#so I found a few of them and have been reading
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It's a disability issue as well as annoying. I am quite hard of hearing. I was unable to update my SNAP information for five MONTHS because I was being forced to use their phone line and I could not understand ANYONE on the other end because the connection was so bad. I did not have access to assistive tech and didn't know about InnoCaption, or have someone who could sit on hold with me for TWO HOURS. Our state SNAP program no longer provides individual case workers, nor does it monitor its own main email addresses, although the site still tells you to email them there! You cannot reach anyone except by physically going down there, which I was not able to arrange. I was out ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS A MONTH because of their HORSESHIT. And the process for submitting the information they wanted exposed my private information, including passwords to things like Google, and my SSN, to unsecured third party sites, one of which required me to give it permission to install software! It also wanted me to list my social worker's SSN! THAT IS NOT INFORMATION *I* SHOULD HAVE! The process to get and convert what should have been a simple PDF took two HOURS, and not a single page on their godforsaken site pointed to the file. I found it because Google had recorded it separately and I am very website-savvy. If I hadn't had a laptop I would have to convince a library or something to DOWNLOAD A SEPARATE OBSCURE PROGRAM onto their computers to convert the fucking file. It was one of the most frustrating experiences of my entire LIFE. I finally dug out an old email address for my old case worker, read her the goddamned riot act, and got her to fix it. When I submitted a follow-up question two days later, I discovered that email address had been deactivated.
As far as I'm concerned, this shuffling everything to the goddamned phone is a cherished tool for survival gatekeeping. It is taking food and health care and other necessities away from people, and I am certain it has killed more than a few.
Haha sincerely funny post, but the reality of it is pretty grim for some folks. A hundred bucks a month. A dollar a day. Because they can't pay someone to monitor their fucking email.
one of the most infuriating things about becoming an adult is when you realize that it actually is 10x easier to solve problems by making a phone call vs literally any other communication method
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need your touch / Aaron Hotchner
summary. Hotch didn’t realize he developed an aversion to being touched until he became touch-starved.
words count. 2 776
what to expect. kind of grumpy x sunshine, very sad, mention of foyet and the attack, but very sad
a/n. I had this idea reading a book and I felt so sad about the man suffering from that, that of course I wanted to do with Hotch too so here it is
criminal minds masterlist | F1 masterlist | general masterlist | request
The shivers. The disgust. The sudden need to wash his skin.
Hotch didn’t realize he developed an aversion to being touched until it was too late.
It wasn't until he actually became touch-starved that he realized this.
The first time he realized something might be wrong was after a case. One that they all thought would take days but was surprisingly done after a few hours. After they finished packing, Rossi walked behind him. “Well done,” he congratulated Hotch by patting his shoulder.
He had a slight and unconscious movement of recoil. Something Rossi didn’t notice, already focused on someone else. But something that stayed in Hotch’s mind and didn’t leave him.
Soon, he realized how every little moment where he was touched by somebody else made him feel sick.
He had to fight against the need to run to the bathroom after shaking hands with anybody.
He started avoiding every form of affection from the team, not that they were numerous but still present.
And if after his divorce with Haley, Hotch stopped the whole dating process, the idea of being intimate with someone became a real anxiety issue. Hands getting lost on his body, the feeling of lips leaving wet marks on his skin… this was too much for him. So much so that he didn’t even know how to get over this now.
And with months spent staying away from any type of physical contact, he started to feel the consequences on his mental health. He was the one avoiding it, but in his mind, the idea of being repulsive started to grow.
The thing was, he knew exactly where it came from.
It could have been “the best part” of this if he could find a way to fight against it.
But it was definitely the “worst part” of this whole mess.
Because there was nothing he could do about the memory of almost dying in the hands of George Foyet. Every physical contact was a reminder of the worst night of his life. His brain ended up associating it with the feeling of dying. Again and again.
If he had been feeling better, he probably would have found it funny that the universe decided to put you in his life at the exact moment he was starting to lose it.
Just like that, one day, when he arrived in the meeting room, you were there next to Penelope.
“Let me introduce you to the most amazing little fairy you will ever meet,” she said, her hands on your shoulder like a proud mom. Which, of course, caused some laughter from the team. Not that they doubt you could be some kind of fairy, especially if you were the one Penelope chose to work with her.
“As you know,” she pursued, “I asked to have another pair of hands to help me, and so here is my little ray of sunshine.”
“Ok,” you laughed, patting her hand gently. “I think we can stop with the cute nicknames; they got the idea.”
The whole time you spent explaining what your job would be, basically supporting Penelope in her office but also going more on the field with the team to be the connection between them and her, Hotch never stopped looking at you.
Penelope was right: you were a pure ray of sunshine. You lighted up the whole room in a way he forgot was possible after years of discovering the worst cases between these walls. You kept smiling and laughing, joking with Derek at his silly remarks and blushing when you heard Emily’s compliments on your hair. You were already a part of the team in less than five minutes.
And when you walked to him to shake his hand, he realized there was something even more special about you.
For the first time in months, he was able to touch someone else without feeling any disgust. It was even pleasing.
“Nice to meet you,” he said in a low voice, still in shock from the lack of reaction his body gave. He got lost in the beauty of your eyes when you looked at him. More than the color of them, which was straight from a painter’s palette for him, he found some peace in it. You didn’t know all the struggle he was going through.
You were like an open door to something new. To feel like himself again.
Of course, it would have been too easy if he could have just started to feel at ease next to you and put his touch revulsion away in a flash.
Hotch was still the boss, and you were working for him. If he were being as responsible as he felt he had to be, he would put a respectful distance between the two of you. He couldn’t be there, longing for your touch.
But, without meaning to, you were making things way harder for him.
You were the affectionate type. And soon the team learned that they couldn’t escape your overflowing need to have physical contact with them to show your appreciation. Even Spencer, who made it clear from the start that he wasn’t comfortable with this type of affection, ended up asking for some of yours.
Like the high five when the team progressed in the case, the handholding—or grabbing, in your case—for the person next to you in the plane or the comforting touch when you felt like one of them needed it. A hand on the shoulder, a squeeze on the arm, your fingers patting your thighs softly when a meeting was going wrong, or even a hug when it was necessary. It was a normal habit for you, and soon it became one for the team too.
You weren’t sure Hotch was appreciating it though. He was your boss, and for obvious reasons, you tried to keep a distance so you wouldn’t get fired for sexual harassment. But if you felt like some of them barely needed your affection—yet, still appreciated it—like Emily or Derek, and some truly loved having you around, like Penelope, there was something different with Hotch.
That man was the incarnation of sadness, and you couldn’t do anything about it.
The first time you overpassed your feelings about it was during a case involving children. The meeting with the sheriff went terribly wrong, and Hotch, who always seemed so calm and composed, let his anger out when he got up. Slamming the chair against the desk and closing the door just as hard.
You didn’t hesitate a single second before running after him. “Hotch!” you yelled, a little louder than intended since people turned around. Well, most did, except for the one concerned. You had to run after him outside to finally be able to grab his arm. “Oh god, I’m not trained for this stuff,” you said, out of breath.
He stayed silent. Still in shock that you went after him. Still in shock that your touch didn’t make him feel sick. Once again. He even found some comfort in the way your thumb was naturally brushing his wrist; he could feel your tenderness even through the tissue of his shirt.
“Are you ok?” you asked before laughing. “I’m stupid; of course you’re not. But…can I do anything?”
Hotch was impressive for many, many reasons. He was your boss, sure. He was older than you; it was a fact. But he was terribly and undeniably handsome. It wasn’t easy to be in front of him most of the time. But right now, alone in the street, facing his eyes that were leaving your face and his deep silence, it was even harder.
“Can I offer you a hug? Maybe?” Your voice was so low that you were convinced he didn’t hear you. Which was probably for the better. You could live with the idea of missing the opportunity because you didn’t speak loud enough. Less with the idea that he deliberately ignored you.
But soon, you watched his movement as he made a step towards you. As his arms opened up before closing against your body. As his head is buried in your neck. It took you a second to react, and you held him tight against you. Your hand went to his back to caress it slowly.
You wondered when was the last time he experienced a comforting hug.
Hotch knew it had been roughly a year.
The following weeks, you noticed Hotch took some distance with you. You’d like to say he did it again, but the truth was you don’t think he was doing it deliberately before the hug. Now he was doing everything to not be close to you.
It was late at night when your bell rang. The camera on your phone immediately gave you the image of the man standing in front of your door. A tall man with dark hair and a dark coat that you knew well since these days have been cold and it was your boss’ favorite.
You didn’t question Hotch's presence at your door until you opened it and were met by his sad figure. “This has to stay between us,” he immediately said in a hoarse voice. And before knowing what this was about, you nodded. You had the feeling you couldn’t refuse what he was asking for.
You watched as he entered your apartment. As he took off his coat, putting it on a hanger and hanging it on the coat rack in precise movements. Like he repeated it in his head many times to make sure everything went smoothly. Or to reassure him that if he didn’t mess up here, it meant he was doing the right thing.
And you watched as he faced you, again, and went to your arms immediately. This one took you by surprise. You were used to being the one initiating the hug, not the one receiving it. Or, more exactly in this case, giving it without offering it in the first place.
Because Hotch wasn’t holding you. He was being held by you. More than that, he was holding onto you tightly, craving your touch. You could feel his fingers grabbing the thin tissue of your pajamas. Like he feared you might disappear any second. Fearing that he would lose the only person that made him feel good about himself again.
The hand you put on his back slowly moved to his neck, softly touching and caressing his skin. In any other moment, this was something that would have stressed him. Hotch always felt sensitive in this part of his body. He used to love being touched there, but after these past months, the idea of someone else's hand here was impossible to conceive. But here he was, longing for your touch. Hoping you never stopped.
And when you leaned back, he was glad that your hand didn’t leave its place. “Let’s sit so we can talk, ok?” you offered in a whisper. It seemed right to grab his hand at that moment to guide him, as if your apartment wasn’t small enough that your living room was more than apparent from the door.
You found it funny, once you both settled in your vintage sofa, how you looked like two opposites. You are in your pajamas, far from the professional outfit you wore all day. While Hotch was still in his suit, it looked like his day had just started.
Except for the tired eyes and the exhausted expression. You knew it wasn’t even caused by work; you had a very casual office day. Maybe that was the saddest part. How life has exhausted him to a point of no return.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked, suddenly realizing that maybe you should give him the chance to decide instead of imposing an explanation.
At first, Hotch didn’t reply. His eyes were still on your hand holding his, how little it looked compared to his big fingers. There was something almost fragile in his behavior, how he looked smaller, trying to disappear in your cushion.
And so, you started to talk for him. You told him what you did when you got home, what you ate, and what you watched during dinner. Trying to keep his mind entertained. And since you had the habit of speaking with your hands, you kept playing with his fingers or hitting his thigh.
“You’re the first person that can touch me,” he finally said after hearing one of your silly facts about burning your soup the other day. But his revelation didn’t ruin the mood. Sure, you weren’t laughing anymore, neither was he—even if he didn’t truly laugh, simply giggling. But the way you turned to him, your knee falling on his lap and your hands grabbing his in a protective way, he felt at ease.
Hotch couldn’t look at you when he told you about Foyet, what happened that night, the stabs, and how he actually remembered everything compared to what he said to the others. But he was still looking at your hands. “After that, I realized that the idea of being touched was frightening. I just couldn’t handle it and avoided it at any cost. The feeling of someone else’s skin on mine was just…” He didn’t finish his sentence, closing his eyes at the memory of the sickness it used to give him.
When you stopped brushing his skin with your thumb, he put his hand on top of yours. “But not you,” he continued, looking up at you. “Being touched by you is like an antidote. I can’t explain it.”
Now that you were thinking about it, you realized that more than once you saw Hotch step back to not be touched by anyone. Something you never paid more attention to. You weren’t a profiler, not like the team. So you didn’t question his freeze when someone approached him, the tension in his jaw when he had to shake hands, or that the only person he sat next to on the plane was Spencer, the one that wouldn’t touch him without permission.
“I don’t want to escape your touch.” He said after a long pause. You could tell from his eyes that it wasn't easy for him to say those things. “I need it.”
This sounded like a confession. It was actually the first time that Hotch acknowledged that more than accepting your skin on his, it became a necessity. An urge to be touched by you. And feel alive.
“What are you asking me, Aaron?” You asked. You were confused about the situation. “I’m happy to help, and I would have understood if you had asked me to stop being this affectionate with you because it makes you feel uncomfortable. But here…”
Something changed in his eyes; you could see it. And before you could understand, Hotch was up and already walking to your door. “I’m sorry. This was inappropriate.”
Running after your boss in your pajamas and slippers was not on your to-do list today. So you grabbed his wrist, but when you tried to pull him close to you, he stopped at the same moment. And so you fell against his chest. Naturally, one of his hands went on your back to secure your body. You did the same, putting a hand on his chest.
It was hard to ignore the feeling of your bodies pressed against each other. “I want to help you,” you said in a low voice, like a secret you wanted to keep between you. “I’ll gladly do it.”
Something softened in his body when he couldn’t find the one thing he was convinced people had for his behavior. Judgment. Hotch had been convinced that anyone was judging him. And maybe some did, for what he knew.
You didn’t. All he could see was a comprehensive look and a will to do right.
“But I need you to guide me,” you added. Slowly, you went for his other hand, held it, and brought it to his chest.
You stayed like that. Skin to skin, body to body. This moment lasted longer than all the physical contact Hotch had in the past months. And you could feel his fingers untighten slowly, just like most of his body. Accepting your embrace, your touch, your help. You even saw a little smile grow on his lips, very subtle but that meant so much.
Maybe Hotch died a few months ago. Maybe a little part of him had accepted it.
But now, he had the feeling that in between your hands, he could experience life again. And with your help, making it worth living.
Tag List: @kiwriteswords @monzabee (if you want to be in it, ask me and I'll be happy to add you x)
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Her Office
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Relationship: Ceo!Wanda X Butch!Loser!Reader
Summary: Wanda tried to get to know you a bit better before you start working together but an innocent question bring out painful memories.
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: age gap relationship (R is early 20s, W is like 40), Past verbal and physical abuse, Slight hinted at homophobia, Mommy issues bc i have them too, power imbalance?
A/N: sorry this took so long. uni is really kicking my butt right now and just when i thought i'd have time to write my research supervisor gives me a 400+ page book to read.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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“I can’t believe you’re abandoning me… and for my sister!” Pietro joked as he helped you clear out your desk. You’d made yourself at home over the past few months working for him. You were sad to be leaving but excited to be working for Wanda, also incredibly nervous, like throw up into the recycling bin near the printer nervous. Not that that had happened of course.
“But seriously, we are going to miss you down here. Don’t go forgetting about us.” He patted you on the back handing you the last of your stuff.
“How could I forget you? I’ll be down here like every other day wont I? Wanda visits all the time.” you reply with slight confusion. Wanda was always coming down to check on things, like she must do with all the departments. You assumed most of your job would be to accompany her many visits around the building. Staying close and taking notes on what she says like you’d seen Theo do.
“Yeah, she definitely was just coming down here for routine check-ins.” Pietro mumbled with the faintest air of smugness of someone who knows something you don’t has. Before you could register what he said, the doors on the far side of the room swung open and in came Wanda.
Her stride exuded confidence as she made her way over to you and your now empty desk. Her hair was slightly messy, shirt untucked, and instead of her usual high heels she wore flats.
“Got everything?” She sounded short of breath, like she had just been running. “The elevator to my office is being inspected so we’ll have to take the stairs.” Without another word, Wanda started walking back towards the door pausing to look behind her when she sensed you hadn’t moved. “Come on those 15 floors won’t climb themselves.” Suddenly her slightly dishevelled appearance made sense. You took a deep breath and gave one last look at Pietro, who seemed to be going to great lengths to not laugh at his sister, before following Wanda.
The stair well was in stark contrast to the rest of the building. Tall grey brick walls and bright white lighting. It seemed to also double as extra storage space judging by the stacks of boxes and pallets back here. You only seen them briefly while getting your monthly fire safety talks from a very unenthusiastic Dr. Banner, who once again felt the need to remind the group he had much more important things to be doing than this. As much as you found the man funny, he’s short temper made him a little scary at times.
People yelling had always been something you weren’t fond of. Your mom had always been so angry with you for not behaving like she wanted. The constant being told to sit, speak, and act ‘like a lady’ throughout your childhood had led to so many arguments. Femininity was just something you never had an interest in and the pressure to fit in from your family only made you reject it harder.
This never made the yelling easier, instead it had only made you desperate to avoid that sort of conflict. Wanda yelling the other day had scared you in a way you hadn’t felt since you were a child, and you were now desperate to make sure you were never on the receiving of her rage.
“Y/n, careful.” You had been so lost in thought you’d missed a step and stumbled forward. Wanda who had been talking non-stop about how inconvenient the elevator maintenance was stopped to help you pick up some pens that had fallen from the box you were carrying. “Do you need some help with that? It looks heavy.”
You saw this a challenge.
“No I’m fine, I’m very strong.” Wanda gave you a smile as she placed the pens back into the box touching your hand as she pulled away before turning around to continue climbing the stairs. Your face immediately flushed red.
“Only 4 more flights to go.” Her voice echoed off the bare walls was she turned another corner. You let out a sigh, the box was actually really heavy.
Once in her office you placed the box on an empty desk in the corner of the room. It was pushed up to the window and gave you an amazing view of New York. It was only then you realised how high up you were.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Wanda came up behind you making you jump slightly, all this achieved was making the red head chuckle slightly. “You’re so jumpy you know that?”
“I’ve been told.” You gave a small smile. Being alone with Wanda was terrifying and exciting all at once. The reality of the situation hadn’t really sunk in till just now. It was going to be the two of you, alone, very often from here out.
“Can I ask you something?” You nervously asked fiddling with the hem of your shirt not daring to look Wanda in the eyes. Her beautiful green eyes.
“Of course you can, darling.” Her final word rattled about in your brain momentarily making you forget what you even wanted in the first place.
“What you said, before,” Finally a coherent thought, “about wanting me, from the start. Was that true?”
“Yes, why would I lie.” Wanda raised an eyebrow giving you a no-nonsense look that you couldn’t if it was fully serious or not.
“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that! I just, why didn’t you? You know, pick me the first time?” It was definitely a word salad that came out your mouth, thank God you were better at writing than speaking. “I’m sorry I don’t mean to pry…” you added after Wanda took a second to respond.
“No, no, don’t apologies…” She took a deep breath as if debating what to say. “That first day, I thought you had potential,” she began, clearly choosing her words carefully, “I just wanted to, see if you had what it takes to you know, be mine.”
“Be… yours.” The words caught in your throat as swallowed hard, struggling to speak.
“Be my intern, my assistant.” Wanda rushed to clarify but something inside you felt like her previous words were more honest. Not that you would dare push her on it. “And being my intern comes with a lot of responsibility, so I hope you are ready.”
“Yes ma’am.” You say saluting the older woman, who found the action quite amusing. “What do you need me to do first?”
Turns out Wanda didn’t want you to do anything just yet. Instead the two of you sat across from each other in the strange living room area of her office. Wanda lent back into a large leather armchair while you sat on the edge of the couch, almost velvety, black sofa.
She offered you a tea or coffee but instead you opted for the remnants of the energy drink you had tried to chug on the train this morning. Your choice in beverage clearly wasn’t approved by Wanda but she did little to stop you besides remind you of their negative health effects.
She asked you questions about yourself, clearly wanting to get to know you better but you held back from answering her questions too honestly, scared of being fired or disappointing her which was somehow worse in your head. They were all basic questions, and you asked some back at her.
She wanted to know about your favourite meal, how to you travel to work, where are you staying, and when you were going to get some proper work shoes. Your real answer being when they made comfortable ones but instead you opted to say when you get your next paycheck.
Then she asked something that caught you completely off guard. “How is your relationship with your family?”
“My family?” You repeat to make sure you were hearing things right.
“Yes, your family, you are one of the only interns not from a known family in the city, you mentioned you aren’t from New York originally, they must be proud of you?” Wanda spoke with a warm smile.
You hadn’t noticed but during the conversation you had leant back into the couch. It was like she had given you permission to relax for a change. You didn’t understand why but talking with Wanda made you feel comfortable, almost too comfortable at times making you need to remind yourself she was your boss.
“They umm,” your mind went to the argument you’d had with your father when you told him you were going to university miles away, almost across the entire country, “can we talk about something else.” Your voice shook slightly at the memory.
How angry he’d been, how angry he always was. The same with your mother, always so resentful, never protecting you from him. You spent your first semester coach surfing with a black eye till you had enough money to afford to rent a shitty little apartment.
“Sweetie, it’s okay.” Wanda had seemingly caught on that something was wrong and moved to sit next to you on the couch. She placed her arm around you and pulled you into a side hug that made your whole body tense. “For what it’s worth, I’ve seen your grades and watched how hard you work. I’m proud of you y/n.” Her voice had the same warmth as earlier, it was sickeningly genuine to you.
All you wanted to do was melt into her arms, but you couldn’t this was your boss. She was just being nice, there was no way she would let you get that close to her under regular circumstances. You told yourself you wouldn’t let yourself get attached. You’d seen how ruthless she could be, and it terrified you to think of being on the receiving end. Catching feelings would just make your eventual fuck up ever worse.
Besides there was no way in hell CEO Wanda Maximoff, multimillionaire Wanda Maximoff, Old enough to be your mother Wanda Maximoff would ever have feelings for you in return.
“I need to go to the bathroom.” You stood up as quickly as Wanda grip on you allowed. “Sorry.” You hurried to the small bathroom in the corner of the room, locking the door behind you before allowing yourself a moment to cry.
Cruel words from you parents fought the gentle reassurance Wanda had given you. You took a moment to collect yourself. Taking several deep breaths and trying to get rid of the redness in your eyes with a little cold water from the tab.
The bathroom, like everything in Wanda’s office screamed sophistication. The mostly white tiles with the smallest hint of red complemented the plush red hand towels, and several well looked after plants littered a shelf above the toilet. Most surprisingly was the shower and clawfoot tub in the room. Did she actually use them? Or where they just there because they could be?
Finally you were ready to leave the bathroom, stepping out you saw Wanda quickly look away from your direction. Had she been watching the door the whole time?
“Y/n, feeling better?” you gave a weak nod. “Good, right back to business then, first order is sorting out… this.” She pointed towards you clothing. Since Pietro had never required you to dress professionally, you had never updated your wardrobe. You wore the same baggy, teen boy esc clothing you always did.
“Yeah, I thought that would be a problem, sorry about the way I dress. I just…”
“No I like the way you dress.” Wanda cut you off. “I mean, you dress fine, it’s just not… appropriate if you are going to be accompanying me to important meetings and such.” You couldn’t tell if you were imagining it, but you could have sworn you saw a small blush creep onto the older woman’s face.
“Right, there should be a measuring tape in the third draw of the left cabinet in my office. I have some work to get on with you can’t help with.” Wanda began quickly pressing the button of the, hopefully, now working lift.
“I want you to measure yourself and note it down. I’ll sort you out some more work appropriate clothing.” Before you could ask any other follow up questions the doors to the lift opened and she rushed inside, disappearing almost immediately.
Walking into Wanda’s office you looked out at the city, everything seemed so quiet, so still from all the way up here. Grabbing the measuring tape you sat down at your desk, getting your phone out to look up exactly what measurement you need to give her. You’d never had to think about measurements when buying clothes before. Your face flushed a bit think about the idea of Wanda choosing you some clothes. Hopefully she wouldn’t put you in a pencil skirt, or God forbid heels.
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Tag list: @wandaslittlehorns @starfire1008 @mirage018 @viosblog112 @nebthetautora @ciaoooooo111 @cowboy-hunter @htinha157 @the-falling-avenger @reginassecretlover @canyonyodeler @mrsromanovaa @loneliestafterparty @imawandasimp @caramelcat123 @marvelwomen-simp @reginassweetheart @unadulteratedballoonduck @kei034 @coollemonsaresour
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It could be Ellie’s birthday and for some reasons the cake order they made got canceled or something like this and Aaron stays up all night prior her birthday party to cook her a cake 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Bonus point if he never did that before !!!!!!!!
no time to lose
that is adorable 😭 cw; dad!aaron, pregnant!reader, food mentions, playful loving banter and domestic fluff to the max💞 wc; 1.5k
Juggling multiple grocery bags in one hand so he could use the other to open the door wasn’t the easiest thing in the world, but it did allow Aaron to enter the house without making too much noise. If he entered too loudly, the sleeping children upstairs very well may not stay sleeping.
It wouldn’t be too much of an issue if Jack was awakened, but Ellie could not wake up tonight, plain and simple. Not only because birthday surprises were still to be put together, but she’d just recently and finally grown accustomed to sleeping, and remaining, in her own bed.
A bittersweet feeling overcame Aaron at the thought of her newfound independence - she really was growing up. He suddenly found himself missing waking up in the middle of the night to her little feet directly in his face.
You followed the sound of his return, a slight panicked expression on your face as you entered the kitchen. "Did you find an open store?"
"Thankfully," Aaron huffed softly, unloading the bags onto the table. He immediately started unpacking - a box of vanilla cake mix, a tub of white frosting, a few frosting tubes for decorating. "They didn't have pink frosting though, so I got food dye."
You nodded hurriedly. "Candles?"
"Wait, was I supposed to get candles too?" Your face fell back into a panic before his feigned, stunned expression changed to a smirk, "Of course I remembered the candles honey."
You playfully tapped his arm, causing a chuckle to escape him. "That's mean."
"But you still love me." You hmph'ed in response, but graciously accepted the kiss he leaned in close to give you, smiling as you pulled away.
"Hey I wasn't-"
"No," You raised your eyebrows, narrowing your eyes amusedly, "no distractions. This cake isn't going to bake itself."
His shoulders dropped defeatedly as he looked at you, his expression a bit pained. "How am I going to decorate a ballerina and bunnies cake?"
Your curly headed daughter had been very insistent that her birthday cake consisted of those two things and those two things only. Ballerinas in honor of her favorite activity, and bunnies to represent her special plush she refused to relieve from her grip.
You shrugged, "A bunny in a tutu?"
"I'm certified in quite a few things, but cake decorating is not one of them."
"Just be happy the bakery was nice enough to let us know." Your usual go-to had called just an hour before, the time quickly approaching ten. The cold weather had caused a pipe to burst, and flooded the establishment as a result. Therefore, Ellie's birthday cake was not ready and you were forced to utilize your own capabilities. Aaron had left in a frenzy while you kept your raging hormones at bay - you had dissolved into tears at the news. Her fifth birthday, absolutely ruined.
He hummed in agreement, opening the cabinet and pulling out the mixing bowl. "I can't argue with that."
"Do you need my help?" You neared close, wobbling only a bit.
"No, you go lay down." He pressed his hand to your protruding belly where your newest addition grew, giving you another kiss. "I can handle this, you've been on your feet all day."
A laugh erupted from you, "So have you."
"Yeah, well, I'm not with child." He quipped back, a warm glint in his eyes that only enhanced their gentle brown color.
"Have you even baked a cake before?"
"I've made brownies. How different can it be?"
Making the cake was fairly easy. Aka, Aaron could read and follow the instructions on the back of the box. You chimed in from your designated spot at the kitchen island - if you weren't going to lay down you were going to sit, he had insisted - offering the advice such as using the electric mixer rather than whisking by hand. The cake soon ventured into the oven, and once it’d been baked it was popped in the fridge to cool. Meanwhile, Aaron got started on the frosting.
"Is this pink enough?" His eyes shot to yours, slowing his spoon and tilting the bowl slightly so you could easily see.
"Hmm, add some more white? That's more Barbie pink than coquette pink." You suggested, wrapping one of Ellie's presents - a doll she's had her eyes on for months.
Aaron gave you a bewildered look, before obliging and spooning more into the bowl, "What?"
"It's too vibrant, it has to be much lighter."
His face didn't falter, immediately retrieving the tape your elbow had bumped to the floor. "Coquette? What the hell is that?"
"You do know that there's more than one shade of pink-"
He spoke over you, "yes I do but-"
"Just listen to me." You teased, topping Ellie's present with a bow. Aaron exhaled a breath in return, causing you to laugh lightly.
"God, I can't believe she's turning five." Aaron mumbled as his lips drew into a small pout, mixing the frosting rather grumpily - as if it had personally offended him. "Where did the time go?"
"I know," your hand found his back, rubbing it soothingly. "It seems like it was only yesterday we brought her home from the hospital, she was learning how to walk, refusing to sleep anywhere but our bed."
"Don't make me cry."
