#so cutie i love gay ppl
anonbug · 9 months
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Tf these btches doing
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nayatheartistua · 6 months
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My lovely BurnsSmithers ❤️‍🩹
Sorry, studying is exhausting me a bit, I'll get back to entering Tumblr a little bit
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fagexe · 1 year
feeling very lesbian today
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slowlyrusting · 2 years
I don't know about perfection but what i know is cutie pie series touched my soul no it didn't just touch it was a warm hug for my deprived queer soul. One thing i can say for sure is that cutie pie is the queer represtation we needed and as all represtation it WILL CHANGE LIVES AHHHH cuz i know it changed Mine
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g0ttal0ve101 · 6 months
Johnny Headcanons <3
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Note: had to do it to them 😮‍💨 i decided to do a mix of romantic and random hcs cause i thought it was cutie but I did section them off from each other!! might write about tcm later on so i’ll take requests for it!!!!! @twsted-idiot :3
he definitely had a FUCK ASS haircut growing up. all those boys in that damn house did. NANCY HAD NO IDEA WHAT SHE WAS DOING 🗣️💥 she really pulled up with the scissors and said ‘alright sweetie just hold still’ and fucked up his entire life for a hot 10 years. after that no one gets near the hair…
fuck ass teeth lets be soooo real. from the amount of times he’s gotten into fights at the bar or in a street, he definitely lost/chipped a few in his prime teen years. his bottom teeth are also a lil crooked…but it’s cutie on him! our little gummy bear ❤️ (bitch has gums for days it’s ok to admit it!!)
i’ll talk abt a lot of his love languages in the romantic section but let me tell you, he’s good at pulling bitches but has trouble pulling ppl he’s ACTUALLY interested in 🗣️💥
^ what I mean by that is like. if he just wants a good fuck and a bougie dinner, trust he’ll have a bitch under his arm! but if he has someone he genuinely cares about and wants to be with, he’s more reluctant to show interest… if that makes sense.
everyone knows he has a farmer’s tan 😭 tan one second, takes off his shirt, WOAH!!! WHOS THIS WHITE MAN??? IS THAT A FUCKING GHOST??? oh no it’s just johnny’s tatas 😻
^ speaking of wish im a freckle truther so fuck you he has light freckles on his face 😮‍💨
ALCOHOLIC. REAL BAD. say bye bye to his livers 😿……but no seriously he has terrible drinking habits. practically drinks every night smh. and that’s on dealing with unbearable depression 😮‍💨
SMOKES HEAVY TOO. (johnny your lungs…😿)
idk abt yall but I think johnny’s a sweetheart to bubba….his mama taught him better than to boss him around and be an asshole like CERTAIN PEOPLE. although johnny can come off as demanding, i truly think he has the best intentions at heart when he’s interacting with bubba ❤️
kinda homophobic but gay at the same time 😮‍💨 and that’s on that TEXAN TIP 🇺🇸🦅💥 YEEEEHAW!!!
in my head i think johnny had his own room n stuff in the house up until he confronted nancy. after that and getting his eye fucked up, he wanted to be petty and sleep outside just to bother nancy. at first she didn’t care and thought he’d eventually just come back in but. he. DID NOT. instead he literally cleaned out the entire shack, found a cheap couch from some thrift store, n fucked that shit UP!!!!!! nancy was PISSED!!! 🗣️ “come back in”…..“no” type shit
loves keeping souvenirs of his victims. ESPECIALLY memorable ones. where did he get that belt? simple, really. this cute guy tried to use it as a defense mechanism! johnny strangled him with it shortly after ❤️ oh and this perfume? yeah, he found that in a REAL fighter’s purse. she was cute whenever she screamed 🌹
started driving at like. 10. nancy fucking FLIPPED OUT whenever she caught him riding around in a car as a literal CHILD. (influenced by certain people😒) but even after all her scolding, he never stopped 💀…that’s why he’s a good driver to this day!
this man loooooooooves his hunting. talking abt sum “THATS A BUTTON BUCK 🗣️” bitch no one knows what you’re talking abt be quiet. (I love him passionately)
johnny DESPISES wearing formal clothing. whether it’s some dumb church suit, dress shirt, or WHATEVER, he does NOT FW THAT SHIT ❌ the real ones know johnny walks around his house with just his boxers on…..and that’s on that country shit 🇺🇸🦅💥 (more like CUNTry)
CALLOUSED HANDS TRUTHER 💥 he definitely has some fucked up fingernails too. stained with oil n shit….SOMEONE GET HIM A PEDICURE IMMEDIATELY.
nubbins always instigates him into fighting a family member 💀 (usually sissy or the cook) talking abt sum: “she said you get noooo bitches…hot ones at least lolsies” or “he told me that he thinks you’re the weakest link of the family but yknow…” FALSE ACCUSATIONS!!!! but johnny falls for it every time 😭
HATES PHYSICAL AFFECTION AT FIRST!!! I’m telling you this right now he DON’T LIKE IT!!!!! and it’s not even in the cutie ‘aw he’s touched starved’—NO. HE DON’T LIKE IT. that’s not to say his opinion won’t sway a lil depending on the person (🤭) but at first that’s a big no no with him.
^ but once he starts getting comfortable with you, it’s impossible to pry him off. always wanna hug you n kiss you n play with your hair….he’s a lil love bug fr!
terrible at handling verbal affection. like god 😭 when receiving compliments, he kinda just scoffs, says something snarky, n tries to change the subject. keep doing it? he doesn’t know what to do with himself. it eventually becomes a staring contest with him being like ‘quit that rn.’ but let’s be honest, he likes it 😮‍💨
^ in terms of GIVING IT OUT, he’s pretty good at it. words of encouragement come easy to him since he just has to give you a ‘good job’ (maybe even adding a lil pet name if he’s feeling cute) n move on with his life.
^ but complimenting your laugh? your voice? your eyes? your hair? your clothes? he does it in the slickest ways possible. never over the top or on the nose, always subtle and almost unnoticeable.
he shows his affection through gift giving. stolen flowers from sissy’s garden, stolen jewelry from…trespassers, stolen expensive clothes with suspicious gashes through the fabric, severed limbs—LMAO OFC NOT!!!!! but yes he’s very inclined to give you lil gifts here and there.
surprisingly enough, he likes teaching you stuff. whether it be something small like the mechanics of a car or something big like gutting and skinning a corpse, he enjoys being the one who shows you how to do things he knows how to do well. and when he sees that he successfully accomplished his goal of educating you, he’s happier than ever. (this is also a perfect excuse for him to call you a good girl/boy!!!!!! he’s not slick!!!!!)
pet names consist of the TEXAN WAY BABY YEEEEHAW 💥🦅🇺🇸 sweetie/sweetheart, baby/babe, honey/hun, angel face/doll face, y’know how it is. and it’s kinda cute cause throughout your relationship with him, you unlock certain pet names!!
wanna see a magic trick? 🪄 MANIPULATION! johnny is a genius when it comes to manipulating you. and trust me, you will NOT know he’s doing it.
this is really fucked up (bc HE’S fucked up) but he definitely pushes your boundaries in the beginning of the relationship. it’s kinda like a test to see what he can get away with and how you’ll react to him being an asshole. are you gonna cuss him out? are you gonna hit him? cry? run off? he wants to know.
^ and by ‘pushing the boundaries’ I mean degradation n shit. you ask him what’s wrong and he calls you a filthy whore, a mangy slut, a stupid bitch, JUST TO SEE what you’ll do.
