#so I got new shoes that are flat on the bottom with very little traction. and are dangerous in the winter snow.
ashanimus · 1 year
I got invited to Renfaire for fantasy weekend at the last minute this year by an old friend and it's been the first time in years that I've been strong enough to go to an event like this without the risk of incapacitation for 8+ days or after. I have a weird immune condition that reacts to stress but also physical pressure and makes all this horrific, immobilizing, on fire-inflammation when it's triggered (this is important for later). Wearing heeled shoes almost invariably do this, even short, comfy ones.
I haven't cosplayed since the Homestuck Days but I was insanely excited to go and despite the strictures of a newish full time job (when does a job stop being new? I still feel new. Ive been at this for almost four months? Feck). Now, one thing my friends know of me is that when it comes to creative things, the unhealthful combination of insecurity and vanity make it near impossible for me to not over-commit myself to an artistic folly.
So I quickly assembled a Very Cool Classic-ish Satyr costume. It includes these great furry legs with a fun little tail. I got an awesome black huipil with hand embroidered flowers on it, a cool little corsety belt. Ears and little deer horns that were brown with silver tips. Did nails to match. I had fangs in, red contacts to match the flowers on my huipil.
And then there were. The hooves.
They are made out of tall, heavy bottomed pumps with the heel sawed off. The hoof part is made of heavy resin with hot glue for traction. So you're on the balls of your feet without the heel, which is fine for flat surfaces. Flat.
My stupid ass thought it was a great idea to wear these to Renfaire. I have never been. But I was warned by concerned experienced people at the costume supply store where I picked up a staff real quick (because it did take me like three weeks to realize I'd ASSUREDLY need one for balance to walk extended distance) that the site this year was a bumpy field full of loose gravel and dust. I have a high pain tolerance! I want compliments.
The walk from our parking space to the fair itself was excruciating. It wasn't painful--yet--just slow going and stupid because as sure-footed as I am I had to be careful to not roll and break my god damn ankles because of the hilly, pockmarked field where the divots are hidden by hay, grass and gravel.
I walked over a mile and a half in these things over that terrain. I sure got my fucking compliments!! Concerned merchants asked me to sit on their couches (I did). People took pictures, little kids liked my hooves. But I ended up needing a trip to the first aid tent because I developed a savage blister that with all the dust needed cleaning and the Reaction on the other foot. My friend, the fairy queen and my handler for all intents and purposes plopped me at the bleachers where they were doing the jousts and horse stuff for an hour to go get the backup outfit (and it gave her a chance to wander freely at not a glacial pace and catch up with some of her people).
I knew I was going to Suffer so I was in for a penny in for a pound. But all of this is just the precursor to the more succinct truth of the experience. I was smiling the whole time because everyone, even in the blistering heat, was SO happy to be there.
Ive never seen such unfettered and shirtless joy at an event. Everyone of every age, every size from tiny little ones bouncing with their fairy wings to ancient grannies tottering around in shiny wire crowns and trailing gowns in the white dust. Fat and thin alike people wearing resplendent outfits furnished with body paint and chains with big old thigh slits and intense makeup. Mermaids with glittering tails and wheelchairs fashioned into shelled thrones, druids with a private forest festooning their walkers. Everyone yelling, singing, everyone playing and committing to the bit and having a grand old time. It made everyone, absolutely everyone in melting makeup and beginning stages of sunburn absolutely beautiful!
One of of the merchants I liked best was standing outside his and his partners tent--some kind of clothier making beautiful jackets. He had this great druid beard and playful blue eyes, and he stopped me as we were walking and earnestly approached me with, "Have you seen the coat we made for you? :3 and pulling a coat about my size off the rack, "As you can see there's a slit in the back, perfect for your tail!"
And breaking character for a second he was like "Seriously, regardless of if you get anything you're always free to use our couch to rest."
Everything was so gosh darned cute. Everyone was so unashamed and having fun. I got to do a Haggle on behalf of my much shyer friend. Since i was already in for pain I thought I'd try mead and see how my system handled it and it was fine! I got halfway to tipsy in the sweltering shadow of the beer garden and screamed myself hoarse (as you do! Being a good audience member is the least one can do for any performance! Clap and scream!!) in the stands at the joust where hot men on horses performed some genuinely incredible and dangerous combat re-enactments.
Today, I can barely walk and I have reactivity on my left hand because of how hard I had to hold my staff. So Im staying back in shady spots today with a wifi hotspot (SINCE APPARENTLY VERIZON DOESNT HAVE SERVICE OUT HERE?? THE ONLY PROVIDER THAT DOESNT). But man. Absolutely worth it. I want to go again so badly, with more friends for another few days of exuberant crafts, and play in this magical place of creativity yess--but its a magical little kingdom absent of shame.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Red Carpet
Stardom! It’s a thing that runs rampant all over Remnant. Dozens of heroes, legends, leaders, and rising stars get noticed almost every day for one remarkable reason or another. However, not all stars are the same, and that couldn’t be more apparent than the night of Remnants red carpet event. A gathering of only the finest of stars and their guests were invited to this prestigious event in order to partake in awards, premiers, and anything else the year had to offer. As usual, people and paparazzi came in droves to get glimpses of their idols; all of them anxiously waiting for first timers and veterans of the event. It was the one time to get so many celebrities together. The one time people get to see all the Schnees together. Or at least in the same area…
Valerie sat in a limousine, anxiously waiting for the moment she would have to leave the comfort of it and face all the flashing lights, which wasn’t an entirely new experience. The freshman had gotten used to that sort of thing from being an up and coming athlete, but a stadium was a far cry from anything of this magnitude. This was where the big fish were, and Valerie wasn’t even one of them. She was a plus one. The girl rubbed her fingers through her fresh pixie cut and took another look at the positively pink, shimmering dress she was wearing that stopped just above her knees. In reality, Valerie thought she looked exactly like the name of her hair cut. Even the pink flats she wore looked right out of a fairytale book. She wasn’t one for makeup up, but that wasn’t gonna fly today. Her mother had given the girl a bit of blush and lip gloss to add to her beauty. The only thing that wasn’t touched was her beautiful turquoise eyes. Those gems were fine all on their own.They would probably distract people from the orange studs in her ears. She was certainly dressed for the event but the butterflies in Valerie’s stomach kept her nerves on edge, unlike her date.
Across from her was the very person who gave her the plus one ticket, resting their eyes as if this was some kind of field trip. Oh how the other half lives, but that’s always how Nicholas Schnee has been. Valerie has probably seen him in formal attire way more than regular clothes at this point. His trademark pure white blazer, shoes, and dress pants looked as flawless as ever. The splash of color this time around was an orange tie that matched Valerie’s hair and pink undershoot to go with her dress. Nick’s messy head of snow white hair was slicked back for the occasion and a very expensive looking watch on his wrist looked like ice itself. All in all, the young man looked like every bit of the heartthrob the media made him out to be. Nick’s eyelids lifted slowly, revealing his icy blue eyes that immediately met Valerie’s. It was completely unfair for anyone to look that good waking up, it was one of many things that made people call him a modern day prince.
“How was your beauty sleep? It’s not like you to doze off.”