"Sorry," you giggled gently, kissing his cheek. "But just think, this year she'll start kindergarten, become a big sister, soccer in the spring. Five will be huge for her."
He nodded, a deep sigh leaving his chest. "Yeah, I suppose you're right."
"Haven't you learned by now? I always am." You bantered, but after a moment, you added, "I feel bad."
His head lifted in alarm, eyes wide as they searched your face before dropping to your belly. "You do?!"
"No, no. We're fine." You reassured, your words intertwining with your soft laugh. Resting your head against his shoulder, "I should be making you a cake. It's not only Ellie's birthday tomorrow."
You'd just entered your third trimester and your energy was dwindling - every day had been different. Energetic one, sluggish the next. All your time was spent catching up to your tireless daughter, ensuring Jack made it to his extra-circulars, and managing the normal household necessities.
Aaron helped in every way he could, but his schedule did dictate when - you were on your own when he was gone, abide some help from Jessica. But you managed while pregnant with Ellie, you could do so again.
And when Aaron was home, he made certain you didn't dare lift a finger. He took charge when it came to the house and both kids, and even devotedly massaged your swollen ankles every night without fail.
You'd gotten him a gift at least, and had already sneakily texted Penelope to ask the favor of stopping before the party tomorrow to pick up some cupcakes for Aaron. You’d both agreed: Ellie's birthday was top priority. But Aaron deserved to feel special too.
"Thank you, but I don't need anything more," He pressed a kiss to your temple, gazing at you lovingly. "I have everything I need. Three healthy kids and an amazing wife. I'm set."
After you'd gone to bed, Aaron completed the last minute preparations as he waited for the cake to chill. You'd already hung up the streamers (under Aaron's very watchful eye, a hand on your back spotting you even though you were merely on your tiptoes). He blew up the balloons, scattering them along the living room floor where Ellie's presents were laid. He smiled to himself, picturing her excitement when she woke up. As a five year old.
Next came the hard part, decorating. Lathering the cake in pink frosting had been easy, but it was the bunny in the tutu that - pun intended - would be the icing on the cake. He couldn't mess that up.
Before you settled down, you selected easy, cartoon bunny images for him to reference. He picked the simplest one - the one he felt most confident he could portray - and went for it.
With a steady hand, he started with the outline. Shaping the bunny, even adding a lopsided ear to contrast the one sticking straight up. He filled it in, added whiskers, eyes and a nose, other minor details to make it appear more life-like. He did utter a shit under his breath more than once; too much frosting oozing out of the tube, accidentally drawing one whisker longer than the others, quirks that could be noticeable.
It wasn't perfect, but in the end it resembled a bunny. And the tutu, more manageable than he'd anticipated, he even added small ballet slippers. Hopefully and most importantly, it was Ellie-approved.
Come tomorrow, approved didn't nearly cover it. Ellie was in absolute delight, and insisted that Aaron would make her a bunny cake every year: 'Every year Daddy,' she had pointed a finger at him, the signature Hotchner eyebrows drawn over her eyes.
And the team, equally as shocked. Penelope's surprised, high pitched Sir! nearly caused his (bad) ear to ring, while Morgan altogether refused to believe Aaron had done it, despite your reassurances that it had been all him: "Get outta here. Hotch did that? You serious?"
Maybe Aaron could add cake decorating to his list of credentials.
#aaron hotchner x reader#aaron hotchner#aaron hotchner fluff#aaron hotchner x you#aaron hotch x reader#aaron hotchner imagine#criminal minds#criminal minds x reader#criminal minds x you#criminal minds drabble#aaron hotchner drabble#criminal minds fanfiction#criminal minds imagine#hotch imagine#criminal minds x fem!reader
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I Wanna Be Your Dog

Pairing: Emily Prentiss x afab!reader
Description: a night out with the team and a hurricane shot strikes up some interesting experiences between you and Chief Prentiss.
Warnings: (18+) Smut (rough sex, choking, hair pulling, spitting, slapping, strap-sucking), dirty talk, use of she/her pronouns, pet names like good/pretty girl, etc but no full on descriptors.
Playlist: I Wanna Be Your Dog - Joan Jett, Mars needs guitars - Voodoo Gurus
Word count: 13k (sorry not sorry<3)
Read on ao3 | Masterlist
A/n: FINALLY ITS HERE!! enjoy;)
It’s been a grueling week for the entire team.
The last case was long and exhausting, a seemingly never-ending chase. That is until they finally caught the break they needed to take him down. It was like a tidal wave of relief had crashed over the team. And so, that is how you and the ladies ended up at a bar in town, huddled around a table in the corner of the room, passing around jokes and playing ridiculous games that co-workers most definitely should not play together. But tonight, you are all simply close friends.
“Okay, okay- Y/n! How about you?” JJ quipped playfully from the other side of the table, her warm, blonde locks tousled messily over her shoulder. “What is your craziest sex story?”
You flush slightly under the gaze of your intrigued co-workers, eyes falling to the half-empty glass in your hand. “Oh man, I don’t know…” You tipped your head back in thought, gazing up at the ceiling with a squint.
“When I was a teenager, I had this girlfriend…” You laugh at the ridiculous memory. “She’s a sweet girl, but she’s from a pretty religious family. And one time, when we were y’know… doing it in her bedroom, her mom walked in on me laid out over the desk with her daughter's head between my legs…” You heard a couple of gasps from around the table, followed by laughter.
“And her mother genuinely screamed and ran! I had to jump out her bedroom window half-naked!” You motioned dramatically with your hands, before sipping on your drink.
“Oh my GOD, Y/n!” JJ guffawed, tossing her head back in laughter.
“That’s- oh my, I don’t think I’d be able to live after that!” Penelope sits stunned next to you, her bracelets clinking together as she shifts to face you, her hand landing on your shoulder.
“Yeahh… safe to say I never saw her again.” You chuckled. “Her mom sent her off to some private academy the next week, and the last I heard from her was in a letter she wrote, stating she found god and that I should repent too!” Your eyes widen for dramatic effect as you lean back in your chair, tilting it on its hind legs.
“Oh Jesus…” Tara mumbled, a low chuckle rumbling from her chest as she took a swig from her beer.
“Never again with the religious girls…” you shake your head, laughing to yourself silently.
“Unless they’re ex-religious! Those are the interesting ones…” JJ raises her finger in the air, giving you a bright smile. You can’t help but raise your brows at the response, a small smirk pulling at the corner of your mouth as you give her a curious look.
“Are you insinuating something, JJ?” Your voice is low, your finger drawing circles over the rim of your drink.
“No! No… I’m one of them! I also just know a few things I shouldn’t about some people…” Her eyes drift conspicuously over toward Emily's shadowy figure in the corner of the table.
All eyes shift to her and Emily looks up from her lap, presumably fiddling with her cuticles. Her dark eyes, almost black in the low lighting, and her strong shoulders are sharply accentuated by the fitted blazer she has on.
You can’t deny the ridiculous crush you have on the Unit Chief. Ever since you met the woman upon her return from Interpol, you’d developed quite the infatuation.
You’re entranced by the way she carries herself with such effortless confidence. The way her dark hair frames her gracefully (and very attractively) aged face, the way she handles a weapon, and the way she takes complete control over a situation fills you with a quiet aching that so desperately itches to be taken care of.
“What?” Emily deadpans, her perfect brows arching while her eyes search the faces of the table for an answer.
“Nothing, just JJ insinuating that you’re a freak in the sheets.” Penelope chirps. Emily rolls her eyes, her thumb and middle finger squeezing at her temples as she lets out a sigh.
“I’d prefer it if you didn’t discuss my personal life at the table, Jayje.” She gives JJ a pointed look.
“It’s just the topic of conversation, Em. I didn’t say anything, just made a comment.” JJ waves her hands in the air in sarcastic defense, shooting the ravenette a cheesy smile.
You know the women have been close friends for ages, but their banter seems to strike a faintly jealous nerve in your stomach. Do they have history? Or are they just so close that they know intimate details about each other's sex lives?
Either way, you didn’t really want to find out.
“I’m not very in favor of sharing details regarding my intimacies with other women… that’s strictly between them and myself.” Emily shifts so her arm could rest comfortably over the back of her chair. The buttons of her blouse pull tought with the position, showing a sliver of her milky chest.
Your eyes linger there for a moment, and upon their return to Emily’s face, her eyes are already locked on you. A smirk tilts the corner of her mouth, minuscule enough that you almost don’t notice it.
Chest thick with embarrassment, you turn your gaze away. A flush prickling over your skin.
“Oh! Let’s go dance!” Penelope suddenly blurts beside you, her hands tapping excitedly at your shoulders as she hops up from her chair.
The bass of the music buzzes through your bones as Penelope practically drags you to the cramped dance floor.
You crane your neck to see if the others are following, you find Tara and JJ practically shoving Emily along. Her boot-clad feet shuffle across the floor as she moves, while a contradictory smile curls across her lips. You notice she’s shed the blazer, leaving her in a simple pair of black slacks and a matching button-down.
The air is cloudy and thick with the smell of sweating bodies and cologne. Penelope finds a decent-sized hole in the crowd and pulls you in, twirling you around as she begins dancing. You can’t help but laugh and wrap your arms around her, swaying back and forth in a soft embrace.
JJ’s hand suddenly cuts between you two, her cheeks glowing with the strength of her smile as she worms into Penelope’s space, bumping you out of the way with her hip.
You see Tara moving in closer to JJ and Penelope, but Emily is nowhere to be found. Your eyes scan the crowd, hoping to spot her head above the rest. Without luck, you begin dancing alone but close to the others.
A pair of hands squeezing at your waist from behind causes you to jump. Quickly, you spin around, ready to confront whoever it is.
Unsurprisingly, it’s a man you hadn’t seen, his face dripping with a thick layer of sweat. You could smell the liquor on him as he tried to pull you closer. Your fingers claw at his wrists in attempts to free yourself but to no avail.
He smiles eerily down at you, as your hands press against his damp chest, attempting to create enough distance to break away.
“Let g-” you start, but your demand is cut off when the man is aggressively shoved away from you. His arms clamber at the nearby bodies of strangers as he falls backward, inevitably landing on the floor despite his attempts to balance himself.
You jump back, wrapping your arms around yourself as you turn to greet your hero.
And of course… It's Emily. And God, does she look hot when she’s mad.
Her face is red with anger as she brushes past you, standing over the man all while clawing at his shirt, her arms flexing under the material of her blouse as she lifts his torso from the ground, landing a solid punch across his nose before pulling him in close and shouting something illegible in his face.
Your mouth hangs agape as the man wiggles away from her sheepishly, his eyes wide with fear and nose leaking blood as a few burly bar employees rush in and drag him outside.
She flashes her badge as one strides in her direction, waving him off.
When Emily turns back to you, the veins in her neck are bulging, pumping adrenaline throughout her body. Her eyes find yours immediately, big and full of concern. Her hands find you next, wrapping delicately around your biceps and pulling you against her chest.
Your limbs fall languidly around her waist as you lean against her. Her warm scent fills your senses as you take a deep breath, calming the incessant beating of your heart.
She smells like clean laundry and sweet shampoo, mixed with the heady essence of sweat that clings to the back of her neck. It’s intoxicating.
Your eyes scan the room in a daze of shock as Emily strokes the side of your head. But deep within you, something is crackling into a blaze– like the pit of a volcano that some delinquent teenager kicked a rock into.
There was just something so attractive about her protecting you like that. Putting herself in harm's way, practically mauling that man for putting his hands on you.
You see Penelope shuffling into your line of sight, her warm hand reaching out to cup your cheek as her eyes worry over you. Emily pulls back from the hug, a hand sliding to rest against your trap, squeezing the muscle lightly as she watches your interaction with Penelope.
“Oh, my sweet, Y/n! Are you okay? That was insane!” The woman crowds you, checking over your skin for any sign of blemishes.
“Yeah, yeah, Pen. I’m okay…” Your gaze flicks over to Emily, her eyes already fixated on you. The darkness of her irises still glints with that mixture of anger and concern. She slips her hand from your shoulder, you almost protest the removal and reach for her again. But you don’t.
“Oh good. The audacity of men! Thank god Emily caught that!” Penelope sighs frustratedly, her palms cupping your jaw while her thumbs brush over your flushed cheeks.
“Yeah- thank you… Emily. Really.” Your eyes find her again, smiling shyly as she nods curtly in acknowledgment.
“It’s no problem. That douchebag needed a reality check and I was happy to give it to him.” She chuckles, showing off that infamous smile of hers.
You can’t help but grin back at her, laughing softly as the image of Emily taking a man nearly double her size to the ground replays in your mind.
“My knight in shining armor.” You give Emily a pout, reaching out to punch her shoulder teasingly.
“Don’t flatter yourself too much now…” she scoffs. “Come on… I’m gonna get you a drink.”
Before you can respond, Emily starts towards the bar. You give Penelope a quick smile, reassuring her and the others that you’re alright before quickly following after the older woman.
You find her perched against the countertop, resting one of her feet on the foot-rail. The sleeves of her blouse are rolled up to her elbows, her forearm muscles twitching deliciously as she reaches for her drink.
“Hey…” you settle in next to her, your arm brushing against hers with the closeness.
“Hey, you.” Emily smirks. “What are you drinking? Want a shot?” She looks at you excitedly, her brows jiggling as she flags the bartender down with a wave of her finger.
“Oh Christ... I don’t think I can stomach more shots. Water will do just fine.” You laugh, shaking your head. Emily nods in acknowledgment, repeating what you said to the man behind the bar.
“Thank you…” You give her a soft smile, fingers tapping anxiously on the mildly sticky wood of the bar. The feeling of being so close to Emily wracking your body with a sort of nervous energy. You could smell her perfume lingering in the humid air, a sense of groundedness within the unruly scene.
“No problem.” Emily smiles at you over the lip of her drink, her nose crinkling as she takes a slow sip.
The pair of you sit in a mildly uncomfortable silence while you wait on your drink, butterflies swimming in the pit of your stomach.
You admire the way Emily’s skin glows in the low light of the bar, the faint colors from the dancefloor reflecting a warmer tone onto her porcelain complexion. With a flick of her chin, Emily’s thick locks whirl over her shoulder, giving way to the soft curve of her jawline.
You’re pulled out of your trance when the bartender places the drink in front of you, which you immediately pick up and take a long sip. Emily studies you with an amused expression, her head tilting as she turns and leans her side against the counter.
“Ahh, refreshing.” you sigh, placing the glass on a napkin.
“Yeah?” Emily feigns a concerned look. “Are you sure you’re alright? I can get you a ride home if you-”
“Yes- sorry… I’m fine, nothing I haven’t seen before.” you flash her a tight-lipped smile as you reach for your drink again.
“Well...” Emily’s warm hand reaches out, her palm rubbing over your tricep. “If you ever happen to encounter a guy like that ever again, just know you can always count on me to take care of it.”
You can’t help the giggle that erupts from your chest. A blush spreads over your face as you shy away from her gaze, your full attention on watching the condensation drip from your glass.
“What?” Emily gives you a questioning arch of her brow.
“Oh- it’s nothing…” you brush her off, looking down at the amber liquid swirling in your glass.
“It’s obviously not nothing, you’re acting funny.” She chuckles, scooting a bit closer to you and resting her elbow on the bar top, somewhat trapping you in place. “What’s on your mind?”
“Oh god…” you sigh, a flush creeping up your cheeks as you place the cup down and hide behind your hands. “You getting all aggressive when that guy was on me was kinda… y’know…” you peek over at Emily through parted fingers.
She has a sarcastically confused but prideful grin on her face, dark eyes raking over your body as she steps even closer.
“Was what?” Emily leans in, her hip resting against your own. “I’m not sure what you mean.” She tilts her chin at you, her tongue poking through her teeth suggestively as she speaks.
“I think you do, Prentiss… you’re a profiler AND you have eyes.” You scoff, downing the rest of your drink– a slight relief from the dryness in your throat.
“I might have an idea, but…” her eyes leave you for a moment, glancing at the crowd, before leaning in so close her lips brush against the shell of your ear. “I want to hear you say it.”
Emily’s voice is molten against your skin, sending a shiver throughout your entire body. When she pulls away, it’s only by a few inches, her eyes trained heavily on you. Your eyes dart between hers for a moment, and you can feel the thick warmth pooling in your gut as she watches you.
“It was really hot.” You state bluntly, a bit unsure of where the sudden courage stems from, but it leaves your mouth without a second thought. There’s a sparkle in Emily’s eyes when she hears those words, her small smirk growing once again.
“That wasn’t so hard, hm?” She reaches up to brush the loose hairs from your shoulder, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. You blush even harder as her hand gently cups the back of your neck.
“I bet…” her thumb presses into the soft flesh below your ear. “You would do whatever I told you to…” Her bottom lip glistens as she glides her tongue across the skin before pulling it between her perfect teeth.
You watch her thoughtlessly, eyes following the movement of her mouth as you struggle to find any semblance of a response. A bit stunned by how forward she’s being, but by no means opposed.
“Such a good girl, aren’t you?” She cups your jaw, and you nearly moan aloud at the contact mixed with her words, successfully stifling it down to a hardly innocent whimper.
“Oh, she likes that…” Emily beams, her hand trailing underneath your chin to aim it towards her. “Hmm, let’s see… and how would she feel about being my good girl tonight?”
You’re quite mortified by the statement internally, not in a bad way, of course— but it doesn’t show. Never in your wildest dreams would you think something like this would ever happen, especially since she is your boss. The same boss that you’ve been pining after for months.
“Yes…” your voice is nearly a whisper, leaning desperately into her warm touch. Emily smiles proudly in the wake of your response.
“Hmm, well… why don't you start by dancing with me?” She squeezes your jaw before releasing it roughly. You let your head fall to the side as she downs the remainder of her drink. A dopey grin crosses your face as you look back at her through fluttering lashes.
“Come on, this is a good one…” Emily chuckles, gripping your clammy hand and tugging you back to the dancefloor.
[So messed up, I want you here]
The heavy sound of guitar fills your ears, you recognize the song instantly; I Wanna Be Your Dog by Joan Jett– of course, Emily loves this song.
[And in my room, I want you here]
Emily wraps her arm around your waist tightly, pulling you flush against her body as she sways with the music. You let your arms wrap around her neck, fingers tangling into the hair at her nape as you lean into the embrace.
Emily smiles down at you, and it's like there is no one else in the room. It feels like your skin is burning and you couldn't be happier (and hornier).
[yeah, and now we’re gonna be face to face, ugh]
“You're beautiful, I hope you know that” You flush at the compliment, burying your face into her shoulder as your bodies twist together to the rhythm of the music.
“Thank you. You’re really really gorgeous.” Your nose brushes against the soft skin of her neck as you return the compliment. You feel her finger looping through your belt loop, just barely grazing the curve of your ass. She chuckles and you can feel the vibrations from her chest against your own.
[And I’ll lay right down in your favorite place]
“Yeah! You know where that is!” You sing along to the song with a smile, pulling away from Emily and spinning around, your ass brushing against her front as you gyrate against her.
[Now I wanna be your dog!]
Emily's hands settle low on your hips, the tips of her fingers digging into your upper thigh. You feel her hot breath tickling the back of your neck, soon followed by the subtle brush of her lips.
[Now I wanna be your dog!]
You let your head fall back onto her shoulder, mouth falling open as she places a full-fledged kiss on the hot skin. Your hands settle atop hers, letting her wrap around your waist tighter.
[Now I wanna be your dog! Ow!]
“Oh, fuck…” you whimper as she nips at the shell of your ear, her hands gripping tightly over the muscle of your hip, shooting sparks of heat straight to your core.
You can hear her raspy chuckle, and you can already see the smug face she’s wearing in your head. You spin out of her grasp again– she follows along, twirling you a few times before pulling your front against her.
[Ooh, give it to me]
“Ooh, give it to me.” you sing in unison with the song, smirking up at Emily as she growls in response. Practically eating you alive with her eyes, and god you wish she would.
“You’re naughty…” Emily’s hands slip into your back pockets as her thigh shifts between your legs, pulling you in. To surrounding eyes, the move might simply look like dancing with a girlfriend, but you both know that isn’t the case. Especially with the soft moan that slips from your throat as she flexes subtly, the hard muscle pressing against your center through the fabric of your jeans.
[Now I’m ready to close my eyes]
“Jesus, Emily…” You meet her dark gaze with hooded eyes, nails clawing at her shoulders for stability.
[Now I’m ready to close my mind]
“What, baby?” Emily’s voice is low, if it weren’t for the closeness you wouldn’t have heard it. Her nose brushes against your cheekbone, her breath hot against your skin. You shiver, preening at the use of the pet name.
[Now I’m ready to feel your hands]
“I think… I think we should go somewhere…” you practically pant into her ear, her hands pressing your pelvis into her harshly.
“So needy already, hm?” Emily murmurs, her body swaying to the music.
[Lose my heart on the burning sands, ugh!]
“Yes…” your nails press into the base of her skull, the sharpness makes her hiss.
“You’re gonna have to tell me what you need, or you won’t get anything at all…” Emily’s eyes scan the crowd once again, watching as the team dances, off in their own worlds. You can only whimper in response.
“Although… the idea of letting you stew, all hot and bothered, suffering through seeing me tomorrow and thinking about what I could do to you, does sound quite enticing…” She presses her cheek against yours, her canines grazing the flesh.
“Please…” You’re practically falling at her feet, breathless and desperate for mercy. Desperate for anything she could give you.
“Please what?”
“Please… I need you.” You pull back for a moment, meeting her eyes with a daring glance. There’s a flash of something deep within her irises, dancing beneath her long lashes.
Emily smirks, studying you for a beat before one of her hands reaches up to brush a few stray hairs from your face, trailing over your cheek and neck before settling against your collarbone.
“There you go…” the lines of her eyes crinkle as her smile widens, her thumb dipping into the hollow of your throat.
[Now I wanna be your dog!]
“Now I wanna be your dog…” you sing quietly, eyes never faltering from hers as a silent declaration.
Emily pulls her lip between her teeth, her palm sliding up your lower back. There’s a faint flush creeping up her exposed chest, you want so badly to press your lips against it. Feel the heat of her soft skin.
“You’re heading into dangerous territory, agent…” Her hand grips at your waist, squeezing just enough for you to let out a quiet yelp.
“I’d like to think I’m well prepared… Chief.”
Emily holds your gaze, just smiling down at you darkly. For a moment it looks kind of like she’s about to lean in and kiss you, but the moment is swiftly whipped away when Penelope makes a sudden appearance.
“GUYS! They’re doing hurricane shots at the bar!! You have to watch!” She babbles excitedly, pulling you and Emily apart and dragging you to the bar.
Emily shoots you a glance, a shocked expression crossing her features. You chuckle, shaking your head as you let yourself get dragged across the room.
The bar is crowded with rowdy patrons as they all watch the bartender climb atop the bar, sitting in front of the eagerly awaiting young man.
His cheeks are flushed a deep shade of crimson as the woman leans in to make sure he’s ready, when he nods there is a roar of cheers and a sea of phones being whipped out to record the interaction.
“Oh my gosh, this is so exciting!!” Penelope squeals, jumping up and down and clutching at your arm.
You look over at Emily with an excited smile, she winks causing you to look back in the direction of the bar.
There’s a short countdown before the man quickly shoots back the shot, lowering his hands to brace himself as the bartender unfurls the cup of water over his face and lands a sharp slap across his jaw.
“Ohhhhh!!” The crowd whoops, bursting out in laughter and cheers as the man flushes impossibly deeper, stumbling out of his stool towards his cheering friends with a cheesy grin.
“Jesus…” Emily murmurs, looking at you and Penelope with a shocked expression, “She did not hold back.”
“I would so do that.” You say aloud before you even realize what you’re confessing.
Penelope turns to you, aghast but intrigued, a bright smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
“You should do it! Tonight! Oh my god, let’s do it now!” Penelope jumps up and down excitedly, hands gripping your shoulders as she shakes you.
“Oh man, I don’t know… I’m not sure how I feel about a stranger slapping me.” You tilt your head in contemplation.
“I’ll do it,” Emily turns toward you, a smirk playing over her lips. “If they even allow that.”
You see a flicker of something behind her eyes, and you are so very interested in what it might be.
Penelope grows even more excited at her statement, gripping both of your arms and giggling adorably.
“Oh my gosh, guys… this is going to be so good,” the blonde beams, tugging you and Emily under her arms in a side hug. “You both are freaks... But I love ya!”
“You really wanna slap your subordinate across the face, Prentiss?” You challenge her, chewing at your bottom lip. “In public, nonetheless?”
Emily sighs, letting out a low chuckle. “I am not your boss tonight, Y/l/n… this is just fun between friends.” You notice the flush creeping up her neck as she speaks, and her eyes glistening with the unmistakable sheen of arousal.
“If you say so…” you smirk, your pointer finger prodding at her waist from behind Penelope’s back.
Penelope shrieks, dragging you and Emily towards the others.
“Guys! Y/n’s gonna do the hurricane shot with Emily!!” She announces, which grabs a few shocked expressions from the rest of the team.
“Oh, yeah?” JJ gives Emily a suggestive look, arching a brow.
“Yeahhh…” you and Emily say in unison, glancing at each other crookedly.
“Well let’s do it then! I’ll grab some shots and water.” Tara waves her hands up excitedly, stepping off towards the bar.
You stand between Penelope and JJ shyly, your fingers suddenly becoming very interesting.
“Alright… two shots and two waters.” Tara places the tray on the table. “If you guys are gonna do this I wanna see it both ways.”
Your eyes widen at the thought of slapping Emily back, but you most definitely aren’t turned off by the idea. Matter of fact, the idea turns you on… quite a bit.
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Emily questions you earnestly, but you can still see the excitement in her eyes as she gets closer.
“Yes. I’m sure.” You hold her gaze longer than you should, just staring. With a nod she steps back, picking up one of the shots before handing the cup of water to you.
“I’ll go first… ready?” She plants her feet on the floor and lowers herself slightly so you can angle yourself better.
“As I’ll ever be…” you laugh as you stand in front of her, readying yourself.
Penelope stands to the side counting down as Emily puts the glass to her lips, when she reaches one, Emily tosses it back as fast as possible, relaxing the muscles of her face in preparation for the incoming slap.
You toss the water at her as soon as her mouth is closed, hesitating momentarily before landing a solid crack just above her jaw.
The group cheers and Emily’s eyes shoot open wide, immediately connecting with yours with a groan. Her black irises gleam dangerously as a welt the shape of your hand forms over her cheek.
“Whew!” Emily shakes herself out, putting the glass back on the table and picking up the water for herself.
“You good?” Tara asks, knuckles pressing into Emily’s shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m great… that was nothing.” She scoffs. “You hit like a little girl.”
“Your face says otherwise…” you tease, eyes raking over the red splotch once again.
“Whatever…” Emily rolls her eyes, raising her palm to the side of your head to guide her aim.
Penelope starts the countdown once again, and you’re shuddering in anticipation, planting your toes and raising the shot glass before tossing it back on the count of one.
The icy water hits you before you even have the chance to fully swallow, and the singe of Emily’s palm against your cheekbone brings tears to your eyes.
Not because you were actually in tremendous pain, it hurt, but that’s simply your body's natural reaction to the deliciously overwhelming nature of what just happened.
And to be quite honest, you would let her do it again.
You can hear the faint laughs and cheers of the people around you as your mouth falls open, releasing a thick breath as you squint up at Emily through dripping eyelashes.
Her brows hold a bit of concern in their creases, but the smirk she’s wearing says otherwise. She knows you liked it.
“That was fun, wow-” You wipe the water from your face, tapping gently at the stinging skin of your cheek. “I think I’m done for the night now…”
“Yeah, I think it’s time we all cool it…” JJ steps behind you, squeezing your shoulders as Penelope hands you a few napkins to dry yourself.
“We all do have to be at work tomorrow morning so…” Emily chuckles, running a hand through her dampened hair. “Don’t want my team chasing killers with hangovers!”
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow, this was fun!” JJ leans into your side as she bids her goodbyes, repeating the process with the rest of the women before heading to the bar to pay her tab and leave.
You, Tara, Penelope, and Emily settle back down at the table, settling back down at the table for a while, nursing some water and a shared plate of fries.
As the first yawn of the night strikes Tara, she bids her farewells and Penelope soon follows, leaving you and Emily completely alone for the first time tonight.
“So…” Emily starts, standing up and moving to a chair closer to you, she leans back in it, looking over at you— blank of expression except for the faint tilt at the corner of her mouth.
“So?” You mirror her, raising a brow.
“Alone at last…” she smirks, the toe of her boot poking out to slide up the back of your calf.
“So it seems…” you retort lowly, resting your chin in the palm of your hand. “How’s your face?”
