oceanera12 · 15 days
Right, that's it--
I do not care who you are. I do not care where you come from. I do not care what your situation might be. But if you come into my inbox asking for money, you will not get any.
I do not know you. You are a stranger on the internet and have no way of confirming you are who you say you are. So what makes you think I'm going to promote you or whatever story you have chosen to put into my inbox?
Kriff off.
(and to anyone else who's getting messages asking for money in their inbox, I highly encourage you to delete them and block them if necessary because I am 90% sure they are bots. There is a reason we have something called "internet safety" and you should not trust everyone and everything you read on the internet)
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rooksunday · 1 month
what about a version of ‘din discovers boba is a clone’ and:
side quest activates!
(yessss din loves a side quest)
and six months later din turns up at boba’s palace like hi hello i found forty eight of your siblings i hope you have clean sheets or whatever xoxo gotta jet there’s a bunch more waiting for a pick up at spacebucks and those old guys get cranky
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apocalyp-tech-a · 2 years
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Tech: "We do not leave our own behind." Tech: *Gets left behind.*
😭 My Bad Batch friends. Speechless. Devastated. But hopeful. Because they lingered on Tech's expression too long when Phee was saying goodbye, they have to have a sappy reunion. Hemlock found his body what's left of him so probably kept him alive especially because he knows it's exceptionally minded Tech. If Maul, Echo, and Vader can survive, so can Tech. (Would be fitting because of his more machine than man quip from 'Aftermath' about Echo.) And what about the emotional reunion of Crosshair, Omega, and a very much alive Tech at Tantiss? And a bunch of other reasons already stated in other posts, like no body - no deathy!! It was a little too much like Kanan's demise, they can't do that twice - It's illegal! NOPE! NOPE! JUST NOPE!!!!
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@auroramagpie's oc Kurtaf Meeralo
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josephsaturn · 10 months
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Jangoshmi but in the funniest context I can think of
just a shitty little comic thing that I wanted to get out
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pianopadawan · 2 years
Playlist of interviews with many of the actors who played the Imperial officers in the original trilogy. I haven’t watched all of them yet but the Julian Glover (Veers) and Richard LeParmentier (Motti) ones are fun. The Ken Colley one is good too.
Thought I’d share for all of you people out there with imp blorbos.
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ask-sad-ghost-piett · 2 years
Posthumous Admiral's Log - Entry 30
I must say I am rather worried about this Massive Amorphous Vortex of Doom.
Firstly, the Imperial Board of Acronyms rejected the acronym “MAVD” on account of the fact that the Managerial Association for the Vacationing Deathtroopers already exists. Now, we have had to resort to vague terms like “vortex”, which is very unspecific, considering how many of those we’ve got scattered throughout the afterlife.
Secondly, the vortex appears to be growing. (Of course, this is only an estimate. No one has been able to put a meter stick near it for proper measurement without said instrument being sucked into the vortex.) I am beginning to think that perhaps feeding the vortex Rebel Scum souls was not a wise idea after all. I ought to have known better than to trust anything Jerjerrod suggested. Now, I only hope the entire afterlife will not pay for the consequences.
I questioned Needa further as to the ritual he used for the ill-fated exorcism which created the vortex. It would appear he mistook “Sith Eternal” protocol for a “Sith Exorcism” protocol based on a collection of ancient runes. When I asked him how he happened upon these runes, he explained to me that Jerjerrod found them in the ruins of the old Death Star.
I am not in the least bit comforted by this news. I fear that we may have summoned a sinister force of great power to this dimension. Considering we already have Lord Vader wandering about, we really do not need another entity of this nature.
I thought at first to research the Sith magic that conjured the vortex in hopes of finding a solution, but I am reluctant to delve any further into those runes. For all I know simply reading them may attract some kind of archaic negative energy to this realm.
Now, there is nothing more I can do but dwell on these worries in solitude and hope none of my fears will come to be. At times, I wish I could speak with someone on this subject, but I do not know who. I doubt Max and I are at the point in our relationship where we can discuss such things as emotions. I have always been a firm advocate of the COMPNOR policy on the unsavory nature of emotions and how they are best kept confined, like Rebels. Relationships are most stable when they’re founded on mutual respect for the Empire with occasional excursions to kriff in an AT-AT. I need to remind myself of that, otherwise I’ll start fantasizing about discussing my feelings and other inappropriate conduct.
- Admiral Piett
Read the full log on AO3.
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izzystizzys · 3 months
As High Marshall Commander, a title foisted on him by the Galaxy’s fakest bitch aka Chancellor Palpatine, Fox theoretically has privileges and authorities like no other clone. In practice, he has a headache and gets ignored more obviously than before.
What he also has is a fancy new function on his personal comm unit modified to broadcast GAR-wide to all commanding officers, up to and including Jedi. It gathers dust next to his own modified button that sees much better use - a private channel to Stone, the only vod that will let Fox bitch at him to his heart’s content without hanging up (Thire) or bitching right back (Thorn).
It’s been a long shift of 72 hours, the maximum Stabby allows him to do without a well-placed hypo to the neck, when Fox finally collapses on his rickety cot in the Command quarters and hits the private comm connection to Stone without looking. He’s already rolling his eyes so hard it tweaks at the migraine that’s been building since hour 18 and heaving a put-upon sigh.
“Everyone is stupid, Stone, and asking to be thrown face-first from the Dome balustrades”, he begins, settling into a low, dead tone of voice to warm to the building monologue. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. “I swear to haran I’m going to wring Amedda’s stringy neck one of these days. I don’t know what magical Force gods his mother pissed off, but they made sure to punish her and the Galaxy at large a hundred times over. He sucks the joy and competence out of every room like a black hole of stupid. I’d call him a has-been, but I trust in the power of nepotism and also just don’t believe he ever was. I swear he’s doing it on purpose and - oh, kriffing Sith-damned hells, you know who’s definitely doing it on purpose?! The kriffing Chancellor, that wrinkly ass-faced ballsack!”
Taking a deep breath, Fox lets that sit in his chest for a moment, indulging in the feeling of bright weightlessness. “I swear he’s trying to keep the war going - no one man can be that incompetent and still draw breath, not even Amedda or Taa. Goddamn Taa - but anyways, kriffing hell, Stone, either the senility isn’t an act or he’s a bad cartoon villain from Dooby Scoo. Yes Sir, sending Senator Amidala to a Seppie-infested planet for negotiations is a great idea after her fourth bomb threat of the week. No Sir, I can’t hear you cackling evilly with Count Dooku under your lame two-credit robe as you’re definitely not colluding with the Republic’s enemies. What, you have a red lightsaber?! Oh, of course I don’t know what that means, I was dropped on the head as a tubie!”
Barely pulling in a harsh breath, Fox continues, palms pressing into his eyeballs hard enough to cause sparks. “And speaking of lightsabers and senile fucks, haran smite my ass off but who the kriff thought it’d be a good idea to give absolute tactical and military authority to the kriffing eldritch space monks! The Force didn’t bless them with the collective good sense it gave to a kriffing rock, and I’m tired of pretending otherwise! Has anyone kriffing read the Theed Convention of Sentient Rights in Wartimes?! NO?!! Well, color me UNSURPRISED, because war crimes ARE NOT! GOOD! BATTLE! TACTICS!!”
“They run around in crop tops, Stone, in crop tops! Oh, the Force provides - WELL I’M GOING TO PROVIDE MY FOOT UP YOUR ASS, AND IT’S GOING TO HURT BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT WEARING KRIFFING ARMOUR!”
“Sure, let’s send the preteens into active warzones under heavy artillery in kriffing party wear! Surely nothing will ever go wrong! And give them commanding positions equivalent to CC-clones, WHO WERE LITERALLY GENETICALLY CREATED FOR IT! WITH A DECADE OF INTENSE TRAINING! LET’S DO THAT, BECAUSE WE’RE ALL KRIFFING STUPID!”
He’s gesturing wildly at the ceiling now, face heating up as his blood boils beneath the surface. “And you know what really gets my lowers in a twist, apart from the preteen commanding officers and blatant kriffing high treason and war profiteering?! Is it the complete lack of recognition? Gratitude? Basic sentient rights?! No, Stone, no, I would take all that in stride if it meant I never had to see Skywalker and Amidala kriffing canoodle right in front of me again, and pretend like it isn’t the galaxy’s worst conflict of interest case in the making!”
“By all levels of Sith-hell, what the kriff is wrong with that woman? You have it all, you could have anyone, and you choose that twatwaffle?! And then they have the gall to lock themselves in a broom closet for twenty minutes straight and have me guard it! ‘Oh yes, Senator, naturally we all go rattling brooms with our good friends! Nothing dodgy happening at all! I definitely believe you were looking for detergent and have used a washing machine before!’ The absolute nerve on those two! And then last week - you’ll never believe this - High General Windu passed by, and I swear he looked like he wanted to throw himself off the roof! I’ve never been less impressed by anyone in my life, and I’m batch-mates with Bly!”
“Speaking of Bly, that little bitchtit - if I have to edit one more, one more kriffing propaganda piece of him staring at General Secura’s bits, I’m going to stab my eye out! And if I have to edit one more of Secura staring at his bits, I’m going to stab the other one out! The only good thing I have to say about them is they’re more subtle than Skywalker and Amidala, which means nothing really. I will never understand that woman - but then she’s worked with Jar Jar Binks for a decade and not had a nervous breakdown, so she either has nerves of steel or is on some good-ass drugs.”
“Girl, your choices. And you know what else is a choice? Kote kriffing roundhouse-kicking heads off droids when he has a perfectly good blaster right there! I don’t know what the Longnecks put in his tube, but I hope to kriff it’s not contagious. I’d say I’m glad he has Kenobi to keep him in check, but that man wouldn’t know common sense if it punched his nose clean off his face. Flirting with General Grievous, ugh. I’d say he can do better, but honestly, they deserve each other.”
“And Wolffe - “, panting, Fox pauses, considering. “Well, Wolffe is an asshole and stupid, and I hate him because he’s stupid and has a stupid face. Also he keeps drunkenly submitting adoption paperwork on General Koon’s behalf - I wish I could say something mean about that, but honestly, his existence is roast enough. Anyways, bitches are trying me today, and by bitches I mean everyone. Commander Fox signing off to go not commit treason, unfortunately.”
Thoroughly powered out, Fox sinks into his hard mattress with a deep sigh. Several seconds of silence reign, and then his comm unit starts blaring in alarm.
Somewhere in the Jedi Temple, Mace Windu is knocked flat on his ass by a gargantuan shatterpoint exploding.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 3 months
Fandom: Star Wars - The Acolyte
Pairing: Qimir x GN!Reader
Summary: You wake up on an unknown planet with a powerful Force wielder offering to help you hone in on your Force abilities.
Qimir Masterlist
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You wake with a jolt, your eyes wide and filled with fear. You slowly sit up and take in your surroundings. You're in a cave but you're not sure where or why. You think back on what you remember last: Qimir showing up, him leading you to his ship, and then darkness.
"What the kriff, Qimir?" you mumble to yourself. You slide out of the makeshift bed and take a look around. Light shines through the crevices of the cave. There's another bed spread a short distance from yours as well as a pot with some sort of stew in it.
"You're awake," you hear a deep modulated voice and you turn. A man donning a black cloak and helmet stands in the entrance of the cave.
You gulp and ask, "Where's Qimir?"
"Off on a mission."
"And Mae?"
"Both of them are on a mission."
"...so we're alone," you state with a hint of fear.
The man cocks his head to the side, "I'm sure Qimir has told you I promised not to hurt you. I intend to keep my word."
He slowly stalks towards you. The hair on the back of your neck stands in alertness as he begins to circle around you. Your fists are clenched and you're trying to keep a level head.
"You're afraid," the masked stranger states.
"I was knocked out and taken to a mysterious planet and now have a powerful Force wielder circling me like an ice vulture. Anyone with a sensible brain would be afraid."
"You came willingly."
You can't help but scoff, "Qimir and Mae both stated that if I didn't go to you, you would come to me. I'd rather go to you than risk those around me of potential danger."