“I always try and rest before these things since they can drag on.” His voice was still a little low from waking up. What was it about boys that made their tone feel entirely different after waking up? Between that and the usual tiredness around his eyes gone, Nick was liable to be the centerpiece of this event. Something that made Valerie let out an exhausted sigh.
“Are...you okay?” Nick asked. “You’ve been this way since I picked you up.”
“Oh it’s nothing. I just can’t believe I was roped into this. Actually, scratch that, being roped in implies I had a chance to resist. I had the rug completely pulled out from under me.”
“Oh don’t be like that. You wanted to go here anyways.”
“Yeah well I was expecting to have my own invitation and to be with the rest of our family.” Valerie crosses her arms and huffs. “I mean I know freshmen don’t get too much attention from the public but I’ve been putting up some really strong numbers in multiple sports. I mean I’ll be representing Atlas in the fighting tournament for crying out loud!”
Nick looked at his childhood friend get cartoonishly pouty about such a thing. “Don’t forget, it’s not like I’m entirely here on my own merit either. I don’t believe many people are lining up to see me because I got gold in ice skating. Status got me here, everything else reinforces my validity. Next year will be a little different fortunately. That’s when we’ll start gaining real traction; think of this as your test run.”
“Yeah yeah…” It sucked how much Nick was right sometimes.Valerie had taken a few minutes to turn on the mini tv in their ride. The event had started a little while ago, but showing up early or in a group wasn’t in the plan from the get go. The Schnees had a certain way this event had to be tackled. Valerie’s attention shifted back to Nick to ask why that is, but was mentally derailed by the boy staring at her with a gentle that made Valerie thankful for the blush on her face. “Can you quit it already?” She said, with a hint of embarrassment.
Nick let out a small chuckle and raised an eyebrow. “Quit what?���
“Staring, you dummy…”
“But you look so gorgeous.”
Valerie squinted at him for saying such a thing. Nick quickly raised his hands in peace, caving into laughter.
“Wait, I promise I’m not trying to make a move or anything. I just can’t help but look at you. It’s like I’m looking at some kind of magical fairy. I can’t look away!”
Valerie couldn’t help herself. She covered her face and turned towards her window. “Yeah? Well….thanks. I forget how nice you can clean up as well.” Calling him handsome was too much for the girl, but he definitely knew that’s what she was going for by the cheerful expression on his face. Damn him! Valerie knew she was being read like a book. “Can you not look so cheerful while I’m freaking out?”
“What’s there to freak out about? Paparazzi aren’t anything new. Neither is a crowd or flashing lights.”
“I know that, but…” Valerie felt a knot start to form in her stomach. A glimmer of guilt started to fill her heart, as well as show in her eyes.”People might-”
“This doesn’t change anything between us.” He cut her off. “Yes, the media will probably try to insinuate something but it won’t be anything we can’t dismiss later on. Nick casually leaned against the car door, his eyes on the tv. Dozens upon dozens of rich people were still arriving with their family, including kids. Kids that were his age. “Girls always try to approach me during these things, asking for favors and trying to hassle me. You going with me means less of that happens. My family is so important that we have no choice but to arrive at different times and locations so we aren’t overwhelmed. It also forces the cameras to spread out.”
Valerie watched the boy’s face get a little tired just thinking about it. Almost every facet of Nick’s life was like its own personal battlefield with him as a general that was constantly making a plan to survive. Then there was her, worrying about rumors. Some friend she was.
Valerie reached for his hand and held it tight. Nick was immediately snapped out of his trance and was greeted with the soft smile he loved so much.
“Just leave things to me tonight. Focus on enjoying yourself.”
Nick’s heart nearly flew out of his chest. He doubted Valerie was using her ability on him and yet she made him feel so at ease. He gave her a confident nod and the two of them went back to acting more of less like their normal selves.
“I have to say though, it’s pretty telling one of your biggest complaints is too much attention from girls.”
“Well maybe if they were interesting or actually wanted to get to know me then I’d complain less. Being beautiful doesn’t mean much when that’s all you have going for you. If more girls were like you or Veronica, well actually, yeah there would be chaos. Never mind.”
“Hey! Don’t lump me in with that stuck up princess. My brand of chaotic is way more appealing.” Valerie said, puffing out her chest.
Nick could only laugh. “That’s the part that annoyed you?”
“Listen, I’m well aware I’m also a bit of an acquired taste for people, but she’s literally ten times worse! Speaking of the demon, why not pick her as your date. She’s here with her parents right?”
“Not exactly.” Nick smiled mischievously. Valerie was about to ask why when a sudden cheer from outside and the tv got louder than the rest.
“Ladies and gentlemen, there she is! Atlas’s favorite teen idol!” Cried a reporter, giving the answer to Valerie’s question.
Flashing lights went off every second on the carpet like if they were the grand finale of fireworks. All for the chance to get the most elegant shot possible of Nicholas’s twin sister, Summer Schnee. Like her brother, the young singer had walked this carpet before and knew how to work it. If the stage was her home away from home, then this place might as well be her castle, and Summer had no problem giving her subjects the most regal display possible.
The girl wore the most beautiful flowing dress that went down to her ankles that twinkled with sapphire blue and piercings white flakes that looked like crushed crystals. The long sleeve dress itself started off blue at the bottom but as got to her waist, spiraled into an angelic white; making the right side of her torso and sleeve white, while the left remained blue. Her usual ponytail was abandoned and her waist long hair flowed like a river silk while her ears showed off dangling gems. One diamond and one sapphire that were on the opposite side of their respective color on the dress. Despite it all, no blue matched the deep blue of her eyes, proof of her relation to her dear father.
The people were going crazy for her. Everywhere she waved, a person asked her to smile. Summer had no problem with the attention but it’s not why she enjoyed this event. What made her day was the little girls and boys that were scattered just behind the carpet line with their home made signs. She gave a little boy a wink and his entire face turned red before hiding it behind his sign. Vanity pictures could happen any time, but making a kids day like that? That’s what made tonight worthwhile in her opinion.
“Summer Schnee in the flesh everybody, and looking stunning! This star was nominated for a few awards tonight. May she get all that she deserves.” The reporter ran up to her to ask a question. “Ms. Schnee! Over here!”
“Please, Summer is just fine. I may look like my mother but I think I’m still a bit too young to be called that.” Summer laughed.
“Okay then, Summer. If you don’t mind, where’s your plus one? We’d love to get a few photos.”
Internally, Summer let out the longest sigh of agitation. She knew full well this was gonna happen. It always does! Her face gave no such reaction to her thoughts however. As far as anyone who wasn’t in the loop could tell, Summer gave a genuine smile of excitement and joy. “No problem!” She pointed a little ways behind her in the direction she came from. Multiple people turned their heads like if they were trained animals. More camera snapping continued and even the reporter lit up when she found the target of so many eyes.
“Oh! Ms- ummm should I call her Ms, or use her name?”
“Don’t worry I got it. Hey Vee Vee!” Summer tried not snicker. Veronica hated that nickname, but what was she going to do? They might not get along but they know better than to fight in front of so many important people.