Emily chuckles, running a hand through her hair before brushing her fingertips over the fading redness on her cheek. “Doesn’t hurt… just stings a little, but it’s good.” She smiles, folding her hands together over her lap. “How’s yours? Looks pretty sore to me…”
“Nothing I can’t handle.”
Emily just looks at you for a beat, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth as her eyes trail over you the same they did at the bar earlier.
There’s a mysterious and alluring tension lingering between the two of you as you stare at each other, a hunger within synced breaths and static touches. The rise and fall of her chest draws your attention as if it’s calling for you through the open collar of her shirt. The sun-dappled constellations across her skin, the sheen of perspiration between her breasts, the dainty chain that sits in the dip of her clavicle— it’s all overwhelming.
“Dance with me again.” Emily jumps up from her seat and tugs you from yours, not asking, ordering.
“And what if I don’t want to dance?” You slip your fingers between hers and let her lead you to the dance floor.
“Well, you certainly aren’t putting up much of a fight…” Emily murmurs, glancing at you. You admire the slope of her nose as she does so, the faint arch, the sharp tip, the tiny scar below her columella.
You stay silent as Emily guides you into the crowd, letting it envelop both of you. Shoulders brushing against sweaty bodies, the smell of liquor and the pungent mixture of perfume and body odor filling your senses.
The bass of the music makes your lungs feel as though they’re vibrating, Mars Needs Guitars by the Hoodoo Gurus.
Emily wraps her arm around your waist, pulling you against her and swaying.
[I’m primitive, I’m a primitive man, got a primitive girl, we make primitive love]
The lyrics make the urge to be closer to Emily nearly impossible to ignore, not that you really can get much closer— your chests are already pressed together, bodies sliding against one another.
“Where were we…” Emily smirks, her fingertips digging into the flesh of your hip. “Y'know… before we were rudely interrupted.”
“Correct me if I’m wrong…” you scan her face, taking in the gleam in her dark eyes. “But I think you were about to kiss me, Chief…”
[I'm primitive that's what I am, I'm your primitive mate, I wanna be your man]
“Hmm…” Emily sighs, her free hand climbing up your side and landing at the base of your neck. “I think you’re right…” her lips curl into a wolfish grin, perfect teeth fully on display.
“You should. Kiss me, I mean…” your fingers twirl the hairs at the base of her neck, “only if you want to, of cour-” Emily silences you, swooping in and pressing her lips against yours with an aggressive passion.
You let out a shocked moan as her palm cups your jaw, tilting your head as she runs her tongue over your bottom lip. You graciously let her in, opening up just enough for her to lick inside your mouth before twirling against your own muscle.
[I said, I’m primitive, I’m primitive, you know what that means]
Clutching at the nape of her neck, you pull Emily impossibly closer, clawing at her skin and kissing her as if your life depends on it.
Ignoring the surrounding bodies bumping against you, the kiss grows hungrier— deeper.
It’s sloppy and open-mouthed, teeth and tongue clashing carelessly. It’s anything you could ever want, and you desperately need more.
Pulling back reluctantly, you look Emily in the eye, noting the swollen redness of her lips— her cheeks glazed and flushed. You think about how you probably look quite a mess if the way you felt on the inside matched the outside in any sort.
“You taste good.” Emily murmurs, leaning down and pressing a wet kiss on the corner of your mouth, the tip of her nose pressing into your hotly blushing cheek.
“I want you to taste more…” you groan, pulling her mouth back to yours, sealing your lips together and sucking in a sharp breath. “Do you want that, Emily?” Another kiss. “To taste me...”
“God, I want that so much.” She says through gritted teeth, “Let me take you home… have my way with you…” The hand that was on your jaw slips in your hair, tugging just enough for your head to tilt back.
You let her trail hot kisses over your throat, without a single care that wandering eyes can see.
“Please…” you whisper through panting breaths, “I want-hm… do whatever you want, I’m all yours.”
Emily’s lips drag over your pulse point and jaw, nipping at the skin every once and a while. “That’s quite the statement, agent…” she nips at your earlobe, “do you think you can handle me?”
“Yes…” you gasp as she digs her thumb into your hip, sucking the earlobe into her mouth. “I want it… I can take it.” You turn slightly to press a kiss to her cheekbone, your hand sliding down the back of her neck and under the collar of her shirt, before settling between her shoulder blades.
Her skin is hot to the touch, sweat lingering in the dips of muscle— you want nothing more than to lick it off of her.
“Come on…” Emily slips from your grasp all too quickly, her hand grasping yours and pulling you back out of the crowd.
The lights and bodies blur around you as you’re tugged along, you can make out the phone in Emily’s hand, probably setting up a ride as she is way too respectable to get herself a DUI in the name of sex.
Emily’s hand slips from yours when you reach the table, making quick work of scooping up both of your belongings. With a nod of her head you’re following her out the door, hand fisted in the back of her blouse as you try to keep up.
“Impatient are we?” You joke, nudging at her hip through the fabric.
Emily shoots you a warning look as she holds the exit door open, making sure to slip a quick handful of your ass when you pass, pulling a squeak from your throat.
The waiting period is short, but still incredibly awkward. The brisk nighttime breeze— blowing Emily’s raven hair into her face. You watch with desperate eyes as she lifts a hand and tucks the flyaways behind her ear.
The night casts a blue film over her body— pale, sweat-dampened skin, glowing in the moonlight. She looks like pure sex and adrenaline, her chest rising and falling with quick breaths as she turns to look at you.
“Are you sure you’re sure about this? You can always back out and we can just keep it… mildly professional…” Emily trails off, searching your expression for any form of doubt.
“I think I made it pretty clear what I want, Emily. I want to do this—” You step closer, taking her hand in one of yours while the other cups the side of her neck. “I want you.” Your lips brush against hers as you pull her in, tongue darting out to moisten the skin before capturing her mouth in a deep kiss.
Emily’s hand clutches at your waist as she moves to deepen the kiss, her lips parting and letting your tongue dip inside— dancing over her teeth and twirling with her hot muscle.
If you could equate the feeling to anything, it would be like slipping a nicotine pouch into your mouth and letting it soak into your gums. The sweet taste of her mouth pulls a sting from your salivary glands as if you’re sucking on a sour lozenge.
Your hips press against Emily’s, the cool metal of her belt buckle nipping at your belly through the thin fabric of your shirt.
A moan slips from your throat, fingers tangling in hairs at the nape of Emily’s neck. You hear her groan as you tug gently, the vibrations sending a chill down your spine.
The sound of tires on gravely pavement and the obnoxious beeping of a car horn pull you out of the moment.
“Cars here…” Emily whispers against your lips, a small smile tugging at the corners of hers.
With a sigh, you step back— letting Emily open the car door for you to fall inside. The driver greets you with a disdained ‘Hello, Emily?’ To which she responds with a ‘yes’, buckling her seatbelt and urging you to do the same.
Emily’s hand lands atop your knee, her thumb pressing into the flesh teasingly. You give her a pleading look. A look that begs for her to keep touching you and never stop. She just smiles.
Somehow you both manage to keep it PG for the entire ride to Emily’s place, not wanting to traumatize the poor driver.
Her quaint townhouse is unsurprisingly gorgeous, exactly the type of home you’d picture a woman like Emily Prentiss living in. The brick walls are pristinely kept, with some sort of ivy growing over them.
“This is nice…” you exhale, eyes wandering over the building. Emily’s hand is steady on your lower back as she guides you towards the front door.
“Thank you… I’m quite fond of it myself.” She chuckles, pulling her keys from her purse and unlocking the door.
Stepping inside, you’re met with a rush of something entirely Emily. The scent of her perfume and musky cashmere candles— even the familiar note of her Marlboro cigarettes in the air.
You watch as Emily places her things down and tosses her keys into a dish on the entryway table, then turns to face you— leaning her hip against it.
You stalk over to her, placing your things next to hers and mirroring the position, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth as you take in her form below the dim light of the foyer.
“Hi.” She murmurs, her hand reaching up to run along the side of your face.
“Hi…” you lean into her palm, fluttering your lashes as you stare at her. Her thumb brushes over the sore spot on your cheek and you suck in a hissed breath.
“Still sore?” Emily’s eyes trail over the blotchy red spot over your cheekbone before leaning in and pressing a featherlight kiss over the sensitive skin.
“Just a little, only to the touch.”
“Hmm…” Emily pulls back, the tip of her nose brushing against yours. “A little pain isn’t a bad thing…”
Your gaze falls to her mouth, entranced by the way her lips move as she speaks, the delicate lines in the rosy skin— the dimples that make her angular and sexily aged face look rather adorable.
“Definitely not,” you wrap your arms around her waist, nestling into her.
“You’re a tease, y’know?” Emily chuckles, her fingers raking through your hair.
“Enlighten me?” You smirk, tucking a hand in the back pocket of her trousers.
“Well for one…” she dips down and presses a single lingering kiss at the corner of your mouth. “You’re so eager to please…and I love that.” Her hand fists at your hair—forcibly yanking your head backward, making room to kiss and nip at your neck. You let out a desperate gasp.
“Like right now for example…” She sucks at the sweet spot below your pulse point. “Letting me pull your hair, mark you up like we don’t have work in the morning…” her teeth sink into the curve of your jaw, pulling a whimper from your throat.
“So needy…” you feel her nails against your scalp, her tongue dragging hot, wet lines over your skin. “You’re practically a puddle on my floor, love…”
“Please— Emily…”
“Please what?” She nips at your earlobe before pulling back to look you in the eye. “You’re gonna have to use words if you want something.”
“Take me to bed…” your hands grasp at her back, clawing at her through the fabric. “Please—need you.” You breathe wildly as your hand moves to fiddle with the buttons of her shirt, fingertips prodding at her sweltering skin through the seams.
“Are you gonna be a good girl?” Her hand slides from your hair, her thumb and index finger pinching at your chin to lift your face towards her.
“Yes… I’ll be so good. Whatever you want… I need it.” You surge forward, attacking her mouth with enough force that she stumbles backward.
She corrects herself quickly, gripping at your head as she deepens the kiss. Her teeth nip at your bottom lip, tugging on it before letting it pop back into place.
Your breath fans across her face as you just stare at each other with lust-filled eyes. Emily smiles devilishly, her hand wrapping around your throat with a groan as she pulls you back to her mouth.
She kisses you almost selfishly, stealing all the air from your lungs as she practically swallows you whole.
You fumble with the buttons of her shirt as her tongue licks into your mouth, popping them open from the bottom up.
The air grows stifling as the sounds of your mouth against Emily’s fill the room. The moans, the frantic sounds of wet suction, the ruffling of clothes against bodies… It's completely suffocating in the best of ways.
Emily tightens her grip on your throat as she begins slipping off her shoes, kicking them to the side as she pulls you towards the bedroom— you can’t help but whine.
You manage to completely open her shirt by the time the back of her heels hit the stairs, your palms flattening over her belly. You can feel goosebumps spreading over the soft flesh as your nails dig into her sides.
Emily releases your mouth with an audible pop as she slides her hand from your throat and down to the collar of your shirt— gripping it and pulling you up the stairs.
Your eyes are wide and wild as you make the treacherous climb, hands clambering at the walls— at the back of Emily’s legs.
The second floor smells more like Emily than the first, and it excites you more than you could ever possibly enunciate.
With a wickedly strong hand, Emily shoves you into the bedroom door. Forcing a small grunt out as you collide with the solid wood, it morphs into a gasp as her lips reattach to yours.
With her body pressed firmly against you, her hands start roaming over your clothed skin aimlessly. You reach for the doorknob, twisting it open and stumbling inside as she grips at your shirt.
Her fingertips slide beneath the fabric, running over your stomach and the sides of your rib cage before pulling the offending fabric over your head and discarding it.
Her hands cup your breasts, squeezing them roughly through your bra. You let out a choked moan at the sensation, your hands knotting in her hair as you try your hardest to keep kissing her.
Emily doesn’t linger long outside of your bra, making quick work of pushing you further into the room and swiftly unclasping it with practiced ease.
“Bed.” Emily’s voice is low and raspy as she orders you, her hands tugging the bra from your arms and forcibly shoving you down onto the mattress.
“Yes, ma’am.” You gasp, scooting up onto your elbows and spreading your legs mindlessly— already so accommodating.
“Fuck, you’re so gorgeous.” Emily growls, unbuckling her belt and slipping her trousers off before crawling over you and settling against your pelvis.
You catch a glimpse of the simple black cotton briefs she has on, the color starkly contrasting her pale thighs.
“I couldmh-” Her lips are on yours again before you can finish your sentence. The kiss is urgent, her mouth opening and closing against yours desperately.
She moves her assault down your neck and chest, giving you a chance to catch your breath. “I could say-hmph.. the same for you—oh fuck.” her lips close around your nipple, sucking the already pebbled flesh into a solid peak.
Emily’s teeth scrape over the bud before soothing the sting with a swirl of her tongue, while her hand works in tandem with the opposite breast; squeezing, tweaking, pinching.
“Fuck that feel nice…” you pant, sitting up in your elbows to watch as Emily continues her affections.
“Yeah?” Her eyes flick up to yours, irises black and shining. Her cheeks shine with a faint dusting of flush, highlighting the sharpness of her cheekbones.
Her tongue is boiling against your already hot skin, dragging over each dip and curve with an agonizing slowness.
“Yes… love your mouth.” Emily smiles as she swiftly moves lower, biting just below the curve of your breast. Your head falls back with a sigh as she moves to take your nipple in her mouth again— hollowing her cheeks as she sucks, flicking her tongue over the swollen bud.
Your hands claw at the back of her neck and shoulders, pulling her closer.
“Such a gorgeous thing… so perfect.” Emily groans, releasing you from her mouth and climbing back up to kiss you again.
“Thank you…” you smile into the kiss, nipping at Emily’s bottom lip before swiping your tongue over it. Emily chuckles, taking your tongue into her mouth and closing her lips around it.
Your hands wrap around her middle, trailing over her sides and up to the clasp of her bra. “May I?” You whisper, pressing a light peck to her top lip.
“I suppose…” Emily practically purrs, her arms sliding up so her elbows rest on both sides of your head—trapping you.
The clasp is undone in a matter of seconds, the fabric falling loosely between the two of you.
“Let me see you.” Your hands press at her waist, urging her to sit up, but she doesn’t budge.
“That’s not how we ask for things, sweetheart.” Emily’s hand moves to cup your face, her thumb sliding over your jawline and down to your throat.
“Please… I want to see you—please let me see you.” You practically moan, your body writhing desperately beneath her weight.
“Good girl.” Emily smirks, patting your cheek. You can’t help but whimper at the residual stinging from the slap earlier.
Emily sits back on her heels, slipping the bra from her arms slowly, teasingly. Your eyes are wide as you watch her, scrambling up onto your elbows.
You trail your gaze from where her hips meet your inner thighs up to her face— the delicious curve of her hips, the lines of her belly that falls ever-so-slightly over the edge of her pants, the dusting of freckles across her skin, the heaviness of her breasts as they drop from the cups of her bra.
“Oh, fuck me.” you sigh, eyes frantically taking in every detail you could find. “I don’t think I’ll ever get over this…” you laugh in disbelief— can she get any sexier?
You reach out, fingertips barely making contact before she’s shoving you back down on the mattress— one hand holding your wrists above your head while her other is wrapped solidly around the base of your neck.
“I never said you could touch.” Emily looms over you, her face mere inches away from yours. You can feel her breasts pressing against your own, her belly brushing against your pelvis with each breath.
“I’m sorry… Please, let me touch you.” You whimper, eyes pleading.
“I might have to teach you a lesson if you keep misbehaving like this, y/n…” Her tongue flicks out to lick her lips, the tip of her thumb feeling along the ridges of your esophagus. “You wanna touch me so bad, hm?”
“Yes. Please, Emily... God, please let me touch you.” You’re practically gasping for air as you beg, the feeling of her body over you, her hand on your neck, her lips just out of reach— it’s all too much.
“I love it when you beg. So eager…” Her thumb prods at your lips and you let your mouth fall open, allowing her entrance. “I’ll let you touch... but on one condition.” The pad of her thumb presses down on your tongue, all you do is nod.
“I’m gonna sit on your face, and you’re gonna make me cum…” you moan at her words, closing your lips around her digit. “Can you do that for me?”
“Yes. Oh god, yes.” Your hands clutch the pillows where they’re being held. Emily smiles, craning down and pressing a rough kiss to your mouth.
She slides off of the mattress, pulling her panties down and tossing them at you. Her scent hits you almost immediately, the rich, heady smell of arousal and something purely Emily.
This might just kill you.
“Lay back on the pillows.” Emily instructs and you nod, eagerly moving up the bed.
Emily crawls back onto the mattress like a panther, her hair falling like a curtain around her face, enhancing the dark look in her eyes. You feel like you’re being hunted and you couldn’t be happier.
Emily straddles your waist first, leaning down to kiss over the hickeys on your chest and neck— her hands grasp at the headboard as she moves up to your head. You wrap your arms around the back of her thighs as she gets comfortable, palms sliding over the smooth skin.
Your mouth waters as she gets closer, the source of her arousal only inches away from your face.
“Stick your tongue out.” Emily barks, you oblige— opening your mouth and letting the muscle hang out as far as it’ll go.
She smiles innocently at you before lowering her sex onto your awaiting mouth. You groan at the taste, the vibrations pulling a gasp from Emily’s throat.
Her hips stutter slightly as she grinds herself along your tongue. You grip her ass, holding her steady as she moves.
Emily’s hand falls from the headboard, landing at the crown of your head— gripping at your hair as her hips begin rutting harder against your mouth.
She uses her grip to angle and maneuver you, fucking herself on your tongue. You curl the muscle ever so slightly, letting it dip inside.
She tastes absolutely heavenly and you can’t get enough.
Panting breaths fall from her lips as she lets the pleasure overtake her, letting her weight settle atop you. It grows a bit hard to breathe, but you couldn’t care less. Emily Prentiss is actively riding your face— a better death does not exist.
You gaze up at her with heavy lids, watching the way her breasts sway with her motions, the way the muscles in her stomach clench each time you rub against a sensitive spot, the sweat glazing over her chest. You can feel the trimmed hair over her pubic bone tickling lightly at your nose.
You reach a hand up, cupping a singular breast and brushing a thumb over her nipple. Emily groans, meeting your eyes with parted lips. The hand in your hair screws tighter causing you to moan against her— she twitches, breathing out a quiet whimper.
“Fuck, baby… such a good mouth.” Emily pants, her pace quickening as she chases her orgasm. You squeeze at her breasts with both hands this time, pinching at her nipples.
Her hips grind fast and hard against your mouth as she reaches the final throes leading up to her orgasm. The sound of your mouth against her sex is absolutely filthy, tongue and lips working in tandem, sucking and licking.
“Shit—” Emily hisses, shuddering above you, her body clenching and face screwing up with pleasure as she tumbles over the edge.
You feel her pussy flutter against your tongue as she eases herself through her orgasm. Your hands fall to her sides, squeezing gently as an aid.
“Hmm…” Emily sighs, her fingers untangling from your hair and running over the messy locks, smoothing them.
She looks down at you again, her face flushed a deep red. You run the tip of your tongue through her slit, flicking at the underside of her clit, teasing— she flinches, swatting your forehead and lifting herself off your face.
“Naughty girl…” Emily dismounts, swinging a leg over you and sitting back in her heels.
You just smile dazedly up at her, limbs flopping against the bed and face slick with the remnants of Emily’s arousal.
She leans in, pressing a sloppy kiss to your lips. Her tongue— licking into your mouth, humming as she tastes herself on you.
“You taste good.” You murmur between kisses, hands sliding over her sides. Emily hums a wordless agreement, her hand inching its way over your thigh. Her nails drag over the sensitive skin, you spread for her, hoping for any kind of relief from the burning affliction between your legs.
“I can feel how wet you are from all the way out here…” Emily whispers, her fingertips teasing the hem of your underwear near your inner thigh. “So warm…” Her palm slides over your covered mound and up to your abdomen. You pant, your body arching into her touch.
“You did good.” Emily hums, nipping at your jaw, her hand tracing delicate patterns over your chest. “Now… I want you…” she pauses, circling your nipple. “To sit at the edge of the bed, I’ll be right back.” With that, Emily abruptly slips from your grasp— leaving you exposed, goosebumps engulfing your body as the cool air rushes in.
“What…” you furrow your brows, reluctantly sitting up and following her orders. You watch as Emily nakedly disappears into what appears to be a walk-in closet.
Taking a moment to breathe, you inhale to a count of three, hold, then exhale the same. As Emily fumbles around in the wardrobe, your heart thumps wildly in your chest with anticipation.
When she re-emerges, a wave of heat rushes straight to your core.
Clad in nothing but a thick leather harness over her hips, she stalks towards you holding two dildos— one probably average-sized and the other a bit smaller.
“Take your pick.” She holds them out.
You analyze them both for a moment, either would be fine, but she wants you to decide.
Biting your lip, you take them from her, feeling their weight—their girth in your hands. You decide on the bigger of the two, you most certainly won’t mind feeling the remnants of tonight in the morning.
“This one.” You go to hand it back to her, a shy smile gracing your lips.
“Strap it in for me, baby.” Emily steps closer, jutting her hits towards you and tossing the other dildo onto the nightstand.
Nodding, you slip from the bed— landing on your knees in front of her. Emily hums at the sight, her fingers smoothing over your hair.
Once the toy is secured, you look up at her with wide eyes, nibbling at your lip. Your hands slide over her calves and up her outer thighs, steadying yourself as you lean in, pressing a kiss to the tip of the toy's head.
“Fuck, you don’t have to do that…”
“I want to…” you sit up a bit, pressing a kiss below her belly button, taking the length of the toy in your hand and stroking it slowly as if it were a part of her body.
And with the soft noises Emily makes, it certainly feels like it might be.
“You’re gonna suck my cock, baby? Get it nice and wet for me?” Emily's voice is rich as velvet as she strokes your hair, her hips rocking forward in your hand.
You lick a stripe along the underside of the shaft, humming at the feeling of its ridges against your tongue, the faint taste of cool silicone.
Your eyes stay on hers as you take the head into your mouth, swirling your tongue over it before urging forward— taking about half its length before you pull away in favor of not gagging.
“Jesus Christ…” Emily crouches, bringing herself more in reach. “Such a perfect little slut… on her knees, taking my cock so well.”
You moan at the filthy praise, your sex clenching around nothing as you grind subtlety into the air.
Her hand clutches at your scalp while the other rests on her hip, not forcing your head— but keeping it steady as you bob slowly, taking more and more length with each pass.
Your eyes water as the toy hits the back of your throat, but you don’t relent. You just keep pulling her closer, urging her on. Emily groans, somewhat in awe of how well you’re doing.
You watch her face the best you can through teary eyes, noting how her brows knit together each time you release faint noises around the toy, gurgling tremendous amounts of saliva as you let her fuck your mouth.
“Fuck, enough of that… get on the bed.” Emily tugs you by the hair, pulling your mouth from the appendage. “Now.”
You gasp as she spins you, shoving you down face first— pinning you to the mattress, your feet still planted firmly on the floor.
One hand remains tangled in your hair while the other grips at your hip, pulling you against her. The toy prods at your inner thigh, and you can feel her hot breath against the back of your neck as she hunches over you.
“God, I bet you’re drenched…” she growls, the hand that was on your hip— snaking between your legs, her svelte fingers sliding through your slick folds. “Hmm, would you look at that… I was right.”
You buck into her hand as she brushes against your clit, pulling a needy whine from your throat.
“Please…” you pant, arching into the mattress.
You can feel Emily’s breasts pressing into your shoulder blades as she lets her weight fall onto you, keeping you in place.
“Please what?” She draws featherlight circles over your swollen nub.
“Please— Emily… fuck me.” You let out a choked moan as she adds more pressure, tweaking it between scissored fingers. “I need it… please. I need you inside of me.” Your body shudders, knees weak as she nips at the cartilage of your ear.
“Hmm, good girl.” Her thumb runs through your slit, teasing at your entrance before dipping inside.
You mumble out your pleasure in illegible babbles, body gyrating against the mattress in an attempt to further soothe the desperate— burning ache in your sex.
“More…” you pant, hands clutching at the duvet. “I- fuck...” a sharp moan tears from you as she pulls out and pumps two fingers inside you, curling— pressing.
“Such a needy girl…” Emily purrs against your ear, dipping down to bite at your shoulder. “Taking my fingers so well.” She puts more force behind her thrusts, the lewd squelching sounds echoing throughout the room.
“Oh—fuck…” you push back against her, needing to feel her deeper. The hand in your hair loops over your shoulder to squeeze your breast aggressively.
“You want my cock, baby?” She pinches your nipple between her middle and index finger. “Want me to fill that pretty pussy?”
“Fuck yes. Please...” You crane your neck, her nose pressing against your cheek as you pant. “God, please fuck me.”
“Spread your legs.” She nips at your jaw, fingers slipping from your clenching pussy and gripping the base of her cock, coating it with your arousal.
You spread yourself open as much as possible, raising a knee to rest against the mattress with a whimper. You can feel your wetness dribbling down the inside of your thighs, it’s humiliating and Emily is eating it right up.
“What a fucking slut… making such a mess.” Emily runs the tip of the toy through your folds, before drawing teasing circles over your clit. “So desperate to get fucked, spreading herself open for me. God, you’re perfect.”
You moan at the praise, arching your back and jutting your ass into the air. Emily groans, slapping your ass cheek before canting forward, barely pressing the head of her cock inside.
“Ooh, fuck.” You moan, clutching at the sheets as you brace yourself for the intrusion. “Fuck me…”
“I am fucking you, baby.” Emily mocks, expelling a breathy chuckle before rutting herself even deeper inside.
The pressure forces a silent moan out of your throat as you clutch at the bed sheets. The ridges of her cock— rubbing delectably against all the sensitive spots within your walls, stretching, filling you up.
The rhythm of Emily’s thrusts begin to gain more fluidity, dragging the entire length back and forth in an agonizingly slow gesture, the head tapping at your cervix with each pass.
“Shit… harder.” You pant, using your hands to rock back against her thrusts.
Emily straightens out with a guttural groan, a sudden gust of cool air fans across your back in her absence, sending a shiver down your spine.
Her strong hands clutch at your hips, fingernails digging sharply into your skin as she pulls your pelvis towards her forcibly, meeting her thrusts— the entire length of her cock slamming into you without relent.
The pure force of it nearly knocks the wind out of you, the perfect mix of pain and pleasure pooling wildly, deep in your gut.
“Fu-uck…holy…shit…ohmygod.” You moan, your words escaping in choked spurts as you drop from your hand to rest on your forearms.
“Mm, I can’t believe I’ve waited this long to fuck you.” Emily murmurs, you can hear her panting breaths as she keeps up her rhythm. “I've been wanting to have you like this since the day I met you…”
You hardly register the words as they float over your head, the feeling of Emily’s aggressive pounding practically knocking your brain from its place in your skull. But you register them enough that a faint smile curls into your mouth as your top half falls limp against the bed. Your bottom half pushes up onto tippy-toes, better angling yourself for the older woman.
“Me too… God, you’re so fucking hot, Emily.” Your body feels like it’s burning as you try to steady your erratic breathing. “You feel so good…”
“I know I do, baby…” You can feel the smirk on Emily’s face as she says that, one of her hands shifting to swipe over your hypersensitive clit.
You twitch at the sensation, your body arching into the air— attempting to further itself from Emily’s hand against your own will. But God, you want her to touch you like that. To work and play with your body till you’re shaking and crying with overstimulation.
“So sensitive…” She purrs, the hand that’s still in your hip travels up the length of your spine, her palm pressing into your tense muscles, before landing at the base of your neck— tangling in the hairs and shoving your head into the soft duvet.
Somehow, her thrusts manage to hit even deeper with the new angle. Her body looming over your back as she angles the toy downward— you can feel her in your guts, the skin of your lower belly brushing against the sheets as the tip prods through the skin.
Emily’s hand on your clit seems to sense it, easing up on the throbbing bundle of nerves and sliding to cup herself over your abdomen.
“Feel that, baby?” Emily presses her palm against the protrusion, adding pressure as her thrusts slow but gain in force. “Feel how fucking deep I am?”
“Ungh- yes… I love it.” You gasp, letting the Unit Chief manhandle your body. The power of her hips, plowing you further into the mattress— her hands, firm against the back of your neck and belly. You can hear the slapping of skin on skin, her heavy panting, the thumping of blood in your ears.
Emily groans at your desperation, gripping harder at the back of your neck and tangling her fingers in the hair at your nape. Your back arches almost painfully as she tugs, using it as an aid as she fucks into you.