"Admirable, yet you're still afraid." With a flick of the stranger's wrist, a pot comes hurling your way, and you hold out your hand to cover your face. The impact doesn't come as the pot is suspended in the air.
You gasp, stepping back and dropping your hand, resulting in the pot to collapse to the ground with a clang. You immediately look back at the man who continues to stare at you. His helmet has no visor. You're not sure how he can see. It's crafted in a way that it creates some sort of devilish smile that leaves you unsettled.
"You possess a great ability. It's a shame you've gone this long unable to properly wield it."
"I'm not interested in being a Jedi-"
"Who said I was a Jedi?" you don't answer and he continues, "I can teach you the ways of the Force that aren't restrictive like the Jedi. I can help you reach your full potential. You have a gift, Y/N, you should learn how to use it. Let me help you," he holds out his hand and you look at it.
Your brows furrow and you suddenly look up, remembering that very same hand reached out to you, the very same hand that lead you up the ramp to the ship. That hand that gently cupped your face and made you fall into darkness.
Your breathing hitches and you slowly back away, "Qimir?"
The hand closes and slowly drops to the man's side, "I'm impressed." The man reaches up and lifts the helmet off him to reveal Qimir, "Not even my own apprentice has figured it out yet." He takes a step forward and you step back. He holds his hands up, "I told you, I won't hurt you."
"I'm so confused. Why-What do you want with me? Has this been a game to you or something?"
"I assure you, when I first walked into your shop, I was only there for the poison. However, there was something about you that kept me wanting to come back. To see you. I now know why. You have the Force. I can train you and-"
"You already have Mae-"
"You're different. Mae is my apprentice. You...You will be my equal. Together, we can make a difference," he slowly steps towards you and you remain unmoved. He takes your right hand and interlocks his fingers with yours. He repeats the same gesture with your left hand.
There's a faint buzzing sensation coarsing through you. You look at your intertwined hands and then at Qimir, who's smirking at you.
"See? How does it feel?"
"Strange...yet, comforting."
"Imagine how it'll feel when you become more familiar with the Force. How good it'll feel to be strong and powerful. Imagine it, Y/N," Qimir says with a whisper as he leans forward pressing his forehead against yours.
The air around you shifts and vibrates. It's a sensation you never felt before but you can already tell how addicting it is. It's as if you can see, hear, and feel everything around you and how much power they all contain.
"Stay with me," Qimir, "Be my equal."
You remain still as you gather your thoughts. You have never left Batuu until now. You always yearned for more than being just a shop owner. Despite being good at making concoctions and the occasional healing, you felt like you could be so much more than that.
You step back, peeling yourself from Qimir to look him in the eyes and say, "I want to be your equal."
He breaks into a wide grin, an eagerness in his eyes and a hint of something else you couldn't quite place.
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sonicrainbooms · 4 months
I love the thought of Omega talking about her brothers in the rebellion but no one knows that she's talking about 5 different people and they all think it's just one single super-soldier jack-and-master-of-all-trades older brother and Omega, Hera, and Rex find it too funny to ever correct them.
"Wow, Omega, who taught you to fly like that!?" "My brother! He also taught me that turning manoeuvre that scared the daylights out of Rex!" "Omega, you were really great in that recon mission, how did you learn how to sneak around like that?" "My brother taught me! He did stuff like that all the time when he was younger." "Kriff, Omega, we nearly all died! How did you know how to diffuse the bomb!?" "My brother was a demolitions expert, he showed me a few things!" "The target was five klicks away, Omega, how on Alderaan did you manage to hit it!?" "Oh, it's nothing really. My brother taught me how to snipe, you should've seen him back in the day!" "I thought we were done for when they took our blasters. You really saved us, Omega. I had no idea you were so good at hand-to-hand combat!" "Yeah, my brother insisted on training me all the time. I'm glad it came in handy!" Later, after Omega has left for a mission "Okay, we all agree to never, ever, EVER piss off Omega unless we want her to send her apparently god-like brother who apparently has expertise in literally every field after us?" "Agreed." "Seconded" "Thirded"
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ddejavvu · 5 months
hear me out. first time cockwarming with ani to fall asleep and in the morning he’s too overwhelmed by waking up with feeling you around him he can’t help, even in his sleepy state, but to fuck you slowly, deeply and lovingly bc he’s so pussy whipped
happy may the 4th! send me star wars requests/headcanons and we'll have a party <3
this post is 18+, minors dni.
The appeal of cockwarming overnight had been purely short-term for the both of you. You'd exchanged hushed whispers, tender and intimate as you'd let Anakin gently push into your pliant, waiting cunt. You'd been wet enough for him to ease in without any discomfort, and though it had been a strange sensation to fall asleep to, you'd drifted off against Anakin's bare chest, nose pressed into his flushed skin.
Waking is a different affair.
Gone is the fragile, tender intimacy you'd shared with your lover last night; now his forehead is blanketed with sweat as he mashes it into your cheek, and his hips are dragging back and forth as he sloppily ruts into your sensitive cunt. Evidently spending all night with Anakin buried inside of you had made you incredibly overstimulated. A gasp leaves your throat as he pumps his hips once more, and your hands fly to his broad, muscled shoulders.
"Ani," You whimper, "Ani- ah! Oh, that's- mm, that's too much."
"Sorry-" He groans hips halting lazily, though they tremble where he holds them still, "S'sorry, angel. You're- ah, kriff, you're- you feel so good."
Moving was intense, but the ache between your legs when Anakin stops is worse. You dig your fingers into his shoulders, scraping at his golden-tanned skin as you lift your hips up, "Oh, Anakin- Ani- more please, please move."
"Yeah," He breathes, his mouth open in a slack ring as he presses it to your own. He needs no further prompting, and you cry out as his hips jolt forwards again, driving his hard cock into you once more, "I- I got you, angel, I- aah! Fuck, you're- you're so perfect, just lemme fuck you, please let me fuck you."
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kaminokatie · 3 months
Omega Calls You Mum || The Bad Batch
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Synopsis - The Batch react to Omega calling you mum.
Warnings - NSFW.
Notes - Season 3 spoilers, kinda, for Crosshair's part.
Word Count - 8.1k.
{Caffeinate Me}
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hunter: 
“Mum, can Wrecker and I go for some mantel mix?” Omega asked you. Your eyes widened at her question and your mouth opened immediately to answer, but Hunter was quick to answer for you. 
“Just don’t leave Wrecker’s sight.” Omega hadn’t even thought twice about her slip-up and instead, turned on her heels to go and tell Wrecker that they had been given permission to head out. Once she had left the room Hunter looked at you with dark eyes, wild with desire. When he spoke, his voice was a low growl. “Did you tell her to call you that?” 
“What? Mum?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows while shaking your head rapidly.  
“Are you sure?” Hunter asked, his voice dangerously low as he moved closer to you. 
Your eyes were wide, your head still shaking rapidly. You thought that Hunter was mad, but he was far from it. “I’m positive,” you tried to defend yourself. Hunter stood up, his fingers flexing as he grabbed your arm and tugged you out of the cockpit. “Hunter!”
“Get in there,” he growled, pushing you into the small, cramped room filled with bunks. Hunter didn’t even give you a second to ask what he was doing before he locked the door behind him and shrugged off his armour, letting it hit the floor with a clank until he was dressed just in his blacks. Your eyes widened as you saw his erect cock straining against the black material of his undersuit, your mouth drooling at the pre-cum stain that had leaked through his boxers. “Is this what you wanted?” Hunter hummed. 
“I didn’t mean for her to call me mum, I swear!” You exclaimed. And yet despite the fear of the unknown, of what Hunter was going to do to you, you couldn’t help but feel extremely aroused. The heat pooling between your legs was enough to make you feel dizzy, and you staggered towards Hunter. Throwing your arms around his neck, you kissed him fiercely as your right hand moved down his body to rest on the front of his throbbing cock. You could feel it, warm and twitching through his undersuit. 
“Get these kriffing blacks off of me,” Hunter cursed under his breath as his hands desperately undid the undersuit, ripping it off his toned body and leaving him completely bare to you. Hunter pumped his cock a few times as he stared at you, his eyes saying everything he was thinking. You let out a whimper of desire as you began to undress quickly, letting Hunter’s eyes scan every inch of your body as you exposed yourself. “So perfect,” he whispered breathlessly. You shook your head at him, but Hunter was quick to grasp your hips and pull you into a bruising kiss. His hands roamed over your body, groping at your breasts greedily as his tongue slipped into your mouth. “You want me to make you a real mummy so badly, huh?” Hunter growled out against your lips. 
“Kriff yes,” you whimpered softly, nodding your head. 
Hunter turned you around so you were facing the wall, his hands falling down to your hips. “Hands on the wall beautiful,” he whispered in your ear, his voice sending shivers down your spine. You did as Hunter commanded, putting the palms of your hands onto the wall in front of you. “Good girl.” His praises sent another shiver down your spine and just as you were about to speak up, to voice your embarrassment, Hunter slammed his cock into your tight hole. A wanton moan left your lips at the sensation, no matter how many times you and Hunter had sex, the initial stretch never got easier for you to take. 
“Hunter!” You squealed out. “I need a minute,” you begged. 
“No,” he snapped as his hips thrashed against yours. You were already a whimpering mess underneath him and he had barely even touched you, his cock had barely even impaled you. Hunter didn’t give you any time to adjust, instead he continued to fuck into you mercilessly, his mind filled with thoughts of you being a mother to his child. The thought alone almost made him cum immediately, but he slowed his hips down momentarily to give him time to think. “Cyar’ika you’re so warm and tight around me,” Hunter groaned as he sped up his pace once again. 
You let out a choked cry as the palms of your hand slipped down the wall slightly, your back bending over. Hunter revelled in this new position, his cock hitting deeper inside of your cunt with each and every thrust. He couldn’t get enough of you, of feeling you like this. It drove him mad with desire. You couldn’t stop the moans that were threatening to fall from your lips, and you didn’t seem to care that Echo, Tech and Crosshair were still on the Marauder. Hunter's hands gripped your waist tightly, so hard that his touch was almost bruising on the tender flesh of your hips. Sounds of skin-slapping-skin filled the cramped room and you were certain the noise would be heard from the cockpit. “Hunter I’m going to cum!” You cried out softly, your head spinning from the intense pleasure that was welling in your gut. 
“Cum for me cyar’ika,” he whispered, the pet name falling from his lips effortlessly. It didn’t take much convincing for the coil in your stomach to snap. At Hunter’s words, your entire being crumbled, the coil in your stomach finally snapping until all you saw was searing hot, white pleasure behind your eyes. Your legs shook violently and Hunter had to move a hand from your hip to wrap around your waist to keep you upright. “I’m going to cum now, so kriffing much. It’ll be leaking out of you for days.” You couldn’t comprehend what Hunter was babbling about, you were too cockdrunk to fully think. You were a whining mess as Hunter held you upright, pounding into you effortlessly with as much force as he could muster. His cock twitched inside of you as he came, rope after rope of hot sperm pouring into your abused cunt until you physically couldn’t take anymore. “You’re so beautiful,” Hunter mumbled into your ear. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too Hunter,” you whispered back as he pulled out of you, a soft noise leaving your lips at the loss of fullness in your pussy. You let yourself come down from your high before you clothed yourself once again. 
After a few moments of silence, Hunter spoke up from his position on his bunk: now laying down with one hand behind his head. “If you’re Omega’s mum, does that make me her dad?” He asked teasingly. 
“You’re her brother Hunter,” you chuckled as you lay down next to him. 
“Well, hopefully I’ll be a dad soon,” he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead and placing a hand on your stomach lovingly. Something inside of him had awoken at Omega calling you ‘mum’ and he had no idea what it was, but he never wanted it to go away.
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Crosshair:
Life on Pabu was different from anything Crosshair could have ever imagined. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be living on an island, leaving the life of a soldier behind him and settling down. It had been a year since Crosshair had shot Hemlock on Tantiss, a year since Omega was saved from that hellhole and a whole year since you and Crosshair had fallen into each other's arms. Now, you shared a quaint little house with Crosshair on the shores of Pabu, a place where the two of you could relax and just be together in your early retirement. 
