#so excited to see the camp fam again
pokemon1oadvanced · 2 months
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sprinklethetangerine · 11 months
I don't know if I can sleep now that I'm thinking about JW Chaos Theory, and I literally have an exam tomorrow.
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although it probably won’t happen since there has to be more time for the plot I do hope we see a lot of flashbacks and memories of wholesome things we didn’t get to see before
like I wanna see them all hanging and having a reunion after they come back from the island like just them being happy with eachother
and I know we’ll probably see some present happy moments in the show (which I’m so excited for!!) but I also wanna see my girl Brooklyn in some happy memories :((
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anxiousosaurus · 4 months
Day 7 for the jwct Coundown! Prompt- Camp Fam!! My darling children!!
I was planning to write something but I just. Idk where to go with it, so I'm just sharing the main idea??
So like, I was gonna have them all go out to eat when they finally get home but I am so bad at writing a bunch of people together because I don't like being in big groups so idk I just can't do it :/ but the idea seemed really sweet to me, like one last hurrah.
Like their families are all there, they talk about what happened, and Yaz finally gets some ketchup and mustard lol
I imagine they'd poke fun at Ben, asking if wanted to try ordering grubs (much to the horror of the adults, especially his mom because that lady has got to be shocked)
And like, the Bowman family beginning their bonding with Kenji, Yaz and Sammy getting to know each other's families, just the whole camp fam interacting with their biological fam
so yeah, just think about ittt, how cute it could be! If anyone wants to write it, I'd be cool with that! It's just not within my limits ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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I'm so excited to see them again, tomorrow is going to be the longest day ever, I'm staying up until 3 am to watch as soon as I can!
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haethyre · 4 months
Chaos Theory Thoughts
Well, I just binged the entire thing. I had so many thoughts episode to episode but wanted to wait till the end to compile my thoughts.
MAN Some decisions were certainly made huh????
I was almost overwhelmed by all the drama jkfhajksdhf I was initially very upset about what happened with Yaz and Sammy, but seeing the way it resolved was really sweet and I think made them stronger. and they had so many cute kisses and moments jhdfjdshj I was just upset not to see them together for like half the season.
I was upset Camp Fam kinda split up over the years. Which, i mean, i get. Life happens. its realistic. but its also a bit like "you know what? *unhappies your ending*" But again, seeing people grow apart and then come back together is a nice trope so I'll allow it. XD If they didnt reconcile I'd have more of a problem.
I did have a problem with Darius randomly being in love with Brooklyn tho. I mean, I get it. Time skip. We didn't really see what happened that led him to that place. And he was a kid in Camp Cretaceous so he may not have been attuned to such things yet. But it took me off guard (i guess its also cause i could swear i read an article or something shortly after CC ended about him possibly being ace. not saying that means he cant fall in love. And honestly, it would make sense considering, to me, they made a lot more sense to me than Kenji and her...but idk. I guess I just didn't expect it?) but I have no real attachment to either ship so whatever happens happens I guess. XD I just dont think he needed to be in love with her to be messed up about what happened to her. He got in a similar way over when he thought Ben died. (speaking of which, I looooved Darius and Ben's interactions this season)
Also. I knew she couldn't be dead. It threw me through a loop when they said she died. i was like "They killed off Brooklyn?????? sheee's not deaaaad." I had a feeling she was gonna show up at the very end. and she did! Gosh. things are gonna be soooo awkward when they reunite XD Aaaaaa
But yeah, I always doubt death scenes when you dont see them die XD
also BUMPY. AND BABY. So cute. I love Bumpy. I'm glad she's okay. jhfgjsd Ben and Bumpy always make me emotional. when he cried i was like nooooooo ;w; babyyyyyy
The animation looked amazing throughout. Have to fit that in somewhere.
I'll admit I was surprised because I thought this was just going to be a one off. But it looks like there'll be another season so I'm excited. I'll have something to look forward to.
All in all, some questionable things aside, I thought it was a good season and left me wanting to see where it goes. I was missing all these characters when CC ended, so I'm happy to see them again in any capacity.
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deans-baby-momma · 1 year
Law & Love Chapter 15
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Life was good. Hell, it was great! For the first time in over two fucking years,  things were actually looking up for Y/N.
Yea okay. She got laid, fucked ten ways to Sunday, bent into positions she couldn't ever describe but that's not all. She had a friend. 
A bona fide, genuine friend. So what if they knew what the other looked like naked, what the other tasted like, Cordell was proving to be an integral part of her life.
For a few weeks now, they have talked daily and texted numerous times a day. She listened to him as he told her about his trouble with his daughter, Stella, dating the neighbor and family nemesis boy; about his son, August, being on the fast track to be on the national honor society for their school.
She listened to him tell all about his brother Liam being in the running for some political office; not that she really paid attention to, because she knows from previous experience, politics can make or break any relationship. 
He heard about her monotonous and humdrum days at the diner; the most exciting thing being the gossip of the mayor's daughter getting pregnant by the town's degenerate and running off with him.
"Order up!" Pops announces as he sits a plate on the order shelf but Y/N’s mind is stuck on something Cordi said last night. 
Was he serious? Did he actually think it was a good idea? Was he just horny and needed a good fuck and knew I'd be willing?
"Maybe you just need to get away?" he had suggested. "New place, different scenery. You could come to Texas and visit."
The consistent dinging of the order bell pulls her from her recollections and she turns to look at Pops. "Sorry," she apologizes and grabs the order, walking away to deliver it.
As soon as she comes to consciousness,  she knows something is wrong. Before Y/N even opens her eyes, she can sense something is different. There is a silence around her, a stillness like never before.
She slowly lifts her eyelids and is met with complete and utter darkness, not a light in sight. She turns to look at the alarm clock and can't see anything; the usual red glowing numbers aren't there.
Y/N realizes quickly that the power is out. Grabbing her phone and turning it on, she notices that it is 4:45 am; that explains the darkness, the sun has yet to rise. 
She rolls back over and tries to go back to sleep but Cordell’s words begin ringing in her head again. “"Maybe you just need to get away?" New place, different scenery. You could come to Texas and visit." “I’d love to see you again Y/N. Introduce you to my family.”