^ the way to pass the test is STANDING UP TO HIM. that’s what he WANTS. be an asshole back!! don’t lose your shit, just one-up him. for example, call him a bitch ass momma’s boy!! that’ll have him on his KNEES!!
who said jealous? BECAUSE YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. johnny IS insecure and thinks you’ll leave him, so it’s better if you DON’T talk to anyone he could perceive as a threat. he lays off with family n shit bc he gets it, but if they ain’t related to you? bitch they better know how to fight 😮‍💨
PDA is iffy with him especially around any of the family LMAO….but if he feels threatened by a guy or god forbid JEALOUS, best believe you’ll have an arm around your waist real fast. 🤭
you better like late night drives bc this man ADORES them. whenever he wants to have a sentimental moment with you or treat you real special for a night, best believe you’ll be in his car for a good while. takes you to the PRETTIEST landscapes he knows of and just chills with you.
^ cutie till he tries scaring the shit outta you with some horrific story abt what happened there or sumn. or even…idk…..starts the hypothetical scenario of “y’know I could kill you rn and no one would be able to hear you scream LOL! 😹” johnny…..if you don’t shut the hell up….
if shit is serious, you definitely made a blood oath with him that you’ll stick with him despite everything. basically marriage imo. peak romance right there <3
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bambiilooloo · 2 months
kwazini for ship asks. they’re my little idiot stupid poopyheads
Ship It
i love this drawing of them so much
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What made you ship it?
just everything about their canon interactions. they're meeting in the show is so fucking gay. any episode where they're paired up, the bicker like they're married and by s4, they have gotten so comfortable with each other. it's really cute.
their interactions are very cute and funny. i like how they're both stupid idiots. i mostly fucking hate opposite attract ships and ik ppl don't like these two cuz they're similar but i like it,
i love stupid homos that just have fun together. (eg: these two, drakepad, the three cabs. all three of thse, u cant write angst and stuff with them but to me they are just cute fun)
What are your favorite things about the ship?
a lot of things but how about how paani goes from 'that story is fake' to going along with it. it's really sweet. like the 'boo!' in the shark/aligator ep. in s3 and 4, he doesn't say to his face, the stories are wrong and in apologises for not believinng him. they're just such cutie patooties.
i have not seen ppl talk about this. but in the gila monster ep, they video call like boyfriend and l love it
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
not sure if this opinion is unpopular.
i don't like the idea that they should be enemies to lovers. that's cuz i hate enemies to lovers for the most part. (i know THAT is an unpopular opinion)
i don't think their relationship from fighting to friends was rushed. it makes sense for the way both characters are and considering what kind of show this is and the situation they were in.
thanks for the ask four :D
this is my fav pic of them btw
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desire-mona · 4 months
randomly assigning house md characters internet moments / videos / memories / whatever i remember based off nothing at all (i did i dps version too) (also links for everything i talk about will be provided) (also also this isnt made to make fun of anyone involved in any of this)
house - mr beast and his OLD OLD youtube videos, like circa 2015? i think? he used to make cringe compilations essentially where he just made fun of kids' youtube intros. face and all like nothing was blurred for privacy, and then he'd call them cringe and make drinking bleach jokes. like a LOT. i binge watched those back in like 4th grade i think? maybe 5th? so thats kinda all i associate him with now. he also made videos where he would say a word like a thousand times, sometimes WAY more (like 100k+). or like. count to that number, he did both. anyway rip house you wouldve loved making fun of kids' youtube videos
wilson - does anyone remember the evian baby commercials? i think the whole shtick was like "this water makes you feel young again" I THINK? the one i linked was the one where the reflection on a building makes ppl babies, but theres one where babies are on roller skates or whatever too. this isnt entirely an internet moment as much as it is just a memory, cuz i remember my mom and my aunt DYING laughing at these commercials. idk what it was they were just in tears. theres something so 2007-2015 about dancing babies. wasnt a dancing baby the first internet meme? just googled it and yes it was.
cuddy - onision's shitty spoken word songs PLEASE tell me someone remembers them. onision really shouldve stopped trying to make music after the banana song bc the rest really suck shit. this is NOT based on vibes i gotta get that out there, i was like hmm cuddy has a kid. you know who else has a kid? YOU KNOW WHO LET THEIR KID FALL OUT OF A WINDOW? cuddy would fucking HATE onision. ALSO OH MY GOD PAUSE EVERYTHING ONISION JUST UPLOADED A SONG. I NEED TO MAKE A SEPERATE POST ABOUT THIS RIGHT NOW WHAT THE HELL. anyway dont watch it. i linked strange æon's video on his music just bc i really dont wanna direct u to anything of his directly. did u know i dont like onision?
foreman - the most insane youtube poop ive ever seen in all of my 19 years of living, i sent this to maddie specifically when i made my initial "like for a rando internet moment!" post but i really need to share it with the general public. general warning for youtube poop-ness; flash, loud noises, overwhelming, etc. i am actually begging you to watch this because it tops every other ytp ive ever seen, like actually blows it out of the water. i also has no idea ppl still made ytps after 2014 tbh.... btw this is probably the only ytp that i'll ever recommend LMAO
chase - OH MY GOD KYLERLOVESJESUS. so basically this one eboy influencer type on tiktok back in 2019 Found God and went on rants about how abortion is wrong and gay marriage is bad and blah blah blah. there was this moment on one of his lives where he went "i love gay people, i would be best friends with a gay person. do i support it? no." which was the FUNNIEST shit back in the day. i would quote it on the daily. btw the editing of the video i linked is VERY of the time so beware LMAO
cameron - cutie the kitten (sans' wife and gf) + the killing videos sans fan girls would make. i actually cant link anything bc the channel doesnt exist anymore but! basically back in 2016ish there was this one girl who had such a crush on sans and she had a whole ocxcanon situation with sans and her pink cat oc Cutie. a lot of ppl hated her + the ppl who had ocs shipped with sans but looking back its truly not a big deal. what is a big deal is that she (? maybe?) and other sans fangirls would make animated slideshow videos of their ocs using powers or whatever to kill other sans fangirls. like brutally. it was a wild time i wish cutie's channel was still up so i could prove thats a real thing, but ask an undertale fan from back then and odds are theyll know. heres a sans fangirl cringe compilation so you kinda know what im talking about, but fair warning it is a cringe compilation so. it wont be nice.
thirteen - TW INCEST!! this one hamilton animatic i saw back in forever ago to the song 'helpless'. usually animatics to that song use eliza and hamilton (im not a hamilton fan this is very surface lvl knowledge btw) but the one i saw was eliza and ANGELICA. like as in HER SISTER. big surprise someone in a big fandom ships incest wow I KNOW its tame compared to other shit, but it was i think my first exposure to anything like that circa 2017ish, so it kinda stuck in the brain. also the video i linked isnt the og its a phil collins mashup, the og got taken down. hamilton always makes an appearance in my house posts doesnt it, be lucky i didnt give kutner this one bc ppl were turn up abt hamilton fan kutner.
taub - WHAT DO YALL KNOW ABOUT MIKE AND MELISSA ⁉️⁉️ basically mike and melissa is this animated passion project this guy made to show himself (or his persona? or maybe just some guy) falling in love with his fursona that comes to life. this was the only episode this guy uploaded and i think he kinda disappeared after. the plot is kinda hard to follow and its not TERRIBLY animated but its certainly not professional looking. there's a video about what happened to him uploaded like 5 months ago, but i havent watched it. when i first heard of mike n melissa i fully thought it was a mid 2000s family sitcom but it definitely Is Not That.
kutner - undertale sans au christmas party comic dub. i probably dont need to give an explanation as to what sans aus are but idk how many ex or current undertale fans follow me so i'll do it anyway. making au's for undertale was a pretty common practice back in its early days, and usually the most popular character in any undertale variation is sans. who sans is shipped with was always up in the air, so much like the onceler, ppl ended up shipping sans with other au versions of himself. this christmas party comic is in my mind the undertale fandom equivalent of camp weehawken. i think there was also a sans au comic where all the sans' except for like 2 were toddlers at daycare? i dont remember who the adult sans' were but also i think the creator got into hot water? dont remember why.
