#so January coded!
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frostedmagnolias · 2 months ago
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c. 1900
Grand Rapids Public Museum
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strawberriexmoon · 1 month ago
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why-the-heck-not · 2 months ago
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maybe maybe a mistake taking astronomy; idk why I thought I'd suddenly be a physics mastermind just bc I have more motivation for it now. It's the first week and I have no actual clue what I'm doing (or more accurately: should be doing. Mostly so far it's been lots of staring and muttering of "what the fuck" in regular intervals)
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icantalk710 · 1 month ago
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Two weeks later and it somehow did not occur to me to post the new haircut--i still get my powers restored right 🥺
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 9 months ago
Danganronpa × RAIN CODE Crossover ①
Yuma and Shinigami meet the Danganronpa characters for the first time. (In this manga, only the protagonist of DR2 appears.)
*This may not make much sense to non-Japanese speakers, so there is an explanation at the end.
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Background information: There are four different ways to read the name "日向", the most common being "Hinata", but there are also the readings "Hyuga", "Himukai", and "Himuka". Also, the character "創" is generally read as "Sou", and the reading "Hajime" is a special reading that is only used for people's names. So it is generally difficult to read this name correctly without clues. The reason why Shinigami was disappointed is that Hinata Hajime sounds much softer than Hyuga Sou, the reading she first predicted. Hinata and Hajime are not really lame. However, the name Hinata could be used as a first name for girls, so it gives a cute impression to Japanese speakers. 😄
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bodytotheconcrete · 4 months ago
ok so i saw Guys & Dolls for the third time today (i have my ways of getting cheap tix so it costs a fraction of regular prices), the West End production of Guys & Dolls at Bridge Theatre, and i am going insane absolutely feral i need someone to understand me
several things about the male MC of the show so yall can understand what im talking about:
male MC, Sky Masterson, is a gambler who thrives at late nights, calls 4am his time of day, and is falling in love throughout the whole show. what's special about the West End version of Sky is that they made him bi/pan. (spoiler alert??) when he takes Sarah, the female MC, to Havana, he says sth like "wanna see what a real party looks like?" and brings her to a gay club and he starts dancing with men (as opposed to a straight club and dancing with women in the original production in 1950s)
i, a bi/pan self-proclaimed aspiring gambler who regularly sleeps at 6am for no reason, of course self-project a little too much on this character, especially cuz the guy is falling in love, like what am i supposed to do??? not project myself onto him?????
out of my 3 times of watching G&D, the first 2 times Sky was played by George Ioannides, and today was played by Pierce Rogan. they had vastly different interpretations and portrayals of Sky and i am so here for both of it. in fact i am so normal about this change
below are my interpretations of each of their portrayals of Sky Masterson, including A Lot of headcannons that i have for this character cuz not much about his (or anyone's) past is really mentioned in the show:
George Ioannides's Sky: i feel like this Sky is someone who realized he's into men as well as women, accepted and had no qualms with it, and is emotionally healthier because of it. emotionally healthier as in he doesn't repress his emotions or feelings, yes he dances with men so easily and flirts in the gay club like it's his second nature, but he also allows all his adoration and infatuation with Sarah to show. the love seeps from his eyes so easily, and he cannot stop looking because he is so in love. this probably has to do with the different actresses who played Sarah today and before, but either way it feels like George's Sky has more natural chemistry with Sarah and they're kinda made for each other. btw i love George Ioannides so much he's such a sexy sexy man with big puppy eyes, which helps with the expressing emotions through eyes cuz it just fits so well
Pierce Rogan's Sky: AAASSASASADHGFLKJASDHFLKJAHSDLFJK. this Sky is a man who knew he was into men from a very young age, and only realized he also likes women and might be bi/pan in his adult years. he is very emotionally repressed and probably has anxiety. in the gay club he looks so comfortable with being intimate with men, dancing, foreheads and noses fully touching, rolling hips. but with Sarah, he looks away sometimes and occasionally has facial expressions that say "in love but emotionally constipated", like honey what are you bottling up?? your feelings for Sarah, a woman? because you've spent so much time accepting the mlm part of you, and the discovery of you also liking women mayhap feels new and almost like a betrayal to the identity that you've built and come to terms with?? i said George's Sky has more natural chemistry with Sarah, but with Pierce's Sky, it feels like initially he really did rizz up Sarah purely out of a bet (which is what it was written to be). this Sky and Sarah just accidentally catch feelings, and Sky has A Time trying to come to terms with that, and they have to put in effort (on their own selves) and eventually make it work. Pierce Rogan i love you i owe you my life thank you so much
also!! apart from how Sky is portrayed, the ways that Sarah interacted with Sky were also different. with George's Sky, Sarah (played by Charlotte Scott) mostly exudes "i can change him" energy, and Sky is kinda like "ah fine whatever, i love you enough to be changed in good ways". whereas Pierce's Sky feels way less willing to change, whether for Sarah (played by Gina Beck) or anyone/anything. he approaches Sarah with caution, finds out that (drunk) Sarah is crazy, not only wants his freak but actively ups herself to match it. in a way this version makes the ending scene where Sarah publicly calls Sky "Obediah" (his real name which he's only told Sarah about) much more,, comfortable to watch?? i guess?? calling George's Sky "Obediah" feels like "aha i have successfully changed him, as shown by how i'm calling him rn", and Sky is lowkey exasperated but tolerates it. BUT calling Pierce's Sky "Obediah" feels more like an inside joke and a nickname for her lover, like "it's a secret that he entrusted me, and now i throw it around jokingly, maybe partially to say that he's mine hehehe", and Sky lowkey likes it
ANYWAY i love both versions of Sky Masterson. both George and Pierce are absolutely amazingly phenomenal, and i thoroughly enjoyed both of their performances. and most of what i said above are kinda just my hcs and interpretations of their portrayals. BUT YEA um Sky Masterson is such a kin character to me and today's experience was so personal, so lifechanging, and i desperately need someone to say that they understand so i don't feel as insane as i probably am
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kaerinio · 3 months ago
*crawls in here*. hello, my lovelies, i am planning on being here tomorrow evening and large portions of this weekend! this week at work has been . . . i have NO WORDS.
