#so get the frick out of my inboxes
oceanera12 · 15 days
Right, that's it--
I do not care who you are. I do not care where you come from. I do not care what your situation might be. But if you come into my inbox asking for money, you will not get any.
I do not know you. You are a stranger on the internet and have no way of confirming you are who you say you are. So what makes you think I'm going to promote you or whatever story you have chosen to put into my inbox?
Kriff off.
(and to anyone else who's getting messages asking for money in their inbox, I highly encourage you to delete them and block them if necessary because I am 90% sure they are bots. There is a reason we have something called "internet safety" and you should not trust everyone and everything you read on the internet)
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circeyoru · 7 months
Hello you beautiful and amazeing writer!! I'm here to make a request that is more on the funny side (btw, I love ur stories. Unwanted soul being one of my favorites, lol)
That cursed cat Alastor is EVERYWERE!! And u know what? I give in... Could you write something funny where yan!Alastor is jelous of the cat? Like, he would be like:
"Me or the cat!?" And reader, with no hesetation, "The cat *takes cursed cat Alastor and leaves*". Then someome comes in "Damm, they didn't even think about it" (please tell me someome gets the reference😭)
That cat can have my fricking soul, I love it so much and it makes me laugh so bad udgdihdudhe. ANYWAYS!! Hope u have a good day/night!!! Heudhsudhjdgdhs
Go to MASTERLIST for the works. This ask is for {Unwanted Souls}.
Hi hi! Thanks for your love!! I agree that cursed cat Alastor is everywhere. More request and ask on him in my inbox!!
Okay, here is short part on Cursed Cat Alastor VS Yandere!Alastor. For easy distinction, I'm calling the cat Bambi.
Alastor's eyes twitched as he glared at the lookalike in your arms; that was his place when he came to you after working so hard for the little interest project you sent him to. The creature, Bambi as you named it, narrowed its eyes as it felt Alastor's death glare towards it, its smile widened as it felt the jealous aura radiating off of the demon.
"Darling, can't we have a meal without that inferno creature in your arms?" Alastor tried to ignore the thing and his ever-growing jealousy. Meal time was a time when you weren't absorbed into your artistic worlds, now your attention was on that damn cat! That looked like him! Smiles and all!
"Then where do I put it?" You continued to eat, ignoring how Bambi clawed some of the smaller pieces of meat to eat from your plate.
"Out the window." Alastor passed more meat onto your plate when he saw Bambi taking yours and you didn't react to it. "And on the streets of Hell where it belongs."
You chuckled, eating up the slice that Alastor passed to you first, "That's too mean, Alastor. I won't have the heart to do it because it looks and acts so much like you!"
Alastor's radio glitched and scratched, his eye twitching, "Me or the cat!?"
"The cat." You spoke and picked it up, ignoring Alastor's shock look and left the dining room.
Vaggie shifted to the side, as did Charlie, to let you passby. They looked over to Alastor, who was still sitting there, shocked and frozen. Angel poked his head in, taunting, "Woah, harsh. Your 'darling' didn't even hesitate."
Angel was immediately thrown somewhere by Alastor's tendril, making Vaggie rush to check up on him. Charlie came over and comforted him, "You know, we're having a fun movie night later, maybe you can—"
"Ha ha ha! Never will I watch those noise picture box!" Alastor declined quickly slapping off the hand she was going to put on his shoulder. "If you'll excuse me."
"Where you going?" You questioned as you re-entered the dining room.
Alastor double-checked to see if he was mistaken. His lips moved before his mind fully processed it, "Where's the cat?"
You took your plate and utensils, then went over to Alastor's side, nudging him to sit back down with your elbow before placing it down next to his. He pulled out the chair and pushed it in while you sat, then he too sat down. His eyes staring at the empty spot that would always have that creature and his ears listening to your honey words. "I left Bambi with Husk to take care while we have our meal. What? Now you want Bambi back?"
Alastor's mood brightened, "Of course not, My Love!" He took your hand and kissed it, "Let me cherish you without any distractions."
You giggled, using your free hand to pick up a piece of meat and feed it to Alastor, who ate it happily. "Right..."
"Oh, now it's even more delicious!" Alastor's eyes drooped as he smiled at you, "You should do this more often, Love."
Husk stares at the cat on his bar table; it growled at him with its fur all bristled like a porcupine. Husk inched away slowly to create distance from the creature that you gave him to take care in your absence. Angel came in, laughing out, "Oh! So you were the one! Ha! AHHHHH!!!!!"
Bambi pounced at Angel, biting at him with every opportunity given. Husk yelped and immediately came to help, "Uh, good cursed kitten?"
Angel screamed, "GET THIS THING OFF ME!"
Back in the dining room, you hummed as you cut another piece of meat and feed it to Alastor. He grinned darkly at the screams he heard, "My Dear, you're quite cruel."
You smirked back, "Well, Angel was being a loudmouth."
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partycatty · 8 months
can we get ninja mine johnny and we’re riding him and pulling on his little scarf like it’s a reign and his makeups getting all smudge and he’s overstimulated and about to cry
love you 💙💙
ohmyfuixdindgodyes love u MORE 🩷
johnny cage > silent movie
you and your co-star sneak off for some costumed fun
warnings: u get FRICKED, porn with like the slightest tinge of plot, johnny whimpers, author prays to a mk1 ninja mime altar on the daily (the one in the armageddon chapter was mk11 johnny, dammit!), you're also wearing a stupid costume, cockwarming?
notes: pookie ur goin CRAZY in my inbox rn ily for it
[ masterlist ]
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• you two swore to keep it professional, but every brush of a hand against your ass or the way you'd press against him in scenes you were backed into his body only sent you too into a dazed neediness. johnny especially.
• the agent that put you up to this contract was a godsend, you realized. at first you saw a hefty paycheck for a ninja mime sequel, but then you got to see johnny in all his glory. even with that stupid, stupid makeup on, you had to wonder if you were quite literally soaking through your own ridiculous clown-doctor getup.
• the tension hit a hard peak when you two were given a break when some of the equipment malfunctioned, and although instructed to remain close, johnny gripped your arm and looked into your eyes with what you could only describe as a carnal desire. a look you knew far too well, one that suited his features nicely.
• you could barely close the door to your trailer before he's sauntering up to you, and you only get a quick glimpse at his raging hard-on before he's snaking his hands around your sides.