Summer’s voice reached the cat ears of her “date” despite all the noise and Veronica turned around. She almost forgot where she was and thought about flipping the girl off for using that nickname. That would’ve been a disaster for sure. Veronica overall wasn’t getting as much attention from the media as Summer, but definitely left more people speechless. She had decided to wear a slimming, strapless black dress that stopped a little about her knees and showed a little of her back since the dress was cut in a ‘v’ shape from behind. Her luscious black and blonde hair had been curled fabulously while her amethyst necklace complimented her eyes, nails and lipstick. The girl looked like a whole damn model! Even the way she walked in her black, four inch heels made Summer more than a little jealous. It was hard not to wish she had the body of a gymnast instead of a petite ballerina. Genetics were cruel like that. To top it all off, Veronica’s tail wrapped around her own waist to give off the look of her wearing a belt of some sort.
“You called?” Her hand wrapped around Summer’s waist instinctively. People loved seeing the girls so close. Summer did her part by slightly leaning on the taller girl.
“Oh people just wanted to see Atlas’s fledgling singer and Menagerie’s child of unity in some photos together.”
Veronica smiles at the cameras and waved to the people with Summer by her side. The female reporter beside them seemed to genuinely be moved by the sight. “You okay?” Veronica asked.
“It’s just very moving to see you two be a shining example for our youth. Humans and faunus being friends like this is still a pretty big deal.”
“Don’t I know it? As the daughter of a human and faunus, acceptance is the number one thing I look for in any place I visit. Both of my mother’s are very active in easing tension between our races. With one of them being the leader of an equal rights movement and the other being an accomplished huntress that serves the people, spreading fairness is in my dna. As a half breed, I like to believe I have a certain obligation to do the same.”
Summer was surprised. Veronica handled that topic like a pro. Summer knew that the aspiring fashion designer has had to make several speeches and attend rallies in the past in place of her mother Blake, but speaking as effortlessly as Veronica just did about a heavy subject was still impressive for their age. “I think you’re surpassing that obligation.”
Veronica was caught off guard by the compliment. She knew Summer wasn’t being rude or sneaking in any jabs. It was just an actual compliment. Veronica supposed that she could let that nickname incident slide, just this once. “Well thank you. Now then, I believe we should be moving along a bit. People to see, hands to shake. Nice meeting you Ms…..?”
“Lavender.” The reporter said, shaking Veronica’s hand.
“A pleasure, our parents should be further back or on the opposite side of this auditorium building. I’m sure they’ll love any questions you have.” Veronica didn’t wait for a response and casually pulled Summer along. “The nerve of some people.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I know right?” Summer sighed, “She pretended as if she didn’t know who my plus one was when I'd announced it for weeks. I think she was about to ask about my family’s troubled history with faunus.”
“Or bring up any other awkward questions. Bringing up politics when parents aren’t around, I hate reporters.”
“Especially when they pretend to be emotional.” Summer looked at Veronica and the girl did the same. Both of them sighed in unison. They had intent on arguing tonight. All their energy had to be saved for people like Ms. Lavender. Tonight was gonna be a long night.
“I CAN’T BELIEVE THEY ARE SMILING TOGETHER!” Valerie cackled, “Is this how you get decent photos of them!?”
“It’s the only way! I can’t get those two that close to each other without arguing on a regular day” Nick made sure to screenshot the pictures of the two ladies so they can see them later. He had to get some kind of entertainment from tonight.
“I honestly can’t believe Yang was okay with her showing that much skin.” Nick commented, “Makes me wonder what Blake and her are wearing. They’re into themes”
“Are we going to be the last to arrive? My parents just met up with yours.” Valerie showed him the text.
“Yeah, everyone else drew straws apparently on what entrance and what order to go in. We are the very front entrance, so be ready for all those lights going off in your face.” He half joked. No one could be ready for that mess.
Valerie grabbed the remote and started flipping through different news outlets. “I bet we can find the rest of our family on a different station.”
“Go to seven, It tends to get the business people.”
“Roger that.”
“Woohoo! Hello party people!” Yang shouted into the crowd. Her approach to these events were always the most laid back, but that didn’t mean she didn’t dress the part. Yang left the crowd speechless with her all black attire. Dress shoes, pants, and a killer blazer she wore three fourths open; plenty of breathing space to let everyone know she wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath it. Yang’s nails were painted yellow to match her hair and her favorite aviators were on her face so the camera flashes wouldn’t irritate her. As the fifth ranking huntress in the world, member of the esteemed team RWBY, and wife of the leader to the biggest faunus rights movement, there wasn’t a soul who didn’t know who Yang Xiao Long was.
“Hey Blake, you think Veronica is doing well?” Yang turned to see her wife in the middle of answering a couple of questions. Considering the reporter didn’t look like some corporate stiff in a suit, Yang can only guess the questions were either about her outfit or how the woman was doing. Either one would be a very good question.
The raven haired beauty had on a fiery orange and yellow dress that shined as bright as her smile. The right side of the ankle length dress had a slit that went up to the middle of her thigh and her open toed wedge heels matched both the dress, as well as her black nails. Blake spared no expense. She even let her hair grow to shoulder length for the event. She had gotten tired of the bob cut. Yang managed to sneak up behind her wife and make lovey dovey expressions, as if she hadn’t seen Blake look so beautiful before. It was enough to get a laugh out of the reporter and make Blake turn around to see her goofball of a spouse. Yang tilted her shades down so her playful lilac eyes could meet the snarky amber eyes of Blake.
“Mind if I drop in on this interview?”
“I think you already have.” Blake said, her voice carrying a bit of teasing in it. She got pulled into Yang’s arms from behind and they both smiled at the young man who was now interviewing two people.
“So what question did I interrupt?” Yang asked.
“I was just asking your wife how the long trip from home was treating her. I’d say pretty good considering she’s all smiles tonight. How are you doing, Mrs. Xiao Long?”
“I’m great! I like this event, it gives me reason to come up here and say hello to a bunch of my friends.”
“Ah yes, the other half of your team live in Atlas, and then some. Have you gotten the chance yet?”
“Unfortunately my little sis was never one for dress up so I’m sure I’ll have to come knocking. I’m sure Ruby will have an opinion or two when she sees my outfit.” Yang let a chuckle. She hadn’t mentioned her clothes for no reason.
“Speaking of outfits…” and the reporter fell for it perfectly. “You both look wonderful! Who made these?”
Blake and Yang grinned cheekily. Events like these have a way of giving other people and topics more spotlight then they usually did. It would be foolish not to give a boost to the person they love most. “Our daughter Veronica Belladonna made these!” They said in unison. The girl was way too far away for her to possibly hear them, but they knew she was gonna flip out later.
“Well your daughter has quite some talent. I gotta say, you both just might be the most popular couple here tonight.”
That put a bigger smile on Yang’s face. “Thank-”
“OH MY GODS! IT’S RUBY ROSE!” A voice cried out from the crowd before Yang could finish her thank you. All the attention the couple had gotten had suddenly vanished as cameras and people turned towards a long white limousine with the letters ‘SDC’ on the side of it that had just pulled up.
