#so Sasuke would get to kill him with Kakashi’s full support
Imagine shikaku insisting on the jonin council vote before Danzo leaves the village. Yes the Kage summit is important. So importabt they want to ensure that konoh is represented by a Hokage that is supported by the Jonin
Danzo trying to get around it and insisting on doing it after, but Shikaku arguing back that konoha cannot be represented by a Hokage who is not fully supported by the shinobi.
Danzo is forced to give in because Shikaku has supports that stand behind him, so they hold the vote
No one supports danzo, so the daiymo is forced to choose a new Hokage, resulting in Kakashi being elected. Danzo’s pissy and tries to go for an assasination, and Sai is the one who stops it from happening because at this point Kakashi has shown more trust and respect for him than Danzo
Kakashi taking Naruto with him as one of his bodyguards, along with Yamato or Gai (very likely for it to be Yamato for the nine tails)
Sasuke not being declared a terrorist by Konoha because Kakashi’s not going to do that, meaning Sakura doesn’t come up with her stupud ‘kill sasuke’ plan.
Maybe Sasuke still attacks the Kage summit because they got intel Danzo was the new Hokage and it wasn’t corrected? Or Obito doesn’t tell him of the change in time? So Sasuke makes his stand demanding danzo’s head and then and there Kakashi has to ask why
Last he knew Sasuke was after Itachi, not Danzo. He needs to know what’s going on.
I think Sasuke would tell him, though it would probably be in a very angry tone accusing Kakashi of protecting Danzo (which at that point it could seem like he is)
But Kakashi just f***ing agrees. He doesn’t know if what Sasuke says is true, but a guaranteed way of finding out is putting Danzo against Sasuke.
There’s a lot to work out but imagine Kakashi sending a message for Danzo to meet him and when Danzo arrives he has Sasuke standing beside him, making him look like a ‘traitor to the village’ in danzo’s eyes but Kakashi needs answers and if he gets the ones he thinks he will (aka Sasuke is telling the truth) he sees no reason not to let Danzo face justice
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rkaln · 2 months
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its akatsuki!Lee propaganda & #like what is the lore
random part V & sasuuuukeeeee
THANX U SKUUN♥ @egregiousderp for all ur ideas *U* and for permission to use your quotes
in general, THANKS♥ everyone from the Glugchat, you are an incredible community, and I really appreciate your support And I don't remember when my presence in the fandom was LIKE THIS
but if they’re on the same team and Sasuke confides in him that he’s looking for his brother (to kill) that might be a sympathy point for Lee.
His whole grudge against Sasuke initially I mean? At first it’s just “ah he’s from a prestigious clan so I can test my own abilities against him.” But then Sasuke learns movement from Lee without Lee meaning to allow him to…
But if Lee eventually becomes Akatsuki is could also be because he’s trying to infiltrate it and locate Itachi for Sasuke.
Genuinely there’s a lot of possibility in an AU like this and a Sasuke and Lee friendship could be SO INTERESTING like this, because Lee’s personality is so similar to Naruto’s but also…a little different?
Sasuke would probably take the Gaara thing as “makes sense of course you want revenge on the man who took away your life too. We’re the same.
I've thought about it a lot. I've never had much love for Sasuke, you know. but the more I thought about how their friendship would develop, the more interesting it seemed to me.
(by the way, it's funny if you look at the team that Sasuke has assembled - purely a TEAM OF RABID HYPERACTIVE EXTROVERTS, Lee fits in perfectly)
b u t
it turns out that they would still have time to spend some time with Orochimaru
when Sasuke comes to Akatsuki, not knowing that Rock Lee is already there
and FUCK Lee wasn't there just because of Gaara but also because of Sasuke
(in general, it's funny to parallel, because Lee is in some ways similar to Naruto, and Sasuke is in some ways similar to Gaara
I can already go draw memes where Lee and Sasuke, with faces full of pent-up jealousy and indignation, look at Naruto and Gaara and randomly come to kage's office if they met TO REALLY DISCUSS BUSINESS …OKAY, I got distracted by how many jokes you can make on this concept
Anbu!Lee: 'I assure you, I'm just doing my job, I just want to make sure that the meeting IS GOING WELL' the rest of the anbu: 'yy e aaaah, of course. =/ after all, Naruto is definitely the one with whom the meeting can go wrong… mind your own business, we don't want to get involved in this') + another line of Sasuke and Gaara in the five kage arch is complemented by the fact that he now knows a little more about Sasuke because of Lee…..
so then think they would have to really try to get over their mutual dislike.
I think during orochimaru (I'll call it orochimaru timing lol) they still experienced it, but nevertheless they could already take a closer look at each other as individuals. Moreover, then it will be, on the contrary, a kind of period of skill improvement for both.
just imagine how Lee, with the same zeal with which he studied taijitsu, studies the use of chakra with Sasuke and Sasuke is improving his taijitsu skill
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( while I was writing this, I realized that I had not decided which element of the chakra Lee had =/ )
I literally expect Sasuke to have to train with him - he still understands that they can train each other well, especially since Sasuke copied Lee for a reason, and the original goal of becoming stronger should be above personal relationships.
and for Lee if copying Sasuke on the exam was a pretty painful blow, now it's gradually becoming interesting Sasuke trained the speed skill with Kakashi for the sake of chidori, so I'm sure Lee could, u know TO REPEAT IT NOW
without sharingan technique is useless (the story of smol kakashi and this technique), but purely at speed without weights
just technically it can be done just as a fact of training. put a check mark in your head.
it looks to me like those moments when Lee is more confident in the correctness of his decisions.
because it's like a closed gestalt for himself, just technically to do what he saw from Sasuke at that moment It's like a confirmation that he's really right. that it was worth the risk to have such opportunities to use the chakra.
(by the way, I generally think what a huge potential Lee has then, at this moment they showed us the CHAKRA↓ if you add to this the things that were shown in the canon - the speed boost and the whole feint with weights, the opening of the gate, IT REMAINS ONLY TO GIVE HIM A BOTTLE OF ALCOHOL IN THE END. moreover, at first I also forgot about OROCHIMARU's SEAL, I remembered about it only when I thought about Itachi and joining akatsuki. I created a monster, you know. and I don't regret anything ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
but look at this…. chakrashot lol)
Actually, it's about Itachi and Sasuke
initially, I immediately decided that Itachi had influenced Lee to join Akatsuki in the end.
so Skuun's ideas influenced me to think about it in more detail, because I didn't think about Sasuke at first.
"but if they’re on the same team and Sasuke confides in him that he’s looking for his brother (to kill) that might be a sympathy point for Lee."
so sooner or later they would have discussed this point too, and I think they would have managed to build a trusting relationship for this.
..at some point after Sasuke's rescue arc, Itachi would have found Lee. Also to talk, as it was with Naruto. (Apart from what was described in one of the parts where I told you that Itachi just chose to pick up the Konoha boy from Orochimaru in the mom mode lol)
Of course, this conversation would not be like a conversation with Naruto, I imagine how Lee, on the contrary, purses his lips "in a beak", saying that he and Sasuke are not friends at all. (for now)
Itachi would like to know more about Sasuke, but since there would be little information, he would eventually tell about Akatsuki, predicting that the alliance with Orochimaru would not last long.
"When you decide to leave, we'll find you ourselves." (Lee just didn't know that Itachi would know anyway, since he was looking out for his brother)
…will offer to help with the removal of the seal if he joins them. And this will be another small lead to Sasuke.
In the long run, it seems that Itachi looks to me next to Lee really like a bit of a "mom", a slightly more mentoring figure, which he could not become for Sasuke.
Moreover, he also understood that Lee would most likely sooner or later begin to understand what he had fucked up about. -> they would have had a lot of dialogues about it
- why did you leave -are you really right -what will you do after …you've talked a lot about becoming someone who doesn't use chakra, but you've given up on it. Is strength the main thing?...
"Sasuke showed me that there's no point in what you can't use."
Skuun really inspired me to think about them a lot more
because in the future, it seems to me that they really have a pretty interesting long friendship, cemented by time and common problems
NOT TO MENTION THE WAR ARCH AND THE POST!WAR TIME (it's even a pity that I already described about anbu in another part ahahah)
and I really like the fact that then the canonical situations between Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara and Lee intertwine and parallel a little differently
I even started to think that maybe Sasuke would trust me with a story about his plans for the final arches.
and it seems that this would be a disagreement that would gradually grow and strengthen between them, because in fact the way of "correcting" Lee would be different, just because of Gaara. Where in the final arch he has already really revised his past choices, and despite some mistakes, he chooses in the end to just accept them, and use the acquired power for what he talked about from the first arches. for protection.
It would be a great entry into the arc of war.
He comes with Sasuke's team. They come to help and protect. …and there's just a tense silence between them for the first time in a long time, because Lee knows. but he would like to believe that he, too, will come to a different decision.
I'll also add a little bit about art from prison. I just think of them sitting in neighboring cells in these straitjackets, talking through the wall. Where Lee jokes dubious jokes about returning to Konoha, and Sasuke laughs very quietly anyway about where they ended up. (Lee hardly hears it, but he just knows)
I WROTE TOO MUCH HERE, although I wanted to think a little more about Sasuke's attitude to the "Gaara thing" T___T
"Sasuke would probably take the Gaara thing as “makes sense of course you want revenge on the man who took away your life too. We’re the same." ©
..and it is in this quote that one can reflect what Sasuke sounds like here
...want revenge on the man who took away
but ok , apparently that's enough for this post
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happypanda101 · 7 months
How Sakura’s Love Interest Ruined Her Character Development
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Alright. I promise this is the last Sakura related content I’ll do for a while. But after seeing several other people on here talk about about this subject, I thought it would be interesting to discuss. This isn’t gonna be a full on analysis, rather my thoughts as someone who loves Sakura and was disappointed to see how her character was handled in canon.
I think a lot of the fandom can be agree that Sakura’s biggest flaw was her love for Sasuke. Love is typically supposed to be a character’s strength, but unfortunately for our pink cherry blossom, it’s her weakness. And her downfall.
Now, I’ve already made it clear what my feelings on SasuSaku are. I like the pairing, they could have been better developed and aren’t nearly terrible as people claim they are. However, it would be ignorant of me to not acknowledge that canon Sasusaku is… kinda shitty.
Don’t get my wrong, they have their cute moments in blank period, like Sasuke asking Sakura to wear the clan crest, but things start going downhill when they get married and the plot of Burrito rolls around. Sakura is left to be a single mother while Sasuke is off god knows where for that stupid space alien/ “remains of Kaguya” whatever plot. Sasuke never writes to check up on his family, it’s implied that Sarada doesn’t remember him at all or what he looks like, and Sakura is left there trying to assure her poor daughter that Sasuke is doing this because he loves them. But when Sasuke comes back, he rarely acknowledges or wants to spend time with them at all. Not to mention, he seems to care more about Naruto’s kid than his own. Naruto suffers from this problem as well, but that’s a discussion for another time.
For the canon endgame, Kishimoto certainly doesn’t write any of his characters being happy in their relationships.
Anyway, Sakura and her character development. It may not have been grand as her teammates, but it was still there. Sakura went from a naive girl that was obsessed with boys and her looks to someone who acknowledged that she had to work harder if she wanted to help and protect those she cared for. She went from disliking and envying Naruto to someone who was willing to throw her ninja career away so her friend could follow his dream. She wanted to help Naruto to bring Sasuke back, but realized she wasn’t strong enough, so she went to Tsuande for help and become a damn good medical ninja as a result. She became more confident in herself and was always there to support her friends. She never needed an epic fight or a tramatic backstory, I would say her development was pretty great.