• foreplay is a myth when he's crawling up your side, placing sloppy open mouth kisses against your neck. there's no time to giggle at the lipstick marks he leave behind because he's already trying to seek more contact by humping his boner against your thigh. you almost want to tease him for his desperation. who would have thought that an a-lister like himself was such... a needy whore?
• needing to get impossibly closer, your hand finds the red scarf hanging neatly around his neck and you tug with fervor, massaging your lips into his so hard that you feel the sudden border of his teeth. all the while, he's rutting into your thigh and dropping lazy whimpers, spewing about how much he needs you.
• needing to feel how hot and hard you make him, you tug his costume upward, exposing his delicious abs and giving you plenty of access to his waistband. you sink under hungrily, wrapping your hands around his shaft the moment you can make out its form, stroking over the veins and only barely making it to his tip with each movement. johnny pulls away from your lips only to breathe, gasping at the sudden skin contact and lurching forward to bite down on your shoulder.
• if anyone heard you two, you'd definitely face a consequence that felt too distant at the moment. now, you had a pretty boy begging for your body, and i dunno about you but that takes number one priority.
• you pull him from your shoulder and push him onto the couch of your trailer, a devious glint in your eye. he falls back with a husky "oof," legs spread and waiting for whatever you'll do to him. you counter this preparation by pushing his legs back together and fumbling with the rope belt that held up his costume's pants.
• his cock springs free of the getup, curving down him with a thick, clear droplet of precum sliding down his shaft. you stick out your tongue and gather a palmful of saliva, coating him evenly and messily. you needed him inside of you just as much as he needed - well, he'd take anything you'd give him.
• your pants are shaken off quickly as you straddle his thick thighs, hiking up your lab coat with your clean hand as you reveal your wet pussy to him. his dick visibly twitches at the sight, and he lets out a deep, rumbly sigh.
• it's clear that between your mixture of fluids and the heat in the room, you're both ready. you spread your folds out wide as you do your best to encapsulate his cock inside of you, feeling burned by the stretching but accepting it like it's your destiny. it doesn't take too long for your hips to meet his, and all johnny can do is whimper and cover his mouth, head tilting back as even glancing at you would make him cum. an embarrassing threat from the man who's a self proclaimed playboy sex god.
• "let's see how silent this mime can stay," you giggle to yourself as you shamelessly swivel on his cock, earning a heavy buck upward. johnny is shaking, quite literally trembling over your pussy. he wants nothing more than to worship your body and taste everything you give.
• as your pace picks up, you realize you're fed up from only seeing the underside of his chin, and you tug on the scarf again to get his head to snap up to face you. his eyes widen at the sensual horror in front of him, you're riding him like a damn bull.
• johnny normally yaps, but you've rendered him a pathetic disaster of a man. he can only mutter curses and whimper your name like a prayer, like if he doesn't reach the quota of saying it you'll disappear. tears prick in the corners of his eyes as you tug on the sides of his neck from the fabric.
• disgusting slapping echoes off of the tiny trailer's walls, and johnny's hands fly to your ass to squeeze your cheeks. alternating between gripping the side of the couch cushion and your ass is the most he can bring himself to do.
• your fist keeps a firm grip on the scarf, but you tilt your palm up to insert a thumb into his mouth, one that he accepts embarrassingly quickly. his tongue flattens as he tastes your thumb, eyelashes fluttering shut as he blinks away tears.
• thank god the studio didn't invest in waterproof makeup, because you swear you've seen the sight underneath you in a medieval painting or some shit. he looked good, too good. johnny's tears melted down the sides of his face, leaving flesh-toned streaks behind. his pink lips were more apparent past the lipstick. you ruined him.
• his fingers dig into your asscheeks with pure delight, his hips now sloppily bucking up into you to meet you halfway with each drop. a part of you wanted to tie his arms down with the scarf and take control, but he was such a good boy for you, so patient.
• you mutter praises, your hand in his mouth now raking through his hair, knocking that damn beret from his head and ruffling his brown locks. the praises sounded like the angels of heaven calling his name, and he shot upward with one final, deep whine. just as you felt him twitch and empty himself inside of you, a firm knock was on your trailer door.
• "ms. lastname, the issue's been resolved. we're going to retrieve mr. cage and get back to filming," a production assistant drones into the crack of your door to get the message through. your hand returns to his mouth, this time holding it against his mouth to muffle his orgasmic whimpers.
• it took all these years of acting lessons to finally pay off, as you keep your voice level and as normal as you could possibly muster.
• "coming!" you reply with a devilish grin as you feel him continue to paint your insides, his eyes rolling back as he heavily pants through his nose. all you can do is sit there and take in every drop he gives you, unmoving on his cock to not alert the assistant outside.
• when you determine the coast to be completely clear, you lift yourself off of him, clenching your thighs tight. johnny gasps and frowns at the sudden coldness around his semi-hard dick, like he wasn't quite done with you.
• "you'd better come up with a good excuse for that," you say, making a circular motion with your finger at his makeup-clad face. he drunkenly grins at you, lopsided and low-lidded. "you look ruined."
• "good," he replies sleepily, still beaming like a fool. "is it a good look on me?"
• "very much so, ninja mime."
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lizardaggro · 11 months
Okay so like regarding your bully au, I'm really invested cause the Mc has a backbone which is just >>>
But like this brings me to question were they all friends before the bullying or they just decided to confide in Mc while bullying cause it's like giving blackmail against you to your victim unless they didn't consider the scenario of Mc going rogue.
Another question is what if Mc just dipped like ✌️ bye y'all, I mean it's not completely possible with all the attention but what if it just happened how would the reactions follow after.
hihi, thanks for the questions! i literally thrive seeing things in my inbox so you've made one author happy today!
oooh we're getting into some lore here, i'll admit i don't have everything planned out for how this story's gonna go, but these questions i do have answers for.
first, yes reader/yuu was friends with everyone in the beginning. after a while though, their feelings towards mc stopped being strictly platonic, aka they went yandere mode. and because they're all traumatized and not entirely nice, their "brilliant" idea to win mc's affections was bullying. so they were telling their friend their worries, and never would've thought it'd come back to bite them in the butt.
second, if mc peace'd out, they would all freak the fuck out. some would be worried that something happened to them, others would think their rivals did something, and others (aka mal-mal) would just be a big sad. realistically there's no way they could nope out from literally everyone's view without help though, so instead mc is trying to blackmail them into leaving them alone.
i hope that all makes sense; sometimes i feel like i'm really bad at explaining things. took a break from writing part 3 due to being really fricking tired, but i'm getting back to it now so look forward to it! if anyone has questions please don't hesitate to send them in, and let me know who you'd like to see in future parts! also thinking about writing the boys' pov for the bully!au since i purposefully haven't shown any of it in the main story.
