#so glad they’re getting married in Hawaii
hellmumheccy · 2 years
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Dropping this and disappearing again
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jennagrinsoverml · 3 years
ML Fic Recs - Fluff
I’m back with your weekly rec list. As usual, I’m trying to rec fics that readers are less likely to have read. (I base that off of kudos on AO3. The general rule is fics under 1000 kudos, but usually I try to keep it under 500!) You can find my other rec lists on my blog at #jennarecsml
If you enjoy these, please reblog so more readers can find these awesome fics!
We all know canon’s coming for us with a big hurt, and the fandom’s been having a collective meltdown over the last week. So let’s indulge in some sweet happy fics!
La Vie en Rose by @chatonne-rousse
She taps her finger against her chin. "What do you think of Hawaii?"
"Oooh, does my bug want to get lei'd?" He chuckles at her eye roll and cocks his head left, then right, contemplating. "I definitely want to go there with you someday, but it's a hell of a long flight, and we only have a week before the semester starts."
"Ugh. You and your post-secondary education. Didn't know I'd end up marrying a nerd."
He grins. "Yes, you did."
Bermuda is a quiet island, bathed in pink from flowers to architecture to the sand itself. It's the perfect place for newlyweds - who happen to also be superheroes in dire need of a break - to relax and enjoy each other for one idyllic honeymoon week in paradise.
One-shot. This fic is a beautiful love letter to the post-reveal established relationship love square, an absolutely gorgeous imagining of what Adrien and Marinette will be to each other one day. It’s funny and sweet and fluffy and soft and exactly what my poor heart needs right now.
Truth or Dare by Taitai83
Ladybug has taken to visiting Adrien, and they pass the time playing a very innocent game of truth or dare.
One-shot. I can’t have my first rec list in Ladrien June without a little ladrien! Ladybug and Adrien are just so playful here and I absolutely love to see it. This is cute, sweet fluff!
It’s Me, Dummy by therealjanebingley
Ladybug is falling for her partner. Chat Noir takes her advances the wrong way.
One-shot. They’re so stupid I love them. After Sentibug, Chat doesn’t trust Ladybug’s confession lol This is ridiculous and silly and has a happy ending. I enjoyed it so much!
Glad It’s You by @ominousunflower
After fighting four late-night akumas in a row, the heroes of Paris are desperately in need of a nap.
“We’re a great team,” Adrien says. “No amount of sleepiness can make us lose.”
“Well,” Marinette says, a smirk tugging at her lips, “that may be true, but—eek!”
She stumbles and pitches forward, and Adrien wraps his arms around her, pulling her against him before she can tumble down the stairs.
“Careful, buguinette,” he says. “Falling down the stairs might be quicker, but I imagine it’s a lot more painful, too.”
One-shot. PRPR. I never thought I’d see the day where I’d be recommending a fic with so much pining and calling it fluff, but somehow ominousunflower managed it here! The dynamic here is so fun, closer to how they are as Ladybug and Chat Noir, and the whole thing is so sweet.
at every table, i’ll save you a seat by @ladynoirist
unbeknownst to them, adrien and plagg have the same plan for christmas morning: giving their kitten the best christmas he’s ever had
One-shot. This PRPR is pure fluff and so freaking sweet it will give you a toothache. There’s a fic set before this one, but I read them out of order and found I didn’t feel like I’d missed anything.
Three Kids and a Hamster by @chatonne-rousse​
During a sleepy late-night snuggle, Marinette and Adrien talk about their dreams for the future.
One-shot. I recently read a post that talked about how the sweetness of Adrien’s feelings for Marinette is that he gives her those soft, soft looks while she’s out here being weird af. But he loves her weird. And this fic is that concept encapsulated. Adrien and Marinette are ridiculous, but they’re ridiculous in a way that works together. “Can I be weird for a second?” It’s a really beautiful and healthy approach to their relationship!
an uncurtain discovery by @ladyofthenoodle
When he returns from school on Wednesday afternoon, Adrien discovers the darkness in his own home. He struggles to come to terms with it. To his utter mortification and delight, Ladybug is nearby to rescue him.
(He does not discover that his father is supervillain. That will happen on a different Wednesday.)
One-shot. More Ladrien goodness! This one is so silly and so funny, but also sweet and awesome. Plus, there’s an identity reveal! And it features one of my favourite tropes ever: Adrien imagining the boy Ladybug’s in love with and getting it fantastically wrong. Pleae read this it’s so funny.
Surprise by plikki
As far as announcements go, Marinette has chosen a rather unconventional way to tell Adrien her big news.
One-shot. I’m sure you can figure out what the announcement is, but even knowing that it’s still worth a read. It’s just so soft and full of genuine emotion. The sweetest fluff!
aloe-infused fuzzy socks by @peachcitt​
“So now you’re stealing my socks?”
Marinette froze, biting the inside of her cheek. She squeezed her eyes shut, mouthing a choice curse word before dropping the three pairs of Adrien’s fuzzy aloe-infused socks that she’d been holding in her gloved hands. She took a deep breath and turned around, closing his sock drawer with her hip.
“No, of course not,” she lied through her teeth.
One-shot. PRPR with a ladrien flavour. This is short and cute and sweet and worth a read! Reading it just makes me happy.
Catouflage by @botherkupo
In which Chat Noir takes up gatecrashing, someone needs to call the fashion police, and marichat are the new couple goals. (aka, marichat at the beach 2: electric boogaloo)
One-shot. Adrien isn’t allowed to go on a trip to the beach, but Chat Noir doesn’t have that problem. This is silly and fun with little moments of sweet, softness that made me smile.
Your heart's desire by plikki
An akuma forces people to look for their heart's desire. Out of Adrien and Marinette, only one is surprised that it leads them to each other. But the surprises don't end there.
One-shot. This just hits all of my soft spots. Adrien and Marinette care for each other in all their forms, and this highlights that. Add in an identity reveal and my heart is full to bursting.
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bibbawrites · 4 years
First Man - Charlie Gillespie x Reader
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Request: NONE
Word Count: 1735 words 
Summary: the song First Man by Camila Cabello but make it about Charlie Gillespie
Warnings: i think theres one swear word and thats all ?
A/N: so i had originally written this for another fandom that i am no longer in but i decided to change it to charlie cause why not  this is literally just the song first man by camila cabello, so go listen to that if you dont know it haha  again i tried to make this gender neutral but i may have messed up at one point so if i did im very sorry  anyways hope you enjoy this little fluffy piece 
Tag List:  @happinessinthedarkesttimes​ @littlemissaddict @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @headheartbellarke @lovesanimals​ @bartok-the-bat @juliefromaustralia @multi-universe21 @rangerelik
Winter 2019
It was a mild Winter's afternoon in LA. You walked down the stairs of your family home, bag in hand, smiling when you spotted your family sitting around the table, a board game in the middle.
"Y/N! Come join us!" Your mum called when she spotted you enter the room. You shook your head.
"Maybe another time, sorry guys. I'm actually just heading out, I'm gonna stay with Charlie tonight... is that okay?" Your father sighed before nodding.
"When will we get to meet this Charlie boy that we hear so much about?" He asked, standing up to walk over to you. You shrugged.
"I'm not too sure, but it will be soon, I promise." You grinned. Your little sister looked up from the game board.
"What's he like Y/N?" She asked, looking at you intently. A soft smile appeared on your face at the thought of your boyfriend.
"He's really sweet. He's funny, just like you Dad. He’s not super tall but it doesn’t even matter. And he loves dragging me along on hikes." You paused.
"I really like him." You finished. Your dad frowned slightly, but hid it quickly.
"That's nice to hear darling. Don't forget a jacket, okay?" He told you. You looked at your father knowingly. He had been like this with every boy you’d ever brought home, not that you'd brought home tons of boys before.
"No it's okay, it’s not that cold outside today. Besides, he's waiting outside for me." You said, glancing down at your phone to see the text from Charlie.
'I'm here' it read. You looked back up again, noticing your father watching you. He stepped closer, pulling you into a hug.
"Don't freak out Dad, I'll be fine." You assured him. He squeezed you tightly.
"I just worry about you." You smiled, pulling away.
"I know, I get that. But I'm an adult now Dad. I got this."
"I know, I know." He sighed. By now the rest of the family had gone back to their game.
You patted your dad on the chest before turning to leave, stopping when your hand touched the doorknob. You turned back around to face your father.
"Just remember Dad, you were the first man that really loved me." And with that you turned back to the door and left, leaving your dad to smile sadly. His little baby was growing up.
 Summer 2020
It was Summer and you and Charlie had a few days off from work. You had decided to head back to LA together, to visit your family. After all, you had been dating for over a year and Charlie still hadn't met your family yet. The family that you spoke so highly of.
You touched down at LAX and made your way through security quickly.
"You ready?" You asked, holding tightly to Charlie's hand as you made your way to baggage claim, where you had organised to meet your parents.
"Honestly? I'm fucking petrified." Charlie responded, causing you to laugh.
"You'll be fine. Everyone loves you Char, and my family will be no different." You walked around the corner, spotting your Dad quickly.
"Dad!" You called, rushing over to hug your father. Charlie walked over slowly. You pulled away and grinned, glancing at Charlie.
"Dad, I'd like to meet my boyfriend, Charlie." You introduced. "Char, this is my dad, Sam."
Charlie held his hand out for your dad to shake.
"It's nice to officially meet you Mr Y/L/N. Can I call you Sam?" He smiled nervously. Your father looked him up and down before taking his hand and shaking it.
"Sir will do. Charlie, short for Charles I assume?" His glare was stone cold. Charlie swallowed, nodding.
"Yes sir, but I prefer Charlie." Your father nodded before turning his attention back to you.
"How long are you two here for?" He asked, ignoring Charlie, who moved to grab the both of your bags that were coming along the carousel.
"We have 8 days off, but we're only here for 4." You responded. Your dad nodded.
"Well I guess that's better than nothing. Come on let's go, your mother is waiting in the car outside. She didn't want to pay for parking so she's been driving around while I waited in here."
And with that the three of you headed outside to the car.
 Luckily for Charlie the rest of your family weren't as scary as your father was.
Your mother was lovely, and she had been very welcoming, even speaking to him in French when it was brought up that the two shared a common language.
Your brothers were really cool and invited him to join them to play video games whenever he wanted.
And your little sister, well, she adored the Canadian boy from the minute he walked through the front door.
And just like that Charlie’s first day at the Y/L/N house was over.
After sitting outside for hours with you and your parents, Charlie decided to head off to bed, and with a quick kiss for you and a murmured "goodnight" he was gone.
"So what do you think?" You asked once you knew that Charlie was well and truly inside.
"He's lovely darling." Your mother told you, smiling. You turned to your father.
"Dad?" You asked. Your father shrugged.
"He's not too bad, I guess." He admitted. You shook your head slightly. Of course your father would say that.
"I met his family you know? They're really nice, just like you guys." You told your parents.
"Oh, that's good sweetie." Your mum grinned.
"His parents are great, they're really down to earth. And his brothers and sister are really cool. Plus they love their hockey." You looked at your dad as you said the last part, knowing how big of a hockey fan he was. Your dad nodded in appreciation.
"That's good to hear. If they like hockey they must be good people." Your mother nodded in agreement with her husband. You fell into a comfortable silence for a few seconds.
"You know..." You began, breaking the silence. "I think he might be the one." Your mother put her hand up to her mouth, unable to hide her excitement.
"Oh Y/N, you really think so?" She asked. You nodded.
"Yeah, I really love him." You smiled.
"And he's a good man?" Your dad questioned, fixing his gaze on you. You nodded quickly.
"I swear on my heart. He loves me, and he'd never hurt me." You assured him.
"Good." He said, and with that the conversation was over, the topic changing to gossip about a family friend who's husband had cheated on her.
And later when you were heading off to bed you made sure to give your dad an extra big hug and remind him softly that he was the first man that really loved you.
 The four days passed quickly and before anyone knew it, it was time for you and Charlie to leave.
Your family gathered on the driveway, next to Charlie’s car that he had collected on your second day back. After a few hugs with your siblings Charlie moved to bid farewell to your parents. Your mother pulled him into a hug.
"It was lovely to meet you darling." She said softly, before pulling away.
"You too." He smiled. "It was lovely to meet all of you."
"Don't be a stranger Charlie." She said.
"Yeah come back all the time." Your little sister agreed. Charlie nodded.
"I'll make sure of it." He turned his attention to your father, holding out his hand for him to shake. Your father took it, shaking it firmly.
"Thank you for having me sir." Charlie smiled politely. Your father paused, before faking a smile.
"It was no problem." You exchanged a knowing look with your mother. You both knew that your father didn't think that Charlie deserved you.
After a few more goodbyes you and Charlie hopped into the car and left, waving to your family as you pulled out. You had barely made it to the end of the street before you grabbed Charlie's arm.
"Wait we need to go back." You said quickly.
"Why?" Charlie asked, but turned around nonetheless.
"I forgot to tell my dad something." He pulled up in front of the house and you jumped out quickly, rushing over to your father who was still outside. He looked at you in confusion.
"I forgot to say, remember you were the first man who really loved me." You smiled softly, and with one last hug you left again.
 Spring 2022
It was a beautiful Spring day in Hawaii. You and your father were stood together at the top of the beach, dressed to the nines, him in a fancy suit and you in your chosen wedding outfit.
It was almost time.
Time for you to walk down the aisle and marry the love of your life.
You looked over at your father, noticing his tie was slightly crooked. You took a step closer, and fixed the tie, watching as he tried to fight back the tears that were threatening to fall. You smiled softly at him.  
"You know, I've never seen you cry before." You whispered. Your dad smiled, a tear falling down his cheek.
"You just look so beautiful Y/N. No matter what, you'll always be my little baby." He responded, pulling you into a hug.
As you separated the music began to play, and he held his arm out for you to take.
"Here we go." You whispered, and the two of you began your walk down the beach to where Charlie was waiting, teary eyed, at the end of the aisle.
As you walked, your father found himself looking over at you, taking in the tears of happiness and the look of love that you were giving Charlie. Your dad smiled to himself, glad that you had finally found the perfect man for you.
You reached the end of the aisle and you pulled your father into a hug.
"Remember," You whispered. "You were the first man who really loved me." You pulled away, stepping back. Your dad hesitated for a second before stepping forward to pull Charlie into a hug.
"Take care of my little angel." He whispered. Charlie nodded.
"Of course Sir." They pulled apart and your dad smiled softly.
"You can call me Sam."
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superbadassnatural · 4 years
Not Friends
Summary: It’s time for a wedding! Sam and Jess are getting married and Dean needs someone to pretend to be his girlfriend in front of his family. Good thing his friend Y/N is willing to help. Pairing: Dean x Reader // Sam x Jess Word count: 8,846 Warnings: fluff, fake dating, nudity (but it’s barely there), waxing A/N: this was writen for “SPN Bi-Weekly Writing Challenge” hosted by the darling @supernatural-jackles. There are 7 prompts in this one and they’re all in bold. Hope y’all enjoy!
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“I still don’t get why you asked me to do this. I’m not a professional,” you mumbled. “Since it’s the first time you’re doing this, you  really should’ve gone to a professional.”
“I know, I know,” Jess sighed, taking another gulp of the wine. “I lost track of time and forgot to set an appointment. It’s just that Sam is planning something special for this weekend. I wanted to look nice.”
“You’ve been together for nearly five years, Jess. The guy asked you to marry him. And knowing him, he doesn’t mind if you wax or trim or do nothing down there.”
“I know he doesn’t. But I’m not just doing this for him. I’m doing this for me,” she said. “Does it hurt?”
“A little,” you shrugged. “Alright, now lay down.”
Jess did as told, placing her glass on the nightstand. She was naked from the waist down, a white towel covered her lady bits. You could see it on her face that she was nervous. It would be better if she was a little drunk for you to do this.
“Move the towel so we can get going,” you asked, holding a popsicle with a large blob of yellow wax.
She gritted her teeth and her breath was caught in her throat when you spread the burning wax over the top of her mound. Jess clenched her eyes shut.
“We shouldn’t do this. I’m already regretting it.”
“You’ll be fine, Jess. Trust me.”
Jess took in a deep breath, relaxing a little.
“Before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you,” you said before pulling the strip off.
“Fuck!” She nearly screamed, sitting up straight.
“Here,” you offered her the bottle of wine. “See? It wasn’t that bad.”
“It wasn’t that bad?” Her blue eyes widened. “It was worse than I expected.”
“You know that we’re not finished, right?”
“I know,” she cried, taking another gulp of the whine and finishing the bottle.
Jess laid back and you repeated the process. She winced once again.
“And to think I was gonna ask you to be my maid of honor.”
“You were what?” You exclaimed.
“Well, I was gonna ask you properly next week and it was gonna be beautiful, but I guess I ruined everything.”
“I can’t believe you chose me to be your maid of honor,” you couldn’t stop the big smile to spread over your lips, happy tears welled in your eyes.
“Really?” She smiled. “I thought it was kinda obvious.”
“Of course not! I was sure you were gonna ask one of your sisters.”
“Y/N, we both know that none of them would be able to help organize a wedding.”
“I’m truly honored, Jess,” you hugged her. “God, you’re gonna have the wedding of your dreams.”
“I love you, Y/N/N.”
“I love you too.”
Three years ago, Sam proposed to Jess. You still remember the day when she came running to your place to tell you everything and show the beautiful diamond ring on her finger. She was truly happy. Her blue eyes held a glisten you had never seen before. You were happy for her.
Jess wanted a big wedding. She had enough money to throw a magnificent ceremony. Sam was a bit worried about how they would afford it so they decided to wait to get married. They worked out on a budget and started saving money. Both of them had established jobs; Sam as a lawyer and Jess as a prosecutor. They saved enough money to have their dream wedding. Twice.
You helped Jess organize everything. You hired one of the best wedding planners in the U.S. and they were perfect. Jess was on cloud nine. She still had some stress, but in the end, she reminded herself that everything would be okay. She was nervous people wouldn’t come because it was a destination wedding. Sam and Jess picked Maui, Hawaii for their ceremony. More specifically, Makena Cove Beach. So she saved extra money to pay for the guests’ staying at a resort. It was a damn expensive wedding.
Jess was born into a wealthy family. They never had to worry about money. Good thing they weren’t snobs. Her parents insisted on paying for hers and the bridesmaids’ dresses. They paid yours too. They even wanted to pay for Sam’s tuxedo, but John and Mary wouldn’t have it. Her parents wanted to help. Their oldest daughter was getting married and they wanted to give her everything. It was nice of them. Jess and Sam were glad for their willingness to help, but they also wanted to be more independent and bear the expenses.
Sam wasn’t born into a rich family, but the Winchesters weren’t poor either. John owned a law firm in Lawrence and Mary owned a bakery. They couldn’t assist as much as Jess’ parents, but they managed to help out anyway.
October 24th was getting closer and closer. You were so excited about their wedding day. Seeing them so radiant was priceless. They deserved all the happiness in the world. With less than one week left for the ceremony, you had to do the last touch-ups for the reception. That includes finishing your speech.
You had never thought you’d enjoy organizing a wedding this much. Thanks to you and the bridesmaid team, Jess had an epic bachelorette party. And poor Sam had to deal with the bachelor party Dean threw for him. It was a nice party, of course, but Sam wasn’t the kind of guy that enjoyed being around strippers. The bridal shower was fun too and she got lots of nice gifts.
Dean, the best man and your best friend, was doing everything he could to support his brother. He even went out with Sam to buy his tuxedo.
“Hey Claire,” you grinned walking into the car shop.
“Hi Y/N,” she smiled. “Dean said you were coming. He’s in the back.”
“Thanks, darling.”
Winchester’s Auto Shop. Dean was passionate about cars since he was a little kid. He became a mechanic and after years of hard work, he opened his own shop. You were proud of him. Seeing him conquer so much in his life only made you love your best friend even more.
“Hey you,” grinning, you spotted Dean underneath his car.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said, struggling with whatever he was doing to the muscle car.
“Why are you working on Baby?” You nudged his feet.