But then all of that gets thrown away whenever Sasuke comes into the picture. Sakura may be able to stand up for others, but never does she stand up for herself when it comes to Sasuke. When he belittles her in the War Arc for simply asking him what was going on, she gets all quiet and sad. Defeated. Worst part is that Naruto can’t even stand up for her properly.
The kunoichi who broke off Kaguya’s horn and aided in sealing her, therefore saving the world, is left a begging, whimpering mess for Sasuke to come back to her, to come back to team 7. And what does she get in return? A genjustu of him killing her.
And just when you think oh this has to finally get her to realize that she can do so much better than him, or at least get her to step back and reevaluate her feelings, let her spend time away from him, it’s just forgotten about! Forget traumatizing and hurting her, it’s okay because Sasuke apologized and now she wants to go with him. Don’t get me wrong, I do think that was a genuine apology, but the fact that she was just expected to forgive him at the snap of a finger was infuriating. And down right sad.
It doesn’t help that nobody else comments on it, or tells Sakura “hey, what he did was pretty shitty, you didn’t deserve that.” Or stand up for her at all. Kakashi kinda did, but it was so weak.
In Naruto, a woman’s role is to support the men, because what else are they good for? And if they ever move on from a guy they like, they’re a “terrible person,” in Kishimoto’s words. Whatever improved or developed Sakura’s character, it reverted backwards or was simply forgotten for Sasuke. Because Sakura loves him, she can never disagree or argue or fight with him, because that would make her a bad person.
Sakura had the potential to become one of the greatest heroines in anime, but that was all thrown away becasue of her misogynistic creator and his idiotic editors. She deserved better, every female character in Naruto deserved better, and burrito should have never happened because it’s an abomination to the Naruto franchise.
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ludiharambasha · 1 year
I don't like it when people talk about the hypothetical scenario in which Kakashi actually listens to Sasuke and helps him get revenge, as it is utterly pointless in many ways.
I generally think it is pointless to think in terms of what-ifs when analyzing stories, because, well, you get a completely different one in most cases (there are exceptions, such as when the change would not drastically alter the themes). When you change key aspects of the story such as Sasuke's decision to leave Konoha, you completely change the themes the story carries, as Sasuke is the main carrier of Naruto's themes.
When you say that Sasuke may not have left Konoha had Kakashi offered him to help him get revenge on Itachi you ignore the fact that narratives ought to be read in their entirety and full context rather than in isolated units. You ignore that Sasuke is meant to react to the injustice of the makeup of the whole world rather than just stop at what happened to his clan. His arc neatly goes from dealing with the specific moving on to the general, and his personal involvement motivates him to pursue his goals in the story on both of these levels. What happened to him is not a grave tragedy that happened in isolation but something that is bound to happen in a world as cruel as the one he inhabits. Sasuke is the one who wants to bring a global revolution to the shinobi system precisely because he is the one who was affected by it in a deeply personal way. Sasuke is meant to challenge the legally legitimate with the morally legitimate, and when you play with the idea that Sasuke does not leave sooner, but later in the story, you lessen his narrative weight, as you would make him choose the legal on his first step. He always possessed a rebellious streak, and a rebel and a revolutionary is not one who plays safe.
There are other things to consider as well. Why does it matter whether Kakashi realizes that Sasuke may not have left had he offered his help? Sasuke's choice was something we are meant to see as an inevitability, as he would leave and vow to destroy Konoha the moment he finds out the truth about what happened anyway, sooner or later. The moment Sasuke opposes Konoha, Kakashi would stop his support for him, so what difference does it make for Kakashi to offer his help or even acknowledge that Sasuke may not have left sooner rather than later, theme wise? With this you legitimize Kakashi and Konoha, if only they offer the kids some solutions for symptomatic stuff rather than curing things at their root, then there would be no qualms about anything.
When you do this you also ignore Sasuke's goal in a very careless manner, and that is that Sasuke wanted to be the one to kill Itachi on his own. Kakashi would probably not have allowed Sasuke to seek Itachi out on his own and would have probably intervened at some point, something Sasuke wanted to avoid. Sasuke felt that his duty is to personally bring Itachi to justice, something Kakashi would not have been able to provide him, as we now have to operate on the premise that Kakashi is actually concerned with Sasuke's wellbeing.
I'm not going to mention the issue of Danzo, as there is an amazing post here that goes into greater detail about that (which I am not going to tag here as I am yet to ask the creator of it whether they're okay with that).
Or Sasuke never finds out the truth, and then we would not have this story, but something completely different. Which is fine if you want to write fanfic, but not in the analysis of the work.
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*pulls up a chair* Rant about something 💜💜💜
Its funny this was the first ask I got and the last I will answer because I really dont know anything to rant about really... :D
I'm very passionate about what the Kishimoto has to say about mentors and studens in his story. I wonder where this comes from, this need to talk about how teachers, more than parents, can shape a person into a full formed personality, but he uses it over and over again. While Shikamaru and Ino are influenced by their fathers and their deaths, more so it is Asuma that really hits them. I just really really love that. I think also it shows that not only do the mentors really open up in their role (Kakashi for instance just really needed that sort of thing, tho he was a leader in anbu already and a good teacher to itachi, he really needed those kids to open up completely), students also help the teachers grow. These Jonins are usualyl like in their end twenties and they grow adults by helping young children grow into teens.
Heck, the first connection Kishi gives Naruto is Iruka, who is not a very strong Ninja like kakashi or a bloody or loud or strong one or whatever, no, he is a teacher, an empathetic teacher, who from the first moment on never leaves naruto's side. In my nart reread it has really hit me how often Iruka is JUST THERE and oh it makes me emotional.
As such I grow very pained at all of these implications. Hiruzen having to fight Orochimaru. KAkashi wanting to take Sasuke out. MInato having to stop Obito (Obito fighting Minato and hurting Kushina). Nagato killing Jirayia.... and the pain oif the ones left behind. I know Jirayia is an unliked character on this website, and i know there are some who dont care for his death and I'm not telling you not to, I just personally cry everytime because NARUTO is sad, because naruto is hurt and idk, living with the sage for two years has bound them together and now he is all alone.
Like... I really cant fantom the pain Jirayia must have felt when he came home to Konoha and both Kushina and Minato were dead. Not only his miracle student, but also his wife. Or how pained minato must have already been with obito and then rin dying, so desperate in fact that he wanted nothing else as to keep kakashi close (As misguided as we all know that was). Idk, it kills me to think about it too much. (minato was only like. 23 when rin died !!! imagine this would happen to you at such a young age!! god). gai with neji too. we never see them grieve you now, but you just know it destroyed him
so teams are important to me. It is important to me that we see hinata and shino and kiba still have coffee with kurenai, that no matter what happens naruto always asks kakashi for help, that when minato gets reanimated kakashi calls him sensei and listens to every word he says. it is important to me that these relationship exists in a story liek naruto that is for young people, for teenagers.
teachres can be great influence on your life, and once you let them help you they can be a supportive force forever.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 2 years
The things she can do -SasuHina Month Day 6
A bit late, but I was upset when I got home and didn’t move for a while. I’m also a bit unsure if it fully fits the prompt, but you can be the judge. This is actually full of spoilers for for my Naruto rewrite, Team 7′s Heiress, which in on Fanfiction.net here. I haven’t updated it for a while but a bit of other stuff to help, Sasuke was actually sent on an S rank mission to kill Orochimaru, he didn’t defect. He went to Kakashi and the Hokage when the Sound 4 appraoched him, because despite truely wanting to prove he was better than Naruto, he actually had a support system (that did include Naruto but those boys push each other even when they do get along). That’s all I’ll really elberate on, I just felt like this fit this one arc in the story I want to do.
Day 6-Firgun (Hebrew)
“The genuine, unselfish delight or pride in someone else’s accomplishment.”
Sasuke scrapped the edge of his shoe against the ground, slightly kicking up dirt. Hinata’s shift was supposed to be over soon and he hoped to surprise her by picking her up. He had dinner for them at home, if she agreed. She was still angry with him over his decision on the S Rank mission, though he knew it wasn’t angry really directed at him. He was just the easy target as she couldn’t be mad at the Hokage when she still had to take orders from her. Her anger still hurt, but he felt like he deserved it for deceiving her those years ago. In all honesty, Naruto should be furious with him for all the running around he made him do, but he just seemed happy to have his best friend back. He could easily lie and say he didn’t care, but honestly, he missed Naruto too.
Though he would admit he’d love to fight him again, see just how much stronger he’d gotten but they were both too scared after Hinata stopped them the last time that she’d scold them again. She’d gotten stronger in both person and strength and he was still on thin ice.
He heard footsteps making their way up the pathway. He was at the bottom of the steps off to the side so he glanced up before he looked back down at his feet again but he did a double take as he saw Kurenai. Ino had been a big help in getting Hinata to start forgiving him and she’d also taken it upon herself to fill him in on all the knowledge – gossip, it was gossip – of all the ninja he knew. One of which being Team 8’s sensei was pregnant, with Asuma’s child. Her belly was big though her oversized dress did a lot to mask it but he could place good money on her being due soon. So why was she coming alone?
“Kurenai-sensei.” He called.
“Ah, Sasuke Uchiha. Haven’t seen you since you got back. The team tells me you had your hands full. 3 new citizens, along with former Akatsuki. Do you mind?” he offered his arm and helped her up the steps. “Not a moment’s rest huh?”
“Not exactly. Things are finally slowing down but I’m sure you know how easily that can change. Congratulations by the way. Ino told me.”
“Not Hinata? She’s been part of my pregnancy team since she needs the hours in labour and delivery.”
“Ah,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “She’s been upset with the whole secret behind my ‘traitorship’. In all honesty, Lady Tsunade promised she’d tell them. I didn’t realise she’d keep it quiet for so long.”
“For a good reason. Naruto is loud and it would have been noticeable if he suddenly stopped looking.”
He decided to not tell her how Naruto said he would have looked even harder if he knew the truth. He 100% believed him.
“I hope you don’t mind my saying but aren’t you due soon? Shouldn’t you be coming here with someone?”
Kurenai sighed, looking annoyed. “This baby has an idiot for a father and I’ve almost given up on him. Your girlfriend is trying to make sure I don’t. you should ask her about it. Might help your chances at gaining her back even more.”
Speaking of said girlfriend, Hinata, with her long hair pulled into a bun, appeared from near the nurses’ desk, seeming surprised to see the two together.
“Sasuke was such a dear to help me inside. He’s such an amazing person to have around.”
Hinata gave a look that showed she wasn’t fooled. “I get off a half an hour. Wait for me in the waiting room.” She swept Kurenai away, leaving Sasuke standing there.
Well, at least she was telling him to wait for her.
Hinata did agree to dinner and thankfully, the rest of Team Taka hadn’t dropped by unexpectedly. She had brought work with her and once dinner was over, she set up shop. She hadn’t left so he was taking that as another win.
“Please.” She was focused on the paperwork in front of her. He couldn’t even begin to guess what it was about but he was reminded of when he was in the hospital in the genjustu coma his brother put him in, apparently, she’d been trying to work a way to wake him up through healing. His bedside had been full of textbooks and her faithful notebook she’d been working in. they’d only been 13 and 14 respectively, but her skills were amazing even then. It was no surprise she was Tsunade’s prized student. He placed the mug just out of the way of her papers and sat across from her. He took her in, taking in all the changes he missed. Her hair used to be by her shoulders, now tumbling down her back, wavy from being in a bun all day. Her neck looked paler than the rest of her, no doubt from wearing her forehead protector. Any sort of kissing past lips and cheeks had only just started to be explored before he left. He wondered if she still squeaked if he kisses her neck.
“You’re staring.” She said, still focused on her paperwork.
