#so I feel like they can be compared and it's relatively fair? idk
the-punforgiven · 22 days
Alright vampires vs werewolves has been done to death, let's do things differently
(Better can be by whatever metric you think is most important)
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ryuichirou · 8 days
Some replies, starting with the ones related to the dragon!Malleus drawing from yesterday.
Anonymous asked:
*claps hands and rubs them together*
Hehehehehe dragonussy ✨ (recent Malleus drawing)
Yes! Finally!! 🤤😏 After all this time…!
Anonymous asked:
Mal only tops in dragon form
Look at him, Anon.
Look at him closely.
He is a bottom bitch with a dragon pussy so big that no dick could possibly satisfy it, so he is to stay forever hungry, underfucked and cranky until the chosen one (or a donkey idk) shows himself and fucks him to the ground.
 (In all seriousness, please don’t try this with us. We don’t like switching and we mention it every single day.)
Anonymous asked:
J-Jamil, do you know what it’s like being someone looking at a man that looks the way you do? 🥵
I think he knows, Anon… he knows it well enough to abuse this power that he holds 😔 So cruel and so beautiful!
Anonymous asked:
Have you seen Jamil’s B-Day groovy? He braids his hair and puts all the pretty hair accessories in with magic! Also, his sprites have him with these headbands that he just SLAYS in. It’s not fair for him to be so pretty ♥️♥️
Yes! I really wanted to compliment Jamil for having dedication to do his braids every single day, but then the groovy dropped lol The cat is out of the bag. I guess that makes perfect sense, who would want to spend so much time on that if you can do it with magic… good for him.
The headband looks cute on him as well; this guy is way too pretty for his own good.
Anonymous asked:
Who knew Lilia discovered the theory of relativity, turned down Henry VIII, was the first person (fae?) on the moon, and escaped the Facebook lizard!
(related to an ask from yesterday)
Yes! Especially the last thing!
The fact that no one other than the rest of Diasomnia boys would believe him… younglings are so cynical these days :(
Anonymous asked:
I feel like “Wait for It” by Leslie Odom Jr. really matches Jamil especially his feelings toward Kalim near the end of the song.
I really like this song, Anon. Maybe this is because it’s kind of difficult for me to separate it from its story and Burr and Hamilton specifically…
I agree that Jamil resonates with the feeling of unfairness when some other person just keeps doing whatever he wants and winning, while he has to sit back and wait, but Jamil’s situation still feels very different.
Then again, Jamil got his “what are you waiting for though?” moment, so 🤔 You’re onto something.
Anonymous asked:
You know, when I first read that thing you wrote on Vil being taken advantage of by older men in the industry, all I could think about was "All You Wanna Do" from the Six musical. Like, listen to it while picturing Vil and you'll understand what I mean.
You ask was driving me insane for this entire week, Anon, because I was trying to find one reply where we already talked about Vil in relation to this song, but plottwist: it doesn’t exist lol But we did get an ask about it in relation to Alois! Which is funny because somehow we keep walking back to their similarities from time to time.
To answer your question though: yeah I get it. It’s like the perfect level of uncomfortable coping with the idea of “I am not being taken advantage of, I am just that good compared to others”. Vil probably had his breaking moment when he stopped lying to himself about this whole thing.
Anonymous asked:
Do you watch k dramas? If so, you should really check out Glory. It’s a super intense one
K-dramas aren’t really our thing, but I checked the synopsis of Glory, and honestly it sounds super cool! And has this vibe of a lot of k-movies that we love, interestingly.
Thank you for your recommendation!
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outivv · 1 month
to other anon star rail revenue suffering compared to previous months is because they for some reason decided to put some of thee most skippable units(from fanbase perspective)back to back after firefly like jade only really shines in one game mode and that’s straight up not good enough for most people(unless you’re a desperate blade main because he’s suffering rn)especially when 1.x units can still clear in all modes fairly decently(well like..except blade LOL😭😭)
and she came right after firefly who probably made hsr closer to 120+~mil if we go by sensory towers method ie “we dont have access to android,pc and console revenue so we let you do calculations to see what the revenue earned this month MIGHT have looked like if we did have access to these”(another side note eek but gawd as someone who used to play hi3 i mourn the fact ff got a miles better kit than hofi kiana yknow the character hoyo openly calls their daughter😭)
Yunli while good is literally just clara but a slight bit better which while we dont know how much she made yet acheron and firefly very much so have affected how people will look at new dps because of just how broken they are so(the genshin equivalent of this would be neuvillette and mualani where shes maybe looking to be around top dps wise but shes not at his level so a decent amount of people automatically disregard her)
Jiaoqiu while not as bad as people made him out to be is still not a must grab either and is more than likely going to be skippable to meta slaves and the casual very limited amount jades players so already at a disadvantage esp with leakers constantly going “oh oh MAYBE sunday will be in 2.6 oh oh maybe he’ll be in 2.7🤭”so unless hardcore fans,people who roll for any man in the game because they are in a drought compared to 1.x days ,or just anyone who’s that desperate for a support clutch it star rail is going to drip back into its usual revenue unless they decide last minute to make feixiao broken or decide to roll out the red carpet for sunday sooner rather than later
(anways lol sorry tgis is so long i nerd out when it comes to these things)
Totally cool I love when people nerd out cause then it gives me an excuse to be a fucking nerd too BAHHAHAHA
Jade is genuinely garbage I am not even gonna lie. Her design isn’t that good, her character? Racist BAHAGAH, her kit? Bro she’s not even like sparkle where she’s like a terrible character but her kit is suuuuper good, she’s just like not very good all around, so that does make sense as to why she’s just… no one spent on her unless they were gooners tbh
Blade is suffering so bad… like omfg- I used to main blade and holy shit he just can’t. Like he cannot do the dmg he needs to unless you run him with jingliu imo because of how she takes hp away, and blade’s main dmg source is from his fua cause it’s an all hitting attack. Hope blade gets some kinda buff or something with a character like jingliu who takes hp away slowly but is actually a buffer- ooooo.
I think yunli is relatively good, I’ve seen my friend who’s got a very f2p build on her do like 1.5 mil with her, but that’s also cause of their own insane supports BAHAHAH. Idk what most meta players think of her, because personally I don’t care about the meta. Bitch I main Argenti and Boothill, I do NOT care about meta. But, yunli like you said- is still just slight better Clara, and I believe most people have Clara cause she was soooo big in early stage meta, so it’s like… why get yunli is Clara already does the job, unless you just like yunli which is fair cause she’s a cute character.
Jiaoqiu feels like… like like like- topaz kinda. Like I feel like he’ll be great later on, and while he has uses now- especially for buffing the FUCK out of Acheron, I feel like they’ll be like “look at this specific meta we’re making so now Jiaoqiu is more useful :3” cause he just feels so strange now, even if he’s quickly become one of my personal favs 😔
But most people are skipping him, I know I am- and I’m skipping him for feixiao cause from what I’ve seen of her she’s stupidly broken ☺️🫶
Like STUPIDLY broken; fuck- fucking imagine her with Robin? Stupid dmg, but we don’t know her scaling yet, she just looks actually abysmal AHAHAH especially when paired with Moze (who I’m hella excited for :3)
Sunday has been confirmed by leakers to likely not be in 2.6 or 2.7 and if he were to be in either patches (this is my opinion) it would be 2.7 I think, since either 2.7 or 2.8 will be likely the last patch of 2.x and then it’ll be 3.0 so even more reason for people to save, since 3.0 is pretty much right around the corner :P
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yellowhollyhock · 8 months
Fun fact when I wrote my first Dongel story I didn’t really ship them yet.
I was just writing about my experience as an aspec lesbian. Ninja turtles was an easy way to do that because y’know… I mean you guys know. Feeling like a freak, trying to protect people who would hate you if they knew, being real careful about who you get close to not just for your own safety but for theirs. Watching Star Trek. Anyway. I was really writing it for myself, just an experiment to think through some things I was dealing with. So for plot reasons I had to come up with someone for Donnie to have a crush on.
There are a few options: Leatherhead? Age unclear, also just didn’t really click for me. They’re close friends but it seems so… almost formal? To me? Leatherhead isn’t unhinged enough for Donnie. Also thinking about it is part of what led me to my personal headcanon that Donnie is not bi and definitely likes girls.
J’hanna? Obvious choice, crush is practically canon. But it didn’t work for this story because he knows her for a very short time. It’s heartbreaking for sure, but it isn’t the same type of heartbreak I needed for this. I wanted the devastation of falling for someone you know well and care deeply about and, most of all, have to keep living with and feel like you can’t say anything because of what you’d be asking them to sacrifice.
