake Relationship
Summary: To escape the likes of Jason Carver, the reader has to play a little game of pretend with Eddie Munson himself.
My Thoughts: I am such a sucker for fake relationship into real relationship and this ticked every box for me.
Link: [Tumblr] https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/acunningstargazer/690516408204967936?source=share
Title: N/A
Author: eddiendee
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: N/A
Type: Fluff; Drabble
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Not Provided
My Thoughts: -Sigh- This is honestly so cute and endearing. This is exactly the type of thing I can picture Eddie doing and it’s a short read but I highly recommend it.
Link: [Tumblr] https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/acunningstargazer/690146879466504192?source=share
Title: I Don’t Wanna Wait My Whole Life Through (To Say I’m In Love With You)
Author: @kazbrekkcr
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader x Steve Harringtion
Word Count: 8853
Type: Smut/Fluff; OneShot
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Pining, Reader Loves Books, And Changes Hyperfixations At A Rapid Pace, Eddie and Reader Are In An Established Relationship, Spit Roasting, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Face-Fucking, Cunnilingus
Summary: You and Eddie start to notice all the things Steve does for you two. Or, alternately, sometimes things that feel too good to be true are true anyways.
Link: [AO3] https://archiveofourown.org/works/40359996
Title: Official
Author: @Bippot
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 22050
Type: Smut/Fluff; OneShot
Warnings: Mutual Pining, Masturbation, Eventual  Smut, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Friends with Benefits, Jealously, Recreational Drug Use, Underage Drinking
Summary: So, yeah, Eddie has a little crush. Between working in the garage, school, and late nights thinking about a special someone, he doesn’t quite think he has the guts to do something about it. But, that’s okay. She might have them.
Link: [AO3] https://archiveofourown.org/works/40234191
Title: Maybe
Author: @eveatethefruit
Pairing:Modern! Older!Eddie Munson x Younger!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 12000+
Type: Fluff/Smut; OneShot
Warnings: Modern!Eddie, Older!Eddie, Dom/Sub Dynamics, Daddy Kink, Slight DDLG Themes, Choking, Slapping, Oral Sex, Smut
Summary: When the hot older man in the neighborhood becomes a regular at your coffee shop, you can’t help but let your shameless flirting take over. And maybe, the fantasies are reciprocate
🛟Billy Hargrove🛟
Title: Daddy? Sorry
Author: @fbfh(cheweduphoodiestring)
Pairing: Bily Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5576
Type: Smut; OneShot
Warnings: Smut, Breeding Kink, Daddy Kink, Mommy Kink, Neck Grabbing, Boners, Grinding, Groping, Teasing, Dom/Sub Undertones, Verbal Humiliation, Dominant Billy Hargrove, Forced Eye Contact, Temperature Play, Rings, Vaginal Fingering, Biting, Praise Kink, Degradation, French Kissing, Manhandling, Spanking, Hand Jobs, Restraints, Cervix Kissing, Size Kink, Good Girl, Multiple Orgasms, Misogyny, Nipple Play, Finger Sucking, Belly Bulge, Impregnation, Baby Fever, Dirty Talk, Overstimulation, Mating Press, Primal Kink, Cock Warming, Cum Plugging, Dumbification
Summary: You accidently call Billy daddy one too many times, and he’s now determined to level the playing field and make you a mommy.
Link: [AO3] https://archiveofourown.org/works/37652029
Title: Cow
Author: @M1nt_Chip
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 13818
Type: Slight Hurt&Comfort/Smut; OneShot
Warnings: Porn with Plot, Eventual Smut, Smut, Bullying, Name-Calling, Mentions of Over Eating, Mentions of Under Eating/Skipping Meals to Lose Weight, Almost Being Force-Fed Something Disgusting by Bullies, Other Slightly Triggering Topics Regarding One’s Body Image, Rough Sex, Breeding, Vaginal Fingering, Nipple Play, Vaginal Sex
Summary: Billy is intent on ‘pavlov’ing your brain into associating the horrible nickname the bullies gave you, into something that’d make you squirm.
Link: [AO3] https://archiveofourown.org/works/47859256
Title: Bully
Author: @billyhours
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 16375
Type: Smut; OneShot
Warnings: Bullying, Overprotective Parents, Strict Parents, Smut, Loss of Virginity, Innocent Reader, Porn with Plot
Summary: Billy Hargrove has a big ol crush on you but he’s kind of an idiot and doesn’t know how to process that so he just bullies you to get your attention. And maybe you like it.
🎺Robin Buckley🎺
Title: Her Best Friend’s Girl
Author: @starlight_searches
Pairing: Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader x Steve Harringtion
Word Count: 5534
Type: Smut; OneShot
Warnings: Porn without Plot, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, Daddy Kink, Recreational Drug Use, Underage Drinking
Summary: Robin watches the wiggling of his fingers, grimacing. Maybe she’s gayer than she thought, but it doesn’t look like it would feel very good at all. Steve frowns at his own hand, and then brushes the confusion away in a puff of smoke. “It’s too hard to describe. It’d be easier if I just show you. “Ewwww. Steve!” Robin slaps him hard enough that he almost drops the joint, but even her disgust is tempered by the high- punctuated by a deep throaty laugh. “Gross, no. Not like that-“Steve’s laughing too, falling over until his hair brushes her shoulder. “No, god no. I meant, you know, on my girl.” He shrugs, like its totally not a big deal. Like he hadn’t suggested something insane.
*Header Photo is NOT Mine. Credit to Owner.
**Will Continue to Update with More Recommendations
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Dance Magic, Dance
Summary: Labyrinth (1986) is yours and Eddie's movie.
Word Count: 1.5k ish
Warnings: None. Vague spoilers for the movie I guess?
AN: So, Labyrinth is one of my favourite movies and I feel like Eddie would really like it! Just a short one, I am in the middle of writing the longest fic of my life (which might be posted in two parts) but it's been ages since I posted anything of my own so here's this little nugget. I'll shut up now! Enjoy!
Please don't copy my work
When he slotted the key into his apartment door, Eddie never imagined what treachery he was about to find on the other side.
It had been a long and gruelling day at work and all he wanted was to curl up on the couch with his wife and daughter. He shrugged off his jacket. Nothing seemed amiss. He smiled when he heard you laugh from the other room, then froze as the distinctive sounds of betrayal reached him.
Dropping his bag and kicking off his shoes, he skidded down the hall, catching the living room doorframe to steady himself.
