#i swear to chaos
oceanera12 · 15 days
Right, that's it--
I do not care who you are. I do not care where you come from. I do not care what your situation might be. But if you come into my inbox asking for money, you will not get any.
I do not know you. You are a stranger on the internet and have no way of confirming you are who you say you are. So what makes you think I'm going to promote you or whatever story you have chosen to put into my inbox?
Kriff off.
(and to anyone else who's getting messages asking for money in their inbox, I highly encourage you to delete them and block them if necessary because I am 90% sure they are bots. There is a reason we have something called "internet safety" and you should not trust everyone and everything you read on the internet)
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jubshead · 4 days
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So we’re in agreement that this is canon… right?
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draw these two being a cute couple
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Hey fun fact, I ship them as well so have a sketch dump of them actually
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jen-with-a-pen-art · 5 months
JWCT trailer spoiler warning!
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i am a firm believer of the “brooklynn is sydney” theory
there’s no way she’s dead. sydney has to be a cover up name. if shes a character at all. and bc sydney is an amputee it checks out that she might’ve been “found dead” (whoever is hunting her probably saw her bitten-off arm and said “ok shes dead”) but shes not y’alll i swear !!!
but anyway yeah i did not come up with this theory, a couple of cool people in a JWCC discord server came up with it and i accept it wholeheartedly
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 264
Danny squints at his tiny hands, eyes narrowing as Clockwork hums in the kitchen. Which he wasn’t even aware of having been in LongNow. Maybe it wasn’t. He huffed, voice too squeaky for him to continue complaining. Stupid time accidents. 
Which wasn’t even starting on the other figure awkwardly sitting at the table. 
He glowered at the Ghost King, who kept glancing at him with an unreadable look in their eyes, then looked back towards where Clockwork was. His scowl deepened over his cup of tea- which wasn’t fair, he wanted coffee but nooo, that’s not healthy for ‘little ghostlings’. Ugh.
Sometimes he wished he was fully ghost so he didn’t have to apparently worry about his living body having to grow back up.
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graementality · 5 days
your art is really cool,,uhhhm doodle request,, uhh mind with blåhaj :-3 runs away,,
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Mind with blåhaj :3
(Thank you!!! :D)
(I also found this in the process of finding a reference which I think is worth sharing:)
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bensbush · 1 month
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Pirate AU Brooklynn and Kenji
RIP pirate Brooklynn you would have loved splat hair dye
And pirate Kenji’s the type of guy to creep around with a comically large sack of money over his shoulder
I have been struggling so bad to finish this it’s a little ridiculous, but I did it and I’m still alive
(I posted a speedpaint on my insta if u want to see the process)
I might write something for this au but my classes start soon so we’ll see how I manage
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slaaneshisass · 1 month
While I'm thinking about it more space marine(chaos or not) should be fat.
I know that space marines are engineerd to not get fat but hear me out. Not only do space wolfs have feasts, but the blood angels use art to combat the red thirst i.e that chocolateter guy who goes viral every now and then. But it could also be a reason that a space marine fell to chaos after centuries of eating the same Nutrient paste I know that at least one space marine had a meat ball or something and was like "danm food is so good when its not just paste" and if slaanesh shows up promising more food that taste and feels good and more,I know I'd take it. But it would also give more protection for their internal organs and also I think space marines that looked like this but much bigger would be so hot
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Thank you for reading my rambling
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jaggybotexe · 5 months
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chonny when he’s charming or something idk (RAHHHH I LOVE CHONNY JASH I WISH AUSTRALIANS WERE REAL‼️‼️‼️)
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the biggest surprise from chaos theory is that ben isn’t gay
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annymaght · 6 months
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I find it quite hilarious that so many people are already expecting Brooklynn to be dead like...
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tma-thoughts · 2 months
Something that really elevates billford for me i think is that as a religious person, fuck dude. I get it. If ur not religious it might not be something u can understand, but the love one feels for their god(s)?? Unimaginable. Insane. Ive never felt more loved and cared for than i have with my gods. If one of them was able to pop into my physical reality and could assist my every move and affirm that i was destined for greatness? I'd fold. I'm right there with Ford. That's my muse now
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insxghtt · 1 year
i wanna call him my babygirl and wrap an arm around his slutty tiny waist while i intruduce him to all my friends as my new bitch
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suckmyarschkarte · 8 months
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a-st4rless-sky · 2 months
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OOC: { i'm not sure if i like this as my first post abt this on here ... lotta things i coulda done better. oh well. we're kicking off, folks. }
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julescoda · 4 months
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something something narrative
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