Blake knew that vehicle anywhere.It was the favorite ride of the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company. “That’s Whitley’s ride. There’s no way he actually got Ruby to- oh he did!” Blake said, shaking Yang and leaving her jaw dropped. The cat ears are never wrong, and she definitely could hear their leader amongst the excited crowd.
Yang stood on her toes to get a better view. What she saw was a sight to see indeed. “That little stinker.” Yang smiled, impressed and feeling challenged in the looks department. Sure enough, the number one huntress in all of Remnant was walking with her husband down the red carpet in absolute style.
There wasn’t anybody around who wasn’t taking in the sight of Ruby wearing a stunning silver dress that stopped right above the women’s knees; showing off her toned legs for once and doing it in heels nonetheless! They matched her dress perfectly which also made her silver eyes pop out more surprisingly. Probably due to her red and black hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, except for a long bang that went across to the right side of her face. Though this outfit wasn’t in her favorite colors, Ruby was still plenty on brand. A red rose corsage rested comfortably and her nails were red, with one on each hand being black. Yang wasn’t sure from her but it was entirely possible her little sister might’ve even opened up a makeup kit before showing up. Her complexion was perfect!
Ruby’s appearance might’ve been the most shocking thing to happen at this event, but it was only elevated by being at Whitley’s side. Like Blake and Yang, the couple had the bright idea to swap color schemes. Whitley wore a dark red blazer with pitch black dress pants that matched the buttons on him. His undershirt was black with an intensely red necktie and his black shoes were strung up with red laces; a completely different look for the white haired and blue eyed man. His hair was slicked back like his nephew. Just like Ruby, he retained a splash of his typical colors but pinning a white rose on his suit. Blake didn’t know how, but Whitley made it work.
He was the first to notice the two of them staring while Ruby was busy throwing out peace signs to the people that were more than thrilled to meet her. The reporter interviewing Blake and Yang might’ve ran to her as well if Ruby hadn’t been slowly making her way over to his direction for obvious reasons. Ruby continued greeting people with a smile until her eyes found Yang, now the antics started. Ruby signaled Whitley with a wink and he couldn’t help but chuckle at her childishness. He wrapped his arm around her waist and the two started walking with more poise and smiles that oozed confidence, as if they were on a runway. The crowd went absolutely crazy. The clothes, the style, the attitude, they were…
“Blake! They’re trying to out couple us!” Yang said, shocked by the declaration of war that her sister had thrown their way.
“Ummm, don’t you think you’re a bit paranoid? I think they’re just putting on a show for the crowd.”
“I know my sister. She’s trying to take me down a peg or two for old times sake.” Yang put a hand on her hip and boasted the same confidence her sister did, sly smirk and all. Yang had to admit that she was very proud of Ruby. This was one hell of a way to say hello. It wasn’t long before they were face to face with Whitley and Blake looking at them. They loved their wives but boy were they a lot to handle sometimes. They doubted that the sisters realized the people around them anymore.”Well look who got all dressed up!?”
“Oh you know, gotta act my age every now and then.” Ruby snickered, “Is what I’d like to say, but I’m here to steal a little spotlight.”
“I knew it!” Yang blurted out.
Blake felt like she got whiplash from that confession. “Ruby!”
“What? I was reading a magazine and noticed how many pages the two of you got. Whitley told me it was because people lived seeing couples together and I wanted him on the cover of an issue, so…”
“For the record I told her I don’t care about being in the magazine.” Whitley added.
Ruby turned to him and poked his chest repeatedly. “Don’t try to act all cool now. Your face lit up like a Christmas tree when I said I wanted to go with you.” Ruby watched her husband’s face turn a little red. She’ll always love making him embarrassed. All these years and he still felt awkward about getting all mushy in public. That’s a Schnee for you. Cold on the outside, absolute softies on the inside.
“Is it bad that I like to spend time with my wife?” He said meekly, trying his best to act cool. He’s sure it didn’t come across as that, but it got Ruby to blush, so that’s a win in his book.
“I have to say, we’re a pretty good looking bunch right now.” Yang boasted, “who’s gonna top this?”
Whitley grabbed Yang by the shoulders and turned her forward. “Can everyone in this direction please make an opening and look behind you!?” He shouted.
Surprisingly, the crowd did it seamlessly. There was brief confusion before more chattering and flashing lights erupted. Yang slouched over in defeat, “And here I was thinking I’m the only woman who was gonna wear a suit?”
“Her entire clique is in suits!” Ruby shouted with peak excitement. She put her thumb and middle finger at the edge of her lips then gave one hell of a whistle. “Qrow, Winter, Sparrow; way to kill it!!”
The oldest Schnee sibling heard the chant from across the street. The plan was to sneak inside the building with minimum detection, but those plans were dashed. Winter immediately shot a look at her little brother. “Darn him,” she thought, “he knows I hate these things. What’s the point of drawing straws if he’s gonna sick the paparazzi on me? At least they’re far.” Winter refused to give people the luxury of seeing her in a dress unless it was absolutely necessary. The general of Atlas’s military had chosen to wear an icy blue women’s pant suit. The blazer was left open to show her white shirt she wore off that was cut fairly low for her. Qrow must’ve convinced her to show off a bit more. That’s not the only convincing he must’ve done either. Winter lives and would die with her hair in the same bun that has a right sided bang if she was given the option to. Through what had to be a miracle, her hair was set free from that style, finally free to be wavy and run down her back. Nick felt bad because he knew Summer wouldn’t have her hair down if she knew her aunt did the same thing. No one could compete with Winter’s hair. Her heels were pearly white and so were the actual pearls around her neck. Winter had her hands in her pocket and walked with an unbothered attitude. She really didn’t want to be here.
To her right was her adopted son, Sparrow. The twenty year old had come back to town just to be her plus one. Unlike his mother, Sparrow was having a blast! He also chose not to button up the blazer of his burgundy suit to show his black shirt, or wear his golden tie tightly around his neck; instead it was loosely hung near his collar bone. He didn’t even shave the brown rift of peach fuzz on his chin! Sparrow wasn’t completely crazy though. His flowing mane that he called hair was put in a man bun. These days the former navy sailor was looking more and more like a pirate, tanned brownish skin and all!
“You know you can at least try and look happy mom.”
“There’s no amount of money in the world that could do that.” Winter bluntly stated.
On her left was her husband Qrow. The veteran huntsman didn’t get his own invitation but was acting as Winter’s paid bodyguard. It wasn’t uncommon for people of status to higher one for security when attending these events. Winter was doing it to cheat the system, meaning Qrow still had to dress up. He went a step further than his son and flat out didn’t wear a tie or button up the top two buttons of his gray long sleeve shirt that was covered by his dusty red suit vest. No one could tell his socks matched the vest because of his black slacks and dress shoes. For once he was the only one who didn’t have to change their hair. It’s always pushed back, makes the grays blend nicely into the black. Winter forced him to shave unfortunately.
The red eyed man looked at his coco brown eyed kid and nodded mischievously. Both of them hooked an arm through one of Winter’s then proceeded to escort her across the street.
“What the!? What are you two-”
“Gotta treat social royalty with the utmost respect on a special day like this right?” Qrow said through Winter’s stuttering.
Sparrow nodded, “General or not, tonight you’re a gorgeous socialite.”