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mintytealfox · 7 months
*carb walks in*
*holds up a question*
What the au where norton is big and alice(and melly) are tiny like did they found kurt book but don't know how long it last and norton is now stuck being the babysitter till the their normal size again or is it drugs?
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Perfect timing too honestly cause I was feeling sad about Netease being emo as frick with the Norton stuff lol (there is an ask in the inbox about it and I am gonna go so wild once I collect my thoughts 👀)
-rubs hands togetherrrrrr-
so this one with Melly:
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was a little one off thing cause I love Navi from Legend of Zelda and I imagine she is so tired of Link and I had Da Capo on the brain and was like 'aw yea these two' LOOOOOOOOOOOL
The other one with this stuff:
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is super MaCross coded 👀🤌 if you are familiar with Zentraedi then you got a gist of what is going on here lol but here is a link to a intro to the au: here Then this one has the links to everything I have written for it so far: here
I am more of a report writer rather than creative writer anymore these days. So, if its bad then my bad LOOOOOL! If you don't want to read all that then here is this to get the gist of what is up with the world
"Some background:
Two species of humanoid now inhabit the same planet. One from another dead planet and seeking refuge and a new place to live (the humans). This was met with hostility from the original habitants (the larger one). A war broke out for 10 years, for the humans to come on top in the end. The larger species are now used as a sort of work horse in most cases. Some manual labor, others protecting the area and hunting, etc. there are still Nobels and high ups in politics but the less well-off tend to be put to difficult work and conditions. Even though the humans have the tech to make it easier, just don’t want to waste resources.  It’s a political way to keep them down, busy and obedient basically. 🙃
Norton, of course, works in the mines." ----------- BUT I LIKE WHERE YOUR BRAIN IS GOING -rubs hands together- a thiirrdddd au cookin I seeeee~ LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Knowing Alice, its probably DRUGS that did it -WHEEEZE- Then Melly having to get involved trying to be like "oh my gosh stop sniffin D R U G S" and tries to take it away but it just gets all over~ nice and cliche 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
But I can see Melly having fun with the size change cause talk about an entire new perspective for her research of insects lol -can pet beetle like dog- "who would have thought they liked little pats on the head" So much new research to be done 🤣🤣🤣 Her command of insects is broadening LOOK OUT -WHEEZE-
Now for Alice, there is no stopping her now, every nook; every cranny is now hers to explore LOL no locks can keep her out now!! No document/letter/sensitive information can hide from her -WHEEZE- No drawer or box left un-sifted through PFF No conversation left un-eavesdropped! She is more of a danger to society's secrets now than she was before IM DYING LOOOOL
Yea Norton is definitely gonna have to babysit these two MY GOSH! Good L U C K BRO LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
(THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!! I L O V E talking about this stuff HA! And needed the distraction honestly SO THANK YOOUUU)
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sports-on-sundays · 4 months
idk if you’re taking requests but could you do a fluff with rodrigo riquelme where him and the reader enjoy a rainy day indoors
rainy days / Rodrigo Riquelme
Summary: sunny!Rodrigo x girlfriend!cloudy!reader - A little bit of rain won't stop you and Rodri from having a fun day together. Fluff so sweet it might rot your teeth.
Warnings: thunder & lightning
Requested?: Frick yes!
Author's Note: My friend, I'm so happy someone requested for him that I probably actually blushed when I opened my inbox and saw this. I am your certified no. 1 Roro girlie, here at your service! 🫡
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Just as you enter the living room where Rodrigo has been waiting for you for the last half hour to finish getting ready, it starts raining.
"Nooo!" you whine, your hands going to your face in dismay. "You have got to be kidding me!"
Rodrigo sets down his phone, frowning, looking out the window. "And it looks like it won't be stopping anytime soon... Look at all those dark clouds over there!" He leans back at an angle to get a better view.
You plop down next to him, crossing your arms, and murmur, "And I got all dressed, too, in this brand new dress. Now I have to go change, since we can't even go out..."
"Hey, wait," Rodrigo says, turning to look at you for the first time since you entered the room. "You don't have to go change. You look lovely in that dress."
"Don't be silly. It's a sundress. I'm not going to be wearing a bright yellow sunny sundress when it's pouring outside and we're stuck indoors!"
"Aw!" he grins, his eyes sincere. "Why not? I'm here, and I think you look adorable in it. I'm certainly impressed, even though you took an hour and a half getting ready."
"You sure?"
"Of course I am!" he laughs, pulling you into a hug, kissing your cheek, like he's snuggling with a teddy bear. "I'm so glad you decided to wear that dress, rain or shine!"
"Well..." you smile softly, blushing deeply. "I was hoping you'd think it's pretty."
"See?" he grins. "I do, so there's nothing to worry about. And I'm sure we can find plenty of fun things to do inside. Come on!" He grabs your hand, pulling you up to stand with him.
He leads you to the dining room, where he has your picnic blanket and lunches on the table. You click your tongue in disappointment. "We can't even have our picnic."
But Rodrigo looks at you with cheery eyes. "Sure we can!"
"Rodrigo, it's pouring!"
"We can have it inside!"
You frown, crossing your arms, and say bluntly, "That's stupid."
"No, it's not. Come on." He picks up the lunch and goes to the living room. He lays out the soft blanket on the floor and lays the food out. "No reason we can't have it right here. Here- and I'll open the windows, too, for some fresh air."
"Wait, no-" you suddenly say nervously, sitting down on the blanket.
He stops with his hand on the window's handle. "Why not?"
"I..." you hesitate, before continuing softly "What if it turns into a lightning storm...?"
Rodrigo smiles softly. "Then I'll close them. We'll be fine."
"You're sure?"
"One hundred percent," he chuckles, opening the windows. As he sits down next to you and begins taking out the food, you have to admit, the breeze does feel nice, and you like the sound of the rain outside.
So you sit together and eat your indoor picnic, and once you finish, Rodrigo lays down and pulls you down with him, murmuring, "Wanna just cuddle?"
"Sure," you chuckle. You have a very cuddly boyfriend.
So you just lay together, arms around each other. You rest your cheek against his chest as he runs his fingers through your hair, and you both stay silent, just contently listening to the pattering of the rain falling outside.
Suddenly, though, there's a loud crack of thunder, and you flinch, letting out a little squeal, and automatically take two fistfuls of the soft pullover sweatshirt Rodrigo is wearing.