“Had to replace the pipe,” he said before standing up to meet you. His grey shirt and denim jeans covered in grease. “And done.”
Your fingers trailed over the shining hood. Dean circled the car and started the engine. The impala roared to life, a purr following.
“There you go, Baby,” a wide smile spread on his lips. He turned off the ignition and took a step back, contemplating the beauty of his most precious possession. “Isn’t she beautiful?”
“Yeah, Dean, she is,” you rolled your eyes playfully. “Alright, why did you call me here?”
“We can talk in my office,” he suggested. “With chairs and AC.”
You nodded and followed him to his office. He opened the door and you rushed to the comfortable chair in front of his desk. There was something about his office that was very homey. It made you feel at ease.
Dean headed to the mini-fridge and picked a couple of beers for the two of you. He sat on his desk, handing your beverage. You frowned at him, taking a gulp. He seemed tense.
“Alright, Winchester, spill.”
“I, uh, I know this kinda seems out of the blue and that I should’ve talked to you sooner, but,” he stopped his rambling and only made you more anxious.
“But?” You arched your eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.
“I just need you to do this one little thing for me,” his pleading green eyes held your gaze.
“And that is…”
“Fake date me?” His lips curled into a weak smile as his brows furrowed, voice full of uncertainty.
“Sure,” you shrugged. “But why?”
“My parents are gonna be at Sam’s wedding and I don’t want them to pick on me for not having someone, you know?” His eyes fell to his lap, the beer in his hand untouched. “I mean, Sam’s their youngest and he’s getting married. I don’t even have a girlfriend. ‘Sides, you know everything there is to know about me so it would be easier for them to buy it. You sure you wanna do it?”
“I’m sure, Dean,” you smiled at him, placing your hand over his. Green eyes looked up to meet you. “There’s nothing wrong about being single at your age. And if your parents think otherwise, screw them.”
“Thanks, Y/N/N.”
“You’re lucky, you know?”
“And why’s that?” He took a large gulp of his beer.
“You’re gonna get to kiss me anytime you want,” you shrugged. “Just a heads up, people say I’m a pro at that.”
“Guess I’m gonna have to find that out myself,” he winked at you.
A comfortable silence fell in the room. Both of you nursed your beers isolated in your worlds.
“Did you finish your speech?” You asked.
“Yeah. It turned out really good actually. Did you finish yours?”
“Not yet,” you sighed. “I’m still trying to figure out how not to cry when I read it.”
Dean chuckled, standing up and putting on his blue flannel.
“I’m done for the day. Do you need a ride?” You nodded in response. “You going to Rocky’s or home?”
“Rocky’s,” you sighed in frustration as you headed to the door. “Gotta make up for the time Pam is gonna cover for me.”
“I thought you were gonna close the bar while we are in Hawaii.”
“I was, but Pam thought it was better to keep it open. She has way more experience in running a bar so I decided to go by her.”
Dean opened the door to the impala for you before getting behind the steering wheel. He turned the ignition and Baby’s loud purr filled your ears.
“I don’t get why we’re traveling tomorrow already,” he whined. “The wedding is only Saturday. We could hop on the plane on Thursday.”
“C’mon, I’m the maid of honor. In case anything goes wrong, I’m there,” you explained. “And you, Winchester, are the best man. You gotta help me.”
The ride to the bar was mostly quiet, saved for the sound of one of Dean’s cassettes. The night was falling and you were glad the bar closed at 10pm tonight. Dean pulled up in the driveway. You couldn’t find it in you to get out of the car and go to work. Monday nights were always dead and that’s way worse than having a busy night. The time just didn’t seem to pass.
“Do you want me to pick you up?”
“Nah, I’m good,” you smiled. “Thanks, Dean,” you leaned and pecked his stubbled cheek.
“Take care, sweetheart.”
You hopped out of the car, making your way to the bar. Every time he dropped you off at work or at home, he’d wait for you to come in then he’d head out. Tonight was no different.
“Y/N,” you turned and found Dean leaning on his seat. “Do you want to meet me at the airport or I pick you up and we head to the airport?”
“Pick me up,” you smiled. “Eight sharp, Dean.”
“Alrighty,” his lips curled into a smile. “Night, sweetheart.”
“Night, Dean-o.”
“Ugh, I’m so, so tired,” you grumbled, plopping down onto the airplane seat.
“Hmm, me too.”  
Dean reclined his chair, his eyes were already closed. The plane hadn’t even taken off and he was almost asleep.
“Dean,” your voice was ever so soft.
“Hmm,” he blinked an eye open to take a peek at your pleading face.
“I’m cold.”
“Alright, c’mere,” he sneaked his arm around you, pulling you closer to his body. Your head laying on his chest. “Better?”
“You aren’t cold, are you?”
“Not really,” you chuckled. “Just love some snuggle before falling asleep. And I know that planes make you uncomfortable. So I hope this helps.”
“It does,” you could hear the smile in his voice. “Now go to sleep.”
You and Dean slept through almost the entire flight. You called a cab and made your way to the resort you were staying at. Sam and Jess wanted to pay for yours and Dean’s stay, but you insisted on paying yourselves. They would already cover for most of the guests either way. Money would be a little tight this month, but it was worth it. It was your best friend’s wedding for Christ’s sake.
“Are you sure we’re at the right place?” You asked Dean as you both stood awestruck in front of the resort with your bags in hands.
“Uh-huh,” he swallowed thickly.
“This is so fancy. I don’t think I know how to behave in a place like this.”
“I don’t think I do either,” he chuckled.
You went to the reception and got the keys to your room. A gasp left your lips as you stepped inside. The room seemed to shine before your eyes. It was out of this world. The sprawling leather couch in front of the fifty inches tv had your breath hitching in your throat.  
“Oh my God, look at this view,” you let go of the bags and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows.
The palm trees and the crystal blue water were a sight to behold. Sam and Jess had picked a beautiful place to get married.
“Y/N, come here,” Dean called from where you assumed to be the bathroom.
“Wow,” your eyes widened as they landed on the enormous bathtub. “I could easily drown in there.”
Your fingers roamed over the counter. Everything was in marble and hand-crafted tiles. Everything was magnificent and fancy. As well as the bath, the power shower was huge. Oh, the jacuzzi.
“I’m never leaving this room,” said Dean. “Sam can find another best man.”
“See? That’s one of the reasons why we came earlier.”
The cream Egyptian cotton sheets covering the king-sized bed made it difficult not to jump on and take a nap. You set on the edge, your body almost melting.
“Oh god, it’s memory foam.”
Dean’s lips curled into a smile as he watched you close your eyes. You were enjoying way too much. Your palms were flat on the mattress, taking in all its softness.
“I can sleep on the couch if you want,” he suggested.
“Don’t be silly. This bed is big enough for both of us. Plus, it’s not gonna be the first time we share a bed, fake boyfriend,” you shot him a wink. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m gonna hop in the shower. I’m disgusting.”
“You go,” he nodded. “I’ll text Sam to let them know we arrived safe.”
“You do that,” you smiled, picking your clothes from the suitcase. “Also, can you call the ceremonial? Let her know that we’re here and we’d like to meet her today,” you asked before entering the bathroom. 
“Will do.”
Steam filled the room as you cut the shower on. The water poured on your body, massaging your tense muscles. You bathed quickly. You had a lot of things to do before Sam and Jess arrived.
The afternoon flew by you. Barbara, the ceremonial, had everything perfectly mapped out. Her team would arrive on Thursday. That would give them plenty of time to wrap up the last details of the rehearsal dinner and the ceremony.
You and Dean finished your speeches. It would be hard to hold back the tears. You spent the rest of the day mostly in the room. Both of you were still too tired to wander around the resort. The following morning, after having a delicious breakfast, you and Dean explored the resort.
Turned out that Dean isn’t that good at the tennis table. At least now you had something to hold against him. Then he kicked your ass at pool and darts. That wasn’t nice.
You spent most of the afternoon at the pool. Dean was a bit annoyed at first because he didn’t want to apply sunscreen. He said he didn’t need it. Boy, that pissed you off. If he wanted to look like a shrimp at his brother’s wedding, then he didn’t need it after all. Dean could be as stubborn as a mule when he wanted to. But he gave in and applied it. He was even embarrassed to ask you to apply it on his back.
Sam and Jess were on their way. You were excited about their arrival. You couldn’t wait to show her around the resort. Unfortunately, they arrived late at night. You just stopped by their room to check on them before going to bed. They were extremely tired. They had worked all morning and flew by lunchtime.
Dean was in bed, searching through the channels when you stepped into the room. His hair was a little wet, spiking in multiple directions. You plopped yourself down beside him, already in your pajamas.
“My mom and dad are on the plane right now,” he grumbled, his eyes fixated on the screen.
“That’s good.”
“They’re gonna be here tomorrow morning,” Dean added. “And they want to have lunch. You, me, Sam and Jess.”
“Guess it’s happening then, huh?”
“Yeah,” he sighed.
“Do they know that you’re ’with’ me?” you glanced up at him.
“Mmhmm,” he turned his attention to you. “I didn’t say your name ‘cause I knew there was a chance you wouldn’t want to do this.”
“Guess I’m gonna meet your parents, boyfriend,” you grinned.
“You are,” Dean chuckled and you yawned.
“Good night, Dean,” you pressed a light kiss to his cheek.
“Night, sweetheart.”
You turned on your stomach, right leg hiking up as the other stood straight. Your arm was tucked under the pillow. The room went completely quiet as Dean turned off the tv. You found it odd that he remained sat instead of going to sleep.
“Y/N/N?” His voice was unsure and as quiet as a whisper.
“You awake?”
“No, I’m dead,” Dean shook his head, a chuckle leaving his lips. “What’s up, Dean?” You turned on your back to face him. He laid on his side and you did the same.
“You sure you wanna do this?”
“I’m sure, Dean,” you reassured him, fingers making their way to play with his hair. “It’s bad that I’m gonna lie to your parents the first time I meet them. But I’m doing this for you. Don't overthink this, Dean.”
“I love you, you know that?”
“Oh, I don’t think I do,” you teased.
“Ah, shut up,” he chuckled.
“I love you too.”
“I know you do,” he smiled, his warm hand came up to your cheek, knuckles caressing your skin. A trail of goosebumps wandering through your body. “Sleep tight, sweetheart,” his lips met your forehead, lingering a little bit longer than usual.
He turned his back to you, shifting in his sleeping position. His hand reached for the bedside lamp and turned it off. You were facing the back of his head, breath still caught in your throat. You shook your head and turned to your side, waiting for the sleepiness that seemed to have faded.
Sunshine invaded the room. The curtains didn’t put any resistance on keeping the room dark. The orange glow made you clamp your eyes, before fluttering it open. You blinked a few times to adjust to the bright daylight. A heavyweight in your middle made you frown. Then you became more aware of your surroundings and realized what it was. Dean’s arm was draped over your waist, his knees tucked into yours. His chest was pressed flush to your back. You took in deep breaths. It was not the first time you’d shared a bed. But he has never been this close.
“Morning,” his voice sounded hoarse from sleep. Dean nuzzled into your neck, a shiver ran down your spine, his arm tightening around you.
“Good morning,” you beamed, voice a little husky.
“Don’t wanna get up,” he whined.
“Me neither,” you mumbled. “But I’ve got so much to do today.”
“No, you don’t. You have lunch with my parents and rehearsal dinner tonight. Other than that you’re free to spend the whole morning asleep.”
“Yeah, but I can’t. I’ve gotta talk to Jess about some things. Especially about our fake dating thing.”
“I’ve told Sam so she probably already knows.”
“You’re right,” you nodded. “Thank god I was able to set up a massage session for us after lunch.”
“We’re getting a massage?” You couldn’t see, but you were sure his eyes had lightened up like a Christmas tree.
“Not us, silly,” you chuckled. “Me and Jess.”
“You’re the worst.”
“If I had set it up for us, you’d hit on the masseuse and turn that into porn.”
“No, I wouldn’t,” his voice raised about an octave. “I would fall asleep the second she touched me.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course, you would,” you scoffed.
“Why can’t we just go back to sleep? I’m tired,” he pleaded, burying his face in the curve of your neck. “You’re so comfy.”
He pulled you closer to him. Your body tensed as you felt a hardness against your ass.
“Dean, you, uh,” he noticed you stiffen in his hold.
“Oh, crap,” he pulled away as if your skin burned him. “Shit. Sorry. I, uh, I didn’t mean to-“
“It’s okay. That’s normal, Dean. I know it wasn’t on purpose or because you were, uh, you know.”
“It’s okay. I mean it,” you smiled sympathetically. “Now go get changed so we can have breakfast. I promised Jess I’d meet her in an hour.”
Sam decided to have breakfast with you while Jess was at a yoga class. Since they’d decided on a date to get married, Jess started to hit the gym and go to yoga classes. She wanted to be in her best shape on her wedding day. It wound up becoming more of a way to relieve stress than anything else.
“Have you two come up with a story for mom and dad?” Sam asked.
“What do you mean?” Dean frowned at his brother, stuffing the last bite of his croissant in his mouth.
“They’re gonna ask you how you met, how long you met each other, how long you’ve been together, where’d you go on your first date-“
“Nah, they’re not gonna ask,” Dean shook his head. “They’re gonna focus on you and Jess.”
“Dude, you only introduced them to a girl once. And that was a long time ago. Of course, they’re gonna want to know more of you and Y/N. Take it from me. When I brought Jess home, mom wouldn’t stop asking questions. You know how she gets excited.”
“Leave it for me,” you said after taking a sip of your coffee. “I’m good at improv.”
“Your stories need to match.”
“I’m just gonna tell them the truth and change some bits. Add more romance. And voila. Dean and Y/N’s love story.”
“If you blow it, I’m gonna tell them you brainwashed me,” Dean warned you.
“Chill, Dean-o,” you bumped his shoulder. “I got everything under control.”
“Mom and dad, this is Y/N,” Dean motioned to you.
“Oh, it’s so nice to finally meet you,” Mary squealed, wrapping her arms around. Your eyes widened at her reaction. She squeezed you and you hugged her back.
“Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Winchester.”
“Oh, please, call me Mary,” she said, pulling away and offering you a smile.
“So we finally meet the great Y/N, huh,” John grinned, a heat crept on your cheeks.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Winchester,” you smiled.
“Call me John, kid.”
Dean pulled out the chair for you to sit and sat beside you. Mary and John were at each head of the table.
“Oh, Y/N, we heard so much about you,” Mary smiled.
“You did?” Your surprise couldn’t even be hidden. You glanced at Dean and he shrugged with a head tilt.
“Of course we did. This guy wouldn’t stop talking about you so it’s nice to finally put a face to the name.”
“You got him wrapped around your finger, kiddo,” said John.
You smiled sheepishly. The table fell into a comfortable silence as you looked through te menu, deciding to have the same as Dean.
“Sam, are you nervous about tomorrow?” Mary grinned.
“Yeah,” he smiled.
“I can’t wait for tomorrow,” Jess’ eyes shone every time she mentioned her wedding.
“Jess, I can’t wait to see your dress,” Mary grinned.
“Oh, it’s the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen.”
“You’ve seen it?” Mary’s blue eyes widened at you.
“Not only have I seen it, but I was there when she bought it. You’re gonna love it.”
“Y/N is my maid of honor.”
“Really? That’s great!”
“We’ve known each other since kindergarten. She was the one to introduce me to Sam,” she smiled. “She’s my other half.”
Jess extended her hand across the table, linking your fingers.
“Hey!” Sam feigned offense. She chuckled and pecked his lips into a sweet kiss.
“Dean, honey, you’re awfully quiet today,” his mom said softly.
Dean looked up from his dish, his mouth full. Smiling at him, you reached for his hair. His shoulders were tense and he had barely said a word since you sat to eat.
“Oh, he’s just afraid you’re gonna like me better than him.”
Everyone laughed and you heard a small chuckle escape his lips. He was tense and even a little nervous. You could understand that. Dean was afraid his parents wouldn’t buy your story. That would be the worst.
The table was filled with laughter. Mary did most of the talking. She asked Sam and Jess a lot of questions about their wedding. You could hear how happy she was from the way she talked. You were surprised she didn’t question you about your relationship with Dean.
“So, Y/N,” Mary turned to you.
“Oh boy, here we go,” you straighten your posture, taking a deep breath. Everyone laughed at your response.
“Please, Y/N, tell me about you and Dean. I need all the details,” her pleading blue eyes only made a stain of guilt appear on your stomach. “No, not all the details. Those you can keep to yourself.”
“Mom,” Dean nearly whined, a shade of pink coloring his cheeks.
“Ugh, gross,” John chuckled.
“Where can I start…” you needed to articulate your thoughts so the story would be convincing enough for them to believe. “About six years ago, I was driving home from my parents' house and my car broke down. I called… what was the name again?” You asked Dean.
“Jamie’s auto shop.”
“Right. I called James's auto shop and waited for the guy. The guy took way too long. It was dark and there was no one on the road. I thought I was gonna be eaten by wolves-“
“Just to be clear, there are no wolves in Lebanon, Kansas,” he interrupted you.
“You don’t know that,” you spat at him and he shrugged. “As I was saying, the guy took so long I thought he was coming on foot. It turned down he wasn’t. He was just driving like my grandma,” Dean had to bite down a laugh as he shook his head. “Then he climbed out of the car. The moment I saw those piercing green eyes, I knew I was a goner. And all those things you see in movies like the heart beating out of your chest, butterflies in your stomach. I felt all that stuff. And he was a gentleman. He made sure to drive me home. He fixed my car and gave me a really nice discount.”
“Are you telling me that it took him six years to introduce you to us?” Mary’s blue eyes were wide under arched brows.
“If it makes you feel better it took him five years to ask me on a date,” you shrugged.
Mary kept on asking about yours and Dean’s relationship. Some things were easier to answer. Others not much. Your palms started to sweat when questions started to get a little more personal. She wanted to know more about you. She asked about your family and what you did for a living. Your voice started to waver. You didn’t want to tell her that you owned a bar. A part of you feared what she’d think of you once you told her about your job. Hell, not even your parents liked the idea. What would she think of you? And why did you feel like you needed her approval?
“I, uh, I-“ you couldn’t find the words to say, your mind was hazy and your thoughts seemed to have disappeared.
Dean must have noticed because you felt a warm hand reaching for your thigh. His touch was reluctant, but soothing. He squeezed your skin softly, reminding you that he was there.
“C’mon, mom. It’s been years since I presented you to a girl and now you’re trying to scare her off?” His arm sneaked around your back, bringing your body closer to his. “This one was so damn hard to find. And there’s still time for her to get sick of me and dump me. But you’re not gonna do that, right sweetheart?” You shook your head, a smile spreading over your lips. “Good,” Dean pressed a kiss to your temple and you relaxed instantly.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Mary apologized.
“It’s okay. You can ask me whatever you want.”
“But not today,” Dean stared at his mother, his voice almost sounded like a warning. “Hell, ask Jess all the questions. She can’t run away from Sam anymore. I mean, technically she still can-“
“Dude, don’t give her any ideas,” Sam played along.
“Anyways, it was lovely to meet you guys, but Y/N and I have a couples massage session in one hour back at the resort. We should get going,” Dean lied, he wanted to get you out of there as soon as possible. He was afraid his parents would make you uncomfortable again.
You hugged them and headed out of the restaurant. John and Mary would head back to their hotel while Sam and Jess were going to meet the ceremonial. They needed to go over a few things for the rehearsal dinner tonight.
“Do you want me to call a cab or do you want to walk back to the resort?” He asked.
“We can walk,” you shrugged.
“Okay,” he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer to him. “I’m sorry about that.”
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. I’ve had it worse,” you brushed it off as if it didn’t matter.
“Of course it’s not fine. She shouldn’t have asked you so many questions. And she shouldn’t have made you feel uncomfortable.”
“It’s okay, Dean. She was just making sure you were with someone decent.”
“Well, she’s anything but decent.”
“Dean,” you scolded. “She’s your mother. Don’t talk about her like that.”