“Mm, scoot up on the bed for me.” She grits, her voice low and gravelly as she uses her free hand to lift your lower half onto the mattress. You can’t hold back the whimper that falls from your lips as her cock slips out, the wet silicone— dragging a slick trail over your inner thigh.
Emily grabs your waist as you try to move up the bed with wobbly limbs, flipping you onto your back. Her hands slide up the back of your thighs, cupping the posterior of your knees and pressing them to your stomach.
The feeling of her hot mouth over your sex shocks you, a squeak slipping out as you twitch against her flicking tongue. The muscle is anything but gentle as she licks through your puffy folds— dipping into your entrance and gathering your arousal with a pointed tongue, before spreading it messily over your clit.
“Oh!” You yelp, your hands moving to grip at her scalp through parted legs.
“Mm, you taste good.” Emily hums, the vibrations sending an extra wave of pleasure straight through you. Your hips buck wildly, already overly-sensitive from the aggressive onslaught of her strap-on.
Placing a final wet kiss on your clit— Emily rises, shifting so that her pelvis is pressed to your ass, the toy resting between your legs. With a wolfish grin, she releases one of your knees, using the now free hand to align the toy with your entrance.
Your breath comes in frantic, shuddered gasps as you watch her. She teasingly swipes the tip through your folds before slapping over your clit, causing you to twitch and whimper quietly.
Your hands settle on the base of her ribcage as she uses her thumb to press the head inside, the majority of its length gliding in without any resistance.
“Hm–fuck.” You gaze up at Emily through half-lidded eyes, her face and chest red and glistening with sweat from all the exertion.
Leaning back and resting a hand on the bed, her hips begin rolling into you smoothly. Her eyes travel the length of your body, so thick and heavy with the weight of desire it makes you dizzy.
Her lips part as she pants slightly, her breasts swaying with each roll of her hips— muscles beneath the soft skin of her abdomen flexing.
You let your head fall back onto the pillows, eyes fluttering closed as you try to focus on how she feels inside you. The feeling of her long fingers gripping at your thigh as she pulls you against her, the blunt ridges of her cock rubbing against your g-spot— knocking tiny whimpers and moans out of you with each pass. The familiar, and rather rapid, burn of a climax building in your womb.
Emily’s thumb stroking your clit pulls you out of your thoughts, forcing you up onto your elbows. You manage to look up at her again, she meets your eyes with a smile— bottom lip pulled between her teeth as she watches your body shiver under her ministrations.
“How ya doing, baby?” She purrs, licking at her thumb before placing it back on your clit, circling. “Feel good?”
“Yes… harder- I need you harder.” You reach out, clutching at her forearm. “Wanna cum so bad. Please.”
“Yeah?” Emily leans forward, the hand that was on your thigh moving to wrap around the base of your throat as the one on your clit loops under your arm, bracing herself between the pillows and your shoulder blade. “My needy girls gonna cum for me? Gonna cum all over my cock?”
You can only nod as her fingertips press into the sides of your neck, staring up at her in a lightheaded daze. She uses her grip as leverage as she speeds up, pulling you into her powerful thrusts.
Your eyes practically roll out of their sockets at the overwhelming feeling of it all. Your stomach and breasts sliding against one another as a layer of sweat forms between overheating bodies.
“Open.” you hear Emily murmur, nipping at your bottom lip. Eagerly obliging— you tilt your chin up to meet her, letting your mouth fall open. Her saliva coats your tongue not even a second later, you groan at the taste of her, letting it settle into your tastebuds for a moment before swallowing.
“Thank you.” You smile, pleased, craning up to kiss her again.
She catches your moans in her mouth as she fucks you hard and steady— taking what she wants without abandon, and you’re more than happy to let her do so.
Your arms wrap around her torso, nails digging into the muscles of her mid and upper back, muscles that flex and curve with each perfectly calculated, punishing thrust. Emily hisses and you think for a moment that you might’ve drawn blood— but the worry is quickly washed away as the hand on your neck snakes between your legs, pressing down on your swollen nub.
A sob wracks through you as you hurdle closer and closer toward the edge, that consistently rising flame in your gut rapidly approaching a full blaze.
“Fuck, Emily… so close- please, can I cum?” you choke out, eyes struggling to stay open as her intensity grows.
“Good girl, go on…” she puffs, her mouth moving to suckle at your neck. “Cum for me, honey.”
The mixture of Emily’s low, rough voice, her teeth nipping at your jugular, and the fingers on your clit— shoves you right off that cliff. The coil of tension in your belly snaps like a wishbone, causing your body to lock up on itself. Your muscles tremble and your sex clamps down on Emily, holding her in place.
Your mouth falls open with a silent scream as the immense pleasure distorts your features, eyes clenching shut— forehead crinkling. It’s like a fireworks show setting off on the back of your eyelids as you let the waves wash over you, flashes of pure white heat.
Emily noses at your jaw as your body relaxes— trembling in her tight grasp.
“Jesus Christ…” she chuckles wryly, pressing sloppy kisses over your chin and cheek.
“Fuck, I think I might’ve just seen him.” Your arms fall limp at your sides, fingers splaying out over the sheets in an attempt to bring yourself back to earth. Your pussy flutters around the toy as the final aftershocks run their course, your breathing quick and shallow.
Emily laughs again, nipping at your collarbone before letting her head fall to rest against your shoulder.
“Man, I am getting way too old for this.” She lets out a drastic sigh. “My back will most definitely be feeling it in the morning.”
You scoff, swatting at the back of her head. Emily shoots up, giving you a curious but challenging look.
“Oh, stop it.” You pet the offending spot gently, soothing whatever hypothetical pain she might be feeling. “You are not old.”
“Forty-six is pretty damn old…” she arches her brow.
“More like pretty damn sexy…” you grin cheesily at the Unit Chief, raising your hand to wipe a few sweaty strands of hair away from her forehead.
Emily smirks, growling as she swoops down, kissing you hard. You wrap your arms around her waist, your body arching into her as her strap shifts inside of you faintly. With a burst of confidence, you shove the older woman off— flipping her onto her back and swinging your leg over her hips before letting the toy sink inside you once again.
She stares up at you with wide eyes as you let out a breathy moan, grinding your hips subtly.
“Now you don’t have to worry about your back.” You tease, smirking down at her as your palms land on her chest, cupping her breasts.
“Mhm…” Emily’s hand clutches at your hips, her thumb digging into the sensitive muscle over your hip bones while the other folds behind her head. “Maybe I should just sit back and enjoy the show? Let you do all the work?”
“Well where’s the fun in that?” you whine, frowning at her as you pick up speed— raising off the toy momentarily before plopping back down into Emily’s lap and repeating the process over again.
“But you look so pretty like this…” Her fingers trail over your stomach, the muscles twitching beneath the skin as she passes, cupping your breast in her palm and tweaking your nipple with her thumb. “And I must say, I do love watching you work for it.”
A whimper slips past your lips as she brings her hand out from behind her head, wetting the pad of her thumb with her tongue before pressing it to your clit, drawing slow circles.
“Emily…” you groan, falling forward onto your elbows, your face inches away from Emily’s. “Fuck me.”
She doesn’t need much convincing because as soon as those words slip from your mouth it’s like a switch flips. Her arm wraps around you, fingers tangling at your scalp and tugging your head back harshly. Her mouth is at your throat next, teeth scrapping over the thin skin.
She plants her feet on the mattress and fucks up into you, hard and fast, forcing a strangled sound to escape from the depths of your throat.
“This what you wanted?” The skin of her hips slaps against the back of your thighs. “Wanted me to pull on your hair and fuck the shit out of you like the slut you are?”
“Yes-ohfuck, yes…” you gasp, the head of her cock hitting particularly deep while the base of her harness nudges at your clit.
“Dirty fucking girl…” Her palm lands on your ass with a sharp slap, the sound of it cracking through the near-silent room.
“Mph, shit- slap me again.” You cry out, clutching at her shoulders as you try to sit up, rocking against her thrusts.
Another slap comes down on your ass, more solid this time. You smile at the mix-up, spanking is nice but you want something more. You want it hard and across your cheek, you want her to grip at your jaw so hard it feels like it might break under the pressure, God you want her to do it all.
“No… hm-slap me across the face.” You pant out, meeting her eyes. “Please…”
“Fuck… I knew you liked that.” She groans, her hands slipping for your hair and cupping your cheek, rubbing at it before pulling back and landing a harsh crack against the flesh.
You let your head roll with the force of her hand, the sting shooting straight between your legs as Emily smiles up at you almost as if she were in awe.
“I loved it.” You correct her, falling back down against her damp chest and burying your face in the crook of her neck. Breathing her in, you note the faint smell of sweat mixed with the lingering essence of her perfume.
You run your tongue over the vein that protrudes just above her collarbones, tasting the saltiness of her skin. Emily puffs out a shaky breath as she keeps up her fast-paced rhythm, using both hands on your hips to move your body in time with the strokes.
“Emily-” You gasp, clutching tightly at her as your second orgasm begins to build.
“Yeah? Already close baby?” She turns her head, her cheek squishing against yours.
“Yes… fuck keep going, just like that.” Your teeth graze at her pulse point, the movements of both bodies growing wild and sloppy— aimed solely at getting you there.
You can feel her nails digging into your skin, freckling your waist and hips with tiny red crescent moons. Your chests rise and fall rapidly in tandem, and by the looks of it, Emily might be on the verge too.
“Can you feel it?” you ask, dipping a hand down to tweak her nipple.
“Yes, might cum with you if you keep doing that…” Emily’s voice is almost needy as she says it, and you might be addicted to how desperation sounds on her.
You hum, pinching harder— she reacts with a jerk of her hips, slamming the head of her cock into your cervix.
“Shit, Em-” You moan, panting wildly against her neck.
She keeps pumping into you like that, jerking up roughly and hitting the same spot over and over again— it drives you absolutely wild. You can feel the muscles in your legs begin shaking as they struggle against the rhythm, relying completely on Emily’s strength to keep you going.
“Using nicknames now, are we?” She chuckles breathily, bumping her head against yours as she tries to face you.
“Shut up…” you avoid her gaze, shying into her neck further.
“Look at me.” Her tone is one that makes your ears perk up, immediately doing as you're told. “I wanna see the look on your face when you cum, you look so gorgeous like that.”
Your lips part slightly, eyes locking on her with heavy lids as you try to keep them open.
“That’s a good girl…” Sweat beads at Emily’s temples and down the valley of her breasts. “Come on, cum for me again, baby.”
Just watching the look on her face is enough to push you over the edge, your spine curling into the air as the floodgates burst inside you, ripping a shuddered moan from your throat.
You can hear Emily’s quiet gasps as she keeps pumping, chasing her own orgasm. She finishes not long after with a shudder and a low groan through clenched teeth before promptly pulling the toy out.
Your torso lies limp against her, breathing quick and shallow as you work through the tiny shocks that seem to wrack your entire body. Emily’s palm slides over your spine, rubbing soothing patterns over your vertebrae.
“Thank you.” you rasp, pressing a chaste kiss below her ear.
“You did well...” her blunt fingernails scratch over your shoulders, a wave of goosebump spreading across your naked skin. “So good for me.”
You smile softly at the praise, the gentleness of it juxtaposing with the rest of the night almost hilariously. Emily shifts below you, single handedly loosening the harness and wiggling out of it— tossing it haphazardly into the room.
“How does a bath sound?”
A/n: i hope you guys enjoyed reaading that as much as i enjoyed writing it... happy masturbation!!
Taglist: @keepinggcomposure @lez-talk1 @joanofvarc @darkcolorphantom @kat-prentiss @seasonsmaywinter @piiinco @nikoniclove @maybe-a-humanbean @whoreforolderfictionalwomen @mrsines @decadentcatcrusade @inlovewithlaurenlopez @jeansmartswhxre @prentisslvrsworld @criminalmindswhore @xoxo-maryssa @prentissmultiverse @blackcatlesbo @sleep-deprived-athlete @marvelover123 @21cannibal @katieswain123 @teeshatequila
#emily prentiss x reader#unit chief emily prentiss#emily prentiss#wlw#criminal minds#ao3#reader insert#lesbian#wlw smut#this is freakish...
226 notes
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Heyo, i hope your doing alright and have a good day/night :)
I've just recently found your page and absolutely fell in love how you write and draw, please dont stop doing this :^).
Ive been thinking of mabye something like Body and culture exploration? Like lets say GN!reader just recently got with a yautja and they get comfortable enough to actually touch like their mandibles and stuff? Mabye even wanting to know more about their bio masks (like touching or mabye even putting it on) cause thats just something i would personally do. For the yautja could it Wolf? I love my elders hihi. Plus he has a missing tusk there too which i find badass
Thanks <3
(Pls dont mind the grammar, english is not my first language)
A Personal Look
Pairings: Wolf (Male Yautja) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 2004
Summary: In the home of Wolf on Yautja Prime, it's just the beginning of your relationship with Wolf. There is quite a lot to learn about him. Not just his mind but his body as well. You take a moment to learn your differences physically.
Author Note: It's all good! Thank you for the ask!
Lounging in the main room of Wolf’s home on Yautja Prime, you occupied yourself with learning. Learning about Yautjas. Since said Yautja has given you a tablet to fill your time, you’ve scoured what they have for internet about them. They were mysterious and kept to themselves for the most part. Solidary creatures by nature but are willing to choose a mate. Clearly since you are here in Wolf’s home.
Admist your research, the universal wide web holds little about them. Just small articles and posts about either thoughts or lies they thought they knew about Yautjas. Some say they can read minds and teleport. Clearly those articles were thrown out. That only left you with one possible, reasonable source. Yet, even that offered little to quell your thoughts.
This was still in the beginning stage of your relationship with Wolf. The mighty Wolf. Each touch you’ve felt like you danced with fate and death. No, you don’t fear him. Instead… it was more of a respect. The first time meeting him nearly was your last. An inch closer and those blades would too sink into your skull.
Somehow, you still live.
There was something that lured you to him. The same for him. The nearing elder Yautja didn’t understand. Of course, he took matters into his own hands and asked for you to come along with him. The least he could do for almost killing you, you thought. Then, whatever that bait was enough for curiosity to spring life. Then, later… love.
It’s fresh love. Very fresh. Barely out of the womb and still soaked in fluids.
Both of you seemed to dance around each other. For a headstrong Yautja, he took a soft, almost timid approach. You would never say timid and him in the same sentence though. Wolf allowed for you to control this, as if he knew humans needed time to comprehend things. Maybe it was for himself as well. Not to rush into something so fragile.
A groan surpassed your lips. The tablet is discarded onto the nearby stone coffee table. How were you suppose to learn about them without directly asking the source? Wolf’s probably got plenty of information about humans already. Yet, all you got was females are larger than males and they breath more nitrogen then oxygen. Useless!
Up a few steps and on a balcony, sat Wolf enjoying the fresh morning air. An inquiring noise sounded from him. You sat up from the soft couch cushion and looked over at him.
Despite not knowing much about his species, you could see what would show him as an elder among his kind. The crow’s feet, the wrinkles among his face, the greying of his tresses, the way he carries himself. Don’t get you wrong, he is still a deadly warrior, through and through. But he’s lived his life. Now he enjoys relaxing and bathing in the suns of his planet. Though he is old, he’s most likely going to out live you still.
“It’s nothing,” you dismissed, not wanting to lead him onto your plans just yet. You wanted to be prepared before going into this. How were you going to accomplish that when said information wasn’t available to you? God, you wanted to throw yourself out a window.
You drape yourself partially over the back of the couch and watch from afar. Wolf lounged in peace. Eyes softly closed; chest softly rising and falling with each breath he took.
Something within you wanted to gingerly glide your knuckles along his cheek. To fully feel his skin against yours. Properly. Not these fluttering touches the two of you give in passing. A growing need to learn about him physically then move onto mentally. You wanted to know him.
“You watch,” he observed without even opening an eye. Immediately, you flustered and bowed your head, slinking back down the couch. “I was not telling you to stop.” You perked up a little and peered over the edge of the couch to find him in the same spot. “I will not bite.” Was he inviting you closer?
The lump in your throat was forced down before you slipped off of the couch and timidly stepped closer to him. Curiosity may have killed the cat but satisfaction will bring you back.
Nervously, you took each step towards in hesitation. Not of fear. Well… maybe of fear but not of him. Maybe it was the situation. Stepping into the unknown. That’s hit the nail right on the head. There was nothing to know beforehand. So all of this was new.
Sooner than you come to realize, you stand just on the edge of coverage from the harsh twin suns. Wolf blinks his bright yellow eyes open then sits up in a smooth, controlled manner. Quite the opposite of your racing heart threatening to beat straight out of your chest. He looks at you from underneath the beating suns, arms resting on his knees. A poised position of ease. You bite at your lower lip.
“You want something.” It was a statement. Your head raised only a centimeter but he watches the movement. “You are free to speak.” He’s given you all the rope possible. Every last inch of it to control the situation. “You are free to ask.”
Despite your fingers twitching towards him, you tampered down that feeling. Permission. That requires words. Words that are lodged in your throat, stuck in way that you didn’t know how to free yourself. You wanted to touch, to explore what he feels like. To learn about him in a way that you’ve never experienced ever.
Those bright eyes. The first thing saw when he brought those blades down. They pierced straight into your soul directly. They also noticed the twitching of your fingers. You noticed the twitching of his fingers. The two of you were frozen in time. Just watching. Just waiting.
Wolf gave the briefest of nods.
Then, you moved. You found your spot between his legs. The heat from the sun and him causing your core temperature to rise immediately. Though, he doesn’t take his eyes off of you, he presses a button on his lounge chair.
The awning above extended fully, covering you from gathering blisters. Yet, that didn’t stop you from feeling the heat the radiated off of him. The lump in your throat returned. Instead of letting your words speak for you, actions spoke louder.
He watched as you gingerly lifted up a hand in his direction then paused, holding the hand nearly a foot away from him. Wolf takes a moment then dips his head again. Permission granted. The unease that had settled in your chest lifted a little, giving way to hope. The corners of your mouth twitched, just enough to show off the twinkle in your eye.
When the pads of your fingers brushed against the scales of his upper mandible, you couldn’t help the small gasp. For a rugged, hardened warrior, the flesh there was smooth, nearly velvety in a strange way. Like touching a gecko. It was the last thing you were expecting from him. You couldn’t help the giggle that left your lips. Once more, you flustered and retracted you hand out of embarrassment.
Instead of letting the moment fall away, Wolf raises his own hand and waits for permission. When given it, the rough texture of his palm cups your cheek. That was more of what you were expecting. But, you didn’t retreat. You leaned into the touch and let your eyes hooded over, gazing at him with… love. Because that’s what this was, wasn’t it?
Though, the callouses were rough against your skin, you didn’t mind it. You were learning. Learning what he felt like. What a life of a hunter felt like against a human. He slowly let that hand drift down and teased the collar of your shirt then up the column of your throat. Not intimate in a sexual way… but exploring.
You helped by tilting your head back and allowed him to feel the way your throat bobbed; the fluttering of your pulse between layers of skin. Skin that was drastically different than his. His pointer and thumb pinched your jaw softly and brought you face to face with him again. You brought your hand back to his face, inches from touching him. Another nod.
Feeling the smooth flesh again wasn’t as shocking as before. But you still couldn’t help the glimmer of a smile on your lips. The softness of it with folds and wrinkles that marked his age. Years. Hundreds of them. You trailed down his mandible, feeling it twitch under you touch. Yet, you stayed clear of the scars that marred the other side of his face, afraid of upsetting him or passing over a boundary.
Wolf was smart. He could sense things before you could, sense a disturbance, even in you. So, the elder took things into his own hands. Literally. With his free hand, he wrapped them around your other wrist and brought the tips of your fingers to the gnarled skin. Your eyes jumped wide, breath caught in your throat at the touch. This felt like a true velvet than just the scales of his mandibles. Your other hand dropped to his shoulder as you focused on the scars.
Your eyes darted to his for a moment but the elder was focused on the feel of your skin. So, you took that opportunity to press onward by following up what was left of his mandible.
The scar was messy. It spider webbed across nearly half of his face and head. A painful experience you have no doubt about. A story for another time.
Though the healed wound was clutter of stretched and sinewed skin, you were memorized by the texture and patterned. You closed your eyes and let your fingers guide the way.
Inside of your mind, you forged his physical form into memory. A different way of experiencing him. You used your other hand as well to map him out. All the different dips along the dome of his head. The ridges and bumps of his features. The scales that were scattered around. Then, you slowly blinked your eyes open and smiled at him.
His own fingers found the curve of your nose. Starting from between your brows and following down the ridge, letting the lethal black claw ghost over fragile skin. The sight of it made your heart jump but he wouldn’t hurt you.
Not with the way he was looking at you.
Like he was discovering the joys of life for the first time. And maybe he was.
That same finger lingered on the tip of your nose for a moment before sliding down to the plushness of your lips. Subconsciously, you let them part. The sharp end of a claw dragged down your bottom lip, almost catching on the skin. You made no move to warn or stop him. Not even fearful he may hurt you. He stops for a moment when the tip was at the juncture of your bottom lip before continuing.
He went back up and diverted to the side. To your ear. If he thought your face was soft, when he touched your ear there was a stark difference. Wolf lightly pinched the cartilage with wonder flashing in his eyes. You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped from you. To see the big bad Wolf amazed by something natural to you is amusing.
Then, up to your hair his fingers went, carding through the strands much thinner than his own. He pinched a bunch together and rolled it. The snort you made drew his attention back to your eyes. Wolf, too, dropped his hands to your shoulders in a similar fashion to you.
There. All you two did was stare at each other, admire the other’s differences. Not bad differences. Just… different. Alien if you must put a name to it. That was the beauty of it all.
Exploring each other.
#yautja#predator#yautja x reader#yautja x you#alien vs predator#predator x reader#yautja x human#predator x you#predator x human#x reader
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Summary: school and life is stressing you out but your lovely girlfriend is here to calm the cloudy storm brewing up.
Contains: fluff, fool inlove, juju and reader are down bad for each other. Also ignore the mistakes in one of the text I'll edit it out later
A/n: another game day fic we cheer this is a date fic one of my favorite writing prompt i hope you guys enjoy this, I would have had this posted earlier but tumblr sucks and didn't save half of the ending so I had to redo it but here it's, and as always happy reading, feedbacks are appreciated or commenting in general 💕
It has been a while since you ans the basketball player hangout, with both of you being full time students athletes your schedule would always clash and you guys wouldn't be able to hang.
But that didn't stop your late night calls catching each other up about what is going on in your lives.
Juju could tell you where having a strees full week from your track week and juggling having a part-time job.
You where getting ready for the day that you had ahead of you until you heard your phone pig. Picking it up you saw a message from juju.

You weren't going to question what she had planned because one thing about ju was she stays planning.
Your whole day went well, practice went well your after a while you needed to meet up with a few friends for revision.
You got back at your apartment around three in the afternoon. You started by doing your wash routine that conceited of a coconut butter body wash, then gentility exfoliating any dead skin.
Getting out the shower, you wrapped your towel around you, moving onto your skincare routine and body care routine.
Once you were done, you started getting dressed, picking a black flared tube bodysuit, and paired it with a cropped puffer jacket. You wore your white and gold Jordan 4 that juju got for you, and for a final touch, you added your white Prada cross bag to finish your outfit.
With a final touch of using the Vaseline body oil and your kali perfume in vanilla candy rock sugar.
You picked up your phone to text juju that you were done and she could be coming. After a few minutes of waiting, you got a text from her saying she was outside, but before you left, you replied, Your perfume.
Finally making it outside your building you saw juju leaned back on the car.
"Hey baby." You said, making your way towards her.
"Hi, my love." She said once she saw you
"So where are we going?" You asked her, as you we're about to open the door for yourself she got to the handle before you beating you to it.
"Umm, thinking about me and you a little date night, driver around our area and get some food while we're at it, what do you think." She told you as she closed the door
"Sounds like music to my ears." You said
"Gald were on the same note, how was your practice?". She asked
"Wasn't bad went really well, I'm starting to think these coaches got sum up with them so much complaining before we even start, but things are well." You told her.
You started ranting as juju continued driving but still paid attention to what you we're saying.
"And can you believe that, telling me I'll come third behind some big headed fool."
"No baby, but all that matters is that you prove to her and everyone else that they are wrong, you're the one who knows your strength and weaknesses."She told you as she laid her on your thighs palming your hands together.
"You're right it just gets really irritating having to hear this." You sighed, needing to get that rant out of your system.
"You feel better getting that out?
"Yea how did you even know I needed a day off".
"You looked like you were going through withdrawals on your spam."
"Ugh, don't remind me was spam was meant to be mysterious vibes only." You said.
Taking off your seat belt as she already found a spot to park.
"Pretty sure I'm the mysterious one." She said, raising an eyebrow at you.
"Whatever miss nonchalant, bring your face closer for a sec." You asked her
All of a sudden ju was all in your personal space, you looked up at her getting lost into those dark brown eyes of hers.
You felt her hot breath on your neck.
Next thing you do is pull the neck of her hoodie and go in for a kiss. It caught her off guard, but she found herself grabbing your face, deeping the kiss a little longer.
The both of you move back, trying to catch your breath.
If humans were able to breathe into each other the both of you would be sucking the oxygen out of one another.
"You got me way off guard." Was what she told you as took out her car keys.
"What did you think was gonna happen when I asked you to come closer, big head!?"
"Welp, I thought I had sum on me guess I was wrong."
"Sure, now where are we?". You said with a sarcastic tone layed under it
"This new diner places I recently found, c'om let's get out". She said taking off her seat belt.
"They better have good food."
Walking into the place you and juju had your hand intwering, she wasn't huge on pda, but you never take them for granted whenever she displays any type of affection for you in public.
You both went to go find yourself a table, getting yourself sitted before the waitress came.
"Enough about me, how's basketball?." You asked her.
"Same routine, but everything nice getting ready for march, though." She said as a waitress started making her way towards your table.
"Hi, welcome to didi's diner what get I get for you two?". You heard the waitress say.
"Umm, I'll have your chicken burger combo with a chocolate milkshake." Was what ju ordered
"And you miss".
"I'll have your chicken and beef pizza sandwich with a cold lemonade."You said
"Perfect would you guys like to pay now or later". The waitress had asked you both.
"I'll like to pay now." You told her as you started getting your card out.
"You'll be paying, yea no baby I got that what our total".
"Your total is 105". The waitress said she found you and juju amusing.
"Your always paying for everything I got this one". You said to her.
"Nah I got this". Before juju could do anything you grab both her hands and handed the waitress your own card instead.
"Here you go". You said to the waitress who immediately grab your card before ju could get out.
"I'll be back with your food soon".
"Thank you".
"Bruh why wouldn't you let me pay". She said crossing her arms.
"Because you always pay". You told her
"I pay because I enjoy treating you out". She said lowering her back on the chair.
"Well this one is my treat". You told her as you laid your head on her shoulder.
"This was supposed to be a fun relaxing day for you". She said.
"It's fun and relaxing because being with you is the quality time I need, so don't be sour Judea." You told her.
"Using my government is crazy." She said, wrapping her arms around your waist.
"Girl bye it ain't the end of the world and you do have a pretty name so yea infact might just be calling you that". You told her
"Sure baby." the both of you found yourselves looking at each other anyone could tell y'all got tension and chemistry together as a couple.
Before you both could do anything the waitress was already making her way towards you both.
"Here's your food hope you guys enjoy". She said before leaving you guys.
Anyone around the two of you could tell you both had crazy tension and chemistry, the attraction you both have on each other was something natural and couldn't be replicated.
You found yourself digging in juju fries that came with her meal.
"You got a problem miss Judea". You asked her as you took another one of her fry.
"You just have a pretty face and smell so good that I could eat you instead". She said making you almost choke.
"Ju, we're in public". You said nugging her.
"So?". She asked, not really caring. One thing for certain was that juju doesn't shy away from a lot of things. "Whatever big head".
You guys date continued you feed juju a few bites if your sandwich, chatted more about your goals and what you both want.
And you guys ended your night with a drive back to juju places and getting all cuddled up with her and duce.
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Hiya! Have you received any writing requests yet?Just incase you’re not swamped by requests yet, have mine😊 (feel free to ignore if you are in fact swamped)
Could you write a headcanon about how the bachelors react when the farmer brings then flowers?
Thanks in advance!
Gifting flowers to the bachelors hcs - SFW
Hiya, anon! Thank you so much. Please, leave as many requests as you want. Sometimes I’m busy or not inspired enough, but I promise I read you and will try my best to fulfil your requests. Also, sometimes I get lazy, I have to admit it.