He chuckles softly, leaning away a bit to look at you. "You scared?" he asks teasingly, but also softly.
"Can- Can you just close the windows please?"
He smiles and nods, before hopping up to do so. Once they're closed, he asks, "You're scared of thunderstorms?"
You pout a little, sitting up on the blanket. "Maybe."
"Aw," he grins. "Cutie."
You lick your lips, rolling your eyes, and cross your arms. "Whatever."
But suddenly, lightning flashes, and you jump again, biting your lip nervously, before tucking your knees to your chest and resting your face in your arms.
"Hey, hey," Rodrigo says gentler, sitting next to you. "It's okay..." He wraps his arms around you, which does add a lot of comfort. After a while of him just holding you, he says, "Hey, why don't we do something to get your mind off it? Why not play a board game or something?"
You swallow and nod, before clearing your throat and saying, "Alright. Sounds good to me."
He nods. "M'kay. You wait here; I'll be right back with a board game for us to play, yeah?"
You nod, and he's off. But only for a moment, because soon he's back with a Sorry! box in his hands. He sits down next to you, and you're just beginning to take the board out of the box when suddenly, there's another loud crack of thunder, and a second later, the room goes black.
"Rodri!" you gasp, clinging to him, burying your head in his chest.
He laughs softly and rubs your back. "It's okay. The electricity just went out, is all... There's nothing to be scared of... I'm right here..." he soothes gently.
The fact that Rodrigo knows you also have a fear of the dark- that's really not helping your situation. "But... what if... I don't know..." you sigh, leaning away. "How are you not scared?"
He shrugs with a little smile. "I like storms. And there really is nothing to be scared of. The chances of lightning hitting us is so incredibly low, there's no reason to worry."
"Hey." He gently tilts your head up to meet his sincere eyes, which you can just barely see in the dark room, with the electricity now out. "Chin up, princess. Your crown is falling," he teases.
You sigh with a nervous smile and nod.
"And do I look scared?"
You frown. "No."
"Then there's no reason for you to be scared, either."
You pout. "That's not fair for you to say. You're, like, a footballer and travel and stuff. You do scary things all the time."
He grins. "Have I ever been killed playing football? Have I ever been killed flying in a plane or driving in a bus? Clearly not, because I'm sitting here right now looking at the most beautiful girl in the world. So what makes you think that we're going to get killed in a thunderstorm?"
You shrug with a more genuine smile. "Nothing."
His grin widens. "There you go. Besides, I think we're far too important to get killed in such a dumb way as getting struck by lightning. You know? I think we've got far more life to live than that."
Now you match his grin. "Alright, alright. You've won me over. Now, you're getting pretty obnoxious: just looking at me so cute, and not even kissing me or anything."
He giggles a bit and says, "Well, sorry!" before cupping your chin and leaning in for a kiss, spreading his sunny, cheery, happy-go-lucky aura around you, despite the rain and wind and thunder and lightning outside.
When he pulls away, you're about to lean in for more, but just then, he slaps his thighs and says, "Now, let me go get a candle, so we can get to playing Sorry!"
You smile softly as he walks off with a skip in his step.
Oh, Roro.
Soon, he's back with the candle. It takes him four tries and some taunting giggles from you until he's able to light the match and the candle before it going out first. When he finally does, he lets out a relieved sigh and says with a laugh, "Finally!"
"'Finally' is right! Rodrigo Riquelme, public enemy number one- when it comes to matches!"
He grins and nods, very, very, slowly and carefully setting the candle down next to the playing board, before you get playing.
You end of beating his socks off in Sorry!. "There!" you grin, setting your last piece in the 'home' tunnel. "Professional Hasbro Sorry! player right here! No, no, really, it's okay- I can give you my autograph!"
This, though it's not particularly hysterical, sends your boyfriend into a fit of laughing. He just tends to find you funnier than most people. One of his friends could say the exact same thing, and he might give a small chuckle.
And you laugh with him, because you love the sound of his laughter.
Finally, he begins cleaning up the board, a smile still lingering on his face, as he says, "Look at us. A pro footballer and a pro board game player. Power couple one hundred right here."
"You got that right," you chuckle, before a sudden, big yawn comes on you.
Rodrigo looks up with a little sparkle in his eyes. "You getting sleepy?" he asks as he closes up the Sorry! box.
You shrug, smiling back. "Dark, gloomy days make me more tired."
"Gloomy?" he asks, standing up. He holds his hand out to you, and pulls you up to stand as well. "I don't think this day has been gloomy at all."
"What do you mean? The weather is crap."
He sets the board game box on the end table by the couch, before coming back to you and linking his arms around your back, looking you straight in the eyes. "Gloomy is the last word I would use to describe seeing my gorgeous girlfriend in such a pretty dress," his voice softens, and so do his eyes as he continues, "It's the last word I'd choose for having a picnic with her- indoors or not, or getting to cuddle with her. I would never, ever say getting to joke around with you, and laugh with you, is gloomy. I think getting to spend time with you, playing a board game, is the exact opposite of gloomy, actually."
You grin and throw your arms around him. "I love you so much! You know that?"
He kisses your cheek with a loud 'mwah!' before promptly lifting you up and bringing you to the couch. "I love y-"
"Now what are we doing?"
"My goodness!" he laughs. "You don't even let me say it back!" he jokes as he lays down on the couch, letting you lay on top of him.
"Okay, okay, sorry. Say it back."
"I! Love! You!" he giggles, and in between each word pecks your lips. "Now, I think it's time for you to go to sleep, sleepyhead."
You smile, nuzzling into him. "Alright. I'm down for that."
"Good," he whispers with a content sigh, before his hands begin absently loosely braiding your hair.
Your eyes flutter closed, and just as you're drifting off to sleep, you feel a sleepy sigh from Rodrigo, and you're not sure if it's his voice really, or just a fragment of your sugar sweet dreams, but you perceive the soft whisper from Rodrigo murmuring, "Oh, Y/n. Whatever would I do without my Y/n?" and his soft lips kissing you goodnight.