He only shrugged. The rest of the way was quiet. You were in front of the resort in no time. Your phone buzzed in your pocket. Jess. She’d meet you in your room in fifteen minutes then you’d head down to the spa.
You decided to take a shower before meeting her. The water helped ease the tension in your shoulders. You headed out of the bathroom and found Dean laying in bed. His ankles crossed as he flipped through the channels.
“You owe me a couples massage session,” he mumbled.
“You wish, Winchester,” you rolled your eyes. “Alright, I’ll be back in an hour or so, do I meet you here or you have plans with Sam?”
“Sam and I are gonna hit the bar.”
“Okay,” you nodded. “Don’t drink too much and remember, mister, you have a girlfriend. So don’t go around hitting on chicks.”
“I’d never do that,” he winked. “Now go get your massage and see if you learn something from them so you can give me the best back massage ever.”
“Keep on dreaming, Dean.”
You met Jess at the spa. The masseuses handed you your robes and waited for you to get changed. The moment the woman started to pour her scented oils on your skin, you melted.
“So what has gotten into Mary anyway?” Jess asked. “She wasn’t too rude, but there was no reason for her to ask you all that stuff.”
“I don’t know,” you sighed. “I mean, she just wants the best for her son but I felt like I was being interrogated.”
“Yeah, I know,” she smiled sympathetically. “I had to kick Dean under the table so he’d do something,” you chuckled. “Men are so freaking dumb sometimes.”
“Yeah, they are,” you sighed. “Jess? Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course you can.”
“Does Dean seem different to you?”
“I haven’t spent much time with him lately, but he seems the same to me.”
“Are you sure he hasn’t been acting any different?”
“I am, Y/N. Now where is this coming from?”
“He’s just been very affectionate lately.”
“Yeah. He’s just, uh- I mean, he always cared for me. Dean is so caring. But lately I feel like something might have changed.”
“And why is that?”
“We’re sleeping on the same bed. It’s not new. We used to have sleepovers and share a bed all the time, but we’d never cuddle or anything. Today, I woke up and he was spooning me. He was so close. His body was pressed against mine, his head buried in my neck. Then I felt his thing,” you blushed and Jess chuckled. “Not to mention that last night before we went to sleep he was a little weird. His hand was on my cheek and he was staring at me as if he could see my soul. Then he kissed my forehead and it lasted longer than it usually does. Now I don’t know if I’m overthinking this or not. I’m just a little confused.
“You like him, Y/N,” Jess’ smile reached her eyes.
“Of course I do, he’s my best friend.”
“No, Y/N, you really like him.”
“Are you not hearing me? He’s my best friend. Of course I really like him.”
“Are you dumb or what? I mean love, Y/N. And not in a friendly way. I mean passion.”
“Pfft, you’re delusional.”
“You know I’m not.”
Silence fell in the room. You did your best to focus on the pressure of the masseuse's fingers pressing and pulling at your skin. The things Jess just said wouldn’t stop crossing  your mind. You knew she was wrong. You and Dean were just friends. But what if she was right?
You walked back to your room and figured Dean was in the shower. You walked to the window and opened. The soothing breeze hitting your skin ever so gently, sending goosebumps throughout your body.
“You’re back,” Dean beamed.
You turned to him. He was in jeans and a fitted grey t-shirt. His wet hair spiked in every possible direction.
“I am,” you smiled. “How was it to hit the bar with Sam?” You asked when you felt his presence beside you. Just like that, it became really hard to have a casual conversation with him.
“It was alright,” he chuckled. “How was the massage?”
“Best thing that ever happened to me,” you groaned in pleasure as you remembered how good it felt.
“Better than meeting me?”
“Almost,” you chuckled.
Dean moved behind you. His arms wrapped around your middle, his chest pressed flush against your back. You stiffened at first, but you couldn’t help but melt into his touch.
“You smell good,” he leaned to your neck. His gravel voice was barely upon a whisper. The feeling of his hot breath against your skin sent shivers down your spine.
You tried to focus on anything but the feeling of having him this close. Your eyes were fixated on the blue sea, on the way the waves crashed onto the shore. But it was impossible.
“Hmmm, really good,” he nearly moaned.
Then you remembered. He had a few drinks with Sam a bit earlier. This was the alcohol talking.
Dean turned you in his arms, his green eyes stared deep into your soul. The air seemed to have become thicker. Or maybe he was just too close. His eyes wandered to your lips. He leaned his head, his breath mingling with yours. You pulled away quickly, clearing your throat. Dean seemed to realize what was happening and turned his head. His eyes falling on the calm, blue waves.
“We should, uh, we should probably get ready,” you suggested.
“Yeah. Yeah, sure,” he nodded. “I’m, uh, I’m gonna get dressed in the bathroom.”
Dean grabbed his clothes and locked himself in the bathroom. You heard the water from the sink running. What was that? Was he out of his mind? He must have been. If you hadn’t pulled away when you did, he would have… no, he wouldn’t. He couldn’t do that. He was your best friend. He just got a little carried away by the alcohol and the scent of the oils that previously bathed your skin.
You put on light makeup. Just a concealer, a thin coat of foundation and mascara. You picked the dress from the hanger and put it on. The navy blue dress fitted perfectly in your body. It hit your midthighs and seemed appropriate for the occasion.
The sound of the door unlocking echoed through the silent room. Dean got out of the bathroom all dressed up. His suit hugged his body just the right way.
“Can you help me?” You asked.
“I can’t zip it. Can you do it for me?”
Dean nodded, standing beside you. The soft skin of his fingers touched your skin slightly as he zipped the dress. A different kind of electricity ran through your body.
“Thanks,” you smiled as you turned to him. “Do you want me to…” you motioned to the tie in his hand.
“Yeah, sure.”
You tied his silky red tie, smoothing it’s length. His eyes were roaming around the room, looking anywhere but you. Adjusting the collar of his shirt, you felt his gaze on you. You don’t know how much time you spent staring into each other’s eyes, but after a while he cleared his throat, breaking the trance.
“You ready?”
“Mmhmm,” you nodded, grabbing your purse and slipping into your heels. “Shall we?”
You headed out of the room and walked down the street. The restaurant Sam and Jess picked was close to the resort. So you wouldn’t get tired of going on foot.
“Hold my hand, we gotta make this look convincing, remember?” You smiled.
His warm hand took a hold of yours before stepping into the restaurant. Most of the people were already there. Jess’ parents were so happy to see you. It had been a while since you had last seen them. Her sisters cheered when their eyes landed on you. They wouldn’t stop giving you malicious looks and wiggling their eyebrows because you got the other brother.
Mary sat beside Dean. At first you were nervous she’d try to make any questions. You knew Dean wouldn’t let her do it, but you still had that feeling. That dissipated the second they started serving dinner. It was delicious and you were glad they had picked this restaurant. The room was filled with laughter and happy conversations.
After everyone had finished eating, Sam and Jess distributed gifts to their parents. They made their toasts, thanking everyone for supporting them and being there for their special day.
“I’ve been waiting for dessert the whole night,” Dean leaned, whispering to you.
“Me too,” you chuckled.
“Though it would be a whole lot better if it were pie.”
They started serving the cake and you were almost drooling. Just as you took the first bite, Mary called you.
“I need to go to the restroom,” her voice was barely audible. “Y/N, do you mind coming with me?”
You were a little taken aback, but agreed anyway. You knew she wanted to talk to you.
“Don’t let anyone touch my cake,” you asked Dean.
You followed Mary to the restroom. You tried to look for any sign of anger on her face but it didn’t show.
“I’m sorry for what I did earlier,” she smiled weakly. “I should have treated you better. I don’t know what got into me.”
“Mary, it’s okay. Really. You were just looking out for Dean.”
“He loves you, you know?” You smiled. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you as if you were his whole world. John used to look at me that way when we were your age.”
You didn’t know what to say to her. A part of you wanted to tell her it wasn’t real. He was faking it and he needed her to buy it. But another part of you wanted to believe in what she said.
“I’m glad he has someone like you, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Mary,” you smiled.
God, she’s gonna hate you if she ever finds out the truth.
“Now let’s go. I’ve stolen much of your time already.”
You made your way back to the table feeling a lot lighter.
“Everything okay?” Dean asked once you sat beside him.
“Yeah,” you smiled. Finally, you’d be able to eat your cake. Except there was no cake. “Where’s my dessert, Dean?”
“Where’s my cake?” You made sure to not speak too loud for others to hear.
“I don’t know,” he sounded nervous.
“I can’t believe you ate my cake.”
“No, I didn’t,” he chuckled.
“Of course you did! You’re laughing,” you argued. “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you with my food.”
“Look, I’m laughing because you’re angry. I swear I didn’t do it,” he held his hands up in surrender.
“If it wasn’t you, then who was it?”
“I don’t know. It probably was that kid,” he pointed to Jess’ nephew.
“Of course, Dean, blame it on the kid,” you hissed with a roll of your eyes.
“Look, I’m gonna get you another piece, alright?”
“You better.”
He did get another piece of dessert. It was delicious and you were as happy as a kid in a candy shop.
The rehearsal dinner came to an end and people started to leave.
“You guys are not heading back with us?” You asked the happy, soon-to-be-married couple.
“No, we still have some things to wrap up here,” Sam smiled.
“Okay,” you nodded. “You were amazing today. Everything was beautiful. I can’t wait for tomorrow,” you smiled, hugging Sam before hugging your best friend. “I love you both.”
You and Dean headed out of the restaurant and started to walk back to the resort.
“Do you wanna go for a walk?”
“I’d love that,” you said.
You walked to the beach. You breathed in the ocean carried air. Dean took off his shoes and you did the same. The soft golden sand seemed to caress your feet with its comforting warmth. The night sky along the calm sea looked like a painting.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Dean said as he noticed your eyes shine just as bright as the stars in the sky.
“It is,” you smiled.
“Let’s go in there.”
“What?” You turned abruptly to him.
“Yeah, why not?” He shrugged. “There’s no here. We can go in fully clothed or not.”
“We’re doing this fully clothed or not?”
“Fully clothed.”
He nodded, shrugging off his suit, and loosening his tie. Dean took your heels from you and placed it along with his pieces of clothes on the sand. Distant enough so nothing would get wet.
Dean held out his hand for you to take. He grinned before running into the water with you. You squeaked when the cold water hit your legs.
“Shit, it’s cold,” goosebumps crept up on your skin.
“Stop being such a baby,” he teased, splashing water at you.
“Oh, you did not!”
You did the same to him. Dean chuckled, splashing more water at you. You didn’t know how much time you spent acting like kids. The sound of waves of laughter echoed through the quiet beach. You pushed him and he fell, getting completely drenched. His arms reached out for you, bringing you down with him.
“You’re so mean,” you squealed.
“You started it,” he stood to his feet, holding his hands out.
“No, you started it,” he pulled you up, and once again you were too close to his body.
“Admit it, you had fun,” his hand reached to your face, brushing a few damp strands off your face.
“It was too cold,” you shivered.
“But you had fun.”
“I did,” you smiled.
“Let’s head back, shall we?” 
You nodded. Dean picked up your stuff and put his jacket around your shoulders.
“Thanks,” you smiled.
“Just making sure you won’t freeze to death, sweetheart,” he sneaked his arm around your waist.
You walked in silence. You quietly thanked once you saw the resort get closer and closer. Your sore feet were more than glad to be back in your room.
“We should try that jacuzzi, huh?” He suggested.
“Yeah, we should,” you sighed, heading to the bathroom.
“I meant together, like-“
“I know what you meant, Dean,” you said, turning on the jacuzzi. “Now grab that champagne in the mini-fridge.”
He nodded and did as told. You could see there was something off about him.
“You sure you’re okay with the naked thing?” He asked.
“Yeah, of course,” you checked on the temperature and turned on the jets. “Are you?”
“Yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” He was nervous. You chuckled. “What?”
“Nothing, it’s just that you seem a little nervous.”
“I’m not nervous.”
“Okay, good,” you shrugged. “Can you, uh…” you turned to him.
“Yeah, sure,” he slowly unzipped your dress.
The dress pooled around your feet. Dean swallowed thickly at the sight of you in your underwear. His breath was caught in his throat. You slipped off your panties and he instinctively licked his lips. He was glad you had your back to him.
“Alright, I’m not gonna be the only one naked here, right?” You turned to him.
“Wanna see what I’m wearing underneath all this?”
You frowned. He unbuttoned his white shirt and tugged down his pants. You blurt out laughing.
“I can’t believe you have a Scooby-Doo underwear!”
“Cool right?” He grinned, pulling off his boxers.
“It’s awesome, you beamed.
You hopped on the jacuzzi, the warm water making you relax instantly. Dean poured champagne for the both of you.
“So I was thinking,” you said before taking a sip at your drink. “Can I grab your butt in front of your parents?”
“No, Y/N, you can’t grab my butt in front of my parents.”
“But it’s so perky,” you pleaded.
“Y/N,” he gave a warning look.
“Okay, okay. I won’t grab your butt in front of your parents.”
“Great,” he smiled. “Can I kiss you in front of my parents?”
“Sure,” you shrugged. “It doesn’t have to be right in front of your parents, you know?”
“Sure. I mean, friends kiss sometimes.”
“I’m actually surprised you’re asking me this, but yeah, Dean, they do,” you said. “How do you think Jess and I learned how to kiss?”
“Oh, I never thought about that part.”
You chuckled. Both of you fell into silly conversations. It made you forget you were actually naked in front of him.
“We should get out,” he said. “It’s getting late.”
“Yeah, we should.”
Dean stood up, picking your glass from your hand.
“See, it’s perky,” you said.
He chuckled.
“Here you go,” he took your hand in his, helping you out of the tub. Dean wrapped a towel around your shoulders before wrapping one around his waist.
“I dare you to kiss me,”
His green eyes widened, but also looked for any sign that indicated you were kidding. His hand came up to cup your cheek. His plump lips captured yours in a sweet kiss. They glided over each other as if you had done this before. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your towel falling in the process. He deepened the kiss as you parted your lips, allowing his tongue to delve into your mouth. His hand on your hip, squeezed your skin, drawing you closer to him. His tongue traced yours in a sensual dance. You tasted the champagne in his warm muscle. A moan was muffled by his lips.
The need for air came sooner than you hoped for. You parted. Neither of you dared to open your eyes. Dean pecked your lips softly before resting his forehead against yours. His thumb caressed your flushed cheek.
“I should, uh, I should go get changed,” he cleared his throat.
You nodded, watching him exit the room. Your fingers traced up to your kiss swollen lips. God, you were screwed.
——— “You look so beautiful. I think I’m gonna cry,” you said to Jess.
She looked perfect. Her gown looked even more beautiful than you remembered.
“Sam won’t know what hit him,” you smiled.
“I’m so glad I chose you as my maid of honor,” she grinned, hugging you. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you kissed her cheek. “I need to get going. It’s almost time.”
You headed to the lounge to meet Dean. He was standing there in his tuxedo. You could swear you had never seen him this handsome.
His eyes widened once he saw you. Dean nearly gasped. The rose gold gown fitted your body perfectly, hugging every curve.
“You look, wow,” he smiled. “You look beautiful.”
“You don’t look bad yourself,” you smiled, pecking his lips. “Shall we?”
He linked his arm with yours, guiding you towards the beach. Everything looked so beautiful. It looked as if it had come out of a movie.
You waited for your queue and walked down the aisle to the altar. You and Dean stood on opposite sides.
A trail of goosebumps ran through your body once you spotted Jess. She grinned wide as her eyes found Sam’s. It was happening. Their dream was coming true.
“Family and friends, we’re gathered here today to celebrate the love of Samuel and Jessica.”
You forced your eyes away from the couple only to meet Dean’s green orbs staring at you. His lips curled into a smile. You held each other’s gaze. Your cheeks started to heat up at the intensity of his look.
Sam and Jess read their vows. You cursed at yourself for not focusing on them. Dean’s eyes were drawing you to him. Silly smiles spread wide on your lips.
The ceremony was beautiful. It was better than you and Jess expected. They were pronounced husband and wife and everyone headed to the wedding reception. They danced to the sound of their favorite song. Everyone could see how much they loved each other and how happy they were.
You and Dean made your toasts separately. Both Jess and Sam teared up a little. After the toasts, most people headed to the dance floor.
“Would you like to dance?” Dean held his hand for you as a slow song echoed through the room.
“With you? Always.”
He guided you to where couples were dancing. His hands were placed on your hips as you wrapped your arms around his neck, both of you swaying to the rhythm of the song.
“So where does this leave us huh?” He asked.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what happened last night. That wasn’t just two friends kissing. I know it and you know it too.”
“I know, you’re right,” you looked up at him.
“Good,” he smiled. “So no more fake dating?”
“No more fake dating.”
He pecked your lips into a passionate kiss and the whole world fell away.
“Call me selfish, but I don’t ever want anyone else to touch you,” he said as you parted. “Not even your friends kissing you.”
“Same goes for you, Winchester.”
“You’re not gonna join them?” Dean asked behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle.
“Nah, let them have their fun,” you said, watching the group of women gather not so far as they waited for Jess to throw the bouquet.
They all cheered and screamed when she tossed it. You jumped when the flowers fell on your feet.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” you rolled your eyes.
“It’s way too soon, sweetheart,” Dean chuckled.
“Alright, ladies,” you announced, holding up the flowers. “$20 and the bouquet is yours,” they all laughed. “No? Ten bucks maybe?”
Dean chuckled, pressing his lips to your cheek.
“You’re one of a kind, sweetheart.”
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Dean Sweethearts:
@maya-craziness​ @akshi8278​ @spookytaylors​ @witch-of-letters
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dans-den · 2 years
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Movie Review
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Hey what's going on guys it's Dan here and today I'm going to give my review on Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Movie!
I'm gonna do my best to avoid spoilers since the film just came out but there may be minor spoilers ahead so...you've been WARNED!
First off I just want to say the cast did a phenomenal job! Each one brought personality to their character and gave stellar performances. Ben Schwartz gave us yet another great performance as Sonic and once again brought the character to life on the big screen which is hard to do when adapting a video game into a film. He was quirky, charismatic, lovable, witty and overall, a great performance as the Blue Blur. Idris Elba gave an entertaining performance as Knuckles, to be honest it was like they brought the Uganda Knuckles to life in this incarnation of the character and Elba made it sound badass. Knuckles is normally seen as...a knucklehead, but Idris Elba made the character a proud warrior from a long line of tribal warriors who grew up the way he did and is not accustomed to earth. Here's a minor spoiler but his dialogue reminded me of Starfire from Teen Titans the way he'd say "I have won the Base of Ball!", it was a great fit for the character and I thought this was the best performance of Knuckles I've seen in a longtime. Colleen O’Shaughnessey is the official voice for Tails but here she did not half ass anything, she gave a great performance on the big screen and the fact that she was credited as well means a lot in the industry. Voice actors are never given the proper credit or even respect they deserve and I’m glad she got her name credited on a worldwide scale. Jim Carrey gave another hilarious and over the top performance as Dr. Robotnik or Eggman however you wanna say it, there’s also reports that he’s retiring so if that’s true, then this is his perfect swan song to conclude his long career in the entertainment industry. I loved almost all his work even the bad ones (but lets be real they’re all funny in one way shape or form).
The plot itself was pretty well written and stayed true to the source material with some minor changes here and there but those changes didn’t ruin my experience, it actually made the experience more interesting and fun. My only real complaint is when the side plot for the humans is dragged out too long. In the trailers they show Maddie’s sister Rachel is getting married in Hawaii and (another minor spoiler) there’s gonna be a twist at the wedding which is alright but it dragged out a good like 20 minutes which does explain why the movie is like 2 hours long. Even then, it didn’t kill my experience though maybe they should have kept that side plot shorter. It all connects and it progresses at a good pace, the chase for the master emerald was thrilling and exciting to watch especially with the obstacles they had to go through to get to it. The adventure with Sonic and Tails was a fun and engaging one filled with goofy fun, situations and good character growth in the main cast.