Please, if you have feedbacks for me, those are appreciated as well! I did this specific ask for the bachelors, but if you want, I can write some headcanons for the bachelorettes too! Also I am not actually sure lilacs are good for allergic subjects, but for the sake of Harvey we’ll pretend they are. ^^” I might write something more about these scenarios because I’ve had a lot of fun!
INCLUDES: Elliott, Alex, Shane, Harvey, Sebastian, Sam.
WARNING! a little bit of angst in Shane and especially Alex’s scenarios, mention of toxic stereotypes, brief mention to Kent’s whereabouts, mention of alcohol and hangover symptoms in Shane’s scenario, some things might be inaccurate.
WORDS COUNT: 4.8K (I've tried to be equal for every hc.)
We all already know that, but Elliott is a sentimentalist at heart;
He himself is a person that likes gifting apparently meaningless knick-knacks to the people he appreciates or to express gratitude. Sometimes it’s a poem coming out of his own pen, but other times it could be a colorful seashell he found during his morning walk!
Still, receiving gifts makes him happy like a kid on the Feast of the Winter Star, about to receive their present. It’s the thought behind it, you see. You could gift him a particular leaf and he would still treasure it for its deep hidden meaning.
He also stresses a lot over not sounding ungrateful.
Premises made! Elliott has been stuck in bed for almost a week now, trapped by a terrible flu.
Sometimes Willy, the good man he is, checks up on him, but the man wakes up really early to go fishing and he’s not always available when he’s in open sea, you know?
Thankfully, you know no boundaries. You’ve been barging into Elliott’s lonely shrack for days to check up on him. It must be depressing to live alone and be sick. The sound of the waves and the seagulls might make up for it during the day, but as soon as the sun sets behind the shores, you can’t help but think how Elliott must be feeling all by himself, as the wind roars against the unstable wooden shed.
Poor, poor Elliott in need of your care. The fact you have a little crush on him is irrelevant in this scenario, isn’t it?
Still, you’re keen on winning the imaginary best-and-most-nosy-citizen-of-Pelican-Town award for another year. So you decide to do something to cheer him up and barge in once again.
You have no doubt that, being a writer and a romanticist, he will find your gift beautiful and actually get the meaning of it.
That morning, you find him sitting up in his bed in a white shirt, his auburn locks a tangled mess. His eyes still look at you in the soft morning light with a kindness all of their own. He’s genuinely happy to see you. You are his medicine during these miserable days.
You place it in his lap – a modest bouquet you assembled yourself: Chrysanthemum for a good recovery, Chamomile for patience and Coreopsis to keep a good spirit while healing.
His face becomes the same colour of his hair. A few moved tears well up in his eyes as he grabs the simple bouquet in his arms.
He immediately asks you if you can put them in a vase on his nightstand. Then, as you sit down next to his bed, he grabs your hands in his and looks at you with an exasperatedly sweet expression. He’s so dramatic, sometimes, but you know he’s feeling all the gratitude he’s trying to convey in his words.
His lips find the soft skin of your palms many, many times, his touch reverent as he keeps holding your hands in his delicately.
He looks up at you for a second while his mouth is pressed against your delicate palm, pretending it was a mistake, but you find a glint of something a lot bolder than the delicate touches you've exchanged and you can't quite put your finger on what it is that he's avoiding your gaze again.
He looks at the flowers day and night, feeling much less lonely now that a piece of your heart is next to him.
When he’s finally feeling better enough to sit at his wooden desk, he writes you an heartfelt letter for the beautiful present. Something that goes along the lines of: “Ever since you’ve arrived in this little town, you’ve illuminated my days like a bright sun. Without your care and cheerfulness, I would’ve healed just fine, but with a much heavier heart.” – something like that.
When months later he opens up his notebook in front of you on one of those rare mornings when you don’t have much work to do at the farm and join him for a walk, you see it: a beautiful, familiar flower tucked between two pages like a candid secret.
I believe that his father’s words have had a great impact on what he thinks and how he behaves – not in a good way. He’s used to walk on eggshells and to think lowly of himself, even though he’s good at hiding it behind a pompous façade.
Even after coming to the valley, the ghost of his father still haunts him. His harsh words echo inside him every day and sometimes he’s just not strong enough to confront them.
He’s one of those guys that believe that true men don’t cry or show their emotions, that they can’t be too soft, that they have to like certain things to be manly and flowers surely aren’t among the things they should like. It’s not his fault. His father was a great example of toxic masculinity among the other bad things he has been for him – a terrible father, to name one.
So he claims he doesn’t like flowers. Flowers are emasculating, he says. Flowers are something you gift to a girl, because he believes it’s in a woman’s nature to like them.
But when you ask him to elaborate, he actually doesn’t have an explanation beyond that thought other than ‘they are too girly’. It’s like that simple opinion has been instilled there and never questioned until this day.
He doesn’t say these things with a bad meaning, I promise! He’s genuinely trying to overcome the terrible traces his dad has left. Just, sometimes he needs a little help to recognise some patterns as wrong. Wrong not per se – in this case, yes – but because many of his beliefs are forged on the fact he has shaped his whole person on what his father constantly criticised.
Ugh, I love him and I want to punch his dad so bad.
When Spring’s knocking on the door, sometimes Alex helps Evelyn with the flowers arrangments around Pelican Town. He’s strong, after all! But sometimes his grandma asks him for an opinion and, well, he has a very refined taste.
Still, he won’t admit he likes flowers. If he gave you another reason other than “it’s a girls’ thing”, you would just leave it, but, given the circumstances, you just can’t.
So, of course, you try to explain to him that men can receive flowers too and that they are absolutely allowed to appreciate them. He looks at you dumbfounded, but he doesn’t say anything about it.
It’s not much you have been going out together. You can’t even pinpoint the exact moment you realised you two were dating. You gradually started spending more time together, you at his kiosk and him at your farm helping around; then he started walking you home after every outing, stopping at your porch until the sun has set. He’s so delicate in the way he cares for you. He’s a good, sensitive guy. He just has to understand it’s not a flaw.
It’s part of your summer routine to spend some time together down the beach or walking around before the sun gets too strong and he has to open the kiosk. You both wake up fairly early and even though he could simply come to your farm and hang out as you do your things, you need a distraction too, sometimes.
And it’s not like you get much done when he comes over anyway.
Every morning, he’s already out of his house waiting for you, waving his imaginary tail at you when you approach him – even though he tries to keep it cool. He has an image, you know.
Today, though, you were so nervous you took the path that leads to the city earlier than usual. Evelyn has found you waiting for her grandson outside of their house, so she let you in.
She glances at the colorful bouquet in your hands with a loving smile and tells you to go wake Alex up, as he’s probably still asleep.
His room is dark, a vagabond ray filtering through a small space left between the blinds and the windowsill finds its way to the bed where Alex is snoring quietly. You sit at the edge of the bed and shake him gently.
He groans, opens his eyes and turns to the other side. Then, after realising it’s you, he jumps on his bed and rubs his eyes.
“Wha… What are you…” he mumbles, trying to fix his hair. You don’t even give him the chance to get out of his confused daze that you place the pretty bouquet in his lap, a little token of your affection and a reinforcing demonstration to your words of the conversation you’ve had in the previous days.
And, oh, your heart shatters when he realises what’s going on and starts tearing up. His cheeks heat up and he’s suddenly picking you up and placing you in his lap, one hand holding the flowers and the other placed securely around your waist as he hides his warm face in your neck, sobbing.
He’s a very sensitive guy and he appreciates you a lot. Just, he doesn’t allow himself to show it too often in case you might judge him as weak. But you don’t and with that simple, genuine gesture he remembers once again that he doesn’t have to pretend around you. He’s free to be himself.
He’s grateful for the flowers, but he’s especially grateful for you. From that moment on, he lets himself be more vulnerable around you. He starts showing that he’s not casual about you, but that he has serious intentions and that he’s not dating you just for fun. Which is great, really.
You start gifting each other flowers every now and then. Evelyn finds it endearing, especially when Alex asks her for advice.
In your love, he can rest and grow. He’s finally safe from his father.
We all already know how terribly shy this man is.
And how self-deprecating he is. He truly believes he doesn’t deserve good things. Not that there are that many left for him – or so he believes, at least.
He lives his existence in a drunken haze, devoted to a bottle of beer and to his little niece. Until he met you, that is.
It’s not easy to get Shane to open up, but you’re on a good way. He’s warmed up to you a little ever since you’ve moved to Pelican Town, so, when he’s in a particularly good mood, you join him at the Saloon for a drink or two.
Emily has just brought you your third round before turning around to discuss with Lewis some particulars about the flowers arrangment for the upcoming Flower Dance. Shane scoffs by your side.
You ask him what’s wrong, but he doesn’t elaborate. Then it hits you; it’s tradition among your fellow citizens to gift each other pretty flower arrangements in occasion of the yearly Flower Dance. A pletora of colours decors counters, tables, windowsills as a reminder that Spring is passing by. It’s just a way to celebrate, to wait for the Flower Dance with a little more excitement.
You ask him if he’s ever received a bouquet, but he scoffs. It’s not like he gets that many gifts nowadays. He’s not popular with the ladies anymore. The only “lady” that sometimes gifts him something is his niece, when she comes back home from Ms. Penny’s lessons with a colorful drawing or a pretty handmade bracelet.
You don’t know if he’d be happy to receive a gift from you. Not the usual pepper poppers you bring to the ranch, lying that you “accidentally made too many”, but a proper gift. Still, you’re tired of the confusing tension that hovers over you when you’re together. You want to give him a hint and he’s just served you the solution on a silver plate.
A couple of days later, on a Sunday, he’s feeding Marnie’s chickens in the back of the ranch. He had been drinking the night before – and the one before, and the one even before – and his stomach feels like crap, but Jas is at home and he’s not going to let her notice that he’s feeling unwell. Plus, he’s used to work with a hangover.
The little girl calls him out to the front, telling him the farmer has came to visit.
He grumbles. He’s grown fond of you over the past few months, but you can be a pain in the ass sometimes. Especially when he’s already fighting against the urge to puke everywhere. You were there last night. He doesn’t need your scolding.
Still, he unconsciously runs a hand through his hair to make it decent and comes out.
His face becomes so red it looks like he’s been staying out in the sun for too long.
There’s nothing out of the ordinary. It’s always you and that stupid, cheerful expression of yours – but he immediately notices the large bouquet you’re holding in your arms. And it doesn’t leave any room for doubts. You were doing it on purpose, probably to fluster him or to mock him.
Otherwise, why would you be carrying him a bouquet of fully-bloomed red roses?
You explain yourself, hiding your equally red face behind the sudden present, and you tell him that there is at least one person willing to give him gifts actually, even if he claims he’s not that popular with the ladies anymore.
He looks at you, stunned, but decides to lift the huge bouquet from your arms – only to help you out. It looks pretty heavy, after all.
He grumbles a quick “thank you”, his face scorching, but he doesn’t have to deal with the embarrassment any longer because you’re as red as him and you claim you need some fresh air before waltzing out of his house.
Jas is a smart kid and she immediately figures out what’s going on, but she doesn’t comment on it, which he appreciates. Except that when Marnie, absent during that shameful exchange, starts teasing him during dinner about what happened that morning, he immediately understands Jas has spilled everything.
He spends days contemplating the flowers in his room, but it’s only when the last petal is rotting that he figures he should do something to express his gratitude… somehow.
He’s terrible with these things. While he walks the sunny path towards your farm, he’s tempted to turn around and go back home many times. Yet, he knocks on your door fairly early during the morning, after having avoided you for a good amount of days.
Pulling you in and planting an awkward kiss on your cheek, he leaves a small box in your hands before trotting away. Inside, there’s a cute hay hat, decorated with a green ribbon, and a ticket: “so you won’t get sunburnt anymore.”
Pelican Town’s citizens have really grown on the goofy doctor. He was searching for a peaceful place to exercise his profession, away from the chaotic city he has studied in, and even though he sometimes misses the endless choices of fun it offered, he wouldn’t go back to the smog and the traffic and the noise pollution and—
You get it. Despite being used to a different life style, and maybe especially because of this, he’s grown to love the quiet valley. It does wonders for the health, too, because the air is clear and the routine is slow.
There’s only one issue and I’ll give you a riddle to guess it. To keep you alert, you see.
You can find it in the air during Spring and it makes you sneeze the whole fucking day.
Spring, after all, is the pollen season. It’s an amazing sight when flowers are blooming everywhere and the trees are producing their juicy fruits, but Harvey can only admire the colorful change of the flora around the valley from afar, because he’s terribly allergic. He follows some therapy to keep it at bay, but he hasn’t found an antihistamine good enough to cover him completely.
His house, too, is full of fake plants because of that reason.
One day, after he was so attentive with taking care of you when you strained your ankle in the mines, not only as a doctor but also as a friend, you decided to have a bouquet of dahlias – symbol of gratitude – delivered to his clinic.
Huge mistake. He was miserable and you couldn’t stop apologising.
Still, you found it so sad. Flowers can really make a person happy, they’re a meaningful gift and they’re just so pretty to look at! You want Harvey to be able to enjoy them too, possibly avoiding harming him in the process.
When he has finally recovered from his brief crisis, he visits you again to check up on you and your poor ankle. It’s doing fairly good now, compared to when Linus had found you in the mines, crying for help; Harvey is good at his job and he’s a kind soul, which gives him a boost.
He also visits you for the simple pleasure of your company. And he’s confident enough that you enjoy his company as well, because there’s not one single moment of silence whenever he comes over and sits at your bedside to chat about everything but your ankle.
The first five minutes, he tries to pretend he’s there for medical reasons. You both drop the act after a while, though. You simply like spending time with each other, when he doesn’t have any patient or Maru is covering him at the clinic at least.
Anyway, to PROPERLY THIS TIME thank him for the great care and also as a way to apologise for the little allergy accident, you decide to resort to your knowledge as a farmer to find a way to gift him a floral token without potentially causing him another crisis.
One afternoon, after his usual round of his patients’ houses – he regularly checks up on George and Robin has been stuck in bed for a bad flu – and saving yours for last, both because you live far from the city center and because he wants to enjoy your company with no rush, he finds a large bouquet on the chair he usually sits on to chat with you.
Is it a joke? He doesn’t know what to do other than stare at you from the doorway, but you quickly reassure him. You had done your researches and lilacs should be harmless, even for a nose as sensitive as his.
He walks towards your bed slowly, weighing every step, and then he carefully, gracefully picks up the bouquet, staring at the beautiful flowers and especially admiring your effort in finding something he, too, could enjoy. His ears are of a lovely shade of bordeaux, in great contrast with the purple petals.
But you aren’t done teasing the bashful doctor. While he composes himself with a cough and neatly places his case and the flowers on the chair to visit you, you simply observe him. But when he finally sits down beside you, you lean over and whisper, as if it was a spicy secret:
“Do you know what lilacs simbolise, doc?”
Lilacs simbolise the love that blooms in Spring. And the way his quiet care has made its way throughout the gardens of your heart during this Spring you were forced in bed has definitely made a great affection bloom inside you for the kind-hearted, silent doctor of the valley.
Yes, moving to Pelican Town has been the right choice.
We all already know about Sebastian’s long-cherished dream to abandon the lonely, slow life of the valley for a more electrifying experience in the city.
The city looks so full of life; it has an alluring charm and a promising sense of freedom that overcomes the negative sides of living in a much vaster space that’s so different from what he’s used to. The bright lights that shine even at night, the tall buildings, the feeling of opportunity…
Yes, he wants to be part of something like that. An immense drawing where he can be both a shadow and a star.
So when this important client of his proposed him to move to Zuzu City for a while to help him work on a new project, he should’ve jumped at the opportunity. And he would have, really. If a couple of months ago someone had asked him to move away from his house and finally experience a piece of that delicious cake that is independence, he would’ve been thrilled.
Except that now there’s you in the picture.
It’s not that you are dating or something, but he’s not a stupid. He knows that something is there, lingering in between the languid gazes you send each other at the Saloon or the way you two always find excuses to bump into each other and stay together for longer. But there’s nothing official. Maybe he’s just seeing things, after all.
After all, you were the first one to encourage him to take the opportunity to explore something other than the peaceful valley.
He can’t exactly mention his feelings when the decision is made. That would be selfish. He’d like to be selfish, to ask you to wait, but he doesn’t, because he’s not even sure when he’ll be back.
What he doesn’t know is that this new story about his transfer has made you really upset. You’re worried he will just forget about you. You were a particular character, different from anyone than he’s ever known, but he has been in the valley for so long that you convince yourself the only reason he’s took a liking to you is because you are fairly new, therefore interesting.
Plus, you have known the city. It can swallow you down with its frenetic pace.
You’re worried he will forget about you. But you’re stuck in the same place as him and so you think you’re in no position to say anything about his wishes.
Both of you are stupidly waiting for the other to speak up.
Your affection towards each other has always been subtle. Sometimes a simple gaze is enough between you. Hidden, but fulfilling.
He has to wake up early tomorrow, so you settle to meet up after dinner to spend some more time together.
Your heart trembles when you see him, nonchalantly cool as if he had just came out of a stupid romance book, leaning against his bike as he lights a cigarette.
He takes you for a ride. You don’t speak much, words probably meaningless when the wind and the way your hands are gripping his waist like an anchor are already doing all the talking. When you stop for a quick break, though, you have to face the heavy elephant in the room. And you don’t ask him for any promise – not out loud, at least.
With subtlety, you lean down and pick up a couple of pretty Forget me not.
He doesn’t say much. His gaze is tender, his eyes a bit melancholic. His soft, long hand gently holds the one that’s handing him the flowers.
He takes one and clumsily tucks it in your hair.
There’s this particular silver locket he has once bought on a morning he decided to skip school with Sam and they wandered through some flea market. When he wakes up the next day, he puts one of the small, crumpled token of your affection – so intense you couldn’t dare to put it into words – in it and you can bet he doesn’t take it off. Ever. Not even to shower.
A couple of months pass by and he actually gets the opportunity to prolong his staying in the captivating city he has longed for ever since he was a kid. You’ve heard that from Robin one morning, while visiting her to discuss the building of a new barn. It’s not like you’ve talked much ever since he has moved to Zuzu City.
You pretend your stomach isn’t full of butterflies as you casually ask for more informations. You’re genuinely happy for him, aren’t you? Despite your bitter, conflicted feelings towards him, you care about Sebastian.
So when one evening, while coming back from an exhausting day in the mines, you find him waiting for you leaning against his bike, you don’t understand why you feel so helplessly happy to the point of crying.
He had discovered he prefers the quietness of the valley… and you.
“See, I couldn’t forget you.”
Sometimes Samson can be a bit of an adorable dumbass, with his dorky attitude and golden retriever tendencies, but we know he absolutely rocks as an older brother.
Since Kent is fighting on the front line and Jodi has so much on her plate, he gladly takes on the role of a parental figure for Vincent. Also, he’s absolutely weak to that round, freckled face.
His day off from his awful job at JojaMart is on Sunday. He usually rests during the morning, but he doesn’t like to spend the whole day at home, no matter how tired he is.
One Sunday morning, though, he finds little Vincent sulking at the kitchen table, his round eyes full of tears that he’s trying so hard not to spill, only to let them all out as soon as he sees his big brother.
It’s not like him throwing a tantrum, but Jodi has promised to take him and Jas to a little outing to the lake that day. Just, something came up and she can’t take them anymore. Despite them being responsible kids (also read: despite Jas being a responsible kid), Jodi really can’t let him go with a light heart. And it’s not like she can ask Sam, right? It’s his free day, he works so hard at JojaMart-
Well, have I already told you that he can’t resist his little brother? Besides, every occasion is good to show off and demonstrate how cool he is, not like other boring adults. So, despite being tired from stocking the shelves and cleaning the floors all week, he takes his brother and Shane’s niece to the lake.
Passed Seb’s house, Sam discovers that a certain someone had planned to spend their Sunday at the lake, too, and he can’t stop thanking his lucky star. He almost trips over himself as he sets the blanket on the grass and invites you to join their arranged picnic, but you accept gleefully and even promise the kids you will teach them how to use the fishing rod Willy gifted you later.
You spend the afternoon watching the kids together and chatting.
At some point, after tiring themselves out for the whole afternoon, Vincent and Jas invade your little lovely picture with a bunch of flowers they’ve picked on the shore. With graceful mastery, you show them how to make crowns out of the pretty flowers they’ve picked and they immediately get to work under your amused gaze.
You pick some of the flowers, too, and as the conversation flows you start weaving them quickly, your eyes falling only sometimes to your hands to check how it’s turning out. Sam doesn’t think too much of it; despite feeling a bit awkward at first, the words are now flowing out of his mouth smoothly. You feel overwhelmed by his energy, but you find it contagious, so you can’t really complain.
He stops talking – nervous as he is, he needed just a little push to completely lose himself – when you place the crown made of little white flowers on his blond hair.
He laughs, hard, asking you if he looks pretty. Despite it being a casual gesture, something you found yourself doing in the situation, he takes it to his heart to make a crown for you as well. And so, you try to teach him, your fingers casually – it’s not like you have a crush on the dork, no – brushing against his guitarist’s ones twice as necessary.
If the kids were struggling, he struggles twice. He should find it easy, shouldn’t he? He plucks the strings of his guitar for hours with great skill, but the flowers keep breaking or losing petals in his hands. He’s not frustrated though, because you’re there to patiently help him learn from his mistakes.
In the end, he manages to make an… acceptable-looking crown for you and you pretend to not notice the adoring look in his blue eyes when he reverently places it on top of your head, or how it’s making your face heat up.
While Jas and Vincent blast your ears off about how they’re going to make crowns for everyone at the next Flower Dance, you take a look at a very sleepy Sam, leaning against the trunk of a tree.
His crown is crooked. You fix it gently as he boldly searches for your hand. You intertwine your pinkies like two kids, your hands kept a secret by the shadow of the tree as he drifts off to sleep.
It has been a tiring week at JojaMart, after all.
#sdv x farmer#sdv x reader#stardew valley x farmer#stardew valley x reader#sdv headcanons#stardew valley headcanons#sdv elliot x farmer#sdv harvey x farmer#sdv sebastian x farmer#sdv sam x farmer#sdv alex x farmer#sdv shane x farmer#sdv sebastian x reader#sdv harvey x reader#sdv sam x reader#sdv elliott x farmer#sdv sebastian#sdv harvey#sdv fluff
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Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 159 (To Catch a Time Thief)
Days after the hearing, Felix came home annoyed. Passing Emit and Angela in the dining room, he found Lilith repairing the kitchen sink. "Lex Mattingly came into the office today."
"He runs the firm; everyone's boss. He came out to the Britechester office, and he'd heard about the custody case. Said 'You know I don't mind when my attorneys work pro bono, but they need to win one hundred per cent of their pro bono cases.' As if I don't feel bad enough."
"You did nothing wrong, Felix," she assured him. "You're going to figure out how to get a new hearing sooner than a year, but it's only been a few days, and now you've got a few days off. Do you want to help me with the sink? I swear the Watcher keeps breaking everything around the house just to get our skill up."
They were interrupted then by Emit, who'd come to the kitchen for a snack. Angela followed close behind him. "It's good to be handy if the device malfunctions while we're travelling. What do you say we eat and then get going?"
"What happens if it glitches when were in a time with no computers?" wondered Felix, as Lilith pulled a bowl of fruit salad from the fridge.
"Power down to save battery life and wait for someone to come find you."
"How do they find us if we power down?"
"You just have to hope they're headed to the same place you are."
Despite the danger, Felix and Lilith had committed to this mission, and arranged their schedules so they could afford to be out of reach for days, if necessary. They ate and changed into suits Emit had retrieved for them from the future - official time-travelling apparel that could withstand the effects of moving through dimensions, with reflective lights to deflect fellow space-riders.
Angela wished Emit good luck and offered him a romantic kiss. "For the road," she said.
"See you soon, Angie."
Lilith shared a quick look with her mother, Mary Sue, who waited anxiously for her daughter to activate the time travelling device.
"It'll be alright, Mom. We're going to be fine. Ash's invention is going to work."
Mary Sue smiled softly. "I hope you're right."
They linked arms behind their backs, with Emit's wristboard and Felix and Lilith's device calculating their departures. Angela and Mary Sue watched in awe as a few beeps and clicks filled the room, followed by a long whirr, like a gathering windstorm. But the air was still.
"Bring back a souvenir!" Angela said with a laugh.
"We can't do that," Emit reminded her. "It might change-"
He couldn't finish before a flash filled the room. Angela and Mary Sue blinked at the blinding white light, but when the room cleared, the time-travelling trio was gone.
"They really did it!"
Mary Sue sat down to read more about time travel, in hopes understanding it better might ease her worried mind.
"Just because they jumped doesn't mean they landed in the right place," Angela reminded her cautiously. "We won't know if they're safe until they get back."
Felix and Lilith couldn't explain what it felt like to travel through time. After the flash of light, in a blink they'd arrived at their destination. Oasis Springs - January 13, 2020. They looked down at their hands and feet - all parts of them were accounted for. Casino lights obscured the night sky and they looked around.
"There!" Emit shouted. "The time thief! She's running into the Fortuna Casino."
The thief looked back quickly before racing inside. Emit, Angela, and Felix gave chase, but the quick-footed thief blended into the garish interior.
They raced up stairs, past waitresses in showgirl-esque attire, searching wildly for the thief in black and white stripes. They spotted her racing up a grand staircase and the thief met their gaze, but then in another flash of light, she was gone.
"Where did she go?" cried Lilith.
"I don't know," said Emit. "I have to wait for her to drop something in time to get a signal."
"So what are we supposed to do here?"
"Well, we can't change anything, so don't talk to anyone you don't have to, don't tell anyone your real name, and don't do anything to get yourself noticed. We're here weeks before the start of the global pandemic that hit Simlandia this year, so we should be fine, health-wise."
They headed back downstairs, spotting a blonde waitress who looked somehow so familiar. Felix did the math in his head. "I think that's Nancy Landgraab," he said, leaning in close to Lilith to ensure she wouldn't overhear them.
"Ash's grandmother was a casino waitress in the desert? When?"
Emit looked around. "We jumped back in time forty years, so that's probably the answer to that question."
"It'd be nice if you could use that against the old witch somehow," Lilith mused, but Felix didn't have time to consider it before Emit's wristboard beeped again.
"The time thief's a real klepto. They've already dropped something else. July 14, 1920, outside the Laurel Library in Britechester."
"So we're jumping again?" Lilith's eyes lit up.
"Is it safe to jump there? It's only five years after my death - what if we run into someone who knew me?"
"Just remember, focus on the mission and try not to talk to anyone."
Felix' trepidation couldn't prevent them from jumping again - they'd already jumped back forty years, and they hadn't yet completed the mission.
The trio left the busy casino so no one would see them disappear, and in another flash of light they moved through space and time again. But when Felix and Lilith landed outside the Laurel Library in broad daylight, Emit wasn't with them.
"What happened?" cried Lilith. "Where did he go? Did we jump to the wrong time?"
They looked around the quiet university grounds, still somewhat deserted in the early morning light. Britechester hadn't changed much in a century and a half, but the few milling about the red-brick library let them know they'd made it to the 1920s.
Lilith's mouth hung open in awe, as several students looked at them strangely in their brightly-coloured travel suits. One woman with short blonde hair and a burgundy hat approached the library doors, looking casually in their direction. Felix gasped, at the same moment the blonde did a double take.
"Felix, what is it?"
"Felix Psyded, Esquire?" The blonde woman's voice rang like an alarm in his head. "If I'm not staring at your ghost, you best have a fine explanation for this!" ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 2.1 Summary
Gen 1 Start | Gen 1 Summary
WCIF Poses & Casino Lot: Trio poses by Atashi77 aka the 'time-travelling pose'; young Nancy is posed with @tenyrasims Serving With a Smile posepack (which I've used before and still love!), and the casino is a fantastic lot by Katy555 on the Sims 4 Gallery, Fortunas Casino Royale. Really bright and elaborate inside and outside. Reminds me a little more of Monaco than Vegas, tbh!
To confirm any questions, yes that is young Nancy, because I downloaded Teen Nancy Landgraab by simsquared7 for this scene (and maybe more 👀)
#sims 4#sims 4 gameplay#sims 4 screenshots#sims 4 legacy#sims in bloom#ts4#ts4 gameplay#ts4 legacy#ts4 screenshots#sims 4 story#ts4 story#legacy challenge#sims legacy#ts4 legacy challenge#gen 2#felix psyded#britechester#lilith pleasant#blast from the past event#emit relevart#angela pleasant#oasis springs#nancy landgraab
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Hi! I really want to ask you to write about dilfs (Raikkonen, Vettel, Alonso, Button, Webber, Hamilton, Rosberg) who suck the reader's boobs.