Sydney could’ve worked. Easily even. I almost chose Sydney. I imagined them staying in touch. To him it would be so thrilling to text his human friend. When they met they were both ‘monsters.’ But thinking about what she went through, and how relatively short her time with the turtles was compared to the whole experience of being underground… idk I’m sure she’s grateful to them. But I just really couldn’t see her staying in touch. I think it’s fair if she wants to leave that part of her life behind, or at least if it takes a few years before she’s ready to really process. Besides, she didn’t have that much of a bond with Donnie. And again this story wasn’t even for shipping, it just had to be a believable crush. But for me, Sydney wasn’t.
Renet really could’ve worked. I thought of Renet and Angel kind of at the same time. And for similar reasons. He has more of a casual friendship with both of them. Perfect for turning into a crush that he doesn’t want to pursue because waht in the heck is a ninja turt supposed to do once is in a relationship. And if not is going to be in one than why lead on someone he cares about. Ya know? Anyway I picked Angel because 1) Renet is hard to write about, speech pattern and personality and 2) Angel is the one out of them who has a regular human life that Donnie wouldn’t want to get in the way of.
Anyway then I liked the way the story turned out so I decided to share it. And then the thought was in my head and ended up being more fun to think about than I anticipated. And then I realized Donnie is fictional and I can give him everything he wants forever if I decide. So now Angel likes him back and ever since I’ve been obsessed with them.
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Author Vents about Personal life:
(serious ignore this if you cbf I'm just needing an outlet)
Do you know the hardest part of having strong romantic one sided feelings for a good friend?
No one else compares.
I seek his equivalent in other men, he creeps in my thoughts when I'm out or living my day to day. He haunts me at the randomest most ridiculous of moments and it's frustrating!!
Because it's not fair!
Not to the people who are showing interest in me, not to my heart that feels like it's already been claimed. And not to my friend (the cause and cure💀) who I've already had this discussion with.
I have all these feelings and I dont know what to do or where to direct them!!
Because the truth is..... I love him.
Its way too fast, and I don't know how but damn do I love this man.
But am I IN love with him?
All I know is, he's the most important (non-blood relative or family) male in my life and i seriously don't trust men.
He draws me into his orbit like a fucking moth to a flame. He's seen me cry, makes me laugh, makes me smile on my saddest of days..... And when I showed him all of my heart and poured out my life story, he thanked me and held me in his arms where I know I could forever live (ugh can you tell I'm a chessy love writer? 😂)
I've had to bite my tongue many a time so those three words don't come pouring out because I know he's not ready to hear them in any capacity.
I know there's still so much I don't know about him, that he's still learning about himself and how he wants to live his life etc.
But I don't plan on going anywhere, and the parts of him he's ready for me to meet, I treasure and protect because that's how precious he is.....
Im deep in my feels because Its the morning after I decided to go back out into the night life and try..... Getting back to my single ways.
We're friends and nothing more. I don't feel guilty and I wouldn't expect him to either even though we've had this discussion.
But despite being the center of many a gaze, I could feel how I stayed closer to the group and ignored some of the flirty hints and stares I was getting.
Drinking hasn't even been the same these days 💀
I've done this song and dance before, teased, flirted and danced with men for an ego boost and left.
But ugggggh I just can't now because they all lack that safety and comfort I've discovered is possible to have 💀💀💀
To summarise.... I'm so fucking screwed with this feeling shit.
And I don't know how TF Penelope did it 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀😂🤣
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steveharrington · 2 years
Okay in fairness I do feel like some of the later deaths had better character execution (heh) if that makes any sense. Like I’m super ambivalent to Chrissy as a character but I feel like we got a lot more development for her than Barb. Which might not be an accident bc of how heavy season one is with the character tropes, Barb starts and stays relatively one note bc she doesn’t get a chance to develop/need to do anything else but exist as Nancy’s friend
I will say barb’s death has always kind of rubbed me wrong because the narrative focus on Will makes things kind of uneven like it seems like no one cares about her (except Nancy) in comparison to how much people care about will. Which is obviously necessary for the narrative but then I get to the fact that she died in the upside down even though she was there for a shorter amount of time and I would assume have a better shot as a healthy almost-adult compared to a scrawny child. But it’s also necessary for the horror movie vibes and quite a bit less distressing than will’s death would have been for a lot of the reasons I mentioned
I’m not trying to say the other deaths which were extremely telegraphed were executed better (I still think it’s the best character death*). Stranger things is just really bad at killing off characters
(*honorable mention to Billy bc I love that he died even if I don’t care for how they went about doing it)
see for me it doesn’t particularly bother me that barb didn’t get tons of development beforehand because like ….. she was there for such a short period of time yk? so if we had spent like a good chunk of the first two episodes like delving into who barb is as a person, it would’ve felt weird and not given us as much time with the plot exposition and getting to know our characters who actually live (ooo that sounded brutal sorry barb) and in typical slasher fashion, some people who die for the sake of raising the stakes and establishing danger just aren’t going to get much of a personality before they’re killed.
as for will getting more attention than barb in terms of being missing, i think it’s kinda only natural considering the ties he has to so many of the main characters. he’s joyce’s son, jonathan’s brother, mike lucas and dustin’s best friend. it makes sense that there’s more urgency and attention placed on him because we spend more time with these characters in combination than we do with nancy, who was the only one who really had ties to barb. it is a little weird that hopper doesn’t seem very motivated to find her, i will grant you that. like damn “police chief” we got a missing girl could you like pretend to care pls
it would’ve been nice to maybe explore how will survived for a week in an environment that got barb killed immediately. i guess we’re supposed to extrapolate from the demogorgon being directly behind her at steve’s place that she just….immediately was killed? whereas will had a weapon and some distance idk that’s the best theory i can come up with.
when i say barb’s death is well executed, i mainly mean that it had an obvious impact on nancy. her relationship with barb carried through to the next season, she grieved, it caused conflict between her and steve, and the justice she wanted to get for barb was literally her main plotline in s2 (and jonathan’s!) whereas with other deaths like bob, fred, EDDIE!!!!!, etc the characters they were close to barely react. there’s some sprinkled in mourning for bob, dustin gives his fake ass speech about eddie, fred literally gets nothing from nancy at all, but barb’s death was realistic in the way it affected nancy. i think st’s main problem right now is that the stakes feel so incredibly low. like yeah someone could die but they’ll probably just come back to life, and if they don’t ….. oh well ? our characters won’t be that broken up about it ?? s1 and 2 just did a great job depicting grief and how the absence of a loved one is all consuming and not something that can just be brushed off. s4 is extremely lacking in that area
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larebiscornue · 7 months
AYO??? Heavy season 4 spoilers discussion under the cut
Sooo that blogpost about eva's past mentioning her living as a kid with her mother, father and Cleophée, and then getting sent to train as a sadida bodyguard, with no indications of her and cleo not necessarily having a tough family life.. (and unrelated I think the dad? rode a dragodinde. Sorry I had no clue where to write this vital fact)
Are now effectively obsolete.
I wonder if the rest of blog stories (such as that about az having a lil adventure before even hatching, or getting the closest to a kind of a rough estimate of armand's age (afaik) as he was a teen when amalia was a young kid (also their mother's spirit watched over them thanks to the tree of life I think?. That was so sweet :'( ) are obsolete too.. I don't think they necessarily need to be.
I'm watching the toross episode, and while I am obviously sad the cra sisters had this sad background, part of me is kinda glad cause while happy, the little blog perfect family was a bit underwhelming when compared to.. everybody else's family quirks
It seems all guilde des murmurs members were family but not all were cras (or at least they were rare not bow using cras which would be neat) which does make sense worldbuilding-wise.
HOOO THE SADIDA KING BEING ONE OF THEIR MOST LOYAL CLIENTS THOUGH OGHHHH GASP. I thought he was fully "good" but this adds a new depth and moral greyness to the king, as many krosmoz esp royals do in the franchise which is an exciting addition! Now I'm not saying he's like. Secretly evil, but instead of an always good-presented king, it's heavily implied he hired assassins against his enemies. VERY frequently at that. We don't know if his enemies were truly evil but still this is quite a surprise and layer! IF AMALIA N ARMAND LEARN ABOUT THIS I WILL LOSE IT... Dunno if the queen was a part of this, she was more laissez-faire on royalty stuff. Not that means she was a BAD queen, as far as we know for now she was good and loved, but much as her daughter, she loved to sneak and go on adventures. Maybe the king stopped his merc-hiring thing time ago and repented about it, he changed his ways, but, yeah this adds more depth and a twist.
