#so gay omg
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haruttoru · 2 months ago
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''The look of love…''
I finished Arcane and this last scene between these two is still on my mind, I had to draw them no matter what.
One of the gayest things I've ever seen in my life 🧐
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bringtheb0nes · 7 months ago
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this is so gay genuinely what is the straight explanation for this
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cafeina90 · 2 months ago
nemona actually said you are my treasure to juliana and then ran away
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coffeiiko · 3 months ago
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pls J, don't be a menace, come to me, babygirl
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jinxifilms · 7 months ago
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regina at her favorite nerds mathlete comp <3
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weemsfreak · 1 year ago
We Fell In Love In October
This is late late, I have been working on it for so long but I have been busy. It is a fall/halloween story, sooo Happy Halloween!!
Larissa Weems x f!TeacherReader
Warnings: Mention of blood, fake weapon
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Autumn held a special place in your heart. This time of year wasn't too chilly or overly warm, and you lived for fall fashion. Halloween, in your opinion, was the supreme holiday, and you'd fight anyone who said otherwise. You weren't particularly keen on horror or gruesome themes, as you were a bit of a pussy, but the mystery and dark undertones were totally your thing.
Donning your trusty combat boots and a burgundy sweater dress, you set out for the quad. The leaves descended gracefully from the trees, adorning both the ground and the sky with their vibrant hues of red, orange, and yellow. Lately, your thoughts have been preoccupied with Halloween costume ideas, an opportunity to indulge in your need to dress up, to temporarily adapt a different persona. You thought it was always interesting to not be yourself, or be a different version of yourself, even if it was just for a day. As you made your way down the path to the decorated school, you allowed the soothing sound of gravel and rustling leaves underfoot to envelop your senses. This morning  the students were having in a pumpkin carving contest, and you had a brilliant idea in mind for your class's entry.
"Chemistry!" you exclaimed, presenting your pumpkin idea to your class. Your students returned raised eyebrows and cheers, but it was fitting, you thought, considering you were the chemistry and potions teacher.
As the time for judging arrived, each class eagerly presented their carved pumpkins to the panel of judges, which comprised the school's secretary, the student council president, and Principal Weems. Your students had crafted their pumpkin to resemble a gory scene, complete with brain-like patterns painted on its top. It was an impressive sight, but there was a secret added touch.
When it was your class's turn to showcase their pumpkin, Wednesday and Enid took the lead. Wednesday had attached a small container filled with yeast and water, the vital catalyst, to the top interior of the pumpkin. All eyes in the quad were fixated on her as she raised a carving knife and plunged it downward, piercing the pumpkin's 'brain'. In one swift motion, the knife was withdrawn, taking with it the pumpkin's  brain matter. Thick, crimson fluid followed, erupting from the pumpkin's top like a gory volcanic display. The audience's reactions ranged from collective "ew" and "gross" exclamations to screams, but you took note that Principal Weems, in stark contrast to some others, appeared unfazed. Your heart raced with excitement when you noticed a hint of a smirk on Wednesday's face. The audacious display, which was not well-received by others, brought her a sliver of joy, which in turn made your day successful.
Enid then cleared her throat and proceeded to explain the concept behind the pumpkin's gruesome spectacle.
"We employed a simple experiment of 30% hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and red food coloring. When Wednesday stabbed Mr. Gourd of Gore here, she introduced yeast into the mixture as a catalyst, which triggered the rapid and bloody reaction." Enid then went on about the scientific principles at play, and you reveled in the amused expressions of your students. While you loved artistic and engaging activities with your students, you believed that there were valuable lessons to be learned in every aspect of life.
The principal approached the lectern with her signature smile, and you felt butterflies invade your stomach as she spoke.
"This event has been an absolute delight, brimming with fantastic ideas! I want to thank everyone who took part." You watched in awe as her gaze wandered through the audience, ultimately landing on you. She sent a sly grin your way as she subtly fluttered her lashes, before lowering her head to open the piece of paper she was holding.
"The victor of this competition is none other than 'The Gourd of Gore!'" Your students erupted in  cheers and applause, and Enid enthusiastically drug Wednesday up to the lectern to receive their prize.
By day's end, you found yourself utterly drained. Your students had been unusually rowdy, likely due to the multiple anticipated fall-themed activities the principal had organized. The events that she was so enthused about included the harvest festival, a trip to a corn maze and pumpkin picking, and costume day. It hadn't escaped you, however, that Principal Weems had become noticeably less enthusiastic about these activities since the harvest festival.
As you descended the stairs toward the main entrance, your hand reached for the door handle. Just then, a familiar voice cut through the air, though it was far from pleasant. This was not the velvety tone or accent that pleased your ears, no. Instead, it was a voice of judgment, a gravely voice. You heard the words, a sentence that made your teeth clench in anger as you quickly travelled towards it.
"Boys, look at this lesbian."
Wide eyed you turned the corner and immediately spotted the source, Kyle, laughing with his friends. You glanced around to see who the target of his ridicule was, and your eyebrows knit in disbelief when you found her. She was stopped in her tracks, blinking, silent, inhibited. You, too, froze, trying to comprehend the situation until your anger took over.
"Slenderman, she's woman Slenderman!" Kyle hollered, pointing at her as he hunched over in hysterics. Principal Weems still stood, her mouth agape and her eyes wide, rendered silent. You watched the gears turning in her mind, knowing she should address the situation, but reluctant to respond to such insult, such an audacious comment from a man, a boy.
"Kyle!" you seethed, striding purposefully toward him, your fists clenched. Kyle turned to face you, his eyes widening. "You will never judge someone for things beyond their control, you will never judge a woman, full stop," you said, your anger evident.
"You will never understand what it's like to walk in someone else's shoes. Apologize to Principal Weems this instant."
Ironically, it seemed that Kyle was more frightened of you than he was of Principal Weems, as he would never dare say such derogatory remarks to you, or so you thought.
Kyle's smug expression transformed into a sly smile as he turned toward the principal. She had ventured closer now, and she met his gaze with her lips pursed.
"I want to hear it from her," he said, narrowing his eyes at her. He then pointed directly at you, "Or does a teacher need to stand up for the principal, huh? You're even more bitchy than her" he chuckled, smiling at you menacingly.
"Detention tomorrow at 4, Mr. Dunn." The principal spoke with force, her tone abrupt enough to make you flinch. She straightened to her full height as she stared down at Kyle with the heat of the sun. Leaning closer to him, she lightly pressed her finger to his chest. She spoke quietly, yet you could hear how the words hissed through her teeth.
"If you fail to attend, this 'lesbian Slenderman' will see to it that you are expelled."