The morning sunlight broke through the curtains stirring both you and Crosshair awake. The birds chirping outside the open window made the gruff sniper groan quietly as you sat up, stretching. Omega had stayed at your home overnight and would probably be awake any minute now, if she wasn’t already. You had to prepare breakfast. You pulled on your nightdress and opened the bedroom door. “Where are you going?” Crosshair grumbled, his eyes still closed. 
“To make breakfast. Do you want any?” You asked quietly. 
“Mmm,” Crosshair mumbled as he thought. “Just some caf, I’ll be down in a minute.”
You nodded your head silently and turned to leave. You crept your way down the hallway and down the stairs to the kitchen, in an attempt not to wake up Omega. You immediately opened the cupboards to see what you could make for breakfast. As your eyes scanned the ingredients and food tins you decided to make one thing that Omega loved: pancakes. You grabbed the needed ingredients out of the cupboard and began making them. Just as you were about to start making breakfast you heard Crosshair stumbling around in your shared  bedroom and you let out an exasperated sigh. There was no doubt in your mind that with all his faffing, he would have woken Omega. You had half expected her to run down the stairs immediately after waking up, but much to your surprise she didn’t. Instead, she came plodding down with Crosshair, the two of them rubbing sleep from their eyes and yawning in sync. “Pancakes for breakfast!” You chimed as you finished plating up Omega’s pancakes. 
“Thanks mum,” she mumbled, licking her lips as you set the plate down in front of her at the dining room table. Due to her exhaustion, she hadn’t even noticed her mistake of calling you ‘mum’ – however, it didn’t go unnoticed by Crosshair or yourself. You decided not to say anything, knowing it was just a simple mistake or slip of the tongue, but Crosshair glanced at you as he sat down next to her. His heart fluttered at the domestics of it all.
When Omega was finished eating her pancakes and Crosshair was finished drinking his caf, the two of them went off to do some meditating on the beach, leaving you to do general maintenance around the house. After roughly two hours, Crosshair came striding into the house and when you noticed Omega wasn’t with him you frowned. “Don’t tell me you were playing hide and seek and lost her again?” 
Crosshair snorted and shook his head. “Hunter came to collect her from the beach.” 
“How is he doing?” You asked as you finished placing the last pile of dirty laundry into the washing machine. 
“Good,” Crosshair said, sitting down at the dining room table. He was quiet for a few minutes, simply watching you doing the most mundane tasks while looking so effortless when he finally spoke up. “This morning when Omega called you mum… How did that make you feel?” 
You stopped in your tracks, thinking to yourself. How did it make you feel? You paused for a moment before speaking again, “it made me feel… warm and tingly inside.” 
“Warm and tingly, huh?” Crosshair asked, a sly smirk on his face. He wasted no time in wrapping his arm around you and resting his prosthetic hand on your hip before planting wet kisses on your neck.
You let out a soft moan and nodded your head before tilting it to the side, giving Crosshair better access to the skin on your neck. “Yeah. Warm and tingly,” you repeated softly. “I never knew she thought of me as a mother-figure.” 
“Well the kid can be surprising,” Crosshair mumbled against your neck before biting down softly on the flesh and sucking softly enough to leave a red mark. 
“Has she ever said anything to you?” You ask, biting down on your bottom lip to suppress the moans threatening to spill. Crosshair shook his head in response, sucking on your neck again. Both his hand and his prosthetic flew under your shirt and to your chest, squeezing your breasts roughly. He didn’t know why, but the thought of Omega calling you her mum flipped a switch in him, releasing something primal inside that he never realised was there until the word left the little clone's mouth that morning. A soft gasp left your lips as Crosshair began to play with your puckering nipples, tugging at them earnestly. “Cross,” you mumbled softly under your breath. 
“Yes mesh’la?” Crosshair asked, pulling away from his assault on your neck to look at you properly. 
“Don’t tease me,” you begged silently. 
Crosshair smirked at your words and slipped his hands from under your shirt, grabbing at your hand and leading you up the narrow staircase to your shared bedroom. You had already made-up the bed with a fresh set of linen after stripping it to put your other sheets in the washing machine and set up your aroma diffuser on your bedside table to freshen up the place. It’s a shame the sheets were about to become dirty again and for the room to smell like sex – but you didn’t care. Instead you giddily followed Crosshair into your bedroom and closed the door behind you with your foot. Reading your lover's mind, you both began to strip off within record time and soon you were wrapped in each other's embrace on the fresh bed sheets. Crosshair was behind you, spooning you as he spat on his hand and pumped himself, lubing up his cock before he positioned himself against your tight cunt. “Mesh’la, please–”
“Don’t ask, Crosshair,” you whimpered softly. A loud moan left your lips as he slowly pushed into you inch by inch, a moan of his own escaping his lips. 
“Cyar’ika, you feel so good,” Crosshair huffs out, his hips slowly moving against yours. You loved it when he called you petname’s in Mando’a, it always set your heart ablaze. You let out a strangled moan at his words and moved your hips against his in the same rhythm, desperate to feel more of him. “Cyare,” he gasped out as your hips bucked against his own.
“Gods, Crosshair!” You exclaimed, already feeling your orgasm fast approaching. It was shameful, really, just how quickly Crosshair could make you come undone. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling your body even closer to his as his movements sped up. Crosshair couldn’t help but pound into you at a rougher pace, his cock twitching inside of you, 
“Not going to last,” Crosshair grumbled against your throat, pressing soft kisses on your skin. “Cum for me baby, please.” 
“Crosshair I’m cumming!” You call out, your body shaking with anticipation as your orgasm washed over you. 
“Good,” Crosshair purred as his hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing delicately. Your airways were cut off slightly, and a gasp left your throat. Your pussy tightened around Crosshair’s cock, milking him dry. With a few more stutters of his hips, Crosshair was cuming shamelessly inside of you, a loud moan of your name leaving his lips. “Kriff, kandosiil’a.”
“Huh?” You asked, tilting your head at the unknown word. 
“Amazing,” Crosshair explained.
“It was,” you chuckled softly. 
Crosshair remained inside of you, his cock softening by the second. “Do you feel warm and tingly inside now?” He asked, chuckling softly. 
“You could say that,” you replied with a smirk. “I certainly feel full.” 
Crosshair chuckled again at your statement, a sense of pride filling every fibre of his being. “I would certainly hope so.” 
“What got you so worked up anyway?” You asked Crosshair.
Sheepishly, he responded. “Omega, calling you mum this morning.” Your eyes widened at Crosshair's response and you felt that warm, tingly sensation return in the pit of your stomach. 
Crosshair just nodded, his cock still sheathed inside of you. “Really.” 
“If you’re going to fuck me like that every time Omega accidentally calls me mum, I might just get her to do it on purpose from now on,” you grinned cheekily, raising your eyebrow at him. Crosshair just scoffed and shook his head in faux disbelief. 
“Be my riduur,” Crosshair whispered after a few minutes of silence. You looked at him over your shoulder, his arms still wrapped around your waist. When you didn’t respond, Crosshair spoke again. “Be my wife… Please.”
You quickly turned over, his cock slipping out from between your tight heat as you moved. “Do you mean that, Cross?” 
“More than I’ve meant anything.”
“Then yes, I’ll be your riduur.” 
You had no idea that Omega calling you mum would lead to a proposal, and when Crosshair was able to go out and buy you a ring to symbolise his love for you, he would – but for now, he just had to believe you when you said yes.
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Wrecker:
Wrecker watched from close by as you and Omega played ‘Dekarik’ on the holotable located in Cid’s parlour. He drank the ale from his cup, smiling to himself as you sighed frustratedly and furrowed your eyebrows at the holotable in front of you. In a few moves, Omega had once again won leaving you feeling jokingly bitter. “How do you do it?” You groaned, rubbing your forehead. 
“It’s a strategy game!” Omega replied. “I’m good at strategy. Besides, it’s easy when you put your mind to it.” Wrecker felt his heart swell at the interaction. He loved how close you had become with Omega since she had joined the squad a few months back. It was almost as if you had taken her under your wing, being the mother she so desperately needed. Wrecker felt his heart stop at the thought of you being her mother, the idea never crossed his mind before but now he couldn’t seem to get it out of his head. Apparently, Omega was thinking the same thing as she blurted out, “I can teach you how to play properly, mum.”  
You froze in your seat the second the word ‘mum’ left Omega’s lips, and so did she. She was about to apologise when you put a hand up to silence her, a small smile on your mouth. “Don’t worry. Slip of the tongue.” Omega looked sheepishly at you before slinking off her seat and making her way over to Hunter on the opposite side of the parlour, no doubt to talk about her embarrassment. Wrecker hung back for a few minutes, studying your reaction as you watched the young clone walk away to her brother. He took a few deep breaths before walking over to you, sitting opposite from you on the holotable. “Hey,” you mumbled to Wrecker, avoiding his eye contact. 
“Hey,” he replied, a smile on his face. “You okay?” 
You nodded your head and bit your bottom lip. “Yeah, I’m fine. Are you?” 
“I’m good,” Wrecker bites the inside of his cheek as he stares at you.
“What’re you looking at?” You mumble softly, finally meeting his gaze. 
“Omega called you mum,” Wrecker smirked. 
“She did,” you nod your head. “But she didn’t mean it.” 
“But what if she did?” Wrecker asks you, his eyebrow raising. “What if she sees you as a mum?”
“So what if she does?” You asked. You didn’t mind if Omega saw you as her mother, if anything you found it to be quite endearing. “It wouldn’t matter. I’m not her mother anyway.”
“I know that,” Wrecker exclaimed, rolling his eyes with a goofy grin on his face. “I’m just saying, it’d be quite cute. Don’t you think so?” Wrecker was seemingly in thought after he spoke, gazing off into the distance as he watched Omega and Hunter talk. Suddenly, he stood up and held his hand out for you to take. 
“Where are we going?” You took his hand willingly, cocking an eyebrow as he led you past his brothers and into the back room. Wrecker didn’t answer you, just pulled you into the room and closed the door behind you before turning back to you. “What is it?” You trailed your eyes down Wrecker’s large form until they stopped on his crotch – painfully hard and throbbing. Your eyes widened and your lips parted, clearly confused. 
“The thought of the kid calling you mum,” Wrecker mumbled as he took a step towards you. His hands trembled as they reached out to cradle your face, his thumb stroking your cheek. “Did something to me.” 
You bit your bottom lip as Wrecker pressed himself against you, a soft sigh leaving his lips. “What do you need, Wrecker?” You asked softly. 
“You know what I need mesh’la.” A strangled sound leaves Wrecker’s lips as you slowly sink onto your knees before him. Immediately Wrecker began to remove his armour until he was just in his blacks, whimpering before you had even touched him at the way you were kneeling and looking up at him with wide doe eyes. As soon as his armour hit the floor you were pawing at his blacks, desperate to free his cock and feel it on your tongue. “Mesh’la,” Wrecker groaned the second his cock sprang free, bouncing up and down in front of your face. You were practically salivating at the sight. Without a second thought about who could walk in at any minute, you wrapped your lips around his cock earning a hiss from the clone towering above you. His hands instinctively made their way to your hair, gripping desperately as he pushed your face further into his crotch, forcing his cock further down your throat. You tried not to gag, you really did, but he was so large you couldn’t help it. Tears welled in your eyes as you tried to pull away for air, however Wrecker kept your mouth seated firmly around his throbbing cock. You whined quietly around him, sending vibrations up Wrecker’s body and a moan to fall from his lips. With a slack jaw, Wrecker finally released your hair and you were able to pull away for air, gasping softly. “Sorry,” he said, a faint blush on his cheeks. 
“It’s okay,” you smiled sweetly, standing up and ridding yourself of your trousers. Wrecker’s eyes widened at the sight, his heart beating frantically in his chest. You bent over Cid’s makeshift bed, spreading your legs enough for Wrecker to see your tight cunt quivering around nothing. You were so desperate for him. “Wreck, please.” 