There you stood, dancing in front of the tv with your daughter, Sarah, in your arms. The sight of you singing along, her tiny hand enveloped in yours, would normally have brought tears to Eddie’s eyes. Melted his iron heart to a puddle, if it hadn’t been for the particular song you were dancing to.
‘Are you watching our movie without me?’
Caught in the act, you spun around matching Eddie’s horrified expression with your own. He’d never seen a guiltier smile. You started toward him but he clutched at his heart, throwing himself sideways over the arm of the couch, retching and gasping like he was dying.
‘Eddie!’ You cried, shifting your daughter onto your hip and fumbling for the remote to pause the film. ‘Eddie, No!’ You begged, dropping to your knees by the couch, ‘Forgive me!’
He rolled his eyes back, tongue lolling out of his mouth, making your daughter giggle. She was only eight months old and of course, she’d inherited Eddie’s beautiful brown eyes, you’d hoped she would. Her smile was his too, wide and gappy at the moment but full of unrestrained joy. ‘Eddie, please!’
He shook his head, still playing dead. ‘She wouldn’t stop fussing! You know Labyrinth’s her favourite too!’ Eddie’s eyes snapped down to yours but not with compassion, with indignation.
‘And now she blames my beautiful princess for her wretched betrayal!’ he reached out and cupped his daughter’s cheeks in his hands, nuzzling his nose against hers, ‘Don’t worry darling, I see through Mama’s heartless lies!’ she giggled hysterically as he kissed her again and again.
You pouted, hugging her away from him, ‘I thought I was your beautiful princess!’
He shrugged and threw up his hands, ‘You were until you decided to watch Labyrinth without me!’ His eyes avoided yours, a toddler-like refusal to meet your gaze.
‘I’m sorry!’ you relented, chasing him for eye contact all the same and bouncing your daughter on your knee. He pushed himself up, swinging his legs round to a sitting position. Folding his arms, he looked down his nose at you, lip jutted out. ‘Really, I am!’ You had to fight the urge not to smile.
He still didn’t look convinced.
You cuddled Sarah into your shoulder and sat up on your knees so you were more or less at his eye level. ‘Let me make it up to you?’ you reached for his face, dragging your fingers along his jawline. It didn’t take long for him to give in and kiss you. A little too strong at first, like he’d been craving it all day, but he relaxed, smiling against your mouth.
He could live in this moment forever; it was everything he needed. After every hardship, every exhausting day, he knew he could always come home to your hands on his neck and your lips on his.
‘Better?’ you asked, breaking away and smiling when he struggled to open his eyes. Even after all this time, you still managed to take his breath away. He remembered your pretend argument and thought for a moment.
‘It’s a start,’ he mused.
‘Oh!’ you it was your turn to mock him now, ‘A start, huh?’
Before he could reply, Sarah started fussing in your arms. ‘Now look!’ he jabbed a hand in her direction, ‘My princess is getting impatient! Play the movie!’
Laughing you looked for where you’d dropped the remote, ‘See, this is what she was like before you arrived!’ you teased over your shoulder, shushing her intermittently.
‘Excuses, excuses!’ he tutted while settling into the couch, ‘Play the movie! Only start the song again!’
You rolled your eyes, finding the remote and snuggling in next to him, ‘Yes, my liege!’
It was Autumn of ’86. After Vecna and the upside down. After everything. Leaves had fallen, making soggy drifts by the side of the road and the bite of Winter hinted in the wind. Eddie had only gotten out of the hospital a few weeks back but he’d driven all the way to your house in nothing but his leather jacket. Now, he was standing in your doorway, stumbling over his words.
‘Hey, uh… now that everything’s… over,’ He rubbed his neck nervously; this had all gone a lot smoother in his head. Behind your back, you crossed your fingers. ‘There’s this movie playing, it looks kinda cool!’
Kind of was an understatement, Eddie had been gassed about this movie since the kids had described the trailer they’d seen in the cinema. Ever since, he’d been working up the courage to ask you to go.
‘Yeah, it’s got like, goblins and magic and… stuff,’
You took a deep breath, fighting not to laugh at how flustered he was. ‘Yeah?’
Almost a minute passed in silence, Eddie’s eyes fixed on the ground, you waiting expectantly. ‘Do you want to go and see it together?’ you asked eventually, unable to stop the smile spreading over your mouth.
‘Yes! Yes!’ he exploded, his face turning redder than a tomato, ‘That’s what I was trying to ask you!’
You laughed and he knew he wanted to hear that sound for the rest of his life, ‘Pick me up on Friday at 8:00!’
He did just that and drove you to the Hawk. Jim Henson’s Labyrinth played. The two of you fell in love with it and each other forever.
The rest was history.
Seven years after, when your daughter was born, you couldn’t resist naming her after the main character. You were sure Eddie would have petitioned to name her Jareth if she’d been a boy and you weren’t a hundred percent sure you could have said no.
When you saw a stripy onesie in the store, you knew there was no leaving without it. She looked just like the movie!
‘Give her here!’ Eddie entreated, making grabby hands at his daughter and she copied them back at him.
‘Absolutely not!’ your retorted pulling her away and closing your arms protectively around her tiny body. Eddie frowned, folding his arms in protest but you only laughed, ‘You’ll throw her like he does in the movie!’
A mischievous smile tugged at your husband’s mouth confirming your suspicions. The wicked glint in his eyes made Sarah babble excitedly. ‘One day, princess!’ he promised, poking at her belly and earning a playful slap from you.
It had already been late when you put the movie on and before long, in the comforting embrace of both her parents, Sarah’s eyes began to droop closed. You eased her off the sofa and carried her to bed, setting her down in the crib with meticulous care.
From the living room, lilting synth tones heralded your favourite part of the movie. The masked ball scene. A shadow appeared in the doorway; Eddie extended a hand. ‘Care to dance, my lady?’ his voice barely above a whisper. You took it with a smile and he brought you closer, kissing your knuckles. His lips lingered over your wedding ring.
As he led you back to your tiny ballroom, flashbacks to that wonderful day washed over you. This song had been your first dance. You hadn’t kept many traditions at your wedding but this one had been magical.
He pulled you close just like he had then, one hand on your waist, the other entwined in yours. It didn’t matter that you were scuffing around in your slippers, Eddie always made it feel like a fairytale. You followed his step as he swept you around the cluttered living room, your emerald engagement ring sparkled on his shoulder. His eyes never left your own, full of unconditional adoration as he sang the words softly. It was a dream. A beautiful dream.