“I haven’t gotten the chance in a while. You never used to complain.” Most of their dates had been a lot of either being in his apartment or in Kakashi’s where she stayed after moving off the Hyuuga compound, sitting on easy silence. She would read a lot of the times and he would just stare. Stare at the girl who tried convincing him she should leave their team after she kissed him and he furiously said no. he gave the date one try, thinking nothing would come of it, Hinata would calm down and she’d stay. Somehow, he ended up falling harder throughout the night and continued for as long as he could.
He watched her try to bite back a smile. He was gaining headway in being fully forgiven. Then he remembered what Kurenai had told him to ask.
“Hey, I had asked why Asuma-sensei wasn’t with Kurenai and she told me to ask you. is everything ok with them?”
Hinata finally looked up, her demeanour down from what it had been before. She seemed to steel herself and picked up her mug before leaning back in her chair.
“So, you know how we’ve been rehabilitating Sasori and we have the hope of doing the same to other Akatsuki members?” he had thoughts about it since it would involve the same man he wanted to still kill but he nodded anyway. “Sasori had told us he didn’t think everyone would be receptive and he was right. Asuma and Shikamaru, along with others were tasked to go find 2 members who entered the Land of Fire. Sasori was added and since I was his handler, I went with them. They found them and fought. Asuma almost won but Hidan, his power was, different. He had this ability to link himself to someone and do damage to his body but the person he was linked to would feel the effects. He was also immortal. His partner had gotten the better of them and allowed Hidan to deal the final blow. Asuma was dying. Ino is good but it was going to be a lot, even for her.
“I’ve been working on this healing technique, sort of accelerated healing that I’ve seen in those with curse marks.” She shrugged at Sasuke’s stare. “I got up to a lot while you were gone. Curse marks are hard to understand, so I was going off theory, but I had a chance to save him. It managed to stabilize him until med-nin were able to get there. Unfortunately, I end up damaging his chakra paths severely. He survived and I’m sure he can still kick someone’s ass, but he can’t perform jutsus anymore. He’s not able to be an active ninja anymore.”
“That’s terrible, but he’s alive. And having a baby. Most parents don’t come out of situations like his to see their baby’s birth.”
“I know. I know that. It took me a while to stop feeling guilty but at that moment I had to try. It would either save him or he’d die anyway.” Hinata placed the mug down, running her hands through her hair, looking stressed despite saying she shouldn’t be. “He was so mad. His team didn’t care, they were just happy he was alive. Kurenai was happy he was alive, but he was mad. He’s always cold with me and when he found out I was on Kurenai’s team, he wanted me removed. It’s gotten bad. Kurenai actually moved into Ino’s family home, mostly because her mother scares Asuma more than Shikamaru’s does.”
“Hey.” He put his own mug down and walked over to Hinata, kneeling so he could get her to look at him. “I’m really proud of you. ever since I’ve known you, you don’t give up on trying to find a way to heal people. You’re right, you could have killed him, but the fact is you didn’t. you saved his life, gave him a chance at seeing his child grow up. If he can’t see that, that’s his fault. You’re good at what you do. I have full confidence that given a few more weeks, you could have figured out a way to get me out of the genjustu coma I had been in.”
“No, I couldn’t. I wasn’t even close.”
“But you would have figured it out regardless. I know you would of. Don’t for a second doubt your skills in healing, ok?”
It wasn’t much but the small smile he got out of her made it all feel worth it. Hinata had changed and grown in the time he’d been gone but he was easily falling all over again.
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sneezemonster15 · 3 years
I enjoyed your posts a lot. Have one question. Is that possible Sarada is like a hostage to make sure Sasuke is loyal to konoha? Maybe the top of Konoha (who?) did not trust Sasuke so they ordered Sasuke and Sakura got marriage.
Hi anon.
Well, at the time, Kakashi was the hokage. Would he pressure Sasuke to do something he doesn't wanna do given his lack of understanding towards Sasuke? Yes. There are precedents to that, given how he forced Sasuke to acknowledge Sakura's feelings after the war despite Sasuke's unwillingness rooted in his valid understanding of Sakura. Kakashi's understanding of Sakura is quite poor and contradictory to Sakura's actual nature.
He also doesn't understand Sasuke's motivations for revolution and feelings about the massacre of his clan, and despite his resolve to protect his comrades, goes off to kill Sasuke in kage arc without even attempting to know Sasuke's pov.
So there's reason to believe that he would insist on Sasuke doing something Sasuke wouldn't want to do. But the question is would Sasuke agree? At first glance, I would think he won't, from what we know of Sasuke. He never bows down to Kakashi's or Sakura's manipulation. But now that Kakashi is hokage and Sasuke is a nukenin, things do seem murky. And Kakashi did work towards getting him scotfree after the war, supporting Naruto's effort. So would Sasuke feel guilty about not following his orders? It's possible.
Uchiha clan is one of the strongest clans in Naruto universe and sharingan is one of the strongest kekkei genkais, so would Konoha try to retain it in some way? There are precedents to it, given how Danzo used sharingan of dead Uchiha clan members and how shinobi world cruelly uses people to retain power, what with the creation of jinchuurikis.
Would Kakashi do it to keep Sasuke loyal to Konoha? Well, Kakashi is a mindlessly loyal Konoha stooge, never questioning the establishment, no matter how unfair and cruel and inhuman it could be and surely was. Given how absolutely dejected, depressed and weary Sasuke comes off in Boruto and Gaiden, it does seem possible. Sasuke gave up arms for Naruto's sake, but he lost his chance at exacting some justice for the massacre of his clan. And while the massacre is still a secret, doesn't seem he has an upper hand in how things are carried out in Konoha. Not at least while Kakshi was still the hokage. However not much has changed since Naruto became hokage either, in that sense, since the truth of the massacre is still a secret along with Sasuke's role in the war.
It's definitely a possibility that Sarada was used to keep him in line, logically.
However, Kishi wouldn't write something that is in your face anti-establishment, he would follow the guidelines of this genre, outwardly. But it would totally be in his alley to write something that indicates at such a thing, without making it completely explicit. He consistently did it in Naruto and Shippuden, so it's definitely a strong possibility.
So we can only wait and watch. If Sarada's story of conception and her arc is explored further in Boruto, we might get to see some proof of this hypothesis. But it would be shadowy and full of subterfuge. Kishi will urge us to read things critically and if and when such an opportunity arises, we will proceed to do so under his guidance.
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ammaterasu · 2 years
hiii not to give my two cents on that anon ask but i do think if sasuke had said that he only wanted to get the elders (as he told tobi chapters later) instead of “i will kill you and every last person on that village”… it would’ve made a difference. i get that it was the anger of the moment 🙇‍♀️ and i get that plot reasons and their bond and stuff but i think it would’ve changed things a little.
please, go on, I like to hear your thoughts!!
Specifically about sasuke vowing to only destroy the elders (and omitting his revenge against the whole village that blindlessly lives on the backs of genocide) :
In what way do you think it wouldve changed things? I think as readers, we'd find alot more ppl 'supporting'' sasuke BC he's not being portrayed as a lunatic, full of rage he is taking out on 'innocent' ppl.. even if this declaration against all of konoha's citizens was only said at the heat of the moment (and agreed that he steps back from that a few chapters later), ppl still hold that against him. Cutting that out, we'd find more readers agreeing with him.
But in story, do you think Naruto would still accept sasukes decision to go with revenge? (Even if only against the elders?)
The elders are still the political leaders in konoha, would kakashi change his mind? Would the rest of konoha's council change their mind?Hm, I think that's a bit more muddy for me BC kakashi is.. a bit of a hypocrit (says that abandoning Ur comrades 'is worse than abandoning the states orders i.e the mission... but proceeds to 'abandon' his comrades for the state)
So, I can imagine that this wouldn't change kakashis decision to protect konoha's interests. Maybe he wouldn't think 'sasuke you truly have fallen this low' BC in a clear state of mind, sasuke may not have sacrificed Karin to get to danzo, and he may not have defended himself against sakura in such a deadly manner (instead, he may have just 1 KO'd her by flipping her away into the sky like pein v hinata lol) I think the point I'm making is, are we only removing that line? Or the other 'instances' of sasukes 'mental/moral decline' (that's probably too strong of a term.. what I mean is. These instances are meant for the readers to see sasuke slowly becoming unhinged.)
I think to put it simply, so long as sasuke 'attacks konoha' even if only their top government officials, that is a recipe for war and more violence and hatred and revenge. And what Naruto may not change his mind to support sasuke on this.
That's why naruto begs the raikage to not kill sasuke. BC he knows if the raikage were to kill sasuke, naruto would have to kill him back.. Naruto would fall into that cyclical nature of revenge as well..
So even tho Naruto is not particularly trying to protect the elders themselves, he would still disagree with the path of revenge.
BUT I must acknowledge that Naruto was never against sasukes revenge for itachi. He never tried to stop him from attacking Itachi. Vote1 was only about stopping him from getting power under /orochimaru/ who he feared would take sasukes body.
So point is, maybe Naruto wouldn't care about sasuke particularly getting revenge only on the ppl that wronged him and he'd back off.... But, I still feel that this would contradict the conclusion Naruto has come to following the waterfall scene and pein (basically to repress and deny revenge)
this is already getting too long but I wanna say, re: sasuke not trying to kill naruto'. That's a whole separate discussion BC that's not about revenge. That's about sasuke trying to be alone so he can be the sole source of hatred, and in turn unity for the rest of the world.
Naruto will always be against that, but I don't think Naruto conflates sasukes decision to 'be alone and his idea for hokage' with his decision to 'kill the elders'. I think both of those stem from separate motives so I'd have to address those separately.
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aerialflight · 3 years
Fic Rec (it's been too long and I read a whole lot of fics)
I've read so many fics these past couple of months and my need to share them to the world has seized me by the throat. Please enjoy and support these fanfic writers! They are the best. XD
Nine-Tailed Foxes are Dead by RowlettLesbian
Ship: Shikamaru/Naruto
For Konoha, it's been one month since the preliminary Chunin exams. For Naruto, it's been six. And he wasn't in Konoha.
At the end of his ordeal, Naruto walks into the Chunin Exam finals without his left arm.
Shikamaru is very concerned. And, eventually, very precious to Naruto as they work together to solve the mysteries of Konoha and bring kindness to the Shinobi world, one adventure at a time.
(I would die for this fic. I know the summary sounds doom and gloom but IT'S NOT. This fic made me fucking cry, I don't think I've ever read a fic that characterized Naruto so right. He's so full of hope and love and develops into the best version of himself and I'm so HERE FOR IT. And it's not just Naruto, Shikamaru is absolutely amazing here along with Kakashi and surprise surprise Ino, I can't BELIEVE it took me this long to stumble across this fic. Also THE WORLDBUILDING IS TO DIE FOR!!! And the plot! Is! So! Interesting! Just, everything about this fic is just amazing so please PLEASE read this!!!)
The End of the Uchiha by RowlettLesbian
Ship: Naruto/Sasuke
“I promise, little electric spirit of this shrine,” he whispered into the soft dirt and fallen leaves, “I will never gain the eyes. I will never pass them on. And I will make sure the eyes end in my brother, so that they can’t hurt anybody anymore. I will be the last Uchiha, and see to the end of the Copy-Wheel Clan. Then all of the hatred here can stop, and my family can rest peacefully. I promise, little shrine.”
Sasuke is more than his brother thinks he is. He's more than any Uchiha has ever been. He will kill his brother, but it will not be vengeance.
It will be mercy.