As she lays there contemplating his suggestion, the sun rises and not long after her phone beeps with a message. 
‘Power’s out. Won’t be opening the diner until it’s restored. And since tomorrow we’re closed anyway, have a good weekend!’
It doesn't take Y/N long to decide what she’s going to do with her free time. She’s going to Austin. 
Opening up a travel app on the phone, she quickly finds a direct flight out of Helena Regional Airport, straight to Austin-Bergstrom. She enters her card info and waits for the confirmation before she makes my next move.
As soon as the email arrives with the information she is seeking, she texts Cordell.
‘Up for a visitor this weekend?’
‘Depends on who is visiting ;)’ 
‘Well, thanks to the storm I didn’t even know rolled through town, I have a couple of days off from the diner. Thought I’d take you up on your offer…..if it’s still legitimate :D’
‘It’s legit and open-ended. Come on down. What time does your flight get in?’
‘I’ll be at the airport waiting. Can’t wait to see you!’
‘Can’t wait to see you either…….and meet your kids.’
‘Oh. Shit! I hope this doesn’t dampen your spirit but it’s just going to be me here this time. Fam’s gone on the annual Walker Camping Expedition.’
‘Oh. Well, if you don’t mind me impeding on your alone time. Why didn’t you go with?’
‘You aren’t impending on anyone’s alone time. I had to stay back because we are close to getting some imperative evidence that’s needed to make an arrest. Cap told me I was going to have to pull out of the yearly trip.’
‘Oh. Well, guess I’ll see you at 7 roomie.’
‘See you at 7, darlin.,’
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Packing for the trip is simple. A couple of outfits for the days she’s in Austin and her essentials. Y/N is packed and ready to go two hours before time to leave. She uses that time to shower and dress comfortably for the plane ride.
Knowing that the Walker family is out of town and it’s going to be just Cordell and herself in the house,Y/N  takes the time to shave everywhere and wash everything. She even gets the idea of the perfect outfit in her mind as she’s bathing. 
A cute little red and white striped sundress with spaghetti straps and a built-in bra. Y/N smiles mischievously as she decides to go bare under the skirt too. If Cordi gets too handsy, he’s going to be in for one hell of a surprise!
When the text comes through that her Uber has arrived, she grabs her bags and  purse and locks up before handing my luggage to the driver. Once she’s on her way, she grabs her phone and texts Cordell once more.
‘Just got in the car with a complete stranger, trusting them to take me to the airport and drop me off. If you don’t hear from me in an hour, send rescue. LOL’
‘Darlin’ that’s no laughing matter to a Ranger. Text me as soon as you get through security. Please. Be safe.’
‘My big Texan hero’ she adds an emoji with heart eyes to the end. 
The driver is quiet as they drive toward the airport and Y/N is thankful. How do you tell someone that you’re taking a 5 hour flight to Texas to hopefully get railed by a moose of a man with the cock to match. She’d probably look like a maniac….or a whore. 
As soon as the car pulls up to the drop off area, the driver stops the car and gets out to hand her her luggage. Y/N thanks with a sizable tip and turns to head into the airport. The terminal is busy but not bustling as she makes her way to the counter to pick up her ticket. 
Once through security and her bag has been checked and tagged and headed off to be loaded, she pulls her phone out and texts Cordell.
‘Safe and secure awaiting boarding call’
‘Good. See you soon.’
She doesn't even give another thought to the fact that only a thin piece of material separates her naked body from the others inside the building. She open a game on my phone and begin trying to beat the next level until her flight is called.
The flight from Helena to Austin is smooth and with no hiccups. A few minutes after 7 pm, Texas time, Y/N is walking down the boarding ramp, searching for baggage claim. She doesn’t even see Cordell standing there.
As she is watching for her luggage, a hand lands on her shoulder and she hears his voice.
“Excuse me Miss,” he says authoratively. “You look a bit lost. Do you need a guide?”
Y/N turns and looks up at the tall man behind her with a smile. “Why officer, that would be wonderful.”
They both laugh and then wrap their arms around each other and squeeze. “Good to see you again Y/N.”
“Same for you Gigantor,” Y/N giggles.
As soon as she gets her luggage, they take off toward Cordell’s truck to head to the Walker Family Ranch.
@spnbaby-67 @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @atc74 @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @hoboal87 @mogaruke @supraveng @deandreamernp @akshi8278 @lyarr24 @kazsrm67 @chriszgirl92 @deanwithscissors @raisinggray @fanfic-n-tabulous @hobby27 @stoneyggirl2 @brownbearhusky @purpleeclipseeggsland @kmc1989 @deans-spinster-witch @yvonneeeeeeee @tmb510 @globetrotter28
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unicornofthesun13 · 4 months
Chaos Theory Spoiler thoughts
hfgidfniudfgbuihgibdfgbgh that was so good, I kind of don't even know where to start. 10/10 basically no notes. I got everything I wanted and even some stuff I didn't know I could want.
First off, Dinostar nation how are we feeling??? Like??? I know it was unrequited (for now) but that is still waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than I ever thought we would get. Like I don't even need to make a DariusxBrooklynn rewrite like I did with four and five (more chapters are coming, don't worry)
I thought I was just coping when there started to be hints but after episode four I was like 99.9% sure. Wow. Amazing.
I loved the Darius and Kenji storyline as well. Them becoming friends/brothers again was not easy and it didn't just happen in the span of an episode. It pretty much took until the last episode for them to be totally alright. This was what I thought the conflict in season four was going to be but they actually gave it the attention it deserved this time.
In future, I hope we see some Kenji and Bowmans content. The hint with Kenji calling Darius' mum already has me frothing for more. And I think he'll need it even more after what happened to his dad. That scene was terrifying and amazing and wow.
Darius and Ben dynamic was great. Glad we got a couple episodes of pretty much just them to ease us into everything. And on the topic of Ben, that scene in episode nine where he's listening to Bumpy in pain... yikes.
Sammy and Yaz were also great. I really appreciated how they handled Yaz's PTSD and gave it room to breathe and to show how she's grown, all without feeling like it's completely gone and she's just 'over it' now. Loved how both of them protected each other and never failed to show their affection.