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youremyheaven · 4 months
I love your horse post!💘💕
Honestly I’d love to see more discussion about yoni animals. Here are some of my thoughts that I wanted to share with you because I’m not sure if I’m misinterpreting stuff or not
(Yap incoming)
-Snake yoni are the type of people to like sex for the emotional connection rather than the physicality? Not that they don’t like the physicality, but rather they like how physicality connects them with that person instead of just the pleasure of it. For mrig specifically, you talked a lot about mars and celibacy which I agree with, but I know a lot of mrig moons with horse/buffalo yoni suns who are very sexually active and open about it, but it’s usually not very casual to them even if it’s outside a relationship
- A lot of cat yoni have sex only so that they can have children. You mentioned a while back in a post about how sex is painful for cats and vaginismus in cat yoni women, but also historically cats have always been a symbol of motherhood due to the fact that they can have large litters. Again I’m sure some cat yoni moons still like sex bc of other placements but still
- But then you have rat/hares who have such huge litters to the extent that they become invasive species. I can’t remember if it was Claire who said about how jyestha men are the types to have 1000 illegitimate children due to the hare yoni influence 😂 I feel like these ppl are the opposite of snake/cat yoni because they just have sex to physically satisfy themselves
-Elephant yoni are kind of private about their sexual attraction? Even though they’re one of the horniest yoni, they have this sense of dignity which makes them keep most of their sex drive to themselves. Not as in they’re conservative, you just wouldn’t have them pinned as a freak if you didn’t know them like that
-I have a theory that smaller yoni are more passive sexually, mainly because the smaller sex drive means they don’t have that “instinct” to tell them what to do so they’d rather have someone else do the legwork.
Might apply less to straight men because of how they’re socialised, they’re scared to be a little passive because it’s “gay” or whatever. I imagine this would create the kind of guy who expects oral from you but never wants to finger or eat 🐱. Need a field expert to verify that one though
thanku cutie <33 i'll make more yoni related posts in the future hehe
Snake yoni being emotionally intense and having an emotional attachment to sex is vv true. I dont think they feel satisfied unless they have one of those soul merging tantric type encounters. Their feelings run deep and sex to them is super profound. i feel like that intensity can be scary af for others. Snakes are scary creatures and if you've watched snakes fornicate, you know that its a weird visual where they kind of merge into each other. This is precisely the kind of intimacy these natives crave, they want to merge into you. 🥵scary but hot
the Cat yoni observation is interesting and could be true. idk if it applies to Ashlesha as much bc I've never really met an Ashlesha who had any maternal desire lmao but with Punarvasus it could be true but something I've noticed is that even if they dont really crave/like/want penetration, Cat yoni girliesss love the foreplay sesh,, they love to make out, they love to touch and fondle, they're like cats,, they want affection on their terms basically lmao,, I also think Cat yoni girlies love getting head more than anybody else lmao 👀 for them foreplay is sex and penetration is kind of an afterthought. I also feel like this makes them pillow princesses lmao
I had mentioned this about rat yoni before but yes precisely. sex does not mean much to these natives, they just love the satisfaction they derive from it. their libido is extremely high and they seldom feel satisfied with just one partner.
elephant yoni folks being private could be true??? but i feel like they are the people who are KNOWN for being sexy af,, they may or may not express it openly (some of them, def do) but they are 100% known for their sex appeal,, its the largest yoni animal for a reason. like rihanna, revati moon and rising, angelina jolie, revati moon, megan thee stallion, bharani rising,, cardi b, revati moon etc i feel like they wear their sexuality on their sleeve and talk about it openly?? they ooze such big dick energy, both men and women??? so intimidating and hottt 🥵🥵
you're right about that theory of yours to some extent😉not all small yoni animals are passive, each animal has its own sexual nature, so there are many variations. like cat yoni is def passive and they're pillow princesses who will not reciprocate anything but rat/hare yoni and dog yoni are different from that?? not to let my Venusian men bias show but Purvaphalguni men (rat yoni) will literally cover your whole body in kisses and go to town on you without expecting anything in return,, they love to enjoy the female form?? they love to take pleasure in your physicality and sensuality. making love to you is what is pleasurable to them, not anything you can do for them. looking at you, touching you, feeling you, doing whatever they like with you,, thats whats fun,, so they are not passive in the slighest, in fact they're so passionate and over the top and truly nasty freaks.
Venusian men also love to give head 👀and dont really expect you to return it or anything,, im not saying they'll hate if you do,, except that they're doing it for themselves bc they want to taste you, not for any other reason 🙈
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eggyrocks · 4 months
hi eggy<3 i would like 2 request a match-up of 3 hq charas pls! i’m bi-romantic so guys/gorls is okay!
mbti: infp-t,,, super shy but talkative once we’re 1-1
astrology: aries sun, pisces moon, leo rising<3
hobbies: fashion!!! reading, traveling, making art/music, astrology, anime, k-drama, listening 2 podcasts, collecting cameras + photography, witchcraft lmao (tarot & crystals), collecting plushies, k-pop, ballet as of dis month, bullet journalling in my toto puzzles, tbh i weave in & out of hobbies as i pls n i lov 2 try new things! recently embroidered kageyama’s ics sweater saur i could wear it 2 da hq movie premier in 2 days & root 4 him<3 not sporty but i do stretches & mobility class & lift weights 2 strengthen my body bc im cLUMSY n get injured easily:( fav sport im acc gud at is rock-climbing dhshsdh also i’m a mom of 2 bunnies🥺
likes in d8s/relationships: nature, artsy fartsy spaces, thrifting, going 2 cafes & for ice cream!! amusement parks + rollercoasters!!!! taking photos. i lov ppl who can tease me n we can go back & forth. someone who is super smart & knows a lil bit abt everything & who can teach me new tings is who i tend to go for. quick whit is also a plus! gives me nicknames. tells me abt their day n is secretly sentimental. someone who i can tell all my hyper fixation of da day/wk/month to & won’t judge:,) someone who keeps their promises & tries to make it up 2 me when they fuck up. someone who is >:( at first glance but is acc rly sweet once u get to kno dem! my lov lang is words of affirmation & acts of service but i also lov 2 give ppl gifts esp when i travel! not big on physical touch but head pats make me weak🥺
dislikes: unwanted physical touches w sexual undertones/sexual innuendos directed towards me bc i’m ace, loud noises unless it’s at a gig, ppl w no manners, ppl who talk all abt them n never ask anything abt others, broken promises, someone who gen makes fun of things i like or doesn’t show interest in the tings i’m interested in, inconsistency, ppl who dun support therapy, homelessness, women’s rights, gay rights, mental health, etc. & da biggest red flag for me is racism!