You were not particularly hard on your students, but you weren't easy on them either. You had standards, you hated laziness, and you had no patience for any foolish behavior. Of course you were human too, you understood where the line was between slacking and being inhibited, between acting out and having fun. Larissa admired your character, you knew what you wanted and you weren't scared to voice it. Occasionally, she heard students whisper about how you were 'worse' than her, but she honestly got a kick out of it.
Lunch today was provided by the Weathervane, courtesy of Marilyn, who settled down with you at your desk.
"Okay,  I got three different sandwich's, so you can pick. I also got a hot chocolate, a matcha latte, and a chai tea!"
Marilyn went on to talk about the planned events, pulling both chuckles and eye rolls from you. She was delightful to talk to, but there was a point, the red head just had so much energy. The principal walked through your door suddenly and slowly made her way to your desk. Your head snapped to her as soon as you heard her enter and you offered her the biggest smile, joy filling your body and pouring out of the seams. Marilyn turned around to find the principal when she noticed your change in demeanour.
"Oh! Hi Principal Weems" she chirped.
"Marilyn, Y/N" the principal greeted smoothly. Marilyn faced you once again, her observation catching you off guard. "You know y/n, you're a lot like Wednesday" she commented.
Your smile faded as you looked at her, "What?"
 It wasn't exactly an insult, per se, but you had no clue where she was going with this.
"Well, you're usually pretty neutral, and you don't smile much or seem to express much enjoyment." You cut Marilyn off with a glare, unsure of what she was implying. "But, whenever you see something or someone that you really like, you light up!" Marilyn finished with a smile.
You blinked in surprise, not realizing you had such a noticeable reaction. You glanced at the principal, who was giving you a knowing smirk. Oh this was embarrassing, you didn't mean to do that, you didn't mean to be so obvious. Sure, when you looked at Larissa you got butterflies, you felt warm and fuzzy, and your lips involuntarily stretched into a smile so big that your eyes almost shut, but did you not smile otherwise? Were you really that unapproachable?
When you said nothing, the principal spoke up.
"I wanted to compliment you on your pumpkin idea from the other day, y/n."
Marilyn had finished eating and decided to excuse herself as she bid you both goodbye. Once she left, the tall woman took her seat. She agreed with Marilyn, you were a bit like Wednesday. She had taken notice of a change in your demeanour, from watching your reserved nature when around your students or others, to when you were around her. She found it incredibly endearing and cute, how she seemed to make you happy with her presence alone.
The principal batted her lashes at you, "I thought your classes pumpkin was quite intelligent. It was well executed, if you know what I mean."
 You giggled, "Thank you Larissa, I knew the students would like it."
Larissa smirked as she looked you up and down, her voice dropping an octave, "I was quite impressed."
A blush so deep formed on your cheeks that Larissa had to hold back a laugh. Attempting to avert her gaze, you noticed that Marilyn had left the third drink on your desk. You pushed it towards the woman, "Hot chocolate?"
Larissa accepted gladly, wondering if you knew of her love for hot chocolate. "Would you like to join me for a drink tonight? My office, 7pm?" Larissa watched you with hopeful eyes as she forced the question out of her mouth.
You were surprised, allowing your face to contort into one of confusion before you realized that you had.
"Oh, of- of course!" you stammered.
Nervously, you entered the Principal's office and sat down at her instruction. She smiled down at you as she neared the couch and offered you a glass of red. You two chatted about autumn and the Nevermore family for a while, but you couldn't help but notice Larissa shivering slightly. You realized that she had a blanket on her lap, and there was no fire lit as usual.
"Larissa are you cold? Why don't I light a fire for you?"
Larissa sighed and glanced at the fireplace, gesturing with her hand in dismissal. "I just haven't had the chance to get more wood. I'll be fine."
You smirked at her, "Nonsense, I got you." Standing up, you walked over to the fireplace and knelt down in front of it. Placing your hand on the cold stone floor, a warm fire appeared right before you. You returned to the couch, and Larissa blinked at you in amazement, a smile gracing her lips. You chuckled at the woman as you sent her a wink, "I'm magic."
"Thank you for standing up for me the other day."
Larissa spoke quietly as she looked into the crackling fire, breaking the silence. "I wasn't myself, I was caught up in my head, and when Kyle insulted me I- I just didn't know what to say because, well, he's right."
You set your eyes on golden hair and pale skin illuminated with an orange glow. You furrowed your brows at her, he was right?
"What? Kyle? He's not right. He's rude, judgemental, he doesn't care about anyone."
Larissa nodded her head in agreement as she hummed, "Yes, he definitely needs something, discipline of some sort." She looked over to you, her gaze boring into your own, and you suddenly understood what she meant. You took her hand in yours and leaned closer to the woman, "What was he right about, Larissa?"
The principal didn't pull way, but you cold tell by her body language that she was bracing herself for rejection.
"I am a lesbian, and I am as tall as slenderman" she chuckled, swallowing the lump in her throat. You let out a scoff that was followed by a laugh, and you gripped her hand tighter in reassurance. You smiled at her, "Well, if that's the case, you're the most beautiful lesbian slenderman that I've ever seen."
You were overly excited to visit the corn maze and pumpkin patch. You loved picking out pumpkins and gourds, white ones, black ones, painting them and decorating with them. You took in the crisp autumn day as the chatter of the students was heard in the background, it brought you peace.
As you helped organize the students at the start of the corn maze and settled yourself at the back of the group, Larissa made her way to your side. The woman in charge of the corn maze then asked for the students' attention. "Alright then, the pumpkin patch will be found at the end of the corn maze, enjoy!"
Just as the students began their journey through the maze, she added a "Oh I forgot to mention, there's a bit of mud in the maze, so hopefully you're all wearing boots!"
You immediately turned your attention to Larissa. You were dressed in cozy fall attire and your boots, but you knew that she was, in fact, not. Larissa, in her infinite wisdom, had chosen fashion over function by wearing high heels. A light blush graced her cheeks as she realized why you were looking at her. "Maybe I'll stay behind," she casually suggested. You knew how much Larissa had been looking forward to this event, listening to her talk about wanting to pick pumpkins from the patch. You were about to agree with her, offering to select pumpkins on her behalf, but a better idea popped into your mind.
"Well, let's see how muddy it is. Maybe you can get around it!" you said with a playful grin.
After a few turns of the maze, you realized that Larissa wouldn't simply be able to 'get around it.' "Shit," you muttered as you gazed at the muddy path ahead. Larissa sighed, "Well, I tried." Your eyes sparkled as you looked up at the woman, and you couldn't resist the chance to be her knight in shining armor, or whatever version of that you were.
"Principal Weems," you declared, playfully bowing to her, "It's clear you missed the memo about fall footwear, but fear not, for I shall carry you over the mud."
Larissa raised an eyebrow, her expression one of surprise and delight. "What?" she asked, shaking her head.