He leaned in a pressed a kiss behind your ear. ‘I love you!’ he murmured against your hair, like it was the most precious secret in the world.
You smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips.
‘I love you too!’
It was more than he could ever have asked for. The sense of you, flush against him, wanting him, loving him as much as he loved you, Eddie didn’t think he could ever be happier. The twinkling melody knotted your hearts even tighter while your daughter slept soundly in the next room.
Eddie never wanted this crystal paradise to end.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Please check out my other works on my masterlist and please do drop a comment or reblog if you thought it was any good!
Tags: @sadbitchfangirl, @neewtmas
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 7 months
Hello From the Other Side
First posted: July 4, 2019
Focuses on: Tony Stark and Peter Parker (MCU)
Favorite bookmark: "Crying, crying."
Tier: Bottom bottom bottom, so little love or attention
This is my “behind the scenes” series where I indulge myself horribly by annotating my fics. Link to the fic itself above. Thoughts below the cut.
Yet another reactionary Endgame fic. You'd think as much as that movie bothered me that I would've chucked it all for a true canon-is-dead fix-it, but no. I don't remember which nugget in this fic sparked its existence. My guess is it was just hearing the character voices in my head. Say what you will about MCU's Tony and Peter, but their voices are distinct and very easy to write.
“This is not the voicemail you are looking for. Nah, I’m just kiddin’, this is Peter’s phone. I’m off saving the galaxy with a princess and a scruffy-looking nerfherder, but leave a message after the beep and I’ll get back soon as I can.” [BEEP] ——— [SILENCE] ——— [SILENCE] ——— [SILENCE] ——— “Hey, uh, Peter, it’s me… God, this is stupid. This is so stupid. I can’t—“ ——— “Look. I don’t want to do this, but Pepper’s threatening to keep me in the hospital until I talk to someone. And I can’t. I just can’t. Not about this. Not to anyone. Not to you, either, if this were real, but this… you’re not…” [SILENCE]
Figuring out how to write out transcripts of voicemails was a painnnnnnn. I'm still not sure how clear it is for anyone not in my head, but I went with bold text for the machine message (and the Star Wars joke seemed like the obvious choice!), and the <hr> breaks marked off each call (so the first three silences, for example, are Tony calling and then hanging up without saying anything.) I also wanted to be able to denote long pauses within a call, too, so having the bracketed SILENCE markers were important.
I could call someone in, but they don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to say. And I close my eyes and I just… I see stars. So here’s the deal. You’re asleep. You’re asleep, and I’m being that asshole Tony Stark not checking the time and getting your voicemail. That’s all this is, got it? I’m gonna sit here and ramble into this phone like a lunatic because it’s late and I’m sleep deprived, and tomorrow you’ll listen and give me a hard time about it.
Figuring out why Tony was doing what he was doing was a challenge, too, because it had to make sense, it had to be consistent with his character, he had to know why, AND he had to be willing to at least say some of it out loud. That's how dialogue works, with all those internal filters and lenses, and that's why writing characters who don't just say whatever they want is such a pain.
She’s gone. She’s gone, Pete, and I’m so, I’m so sorry. She was on shift at the hospital and the security feed caught everything. I tried to find… I tried to find anyone. Anyone. Pepper helped. My strength’s not… it’s still not up to par, you know. We looked. I swear we did. Your, uh, your buddy. Your guy in the chair, Ned. He’s gone, too. I found his mom and his little sister. Made sure they were taken care of. Your friend Michelle, too. That bastard of a grape wiped out your whole decathalon team. The guy in the corner store, Mr. Delmar, he’s around, but his family’s gone.
Per my note on the fic itself, I wrote the majority of this before Far From Home. And I'm really hecking chuffed it's canon compliant.
There was another ceremony today. I know I said I wasn’t going to go to another one, and I didn’t, but it was on TV.
Figuring out the timing and cadence of the calls was tricky, too. The conceit I settled on was this fic is just a small collection of the voicemails made, not all of them. Tony would have called way, way more over the years, about big things and small things and nothing at all, just for comfort, and no way was I writing all of that. This was just for slice of life stuff, which also made for a neat trick where I could reference a thing and not have to explain it too much.
The TV we don’t have anymore, by the way. I blasted it halfway through the first speech. Scared Happy half to death. He came tuck-and-rolling into my room but got his shoe caught on a power cord.
I binged so so so many IronDad & SpiderSon fics back in 2019, holy smokes. Happy goofs was such a staple of the genre.
Oh, and get this, lots of lovely famines popping up, because Mr. I’m-Gonna-Murder-Scarcity snapped half the world’s food supply.
I remain deeply, deeply bitter over how stupid "the snap" was.
‘m drunk. V’r v’r drunk. FRIDAY-was-yellin’ drunk. Shut her off. World’s ended. [PHHHHBT] [BSHHHH] I d’serve a drink. Any drinks. ‘mean, many drinks. All drinks for Tony. ‘Cause I’ll regret this later but, but I know it. I know it. ‘Cause I’m old. I’m gonna live and live and live.
I have no idea if this is an accurate representation of a drunken grieving voicemail. I do not drink, so any attempt made in fiction that touches on alcohol is me internally letting out a high-pitched leak of a noise and taking a stab in the dark.
You know I listened to ‘em? Ev… ev’ry one. I know you thought I didn’t. I did. I-I knew about you quitting band. The cat you saved from the tree that scratched your arm. The drunk guy you helped home. The d’ble rainbow you spotted over the bridge. Shit, Pete. Is that what this is? Is this my punishment for not picking up?
It is vital to me that Tony Stark did in fact always listen to Peter's messages. I claim the fanon. But also, gotta stab readers in the emotions, kachow.
She, uh. She’s. She’s pregnant, kid. Told me tonight. She said she’d been feeling… And then FRIDAY confirmed it for her with a scan. She’s seven weeks. She’s preh… preg… oh. I, uh.
Of course the first person he tells is a dead boy. He would want him to know.
I can’t do this, Pete. I can’t be a dad. I can’t do it. How do you bring a kid into a world like this, huh? How can you do that to this tiny, defenseless person?
I have to say, reading this a month away from the four-year pandemicaversary? Knowing this was written with no foreknowledge of how wild 2020 and after was going to be? Eerie.
I tried to call and it wouldn’t come up. I got, I got a damn out of service message. No voicemail. No saving the galaxy. You were gone. It was like losing you all over again. Turns out the phone company finally pulled itself together and started closing accounts that had defaulted on payments. With you and your aunt gone, there was no one around to… But don’t worry. I got your phone taken care of. You’re paid off for the next eighty years, give or take. I’m not letting you go anywhere, not ever again.”
