quizzingbee · 4 years
🐝 New Quiz available 📣 Time shift (UTC offset) of countries of the world' - What is the UTC offset of ... ?
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Open https://app.quizzingbee.com/v1/#/Quizzes/6/openWho and press on 'Start'. See here a game preview video:
Would you know the UTC offset of Norway. To help answer that question you can think of a UTC offset that you know and the countries longitude. If the longitude is similar then the UTC offset is as well. Try it out! All in all this quiz contains ~129 questions, in different languages. Next to english also available in ... german "UTC-Offset von Ländern der Welt" spanish "Desplazamiento UTC de países del mundo" french "Décalage UTC des pays du monde" portuguese "Compensação UTC de países do mundo" russian "UTC смещение стран мира" Read the full article
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quizzingbee · 4 years
🐝 New Quiz available 📣 'Capitals of countries of the world (United Nations)' - What is the capital of the country ... ?
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Open https://app.quizzingbee.com/v1/#/Quizzes/5/openWho and press on 'Start'. When you have answered the question you will often see a montage of pictures of the capital, which is very nice to get an impressions about the capital. See here a game preview video:
All in all this quiz contains ~160 questions, and as always gives background information - in different languages. Next to english also available in ... - german "Hauptstädte der Länder der Welt" - spanish "Capitales de los países del mundo" - french "Capitales des pays du monde" - portuguese "Capitais de países do mundo" - russian "Столицы стран мира" Read the full article
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quizzingbee · 4 years
🐝 New Quiz available 📣 'Head of state of countries worldwide' - Do you know the official with the highest formal authority in a country/state?
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Open https://app.quizzingbee.com/v1/#/Quizzes/4/openWho and press on 'Start'. First I thought I make the quiz by showing the picture of a head of a country and then ask for the name. This is also an option. But without showing the picture upfront and instead asking via country, seems more challenging and fun. See here a game preview video: https://youtu.be/z3jY1tsNWtc. All in all this quiz contains ~150 questions, when answered it shows pictures of persons and gives background information - in different languages. Next to english also available in ... - german "Staatsoberhaupt der Länder weltweit" - spanish "Jefe de estado de países de todo el mundo" - french "Chef d'État des pays du monde" - portuguese "Chefe de estado dos países do mundo" - russian "Глава государства стран мира" Read the full article
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quizzingbee · 4 years
🐝 New Quiz available 📣 'National anthems around the world' - Do you know this anthem? From which country is it?
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Open https://app.quizzingbee.com/v1/#/Quizzes/3/openLearn and press on 'Start'. Listen to different anthems all around the world and then guess the country. Starting with easy ones, like "Oh say can you see by the dawn early light" and then it gets quickly tough. Doing this quiz in learn mode I had many of the first 20 correct. All in all the quiz is asking for roughly ~100 national anthems. In "'Who Wants to be a Millionaire'-Style" it's too hard, but you can try 😏 with  -> open https://app.quizzingbee.com/v1/#/Quizzes/3/openWho. All in all this quiz contains ~100 national anthems, shows sheets of music, pictures of the composer, gives background information - in different languages. Next to english also available in ... - german "Nationalhymnen auf der ganzen Welt" - spanish "Himnos nacionales alrededor del mundo" - french "Hymnes nationaux des pays du monde" - portuguese "Hinos nacionais de países em todo o mundo" - russian "Государственные гимны стран мира" Read the full article
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quizzingbee · 4 years
🐝 New Quiz available 📣 'National Flags of countries worldwide' - The national flag of which country is on the picture?
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Open https://app.quizzingbee.com/v1/#/Quizzes/2/open and press on 'Start'. Can you win the million? I tried this quiz 100+ times with Quick Setting "'Who Wants to be a Millionaire'-Style" and 15 questions and never got the million. The flags are just too similar 😕. At least I got better with the time, because of practising with all ~200 flags in "Learning" mode - open https://app.quizzingbee.com/v1/#/Quizzes/2/openLearn All in all this quiz contains ~200 flags and explains how and why the flags look as they look - in different languages. Next to english also available in ... german "Nationalflaggen von Ländern weltweit" spanish "Banderas nacionales de países de todo el mundo" french "Drapeaux nationaux des pays du monde" portuguese "Bandeiras nacionais de países em todo o mundo" russian "Национальные флаги стран мира" Image includes Source: Dbenbenn, Flag of the United States, PD Read the full article
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