When Brooklynn turned out to be alive me, my partner, and my sibling all could not stop screaming and we were so excited. She looks so cool! The last scene really puts what the DPW lady said to Daius in the first episode into perspective. Getting that Allosaurus really wouldn't do anything, would it?
Also, we were so right about the Sydney thing. Kinda can't believe the first info we ever got about Chaos Theory spoiled the last scene. Hotly anticipating Brooklynn angst and the reunion with the rest of the Camp Fam, next season.
Fanfic ideas are brewing and I need to know what happened to her ASAP like wow. Season two cannot come fast enough. Heard somewhere it would be like August/September and... yeah... this summer is going to be slow
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bridgeportbritt · 1 year
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Victoria Simsten's Residence | Umbrage, SimDonia
Victoria: So, how was Simerica? Amazing??
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Ella: It was pretty chill. Spent a lot of time with the fam.
Victoria: Including that cute brother of yours, I'm sure!
Ella: Ugh! Stop calling Gianni cute. Gross, gross, gross.
Victoria: Oh my, Watcher! It's not my fault he's cute! Blame your parents. I'm right, aren't I, Chantel? Gianni is literally so fine.
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Chantel: Gianni is definitely fine.
Victoria: See??
Ella: Ugh, I hate you both. Can we talk about something else?
Victoria: Sure! Speaking of cute boys, where's Mr. Luka?
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Ella: Ughhhh, new topic again.
Victoria: Oh my, Watcher! What's wrong with you guys? Things not going well or something?
Ella: No, things are fine. He's just super clingly. He literally called me every day I was in Simerica. The only reason I got away from him today is because Soccer practice started back up.
Victoria: Calling you while you're away? Sounds like regular boyfriend stuff, Elle.
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Ella mocking voice: "What are you doing today, Elle? When am I going to meet your Simerica fam, Elle? Elle, I'm so excited to go to BUS with you!" Ugh, it's just too much!
Victoria: Okay, yeah. That does seem like a lot. Maybe you just need space.
Chantel: Or a breakup.
Ella: Ugh, I don't know. Just thinking about it gives me anxiety. I don't want to hurt his feelings... again.
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Victoria: Okay, no more sad topics! We're literally throwing the hottest end of summer pool party of the year! Fun times only!
Ella: Yes!!! I'm suprised your moms let you do this. And that mine let me go. to be honest.
Victoria: Me, too! I think the moms are still grappling with the fact that this is my last year of high school.
Ella laughs: Their pain is our gain! I'm surprised Eric isn't here yet. Is he coming?
Victoria: He should be. I'll kill him if he doesn't. Oh, wait. I think I see him...
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Ella: Really, where?
Victoria: Um, he's walking in... with the girl in the green bathing suit...
Ella: Girl? What? Who is she?
Victoria: I don't know! I've never seen her before. I don't think she goes to our school.
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Ella: Cool, he does his ghosting thing like he does every summer and this time he comes back with some girl.
Victoria: Uh, Elle, you might want to be cool.
Ella: Why?
Victoria: They're coming this way!
Chantel: Oh, this should be good.
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Eric: Hey, guys! What's up?
Victoria: Hi, Eric. Long time, no see? Who's your friend?
Eric: This is Mckenzie. She's a counselor at the Summer Camp I work at in Aducia. She goes to Creeksbrey High.
Victoria: Hi! Nice to meet you, Mckenzie. I'm Vicky, and this is Chantel and Ella.
Chantel: Hi!
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Mckenzie excited: Hi! It's so nice to meet you guys! I've heard so much about you all. Eric just talks nonstop about you guys!
Ella mumbles: Interesting. This is the first time we're hearing about you.
Victoria: Um, well welcome! There's snacks and drinks over there if you guys are hungry.
Eric: Thanks, Vick. I see some people from school, I'd like you to meet, Mckenzie.
Mckenzie: Okay! Nice to meet you guys!
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Victoria: Elle, honey. Whatcha doin'?
Ella: Trying to will myself to disappear.
Chantel: It's not working, girl! We can still see you.
Victoria laughs: Chantel! This is not funny. Our girl is clearly having an existential crisis. Maybe she want to talk about it?
Ella: She does not.
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Chantel: New school year, same mess. Anthony's lucky he got out. Senior year, here we come!
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misteria247 · 22 days
A bit of a ramble/vent cuz I need to kinda get it off my chest-
So I'd went to North Carolina's Outer Banks a few weeks back for this singles retreat/Christian camp thing for adults and they've got a Discord server right? I've been interacting with people on and off there, being more open than I usually am to try and establish actual friendships with people who I've actually met face to face and to step out of my comfort zone. And most of the time it's nice, having this place where you can fellowship with others. But some days......I'm reminded pretty quickly that I'm not really like them.
There's just little moments. Moments where I have to mentally go "Oh yeah, they're more stern on this kind of thing huh." And have to backtrack a bit. Like the other day when the Sonic 3 trailer dropped and as y'all know once I'm excited about something I tend to uh go off the rails sometimes. I did the post on here and decided to share my excitement with these people on this server. Because if we're gonna be friends they've got to know the real me ya know? So I go on there and start my rambling, excited and kicking my feet and chewing drywall like I usually do. And it's then I realize that......some of those people had no clue what I was talking about.
They were nice don't get me wrong, everyone's pretty nice there but as I was talking and delving into my love of video games and such I was met with amused confusion from some. One guy even jokingly sent a gif of Frodo saying "it's some kind of Elvish I can't make it out" cuz he was obviously lost on what I was rambling about. I didn't take it personally but it just.....it really made it obvious that I'm not exactly the kind of gal who can fit into this group fully.
Then there's my lingo of saying stuff like I stg or God I wish, and yesterday this girl bless her, seemed to think I was saying it in a disrespectful manner and she was super nice about it and me being me, of course apologized for making her feel uncomfortable despite being completely confused. Cuz the last thing I want is to do that to someone. Especially since they've been nothing but kind towards me. But at the same time it just reminds me that I'm in a way not like them. We may believe in the same God, and we may love his creations and want to follow his laws but that's where the similarities end.