“I’m coming,” he groaned, positioning himself between your legs. In one thrust, he fully sheathed himself into you, a growl bubbling up in his throat. He immediately began moving, his hips snapping against yours with ease. Your wet cunt easily gripped his cock like a vice as he moved. “Oh Gods,” he whimpered pathetically, his hands moving to your hips to bounce you on his cock as he moved. “You’re so tight.”
“Wrecker!” You gasped quietly, your eyes widening as Wrecker continued to move. 
“What is it mesh’la?” Wrecker asked, biting his bottom. 
“Gonna cum–” 
“Cum for me sweet girl,” he whispered, the grip on your hips almost bruising. At his words you felt your orgasm wash over you and if it wasn’t for Wrecker wrapping an arm around your front, you would have toppled over at the sheer force. You squirted onto the floor, burying your face in Cid’s covers in an attempt to hide your shameless moans. At the feeling of your pussy clenching around him, Wrecker let out a loud moan of your name, his hips slamming into you ruthlessly. 
“Kriff – I’m cumming,” he growled animalistically, it almost scared you. With one final, hard thrust into your sopping cunt Wrecker spilled himself deep into you. 
Wrecker collapsed on top of you panting heavily, squashing your body uncomfortably between him and the edge of Cid’s bed. “Wrecker,” you squeaked out, catching the large clones’ attention. 
“Sorry,” he gasped, clearly out of breath. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m good,” you chuckled finally as Wrecker rolled off of you and fell onto the floor. “That really got to you, hm?” You asked after a few seconds, watching as Wrecker caught his breath and began to dress himself. 
“I suppose it did,” he said sheepishly. 
You shook your head and laughed. “Don’t worry big guy. There’s plenty more where that came from,” you winked his way and pulled up your trousers before walking out of the room and back into the parlour. The only person there was Cid, who was eyeing you cautiously. 
“The other’s didn’t want tiny to hear your escapade so they took her out,” Cid said, rolling her eyes. “In my bed, really?” She hissed after a few moments, disbelief and disgust laced her voice. 
“It was over your bed, not in your bed,” you corrected. 
“That makes it much better,” Cid said sarcastically. 
Just as you were about to open your mouth and say something else, Wrecker walked out, eyeing the parlour. “Where is everyone?”
“Out,” Cid snapped. 
“They didn’t want Omega to hear us having sex so they took her out somewhere,” you explained to Wrecker before turning to Cid. “Any idea when they’ll be back?” 
Wrecker piped up with a cheeky grin, “round two?” which only caused you to roll your eyes and shake your head playfully. 
“You’ll be the death of me, Wrecker.”
“At least you’ll die satisfied,” he replied enthusiastically, grabbing your arm and pulling you back into Cid’s back room. Hopefully by the time you were finished with the second round the others would be back and you could hop on a mission, but until then, you were going to enjoy every time that you had alone with Wrecker.
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Echo:
“Omega, Y/N, Echo,” Hunter spoke softly, turning to the three of you. “You stay with the ship. We won’t be long.” You nodded your head in acknowledgement and sat in the pilot's chair, patiently waiting for the others to leave for their scouting mission. 
After roughly an hour of no communication with the others, Omega began to worry. She was pacing up and down the cockpit desperately, fiddling with her fingers. “What if they don’t come back?” She asked, her eyes wide.
“They will come back, Omega,” Echo sighed, running his hand down the side of his face. He understood her concern, but wished she didn’t worry as much as she did. 
“Mum, what if they don’t come back?” Omega asked, turning to you. Her eyes were wide with tears and she was obviously too caught up in her own worry to even think about the fact that she had called you mum. 
You blinked at her repeatedly, not sure whether to mention it. Eventually you decided not to, and instead just humour her. “They will come back, Omega, just like Echo said,” you smiled at her softly. 
Low and behold, they did come back, eventually anyway and with extra supplies too. “I thought this was supposed to be a scouting mission?” Echo asked, tilting his head to the side as Wrecker brought the supplies on board the ship.
“It was until Wrecker got hungry,” Hunter scoffed. “Then it turned into a supply run.” 
“Tch, typical,” Echo sighed, shaking his head. Although, he couldn’t say he wasn’t pleased about the extra rations. Tech set off the ship, setting a course back for Ord Mantell while the rest settled into some of the new rations. Echo was staring at you from across the room, his astute ears having heard the way Omega had accidentally called you ‘mum’ earlier on. He couldn’t deny that the words had sent his mind reeling. He had bitten his tongue from mentioning anything but now the two of you were alone, he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. “So… Mum, eh?” 
“Huh?” You asked, looking up at Echo. He was already walking slowly across to your position, his arm and scomp wrapped around his chest. 
“Omega… Calling you mum,” He said softly, sitting down opposite you. You and Echo had been dancing around your feelings for one another for the longest time, but the fact Omega had called you her mum had stirred something up inside of Echo. “It was sweet.”
“It was, wasn’t it,” you smile up at Echo as he stands in front of you. 
“It was,” he mumbles, looking off to the side. “Look, Y/N…”
Echo trails off and this confused you. “What is it?” You ask tilting your head to the side. 
“I can’t deny it anymore. I–I’m in love with you. Irrevocably, completely in love with you.” 
Your eyes widened at his admission of love for you, completely taken back. “What?” You asked, your eyebrows raised. 
“You heard me Y/N. I’m in love with you. And I can’t hold it back anymore.” He held his hand out for you to take. You didn’t even hesitate to take it before wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“I never thought I’d hear you say those words to me,” you mumbled against his chest. “Never in a million years did I think you would love me.”
Echo pulled back from you just enough to look down on you. “What do you mean?” He asked, his voice low. 
“I just meant – like, look at me,” you pull away and motion down to your body. “I’m nothing special.”
“You are very special, Y/N, especially to me,” he cupped your face in his hands and smiled at you gently. “And you’re beautiful. Never let anybody or anything tell you otherwise.” You smiled at Echo softly, your eyes welling up with tears as he plucked a stray piece of hair behind your ears. Echo had always looked at you as if you had hung the stars from the sky yourself with your bare hands. “May I kiss you?” He asked, leaning in closer to your face. Your throat was so dry, you couldn’t respond with words, so instead you just nodded your head desperately. Before you could even comprehend what in the kriff was going on, Echo had his lips against yours softly and tenderly. It was strangely intimate. Echo’s hands slip down to your waist, gripping ever-so-slightly at the fabric around your hips. He deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue against your lips, desperate to taste the inside of your mouth. With a soft moan, you let him enter, opening your mouth to the force of him greedily pushing his tongue inside. You stifled another moan, your eyes fluttering closed as you wrapped your arms tighter around his waist. “Oh Gods, Y/N,” Echo grumbled against your lips. His nails dug further into the fabric around your hips, pulling you flush against his body. “I–I need you. Now.” 
“What do you mean?” You asked, but Echo didn’t answer with words. Instead he picked you up bridal style and carried you to his bunk a few feet away. You let out a slight squeak in protest as he picked you up, but the second you were laid down on his bunk, you wished to be back in his embrace. The clone climbed on top of you, his hands greedily roaming around your body, almost as if he was trying to map out the entire layout of your body underneath him. His hands pulled your shirt up to your chest, exposing your breasts. Shakily, Echo brought his lips up to your nipple, flicking his tongue against the sensitive bud to test the waters. When another soft moan left your lips, Echo’s confidence grew and he found himself mouthing both of your breasts. When he wasn’t sucking one, he was fondling it with his free hand as his scomp desperately tried to pull your trousers down. He was failing miserably, however. “Need some help?” You asked, a cheeky grin on your face. Echo pulled away from your breast and looked up at you, nodding his head before turning back to sucking and biting gently at your nipple. You pushed Echo off to the side, although his mouth was still attached to you, and pulled down your trousers and underwear until you were completely bare to him. 
“Cyar’ika,” Echo whispered softly as he pulled away to look at you. He sounded almost breathless as he stared down at you. “You are so… Mesh’la.” He was too stunned for words. His hands trailed down your body, stopping between your legs and slipping a finger up your slick folds. The clone next to you let out a shaky breath as he dipped a finger inside your tight heat, your cunt sucking his finger in almost greedily. “Kriff.”
“Please Echo,” you begged softly. “Please, I want you so badly.”
“You’ll have me cyar’ika. Just let me…” He trailed off his voice, his finger pumping in and out of you at a languid pace. Soft moans left your lips as you spread your legs wider, giving Echo better access to that sweet spot inside of you. Echo groaned as he felt your walls tighten around him and without any warning, pulled out of you completely. You whimpered at the loss of contact, but quickly gasped when he began to remove his armour and blacks. This was really happening. 
“Echo I’m begging you don’t tease me,” came your whimpering voice, so needy and desperate. Echo nodded his head and settled himself between your wide-spread legs, gawking at the wetness that coated your folds. He grasped the base of his cock as he slowly pushed himself inside of you, his eyes widening and head thrown back as he sheathed himself into you inch by inch. 
“Oh mesh’la, you feel so kriffing good I can’t–” he stopped as he began to move his hips slowly, relishing in the feeling of your tightness wrapped around him. After a few seconds, Echo picked up memento, slamming into you at a slightly faster pace. “You’re – ah – clenching me so tightly.”
“S-Sorry,” came your voice, low and sheepish. 
Echo shook his head in response, his lips attaching to your neck as he kissed down to your collarbone. “Don’t be sorry mesh’la, it feels so damn good.”
“Echo I’m going to cum,” you whimper out softly. 
“Cum for me baby, cum for me and I’ll fill you up,” Echo growled softly. His voice was demanding and primal, and the coil in your stomach snapped at his words. Blinding white light filled your vision as you came, legs trembling around Echo’s waist. “Good girl,” he practically purred. 
“Cum for Echo, please cum for me,” you begged. 
Echo nodded his head, his movements speeding up in the process. He was so close, so unbelievably close he just needed something that would tip him over the edge and the second you wrapped your legs tighter around his waist, that did it. Echo was able to reach a new spot inside of you and it felt too good. The next thing you felt was Echo pumping deep inside of you, his cum spurting out of the tip. “Kriff, Y/N!” Echo called out, his body trembling from the intensity of his orgasm. His movements slowed down until he was at a complete stop, laying on top of you while panting heavily to catch his breath. “That was unbelievable,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head lovingly. 
You nodded your head, smiling up at him with complete adoration in your eyes. “Did you mean it?” You asked, gazing at him. 
Echo raised an eyebrow and looked at you. “Did I mean what?” 
“That you love me? Do you love me, Echo?” 
“More than anything,” came his reply. He bent down to press a soft kiss to your lips, a slow but passionate kiss. Different to any other you had experienced before. You felt your knees go weak from a mixture of your orgasm and the kiss, and kissed him back. “I love you, Y/N. From the moment I set eyes on you.” 
“I love you too Echo,” you whisper softly, echoing the words back to him. The two of you lay there in silence for a while as Echo stroked your hair lovingly. Eventually, Echo let out a hearty laugh, looking down at you. “What?” You asked him, tilting your head. 
“To think all of this happened because Omega called you mum.”
“I’m glad she did then,” you smirked at Echo, not even trying to hide your smugness at the current situation. 
Echo wrapped his arm and scomp around you while nodding. “I’m glad she did too.”
“Hey, are you two finished there? Cid’s sending us on a new mission and we could really use your help!” Wrecker’s loud voice came from behind the door. 
“We’re not finished yet!” Echo called back, rolling his eyes. You looked up at Echo with a raised eyebrow and he just shrugged before whispering to you, “just a few more minutes. I just want to hold you a little longer.” You couldn’t help the wide smile that span across your lips at his words. 
“Well don’t be too long! I’m missing Y/N’s company,” Wrecker said through the door, clearly pouting. Then, you heard his footsteps fade away into the distance and you were finally alone with Echo once more. 
“Sleep, mesh’la. I’ll wake you up when we get to the mission location,” he whispered, running his hand through your hair. You nodded your head and closed your eyes, and it wasn’t long before you were drifting off into the deep abyss of sleep, peacefully dreaming of all of the things to come. 