I apologize for this request (honestly, I'm ready to sink into the ground). I hope this request doesn't make you feel uncomfortable. 😳🫠
The DILF lovers association is in session 👩⚖️
Kimi is not a man of many words, as we know, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to use his mouth. He will gladly spend hours with you straddling him, sucking and biting your tits while you squirm in his lap. He's got a lil' sadistic side hidden under there, he won't let up until there's a noticeable wet spot on his thigh. Only then will he let you ride him, while he keeps his mouth entirely focused on your chest.
Jenson is easy to manipulate. You can ask him anything. If you've got your top off, he will say yes without even listening to the question. He'll just beg to touch them and suck on them. And he won't let you go until you say yes. You haven't lived until you've seen him on his knees, pawing at you skin as he begs. He may or may not have a little bit of a mommy kink but that is something between you, him, and god.
Sebastian is adamant on spending at least 20 minutes of foreplay entirely focused on your breasts. It's just a fucking excuse to suck on them. He's clinical about it too. "I read that it makes everything more intense" "I found a blog that talks about how sucking on them often makes your body more fertile" ... He's infuriatingly cocky about it, but he's fucking right.
Mark doesn't know when it started. He swears he was never this into breasts. But ever since he met you he hasn't been able to keep his hands, eyes and mouth off you for more than a few hours at a time. If he's had a bad day, he'll make you lie down and shove his face in your boobs and just lay on top of you breathing you in. And when he's feeling perticularly needy he'll suck a few hickies into your flesh. Cus he's... he's into ma-*gunshot*
Fernando is insatiable. If you dare wear anything lowcut, see-through, tight, or if he can see your nipples through your shirt, he will make you take it off, and he will play with your tits until you are begging for him to fuck you. He adores fucking you from below, so that he can watch your tits bounce in his face. He's a simple man after all.
Nico is like Jenson in the way that you can get him to do absolutely anything you want him to if you flash a bit of skin. It can be any piece of skin, but he is particularly susceptible to the softness of your chest. Beware, if he spots you in a bra, or coming out of the shower, his hands and mouth will be on you in seconds. Every time you and him are late for an event, that is why.
Lewis is a little freak, in general. But when it comes to your tits he is a little more kinky than the rest. He likes ropes, to tie you up with pretty knots. He loves torturing you with clamps and... other accessories. He is insane when it comes to you, your body just brings out his freaky nature. When he's feeling vanilla, he'll still torture you, but he'll take great pleasure in showing you that he doesn't need anything other than his mouth. His mouth is plenty.
#my thots#kimi raikkonen#jenson button#sebastian vettel#mark webber#fernando alonso#nico rosberg#lewis hamilton#f1#formula 1#request
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Sunrise on the Reaping spoilers under the cut (chapter 22, page 299):

This scene pulled together the central themes in such a fantastic way.
Haymitch could’ve killed them then and there. Right in front of them, knife in hand. He could’ve taken out three Capitol Gamemakers, people directly responsible for their suffering (so far as we’re led to believe, at least—I don’t put it past the Capitol to send innocents in). It likely wouldn’t have changed anything in the long run, but he could have done it as an act of defiance all the same, like he’s been working toward practically since he was thrust into this mess. So Plutarch’s question stands. Why didn’t he?
Intimidated, brainwashed, cowardly. There’s truth to the reasons he gives himself. Haymitch, much like the rest of Panem, has been beaten down his whole life to believe that the Capitol is in charge and always will be, and that all acts of rebellion against this notion will result in suffering and ultimately prove fruitless. Even his actions in the arena itself over the past few days have shown him that—he drowned up the brain but the arena didn’t break because the Capitol had a plan B in place, a power generator. The Capitol is perceived as unbeatable. Haymitch has been fed poster after poster touting the Capitol’s strength and every year there’s a reminder that they can squash opposition and resistance with a snap of their fingers.
And then, of course, we’re reminded that there’s no way what we just read was witnessed by Panem. Instead the audience has likely been shown the lone girl hiding away from this fatal encounter with the Gamemakers. It’s all edited out to preserve the image that preserves Panem’s submission. As David Hume said, it is on opinion only that government is founded. In order to keep themselves down, the districts—and the Capitol citizens, too—must uphold this opinion that the Capitol as a governing and militaristic force is unbeatable. That there’s nothing they could even fathom doing to resist because it’s pointless in the end. That’s the same train of thought, however subconscious, that prevented Haymitch from making a move on the Gamemakers, simply because he recognized them as an arm of the Capitol and the Capitol as something higher than his reach. It is through this opinion that the Capitol is able to control the people and gain their submission to tyrannical rule.

He says it himself. “Just programmed to be walked all over, I guess.” Haymitch’s fight or flight response in this moment was to freeze. Don’t fight back, submit. The Gamemakers are untouchable; they’re the Capitol and they’re in charge, not you. It’s generations of programming that let him be walked all over.
Maysilee’s point about fighting back before they’re forced into the arena is poignant. Doing so with those knives in training wouldn’t have actually gotten them anywhere but more trouble, unfortunately, but it speaks to the greater issue. The country needs to fight back. They don’t. They just keep submitting. Why? Opinion again, of the Capitol government as some all-mighty force. They’re programmed, brainwashed, to roll over and stop resisting at the sight of the metaphorical or literal white uniforms.
Then we arrive back at the propaganda/censorship angle, with Haymitch being unable to speak freely because the cameras are watching. Although he knows this conversation won’t be aired to the whole of Panem, their words are traitorous and rebellious enough to catch the attention of the Gamemakers and President Snow, so he stops himself. Though you have to ask yourself, what does it matter? The Gamemakers and President Snow already know what’s truly happened in the arena. They’re aware of Maritte and Maysilee killing those Gamemakers. They also know what Haymitch and Ampert did to the water tank, nearly breaking the arena in the process and causing a whole lot of trouble. Haymitch and Maysilee are holding out hope one of them might live, but they’re also constantly recognizing the likelihood of their deaths and desiring to go out with a message. It’s smart to keep their mouths shut, definitely, but what truly stops them from discussing this implicit submission to the Capitol’s rule? Is it the cameras or their intimidated, brainwashed, fearful opinion of the government?
The rebellious thoughts are there, but the opinion that prevents them from being spoken doesn’t get squashed for another twenty-five years.
#sunrise on the reaping spoilers#sotr spoilers#sunrise on the reaping#thg sotr#sotr#the hunger games#haymitch abernathy#maysilee donner#thg
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Section 1 -
How does it feel to be a MagiKey user?
Misaki: “It makes me feel kinda weird though atleast I can train to help my fellow magical girls,boys, and people.”
How popular are you in MagiKey rankings?
Misaki: “At least in a mid section due to how “secretive” I can be”
Which MagiKey would you rather have than your own?
Misaki: “If I had to choose I would choose either Layla’s (@/laylakongg) or hittako’s (@/hittisbuzzing) due to how their powers and personalities kinda relate to me the most”
Why did you become a MagiKey user?
Misaki: “Well…I don’t remember clearly but I was about to get run overhead by a car but a gem appeared and it turned into a key then a white explosion happened and now I am here in this magical world..”
How long have you been in MagiKey
Misaki: “I don’t count the years tbh but I think about 2 years, that’s why most people don’t know most of everything about me.”
Section 2 -
What is their motivation to keep being a magical user?
Just to survive and be in the background. Misaki hates doing something that she never wanted but it is what made her survive…
How are they usually in a battle?
Misaki is the type to fight due to how she trains but knows when to stay back when they sense danger. They have a high alert system and tells the people who are beginning out to get out the way when danger lerks by. Misaki normally uses her powers
Misaki’s first ability, “blindly shine” can temporarily blind a specific target with a blast of light and the target can be anyone she chooses but she chooses to only use this ability when she is critically wounded.
Her second ability, “thorny heart” can control people with a mask : 🎭. But if she puts it on too much people, it is harder to control them and it is normally in a small amount of time but she normally does this when she is the only one left standing…
Her third ability, “sealed” can trap anyone in the vicinity of Misaki. Though it would be inclose range and if the opponent is strong willed then they can be able to break out and can easily hurt misaki.
Her fourth and final ability, “my dear dandelions” is her most powerful ability right now and this ability can tie anyone up no matter what but of course every power needs a weakness so this weakness is that if the person she ties up is strong willed the then can break out of it no matter if they are weak physically or strong physically.
How are their daily lives?
She normally just reads in a corner with some of the people she likes and walks around the school with tsukiko (@/yumaandyukitaka), Misaki sees tsukiko as a younger sibling to protect but won’t tell them just to make sure no one knows a single weakness in her.
What is their opinion on other MagiKey users in general?
She secretly care about them (but pretends to not care as much) and does see them all as new found family due to her “real” family not really care for her mental and physical health.
Section 3 -
What are your OC's struggles as a MagiKey user?
It’s mainly herself. Due to how when she is in her magical form. Their are voices in the back of her head telling her that everyone she cares about will eventually know about her lying and hate her for it and she can sometimes she visions of what with happen in the next few minutes.
One time when tsukiko first followed her, Misaki thought they were trying to make her open up which lead to a misunderstanding and Misaki yelled at tsukiko but then saw their terrified face and misaki apologized and said she just wasn’t ready… Misaki felt bad and wanted to apologize profusely due to that terrifyed look… it looked just like how she did when she was younger… a terrified child. Misaki gave tsukiko a gift just to make them happy and let them just follow her around..
She also doesn’t trust shin (@/liyuviq) as much due to their ability of showing the truth. Misaki often blames themselves for all the mistakes she has done and knows she is a bad person and doesn’t deserve what she has now. She doesn’t deserve to had another chance at living…
What is their favorite color?
A reddish pink but also likes yellow and purple.
Section 4 (extra things I wanted to add)-
Theme song
top of my school - by Katherine Lynn-Rose
What she think of other MagiKey users:
Qix Trix/Quartz (@/quartztwst)
Misaki: “They're quiet but at least they are more peaceful then the other chaotic people.”
Fragaria (@/quartztwst)
Misaki: “she’s…energetic? I don’t know how to explain it.. but atleast she good with talking to.”
Layla (@/laylakongg)
Misaki: “she is my favorite. She is quiet and our powers work very well together though she does tend to work alone like me but not all the time”
AJ (@/karamatsuboy-aj)
Misaki: “he’s very weird sometimes.. but his singing is good, I could listen to it. If he wasn’t so… energetic..”
Shuu (@/oya-oya-okay)
Misaki: “she is quite… interesting?”
Yuu Ni (@/thatsadguymochi)
Misaki: “she is pretty new so it’s best to not really get too close to her but I trust she won’t betray us.”
Hittako (@/hittisbuzzing)
Misaki: “She very interesting but she’s alright.”
Tsukiko (@/yumaandyukitaka)
Misaki: “she’s like a lost child. But she is nice company to be around with.”
Luna (@/waitlexist)
Misaki: “we don’t talk…but I think she is alright”
Undine (@/juchioris)
Misaki: “I don’t pay much attention to her but she is cool, i guess”
Kogane (@/kogane-twst)
Misaki: “one day she might get stuck in a tree just because a cat looks cute… but atleast the cats go to me once they jump down.”
Yuubeni (@/bunniehunn)
Misaki: “she’s weak, yes but atleast her magic ability are an high endurance of her soon getting more powerful and stronger…mentally.”
Yuka (@/chaotic-snow)
Misaki: “she is quite stubborn and has an innocent that will fade if she doesn’t learn about real life but I get why and I won’t ruin her childhood by telling her all the real things that happens in the real world.”
Yuu Fontaine (@/allykakamatsu)
Misaki: “they are alright. A knight in shining armor, that’s what I nickname them.”
Yuya (@/cheerleaderman)
Misaki: “I would like if they could tell me what space looks like due to how i haven’t really cared to look at the facts of it.”
Liánhuā (@/lafashionlsta)
Misaki: “I help her around the school when I am not in my form”
Alistair "Ali" (@/sunnysidesevenup)
Misaki: “they are quite chaotic but I don’t quite like that they have mind-reading due to my thoughts being… anyways.”
Yuuel "El" (@/stxrgazingattheclouds)
Misaki: “her personality is like a galaxy. Messy yet beautiful.”
Elay (@/dgiterart)
Misaki: “she’s pretty and is highly skilled”
Shin (@/liyuviq)
Misaki: “I don’t like them. It’s not like I want to kill them because I hate them. It’s jus that… they can reveal the truth about someone so I rather stay way from them…”
Rika (@/rinxleona)
Misaki: “she is a maid but she does it in an interesting way.”
Yuue (@/blueberriesblueberrie)
Misaki: “she looks like a ballerina tbh but atleast she is a good opponent.”
Yurena (@/ranas-twisted-wonderland)
Misaki: “I don’t know much information about them but they are a bug…”
Evelyn (@/h0neybane)
Misaki: “she looks like the moon so I always call her moonlight like my creat-.. wait what was I going to say?”
Airinniz (@/hanizmiyu)
Misaki: “she is beautiful and I would love to know more about her which I’ve already have.”
Akshara (@/twistedtalestory)
Misaki: “she is certainly diverse but we don’t talk much and her powers are certainly destructive as well..”
Yae (@/fi1nn)
Misaki: “she is in the support class but we sometimes hangout and get along well.”
Yuina (@/doe5dollars)
Misaki: “I relate to her and she is an amazing person in general.”
Vinny (@/cephalotyrant)
Misaki: “he is my son now. Anyway, I play card games with him(btw I let him win just to make him happy).”
Iris (@/lficanthaveloveiwantpower)
Misaki: “she’s cool and kinda nerdy. We get along well, we also read together”
Yumi (@/marinahavik)
Misaki: “energetic. She always wants to talk to me but I didn’t want another Tsukiko event to happen so I let her talk to me.”
Kirara (@/shinysparklesapphires)
Misaki: “she is basically the opposite of riddle. Which, i am not complaining tbh.” (Btw misaki doesn’t not like Kirara like that and sees Kirara as a sister)
Satori (@/soupidee-doo)
Misaki: “quite easy to manipulate them tbh but atleast they have strength to save themselves.”
Belladonna and Schneider (@/ieatfriedeggs)
Misaki: “I think belladonna is quiet? I guess but Schneider is easy to talk to…”
Yuurei (@/universaln0b0dy)
Misaki: “I think she is almost insane.”
Nova (@/nivvetsworld)
Misaki: “she is a definitely a god like a deadly one…”
Chiz (@/chizramue)
Misaki: “she is basically like Red and White Flowers Together(bad omen, representing blood loss and death) which I like due to how I am like Black Dahlias(symbols of betrayal).”
Bya-Chan (@/starlee246)
Misaki: “the way he use blot is quite.. interesting.. but it is still fairly dangerous to use blot.”
Mia (@/happilybeingthenerd)
Misaki: “she’s kinda stupid for leaving the team a lot but I don’t blame her. I do it too. Also is she Zeus?”
Alenna (@/the-dumber-scaramouche)
Misaki: “I prey with her every now and then.”
Hisui (@/ghostiidasponk)
Misaki: “I haven’t got the chance to hangout with her yet but I got some time to hangout with her now and I’m going to cook some delectables for her.”
Kimiko (@/slumberingrose-fandom)
Misaki: “I do wonder if she has read a bit too much Snow White and Adam and Eve stories…”
Yuki (@/galacticstationsblog)
Misaki: “i like to draw frequently with her and we normally like doing drawing challenges”
Euphelia (@/artarmy24)
Misaki: “we don’t talk as much but sometimes we hangout under a tree.”
Vee (@/heyhellohihowareyou)
Misaki: “he’s very energetic… like the others”
Nepeta (@/nepeta-and-co)
Misaki: “weird. But at least they are unique then the others…”
Vizzie (@/twistedwonderlandshenanigans)
Misaki: “they are dangerous. I stay away from them fo that reason. Best to now get on their bad side.”
Ko Mallory (@/croshelee)
(When Ko Mallory was alive)Misaki: “she is adorable. She is also my new child now!”
(When Ko Mallory died)Misaki: “… I…I don’t want to talk about it…it’s just.. let me leave for a moment…”
Lamiyre (@/schweindivine)
Misaki: “I think she is cool just because it is quite funny to get teleported to some random place”
Lillian (@/iluvmusicxoxo)
Misaki: “she is a type of jester to kill you if you don’t hangout with her…”
"Messenger" (@/dollie-ballerina)
Misaki: “I have nothing to say tbh.. she normally keeps to herself…”
(Btw this took too long to do😭😭😭😭)
Overview(all together):
Misaki: “some of them are quite overpowered and could easily kill anyone while I have my powers with flaws🥲”
Redesign with scythe(misaki’s weapon):
Questions for the MagiKey Users!
(Quartz and Yuu are examples!!)
(Please copy and paste the questions!!)
Section 1 - Your OC Answers!
1. How does it feel to be a MagiKey user?
Quartz: "God, it feels awful honestly but I ain't got much to do at home."
Yuu: "I really like helping people with our powers! I also get to meet so much people!"
2. How popular are you in MagiKey rankings?
Quartz: "I'm not that popular honestly and I'm glad."
Yuu: "A lot of people seem to know me but I'm not really a fan favorite when it comes to top 10."
3. Which MagiKey would you rather have than your own?
Quartz: "Uhh.. What's her name? Metamorphosis (@/lficanthaveloveiwantpower). Yeah. I think her power is neat and cool. It's probably more unique than what I have right now. I wanna make cool psychological illusions too."
Yuu: "I like Divinity's (@/nivvetsworld)! Their abilities look so powerful! Aahh! It's so cool! The weapon and everything!"
4. Why did you become a MagiKey user?
Quartz: "Yall act like I had a choice. That fucking bird that i hate."
Yuu: "Quartz was one and I was suddenly given a key years later haha! I just wanted to spice up my life a little!"
5. How long have you been in MagiKey
Quartz: "Three years. I'm pretty old but it's cool I guess."
Yuu: "Only a year! I'm still learning from Quartz and others. I wish to develop more of my abilities so I can help others!"
Section 2 - You explain!
6. What is their motivation to keep being a magical user?
Quartz genuinely has no idea. She doesn’t have the energy to go through Crowley's bullshit but she also doesn't know if she's able to stop now. She's three years in already.
Yuu just thinks it's fun and exciting. In the foundation that they were raised in, not a lot of things were fun as this. They also really like to help people and seeing people being happy. They genuinely wish to see people live.
7. How are they usually in a battle?
Quartz doesn't really like attacking and likes to support other MagiKey users but if she has to fight by herself, she will. She's actually really quick on her feet and disappears too easily like a rabbit. Her goal is to catch you off guard so she can strike you down but she doesn't usually have well calculated strategies.
With her first ability, she uses the scarves as a tool to restrain her opponent right after she makes them confused by pulling them out of their mouth. She can use the scarves to potentially choke and tie things to the opponent.
Her second ability let's her to summon anything out of her hat. She can even summon people. YES. PEOPLE. If someone is in trouble in a different area, she can summon them out of her hat. They might get dizzy after. She also can summon explosions made out of confetti and basically anything except actual weapons like guns, bombs.
In her final ability, she can blind people with her other eye. She can only use this in the beginning of a fight so she can land the better attacks.
Yuu doesn't really do most of the fighting but they can swing the heavy basket at an opponent to do heavy damage. They're mostly there for support as well with their energy boosting strawberries. They actually have really bad stamina but with the everlasting supply of strawberries, their stamina is boosted a lot. They are the one who tries to pull the MagiKey users together to fight.
Their first ability is them swinging that heavy ass basket at an opponent. In their early fights, they used to be super stiff but now their moves are fluent with them easily throwing the basket at an opponent and being able bounce it back to their hands. No one is able to pick up the basket but Yuu because it feels super heavy to others.
The energy boosting strawberries are their second ability. These strawberries can boost mood and performance in battles. They never run out of strawberries and they can make it rain strawberries with a swing of their basket.
Their last ability is a giant scary Grim popping out of their basket. They don't actually have to place the basket on the ground. They can carry it and let Grim attack opponents or scare them. Grim is SUPER hungry so anything he sees that is not an ally is TUNA.
8. How are their daily lives?
Quartz and Yuu don't really do much but go to school in their foundation. After that, they head to MagiKey's secret training school.
9. What is their opinion on other MagiKey users in general?
Quartz thinks they're cool. Nothing much to say but she's always curious on why other people would even agree to being a Magical User considering how young and risky the job is. But she's a hypocrite since she is one of them.
Yuu finds them amazing and super cool. They love to see other user's fights and cheer them on.
Section 3 - Deeper Level (might get emo)
10. What are your OC's struggles as a MagiKey user?
Quartz always thinks of herself as one for not thinking a lot but the thing is that she does. She absolutely tries to stop these thoughts from roaming into deeper territories but how could she not?
In her three years of experience, she has encountered dead magical users and ones that died after corruption but she never tried to pay attention to it. She refused to because that is what is sacrificed when you do these duties: your life.
She always wondered why mostly children are chosen to defeat these so-called enemies in secret and how messed up it sounds but it's just a thought. It's just a thought.
When Yuu encountered their first intense battle which was with a corrupted magical user, their whole perspective changed. After defeating the corrupted user, the corpse of a young magical girl was left behind and it scarred Yuu completely.
It felt like a joke. It felt disgusting.
It felt like a dumb joke because what are you saying these monsters are just kids with problems? Couldn't we have found another way? If they knew that this would happen, wouldn't they recruit different people for this job? And what about their family? What will their family think seeing their child dead because of "unknown" reasons?
Yuu has tried to continue on after that but no matter what, the memory of the cold, limp body of that magical girl from that day keeps eating them alive.
11. What is their favorite color?
Quartz has no favorite color
Yuu likes yellow
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Why don’t you let us help.. (ii x vess x muse)
This is not proofread so i apologize. My first formal attempt at writing a fic. All for my bestie @emptypringlescanister 😫♥️
It had been a long week, a long month really. Work was hectic as all hell, and working with the public was never easy. Your body ached and your mind was well passed tired. So the grueling hours on top of the recent lack of sleep. It was all starting to pile up to say the least.
The biggest cherry on top of the shit pile however, was that the guy you’ve been ‘seeing’ turned out to be horrible in the bedroom. You weren’t superficial enough to fully give up on him. But it was disappointing, if you wanted to take care of yourself after every shag you would have just gotten a new toy. But he was sweet, he held the door and never pressured you into anything.
In this day and age that was hard to come by. Or at least that’s what you told your roommates. The two men sitting on the couch faces alight with amusement. They encouraged you to do whatever made you happy. Well vessel did ii however was much more forthcoming with his opinion.
“I think you should dump the poor idiot. It’s not that hard to navigate between a woman’s legs” he spoke the words confidently, that same smug smirk he always wore when he thought he was right. Vessel stifled back a laugh and slapped ii’s chest. “Alright mate, maybe he’s just inexperienced or something. Not everyone is a ladykiller” trying to make any excuse to try and lessen the embarrassment on your part.
But their words were stuck deep in your mind. After another long week of finishing on your own fingers. Your mind started to drift from your former muse, instead being lead directly to the bright eyes of the shorter of your two roommates. His sly smile and wide shoulders. The way he seemed so confident in his words. I mean sure you’d heard him bring women home. You’d never made noises quite that loud before. But the women seemed to fully enjoy it.
Night after night you found yourself whining his name into your pillow. Writing under your own touch doing all you could to satisfy that insatiable ache. Vessel found his way into those thoughts eventually. Especially when you could hear him through your shared wall. Playing his keyboard or spread out on the couch writing. You were starting to think maybe you just needed a good lay.
That your hormones were getting the best of you. Never having thought of these two men in that way before. Not that they were unattractive. It was just an unspoken rule, maybe that’s why the taboo got you all hot and bothered. However you weren’t the only one acutely aware of your situation. Both men had noticed how tightly wound you had been.
Confining yourself to your room. Rarely outside of your pajamas on your days off. The way you couldn’t seem to hold conversation let alone eye contact with either of them. So it was a surprise when you came home one night to an empty house. A messily wrapped box on the counter. The rectangular box peaking out of the paper in some spots.
A messily written note laid beside it on the countertop. Etched In red pen on a spare piece of printer paper. No doubt of ii’s doing.
“obviously the bloke won’t shag you right. Dump him and use this for a few hours, we miss our fun Rachel”
The words made your cheeks flush. Reading it over a few times, before you built up the courage to open the package. Your jaw falling slack when your eyes landed on the wand. The large white device was no doubt one of the expensive ones. It came with a plug in cord, because in ii’s mind it was more powerful that way. Couldn’t have it dying on you, not when your sanity seemed to be at stake.
It was almost embarrassing how quickly you discarded the box. Running off to your room, the device definitely relieving a good bit of your stress. By the time you finished your little play session. It was well into the early morning. You had just drifted off as the sound of the front door opening woke you. Rubbing at your eyes as you heard the two going to their respective rooms. A sudden wave of embarrassment taking hold of you.
His little gift definitely helped, but not in the way he hoped. Especially now with this new layer of shame. So when you continued to hide away. ii grew impatient, thinking that maybe that wasn’t enough. It took a little convincing. But he soon got vessel on his side. Deciding to make a plan to force you to hang out with them. He could only fix this problem if he could at least get you to sit and speak to them.
So ii sent a message in the shared group chat. Telling you that you were going to participate in movie night. or they were dragging you out of your room by force. Of course it was playful but there was definitely something about the way he said it. Like he had much more in mind for you. You let your mind run wild with possibilities for the rest of your shift. Time seeming to only drag now that you had plans.
Soon thought you were pulling into the driveway. Your hands shaking slightly at the sudden rush of adrenaline. Pushing your key into the door. You were greeted with a dim lit room. The smell of pizza and beer filling your nostrils. Closing the door behind you, ii instantly got to his feet. Making his way through the living room to greet you. “Long time no see stranger, here you sip this I’m gonna have ves pick the movie” he spoke smoothly. Clearly having nursed his own drink or two.
Holding the chilled bottle you followed him into the living room. A palate made of blankets and pillows covered the area between the two couches. Essentially blocking you in, taking a sip from your beer as your eyes landed on vessel. Laid out on the couch in a sweatshirt and shorts. Hair messy under the hood as he gazed up at you with an attentive smile. “Ah almost forgot your pretty face ya’ been gone so long” he mused and chuckled.
Motioning for you to sit wherever you wanted. The two men sharing a momentary look between them. Watching as you settled down onto the floor pallet. Vessel had some horror movie pulled up, explaining his choice to you. Though you were far too busy wondering exactly where this night was going. ii soon joined the both of you. Handing you a plate of random food things they’d picked up. You couldn’t deny it did feel good to be doted on. But it didn’t help your wandering mind, especially when they both moved to sit beside you.
Their towering frames making you feel much smaller than you were used to. Nervously staring at the screen as the movie started. Vessel stealing a cookie from your plate. “Eat something love, especially if you’re drinking. Can’t have you passing out on us so early” he teased his eyes never leaving the screen. A satisfied hum leaving his lips as you immediately began to nervously eat.
The entirety of the movie the two men seemed to be passing you back and forth. Vessel brushing your hair back, ii draping his arm over the couch behind you. Sharing glances between each other every time you seemed to stiffen up at their actions. As the first movie ended vessel handed the remote to you. “Pick something you don’t mind not paying attention to” he spoke and sat up. Grabbing the empty bottles and your plate.
Leaving you alone with two as he cleaned up a bit. ii chuckled seeing your wide eyed expression. “Don’t worry, we aren’t going to bite. Well not unless you ask me to of course” his words fell from his lips in a soothing tone. Gently rubbing your back, chuckling as your hands fumbled to find some random movie. “Don’t be so nervous it’s just us dove, we won’t give you anything you can’t handle yeah?” He added taking the remote from your hands.
Smiling down at you as he sat up. Brushing some of your hair behind your ear. “You look so shocked, you know you shouldn’t be. The walls in this house are rather thin. And my name sounds far too beautiful falling from these lips, I fancy hearin’ it for myself” he spoke his eyes locked on yours. Moving his hand to brush your cheek before settling his thumb on your lips.
Just in time for vessel to return taking his place at your side. A smirk playing on his lips seeing the way ii had you practically drooling already. “It seems the present ii was so kind to get you. Didn’t exactly fix our predicament. So maybe being properly fucked will hm?” Vessel hummed his fingers tracing over your neck. Circling your shoulder before cupping your jaw. Turning you to look up at him. “Would you like that? For us to fuck you darling” his words were a dangerously low whisper. Eyes tracing over your features for any sign of resistance.