The fight scenes were pretty exciting, I know these guys were CGI but it was well executed to look like a real fight as well as their powers used to fight one another. It was real nuts to butts action between Sonic and Knuckles as well as the final battle between Team Sonic and a chaotic Robotnik/Eggman. The director Jeff Fowler deserves plenty of credit for crafting the scenes with action and well done effects.
I’d also like to mention how the film gave actual depth to the characters especially with Knuckles. Fans have known that Knuckles came from a tribe of warriors, but we never actually seen him talk that much in-depth about it. The film gave us an actual backstory on Knuckles where we get to see his perspective a bit. It two scenes in particular where Sonic and Knuckles talk about their lives and you get to hear both perspectives of the respective opposing sides which helped them understand each other and strengthen their new bond. The best part is it didn’t feel forced or rushed, it progressed naturally which made the team up all the better and action packed.
Overall, I believe this was not only a great film, but a great sequel as it stayed true to the source material and brought the aspects of the video games out in the best way possible. I put this up there with Spiderman 2 and Shrek 2 as one of the best sequels for a film franchise. One last minor spoiler, stay tuned for the end credit scene you guys are gonna love it since it’ll be synced to the next sonic film they’ve been talking about. I look forward to this coming to paramount plus so I can watch it but honestly I’d watch it again right now because it was awesome and even though this is video game movie, it’s something everyone can enjoy. Arcane was a film made for league of legends fans yet it was so captivating it managed to draw people outside of the game and made them fans of the show. The Sonic films are doing the exact same thing where it was made for fans but the films were so great and entertaining that it brought in people outside the Sonic fandom, a film series for all ages young and old, for super fans like myself and people like my brother who isn’t as big a fan but loves the films because they’re fun.
Putting this into my rating, I’d give the Sonic 2 film:
I’d recommend each and every one of you to go out and see this film, one of the best films of the year. Plan a day to go out and see this film with friends, family or even a date because I will repeat myself, this is one of the best films of the year and one of the best video game movies done right.
That’s all I have to say, see ya!
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sinofwriting · 4 years
Honeymoon - Colson Baker
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“What are you doing out here? It’s so early.” 
She smiles at the sound of his voice, but doesnt turn around to face him. Her eyes taking in the view of the ocean they have. “Couldn’t sleep.” 
He wraps his arms around her, burying his face in her neck. “You want to talk about it?” 
“I just never thought I’d be here. Married, on a honeymoon in Hawaii of all places.” 
“You’re the one who chose Hawaii.” 
“I know. I know.” She laughs, turning in his arms to face him. “I just really never thought I’d be married and happy.” 
He sighs, pulling her closer to him. Letting her burrow in his chest. “Neither did I.”
They both stand there for a moment taking in the ocean air and each other. He wondered if the reason she hadn’t been able to sleep and started thinking about how weird it was that they were married was due to the fact that they’re honeymoon was coming to a close in a few hours. That they’ll have to return to LA, return to the internet that they had disconnected from for two weeks. 
“I never thought I’d have this, but I’m so happy I do. I’m so unbelievably happy that I’m married to you and I get to have this.” He tells her later when they’re back in bed. Trying to ignore the clock running out on their time away from everyone else.
She smiles, pressing a kiss to his hand that she’s holding. “I’m glad I have this. I have you.” 
Colson’s heart aches at how she puts it. At the double meaning to her words. At the words that had been in her wedding vows that no one else really understood. “Fuck, I don’t want to go back.” 
She laughs. “Yes, you do. You want to go back. You want to be in the studio and then after your done climb into our bed.” 
“Are you in our bed?” 
“Aren’t I always when you get done in the studio?” 
“Yes, you’ve always been waiting for me in our bed.” 
“And I’ll continue to be. Besides just because we aren’t on our honeymoon anymore, doesn’t mean we can’t be in the honeymoon phase.” 
“I don’t think we ever really left that phase.” 
“No, we didn’t.” 
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mattzerella-sticks · 4 years
Before the Night Ends
Dean/Castiel, 2.1k words, post-Wedding/pre-Honeymoon
It's been a wedding for the ages. Dean and Castiel finally tied the knot, with guests flying in from all across America, Heaven, Hell - even the Empty. But everything must come to an end, and after a wonderful Roadhouse reception Dean and Cas drove off in Baby and off towards their honeymoon.
Except, it's a long drive from Kansas plains to California beaches. They stop close to midnight at a motel along the highway, to sleep, celebrate their wedding night and that it's Valentine's Day, too.
           There’s a motel off Highway 70 called Angel’s Paradise, first established in the early 1900s, and last renovated in 1982. The owners back then, who remain so today, envisioned heaven as some tropical destination. That meant each room, alike in their simplicity and functionality, would be redone along these guidelines. Walls plastered with paper-print palm fronds and blooming, pink flowers. Bathrooms tiled a light blue – like waters from the clearest ocean – and little soaps shaped like shells to match the shell-patterned shower curtain. They’d have an entertainment unit housing a small television set would double as a dust collector, various ocean-themed knick-knacks cluttered atop it, ranging from homemade to store bought. A wicker table situated between two wicker chairs, a wicker dresser placed next to the entertainment unit and a wicker bed-or-beds layered by their own palm fronds, matching the walls. Finally, tying the décor together was a little (wicker) side table near the door with a plastic conch set to catch keys or loose change or cigarette ash. Given these changes, any customer might imagine they were in Florida rather then Colorado, or it was June instead of February. Especially in the crown jewel of Angel’s Paradise, the Honeymoon Suite.
           Except the Suite’s current boarders were very aware of where and when they are. Probably because they have yet to see their room for the night.
           Dean tucks his hands into his elbows, shivering outside the Suite while Cas fiddles with its doorknob. “Come on,” he whines, “what’s the hold-up?”
           Cas pauses, turning to Dean. “Sorry,” he says, “the lady at the counter – she said they were having issues since the last occupants. Something about them breaking the lock?”
           “Fuckin’ a…” Dean hisses, bouncing now. An icy wind cuts across the parking lot, Dean defenseless to it because he forwent a heavier jacket and how thin the material of his suit was. Castiel looks marginally warmer than Dean, wrapped in his trademark trench coat. Still, Dean notices how his hands tremble while holding the key. Cas’s hand flicks to the left, Dean’s gaze catching the silver band wrapped around his ring finger. One day, he may get used to it. Dean hopes he never does and can experience the same flutter of warmth rippling through his heart from seeing it. He leans into Cas, Dean dropping his head onto Cas’s shoulder. “Who do I have to pray to for this door to open?”
           “No one,” Cas declares, lock clicking in time with his words, “because it’s open!”
           Dean curses under breath, smiling. “Great,” he says, “let’s get in there, then – hey… hey!”
           Swept off his feet, Dean falls into the loving grip of his husband. Cas places one arm at his back, supporting most of the weight, while the other arm traps Dean’s knees, keeping his legs bent and Dean unable to wriggle himself free. Cas smiles down at him, laughing.
           “You think this is so funny,” Dean scowls, holding onto Cas’s tie like it were a lifeline. “You little shit –“
           “Mr. Shit, Dean,” Cas interrupts, kicking the door open and striding past the threshold, “I did take your last name, after all.”
           “My mistake…” He huffs, burying his head in Cas’s chest while he uses the fingers not squeezing Cas’s tie to comb the hairs at his husband’s neck. “Dean and Castiel Shit… I can see the monogramed towels already.” Dean closes his eyes, purring like a kitten while he absorbs the heat that radiates from Cas. It’s inhuman how much of a furnace he was, especially after giving up his grace to live as a human, to be human with Dean. Like always, Dean’s smile widens at the thought. He tries hiding his rapidly flushing face, but Cas tears Dean off of him. He ungraciously dumps Dean onto the bed, blue eyes betraying his cool demeanor as they glow with mirth from Dean’s startled squawking. “What do you think you’re doing?”
           “Going to get the bags,” he says, moving towards the door, “Why don’t you get comfortable, I’ll only be a moment.”
           Dean shakes his head, situating himself better on the bed. He sits at the foot of it, toeing off his snakeskin boots and then peeling off the dark grey dress socks he wore with them. While pulling at his tie, Cas returns with their bags. He doesn’t close the door after, and a blustery chill fills the space. Goosepimples erupt in scattered bunches up and down Dean’s arms. “Close the door!” he yells, dumping the tie onto the slowly growing pile of discarded clothing. His suit jacket joins his tie and socks and boots as Cas deposits their bags by the television. He then hits the door with his elbow, shutting out the wind. Cas gestures at the closed door with a flourish and wry grin. Dean scoffs, “Ugh, who’s bright idea was it to do this in winter?”
           “The same man who, on his birthday, said,” Cas drifts closer, helping Dean unbutton his shirt, “and I quote, ‘If you think you can propose to me and not expect us to get married as soon as possible, then you don’t know what you’re signing up for… buddy’.” Cas eases the shirt off Dean’s shoulders, kissing the exposed skin right above his t-shirt. “For the record,” Cas adds, whispering into his collarbone, “I expected it. It was one of the reasons why I couldn’t wait any longer.”
           Dean remembers. Their family, together, celebrating Dean’s birthday. His first birthday free from Chuck’s machinations, with a cake Jack spent all day baking and presents that lined the end of the table. He held Cas’s hand as he blew out the candles, mind blank because nothing he could wish for would match the happiness he felt in that moment. He tells Cas this after he asks what he wished for. And Cas, of course, proceeds to kiss him. Cas kisses him while Eileen cut the cake, while Jack helped plate them, and while Sam clapped Dean’s shoulders in warning to reign it in. Dean pulled back, gasping, unsure how he might respond to his then-boyfriend’s passion. Then Cas asked him that all-important, heart-stopping, mind-blowing question, opened a velvet box, and Dean knew exactly what to say.
           “I would’ve waited,” Dean reveals, helping Cas with his clothes as Cas guides Dean’s legs out of his slacks. “Everyone knows how long I’ve waited to tell you I love you… I would’ve waited, even if we died and we had to get married in heaven.” Dean pecks Cas’s lips, divesting him of both jackets and his button-down shirt. “I’m glad we didn’t have to, though.”
           “So am I.”
           They stand together in t-shirts and boxers, barely an inch of space between them. No one speaks, not that they have to, but the usually comfortable silence makes Dean nervous. His focus drifts from Cas and onto the plastic conch behind him. Then, he notices how the rest of the room is decorated. Dean giggles, “Wow… it’s, this place is…”
           Cas nods. Dean needn’t say anything else. “You should’ve seen the inside,” he snickers, “the staff were wearing Hawaiian shirts and shark-tooth necklaces.”
           “Hey,” Dean shoves him, “don’t diss Hawaiian shirts.” He collects his clothes and boots, bringing them over to their duffels. “I’ve got about three packed away in here, and I’m planning on buying at least a few more before our honeymoon ends.”
           “Should they even be called Hawaiian shirts if we’re not in Hawaii?” Cas asks. Dean hears the mattress squeak, and guesses his husband sat on the bed. He digs through the duffel, Cas monologuing in the background. “Are they called Coloradan shirts since we’re in Colorado? If we buy them in California, won’t they be Californian Shirts? Or is it because they’re made in Hawaii, and then shipped elsewhere? Can you imagine it – shirt factories, dotting the beaches? Oh, I’d hope the workers making all these Hawaiian shirts are at least being paid a fair wage, given how popular they seem to be…”
           “There’s no factories on any beaches,” Dean tells him, “and – hate to burst your bubble, angel – but I doubt Hawaiian shirt makers are paid what they deserve, regardless of where their factories are.” Cas hums in that same, sullen note he usually does when the beginning notes of Sarah McLachlan play and Dean can’t switch channels fast enough. He folds his clothes, setting them aside. Then, Dean sneaks his hand into his stack of clean boxers, finding the surprise he hid for his husband. “Hey,” Dean rises, “capitalism sucks, but we can’t let it ruin our trip.” Dean drops onto Cas’s lap, delighting in the tiny ‘oof’ that escapes from his husband. “Here,” he says, “I was saving this for later… but hell, we’re running out of time. I’d rather give it to you before the night ends than a day later.” Dean hands him an envelope, Cas’s name scrawled on the front. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
           “A card?” Cas asks, flipping the envelope back and forth, “Dean… you didn’t have to get me anything.”
           “’Course I did…” Dean presses a kiss to Cas’s temple, ruffling his hair. “It’s Valentine’s Day… probably the first Valentine’s Day I actually wanted to celebrate in a long time, because I’ve got someone I love and want to celebrate. And sure, it’s not like we didn’t do just that… in front of all our friends and families… and a few exes… and uninvited guests –“
           “The point, Dean?”
           “Sorry,” Dean lays his head atop Cas’s, watching him peel away the envelope’s glue. “We’ll have tons more holidays and anniversaries to celebrate in the future… I just didn’t want our first Valentine’s Day to be overshadowed by our wedding. You mean so much to me that I’m not gonna just lump the two together like you’re some kid who was unlucky enough to be born on Christmas. You deserve it all.” Cas flips the envelope, shaking its contents free. A pair of red panties floats onto his outstretched hand. “Not just some stinkin’ card.”
           Cas squeezes the panties. “Are you –?”
           “About to show you how friggin’ fantastic married sex is?” Dean wrangles the panties from Cas’s fist, waving it about like a flag. “You bet. Let me slip these on and…“ He starts towards the bathroom, Cas slowly chasing him.
           “You don’t have to,” his husband growls, “you can change here –“
           “Cas, I won’t be long –“
           “I don’t know if I can wait!”
           “You’ll have to!” Dean closes the door on Cas’s face, laughing as he hears his husband bang against the door in protest. He yells for Dean, but Dean ignores him. Dean brings his hand to his face, covering his mouth with both it and the panties he carries. They smell like cherries. He forgot to tell Cas they’re edible. Cas will figure that out later.
           He’ll also give Cas his real card later, as well. The one he wrote using all the words Dean was too afraid to say at the altar. Little details about the way Cas hogs all the blankets when he sleeps, and how his eyes crinkle when he smiles, and that Cas’s hugs chase away dark thoughts better than any drink might’ve. There were also bigger things he mentioned, in this card. About Cas and his unwavering faith in Dean, even at times where he didn’t deserve it. About the despair that bloomed whenever Cas left his side, a bouquet of horrid, wilted roses growing rampantly over his heart and piercing it with their thorns during those awful times it seemed their last goodbye truly was. About the love Cas inspired within Dean that changed his life, from the very beginning, from the touch of Cas’s hand on his shoulder. That simple act which broke him free from Chuck’s wheel again and again and again. Dean couldn’t say any of this in a crowded room. He doubts he can with only Cas. He already cried enough for one day. So, they’ll have sex instead. After they’ve burned through the remaining fumes that linger in their tanks, Dean will present the card, curl against Cas’s side with his head tucked underneath his husband’s chin, and listen while Cas reads how much he means to Cas.
           But that won’t be until later. Now, Dean shimmies out of his boxers. He pulls the panties on, flicking the bow twice once it’s settled. “Are you ready?” Dean croons, jiggling the knob, “because it’s time to ride ‘em, cowboy!”
           Cas pries the door loose, almost ripping it off its hinges as pull Dean forward into a searing kiss. Dean smiles into it, letting Cas take lead. Dean’s gift were the panties. Cas’s gift is putting in the work to get them off. Cas throws Dean onto the bed, his mouth attacking Dean’s neck. His hand trails down Dean’s side, tickling and teasing him.
           He couldn’t have written a better ending to his story. Or imagine a better beginning to his next.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
#12 Lay by Your Side (Taeyong x you)
Twelfth day of Christmas (the last one!)
Lay by Your Side (Taeyong x you)
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 I do not own pictures, but I own the stories :D. It’s the last day of the project and although the header doesn’t really fit the theme, it’s too cute!! I gotta do it lol 
Before reading I want to thank you all for reading this much :D I really appreciate your time and everything else you give for this 🥺🤗💖 ily all! Here we go
It’s another new year, a new chance to start the things you missed last year, a chance to fix your mistakes, the time for you to learn and grow from your past self.
You rest your eyes from watching the picturesque scene laid before your eyes. The blue green endless ocean that meets the horizon, the bright sun shining above your head and of course the sight of a book cover you can see when you raise your head.
You’re enjoying the last day staying in a bungalow at Hawaii before duty and responsibility call back. With your boyfriend, Lee Taeyong, relaxing on the long couch while reading his newest novel and your head is resting on his strong thighs.
The gentle breeze coming from the ocean through the window is enough to almost drive you to sleep, along with Taeyong’s slender fingers slowly stroking your hair as he focuses on his story, you can’t hold back the sleepiness hitting your body.
You yawn and feel his fingers leave your hair, only to hear a page flips and his fingers are back, stroking your hair calmly while sometimes applying a bit of a pressure to your scalp. You exhale and relax your shoulder, feeling even drowsier now.
“Yong-ie” you mumble with your eyes closed, you’re bored seeing the cover.
“Hmm?” he asks you back, his head didn’t move, his book is still in the same place and you bet his eyes are not stopping at all from those lines.
“Fun part?” you ask him the chapter he is reading, well it’s not like he is ignoring you the whole holiday to finish that book. No, he was treating you so well and he just continued where he left off today. You understand if he wants to add a few more pages before he is back to his tight schedule as an idol.
“Quiet exhilarating, why? Need anything?” he asks finally pausing and putting aside the book so he can see your face.
“Glad I can finally see your face, not that boring book cover.” You grin and he leans in to kiss you.
“Sorry, let me fix my posture a bit,” he pulls his body that has been slipping down the couch and you yelp when you feel your head forced to meet his knees.
“Whoops, sorry” he picks you up from your neck slowly and helps you return to your position.
You giggle when you realize he’s still sweet even after he did something so clumsy. You flip your body so you’re resting your arms on his thighs as you cup your cheeks. You’re laying on your belly between his legs. (I really hope you can picture this)
“It’s okay, what are we going to do after this?” you ask, sending him a subtle hint you’re wishing to be able to do something else in this good villa before going home.
Taeyong smirks “Want what? We’ve explored everything around here, we even went swimming this morning.” He rubs circle with his thumb on your slightly tanned shoulder.
“Didn’t you have enough tan already? I cannot go tanner than this even if I want to, my stylist will kill me.” He chuckles and you nod your head “I know, I mean if I want my skin to be tanner, I’ll do it by myself. But-“ your breath hitched when you catch his red shiny lips in your sight.
Taeyong follows your gaze and realizes where you are staring at and he licks his lips when he caught you staring “Eyes are up here miss,” he teases you and do the regular “see my eyes here” finger gestures.
You gulp “Sorry,” and you focus your eyes to see his. His dark eyes are twinkling as usual but today with his messy hair he didn’t look cuddly at all.
You secretly snake your arms around his torso and bury your face into his chest before snuggling closer to his body if that is possible.
“Woah, careful can you breathe?” he asks when he sees you plant your face to his torso, you nod “Perfectly fine.”
He giggles and reaches out his book to continue where he left off. He peacefully hold his book on his right hand and his left hand is back to stroking your hair and now touching your skin too slightly grazing over it with his callouses fingers.
You did not know you fell asleep while hugging him. The soft snore coming out from you is what makes Taeyong stop reading his book.
He marks his page down and puts it aside. Slowly without waking you up, Taeyong moves your head so at least he can see your pretty face and ensures himself you’re not suffocated.
The man smiles down lovingly and gently places a kiss on your temple, he lets go when he feels your body stirring. While leaning back to the sofa, Taeyong watches the endless blue horizon that meets the sea. A small smile tugs his lips when he remembered the night he confessed his true feelings to you.
Taeyong always says he is a man with the heart of the sea, yes the sea because it is deep and mysterious. Though some of his friends say that may be interpreted in a wrong way, he met you and you bravely answered him with “And I am a fearless adventurer, who’s not afraid of the deep and mysterious sea. Guess we matched.”
He cannot hide his happiness away when his ring finger sparkles while stroking your hair and getting caught in the golden sun ray. With memories playing in his head, Taeyong plays with the metal ring on his hand. He always wears it everywhere he go, even to music shows!