"I will carry you, if you wish," you replied, offering her your hand. Reluctantly, she looked between you, her heels, and the mud, before finally placing her hand in yours. You carefully lifted her into your arms bridal style, reveling in the delighted giggle she let out as you scooped her legs off the ground.
With each step through the mud, you tried to watch your footing, but your focus remained on her. She was so close to you, clinging to you tightly as you did her. A huge smile lit up her face as she took in the scenery, and your heart swelled at the thought of her enjoying herself with you.
As you carried Larissa through the maze, she pointed out various things to make the experience fun. The maze was not particularly long, so you arrived at the pumpkin patch before you knew it. As you gently set Larissa back on her feet, you realized that you hadn't noticed when the mud ended, and you had carried her the entire way. Maybe she hadn't seen the end of the mud either, or maybe she simply didn't want to mention it.
The pumpkin patch spread out before your eyes, an array of different shapes, sizes, and shades of orange, white, and dark green. You picked your way through the field, choosing a white pumpkin and two different-sized orange ones. You watched the principal as she carefully padded up the rows of pumpkins. You wanted to laugh, her hands clasped in front of her, posture straight as a board. She was observing the scenery before her, and so were you. Your attention was diverted to the students, who ran around in a competitive game to find the perfect pumpkin. You watched them for a while, reminiscing about the carefree days of your youth when you, too, could play and have fun.
Your gaze returned to Larissa, who was a few rows away from you, getting help with cutting a large white pumpkin from its vine. Despite getting lost in the fall endeavour, you remembered that you were, in fact, a teacher.
"Be careful please, I don't want anyone tripping over vines and getting hurt!"At the sound of your voice, the principal looked up at the students. They were still playing the game and having fun, but they were noticeably being careful. She then shifted her gaze in your direction and silently mouthed a thank-you, winking at you.
Exiting the maze was more challenging than entering it. You opted for a different route, hoping for less mud, but you soon discovered that it was no better. You and Principal Weems had been keeping up with the students until you noticed that she was no longer by your side. You halted when you felt the absence of her presence and looked down at the ground. It seemed you were standing in a sea of mud, and it extended as far as you could see.
"Crap," you muttered under your breath. You turned and walked back to Larissa, who was chucking at you profusely.
"What's wrong? Am I heavier than you had anticipated?" Your cheeks reddened as you looked up at the woman, she was actually lighter than you had expected, or perhaps you were just stronger.
"Of course not. I would carry you any day, my lady."
Making your way through the maze with Larissa in your arms was tough. You both got caught in a dead end a couple of times, Larissa's laugh when you did enlightening your heart immensely. You placed her down when there was no mud, as she insisted, but when the mud returned, you scooped her back up. Eventually you caught sight of the end of the mud and realized that the maze would soon be ending. You held in a laugh as you purposely took a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end again.
"Oh frig me and my horrible sense of direction" you said, smirking at the woman in your arms. Larissa let out a loud laugh and made your breath hitch as she pressed her cheek to yours, hugging you close. She knew what you were doing, and she thought you were adorable.
"You're a joy to be around, darling."
After the schools rendezvous, you ventured to the Weathervane. Standing in line, you were trying, and failing, to decide on a drink. Your attention was rather focused on something else, like a tall blonde standing a few people ahead of you. So lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice when a student made his way to your side.
"Principal Weems and the mayor huh? Bet they're banging."
Kyle said it so nonchalantly that it took your brain a minute to register, it was so unhinged and random. You turned to him wide eyed, ready to knock him out, but as you shifted your gaze, he was beelining to the exit of the Weathervane. You stood with your mouth open in shock, unable to formulate a response or punishment for that statement. Leaning to the side, you glanced ahead and realized that Larissa was indeed in line with the mayor.
Larissa and the mayor, Larissa and the mayor. They worked together, they had a cooperation, but it wasn't like that, was it?
The more you thought about it, the more you rejected that theory. But the more you thought about it, the more bothered you got. You couldn't shake the growing jealousy.
Visions of them together invaded your thoughts, an ethereal frame against, well, a man. Large hands on soft thighs, plump red lips on rough ones, delicate pale skin against hairy skin, the sounds she would create, sounds you wanted to hear, sounds of - "No!"
You shook your head frustratedly, forgetting yourself. This kid made you angry, Larissa made you irrational, the thought of her with someone else made you insane. Up ahead, you noticed Larissa had directed her attention toward you and offered a warm smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she waved. It was as if she knew you were thinking about her, although you hoped she didn't. You were far too flustered to even smile back, and you didn't have a clue of what to do about Kyle. So, you made the quick decision to take your leave, before you did or said something stupid.
Since Halloween was on a Saturday, Friday was costume day. You had thought hard about what or who you wanted to dress up as, and you finally settled on an idea. A rather clever idea, as you thought she would get a kick out of it. You handed treats to your students and complimented them on their costumes. Some students didn't dress up, and some dressed up just to spite others.
"Are you supposed to be Principal Weems?" Wednesday asked, looming over your table in the quad. You swallowed your lunch, nodding at the girl. "Uh yes, kind of" you chuckled. Wednesday looked you up and down, nodding in approval. "I like it" she said before walking away.
At days end you made your way through the halls. You were disappointed about your lack of Halloween plans, especially since your favorite holiday was on a Saturday. You were also extremely disappointed that you hadn't seen Principal Weems today, perhaps she was busy.
Taking the longer way to your quarters, you stopped as you approached the hallway which held the principals office. Your feet had involuntarily brought you this way, and now that you were here, they would walk you right past her door. As you entered the hallway, Kyle popped out of nowhere and scared the absolute crap out of you.
"Hi Ms" he said, standing directly in front of you as he gazed around frantically. Your face scrunched as you looked down at him in question, he was definitely up to something.
"Kyle, what are you doing?" Kyle turned to look at the large doors behind him before he turned his attention to you.
"I'm just uh, supervising the hallway. It's nice outside, go enjoy the day" he said, desperately trying to usher you away. "What do you mean supervising? Why are-" You were cut off by a horrified scream, a scream that sounded like it came from her office. Your head swivelled to the doors before your gaze locked on Kyle.
"What did you do!?" you growled at him. He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, "I didn't do anything!"
You scoffed and made your way frantically to the doors, but you were stopped by Kyle grabbing your hand and putting himself in your path. "Don’t go in there! Principal Weems said that she doesn't want to be bothered."
You shook your hand lose from his grip and stared down at him menacingly.
"Get out of here now, or you will be in so much trouble so help me god" you spat. You stepped around him without question and entered the principal's office, almost slamming the door behind you. You scanned the office quickly and found nothing out of the ordinary, except for a box on the desk. Walking towards it, sounds of sniffles and whimpers became louder until you found the principal. You hurried around the desk and almost fell to your knees at the sight of the woman sitting on the floor in tears. She covered her face with one hand, and held a photo in the other. Before you could ask her what was wrong, your eyes landed on the photo. Dark ink printed a picture of you, lying on the floor covered in blood. Confused, you scrambled to your feet and peered into the box on her desk.