You shook your head and ii chuckled. Leaning in to speak directly into your ear. “Oh you’re a big girl use your words baby” he urged warm lips brushing the shell of your ear. Your body flushed, melting into their touch. “.. yes, please” The words fell from your lips before you could stop them. You meant each word, but the logical part of you screamed to tell them that this was a bad idea. But flush between their bodies you could do little with your critical thinking.
A satisfied hum left both of their lips. Leaning toward you, only to meet each others lips instead of yours. Vessel cradled ii’s jaw, capturing the smaller man in a slow sensual kiss. Only pulling away after they were both out of breath, Ii immediately attaching his lips to yours. Stealing your breath with his heated kiss. Vessel busting himself with kissing your neck. Sucking soft purple marks into the flesh. ii swallowing each moan as they fell from your lips to his.
“Good girl so responsive for us” vessel mused against your skin. ii allowed his hands to roam the expanse of your back. Snaking his hand up to tangle in your hair. Separating the kiss as he pulled the strands. Vessel wasting no time in replacing ii’s lips with his own. Smiling against your warm skin. Slipping his tongue past your puffy lips. A groan left ii’s lips at the sight. “God you look so perfect like this baby” his words were laced with lust. The gravel of it evident in his tone.
“Let vessel take care of you, I’ll be right back princess” he spoke, his words barely processing before he stood. Vessel keeping you entirely entranced as his hand caressed your breast. Kneading it as he hummed against your lips. His thumb brushing over your clothed nipple. Feeling it pebble under his touch. His teeth gently biting at your lip. Pulling away for a moment to watch you. Wide eyes darkened with lust. “Such a good girl.. feels good yeah?”
Your mind fell blank when his hand trailed down your torso. Settling between your spread legs. Rubbing slow circles over your clothed heat. “I can’t wait to fuck this tight little cunt” voice just above a whisper as he watched your expression. Lip tucked between his teeth as he coaxed wanton moans from your lips. ii returned after a few agonizing minutes. “I’ve got her nice and warmed up for you mate” vessel spoke up to the man before him.
Craning his neck to kiss his friend as ii bent to thank him. “Perfect, your reward is getting to be the first to make her cum” he spoke against vessel’s lips. The taller man groaned at ii’s words. Taking the toy ii had retrieved from his hands. Moving to plug in the wand. ii held his hand out for you “up you go princess, let’s get you out of these clothes yeah?” His fingers brushed the hem of your shirt. Waiting until you gave him consent. But the moment he had it he was practically ripping the fabric from your body.
Capturing your lips with his once again. Before pulling you into him. Turning you around before settling back onto the padded floor. Sitting you between his legs hooking your thighs over his muscular legs. Spreading you bare, raising his eyebrows at the creak your poor hips made at the extension. “I didn’t break you yet did I doll?” He asked looking down at you from over his shoulder. Your flushed face gave away that you were okay and he quickly let it go. Vessel returning just in time to settle between your legs. Smiling down at you like a mad man.
Taking in your fully bare form, both of them were straining against their clothes. So hard it almost hurt. “Go ahead vess, the faster you get her off the faster we can finally fuck her” ii urged and vessel nodded eagerly. Turning the wand on he leaned forward. ii settling you back against him. Holding your throat in one hand as the other moved down to spread you better. Vessel pressing the toy directly to your clit. His attention fully on the way your body responded. “Yeah? S’that good love?” Your frantic head shaking assuring him that he was doing perfect.
His cheeks flushed, practically drooling as he watched you. ii smirked at the taller man, “look what you’ve done Rachel, you’ve made our boy stupid for your cunt” his words only made vessel blush deeper. “He’s practically drooling, I think he deserved to cum soon yeah? Why don’t you go ahead and let go for us” his words made your head dizzy. Vessel turned the wand up to its highest setting. Watching you with pure excitement in his gaze. You didn’t last much longer. Overwhelmed with all of the attention.
The moment you tipped over the edge. They were practically all over you. Vessel kissing you deeply. Drool covering both of your lips by the end of it. ii carefully urging you forward, until you were perfectly on your hands and knees. Vessel breaking the kiss to eagerly undress himself. ii’s hands roaming over your hips. Watching as your cunt clenched around nothing. “Fuck… please tell me you’re ready, I don’t know how much longer I can wait.” ii’s voice was desperate. His touch gentle but his thoughts were far from it. When you eagerly begged to be taken they both hissed in desperate relief.
ii pulling himself free of his clothes, stroking his cock slowly as he pulled vessel closer. “Go ahead and show vessel how good of a cock sucker you are baby” his words were soon followed with a gasp from vessel. The smaller man holding his throat tightly as he leaned in to kiss him. Groaning against his lips with every stroke of his own hand. But when vessel shook with a wave of pleasure he pulled away. Watching as you took the man into your mouth. His jaw falling slack at the sight. Stroking himself once more before lining up with your wet entrance.
Pushing in slowly, he hissed at the way you gripped him. His head was practically spinning already. Hands moving from vessel to grip your hips. As vessels tangled in your hair. “F-fuck oh my god” vessel practically whimpered his thighs shaking. Trying desperately to take in everything. Gaze shifting from your lips around him to the way ii bottomed out inside of you. ii gave you a moment to adjust before he started to rock his hips. A string of curses and pants leaving his lips at the feeling of your warm cunt.
“Such a good little thing for us, we just might have to keep you yeah?” He spoke earning an eager nod from vessel. A wide smile on his lips as he could already feel himself getting close. “Fuck you feel so good, made just for our cocks..” ii groaned
Bringing his hand down to slap the flesh of your ass. Hands gripping your hips hard enough to bruise as he quickened his pace. The both of you were amused when vessel shook and whined. Exclaiming just how close he was. “Fuck.. can I, can I cum in your mouth baby” his words were broken with panting breaths. Staring down at you like you hung the stars. Before letting out a shaking groan, hands tightening in your hair.
Finishing in the warmth of your mouth. Pulling you off of him with a pop. His sensitive cock starting to slowly soften. As he leaned down to kiss you hungrily. “Fuck, thank you.. such a good girl. Made me feel so fucking good” he breathed out as he pulled away. Pressing his forehead against yours. the motion on ii’s hips bumping your heads together making him chuckle. “Does he feel good baby, I know I love watching it” he spoke in awe of the sight before him.
ii smirked at the sight of you two. His thrusts becoming more erratic. “Getting close princess… ves.. get the wand” his grunts interrupting each word as his hips met your ass. Sure to leave bruises in their wake. Vessel did as told turning on the wand once again. “Can you spread that pretty cunt for me baby?” He spoke softly against your cheek. Waiting until you are ready to press the vibratory to your swollen clit. ii groaned at the way you squeezed around him. Moving his hands from your hips to lace them together under your chin. Holding you up so vessel could access you better.
“Good.. fucking.. girl” ii panted feeling you throb around him with each thrust. The room was filled with the wet sounds of your body and the low buzz of the toy. Vessel’s quiet pants muffled by the sound of ii’s desperate cries. Clenching his teeth as he felt the pressure within him ready to break. “I’m gonna cum baby, make you all mine.” He gasped watching the way you shook below him. Coming undone around him. Griping him as you rode out your high. “Yeah you deserve my cum don’t you, been such a good fucking girl.. ahh fuckkk” his voice cracked as he thrusted deep inside of you.
Doubling over as he allowed his orgasm to wash over him. Biting down onto your shoulder to keep himself from yelling. Vessel kept the vibrator on you until he was sure you were both done. Smiling widely as you both relaxed. ii carefully pulling out before pulling you to lay against his chest. Vessel moving to sit on the other side of you both. “Well, that was certainly a lot of fun, hopefully you have fully given up on that bloke now” ii spoke and chuckled kissing the side of your head.
“Why don’t I run us all a bath yeah?” Vessel spoke brushing your hair away from your face. “You look pretty fucked out right about now” he teased and pecked your lips. “Hopefully something we will see a hell of a lot more often” ii mused and smiled at the both of you. “Agreed” you breathed out voice barely above a whisper.
#ii sleep token#sleep token band#sleep token smut#vessel ii#vessel x reader#ii x reader#first post#new writers on tumblr#new writter#smutty smut smut#smuty#sleep token rp
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chapter 4 (series masterlist)
Pairing: firefighter Noah x female reader
reader has a name (Theresa Monroe, but the story is written in 'your' POV)
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! / sexual content (oral m receiving, protected sex) / description of tragical call - death, explosion, burns / hospital / I think that's it, if there' anything else let me know!
Words: 10k
Author's note: And the main storyline of Tess and Noah is done❤️🩹 I'm gonna keep writing one shots for them, I already have a few ideas! Feel free to send me your thoughts and headcannons about them. I love this little universe a lot, so thank you for reading it❤️
Be aware you're reading this at your own decision, it contains sensitive topics, so please think twice before reading as I wouldn't want to cause anyone any discomfort while reading my work!
You got back to work after one week of laying in your or Noah’s bed, pretty excited to be around people again.
You and Noah enjoyed the time you got to spend together, but it also started your first argument.
This morning your neighbour knocked on your door to tell you that she has a wet spot on her ceiling, right under your washing machine. You apologized and promised to call someone to look at it as soon as possible. But Mr. Know it all told you he can fix it. Not that you didn’t trust him, but you were in a rush to get to work on time, but he still insisted on looking at it before you leave.
You left him in the bathroom and went to pack your things. You were finishing your morning coffee when you heard loud noise and “Fuck!” followed by shits and fucking hell’s.
You found Noah covered in water and a broken pipe in his hands. He quickly covered the holes so the water wouldn’t run out, changed his clothes and finally left your apartment. The drive to the station was silent, you were mad at him and he was mad himself too.
You managed to be only half an hour late and when Nick asked you where the hell have you been you just pointed to Noah and said “Ask him.”
His hair was still wet and with a dramatic roll of his eyes he went to change in the locker room.
It wasn’t a big argument, but it was your first and you didn’t know how to act now, so you avoided Noah as much as you could.
There was a call where you had to join the crew. In the end it wasn’t anything big. Older man in his late 70s locked himself in a bedroom and didn’t come out for hours, his wife got scared and called 911. Because she was scared and panicking, they also sent you in case the man was in danger. He wasn’t, he wanted to change their door lock and when he sat down on the bed to read the manual he fell asleep.
He was telling you the story as you stood next to Noah and Jason who were repairing the broken door.
“How smart of you to read the manual first.” you said loud enough for Noah to hear.
“Hold this Jason.” Noah instructed the probie ( = a firefighter who has recently joined a department).
“Are you sure you don’t want Jason to do it? Maybe he’s not as clumsy as you are today.”
Jason looked very uncomfortable, feeling like a third wheel between you.
“You know what, why don’t you go check on Ms. Black and have tea with her?” Noah bit back.
Before you could protest, Mr. Black grabbed your shoulders and led you to their kitchen “He’s right sweetheart, let us treat you.”
The ride back was silent and back at the station you hid in your office again.
When you were packing your things you were contemplating your options, you either leave without saying bye or swallow your pride and apologize.
Before you could choose one option the door to your office opened and you saw Noah standing there. You kept staring at each other for a minute, both obviously thinking about the same thing.
He was the first one to say “I’m sorry for this morning. And for the call.”
“I’m sorry too. I know you just wanted to help and I should’ve kept my mouth shut on the call.”
“I should’ve read the manual first.” Noah said and his mouth twitched with a smile.
“You really should have.” you laughed, the picture of Noah kneeling in front of the washing machine with wet t-shirt was suddenly more funny then it was in the morning.
You took your bag and made your way to him, still between your doors.
“I’ll see you in the morning?” you whispered and put your arms around his shoulders.
“Yeah.” he brushed his nose along your cheekbone before giving you the sweetest kiss on your lips.
Nights without Noah were always cold and lonely, but you still waltzed with a smile into the station. You met some of the guys from A shift already leaving, so you made your way to their lockers to make sure you don’t miss Noah on his way out.
“Good morning.” you smiled at him when he came out of the room.
“Morning.” he didn’t smile back.
“What’s up?” you were scared that he was still mad from yesterday.
“Cap wants to talk to us again.”
“Oh no.”
You walked together to the captain’s office like two school kids that got in trouble. He spared you the “I knock you talk.” argument when he opened the door as if he was expecting you.
“Thanks for coming, sit down.” you couldn’t read his emotions, but the atmosphere in the room spoke for itself. “I have good and bad news for you. Good news, your complaint came back, captain Wilson’s pay will be reduced for the next six months.”
You heard Noah scoff next to you, he was furious. That man risked your life and he only gets his pay cut.
“I’m gonna go straight to the point. Bad news, one of you will have to change stations.”
“What?” Noah was now sitting straight after hearing that.
“There were complaints from someone that they don’t feel safe with you working together on a call, saying you get easily distracted. You’ve been seen sneaking around the station and also having arguments on calls. That person told me they want me to do something about it and I don’t want to risk them taking it higher.”
“That’s bullshit! We don’t interact on calls and we had one argument on yesterday's call.” Noah protested. Then it hit you, Jason. He was new here and he was with you yesterday.
“I’m sorry Noah, I can’t risk my career for you. I don’t want to be the one that makes the decision, so please, let me know who’s going to leave 25 as soon as possible. You can go now.”
“Noah.” you told him, seeing no point in arguing.
Noah followed you to your office and even by the way he walked you knew he was angry.
“He can’t do that.”
“You know he can.” you led him to your couch and when he sat down you straddled his lap.
“I like working with you.” he pouted and made puppy eyes at you.
“I like working with you too, but we knew from the beginning that this was a risky idea.” you ran your fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm him down. He rested his hands on your hips and made putty lips. You laughed at his childish behaviour, but leaned down to kiss his lips.
“I don’t want to decide who’s gonna leave.” he rested his forehead on yours and said between taking breaths.
“It’s gonna be me, I thought that’s obvious.” you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Of course it’s going to be you.
“What do you mean?” “Noah, this is your station. Your crew, your friends. You’ve been here for years, I’m not gonna let you even think about leaving.” you stated the obvious.
“But they like you too.”
“Nuh uh, there is no room for discussion. I’m gonna ask John to switch stations with me. That way I know you’ll be in good hands. Also, he’s at 19 so I know the guys there too. And it’s still close to your place.”
“Tessa.” he felt bad, but he knew you were right. It made more sense for you to leave.
“I can still go out with you and the guys, it’s not like I’ll never see them again. Don’t make this harder than it is.” you silenced another one of his attempts to argue with kissing him again.
You rocked your hips against his and felt his grip on your waist tighten.
“What are you doing?” he had a smirk on his face when he leaned his head against the back of the couch, looking up at you.
“Using our last chance to sneak around for one more time.” you said and rolled your hips again, already feeling the bulge in Noah’s pants.
You told your captain the decision on the same day and the guys insisted on taking you out as a member of station 25 for the last time on Friday, because you were starting at 19 on Monday.
Noah was very touchy and clingy even before you left his apartment, but he couldn’t keep his hands off of you at the bar.
His hand was either on your thigh, around your shoulders or interlocked with yours on the table. He was making heart eyes at you every time you were speaking to someone and he earned a few comments from the boys. But he didn’t mind, he wanted everyone to know he loves you.
“I think we should leave.” he whispered in your ear when you leaned into his side.
“Why so soon, lieutenant?” you teased him with his rank and your hand on his thigh.
“I think we’ll have more fun in my bed than here playing darts, hm? Let’s go.” he nudged your shoulder with his.
“Is that an order lieutenant?” he just growled in your ear and took your hand in his. He barely said bye to the guys and threw some cash on the table for your drinks. He threw the cash also at the driver of uber when he stopped in front of the building where Noah’s apartment was.
Together you moved messily through Noah’s place, clothes flying everywhere until you were both left in your underwear and in his bedroom.
“Couldn’t keep my eyes off of you, so pretty.” Noah gave you compliments when he positioned himself above you. “So pretty and all mine.” he nudged your clothed breasts with his nose, teasing you with his tongue around the hem of your bra.
“Take it off lieutenant.” you whispered into his hair and when he looked up at you his eyes were dark and full of hunger. He has a rank kink, confirmed. “Do you like it when I call you that, lieutenant Sebastian?”
He took both of your hands in his and pinned them over your head. His dick was begging to be released and you desperately wanted to touch him. But his grip on your hands remained strong and he used his other to slide your panties to the side and wet his fingers in your juices.
“So wet, all for me.” he tortured you with his fingers sliding between your folds, carefully avoiding your clit. He was looking at you squirming under him and he was enjoying himself.
“Noah, I need you.” as much as you loved his fingers and mouth on your pussy, tonight his possessiveness made you eager for his dick.
“You have to wait baby.” he continued teasing your pussy, finally applying pressure to your swollen clit. “You like that huh?”
“Yes.” you moaned in response.
He saw the way you were squirming under him and knew you’re not going to last long. He rolled your bodies over so you were on top of him. You regained your dominance and used your nails to slide down his chest, even over his sensitive nipples.
You leaned down to kiss him while he slid his underwear to the middle of his thighs.
“Ride my dick pretty girl.” pretty girl, if he was already inside you he would feel the squeezing of your walls at the nickname. You quickly pulled out a condom from the first drawer and rolled it down on Noah’s hard dick.
Your hand reached down to pull your panties more to the side and then line his cock to your entrance. You sank down and took him fully in, moaning at the feeling of stretch and fullness it gave you.
“Noah fuck.” he let you get used to it, kissed your forehead and rubbed soothing circles on your thighs. After a while he used his strong hands to start guiding your hips, moving you up and down his shaft.
“That’s it, ride my cock. Just like that.” he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. You were sitting on top of him, looking like a goddess. Your eyes were closed and mouth open, the sexiest of moans leaving your lips when he hit the sensitive spot inside you. He reached behind your back and unclasped your bra, throwing it on the floor.
He guided your hands until you were touching your boobs, squeezing them and teasing your nipples.
“Feels good huh?” Noah asked you when he noticed your fingers playing with your nipples. He liked this position, fully inside you with the best view.
“Noah I’m close.” you dropped your hands on his chest to stabilize yourself before quickening your pace. Noah’s hips met you halfway, lifting himself from the bed so he could see you fall apart on his dick.
“Let go, I got you pretty girl.” he encouraged you and you felt his fingers on your clit. It didn’t take more than five strokes and you were spasming around him. Your legs were shaking from the intense orgasm and Noah was still fucking into you.
He grabbed you by your neck and pulled you down to kiss you. As he gave you messy kisses you felt him cum. You continued moving your hips slowly to ride your orgasms out until he stopped you from being too sensitive.
“You’re so fucking pretty.” he whispered to your ear when you collapsed next to him.
He carried you to the shower and made sure to wash every inch of your body. You had those three words on the tip of your tongue when you saw his focused face on washing your hair, his fingers softly massaging your scalp, careful not to hurt you.
“I’m so tired.” you said instead, leaning your head against his chest.
“Almost done here.” he rinsed the shampoo out of your hair and then wrapped you in a big black towel.
In silence you both did your night routine by the sink, enjoying the domestic side of your relationship.
You felt like you wouldn’t fall asleep if you finally didn’t tell him your feelings. You took his phone out of his hands and laid it next to him. You weren’t scared, you didn’t need him to say it back immediately, you just wanted him to know.
“Noah I want you to know that you make me really happy, I feel like the happiest girl on earth when I’m with you.” you leaned your forehead against his and his lips turned into the cutest smile. He knew what was about to happen.
“Noah I,” you couldn’t keep eye contact and your breath was shaky.
“Say it.” he encouraged you with a smile. “I wanna hear it.”
You playfully smacked his chest for ruining the moment, except he didn’t, it was perfect.
“Noah, I love you.” the weight lifted from your shoulders and you could breathe again.
“Again.” he begged you.
“I love you.”
“I love you Noah.” you laughed at his happy face, squeezing his cheeks and giving him kisses. He let you kiss him until he was ready to say it back.
“I love you too, pretty girl.” you felt butterflies in your stomach. You were giggling so much that your cheeks started to hurt and you hid your face in the skin of his chest.
“And,” he lifted your head so he could see your face, “I have one more thing to say. I don’t want you to feel any pressure and if you say no I’ll understand.” now he looked very nervous. “Wouldn’t you like to move in with me? I was thinking and it’s closer to your station and we wouldn’t have to keep moving things between our places and-”
“Yes.” you answered.
“This is the best night ever.” you laughed at him when he threw his fist in the air, a gesture of happiness of a little kid.
After making plans for the next few days, when you’re going to move your things to his place and saying I love you a few more times, you fell asleep in the arms of a man who loves you.
Living with Noah was a dream. He let you rearrange some stuff saying that it’s your home now too. You had to do grocery shopping together, cooking, cleaning and anything else that comes with living with your partner.
Your favorite moments were cosy nights in. Just like today. Noah had a day off so he picked you up at work and you went to grab some groceries.
At home you started cooking dinner while Noah prepared the living room for a game and movie night. He put blankets and pillows on the sofa, making it snuggly and comfy. You both had your own “places” at the sofa, Noah’s corner was usually the place where you both ended up cuddling together.
After finishing dinner you played Mario kart together, something that Noah taught you.
“I wanna win too!” you sighed when your character finished right behind Noah’s.
“You can still win, it was just the first race.”
“But it’s not fair, you’re too good at this.” you never played games like these before, so you admitted you were bad at it. Noah didn’t care, he was just happy to have someone to play with him.
“Don’t give up.”
At the start of the next race you noticed Noah didn’t move his character and waited.
“Why are you giving me time, you’re still gonna win.” you shrugged your shoulders stating the obvious.
“You never know.”
“I don’t wanna win this way.” you focused on moving your character as fast as possible, but when Noah’s character passed by you you threw your arms in the air dramatically.
You finished second, right after Noah.
“But you’re second baby!” Noah laughed at your pout.
“I don’t like being second.” you tried to hold your laugh in, but failed when Noah looked at you over his shoulder.
“Let’s watch the movie.”
“We’re never gonna watch a movie I want, because you’re gonna win every time.”
“I’m gonna teach you how to win, don't worry.” he kissed your forehead and pulled you into his side.
It was Friday so you didn’t have to worry about setting an alarm for the next day. You fell asleep on the couch, bodies tangled together in a way you’re both gonna end up with hurting backs, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Attention station 19! Multi-vehicle accident on Highway 25. Hazardous materials involved, possible fire, multiple victims. All units respond. Hazmat team is on the way.”
Your pager started screaming at you, telling you you’re going on the call too.
After almost a month at 19 you felt like part of the team and your cooperation on calls was smooth. John told them about you, only good things, so they gave you a warm welcome. You went out with them a few times, which were the times you missed 25 the most, but you were always welcomed to join them too.
“Tessa in the engine.” you followed your captains orders and climbed inside the big truck. You left the station in less than 5 minutes after receiving the call and you were already making a plan with your partner on how you’re going to assess the scene.
“If we’re first on the scene we take the lead and you’ll be the commander.” Travis, your partner for the day, told you. “If other stations are there first we’ll just follow their orders.”
“Agreed.” you nodded and zipped up the big jacket with your name on it.
You felt the adrenaline in your body. You felt weird, like if something was wrong. You never had a good feeling when it came to hazardous materials on scene, especially when there were wrecked cars that could explode any minute.
Reaching the scene you saw chaos. There were already a few trucks from different stations, you managed to catch one of the trucks that had 25 on it. Blue and red lights lightened up the scene, at least two dozens of firefighters running around and around 6 cars crashed within each other. Then you saw the big lorry laying on its side in a pool of fluid leaking from its back.
Your stomach twisted at the sight, you were worried for those who were still trapped in the cars.
After you opened the door, you could hear the chaos. There were people crying, screaming, begging to be saved. Orders were being shouted and the loud sirens didn’t help to ease the situation.
Noah is at work today, he must be somewhere here too, running around or getting someone from the crashed vehicle with the jaws of life. You wanted to find him and tell him to be safe, but you knew you couldn't do that. Your priority now was to help those who needed it and after you saw bodies in black plastic bags you knew it won’t be easy.
“Tess? You hear me?” Travises voice took you out of your safe bubble.
“Yeah sorry.”
“There were few casualties, there are still some people trapped in those cars. We were sent to the medical tent to treat those who were saved.”
“Sure, let’s go.” you shook off the bad feeling of your shoulders and ran in the direction of the medical tent.
Your heart hurt for the crying and bleeding people you saw. Every single person was injured, even if it was just a small scratch. There were kids who were crying for their parents. It was a heartbreaking sight.
“Hi, I’m Tessa and I’m gonna help you now, okay?” you dropped on your knees in front of a woman who couldn’t be more than 30. “Are you hurt? Do you need medical attention?” she was holding a blanket over her shoulders and her eyes couldn’t stop staring at the disaster happening in front of her.
“No.” she said and you could barely hear her.
“Were you alone in your car?” you had to find out how she was affected to know how to treat her.
“No.” another one word answer, but it was okay. She was in shock so even one word was a success.
“Who was with you?” you rubbed your hands up and down her arms, trying to calm her down, but it seemed like she didn’t even notice the gesture.
“My husband.” she said in a voice full of pain. “He’s dead.” she kept staring somewhere behind you.
“Was he transferred to hospital?” you needed to be sure of her husband’s condition before you talked about him as a dead person. She could see him injured and thought he was dead, when in fact he could have already been on a hospital table.
“He’s dead.” she repeated.
“What’s his name?”
“And yours?”
“Okay Shannon, I’m gonna find out if Derek was in one of the ambulances for you.” you were about to stand up when she grabbed your hand.
“He’s dead. He’s in the black bag. I saw him.” and for the first time since you approached her she started crying. Tears were running down her cheeks and she started hyperventilating. She couldn’t take a breath in and when her eyes rolled to the back of her head you called a doctor over. She lost consciousness and had to be transferred to the hospital.
You had to do your job, you couldn’t be shaken up by something like this, you trained for this. But you couldn’t stop from turning around and watching the scene. More bodies were covered by the black plastic now. Tragic, this was just tragic.
In the sea of moving bodies you saw “SEBASTIAN” and you felt relief. He was okay. He was working on getting other people out of those cars.
You turned back and made your way to another woman, this time an older one.
“I’m okay sweetheart. My husband is okay too, he’s over there.” she pointed to the left where you saw an older man getting his hand treated for some minor cuts.
“Do you need anything? Blanket? Water?”
“No, there are others that need your help.” after you made sure one more time she was okay, you went to talk to a teenage boy sitting next to her.
“Hey, what's your name?” you smiled at him.
But before he could tell you that information there was a loud explosion. Everyone started to panic and a new wave of screams filled the tight space.
You turned around and saw that one of the cars exploded and the liquid caught on fire.
Your eyes scanned all of the firefighters who were running around trying to extinguish the fire, desperately searching Noah’s name. Last time you saw him he was standing next to the black car, which was now on fire.
“No. No, no, no, no.” you repeated. You felt your breath quicken and before you could think you started walking in the direction of the fire.
Karlsson. Ruffilo. Hughes. Bennett. Meyers. Carter. Those and more you could see, but the name you wanted to find the most was still nowhere to be found.
“Where are you going?” your captain caught you by your arm before you were too close to the fire.
“Noah.” you couldn’t get anything else out of your mouth.
“Monroe stand back. Get back to your job.” but you couldn’t move. Your eyes still searched for any signs of Noah and you couldn’t move.
“Monroe! You have a job to do!” he yelled in your ear. He knew you and Noah were in a relationship, but he didn’t care. You were here to do your job which you currently failed to do.
“I need to know if he’s okay.” you managed to say a full sentence.
“The only thing you need to do is your job.”
“He was standing next to the car. Just tell me he’s okay.” you begged him and tried hard not to cry.
“I will when I find out. Go back to do your job.” he repeated his orders again, but then you saw it. You saw Noah’s jacket laying next to the car and his unconscious body carried by two other men.
“Noah!” you screamed and your feet started moving on their own.
“Move! Move! Move!” the firefighter who was holding Noah’s shoulders yelled for everyone who got in their way. The paramedics were running to meet them in the safe zone with stretcher where his big body barely fit. You saw more firefighters in the same state as Noah being pulled out of the fire.
“Tessa don’t.” you heard a familiar voice behind you. You knew it was Nick without even turning around, but you couldn’t tear your eyes off Noah's body.
His eyes were closed, but his chest was going up and down, that was a good sign. Your eyes slid down to his arms and you saw burns on his skin. Some were small, but one was big, red and bleeding.
“Oh my god.” once again you couldn’t move as if you coming closer to him would hurt him even more. “Oh my god.” you cried out again.
“He needs to go to the hospital Tessa. Let them work.” Nick’s hand took yours and he tried to take you somewhere else.
“I wanna go with him.” you tried to walk towards Noah, but Nick pulled you back.