(Same author as the one above, they are the gift that keeps on giving. Seriously, HOW did I NEVER FIND THESE FICS before now??? One of life's greatest mysteries. The author's sense of humor is so on point here along with the atmospheric writing that's so vivid in the mind. Their writing style is so recognizable to me now and makes me fall into the world they're creating, it's stunning. Sasuke here makes me want to hug him and the idea of him living like a feral ghibli character has me LIVING. Check the tags of the fic, all of it is true, hand to god. Please give all of the author's fics a shot, it's a rabbit hole I'm thankful I fell into!)
mil fantasmas (gritan en calma) by LegaciesandMemories
Post-Tsukuyomi, something in Uchiha Sasuke's mind shatters. The same night, Yamanaka Ino falls asleep and doesn't wake up for 15 days.
In which Ino and Sasuke both wake from the aftermath of the Uchiha Massacre with the ability to see ghosts, and no one is prepared for the fallout.
(This fic has arrested my curiosity and eagerness to know what will happen next. These poor kids need so many hugs and Ino is getting the spotlight she deserves. I am so excited for this fic and what it has in store! Please read! XD)
Lichtenberg Figures by Asteroid_Duck (JustThatOneGirl1815)
Name: Kakashi Hatake Rank: Jounin Status: Missing Nin Missing Since: June 15th, 271 AD Note: Flee on Sight . . . Haburashi looked his team in the eyes— three, fresh out of the Academy genin— and resolved to teach them as best as he could. And right now, his lesson was simple: “Stay. Away. From. Kakashi. Hatake.”
(Dimension travel fic with a slice of Kakashi being an absolute troll and dealing with the shitty hand he's been dealt with. Seriously, the man has the worst luck in all of Konoha. Also, the mystery of the other Kakashi's history has me leaning by the edge of my seat, I need to know.)
The Governess by Ysmirel
Ship: Kakashi/OFC
"“What,” he finally asked, “is so funny?”
Ibara bit her lower lip to keep the chuckles in, still smiling and making absolutely no effort to get more space between them, seemingly perfectly at ease within reach of a trained shinobi. Her self-control wasn't all that good, as she ended up snorting and was overcame once again by another fit of laughter. “I just- It's just-” She struggled to speak, trying to catch her breath and wiping away tears of mirth with the hand that wasn't still holding onto his vest. Finally, she looked him in the eye and said, with a smile that was all teeth and without a hint of her previous drunken stupor, “and who's going to believe you?”
As he stood there, stunned by her words and change in demeanor, he realized with dawning horror that she was right."
In which Kakashi finds himself at the other end of the troll shtick, and he doesn't appreciate it all that much.
(It's so hard to find self-insert fics with a fresh concept these days, especially in the naruto fandom. Not that I don't enjoy and devour a lot of self insert fics like it's going out of style, but it's just so nice to find something new and shiny and really damn good. I'm so pumped for this fic and how it's going to develop so please join me in rooting for this fic!)
half a league (until the valley of death) by SpectersShadow117
Kakashi can think of no reason for Sasuke's inexplicable and drastic change in behavior. He doesn't like the desperate, haunted gleam in his student's eyes, and he also doesn't like the nagging feeling that he's missing something very important. Aka: Future Sasuke goes to Past Sasuke and gives him a reality check with Specific Intentions, but as with most Uchiha, his methods leave much to be desired. (Featuring: Childhood trauma FTW, Konoha's shitty care of orphans, and absolutely no one having a fun time.)
(Sasuke wanting to change the future out of complete and utter spite has me LIVING. Sasuke is such a Mess here and the twist on the time travel premise is so good and the kid is so Traumatized and Desperate and Not Having A Good Time. Naruto and Sakura developing as better ninjas and Kakashi trying his best makes me want to scream. Also, how Sasuke thinks about Itachi makes me want to cackle. I am 100% down for this. I am rooting for this kid, go get them! XD)
[Harry Potter]
fruit loops in time (circle around me) by justprompts
Ships: Harry/Draco, Remus/Sirius
"This is Crabbe, and Goyle," the blonde boy says, pointing at the two boys next to him. "And I'm Malfoy, Draco Ma - "
Ron laughs, and Malfoy immediately bristles.
"Think my name's funny, do you?" Malfoy says, angrily. "No need to ask yours - "
"You're honestly so cute," Ron interrupts, yet again, shaking his head. "So tiny. And so angry, all the time. It's adorable."
Alternatively Ron Weasley, Time Traveller Extraordinaire, is stuck in the same seven year Hogwarts Loop, repeating the same thing over and over again. Naturally, he's so done with everything.
(This is the greatest hp fic I've ever read. I LOVE RON WEASLEY and by the time you read this fic SO WILL YOU!! This is the fic I WISH I have the ability to write. I read this entire fic aloud to my brother and we spent literal hours howling and talking about how utterly insane and incredible this fic is, it's amazing. This is hands down my favorite Ron Weasley. You Can Pry This Fic From My Cold Dead Fingers.)
[Boku no Hero Academia]
Kacchan's Cult by Ourliazo
Pro Hero Ground Zero is attacked, originally meant to be de-aged out of existence by a desperate villain but is instead launched into his 14-year-old self.
But Katsuki is a fucking pro so whatever, time to fuck up someone's day. And sure, maybe he's only one man, but that's why he conscripts the entirety of the UA student body into tearing down some criminal empires.
(It's time travel, crack, and Bakugou being his usual explody, competent self. What more in life do you want? Seriously though, please read. I'm obsessed with this fic and having a Good Time!)
Cleaning Crew; Teaching Kids to Value their Safety, for Fun and Profit by Reavv
Takenaka Hideo is a thirty-two year old, in mild desperation for money, who has just been hired as a new janitor for UA's support staff. He has a quirk that lets him find lost objects, a liaison with the police because of it, and desperate desire for competent co-workers.
Oh, and he's already lived a previous life, in a world where quirks and heroes didn't even exist.
Not a big deal, though. It's not like you ever see the janitor playing a big part in action movies. He's here to get paid, and that's it.
On the opposite side of the equation, class 1-A has to wonder at the new UA cryptid that always seems to show up when things are on fire, and who keeps trying to convince them to let the adults handle the fire extinguisher.
(A great deal of fun packed into one fic. That is how I title this fic and nothing will change my mind! Hideo just wants to quietly do his job and not get in the way. I Relate. Please read!)
Poltergeist by WriterGreenReads
Class 1-A is haunted.
Well, not really.
I AM dead, though.
World's friendliest poltergeist, at your service.
(I don't know how I got so sucked into OC fics, but I found some fantastic fics along the way so I have no regrets. The author really tries to push the premise and I just love all the interactions and dynamics that form as the fic gets further in. And the OC character and all the hijinks they get up to cracks me up! At the same time, it's pretty heartwarming and it's practically a friendships galore fic! Definitely recommend it!)
invincible by supercrunch for Engrin
Ship: Bakugou/Midoriya
This is the way the world works: the sun rises in the east. The strong come out on top. Bakugou Katsuki rockets through life like a comet and Midoriya Izuku stumbles after. If he believed in such things Katsuki would say it was written in the stars. That some god of war had looked at him and said this one. That he’d been passed along a line to get his blessings – genius, willpower, fearless ambition – and dropped off on earth.
Then, of course, there is the question of Deku. The spitfire runt. Deku, no matter what the world does to him, never stops hoping.
Until, of course, he eventually does.
(Katsuki broke him. Snapped him in half like a twig and now has to scramble to put Deku back together. “We can do this, Deku," he says slowly. "There are so many mysteries that never got put to bed. Criminals roaming around looking to hurt people and you and me, we can fix that.”
There’s a long pause. The comforter slips a little off Deku’s skinny shoulders and drowns him. “You mean like a team?”
In that split second, Katsuki makes a decision he’s never even considered. He swallows his pride. “Yeah, Deku. We’d be a team.”)
(If there was any other way canon could've gone, this is the story I would've wanted. It's perfect.)
Inadvertent Wilderness Therapy by Cacid
Following an unfortunate encounter with a teleporter on the last day of internships, Bakugou Katsuki and Hakamata Tsunagu spend some quality time in northern Canada.
In no particular order they will: build ugly survival shelters, stalk rabbits, run from polar bears, reflect on the chemical composition of trees, insult each other, and complain about krumholtz.
(THESE TWO. TOGETHER. IN THE WILDERNESS. IN FUCKING CANADA OF ALL PLACES. I still can't believe this fic actually exists and just how INVESTED I became in their relationship. Blue Jeanist instantly became my favorite ranked hero with this fic alone. HIS SENSE OF HUMOR IS TERRIBLE, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH FNIEWOPAF. BAKUGOU DOES TOO. IT'S FUCKING INCREDIBLE. *incoherent screeching into the wild*)
[Stranger Things]
Baci D'aria by RabbitDarling
“Love is worth the sum of itself, and nothing more.” ― Alice Hoffman, Practical Magic
Steve learned a lot at his Aunt's side before she passed but his favourite thing she taught him was baci d'aria; special little spells that you created from the heart and put into the food you shared.
In opening his heart and gifts to those around him Steve slowly finds himself a family in a way he never thought he'd get to experience. One by One he collects pre-teens to trail in his wake like ducklings and Steve can't even refute it by the time he realizes what has happened.
(This fic is so soft and Steve is just collecting people and winning them over with his magical food (literally). I am always a sucker for heartwarming, good for the soul fics so if you want to make yourself hungry and feel all warm and gooey inside, read this!)
(Don't Fear) The Reaper by TeaFourTwo
Ship: Steve/Billy
He looks down at the blood on his hands and on the floor and wonders why the memory hasn’t broken yet, why he isn’t back in Starcourt mall with control of his body again, wonders if he's even still alive at all. Is this hell then? Or perhaps purgatory? It certainly isn’t heaven, that’s for sure. None of this makes any sense…but then what's new—nothing in Billy’s life makes sense anymore.
Billy laughs then, loud and long and unhinged. It's the only sound in the whole house, and it bounces off the walls like a fucked up echo, like the world is laughing with him.
“Jesus christ you’re insane…” It’s Max’s voice and it’s shaking. It only makes Billy laugh harder, because Max has it all wrong. Billy isn’t crazy, it’s the rest of the world that’s insane.
Billy dies a hero of sorts. He wakes up back in his bed on Saturday morning, the third of November, 1984...nearly nine months earlier.
(Billy is stuck in a time loop and it's slowly driving him crazy. And the fic shows just how much influence Billy did have in the plot and how doomed the world is without him in it. Great character exploration with Billy's character and all the ways he's so messy and human. Definitely recommend it!)
[Knives Out]
The Road Less Traveled By by UisceOneLove
Ship: Marta/Ransom
If Harlan wants to leave Ransom to be on his own, fine. He'll show him just what Ransom Drysdale is capable of.
or, where Ransom chooses to prove his abilities through means of the non-homicidal variety and finds himself becoming exactly what Harlan was hoping he would.
(I found this fic out of sheer chance and god, Ransom is just, so fascinating to me as a character. Marta of course is the Best here and I will forever stan her. Seriously, this is such a good fic! Please read!)
Sky Full of Stars by grilledsquids
The Hinatas are twins. They're practically identical.
But while Shouyou seeks out Karasuno's volleyball team to become the next Little Giant, Natsu is scouted to to play soccer for Shiratorizawa. While Shouyou sets his eyes on playing volleyball at the highest level possible, his sister wonders how much longer she can play soccer... and if it's worth it to keep going.
A Natsu-centric story featuring: Shiratorizawa VBC shenanigans, too many soccer OCs, mild teenage drama, a little bit of plot, and Semi Eita not knowing what a period is.