tysm u big cutie!!!<3 forever supporting ur works & ur indulging in ur spotify playlists🤍🎀☁️🩰
thank you so much for your donation <3 get your own matchup here
match up number one: tsukishima kei
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the epitome of >:( on the outside but secretly sweet
and i mean very secretly
but tsukki would be quietly obsessed w/ you in way that he thinks is not obvious but it actually is extremely obvious
like would be thinking of you all the time
like if he was out in public and saw smth that reminded him of you he would take a picture of it not even to send to you just to keep it on his phone bc he likes things that remind him of you
and literally any single time that man sees a plushie he thinks you would like he's getting it for you (his love language is absolutely gift giving) the collection would actually start to get out of hand a point
i imagine it going something like this:
"i got you another plushie"
"i don't have enough room for anymore"
"...i will get you a shelf for them"
he's so tall would love to pat you on the top of the head it would give him such smug satisfaction
tsukki would lightly tease you but would do it with such stars in his eyes that it could not even remotely be misinterpreted
like he'd say something like "you're such a dummy" but he'd have such an adoring look of love in his eyes you know that basically translate to "i am madly in love with you"
would be the very protective type and would verbally decimate anyone who made you uncomfortable
like you wouldn't even have to tell him he would just be able to tell from your body language and know immediately
in general pays very close attention you and would notice those little things abt u
the type of boyfriend that might, at first, struggle with communication but would put in an honest effort to improve
extremely respectful of any and all boundaries you have & would find it very easy to express affection in way that ur comfortable w/ because tbh he's not very big on physical touch either
very understanding even if he doesn't outright say it
a very show don't tell bf like you know he would do anything for u even if he doesn't say it frequently bc he just does it all the time
match up number two: shimizu kiyoko
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would be the sweetest gf of all time :(((
also can be very shy but would be very comfortable around you
she would love nothing more than to participate in your hobbies with you
asks for tarot card readings and what books you're reading and would proudly wear any and all embroidery done by you and asks you to teach her ballet
her instagram would be filled with pics of you and your hobbies
def a words of affirmation gf; she might be shy at first but into the relationship would spare no detail in expressing her love & admiration
extremely well adjusted and emotionally mature so communication with her would be so easy, any (rare) mistake she made would be immediately owned up to and would do everything she could to make it up to you
knows that there are people who have crushes on her but is very clear abt her dedication and would never even consider doing anything to hurt ur feelings
very clear in her loyalty to u
would love to plan trips with you <3 would write out a whole itinerary of all of your favorite activities and does her research beforehand to make sure everything runs smoothly
would wear coordinating outfits with u on trips (best dressed partners on vacation tbh)
when ur comfortable with it would love to show affection in small ways like squeezing your hand or patting your head but primarily shows affection through genuine and thought out compliments
lots of little sweet dates getting little treats and coffee and ice cream; would love to try new things with you
being with you would make her feel emboldened to try new things and be a little different <3
match up number three: kita shinsuke
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polite king tbh
most respectful man alive
would honest to god make you feel like you are royalty genuinely the most dedicated partner of all time
loves to watch your favorite shows with you and would listen to you talk about your hyperfixations eagerly
would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on everything and loves how much you love things
like you never have to worry about him making fun of you for the things that you like because he genuinely cares and loves to learn about the things u care abt
like if you were ranting abt something you love and got worried/insecure for whatever reason he would say "please keep going i want to hear more" and you'd just know he means it 100%
me tearing up bc i luv kita & he'd be such a good bf
does everything in his power to make you feel safe and comfortable at all times
very doting and loving
would let you take the lead in the relationship and would frequently ask you how you're feeling and what you need and is happy to adjust the way he would show affection to meet your comfort level
a little bit crazy like he's like oh you like plushies? let me learn how to make them for you
like he would absolutely learn how to crochet to handmake you gifts
every gift you would ever get him is like a priceless item and he either proudly displays them or he keeps them on him at all times
like if you got him a postcard from somewhere you travelled he would keep it in his wallet all the time
supports you in any and everything you do
bonus match up: akaashi keiji <3
hope you enjoyed !!!!
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honeynclove · 10 months
It’s your turn pookie 🫵 tell me about your favorite ships for each character 😍😍😍😍
IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED TEEHEHEHEHEH (ships underneath the read more bc lord can i blabber) also the formatting of this one turned out odd for some reason random letters r bold n I am too lazy to fix it so
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heartslabyul riddle - azurid‼️‼️‼️ GUYS THEYRE SO CUTE IDK their moments in book 6 were everything to me n also this fic sold me on them they’re so cutie rahhh. special shout out to the oc I ship him with ace - adeuce r my annoying little brothers however I want the best for them n think their relationship is funny deuce - ^^^^ and also epeldeuce bc ain’t no way they went on a beach side date and thought I wouldn’t call their gay asses out 🙄🙄🙄 trey - auhmm. hhhrmmmm. well. I do like riddle cater n trey as poly but I wldnt say it’s my favorite 🥱 cater - IDEKEI 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 chronically introvert online discord mod x chronically online extrovert instagram user ITS SO GOOD GUYS (for fic recs strongly recommend anything Adverb_Slut on ao3 writes) special shout out to the oc I ship him with savanaclaw leona - malleona is funny to me but like. I don’t ship it idk. same w/ leovil they’re just comedic to me. LEONA X ROOK THO IDK I REALLY LIKE IT IDK WHY ruggie - rugs too busy getting cash to be in love /j 🙄🙄 idk I do find kalim x ruggie and ruggie x silver to both be cute jack - epeljack is rlly cute to me but other then that I’m not a fan of any other jack ships. I LOVE LOVE LOVE him and vil PLATONICALLY tho <333 oh and ig someones yuusona w him is cool or whateverzzzzz octavinelle azul - besides azurid, which I adore, I alsoooo love love love idiazul smth about those two LOSERRRSSS in love makes me happy 💕💕💕 I also enjoy him with rielle but like… my very specific interpretation of rielle that’s basically an oc 😭 jade - will y’all kill me if I just say myself bc that’s the truth. like I’m sorry guys me n Jade r so madly in love it’s actually wildly insane and crazy and we will have joint tombstones 😁💕💕😍😍😍🏳️‍🌈🙄🏳️‍🌈 we r madly in love and also both on the spectrum (which one? all) I also like siljade bc I think it’s silly floyd - FLOJAMIIIIIIIIIII 💞💞💞💞 GOD. that ship is so silly I wanna shake it like a snow globe rhhhhahahahahha. i also love FLONEI bc it’s SILLY N IDK 😭😭😭 I just like it guys. also myself sorry I’m sorry scarabia jamil - ^^^^ n I also enjoy azujami in a comedic sense but outside of that I lowkey dislike