At least one of us had to pay attention to real-world logistics, since the Russo Brothers don't seem inclined to—
Turns out I’m really into shiplap. You probably don’t know what that is. Heck, I wouldn’t have known what that is, but Pepper’s got me hooked on these design shows now. For research, you know. You thought I was a genius before, you should hear me now. Recessed lighting, birdsmouth joints, cornices, banquettes, coffered vs tray ceilings, bouclé accents, I know it all. Pepper and I both have very strong feelings about when wainscoting is appropriate.
My mom was also super into shiplap at the time, but I had to google the rest of it. (Funnily enough, I did get into design shows in the pandemic. Like I said, eerie.)
I’m lucky, Pete. I know. I know how mad I’ve gotten when people have said that. I haven’t felt lucky. I don’t think anyone’s felt lucky in the last year. And I know I didn’t lose Pepper, thank God. Rhodey and Happy were still here when I got back. I’m still a billionaire, still a genius, still pretty damn fine if I do say so myself. I didn’t starve to death in space. But god, did I not feel lucky. After all we lost… after what I lost… But I get it now. I do. Because I’m sitting here, holding this new life, and I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Only thing that’s missing is you.
Figuring out the beats of Tony's path to healing was important, too.
Not to crap on someone else’s happiness, but you know which group made it through intact? The Black-Eyed Peas. What kind of cosmic joke is that?
If they're your thing, good for you, but for me, pure unadulterated loathing. I was fortunate enough to study abroad in 2010 and they followed me everywhere I went. Literally multiple countries across Europe, "I've got a feeling, woooooohoooooo" the whole way. The absolute worst.
There’s no saying you would’ve got to MIT, though. You would’ve gotten in, of course. But a brain like yours? You’d get in anywhere—MIT, Harvard, UC Berkeley, even the Imperial College or Nanyang.
I had to hit a lot of the fic classics and Peter's college choice is one of them. I went to a public university, though, and not for anything STEM-related, so this list was a bunch of googling on my part. Is it accurate? No idea.
They’re rebooting Star Wars. They’re friggin’ rebooting Star Wars. Because everything’s gotta be a cash grab now. Bad enough that they trashed the saga with that awful ending. Now they want to reboot it? A new hope for a new world is the unofficial slogan. Garbage. You watch, they’ll probably shoehorn in those stupid dice from the beginning now and still say Greedo shot first. Maybe Jabba will secretly be Chewbacca’s dad this whole time.
The world should know who you are. They should remember what you did for them. But you never wanted people to know. That’s what I keep coming back to. You chose friendly neighborhood Spider-Man over the Avengers, being a high school kid over famous. Maybe someday people will know. A dramatic deathbed confession by yours truly. But for now, it’ll just be me.
The movies never explained why Peter was never honored, so I took matters into my own hands.
“Bye, Peter, bye! Bye! I love you!”
Morgan knowing exactly who Peter was even without meeting him was also vital.
Not Scott, though. I swear that man’s immortal. Distill him down and bottle him up, there’s your fountain of youth right there. 
Yes, this was a Paul Rudd joke.
"You know who I am and you know what to do." [BEEP] ——— “M-Mr. Stark? Hey. It’s me.”
I went into this knowing exactly how I wanted to end it, down to Tony's outgoing message. So satisfying.
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
Sliding Into Home ~ On The Hunt For Mike Weiss
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Pairing: MLB!Frank Adler x Abigail Hernandez (OFC)
After a trade from Boston to Los Angeles, first baseman Frank Adler would seem to have it all. Money, women, an amazing niece, yes Frank should have it all. Except for one thing. One thing that left after a mistake five years ago. Los Angeles should be the chance to start over. Except she is supposed to be in Boston. Not his new medical director.
* A Frank Adler AU x Major League Baseball Story**
Warning: ANGST (i can't stress this enough), second chances, cheating, S~M~U~T!!, slow burn, drug use, abandonment issues, betrayal, domestic violence (i may have missed some), flashbacks
Dividers by me
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Previous: Since When Is Ice Cream Evil?
Sliding Into Home Master List Main Masterlist
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Mary Eileen Adler has only ever known two parents: Frank and Abby.  They were her dad and mom for all intents and purposes, regardless of the time Abby left.  She understood that her real mother was Frank’s sister, but she wasn’t her mom.  
And she understood that she had a father but that he never acknowledged her so really, he wasn’t anything to her.  
So why did Uncle Mike say he was her dad? 
As her grandparents drove them to their Boston house, Mary sat quietly, not sure how to ask the questions in her head. Uncle Mike was nice but not nice to Frank or Abby.  She remembered the bruises she saw on Abby and when she asked, she was told she was in an accident.  But she knew it wasn’t the truth.  
“Nugget, are you hungry?” 
Mary snapped her head up to Frank, who looked concerned. “A little,” she whispered.  
“Do you want...” 
“I want Abuela’s food. Because it's at home.  And I want to go home.”  
The sadness in her voice nearly tears Frank in half.  His little girl is scared and hurting. “Ok Nugget.  We’ll go home.  We have a flight to Los Angeles tomorrow.”  
Mary nodded. “You won’t leave me, right?” 
Frank almost lost it right there.  He lifted the girl out of her seat and into his lap, adjusting the seatbelt so she could sit the rest of the way home there. “I’m always going to be here for you.  And I’ll make sure nothing happens to you again, ok?  I love you Mary, so much. Abby and I are go so happy you are ok and that you are back home with us.” He kissed her temple and she snuggled into him. “You’re ours Nugget and we’ll fight every day to make sure of that.”  
May fell asleep in the comfort of his arms.  They made it to Abby’s parents' house and Frank took her right to the guest room.  Tucking her in, he moved to leave the room, but a tiny hand fisted his shirt.  “Please stay with me,” she whispered.  
Frank smiled, scooting her to the middle of the bed, took off his shoes and climbed in. Mary rested her head on his chest and went back to sleep, taking Frank with her. 
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 Frank sat with a coffee, watching Mary a few hours later as she played in the back yard with Johnny, Susie, Marco and Scott, Dodger chasing her around.  He sighed as he took in the sight.  “Frankie?” He looked over to his wife, who placed some sweet bread on the table next to him.  “Are you ok baby?” 
“Yeah, Cricket, I’m ok.  I’m just wondering how I’m going to break this news to Mary.  We have to give her something and she’s too smart not to just start googling everything.”  He rubbed his forehead.  “I was hoping we could have this conversation when she was older, but I guess not.”  