Inside was a pint of blood labelled with your name and a letter on top.
 Dear Principal Weems,
I believe I have taken the life of one of your staff. My deepest apologies, but my thirst does not discriminate.
Happy Halloween,
your favourite Vampire
"What the hell" you whispered, staring down at the note. Just then, it all fell into place. Kyle must have figured out that you had a thing for the principal, as he has seen you two together recently, and he has been super annoying about it. It was sly for him to use Larissa's care for you against her, and it was believable, after all he was a vampire. But why would he do this to her? It was an unnecessary, lousy prank.
You settled down on the floor next to the woman and took her hand in yours, throwing the photo to the side.
"Larissa" you whispered, stroking her arm. She let out a sob as she ignored you, it was like she didn't realize anyone had entered her office.
"Larissa I'm not dead" you said a little louder. You reached up to pull her other hand away from her face and she flinched at the contact. Her head spun to meet you in a panic, wide eyed she let out a gasp.
"D-darling! You’re here?!" she questioned, bringing her hand to cup your face to make sure that you were real. You placed your hand on top of hers as you giggled, "Yes Rissa, I'm not a ghost."
The principal closed her eyes and focused on her breathing as you watched her. She was extremely frazzled, not that one wouldn't be if they had found out one of your staff members (and hopefully friend) was murdered.
"Come, lets move to the couch" you offered as you stood and helped her do the same.
You sat close to the woman and looked down at the photo. "Someone's good at photoshop" you murmured.
Larissa reached out and slowly took it from you. You watched as she stared down at the photo, small tears escaping her as she tried to compose herself.
"So it's, it's just a prank?" she asked through sniffles.
You scooted closer to her and rubbed at her back soothingly, "Yes Riss, it's just a stupid prank. That's not my blood in that jar, hopefully it's not anyone's." The principal eventually calmed thanks to your presence. You noticed her attempt to put on her personal or perhaps professional façade, but she gave up as her nerves were far too shot.
She whispered, "I thought I had lost another Nevermore family member. I've been so on edge lately, I thought it had to be true."
You stopped all movements and leaned closer to her, looking her in the eyes. She wouldn't look at you.
"What do you mean another Nevermore family member?"
Larissa's gaze slowly but surely met yours, and you watched as her lower lip quivered.
"I haven't been entirely truthful with you" she murmured.
As you stared into pools of blue, you could see that she was hurting, she was tired. So, you decided to let it go, for now. "It's alright Rissa. Let's just deal with Kyle, shall we?"
Larissa nodded her head before looking back down at the photo, not wanting to deal with it at all. The thought of you dead, not being here with her anymore, not taking care of the students any longer, not carrying her through corn mazes, and not looking at her with those adoring eyes, made her heart break. She could no longer wait.
"Would you like to come to my house tomorrow? Perhaps we can hand out candy and watch a movie?"
Larissa looked down at you with hope as she wiped a tear from her cheek.
A smile instantly lit up your face, maybe Halloween would be fun after all. You nodded enthusiastically, and you watched the woman's expression brighten.
Until her brows knit. She looked you up and down, taking note of your elegant updo, your red lip, your pearl earrings, your high collared knee length dress, and your heels. You looked like her, a rather dark mysterious version of her, like she was the white swan and you were the black.
"Are you dressed like me?" she asked with a bit of insecurity. Of course, you did look like her, but she never thought that you would purposely dress like her. She didn't think you'd adapt her style, didn't think that she was beautiful, not enough for someone to want to look like her on purpose.
You let out an embarrassed giggle and nodded in confirmation as you played with your hands. A huge grin grew on the older woman's face and she let out a loud laugh. You smiled at her mascara smudged skin as she leaned in and took your face in her hands. Her eyes scanned your face before she looked you in the eye, "You are absolutely precious."
Draping a long black hooded dress over your body, you applied some dark makeup. You adjusted your hood and added a tattoo to your forehead, finishing your look as one of the Dimitrescu daughters. Staring at yourself in the mirror, you noted that you were rather creepy looking, even sans blood. Your intention wasn't to scare the kids, you didn't want to scare them, or maybe you did. You shrugged as you grabbed your fake sickle, making sure your powers were in check before setting out for the night.
You made your way through the woods, a torch being the only source of light besides the moon. You finally stumbled onto the road and giddily set out for the principals house. You had wanted to be there before it fell dark, but you had a matter to attend to where the darkness was paramount. So, you skipped down the road with your sickle in hand, enjoying the rustling leaves in the breeze of the night.
When you arrived at the principals house, there was a small line of trick or treaters. You watched from afar as she handed out treat bags, big ones at that, and made conversation with all of the kids. She looked over the moon to be seeing them all, asking about their costumes and plans for the night. Her red lipped smile was the cutest thing you've seen in your entire life, and all you wanted in the world was to kiss it off of her. Your gaze moved around her house, and you wondered how you missed all of the decorations. The large windows at the front of her house were lit up by orange, purple, and green lights from the inside, contrasting brightly against the dark outside. There were a couple pumpkins on the step, and one of those huge skeletons in her yard, the 12 foot one that you've always wanted. You decided to pop in line behind the kids, and you squinted your eyes at the woman, as if that would help you see better. She definitely had a costume on, was she a devil? You squealed internally as you took in her red horns, choker, and black cape. This was the first time you've seen her in black, and damn did it look good on her.
You held your sickle over your shoulder as you waited for the kid in front of you to leave and for blue eyes to meet yours. When they did, her jaw dropped slightly and she paused, looking you up and down.
"Y/n?!" she squeaked, shaking her head at you.
You smiled, "Hi Rissa!"
The woman pulled you into a half hug before stepping to the side, "Why are you in line? Come in darling."
You stepped into her house and immediately went wide eyed at the sight of the elaborate design.
"I was waiting for candy" you chuckled.
You saw Larissa's side smirk as she continued to pass the treat bags out, and you barely caught a chocolate bar that she sent flying your way.
You were passing out treats when some students arrived at the doorstep.
"Oh! Hi girls, how's it going?" you greeted.
"Great!" Enid squealed, pulling at Wednesday's hand in excitement. As Larissa appeared behind you to greet the students, she placed her hands on your shoulders, sending a shiver down your spine. "Ah, girls, do come in."
"So Principal Weems, you’re a devil?" Enid asked brightly.
"Sure am" Larissa replied, collecting some treats to give them.
Enid then looked at you, "And Ms., you're a…a"
"A Dimitrescu daughter, obviously" Yoko said.