In a way, I can't help but feel like an outcast whenever I'm me. It's silly to feel like this I know, and I shouldn't be feeling like that because these people have been nothing but kind towards me. And yet......every time I run into these little, miniscule things, it's glaringly obvious that I'm different. The way I do things and the way I act is different from this group. I originally went to this camp in hopes of finding a possible husband for the future, yet now as I sit here thinking about it I can't help but wonder......if I did find the one God made for me in this group......will I have to stop being me? Will I have to tone down the person I am, in order to fit into this group better?
It's scary fam. Because I've grown to like these people despite only knowing them for a short time. Going to this camp, it changed something in me. It made me more comfortable to be sociable towards others and be more welcoming. Which is insane for me. Yet these little things also are bringing up dead insecurities. Insecurities that I haven't had since I was a child/young teenager. Insecurities that because I'm different that I don't belong, that because of my personality and way I go about life, it makes people not want to be around me. That it makes me annoying and overbearing.
Which is ridiculous because right before I left Carolina to go home, a good chuck of people asked me if I was planning on coming back to their spring one and even expressed wanting to see me again. They clearly found something in me that makes them want to see me again in person, to continue getting to know me. But these little things.....even though they're of no ill will or of a cruel nature.........they make me wonder ya know?
Honestly I'm just a bit of a confused mess ngl lmao.
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queenofbaws · 1 year
Hi!! I hope you are feeling better Queenie!! For the writers ask may I ask numbers 7,8,17 and 39? Thank you!!
ahhh, thank you!!! 🥰 i'm hangin' in there, haha! i hope you don't mind i shifted the order of these juuust a little, for reasons that will probably be obvious, hehe.
weird writing asks for weird writers!
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
honestly, for all i complain about it when the words aren't coming out right (or, more often, fast enough for my liking, lmfao), my deepest joy about writing is.........most of it, actually. for me, writing is like......a puzzle. you have to put the right words together, the right sentences together, the right ideas and concepts and images together, and if you can do that, you can make something gorgeous, or terrifying, or hilarious, or tearjerking, or any combination therein!
i love getting to sit down to a project and think "huh, how am i going to tackle this one?" and i love imagining how people will respond to it, and i love lying in bed at night or standing in the shower and suddenly screaming because something makes sense where it didn't before!!! writing is just my happy place, and whenever you guys see me bemoaning it, i hope you know it's (mostly) me being a dramatic clown ;P
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
god, time for cliché hour again, but...you guys 🥹 hahaha, seriously, whenever i get super stuck on a project or i just start hating my own writing - something that happens more often than i'd like to admit, lmao - knowing that out there, there are people who have taken time out of their day to sit down and read the words i put down just...idk man, it does something to the ol' heart. whenever i start feeling really down on myself, i pop over to ao3 and poke through my saved inbox messages, and without fail, that always puts a little fire back under my butt ;)
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
oh, without action, no question. dialogue is my JAM, and while i'm sure it'd be hard to get around my impulse to always have people shrugging and smirking, shrugging and smirking, that's all anyone ever does, shrug and smirk, i think i could PROBABLY make something work...lights get knocked out and it's two characters trying to escape a room in the dark? laura and max stuck in their itty bitty cells trying to scheme their way out? a long-distance phone call being spied on by a third party??? oh the possibilities are endless, and, i'm sure, full of ellipses!
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
i'm lying down on the ground right now you don't even know. ooooooooooooh if you want some additional info about like wringing blood from a stone (i'm gonna be trying real hard not to spoil anything), it's under the cut akldsjfaklsdjf
so. as is the case with every longfic i endeavor upon, i've. i've gotten in too deep with my personal headcanons for the hackett fam lmfao. some of this is going to end up in the fic itself, some of it won't, but god. help me. i didn't intend to go THIS deep into the summer camp family aklsdjfklasjdkfjdf
i keep telling myself that one of these days i'm going to try and sit down to make a big, nice edit of the whole family, but then i chicken out and don't do it, but playing off the character intro cards/descriptions from the quarry, here are the descriptors i've personally been using for the whole racket:
KAYLEE: Athletic, considerate, lonely, defiant CALEB: Brooding, responsible, sensitive, creative BOBBY: Absent-minded, impulsive, obedient, excitable CHRIS: Charismatic, people-pleasing, emotional, paternal TRAVIS: High-strung, suspicious, insecure, defensive JACK: Superstitious, reclusive, sentimental, cunning CONSTANCE: Assertive, capable, obstinate, manipulative JEDEDIAH: Old-fashioned, stern, proud, aloof
they make such a pretty (and well-adjusted) picture when they're all together like that, huh? ;P
when i do character studies like this, usually i end up falling into rabbit hole after rabbit hole of backstories, and this is...this is absolutely no different - i don't think i'll ever sit down and write the whole thing out, but i do, for example, have the story of jed and constance's whole deal figured out in my head. i'm going to touch on it SO briefly in the fic itself, but god it's. it's all there. i have rough backgrounds for jed's siblings (that we don't see in the hackett family tree in-game, no, but boy howdy i have reasons for THAT too asdklfjlsdf), i just sort of.............as with any family, there's a whole story that obviously comes BEFORE the story we're seeing right now, the story that explains how everyone got to be The Way They Are, but there aren't werewolves in that one, it's just like. bad parenting. and child negligence. and alcohol. so it's staying in my brainbox where it belongs, but rest assured IT EXISTS.
i cannot for the life of me think of a way to present any of this clearly and in an organized manner, so...here are just some pieces-parts about the worldstate the fic takes place in, which may appear in the story itself aaaaaaand which might not!