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sh1-n0bu · 5 months
So I have an idea where reader is going on holiday let say for about 1 or 2 months on a business trip and she has to leave her dragon s/o behind for that period of time and well i can tell that hes grown fond of her and super clingy thnks of her as a mate etc soo inlove with her so imagine how he will take the news of you leaving him! just imagine his stoic demeanor cracking as he gives you puppy dog eyes and starts pathetically tearing up, either begging you to not go or at least let him come with you .BUT I THINK HES WORRIED OF DEALING WITH HIS HEAT CYCLE ALONE AGAIN…since she left he was struggling with his heat cycle so badly that he developed a separation anxiety thingY (I forgot what its called but now hes super possessive and clingy of you) and goes feral without her touch. he feels like hes gonna loose it , he needs you sooo bad to the point hes sobbing and slowly starts to loose it because clearly he needs your touch to feel relieved .. as soon as reader arrives from her trip with cute souvenirs and yummy foreign snacks reader is greeted with a overgrown lizard dashing straight toward her and entrapping her in a bone crushing hug pleading hungry eyes meeting her surprised ones she could sense the possessiveness and horniness seeping from him..aand im gonna leave he rest to your genius and amazing mind
Bonus of sub dragon s/o getting jealous if she mentions any male friends she made and during nsfw tail pulling and horn touching ,( I've heard they r sensitive 🤭)
but for the dragon fic,,,,,,,,, idk currently i have absolutely ZERO ideas if i were to continue the fic. like all of my brain juices are finished with the duo fic. i mean i can maybe add one or two more parts to it but it would probably just have the same fingering vent thing and it would get very old very fast yknow????? so i MAY continue it but im genuinely out of new ideas for the fic. but if i am going to continue it, i will add ur ideas luv<33
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kandisheek · 2 months
Last train home by erde (orphan_account)
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 10,983 Tags: Post-CA:CW, Pining Steve, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: Steve writes letters to Tony that he never sends. By the time he hands them to their rightful owner, Tony has had a brush with death, has retired as a superhero, and now has a small town workshop of his very own. But it's okay, Steve has gone into retirement too.
Reasons why I love it: Aaaaah, the ending of this one is so sweet it makes me want to smother myself with a pillow. I love all of Steve's letters and Tony's retired superhero lifestyle, it feels like a missing part of canon. I adore this one, and I bet you will too, so please go and check it out!
a tweet is worth 140 characters by athletiger, BladeoftheNebula, march_hyde, starksnack
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: M Words: 7,614 Tags: Coffee Shop AU, Fluff and Crack, Twitter AU
Summary: From tumblr: "Ok but imagine it’s Steve on a date with a guy like this and Tony’s watching from across the coffee shop, live tweeting it!! And then Steve finds out that Tony Stark was tweeting about his terrible date and responds to the thread like “next time feel free to step in and save me!” And Tony’s like “next time you should just date me” and whoops, a twitter romance is born!" Well. It happened.
Reasons why I love it: The formatting in this is so fricking good, it feels like I'm really browsing Twitter. I love the back and forth and Tony live tweeting Steve's terrible date, it's hilarious. And there's just something about Johnny Storm getting roasted by the Avengers that I deeply appreciate. Pun absolutely intended. I love this fic so much, and I bet you will too, so I hope you check it out!
ctrl-alt-deceit by soliloquent
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 17,113 Tags: No Powers AU, Miscommunication, Getting Together
Summary: “Tony, I’ve completed the background check on Steven Rogers, and there’s something big you need to know. Like, massive security-threat level big. I’m sorry, sugar. He’s bad news.” Or: A corporate espionage story told solely through excerpts from CEO Tony Stark’s inbox. Featuring romantic pining, delightful office lunches, sarcastic super-geniuses, intense investigations, revolutionary nanotechnology research, unhinged arch-nemeses, haunting ghosts from the past, and an endearing emoji overload by a witty Peter Parker.
Reasons why I love it: The suspense in this fic is so goddamn good, it kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time! I really love the Knives Out reference here, it definitely got a good chuckle out of me. And Steve is such a sweetheart, I love him so much. This fic is fantastic, and you should definitely read it, if you haven't already!
🙀 ➡ 😻 ➡ 😽 by Anaxandria, BladeoftheNebula
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 5,159 Tags: Fluff and Humor, No Powers AU, Domestic Avengers
Summary: Tony puts up a "Missing Cat" sign and not only 1) gets his cat back, but 2) meets a cute guy named Steve who keeps refusing the reward. A story told in texts, voicemail transcriptions, and, of course, an overuse of emojis.
Reasons why I love it: Aaaah, I love everything about this! The Non-Powered Avengers group chat cleansed my soul, it's so funny. And Steve and Tony's voices especially are so spot on, it feels like I'm really reading their messages. This fic is wonderful, and if you haven't read it yet, then you're definitely missing out!
Collected Letters (1930-1943) by brokentoy, triedunture
Pairing: Steve/Bucky Rating: T Words: 16,654 Tags: PTSD, Roommates, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: The collected private correspondence—unedited, uncensored—of Steven Rogers, later known as Captain America, and his longtime companion, James B. Barnes, spanning the years from childhood to World War II.
Reasons why I love it: This fic just tears at my heartstrings in the most beautiful way. I love how their relationship develops while they're living together, and the glimpses into what their life was like in the 30s and 40s feel so real I can totally believe it's what actually happened in canon. Definitely check this one out if you haven't, it's wonderful!
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yanderemommabean · 1 year
Hey just wanted to let you know that your smut is really good. No writing is perfect and there are always people who can find things to point out but you are a genuinely good writer who brings joy (and horniness) to a lot of people and you seem like you could use a reminder that you are doing really great.
I am honestly really critical of others work for the most part, and I would not send this message if I did not truly believe what I am saying to be true. Your writing always feels so genuine and has the unique vibe of being written by someone who is also really excited/passionate about the piece and ideas being shared, and also has many really neat characters I haven’t seen elsewhere (Alduin for one I think you are the only person doing decent writing for him so thank you so much) lots of original ideas, not to mention your OCs which I’ll be honest I’m not usually super into OCs but your are genuinely really fricking cool and interesting.
There are always ways to improve but that doesn’t mean you need to quit if it’s something you enjoy. Everyone has different things they are into and it is impossible to be everyone’s cup of tea, but I can promise you that your stuff makes a lot of people very happy.
I always look forward to seeing you update and sometimes even end up happy stimming when I read your writing (not always when reading your smut because my hands usually end up busy with *ahem* other things lol but you get the point)
Though of course if you want to quit/feel more comfortable that way it’s also obviously okay and you won’t be letting us down. We love your smut but you and your comfort and peace of mind are more important. I hope this message reaches you well and doesn’t overstep or anything lol, I am not amazing with words.