(It's just!! So cute and wholesome!!! The Shiratorizawa volleyball team is so fleshed out along with the OC characters for the girl's soccer team and I swear, it's been a long while since I've laughed this much at the sheer shenanigans that happen in a fic. It's surprisingly hard to find good gen fics in this fandom so finding this gem made me so happy! If you want a fic that brings a smile to your face, read this!!)
like water by speakingincode
Ship: Oikawa/Kageyama
“Oikawa,” Iwaizumi says, and when Tooru looks at him, he can read My best friend’s an idiot off the crease of his eyebrows. “Are you telling me you spent the last three years weirdly obsessed with Kageyama – I still remember the time you made us play him on a dumb whim, you know – and now you’re at his beck and call? Are you okay? What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I’m— I’m not at his beck and call! I said no last week. It’s… It’s like you said. I get bored easily. I saw him at the park a couple weeks after they played Nationals and called him a perfect little tyrant, and he pestered me into spending time with him after,” Tooru says. “I’m not a monster, Iwa-chan. If he wants the company of his cool, handsome ex-upperclassman that badly, who am I to begrudge him?”
Or: Oikawa doesn't know why Kageyama keeps asking to meet him on Saturdays. He also doesn't know why he keeps saying yes.
(The fact this fic is canon-compliant and covers post-canon too makes me want to shout to the heavens. Fucking incredible! One of the best Oikakage fics ever and it's a crime how it's not at the top of the ship tag. Please please read!!)
twist into your shape by kakkoweeb
Ship: Oikawa/Kageyama
The only thing better than sweets were sweets containing paper that told you whether your future would be good or bad--or in Kageyama and Oikawa's case, paper that somehow caused you to live inside each other's bodies.
(Everyone probably already read this fic but it needs to be said, you need to read this fic. How these two try and manage each other's lives and slowly start to care about one another is so beautiful and sincere and I am ready to wrestle anyone to the floor and comply them into reading this fic. Doesn't matter if you like the ship, you will become a fan if you read it, I promise. Please please read!!)
Take the Long Road Home by pepperfield
Ship: Kuroo/Sawamura
When Azumane Asahi goes missing before his engagement meeting with Kozume Kenma, what other option is there but for Daichi to impersonate his brother and fake his way through a first date with Asahi's fiance?
Okay, let's be realistic - there were probably at least four other options.
Unfortunately, Tetsurou couldn't come up with any of them either, so now he's here flirting with Kenma's future husband while trying to keep his web of deceit from collapsing.
It's going to be an eventful day.
(I got obsessed with this ship alongside Oikakage and SO WILL YOU. THE POTENTIAL. THE BANTER. THE FACT THEY'RE BOTH DORKS AND THE FIC HAS IDENTITY SHENANIGANS DANCING ALL OVER IT!! I had so much fun reading this and these two are MEANT TO BE FENIWPAF. If you don't see the potential of this ship, you will now.)
a misunderstanding a day keeps the boyfriend away by bartallen for betuls
Ship: Kuroo/Sawamura
Kuroo doesn’t fall in love hard and fast like many others do – he falls slowly, and very very softly. Most of the times he doesn’t even realise he’s in love with someone until it’s too late.
(Kuroo is the dumbest man alive and I've never related to someone so hard in my life. God help me.)
You like me. by roseknight
Ship: Daishou/Kuroo
Kuroo nearly lived a Daishou-free life, and sometimes he looked back and wondered how much better and how much worse that would've been.
(I didn't even know who Daishou was until I read this fic and now I can't unsee the potential this ship has. I'm a ruined woman and I regret NOTHING.)
Kings of the Road, Kings of the Universe by EzzyDean
Eight magical captains, one bus, an entire summer (and country) waiting for them.
What could possibly go wrong?
(The magic of friendship meets the magic of a summer road trip meets pure magic.)
宿縁 : See You Soon by MissKiraBlue
Ship: Oikawa/Kageyama
Upon arriving at the train station of death, an impure soul is granted a second chance at life against his will. Reincarnating into the body of Kageyama Tobio, a 15-year-old boy who recently committed suicide. Tobio's soul will depart at death and the soul needs to slip in to replace it. If the soul's reformation succeeds, he’ll reenter the cycle of rebirth and regain the right to be reborn. He will have three months to accomplish this task.
“Even though you had enough of life,” the soul whispered into the void of the room, “you were still afraid to hurt your hands, Tobio.”
Afraid of giving himself a scar, if he survived.
He touched his pulse and grasped life and couldn’t help but pity Kageyama Tobio.
"You wanted to die and now I’m here making you live again," he whispered into the night.
(I'm not even exaggerating when I say out of all the fics in this entire goddamn, too long list, this is the fic I'm anticipating and heart eyeing the most. It's only starting, but I already cried on chapter fucking 2, the power of this fic, holy shit. The author also wrote the hq time loop Every Tomorrows series, which I have an undying love for and am full on praying for the day it updates, so you KNOW this fic will be just as good. (Anybody who hasn't read this series, where the hell have you been?? Read it!!) Just, everything about this fic hurts me and something in my chest just aches when I read this fic. Go into it blind with an open heart and I swear to you, it's going to change your life. I'm already calling it. Seriously though, please please read!)
Learning to Fly by Asteroid_Duck (JustThatOneGirl1815)
Fandoms: Boku no Hero Academia, Naruto
The number three hero is a walking (well, flying) contradiction in every sense of the word. This includes his teaching skills. Why had Tokoyami agreed to this internship again? Oh right. He’d thought he was actually going to learn something. …….remind him to never be so optimistic again. . . . OR, Kakashi Hatake is reincarnated as the pro hero, Hawks. Tokoyami Fumikage suffers as a result.
(The reincarnation fic I never thought I needed and it's so good!! I've never really paid attention to Tokoyami and this fic sent me headfirst into loving him. Their dynamic is so interesting and I just love how their relationship develops. Also, Kakashi trolling the poor kid made me cackle, it's great! Definitely recommend it!)
Si Vis Pacem by athenoot
Fandoms: Boku no Hero Academia, John Wick
Everything has a price. That's what John has always known and will forever remember, even in death.
Which is pretty ironic considering his current circumstance.
Instead of a grown, scarred, weary body belonging to a man as cruel and broken as him, he's inhabiting a younger, smaller, unblemished one belonging to a child with strangely colored hair, and is living in what seems to be a superhuman society.
Well. May it never be said that John isn't a strategist. He can live with this. Maybe.
(Somewhere out there in the universe, he's certain he could hear the laughter of his enemies from beyond the grave.)
Or: John Wick is reincarnated as Midoriya Izuku. The world should probably watch its back.
(This should be one of the crackiest fics I've read in a while, but it's taken so seriously and I'm so HERE FOR THIS. John Wick being John Wick in a world of quirks and heroes is the GREATEST, honestly, he's so badass. Bakugou, I feel for you, you must be so fucking confused lol. Bakugou trying his best to be a good friend is one of the best things about this fic. Trust me, this fic will make your day, promise!)
A Girl's Mind is a Dangerous Place by clenastia
Fandoms: Naruto, Fairy Tail
Natsu wakes up in Sakura's body. It only gets worse from there. Also known as: In Which Natsu has No Idea what to do with Boobs.
(I binged this in two fucking days, I couldn't put it down. This fic reminded me why I liked fairy tail when I was younger and why Natsu is honestly such a great protagonist, god. And the fic does that thing, you know, the Thing where when two worlds collide, the characters struggle to acclimate and adapt to a completely another world with different rules and mindsets against their own. This fic is seriously one of the best when it comes to that aspect, it's incredible. I am going absolutely feral over here for this fic to update, I'm waiting in the wings, ready to pounce like a tiger, all the metaphors man. For the love of god, read this fic.)
Give me a landscape made of obstacles by Melise
Fandoms: Naruto, Natsume's Book of Friends
Kakashi Hatake isn’t who he says he is.
Because the truth is that he’s actually a youkai in disguise, a wolf spirit named Madara who stumbled across the Hatake clan during the Warring States Period. Intrigued by the shinobi he saw, he’d proposed a temporary alliance in which he would offer the clan protection in exchange for their teachings.
Decades later, Madara is surprised to find himself inadvertently summoned to Konoha by the last living member of the Hatake clan. Sakumo Hatake, who is mourning the recent deaths of his wife and stillborn child, doesn’t want to be alone anymore. So with his permission, Madara takes the place of Sakumo’s deceased son in order to watch over the last Hatake.
(Fusion in which the youkai of Natsume’s Book of Friends all exist in the Naruto world. No knowledge of Natsume’s Book of Friends required).
(Before this fic, I only had a very vague idea of what Natsume's Book of Friends was, and honestly, I still don't know much about it. But I didn't really need to know to get into this fic. I love the worldbuilding and the relationships Kakashi forms, both supernatural and mortal. I love how Kakashi's inhumane ways affect others around him, whether to stress them out or become used to the strange. You can go straight into this fic without knowing anything and absolutely still have a fantastic time. I definitely recommend this so please read!)