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bugeyedfreaks · 1 year ago
bought a delicious French baguette earlier today and as I left the bakery, holding my tasty treat like a club, this image flashed before my eyes
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……this is who I’ve become……
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shiuefha · 1 year ago
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Wow, so now we have four poster visuals of the movie (aside from the collaboration version with mission impossible of course), and I can't wait to watch this movie in the cinema someday...
By the way, there was a talk event which was held by the local publisher of the manga several days ago, which they streamed live on the local publisher's IG account. The event was held at the pop up cafe in a famous shopping mall in Jakarta, and when they talked about this movie, one of them (the pop up cafe's staff) pointed out that it would be released in March (in my country). I don't know if this is valid or not, but that person said it confidently, so it's probably true. Not to mention that there's no new information about the movie's release date for now...
Well, let's see if that statement is true, or probably they'll release the movie before March (I still hope that I can watch it on my birthday though... which is in January and not March). I've heard from somewhere else that the movie would be released in Singapore in February, so probably it will be soon after that.
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wishingprince · 2 months ago
Also been trying to finish the Shield DLC. I really hate that game lmao I love so many of the pokemon that came from it but Jesus Christ the writing is SO BAD. I only only getting the legendaries from it that I can’t get from Violet and Scarlet so I can move on forever.
Also I don’t fucking know what is wrong with my 3DS but I have Pokemon Bank AND Pokemon Transporter on it but they both want to be updated before they can be used therefore I can’t use them. I’m considering buying 3DS off eBay where both are working since I’ve been really committed to playing older games now too and I want to keep all my babies from them.
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months ago
can mine's birthday be like the end of march so he can stomp on people as an aries i know that goes against today's discussion but i need a Stomp People To Death With His Hooves joke
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orcelito · 10 months ago
Took a few months but the situation at work is finally truly blowing up
I may or may not join in a workplace abuse claim against my old boss using old blog posts and discord messages of me venting as proof ☺️
It'd be me burning the bridge of having him as a reference later down the line, but honestly I think I can get by without him.
#speculation nation#my old coworker friend messaged me about how they were planning on doing this#and i was like OH BOY do i have some things i could add!!!#read back thru my messages from the day he gave me an hour long panic attack#& had me publicly humiliate myself as punishment for 'neglecting' my job.#and honestly it makes me so sad to look back on it. it really fucked me up so bad.#but Karma's got its kiss for him. and even if we dont do the suing thing hes still losing all but 4 employees#all of whom are currently teenagers lol#hes apparently so convinced he can bounce back and magically get and train so many new employees#but even IF he can. it would require so much extra work and time from him#which a vindicative part of me is rather happy to hear about that.#if i do join in on suing him it'd mean making my discord and tumblr legally linked to myself in a court of law#but. ykno what. im feeling spiteful enough to not mind it.#show up to the court like Orcelito Is Here to give some scathing accounts of their bitch ass ex boss!!!!!#id love if this went somewhere. i also do still have a picture of the thermostat back during that freeze in january#when the heaters couldnt keep up & it was 53F in the store. but we were forced to keep working anyways :]#which is a health code violation :]#with the metadata on that pic it would link its location and time to the store during open hours#and i think osha would find that just very interesting :]#so many wonderful things we could do to fuck our old boss over!!! karma's got its Fucking kiss for him.
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itsalwaysdark · 5 months ago
damn me and my endless need to make my sheets rainbow organized
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raviniaraven · 10 months ago
Don't trust the ads for Breeze: Mental Health. Do not trust an app that says it can unearth trauma you don't know you have. The idea that you have hidden trauma that you can't remember is debunked psychology from the 70s. This app is taking advantage of vulnerable adults and manipulating them into false diagnoses using outdated terminology.
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claire-starsword · 11 months ago
forced to open windows 11 for a brief moment to test the new epic shining wisdom alpha and being immediately reminded of why i dont use windows anymore. literally wouldn't stop notifications for five minutes. everything tries connecting to one drive all the time and i can't remember asking. "you need to finish configuring this!" "you need to finish configuring that!" "you haven't looked at notifications from this thing in a while!!" what if i kill you
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boneless-mika · 1 year ago
I hope Happy Planner do a Boxing Day sale
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