Did the king always plan having eva as a bodyguard for amalia since he might have guessed she had a great potential as per her kin does? I don't necessarily think so, again, not going on the EEEVIL KING REAL tirade. For now we have no proof. Eva seemed to regard the sheram sharm family well. I wanna think the reason why madagaskane chose the king wasn't fully out of his loyal client or king status, but because he supposed he could be caring.
Of course if you wanna go gritty you can imagine eva getting picked as a bodyguard was deliberate, that the slightly older, talented with the bow kid was a good helping hand for the king's youngest child. Armand probably had his own bodyguard(s). And this could help build loyalty to the princess but... Too cynical for me, really.
Wonder if, going by this though, cleo not getting picked was cause of her less standing talent compared to eva or her being more childish n clashing w amalia. Idk. That's my last addendum.
Also I'm sooo glad they explained why eva and cleo have always had this extraordinary bow talent even for a cra. Don't get me wrong I'm the biggest hater of "oh there was not any hard job only magical talent" situations, but, aside from talent not being equal amongst the sisters, I feel it's a question of hard work. We can see it imo in Evas training ethic with Flopin. She has always tried to teach him hardwork.
So, I believe Eva is quite talented, perhaps even quite talented for a regular guilde des murmurs relative's standards, but she for sure has and keeps quite working on her abilities too
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mouseratz · 2 years
it's weird to be in the situation I am: (on bad family dynamics)
which is taking care of my brothers in the absence of my mother (she's fine, just separated. she is someone I identify as an abuser even though I have no intentions of cutting her off, since I consider living apart safe enough). this would, likely, raise some alarms if I was a little younger, and I certainly have been taking a big role in childcare since, at least, I was sixteen or so. but I'm twenty now. is it still an issue if I am an adult? If I can hypothetically leave? no one wants to hurt me. They aren't. I'm just doing what I need to do, that's what it feels like. But I don't have anything else. Like, literally anything- no school, no work, I don't get to see friends. I am compared to a housewife by further relatives because I take care of the house and kids.
I don't see another way to manage. I think we are enmeshed, me and my father, but I deflected any issues because my mother, before fully separating, accused my father of actual incest, which obviously wasn't true....but perhaps she was recognizing the enmeshment but her other problems made her escalate it into something that flatly didn't happen, because she wanted to hurt him.
How can you set "boundaries" when they're the only person you have in adulthood? How could you leave, knowing that the alternative is being distanced from your primary source of literal human interaction?
But I don't ever blame me not wanting to leave on him. It's on my brothers. They need me, because my mom left them high and dry. My dad is doing everything he can, but I don't think it would be enough. They deserve better than that, even if it conflicts with what I deserve. And ultimately, what a child deserves overrules what an adult deserves, because they're helpless to their own situation. An adult has to be the one to make it better. Our parents didn't do that very well for me, so I'm left with filling the shoes, even though they're both still here, because I know they'll just do what they did to me again in a slightly different way.
There's also the layer of, we've had traumatic life or death situations with the youngest, and I feel responsible for him, deeply. What would happen without me? And in the worst times, I thought I would rather lose my life than lose his. So it's only fair that I give my life in a different way to him.
so idk. fucked. things to talk about in therapy!
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tietensgo · 3 years
note: spoilers
Okay. I’ve had a few days to digest it now so here are my thoughts on my reservations about squid game:
The basic premise sits very close to Alice in Borderland
The old man being behind it and getting sentimental for Gi-Hun at the end was not satisfying for me... it seemed to undermine the ending of the series because it was inconsistent
Yes, it gave Gi-Hun some answers, which must’ve been cathartic, but it took away from the horror of what happened. A broken Gi-Hun with all this money and regret would’ve hit different, imo, compared to an old man who was out for some fun. speaking of which:
The old man claimed at the end that it was all for fun, that he was too rich to have fun anymore with regular life, so he made some fun of his own, which... I don’t buy. He is a murderer and should own it. He’s a murderer because he WANTED TO BE ONE, not because of some weird desire for fun. I say this because:
If you really wanted to have some fun and jog all these memories that you said Gi-Hun helped unlock, there are simpler ways to do it. Your tender moments with Gi-Hun (like letting him win at marbles) could very well have happened outside the threat of imminent death.
Or maybe he wanted to feel alive (like the way a thrill seeker does), because he said that to have real fun, he wanted to play the game for real himself. And yes, we saw him play red light green light with a smile. And he appeared to really play tug of war. Buttttt....
He stood on top of a bed tower and screamed that everyone should stop killing each other. He wet himself with fear. If he truly felt those things, he should’ve stopped the game right there. He’s not feeling the thrill anymore. That’s not fun.
If he didn’t feel those things, and he was somehow faking that emotion, why bother seeking out Gi-Hun a year after he won to tell him the games were created for fun? Be a murderer and be done with it. Cackle as they die, idk
When the time came for him to bite the dust with the marble game (yes, he let Gi-Hun win, but a win is a win), he, the loser, chose not to die. Which means at the end of the day, he values his own life (even the little that’s left) and understands the value of life ITSELF. He knows that just because you signed away your ‘rights’ or whatever with a contract to play doesn’t mean you properly assessed the consequences of death by a child’s game- he chose to live and so he CHOSE to murder everyone else, not for fun. Just because.
(I mean the Leader outright murdered the doctor for betraying the rules of equality by cheating to know what game comes next. WHAT EQUALITY THE GAME IS UNEQUAL IF YOU DON’T KILL THE OLD MAN WHEN IT’S HIS TURN)
TLDR; If it had been a nameless, faceless company or an unapologetically murderous old man, I feel that I in the audience would’ve had to wrestle more with how... unfair and bitter and cold and evil life can be at times... and I got out of having to face this struggle because it’s just an old man who doesn’t know what he wants and seems to have memory and reasoning issues but only when it’s convenient for the plot.
I don’t buy that anyone would ever return to the game (after being let go after red light green light).
The exceptions are for the terminally ill who can be cured by a life-saving surgery that costs money (i.e. they would die anyway, and relatively speaking, soon) and people who don’t like... know better/who don’t have the ability to clearly think through the decision (like the girl who got out of prison and thinks ‘welp, parents are dead, life is over, better play this game’ - for her, it’s not a fair choice, she was not thinking straight). But for everyone else, it made NO sense to me.
Gi-Hun had no reason. He even GOT CASH for his mom from the ex-wife’s husband. We know at the end of the story he was able to reconnect to his daughter, so the EWH’s threats to not see the daughter didn’t pan out. But instead of taking the win, he feels like he has to /earn/ the cash somehow, and that’s not a good enough reason to put your life in danger. We know he has learnt this lesson by the end when he rips the card from the hands of the new guy being recruited to the game - IT IS NOT. WORTH IT.
Sang-Woo was in debt and going to jail. He is not the first person to commit white collar crime, or a lot of it. It didn’t make sense.
Ali could’ve left the country. Or gone to jail for hurting a man’s hand and being an undocumented noncitizen/migrant. Or been deported. But he wouldn’t be dead, and he’d still have a shot at the love he has for his wife and kids, albeit delayed by some decades.
Sae-byeok, who had to raise money to bring her mom from North Korea, had raised the money before but felt like a deadly game was the only way to do it again. I mean she’s smart enough to do reconnaissance in the vents. But she LEFT HER BROTHER who is right in front of her to take care of and love (while she slowly amasses enough to try again with her mom) and said, instead, let me take a chance at death. A 1 in 2 chance is No Longer In Your Favor, (1/1.9999 or less is in your favor) what did she think she was going to do against a 1 in 456 (less some dead) chance? That number is 0!
That number is ZERO for all intents and purposes, and I found it strange that anyone would ever take those odds.
Even the guy who had like gangsters after him for his liver and kidney OUTRAN the gangsters,  and having won, promptly chose RANDOM death at every turn instead of idk, turning himself in to the police or taking his chances at fleeing the country- i don’t know how criminal life works but these people just... didn’t seem to have a good sense of how to discount their future value back to today (or like, appropriately compare the possibility of the future with the heartbreak of today)
TLDR; Outside, the chance of death is not 0, but it’s less than 1. Inside, the chance of death is essentially 1.