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Tech: 
“Are you memorising the ship's manifest, Omega?” Tech asked, looking over his shoulder at the young clone besides him. 
Omega nodded proudly to Tech, her eyes gleaming with hope. “Yeah, mum’s been helping me!” 
“Mum?” Tech questioned, raising an eyebrow at her.
“I mean Y/N,” Omega said quickly, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red at her misslip. It was clear she was embarrassed, but rather than keeping his mouth shut Tech decided to make it so much worse. 
“She is not your mother, Omega. She is more like a sister to you than a mother,” he explained, adjusting his orange goggles that were resting over his eyes.
“I know that, I’m not sure why I called her mum,” Omega mumbled softly, looking away from Tech’s scrutinising gaze. 
“It would simply be a slip of the tongue,” it was Tech’s way of trying to make Omega feel better, but it wasn’t working. 
Omega was about to speak when you stepped in. “Hey you two, been looking all over for you!” You exclaimed as you stepped into the cockpit. 
“Well where else would we be other than the cockpit?” Tech asked, raising a quizzical eyebrow. 
You rolled your eyes and huffed. “You could have been anywhere.” Omega continued to read the ship's manifest, trying her hardest to memorise everything, despite the overwhelming sense of dread and embarrassment that lingered in her gut. Her red face worried you and occasionally you glanced over at her to make sure that she was okay. 
“I’m going to see Hunter,” Omega grumbled, standing up out of her chair without saying another word and leaving the cockpit. 
“Where is Hunter?” Tech asked. 
“He’s just outside.” 
Tech simply nodded at your explanation and watched as you tinkered around. After a few moments of watching you, he finally asked. “What is it you are doing?” 
“Just cleaning,” you reply, dusting off Tech’s workspace. He seemed confused, you had just cleaned the space the previous day, it didn’t need dusting again for at least another day or two. Tech continued watching you with a quirked eyebrow, watching intently as you reached high places to dust and picked up various knick knacks to dust too. He felt something well deep inside of him as Omega’s words echoed back in his mind, of her calling you mum. 
Tech cleared his throat and sighed, adjusting his goggles once again. “You know, I often clean this place when I work on my projects. It does not need you to attend to it.” 
You placed down your duster and looked towards Tech, a visible frown on your face. “It just… Makes me feel better knowing it’s been done properly.”
“You doubt my ability to clean?” Tech asked. 
Your eyes widen and you shake your head. “No. Not like that! I just meant that, well I’m not sure what I meant actually.”
Tech couldn’t help but let out a small huff of a chuckle. He knew that you meant no offence, but still couldn’t help but feel as though you doubted his ability to clean. “Nevermind.” You looked somewhat embarrassed but quickly began your cleaning again before you had the chance to say something else to further your embarrassment. Tech continued to watch you and couldn’t help but admire the way your body moved and stretched when you tried to reach high places. 
“What were you and Omega talking about before I came in?” You asked. 
Tech adjusted his goggles once again before muttering, “nothing much. But, something peculiar did happen.”
“Oh yeah? What was that?” You asked. 
“Omega called you mum,” Tech explained. 
Your eyes widened and your lips parted. “She did what?”
“She called you mum,” Tech repeated, thinking you genuinely hadn’t heard him the first time. “I thought it rather funny, if I am being honest.”
“Why did she call me mum?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. 
Tech tried to push the feelings down that were welling deep inside of him. Whatever they were, he couldn’t explain them. Once again, readjusting his goggles, Tech began to talk. “Well, we were talking about whether or not she had been memorising the manifest. She had explained to me that she had and she said, and I quote, ‘mum’s been helping me’ referring to you.” 
“Oh,” you whisper, feeling quite overwhelmed. You felt your heart flutter at the comment, and couldn’t help but smile. 
“I found it rather odd, but at the same I can understand why.” Tech offered you a small smile. “I feel as if Omega has become really attached to you.” 
You nodded your head. “I think so too.” 
“It is not a bad thing, if that is what you are thinking,” Tech said, but you quickly shook your head in disagreement. “I must admit, it gave me a peculiar feeling myself.”
“In what way?” You asked, tilting your head.
“It…” Tech took a deep breath and sighed. “It made my stomach flutter, amongst other things.”
“Other things?” You prodded. 
“Like what?” 
“It does not matter,” he grumbled, feeling his cock twitch against his armour. Thoughts of you beneath him suddenly filled his mind and Tech’s eyes visibly widened in horror. He had never had an impure thought in his life, and suddenly at the thought of his sister calling you mum, he was struggling to compose himself and right in front of you too. Tech couldn’t help but suddenly notice how beautiful you were, his eyes roaming over your figure as you looked at him. 
“Tech… Is everything okay?” You enquired. 
Clearing his throat, Tech nodded. “Yes. Everything is just fine I…” He trailed off once more, feeling his cock twitch against his armour yet again.  
“I am just feeling a bit strange,” he tried to explain without giving away too much but you saw straight through him. Your eyes flickered down to his crotch, now exposed from his manspread position in the pilot's seat, his erection obvious against his now bulging armour. 
A grin appeared on your face. “Really Tech? That does it for you?” 
Tech looked down between his legs, his face heated up almost immediately. “I do not know what you are talking about.” 
“Oh yeah? You have no idea?” You asked teasingly, your voice holding a rather smug tone. “Do you need some help, pretty boy?” 
“W–What?” He managed to stammer out, choking on a bit of his spit. 
“Do you want some help with that?” You repeated, motioning down to his erection. Tech fumbled over his words as you walked over to him and knelt down between his legs. With you looking up at him, his breath caught in his throat and his cock twitched yet again. When he didn’t protest, you began to remove his codpiece, allowing his cock to breathe slightly now that the plastoid was no longer pressing against him. “Tell me if you want me to stop.” He didn’t want you to stop, not at all but his words weren’t working so he simply shook his head. You grabbed the knife from his pocket and carefully slit his blacks around the hip before you ripped them open. 
“My blacks!” He exclaimed, but you simply shushed him. 
“You have more, Tech. Besides, if we’re going to do this you need to be quiet.” Your voice was like a command and it sent a jolt straight to Tech’s cock. He nodded his head again, a slight whimper left his lips as he watched you pull down your own trousers. You unhooked one leg from them, giving yourself easier access to move before spreading your legs. With wide eyes, Tech watched as you spat on your hand and rubbed it against the lips of your cunt, lubing yourself up. 
“Oh Gods,” he moaned under his breath as you straddled him, the heat of your pussy rubbing up against the red head of his cock. Tech’s breath was shaky as you lowered yourself down onto him, adjusting to the new sensation of him seated inside of you. You began to move after a few seconds, bouncing slowly on Tech’s cock. Your cunt gripped him tightly, earning groans and moans from the smart clone below you. This just made you move faster, slamming down on him repeatedly forcing him to moan out your name. “Kriff, Y/N.”
“Mhm?” You asked softly, wiggling your hips from side-to-side. 
“Feels so good,” came a strangled moan from his lips. Spurring you on even more, you let out a soft moan of your own as your hand made its way between your legs, rubbing at the sensitive bundle of nerves. You felt your orgasm approaching quickly, the thickness of Tech’s cock mixed with the sensations on your clit was pushing you to the edge. 
“C–Can I cum?” You asked Tech, slightly breathless. 
“Please,” he practically growled. You nodded your head erratically and rubbed your clit faster, pushing yourself to the brink of collapse. Tech’s hands fell to your hips, gripping them tightly as his own hips moved to meet your harsh movements. With a final bounce, you felt your walls contract around Tech’s cock, quivering above him. Your head rested on his left shoulder as you continued the same movements, but now languidly and Tech knew it was his turn to take over. His hand on your hips tightened as he pushed up against you, hitting that sensitive spot inside of you that had you seeing stars. 
“Gods Tech, don’t stop!” You cried out. 
“I do not plan on it, mesh’la,” he whispered as his hips smashed against yours desperately. He was so big, you felt as if he was going to split you open and your cunt was beginning to become sensitive with each harsh thrust Tech made. “I’m going to cum cyar’ika. Where do you want me?” 
“Inside, please!” You begged. Tech’s eyes widened at your words, not expecting you to ask him to cum inside of you, but he couldn’t deny you. Not when you felt so good wrapped around him. He nodded and began to thrust up against you rapidly until he met his orgasm full force. Tech spilled his cum deep inside of you without a care in the world, his body shivering violently as you milked him dry. 
“Kriff–” he groaned, rolling his eyes into the back of his head. “You’re so beautiful.” 
You pulled away from Tech’s shoulder and smiled softly at him. “So are you.” 
He let out a soft smile your way as he slipped his cock out of you. “Would you mind getting me a spare pair of blacks? Considering you ruined these ones.”
“Oops,” you replied cheekily, shrugging, but nodding your head. You put your leg back into your trouser hole and pulled them up your legs before leaving the cockpit to get Tech a spare pair of blacks. When you appeared again, Tech was looking slightly more presentable than he did when you left, albeit his softening cock was still on display. He took the blacks from your hand and nodded his head. 
“Thank you.” 
“Do you feel better?” You asked, watching closely as Tech dressed himself again and put his codpiece back into place. Tech nodded at you and sighed. He couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed that Omega calling you ‘mum’ had aroused him, but it had and there was no going back now. “Now if you don’t mind, I have to get back to cleaning the ship.”
“Understood,” Tech replied, watching as you continued your original position cleaning the cockpit. He smirked to himself before shaking his head. He had no idea what the future held for you, but he was excited to see where things went. 
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kaminocasey · 7 months
A Great View
WARNINGS: TBB S3 SPOILERS. 18+ MINORS DNI; Smut, fresher sex, possessive/jealous Crosshair, fingering, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex between partners (Wrap it up friends), p in v, maybe slight angst?
Summary: Crosshair gets jealous when Howzer flirts with you.
Pairing: Tbb s3!Crosshair x f!reader
WC: 2k
A/N: How GOOD were episodes 6 & 7?! SO GOOD right? I've missed this man so so so much. So excited for next week. When Cross said "Oh, I'm much worse." I couldn't BREATHE. And not to mention, seeing him in his old armor again???? Forever crying over him.
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“Did you like the attention Howzer gave you?” Crosshair’s smoky voice is in your ear as he pushes you up against the fresher sink on the way back to Pabu so he can tend to your wounds. 
Normally, this would be your job, tending to the batch’s wounds. And normally, if you had any wounds yourself, Tech would-
“No.” You shake your head.
He lets out a noncommittal grunt, his hand traveling up into your hair to move it out of the way so he can help clean the blood off your forehead. “Is that so?”
Crosshair was right earlier. He is worse than Hunter. But that’s what you love about him. Kriff, you’ve missed him so much…You flinch when he dabs at the cut. 
He pulls his face back some and looks down at you with a raised eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. You’re telling the truth, though.
You tell him, firmly. “I just…”
“What is it? Tell me princess.” He hums, tilting your chin up toward him so he can search your eyes.
You can feel the other clones’ eyes on you as you sit with Omega, Wrecker, and Batcher at your feet. Howzer passes by, smirking. You look up at Crosshair, who’s suddenly more tense, and then look back down at your datapad. A few moments later, Howzer brings you a drink and you thank him. 
“No problem. If you need… anything else… don’t hesitate to come find me.” He winks. 
Oh. Uh oh. 
You look up at Crosshair again, just knowing his eyes are on you at all times. He’s shooting Howzer a glare so hard you think it could usually break a normal person in half. Crosshair walks over to you, leaning against the table, next to you and then tilts your chin up toward him and kisses you so deeply, it makes your insides go warm and fuzzy with need. 
You and Crosshair had been apart for so long, he wasn’t about to let anything get in his way again. When he pulls away, you feel slightly breathless, both yours and Crosshair’s pupils are blown and you think you may need to sneak away. Except Rex breaks up the moment, needing him and Hunter for something. 