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uchihashisui-kun · 3 years
I tried going to bed but I just cannot stop thinking about a modern AU where magic exists, just like mythical beasts and things like that, but it's a rather rare thing and people who can use magic or are of another 'race' (werewolves, yokai, vampires, things like that) are mostly hunted, captured and killed
The Akatsuki is an underground organization of magical people and beasts who help each other run away and hide from normal humans and help each other keep their identities a secret, and as such are seen as a bad organization but they're so well-functioning and protective of each other that they very rarely get caught, and even if they do get caught they always have a backup plan and enough reinforcments to escape every time
Shisui is a ghost who used to be a wizard. One day he died, and somehow remained tethered to the living world. He knows the truth, of course, about his death and the reason why he remained behind, but every time someone asks him he changes story, so no one knows the truth about him. He has actually quite a lot of fun making things up, and sometimes his tales are just way too wild and unlikely to be true
Kakashi is a werewolf, not an original one but a cursed one, and every full moon he has to hide away so he does not transform with people around
Obito is a vampire, transformed against his will by Madara. He has lived long enough to have accepted the fact that he's not human anymore, and he has fun writing books about vampires with wildly innacurate facts so that no one will ever find out the truth
(No, they do not sparkle under the sun, and they do not burn either. Obito actually likes eating garlic quite a bit. His cousin Izuna prays and goes to Church every Sunday. Really humans, why are y'all so stupid as to believe all that romanticized crap)
Rin is a witch, and she's the one usually helping Kakashi during a full moon by keeping him in check with magic. She mostly works with natural energy, and she's a bit of a bookworm
Shisui and Obito are the original brains behind the Akatsuki. The two of them have been alive for quite some time and they've been helping people like them for almost a hundred years now
Kakashi has joined them shortly after being transformed, and he's been the one saving Rin from being captured by the humans, prompting her to join the Akatsuki as well
Gai is Kakashi's human boyfriend, and has absolutely no clue about the Akatsuki and Kakashi's play in it, nor about the fact that he's a werewolf, because Kakashi is afraid he might put Gai in danger if he tells him the truth
Itachi is a human as well, but, unlike Gai, he knows about the Akatsuki and works with other humans like him to help them. They're still a small fraction of the human population, the one supporting magical people and beasts, but they're slowly growing and Itachi's goal is to be able to create a society where humans and magical people can live together in harmony
Naruto is Iruka's adopted kitsune little brother. Of course, Iruka, who is a human, knows that Naruto is a kitsune, but he doesn't know about the Akatsuki so he does everything in his power to keep Naruto's powers a secret all alone. He's very much afraid of losing him, and he's ready to do everything he can to protect him
Sasuke is a werecat. He has never believed in magical people, mythical creatures and such, and Itachi has always been happy to keep him out of that side of reality, as ignorant and safe as he could be, but with adolescence, his body changing, all that teenager crap, it actually comes out that he took from his mother's side of the family
Not much is known about Mikoto, except that she supposedly died in an accident. Of course, it wasn't an accident, and Itachi has found out the truth about their mother some time ago. She was a werecat, not by curse but an original one, and killed for it
Itachi finds out the truth about Sasuke when Sasuke is thirteen-almost-fourteen. It's the first time his little brother transform, and Itachi panics just a tiny bit when it happens because he has in no way the means to take care of a situation like that, so the first instinct is to reach out to Rin and Obito who are used to dealing with Kakashi during those particular days
Because Itachi has no magic or way to contain his brother safely, Sasuke escapes to follow his instincts and almost gets caught before Obito and Rin can come and snatch him away to safety, but because people now know about him they need to keep him hidden with other creatures and people who live their lives in secret
Danzō is the one leading both ANBU and ROOT to take out every known magical person and mythical beast around, but there is irony in his position, since Danzō is a magical beast himself
Danzō, in fact, is a Bakaneko, a monster cat that has lived long enough to become a yokai, a master of shape-shifting and disguise, with the ability to also reanimate fresh corpses and use them as puppets for his own nefarious purposes
No one knows the truth about him anymore, all the people who once knew about it are long dead, and Danzō is also very careful about using his shape-shifting abilities to make himself age like a normal human would, even going as far as to having faked his own death multiple times during his long lifetime to then completely change identity and keep himself clear of any suspicion, and it's also very much unclear if Danzō's operatives are living people or reanimated puppets under his control
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liam-cadmus · 3 years
The clouds are no where to be seen against the dark blue sky, the stars and moon contrasting in a different color. Various shades  ranging from light blue to dark indigo blends together under the streetlights of the compound, the Uchiha insignia stitched to their backs. A faint light glows from the main house, four faint shadows seen through the shoji doors, silent against the bustling noise of children and adults hurrying to come home. The air in the dining room is tense, no tinkling laughs from the youngest nor the fond scolding of the mother to her sons’ mischievousness.  Mikoto Uchiha takes another bowl of miso soup to give her youngest, as Itachi’s chopsticks holds on to a piece of seared fish, Fugaku gulping down water. Sasuke thanks his mother for the bowl before leaning forwards, listening intently to his father’s story. “You need to avoid falling for a Uzumaki or a Nara,” Fugaku murmurs gently to his youngest, as Mikoto smiles. His big dark grey doe eyes stare at them, attention captivated and memorizing every word they spout. Silence descends on the table as he collects his bearings. He knows, that his parents married out of duty, for the clan. He was able to hear it when he passed Daisuke-oji in the clan market, making him question his parents. He later asked his parents, prompting them to explain the arranged marriage, the clan needing an appropriate wife for the clan heir, later on deciding on Mikoto. She would tell them how she missed doing missions, and his father telling stories about their battles as teens. Sasuke was angry at first, knowing that his parents didn’t marry out of love, but the more time he spent to wrap it around his head, made it easier to understand. His brother is always there to clarify it, and they would ask their parents if Itachi can’t explain. They always reassure them, that despite being in an arranged marriage, it doesn’t change the fact they both love them with their whole hearts. His parents try to be subtle in front of him, but he knows. Being an Uchiha makes it impossible to not see their longing gazes, their schooled features masking their pining, their desire to be with their true lovers. They don’t regret having them, always trying their best to shower them with love, that he appreciates. ‘I couldn’t love Fugaku at first. But I learned how, even if I like girls.’ Mikoto smiles at him, ‘Fugaku found a way to be the only exception, he became dear to my heart to the point that it would break my heart if I lose him.’ Despite being the second-born, he’s a prodigy in his own right, sharp senses and lightning fast reflexes. He can see his mother’s discreet glances when they walk through the village’s streets, always trailing after the bright red hair of his aunt Kushina. ‘I love her,’ she once murmured when she was tucking him to bed, his six-year-old brain not yet aware that she’s hinting at the hot-blooded jinchuuriki. The powerful kunoichi was able to take his mother’s heart, with her bright smiles and fierce personality, while his mother aches for hers.   His father, even if he rarely accompanies him, was too obvious for him to figure out. His eyes would soften when he sees Shikaku-san, his frowns lessening and replaced with faint smiles, his cold and distant expression disappearing. ‘Clan heirs rarely get to marry another, after all, they are there to serve for the best of their clan.’ He follows his father’s gaze, seated beside him on the porch as the sun sets, ‘It’s hard to oppose the clan for your own desire. Clan heirships can be passed to the second-born, although, Itachi already took it. So promise me Sasuke, fight for whoever you fall in love with.’ He stares at his parents grim expressions in front of him, the names Shikamaru and Naruto unspoken, their gazes heavy on his shoulders. He breathes out heavily before nodding. “I’ll try not to.” he ducks his head, as Mikoto sighs at him, before deft fingers ruffle his hair. “You don’t have to force yourself not to. As long as you try.”  They���re only looking out for him, Naruto being the only heir of Uzumaki and Shikamaru as the only child of the Clan Head.  Mikoto claps her hands, before Itachi huffs in amusement, as they start cleaning the table. He wanders to his mother’s side, helping her with the dishes, earning him a fond laugh. Fugaku rolls his eyes before leaning on the doorway of the kitchen, watching the matriarch piles the plates on the sink as Itachi and Sasuke splashes each other with suds and water.  He was 8 years old when his cousin was rescued by Tsume Inuzuka in the river barely breathing, one of his sockets empty.  He was turning 9 when he arrives in their house with his parents were killed in front of his eyes, his Sharingan activating in his horror, the vision being imprinted in his mind with clarity, while his vision blurs with tears. He screams when his parents drop dead in front of him as the hooded figure runs out the window, scrambling to keep his parents alive. He cauterizes their wounds, trying to stall their death as his hands get covered in his parents’ blood. His chakra spiked hard, being sensed throughout the village as Itachi runs full-speed to the compound, Kakashi on his tail as they both sensed the abrupt spike. It was two weeks before his birthday when he is looking blankly at the white wall in front of him, dried blood flaking off his fingers as Itachi paces in front of them, his masked ANBU teammates murmuring faintly by the door. He doesn’t spare a glance when the door opens in haste as he stares intently at the sparkling marble of the floor, the memory repeatedly showing up in the forefront of his mind.  His brother was unapproachable, jumbled thoughts and distracted, while he’s detached, unresponsive as Minato shakes him out of his stupor, worried blue eyes staring back at him. “Sasuke, calm down, deep breaths. Focus on my breaths.” he follows his uncle’s breathing, the exaggerated breaths and counting making it easier to follow, as Kushina wipes off the blood on his trembling hands. He leans back on the chair, trying to calm down his pounding heart, as Kushina soothes him, kissing his temple. Itachi is being held by Hound, his brother still against the arms wrapped around his shoulders. Kushina tucks his head under her chin as she rubs his back, the Uchiha in her lap feeling numb. Shikaku burst open the doors as the medical-nin walks out with a grim expression, “We tried to stabilize and resuscitate. Unfortunately, they have passed away.”  Sasuke’s blood runs cold, as he chokes on a breath, staring down on his shaking hands. Itachi falters, staggering to his brother as Sasuke climbs on his lap, crying. He schools hisi features to hide his grief while he comforts his brother, burying his tear-stricken face in his Sasuke’s unruly hair.  He was nine-years-old when he blows bright red flames beside Itachi on the pyre, clouded onyx eyes watching the flickering flame. He doesn’t have anymore tears to shed as clan members kneel around them, making him lean on his brother on support as they let their hands drop, standing there until the flames turns to ember. “You need to avoid falling for a Uzumaki or a Nara.” he distantly remembers as he walks alongside Itachi back to the house, ignoring their sopping wet clothes. Sasuke links his fingers under his chin, averting his eyes to the window to hide his pained eyes. His knuckles turn white as he senses two males settle beside him, staying quiet and reserved as Naruto talks loudly with Shikamaru, watching them from the corner of his eyes. He hides the twitch of his lips as Naruto plans the prank on their sensei, Shikamaru scolding the blond for even attempting the ridiculous idea.  The door opens, making him glance at it tiredly, only to see Kakashi. He clenches his eyes shut, before following them out the door. You need to avoid falling for a Uzumaki or a Nara. He chuckles deprecatingly, hopefully it doesn’t resort to that. Part 2 of this AU Part 3 of this AU
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kakashiofkonoha · 3 years
With the ask of the fake-dating nejisasu on their anti-facist movement:
How did the Sakura, Tenten, Lee and Naruto react? I bet they were the ones who started the rumors as they followed their team-mates, saw them together and were like: omg!! Neji is smiling!! Sasuke is laughing!! This is def a date!!!!
If Itachi is still there (he didn't kill the clan after all) how did he react???
And Gai and Kakashi are being little shits on the background I suppose.....
first part of the nejisasu fake dating au here
Since Neji and Sasuke are fake dating to piss off their clans, they would want their first "coming out", so to speak, to be as publicly as possible. As provocative as possible.
They would start the rumors themselves.
Let's admit it, they are both absolute drama queens. Always have been. So they would give them all a show.
Cut to a festival in konoha. Everyone is wearing their best yukatas and formal clothing. And Neji and Sasuke? They go all out. Absolute eye candy. The fangirls are fainting, half the guys are questioning their sexuality.
So Neji and Sasuke appear, and everyone is staring because hot damn!
But then, wait a minute- is Sasuke holding onto nejis arm? what about the tender looks? is this ... is this a date ?!?!
The rumor mill is spinning so hard, people are getting dizzy. One half of the fangirls emits killer intent, the other half is taking pictures.
And then- the music plays. Couples start to move towards the center of the square, starting to dance.
Uchiha don't dance. Hyuuga don't dance. It's not proper. Absolutely unthinkable. It just isn't done.
So everyone's jaws absolutely hit the floor with a loud crash when Neji offers his hand to Sasuke with an elaborate flourish - all very gallant- and Sasuke smiles gracefully, angelically even, and together they float to the dancefloor. Under the wide eyes of the whole village, they glide between the dancing couples in a mesmerizing display.
Internally, of course, Sasuke is clenching his teeth just to keep from laughing hysterically.This is the funniest thing he has ever done in his life!! And god, he is enjoying himself immensely. He always wanted to dance at the festival, but was never allowed.
Neji, on the other hand, is nearly shaking with nerves, because when he gets back home, there will be hell to pay. And he knows. So he tries to salvage this moment for as long as he can. Tries to hold on to it.
And how do their friends and senseis react ?
Lee is crying waterfalls. Loudly. One could say embarrassingly, but that's just lee for you. It's all so ROMANTIC AND YOUTHFUL.
Gai is in full supportive parent mode. He has so much advice to give to Neji. So many date ideas, gift ideas, and oh, maybe they could do a romantic challenge together and-
Tenten doesn't buy it for a second. She knows Neji. Neji is dancing like he's going to war. And well, if this is the way he wants to start shit with his family, then by all rights he is. So tenten resolves that she will do everything she can to support Neji.
Sakura and Naruto both have a crush on Sasuke.
Only that Naruto doesn't know- he's oblivious like that. So he's just very confused. Shouldn't he be happy for his friend? Shouldn't he be jumping around and cheering Sasuke on from the sidelines right now? Then why does he feel so .... empty?and hurt?
Sakura, meanwhile, is frothing at the mouth. Ohh, the wrath of a scorned woman...
Of course, Ino sees this as the perfect opportunity to step in and drag Sakura to the dance floor. Maybe now she will finally see what is right in front of her.
Kakashi is laughing his ass off. Just look at Fugaku's face! HAH! ohhh this is so funny. He promptly starts going around, telling people completely made up stories and starting as many rumors as he can:
"ahh yes, their first kiss was actually at the waterfalls, can you believe-"
"No, it was sasuke who confessed first, he actually got down on one knee, just imagine-"
"they have been meeting in secret for almost a month now, if their families found out -"
And Itachi?
ohhhh boy. Full protective brother mode. His eyes are itching like hell because he has to suppress his sharingan from coming out. He will have to do a thorough background check on Neji. Review all his past missions. Maybe he can get his hands on his psych-file, even.