That island’s security is LAX, oh my gooodnessssss
The only back exit is guarded by a lock. A basic lock, not a vault-level combination lock with roaming lasers and multiple fingerprint and iris-scan verification codes which I’m sure the old man can afford
The Leader finds a dead body at the cave’s underwater exit, realizes the intruder hasn’t escaped because the diving oxygen canisters are all present, and then DOESN’T lock the canisters away/move/hide them somehow to prevent the intruder’s possible future escape
The police officer breaks in by overpowering a worker in the car and Sae-byeok only pretends to pass out in the car and both of them get away with this because surveillance cameras in the kidnapping vehicle is too much hassle to go through after we install sleep-gas releasing vents for our murder game
The kidnap cars let themselves be followed to the boat. All the way up the coast, the police officer just follows in his car, headlights on, and isn’t caught.
No metal detectors around to catch Sae-byeok’s knife
Is it just me or do they tag the game players with implants but only tag the /masks/ of the workers? If so, seems like an oversight
I don’t understand why more individual gamers didn’t band together
It seems to me that, in a game like this, it pays to work together. When your life is up to chance, and you don’t know what game might be next, and you don’t know what strategies you might need, and you don’t know how big the team size are, etc it pays to be nice, to be liked.
That way, you always have the option of betrayal. If you start out betraying people (*cough* guy who picked all guys for his tug of war team *cough*), good luck guessing the name of the person who pushed you off the cliff at the start of the next game.
BUT WHAT IF I want the final round cash all to myself? Be nice, save your team for the final round, and /then/ kill them.
But anyway, after I finished crying for Ali, I felt like it was an interesting watch that one unbelievably obnoxious VIP’s dialogue aside, visually intense, and definitely a thinker in terms of how you would behave/survive in a similar situation. i can’t wait for Gi-Hun’s revenge in Season 2
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alexaplaysgames · 3 years
Can you do Felix and Mc getting into a fight
My angst brain need some
You got it bb <3 Idk if this is really that much of a fight, but I couldn't make the MC too mean to Felix. Also, I’m aware this paints baby in a bad light. I had to make them fight about something okay :’( I don’t think he’d do this in canon.
Title: A bit Bitter
Pairing: Felix Escellun x GN!MC (Last Legacy)
Words: 2564
Tags: @demon-paradise @themohawkhelmet @cactus-hoodie @aomiyeon @piningmaybeanartist @another-confused-gay @uselessbeanies @nomnomcupcakesworld @druwuuwu @frozen-daydream @kirakiratears @margitartist @crowtrinkets @fanfic-about-fictif Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed.
“Tell me the truth, Felix.”
His gray eyes dart upwards from his textbooks as I storm into the room. When he sees what I hold clutched in my hands, he swallows, the bob of his throat visible even from the doorway.
I continue in a voice that is simultaneously weak and as strong as I can manage. “Is this really how you feel?”
“W-why do you have that, love?”
I frown. His nervousness sends guilt shooting through me, but I stamp it out. I’ve bent over backwards for months in an attempt to make him comfortable, and did so gladly. But this? I can only withstand so much.
I set the notebook down on the edge of his desk with a heavy thud. Felix winces.
“The things you wrote in here, about me…” I shake my head, then look away. I can feel my eyes sting, and I bite my tongue to hold back from crying. “Felix-“
“That’s private! You don’t have the right to go snooping through my possessions.”
I sigh. Yeah, I’m nosy and read his journal, and normally I would be ashamed. I shouldn’t have done it, but… “I don’t think that’s important right now.”
“Of course it’s important!” Felix gasps, standing out of his desk chair to snatch up the journal. He meets my eyes with a fragile sort of vulnerability, then pulls the journal defensively to his chest. “I’m not privy to every thought you have. You can’t judge me for mine.”
“I would never think these things of you!” My voice raises until it edges on a shout, and I frantically rush to reign it in. “I would never.”
“That’s not-“ Felix whispers with a shake of his head. “That’s not fair.”
“No. What’s not fair is this.” I reach forward and pull the leather journal from his hands, flipping forward a few weathered pages until I find what I’m looking for.
“‘Not nearly comparable to Rime’s beauty, nor do they possess his talent with magic. They’re candlelight to his radiant sun. I’ve quelled whatever feeling has stirred in my chest and decided that I won’t settle for them. Not while my love is still hurting. And I do miss him so.”
Felix is biting at his lip as I lower the book once more, his eyes watery, wide circles. “That’s old,” he chokes out. “I swear. I don’t feel that way. I love you.”
He looks like he wants to touch me, so I step away. I shake my head. “But you did feel that way.”
“I- why does it matter? That’s private. How- how much else have you read to convince yourself my feelings for you are disingenuous? You were never meant to see any of it.” He’s wrapped arms around his thin frame, now, squeezing his eyes shut as if he wishes this all would simply go away.
“I’ve read enough.”
Felix’s eyes go wide, then dart to the journal in my hand. “Why?” I ask. “Worried there’s something worse left for me to uncover?”
“N-no.” He runs his hand over his face. “Why couldn’t you stay out of my things? That was personal! It was none of your business!” Felix hisses the last words, as close to angry as I’ve ever seen him with me. His eyes are filled with tears, but his expression if one of a rage I’ve never been in the receiving end of.
“Fuck you,” I spit out, watching him hiccup as if the words were a physical blow. “You’re a liar, Felix.” Then I simply can’t help myself but to add, “Maybe you do deserve to be alone.”
I know as soon as I say it that I’ve gone too far, and the look on his face- fuck. I don’t know if I’ll ever get the broken, hurt expression that flashes across his features out of my head. Yes, the words he’d written in that journal had stung, but I don’t feel any satisfaction from hurting him just as badly. If anything, it makes me feel worse.
All I feel is lost. My psyche weighs heavy with guilt, as well as hatred for myself for letting my patience slip. Before it can all come crumbling down on me, I turn on my heel and rush out the door, slamming it behind me with an echo that rings much to hollow to make me feel any better.
I had frantically stuffed my few belongings into a bag and rushed to the nearest inn, flopping onto a rickety bed and crying myself to exhaustion. That had been two days ago, now, and I haven’t spoken to Felix since.
On the bright side, sending drunk texts is much more difficult to do when one doesn’t possess a cellphone.
Each night my dreams are filled with memories of his face, his smile. I can feel him in my arms, see the distinct colour of his blush each time I call him “baby” or “my sweet”. I wonder if I was over-dramatic in my reaction, but then remember the words in that journal. To think, the passage I had read aloud had only been one of many.
No. I was right to be upset.
I keep wondering if maybe the things he wrote in there were true. Yet, it’s so confusing- Felix has always had the upmost respect for me. And he’s not exactly great at hiding his emotions.
I’ve met with Anisa and Sage, both of whom seemed relatively stunned at the news. Anisa had offered exercise as a way to take my mind off it, and Sage had offered… another form of physical activity altogether, which didn’t really surprise me.
“A fight? Really? You two have always seemed like such a sappy married couple…”
I sigh. “Thanks, Sage. Really. It wasn’t even a fight, to be honest.”
“Married couples do fight, Sage.” Anisa pats my hand. “Felix is just dramatic. It will be fine! Whatever he did, I’m sure he didn’t mean it. He just gets a little… jumbled up sometimes. But his intentions are pure. At least, I believe so. You can never tell with Felix.” She smiles. “Give him some time to mope and he’ll apologize.”
“If it helps,” Sage interjects, “he fought all the time with deer boy, and they were apparently a thing. I’m sure he’s used to it.”
I refrain from telling Sage that his oh-so-helpful comment is far from helpful; in fact, it highlights exactly what I’m worried about.
Tonight, thunder strikes outside in heavy, booming claps. The room I’ve rented is lowly lit by a single candle, but the flashes of lightning outside the window often light up the entire space. Rain pelts the roof and the wind howls mournfully, as if in empathy of my crushed spirit.
I’m just in the middle of pretending I’m in a sad music video when I hear an unsteady knock at the door. At first, I think it might be a tree branch outside, being as it’s so soft, but then I hear the sound again.
I fling the wool blankets over my head with a huff and shuffle towards the door, then unceremoniously fling it open.
I should have expected it would be my necromancer boyfriend looking like a drenched cat.
Felix is sopping wet, his hair plastered to his forehead and clothes so soaked I can see his tanned skin underneath. As soon as the door opens, his eyes go wide, and he immediately looks as if he’s attempting to say something, but he can’t seem to spit it out. His teeth are chattering so forcefully he can’t speak, and the wind has whipped the wet strands of hair into his mouth.
He is so stupid. I immediately can’t help but think that I love him. I am definitely morosexual.
I blink dazedly at him for a moment, before grabbing his elbows and hastily pulling him inside.