Winter’s face became a brazen red and a smile crept its way onto her face. “Very well, I have no problem being escorted by my two handsome men.” Yep, all Schnees are soft.
Sparrow took his time waving to onlookers and soaking in the sights. “Home hasn’t changed too much around here, that’s good. It’s also strange that this place isn’t completely flooded with people. I guess this dispersing plan is really working huh?”
Weiss nodded, “We let a little bit of our plan leak to news outlets so they knew to spread out. Besides the entrance Whitley and the others are going through, there’s an eastern entrance that should be packed because of my sister, as well as the actual main entrance. Your cousin Nick gets that one.”
“Where is the little guy anyways? He’s usually first to...well everything.”
“We purposely made him go last. This way he had more time to rest since he’s been extremely busy as of late. The crowd won’t be as rambunctious after seeing a majority of their favorite people too, so he has that benefit too.”
“How nice.”
“Anything for family.” Winter exhaled. She meant it, but boy was she counting the seconds. “I wonder how Weiss is? This is definitely more her speed.”
“There is way too much happening right now!” Weiss cried out to Jaune.The middle child of the three Schnee siblings was the one who was most used to the fame and glamour because of her magnificent voice. However, it had been a little while since Weiss had been thrown into the thick of it like this. The joys of a slightly more humble and day to day life had firmly sunk its teeth into her, and these days she found cozy sweaters and early morning Sunday tv far more her speed than the hustle and bustle of being hands on with stuffy events. Being a huntress, mother of two twins, and wife was a full time job in itself. That didn’t mean she had forgotten how to wow a crowd, not by a long shot. Weiss wore a white cocktail dress that spread outward and stopped above her knees. A blue sash wrapped around her waist and tied into a bow in her left said, while her wedged calf high boots matched. Weiss had the splendid idea of copying her big sister by braiding her hair and wrapping it into a bun with a right bang. Weiss was never gonna outgrow imitating her big sis. Weiss did make sure to differentiate herself from both her and Summer though by going with ruby red earrings to add a pop of color. Weiss Schnee certainly looked the part, but she was having a bit of sensory overload. All the noise and lights were starting to hurt her head.
Jaune couldn’t do much about the noise, but the lights were a different story. The leader of team JNPR signaled for Ren and Nora, his other two teammates on the red carpet, to come over. The three of them spaced themselves around Weiss in an upside triangle formation as the four of them proceeded forward. It wasn’t often that Weiss liked being five foot even, but this was an exception. Having a tall husband and friends meant their bodies blocked some of the lights. It definitely helped her eyes.
“Thanks, you three.” She said, rubbing her eyes in hope that it would help them refocus. “Forgot how intense this could be when you’re at a main entrance.” Weiss grabbed ahold of Jaune’s arm lightly. The man opted for a simple black tux and yellow bow tie. He never was the fancy type. It was part of his appeal. All he did with his blonde hair was pull it back into a short ponytail. Weiss may have seen him as a prince but there was still plenty of pauper in his style. “Sorry if I wrinkle your suit hun.”
“I think you being able to see takes priority.” He chuckled. Jaune looked down to his left to see her blink a couple of times before looking at him and smiling. “Better?”
“Much better.”
“You know the crowd probably thinks we’re doing this because you’re such an ice queen.” Nora laughed, her hands waving happily to as many people possible from behind Weiss. Nora had chosen a very similar outfit to her daughter. The only differences being Nora’s ability to walk comfortably in heels and a cover up that was navy blue and only went down to her back. She only really wanted it to have sleeves. Nora has put so much work getting Valerie ready that her orange hair was only blushed down to give a more formal appearance. Not exactly the amount of effort people might want to see from a key representative in the state of affairs for the city of Mantle, but hey, her looks had nothing to do with her ideas to keep the city on its feet.
Ren went old school and decided on a traditional Tang suit. The jacket was a natural leafy green and buttoned all the way up while his cotton pants were black with a pink stripe down the side like the highlight in his jet black hair that he chose to put in a bun. He did this to show off the stitching on the back of the jacket that created a beautiful picture of a lotus flower. Clearly the most fashionable while still being a functional huntsman here. Ren wouldn’t be surprised if a kid asked him to break a board with a single chop before the night was over. He reached for his phone that started buzzing in his pocket and started spending his friends along.
“Woah, what’s with the sudden rush?” Jaune asked.
“If we drag our feet any longer then the kids are gonna beat us inside. Nick and Valerie are about to pull up to the front any minute now. Who knows if Summer and Veronica are wrapping up theirs?”
“Oh no, our babies!” Weiss and Nora said in unison.
“Double time Weiss!”
Jaune and Ren quickly grabbed their respective wives.
Ren let out a sigh, “I know you’re eager but shouldn’t we be keeping up appearances?”
Weiss and Nora looked at each other with an embarrassing smile before a confident nod, raising a hand and pointing ahead. “One point five speed!!!”
“That’s not what I-”
Jaune rested his hand on Ren. “We both know this is as good as it’s gonna get.”
“Yeah.” Ren smiled weakly, “Yeah….”
It had been a decently long car ride, but it was finally time for Nick and Valerie to join the fray. Their limousine slowly rolled up to the very front entrance of the massive building where many speeches, awards, and dances shall take place. But before that was the long red runway to the front door surrounded by the press on both sides.
Nick stretched his arms out and clapped his hands together. “You ready for this!?”
Valerie took a deep breath to calm her mind. “No different from a sports audience, right?”
“That’s the spirit! Just remember, don’t look directly at the flashes. Cameras aren’t necessarily trying to get a photo of you with your attention on it, they just want a decent photo of you in general. Even if someone wants you to look their way, you can focus on what’s behind them or on their face.”
The fact that Nick had a secret to surviving walking to a door was both a little comforting and terrifying to Valerie. He was treating this like a battlefield! “I’ll follow your lead.” Valerie gave a convincing smile, but her stomach was having the same feeling a person gets standing in line for the tallest roller coaster.
“Guess that means I’ll head out first.” Nick grabbed the door handle. Normally someone outside would open it but he had to escort Valerie anyways, so playing the role of celebrity and guide seemed appropriate. He slowly pushed the door open just wide enough to slip one leg out. The squeals of what sounded like dozens of girls filled the air in that moment. He looked back at Veronica sheepishly, who wasn’t particularly happy at the noise.
“So am I about to hear the sound of excited pigs all night?”
“No, but you’ll be running a lot of interference for me. Good thing you’re good at defense.”
Valerie corrected him,“I’m great at defense, and keeping the ball for as long I need to.”
“Then I’m in good hands.”
Nick opened the door wider and stepped out into madness. The inside of the car lit up like strobe lights and the squeals only got louder now that the crowd saw their dear “prince” arrive. Valerie sat patiently until Nick stuck his hand back into the car to take hers. Valerie took it without delay and was pulled into his world, the world where eyes were always watching. It’s true that she’s been a part of it since forever, but this felt different. She wasn’t here because her parents this time, and her own merits hadn’t paved the way yet either. Nick had simply asked her to join. He’d offer a taste of what’s expected on the other half of society, and despite the confusing feelings she had about it as a whole, Valerie couldn’t be happier. After all this time, it was still the two of them acting like a dynamic duo. She had to admit that there was a comfort in that.