I appreciate you saying this bean. I wasn't going to stop writing entirely, I just felt my smut wasn't worth reading if people had so many issues with it and would nitpick it to hell and back, or if they genuinely felt left out and disturbed. The messages really got to me and I felt maybe I should get some advice to better myself for you beans and more!
I can't please everyone, and from the anons and other beans in my inbox, they seem to like my works, so maybe I was just getting some hate instead of actual criticism? IDK but I'm still here! I just wanted to see what else I could do to make my works better for everyone! IM NOT LEAVING, Im still here, I just needed to see what I could do to make my writing more inclusive and a lot of beans have sent helpful messages!
It means a lot to me, thank you so much <3
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childotkw · 1 year
Imagine my surprise that after my many month long hyper fixation on hotd that a friend of mine rec’s me some hp fanfics for delicious consumption and I stumble into ybtm…. And it’s written by you!!!!
I knew in the back of my mind while reading ruination that you wrote tomarry as well but it never occurred to me when getting back into hp fics that yours were kicking around somewhere!
To say I’m obsessed is an understatement, holy shit, I think I read ybtm in like 2 days???? And then proceeded to come and stalk your tumblr afterwards to get any more juicy details!!
Tom and Harry’s relationship is so refreshing and to see a time travel fic where Harry is kicking ass and taking names is a godsend, I could never understand trying to be a 30 year old war veteran stuck inside a child and not laying down the law a little bit. *chefs kiss*
Of course I can’t read anything without putting my thoughts to pen and paper so I drew a little Nat!
Tumblr media
Nathan seems like such a sweet heart and it’s so easy to see how Harry would immediately come to be so protective of him, with them being so similar as kids.
And don’t get me started on the Nat Obsession Club TM, seeing Orion and Tom’s reaction to Harry in their world is insane. The boys feud over who gets to keep Harry is going to bring me joy for months to come and Gus’s begrudging acceptance of seeing Harry being welcomed into there life, and not throttling Ori for it, is hilarious. Just let the kid do his homework for Pete’s sake! 
I’ve fallen in love with this universe and can’t sing your praises more! Can’t believe I have another wonderful story of yours to look forward to in the future, your writing truly does inspire and can’t wait to see what you come up with next!
Omg hahaha that's brilliant 😂 and I'm so happy you liked it!!! ybtm is such a strange story - I never expected it to get as big as it did, but I'm always so excited when I see new people discovering it and watching their reactions to The Big Twist!
Harry and Tom are so much fun to write tbh. Because you're right - most of the time in these kinds of stories, Harry is...not 'weak' or anything, but he's way more susceptible to Tom's manipulation. And Tom's usually in his sixth year or something.
Whereas here, it's the reverse. Harry's the older one and he takes no shit from these literal children. Tom and Orion are out here trying so hard to be sneaky, manipulative Slytherins and are so absorbed in their little plots, and Harry is just over in the corner staring into the void and having a fricking existential crisis.
But oh - OH I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! BABY NATHAN! MY SON MY HEART MY PRECIOUS ANGEL he is beautiful 😭🥰🥰🥰 thank you so much!!! It's always a delight to see you in my inbox, and you're so talented!!! Thank you thank you thank you for your art and your kind words!!
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OK. UM. first of all, hiiii! <3 ok lemme just gush a lil bit:
2. god, i don't even have the slightest idea of how tennis works, but this is just so????? like?????? you know. and i kinda get how the play goes?? YOU'RE AN AMAZING WRITER GOSH.
3. i actually remembered most of the characters?? considering there's a lot of em, this is practically a miracle. again, you're goddamn amazing. i dont know how. maybe the pace is great, but definitely THE CHARAS ALL HAVE PERSONALITY/DEPTH??? like, i actually even remembered the side charas!!! mike, thalia, diego, felix, that cool ass girl in that shooting game, etc. umh just perfecto.
4. THE TENNIS MATCHES ALL FEEL SO SATISFYING!!! <3333333 omg. i feel like WUOOOOOH u know. i feel so cool playing a cool talented mc omg im loving it (i play a i-win-everything type of mc becuz im a perfectionist with a fear of failure) the matches me on edge in my seat oh gosh <3 and when u win it somehow just go WOOOOOOOH again!!! AAAAAA<3
5. aw, and of course, my beloved rivals to lovers rayyan <3333 *sigh* the slowburn.... (hes actually my first & only one. i go: ohhh tension!?!? and make a run for it. um, if it's ok to ask, is there a lot of content in the romance area as of now or in the future? like, replayability in terms of romance? im sorry if this is rude, i didnt mean to, i suck at words & i wont ask that again.)
6. FOUND FAMILY YAY! FOUND FAMILY YAY! <33333 (we genuinely lack those in the if community pls.) soulmates w/ sam. ride or die diego. very reluctant ride or die G (imma be honest, his name is just so hard so my head for some reason just go Guacamole 😭). aww tobin u very big cinammon roll ill protect u. shenanigans. & others too many to name honestly.
7. help this is just so good i had to force myself to sleep at 3am for a 7am lecture and i sat in the front rows and i put my head on the table and the fricking professor called me out ohmygod- BUT IT WAS WORTH IT GODDAMN!! ILL DO IT AGAIN IF I HAVE TO! HA! i cant wait for the next update- i'm gonna have this fic in my head for the next week oh pls noooooo. (no pressure tho. u do u author! take ur time!!! ill be here to support u, whoo!)
8.ALL IN ALL, I LOVE IT I LOVE THIS I LOVE EVERYONE I LOVE YOU AUTHOR *runs over & hug you w/ consent* <333333333333
ok. um. that's not it but if i continue it's literally gonna be an essay so i'll stop.
author. i will die for this fic. ahaahahahah. if i may ask, what's ur fav IFs? (i really, really love this one so im kinda hoping maybe u have similar taste in IFs eheh. again, im sorry if this comes as rude or insensitive.) oh uh & if my long rambles bother u, i won't send it again sorry.
<333 okok. take care of urself, dont forget to eat healthy, drink water & good sleep. have a nice day :D
Wait. I think I might have missed replying to this I am so sorry!!! It gave me so so much joy. Maybe I subconsciously did not want it to leave my inbox haha.
1. And 2 -> THANK YOU!
3. Gosh this is such a great thing to hear. There are a looot of characters, and I definitely worry sometimes that it gets to be too much, but I think the IF is getting long enough for me to give enough-ish screentime to each character... though it takes me a while to cycle back to different side characters. I cant believe you remembered the cool ass girl in laser tag! :)
4. AWESOME to hear! 🥰
5. Yup, being a character driven IF, there will be a lot of romance (or friendship) beats / moments in the IF (which is already true now). The next couple of chapters will follow the same mix of sports, school and romance / hanging out, so you should already have a sense of how much romance there'll be (it'll just keep unfolding / developing for each of the RO routes!)