it lmao. WAIT AS IM WRITING THIS I AN REMINDED OF JAMIL X RUGGIE WHICH I HIGHKEY ENJOY TBH kalim - Again don’t have any specific ships for him, but Silver x Kalim is v v cute I would squish them my cuties pomefiore vil - alr mentioned leovil but I am also casual rookvil enjoyer I just think they’re silly. shout out to the oc I ship w him tho rook - mentioning rookvil n rook x leona again just bc they’re silly ‼️‼️ honestly love rooks lil freak self epel - epeldeuce epeljack and uhhhh SEBEPEL ignihyde idia - I think I’m running out of idia ships to mention tbh. I DO LOVE IDIASIL AUGHHH. Idk his chronically online ass is so good w so many different ppl it’s crazy diasomnia malleus - I ship him w myself duh 🙄🙄🙄 malleyuu specifically I love seeing everyone w him it’s so cute. ALSO I find mallerollo rlly funny n interesting tbh silver - silidia n siljade &lt;3 sebek - just sebepel rlly tbh lilia - LILIBAUL😍😍😍😍🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈‼️‼️ I LOVE OLD MAN YAOI GUYS /j n I also rlly enjoy him x levan n meleanor the angst is crazy and insane and I love it RAHHH. I also ship him w my oc Fleur who’s based on Flora from sleeping beauty. Also most ppl who make Lilia a bf get my support I love that old man staff trein - him x his wife ig crowley - him x meleanor x lilia only in the crowley = levan theory vargas - I ship him w an oc based on lefou from beauty and the beast ‼️‼️ sam, crewel - no ships for them :(( other neige - FLONEI ‼️‼️‼️ I just wanted to mention them again tbh. I’ve also seen cheneige which is v cute chenya - kinda fond of him poly w/ Trey n Riddle ☹️☹️ I think it’s cute rollo - ROLLO X AUGUST (vice president npc) FOR THE WIN GUYS I COULD TALK AB THEM FOR DAYS. YEARS EVEN. fellow honest - more weird silly ships I’m the second fellow x aces big brother shipper literally ever
OKKK I think that’s everyone 😍😍 feel free to leave opinions on my opinions idk
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yonpote · 6 months
this is my keep or yeet livepost w my onions on whether phil should keep or yeet
THE GHOST SHIRT yeet bc its haunted by... another youtuber who's worn it. BUT dan pointing out that its small on him just makes it hotter cuz like... tight fitting clothes on this man is,..... hoo boy
aladdin for me is a yeet but im not the biggest aladdin fan personally? so i think keep for phil is fine and BLACK SHIRTS ON PHIL UGHHHHHH LOVe
red nasa shirt 😭😭😭 i would keep it for sentiment tbh ;;
shoe shirt? its so random. yeet. WAIT IT HAS TEXTURES NVM KEEP
oh god wtf is that{?!? OH HE DYED THE ICONIC SHIRT LMAOO yeah this is a yeet but i relate so much to trying to dye something a cool color but just making it look kinda dirty 😭
oh brother not another opera spon... use firefox everyone, its got tab containers too and if you use ublock origin u can put in a specific list thing for youtube ads so you dont get the adblock block thing look it up on reddit its so good, if u need chrome for mandatory work thing sure but firefox doesnt harvest everything you type so
a millennial gay can never have too many flowery button ups imo, keep
corgi!!!! cute!!
crusty bottom and clean top..... dont make me say it.........
OOO keep the splatter print shirt its very lesbian!!!
gatorland shirt i like a good comfy tourist shirt
marvel shirt YEEEEET
uhhhh random gray rectangle shirt.. yeet unless he wants to do the short sleeve over long sleeve e boy look
ooo semi-varsity jacket... i think if it was baggier on him and it looked more like the embroidered ones ppl wear in japan it would be a keep but for me its yeet
nasa jacket keeeeep
stranger yeet.
beetle... i voted yeet on ig
friends t shirt i would say keep for phil cuz listen. millennials need their sitcom attachment and i love a big comfy shirt. also oops edit flub? they didnt say whether it was kept or yet o7
minesweeper shirt KEEP just bc charlie plays so much minesweeper like my fav part of her streams is just watching her play minesweeper very intensely
keeeeep the plaid windbreaker its sooooo hot on phil. "it smells like a man whos not me" "philip where have you been." jealous dan returns
pokemon hoodie ummmm im kinda 50/50 on this one i love pokemoncore shit but fsr this pattern looks a bit weird? but overall a keep
tokyo i think i voted keep cuz i thought it was newer than it is lol idk i dont think its the worst
furby shirt keep 100% THE OLD FURBY
i think phil shoudl keep all his shorts but him them like 3 inches shorter or just cut the length off. i think its so funny how cis men are like "omg im so slutty for wearing 7 inch inseam shorts" like girl get the daisy dukes out. i wanna see the thighs please.
oof skinny shorts?? yeet (but no hate on skinny jeans in general... i only have one pair of jeans and theyre mega ripped skiinny jeans they just dont look skinny on me cuz im short and chubby) "if emo comes back" girl emos been back
corduroy shorts mehhh oh but texture phil needs texture so keep
HELLO??? ummm godzilla shorts are.... if the print were on a shirt i would keep but on shorts?
brown shorts yeet, flower sweater keep, basically i agree w them
ooh another black graphic longsleeve lol. I THINK THIS ONES A KEEP AND THE BEETLES A YEET SORRY
oh funky hoodie. i like it i would wear it keep but idk if i like it on phil
if this fleece jacket thing didnt have such a stupid back design on it i would say keep
keep comfy buffalo checker sweater!!! i would keep
"manchester hoodie" oh.... everyone who voted yeet go die katamari hoodie is perfect
fuzzy denim keeeep hes so hot
spotty blue shirt i LOVE but. its so tatinof ykwim and phils in his new era
oooh stripey blue shirt keep!
i bought a sweater that was inspired by this blue and pink checker thing LOL i think it looked better when he had jet black hair lol
omg wait nooo not the red bomber!!! its cute!!!!!! im too attached to his clothes bro.... i like the red one more than the blue one tbh WHY DID HE BUY SO MANY VERSIONS
Nasa sweater!! keep
blue button up is too like. corporate lol. brother you dont have an office job you dont need boring tops
tiger jumper keep!!!! i like it!!!!! fuck u MEAN fast fashion
good vibes keeeep for the vibes
oh the brown flower pattern on this doesnt work on phil
great wave keep!
glittery zebra is so tied to 2017 in my brain but not in a good way tbh yeet but he is hot in it. "you bought this for me dan" omfg shut UP
i think i voted keep on chess but. on second look its a yeet tbh...
ok thats it yippee that was fun theyre gay im gonna die
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lycanstonebutch · 10 months
Decided to make a promo post for my close moots i love
@ikishima (not a nsfw blog but my femme and shes great and funny and very informative her blog is nice shes smart and make me go awooga also she has hilarious psots and tags so check it out 💞😘😘 shes also very pretty but you wont find pics of her u just gotta believe me)
@highfemmecatgirl (NSFW of my other femme 💞💞 go show her some support shes a catgirl in heat and i love her and she deserves more followers shes a cutie who loves pink and is genuinely just the sweetest
@mewrotica (NSFW of a stud i am insanely gay n in love with thank god im butch4both bcuz WOOOWEEE 😍😍 anyways this ones a catboy in heat n he also deserves attention hes rlly cool but also very funny and learning abt himself)
@bimbunfemme (NSFW blog of my bestie theyre so cool AND THEYRE SUPER PRETTY and also a very horny bunny bimbo femme they deserve the world n im always out there supporting them 🫡💞)
@willthepup (Another alter in our system hes a bottom puppy butch 4 top femme and hes new to tumblr but he has a big mind and im sure some of his posts will resonate w/ ppl 🐶🥰)
@plutoprincessxo (Another nsfw blog from a friend that deserves some promo, shes awesome and has a great vibe + her blog has top quality content so u guys should follow !!)
@picklepupnsfw (and ANOTHER nsfw blog of a friend except this one is an absolute bastard but she also deserves ur follow her content is great shes funny and also shes a lesbian in denial (playful inside joke)
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ritzcuit · 6 months
12, 22?