“There he is folks! The young heir to the Schnee Dust Company, up and coming ice skater, and a representative in the King of The Hill tournament; It’s Nicholas Schnee!” A random reporter stated. “And it looks like he’s brought a lady friend!”
Valerie overheard that comment and felt her face heat up a little bit. A piece of her wanted to say something about it but then she got a glimpse of multiple girls on the carpet and behind the velvet rope looking their way as they began walking. She’s never seen such intensity focused on her and Nick. Val noticed a couple girls taking a few steps and all her previous thoughts stopped mattering. Nick let out a tiny yelp as he felt himself be pulled closer to Valerie’s right side. She was basically hugging his arm and interlocked their hands.
“V...Val?” Nick said, his face getting a little red. She didn’t respond. Valerie was busy watching the other girls back off. “Valerie?” He said again.
“I don’t like the way they look at you. Like some sort of target or stepping stool.”
“Oh, it’s no big deal. Don’t feel like you have to do anything drastic.”
“I won’t. I’m just making it clear that you’re my date.” Valerie blushed, “Only look my way okay? I’ll do the same.”
“Ummm, then how will we see in front of us?”
“I wasn’t being lit- I’m saying you have my full attention!”
Nick’s eyes widened, “Oh… I give that to you anyways. You’re always on my mind.” They continued their walk to the door. Nick could feel Valerie’s heart race but he assumed it was because of what they were doing. It didn’t cross his mind that he did it to her.
“Yeah well, so are you.” Valerie thought to herself. She was so busy ensnared by his words that she didn’t notice the reporter had mentioned her by name, as well as listed a few of athletic accomplishments. Including her being a fellow representative for the tournament. That didn’t matter in the moment, just Nick. Her date on the red carpet.
Inside of the building was immaculate. It was almost set up like a conversation center, but for the rich and important. Multiple floors with multiple rooms dedicated to specific groups and awards, with the bottom floor being a ball area with plenty of food. The entryways and reddish brown walls were outlined with decorative lights that made the burgundy carpet match nicely with the intricate vine like golden design running along it. Valerie hadn’t even been inside for ten minutes and she could’ve sworn she already saw at least three fountains. Plenty of people were mingling and there were significantly less cameramen.
“There you two are!” Summer shouted from above.
Valerie looked to the second floor to the girl chewing on shrimp and standing next to Veronica who was not happy to see how close Valerie was to Nick. Valerie picked up on that and only leaned more into him, sticking her tongue out in the process. Being in a no fighting zone was the best.
“I wonder where our family is? Awards don’t start this early.” Valerie said.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if someone convinced them to take a giant group photo. We’ll probably end up in the same boat the minute we find them.”
“That would be correct.” A feminine voice said in the distance, catching Nick off guard. It got both him and Valerie to turn their head to see a blue haired girl with twin tails walking towards them. Her shoes and dress were the same deep blue shade and stopped at her calves. It didn’t fall straight but was more bell shaped when it got to her waist. Her golden eyes held no deceitful smile, rather they showed indifference. “My father convinced your family and a few others to take pictures for prosperity. At least that’s the reason he gave.”
Valerie looked at the girl from head to toe. She looked their age. Actually, Valerie had definitely seen her before. “We...go to the same school, right? It’s Elizabeth right?”
“Eliza Marigold.” Nick corrected. “Daughter of Henry Marigold, another socialite. That’s about it though.”
“Well we all can’t be as elite as a Schnee.Yes we’re pretty low on the totem pole compared to you, but we’re still pretty well known.”
“Oh I meant no disrespect. It’s just that the only other thing I know about your family is how much your father and my mother hate each other’s guts.” Nick said with a smile.
Valerie suddenly realized there was some obvious tension here. “So you two are well acquainted then?”
Nick shook his head, “We’ve actually never spoken before. My interaction with her has only been an apology letter.”
“A poor one at that. You purposely threw a party on the day of my birthday bash and rob me off all my guests, but all you can manage was three sentences. Not even an invitation to the amusement park that was supposed to be rented out for me.
Valerie remembered that party, it was amazing! Summer sang and everything as fireworks went off. She had no idea the venue was stolen. “You ruined her birthday.”
“Oh you me, someone talks trash about Summer or my family and I find myself getting a little petty.” He scratched the back of his head, he talked like if he was a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar. Eliza clicked her tongue in annoyance and directed her attention to Valerie.
“Who are you, girlfriend?”
“I am his date.” She said confidently. “Who happens to be a girl, as well as his closest friend. Yes…” Valerie wasn't proud of that delivery but that’s what came out. “My name-”
“I’m aware. Do you mind giving the two of us space? I have words with him.”
Valerie didn’t like the sound of that. “Whatever you can say in front of him can be said in front of me.” She put more bite in her tone.
Eliza raised her eyebrow. She wasn’t expecting that level of attitude. Then again she was talking to an athlete. “Intriguing, here I thought you were some mindless fangirl Nicholas sweet talked into doing his bidding. Guess I was wrong, or at least...half wrong.”
This no fight zone was about to be null and void. Valerie clenched her fist and scowled angrily at Eliza, prompting Nick to hold her arm to keep her from swinging. “Wanna run that by me again?”
Nick thought it best to go a step further and stand slightly in front of Valerie. “Now, now, let’s not do anything crazy. Can’t we be civil?”
“I’d be more inclined to keep my mouth in check if you stopped with the phony smile. You aren’t fooling me with a stunt like that.” Eliza put her hands on her hips and waited for a response.
Nick responded by folding his arms and swapping that peacekeeping smile with a more analytical one and a gaze that sent a chill through Eliza. He watched her indifference turn into shock, before a spark of excitement went through her eyes while she smirked. “What’s that look for?”
“You’ve peaked my interest, that’s all. I’ll keep this brief. I don’t like your family that much and I specifically do not like you. I also don’t intend on putting on an act around you. All I wanted to say is that I qualified for the tournament and look forward to knocking your family down a peg.”
“How bold of you.”
Valerie chimed in, “Not to mention completely ridiculous.” Her statement got both of them to look her way. “Even if by some miracle you were to beat Nick, you’d lose against me. You’re fighting for second place at best. If you can even make it that far.”
The three stared at each other after that, the declaration of war now set. It was more of two vs one, with Eliza being the odd one out. She opened her mouth to retort but promptly closed it. Nick watched that spark in her eyes die instantly and the girl grabbed the sides of her dress to curtsy.
“Excuse me.” Eliza said, walking past them towards a man that could only be her father by the color of his hair. Eliza took note that she walked past Summer and someone else, giving them a quick look before going about her business.
“Who was that?” Veronica asked after he met up with Nick.
“Someone as insufferable as you,” Valerie answered. Once more, Nick stepped in between the opposing sides.
“It was just a fellow tournament participant,and then some.”
“Oh great, more obstacles.” Summer sighed, I swear you make enemies as easy as you do coffee.”
“This one is different, she’s cool.” The three girls looked at him questionably as he shrugged. “What? It’s not everyday I meet someone so straightforward. It’s like talking to you three, she doesn’t hold back.”
