erikadoesstuff · 4 years
tuesday september 15 3:50 pm
you know when you confess to someone and they reject you so you cry but tell yourself to move on and you think you have moved on but then have a nightmare where they tell you they're in a relationship and the way you react in your dream is terrible...,and then you wake up and the thought of them in a relationship makes you cry so you realize you haven't moved on you just keep lying to yourself..,,yeah😼
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erikadoesstuff · 4 years
wednesday september 2nd 11:31 am
school makes my emotional instability worse 😼
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erikadoesstuff · 4 years
friday august 28th 3:59 am
i cause my own problems and then i cry about them. i'm such a clown 🙈
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erikadoesstuff · 4 years
sunday august 23rd 1:56 am
pt 2 bc the first post was getting too long
a few of my friends identify as non binary but still use like specific pronouns which is fine and sometimes i get confused bc people don't tell things and i just realized this but ive always called one of my friends my wife but i realized one day that everyone uses they/them pronouns to refer to them so am i making them feel uncomfortable..????!??! AND IF I AM Y WOULDNT THEY TELL ME!!??!! please tell me ILL STOP i don't want to make you feel bad bc that makes me feel bad too :'(((
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erikadoesstuff · 4 years
sunday august 23rd 1:54 am
hey guys tumblr is my new diary 😼 so umm i feel like shit bc sometimes people don't tell me things..,like one of my friends just came out as non binary and THATS TOTALLY FINE like that's not the problem but i didnt know bc no one told me...,,it's just like one day they used different pronouns to refer to them and a different name so i was like OH okay and i was like y don't people tell me things what if i messed up and said something that made them uncomfortable.
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erikadoesstuff · 4 years
okay so! i took some really stupid exams for some really stupid classes that are actually really important and /-!!-!-! I FAILED EVERY EXAM AND THEN CRIED FOR TWO DAYS STRAIGHT!-!!!!1!1 super cool wicked ik 😼😼😼
then the scores got rereleased after being changed and i only passed one out of four FUCKING EXAMS 🥰🥰 IM SO FUCKING UPSET AND I FEEL LIKE AN ACTUAL DUMBASS 🙈😢🙈
bye vertebrates😢😢
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erikadoesstuff · 4 years
hey guys i'm fucking back 😼😼 ik no one even follows me but that means i can shit post all i want ahhahahha
okay okay bye bye vertebrates🙈
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erikadoesstuff · 6 years
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I feel great I'm so glad I got it done now all I have to worry about is freshman year wish me luck Bye my vertebrates😅🦑
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erikadoesstuff · 6 years
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I’m not ok now but when it’s over I will be... I hope Bye vertebrates ☔️⛈
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erikadoesstuff · 6 years
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I don’t understand why I get scared and worked up about the smallest things like I can’t even make a phone call without losing my shit Bye vertebrates🤠💩
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erikadoesstuff · 6 years
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School is over and over the summer I will become a disgusting excuse for a human being Bye vertebrates⚰️💊
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erikadoesstuff · 6 years
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I was thinking too much last night and now I’m questioning everything Bye vertebrates😥🌎
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erikadoesstuff · 6 years
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My friend is coming over and I don’t usually have ppl over so it’s exciting but I’m scared Bye vertebrates 👨‍✈️👟
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erikadoesstuff · 6 years
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I hate “depressed” teenagers that are just sad bc someone doesn’t love them STFU it’s not the end of the world some ppl have bigger problems Bye vertebrates😤😤😡🤬
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erikadoesstuff · 6 years
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I need memes in my life Bye vertebrates 🏄‍♀️
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erikadoesstuff · 6 years
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🚫🛑SPOILER🛑🚫 In Infinity War ni🅱️🅱️a rick dies😢 leave a like if you cried Bye vertebrates🦆
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erikadoesstuff · 6 years
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Everyone in my class spoiled the movie and I’m going to watch and be angry the whole time Bye vertebrates😤🖕
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