You laughed and winked at Yoko, "Exactly."
Wednesday looked you up and down, her monotone never faltering, "Yesterday she was Weems, today she's a killer." Larissa returned to your side and handed them all treats. She then turned her attention to you, smirking down with dark eyes, "I appreciated her costume yesterday, it was very clever, and detailed" she breathed.
You flicked through the Halloween movies looking for something good to watch. Your favorites were along the lines of Beetlejuice, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Edward Scissorhands, but you've watched them SO many times already. Larissa placed a charcuterie board on the table and passed you a glass of wine, taking her cape off. As she sat next to you, you couldn't help but let your eyes trail down her figure. She was wearing black leather pants and a tight long sleeve shirt, you almost spit out your wine at the sight. Larissa never failed to notice your expressions or actions, no matter how subtle.
She scooted closer to you and batted her lashes, "I'm so glad you came over darling. I was worried I had made this food for nothing" she chuckled. Your lower lip quivered at the thought of someone standing her up. You were elated at the thought of her wanting to hangout with you, but putting this much effort in and being worried that you wouldn't show? She was too sweet for this world.
"I would never leave you hanging Rissa. I'm sorry I was late, I had to tend to…something first." Larissa tilted her head at you, wondering what on earth you were tending to.
She pursed her lips, "You know, we never did come up with a discipline for Kyle."
You snickered down at the floor, shaking your head amusedly. "I may have taken that into my own hands."
The woman's mouth opened in question before she closed it, grabbing her wine off of the table and settling beside you. She smiled and brought the glass to her lips, "Go on."
-A couple hours ago-
Just as it was getting dark out, you set out for the old Gates' mansion. You had left a note for Kyle and a few of his friends, anonymously, for them to meet up there. Of course you didn't know if they would actually show, but to your delight, they did. You hid behind a wall by the entrance of the house, watching as the group conversed. It was dark now, the only source of light being their flashlights.
"Why are we here dude?" one of his friends asked nervously.
"I don't know man! I got a note!" Kyle replied.
"Oh sorry, I didn't realize that you got a note!" his other friend said sarcastically.
It took everything in you to not laugh at their bickering, boys. Once you figured it was time, you made a loud noise to get their attention.
"What the hell was that?" Kyle questioned, fear evident in his voice.
Just then, you flicked your wrist, and in a second the house was illuminated by a ring of fire. You peeked out from behind the wall, seeing the boys staring at the flames in terror.
With a nod of your head, a message was burning on the front lawn.
'Kyle, we know what you did. We're coming for you'
The boys stepped away quickly when they felt the heat, and Kyle went wide eyed as he read the message.
"Shit boys! Let's get out of here!" he hollered.
You could hear the horror in his voice, but it only made you laugh menacingly. Once they had vanished, you cut the fire off, no trace of the event left.
"And then I came here" you smiled. Larissa's jaw was on the floor, staring at you in disbelief.
"Y/n I- I don't know what to say. Are you sure you weren't too hard on him?"
Despite Larissa's attempt to portray her usual headmistress demeanour, you could see her smirking.
You shrugged your shoulders and shook your head, "Rissa, there are a couple things he's done that you actually don't know about. So, no, I don’t think I was too hard on him."
You paused, "Plus, I wanted to get revenge, for us" you winked.
You agreed on a horror movie, to your dismay. You didn't want to look like a wimp in front of Larissa, so you clicked on the conjuring as you swallowed the lump in your throat. You turned your focus to other things while the movie played, things like the interior design of the house, your costume (which you thought was fire), and Larissa herself, who was lost in the movie. You watched as she sipped her wine, plump lips resting on the rim of the glass. 'What a good distraction, just drink' you thought.
When you got tired of that, you turned to the movie, hoping you could stick it out. But as a particularly horrifying string of music played, you squealed and buried your head into the woman's shoulder. Larissa let out a soft laugh as she brought her hand to stroke at your hair.
"What's the matter love? You don't like scary movies?" You shook your head no, holding onto her arm.
"Do you want me to turn it off?" she asked quietly, to which you sat up and quickly said "No!"
You stuck it out for awhile, watching the movie while partially distracting yourself with snacks and wine. Some of it was hilarious to be honest, but certain parts you just couldn't do. Larissa noticed as you sat wide eyed, your breathing staggered as you attempted to calm yourself. She wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to her, which immediately brought you some peace. You smiled as you continued to watch the movie, but when a jump scare happened, you grabbed the woman tightly and buried your face in her neck. Your eyelashes brushed against her skin as you blinked, it was dark and you felt safe. She was so soft, her skin smelled of lavender, and she was so, so comfortable. When you felt her settle into your touch and pull you tighter, you closed your eyes and let your breath become even once again.
You didn't know how long it had been before the movie ended and Larissa turned her face toward yours, her chin resting lightly against your forehead. You lifted your head from her neck and peered up at her, the light burning your eyes. She smiled caringly down at you, and you both sat in silence as you scanned the lines on her soft skin.
"Would you like to take a walk, darling?" she whispered.
You sat up eagerly before looking out into the night and sighing sarcastically, "Sounds like something you'd say If you wanted to murder me." You then picked up your fake sickle, "Good thing I have this!"
Larissa led you through her backyard and into the woods. She had assembled a breathtaking light up trail around the perimeter of her yard, white lights hanging from the trees and leaves scattered along the dirt path. You sauntered through the woods as you took in the beauty of the trees, reveling in the colors one last time before fall would fade and winter would come. Larissa basked in the peace and in your presence, and you could tell that she appreciated nights like these, she needed more nights like these. You entwined your fingers with hers and stroked your thumb over the back of her hand gently as you walked side by side. You then snickered as you pointed to her shoes, she wasn't wearing heels this time.
"Someone didn't want me to carry them tonight, I see" you spoke sarcastically. Larissa looked down at her boots and quickly removed them, leaning on you for support.
"Oh no, now how will I walk through this path!?" she said, bringing her hands to her face in faux panic. You rolled your eyes at her and scooped her up, loving the giggle she let out.
At the end of the path there was a bench, a small spot decorated with pumpkins and gourds. You sat down on the bench and placed Larissa in your lap, holding her close with your arms around her waist. You wrapped a blanket around her, scared that she might be cold.
"Thank you, love" she whispered, resting her head on your shoulder.
You both basked in the calmness of the night, finding comfort and warmth in each others embrace.
Larissa looked up at the bright full moon, "It's such a gorgeous night."
She then turned to you, her face only inches away from yours. You watched as she spoke, watched her lips move in a taunting manner, a seducing manner.
She was beauty, grace, she was gentle and kind. She was pure, unique, she was stunning. The sweetest woman you've ever met was sitting in your lap, her melodic voice sounding for only you to hear.