“I’m s-sorry,” he sobs as I grab a blanket off the bed and hastily wrap it around his shoulders. I can’t tell if he’s shaking from crying or the cold, can’t tell if the wetness on his face is from his tears or the rain. “I’m so sorry.”
“Felix, it’s fine. Come here, you’re going to get hypothermia.”
I grab a towel from the bathroom and begin using it to dry his hair. He shakes his head as he pushes it away, sending droplets of water flying. “No! Listen, please, I am sorry, I am. I wish to explain myself. You deserve that much, at least.”
I sigh, then stand back and nod. I sit down on the edge of the bed. The mattress groans, as do I. “Fine.”
Felix pauses as if he didn’t expect that answer.
Then he picks at the frayed strings of the blanket around him. He shivers as he tugs it tighter around his shoulders. He licks his lips. “I wasn’t in a good place when we met.”
I nod. It was obvious then, and it’s even more so now. “I know.”
“It wasn’t healthy. I know that it wasn’t, but-” he cuts off as the thunder outside rumbles, lightning illuminating the haunted look in his eyes. “I loved Rime. More than that, I obsessed over him.”
That much I had guessed, but the confirmation does still twist my stomach.
“I was still in love with him when we met. Desperately so. I clung to the very idea of him for years. Rime adored how I idolized him, he encouraged it-“ he looks out the window as if lost in thought, then sighs. “It wasn’t you. I would’ve compared anyone to him. I did.”
Felix sniffs, then delicately kneels at my feet. “I am so sorry. I promise I didn’t truly think those things, my dear. I just felt so guilty, every time I felt anything for you. I had made myself think that he was perfect, that I could enforce my love for him through some strange sort of self-discipline.” He cringes, as if he knows how awful that sounds. “It seemed reasonable. I owed him my life.”
Apparently having said what he needed, Felix goes quiet. His eyes are red-rimmed, dark circles underneath, as if he’s been crying instead of sleeping ever since I left him.
“You are so incredibly lovely,” he whispers, choking. “I could see it even then. I was scared of what it would do to me to admit it.”
I swallow. I’m honestly not sure whether to believe him, but the look in his eyes is so earnest. Felix is many things, but he’s not one to hide his feelings, nor is he a good actor. I know deep down that he’s not faking his love for me, despite how my heart convinced me otherwise.
“If- If you’re still angry with me, I understand,” Felix stammers, though the tears in his eyes make it seem like that isn’t true. “M-maybe I should leave-“
The rain pounds harder against the windows. The wind whistles through the surrounding cracks. I grab his wrist.
“Come here, my sweet.”
Felix’s eyes widen at my use of my pet name for him, a timid look of disbelief in his eyes as he takes my hand and allows me to pull him onto the bed. I lie down on my back and guide to lay against my chest.
“I forgive you.” I almost can’t believe the words myself, but I know that it’s the only option I could ever consider. I love him. It’s a simple as it is complex.
“You needn’t-“
“I do. It wasn’t right of you to say those things, but it was also unfair of me to get so angry with you over something you wrote a long time ago. I know your old relationship really took a toll on you. Besides, I said some awful things to you too, Felix,” I continue, reaching up to brush his bangs back from his forehead. He trembles, leaning slightly into my touch. “You don’t deserve to be alone. I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me, and I shouldn’t have. Okay?” I wait until he finally nods to continue. “And I’m sorry for going through your things. I betrayed your trust, and you were right to be upset.”
Felix goes a little slack-jawed before he finally breathes out, “O-of course I forgive you.”
“I’m glad, because I don’t think I could live without you.”
He stares at me for a moment longer before he lurches forward and kisses me, desperate and wanting, full to the brim with both apology and forgiveness. It tastes if the salt of his tears and the cold rainwater that runs over his cheeks. He’s shaking the whole time, and I tug him tighter to my chest. I can feel his heart racing through the fabric of our clothes.
“I love you, sweet.”
“I love you too,” Felix hiccups, “so much.”
We spend a bit longer like that, tangled up in the bedsheets with Felix soaking through both our clothes. Eventually, I pull back.
“Did you really wait until it was storming to show up and apologize?”
A sheepish laugh as he flushes. “I had t-thought it would be romantic. Like in my novels. I didn’t realize it was pouring quite so hard.”
His cheeks are a flaming red and he looks away like he expects me to be upset. I sigh to hide my fond smile. All I can do is kiss him again.
“I’ve brought you something,” Felix murmurs, his lips so close to mine that they brush, his eyelashes wet against my cheeks. He reaches back and takes the leather notebook, the stupid source of all our fighting, out of his coat pocket. It’s surprisingly dry.
I can’t help but want to smack that stupid book out of his hand. “Felix, why would you do that?”
He rolls his eyes, then gets up and stands off to the side of the bed. The room lights up green as his entire hand, the journal with it, are suddenly engulfed in flames, until nothing but ashes sift through his fingertips, drifting down to settle against the wooden floor.
“You’re my future.”
He’s so dramatic. I love him to pieces.
I grab his waist and all but tackle him back onto the bed, delighting in his surprised squeak.
“Stop!” Felix yelps as he falls back against the mattress, only to be assaulted by my cuddles, “I’m positively soaked; I’ll drench the sheets.”
I can’t really say that I care. We have a lot of making up to do; I’m not spending a second without him by my side for the rest of the night. Felix grumbles a final complaint and then sighs. He wraps his arms around me and presses his cheek into my chest, and I can’t help but think he feels the same.
“I didn’t enjoy that,” he mumbles, turning his face into me to hide his expression. “Being apart from you, it- hurt. I missed you.”
“I missed you too, baby.” I’m just realizing how much. His scent and the feel of his hair against my skin, his voice. He’s invaded my senses once more, and it feels like coming back to life.
He turns to look up at me. His cheeks are rosy and his hair mussed, droplets of water clinging to his eyelashes and temples. God, he’s so adorable- I don’t know how I could ever stand to be angry with him. “I don’t want to be at odds with you anymore. I love you too much.”
I boop his perfect nose. “Deal.”
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aerequets · 3 years
can you give me some webtoon recommendations? name some of your favorites! :)
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i am here to answer folks 😎
all of these webtoons can be found on webtoons.com! I'm not sure about the whole daily pass thing they've got going on (which sucks tbh) but like,,, you could probably find it online illegally. NOT THAT I CONDONE ILLEGAL ACTIVITY HAHAHAHA ᵖˢˢᵗ ⁱᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵒᵒᵏ ⁱᵗ'ˢ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ
I'll split these up between completed and in progress :) most are still in progress though
1) Gourmet Hound (166 chapters)
this is like, my all time favorite webtoon. it follows Lucy and her quest to find all the chefs that left her favorite restaurant, Dimanche! it’s a really heartfelt story and the food illustrations make you really hungry, so make sure you have a snack before you sit down to read it. each character’s name is also food-related, so that’s pretty cool too! and the diversity in this webtoon is AMAZING. it’s the only webtoon i’ve ever read that has a hijabi character in the main cast. the development is done really well and it explores themes of loving and letting go. all in all, it has a bit of everything. i personally love food-related things, and this centers around it, so i was set LOL
(also a bonus is that this webtoon has NOT succumbed to daily pass hell, so you can binge read the whole thing. legally.)
2) Hooky (200 chapters)
if you like stories of witches, this is the one! the summary and beginning chapters are deceptively lighthearted. DO NOT BE FOOLED! the story really develops further on and explores numerous conflicts, a big one being (if i remember correctly) witch vs. nonwitch. if you like to see struggles between two sides, not a good-and-evil but just people-who-want-the-best-for-themselves-and-their-loved-ones type of thing, this is good for that. also, sibling love! the two main characters are Dani and Dorian, and while there is someee romance, i like how this story centers around the siblings first and foremost. ALSO THE ART??? I LOVE HOW THE AUTHOR DRAWS SETTINGS SO MUCH and am unabashedly jealous because i am completely incapable of doing so   just like,,,, even if the story doesn’t pull you in, you can at least stare at each panel for long stretches of time.
(unfortunately succumbed to daily pass, but you can read it on mangaowl or manganelo!)
3) Spirit Fingers (167 chapters)
aww, this one is cute. Amy is 18 and lacking in self confidence (her family definitely doesn’t help). but HEY she joins a wacky art club!! without her parents knowing!! HECK YEAH!! unfortunately it takes more than joining an art club for her to learn to love herself (it is a long journey after all!). i love this webtoon because it explores the problems of multiple people, not just amy: her high achieving brothers, her mother who had to give up her dream, the different members in the art club, Amy’s girl friends. the art is unique and has a cool watercolor-y texture! and the main couple is just adorable, too. if you’re an artist especially, i recommend this because that’s a big theme and you get to see these characters expand their art styles! which is very cool!