Taeyong keeps his promise ring on his hand no matter what, no matter how hard the stylists tried to make him put it down just for the sake of the wardrobe and cameras. He always find a way to sneak it back on or just go to a long ass bickering of ridiculous things like
“It is my lucky ring… my mom said to never take this off…. Hey I might lose it….” And others even silly ones. But in the end, he did it. He always brings that small part of you with him, to remind him you are his and he is yours. He’s glad you’re not the type who gets jealousies instantly or even put needless curiosity over him.
Instead, Taeyong is more protective of you. He knows your past with your boyfriends are not good, especially the ones that secretly date another person, or just the abusive ones who are obsessed to have you. Taeyong acts protective because he didn’t want any one of them to hurt you, but you just smile and tell him “Thank you Tae, but trust me I can keep myself safe.”
And for three years of dating, you proofed yourself to Taeyong that you can take a good care of yourself. Saesang fans have gotten through your way before, but you can finish it off with a cold head and cold heart. You talked to them nicely, explaining that no it’s not a relationship. Well to you and him this is already beyond relationship, both of you are committed already and slowly taking steps to marriage. The fans asked your apology and you told them you won’t make a fuss if they keep quiet and also stop being a saesang.
You even asked them to join you for a drink and they open up to you, you learnt they became this wild  because they crave for attentions they couldn’t get. So, you give them the attention they needed. Every month, you make a small gathering for that group of fans and they even bring more fans too and you just reveal yourself to be a nobody. They didn’t really mind who you are, they’re so happy to see that being a healthy fan is way way way much better.
You never tell Taeyong about that secret project, he only found out about it when a fan came to him during fan sign and told him everything. Taeyong went home that day with fascination, he told you about the story and he even praised the creator of that event.
You teased him “So you wanna marry that person?”
Taeyong on that day giggled and pulls out an “are you insane face” “Hell if I am not committed yet, I might ask that person out.”
You nod your head “I’m gonna tell you, even when you’re committed you can do that.”
He shakes his head “No way! I am not going to hurt you. I was just talking nonsense.”
You just silently walk to his back and hug him “Will you still say no when I show you who runs that project?” you show your phone to his face and swipe the photos you took from each event.
He went speechless and when his soul is back, Taeyong gets down on one knees and proposes without a ring. But that spontaneity and the air that night, made you nod your head. The night and the promise were sealed with a warm passionate kiss.
He bought you the ring two days after it, because he asked the jeweler to crave names inside.
It was a beautiful memory and you’ve passed the event on to another friend you trust can handle the lonely fans. You disappear from media because slowly Taeyong and you will be coming up to the agency and open up the hidden stories, though you both don’t know when.
He wants to marry you once the agency gives him the green light and of course after both your parents and his agree. Though he knows the latter part will be easier than the first one.
“So, are we going up this year?” Taeyong mumbles to the air, he is not actually talking to you for he knows you’re sleeping.
But even in your sleep, you unconsciously nod your head and give him a reassuring face he always gets from your face whenever he is in doubt.
Taeyong brushes your hair away from your glowing face and leans in once again to seal his lips with yours. “I love you (y/n), to infinity and beyond.” He whispers and seals your lips one more time.
thank you guys for supporting me, this is the last story for the 12 days of Christmas fanfic project! ;D I am happy you all are enjoying this and I just want to wish you all a happy new year!! May all your goals be achieved this year 
See you on another story :D
I love you all!! Thanks for being an amazing friends who want to read my small writings 💖
Christmas masterlist completed
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gallavictorious · 4 years
You know, it's quite possible that Mickey still doesn't know about Frank not being Ian's biological father. Not because Ian's tried to keep it a secret from him or anything, but because Ian finds the whole thing so utterly irrelevant that he neither thinks nor speaks of it again after his and Lip's little trip to see Clayton. So what if, on one happy day, Ian and Mickey runs into dear old bio dad?
I'm thinking that Ian is picking Mickey up from work, because for once there's no kids to look after and they both just got paid and true to the somewhat unorthodox timeline of their relationship they've started going on dates now that they're married. Not too often and nothing too fancy, but a meal in a decent restaurant once in a while; a movie maybe; a few drinks. Makes them feel very adult and normal (which is probably more important to Ian than it is to Mickey) and besides, it's just nice to get away from everyone else and their drama once in a while.
So, Ian's waiting for Mickey just outside of Old Army, and Mickey's changed out of his uniform – which he hates and Ian finds just a little bit cute, they way he finds a lot of things about Mickey cute – and now he's wearing a pair of black jeans and gray shirt that might be slightly too hot for the season but which speaks of him making an effort, and yeah, that's Ian's heart fluttering just a little bit, because Mickey.
There's casual “heys” coupled with small but subtly delighted smiles, and then they're leisurely making their way out of the mall, chatting about their respective and fairly uneventful days when a small toddler suddenly runs toward them at a truly impressive speed, eyes eagerly trained on a giant teddybear over by the toy store. Ian takes a small step to the left to avoid being mowed down by the kamikaze kid and almost bumps into an well-dressed man going the other way. Both Ian and the man begins to offer polite apologies, but then they see each other, and the words die on their lips.
Mickey's still walking, but it only takes him a few steps to realize that Ian's no longer by his side, so he stops, too; turns back to survey the scene.
It's a fucking weird scene, Ian staring stonily at some red-haired guy who's staring right back at him with a really strange expression on his face, surprise mixed with uncertainty and something else that Mickey doesn't quite recognize. And it's odd, but the guy kind of looks like Ian, except older and shorter and less hot.
Now, Ian would probably prefer to just mutter his apology and move on, but before he can do that Clayton clears his throat: “Ian. Hi.”
Ian dips his head. “Hi.”
A pause. Mickey looks from Ian to Clayton and back again but doesn't say anything. Clayton tries for a tentative smile. “Are you... doing okay?”
“Yeah, fine.”
Another protracted silence.
“I, ah, saw something on the net,” Clayton finally asks.  “About a van that... exploded? There was a trial?”
Ian lets out a soft sigh, as if giving in to something inevitable. “Yeah. Got sent to prison, was released within the year, married Mickey,” – he indicates Mickey with a small jerk of his head – “and started working as an EMT again. Still live back at the house. I'm doing fine now.” His voice is earnest but his face carefully blank as he looks straight at Clayton. Giving nothing away; inviting nothing.
Clayton nods slowly: understands. There might be a flicker of sadness in his eyes, but there's relief too. “Glad to hear you're doing well,” he says and sounds like he means it, even as he shifts ever so slightly, even as he's already getting ready to move away and move on. He glances at Mickey and smiles briefly. “Congratulations on your marriage,” he offers.
“Yeah. Thanks.”
One last, lingering look, and Clayton is gone. Mickey watches him hurry away with a slight frown, before turning to Ian – who for some reason is studiously avoiding his eyes. “What the fuck was that?”
Ian still won't at him as they start walking, stepping out of the mall and into the summer twilight. “What was what?”
Mickey gives a little snort of a laugh at that, raising an eyebrow, because really, Gallagher?
“That, asshole,” he says. “Why the fuck did he stare at you like that? And why you acting all weird?” When Ian still doesn't answer, he adds. “C'mon, man, you're the one always whining about how we need to talk about our fucking feelings or whatever. What's going on?” And if he sounds  a bit impatient now, if he sounds a bit rough, it's probably because he's starting to worry, just a little. Ian has a habit of keeping things close to his chest, but he doesn't normally hide stuff – not from Mickey, not anymore.
A thought occurs to him, and it's actually nasty enough to twist his stomach: “Jesus, did you and your uncle – ?”
“What? No!” Ian gives him a wide-eyed look, which then turns togresignation. “Monica did,” he mutters. “I guess he's kind of my... biological father.”
And that... Mickey wasn't expecting that. Has no idea how to react to that. “What, really?” is what he finally says.
“Yeah, really.”
They walk on in silence for a while. Mickey keeps sneaking glances at Ian, who keeps staring down at his feet as they cross the street and enter La Villitia Park. Mickey might bite his lip, that old habit that he's mostly shaken but doesn't always bother to repress when he's alone with Ian.
Finally he offers: “I found out Terry wasn't my dad, I'd throw a fucking parade. I'm not fucking kidding, there'd be fireworks and shit. And if my real dad had any money, I'd milk the motherfucker for every last cent. Serve the bastard right for dumping me with fucking Terry.”
That seems to have the desired effect, because Ian smiles, a tiny little thing. “Yeah, well. Frank's an asshole, but he hasn't got anything on your dad.” He pauses. “It's not really about him anyway. It's everyone else, Fiona, Lip, the kids. They're my family. I don't want that to change.”
“They'd still be your family, man. Same mom, right?”
“It wouldn't be the same. It's... Whatever. I just don't care. I don't care if he's my father.” He shrugs. “I just don't.”
Mickey nods. “All right. Where are you taking me anyway? I'm fucking starving.”
And this is the point, I think, where Ian is once again hit by an almost overwhelming rush of love for his husband, because Mickey just accepts this; accepts Ian and Ian's feeling without batting a lid and without making a big deal out of it. He has a way of taking things in his stride, Mickey; of rolling with the punches, and not even the very sudden and surprising appearance of a biological father is enough to rattle him. For all his volatile temper and violent tendencies, there's something strong and steady here, and yeah, Ian loves him for it.
Impulsively, he reaches out to tug at Mickey's arm, and when Mickey comes to a halt and turns to look askance at him, Ian pulls him in for a brief but passionate kiss. Mickey lets him; returns it.
(And there's a small wonder here, though neither of them has a thought to spare for it right at this moment: a small wonder in the way Ian kisses Mickey, right there on the street, in the fading daylight, and in the way that Mickey lets him. In the way he doesn't even hesitate.)
“The fuck was that for?” Mickey asks, eyebrow raised, once they break apart and start walking again. It comes out a little grumpy, maybe, but the small, secret smile on Mickey's face is anything but. He knows what it was for anyway, and Ian knows that he knows, so he doesn't answer. Lights a cigarette instead, and takes a drag before handing it over to Mickey.
“New pizza place opened down by the river,” he says. “Mia at work was going on and on about it, thought we'd give it a go.”
“Yeah?” Mickey ask, blowing smoke at the sky. “Pizza's good, man. But anyone try to put goddamned pineapple on my pie, I'll shove it so far down their throat they'll taste it down in fucking Hawaii.”
Ian laughs. “You know that doesn't make any fucking sense?”
Mickey just grins at him. He knows.
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obxparadise · 4 years
Rebel Love Song
JJ Maybank x Female Reader 
Word count: 3,836
~JJ’s had enough of his abusive father and life on the Cut, so he tries to convince you to run away with him~
Song: Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides 
A/N: Leave a comment please :) 
*GIF is not mine, but found on Google. Creds to the owner!*
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I cannot hide what’s on my mind
I feel it burning deep inside
A passion crime to take what’s mine
Let us start living for today
“You are a worthless piece of shit.”
“Shut up!”
“Your mama knew!”
“Shut up!”
JJ’s fist strikes his bedroom door, although he wishes it were his father’s face. It probably wouldn’t be as painful, and he’d feel good about it. But his dad would retaliate like he always did, and JJ’s face couldn’t handle another black eye or split lip. Luke had already done a number on his face twenty minutes prior.
Luke turns up the volume of whatever rock song is playing throughout the house, and JJ clutches the sides of his head, digging his palms into his temples, the thoughts in his head drowning out the song. What the hell was he listening to anyway? Judas Priest? Black Sabbath? He had no fucking clue.
He should be used to it all by now. The loud music. The constant drinking. The verbal violence. The physical abuse. The mental manipulation. It’s been going on for years. And there’s no way to stop it.
The cut on JJ’s lip burns as a salty tear mixes with the dried blood. He drags his fingers across the bottom of his lip, wincing. Thirty grand in restitution for a boat he didn’t even sink. He should’ve seen the punch coming, anticipated it as soon as he slid in the passenger’s seat of the beat up pick up truck. But it happened so fast, over and over, until Luke’s knuckles were painted red with blood.
He doesn’t regret taking the blame, though. Even if he now has to scramble to come up with thirty thousand dollars, JJ’s glad that he did the right thing for once in his life. Pope was a good kid, had too much to lose. But JJ? He had nothing.
The music dies down in the living room and JJ peers toward the door, heart hammering against his chest as he waits for Luke to bust into his room. His fists are balled by his sides, ready to attack if necessary, but the door never opens.
JJ takes it upon himself to crack open the door, just enough for him to peer out into the living room and see Luke passed out on the sofa. Empty beer bottles are scattered along the coffee table and a pill bottle is just barely sitting in Luke’s hand that dangles off the couch. Just another typical Tuesday in the Maybank household.
It’s times like these JJ wishes he wasn’t an only child. Although he’s glad no one else is subjected to Luke’s abuse, the house gets lonely. Talking to his father is impossible. His mother is nowhere to be found, and he resents her for leaving him to live with a monster, to fend for his life.
He could always talk to his friends, though.
Ah, scratch that. They’re all busy tending to their own lives.
Pope’s in and out of scholarship interviews.
Kiara’s working overtime at the Wreck.
John B is glued to Sarah Cameron’s hip.
But there’s one more person left. One person that would always make time for him. One person he could confide in no matter the circumstances.
JJ retrieves his phone from the back pocket of his shorts, typing out a quick message.
Can you meet me at the dock?
He smiles as your name pops up on the screen, promising to meet him in ten minutes.
You watch from afar as JJ stands at the edge of the dock throwing rocks into the bay. The sun has begun to set, the sky now painted a light orange and pink, and there’s a slight chill in the air thanks to the open water. Tugging the sleeves of your hoodie down to cover your hands, you shuffle quietly along the wooden boards.
JJ’s body instantly relaxes when your arms circle his middle, forehead resting against his back. The cologne on his body mixed with his natural scent is what keeps you still against him until he turns around to hold you. He needs this hug. You can just tell.
“I owe thirty grand for sinking Topper’s boat.” His voice is defeated, arms limp around your body.
Wherever trouble was, JJ found it. He was always getting into scuffles with the teenagers on the other side of the island, parents turned their noses down at him, and the cops had no problem blaming JJ for crimes he didn’t commit. The boy was an easy target.
You shake your head, refusing to believe his story, but asking the question anyway. “Why’d you do it?”
JJ pulls away, stuffing his hands in his pockets, eyes downcast on the dock. He doesn’t want to tell you the truth, but you have a guess as to who he’s protecting. “Just sick of everyone treating us differently because we live on the poor side of the island. Money isn’t everything, but it’s all these people on Figure Eight know.”
He’s not wrong. The rich kids on Figure Eight can’t separate fantasy from reality. They’ve never known struggle. They’ve always had designer clothes, food on the table, a roof over their heads, plus the perks. Motorcycles. Boats. Cars. Status. Friends. Opportunities. So much more than the average person could afford, or wish for.
And you were one of them.
It’s a wonder how you and JJ became friends. You knew of his hatred for rich kids before you’d even met him. But JJ saw something in you. You weren’t like the rest of them. You had a pure heart, kind soul. Being rich wasn’t a personality trait for you.
“I just,” Dragging a hand through his hair, JJ gazes at you sadly. His frown tugs at your heart. “I just want to get away, you know? I can’t hide it, but I’ve had thoughts about leaving the Cut, the OBX in general.”
Now that’s something you never would of thought would come out of JJ’s mouth. He lived and breathed the Outerbanks. He didn’t know anything else.
“Where would you go?”
He takes a seat on the end of the dock, feet dangling just above the water. You join him, sitting close, head on his shoulder, toes skimming the cool water.  “Paris. England. The Yucatan,” JJ chuckles, nudging you. “That’s long term.”
“What about now?”
JJ exhales, thinking hard. “Maybe Florida. Or Texas. California, possibly. I want to go somewhere warm, like OBX, with a beach and some palm trees,” JJ looks down at the top of your head, resting his cheek on your hair. Your presence calms him. “And I’d take you with me.”
He knocks the breath out of you. You were never one to plan for the future, but the future is all JJ can think about it. And he sees you in his future, wherever he decides to be. How could you possibly tell him that the life that was destined for you would always be in the Outerbanks, breaking his heart in the process?
“Don’t you want to start living? The way we want to?” JJ asks softly, fingertips grazing your leg. Goosebumps rise on your skin at his intimate touch.
“I already am,” you say, considering his words. “My life is here, JJ. I can’t leave it behind.”
“No, it’s not,” JJ retorts instantaneously, voice unwavering. “This life you’re living? It’s not yours. It’s your parents’.”
Bringing your knees to your chin, you reposition yourself to look at JJ, whose staring out at the bay, blue eyes scanning the water, tuffs of blonde hair dancing in the breeze. It’s the first time that night you really took notice of his face. Dried blood dots the corner of his mouth, and a purple bruise rings around his eye. There’s a tick in his jaw and his fingers drum quickly on his leg. He’s tense. “How so?”
He’s never been anything other than blunt. He hides nothing, letting you know how he thinks, what he feels. “Because you don’t stand up to them. They drag you to yacht parties on the weekend because you’ve never told them who your real friends are. They think Susie Milligan and Delia Pratton are your best friends, except they have no idea that you can’t stand them and would rather be surfing with Kie and John B. They make you stay in and study your dad’s old college textbooks, convinced you’re going to be the world’s greatest attorney, but you complain to Pope that the material is dry and you’ll never be happy working as a prosecutor.” Pulling a cigarette from his pocket and then lighting it, JJ takes a drag, puffing out the smoke before turning to face you. “You let them dictate what should be your life. What is it that youwant to do? You never talk about the future, but one day it’ll be here, and it’s sooner than you think.”
His eyes are focused as he waits for you to consider his question. The truth is, you know what you want, but you’ve never said it aloud. No one ever cared to ask, except for now. Except for JJ.
“I want to be a marine biologist,” you’re confident in your answer, and it leads you to spill more. A weight lifts off your shoulders. “I want to go to school in Hawaii or Australia and learn about animals, nature, sea life. I want to surf, fish, and wear flowers in my hair, embrace my free spirit.”
JJ’s smile encourages you. Opening up to him is so easy because he understands. He listens. And he wants the same freedom as you do. The only difference is, JJ will chase after his dreams.
“I want to learn how to play guitar, climb a mountain, run a marathon, learn Chinese, ride in a hot air balloon,” you take a second to catch your breath, feel the chill of the breeze on your legs. “I want to find love. Maybe get married, have a kid or two. Adopt five kittens. Build my own home with a pool that has a waterfall. I want to try escargot, visit a rainforest, and see the Northern Lights. I want so many things, JJ.”
“Then let’s do it,” JJ says, standing and pulling you to your feet. A smile lights up his face as he grabs your hands in his. It’s the happiest you’ve seen him in the last hour, but it contrasts with what you feel inside. “Let’s start living.”
Never gonna change my mind
We can leave it all behind
Nothin’s gonna stop us
No not this time
“Hawaii, huh?”
You look up from your soup. Kiara leans against the bar top, watching you curiously. JJ has gone off to the bathroom, the perfect opportunity for Kiara to grill you with questions.
“He seems pretty adamant,” she remarks, flipping hair over her shoulder. “What’d you say?”
The spoon clinks against the metal bowl as you set it down, dabbing your lips with a napkin. “I didn’t answer.”
“Don’t you think you should?” Kiara asks, playing with the beads on her bracelet. “From what JJ said, he seems pretty sure that wherever he goes, you’re following.”
“Oh, he’s set on us moving to the west coast, but I can’t just leave the OBX,” you counter, shoulders slumping. “My life is here.”
“Then why did you tell him all the things you wanted to do if you don’t ever plan on doing them with him?”
The million-dollar question.
“Because I knew he’d listen,” you say quietly. “I didn’t think he was serious about us leaving together, though. We’re sixteen, Kie. What sixteen year olds do you know drop everything and leave their home behind? And besides,” your laugh comes out strangled, “My parents would never let me leave. You know how they are. They don’t even like that I’m friends with JJ. They think he’s trouble, a bad influence. How do you think they’d react if I just up and left with him?”
Kiara leans in close, whispering, “That’s why you don’t tell them.”
You roll your eyes as Kie laughs. “I’m not going to change my mind on this, Kiara.”