Yet, you were unsure of what she was saying as you scanned your eyes over her delicate face. You brought your hand up and traced your finger over her smile lines.
"Y/n? Are you listening?"
Your gaze shifted from her lips to her eyes, bright and wide and questioning.
"Can I kiss you?" you whispered, stroking your thumb over her bottom lip lightly.
Larissa's eyebrows softened, her surprise evident. She didn't speak, so you took that as a no and removed your hand from her face. As you backed away and went to apologise, the woman pulled you against her, slamming her lips gently against yours.
You hummed into the kiss as she caught you off guard, threading your fingers through her light hair. The taste of red lipstick and wine overtook your senses, feeling her exhale against your skin made you shiver.
She pulled away, stroking your cheek with her thumb and resting her forehead against yours.
"I noticed how much you like Halloween, love. Would you like to carve pumpkins together? Maybe roast some pumpkin seeds?"
You squealed in excitement as you nodded your head, grabbing her face and pressing your lips against hers with need. You gave her light but meaningful pecks on the lips before moving to her cheeks and forehead.
You then tucked your head into her neck, "I wish this night didn't have to end."
Larissa lifted your head gently and pressed her cheek against yours, both of you gazing up at the moon.
She pressed a kiss to your forehead, "When we're together, darling, every night is Halloween."
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dethyes · 3 months ago
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This drawing was so banger I actually drew it digitally
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m0dernchr0n1cles · 2 months ago
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yellowtiebite · 1 year ago
I love the ship btw, this was just too funny not to tho.(Make the ship name StarFox you cowards)
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frank3nfr0ggi3 · 2 years ago
No real post today. Just Sam and Max (my current fixation).
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jonathanbbgirl · 1 year ago
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More Jonathan n head
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angelcifix · 1 year ago
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They are so real (I am so mentaly ill)
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astraxxei · 2 years ago
Ohmygod,, this scara spiderman AU fanart, I'm going feral, someone hold me back,
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All art creds to kyonvmi on Instagram <33
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weemsfreak · 1 year ago
Larissa Weems x fReader
Larissa hasn't been herself lately, and to make things worse, she's nearing 50.
Happy ending, ~3.9k words
Warnings: Suicidal ideation, depressed and tired Larissa
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You knocked on the large wooden doors to the principals office, awaiting the sound of a voice that would bless your ears. It was the middle of the school day, she had to be here. When no response came, you decided you'd try the handle, and you walked in unexpectedly being greeted by nobody.
You made your way cautiously to the desk, which held nothing on its surface- except for a calendar.
December 2023
Tuesday - 'Rogers birthday'
Friday -'My birthday'
You weren't surprised that Larissa was keeping track of birthdays, she was in charge of planning them, after all. When a staff member at Nevermore had a birthday, Larissa would plan a social for the end of the work day. Like today for instance, you would soon be heading for cake, a little gift for roger, and perhaps a few drinks with the other teachers. Oddly enough though, you hadn't heard mention of a social on Friday. You focused on the calendar slot where Larissa had written 'My birthday'. December 8th, you committed to memory, that was her birthday.
Rogers party was enjoyable. The cake was rather yummy, and the staff had a few laughs together. "So, any more birthdays coming up soon? I could go for another cake" Roger joked after thanking Larissa for the party. Larissa tilted her head in thought, "Um, no. Not until next month." Some teachers let out a sarcastic huff of disappointment, but you took in the woman before you, confused.
Her face told you otherwise, it told you that she had lied, rather well, but not well enough.
Her face told a story, that maybe only you could read, of sadness, rejection, and loneliness. Perhaps Larissa didn't like the attention, or perhaps she didn't like parties. Perhaps she was scared of getting older, many people were.
You have only recently, about four months ago, became part of the Nevermore family, but you were quick to feel accepted and become enamoured with the woman. You and Larissa weren't very close, but that was likely because you were far too shy around her. Still, you thought that Larissa deserved to celebrate, she deserved to celebrate herself.
When the social came to an end, you pulled Vlad aside and asked if he had ever attended a celebration for Larissa's birthday, to which he shook his head no, and said that he was sure it was in the summer, because nobody had ever mentioned it.
That night you did a little digging. Probably, most likely, definitely too much digging. Did you go too far with things? Sometimes. But this was important, this was important to you.
You called your friend who worked for the United States government. "You want to know someone's birthday, huh? What are you doing, planning a party?" You laughed, why else would you want to know someone's birthday? "Larissa Marie Weems. Yes, I found it. Born in England, came to the United States in 1989-" "Okay Bri, I don't need her whole history" you interrupted. "Sorry, sorry. Her birthday is December 8th, 1973. Well, according to her file, anyway" she chuckled. You thanked your friend before hanging up and getting to work.
Larissa had not been herself lately. Weather it was due to her slow recovery, the betrayal of a supposed friend last year, the school being in shambles until some months ago, or her blatant loneliness, she didn’t know. Perhaps it was everything. She had not been herself since, well, since when? Who was she, exactly?
The headmistress of Nevermore, the girl who stayed in the same place mentally, and also physically, most of her life? The girl who loved, and lost, but was never loved back, was never lost in return. The girl who studied, excelled, travelled, and then came back. The girl who stayed, she was always the girl who stayed.
And now she was a woman, nearing 50, who still stayed. She stayed in her mind, full of trauma, deaths, and, you guessed it, more trauma. She stayed in her school, in her home, which was starting to feel, unsafe? Unlike a home, unlike her. She stayed in her thoughts, which were heartbreakingly also starting to feel unsafe.
Ah yes, she was nearing 50. And after all of these years, so, so many years, she thought that she may have a friend by now. A real friend, perhaps a partner. Someone who didn't abandon her willingly, or die on her unwillingly. Someone who wouldn't try to kill her for their own benefit.
She didn't know, had no clue actually, what she would do, what she could do, to get someone to like her. What was so wrong with her, she thought. What was so wrong with her that nobody liked her? She wasn't ugly, although she could be insecure. She could be scary, mean, authoritative, it was her job, her demeanour. But, she could also be sweet, loving, kind, caring, helpful, she knew that she was all of those things.
Deep down, she knew. Deep, deep down, she knew she wanted to love, she had SO much love to give. Alas, it seemed nobody wanted to give it back. So, she spent her years taking care of the younger generation, hoping and praying that none of them would turn out like she had. Depressed, lonely, full of defeat, trauma, self hatred and, love. She spent her time trying to bury her thoughts in work, in late nights, in wine, under a façade, but deep, deep down, she wanted out. She no longer wanted to be the one who stayed.
She stared at the calendar which was now on her coffee table, haunting her as she downed another glass of red. December 8th, a day that her mother had brought her into this world, this nasty, cruel, unforgiving, hateful world. This beautiful, tearjerking, progressive, lovely world. December 8th, the day that her family rarely celebrated. December 8th, the day that she rarely celebrated. God she loved that day, and at the same time, she absolutely resented it. She really, really dreaded that day, for it was a day that Morticia had ignored and belittled.