“I know Frankie but its better it comes from us.” Abby kissed his head. “Our baby needs to know the truth.” She looked at the group and an idea came to mind.  “How about we do this with everyone here? If it becomes too much, she can lean on Scott or Johnny or Marco or us, whatever makes her happy. She’ll know that she is loved by everyone here.”  
“Are you ok with everyone knowing our past?” 
“I am not ashamed of how everything got out of sync, Frankie. We were manipulated and that the truth.  Is that something I wanted Mary to know? No, of course not because I never wanted her to be afraid of anything but if it makes her safer, then I will do what I need to do to protect our girl.”  She cupped his cheek and he leaned into her warmth.  
“We’ll do it when you parents come back,” he said. “I want her to have all of the support she can have.” Frank leaned into Abby for a kiss. “You said our baby. Did you mean that?” 
“Mary is ours, Frankie. Of course I meant that.” 
“No I mean, will we have a baby?” 
Abby sucked in a breath. “You think you’re ready for that?” 
Frank looked at her eyes. “Maybe we wait until this all blows over but yeah, Cricket, I want a baby with you.” 
“That good. Because if you wanted a baby with someone else, I’ll murder you.”  
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After a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, the family gathered around the living room, Mary sat between Frank and Abby, chatting with Johnny.  “Mary, we wanted to talk to you about what’s been happening.”  
She fell silent as her family quieted.  She looked around and swallowed.  “Okay.”  
Abby sighed. “You know how we’ve told you that your birth mom is Frank’s sister?” Mary nodded. “Well, we also told you that we didn’t know who your biological father is, right?” She nodded again. “The last couple of months have been enlightening to us all.”  
“What does that mean?” 
Frank swallowed. “You remember that Abby was in the hospital?” 
“You said she was in accident.”  
“She was, Nugget, but not the way you were thinking.  Uncle Mike,” he swallowed, “he...uh... he...” 
“Did he hurt Abby?” 
“No.” He said firmly. “No, he didn’t touch her, but he knew where your mother was and invited her into Abby’s old house. And she hurt Abby.”  
“Why?” Mary’s eyes filled with tears.  “Why would she do that? 
“We are not really sure Mary,” Abby said softly. “But Uncle... just Mike, sweetheart, Mike and Diane have their reasons for everything.  All we know is that the police are looking for them and they and we have a lot of questions. Do you have any questions?” 
Mary looked at all of the people in her life, her family. “Are they going to take me away?” she asked just above a whisper. “Will they...” tears trickled down her face, “will they take you and Dodger away?” She looked between Abby and Frank. “You’re my mom and dad, not them.”  She began to sob.  
Frank immediately got out of his seat in front of her. “Listen to me, Mary.” He locked eyes with her. “No one is going to take you anywhere.  You are coming home with me and Abby and Scott and Dodger.  Johnny and Susie are going to hang out with us. Your abuelos are going to visit and we ae going to visit in the off season but this right here,” he looked around the room, “this is your family. You are my girl,” he wiped around her face to remove the tears. “I won’t let anyone, or anything change that.”  
Mary threw herself into his arms as everyone calmed their own soft cries. Mary understood. Her home was with Frank and Abby.  
The two people who would do anything for her.  
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The morning of their flight home, Abby and Frank sat down with the lead detective on Mary’s kidnaping case, Paul Diskant.  “I’m sorry I haven’t met with you sooner,” he said, after introducing himself. “I’ve been following up with some leads coming in.”  
“Any news on finding Weiss?” Frank asked with a hard edge. 
Detective Diskant frowned. “No, it looks like he rented a car when he arrived in Boston a week ago and turned it in, but we don’t know if he’s left town or has someone else helping him.  We found the house, just as Mary described. There were no signs that he was going to hurt her in any way. We did find some photographs, surveillance of your family. It was taken by a professional, so I am assuming Mr. Weiss hired a private investigator.” 
“Fuck,” Frank mumbled. “What is the next step? We’re flying back to Los Angeles this afternoon.”  
“Yeah, after what happened to Abby, I didn’t want to risk a commercial flight.” 
“I would like to send some officers to escort your family to the airport, just as a precaution.” Detective Diskant sighed. “I’m going to contact LAPD and advise the detectives on your case, Dr. Adler, what’s happened.  I’m sure, with the coverage it received in the press, they are aware of something but not everything and I want to keep them in the loop.”  
“Alright, what do you suggest for personal security?” Frank asked.  
“Frankie,” Abby started.  
“No, Abigail, we are not discussing this again. I will not allow something to happen to you or Mary or Scott for that matter.”  
“Mr. Adler, Dr. Adler, let me make this clear. My recommendation is that your family take every precaution available.  It is clear that your sister and Mr. Weiss are not of sound mind.  He is desperate to get to you Dr. Adler.  Your husband is right.”  
Abby stared at the detective for a minute before looking at her husband. “You really think he might try again?”  
“Cricket, if it wasn’t for the fact that your entire family is with our girl right now, she would be here with us. I refuse to leave any of you vulnerable again.”  
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Departing from the airport, Abby’s parents hugged their daughter, granddaughter and son-in-law hard. “Call us when you get home,” Ana said, cupping her daughter’s cheek.  
“It’ll be late, Mama.”  
“I don’t care.”  She turned to Scott and Johnny. “You boys behave. “ 
“We will Mrs. Hernandez,” Johnny said before picking up Mary and carrying her into the plane.  
Abby looked around.  “Where is Susie?” 
“I think she left her bag in the car,” Scott said.  “C’mon Dodger, let’s get on.”  
Abby walked back to the SUV and stopped. She smiled as she spied on Susie and Marco, holding hands and whispering to each other, heads bent closer.  Abby quietly moved away as Marco bent down to place a soft kiss on Susie’s lips.  
Frank waited for Abby as Susie came around the side of the car.  “You girls are always late,” he mumbled. He grunted as Abby elbowed him. “What?” 
“Leave Susie out of this. She just needed a moment,” she whispered. She pulled out her phone.  
Abby: You could always find work out in California  Marco: Why would I do that  Abby: Because a certain blonde may love it  Marco: I don’t know what you are talking about  Abby: Ok fine. Just know, Frank is looking for someone to run security for the family. This could be the opportunity you’re looking for  Marco: Really?  Abby: Call him.   Marco: I’ll do it tomorrow.  Thanks sis. 