the events of until dawn are canon - except, of course, jack and josh dying, lmao
the events of house of ashes are canon - sole survivor jason
the events of the devil in me are/will be canon - the shoeshine killer is a known entity
the fiddlers' visits to hackett's quarry always took place in the early spring/late fall and usually coincided with, let's say, parties going missing in the general area of the pines
...except the one time they visited at the height of summer in 1993 ;)c
amelia hackett (aka that grant girl) died from complications giving birth to kaylee
all twelve of the harbinger motel's guest rooms are color-coded according to the series of totems jack has placed inside for "protection:" fortune - white, guidance - yellow, loss - brown, danger - red; there's only one "death" or "black" room, and it's jack's personal quarters in back of the check-in area
none of the hunting trophies hanging in the harbinger are actual hunting trophies...except the jackalope. all the other skulls are wood carvings jack has made himself, finished to look like bone
growing up, chris only ever worked at the camp and bobby only ever worked at the scrapyard, but travis bounced around, working at the warrens' farm and the one (1) video rental place north kill had before winding up with the police, meaning, ironically, he's the sibling who worked the least for the family
all three hackett brothers played football in high school - to varying degrees of success
as used to be common, there is a family burial plot out in hackett woods somewhere, where many - but not all - of jed's relatives have been laid to rest
...kaylee and caleb still have not found it, but they TRY
jed says none of them will find it until it's time to bury him back there
travis has explained at least 47 times in the past two years that people don't get buried in their backyards anymore, that's not how it works, dad
jed insists that's exactly how it works, so help him god
bobby is so fucking good at shadow puppets. he's just. he's really, really fucking good at shadow puppets you guys
at the risk of continuing to ramble for five business days, i'll leave it there for now but aklsdjfldsjaf thank you for giving me the opportunity to barf behind the scenes stuff out onto a page XD
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nicoleanell · 11 months
Welcome and thank you in advance!! As I say every year (or every-other-year when I partcipate) these are just some thoughts, but feel free to focus on different characters/storylines/etc. I'm excited to see anything you're inspired to make from the sources below!
I also tagged all the fandoms so you can see how often I reblog stuff about them, consider it a vidding vision board. :D
If you're checking out any of these sources for the first time, content warning for some blood/gore in Renfield (played for comedy) and blood, jumpscares, animal death in Midnight Mass.
Film (Safety)
Renfield (2023) - Listen. Cinema peaked when Robert Montague Renfield decorated his little apartment in bright '70s colors and kitty cat bedsheets to Lizzo, and then peaked a second time when Ben Schwartz snorted a centipede. This movie is bloody camp nonsense but somehow also an earnest abuse recovery/revenge fantasy, and it gave me Emotions and a crush on Nicholas Hoult. His giant sad eyes and self-empowerment arc mean the world to me.
Abbott Elementary - Wholesome sitcom in the vein of Parks & Rec following teachers in a Philadelphia elementary school (as a child of two public school teachers it hits close to my heart). I'd kinda like to see an Ava vid, she's so entertainingly terrible but then has great moments of growth as well. Or one centered on Janine, Janine/Gregory, or just any kind of fun ensemble thing!
The Afterparty - Murder mystery comedy with the twist that each episode, a character gives their version of events in the style of different genre parodies. Honestly I'd be fine with just a season 1 vid because I liked it more than season 2. (With the exception of S2 giving me the Sapphic Wes Anderson Movie of my dreams.) S1 had just about a perfect ensemble (Yasper being a highlight) and great execution of the Rashomon-style premise.
The Bear - Drama/dramedy set in the chaotic back-of-house world of a Chicago restaurant. I love how real the environment, relationships, and characters of this show feel. I adore Ayo Edebiri so I'd especially like a vid centered on Sydney, her ambitions and anxiety and passion, but again anything that inspires you about the show would make me happy! I love everyone in this dysfunctional restaurant fam. I don't really ship Syd with Carmy so I'd prefer not an explicitly romancey vid.
Midnight Mass - There's a venn diagram between Catholic Trauma and Vampires that Mike Flanagan seemed to crack like nobody else ever has lol. After Hill House (which I got an incredible vid for a couple years ago) this is my favorite of his horror-drama miniseries, I really love the mood and themes it explores about faith/religion a source of both comfort and harm. Pretty much a "do whatever you want with this source" request!
Web Series/Internet Content
Dimension 20 - There's a lot of source here and even I haven't made it through all the older intrepid heroes campaigns yet (not to mention all the side quests). I've basically seen everything from A Court of Fey and Flowers onward. Favorites include Neverafter, A Crown of Candy, and I'm really enjoying the current Burrow's End series. But honestly if there's any season or mini-season or general vibe YOU especially love and would like to focus on, feel free to do so! And if you want to incorporate stuff like art, minis, fan sources, or just rely on the player dynamics, go for it. I love basically everybody but special shout-out to Lou Wilson.
Amaury Guichon (the chocolate guy) (Youtube/Tiktok/he also had a Netflix show) - Guichon is a French-Swiss pastry chef known for making elaborate, edible chocolate sculptures, and posting usually wordless montage videos of his process. I'm just kinda curious what a Chocolate Guy vid would look like! Watching his videos and the work that goes into each piece is so fascinating, and he has a really charming and pleasant vibe. Love the technical skill, the commitment to the bit, and the fact they often look like they taste good on top of it!
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turnthepgs · 1 year
so I just got back from the camp yesterday with my parents my sister and my niece.. it was so much fun I haven't been there in a long time and it was kind of nice to just have the immediate fam.. We had the baby's first time in a lake and a nice fire and I got to use the kayak again... Baby D's absolutely adorable and she loves me so much she just stared and giggles at me all the time.. played games with mom and jubie.. it was fine I'm glad I got to go. Today we are going to AK's camp for the wknd I was a little nervous cause it's two nights and we've never done an overnight so we will see. I'm really excited though because they have been wanting to take us forever so it will be good.. back to work Monday so that sucks but I had a great time off lots of camping and road trips and I got time to relax and chill so it was wonderful.