December 6th, 1990
"Happy Birthday Tish!" Larissa smiled, greeting Morticia in the quad at lunch. "Thank you Issa" Morticia replied, wrapping her arms around the taller girl. Larissa held a small box out to Morticia, "I got you something." Morticia took the box and sat down, Larissa sat across from her. Morticia opened the box and found a small black bracelet that Larissa had made especially for her. The beads were made of obsidian and onyx, with an 'M' placed in the middle. Morticia slipped it on and took Larissa's hand, "Thank you Issa" she said, as she blew her a kiss. Morticia then turned her attention to Gomez and a few other girls at the table. "So, I was thinking Saturday, we invite everyone to my room and then down to the quad for my birthday celebration!" Gomez agreed, and the other girls quickly followed up with fun things that they could do to celebrate. "Tish?" Larissa spoke quietly. "Cara Mia?" Morticia replied. "My birthday is Saturday, remember?" Morticia's eyebrows furrowed before she faked an expression of surprise. "Oh, right. Well, can you celebrate Sunday? Or another day?" Larissa looked down to her lap and fidgeted with her hands as she pondered Morticia's words. Another day? But her birthday was actually on Saturday, Morticia's wasn't. "Well, can't you celebrate yours tonight?" Morticia laughed, "No Larissa, Thursday isn't a good day for a party." Larissa nodded in agreement, although she didn't actually agree. Larissa smiled as she came up with a great idea. "Well, can we merge our parties on Saturday? We can celebrate together!" Morticia frowned at this idea, why would she want to share her party? "I think we should celebrate separate love, we can have two parties. Mine will be Saturday, and yours can be Sunday." Morticia went back to planning her party with the others as Larissa sat there in silence and defeat. She knew that nobody would want to celebrate on Sunday after having a big party on Saturday, she knew that nobody would come, not for her.
As it was, Saturday Larissa celebrated Morticia in their dorm, but rejected following them down into the quad. Some people wished Larissa a happy birthday, but Morticia, did not. Larissa celebrated that night, alone in her room with a hot chocolate and a pastry. "Happy birthday to me" she whispered, as she blew out a candle and let smoke fill the empty room.
Yes, December 8th was a day for Larissa, and perhaps that's why she felt dread. She was nearing 50, in 3 days, to be precise, and all she wished for was, well, was to die.
She wished that her mother never had her, she wished that she had not lived through everything she had, alone, so utterly alone. She wished that it wasn't a day that she could resent, she wished that it wasn't a day that Morticia could make her hate. She wished that it wasn't a day at all, for maybe it didn't have to be.
Oh how ironic it would be, to perish the same day on which you were born. Like Shakespeare, letting every word she had said become nothing, and every word she had never spoken become something. It would send a message, but to whom? To whom did Larissa have to send a message? And so close to Christmas, at that.
Larissa loved Christmas, well, she used to. It was so warm, so cozy, so breathtaking, so…heartbreaking. She didn't have a family, but perhaps if she did, she might actually come to like her birthday, the winter, the holidays. She might drink hot chocolate and sit by the fire and feel safe, she might feel okay, she might feel loved. She might not sit at the Weathervane alone, as everyone went back home for the holidays. She might not sit in her office by the fire, downing red and eating cookies that she baked herself, by herself. She might not walk through the snowy filled streets and let the glow of the artificial lights wash over her with tears in her eyes and nobody by her side. She might not stare down at the snow and see herself as a child, building a snowman and smashing her friend in the face with a snowball. She might not loathe the fact that she was who she was, and the fact that she was born on December 8th. Because when it all came down to it, her birthday, Christmas, and every single other day of the year, time was time. Time was fake, time was long, time was tears, and time was wrong. Time meant nothing, if she allowed it to mean nothing.
Yet she didn't, she allowed it to mean something. She let it mean something. She let it make her wish that she hadn't been here, that she wasn't here now.
That night she pondered over life, and death, and she came to the conclusion that she wasn't who she once was, nor was she who people were led to believe. She came to the conclusion that Nevermore would suffer without her, without their headmistress. But, she had one wish, one birthday wish.
Let it, she thought, let it suffer, for she has suffered enough for everyone. ___________________________________________________________________________________
When Friday, December 8th came, Larissa awoke with a heavy heart. She sat up in her bed as tears fell like bricks into her lap, and her hands trembled as she knew what they would soon be capable of.
Still, she went throughout her day as Principal, one last time. She greeted the students in the hallways, one last time. She made sure that her affairs and the schools affairs were in order, one last time. She shapeshifted and walked through the school, taking in everything that she could, one last time. And, she cried over Morticia's photo, one last time.
She settled down in front of the fire with a glass of wine in her hand and a hot chocolate, indulging one last time. It was only 4 in the afternoon, but she was tired, she was so incredibly tired.
She closed her eyes and laid her head back on the sofa as she thought about her birthday. Nobody had wished her happy birthday, nobody knew it was her birthday, nobody except you. But she didn't know that you knew, and as she thought about dying on the same date that she was born, she smiled, for nobody would know.
"Larissa!" you almost screamed, barging into her office frantically. Her eyes opened in a panic as she shot her wide gaze to you. You almost lost your act as you took her in, sitting on the sofa with wine and hot chocolate. Her office was clean, cleaner than usual, and she looked so tired, had she been crying? It was only quarter after 4, what was she doing?
"We have a problem, follow me!" you said in a hurry, ushering her up and out of her office. Larissa followed behind you as your pace quickened, and she rolled her eyes at the thought of having to deal with one of Nevermore's problems, one last time.
As she followed you through the halls, she watched your pace slow and your worry fade. You ended up walking beside her, and taking her hand in yours. Part of your brain told you that she might not follow, that she might know that there was no problem and run away. Part of your brain told you that maybe she didn’t at all want to celebrate, and that she would reject the surprise party and leave in tears.
Still, you held her hand as you stared up at her, your panicked act fading into a large smile. Larissa was so confused as to why you were holding her hand, and smiling at her? She looked down at your no longer panicked face and her eyes met yours, they were, admiring? You looked happy, joyful, loving, and maybe, maybe you were hiding something.