Secretly though, he just hopes that Neji is the one that can make his baby brother happy. If he is, Itachi will gladly welcome him into the family.
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feralcherry · 4 years
Naruto takes that might enrage you (girl addition)
Warning, some of these takes might enrage you- that’s fine.
Fillers don’t count as canon, don’t even bring them up if you talk about this post lol. Also it’s been a while since I’ve seen the whole series, so some of these might be disproven as I continue with my rewatch. The excuse that Shounen is for boys is also very weak and holds no weight, as tons of girls (and nonbinary folk) relate to the characters in this show, so that doesn’t excuse Kishimoto for his weak writing of women.
To preface, I love this show. Love it to pieces. It was part of my childhood and holds a very special place in my heart. But there are some things I personally don’t like or wish could have been done better. I love every character and will go blue in the face talking about how much I still love this show. That doesn’t free it from my criticism. I’m also only listing what I don’t like and what I would change, though I’d be more than happy making a post about what I loved.
Let’s start off with my girl Sakura Haruno. She is easily the most hated girl in the series, and all because of how ‘weak’ or ‘annoying’ she is. As if that’s not the fault of Kishimoto himself lol. She was shoved off to the side continuously and never given cool storylines, unlike the other members of her team.
What I took issue with about Sakura:
-What were this girls dreams?? The whole reason she became a ninja was never really talked about nor were they really developed as time went on. She was all about Sasuke, which would be fine if she grew out of it. But no. 
-Her crush on Sasuke was super stale. He was handsome and powerful, but what else was there to him? He was a jerk to her most of the time (there are some instances he’s somewhat kind to her, but if we go off canon, it’s not enough to make her deep love make sense). I think it would have been so much more interesting to see her grow out of her infatuation for him. If they had to have ended up together, watching them relearn each other and fall in love would have made them more compelling. She stayed loving a boy who thought very little of her. 
-She’s pitted against her best friend and doesn’t develop much of a relationship with other girls her age. It’s kind of sad, and I think they should have fought over something other than a boy. 
-We are told repeatedly that she’s super powerful by other characters, but she’s never given time to truly shine. She got like a single battle with Sasori and she deserved more cool moments like that!
-She was a healer, which makes perfect sense. But why is it mostly girls who are the healers? It’s a bit weird, when there’s also Neji with his perfect chakra control. She only has her healing abilities and her super strength; but even then someone like Kabuto has more offensive healing based techniques than her. Like his chakra scalpel. 
What I would fix:
-New dreams. Show her find a dream outside of her team and grow into it. Also give her more of a backstory. Sai has more of a backstory than she does and he’s way newer than she is.
-I would let her fuck up one of the Peins instead of Konohomaru- she’s a main character and passed over for that little brat?? She should have gotten to do more than scream out for Naruto and heal people :/ 
-She her intellect a bit more. She’s so smart, and yet we don’t really see it.
-She’s perfect for genjutsu, Kakashi himself said so. So why not give that to her? Or play more with ninjutsu. She has earth and water on her chart, so why not give her those abilities? Maybe even wood jutsu to even her out with her super OP teammates. Idk how, it could have happened, this is a show full of demons and god like abilities, it could have happened someway.
-She should have grown out of Sasuke and not married a man who doesn’t really appreciate her and isn’t there for her at all.
-I would totally have expanded on Inner Sakura more. Imagine if it made her mind impenetrable? Could have woven that in with her skills for genjutsu and made her unaffected by other’s illusions.
Next, let’s go with a more beloved character of the fandom. Hinata. Now personally I don’t care much for her- she could have been so cool but just like Sakura, they kind of messed her up.
What I didn’t like about Hinata:
-Her entire existence is revolves around Naruto. Naruto this, Naruto that- and yet she simply sat back and watched as his life was shit and did nothing despite her ‘love’ for him. And then fillers/movies are added to show that oh wait! she’s been there this entire time!! no lol. Build her up from the start as his love interest at the very least.
-She stayed super meek the entire time. Shy girls are okay, but I wanted to see her grow into herself more and not need as much reassurance. She’s a ninja and should stand on her own two feet more.
-She’s less skilled then Neji and I would have loved to see her outmatch him at some point, even once. Or gain abilities outside of her clan, or do something that made a name for herself outside of being the heiress of the Hyuga.
-She never fixed her clan which was one of her few spoken goals. That was a huge bummer.
-I think it would have been cool to see her mess up Pein a little more. She only stepped in because it was Naruto, which reinforces that she’s only about him. But at least let her land a hit if she’s as powerful as people say she is. 
-She makes the most sense to be a housewife or a healer with the way her attitude is but in Boruto, she’s kind of rewritten to be a ‘scary’ mother which just doesn’t fit her. Plus, she tells Boruto to go and take care of his dad?? Bro, that’s your child and your husband is the hokage. 
What I’d fix:
-Prove her dad wrong and show him that her compassion isn’t a weakness but a strength. 
-Fix the Hyuga clan bs.
-More character growth and showing more of her life away from Naruto. Her romance with him could also have been better. I hated her always watching him but never standing up for him, it kills me.
-Neij dying for her proved their clans hierarchy bs to be right and it just doesn’t make sense for him to die for her. It showed that he was right to feel caged and that he simply existed for the benefit of the Main family.
Now with the others, there’s much less I have to say about them because they aren’t main characters or the love interests.
-Jealous of Sakura, no dreams of her own, stupidly loves Sasuke and for what? WHAT’S SO COOL ABOUT HIM?
-I like her growth for the most part, it was cool watching her fight in the War Arc with her team. 
-Why is she the medical ninja? I never got that.
-She got with Sai but they didn’t really show their development and how they fell in love with each other. It’s like she only likes him because he looks like Sasuke and called her pretty once.
-Should have gotten to train with Tsunade at some point, since she was the one who originally idolized her. 
-We know nothing about this girl at all. She doesn’t even have a last name.
-Her weapon usage was meant to be so cool and yet she missed so often- there’s a disconnect there. Her abilities could have been built up more. Imagine if no matter what she never ever missed. That would have been cool.
-Her weapon shop isn’t doing well. Just because it’s an era of peace doesn’t mean the need for weapons is totally over, not if there are still active ninja??
-I actually like her, she’s kind of funny and I like that she’s mean even if she can get annoying.
-Again, another healer, though she’s also sensory which is more interesting. I’d like to see her with some jutsus though. That would have been neat.
-Her love for Sasuke makes sense since he saved her and smiled at her, making her think of him as her hero. And she’s the only one he apologizes to without Naruto strong arming him into it.
-She’s pretty solid in my opinion. Though I would have loved to see her more without her brothers.
-Her goals in life were to support Yahiko and Nagito’s dreams. It would irritate me so much if other girls in the series were more well rounded and din’t also have some sort of dream involving a boy.
-She was underused. I would have loved to see her fight more.
-Only becomes hokage to support others dreams...All of them men. And then later passes the title onto Kakashi who doesn’t even want to be Hokage either. 
-No other justus used, she’s on par with Jiraya and Orochimaru and yet she’s only super strong and the best medic. She should theoretically be more well rounded than that, right? She also should be shown fighting more even if she’s a medic, she’s also s legendary sannin 
-Had to be saved by 12 year old Naruto. I know it’s a show about him, but she’s meant to be a literal badass but needs a kid to save her.
-Wanted to become the first woman hokage and then didn’t. Her husband did. and then she became a housewife?? What?? She should have become the first woman hokage with a badass husband or had another prominent role in the village like as a council member or something.
-Always lost a fight? She’s some genjutsu using badass but always lost fights.
-No real personality, she’s just chilling there. Sexy as hell though. Has a kid and that’s about it.
-What I will give her is that I’m so glad she was allowed to age. So many anime mothers always look the same as their teenage self and she looks like she can be anybody's mama.
Over all, the girls could have been handled much better. I wouldn’t find issues with any of them being housewives or all about boys if that weren’t what seems to be the standard in the anime. I just wanted more of a variety and better character development, especially for Sakura and Hinata who are the mains 😩
Now to what might REALLY piss people off- ships! I’m not trying to start some war here, this is just my opinion and you can take it or leave it.
Sakura- Naruto, since they had the most development and showed more than two seconds of caring for each other. Even Sai in Shippuden has more of a connection to Sakura than Sasuke did.
Ino-Shikamaru, if she had to end up with a guy it makes sense it’d be him since they spend more time together than her and Sai did. (inosaku for the win tho)
Hinata-Shino or Kiba, again, because they spent more time with her. Naruto and her felt very rushed and I don’t quite understand the appeal.
The one that made the most sense and became canon was Shikatem, though their son’s design was lazy :D 
If I do a second part, it’ll be about the boys and the ships with them that made sense to me. For now, this is all I have. If you’ve made it this far, thank you lol
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bitchiha · 4 years
Oh my goodness!! I just saw your hc for the pregnant s/o for Sasuke, Hashi, and Madara, and it’s so good 🥺💕 Can you please do the same one for Itachi, Kakashi, and Shikamaru, too? 🙏🏼🙊
A/n: Ahhh!! Thank you!! I’m sending you some virtual hugs and a virtual kith <3 also if you search masterlist on my profile you can read some pregnancy hcs I did for Itachi previously!
✎ Itachi, Kakashi and Shika w a Pregnant S/O!
Itachi Uchiha
I previously did some HCs for itachi and a few others so I’ve linked it there for you! Just click on his name and it’ll take you to the post :)
Kakashi Hatake
Tumblr media
He’s excited asf tbh. I also don’t think he’ll be very nervous at first.
I mean like he’s put up with Team 7, one of them being a knuckle headed Jinchuuriki, another being a girl who constantly punches knucklehead and pines after Sasuke, a leaf ninja who happen to go rouge and join the Akatsuki and also planned to destroy and kill everyone in the Leaf. So a baby seems like a walk in the park at first.
He tells Team 7 like right after he hears the news.
You probably won’t tag along because your tried asf and Kakashi just smothered you in hugs and kisses.
They’ll be hyped asf and expect a lot of support from then and also Gai too, but Gai will probably just cry a lot tbh.
“My rival! Oh Kakashi! Y/n! You’re having a child! The power of youth is strong!!!!!!”
He may not have a clue how to handle a lot of pregnancy struggles your having but.. he’s a good problem solver.
When you start craving weird stuff he’ll tease you for it 100%, but he’ll also remember your mood swings and have to backtrack some of his comments.
He’ll help you make some of the weird cravings and will be more than willing to run to the store to pick up ingredients if you two don’t have any. You’re carrying his baby after all, like if the shawty wants pickles and Nutella, he’ll get you pickles and Nutella. Don’t think he won’t force you to eat healthy meals too though because he’ll be a huge pest about it.
The mood swings are so amusing to him. Like one second you wanna shred him up into pieces and the next your slobbering kisses all over him. He knows you’re not gonna do anything rash and brushes off your outbursts, he’s the most tolerant person when it comes to that stage tbh
Definitely summons Pakuun and the other ninja hounds to watch you while he’s out doing some ninja business for a few hours. If he’s gonna be gone for a while he will bring you to Sakura’s or at least make her check up on you regularly while the ninja hounds watch you.
He’s not usually super over protective, but if it’s coming down to his s/o and his child he will go full mama bear mode. Don’t try him <3 he will end anyone who wants to mess w you
So fucking happy when the baby bump starts growing. Like I said before in a diff head canon, Kakashi is a slut for cuddles, so expect him to rest his hands gently on the baby bump when you cuddle.
When you start getting super affectionate with him he’s all ears. You spend a lot of time in your apartment together because you need rest, so if you wanna cuddle all day he will not complain. It’s like heaven to him.
Shikamaru Nara
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He’s the type to be shook asf at first tbh. Like he’s definitely happy but very shook. Then once it sinks in he’s all chill again.