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angxliquel · 2 years
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brekker-by-brekkerr · 2 years
live reaction 3x08 part 1
Starting off strong with some Jetwen and Caswen content okay
Oh no Big Red this is so awkward oh my stars
Ricky hasn’t even read the whole show?? What the heck?? Like, I’ve been trying to give him somewhat of a pass because even though he doesn’t have as much responsibility as EJ, he has some responsibility as the lead, but the fact that he hasn’t even read the show…like I get they only have two weeks to perform it but the least you could do is take the time to read the whole script. This just goes to show how little everyone is doing in comparison to EJ and once again this is not fair at all. Especially since EJ and Ricky are the same age now you can’t even say EJ “deserves” it because he’s older (which is also such a fricked up thing to say in the first place)
Having Emmy (I think that’s her name) sing the beginning of this is real…I have no investment in this child she’s barely been in this season lol. Okay I think it somewhat makes sense but still
Ahh everyone looks so good in their costumes
Oh this is the first time we’ve seen Jet in his costume. I wonder if we’ll get to hear him sing Hans of the Southern Isles. I hope so but like I also hope we get to hear Monster and Dangerous to Dream and so many other songs from the musical, at least clips of them. That’s the thing about having original songs and camp rock songs and high school musical songs in one season; we barely get any from each which is sad. But we’re getting Kristoff’s Lullaby!! I’m excited
“Your boyfriend is adorable” “So’s Madison” oh we all see what’s happening here oh my stars
The funny thing about Channing making them do things differently than how they rehearsed is that’s exactly what Miss Jenn did with Beauty and the Beast
“Elton!!” every time someone calls him Elton I’m living for it
“You sure?” Ricky shut the frick up EJ is the one making everything happen so you’re not allowed to have opinions sorry
Ricky and Jet fist bump stars I wish they could have been explored (I know it was ever going to happen before someone comes at me they’re just a dearly loved crackship okay)
Gina!! The way she’s looking at EJ with so much concern like my heart’s breaking
I know Nini has to leave bc Olivia’s leaving but I hate it and it’s sad because it doesn’t really make sense since we already saw her leave then realise her home is with the Wildcats
She’s not going to be at the campfire and it’s going to hurt so much
I really appreciate the “these things don’t go away in a night” comment because in a lot of shows like this they would. They would sing a song or be like wow I was brave! And then their mental health is great when that’s not really how it works
I just wish we got similar attention paid to EJ and his anxiety. The fact that he’s directing the show tonight and we don’t get to see how he’s doing or have conversations with him
Is Big Red about to reveal he’s gay
I LOVE that Kourtney is getting this screen time and actual care given to her story and this anxiety plotline is being handled SO WELL I love this. Kourtney <333333
NOOO Big Red what’s going on I really thought he was about to say “at the pizza shop I met a boy” or something not that his parents met at their age
Ah that was kind of sweet this is sad
Her going in for a hug instead of a kiss. “I’ve never been better” when she means at camp without him is like Nancy saying she was glad Jon wasn’t there
The wildcat fam smiling at her backstage because they’re all like heck yeah that’s our talented sister we love her. Like the growth from season 1 when she had to go onstage last minute to now she’s one of the leads and she’s killing it I love her I love this
Channing you’re funny but go away go away don’t do anything to Kourt’s performance
Kourtney I’m going to cry this is so good the confidence like anyone would be shook by that interruption and by having to sing without music but especially when you’re already fighting your anxiety…I’m so proud of her
Nini proudly watching from the wings same girl
THANK YOU Gina. “Don’t get me started” yes yes yes I love her
Okay Jet he’s really getting into it
Kourtney is an icon okay
Gina and Ash hugging because that’s their sister I love this so much
“If anyone sees Channing, punch him.” I love you Maddox
Ricky’s face when he said “Nini’s here” literally broke me I want to throw up. They have such a strong connection and I was worried the show would just forget that like even just as friends like we’re talking childhood besties who GAVE EACH OTHER THEIR NICKNAMES stop im crying
If we don’t get a ricky and nini goodbye I will RIOT
This better not be their last goodbye I am EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE stop it
“We’re glad you came back” me as well
I love Ricky I love him getting pissed at Channing
The stage looks so pretty! KRISTOFF’S LULLABY I’M SO EXCITED AHH
EJ in the background looking depressed as all get out stop
I freaking love this song you don’t understand and JB is doing it so much justice it’s so good
EJ looking like he’s going to cry because Gina’s what he knows about love. stop it this is not allowed this should be illegal
Val is so pretty!!
He’s going to call his dad isn’t he
Thank you we’re getting someone supporting him and time spent on EJ thank you
My heart is breaking for EJ I fricking hate cash caswell
The break in his voice when he says “I’m proud of you EJ. How hard is that.” And Val’s encouraging nods I can’t I can’t I can’t
EJ’s going to cry I’m going to cry
EJ has been through so much this season my heart hurts
The snow this moment is so pretty and magical
NO I knew she wouldn’t be there I’m going to cry
The fact that Ricky didn’t get a letter better mean she’s giving him a goodbye in person
NO WHY IS SHE LEAVING without even so much as a goodbye to Ricky
We’re talking best friends since they were babies why why can’t they at least get idk a fricking hug
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it-fits-i-ships · 2 years
Combing through every single episode of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous for Yasammy moments to write meta analysis about part 7 (master post with all previous and future parts)
I'm back with the clips from the long-awaited season 5 so let's get into it!
I love the fact that, once the camp fam is (seemingly) safe and well-fed in Kon's investor suites, Yaz starts to relax and talk about going to sleep, she looks directly at Sammy as she says that she's going to bed because Sammy has been her main source of comfort and calm and as such Sammy is inextricably linked with relaxation, calm, and comfort in Yaz's mind, Yaz wants to share her feeling of relief and safety with her favorite person, which Sammy is quick to respond to with excitement
I think it's really cute that Yaz and Sammy both snuck out at the same time to go sleep in the common room, their conversation in this scene is a subtle reminder that they have all been through some really traumatic things, Sammy says she's not used to sleeping alone anymore and Yaz agrees that it doesn't feel safe, all of the kids have this shared trauma but Yaz and Sammy most often go to each other to talk about their own personal trauma, and then there's the sweet moment where Sammy is offering to have a sleepover with Yaz so they can both be more comfortable (before they realize the others had the same idea) that I love, it's very clear that Sammy cares a lot about Yaz's comfort and safety and spending time with her
Yaz and Sammy chilling together and playing cards while everyone's running around doing their own thing? Adorable!