“You know you can’t.” he told you and you just stood there, watching Noah being loaded in an ambulance. Once the sirens were on and the vehicle started moving, you broke down.
“Monroe, get your ass in the truck. You’re done here.” your captain who was obviously angry yelled at you. Nick helped you to stand up, but his hands were needed with the fire.
You ran off to your truck and closed yourself inside, blocking off the sounds of tragedy. You could see Noah’s body in front of you even if you closed your eyes. You cried and cried until there were no more tears.
You failed. You failed your job, your captain, your team, you failed Noah. You knew what happened today was not going to be overlooked. That was unprofessional and if you just ruined your career, then so be it. You wanted nothing more than to know if Noah was okay. Nothing else mattered in that moment.
8 hours later you were finally back at the station. Everyone was silent after witnessing that kind of call. It was way past your work time and you just wanted to leave and go to the hospital.
“Monroe, my office, now.” you followed your captain, knowing that whatever was coming was unavoidable.
He closed the door behind you and started walking back and forth, meanwhile you just stood there.
“What the hell was that? Explain to me what was that supposed to mean? You were sent to a different station because of your relationship and now you do this? What do you think is gonna happen?”
You remained silent with your eyes fixed on the floor of his office.
“Can you say something?” he pushed again.
“I’m sorry sir.” was all you could say. You were sorry for your performance on the scene, you knew you did everything wrong, but you couldn’t take anything back now.
“You’re on suspension from now on until I call you to come back.”
“Yes sir.” and with that you left his office. You took off your gear and left the station still in your uniform. You didn’t say goodbye to anyone and went straight for your car.
Inside you finally felt like you could finally breathe and process what happened. Another wave of crying hit you and your head hit the steering wheel. You felt exhausted, physically and emotionally.
You probably just ruined your career and you still didn’t know if Noah was okay.
The thought of Noah made you pull yourself together and start the car, leaving the station and speeding to the closest hospital.
You always hated hospitals since you were a kid. Being in hospital never meant any good. You moved like a ghost in the direction the receptionist told you until you saw Nick sitting in the waiting room.
When he noticed you he stood up and opened his arms. You needed a hug and it seemed like he needed one too. You let his strong arms hold your tired body, keeping you from collapsing right there on the floor.
“He’s okay Tess. He’s okay.” he kept repeating.
“Is his hand okay?”
“That burn was deep and it will take time to heal, but once it does he should be okay. He has a few smaller burns and bruises from the pressure of the explosion. He woke up in the ambulance and other than the burns he seemed okay. He was lucky.”
“When can we see him?”
“When they’re finished treating the burn they’ll let us know.”
After that Nick sat you down next to him and you waited together for the doctor to let you in Noah’s room.
“Are you here for Mr. Sebastian?” after more than an hour a doctor finally came for you. He took you to Noah’s room and told you that he needs to rest so you should make it quick.
You were preparing yourself for the worst, being in this situation for the first time ever. You never imagined what it would feel like visiting your firefighter boyfriend in hospital, even if you knew the nature of the job.
Nick opened the door and stepped in first, you followed in complete silence.
Noah was laying on the white hospital bed with eyes closed, but when he heard someone come in his eyes shot open. You didn’t see any dirt and ashes on his body, they probably wiped all of it from his skin when they treated his injuries. He was shirtless, probably only in his underwear. His body was covered with a blanket up to his chest so you could see the bandages around his arms.
“Man, you scared the shit out of me.” Nick let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and stood on one side of the bed, you took the other one.
Noah let out a small laugh, but his eyes remained on you. His gaze softened when he saw your red eyes and wet cheeks.
“Come here.” he patted the bed next to him and you sat down.
“Oh Noah.” another wave of tears spilled from your eyes when you saw the blood leaking through the bandage at one particular place where his biggest wound was.
“I’m fine, okay? I’m fine.” he reassured you and tried to lift his hand to touch you, but it was hard and painful.
“Can you give us a moment?” Noah asked Nick who just nodded and left the room.
“Come here pretty girl.” Noah lifted his right hand and motioned for you to lay on his chest.
“You’re hurt Noah.” you protested.
“Cuddles will heal me.” it made you laugh, a good sign that his sense of humor didn’t leave him.
You slowly and carefully maneuvered your body to lay down, his bandaged arm around you pulling you closer to him.
“I’m sorry for scaring you.” he whispered.
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“No, but I know how it feels to see you hurt on call. So I’m sorry you had to see it.”
“Are you in a lot of pain?”
“I’m doped with pain killers, so not now. I saw the burns and it's not that bad. The one on my left hand is deep, but not big. Doctor told me I’ll be out for a month, that sucks. The other ones are small and I'll probably have a few bruises from the fall. I’ll be okay.” he kissed the top of your head.
You lifted yourself so you could look at his face. He was tired and you could still see some dirt around his eyes, but he was still beautiful. His warm brown eyes looked at you with affection and love.
“But I’ll need you to bring me some clothes.”
“Oh yeah sure. Whatever you need.” you smiled at him and cupped his cheek. Your fingers traced his cheekbone and then his lips. You wanted to kiss him so bad, but you were scared you’re gonna hurt him.
“Can I kiss you?” you asked.
“Of course you can kiss me.” he laughed, finding your question ridiculous and pulled you down so he could capture your lips with his.
It was a sweet slow kiss, filled with all of the unspoken words that you both held inside.
Just as you pulled away to get some air the door to his door opened and the doctor came in. You quickly stood up from the bed and shook his hand.
“So Mr. Sebastian has burns on both of his arms. His body suffered a hard fall so we expect bruises mainly on his torso to show in the next few days. We’re gonna keep him here for two days and then he’ll be able to come home. He should be able to do almost everything by himself, but he’ll need help with changing the bandages on his wounds.” the doctor gave you instructions and you nodded your head, taking everything in. “I’m gonna ask you two to leave as soon as you can today. You can come see Mr. Sebastian tomorrow during visiting hours. If you’re gonna bring him some personal items and clothes, leave it with the nurses. Do you have any questions?” after you all nodded no the doctor left.
“Well I’m gonna give you two a minute before he kicks you out.” you pointed to Nick, “What do you want me to bring from home?”
“Just some clothes, a toothbrush and my phone.”
“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah.” you leaned down to give him one last kiss before you left the room.
“I’m bored.”
Your phone buzzed on the kitchen table. After you dropped Noah’s things off back at the hospital he hasn't stopped texting you and telling you that he’s bored.
“I should’ve brought you a book.”
“Have you ever seen me read a book?”
“There's a first time for everything.”
“I’ll pass.”
You rolled your eyes and cuddled more into the sheets that were already covering your body. You were tired, exhausted. Your body and heart hurt and you felt alone in your big bed without Noah.
You kept thinking about what your captain told you and how you’re going to tell Noah.
“Are you asleep?”
Another message from him.
“Nooo, don’t leave me.”
“I’m tired Noah, you should get some sleep too.”
“You sound like the nurses.”
“They’re right.”
“Okay… good night then pretty girl.”
“Good night Noah, I love you.”
“I love you more.”
You put your phone on the nightstand and fell asleep the second you closed your eyes.
After two days of visiting Noah at the hospital you finally got to take him home. So far you avoided any questions about work, but you knew you couldn’t do that forever.
You picked up all the supplies from the pharmacy and left to go home.
“Can we order some food please? That shit was disgusting.” you felt like you picked up a child, he was bouncing with joy when he got to leave the hospital bed, telling you about how he can’t wait to play Mario Kart with you, because he was so bored and he sent you pictures of every meal with disgusted emoji.
“Sure, what do you want?” but how could you say no to him?
The first week was great, you enjoyed the time spent together with cooking and playing games or going on walks. Noah’s burns got better and you helped him clean them every night. The bruises on his body were finally fading and he wasn’t in so much pain anymore. Everything was great, except it wasn’t. You told him you took some time off so you could take care of him. You lied to him and you hated yourself for it, but you didn’t want him to worry about that.
It all took a turn when day nine came around. You were together 24/7, it was only a matter of time until you had an argument.
“Let me do it Noah.” you saw him cooking a dinner, but you heard him hiss in pain when he reached for something that was high and he had to lift his arm.
“I can do it.”
“You’re hurt.”
“Let me do it.” you stood in silence and watched him stir the pot. He went to put the box back on the shelf, but while doing it he groaned and the box fell on the ground.
“I told you you shouldn’t do it.” you muttered under your breath and went to pick the box up.
“I’ll put it back.” he reached his hand for the box, but you pulled away.
“No you won’t.”
“Give me the damn box.” you could see the frustration building inside of him. After a week of being taken care of he wanted to do something himself.
“Noah it hurts you to lift your arm this high, I’ll put it back.” he threw the spoon in the sink and turned around to walk away, but then you noticed a red spot on the bandage. “You’re bleeding, let me-”
He pushed your hands away and told you “I can do it.” before he locked himself in the bathroom.
You tried not to cry, he didn’t mean it. You two were just getting in each other’s hair after the time spent together. You occupied your mind with cleaning the kitchen and finishing the food.
When you heard “Fucks sake.” for the fifth time you gathered your courage and went to knock on the bathroom door.
“Can I help you?” there was a silence, you almost turned around and left the door, but you heard the lock and then the door opened.
Noah stood in front of you, shirtless and with glassy eyes. Neither of you said anything, you moved in sync like every night when you were cleaning his burns.
He sat down on the edge of your bath and let you do the work. His head was hanging low and you wanted to pick it up and kiss his face until the sadness would go away.
“I’m sorry.” he apologized.
“I’m sorry too.”
“I just wanted to do something for you. You take care of me and I wanted to treat you back.”
“I know baby, it’s fine. I appreciate it and I’m sorry too, I should’ve let you.” you finished cleaning his arms and putting fresh clean bandages over it. After that you cupped his face in your hands and he opened his legs to give you a room to come closer.
You brushed your nose along his, enjoying the heat from his body and the feeling of his hands that sneaked under your t-shirt.
“I love you.” you whispered against his lips before kissing him.
He pulled you closer to him, his grip on you firm. You haven’t been intimate since he came back home, you were too scared you’re going to hurt him, but you missed his touch.
“I love you.” he said before deepening the kiss.
His hands slid down under your ass to pull you even closer and then reached under your shorts to caress the soft skin of your ass. When he squeezed his hands on your soft skin you opened your mouth and a silent moan left your lips.
“I missed you.” you confessed.
“Let’s take this to the bedroom.” he stood up from the bath that he was still sitting on. You left the medical supplies untouched, leaving the mess behind as you closed the door.
“Lay down.” you instructed Noah. You planned to let him enjoy tonight, maybe as an apology from the kitchen argument.
“I’m fine baby.” he was scared you’re going to treat him like he’s made of glass for the rest of your lives.
“Just lay down.”
So he did, his big shirtless body was displayed for you on your shared bed and you crawled up his body until you were sitting on his waist.
You leaned down and started planting kisses on his skin. You started with slow and open mouthed kisses on his neck, kissing his pulse point for a second longer than other places. Then you continued to his chest where you could hear his quickening heartbeat from your touch. His skin was soft and warm, feeling like home. You carefully took his arms in your hands and planted the softest kisses over his red scares, wishing you could take away all of his pain. Noah closed his eyes and enjoyed your touch.
You moved even lower to the waistband of his shorts and underwear. You left kisses along the line before you took both pieces of clothes off.
He was laying there, looking like a perfect sculpture. His brows were furrowed a bit and his mouth was open from the sensation of your touch.
You wrapped your hand around his semi hard dick and heard him take a sharp breath. Your thumb brushed over his tip a few times before you took him in your mouth. The warmth of your mouth got Noah lifting his hips and thrusting into your mouth and you let him. You wanted him to feel good and you were determined to do anything for him. He fucked your mouth for a while and then stayed still, letting you move your head and tease him with your tongue. Your saliva was dripping all over him, mixing with the precum that was leaking from his red tip.
Noah’s hand was in your hair and he was letting out silent grunts and moans, enjoying this intimity after not being touched for more than a week.
You quickened your pace when you felt his thigh muscles twitch under your touch, a sign that he was close. You let him fuck your mouth again, this time his grip in your hair was stronger and his thrusts were uneven.
“Fuck, I’m close.” he grunted, with his eyes still closed.
His legs started shaking and not long after you felt him cum in your mouth. You swallowed everything and continued moving your mouth up until he became oversensitive and grabbed you by your chin to bring you up.
When your faces were at the same level he kissed you, it was messy and dirty, but you both wanted nothing less.
You were quick to take off all of your clothes, feeling needy to feel his hands on your skin.
His right hand slid down between your bodies to your core, your head falling at Noah’s shoulder at the touch.
“So wet, I didn’t even touch you yet.” he chuckled in your ear, the warmth of his breath only adding to the sensation you were feeling.
“Noah.” you moaned, rocking your hips to ride his hand. “I need you.”
“Then take me, pretty girl.” you got off his lap to grab a condom from your nightstand, meanwhile Noah moved on the bed so his back was against the headboard. He wanted to take you hard, but he knew his burns were still sensitive and you being on top was a safer option.
You rolled the condom down Noah’s length and dragged it through your folds to get it wet. You sank down on him and felt the stretch from his size. Your foreheads were touching and you were both getting used to the feeling of him being inside you again. Noah was the first one to connect your lips, leaving no room for soft and cute kisses. You felt his teeth sink into the skin of your lips, silently begging you to start moving.
You lifted your hips and then sank back down, Noah’s moan was swallowed by your kiss and you started moving in steady movements.
“My pretty girl, so fucking pretty.” Noah worshiped you and your body, leaning back against the headboard so he could see you whole. Your eyes were watching him watching you, the passion he had in his eyes when he looked at your body had you squeeze your walls around him.
“Oh Noah.” you moaned his name when he started bucking his hips up to meet yours. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, completely mesmerized by your facial expressions and the sounds that were leaving your mouth.
You were like his drug, he just couldn’t get enough, he wanted more and more.
He knew he was not going to last long, not after not feeling your warm and welcoming pussy around him for that long. He licked his own fingers and sneaked them down to your clit. He started rubbing small but quick circles on it and used his other hand to bring you down for a kiss.
You were moaning into each other's mouth, the pace of your hip movements became unsteady as you wanted to reach your highs together.
“Noah, fuck!” you grabbed his shoulder to stabilize yourself, feeling the burning pain in your legs, but not even that could stop you from fucking Noah quicker.
“Yeah baby, don’t stop, don’t fucking stop.” he begged you.
His fingers spread your wetness around your clit in skilled movements and suddenly you felt the heat take over your body. You fucked yourself through your orgasm, moaning Noah’s name over and over until he stopped your hips with a strong grip.
In your ecstasy you didn’t even notice Noah came too, until you felt his legs shaking under you.
“I missed this so much.” you admitted, still being full of Noah’s softening cock.
“Me too.” he kissed your forehead before tucking your head under his chin.
You laid like that for some more, in silence enjoying the moment.
When you were falling asleep in Noah’s arms you couldn’t stop thinking about your suspension. You still haven’t told Noah and felt bad.
He was laying behind you with his arms around your waist and you contemplated if you should ruin the moment or wait for the next day.
Like if he could read your mind he asked “What are you thinking about?” in a whisper.
You looked out of the window, looking at the moon that was lighting up your bedroom and thought about an answer.
“Noah, I have to tell you something.” you turned around in his arms so you were facing him. The darkness made it easier for you to tell him, but you still knew he was going to be mad that you kept it from him.
“Yeah?” his eyes were still closed, ready to fall asleep.
“I didn’t take days off from work, I’m on suspension.” now it was you who closed your eyes, not wanting to see the look in Noah’s eyes.
“After that call I was called in the captain's office and he told me that after I failed to do my job even after I changed stations that I’m on suspension until he calls me back to work. I don’t know what he’s gonna do, but it’s my fault, so I’m ready for everything.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I didn’t want to worry you with that when you were hurt.” you looked at him, his face neutral. “Are you angry?”
“I don’t know, you should have told me.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“We’re together in this, okay? It’s my fault too.”
“No, I’m not gonna let you do that. It’s only my fault. I should have been a professional and kept my emotions aside. I broke down and was sent to wait in the car. I wasn’t able to do my job. You did your job, it’s not your fault.” that’s what you were scared of, that Noah is going to blame himself for your mistake.
“Did you hear anything from him?”
“Not yet, but I was thinking about going to see him tomorrow.”
“And tell him what?” now that was the hardest part you tried to avoid.
You had time to think about everything now that you were home. You love your job, you really do, but you feel like you can’t have both, a great job and working relationship with another firefighter. You knew it was a bad idea from the beginning, but you never thought you’d fall for Noah this hard.
But it’s not just about him, you were scared that things like this are going to happen again and you knew that no matter how hard you’d try, you couldn’t keep being professional if you saw Noah hurt in front of your own eyes.
You thought about changing areas and starting working at a completely new station, but that would only complicate things like your living situation and time spent together.
“Promise me you’re gonna hear me out before saying something.”
“I promise.”
“And promise you won’t get angry.”
“I promise.”
“Noah, I, I was thinking about everything and us working for the FD and being in a relationship will never work. Even if we don’t work at the same station we’re still gonna see each other on calls and we both know that if the other one gets hurt it will end just like this last call.” you paused to take a breath and saw the look on Noah’s face.
“Are you breaking up with me?” he rushed the words out, scared that that’s exactly what you’re doing.
“What? Oh my god no.” you cupped his cheeks and softened your eyes at his worried look. “I’m not breaking up with you baby. Let me finish, okay?” he put his hand over yours and nodded for you to continue.
“I thought about changing areas, but you know better than anyone that that would complicate things for us. We would have to move to be close to both of our jobs and there would be less time that we could be spending together. So I started looking at other possibilities in my field and I found some really good job opportunities. I’m thinking about quitting fire therapy and finding a different job.”
“No, I don’t want you to quit your dream job because of me.”
“I’m not quitting because of you Noah, I want to.”
“What if I quit? So you could stay.”
“Hell no. What would you do? Do you have a plan B? Noah I have many options with my degree, I can change fields if I want to. You love the job, I actually don’t mind quitting that much. I promise.” you whispered the last part against his lips, hoping he won’t protest more.
“I’d understand if you wanted to break up and choose your career.”
“Oh yeah because seeing you on calls after break up would make any difference.” he finally laughed, seeing that if you were able to joke about it, it wasn’t as hurtful for you as he thought.
“You already made up your mind, didn’t you?” he rubbed his nose against yours.
“I did.” you kissed his lips and finally felt like you could fall asleep without holding any secrets from him.
The next day you did exactly what you told Noah. You walked into the captain's office with resignation papers in your hands. You two talked for an hour, he told you he was sorry for his reaction the day of the call, but that things like this can’t happen. He told you he understands why you reacted the way you did, but that’s exactly why they don’t prefer relationships within the FD. He also told you that he’s sorry to see you go, because you’re good at your job, but that everyone will respect your decision and that you’re always welcomed at the station any time.
Saying goodbye to the crew was harder, those guys became your friends and you’re going to miss them. They treated you as equal and you felt like you found a new group of friends.
You cried on your way back home and then some more to Noah when he opened the door for you.
“Okay, time to stop crying and find me a new job.” you wiped your own tears and Noah laughed at the sudden change.
“Are you nervous from the interview tomorrow?”
“Not really. She told me that she’s heard only good things about me and that it’s more of a formal thing.”
There’s an open spot for a therapist at the centre where your best friend works. She already told her boss about you and she said she’d be more than happy to have you join their team.
“I got invited to another one on Friday, it’s for a therapist at primary school.”
“Oh really? Is that something you’d prefer?” Noah played with your hair as you laid in his lap.
“I think so. Kids are way more fun to work with than adults.” Noah laughed and remembered the open day and his minions. “But kids therapy is harder tho. But it would be a new challenge for me. I think I’d like that more.”
“I know you can do it. You’re the best.”
You laughed at his affection, but appreciated his support.
*one month later*
“God I’m so tired.” you kicked the door closed behind you and then followed Noah in your shared kitchen.
“What did Jake do this time?” Noah laughed, knowing who was behind your headache.
You started working at the primary school very quickly after the interview. They were very excited to have you with your education and work experience. Your main tasks were to be available for private sessions with students, parents and teachers and also you had few lessons a week where you talked and teached about mental health.
Jake was a 8 year old kid who gave you a headache regularly, but Noah found the stories funny. Being in the middle of a class and having an 8 year old making fun of you was harder to handle than a bunch of adults. It was always playful, you joked with him back, but god was he tiring.
“He was calling me Theresa today and told me that I can call him Jacob so we’re even. And then he kept telling silly jokes so no one else was focused and they laughed at his jokes.”
“Tell me the jokes.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re gonna say they’re funny and tell me you love that kid, just like you always do.” you groaned and Noah laughed more. He always says that he can’t wait to meet him one day. He also said that you have to make sure to invite him for a career day, so he can become friends with Jake. He was overly confident that Jake wouldn’t make fun of him too.
“Come on, tell me.” he made a puppy eyes at you.
“Why don’t skeletons don’t fight each other?”
“I don’t know, why?”
“Because they don’t have the guts.” you finished with a serious face and saw the way Noah was holding a laugh.
“Listen baby, the joke is not funny, but if I imagine you standing in front of all the little devils that laugh at it and you make that cute little pout you always do when things don’t go the way you want, that is a little bit funny.” Noah closed the gap between you and put his arms around you.
“So now you’re just making fun of me?” you mumbled against his chest.
“How about you take a shower and then I’ll give you a head massage so you can forget Jake until Monday? Will you forgive me?”
“Yes please.” you nodded frantically against Noah’s chest before standing up and leaving him in the kitchen to also make you some dinner.
“My mom asked about you yesterday.” Noah said casually when you two sat on your couch with plates in your hands.
“What did she ask about?”
“When I’m gonna introduce you to her.” you shot a look at Noah, scared one.
“I’m scared of meeting your parents!” “Why?”
“Because they’re your parents.” obviously, right?
“I'm not scared of meeting your parents.” he shrugged his shoulders.
“Of course you’re not, you’re a firefighter you know you’re gonna wrap them around your finger.”
“And you don’t think you’re not gonna wrap my mom around your finger when you tell her you work with kids? She’s not gonna stop talking about grandkids so be prepared.”
“Grandkids? You know you’re not exactly helping me to calm down.”
“I’m sure she wants like 10 of them.”
“Relax, I’m just joking. You don’t have to meet them until you’re ready.” he put your empty plate on the table and pulled you into him.
Everything was going fine with you and Noah. He was finally back at work and you agreed to take the next step and move to a bigger place. You were currently searching for the right place that you two would love.
You enjoyed this new harmony between you after you quit FD. And you actually couldn’t wait to take Noah to your job for a career day.
“Do you want kids?” you lifted your head to look at Noah who’s eyes were fixed on the tv screen.
“Yeah. You?”
“Me too. How many do you want?” he looked down at you and smiled.
“How about enough to have a full shift for a station?”
“So you’re crazy just like your mom?”
He enjoyed making those harmless jokes on you, but then turned serious.
“I don’t know, I’m okay with the number you want.” he gave you a sweet kiss and then turned his attention back to the TV.
You tried to focus on the movie too, but all you could think about was how crazy you were in love with this man, that you’d probably give him enough kids so he could have his own A shift at work if he asked you to.
This story is a work of fiction, with the plot and characters entirely made up. The appearance and name of the main male character are inspired by Noah Sebastian Davis, but the storyline bears no connection to the real person. Please do not steal or repost this work on other platforms without permission.
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Okay, I'm through A Storm of Swords and I owe everyone some asoiaf thoughts.
I was trying to figure out what it is that has kept me going through these books other than sheer stubbornness and the urge for narrative completion. I think it's their relationship to excess, which is something I've gotten really interested in as an element in art in the past few years. There's just so much, in all these directions - these endless plotlines which repeat and echo one another, characters getting captured and escaping and hiding in the wilderness and teaming up and betraying one another and being humiliated and taking revenge and and and. As novels, they're wildly out of control. But there's something about the extremity of that which fascinates me, the luxury of this space and superfluity.
There is something, though, about the repetition of the specific narrative beat of characters making a deal/alliance and then one of them simply killing the other instead of following through on it, which strains my credulity to the breaking point in treating almost any of the political plotlines seriously; choices in this fictional world just don't have real consequences.
It's not a fictional world which has the feel of reality to me; these are not representations of violence which have the feel of reality to me (my standard line for this feeling, coming out of my reaction to a very very different book some years ago is, "you got the texture of the chains wrong"). But the ways that these all feel unreal are interesting to examine.
Overall, they pretty much read to me like something written by a 13 year old boy who read some Shakespeare and had a bunch of thoughts about subverting it in ways that he found cool but then never actually thought deeper than that as he got older.
I am very sorry, but the only thing I am actually interested in here is the relationship between Petyr and Sansa. "Is it all lies, forever and ever, everyone and everything?" "Almost everyone. Save you and I, of course." Only interesting dynamic to me here!
For the most part, I'm also sorry to say, I don't like the handling of sexual violence. Not that there's too much of it, which I understand is a critique that has been leveled at these books quite a lot, but that it happens all the time to nameless or minor female characters, while important female characters end up repeatedly threatened with it and almost always narrowly escaping - this is a trope and narrative pattern which I really virulently hate.
Daenerys belongs in a 170 page long Tanith Lee novel and dragging her story out across thousands of pages means it loses momentum so badly.
Also wow this depiction of slavery is weird even for standard medieval fantasy orientalism
The food and clothes descriptions drive me out of my fucking mind and are one of the things that make the books hardest to get through for me.
#I of course have more detailed thoughts about other specific characters/plotlines but these are the core things so far#books#reading asoiaf#(will that show up in the fandom tags? I hope not)
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OC Tag Game
Taking @mathlann up on the open tag! You know I'll always jump at the chance to yap about Ariadne.
(art by @/mooreaux)
Name: Ariadne Trias (- Arendae once married)
Alias: None beyond her title
Gender: Female
Age: 23 at the start of WOTR
Spoken Language: Common (Taldane). Also speaks Elven.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Part-Time Clerk, Pathfinder, Knight-Commander, Countess, in that order. Also, Alchemist all the time.
Color: Rose gold
Entertainment: Reading. Daeran is on a mission to make her a fan of the opera, but books are always her greatest love.
Pastime: Gardening! She grew up around plants and flowers and feels at home tending to them.
Food: Strawberries. She likes them plain, dipped in chocolate or with cream, used in cakes or pies...
Drink: Mead (alcoholic) and cinnamon tea (non-alcoholic)
Have they…
Passed University: Nope! Despite being very intelligent, Ariadne was not a driven student and did not test very well, so after she finished her primary education at 17 she started working for her fathers part-time, as well as various shops around Absalom until she decided to join the Pathfinder Society at 20.
Had Sex: Yeah, it's her other favorite form of entertainment/pastime.
Had Sex in Public: Yes. Typically she prefers privacy but she's not opposed to it.
Got Tattoos: No, though I did consider giving her some for a while.
Got Piercings: Yup, several in each ear. I have considered giving her a few body piercings but haven't committed yet.
Got Scarred: In all likelihood she has a few but I haven't put too much thought into it, I'll admit.
Had a Broken Heart: Oh yes. Every relationship she had before Daeran and Woljif ended in heartbreak.
Are they…
A Cuddler: Yes! She loves cuddling, and is especially fond of being in-between Dae and Woljif.
Scared Easily: No. Her confidence usually carries her far, and despite how she acts sometimes she is pretty good at risk assessment.
Jealous Easily: Nope! Early in her development I thought she might be but now that she's more fleshed out I don't think she would be.
Trustworthy: Yes. Again, despite how she acts Ariadne takes any promises she makes seriously and genuinely wants to do right by those she cares about. Even if her methods are a bit... questionable.
Sibling(s): None
Parents: Her bio parents are Marius and Yessenia Trias, and her stepfather is Elvandir. Yes, her parents were in a polycule as well. As far as anyone knows, Yessenia was killed on a Pathfinder mission when Ariadne was a year old. Marius and Elvandir are both still alive and (mostly) retired from the Pathfinders, living in Absalom and still running the botanical garden where Ariadne grew up.
Children: Eventually she has two - Silaena is her daughter with Daeran, and Marius her son with Woljif. They're only about a year apart in age (Silaena was planned, Marius was not).
Pets: Headchomper the owlcat! She found him in Defender's Heart and they've been together ever since. She also had a pet chicken growing up, and the Arendae household has several pets at any given time.
I'm also leaving this as an open tag. Want to do this? Go for it, I want to see it 👀
#tag games#headcanons and oc lore#oc: ariadne trias-arendae#ari's lore has evolved A LOT since I first started writing for her
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