6. Hehe found family is my fave trope to insert in stories as well.
7. Hahaha aww oh no fictional college life is catching up to your real college life!!
8. HUG YOU BACK (with consent)!!🤗🤗
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krimsonkatt · 10 days
2 More Scams? Really?
I've gotten two more fake Palestine donation scams today, and the day just started! Are you kidding me? How are these scammers so active? How have they not been taken down yet? It's like they're actively targeting my account or something. My account isn't even political! Well, it's at least a LITTLE bit political. Bias colors all of fiction, of course. And of you hate trans people or something and think that being a minority inherently makes you "political", you'll hate a lot of my posts.
These people are so scummy. How DARE they exploit a terrible war for their own profit, using a fake sob story and begging to steal people's hard earned cash? Why is my account, out of hundreds of others, being targeted by these scams? I don't talk about politics on here. I don't even post my political cartoons on here to avoid as much controversy as possible. So why am I being targeted? New scam messages every day. It's overwhelming.
Edit (3:13 EST): I just got TWO MORE fake Palestine refugee scams in my inbox! What the heck Tumblr? Do something! And they're even saying that I'm donating when I'm not! This has to be a targeted attack or something. No one gets this many scam messages in 48 hours, all for the same thing no less.
Edit 2 (4:09 EST): HOLY FRICK. I JUST GOT ANOTHER ONE. This would make NINE fake palestinian refugee scammers to message me. Utterly insane. At this rate I'll start getting a new one every hour...
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Time for me to show you my new oc’s!(incorrect quotes style)
Hoist: Damn, the power went out.
Wheelz : Don’t worry, I got this.
Wheelz : *shakes rapidly and starts to light up*
Hoist: What-?
Wheelz : I swallowed a glow stick!
Hoist, on the verge of tears: WHY WOULD YOU-
Wheelz : Wake up! The sun is shining!
Mix: What do you want me to do, photosynthesis?
Direhide : You’re insane!
Wheelz : Sure I am, what’s your point?
Hotshot : Rockedge kissed me!
Hoist: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Hotshot : It was unbelievable!
Hoist: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Wheelz : Okay, we wanna hear everything. Hoist, get the wine and unplug the phone. Hotshot , does this end well or do we need tissues?
Hotshot : Oh, it ended very well.
Hoist: Do not start without me! Do not start without me!
Wheelz : Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing?
Hotshot : Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh Primus, and then we just sort of sunk into it.
Wheelz : Ohh... So, okay, were they holding you? Or were their hands on your back?
Hotshot : First they started out on my waist and then they slid up and then they were in my hair.
Hoist and Wheelz : Ohhh.
Rockedge eating pizza in their house: And, uh, and then I kissed them.
Wedge : Tongue?
Rockedge: Yeah.
Mix: Cool.
Wheelz : I haven’t slept in 72 hours…
Iva: I haven’t slept in 80. I’m the insomnia queen!
Mix: Ha! I haven’t slept in 90 hours, I’m aiming for an even 100.
Medix: What the frick is wrong with you people.
Iva: Fruits that do not live up to their names; passionfruit, grapefruit, honeydew and dragonfruit.
Iva: Fruits that do live up to their names?
Iva: Orange.
Fireheart : Whirl... you've been cuddling with me for over and hour now.
Whirl: *muffled* mm hmmm :)
Fireheart : Frag. I should be annoyed but you're adorable.
*The Squad is on a hike*
Rockedge: It’s beautiful out here.
Winterlight : And quiet.
Rockedge: Too quiet.
Winterlight : Did we lose someone?
*cut to Mix with a bear in a headlock*
(If you have questions about my oc’s then ask me in my inbox I will always answer.)
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legolasghosty · 11 months
Okay but if I go into your inbox and ask for more zombie apocalypse au would that work??? ;D
Alright, but you quite literally asked for it, so don't blame me if this gets crazy!
For those of you who have been politely ignoring my madness, this is in reference to a post canon type zombie apocalypse au. You can read part 1 and part 2 of me spewing randomness about it on those links if you're interested! I blame Inny and whoever that anon was for enabling me.
Soooo I thought we might start this one by looking at the bit that started this whole tangent: Julie and the guys finding zombies of the boy's bodies.
Listen, they don't really see the apocalypse coming, no one does. So, a couple of months after the Orpheum, following many long conversations and stuff, Julie finds where the guys are buried and they all go to visit. It feels both very right, to pay their respects and all, and very wrong, cause visiting your own grave is just creepy, okay?!
Flynn is driving(cause there's no way Julie was up to learning to drive while struggling with losing her mom, even if she has turned 16 by this point), and the ghosts are being antsy in the back seat. Julie turns on the radio, but all the stations keep getting interrupted by some news people yelling about whatever crisis is happening now. Weird. So they just switch to the aux and Julie starts playing old 90s music. The boys appreciate it. Flynn is less of a fan.
They get to the graveyard just as the music gets cut off by Ray calling Julie. That's... not normal. Usually he texts unless it's urgent. Well, once his kids actually taught him how to actually write text messages, not whole emails in a text bubble.
Ray is like, COME HOME NOW, STUFF IS WEIRD AND THERE'S ZOMBIES!!! Julie thinks he's messing with her, cause like... zombies? Really? Everyone knows those aren't real. Flynn points out that everyone thinks ghosts aren't real either while googling it. And oh frick... maybe they should have paid more attention to those breaking news reports.
Look, I don't know how zombie infections start, okay? Haven't really figured that one out yet. But my general theory for this AU is that whatever chemical does it got into some kind of groundwater supply, and thus is in the dirt. It latches on to forms that still harbor some level of organic matter. Or something. I don't know. It's too late to be doing the science of zombies. Regardless, it's infecting dead bodies and the graveyard they are at is much closer to the source than home.
Reggie screams when the first one scrambles out of the ground behind him. Those first few are the newly dead ones, cause they still have the most organic matter attached and the dirt on top of them isn't as packed down from decades of being stepped on.
Alex panics and summons part of his drum kit right on top of it, crushing and killing it. They all kinda stare at it for a second, and then everything gets nuts. More zombies start climbing up from the ground. Flynn may or may not light a couple of them on fire with her mom's lighter. Look, she doesn't really smoke much anymore, but having the lighter around makes her feel better for whatever reason. Flynn doesn't get it but she also doesn't question it.