12; the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
HMM well arguably daryan but i dont think he's super unpopular??? i at least know a good handful of ppl who like him :3 and everyone should like him bc he is so cuties and his widdle face. Wait no i have an answer. omg.
jean armstrong. 😭 his character is like ... stereotypical, and outdated, and idk about the original japanese that well, But i know the way they tried to localize him was specifically "cis gay man with a drag persona" and it's just. it's sweet to me!!! :( i don't think he was done offensively or hatefully! not in the localization anyway. it's sweet to me.. i love him. ok? jean armstrong...my best friend. i'm glad they tried. it was 20 years ago im so glad they Tried.
this is where i got the part abt how they localized his character btw https://news.capcomusa.com/zeroobjections/blog/2014/10/31/ace-attorney-trilogy---surprising-tidbits-you-never-knew ... Ok and to be honest its been years since i revisited recipe for turnabout so i don't even remember if he's an "unpopular" character. or what he does. i just like him. He's my oomfie
22; your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
(trembling)(sick to my stomach)thethe part of The(on the floor)The sahdmadhi-justice-are'bal mountain family up there just chilling upin the mountains no problem life beautiful all forever peace and love on earth and learning about the flowers and insects and cooking meals and writing IDC IF APOLLO HAS TOO MANY BACKSTORIES!!!!!THIS ONES AWESOME!!!!!
i feel like i should give a second answer just bc that first one feels too obvious LMFAOO but i dont think i have a second answer!! it's like. my favorite thing sincerely and it genuinely does upset me when ppl refuse to play in this space or brush it off as bad writing. it's not at all too overwrought or anything if you allowed some fucking whismy or joy into your life at all. Also criminal dads is awesome. and i think its hilarious if apollo has a shounen boy background and hes likeplease i just want an income
but for the sake of saying smth new Um well i looked through the ace attorney timeline. what the hell does this mean
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third answer is whatever the hell lord stronghart and jigoku had going on.Ppl dont talk about that enough
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eggyboyoart · 1 year
Handsome 2.0
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Just a young artist thirsting over people who don't exist lol.
A general warning, I do enjoy horror and 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 (suggestive/nsft) content - so all content like that will have the appropriate warnings.
Please do consider buying me a coffee on my Kofi if you’re feeling generous
Also here is the link to my carrd, please do check it out.
You can find me elsewhere on:
AO3: eggyboyo TIKTOK: eggyboyoart INSTAGRAM: eggyboyoart YOUTUBE: eggyboyoart X (Twitter): eggyboyoart
Masterlist below - Please be respectful :D
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No Title - Izuku Midoriya x GN Reader (TW: angst with comfort, slightly yandere/worshipping vibes??, religious commentary - approx. 700 words)
Dabi brainrot - League meme post (TW: food - less than 100 words)
Domestic Bliss - Shoto Todoroki x GN Reader Crack Fic (TW: Shoto being bad at cooking, fluff/crack, mentions of vomit/throwing up/gagging, Shoto being hopelessly oblivious - approx. 1800 words)
Time Freezing Quirk Theory - what it would be like to be able to freeze time in the mha universe (TW: stealing (money/objects/classified information), murder (slitting throats), psychological confusion caused by quirk-usage, nose bleeding, ear bleeding, eye bleeding, passing out - approx. 500 words)
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The Quest for the Furnace - ONLY ON AO3 - canon-divergent parody of JTTW with members of the brotherhood and you :D (TW: dadcaque, tags to be added)
LMK Six Eared Macaque - silly goofy guy headcanons :D (TW: top surgery scars (we luv) - approx. 500 words)
LMK Azure Lion - silly goofy lion headcanons :D (TW: Azure with lion traits supremacy lol - approx. 500 words)
LMK Red Son - silly bull prince headcanons :D (TW: Agender Red Son (WE LOVE HER) - approx. 500 words)
LMK Tang - silly little cicada headcanons :D (TW: Smoking herbs, hoarding - approx. 500 words)
LMK Peng - silly girlypop bird bitch :D (TW: punching children, discussion of insecurity - approx. 500 words)
Liar - You and Peng fight; its not pretty (TW: blood, sharp weapon (spear), physical violence, claws, reader is part dragon, peng and reader fight, reader gets a solid wallop on peng's face - approx. 1000 words)
LMK MK - silly GAY GAY GAY baby monkie man (TW: none - approx. 500 words)
LMK Sun Wukong - silly stinky monkey loser (TW: wukong not bathing lol - approx. 500 words)
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NU: carnival harem and if they would/would not fuck their clone - teehee :3 (TW: NSFW +18, mentions of 'hate-sex' (the violent kind), spitroasting and general NSFW themes :D - approx. 1300 words)
Kuya Misc. Headcanon - Kuya and drinks (TW: kuya :D - less than 100 words)
Yakumo Misc. Headcanon - Yakumo and drinks (TW: cutest little snake man ever, and kuya ig (reblogged from kuya and drinks soo..) - less than 100 words)
NU: carnival Drink HCs - Aster, Edmond and Olivine and what drinks they like :) - (TW: drinking blood (Aster obvs), a raging sweet-tooth and 'making a mess' - approx. 300 words)
Yakumo dating HCs - I LOVE YAKUMO RAHH- - (TW: poly yakumo/eiden/you ig? (yakumo has two hands), cutie-patootie - approx. 500 words)
Kuya dating HCs - Kuya, my husband - (TW: typical kuya behaviour, uncharacteristically soft Kuya (that fox is a big baby, change my mind-) - approx. 600 words)
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Capitano/Assistant brainrot - Capitano and Sassy Assistant GN Reader (TW: princess as a joking nickname (referring to self) - less than 100 words)
SAGAU Winged Creator - Fun lil’ Xiao and Winged Creator brainrot (TW: heights (flying with wings), massage, could be interpreted platonic or romantic, could also be interpreted as suggestive at the end - approx. 400 words)
Scara Drawing + Body hcs - Emo Scara and ‘doll’/body hcs (TW: broken porcelain, electricity/electro, electrocuting ppl, stabbing ppl, - approx. 200 words)
Modern College Scara - Scara being attracted to idiots/you (TW: Scara calling you dumb and stupid - less than 100 words)
SAGAU creator speaking to animals - crack, pure crack and meme shit abt the creator being able to talk to animals and turns out, animals are assholes :| (TW: swearing, animals beating ppl up - approx. 200 words)
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‘Wolf Day’ - Shaw pack headcanons/brainrot (TW: wolves - approx. 150 words)
Mate Job headcanons - Shaw Pack’s Mate’s Jobs (TW: cooking food/hospitality industry - approx. 560 words)
D.A.M.N. headcanons - D.A.M.N. squad headcanons (TW: talk of weapons for decorative purposes, drunkingly making out?? - approx 280 words)
Darlin’ brainrot - Shifted Darlin’ brainrot (TW: wolf - less than 100 words)
Magical theory - Fun theories about the applications of magic (TW: brief mention of gold being imbedded into skin (no blood/gore) - approx. 200 words)
Darlin’ craft store - Darlin’ owning a craft store + chaotic vamp fam (TW: none - approx. 100 words)
Darlin’ and Bright Eyes brainrot - most badass duo stg (TW: none - less than 100 words)
Darlin’ and Bright Eyes headcanons - my two faves being friends :D (TW: talk of, and I quote, ‘fucking a bitch up’ - approx. 350 words)
Lasko headcanons - Lasko being a secret hoe (TW: spicy clothes, innuendos? implied sexy times with Gavin (as per usual) - less than 100 words)
Dom Lasko headcanon - small hc about Lasko as a dom :D (TW: lasko’s irresistable sex appeal - approx. 200 words)
D.A.M.N. boy + Imperium AU headcanons - drawings abt how I think the D.A.M.N. boys look/dress like + Imperium AU as well (TW: sexiness, scars from being attacked, failed assassination attempt - approx. 700 words)
Camelopardalis/Freelancer brainrot - Freelancer relentlessly flirting with Cam :D (TW: Cam being easily flustered, Freelancer loving every moment of it - approx. 100 words)
Asset brainrot - Asset being a curious nuisance :)) (TW: none - less than 100 words)
Freelancer Revenge - Freelancer revenge brainrot during the E&E games (TW: Kody, fantastic memes - less than 100 words)
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Just Grell - I love Grell sm (TW: amazing, beautiful woman - less than 100 words)
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Julian’s route brainrot - brainrotting about the Apprentice, Portia, Asra and Julian’s death (TW: SPOILERS FOR JULIAN’S ROUTE, angst, little to no comfort, death, plague/sickness, incurable disease, not eating/drinking/moving for days, emotionally/mentally breaking down, crying, Apprentice really goes through it - approx. 650 words)
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Stanley Parable Theory - stanley parable x presentable liberty thepry (TW: deadly virus, dying to said deadly virus, ghosts, haunting - approx. 250 words)
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No Title - Handplates mini fic (TW: forgetting, gaster spoliers ig?? - approx. 150 words)
Underclash - Undertale au idea (TW: gladiator fights, fighting/killing for fun, being forced to fight for your life - approx. 