Her face turns serious as she chews on the corner of her lip. The gears turn in her head as she contemplates. “Would it matter if I said JJ’s in love with you?”
Your eyes roam her face, waiting for a laugh, a smile, a teasing wink, but her composure is kept intact as she stares at you. Your face falters. “He—what?”
She nods. “What boy asks a girl to travel the world with him if he’s not in love with her?”
Color creeps up your neck, mouth dry, heart beating irregularly. Your body is jelly, almost sliding off the bar stool, but you slink back further into the chair, hands gripping the arm rests. “Are you sure?”
“If I was a gambler, I’d bet it all. That’s how sure I am.”
“I—no,” you dig in your purse for some cash, slapping the bills down in haste. “I’m either going to disappoint JJ or my parents, and I can’t disappoint my family. So, no, JJ being in love with me doesn’t change anything,” you say, exhaling a breath. “I’m not going with him.”
“Well, that’s good to know.”
Kiara’s eyes expand, and you freeze. JJ’s boots pad against the floor as he pushes through the front door, angrily stomping into the night. You thank Kiara for the dinner before rushing outside to chase a visibly irritated JJ.
“JJ, wait!” Your hand clamps down on his shoulder, spinning him around. The look on his face is disheartening. You try to cradle his cheeks, something you normally did to comfort him, but he pushes your hands away. “Please, stop.”
“You were never planning to come with me, were you?” JJ questions, twirling a few of the rings on his fingers. “You were just…what? Entertaining me?”
“JJ, my life is here, in the OBX!” The words that use to flow perfectly off your tongue don’t even sound right anymore. Part of you doesn’t believe them. “I can’t just leave it all behind. And my parents…God, JJ, they’d never let me go with you. I mean, we’re so young.”
JJ nods, although he doesn’t understand. He knows you. He knows your heart. He knows where you really stand. But he can’t persuade you anymore than he’s tried. “I’m taking my dad’s boat and I am leaving tomorrow. I’m getting out of here because I know what I want and nothing is going to stop me.”
JJ turns, and your heart squeezes as you watch him leave. Your fingers twitch, begging to reach out to him. This can’t be it. He can’t be leaving you. “Is it true?”
He stops in his tracks, glancing over his shoulder.  “Is what true?”
You choke back a soft cry, voice croaking. “Are you in love with me?”
JJ faces you, staring absentmindedly. He wants nothing more than to hold you in his arms, kiss your breath away. But he keeps his distance, shoving his hands back into his pockets, whispering, “It doesn’t matter, because it wouldn’t be enough, anyway.”
Back home, you’re surprised to see your parents still awake, chatting softly at the island in the kitchen. You hastily wipe away any leftover tears before they can hound you with questions.
“You’re home late,” says your father, giving you a look. He’s the stricter parent of the two. “I assume you have a good reason?”
You keep the conversation short. “I got caught up talking to JJ. I lost track of time.”
Your mother wrinkles her nose, wine sloshing in her glass as she takes a sip. “How many times have we told you to stay away from that boy, Y/N? He’s trouble.”
“He’s not trouble,” you fire back, wishing you had come up with a lie instead of telling them the truth. “You’re just judgmental.”
“That’s enough,” your father snaps. He runs a hand over his tired face. Being an attorney has aged him ten years. And to think he wanted to send you down the same dreadful path. “I’m having lunch tomorrow with DA Lance Nicholas. I figured you could come along, ask him some questions--.”
Your mother stares at you quizzically. “No?”
“Is tomorrow a bad time?” asks your father, loosening his tie. “I’m supposed to meet with him next week as well, if that’s better for you.”
You feel the rage building up inside of you as you remember JJ’s words. You let them dictate what should be your life. What is it that you want to do? “No, dad, there will never be a time that’s good for me to meet the DA, because I don’t want to meet him. I don’t want to be a lawyer.”
You’re sure they’ll yell, give you a hard time, but the laughs that come out of their mouths are surprising. You don’t understand why they’re laughing, but you’re determine to stand your ground, speak up.
“You’ve never once asked me what I wanted to do with my life.”
“Well, yes, because—.”
“Because you planned it for me.”
Your mom glances at your dad, unsure of how to continue the conversation. “Sweetie--.”
“I’m not going to law school,” The light dims in your father’s eyes, face growing red as your tone grows serious. He’s silent, but it doesn’t scare you. “Because I want to be a marine biologist.”
“Honey, listen,--.”
“I want to travel, see what the world has to offer me. I’m tired of being your puppet. I’m tired of pretending to like Susie and Delia. I’m tired of going to stupid yacht parties with out of touch rich people. I’m tired of reading college textbooks about a career I don’t even want while I’m still in high school. This is my life, and you don’t get to choose how I live it.”
Your mom speaks up after what feels like an hour of silence. Her eyes are full of sorrow, voice low, disapproving. “What happened to you? You’re so…outspoken.”
“It’s that damn Maybank kid,” your dad’s forceful voice cuts right through you. He slams his fist on the counter, startling your mom. You stand your ground, unflinching. “I always knew he’d corrupt you sooner or later.”
“Corrupt me?” A laugh escapes you. He can’t be serious. “He helped me, dad. He taught me to stand up for myself, which is what I’m doing right now. He taught me that there’s a life outside of our world in Figure Eight. JJ helped me realize that I don’t belong here,” your mother’s face drops. Guilt briefly flickers across your face. “I belong with him, wherever he goes. Whether it be California or Texas or Hawaii. I belong with him.”
“You are sixteen years old,” your father reminds, looking at you in disgust. “You have no clue what you’re talking about or what you are doing. Go on, get out of my sight.”
You shake your head, turning your back on your parents. It didn’t matter what they said. They wouldn’t be able to stop you from chasing your dreams, from living your life the way you wanted to. They could say you were too young, too naïve, until they were blue in the face. But you know what you want, and no one, especially not your parents, would stop you.
So take your hand in mine
It’s ours tonight
This is our rebel love song
Staring down at the note in your hand, you exhale a sigh before dropping it on the kitchen counter. You sign it with a kiss, letting your family know you love them, before venturing outside, quietly closing the door behind you.
The last night in your house was spent packing, constantly checking that your bedroom door was locked to keep the helicopter parents away. There wasn’t much you could fit into the duffel bag, but you squeezed as much as you could, the contents varying from clothing to toiletries to small mementos you didn’t want to leave behind.
The plan was to surprise JJ at the dock. Tugging your duffel higher onto your shoulder, you walk with a content smile.
When you reach the dock, your heart rises to your throat. JJ stands with his back to you, one foot on the dock, the other in the boat. He’s ready to take off, and your legs break out into a sprint, daring him to leave you behind. “JJ!”
The voice makes his ears perk up. He turns, wide-eyed, smile brighter than the gleaming Carolina sun. JJ’s heart swells as he watches the girl he loves run after him, one hand waving frantically in the air, the other tugging the bag higher on her arm.
“JJ, wait!”
But he’s not going anywhere. He’d never go anywhere without you.
You drop the bag onto the dock, launching yourself into JJ’s body. He wobbles slightly, arms coming around your middle, pulling you as far into his chest as you’ll go. You fit perfectly.
“You came,” JJ breathes into your hair, kissing your forehead. The soft pecks are quick, friendly.
It’s not enough for you, though.
You grab his cheeks, pressing your mouth to his, hard. Your heart reacts, beating wildly. The feeling in your body, the sensation you get from kissing JJ, it feels like sunshine. Warm. Blissful. Happy.
There’s no hesitation as JJ kisses you back. His hand creeps up your spine, pressing you impossibly closer to him, almost as if he’s testing to see if you’re real.
It’s all real. You, the kiss, the moment.
He pulls away, slightly breathless. His eyes flicker to the dandelion lying on his drawstring bag, and a smile tugs at his parted lips. He’d picked it for you on his way to the dock, just in case.
“It’s true,” JJ says, reaching down to tenderly pick the flower. Doe-eyed, you watch as he tucks the dandelion behind your ear, shielding the stem with a few strands of your hair. “I am so deeply in love with you.”
“And you were going to leave without ever letting me know.”
“A part of me hoped you wouldn’t let me leave without you,” JJ answers, helping you settle into the boat.
“You’re right,” you smile. “I couldn’t let you leave without knowing I’m in love with you, too.”
The kiss that follows is better than the first. It’s softer, more intimate, and it feels like a rainbow.  
It completes him.
It completes you.
After grabbing your bag from the dock, you help JJ untie the boat before joining him at the wheel. The boat rumbles to life, sailing slowly across the open bay. A new life is just in the distance.
“You ready?” JJ asks. There’s nothing in his eyes other than hope, nothing in his grin other than happiness.
Taking his hand, you smile. “I am now.”
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marinaaniseed · 4 years
Ribbons and leaves
Song: Ribbons and leaves from the album Happiness in magazine by Graham Coxon.
Summary: Bucky finds you after 80 years.
Pairing: Female reader x Bucky Barnes
Length: 1,984 words
Warnings: Some old fashioned attitudes to sex and sexuality, traumatic events in Bucky’s past (including at the hands of HYDRA) and I guess spoilers if you’ve not seen the Captain America films. This one might hurt.
A/N: This was written for @lancsnerd‘s #Lancsnerd1kchallenge. So happy for you, you deserve every follower! I’ve combined it with a songshot, so for clarity, stuff in bold are the lyrics, stuff that’s underlined is my prompt, anything sans formatting is just me. I made myself cry while writing this, so be warned again, this one might hurt. See here for what this is all about.
In an old house, in an old street, Bucky finds you. You’re old too, of course, exactly as he should be.
Sitting in front of the TV, your son lets Bucky in. James, he said his name was. A good name, Bucky thinks, even if he hates it when people call him that.
Bucky’s surprised by the lack of surprise when he appears on your doorstep, like somehow your son was expecting him. He supposes that you told James about him, after the world found out that Bucky Barnes and the Winter Soldier were one and the same.
Tea is brought through on a tray, and James excuses himself, leaving the two of you to talk.
“Took you long enough to find me,” you tell him, turning the TV off and turning to look at him. Time and circumstances have weathered him a little, but essentially he’s still the same man you said goodbye to, back in the 1940s.
“I’m sorry,” Bucky mumbles, because he is. But he’s glad you’re still alive, that he’s found you before it’s too late.
“You’re here now. Better late than never,” you observe. “Got your old cap and tobacco tin, you can finally have them back.”
He’d forgotten about those. It hurts his heart to hear how you kept those things, that you never forgot him, even though he was forced to forget you. It seems you never quite moved on, despite the photos that line the walls.
“I see you have a beautiful family,” Bucky says, looking around the room. He can’t see your husband in any, just two children at various ages, and eventually grandchildren and even great-grandchildren too.
“So do you,” you say softly.
“No, I never settled down,” Bucky notes. But if he had, he would’ve liked it to have been you.
“James, who you met, is named after his father. He and his sister were born eight months after I last saw you,” you state, not sure what else to say.
You can pinpoint the exact moment that it finally dawns on Bucky. His eyes go wide, skin goes deathly pale, and he opens and shuts his mouth several times, failing to make any noises.
“I have a son? And a daughter? Do they know? Did James know?” he eventually stutters.
“They’ve always known, I never hid from them who their father was,” you tell Bucky. “James has my late husband’s surname, but he always knew you were his father.”
“That’s why he wasn’t surprised to see me,” Bucky surmises, kicking himself for not finding you sooner.
“Correct. When I found out, I wrote to you. My letters went unanswered and I got in contact with your sister, trying to find out what was wrong. How we prayed for you to come on home. Eventually, we got the news that you’d fallen to your death,” you explain.
Bucky shudders at the memory. In a lot of ways, it would’ve been better if he had died that day, instead of enduring what HYDRA put him through.
“My soldier, my dead prince. You can understand the predicament I was in. An unwed mother to be. Marriage was the solution for me and for my husband. He was a queer fella, a friend, needed a wife so that the navy didn’t find out what he really liked. A practical solution for all,” you note. “He died in Europe, too, but at least I got to play the part of the honourable widow, with two young children, instead of the stigma of having two bastards.”
That explained why your husband was missing from all of the photos.
“And you never remarried?” Bucky asks. He imagines how he feels right now is comparable to the shock Steve must’ve felt when he realised that Bucky was still alive.
“Never,” you note. “I married for practical reasons, the only way I’d do it again was for love, and the man I love was gone.”
It doesn’t escape Bucky’s notice that you said love, not loved. He moves to sit next to you, taking your hands in his. So small and delicate in comparison.
“I love you,” he says, blinking back tears. “I’m sorry you lived all of this without me. I’m sorry you never knew that I was still alive.”
“It’s ok, you’re here now,” you tell him, handing him a tissue from the box on the table. “You’re here now, it’s not too late. Everyone will be so excited to meet you.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, doll. I’m the thing that monsters have nightmares about. Or I was,” Bucky says, gnawing on his lip. “I don’t want to intrude into your lives or cause any bother.”
There’s a soft knock on the door, and James enters, a tiny sleeping baby in his arms.
You give him a smile and a nod to let him know that it’s ok, that Bucky knows.
“So, uh, dad,” James starts softly with a smile, so like Bucky’s own that he can see that this is definitely his son. Tears start rolling down Bucky’s face, moistening his facial hair. He never thought anyone would call him dad, and now here is this man, who looks old enough to be his father, calling him dad.
“Since you never got to hold any of us when we were small, I wondered if you wanted to hold Samantha? She’s my first granddaughter. We brought her round to see mum today,” James says, stepping towards them with the baby.
It’s all too much. Bucky’s heart shatters at the thought of all that he’s missed. His own son is here, in the twilight of his life, and Bucky’s missed it all. He sobs softly and you put your arm around him. James sits down on the other side of him, holding the still sleeping baby.
“Are you sure?” Bucky asks, voice breaking. “Are you sure you trust me? You know what I’ve done.”
“Of course I trust you, you’re my dad,” James observes, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Even when we found out about the Winter Soldier, about you, mum never believed it was really you doing those things.”
“The man I knew wouldn’t, couldn’t do those things,” you tell Bucky. “They took the gentlest man in the world and turned him into a machine. I’m glad they couldn’t erase all of you.”
One day, maybe, he’ll sit down and tell you, tell James, everything that happened, everything he can remember. It’ll take time, because there’s so much he needs to know, so much he wants to catch up on and understand.
Carefully, James places the baby in Bucky’s arms. Her hair is so dark and chocolatey, just like his. She stirs slowly, but doesn’t cry, blinking open big eyes. They’re the same shade as yours. Even so many generations down the line, parts of you and parts of Bucky are still evident. Samantha tries to focus on Bucky and her mouth forms a small smile. Bucky smiles back, trying not to cry again.
It’s been so long since he held a baby, probably not since his sister.
“Did you ever meet my sister?” Bucky asks James.
“Aunt Beccy was the only real family we had,” James answers. “Albert’s family, mum’s husband’s family, lost touch with us after he died. Moved away to Hawaii. We didn’t have any cousins, so Beccy treated us like her own. I’m sorry she died without knowing you were alive.”
“It’s ok, it’s better that she didn’t know what I did,” Bucky insists.
A tiny hand grips his vibranium thumb. Something so beautiful, tiny, and innocent, unwittingly grasping a weapon.
No, that’s wrong. He’s not a weapon anymore, he’s not the Asset.
Bucky’s so lost, staring at his smiling great-granddaughter that he doesn’t notice more people have joined them.
A small boy, probably just around school age, stops in front of you.
“Happy birthday, grandnan,” he says cheerfully to you, holding out a handmade card covered in glitter and stickers.
“Thank you, Tristan,” you tell him with a smile. “Is this why I wasn’t allowed in the kitchen until you were done?”
The boy nods, hair flopping forwards. While your hair is white now, the colour Bucky remembers lives on with this small boy.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry,” Bucky mumbles, cheeks heating up. “I completely forgot it was your birthday.”
“I’d prefer to forget it,” you reassure him. “But apparently, when you get to our kind of age, every birthday is a big one. Does that mean I’m older than you now?”
“You’ll always be my baby girl,” he says. “Looks can be deceiving, but you can’t change facts.”
“Do you know who this is?” you ask Tristan, gesturing towards Bucky.
He looks between you, James, and Bucky, trying to make the connection.
“Granddad's dad?” he ventures.
“Yeah, that’s right honey bun. Granddad's dad,” you explain.
“Why isn’t he old like you and granddad?” he asks, and Bucky’s glad when he hears you laugh, even though James tries to tell him that’s not a polite question.
“You remember at school when you learned about Captain America? Something similar happened,” you answer, to Bucky’s relief. That’s not a story he wants to tell a small child.
“You were frozen?”
“Yeah,” Bucky says, because that’s not exactly a lie.
“Why is your arm made of metal?”
James tries to shush him again, but Bucky understands. The kid is curious. He would’ve been exactly the same at that age.
“I lost it in an accident,” Bucky says. “I can take it off if it’s scaring you.”
“You can take off your arm? That’s so cool, I wanna see!”
“Sorry about that,” a man with a moustache says, trying to steer the kid away. “He doesn’t quite understand that some questions are impolite.”
“I don’t mind,” Bucky reassures him. “I’d have a lot of questions if I was him.”
The kid could be standing on his balls and he’d still be over the moon.
“This is my son Michael and his wife Jessica,” James tells Bucky. “You already know, but this is my dad, James.”
“Bucky,” he says instinctively.
“Nice to meet you,” Bucky’s grandson and wife say in unison.
“Thank you for letting me hold your daughter,” he says, handing Samantha back to her wary mother.
Your hand strokes Bucky’s hair. It’s even softer than you remember it being. A shiver runs up his spine as he recalls that last night you spent together, how you’d stroked his hair then.
As soon as there’s space, Tristan clambers into Bucky’s lap, determined to monopolise the attention of this strange man with a metal arm.
“Metal granddad,” Tristan tells him, making Bucky laugh.
“Sure, you can call me that. Or you can call me Bucky,” he says, not really sure what the kid should call him. He’s still getting his head around James calling him dad.
Tristan tries to hug him in his tiny arms, face buried into Bucky’s chest.
“I love you, metal granddad,” he says.
“I love you too,” Bucky replies. It’s been decades since he’s heard those words said to him.
But now he sits surrounded by a small portion of his family, a family he never knew he had. Bucky’s overwhelmed by all these faces, so happy to see him at last. Now that he’s taken this first small step, he can’t wait to meet the others.
Even when he didn’t know who he was, he was loved.
“Mum never stopped loving you, none of us did,” James mumbles next to him, as if he can hear Bucky’s thoughts.
“I can see that,” he says with a smile, still cuddling Tristan.
“I guess you didn’t either,” James continues, “because you finally found us.”
If the monsters could see him now, they wouldn’t have nightmares about him. It’s a thought that makes Bucky very glad indeed.
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crowdedimagines · 5 years
I Married Your Daughter - David Dobrik
word count: 1957 an// i saw someone post that they wanted a fic about david marrying jason’s daughter instead of his mom!! loved the idea so here it is. sorry if someone else already wrote this concept too ~
I have an idea.
That one text from David was a sure sign that he’s up to no good.
What are you up to now?
Instead of responding to my text, David calls me.
“Hi, Y/n.” David sings into the phone.
“Oh no, this is bad.” I laugh, “You’re calling me? What evil prank do you have against my dad?”
“I want to marry you.”
The air falls out of my lungs causing me to cough and choke.
“What?” I ask after recovering. I can hear David still laughing at my reaction.
“I want to marry you, then I’ll be Jason’s son. And then I married his daughter.”
“It’s brilliant.” I agree, it’s the perfect bit for the vlog and I know that my dad will be obviously shocked.
“Can I fly out to see you then?”
I can tell just by his voice that he’s smirking right now.
“Are you in, Y/n?”
I pace back and forth for a couple of seconds, I take a deep breath and shake my head with realizing my answer.
“I’m in.”
I know David better than I would like to, even better if we follow through on his latest idea. I spend my time fairly split between New York and Los Angeles. I go to school in New York, but I fly home pretty often. David and I are close friends, occasionally it seems like like there could be more. We usually only flirt to bother my dad, this might kill him.