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Returning to the team and relative normalcy helped the Adlers get back into normal. Frank thought it was a brilliant idea to have Marco be the head of security for the family. He moved Marco into the guest house on his property and Marco took over interviewing and hiring security to protect the family.  
Frank had a good couple of weeks, the Dodgers on a run at the moment.  Mary was thriving with camp, Abby found time to work at USC and attend to her duties with the Dodgers and Scott had found a job that allowed him to take care of Mary and work from home.  He and Abby shared an office, which Abby loved as Scott was rapidly becoming her best friend.  
Yes, everything was going great.  
Unknown: enjoy it while it last  Frank: Who is this?  Unknown: a nightmare 
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ruiniel · 2 years
hi! may i request a short fic for fem!reader x alucard for if the reader was feeling jealous (for some reason lol)/feeling a little insecure and alucard... ;) ;) reassuring them there was nothing to worry about? thank youuu!
Oh look, I finally completed another writing ask. Everyone else, I got you, it's taking a while.
Anon I don't know if I got your ';) ;)' right, but this is an E rated fic. All heed the tags
Thank you for the prompt, hope you like this.
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Its claws dig deep
Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021)
Alucard x fem!reader
Rating: E / 18+ only
Count: 2.9k
Tags: alternate universe, jealousy, feelings of inadequacy, vampire ball, drunk!Alucard, dom energy Alucard, profanity(from Alucard! gasp), arguing, emotional hurt/comfort, make up sex ig, thigh humping, bodily fluids, not in that order
Summary: Takes place in an AU where Alucard is more involved in the vampire side of his legacy after Dracula’s demise. Sometimes that meant attending events of more or less frivolous nature, and he would not leave his SO behind.
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It’s late as you enter the ballroom, where already there is shine and humming beneath pale golden lights, and so many people.
Vampires, all of them.
“That’s a large crowd,” you add, biting your lip at the unfiltered thought.
Adrian looks down at you briefly, smiling. “We’ll navigate it together,” he says, and in comfort, presses his fingers over your hand when it digs into his arm. “But we can still turn back, if you want that. I can do this on my own. The ceremony is really mainly for show.”
“Aren’t they all?” you mumble. You want to take the offered lifeline, as being surrounded by a slew of powerful beings for the first time does sound daunting but... But, another side of you finally wants to come out of hiding. If you’ll be spending more time with their knowledge, you want them to see you as their peer, or foolishly hope they could. Whatever that means to them. And if you fail, at least you won’t regret not trying. 
“Let’s go,” you say, taking a step forward and then you’re entering the hall washed in rouge and gold, smelling of incense and heavy hyacinth.
The invitees look both lively and alive in their mirth, an illusion cast about their presence, and one would never guess they are anything other than merry revelers gathered together from all corners of the globe. 
“Adrian! Adrian, it is you, I cannot believe it!”
The words have you turning your head towards a tall figure of soft grace gliding over to reach you. Adrian ceases walking, and you inch closer to his side.
“Faena,” Adrian says, turning and smiling.
You do a double take at the first-name-basis. Faena?!
“How are you? I haven’t seen a whiff of you in what feels like years.”
“... you actually have not seen me in years, Faena.”
You’re standing there and gaping at them as they exchange pleasantries, both shining and youthful and eternal, wondering all the while who this is and why her hand is on his arm for the entire duration of this exchange.
Damnable heart, you’re so petty. 
“... and who… is this? A human, Adrian?”
You nearly miss the question, but look to find a pair of red-tinted irises assessing you. You tilt your chin upward. 
“Correct,” Adrian says, a hand long settled around your hip.
Faena flicks her bejeweled wrist, her flawless skin puckering in places as she grimaces. “I see. Do you own her?”
But then again, what did you expect? No really, what? 
The change in Adrian’s voice has you peeking up at his face; the warmth in his features has gone cold. “Nobody owns her. She is here of her own free will, as my partner.”
The vampire looks at you anew, a beautiful raven-dark eyebrow raised, perfect lips pursing in assessment as though a gold nugget were revealed to her in a pile of waste.
You’ve seen, heard, and listened to vampires for long enough to guess with some accuracy as to the meaning behind his words: ... and under my protection. You do your best to keep the physical proof of your unease at bay as you’ve learned to do around them for a while now (expression, heartbeat, posture). You’re not very good at it, you think. Adrian helped you practice, to give you a chance in keeping a shred of your thoughts and feelings your own.
“My apologies,” Faena says finally even as she leans in, and without another glance your way, kisses Adrian on the cheek. “Your father’s son, after all.” Her long, garnet earrings sparkle as she turns her head towards the entrance hall, where new guests are being admitted. “Excuse me, I see the Styrian sisters over there. Carmilla looks upset, which is always amusing. I leave you now, mind yourself tonight Adrian, you and your...” she waves a hand carelessly as she turns away “... human.”
You watch Faena melt, a graceful shadow slithering among the glittering, amorphous mass of underworld.
“Not all of them are this way, I promise.”
“No,” you say, wanting to believe him. “I suppose not.” 
More of similar meetings follow. Most guests seem to know Adrian or at least know of him—not surprising. For you, however, the awkwardness continues. And you try, you really do; but soon it becomes clear just how different this is compared to whatever it was you’d hoped.
You watch him on that elevated platform, bowing to the Lady of this estate, a public expression of alliance in the face of leaderless covens running amok and savaging the lands. He brings a hand to his chest and speaks words in a language unknown, but you know it’s a part of him just as much as his human heart is. Adrian looks your way, briefly—or you think he does. You’re overrun with a need to be away from here, from the stares and side-eyed judgment of these people, away from seeing him so much in his element where you never will be.
After five more minutes of listening to the words exchanged, you give in to the urge: retreat.
You reach your chamber with little issue—somehow, apparently, other vampires knew how to make their abodes navigable, you think sulkily. You kick off your slippers once inside, breathing easier in solitude. Attempts at sleep fail, and an hour later finds you pacing around the room, checking a book or other, gazing out the window, repeat. 
Late, you hear the creak of hinges, the closing of a door; the call of your name. 
“I’m here, Adrian,” you say, currently turned to the window. The mountains are white-capped, shining like liquid mercury under moonlight. You feel his presence, know he’s staring at you though you’re looking away, arms crossed around your middle.
Oh, it might be one of those evenings. Arguing. Throwing hands. Adjusting to each other’s expectations again and again, for—
You can’t complete that thought as Adrian throws his gloves onto a tea table. “You disappeared,” he says. There’s something in his voice you can’t quite trace. Worry? That’s expected, though you realize you hadn’t given it a thought at the time; not one of your best moments. “It’s good I thought to search here after picking through the entire ballroom.”
