#so I'm curious
mistchievous · 5 months
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i-mybrunettelady · 3 months
Idk how relevant this is but let's do it anyways!
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hero-of-the-wolf · 2 months
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kaaaaaaarf · 9 months
Okay, very important poll time. Do you have a playlist of songs that are about you: either lyrically or by vibe? Songs that resonate with you as being about who you are as a person. Songs that make you go, oh this is about me?? I'm looking for whether you have an actual playlist of these songs.
If you happen to reblog, please also include your zodiac sign if you know it. ❤️
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sisaloofafump · 9 months
Obviously there are a bunch of other combinations, but I'm specifically interested in the interaction between Clois and Superbat because they are often seen close to each other.
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wegog · 6 months
You have no idea how much I need to see Himawari with Red Eyes and Fangs.
Give her a KCM! (Kurama Chakra Mode)
Let her be unhinged!
Hell yeah!
Himawari deserves her power up! She deserves to have an opportunity to defend her love ones!
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elizaellwrites · 5 months
For my fellow migraine sufferers...
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(If you don't fit neatly into one category just try to answer to the best of your ability)
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yeowangies · 5 months
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leojfitz · 4 months
this is kind of random but lmao
a lot of my friends are into this italian show on prime and they keep on recommending it to me and i'm SURE that i'm going to love it but the more people tell me to watch something/the more i see buzz on social media about it the less i wanna watch
does it happen to anyone else lmao
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thewiglesswonder · 5 months
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thetruearchmagos · 10 months
To my non-tropical mutuals:
What's the weather like, wherever you are? I'm thinking it's the time of year when trees start going amber, but I don't exactly have a frame of reference.
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eastofthemoon · 5 months
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laufire · 5 months
ok xmen people. if I just jumped on x-men '97 without watching the old series (and with a frankly rudimentary knowledge of the mutants), how likely am I to feel lost?
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septic-skele · 5 months
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commodorecliche · 2 years
bonus if you rb with what area you're from in the tags too
I say eh-gg, from southeastern USA
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