“Or know oh to be polite either.” Valerie said bluntly. She gave Nick a look. “You better not lose to her. Kicking your butt is reserved for me and me alone!”
“Gee, how touching” he scoffed.
Nobody knew it yet, but that wouldn’t be the last time all five of them were so close to each other. In a years time, they would be seeing a lot more of each other; as well as share an experience crazier than any red carpet event.
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sly-punk1712 · 8 years
Raising Clint Barton
Clint Barton got the Idea he was something special when he and Barney spent their first night sleeping under a bridge. He was about to turn 13 and up to this point did not think very much of life. His father was fucking miserable. His hearing was growing from slow to much worse with each passing year. His time in foster care had reaffirmed his thoughts that grown ups weren’t worth his time. So when Barney was fed up with the system and said “Hey let’s run away” Clint was all for it. 
One train ride later and they were in a new city with no one looking for them yet. So Clint had trusted his brother to figure out what next. As a result they were on the ledge just under a bridge huddled with several other homeless people as the streets below flooded. The water at the base of the incline rushed and Clint had seen a few of the homeless slip back into the stream while trying to scale the concrete slop. He had only helped one.
The old man looked like a good gust of wind would send his frail body half way to China and the rush of water below was steadily growing to be more rapid like. So when his footing slipped and his bright eyes widened as he began to tumble backwards Clint had lunged after him. He didn’t manage to stop the man’s fall but slide with him into the water and quickly grabbed his windbreaker and pulled the man upright. The old man spluttered his beard and wild eyebrows dripping. 
“Thank you Clint.” He man said softly. His voice sounded like he hadn't spoken in a while and in later years Clint would wonder how he was heard over the water and thunder.  Before Clint could respond Barney had slid the twenty feet down to glower at the old man. 
“What were you thinking! you’re soaked,  idiot!” Barney snarled. 
“I was just..” Clint began.
“Yea I saw Cowboy, let’s go old man” Barney gripped the old man’s bicep and hauled him up the incline. The old man’s feet skidded and slipped. Clint saw his problem, no traction on his shoes. Clint rushed to help and the two of them got him safety to the top. 
“Now go to bed and no more diving after hobos” Barney snapped laying in his claimed spot and watching the storm. The old man huffed a little winded to sit ducking his head to avoid the low beam where they were seated.
“Barney. We’re hobos” Clint laughed. The old man smiled at Clint but it seemed his brother was already asleep. Clint sat and took off his shoes. 
“Here” He said. holding the two month old trainers his foster parents had bought him. The man hesitated. “For when we’re not here you won’t slip as much” He insisted. 
“We’ll trade gifts” The man agreed and slipped off his own completely flat bottomed shoes. Clint held out his hand ready to lace himself back into them for a quick get away. Instead the man pressed his hand into Clint’s and winked. 
Clint suddenly felt exhausted. He laid down not even taking the shoes and was asleep against his brother before he knew it. 
The man laced his shoes, then Clint’s. The Heaven’s roared. 
Clint dreams for the last time that night. 
In his last dream an Angel in a suit holds him for a long time.
“Angel?”  He asks finally. His voice sounds to his own ears under water. He desperately hopes the Angel can here him. “Why are you crying?” 
“I’ve never felt like this.” The Angel says he sounds far away. Which is odd because he is impossibly close. Closer than anyone he remembers. “Just remember I love you” He says softly. 
“Don’t cry Angel, I’ll handle it” Clint tells him and hugs the taller man tighter to him. The dream doesn’t make a ton of sense but it’s nice to hear someone loves him. More than that Clint trusts this Angel. If he says he loves him then it’s true. “I’ll make everything work.” He says again into the short brown hair. 
After that Clint sits up minding his head and looking around sadly for the Angel. He doesn’t see the Angel but sees something equally supernatural. All the people sleeping near him are.. Glowing? Even himself, he notes. his own light seems to stem from the places his skin is exposed. the purple glow stands in a perfect trace of him an inch or so off his skin. He looks to his brother. A dull gray light surrounds all of Barney. Clint leans in and sees the rise and fall of his brother’s chest. So at the very least Barney’s not dead. Clint looks over there are several gray glows along the ledge that keeps those on the streets out of the water. The only one not gray, or in his case purple is the Old Man Clint helped. His own light is not bathing his skin but small and tight in his chest. The pure white color flashes and dims in time with what Clint assumes is his heart. Clint watches the pure white, entranced. The thrum calms something in him he didn’t know was anxious. His worry about Barney’s dull gray subsides. His concern for his crying Angel. The fact he’s 13 on his own and sleeping under a bridge. He watches for what he perceives to be hours. He watches until the gray blobs past him move and distract Clint and as soon as he looks away the man’s light blinks brilliantly one last time and then vanishes as if it had never been there. 
Clint bangs his head when he jolts awake gasping. But The Old Man isn’t breathing anyway and probably hasn’t for hours. 
“Come one let’s go before the cops come” Barney whispers harshly and begins to slide down the slope. Clint looks stricken at the man. He decides after a moment’s hesitation to close the Old Man’s eyes. 
He doesn't take his shoes back. 
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0 notes
oppfranceblog-blog · 7 years
Tips for Buying Fashion Shoes Online
Buying trend shoes online is an option that lots of buyers are choosing for nowadays. If you are also thinking about purchasing your style shoes online, we recommend that you know a few tips . Purchasing online is not an easy job, particularly if you find it difficult to find shoes that fit you. In fact, sometimes, a pair of sneakers differs from the image displayed on the seller's website. But with some cautions, you can purchase your favourite pair in the comfort of your home. Keep Reading to Discover More about the hints.
Styles and Trends
If you surf a few sites, you will come to know about a lot of trends as far as fashion shoes are concerned. You will find flat boots, shoes, sandals, hunter shoes, slip on sneakers and leather shoes, simply to mention a couple. Each style has its own comfort level, style and feel. Based on your mood, you may choose the right one.
The Interior Construction
While the style factor is important, the interior construction of the shoes is much more significant. If the shoe isn't well built, it may hurt your feet. Additionally, as a pair of shoes gets old, it may become uncomfortable for you. In the exact same manner, if the heel isn't thick enough, then it might come from the rubber sole. Ensure you consider the inner padding if buying the proper fashion shoes to suit you.
The dimensions of this shoe
When it comes to purchasing fashion shoes, size is the most important element. Shoes made from two distinct manufacturers aren't of exactly the exact same size. When purchasing online, be sure you get a size chart. This can help you learn how to measure the dimensions of your feet the right way.
The Specifications
You need detailed specifications when purchasing your favourite style shoes online. You ought to be aware of the color, fabric type, and heel size of these shoes. On the website of the vendor, the images of sneakers should be provided from other angles. This can make it much easier for you to find the shoes from all sides.
Get The Men shoes Seller
If you have some questions about the pair which you need to purchase, be sure to email the seller. Their agents will be more than pleased to answer your questions. Normally, you contact them via a telephone number or email address.