“I’m sorry,” you murmur, closing your eyes. Clearly, not one of your best moments. You feel that tiny, growing weight that is guilt pressing down on you. 
A sigh. The barely audible sound of footsteps drawing near. A warm hand wraps slowly but firmly around your arm, and you’re being hedged to turn around.
Adrian looks you in the eye, seeking, wondering; he smells of incense and wine, and his cheeks are flushed. “Did something happen?”
“No,” you shake your head. “I’m sorry.”
“Please stop saying that.” 
You look up at him, the sharper tone a surprise—not a good one, at that. “What do you want me to say?”
“I,” he frowns, sways slightly but just barely; you wonder if you imagined it. “I am merely asking about the matter, the real matter, with you.”
You look away, shrug out of his hold. “Why dwell on it? I told you nothing happened. We’re leaving tomorrow, we—I—survived the strangest event I’ve ever been to, you seemed to enjoy yourself, and no one fed on me, so what is the problem?”
His expression changes into one of… hurt, and the renewed remorse you feel is like a choking fist. 
“Was this your thought when you left without a word? Leaving me to search for you in the crowd, worrying and angrier by the minute?”
“You said I was safe.”
Adrian pauses, lips parted, baring his teeth in what can only be annoyance. “That is not the point.” His eyes narrow. “Are you upset with me about something? Something I’ve done?”
“No!” you cry, and can’t help but reach for him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “You did nothing wrong. It… it’s something I need to get over. Adrian I—” you mellow at the concern on his features. “I’m embarrassed to tell you, it’s… it’s so petty, really.”
“Try me,” he turns away, removes his black cape, then wraps an arm around your waist, leading you to sit on the edge of the bed facing each other. 
You make a sound that’s something between a grunt and a groan, staring at how his wine-dark tunic bares his flushed chest, the soft skin cradling you at night. “You’re so beautiful.”
The corner of a smile. “Thank you,” he runs a hand down your arm, “We make a magnificent pair.”
You roll your eyes. “... and everyone was so… interested in you, all those gorgeous immortals and this society is so different to what I know but I try, I want them to see me as more than prey, I just… I couldn’t stay there any longer. And, that Faena…” you trail away. “So I left. I know it was selfish to walk off through the foreign vampire castle without telling you. I see that. Again, I’m sorry.”
What Adrian does next surprises you: his hand reaches to the nape of your neck, and bringing you in, he slants his mouth over yours.
You freeze at the suddenness of it, but melt almost instantly and just as you’re craving more, he slowly breaks away. You’d very much like to know what is happening, begging him with your eyes.
“Faena,” Adrian smiles, “was my governess. Well, one of them. She was also my trainer in specific types of combat during my brief adolescence. She has her moments, but would not cross a line. And she wanted to eat of you; badly.”
You groan, covering your face with your palms. “... can the dungeons open up and swallow me whole now, please?” 
You’re drawn closer as Adrian moves up onto the bed, pulling you into his lap. “I think it’s sweet,” he says, dragging his nose along your throat; he feels warm and hard against you, and you grip onto him as tightly as you’d wanted to all evening. “But I’m sorry you felt that way,” he says, unceremoniously pushing on your shoulder to lead you on your back. “I’ll do all I can to support you,” he says. His eyes convey something completely different to his words, and you can’t ask anyway between the nips and bites, and his hands covetously grasping your body. “Trust me?”
You sigh when he cups a breast, feeling it in his palm, bringing his lips over the nipple and breathing hot air through the thinness of your dress. “I do trust you.” You arch your hips up into him.
Adrian looks down at you, running his thumbs along your jaw. “Here you were too busy thinking this, that you didn’t notice everyone else staring at you,” he growls into your chest, and the vibration runs down between your legs, tingles through your clit. “... wanting to either eat you or fuck you or both,” he follows, and you’ve never heard him speak this way—
“How drunk are you, exactly?” you ask with a whiff of bemusement through your abject adoration. Then, “... wait, really?” You process his latter words.
“Drunk enough,” Adrian murmurs, pressing his cheek to one tit, nosing at it. “... but that doesn’t account for this. And yes,” his voice is lower, has a slur that gives his timbre an ever alluring warmth. “None of them could approach, only because you’re mine.”
“I thought no one owned me,” you deadpan, hands running up his strong back, fingers digging into his shoulder blades. 
Adrian scoffs against you, then raises his head. “You know I speak not of your personal freedom.”
He’s watching you so intently your barb dies on your tongue. “I know—mmm,” you sigh when he sucks on your lower lip. “You were… splendid up there. Regal… it suits you.”
Adrian snorts a giggle into you. “Yes… and do you know what I was thinking all the while? While I said the words?” his mouth finds your neck, and a soft bite, a graze, has you trembling.
“... do you actually…” you pause as his hands flex, fingers digging into your thighs. “What?”
“I thought of you,” his hands reach under your dress, lifting the folds and this time when he presses you against him you feel all of him. “Of having you, somewhere in this damn castle,” another nip, a lick at the curve of your neck as you melt and wonder if you heard wrong. “Remember that time in the woods?” he breathes, eyelashes fluttering sweetly.
How could you forget? The mere memory of it has you soaking wet. “... yes?”
“Like that,” he says, and you feel his smile, the curve of those soft lips on your skin, his hot, careful touch up your back and tracking your spine until he cups the back of your head. “It’s you, and I,” he gets to say as you hungrily begin kissing him back, all fears forgotten as Adrian repeats, “You and I…” he brings two fingers to your mouth; you lick them, suck on them, staring into the flare of his eyes as he drinks you in.
Adrian hastily withdraws his fingers and rises, taking you with him and the world is spinning; you end snugly in his lap at the edge of the bed, settled with your legs grasping his thigh. This isn’t how you expected the evening to go, but you’re not one to complain here. Your mind gives way to sensation so easily with him, you think through that stubborn need as Adrian works to unlace your underclothes but pauses as though struck, looking up at you. “Do you want me to stop?”
“Are you teasing now?”
He snorts. “I am asking, beastling. Whatever you wish.”
“Fine, then I don’t want you to stop,” you say, breathless, gazing into his now smiling eyes. “I want… I want you to hurt me.”