It's a small graveyard so they manage to take out most of the zombies fairly quickly, once they get over their initial shock... but then they see another zombie forcing its way up. It has a tattered beanie and they can see bones sticking out of its flesh where it has rotted away. And it's not Luke. They all know it's not. But even Luke himself is a bit stunned by the appearance of his own dead body.
Reggie and Alex zombies are coming up behind Luke. Figures that Luke would be the first one up. And none of them really know what to do. Cause, yeah they're zombies, but also, they're the guys???
But then Luke gets between zombie him and Julie and she realizes that, regardless of what the zombie looks like or who the body used to belong to, it's not him. Cause, ghost or not, Luke is standing right there, dead and breathing and trembling a bit in his beat up vans. So she does what any logical person would do: She grabs a big stick(or a shovel lying nearby or something, I don't know) and smacks zombie Luke over the head with it. Hard.
They take out the zombie boys and get in the car. (Reggie may or may not beat up zombie him with his bass.) They take off towards home just as fast as they can. Cause...what else do you do when zombies are suddenly real?
But it does make them sure of one thing: Zombies aren't people. Their souls aren't tied to their corpses, even though said corpses are moving again.
The ghosts all start leaving notes and writing stuff down for the non-Julie lifers when she's not around to translate. However, none of them really expected both Carlos and Ray to start leaving notes back. Carlos's are mainly for Reggie, asking random ghost questions and making dumb jokes. Ray leaves notes for all three of them(plus Willie when they find them), usually asking apocalypse type questions or asking if they can get some supply item on their next run, but sometimes it's just random questions about themselves. And all of them get a note at least once a week or so that just says, "Thank you for taking care of my little girl."
Julie figures out how to get zombie guts out of clothing mainly for Alex, who got set off into a full on panic attack when some got on his hoodie. It wasn't really about the hoodie of course, but still. It wasn't that much more complicated than getting blood out of clothes, thank goodness. Alex hugged Julie for like a full five minutes when she gave it back to him, mostly gut free.
The ghosts struggle to actually make physical contact with the zombies, similar to other life or life adjacent forms. Thus they're not the best in a physical fight. However, Reggie gets really good at finding heavy stuff to drop on top of them. Hey, when you're not a living being, you don't have to worry so much about little things like how heavy that box is.
The gang develops a point system for zombie killing. It's mostly the ghosts and kids doing it, in an attempt to bring some humor into a terrifying situation. Bigger zombies are worth more, as are taking out a bunch at once, combo kills, or a takedown that's just objectively cool. Points can be cashed in for random stuff like first dibs on food or specific coveted positions in the cuddle piles they fall into at night.
Speaking of cuddle piles, they become very common, cause with everything going on, Julie, Flynn, and Carlos all start having a really hard time falling asleep alone. The ghosts do as well, but they tend to brush it off more since sleep isn't a biological necessity for them. Thus, cuddle piles become a pretty normal thing to help them all fall asleep.
Okayyyy it's after midnight and this is kinda long, so I'm gonna call that good for now and attempt slumber. Hope y'all enjoyed, or at least are not annoyed at me for once again talking too much about a random AU idea.
(Send me an AU and I'll give you 5+ headcanons about it!)
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tulipsnflowers · 28 days
ramble ask game: Hilda!
This has been sitting in my inbox until I decided I was in the mood- like right now, because I'm in a ghost mood and Hilda is the closest I'll fricking get
Unsure Nexomon spoilers
So. Hilda. The Overseer of the Phantom Citadel which - You have to wonder. Since the ghosts are a new thing it's kinda funny it was called the Phantom citadel regardless
I digress
So! She steals Deena. Which, she HAS to have known Deena is Nara.
Because Khan knee of Ventra so she would I assume-
It's kinda funny she yoinks her along anyway, and I have to assume Deena and her either knew each other or just shook hands
Because Deena immediately helps along with her show, she probably convinced Deena that was for the best.
And then they stay behind! Which I think is probably pretty good for them both-
As Hilda said dangerous things were ahead and Deena was kind of essential (points at the whole Omnicron controls nexomon thing) so better she stay safe maybe?
But they had time to hang out! Probably become friends!
Then she helps with Grunda by waking us all up from what I'm assuming are pretty nasty concussions. Thanks Grunda.
And then everyone is in the boss rush and so is she! She helps us once again with Ventra. She is definitely on our side and her and Khan both are against Ventra more so than the rest
Oh and I can't believe I forgot, but she made everyone a ghost. Why? So they wouldn't be killed by Omnicron. It's certainly something that requires a LOT of power so I think Hilda is pretty strong in that regard.
She was also Khan's apprentice and they worked together throughout the game.
.. Look I have throughts about Hilda but I don't know how to word them. Deena and her are friends. Her and Khan are friends, her and Blue are friends. Hilda is great. Except when there's a certain cat around
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whorekneecentral · 2 years
look babe I know you’ve had weird shit today in your inbox but rn my insides are currently being ripped apart by my period so could you please write something about period sex or comfort for any f1 driver I’m desperate
I'll give you some comfort with seb cause why not -- sfw!
"What's wrong?" Your boyfriend asks, crawling into bed next to you. You mumble nothing and roll over the other way.
His hand rests on your side gently, "are you sure?"
"Seb, leave me alone." You spat, a little harsher than expected. He hums, kissing your shoulder softly before getting off the bed.
You felt kinda bad but you knew if you turned around now, you'd just be a puddle of tears. You figured he'd just hang out in the living room but you were surprised to hear the front door slam shut.
You must have dozed off at some point after that and you weren't sure if Seb was back or not but when you woke up, it was quiet. Your stomach was hurting, not just from the cramps but because you were hungry so you dragged yourself out of bed and downstairs.
"Hi," he calls, his voice scaring you. "Jesus, you fricking scared me," you huffed a sigh, a hand on your chest.
"Where'd you go?" You ask him, walking around to sit next to him on the couch. Seb's arm wraps around you, letting you lean into his side.
"The store." He hums, reaching down to get the bag off the floor before setting in between you two.
You peek into the bag and you see candy, chocolates, some pain pills and other things he knew you'd want. "What's all this?" You ask, reaching in to pull out a pack of m&ms.
"Figured you'd want some comfort. there's also ice cream in the fridge and I ordered pizza, it's on the way."
You smile at him, cuddling close into his side. "I'm sorry I yelled earlier."
"It's okay, figured you were just tired." He smiles, kissing your head.
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