The Policies
Here it's essential that you ask the shoes seller concerning the return or refund policies. Occasionally, the shoes you bought may not fit the color you received might not the one you ordered. As a matter of fact, this is among the most frequent problems when purchasing stuff online. Most sellers will be more than Pleased to resend you the Ideal products
The Comment Section
Beneath the shoe collection page, you can read comments left by the prior purchasers. The comments can tell you satisfied or unsatisfied the preceding buyers were using their purchases.
I have a wardrobe filled with style shoes. When I say trend sneakers, I mean that at some stage in my life they had been in vogue. As you are well aware, fashion styles change with time. Despite this reality, I'm one of these ladies that hang on to every shoe I have because I grow emotionally attached to every pair. How do I go when I love them so much?
I discovered that this really is a genetic defect that I have. My mom has committed the entire half of her walk-in closet to her fashion shoes. She does not get rid of the shoes, particularly if they are still in a good shape. She'll just get rid of them when they're broken or damaged. This doesn't happen very often. I know I shouldn't do it. I shouldn't blame my shoe obsession on my mom. But how else could I explain it? OK, maybe I simply love my fashion shoes a little too much.
There are a couple platform shoes that I bought back in 2000. These were my favourite pair of going-out shoes. They were comfortable and looked great in my toes. I wore Them for that season if they were in vogue but during that decade the platform shoe was no longer in style. It was a trend that only stopped. I was frustrated because I loved that style shoe.
I could not bring myself to throw the shoes away or even give them away. Guess what... the platform shoe has produced a come-back. I went back to my wardrobe and found my favorite pair of platform heels, cleaned them up a bit and enjoyed a night out together. Everyone told me how much they adored my brand new fashion shoes. I blushed and accepted the compliment. I was on cloud nine.
Ladies fashion sneakers - be certain to find a group of this very footwear kind in almost any woman's wardrobe that lives up into the new age criteria as determined by the fashion sector in today's world. Whether it is to attest her cognizance of the widespread trends of style dictum or it is just an initiative to look gorgeous whenever she puts her foot from the inside, these exclusive assortment of fashion shoes for women are certain to convey the female style statement in the handiest method.
The reasons behind the world wide popularity of the particular type of shoes that have helped to grow them a bonding relationship among all the girls hearts throughout the whole world are quite a few to rely up on. The first of that should find an eminent mention herein is versatility. The second thing is that these ladies fashion shoes are ideal to infuse a complete consortium of value and style to any of the outfits. So, even when you're planning to team up among your everyday dress with those designer sneakers, be sure to attract an all round appreciation from all.
Shoes are highly mechanical in the process of breaking or making any dressing style. And no one of us would ever want her or his various style to go as a flop. And ladies are particularly more sensitive with all these issues related to styling compared to their male counterparts. Herein these fashion shoes for girls play a pivotal part in transforming a flop fashion to the most recognized one as they gel perfectly even with your regular outfits. So, make sure you play it smart on this occasion, opt for an exclusive pair of ladies fashion shoes and get ready to get those appreciative attentions.
Today, an individual could readily see the images of any of the tinsel town celebrities or fashion models sporting this very style on the cover page on any matter of a magazine. This actually reflects the high degree of the effect that these particular kinds of sneakers for girls have from the realms of this footwear style. It's by seeing these actors acknowledging this very fashion forms, common women also have came forward to enjoy the efficacy of ladies fashion shoes at a more aggressive manner than they did previously.
Eying to this very craze, the fashion shoe designers also have introduced lots of designing designs to draw in more and more clients. It is through their unparalleled effort they have made it look easier in stitching some of the layouts that are certain to source a large number of accolades from the footwear enthusiasts. And slowly the prized creations of these bunch of geniuses that we now know as ladies fashion shoes have put their foot beyond the pathway of ramp shows into the world of women next door.
Banking on their ever growing requirement, these special shoes for women seem to be the most lucrative fashion accessory to take the whole world in an effect. So, why are you waiting more? Take an active part, and indicate your style statement with a accented tone by possessing a set of fashion shoes for women today!
Fashion footwear plays a prominent role in a person's life. Besides costume, shoes are another contributing factor to someone's fashion. Good fashion shoes transform the wearer's character. Fashion shoes of brand new layout and variety flood the market each day.
Some fashion Footwear cover the entire foot, some even reaching foot length. Apart from being trendy, they also protect the toes.
Features of Fashion Shoes
Fashion footwear is showcased with well stitched accent on both sides. They not only offer comfort, but also increase the shoe's entire life span. Dual-density mid soles are offered on both sides of the shoe to lessen heal strike anxiety.
The outsoles stop the wearer from slipping, providing excellent traction. They also offer added stability to the wearer while walking.
The outside coating and mid bottoms of style shoes are comprised of single density soft leather polyurethane. Made from distress superior leather, they are flexible and bend comfortably at the direction of the foot, reducing stress due to long period wear.
Perfect dot accents offer a breezy wing tip appearance. The inner part of the shoe is lined with elastic panels and smooth leathers on both sides.
Smooth, flat dress leather outsoles with grip pads are supplied near cushioned insole. They are produced from modern style smooth suede or calf leather.
Manufacturing Materials
Fashion footwear is made up of many materials like leather, rubber, etc.. All these are used in shoes based on the climatic conditions, the raw material accessible, and comfortability of the user. However, the principal material used to create them is leather.
Another important material used for the manufacture of style sneakers is synthetic rubber because it offers waterproof, tough wearing soles. Plastics are used too, particularly in the upper part. Selecting a good fashion shoe suiting your personality helps you carry off well in high profile occasions.
Fashion shoes or sensible shoes? We love to have . We generally buy our shoes to match our clothing, but sometimes we make an impulse buy of a set of high heeled stilettos go trudging across the shops to find a slinky dress to go together. Big mistake! We never really find the dress to go with the shoes! But if you buy a pair of shoes you can wear with skirts or jeans you have got it covered.
If we buy expensive, branded shoes that will only last a season or two or should we choose the deal priced shoes which will last us annually? You'll find some online stores specializing in up to the minute fashion sneakers. These are usually the least expensive place to purchase your shoes. Branded fashion shoes will cost you more but will probably be better made and will last longer. However, does this matter whether the shoes are just likely to be in fashion for a year? The comfort may be well worth it but the quality might not. When you have loads of spare cash and budget is not a issue then you'll probably opt for the branded, or if you're able to afford it that the designer shoes.
Budget fashion shoes are an excellent alternative for all of us who work for a living. Not overly expensive, we feel good because we can proudly show our savvy style sense and we are not too upset once the fashion changes and we have to throw them out. If I have blown a weeks' salary on a designer pair of shoes and they go out of fashion I am crying all the way to the bank!
I'm much more inclined to spend a large amount of money on a timeless pair of boots or shoes compared to splash out on an expensive pair of style sneakers that I know will only last a few weeks. That said I have the occasional set of fashion shoes in my wardrobe that I probably wouldn't call funding! They had been an impulse buy that cost me more than I intended to invest. I'm getting wiser and will now usually go and buy my sensible shoes on the internet with a voucher code or when the sales are around, leaving me additional cash to purchase a more expensive pair of style shoes. Can I buy the trend shoes when I do not enjoy them or they do not suit me? Yes I must admit I usually do!
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