Also, remember in part 5 of this post series when I said that Yaz was funneling her energy into helping Kenji with Brooklyn so she wouldn't have to think about her feelings for Sammy? Well now they're both doing it! Seriously, Yaz and Sammy are both such hopeless romantic dorks and, while I think they are genuinely happy about Kenji and Brooklyn being together, they really throw themselves into this whole date planning thing because they both have all of this pent-up romantic energy that isn't going anywhere because Yaz is in the throws of processing her queerness and Sammy is clearly holding herself back until Yaz is ready so she doesn't freak Yaz out (I'll talk more about that in later posts), which means that setting up and focusing on Kenji's date with Brooklyn is a welcome distraction for both of them
Can we talk about the physical affection for a second? Yaz and Sammy are, like, constantly touching each other's arms and hands or doing little shoulder nudges like Yaz does when Kenji compliments their decorations, they already look like a couple when they come up to Kenji and Yaz starts talking about "seeing new sides" to Kenji, Sammy is holding her arm with both hands, talk about dropping hints! They also physically check on and comfort each other all the time, like when Yaz falls from Ben's shoulders or when the earthquakes start and they pterodactyls get upset
They are also clearly first in each other's thoughts because when Yaz realizes that two of them have gone missing she lists Sammy first and when Sammy and Darius are looking for the others Sammy calls out to Yaz first, which makes sense because they are both very important to each other and I think they've been spending a LOT of time thinking about each other lately
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Yaz is a real ride or die! She didn't think twice about grabbing a stray pipe and ambushing a fucking nothosaurus to protect Sammy (more on this general vibe in future posts)
Yaz and Sammy jumping at the chance to be on the same team for the chip mission is super cute and the back-and-forth and banter they have going on the whole time gives me life, Yaz's face when Sammy asks why they're hiding if there no one for the BRADs to notify and they aren't lethal is priceless, it just screams, "You are so smart," it's the mutual respect and admiration for me
I'd like to take a second to appreciate the romantic golden hour lighting they put on during the scene where Yaz is admiring the forest and Sammy says maybe they could go to a real forest some time, this conversation feels very much like a metaphor for their relationship, here they are mutually enjoying their current situation, Yaz thinking about how it would be even better if circumstances were different, and Sammy implying that those more ideal circumstances are in their future, this comes at a point when Yaz is starting to wish that she could be even closer to Sammy whereas Sammy has clearly been thinking about having a closer relationship with Yaz for a long time
Both in this scene and in the campfire scene we see that Sammy won't let Yaz put herself down (a habit Yaz is still clearly working on breaking) and gazing lovingly at Yaz as she speaks, Sammy is really trying to drop some hints for Yaz that she is very interested in her
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ren1327 · 2 years
Lips of an Angel
Fandom: Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Pairing: Ben x Kenji Rated: T (?) Plot: Kenji was weak. Years have passed and now he's sneaking around with his best friend...while still dating his girlfriend.
I'm baaaaaack!! For like, a lil bit cause I got an even coming up. But, I wanted to write something because I'm so excited for the last JW movie and season of JWCC. Please enjoy!
He panted into Kenji’s mouth, both breathless from the kiss.
Kenji’s brown met his gray blue, and his heart skipped a beat.
Their lips met again—
“Kenji?” Brooklynn called from the kitchen.
“Damn it.” Kenji whispered. “I have to…”
“I know.” Ben said, grabbing his face and kissing his cheek. “I know.”
“I’ll come find you later.” He said and slowly pulled away, fingers lingering on his lover's shoulders.
“My door is unlocked. It always is.” Ben said reassuringly.
Kenji blushed and nodded, leaving to meet his girlfriend, Ben left hidden behind the staircase.
Of course he knew this was wrong.
Of course he did.
But fuck…he was a coward.
He had been a coward for six years.
“Kenji?” Brooklynn asked from beside him. “You okay?”
“I’m cool. I’m great even.” He said and slammed another shot.
She nodded and kept chatting with Sammy.
It was a bi-yearly thing for the Camp Fam.
Meet at a lake house in summer and winter, and just relax together.
While they text and video chatted and even dropped by, this was a full week of living together like they did as teens.
Ben smiled at Darius, and he squeezed his shot glass until Ben glanced at him.
He made sure no one was looking at them before he ran his tongue over his upper lip, Ben looking away quickly and drinking from his glass.
“Ooh, Ben.” Sammy said. “Slow down, Honey. You’re blushing like your drink.”
“It’s really good. Love the pomegranate soda you put in this, Brooklynn.” He praised.
“I’ll remember to bring more of that Korean soju. I thought Sammy would like Blushing Rose since she loves alcoholic soda.” She teased and the girls laughed.
“Ooh, I think I do need to lay down.” Ben said, smiling and touching his cheek.
“I’ll help you. Don’t want you to run into a wall, Jungle Boy.” Kenji joked and led him upstairs.
He cradled the back of Ben’s head to protect him from the hard wood of the door, feeling it on his knuckles as he kissed him softly.
“Kenji…” He moaned and they paused.
Kenji stared into his eyes, pressing his forehead to Ben’s.
“You should go.” Ben whispered. “It’s been too long.”
Kenji shut his eyes and shook his head.
“Please…not yet…”
“Kenji…” Ben nearly whimpered.
“I…I’m so sorry, Ben.” He said and Ben cupped his face, kissing his lips softly.
“I know.” Ben said. “But I can wait…I don’t want to…I’m a bad friend.”
“I’m worse.” Kenji said. “I…I’ll text you?”
“Yeah. Night.” He said, pecking his cheek.
Kenji smiled and left the room to see Yaz waiting, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.
“Yaz!” He said. “Hi—”
“I didn’t want to believe it.” She said, not looking at him. “How could you…”
“I…” Kenji looked away. “I love him.”
“What about Brooklynn?” Yaz hissed, looking up at him. “This will…”
“I know. But I can’t…Yaz, I will break it off, soon. I promise.”
“With who?” She asked.
Kenji stayed silent at this and Yaz shook her head, walking away.
It had happened a few months ago.
He and Ben had been texting and he had confessed he had a crush on them as kids.
Ben had been silent a few days and Kenji grew worried, texting him every opportunity he got.
Then he got a phone call around two am and he was still gaming while Brooklynn stayed over.
“Ben? Hey, it’s like four am…hold on.” He said, sliding out of bed, Brooklynn sleeping peacefully.
He heard sniffing.
“Ben?” He asked. “Hey, why are you crying—”
“Me too! I liked you so much and I should’ve…I should’ve…” Ben sobbed. “I’m sorry, Kenji! I’ll…I’ll call later!”
He hung up, leaving Kenji stunned in his living room.