Howzer throws Crosshair his own glare and joins them, leaving you warm in the face, thinking about what you’re going to do to him tonight. Wrecker’s laugh snaps you back to reality, so you ignore him, going back to your datapad. 
You look up at Crosshair, the burning need for him returning low in your stomach. 
“I like when you’re jealous. It’s hot.” You smirk up at him as he puts a small bandage over the cut on your forehead.
Crosshair lets out a low chuckle, smirking. “I would say it’s more protective than anything.” 
“Call it what you want, it was hot.” You shrug, running your hands across his stomach, landing on his waist, gripping his shirt. 
He leans in close, his warm breath ghosting over your ear. “Yeah? You like when I let people know what’s mine?” 
You nod. “Yes.”
He hums, kissing your neck and you let out a soft moan at the feel. He lifts you up, sitting you on the sink. This sink is bigger than the one on the Marauder, so there’s more room for him to stand between your legs without feeling cramped. Not that you mind the cramped feeling. 
“You want me to take you right here? Remind you who you belong to?” Crosshair murmurs, squeezing your thighs. 
“Yes, please.” You look up at him, eyes wide with need. 
Crosshair crushes his lips to yours, finally, hands traveling to cup your neck so he can reach you better. A soft moan escapes your lips, traveling right to his, making him smirk. 
The two of you had been together the entire war and then when he chose the Empire over the batch, over you, your heart shattered and you thought you’d never love again. 
And then he got off that freighter with Omega and your heart soared. You belong to him, and he belongs to you. It’s the only thing that’s ever made sense in these dark times. 
You and Crosshair have snuck away every chance you’ve gotten since he’s come home to you, making love, desperately and passionately. So this would come as a surprise to no one, being locked away in the fresher on Echo’s ship. 
He pulls away to help you down off the sink and spins you so you’re facing the mirror. His lips turn up in a soft smirk. 
“I look rough.” You notice.
Your hair is a mess, you’re caked in blood and dirt and desperately need a shower. 
“Doesn’t matter.” He leans down and kisses your shoulder. “You’re still beautiful.”
You roll your eyes with a teasing smile. “If you say so.”
He starts to ease your pants down until they hit the floor, taking your underwear with them. “I do say so.”
And then he places a swift smack to your left cheek, causing you to let out a sharp gasp. 
“Go on. Say it.” His smoky voice fills your ears and you close your eyes, savoring the sound of it as he rubs the spot on your cheek that he smacked.
“I’m beautiful even when I look like I had the shit beat out of me?” You tease.
He chuckles. “Brat.” 
“You love me.” You open your eyes only to meet his own in the mirror.
“I do.” He nods.
It’s a promise.
He lifts your shirt up over your head, unsnapping your binder next, with slightly shaky fingers. You notice when he looks down, frustrated at his hand, so to distract him, you back up against his hardened length, making him groan softly. His hands fly to your hips, pushing you down over the sink. 
“Tell me how bad you want it, princess. Go on.” He urges you, smirking down at your naked form. 
You don’t think there are words to describe how badly you need him to fuck you right now. 
“Fuck…” You whisper. “Please… I need it.” 
“Didn’t tell you to beg. Told you to tell me how bad you want it.” He purrs, sliding two fingers through your already soaked folds. 
“I- I need it.” You whimper. “So bad. Please Cross… I c- I can’t tell you how bad.” 
His fingers find your clit and your back arches up as you moan and his grip on your hip tightens. 
“What would you do if I just got down on my knees instead of fucking you?” He teases.
All you can do is whine. 
“You really want me to fill your pussy that bad, huh?” You can hear him drop to his knees and you whine again.
“Hush.” He whispers. “Let me make you cum and then I promise I’ll fuck you as hard as you want me to. Deal?” 
He knows that his voice alone is enough to make you fold. You’ve never been able to tell the man no. Not to anything. 
“Deal…” You sigh. 
“Thank you.” He places a quick kiss to your rear cheek. 
The moment that you feel his hot tongue against your warmth, you have to put your hand over your mouth so that no one will hear you come apart above your partner. He licks stripe after stripe over your folds, getting you nice and wet for him. Your shaky breaths only spur him on.
Crosshair’s arms snake around your thighs, giving you extra security to keep you held up and you silently thank him. Unable to help yourself, though, you push back against his face, the stubble against his cheeks causing a delicious friction against your inner thighs. 
Having Crosshair on his knees like this reminds you of the first night he was home. The two of you snuck away to the beach almost immediately. Hunter hadn’t been happy about it, but it was worth it. Cross had pushed you up against a rock, kissed you until both of you couldn’t breathe and then he dropped to his knees and ate your pussy for over an hour. You lost track of the amount of times he made you cum that night. 
There hadn’t even been any apologies until after. The need for each other just… outweighed the bad. 
And now, here he is, a couple weeks later and you have a lot of lost time to make up for. 
“Fuck, right there.” You whisper.
He hums against your cunt and then sucks your sensitive clit between his teeth before latching his lips against it, making you smack your free hand against the mirror. He chuckles and pushes a finger into your tight warmth, making you groan against your palm. 
“Yeah? You gonna cum on my face, cyar’ika?” He encourages you, thrusting his finger in and out of you. 
You both know it’s not as good as his cock, but his long slender fingers have always been able to reach into you so perfectly.
“Mmhmmm.” You whine as he curls his finger against the spongy part inside of you, making that familiar warm feeling start to take over. “So good.”
The blinding white hot feeling rips through your body like a volcano, sending you over the edge, dripping down Crosshair’s face. 
He stands up, gripping your hair and pulling back so that you’re forced to watch as he pushes his cock roughly into you, making both of you moan so loudly that he has to place his free hand over your mouth so you’ll be quieter. You don’t mind though because it brings you physically both closer. You make eye contact again in the mirror and he kisses your bare shoulder, thrusting roughly into you.
“Mm.” He sighs. “You know you’re mine, don’t you?”
You nod, mumbling around his hand, answering him.
“And you don’t mind if I make everyone else aware that you’re mine?” He whispers.
You shake your head.
“Good. Fuck… So good to me.” His thrusts become sharper, more purposeful as you clench around his cock.
You know you’re going to feel it later. But it’s alright because you know he’ll take care of you later. 
“Where do you want my cum?” He grits between his teeth.
“Inside.” You mumble through his fingers. 
He buries his face in your neck, biting back a growl the best he can as he empties himself inside of you, painting your walls with himself, just how you love it. Deep and rough. You’re sure to have bruises in the shape of long slender fingers on your hip in the morning, but you don’t mind.
“Shower.” You whisper.
“Shower.” He agrees. “But first…”
He spins you around to face him and kisses you again. This time, more gently, cupping your face so carefully, he almost seems afraid that you could break. His tongue slips past your lips, dancing along yours and you cling to him, wrapping your arms around him. 
When he pulls away, he rests his forehead against yours. “Thank you.”
“For what?” You look up into amber brown eyes, confused.
“For taking me back, even when I didn’t deserve it.” He whispers.
You pull away, staring up into his eyes, your favorite eyes, holding his face so that he looks at you. “Listen to me, Cross… Everything you did… all the mistakes you made… they don’t define you. You have to let go of the past so that we can build our future. Okay?”
You’ve seen how much he’s changed. You see the way he is with Omega. How affectionate he is with Batcher. And more importantly, how he’s apologized to you and promised to be better. You believe him. You believe in him. 
He nods, tears nearing the brim of his eyes, so you kiss him again. 
“Speaking of our future…” You murmur softly, smiling against his lips. “A couple days ago, Shep showed me a house I thought could be perfect for us.” 
“Oh yeah?” He guides you into the shower, starting the water.
“It’s got a great view.” You wiggle your eyebrows.
“Doesn’t every house on Pabu have a ‘great view’?” He raises a dark eyebrow.
“Yeah, but not every house in Pabu has you.” You shrug. For the first time, you think since before he left, he lets out a genuine laugh. It reaches your soul and you know you’ll do anything to hear that laugh for the rest of your life.
TAGS: @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @idledreams @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz  @burningfieldof-clover @rebelsriley
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singswan-springswan · 8 months
yeah interstellar did better in three hours what ahsoka couldn't do in six and a half no i'm not upset about it why would you think that
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hoedamn-eron · 7 months
size doesn’t matter
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You didn’t think anything bothered Poe Dameron…until he found out about your ex.
Warnings: Like one mention of sex. Mentions of drinking alcohol and being drunk. Was meant to be comedic but took a bit of an angsty turn, so warning for insecure!Poe. No proofread (surprise, surprise) so there are probably mistakes. Word count: 1,056 GN!Reader, no use of Y/N.
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“How big was he?”
“Poe, please – “
“No, seriously, how big was he?”
You sigh, giving him an almost exasperated look. You’re not sure how you got here. No, actually, that’s a lie. You do. You and your friends had been drinking the night before in celebration after a successful mission, with no casualties, and the more you all drank, the more the conversation…turned.
Listen, you’d played Never Have I Ever before, and even Strip Poker. You were no prude; in fact, you were open about your sexuality, you enjoyed sex and you weren’t ashamed of it. So when someone (you couldn’t fully remember who it was, you think it might have been Rose) asked what your biggest ‘non-sexual' turn on was, and you mentioned your ex was a big guy and that was what had drawn you to him in the first place.
Now, obviously, it’s the next day and word got back to Poe. He’s not happy about it, and he’s cornered you by your quarters. Normally you’d take advantage of the fact that you’d found yourself alone with him, but he doesn’t look to be in the mood. You’d been steadily seeing Poe for over a year, and you felt like you were secure in your relationship; he was a great guy, with a heart of gold, and a nice smile. You still flounder around him, because kriff, he was so good looking. He had a line of people falling at his feet any chance they get.
You never expected him to be self-conscious about his height.
“Tell me,” he said, looking at you with that frown on his face, his arms crossing over his chest.
He’d been working out a little more lately, and it was paying off. He looked delectable.
“There is nothing to tell!”
“Other than you get turned on by guys who are ‘big’,” Poe mutters, and you ignore the pang of guilt that settles heavily in your chest.
“Poe - “ you stop yourself, giving a frustrated huff through your nose. You closed your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose as you gather your thoughts. “Does it really matter? I’m not with him, I’m with you.”
“But it turns you on.”
“Oh, Maker,” you say, exasperated, opening your eyes and rolling them up to the ceiling.
“Just tell me how big he was,” Poe said, almost nonchalant. You knew it was a trap.
“Look, it was just an offhand comment after a night of drinking, it didn’t mean anything,” you say, almost desperate now.
“Well if it didn’t mean anything, then you should have no problem telling me.”
You sigh, giving him a pointed look. “He was 6’5.”
“6’5!?” he asks, eyes widening as he looks at you.
Your shoulders sag, and you shake your head. “I told you it wasn’t important to know – “
“Not important to know? He’s a kriffing giant, how do I compete with that?” Poe asked, and you swear he looked like he was on the verge of a breakdown.
The guy can look a First Order officer in the face and shoot down a bunch of TIE fighters, but worries about the height of your ex.
“You don’t need to compete with anyone,” you said. “It’s been well and truly over with him for years, and I’m with you.”
“But you’d prefer me to be taller though, right?”
“I prefer you as you are,” you say, cupping his cheeks and making him look at you. “You are amazing. You are exactly who I want you to be. You’re brave and good looking, and you’re kind, and you make me happy, Poe. Please, for Maker’s sake, I love you.”
Poe looks at you with a sad look on his face. “I sometimes…” He goes quiet, averting his gaze from you, before lifting his hands, his fingers wrapping around your wrists. “I sometimes feel like I’m not good enough for you. That you might want something…more.”
Your heart breaks at his words. Poe was always so confident, and he treated you like royalty, and practically wanted for nothing when it came to him. You hated the thought of him feeling inadequate, or ‘not enough’ for you. He was everything you ever wanted.
“You are enough,” you say sincerely. “You’re more than enough. I wake up every day wondering how I got so lucky to have even met you, never mind being in a relationship with you. You treat me well and respect me, and you…you make me feel all fluttery inside.”
Your cheeks warm at the admission, and Poe gives you a shaky grin.