(you can read this one fully on 1stkissmanga)
now here’s where the majority of my recs are:
IN PROGRESS (all can be read on webtoon.com)
1) The Makeup Remover (currently 71 chapters)
i look forward to this every tuesday and friday because oh man!!!!!!!!! idk about you guys, but i am thinking about beauty standards A Large Amount of the time, especially when i consume media. and this webtoon is all about beauty standards (specifically in Korea, but still applicable like. everywhere). Main character Yeseul ends up having to partake in this beauty competition and, with her experiences through it, she begins seeing makeup and beauty standards for the huge role they play in society. i said it already but i LOVE LOVE LOVE this webtoon because it really challenges you as a reader to think about your own perspectives. why do we find the things/people beautiful that we do? what shapes our perception? how much of it is marketing, and how much of it shows in our daily lives? what assumptions do you make about people based on how they look? AGHH im sounding like an essay prompt instead of a reviewer but man. if you like webtoons that examine society through a critical lens (gosh i sound like an english teacher), this is the one. 
2) Odd Girl out (currently 261 chapters; on season 2) 
okay, first and foremost: if you’re NOT into long winded drama, this probably isn’t it for you. i will admit im not a fan of long problems that get dragged out, especially in a school setting, but i did keep reading this webtoon and i am glad that i did! the character development here is amazing and ONE CRUCIAL THING is that the whole first season (which is many, many chapters. at least over 100) focuses on the friendship between our main 4 girls. if you don’t wanna wait for a romance storyline (which comes in season 2), then you’ve gotta have the patience of a saint. i loved this though because lots of romance webtoons cast friendships aside or use them to further the romantic plot. platonic relationships are great to read about and this one does it masterfully! main character nari is resilient and emotionally strong, and it’s great to see her ruin her enemies
3) Cursed Princess Club (currently 110 chapters; on break before the final season)
this is another one about beauty and societal expectations, but in a fantasy setting! it’s really funny and the cast of characters is heartwarming. Gwen is a princess, but she doesn’t look like the typical princess. she accidentally stumbles upon the Cursed Princess Club, which is exactly what it sounds like: a club for princesses that have been cursed and are trying to find their self worth despite not being conventional princesses! now that i think about it, this is like a lighthearted mixture of Makeup Remover and Spirit Fingers. although while i do say “lighthearted”, this webtoon has its fair share of mysteries and exploration of deeper topics. but its funny throughout
4) Brass & Sass (currently 83 chapters)
ahh this one is really cute and the art is cute, too! i also like how this has a diverse cast. high schooler Camilla kinda sucks at band, but dangit if she’s not passionate. Victor is some type of musical prodigy but he’s a brass-hole (hahaha get it. no that’s not original i ripped it from the summary). now i KNOW I KNOW, the whole “perky girl and asshole guy” is so overplayed BUT DON’T FRET! this isn’t the type of story where the girl “fixes” the guy, or where the guy is an asshole to everyone except the girl. believe me, the character development and relationship development in this story is SPLENDID. there’s no real antagonist. it’s just a bunch of high schoolers trying their best to make themselves and everyone else happy, and that’s hard! the story is carried more by the characters than by the plot, but it works well in this case since the characters are strong and each one has a presence. 
5) Surviving Romance (currently 10 chapters)
this one is relatively new compared to my other recs but it’s by the author of the Makeup Remover so yaknow i had to hop on it. BUT IT IS VERY DIFFERENT! first off, it’s a horror, so keep that in mind. the best way i can describe it is a mixture of the standard “girl falls into a story” genre, Groundhog Day, and zombies. Yeah. Bascially, Chaerin is our main girl and she’s in a romance story that’s she’s read a bajillion times, so she knows the day has come for her male lead to confess his love! except he doesn’t! because he becomes a zombie instead! hahaha well that sucks! it’s only got 10 chapters but i am very into it, and it seems to be taking an emphasis on platonic relationships, so i am very closely watching 👁👁
6) The Witch and the Bull (currently 60 chapters) 
another witch story! and the art is GORGEOUS. more witch + nonwitch conflict, too! our main dude, Tan, is the royal advisor and he’s hella bigoted against witches. our main girl, Aro, happens to be a witch. and Tan needs her help to make him into a human again (because he got turned into a bull. that is worth mentioning). this is a very barebones summary and there’s a lot more that goes on, but that’s the general gist of the beginning!
ANYWAYS. this got very long, predictably, and i rambled for each title, predictably. i’ve got more that i’m reading, but i really like these 9! i also made comments on the art for a lot of them, which might not matter to some people, but i feel like my art was very impacted by each webtoon i read. if you’re an artist i recommend finding a webtoon you like and studying the art; try implementing parts you like into your own style! 
anyways, i am FINALLY done talking. bye yall 
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ursie · 2 years
wait how would you rank the fighters in the batfam? (I'm asking because of this #I don't know when comics decided Dick was somehow the worst fighter in the batfam when he's been doing it longer than like anyone but like.)
Oh hmm 🤔 ok I haven’t like read everything so if this seems unfair that’s totally ok and I def take constructive criticism. I’m also not including Harper/Helena/Kate because quite frankly idk where they stand it’s kinda inconsistent to me because they seem to rely on the plot more so than like objective skill (and tbh I think Kate’s skill is kinda op and weird in universe she like didn’t even finish military school 😭) and I’m not putting Damian here because he’s baby so it’s not really fair just know as an adult he should be better/equal to Dick but rn he’s baby
1. Cass : obv though I will say I think writers need to not be scared to let her lose just because she knows what someone’s gonna do doesn’t mean she can stop them. Also she can’t literally read minds emotions like I’m putting her here but honestly I think writers should nerf her a bit so they’ll like. Actually write her instead of just putting her in fighting/emotional support scenes like. Not gonna write an essay here but someone should because her fighting skills is kinda the writers crutch instead of like. Her character 😭
2. Dick : it just makes sense. In universe he’s supposed to be the best I’m sorry the entire point of his character in regards to how the entire family views him is comparing themselves to him and save for Damian when he’s older it really doesn’t make sense for anyone to be a better athlete than him period. Like he’s 2nd for reasons in universe and out
3. Jason : truthfully I wanted to put B here but honestly I do think Jason is probably a better fighter at this point and whilst I’m not anti Tim in this regard Jason does body him every time 😭 I’m not entirely sure it’s like. Earned but yeah he can have this ig. Man died I’ll give him third place
4. B : I know I know we all love to hate him but honestly I don’t think the next couple people have ever been written consistently as better fighters then him (or would it actually make sense tbh).
4. Babs : ok so cheating here but I’m gonna go ahead and like tie Bg Babs w B they’re about the same obv she can’t fight as well as him as Oracle which is fine she was never the best fighter and is textually and narratively a better hero as Oracle. But they’re also equals so she’s here ok
5. Tim : look if DC allowed him to grow up I’d put him above B but on a narrative level I’m not sure he’s actually presented as his equal consistently or DC has even committed to it and truthfully I’m not really sure he’s a better fighter than anyone above him like this isn’t me being mean to Tim I’m just being honest like B and Babs? Maybe but anyone else? No not really
6. Ok so I went back and fourth here on Duke or Steph and I’m gonna put Steph if only because Steph just seems more scrappy to me but honestly they’re tied it really doesn’t matter it’s kinda relative this is where I’d place like. Any other batfam member too (Harper, Bette, ect) as in their skills are entirely dependent on who’s writing them and hasn’t really been consistently flushed out yet. It’s just. Not top 5 agsfdhsry
If anyone has anything to add/correct pls feel free to comment honestly
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lokislittlesigyn · 3 years
// loki spoilers
This is basically a huge infodump on my thoughts about the first episode, because I doubt y’all want to sift through my trauma-ridden ramblings. I’ll make another post for the rest. This is just everything not related to the IW stuff/my reaction to that. It’s general thoughts, theories, musings.
1. When Loki gets first taken into the TVA. Is that Peggy Carter in the background? Others have suggested it might be. What would that mean??? Will we see the TVA fix the mess the Russos made with Steve/Peggy (not likely) or is it just a lookalike? Who knows..
2. A skrull at the main intake desk! Idk not super relevant just interesting!
3. I’m kind of glad they changed the... uncomfortable scene... with the robot burning his clothes off. He gets more time to react to seeing the machine itself, and he seems more shocked (”Now.. H-hang on just a minute.”) than angry (”Now hang on just a minute!”) i still feel.. horrible for him, i’m glad nobody Saw him and that the machine didn’t grab the clothes off, but still. Ehhh.. uncomfortable.