It takes David a couple of days to get everything set up and fly out to New York. He shows up to my door, vlog camera in hand.
“Hi.” He has his typical overly excited dopey grin on his face.
“Hey.” I open the door wider to my apartment to let him in. He sets up his camera on gets down on one knee.
“David, you’re ridiculous.” I laugh covering my mouth.
“Y/n Nash, will you marry me?” He is laughing too, unable to wipe the grin off of his face.
“Yes.” I answer with a roll of my eyes.
David gets up and picks me up with him, we both spin around laughing.
“You’re so stupid.” I laugh, finally getting to place my feet back on the ground.
“This is going to be my best vlog yet. We leave in three hours.”
“Three hours? David.” I smack his chest. Before I know it we’re on a plane and on our way to Vegas. Natalie and Zane are meeting us there to be our witnesses. We have to get our marriage licence before we head over to the chapel.
“Nat, help me pick out a dress.”
She follows me into a dressing room with racks and racks of dresses that people use to get married here.
“This is the one.” She holds up a dress.
“What?” I turn to see the one she’s holding up.
“This dress is made for you, Y/n.”
I get in the dress and help her find a bridesmaid dress. Zane films for David and I follow Natalie as we walk down the aisle.
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“Y/n” David can only muster my name with his jaw on the floor quietly he mutters a ‘holy shit’.
“Like the dress?” I tease.
David clears his throat and we proceed with the ceremony.
“With this ring I marry you.” David slides the ring he got for me over my finger.
The priest gestures for me to do the same with his ring.
“With this ring, I marry you.” I smile, sliding his ring on his finger.
“With the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
David leans down and for the first time ever we kiss. I can hear Zane and Natalie cheering, but I’m only focused on David’s lips that are still on mine. Reluctantly, we pull away and smile for the cameras.
“You guys are married!” Natalie pulls me in for a hug.
“Oh my god, we’re married.” It suddenly hits me, I’m a wife. David and I are married.
“It’s too late to take it back now, Y/n.” David teases as he pulls me in for a side hug.
Shortly after that, we hop on another plane and head to Hawaii. Zane and Natalie went back to L.A. Jason thinks that David was in Chicago. We’re flying to Hawaii for only a day before heading to L.A to surprise my dad.
“I’ve never been to Hawaii before.” I admit as the plane slowly lands.
“Wait, never?” David asks, obviously shocked.
“What about the trips Jason took Charlie and Wyatt to see your mom?”
“I was graduated by then. Out of the house and in New York.”
“Well, now we need to do all of the Hawaii cliches.”
“What?” I thought we were taking a couple of pictures to gloat and going home.” I laugh.
“Not anymore.”
David wasn’t kidding when he said that we were doing all of the cliches of Hawaii. We went snorkeling, surfing, and finally skydiving. It was a day packed full of everything.
“That was the most fun thing I’ve ever done.” I cheer.
David and I just finished skydiving and it was amazing. I couldn’t stop screaming and smiling at the same time. David too, he seemed nervous at first even though he had done it before.
“That was so much fun!” I say without even trying to hide the joy in my voice. I’m still not over it even now when we’re trying to find our hotel room.
“I know, this has been the best Hawaii trip yet and we’ve only had one day here.”
“Wow, it must be me. I’m just so much fun to be around.” I grin.
He stops at our door and looks to me, a smirk on his face. “Yeah, you are.”
I gulp, noticing how close we are. I take a step back and David puts the keycard in the door and holds it open for me. We both decide to move past and ignore whatever that moment was.
I walk into the room and it’s nice, it’s huge with a view of the ocean and a separate room.
“Y/n!” David calls from the bedroom.
I turn away from the window and follow where his voice was coming from. As soon as I walk in I am ambushed with bright red and pink everything. The walls, the pillows, the bed, everything. Rose petals are scattered on the bed.
“Natalie must’ve told them it was our honeymoon.” David pushes his hair back off of his head, obviously nervous. “I didn’t plan anything! I would never do-”
“I know, David.” I laugh and place a reassuring hand on his chest. “It’s not a big deal.”
We both notice my hand, which is still resting on his chest. I look up from my hand to catch his eyes, they’re staring at my lips.
“David.” I whisper, this successfully grabs his attention and he focuses on my eyes again.
He leans in closer and I tilt my head up for our lips to meet. It’s perfect, just like our first. His lips are warm and inviting, they make you melt into them. I take a couple of steps back until we land on the bed.
I can’t fight off the laugh which makes David pull away.
“What’s so funny?” He asks.
“We’re married. We’re making out. We’re on a bed full of rose petals.” I smile. David smiles too and pushes hair back behind my ear.
“We’re married, Y/n. That’s crazy.” He presses kisses all over my neck.
“I know.” I smirk, enjoying the feeling of his lips all over my neck.
“Y/n Dobrik.” David whispers the words against my skin.
“What’d you just say?” I ask, pulling lightly on his hair to pull him back up to me.
“I said, Y/n Dobrik. It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?” He has the best smile on his face. The smile I know so well. The perfect David smile that creates butterflies in my stomach.
“I think so too.”
It went all too fast. All too soon we had to check out of our hotel and get on a plane back to Los Angeles.
“I’m kinda nervous for his reaction now.” David’s hand is holding onto mine.
“Don’t be. He’ll be fine. I’m the son he’s always wanted.”
I know he’s joking, but it makes me happy anyway. We make it back to the house and Jason and a few other people from the friend group are already at the house. David has me go in through the garage door.
“Jason, I have a surprise for you.”
“What are you up to?” I can hear the nervous edge in my dad’s voice.
“I married your daughter!” David just blurts it.
“You didn’t.” He tries so shut it down, he doesn’t want to play along with this joke.
“I flew to New York two days ago and proposed. Then we got married in Vegas, and honeymooned in Hawaii.”
My dad starts laughing, obviously not believing a single word of what he’s saying.
“I have the legal papers right here, and I have her here.”
I make my grand entrance and hold up my hand with a shiny new ring on it.
“Y/n, why would you do this?”
“Why wouldn’t I marry the hot millionaire who I’ve been flirting with for ages now.” I tease. David wraps his arm around my waist.
“This is so wrong.” Jason hides his face in his hands. “Y/n Y/M/N Nash, your mom is going to kill you.”
“Don’t you mean Y/n Y/M/N Dobrik?”
The whole group breaks out in laughter. We spend the rest of the time hanging out and having  a good time with a good group of friends. Everyone stayed until it got late and they had to go home. David has his arm wrapped around my shoulder, we’re the only ones left in the living room.
“Hey, do you regret getting married? I know we aren’t completely serious about this. But what happened last night. I can’t get it out of my head.”
“I can’t either. And no, I don’t regret getting married. Not yet at least.”
David flips us down to lay horizontal on the couch. We start making out, something that in a few days we have both grown used to.
“When do you have to go back to New York?” David asks quietly, his question has bummed him out.
“Not for a couple of days. I’ll be gone for two weeks and then I graduate.”
“Does that mean you’ll be coming back to L.A.?” He instantly perks up.
“I think so.”
“Good, you can’t leave your husband for too long.”
“Hmm, my husband?” I laugh.
“Yes, your husband. I want to make this work, even if this wasn’t the most conventional way to start a relationship.”
I couldn’t agree with him more. This is too good to throw away or pass up on. Hell, he’s my husband now.
“Me too. We’ll make whatever this is work.”
“I’m really glad we got married.”
“I can’t believe it took us getting married for you to grow the balls to make this happen.” I shake with laughter thinking of all the times we flirted, but he bailed because of nerves.
“Shut up!”
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magnumdays · 4 years
The Episode of Lost Opportunities AKA 2x16
SO I wrote this before watching the promo, then I did and now I know most of us are just FREAKING out about next week (and I’m freaking out the most because ummm they’remakingmyfanficintoanactual EPISODE!!! How does one deal with this????)  but if you want a break from freaking out, here are some thoughts on last night’s episode!
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So even though 2x16 was perfectly enjoyable, I’m going to have to officially re-name it “The Episode of Lost Opportunities” because there were so many plots and just tid-bits they could have done great things with.
So yeah not really a review today, instead I’m going to (in true Jenny Nicholson fashion) make a numbered list of things I think they should have added /done something with, in no particular order.
Miss nr. 1. Not having Higgy tease Magnum back with British pet names. I’m honestly devastated by this. Like what would a little sarcastic “come on luv” or a “Dearie, come here” from Juliet have cost them? The closest we got was Babe take our selfie.
Nr. 2. Not having Mr. Dorky Helpful But Cute guy ask Higgy out. I really thought this was where it was going with him being all “it’s just our second date, we met online” and yeah even though he looked about 12, it would have fit the episode. 
Plus they could have had Magnum standing to the side gesturing like “go for it” and her either saying yes or no and later her and Magnum having a little chat about it. The Yes with him being all “I convinced you to do it” proud and also mildly jealous. The No, with her being all “he’s a suspect” or “he went on a love bus tour!” or “I’m not ready, bc of the dead fiance, remember him?”
Nr. 3. Which takes us neatly to - drowned guy should be bringing up some feelings for Juliet as I’m fairly certain back in Day of The Viper they mention something about how Richard washed up on the shores of something-something (I mean obvs he was shot before but I’d still imagine some associations there).
Also her own almost drowning in 1x19 (even if this episode’s dude wasn’t drowned, it did seem so at first and he was still in the water). I just feel maybe there could have been some feelings here that our favorite duo actually talked about. Just a nice little call back to either one of those would have been great. One line! Is that too much to ask for?
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Nr. 4 on the list of missed opportunities is for me going to be Theresa (Teresa?). TC’s old flame. And this is a big one! 
I honestly would have loved it if they went with this - as in have him not be so damned noble and let the childhood sweetheart go. Like, why not have them actually try to make a go at it?
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Maybe she could have been there with just her boyfriend rather than husband to make it less of a thing and then maybe give it an episode or two and have them talk over the internet before she comes back and they get back together! Because why can’t anyone have a girlfriend? Like why do all of the guys need to be such lone wolves? 
I mean, I get it, because they are a family/brothers, but having even just one more minor female recurring would be interesting and would add dimension to the gang and characters!
Now this is like one of those random side plots that don’t really do much because in the end nothing has changed. Other than us learning a little more about TC, which is nice, but it doesn't seem like it will actually impact future episodes and didn’t really connect a whole lot with the episode. TC is just off getting closure to a relationship we never knew he needed closure for. Which means we’re not super invested.
I feel like this is a bit of a problem with the show in general. We get really nice and moving and character developing stuff for characters we haven’t been shown to need, as with Kumu last week and now TC. Rick and his dying “dad” Ice-Pick and even Shammie with his lying army buddy. Even Gordon and his son. Jin and his sisters and that’s why he steals.
These things could all have had 100 times more impact if they’d established these problems/ relationships earlier. Like if we had learned Kumu's husband had cheated on her and had a child with another woman (or maybe that Kumu is a bit sad she never had kids on her own) sometime before - over the past 30 episodes, wouldn’t last week’s episode, where she finally reaches out to the husband’s kid, would have been so much more emotionally satisfying? 
Same if Theresa had been mentioned as TC’s great love and maybe him being sad some episodes ago (or even back in 1x19 when his dad doesn't come to visit - that could have been about him seeing a post about her getting married and him being upset about it and connecting with Rick about that.) 
Like I get that maybe sometimes they just throw random things in there but at the same time why do they need to do that? Want to do that? Isn’t there someone keeping track of the big picture? Giving characters long running story arcs over a season or even multiple ones should be someone’s job. 
If it’s not, I volunteer! 
Seriously Lenkov I’m currently unemployed and totally up for it, just give me a call! I already know we think the same... (Marriage of Inconvenience). 
Nr. 5 Not having Gordon comment something on the fact that he’s been called to a murder scene on a Island Love tour bus site by his favorite PI duo. Like yeah they’d have told him why they were there but he still should have teased them about it! Like “What were you two doing here anyways? Something going on?” and both of them giving a horrified “NO!”.
Nr. 6 when the guy says “is he crazy?” after Magnum jumped into the waterfall pool thing, not having Higgy be all “Yes, he is”, then jumping in after him, was a huge miss. That would have been so funny and shown how much alike they are (even if Higgy will always be the sane one...)
Nr. 7. Not having Magnum and Higgins try to pretend to be together when the bus driver catches them. I mean come on! At least some more hand holding! Snuggling? I’m not saying to just kiss already okay maybe I am saying that.
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Nr. 8. Not one real Miggy moment in this episode? I mean lots of bickering and maybe for a moment with her being all “well done” when he tells the cheating a-hole he’s an idiot for having an affair. And if the camera had stayed on him for a few seconds more when they’re toasting at the end we know we’d have gotten a Mangum looks had Higgy soft heart eyes moment. But we didn’t. But other than that, not really much feel-y moments even if we got plenty of cute stuff.
Nr. 9.  Sandy and how they find out Sandy is the killer! Like what? She cut the bus’s fuel line  which makes no sense, she’d wouldn’t want to trap herself right?  Sandy if you’d just not cut the fuel line and stayed with the group, you’d have been taken back to civilization and no one would have figured you out! Or you should have left right away on car/4-wheeler you must have prepared for escape, not stayed around! You could have left down long before the cops got there or the autopsy revealed anything. Same for why does she give her knife to her date? Why not just throw the knife away? She’s in the jungle, big chance it will be found. Not.
And why kill someone in the middle of nowhere, making yourself one of the, like, 8 suspects? Like come on girl, for a hit woman you’re not that clever. Also if you had a gun, why strangle a guy 2x your size? That’s not a smart plan either. Just get a silencer and shoot the guy when he’s on his morning jog back in the city or something! I feel like the only reason they had her be the baddie was so Magnum/ Higgins could say “Shot through the heart” // “How is that for poetic” all dramatically after Gordon took her down.
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Problem nr. 10. Tied in with this I just think Sandy as the killer should have not happened. 
In fact, I think having the sweet loving wife as the killer would have been wonderful. 
It would have been a much better twist! Dead guy could have been poisoned (traditional how wive’s kill their husbands… just saying) and then he fell off the cliff. They could surely have found some weird clue to that, like maybe his throat is all swollen and stuff to make them think foul play and then when they’re moving the body towards the end, Magnum realizes it’s poison.
But Higgy stayed back with the ‘grieving’ asthmatic widow and oh no! Must rush back to save my one true love platonic partner. 
We could have had some sort emotional moment where the Wife got Higgy with a knife at her throat and is all “He was supposed to be my best friend, my partner, my everything and he did X” and Magnum being all “Well that woman you’re holding a knife to is my (best) friend, my partner and she didn’t do anything so please put the knife down!” Or something. 
I mean I know that sounds like I’m off in Miggy fanfiction land but honestly I think they could have made it work (this is hilarious when re-reading after watching next weeks trailer). She could have teased him about the best friend bit but then she could have been all soft, “Thomas. Thank you. I’m glad you're my friend.” And the episode could have ended with how love just never seems to end well for anyone which would have been way more on theme for the vibes in this episode (and frankly whole show because no one gets to have a romantic relationship for more than, like, 3 episodes).
Nr. 11. Higgins hair. Not putting it in the fluffy “Blood In the Water” style was a big miss because that hair made her look so freaking adorable. Just saying. I mean both my babies are always adorable I just love the poofy fluff hair from that ep!
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Anyways, those were my 11 missed opportunities for episode sixteen!
My fave bits were Magnum and Higgins fake couple thing at the start. Magnum being all like “While we’re up here we might as well take a selfie!” and then when talking to the old couple his, *I’m just gonna keep my hand here, on your waist! I’m real smooth* move. 
I enjoyed the fast action pack-ed-ness of the whole ep and the pretty Hawaii scenery we got. The more I watch Magnum PI the more I want to visit Hawaii (one day when there is no Corona, I’m much richer and 20h airplane rides are suddenly comfortable, I will!) and just enjoying all the amazing natural beauty and stuff.
The Rick and TC’s interactions were also highlights, I loved the whole “just pretend to walk by”. Like so middle-school yet so relatable because who hasn’t done that when we’re like, is that Lisa from second grade? And just we walked down the cat food aisle perusing cat food (when we most def. don’t have a cat), just to check if it is indeed Lisa.
Also this made me crack up so hard.
Magnum: Muffin? 
Higgy: Could you please not refer to me as a breakfast pastry.
That’s just so on point for Higgy I can’t even!
You guys agree with my missed opportunities? Or have any of your own for this or any other episodes?
(And who is desperately searching for a time machine to steal so it can be next week - right this minute!! LIKE!!! I’m still freaking out from the trailer.)
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
“how the hell does a broken heart learn to mend itself?”
Would you ever like to own your own gym? No.
Do you listen to Christina Perri? If so, do you like her music? Jar of Hearts and A Thousand Years are a few of my favorites of hers. Oh, and Human. <<< Yeah, I liked those as well. I think those are the only ones I’m familiar with of hers. I haven’t listened to her music in a long time.
When was the last time you went to Wal-Mart? Back in March before the quarantine/lockdown and shit really hit the fan.
Which is worse: Runny nose or stuffy nose? Both are very annoying, but feeling like you can’t breathe is definitely the worst. 
Do you hate how people are quick to judge? i think we all have that tendency, some more than others. It can be an issue when you let that judgment form your whole opinion about a person without even knowing them. Except in extreme cases of course when it a quick judgment could be useful, like if you’re feeling uncomfortable or someone appears to be sketchy. 
Has anyone ever made you feel small? Yes.
Would you rather give your food to a homeless shelter or money to charity? Food to a homeless shelter would be more direct and immediate. When you donate money to a charity you don’t really know when or how it gets used, exactly. And it can take time to be sorted out and distributed. That being said, of course donating to charities is good and important and will help in the long run. I’m just saying, donating food to a homeless shelter would be something they could use immediately and benefit them directly. Does any of this make sense?
Can you tell when your best friend is lying? I think I’m typically pretty good at that.
Would you pay extra money for make up just to make you look prettier? Ha, all the makeup in the world didn’t make a difference for me. Still ugly. I stopped even bothering with it.
Do you like to look at license plates to see where people are from? I don’t pay much attention to that.
Are you more hungry or tired right now? I’m both. My sleep schedule continues to be weird. I fell asleep around 230AM until about 4AM and then fell asleep again shortly after that until like 7:45AM. Now it’s 8:46AM and here I am. Like wtf? And lately I’ve been having a bit more of an appetite, so I’ve been feeling hungrier earlier than usual and actually eating more than just dinner and my late bowl of ramen. My body is such a mess.
Do you follow your head or heart more? It’s a battle.
On a scale 1-10 how much do you like my surveys? I’m assuming the same person has made the last few I’ve done with this same kind of format, in which case they’ve been fine. 
Do you think you deserve more than what you have? I don’t think I deserve anything. 
Would you ever spend $2,000 on a dress? I can’t imagine ever spending that much on a dress. I don’t plan on getting married, but even if I did I’d find something a lot less expensive. 
“Reach out to you, touch my hand”
Have you ever made fresh dough? No.
When you were little, did you used to make cookies with your mom? Yeah.
Has anyone ever said "Say it, don't spray it" to you? lol yeah, when I was a kid.
What is your least favorite type of person? Arrogant, cocky, close minded people.
True or False : Superman is your favorite super hero. False.
Have you ever drank Silk milk? Yeah. Well, I don’t drink it directly (or any kind of milk for that matter, ew), but I use soy in coffee drinks, cereal, or to dunk cookies or brownies or something. I tend to use vanilla almond milk more often, though.
What color is your camera? I use the camera on my phone, which is a coral iPhone XR.
When you create a survey, do you usually make the title lyrics? I don’t create surveys.
Do you play Cityville, Farmville or Frontierville on Facebook? Nope. Never got into any of those.
Do you tend to complain when its to hot out? Ugh, yes. I’m miserable when it’s hot and everyone knows it lol.
Flip flops or tennis shoes? Tennis shoes. I never wear flip flops or any kind of sandal or open toed shoe.