“All fluttery, huh?” he asks.
“Yes,” you answer after a few moments, dropping your hands from his cheeks.
“Your, uh…your ex not make you feel like that?”
You roll your eyes. “If you must know, he was a nice guy but not right for me. A bit of a trainwreck, but…yeah…” you sigh at him. “Please don’t…don’t compare yourself to him, or anyone else. You are kriffing Poe Dameron, everyone would give an arm and a leg to just be in your presence. And I fell in love with Poe Dameron.”
Poe studies you for a moment before his grin widens. “I am pretty great.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Don’t let your ego get too big, you wouldn’t be able to walk through doors with your big head.”
“Even though I’m shorter, I am the better man.”
“Okay,” you say laughing, stepping away from him.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he says, pulling you back towards him and he wraps his arms around your waist, keeping you to him. “I just worry sometimes. I’m not around much, and I don’t want you to have…wandering eyes.”
“Wandering eyes?”
“I love you too.”
Your irritation from his quip softens into a look of warmth and understanding. You adore this man.
“Let’s go and get some dinner, okay?” you say, pulling away from him and holding your hand out for him to take. “Bet all that worrying all day made you hungry.”
“Funny,” said Poe, heavy on the sarcasm as she takes your hand and you both stroll through the base, in a comfortable silence.
After a while, Poe pipes up with, “Our sex is better though, right?”
You smirk, not bothering to look at him. “Oh yeah, much better.”
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motherroam-rs · 7 months
(Not) Broken
NSFW - 18+
Warnings/Tags: Alcohol, Smut, Fingering, Praise Kink, Oral Sex (both male and female receiving)
Relationship: Tech x Fem!Reader
Summary: When a comment from Crosshair has you feeling insecure, Tech offers some assistance in showing you that you’re not broken.
Word count: 4.9k
A/N: big thank you to @shinigami101 for helping me with this as well as @darklightcannon and Sophia for proofreading 🫶
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NSFW Below the cut
You tap your foot against the durasteel floor of the marauder, the walkway extended before you, almost pointing to the cause of your annoyance striding towards it. Crosshair wears a tipsy smirk as he stares up at you, beginning his walk of shame up the steps. From this angle you catch sight of lipstick marks trailing down his neck and disappearing beneath his blacks. So that’s where he’s been.
“You’re late.” Your head shakes disapprovingly, the lasting effects of all the free drinks at 79’s only made you more irritable. You and Crosshair did typically get along - just not when he decided to make you all late for a mission just so he could enjoy having some girl wrapped around him.
“What, jealous?” Crosshair’s taunting voice carries over Wrecker’s snores as you pass by the larger clone slumped over in his chair, he had fallen asleep about twenty minutes prior, when the alcohol at least still had you feeling giddy.
“No, I’m annoyed because now we’re running behind because you decided it would be a good idea to kriff around with a Civ!” You drop yourself into your seat, yanking down the bar to secure yourself, and Crosshair does the same next to you.
Tech, the only one who’s entirely sober, has already begun preparations for take off, eyeing the pair of you between his ritualistic preparations for the Marauders flight. Always the designated pilot, it allowed the rest of you to soak up the drinks at 79’s and sleep them off before you all have to serve your duty in the war. You were thankful of his reliability every time he caught you from stumbling around like a newborn deer, and would wrap his arm around you to guide you back to the safety of the ship on those nights.
“Maybe if it were you, you wouldn’t be so uptight.” His voice is humorous as he knocks his leg with your own, but you’re not in the mood to laugh with him.
“Kriff off, Crosshair.” You bite back before Hunter, despite being the most inebriated out of all of you, finds it in himself to pull out the sergeant card to get the two of you to stop bickering.
Crosshair was right though, you were jealous, but not in the way he thinks. Your mind flashes back to sweating bodies, discomfort, and ultimately - disappointment. Sure, you were still young, and given that you were following these soldiers into battlefields on any given day it didn’t exactly give you the opportunity to meet any men. Despite these factors, you were beginning to think there was something wrong with you.
Not a moment longer past the time you’re safely in hyperspace, you make an exit towards the bunks, not caring for any eyes that may be staring at your back before the door closes.
A soft knock echoes through the room and you take a deep breath as you hit the control panel, ready to tell Crosshair to go wash away the heavy smell of cheap perfume that now lingered in the cockpit, but the door opens to reveal someone else.
“It is just me.” He steps inside and you move back to the bunk, flopping down onto your back with as much grace as a bird shot from the sky. He closes the door behind him and takes a seat on his bunk, directly across from your own.
“Where are the others?” You’re surprised none of them have rushed in yet to claim their bunks for the night.
“They are already asleep,” Tech informs you, fiddling with his gloves in the absence of the data pad usually present in his hands. “You are upset.”
“Yes.” You confirm with a huff.
“Because of Crosshair's comment on your lack of sexual activity?” Credits to him, he had it right. Any of the others would have guessed it was just the delay the sniper had caused you, but not Tech. Despite his aversion to most people, he did understand you, and you liked to think you did in return.
“Why are you here, Tech?” You roll onto your front and groan into your pillow, which of course being GAR issued, barely muffles the noise.
“Why are you upset?” Tech sounds genuinely confused at your misery.
“Because it’s embarrassing?” You half laugh at his question.
“Because you have not engaged in intimate activities since-“ You cut him off before he can make you feel any worse about the night in question, how he had bumped into a man who never even got the opportunity to get out of his own pants. You remember how Tech had actually blushed, and was unable to make eye contact with you the whole next rotation.
“Because I can’t,” The words are spilling out to your friend before you can stop them, the alcohol in your brain only making them slip out easier. “I’m broken, Tech.” You pull yourself up to sit on the edge of the bunk to mirror him, the room spinning as you do so.
“I..” Tech pauses, his eyes momentarily flicking downwards to your thighs as he adjusts his goggles. “I am afraid I do not understand what you mean.”
“I’m not having this conversation with you right now.” You let yourself fall back onto the bunk once more, “I just can’t… finish.”
“Ah, you cannot achieve an orgasm.” The realisation in Tech’s voice makes your face burn.
“Oh maker.” You rip the pillow out from under your head and instead pull it over your face, as if you were a child hiding from an imaginary monster. But instead you’re just wishing the void of space would swallow you whole and save you from this conversation with Tech.
“It is nothing to be embarrassed about, would you say it is because your previous sexual partners were unsatisfactory or do you believe you are experiencing physical-“ He begins to reel off questions, each one making your face burn hotter.
This was not a conversation you wanted to be having with anyone on the team, let alone Tech, who would now just look at you as a broken part to a ship begging to be fixed.
“Tech!” You cut him off. “Just, leave, please?” You plead into the pillow, hoping he’s understood you.
You can’t see him, but you hear the soft creak of the bunk, and footsteps leading towards a door which opens with a soft whoosh.
He pauses, “I thought you wanted my help.” He lingers for a moment, until he’s sure you won’t respond, before leaving you once more.
Following the next mission, once you and Crosshair begrudgingly made up over Caf and teasing Hunter for being a lightweight before the batch and yourself as their medic head into battle, the Marauder is silent. For once, there is no bickering between the brothers, all of them having left to enjoy some local festivities on the planet you were stationed on for this evening. The only noise echoing throughout the bunks is the faint buzz of a vibrator and your shallow breaths.
You had it perfect, you’d showered, read a book to clear your mind, and even had a small glass of corellian whiskey to yourself. You’d received the bottle as a thank you for aiding an injured civilian and meant to save it for a special occasion, but something inside you said now was as good a time as any, especially considering the odd blaster bolt that came too close for comfort over the last few rotations.
All of the effort seems to be for nothing as you twist your free hand in the sheet, not in pleasure, but at irritation of your struggle for release. The other hand circles the edge of the vibrator over your clit, occasionally dipping down in an attempt to push it inside of you, but you’re not nearly relaxed or wet enough.
You’re so caught up in your frustration that you don’t hear the knock on the door, and the only warning you get to cover yourself comes from the light flooding into the room from the cockpit.
You jump upright, clutching the thin blanket to your bare chest and rip the vibrator away from between your legs.
“Oh,” Tech stammers from the doorway, still armoured and only lacking his helmet and gloves, his face flushed red. “I believe I have interrupted you.” Seemingly unsure of what to do, he slams his hand to the control panel, locking you both in the warm room.
“Yes.” You gulp, heart racing in your chest, fumbling to turn off the vibrator while it continues to buzz, as if it were laughing at you for your inability to cum.
“Any luck?”
Is he seriously asking you if you came?
“Tech.” You give a light warning, finally managing to switch off the device.
He gives you a questioning look, and you groan, sliding down against the mattress in defeat “No.”
Maybe it was the built up tension in you, or the fact you had a few drinks prior to your attempts but suddenly the confession works its way out of your throat.
“It’s just so frustrating, no matter what I do it’s not enough!” Tears threaten to fall and you scrunch your eyes closed.
“As I said before, I could help if you let me.” His voice is soft, level.
“How?” Your eyes open with an empty laugh and you find yourself staring at him, “Sorry, but I don’t exactly think the basic med training covers women’s intimacy issues, I know mine didn’t.”
“Perhaps I can find out the cause of your issue, if you will allow me to look.” He suggests, kneeling next to the bunk, his tone as casual as if he were discussing an issue with the Marauder.
“You want to watch me?” The words sound even more ridiculous aloud. Tech was your closest friend on the team, surely this would be crossing every line possible.
Tech looks at you with soft eyes full of reassurance, as if reading your thoughts, “I promise that nothing will change between us.”
His gaze is fixed on yours and something in his eyes makes the protest die on your tongue, his hand covers your own that is gripping the blanket to your chest. It feels warm and comforting, and your heart slows at the contact. His other hand presses on top of your knee that peeks out of the blanket, and you can’t recall a time he’s ever touched you with such purpose.
You pause for a moment, suppressing a shiver at the way his thumb brushes comforting circles on your knee, and take the opportunity to look into his eyes, searching for any hint of hesitation. Finding none, with the help of the whiskey you exhale your concerns, ripping off the proverbial bacta patch as you allow him to pull the blanket away from your bare body.
When you close your eyes in a mixture of arousal and embarrassment at Tech seeing you this way, you miss the way that his own widen in slight surprise and adoration, before darkening with lust.
He gives an encouraging nod as he applies light pressure to the inside of your knees, guiding them apart. If he feels any of the embarrassment that you do now, he certainly doesn’t show it with his gaze fixed between your legs.
“To begin, I would like for you to attempt to make yourself orgasm.” Your eyes snap open again, stomach tensing at his request. “Breathe, dear, it’s just us.”He quickly calms you, continuing to brush his thumb on your knee, and seats himself at the end of your bunk.
It’s just Tech, you’re friends, it’s not weird, he’s here to help you. You remind yourself, drawing a breath at his expectant eyes before trailing a hand down your body, which is entirely bare despite the fact that Tech remains near fully armoured. You think you hallucinate the small gasp from the end of the bunk when your fingers reach their destination, dragging slow circles on your clit.
“Would you like me to record this? I know that I typically record everything without asking but I need your consent in this situation.” His offer is uncharacteristically fast for the man who is used to keeping a level head in the middle of battle.
You bite your lip, your head already nodding before your brain can formulate an answer, and your cheeks flush at how the knowledge of Tech recording you makes your stomach tighten and wetness coat your fingers.
You withdraw your hand from between your legs, waiting as he presses the button on the side of his goggles and a small red light assures you it’s recording. “Continue what you were doing before.” He instead presses the vibrator to your open hand, turning the device on.
“Remember what I just told you, dear, breathe.” Tech reassures you once again when your breath begins to quicken. He keeps one hand on your knee as the other guides your own to position the vibrator on your clit, and you suck in a sharp breath at the contact, suppressing the moan begging to be heard.
“It is just us here, you do not have to silence yourself.” Tech's voice is hushed, but still floods your ears. The sound of it only makes you tighten around nothing.