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Asbestos theory - Asbestos in the facility and Chell’s life expectancy (TW: Asbestos related disease/cancer/sickness, Portal 2 spoilers? - approx. 250 words)
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Your Favourite Human Hosts(TM) - brainrot abt Solomon and MC having a podcast (TW: lucifer’s ass - less than 100 words)
Rich MC Obey me! AU - Obey Me! AU where MC is like RICH rich, featuring; Asmodeus, Mammon and Leviathan (TW: money, BIG money times - approx. 300 words)
Beach Funtimes - unhinged MC, Diavolo and Lucifer :) (TW: mention of Dia's impeccable tiddies, being generally annoying toward Lucifer :), poetic rizz - less than 100 words)
Your Favourite Human Hosts (TM) pt2 - more about MC and Solomon's Morning News Podcast (TW: licking door knobs and that making ppl sick, fist fighting - approx. 250 words)
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Too Far From Home - original space alien horror story (TW:  space, sci fi? murderous alien/space monster, blood, guts, gore, head wound, stomach wound, excessive use of the word moist and wet and other variations, off screen murder, implied murder at the end, not reader insert - approx. 1600 words)
S.A.P. (Super Abilities Project) - old story idea (TW: being submerged underwater for a long period of time, stressful/life threatening situations, being ‘stretched’ in a experimental/torture scenario, being electrocuted, being experimented on/tortured - approx. 250 words)
Project Control - an old story idea from like, 2017-2018 (TW: science experiments, ‘monster’/not human test subjects, murder of a test subject - approx. 600 words)
Project Control 2 - Test Subject 1 and 3 (TW: wack ass drawings/old art style, ‘monsters/test subjects’ (no gore), disproportionate body parts, ‘inhuman’ appearance. humans being experimented on, a child being suicidal - approx. 250 words)
Project Control 3 - Test Subject 4 (TW: conjoined twins, old art style, ‘monster’/non-human test subject, disproportionate body parts, ‘inhuman’ appearance, humans being experimented on, two humans being ‘merged’ into one monster? - approx. 150 words)
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insomniac-jay · 4 months
Sneak peek for the gay ppl
Chapter 5: First Meeting
Wednesday came, and that meant meetings. It wouldn't happen until everyone was off work though.
Mona sang a lullaby to Mabelle, prepared to put the two year old down for her nap. She loved small moments like this with her family; particularly her children. Between working on new projects and planning for shows, any moment of relaxation was welcome.
Mabelle held onto her mother's shirt as she closed her little eyes. A few minutes later, she peacefully drifted off to sleep. Mona gently laid her in the crib and put a blanket over her before leaving the room. As soon as she did, Elizabeth peeked her head into the room.
"Hi, Mommy! Can I play with Bebe?" Elizabeth looked just like her father, only with a brighter, more mischievous gleam in her eyes.
"Not right now, mezanmi. Mommy has to go to a meeting and Mabelle's sleeping. But you can come with me to my meeting."
Elizabeth cheered, following Mona to her bedroom and sitting near her desk. Humming one of her songs while she pulled out her computer, Mona straightened herself up in preparation for the meeting. A smile came to her face watching little Lizzy copy her.
"Hello, ladies, and welcome to our official first meeting," Christine said. "I'm glad you decided to join us."
The other ladies greeted her and each other. Elizabeth moved over to get a better look at all the ladies. Mona lovingly scratched her head. "I have a special guest with me today. Lizzy, would you like to say hello?"
"Hi! Bonjou!" Lizzy waved.
Edward made it a point that both he and his daughter learn Haitian Creole. It was so cute watching them learn. The ladies waved back and cooed at the adorable child.
"Aww! Who's this lil cutie?" Marina cooed.
"My fiance's daughter. Her name is Elizabeth." Mona pulled on the arm of Lizzy's hair to bring her closer. "My other one is taking a nap."
"That's alright. I just wanna start this meeting off by asking how all of us are doing," Christine asked.
Brandice answered first. "I'm alright. I'm not sick anymore so I went back to teaching my class today."
An hour into the meeting, Mona turned on the TV for background noise and for Lizzy just in case she was bored. The 10 year old was very respectful and watched the TV quietly so she wouldn't interrupt the meeting.
Mona was too busy listening to Eve talk about how much she missed her husband to notice the breaking news. Elizabeth did, however.
"Mommy, mommy! Look!"
Mona turned to see a massive riot happening at Arkham. Guards struggled to quell it.. Somehow the prisoners got ahold of some weapons, causing shootouts. Several high profile criminals escaped--including the Riddler. Apparently with help from his henchmen Echo and Query. Authorities were currently trying to look for all the escapees while restoring order back at the asylum.
"Mona? Mona Lisa, are you okay?"
"Huh? Oh yes..." Not that she hadn't known he'd escape; but to do it so soon was unexpected.
"Mommy?" Elizabeth tugged at Mona's shirt.
Mona rubbed her back. "I'm fine, sweetie."
Christine had no time to ask Mona what happened when the front door opened. Grabbing a shotgun, she crept her way to the foyer. A large, imposing shadow stood in the doorway.
"Who's there?!" Christine called out.
"Who else would it be?"
Christine set down the gun and rushed to the door. There was her husband Darius. But he wasn't his usual upbeat self. This man had bags under his eyes and looked a mix of depressed and agitated. Her heart ached for him.
"Oh my god, Darius! What happened?"
"I'm tired, chere." His Cajun accent was more pronounced than usual.
Everybody's all out of sorts, Eve thought to herself. Not that she blamed them. So many things were happening at once. A familiar pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders. When she turned her head, she came face to face with her husband Hollow.
"Don't you look good today, Jessi Eve."
Eve's eyes widened. "When did-"
Hollow waved at the ladies with a bright smile on his face. "How ya doin', ladies? Hope you don't mind me stealin' m' lady for a bit." Eve's screen went black a few seconds later.
Brandice seemed to be the only one who didn't have something going on--except for her husband sleeping on her lap. All was calm at the Bivolo house.
"I guess the meeting's over..." Brandice ended her side and logged off. Great timing since she had some papers to grade and reports to put in. She stroked Bivolo's hair in between grading.
Christine sighed, having finally gotten Darius to calm down. Apparently the guards at Arkham were testing a new way to keep patients at bay by using the voice of a relative. They were aware many didn't grow up in loving homes and that made it even more cruel. Darius was their first target.