Do you like your fingernails long or short? They’re always barely there cause I’ve had this horrible habit all my life. Well, with the exception of the very few times I managed to stop and let them grow a decent length. Never lasted long, though.
Have you made anyone laugh today? I haven’t interacted with anyone yet today.
Would you like to go to South America? Sure.
Have you ever read Time magazine? I think so.
“Tonight we’re going to dance on the edge of the Hollywood sign”
Do you use the gel, spray or powdered deodorant? I think it’s called a solid.
Do you own a pearl necklace? No. I used to, but it broke. 
Do you know anyone named Julie? No.
What's your favorite candle scent? I love the autumn scented ones.
Does anyone you know own a motorcycle? Yes.
How many different languages can you say “hello” in? Just a few. I don’t feel like thinking about how many different ones right now.
Do you like Train’s music? Yeah. 
Have you ever accidentally clicked on an ad on the side of your screen? Yeah, back in the day when ads were annoying and popped up all the time. I haven’t had that issue in years.
Do you like dark or light pop/soda better? My favorite sodas are Coke and Dr. Pepper, which happen to be dark.
Have you ever been told you were a good dance? No.
Do you own one of those small, battery powered fans? I do.
When you sleep, do you like it complete silence or do you like sound? I need some sound and light, hence why I sleep with the TV on. I have it completely quiet or dark.
Was it cloudy today or clear sky? It’s supposed to be clear skies. Do you like the show Seinfiled or Friends? I never got into either one.
Would you rather have bad breath or body odor? Ew.
“I’m gonna sleep in my Snuggie tonight.”
Have you ever ridden in a hot air balloon? Noooo. I never would.
Do you hate it when people get obsessed with their boyfriend/girlfriend? I had friends who obsessively talked about their significant others and it did get quite annoying, not gonna lie.
Have you ever been to Nevada? Yes.
Are you dating the boy/girl of your dreams? I’m single.
Do you watch Glee? No, I never got into it.
Do you like coffee? I love coffee. Duh.
Do you like applesauce? Yeah. Wow, I don’t recall the last time I had any, though.
When was the last time you had a nightmare? It’s been awhile, thankfully.
Have you ever had a manicure? Once. It was for my 8th grade promotion.
Do you like graphic tees? Ha, my whole wardrobe is graphic tees. And leggings.
Are you the type of person who is always yelling? Not at all.
Do you like Willow or Jaden Smith better? I don’t have any feelings about either one.
Is anything making you mad right now? No.
Name one thing you've NEVER done but want to: Go to Hawaii.
Ever seen the movie Shark Tale? I know of it, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it.
“No matter what, I’ll never stop loving you”
Do you like Italian food? I love it.
Which would you rather have: drama or no friends? I have no friends now and I’m honestly okay with it.
Do you own a black necklace? No.
Would you rather have white & crooked teeth or straight teeth that are yellow? How ‘bout straight and white teeth.
How many notifications do you have on Facebook right now? Zero.
Do you smile or laugh more? Uhh I don’t know.
Have you ever tried Nutella? Yes, and I don’t like it. <<< Saaame. I don’t get the hype.
What age did you stop watching Spongebob? I was never really into it, I just caught some episodes because my younger brother loved it as a kid.
Have you ever seen the show Boy Meets World? Yeah, I’ve seen the entire series numerous times. It’ll always be a favorite.
Have you received bad news within the past week? No. 
What's your favorite color of highlighter? Yellow or orange is fine.
Do you celebrate the 4th of July? I mean, we go outside to my front yard and watch fireworks lol that’s about it.
Are you better at Math or Social Studies? Social studies. Math and I were always enemies.
Do you like the name Lindsey? Sure.
Do you have a teacher that your close to? Not anymore, but yeah I had a couple.
“We’ll go down just like Titanic”
When you eat, do you always use a napkin? Yes.
On a scale 1-10 how much do you like hot dogs? It’s one of those weird things that I have to be in the mood for, which is very, very rare. It’s not something I ever crave. I haven’t even had one in years. Although, a Costco hotdog is pretty delicious.
Have you ever been on a cruise ship? Nope.
Is your phone a flip, sliding or touch? It’s a touch-screen - most phones are nowadays. <<<
Are you okay right now? I don’t feel well.
Do you own a blue dress? No.
When you look at the person you like, does it seem like its only you two? I don’t currently like anyone in that way.
Do you like pizza crust with cheese in it? It’s good, but it’s not something I tend to get.
Do you like copy paper or lined paper better? Lined paper. 
Are you listening to music? Nope.
Have you ever gone swimming in the moonlight? Nope.
Is it AM or PM right now? It’s AM.
Who is your cell phone carrier? Verizon.
Do you hate public speaking? Haaaaaate. So glad I don’t have to do speeches or presentations for school anymore. It never got any easier, it was always super anxiety inducing and dreadful for me.
Have you ever been in a band? No.
“We can go to the alligator sky”
Are you more of a follower or leader? I definitely don’t see myself as a leader.
Would you rather: write a 10 page short story or do public speaking? The 10 page paper. 
Did you eat any type of fruit today? No. It’s been awhile since I’ve had any fruit. :X
Do you enjoy bowling? Nah.
Do you like the smell of rain? Yesss.
Have you ever seen or been in quicksand? No.
Do you want to get married in a church or somewhere else? I don’t want to get married.
Have you ever played hard to get? No. I’m just hard to want.
Do you go to the fair during the summer? No.
Are more mean or nice? I’m not a mean person.
Do you go tanning? I don’t ever “go” tanning, but it happens when I go to the beach. 
Can you speak Spanish? Not fluently, but yes.
Is it hard for your to compliment people? Only because I’m just shy and awkward.
Are you a goodie goodie or a bad person? I was always the goodie-goodie.
Would you rather visit Chicago or New York City? New York City.
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Listen, I’m not going to tag this in the fandom, because I don’t want to be involved with fandom drama, but I’ve had a couple people ask me things,so I’ll make a blanket post and hope you see it.
I don’t want to talk about what’s going on. I will still be watching The 100 for the rest of the season. Yes, I still ship Bellarke. No, I’m not sure if I’m still going to create content for them. It’s going to depend.
Personal context below the cut. I don’t mind talking openly about this now, but I was scared of it for a long time. 
Strangely enough, I was also in a verbally and emotionally abusive relationship for three and a half years. I got out of it... six years ago? And I’m still affected by it to this day. 
I’m 5′7″ and when I moved in with my ex, I was 130 pounds. He told me, as a joke, that I had to pay an additional 5 dollars in rent for every pound I gained, but I could pay 5 dollars less in rent if I lost weight. He “affectionately” called me thunder thighs. My emotional reactions to things tend to be tempered. That’s how I’ve always been. I know I scream my excitement on the internet a lot, but that’s not how I am in real life. So, my ex used to get upset about that. One time, he cleaned the entire house and I thanked him. He wanted a ‘jumping up and down’ reaction and my thanks wasn’t good enough. When we would get into arguments, he would call me an emotional robot and tell me that it sucked that I couldn’t even emote for him. He would berate me and yell at me until I cried and then tell me that I was being manipulative for crying. He used to call my father and brother trash and my mother fat and my extended family ‘white trash’ and say that he was glad that I could have a normal example of what family was like. He let his rugby coach grab my ass and said “that’s just how he is” and told me to “hang out against the wall with the other girlfriends”. He quit his job without talking to me about it, leaving me to support both of us on $18/hour, which is not feasible in Seattle. He would get upset at me when we had to accept groceries from his parents. The only reason we were able to stay in the house we were in was because our roommate was giving me a break on the rent and his mom was paying part of the rent. I couldn’t have male friends. I couldn’t even have my female best friend. Every time I would spend time with her, he would get angry. He constantly trashed my hometown, calling everyone there hicks and mocking the annual festival and parade that I’m still very much involved in. He mocked my gay friends behind their backs. He used racial and homophobic slurs to refer to his friends ‘fondly’. It is fucking hard to get out of a situation like this, even when you realize that it’s one you should be getting out of. It took me two and a half years to break things off for good. I felt worthless. I felt like nothing. When we broke up, he told me to die alone. I was terrified of him finding out where I had moved. He never hit me, but when we would fight, he would do things like headbutt the wall or break doors. I was fucking scared. After we broke up, his friends called me various things from bitch to whore. One of them called me and begged me to take my ex back, because he thought we were so in love. I didn’t tell them any of this, so it was his word against none of mine.
These are just a few examples. They’re the things I can think of off the top of my head. I’m sure I’ll think of more later.
Here’s the deal. I’m not going to defend anyone. I’m sure as shit not going to defend my ex. You what was super fucking weird? When one of my best friends and her husband started going to the same gym as my ex. Her opinion of him was already ruined, prior to meeting him, because she was the first person I really opened up to about all of this. I would occasionally ask about him out of curiosity. He got a new girlfriend and eventually married her. My friend says it sounds like his behavior hasn’t changed as much, but that his new wife doesn’t take it seriously and just hand waves it. I’m not sure how I feel about it, honestly. It’s possible that he’s emotionally matured since our relationship and doesn’t do the things he used to. I don’t know and I don’t care to find out. They moved to Hawaii last year and it’s honestly the safest I’ve felt since the breakup. I do hope he’s changed. I really do. Below all of the shitty personality aspects, he had his moments. He’s a talented artist and believes in equal rights. He’s incredibly intelligent. He also had a problem with alcohol and it’s possible that exacerbated some of his behavior. Again, I don’t know and I don’t care to find out.
But yeah. The character and the actor are different people. I can separate these things pretty well, so it isn’t going to bother me to continue watching the show. There’s literally half a season left. I may even still decide to finish the bellarke essays and write fanfiction for Bellarke. Again. These are two separate things to me. Bellamy is very different from the actor. I honestly don’t know right now.
If you have any questions about my personal experience, I am okay with talking about that. I don’t feel comfortable talking about someone else’s experience, but I do stand with victims. That is a very personal thing for me. If you have to unfollow me for it, I understand. 
Also, if you’re in a situation that you think is abusive and you’re scared, you can get out. Your life can get better. There is life after abuse. I know how scary it is and honestly, I’m still scared. The best thing about quarantine for me? I don’t go to the same pet store that my ex’s parents go to anymore, because we started ordering everything online. 
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omgjasminesimone · 5 years
The Thanksgiving Set-up
Bryce x MC
Word Count: 2000
Author’s note: No one requested this, but I’ve taken it upon myself to write “13. my family invites you to join our holiday meal as an obvious setup and i’m so sorry” from this prompt list because who’s family wouldn’t want to set them up with Bryce Lahela?
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Casey leans back in the passenger seat, enjoying the California sunshine streaming through her window. Flying from Chicago back home to California is always a delight in the winter. The joy she feels as she walks out of SFO with no need for a winter coat is almost euphoric. 
“I have a surprise for you tomorrow.” Casey’s mother, Lisa, says, interrupting Casey’s reverie. Casey turns to look at her mother, who is drumming her fingers excitedly on the steering wheel. “We have a guest coming for Thanksgiving dinner. His name is Bryce Lahela. And he’s in medical school at Stanford. He’s from Hawaii, so obviously he wasn’t going to fly back for Thanksgiving. So I took it upon myself to invite him to our family celebration.”
“And how do you know this guy?” Casey asks suspiciously. It’s not like her mom has any reason to be hanging out around Stanford’s Medical School.
“He’s also a part time bartender at the bar my office frequents for happy hour. He makes a mean mojito. And he’s very handsome. Like, so ridiculously handsome Case.”
“Please don’t tell me this is a set-up.” 
“What? No! This is me inviting a nice young man with no family in the area over so he doesn’t spend Thanksgiving alone. But if you guys happen to hit it off....I would be honored to have Bryce as a son-in-law.” 
“Oh my God Mom.”
“What? He’s husband material! If I was 20 years younger, I would scoop him up for myself. But unfortunately, I’m too old for him.”
“And you’re also married.” Casey adds. Her parents have been married for over 30 years, but it seems like this has slipped her mother’s mind.
Her mom waves that fact off dismissively. “I could easily change that.”
“Please don’t make Thanksgiving awkward mom. I just want to lounge around in sweatpants, and watch football with Dad and Reggie, and not think about medical school.”
“Sweatpants?!” Her mother says, sounding scandalized at the very notion. “At your first meeting with Bryce?!”
Casey sighs, turning to stare at the palm trees out the car window. She’s really not looking forward to this meeting tomorrow.
Reggie laughs when his younger sister enters the living room, taking in her attire. “You going to church?”
“Shut up.” Casey retorts, plopping down on the couch beside her father. When she woke up this morning, she’d found the neatly pressed dark yellow and lace dress laid out on her bed. She’s unsure what time her mother woke up, ironed it, and left it there.
Her father, Carlos, and brother also seem more dressed up than usual for Thanksgiving in their white button downs and slacks. Although they’re definitely not as dressed up as her.
Reggie checks his watch. “What time is dinner ma?” He calls into the kitchen. 
“I told Bryce 3:00!” She shouts back, and Casey hears the oven door opening.
“20 more minutes people. Casey’s new boyfriend better not be late and delay my meal.” Reggie complains. 
“Shut up Reggie. I hope she tries to set you up come Christmas.” Casey retorts.
“That’s a good point, why don’t you ever try to set me up Mom?” Reggie questions. 
Lisa enters the living room, wearing a slimming black dress and more make-up than Casey has ever seen on her. “Because you don’t listen. I told you not to marry that white girl, now look at you paying out the nose for this divorce. Now, kids, come set the table.” 
By the time the table is all set, and the food is brought out and displayed to Lisa’s satisfaction, the clock strikes three and the doorbell sounds simultaneously. 
Lisa smiles. “That would be Bryce. I knew he’d be right on time. I’m telling you Case, husband material.”
Carlos rolls his eyes, “I’m so sick of hearing about this kid. Maybe you should just marry him so she can stop talking about him.”
“Dad!” Casey complains as Reggie laughs. 
They stand around the table as Lisa goes to greet Bryce. Their conversation carries from the foyer. 
“Bryce! I’m so glad you could make it!”
“Thanks for having me. I brought wine. I tried to make a pie, but it didn’t work out. Not sure what I did wrong, I followed the directions from the Great British Bake Off exactly.” 
“I love that show too! We have so much in common. And don’t worry about it. This wine looks great! 1972?”
“Got it from the bar. Don’t tell my boss.” 
Lisa laughs loudly. “Like he’d fire you anyway. You bring in so much business with this face! Well, come on in. They’re all in the dining room.”
Lisa meets eyes with her daughter and theatrically moves to the side to bring Bryce into view. 
And ok. He is really hot. 
Like ridiculously hot. Out of her league hot honestly. Usually, when her mom tries to set her up it’s with some dweeb who’s definitely not her type, although her mom always insists that they were so handsome. But this time, she wasn’t lying. 
“Bryce, this is my husband Carlos, my son Reggie, and my daughter, Casey.”
Bryce shakes hands with her father, and then Reggie pulls him in for the classic manly half hug half pat on the back. Bryce turns to Casey with a soft smile. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Casey is so embarrassed. She feels unworthy to be set up with this Adonis of a man. He’s so bronzed, and clearly toned, and he’s going to be a surgeon, and he’s smart, and he’s just 1000% a catch. He’s obviously only still single because no one meets his standards. 
Casey suddenly realizes she should say something. “Yeah.” She mutters, blushing at her inarticulate response. But Bryce just smiles at her, he’s probably used to leaving women speechless. He takes the seat beside Casey, and they all get settled for their meal. 
Reggie picks up his fork, but puts it back down when his mother glares at him. 
“First, we’ll pray. Please join hands.” Lisa announces. 
Bryce offers his hand, and Casey slowly grips it. She hopes her palm isn’t too sweaty. She clasps her other hand with Reggie, and bends her head in prayer. 
“Dear Lord, thank you for bringing us together for another holiday. We are thankful for family, and friends, and our health. I’m thankful Casey was able to come back from U Chicago for Thanksgiving this year, unlike last year when she insisted she was too busy studying. And I’m thankful Lorraine finally left Reggie. We all knew it was coming eventually, as she was not the woman for him. Oh, and thank you for the food we are about to consume. Amen.” Lisa concludes. 
“Jesus Mom, way to be sacrilegious.” Reggie complains, quickly digging into his meal.
“So Casey, how’s school?” Her father asks while he chews on some turkey. 
“Not as bad as first year, and I’m starting to like Chicago, so I feel like things are going well. Oh, and Dr. Avery is going to let me assist with his research project, so that’s very exciting.”
“Wow, Dr. Jackson Avery? That’s amazing Casey.” Bryce praises, and Casey tentatively smiles back.
The mood gets lighter as they eat, and drink. Soon, it feels like Bryce is part of the family. He’s good with people like that. Lisa continues with her plan to set up Bryce and Casey as the meal goes on, becoming less subtle about it the more she drinks. 
“I just think you guys would be such a cute couple.” Lisa insists, leaning her chin in her hand as she stares at the two of them from across the table. 
“Mom, please stop.” Casey pleads. 
“What? You guys already have so much to talk about, with the medical stuff and all that. And I know you say you don’t have time to date, so the long distance thing is perfect! You just go about your life, studying, doing medicine, whatever, texting from time to time, flying back here to visit every so often.”
“Why can’t Bryce fly to Chicago to visit me in your little fantasy?” Casey quips. 
“Because it wouldn’t kill you to come home more! That’s why!” Lisa insists with a laugh, sipping more wine. “Carlos! Will you open the tequila! Bryce makes such good margaritas.” She turns her attention back to Bryce once Carlos leaves to get the tequila. “Bryce, don’t you think Casey is pretty?” 
Reggie groans. “Someone needs to cut her off.”
Lisa ignores him, waiting for Bryce’s response. 
Bryce turns slightly in his chair to look at Casey. “I think you’re beautiful.” He says with a soft smile, and Casey has never been more thankful for her light brown skin hiding how red her face currently is.
Carlos places the tequila in front of Bryce, as well as the other ingredients for a margarita. “Ok, now everyone watch closely. This is magic.” Lisa insists, and Bryce laughs as he mixes the ingredients, throwing in some fancy handwork to draw oohs and aahs from his rapt audience. 
Several margaritas later, Bryce staggers to his feet. “Can someone point me towards the bathroom?”
“Casey will take you!” Lisa immediately insists. She’s obviously been waiting all day to get them alone together. Casey rolls her eyes, but gets up, gesturing for Bryce to follow her with a tilt of her head.
“I’m so sorry about my mother. I’m truly mortified.” Casey apologizes once they’re out of earshot of the others.
Bryce laughs. “I really like your mom. And she’s an amazing tipper.”
Casey laughs at that, turning down the hallway towards the bathroom. “Oh, I bet she is.”
“She always says really nice things about you. She showed me lots of pictures. My favorite is the one at the Bean in Chicago.”
Casey stops at that and Bryce almost runs into her back. He saw pictures? And he still wanted to come tonight knowing this was definitely a set up? She points him to the bathroom on their left, and then goes back to the dining room, assuming Bryce can find his own way back. 
When Bryce returns, they have pie and coffee. It’s nearing 9:00 PM, and it’s time for Bryce to head out. “I’ll walk you to the door.” Casey offers, trying to ignore how her mother nudges her father while smiling like the cheshire cat.
“How long are you home?” Bryce asks at the door.
“I fly back to Chicago on Tuesday.” 
“Would you want to stop by the bar? Drinks on me.” Bryce offers. 
“I wish I could, but I made plans with all my friends while I’m home.”
“Why don’t you bring your friends? Paraphrasing the wise Spice Girls, if I want to be your lover, I gotta get with your friends.”
Casey smiles, leaning against the door with her arms crossed over her chest. “You want to be my lover?” 
Bryce smiles down at her. “I would love to be your lover. And I’d totally fly out to Chicago for you, you don’t have to come home if you don’t want to. I get it.”
That’s the most romantic thing Casey has ever heard, and she flings her arms around Bryce’s neck and kisses him soundly. 
“Yes!” Lisa shouts loudly, and Bryce pulls away, laughing.
He kisses Casey one more time, chastely this time. “Good night Casey. Good night Lisa!” He calls as he leaves. 
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