He is beautiful though, don’t get me wrong - I’d just prefer a shirtless Loki scene where he wants to be shirtless? let him do what he wants with his body?? he’s probably felt so out of control of his body, from being jotun to falling through space that any invasion of privacy like that hits extra deep...
That being said, I recognize the utility of the scene for the narrative - his lack of control, his literally being stripped of what he was before.
4. WHO IS THE MAN WITH THE CAT. What is his name. I love that he has a mug with his cat on it. But I want to know more. Who is he?
4.1 WHY DIDNT YOU LET LOKI PET THE CAT Please,,, I am begging you,,, let loki pet the cat and have something react kindly to him and purr all happily at his scratching behind their ears plea s e
5. The info sheet. Now this is just a little nitpicky tidbit, but in a previous promo they listed Loki’s height as 6′4 ft and weight as 525 lbs. This is taken directly from the comics if I’m not mistaken. However, in the actual show he’s listed as  6′2 (Tom’s height and Loki’s presumed height) but I don’t remember if his weight is the same. Is Loki 6′2? 6′4? please let me know i want to know how smol i am in comparison
6. His little aggressive shaking of the ticket at the guard makes me giggle each time.
7. The fact the turnstile hits so low on him reminds me,, I am short compared to him. Those things hit my stomach/waist. That one hit his legs. I am once again asking Loki to pick me up.
8. The cartoon with Miss Minutes introducing the TVA is wonderful, I love the art style especially. But it raises questions about Variants... I guess Variants can just, pop out of nowhere? Any action could be the wrong one? And then once you commit the wrong action you either get returned or pruned? Yikes??? And THIS ties into another thing later!
9. The trial scene. I have a hunch - a feeling, a suspicion. That one of three things may be true.
A. The Time-Keepers never actually existed. They’re fabricated, and now whoever runs the TVA is actually using the excuse of “The Time-Keepers decree it so!!!” to carry out whatever They think is right. The fact we haven’t seen the Time-Keepers makes me.. suspicious...
B. The Time-Keepers existed, but they have since passed on, however that may have happened. Now someone is doing the same as above, using the excuse of the Time-Keepers apparent dictations to run things.
C. The Time-Keepers do exist, and do run the timeline/TVA, but maybe they’re not infallible? Maybe the TVA info video is lying or incomplete in some way? Idk I just feel like, something about the TVA and how they run things has to be wrong. It has to? Something is off. Again, this will tie into another thought later...
I have no idea if any of these are actually true! But Loki’s questions of “Who’s in charge here? What do they do? What do you do?” punctuated by laughter leads me to believe he’s suspecting something too, or perhaps just trying to figure this mess out.
10. Seiðr/Magic. We see in this scene, Loki’s magic (”powers”) don’t work in the TVA. (and a quick side note, did he have to Flex like that? do you have to make me see Loki’s bare arms Flex like that? be still my heart. anyway please get that collar off of him and let him rest for five minutes) This makes me wonder.. Why isn’t Loki in his Jotun form? His pale skin and blue eyes are decided by magic, are they not? I suppose this is 2012, so perhaps Odin’s magic is keeping Loki looking like that. But if magic doesn’t work in the TVA, why would his spell reach so far? Clearly Loki’s magic isn’t what’s doing it. How is Loki not appearing as a Jotun? Is his Jotun form repressed - is pale skin his default now, rather than something hidden by magic? I need answers!
11. he sounds so scared about being “reset” please dont hurt him,,
12. cALLING LOKI A PUSSYCAT? (lokitty confirmed) I think Mobius was goading him (Mobius strikes me.. As extremely clever. He’s trying to push Loki’s buttons to see who he’s dealing with. At least, I hope so. Because if he really meant that “You were born to cause pain and suffering and death... All so that others can achieve the best versions of themselves.” and that line about killing Frigga??? No no no he is not guilty. He had no way of knowing what would happen. It wasn’t right to send Algrim up to Asgard (i think algrim wouldve found the way up anyway) but there was no intent to hurt Frigga. I really hope you’re trying to goad him, Mobius, because if you believe that I trust you much less. anyway i digress) but wow is he pushing Loki’s buttons a lot. I can’t... Blame him entirely, I understand he’s trying to make sure Loki’s on his side, maybe I’m just too soft for Loki idk. But some of that was very cruel to say. /:
12.1 AND ANOTHER THING ABOUT MOBIUS. That scene with the girl in the church?? Did that little girl kill the men? Is that young Sylvie? Or is she using an illusion to make herself look young and innocent? What’s going on!!!!
13. LOKI SNATCHING THE LITTLE TIME-TWISTER DEVICE AND STOWING IT IN HIS POCKET.... POCKET....... sorry sometimes i get so caught up about loki that i just say random words in between little noises and squeals,,, i am a silly thing
14. CASEY. CASEY??? That whole exchange is funny. Poor Loki, just trying to intimidate this guy so he can escape but - Casey doesn’t know what a fish is. to be fair.... thor doesn’t seem to know what a raccoon is... right?
15. That bit with the infinity stones is kind of funny until you realize
A. Natasha died for a paperweight
B. Tony died from paperweights
C. Loki was tortured for paperweights
D. Oh, and Gamora died for a paperweight too. And Vision. Need I go on?
Then it becomes less of exclusively “haha funny” and now it’s a mix of funny and pain and gosh, is that a good way to sum up being a Marvel/Loki fan sometimes...
16. Loki gazing at the timeline all “Is this the most powerful thing in the universe?” or something, i’m sorry i don’t remember exactly... made me think of a meme and i shall make it presently.
17. I love that Loki got to see examples of how his family loves him but the fact he’s all “I can’t go back.” really just breaks me. It’s like he can finally see they love him after all of this mess, and now he doesn’t have the chance. Please, please let him be happy. Give him some relief. This is the Loki that just came off finding out about being Jotun, falling from the Bifrost, encountering Thanos, attacking Earth, facing defeat, and now he’s being thrashed around in this wild place and has just found out he inadvertently caused Frigga’s death (he did not kill her: his actions, by mistake, lead to her murder, let me be very clear) AND Odin will die AND all the rest... And he wants to be with them.
18. Loki’s reaction to Thor suggesting the hug makes me soft. Please I want to hug this little mischief man so so so bad-
19. Skipping over the iw parts! That’s for another post because this one will be grossly long anyway.
20. “I don’t enjoy hurting people.” and “It's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear. A desperate play for control.” was all so, so validating. I’ve been trying to argue on Loki’s behalf for almost a solid decade. Seeing the show recognize that Loki’s not all just violence and hurting for “fun”, that he’s not unhinged and bloodthirsty.. Is so nice. It’s just so, so comforting. and it gives me hope for future episodes that they won’t go the route of “oh haha loki bullied and mistreated and stabbed thor for years!!! :)” loki cries during basically every fight with Thor and you want me to believe he stabs Thor for fun? absolutely not.
21. Theory.. Just another hunch.. So we know a fugitive variant, aka Loki, is running amok. Refer back to 8 and 9.C. What if the Time-Keepers never actually fixed the timeline into a single timeline? What if there are other timelines, and these different Loki variants have hopped over to the current one? Or, maybe the Time-Keepers did fix the timeline into a single one, and these Lokis are remnants from that huge time-war at the beginning? Time runs differently in relative spaces, they may have Just Left that war from their perspective!
I say Lokis and not Loki because we’re pretty sure there’s Female/Lady Loki, Old Man/King Loki, and possibly Young/Kid Loki. That’s at least three. From the peeks of Asgard and NYC we’ve seen from the trailers, I think we’re also getting an Asgardian King!Loki and Midgardian King/Vote!Loki. (unless our dearest variant is hopping into timelines and situating into them, but I doubt Mobius would let that happen..?) That’s five.
To further support this, keep in mind, I believe recently six (i think 6 regular and 6 rare...) different funko pops were announced for the series? I’m not sure if they’re in addition to the Loki and Mobius already released. If they are, there’s enough room for each Loki and maybe a TVA agent. One of the pops is supposed to have a buddy/companion I think? Maybe they’re making the cat guy into one, or maybe there’s something else (Throg, anyone?).
22. That is totally Lady Loki/Sylvie at the end by the way. Has to be. But why does she want the reset devices? Why did she snatch that TVA Hunter? Again, WHAT’S GOING ON
ANYWAY this was a very long post if you made it this far, I commend you.