The more she thought about it, she realized that Darius knew everything about her and her family but knew almost nothing about him. Even after they got married, there were still many things she had yet to learn about him.
She knew Lisette, Darius's mother, used to be an actress on Broadway and that was it. She saw some of Lisette's pictures and got to watch her in action via videos on the Internet and some provided by Darius. However, he never talked about them--especially his father--in further detail.
Darius kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry about that, mon ami. I just needed to get it off my chest," he said now that he was back to his usual self. "That means I can't go back to Arkham. I don't want to either."
"It's alright. What they did to you was horrible." Still, the thought of not knowing his family slightly bothered her. "You're gonna have to lay low for a few months if you don't wanna go back there. In the meantime, try to find a job or something."
Darius mumbled. He never had another job since his acting and singing careers declined. Add in his criminal record and it left him wondering if there even was anything for him to do.
"Are you sure? I have lots of money in the bank that'll last for some time."
"Wouldn't hurt in getting a job. Maybe you can Crimson about working at that warehouse she works at." Christine leaned on him.
Night fell by the time Arkham was secure again. Lizzy was asleep and Mona was getting ready for bed when there was a knock at the front door.
"Who is it?" Salome asked, who also preparing to call it a night.
"Thirty men but only two women, yet these two hold the most power-"
Salome rolled her eyes and immediately opened the door. On the other side were Riddler, Echo, and Query dressed incognito. Just when her night couldn't get any better.
"I would've liked to finish my riddle, Salome." Edward huffed as he walked in. "And where's my gorgeous bride?"
The water turned off as Mona stepped out the shower. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her before putting on her slippers. Walking out the bathroom brought her to the sight of Edward taking off his clothes; causing her to yelp.
He didn't mean to scare her or stare. Honest. But wow did Mona have some really nice legs. Long, smooth, toned. It wasn't too late for her to consider a career as a model. Over the course of their relationship, Edward's thoughts about Mona--or ones pretaining to her body--became less innocent. It would've been perfectly normal if certain parts of his body didn't react immaturely. The amount of times he almost ruined his covers or woke up to a tent in his pants because of an explicit dream about her was more than he liked.
"Apologies, mon lapine." Edward turned his head away to hide his blush. "Salome told me you were in here."
Giving her space to change into pajamas, Edward went to go check on the children. First was Lizzy's room to which he found her asleep, teddy bear in her arms. Next was Mabelle, who was the same as her big sister.
On his way back to the master bedroom, his mind kept going back to before. Was he...about to see Mona naked? He'd never seen her nude or in her underwear before. In fact, they had yet to get intimate; mainly due to Mona's pregnancy.
What will our wedding night be like? He saw Mona sleeping once he got back. It was the middle of the night after all. Taking off the rest of his clothes, Edward glanced at the sleeping woman. Her beauty increased tenfold when she wore no makeup, and the way the moonlight shone on her face proved it. So peaceful, serene. Like a fairytale princess waiting to be kissed by her prince.
So gorgeous, Edward set his glasses on the nightstand before climbing into bed next to her.
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clownhonkbonk · 6 months
to any interested here are my reactions i remembered to write down for the magnus archives in it's entirety :3 it's not too many bUt this is what you get
the episode numbers are written with them!!
ft me trying to understand the story with a great deal of pain writing on my phone in my notes app mostly at 1 am
56 sub statment thinf w martin
avtually got tears in my eyes. i love you martin. i love you jon. im so happy he just went " avtually, im rather relieved " or whatever bc hell yes girl u are so unwell.
this show is so addicting.
OMG 28 DAYS LATER MENTION!!!! THE END IS EXTREMLY FUCJING NEIGH!!! not the reference but excited
WAY too attached to them
only just skipped the add and " episode Fifty-Eight. Trail Rations" And immediately went " oh NO !! cannibalism :( " and the read the description like LMAOO everytime there's anything relating to food in this podcast i just go " oh no it's cannibalisim "
holy shit it's a woman cannibal, diversity WIN
benjamin wtf homie this is NOT good bedroom foreplay
ouuugg auch good writing.
i understand the possible cannibalisim thing now
at lwast he doesn't think it's martin as much anymore ❓❓❓❓
i NEEEED to stop going through s1 animatics but QOW this fanvase is awesome i love all the designs.. i used to think martin and tim were the same person for a few episodes
honestly hell yeah tim. shout at jon for being weird. but also sike you can't leave.
ok im like halfway through this but like so for the deities / entities that r silly
we got
eyes, spider, diseases / insects ( though they maybe different ) and meat maybe???? maybe there's just three..
oh oh the guys r all core fears / most common fears, one extra is THE STRANGER OOOOoooOooooO
i love you martin for filling in n trying to take over for jon ur such a cutie
idk how much i believe that elias did it but like all evidence does point to that
actually love their lil dynamic. cuties.
martin is getting spaceyyyyy uh oh.... be careful bb..
jon have you been DRUGGED?!?! (8:00)
jon bb mayb take a break you seem to be like having iron deficiency LMAOO
ok we got 14 whores of the universe
1 end - death
2 eyes
3 vertigo
4 the stranger
5 the spiral - madness
6 isolation - fear of being alone / seperated form ppl
7 burning/fire
8 the desolation
9 the slaughter violence
10 the web - also being manipulated
11 the vast
12 filth disease insexts
13 claustrophobia
14 darkness
the meat ❓❓❓
WHAT HTEH FUCKKK !>??!?!?!? !??
bro this is NOT therapy. bro ham lukas peter you dickwad what the fuuuuuuuuuuuck.
ISOLATION??????????????????????? WHY IS THE ISOLATION GOD POKING AT MARTIN ?!?!?!?!?!?!??! DICKWAD??!?!?! ?criyng asobbign why
i actually low key love lukas " dynamic duo " is sO funny sjkdjk
martin i miss u come back it;s not woRTH ITTTTTT
fuck i draw jon like trent crimm if he was a twig and gayer and green
i physically recalled at the start they've IMPROOOVED their aUDIO... fucking crazy.
also bitches be bitching ( jon AND melane )
honestly fuck yeah helen girl
girl is dealing wth SOOO much trauma poor girl........... jeez.
cannot stop thinkin about martin :(
i miss tim.
the buried / cave
the end
the corruption / filth
the dark
the desolation
the eye
the flesh
the hunt
the lonely
the slaughter
the spiral
the stranger
the vast
the web
feeks like they're reading together but w a wall in the way which is sad
also jon what the fuck please don't be a dick this lovely lade lost her job and gained so much trauma.
jon stop using ur thing constantly on people it makes me worried for you and insanely pushes you to not being human.
jon i know she tried to hurt you both but ur being so mean, im WORRIED.
hell YES hellen
martin im still upset at you for going " why does no one tell me anything !!!! " while literally avoiding them and asking yhem not to talk to you!!! wtf broham.
anyway loving this story
gertrude what a girl holy cow<3
jon u r so self destructive...
holy ahit simon fairchild..
what the fuck im sobbing what is this good omens bullshit i love it but im crying not really but like heartbreaking????
i don't know if jons gonna survive if he doesn't stop getting weird and weirder.
also adorable "is he your boyfriend?!"
" yes actually "
jon what the fuck w u n these flesh flowers
ok hi!! thst was the last one.:3
i didn't write down reactions for further episodes but if we can bring our attention to me writing at some point ( in early season 5 ) in my sketch book " 10 bets jon or martin dies at the end "
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