You try to tell him that you can’t, that it’s bad enough that you’re in this situation, but that he’s helping you with it. Tech, your teammate, your friend. But, you’re not given much choice when he guides your own hand to add pressure with the vibrator, “Tech!”
You swear you hear his breath hitch at the unrestrained cry, or perhaps it’s your own.
“Very good.” He withdraws his hand.
Has his voice always sounded that tense?
You continue your movements, allowing your head to fall back on the thin pillow which seems to be the only thing grounding you to the real world at this moment. You let out a small moan when the bunk creaks and a bare hand presses to your inner thigh, forcing one of your legs into a position that will allow him a better view.
“It seems you are approaching an orgasm.” He encourages, leaning forward in quiet awe. You don’t respond, you already know what’s coming, just as you’re steps away from the precipice, the fire diminishes, leaving your body flushed and unsatisfied.
“That’s what I mean, Tech.” Your eyes finally settle on him between your legs, and despite your failed attempt to cum, you involuntarily tighten. You switch off the vibrator, discarding it on the bunk, but Tech raises his hand to catch your wrist before you can pull the covers over your naked form.
“Fascinating,” You’re about to kick him away at that, until his next statement renders your body useless. “May I try?” Techs hand guiding your own was one thing, but for him to use his own on you has your heart going faster than a pod race. You don’t know what’s possessed you, but your body responds before your mind has made its decision and you’re giving him a small nod.
He waits a moment, eyes searching your face for any sign of hesitation, before he’s leaning back to take his position between your legs, which had closed again on instinct.
“Please, relax for me.” He gently pulls apart your thighs, his fingers immediately moving upwards, lightly grazing over the soft skin.
“You appear to be wet enough, no issue there.” His thumb smears the fluid up your slit to your clit, opening you up in one motion and you gasp. Your hands find purchase in your bedsheets, and it takes every bit of control in you to not chase after his hand with your hips.
“No lessened sensation either, good.” He mumbled to himself but you can barely hear him over your own heartbeat as he moves to drag slow circles around your clit with his thumb, earning him another moan from you. At the noise, you catch Tech briefly adjusting his codpiece, suddenly looking uncomfortable.
“Tech?” Even in battle you’ve never been so breathless, and he gives a strained hum of acknowledgment, his middle finger dipping back down to circle your entrance.
“You can take it off if it’s - ah!” The words are stolen when his finger sinks into you effortlessly, and your hand grips the metal edge of the bunk while your brain scrambles to find the end of the sentence. “If you’re uncomfortable.”
He doesn’t respond verbally, but the soft click of his codpiece being released signals that he’s heard you, and he presses his hips back to the mattress. Once certain you have adjusted, he adds another finger, working them inside you with a scissoring motion that has you chanting his name in a breathless prayer.
You become increasingly aware of how he’s grinding himself into the mattress with every strangled moan and whimper he can pull from you, slipping from his usual control.
You can barely begin to form words at this point beyond his name, your senses instantly zeroing in on the harsh warm breath fanning across your exposed cunt as his fingers withdraw from you. You barely get a moment to glance at his head between your thighs before his lips press to your clit, tongue darting out to taste you.
“Is this okay?” Tech’s voice is rough, nearing Crosshair levels of hoarse.
“Maker, yes Tech.” You practically sob, and just as your mouth utters his name, he’s diving in, tongue exploring you like a man starved. At the intensity of the sensation, your thighs threaten to close around his head, but he’s fast to hitch one of your legs over his shoulder while pinning the other one down to keep you open for him.
A thin layer of sweat forms on your skin as your hands tightly grip the sheets at his attention to your cunt. First, he’s zeroing in on your clit, licking and sucking in a way that almost has you in tears, before he moves down to dip inside you, tasting you, and then repeats the process.
The orgasm is approaching fast like a wave threatening to break at shore, but then the tide begins to recede. Tech seems to sense this, pulling back and releasing your clit with a wet noise that seems to echo through the empty room.
”Look at me, Mesh’la.” Tech demands and you meet his burning gaze. Through the flames in his goggle framed eyes, you find encouragement. He wants you to watch him. Once he’s sure you’re focused on him, he returns his mouth to your cunt, sucking your clit into his mouth whilst delving two fingers inside.
You don’t know what possesses you to make the offer, whether it be the haze of pleasure in your mind, or the way his hips continue to rut into the mattress, but it spills from your lips without any filter “Tech, I can help you too- Kriff!” He sucks particularly hard at this before releasing you so he can listen to your offer, “But I’m not sure how to take care of us both at once, or if you want to…” you gesture down to his erection straining against his blacks, “Help your own situation?”.
You practically see the cogs whir in his mind, and he sits up, beginning to rid himself of his armour. “Stand up.” He orders, and despite the way your legs shake, you obey the order, gripping the upper bunk for support.
You stare at Tech, slightly confused, and a small smile graces his lips, still coated with evidence of your arousal. He’s bare from the waist up, and his hands now make steady work of removing his lower blacks in one swift motion. Your attention is caught by the sight of his cock standing proud against his tanned abdomen. You knew biologically there is some correlation between height and the size, and with Tech being tall that he would be above average, but your lips fall open at the length. You still weren’t sure what he had in mind, but you’re suddenly unsure you can handle it.
“Do not be intimidated, Cyar’ika, I will help you.” One hand reaches to your jaw, brushing a thumb along it almost lovingly while the other settles on your hips, pulling you down onto the bunk with him. Both hands are now slipping below your thighs, pulling you into a position so that you’re straddling his chest, facing towards the foot of the bunk, facing his cock.
So this is what his solution is.
“Move closer.” Tech’s grip on your hips is as firm as his voice when he tugs you up to his mouth, hot breath fanning across your cunt in another soft warning before his tongue runs over your slit in one strong motion.
Tech seems to be paying attention to the way your legs shake from the effort of holding yourself up, because one of his hands extends to your upper back, pushing you into a position where your breasts press to his stomach. At this new angle, you’re fully seated on his face, and you’re able to wrap a curious hand around his girth to give his cock an experimental tug. The moan that reverberates against your cunt has you sending a thank you to the maker that Hunter wasn’t nearby to overhear the methods his brother was using on you to assist with your predicament.
Tech’s cock is now inches from your lips and you marvel at it momentarily before allowing your tongue to run over the head, beginning to move your hand to at least grant him some relief. He jolts, groaning, and you pull back.
“Are you okay - am I hurting you?” In your limited experience with this, you’d never had any complaints, but now you worry that your partners just didn’t want to hurt your feelings.
“No!” He protests immediately, as if you were asking him if he’d like to be executed, “You’re not hurting me, please continue.”
At his insistence, your tongue licks another wet circle over the weeping head of Tech’s cock, and his thighs tense at the effort not to thrust into your mouth. You appreciate the sign of restraint from him and you tighten your hand around the base of his cock, finally taking him into your mouth. The taste and smell of him intoxicate you, igniting memories of every time you’ve stood just an inch too close to each other to the point you could practically inhale his calming presence.
You would be lying to yourself if you said you hadn’t thought this before, being here, with him. Suppressed thoughts rise to your mind and you close your eyes to bask in the moment with him, like it’s a dream that will be ripped from you.
Due to his impressive length, your lips are barely touching your fingers by the time he hits your throat and you release a drawn out moan, muffled by his cock. He sucks your clit into his mouth at this action, bringing tears to your eyes from the overwhelming stimulation.
You feel him draw his hips back, sliding out of your mouth and allowing you to take a breath before giving a short thrust in to stop at the back of your throat, which causes drool to begin leaking down his exposed cock and on your fingers.
Soon enough, the pair of you are a sight that would make a brothel patron blush. Tech continues his measured thrusts into your mouth and you take it with a moan when he begins to work you on his fingers once more. You can feel yourself practically dripping down his chin, and your stomach begins to tense - until the expected disappointment. Just as you begin to approach that high, it seems to pull further and further away from you once more.
Not again.
Tech seems to have read your mind and agreed with a strained “No,” as he pulls away from your cunt, but the room still echoes with the wet sound of his fingers scissoring into your heat.
“I need your full focus, I will not fail you at this Mesh’la.” He lifts you off his face and you release his throbbing cock from your lips. His grip is firmer than before, likely from the mounting frustration at his incomplete task, as he pulls you to face him. In this new position, you’re straddling him and you can feel the press of his cock to your inner thigh.
“Do you trust me?” There’s determination in his eyes, as if you’re a piece of the Marauder that he needs to fix.
“Always, Tech.” His eyes soften momentarily at this, but he reminds himself of the task at hand and with a speed you’ve only seen him use in battle, he’s flipped you both so you’re pinned underneath him once more.
Now that he’s above you, his length seems even more daunting and your hand grips his shoulder when you feel the head of his cock press to your entrance. Your whole body seems to tense, and you can’t help but dig your nails to his shoulder, which brings his eyes to yours.
“Shh, Mesh’la, that’s it, relax.” Tech’s voice is gentle but authoritative as he instructs you, pressing a kiss to your jaw. Even with his thorough preparation of your body, the stretch as he enters you is overwhelming, and yet, it’s better than anything you’ve ever felt. You had been preparing for the usual pain and discomfort, but this was on the opposite end of the scale.
“Breathe for me Cyar’ika,” he presses another kiss just below your ear and his voice sounds almost strangled. “That’s it, good girl.” He pulls out ever so slightly before rocking his hips back into yours, delving deeper into you.
“Just a little more, I promise, you can take it, you’re-“ a low groan sounds in his throat and you feel his lips ghost against the edge of your ear. “Taking me so kriffing well already.”
Is this the first time you’ve ever heard Tech swear?
He’s entirely inside you and the fullness is now euphoric. Tan skin is coated with a sheen of sweat that makes him look almost angelic, his lips and cheeks flushed from the effort of holding back from pushing you too far when he begins to rock his hips into yours.
A string of Mando’a curses tumble from his mouth as he falls into a rhythm of slow thrusts, keeping the pace your body needs to chase its high that hasn’t quite worn off from all the previous work his mouth set you up for. The precipice is no longer escaping you, he’s keeping you there, dangling you over the edge of it whilst simultaneously grounding you to him.
The room echoes with every gasp, thrust, and moan. It’s some kind of erotic orchestra conducted by Tech to encourage you along, and it’s working. One of his hands tangles in your hair, pulling your head to the side so he can press wet, open mouthed kisses against your pulse point.
Every action that Tech’s making, no matter how small, has you more intoxicated than any drug in existence, and your legs tighten impossibly around his hips in an attempt to keep him close to you. To help you let go.
“It’s okay, you can let go for me, Cyar’ika.” Tech’s reassuring words speaking your own thoughts are all you need to push you over the edge. You’re gasping into his shoulder, and you can’t help but bite into the soft skin with a desperate plea of his name. He shudders at this, slamming into you with now uneven thrusts as he buries his face in your neck.
“That’s it, I’ve got you.” Tech is coherent enough to be guiding you through your own release, despite being overcome with his own. His lust laced voice is all you can hear over the overload of your senses, a sharp whisper in your ear to guide you through this new world of pleasure where you tighten around his cock like you’re trying to keep him deep inside you.
It’s a blissful moment, with Tech entirely spent between your legs, tears rolling down your face and his name still in your mouth. It’s a moment that’s over too soon when he withdraws from you, and you can’t help but moan at the release of fluid between your thighs. Your friend's cum is leaking out of you, only momentarily, because he’s already grabbed his blacks from the end of the bunk to press between your thighs, cleaning the mess from your legs.
“I’ll wash them.” He assures you.
Once satisfied that you’re both taken care of, he lays next to you on the defiled bunk, pulling your half limp body against his. You never thought that Tech would be the kind for intimacy after sex, and yet you can hear his steady heartbeat against your cheek. You’re honoured, almost, for him to hold you like this when he found discomfort in most physical contact.
“I told you that you were not broken, Cyare, I am always correct.” He presses his lips to your forehead, and despite how he’s just brought you to the very brink of what your body could handle, your chest tightens.
Were you broken? No, he’d proven that much. Were you kriffed because of how your heart seems to skip a beat at the small moment of tenderness with your friends lips against your hairline? Yes, you were.
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