Kenji felt his heart skip a beat, confused at the feelings he had. He felt his face warm and he sat.
Two days later, he was a little spaced out as Brooklynn was talking to him.
“You okay?” She asked.
“Yeah.” He said. “Just thinking.”
“About what?”
“Something private. Sorry, Brook.”
“It’s okay.” She said and patted his arm. “Want some coffee?”
“Yeah.” He said, watching her walk away and felt horrible imagining Ben with messy bed hair walking back with said coffee and sitting next to him.
“Kenji?” Brooklynn asked and he blinked away the image of Ben.
“Sorry. I’ll lay down for a bit after this.”
“Want me to join your little cat nap?”
“Um…not this time.” He said and walked away with his cup.
Now he saw Ben stretched on her side, cuddling that Bumpy plush Sammy and Darius had made him. Big blue eyes blinking up at him as he smiled and held a hand out.
He shook his head and laid down.
Sleep came with its own problems.
He had Ben in his arms as a teen, kissing him softly and smiling as Ben’s cheeks and exposed shoulders flushed red.
“Kenji.” He said and it felt good to hear his name spoken with such adoration.
He blinked and now Ben was taller and aged to his current twenty one, hair slightly longer and brushed back, body now with lean muscle, but still shorter than Kenji by half a foot.
Kenji cupped his cheek, long lashes closing and lips saying his name again.
Their lips met again, and he felt Ben’s long fingers in his hair as he pulled away, rosy lips saying
He woke to see Brooklynn smiling down at him.
“Nice dream?”
“It’s…I…I’m still tired!” He said and rolled over.
Brooklynn huffed and smacked his hip playfully.
“Tell me what’s wrong, you butt. I wanna help my boyfriend.”
“Brooklynn, please.” He pleaded.
“Okay.” She said, voice even. “I’m going home then. Please rest up, Kenji.”
“I love you.” She called.
Kenji felt horrible when he pretended to be asleep.
He called within the hour.
“Hey…we need to talk. I can be there—Now?!” He yelled and heard the doorbell ring.
When he answered it, there was Ben, looking nervous, but not ready to bow.
“Th-there was a conference in San Diego, so I—”
Kenji yanked him inside and pulled him into a kiss. Ben didn’t hesitate and soon they were in his bed, hands everywhere and lips rarely separating.
“Kenji…stop!” Ben pushed him back. “We can’t…”
“I was a coward!” Kenji yelled. “I wanted you too but that’s not…my father would have never allowed it.”
“Kenji. We—”
“I know.” He said. “I know but…Ben…”
Ben nodded and pulled him close again.
Now here they were.
He sat near the window in an armchair, looking out at the lake, fireflies around the glass.
He heard the door open and close.
“We need to talk.” Brooklynn said and he turned.
She sat on the bed across from him, sniffing.
“Is it me?”
“What?” He asked.
“I know we don’t have a physical relationship and you’re a guy.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa…” He said and put his hands out, standing. “Brooklynn there is nothing wrong with your sexuality—”
“Then why are you cheating on me?!” She yelled, shutting him up.
Kenji clenched his jaw. “Because I suck…”
“That’s not an answer I need.”
“…I…I…” He looked away. “I didn’t…I didn’t want to hurt you, but I did.”
“…oh my god…” She whispered. “Do you want to break up?”
Kenji sighed.
She sat and sniffed.
She held up a hand. “No. No, not…”
She chuckled and shook her head, then looked up at him with watery eyes.
“It’s Ben.”
Kenji’s eyes widened, but he nodded.
“It’s always been Ben.” She said with a sigh. “Kenji?”
“We’ve known, haven’t we?” She asked, wiping her eyes. “Just two kids who paired up cause of stress and hormones and the belief…”
He kneeled in front of her, taking one of her hands in his.
“I am sorry.”
Brooklynn looked at their hands, silent.
“I don’t think I can see you right now.” She said. “But I love you and I want us to be friends.” But I need time after this.”
She cupped his cheek with a free hand.
“I know you’ll make each other happy.” She said. “So man up and say it.”
Kenji bit his lip and nodded, taking a deep breath.
“Brooklynn, I think we should break up.”
“I agree.” She said in a shaky voice. “I had fun.”
Kenji hugged her. “Me too.”
“Now go get him.”
“He left for the airport.” She said and took his keys from her pocket.
He took them and paused, both sharing a sad, but meaningful look.
“Well?” She asked. “Go get him!”
He nodded and ran out to the living room.
“Kenji?” Darius asked as he quickly shoved his shoes on and went outside.
He ran to his SUV and stopped when he saw a figure in Ben’s car, the headlights on.
Kenji walked over, hearing gravel from the driveway under his sneakers and crickets. He tapped on the glass, Ben turning to him in shock and wiping at his face. He unlocked the door and got out.
Kenji had pulled him into a kiss, arms going around him. It didn’t take long for Ben to kiss him back, going lax in his arms, eyes shutting.
“You better take good care of him, Kenji!” Brooklynn yelled from the patio. “You hear me?!”
Ben pulled away, blushing and looking from Kenji to Brooklynn and back. 
“I’m single. Want to be my boyfriend?”
“I—Yes!” He nearly shouted and yanked Kenji back into a kiss. *
Brooklynn smiled and sighed.
“So…” Darius said as he walked to her side. “Need to talk?”
“Sure.” She said. “Get the girls and put the coffee on.”
“We’re gonna be in the guest house!” Ben yelled.
Yaz rolled her eyes and Sammy gave an awkward smile before turning to Brooklynn.
“You okay?”
“It’s been a time coming, I guess. And no. This wont affect the camp fam. Just a new version, I guess.” Brooklynn said. “Its always been a different love. Very different from…oh, come on! Stop eating each other’s faces and go already!”
Ben and Kenji separated.
“Sorry!” They chorused.
“We’re still giving them shit.” Darius said.
“Mmhm.” Yaz hummed.
“I mean, we’ve kinda knew…”
“Sammy!” Darius and Yaz said together.
Brooklynn snorted a laugh, seeing Kenji and Ben walk hand in hand to the other cabin.
She would heal, she told herself. She would so give both of them crap from years to come and totally tease them when they got married and adopted some kids, but…she would heal.
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