Tells Ino and Choji first and they’re actually super helpful. Ino will buy the best maternity clothes for you and she’ll also buy the best baby clothes. Your child will be the best dressed, next to hers of course. Choji will come in handy w the food cravings. We will come back to that
Also he probably tells Kurenai next, obviously she will be the most helpful because she’s had the most experience w this kind of stuff. Then of course he’ll pay asumas grave a visit and tell him too.
At first he’d be nervous, but the more he thought about it the more he realized that the two of you will have so much support and help. So really he’d end up being the one to calm your nerves.
He’s also so good at handling your mood swings. It will take some time though. Like the first time you were yelling at him about something he’ll say “what a drag” and then you deadass just start crying and he’s like???
He’s so prepared the second time around though. Like you wanna try and toss the shoe that he left in the middle of the floor at him because he’s a lazy fuck? well, he just shadow possession justus your ass. Then he’ll make you sit on the couch and watch tv. At first you’ll be yelling and trying to reject his jutsu but then he turns to your favourite channel and you’re all like “Shika!! I’m gonna strangle you for this- oh hey, it’s my favourite show!”
Probably ends up being able to talk you out of a hysterical tempered moment or a crying one. Like idk how, but he’s real good at that. It takes a little while, but once he gets the hang of it, it makes everything so much easier.
He will 10/10 bring Choji over when you start having weird food cravings. I feel like choji would be happy to try some of the weird ideas you have in mind. This way Shika won’t be the one who has to eat with you. There is no way he would ever actually eat salad with whip cream or whatever other weird craving you had. So if Choji is more than willing, then be his guest.
When the bump starts to grow he would be so happy. Like everytime his eyes go over it he can’t help but smile to himself. He’ll start to get more affectionate with you the more it starts growing tbh.
Like you’re the one whose supposed to get clingy and affectionate the further into the process but.. he’s initiating a lot of the affection. Like just the thought of you carrying his baby is enough to make him feel all happy and warm. Probably kisses the top of the bump every so often.
I think he’s not as overprotective as the other boys just because he’s a bit more reasonable than them. At the beginning of your pregnancy he’d let you go out on your own, but once it’s nearing the last few months to the due date he’ll take the initiative to come with you on walks and pick up up or drop you off from your friends house, etc. 
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char-lotteral · 3 years
I would've liked if the last was structured different. The story stays the same but it's different. Here me out :
the movie could've opened up with Naruto randomly thinking about his life because he's not the kid people used to hate. Then he remembers the comrades he made along the way. You can still have him acknowledge his crush on Sakura and have him question the crush. Then have him remembering people who supported him first like jiraya etc. Then BOOM have him remember his conversations with Hinata. Not the Haha funny moments but the one that have meaning. Like when he told neji he was going to make him pay. Have him question his moments with Hinata. Have him wondering if there are maybe possibly other reasons why she was always there 4 him. The story plays the same way of course. Toneri kidnaps hanabi bla bla bla. They go on a mission bla bla bla. They save the world bla bla bla.
I think if it begun that way, it would've been more natural with Naruto's perspective. Like we could still Hinata's perspective too but it would be better. I seriously thought that's how they would tell The Last. I mean it's so obvious and easy 👀.
me too!! What I would have preferred is if they began the show with moments after the war or scenes when they were 17-18 yrs old. Scenes from the blank period, how most fans would name it. I mean, it was canonically mentioned that they did in fact grow closer after the war so why not show those scenes where Naruto ever so slowly grows more fond of Hinata? Imo, the game protrayed those blank period scenes really well. They were cute as heck so i recommend watching them
I understand what the movie was going for, I really do. I get that Naruto didnt fall in love with Hinata, he realized he was in love. But the way they executed it made it seem like he only fell for her because "oh wow! she likes me?! dang i think i kinda like her too"
Instead of the flashbacks about their childhood, the movie starts off with a scene immediately after the war where Nart lost his arm after the fight and Hinata comes running to him and Naruto is so relieved to see she's alright because he was worried as heck for her when he heard her call in the midst of the Tsukuyomi attack
Fast forward, maybe a short clip of Hinata taking care of Nart when he was armless. Then montages of them gradually hanging out together, Sakura teasing him, Kakashi forcing them to go on missions together, them having ramen dates but theyre not really dates. They couldve fit all of that in 20 minutes or so, like??? gAAhhHH
I also had this scene in mind where they went out on a mission together but there was a snow storm and they got trapped in an abandoned cave. They bond more, Naruto eats her bentos and he's all like. "Your bentos taste so good! Who taught you how to cook?" and she replies sadly "My mother" she then traces back to her memories of her mom, how she taught her to cook, how she'd prepare snacks and bentos for her and Hanabi, because for some fucking reason she wasnt mentioned in the series and Nart is like "Yknow, Ive actually met my mom once, but I wouldnt know what a mom would do with her kids." And they confide in each other about the loss of their mothers, he gushes about how he wished he had his mom's hair color, and THATS where Hinata gets the idea of knitting him a red scarf, the same color as his mother's hair. Genius? I know.
Its just, they have sooo much in common, theyre actually a lot similar if you think about it, which makes their dynamic all the more heartwarming! Hinata would know the giref of not having a mother growing up, the feeling of being ostricized by the people around you, the lonely childhood they had to go through. Theyre both the kindest and most empathetic people on the show!! I mean, theyre complete opposites but they are so much alike. You get me??
Maybe Hinata wouldnt understand the full extent of his pain BUT she would definitely understand the feeling of being shunned and ignored by the people around her. She would know what being inivisible would feel like and I'd like to think they talk about that with each other in their down time :,))
The storm is gone and then Nart is like "Hey, after this, wanna visit Neji together?" then she smiles and nods and next scene~
If they started off with that, it wouldve established to the audience that they indeed grew closer after the war and it would also explain Hinata's more comfortable atmosphere around Nart. Maybe then it wouldnt seem all too out of the blue
I also wished they talked about Naruto's crush with Sakura and how he moved on. I think I kinda get what she meant by "You only liked me because of your rivalry with Sasuke right?" The way I see it, Naruto always vied for attention as a kid, he has this sort of hero complex, always on top, always the one to get the prettiest girl. To which the prettiest girl in class was Sak. Which explains the whole rivalry thing.
I actually have some thoughts about his feelings for Sak and how it was completely different with his love for Hinata but its kinda long so hehe, if youre interested, my asks are open ;D
Then the whole Hyuga/Otsutsuki drama starts. Hanabi gets kidnapped blabla Shikamaru team blabla AND NOW THE GENJUTSU WAHH
Theyd replay the scene where Kushina jumps in front of Naruto just when he was about to be killed by Kurama and match it with Hinata jumping in front of Pain. Then Kushina's words "Find someone just like me" would be repeated over and over again
Hinata's I love you and put it side by side with Kushina's I love you
The red scarf with Kushina's scarf.
Their infinite love for Nart. AaAAAAAAAA THE POSSIBILITIES!!!!!!!
And by the end of the genjutsu scene, Kushina would hug him for the last time and ask him with loving eyes,
"Have you found her yet? Becuase I think you might already have."
Aand then everything after that stays the same ig. Except for that cage scene. I freaking hated that.
dont get me wrong i LOVE the movie but I have all the right to critique it and give it my two cents while also being a very big slut for Narhina :DDDD
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leportraitducadavre · 4 years
I know your fan of Kakashi ( I’m former fan of his), but honestly after given a a lot of thought, Kakashi is bad person. Mind there are a lot of characters that I like who are bad people ( certain ones out right evil that I like), but Kakashi is presented as someone heroic and righteous, but his actions and willful ignorance to Konoha corruption say other wise.
Well, stating that I’m a fan now would be inaccurate, the more I age the more I’m able to see how hypocritical and mainly badly written the character of Kakashi was. I can’t understand how a character canonically presented as genius wasn’t able to win a single fight on his own -when he went against Zabuza he had to be saved by his students the first time, and only defeated him because he was able to live thanks to his gënin-. He was praised for being able to control de Sharingan of Obito, which is a feat also replicated by Danzo who controlled more than one Sharingan, including the MS of Shisui (which, alright, he did so by using Hashirama’s cells, but that doesn’t diminish the accomplishment). Granted, Danzo was also pretty exceptional, but what will Kakashi do, who will he even be without Obito’s sacrifice? I’m not diminishing the work it took to control it, but after that… what?
His name “Kakashi Hatake Copy-ninja” was given to him after he received and was able to control de Sharingan Obito gave him, he depended on the kindness of his teammate both to survive (Obito died saving Kakashi) and to achieve international status. Hadn’t Obito awoken that Sharingan, or later on, activated the MS, I’m not sure we’ll see much of that “greatness”. Remember, it wasn’t Kakashi’s feat to activate the MS on Obito’s eye, it was fucking Obito, it isn’t “they activated it at the same time” it was OBITO who was still connected to his eye, Kakashi doesn’t have Uchiha blood as to survive Tsukuyomi, why would he be able then to freaking awake the MS? And so close after he received it? He isn’t even able to deactivate it! That’s why he’s forced to hide it! Sure, there’s no canon panel that states “Kakashi wasn’t the one who activated it”, but is an assumption pretty easy to make. If I’m mistaken, then feel free to send me the panel contradicting me. If there isn’t and you have still doubts, then blame on stupid writing, Kishimoto was shitty when it came to Kakashi’s character, so I’m not surprised if he just did that to give drama to the scene -fucking stupid. A huge portion of his fandom is more willing to believe that Kishimoto’s writing sucks than to give one of Kakashi’s “achievements” to Obito. Hilarious.
Kakashi was considered a prodigy before, alright, point taken; during the war -when we are introduced to his character- he did absolutely nothing but been used as a punching bag and to lose an eye. He had to be saved by Obito (who was considered an inferior ninja) and Minato. Obito’s Sharingan was the only thing that saved him from dying by Itachi’s Tsukuyomi, and even that can be argued because Itachi didn’t use the full technique, only forcing him into a coma. He did create the Chidori and Raikiri, great techniques that were ultimately evolved by Sasuke after a few years using them, while Kakashi kept them in the exact original form he created them after decades.
I read people that stated that Kakashi wasn’t a genius by his physical abilities but his mind and, honestly, give me a break. The first time he fought in the manga he did it while standing on water… against a ninja from Mist, do you see the logic in there? No, you don’t, because it was pretty stupid. Even his whole “I don’t give a fuck” personality that fans love is his way to tribute Obito, until his teammate’s death, he was a completely different person altogether.
He humiliated and downgraded Sasuke for wanting to seek revenge for his clan, but went with Team 10 when they wanted to avenge Asuma’s death, even Tsunade, who seemed so adamant about stopping people from getting their so desired revenge, supports Naruto when he wants to hunt down Pein after he killed Jiraiya. The man told Sasuke that he couldn’t relate to him because everyone he loved was already dead, what the hell does that mean? Sasuke’s family was slaughtered but he should get over it? If Kakashi doesn’t have anyone he loves, will he encourage his student to become as lonely as he is? What for? To have a buddy to read Icha Icha with? And the nerve he has to still believing he knows Sasuke or what he needs during the war, two years after their last conversation, pushing him towards a girl that cares nothing for Sasuke’s actual desires, “well I wasn’t able to make you an exact copy of me so maybe if I bring with me a pair of willing open legs for you, I’ll be able to control you again”. Really Kakashi? REALLY?
The hypocrisy of his characterization is abysmal, but surprisingly I don’t hate him much for it, but his fandom is pretty unwilling to see his flaws, at best, Kakashi is a “genius” as far as an average shinobi could go, even Obito (who for some reason is considered the weaker Uchiha, and weaker than Kakashi -the nerve-) can mop the floor with him.
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