The smooth lines of his face change, nostrils flaring, features sculpted in amber from the golden candlelight. “Brave, little beast,” he reaches down, cups your mound; you squirm, hiding your nose in his shoulder. His other hand grasps your chin, tilting so you’re looking him in the eye. “Never disappear like that, ever again. I would’ve caused an incident to find you. I would have dealt death to find you. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” you sigh and tremble, and Adrian’s really, really not the impulsive type. And something about the way he grips you has you meaning it too. 
Adrian seems satisfied, kissing your forehead, his fingers still busy tracing along your silk-covered slit. “Shift your hips,” he says, and you do, feeling him guide you slowly back and forth onto his thigh. “You want me to hurt you,” he murmurs, gasping as your hand cups his hard cock, shapely through the soft material of his trousers. That, you want that.
“No… not so,” he grins, the fiend, pushing your hand gently away though he unbuttons his trousers, and you can only stare at the cock in his hand as he strokes it. “Move for me, will you move for me?” he licks the skin between your breasts before sucking on each, settling on one to nibble and tease, grasping your ass as you try to do what he asks: rubbing against his clothed thigh, feeling the sweet pressure building at each brief contact with that small bundle of nerves.
“I’ll… mess up your clothes…” you moan, but your hips keep gyrating, it feels too good to stop.
“I don’t care,” Adrian growls, and you get wetter watching him pump his own cock, that hot tasty cock in those beautiful hands, staring at you as you fuck yourself on him, timing his strokes with the shift of your hips.
You end with your face hidden against his neck, licking at his Adam’s apple as you move and watch and listen to him moan, as you reach and plunge two fingers into your cunt and desperately thrust. “Oh god Adrian please, I can’t, it’s not enough, please…” you cry into him—and are promptly tilted over onto your back, relieved as you feel his weight over yours; you both moan as he sinks into you, and it takes a mere three thrusts to have you creaming around the base of his cock.
“Fuck…” he feels it just as you do, and in your frenzy you’re both impatient, pulling and grasping at each other as he holds you down and each timed plunge pushes and pushes and floods your cunt with pleasure, the delicious feeling of the head slicking repeatedly inside. “You… are… perfect…”
You squeeze around him, gratified when he curses again and goes faster; and you? You’re riding a continuous high commanded by his hips snapping into yours, by the licks and kisses, of ramming into you so hard your head hits the wooden headboard as he suddenly pulls out and spurts warm cum all over your abdomen. 
You both pant, then laugh with him still hovering above you, licking into your mouth and falling to the side, dragging you to him. 
“What… just happened…” you feel up his shirt, realizing neither of you took your clothes off. You curl a leg over him, satisfied.
Adrian feels your pussy, sleeking fingers around the dripping lips. “I… believe we had a discussion; and then we ate into each other.”
“That’s a way to put it.” You run a hand through the sheen of his hair; he takes your wrist, kisses your palm.
“Mmmh… smells like you,” he licks at your finger, bringing you into him; careless of his disheveled (and excruciatingly charming) appearance: his tunic undone, his shirt crumpled, cock out and wet and drained and coated in you, as you are in him. “Feeling better?”
You nod.
“I need you,” Adrian says as you’re folded against him, his voice low and spent and grave. “I always will.”
“And I, you.” The truth.
“How fortunate,” Adrian smiles, snark whittling away at his tone as he cuddles into you. “How fortunate indeed.”
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@zombiethingy tagged me right when I was about to exit tumblr to work on my final paper for this class and because I am a procrastinator, I'm doing it 😇
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
...136 (but to be fair that includes all of my one shot requests and microfics)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 597,089. I wanted to reach 750k by the end of the year, but I just don't think that's gonna happen and that is OKAY!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things only. I know in my heart I probably could go back and write some Stucky things, but with what time?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
call me sunshine, send me to space (chaptered)
i thought we were more, why aren't we more? (ficlet request)
one little nugget (chaptered)
it brought us here (ficlet request)
it led me to you (chaptered)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Sometimes I only have the spoons for emojis, but I do always respond. I want people to know I see their comments and appreciate them 💖
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Any of the works in the my heart has changed, my soul has changed series. I definitely want to continue that series, but life is angsty enough right now.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ALL OF THEM. Truly can't write things that don't end happy or at least very very hopeful.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Uh nope. I have moderated comments turned on though, so I think that deters any hateful comments, and I have literally only ever gotten one negative comment on a headcanon post on tumblr and just blocked them. Here for a good time, not to please everyone.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah. I laugh because I started writing in January and was like "I can't write smut" and then by March I had a fic started that was rated E for extra sex. Incredible what a little time on this website does to the brain. It's just whatever fits the moment.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Hard no.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I'm pretty open about encouraging people to write their own versions of my stuff, but if I ever see a direct copy and paste it's on sight.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of? I really don't think any of them except for maybe call me sunshine would even be considered popular enough for that lmao
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, it makes me nervous. I always think everyone who I speak to on the regular is worlds more talented than I am and that I would be the deadweight in the group project (despite always being the leader of every school and work group project I've ever done). I wouldn't necessarily say no in the future with the right person!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Steddie, though Stucky was it for me from like 2012-2022 and I do still love them so much.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I really only work on one thing at a time, but I still want to write a part 2 to two request ficlets. They deserve the story being continued, but I don't know for sure when that will happen.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Strengths? What are those? I can lift my body weight, does that count? Okay, ummmm, writing strengths I guess would be finding ways to write these two idiots so in love in any situation. I will always always find a way to make them be in love.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'll be kind to myself and narrow it down to two things: Environment descriptions. I can see it in my mind, but can I put it into words? No. Somehow still getting so carried away?! Genuinely don't know how I manage to not describe a lot of things and still describe too much.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's very difficult since I don't actually know any other language. I really don't do it unless it is absolutely necessary and I usually warn that I use Google Translate (which is not accurate).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The first I published for was Stranger Things. The first I wrote stupid little things that I immediately deleted was Captain America/Marvel.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I have to say I am so so proud of call me sunshine, send me to space. Not just because it's what's been most popular, but because I went so far outside my comfort zone to write and post it. It was the first time I felt like I had truly developed a universe for these characters and it's just a nice story.
No pressure tagging some people (seriously NO PRESSURE, we have ENOUGH PRESSURE): @wormdebut @wynnyfryd @messessentialist @steves-strapcollection @simplebtromance @stobinesque @starryeyedjanai @patchworkgargoyle @scarcrossdlvrs @ghostevie @yournowheregirl @thefreakandthehair @vecnuthy @theheadlessphilosopher @legitcookie @corrodedbisexual @flowercrowngods @vampeddie @matchingbatbites @judasofsuburbia @griefabyss69
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