As you both neared the staff room Larissa stopped dead in her tracks. "What is the problem?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows at you. "It’s in here, come" you said, slowly opening the door to the staff room. You walked in slightly, enough to be able to turn on the lights, and Larissa stepped beside you. "I don't see a-" "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"
Everyone shouted and jumped up as you flicked the lights on, and you winced when you watched Larissa jump back in surprise. Larissa's mouth dropped open as she scanned the room, her eyes wide in shock. As you looked up at her expression your heart sunk a bit, for she didn’t look grateful, she didn't look like anything. Surprised, she was, but not happy surprised. "Larissa?" you whispered, and she whipped her head around and bent down to you, putting on a faceless expression. "Is this okay?" you asked hesitantly. Larissa blinked a few times before she turned to the room of people. Her staff were staring at her expectantly with smiles on their faces. She noticed a cake on the middle table, decorations, and a birthday sign that said 'Happy 30th!'
She began to walk slowly into the room, taking you with her. Once she got to the middle table, Larissa slowly but surely smiled. She took a deep breath and looked down at you, before looking around to all of her staff. "Thank you all" she said, bringing her other hand to her chest and laying it on her heart. Teachers then walked to her one by one and gave her a hug, saying happy birthday to her personally. You took that time to reach into your bag and dig out a birthday sash that read 'Birthday Queen'. You walked up to her and she laughed when she saw the sash, bending down to your level so you could slip it over her head and onto her body.
The party kicked off with everyone singing happy birthday to her, and then she blew out many candles on a chocolate cake that read 'Happy Birthday Larissa!'. You pulled out a bottle of her favorite red, which you knew she had already been drinking, and poured her a glass to go with her cake. When everyone finished eating, they socialized and played a few games that you had set out, and you took this time to finish her card.
You sat her down again and presented her with it. When she opened the card, it was full of small messages and signatures of everyone on the staff. Larissa scanned all the names before deciding that she would read the messages later tonight. You watched as a tear escaped her eye, but she was smiling. Your heartbeat quickened before it rested, happy tears, you thought. She looked around at everyone as she wiped at her eyes. "Thank you all so much. I haven't celebrated my birthday in so long."
“We didn't know when your birthday was Larissa, I thought it was in the summer" Vlad chuckled. Larissa giggled and sighed, "I know, I kept it a secret." Larissa then furrowed her brows and looked around at her staff, "Wait, how did you all find out?" Roger instantly gestured to you and smiled, "Y/N found out." Larissa looked down at you and tilted her head in question as a blush spread on your cheeks. "Y/N planned the whole party" Vlad added. The woman pouted her lip as she took your hand in hers. She smiled and squeezed your hand as her eyes watered, "Thank you darling."
The party went on and your heart clenched at the sight of Larissa enjoying herself with the others. You didn't know if she resented you for telling everyone about her birthday, but you were glad that she was celebrating herself. You were relieved, in awe really, you hoped that your digging and planning meant something to her.
When the party was over and most people left, you started cleaning up the room. Larissa stayed with you and started to clear the tables. "Larissa don't worry about the mess, I got it" you smiled.  She waved a hand at you dismissively, "Nonsense darling, let me help you." After everything had been cleaned up, you turned to her nervously. "Happy birthday Larissa, I hope it was enjoyable." Larissa smiled down at you and whispered a thank you. She then paused, "Come with me, will you?" You nodded and followed along.
She led you to her office where she gestured for you to sit on the sofa. You placed your bag on the floor and turned to her. "How did you find out that my birthday was today?" she asked. You chuckled in embarrassment, "I saw it written in your calendar."
Larissa's expression turned to one of joy as she laughed and shook her head, "Sneaky girl" she mused. You reached into your bag and pulled out a small box with her name on it. Larissa looked at you in shock as you held it out to her. "I didn't know if you liked celebrating, or if you even liked your birthday at all after you said that there were no more staff birthdays this month" you chuckled. "But, I thought that you were worth celebrating Larissa, so I got you something."
You held the box out to the woman as she stared down at you in awe. Her breathing was rapid and her eyes were teary once again, and you thought that she might not take it. You reached for her hand and placed the box into her delicate palm, "It’s not much, sorry" you smiled.
Larissa looked down at the box and slowly began to open it. Inside she found a bracelet, made with beads of Moonstone and Lapis Lazuli, a birthstone for the month of December, and the color of Larissa's eyes, you noted. In the middle of the bracelet there was a bead with the letter 'L'.
Larissa brought her hand to cover her gasp when she realized that you had made it yourself, all for her. As tears spilled from her eyes, you had no idea what was happening. You also had no time to say anything before the blonde woman wrapped her arms around you and pulled you tight against her. You felt her sniffle and cry into you, and you nuzzled your head into her as you began to stroke her hair. You didn't know why she was reacting like this, but no matter, you'd comfort her any day, you'd do anything for her, any day.
You let Larissa cry into your shoulder for a few minutes before you pulled back, and your eyes met her mascara stained face. "I love it" she whispered. You smiled and nodded. "I usually resent my birthday Y/N. Nobody ever celebrates with me and I, I have some bad memories." Larissa sniffled as she pressed her forehead to yours. "I'm sorry Larissa, I just thought you deserved to be celebrated." Larissa furrowed her brows, "Really?" You cupped her face in your hands, "Yes, really" you whispered.
Larissa stared into your eyes, perhaps she was trying to read you. She paused, and then she gave in. "I haven't been doing too well, darling. This time of year is lonely, and it's always hard for me, and I-" Larissa didn't get to finish her sentence because her voice wavered and tears fell again. You wiped them from her cheeks with your thumbs as she tried to told them back and her gaze fell to the floor. "Look at me Larissa" you whispered. Larissa again met your eyes hesitantly, and it was confirmed, you were right. She was sad, she was lonely, and she wasn't herself, but "I'm here for you. I will be here for you Larissa, please allow me to help you." Larissa let out a sob as she pulled you into her again and found comfort in your neck. You kissed her on the cheek and breathed in her being, as you felt tears fall from your own eyes. "I wanted to celebrate today Larissa, because, I'm so glad that you were born, I'm so happy that you're here. I'm so grateful for you, beautiful. I'm so, so proud of you."
Later that night, Larissa sat in her quarters, reading the messages that her friends had written. She pulled you tight next to her as she smiled at the bracelet on her arm, the bracelet that you had made her. Larissa realized that she did have people who loved her, in one way or another. She realized that she did want to live, she just didn't want to live alone. She came to the conclusion that you had saved her from herself that day. Such a simple gesture from you, a woman that hadn't known her that long, your observation and attention, and your thoughtfulness and love, had saved her.
You kissed her forehead and pulled her face closer to yours, winking. “Happy Birthday Larissa, 50 looks good on you." Larissa smiled and scoffed playfully as she returned the kiss to your nose.
Perhaps December 8th didn't need to mean anything, anything bad or traumatic, at least. Perhaps time didn’t mean anything, perhaps it didn't need to, if she didn't allow it. Perhaps she was the one that stayed, and perhaps you would be too.
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schemmentits · 2 months ago
No but season 2 of ‘Squid Game’ is so fucking queer, I wouldn’t mind joining in🫣
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