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Okay, onto my liveblog for chapter two of The Hunger Games :
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Katniss’ flashback to falling out of a tree and being unable to breathe is such a good analogy, I steal it all the time in my own fics.
I wish the boy who held her up so she didn’t fall was given a name? Katniss just can’t provide names very easily, can she? 😅
“The odds had been entirely in her favor. But it hadn’t mattered” is actually an amazing quotable moment, someone make an edit pronto 👏
No one’s happy when a twelve year old is chosen but ya know. As soon as that kid turns thirteen, off with them! Fair game! 😭😂😅🙃
Hmmm how many of these kids knew immediately Katniss would volunteer for her sister? The way there was a boy ready to catch her before she fell and the way they all just cleared a path for her...
Katniss’ love for Prim had to be prominent because the other kids all seemed to be aware she would volunteer and Katniss claims this is a completely radical, unheard of thing to do. Sooo yeah. Her school peers probably noticed her a lot more than she realized.
Ooo. I just noticed the word choice in “district twelve hasn’t had a volunteer in decades”
Was there a point in time when Twelve had volunteers?
Awww the mayor being sad that Katniss is probably gonna die because he knows her as Madge’s friend 😭😩🤧.
Awww Katniss got presented a medal when her father died, I forgot 🥺🥺🥺
“Bet my buttons” is the worst phrase in history 🤨😐🤭
I like that Katniss’ dead father still has a reputation around these parts 🤧
Helps my fic writing brain to clock it for future reference
Maybe I’m just not nice but I don’t see how Prim is so wonderful that no one can help but love her. Like idk. I feel like this is just Katniss’ bias leaking through. Which is fine it’s better than some clinically detached narrator I hate those FYI
Omg everyone is saluting Katniss and she’s realizing people adore her 🥰🥰
Also ... does this mean Peeta did the three finger salute to her just before being called himself? Idk random thoughts, ignore me.
Katniss is in danger of crying. If this was me, I’d just be sobbing on the ground already.
Haymitch , the og rebel. Looking right into the cameras and calling the Capitol out.
Also ironic how the first thing Haymitch says to / about Katniss is “I like her!” when he spends the rest of the series pretending he, in fact, does not.
“Oh no, not him” is such a love interest introduction, y’all. Gale never stood a chance.
I like how Katniss considers it bad luck for her that Peeta was called 😅. Like... already taking ownership of the boy, sweetheart?
I feel like this is a good time to remind people that medium height is like 5’10. Stop headcanoning Peeta short. Poor Joshy though.
I like how she has never spoken to Peeta but describes the way his hair falls in waves over his forehead 😭🤧
Seems like Katniss thinks Peeta took being called relatively well.
“He has two older brothers, I know, I’ve seen them in the bakery” why is she already trying to defend herself to the audience like “I wasn’t really paying any attention to Peeta Mellark I just happened to notice he had brothers because I saw them once okay?”
Omg Katniss just outright asserting that Peeta’s middle brother definitively won’t volunteer for him. Girl, you just said you don’t know him or his family 😅😅😅.
“Why him?” Still has such a destined, soulmates feel to it. I know they weren’t destined and that’s what a lot of people admire about their relationship but the writing here has always had such a “this guy right here is her soulmate” slant to it, I’m sorry.
“He’s probably forgotten our only interaction. But I haven’t. And I know I never will.” Still continuing with the soulmate-y narration here, Suz Suz, I see.
Oh my god I don’t even remember this line but it’s so sad 🥺🥺🥺🥺🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧😩😩😩😩😩
“The numbness of his loss had passed, and the pain would hit me out of nowhere, doubling me over, racking my body with sobs. ‘Where are you?’ I would cry out in my mind. ‘Where have you gone?’”
I’m so sad now. 😭😭😭
I like that Katniss said “no amount of pleading from Prim” would affect her mother’s depression, as if Katniss easily believes that her own pleas don’t matter but her sister’s are what’s impossible to ignore.
She really needs to stop putting Primmy on this pedestal though it’s not as cute the second or third read around.
“I suppose now that my mother was locked in some dark world of sadness, but at the time, all I knew was that I had lost not only a father, but a mother as well.” I feel like this is just criminally undiscussed. Katniss didn’t know or understand or grasp what depression even was. Like it’s hard enough for kids to forgive parents who abandon them to mental illness when they’re aware what mental illness is. Let alone if you’re just stuck for months / years, not knowing that your mother was sick, instead thinking she just stopped caring for you.
Omg Katniss saying she couldn’t let Prim go to a community home 🤧. Selfless of her. But also sister worry about yourself.
I’m just kidding, I know it’s her character to only be concerned with her little sister above all else.
Mr. Everdeen hating how coal dust settled on everything in the Seam is such a small but interesting detail.
Omg so the meadow is a common place to find corpses of those who starved to death? We maybe should stop romanticizing it.
I like that Mr. Everdeen took Katniss places with him but was like “Hmm, imma leave Prim home, she isn’t cut out for the hunting life”
Idk Katniss being too afraid and shy to go to the Hob without her dad is such a little kid thing though.
Katniss explaining that she was essentially in the merchants backyard
She was essentially dying in Peeta’s backyard 🤧
Wow, I forgot how blatantly violent Peeta’s mother was
Maybe it’s just Katniss’ perspective but every interaction is just her screaming
Aww, his mother called him a stupid creature, why don’t I remember this.
This is so sad omg.
Poor both of them.
One’s starving to death, the other’s utterly abused mentally, verbally and physically.
What’s a weal?
I always read that word as a welt.
Ok I googled it, it’s a big red swollen mark.
So same thing.
Omg now Katniss is saying Mrs. Mellark hit him with an object weapon. This just keeps getting more and more.... sad.
Honestly I haven’t read the books cover to cover since I was a teenager, some of this is a surprise to me.
I always wondered though how that bread was any good, it literally fell onto the wet ground. 😟🤢
Aww, Katniss saying Peeta would get a full beat down if discovered that he burned the breads to feed her 🥵🥵🥵
Okay but if his mother hit him with an object and his eye swoll up and blackened the next day, that could be another reason why he tossed the bread in her general direction and didn’t look at her. I know it was so he wouldn’t be caught by his mother but also he probably couldn’t even see clearly where she was.
The dandelion symbolism 🤧😅😭🥳
Her sarcasm 🤣🤣🤣
Katniss just keeps comparing Peeta to the loaves of bread 😅😅😅
Also she keeps calling him warm and solid and steady
I’m starting to think unconsciously she was already finding herself attracted to him even here.
Him squeezing her hand reassuringly and her chalking it up to a nervous spasm 🙃
I hope when they got married they got a nice screencap of this shot of them on TV facing the crowd, shaking hands.
Make a nice anniversary photo.
Okay, that’s all for my thoughts on chapter two! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
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lconor · 3 years
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&&. is that ( grace elizabeth )?? no, it’s just ( leonor de bragança ). she is the ( princess ) of ( portugal ). she is ( 24 ) years old and her birthday is the ( 27th ) of ( august ) which makes her a ( virgo ).  she is ( compassionate & kind ) and ( youthful & fickle ) but, unfortunately, also ( unstable & naive ). those traits just make her a ( hufflepuff ) and in scientific terms an ( enfp ). she is ( bisexual ) and the plaza’s ( hapless ).  her theme song is ( love ) by ( lana del rey ). her interests include ( viola & archery ). she practices ( roman catholicism ) and is a supporter of ( social democratic party ). her favourite quote is ( “ simply let go of the illusion that it could have been any different ” ) by ( jeff foster ) because ( it keeps her somewhat rooted ). last but not least she ( does ) believe in true love.
leonor’s prince xavier’s daughter and has two older brothers so she’s never going to get near the throne --- so she has never thought much about it. sure she’s a royal and shows up at events and waves prettily. her talent is holding a smile for an excessive amount of time without her facial muscles cramping. but politics seems a bit too complex to her and she hates history. her life is relatively private compared to her cousins, and that she can appreciate.
leonor has always been just a little bit ditzy when it comes to socializing. she is rather shameless, won’t be embarrassed when asking a dumb question. she will tell you if she has no idea who you are or what you were talking about --- in a nice way because she actually needs someone to give her the info !!! she is notoriously bad at remembering names.
to be fair, despite being a stem major, she can be dumb. her knowledge on societal issues is close to zero, the only reason she knows anything about politics is because her college buddies forced her to understand the system. but like... she doesn’t think ignorance is something to be ashamed of, it just means you need to learn more. istg she’s the person who asks, like 2 weeks before final exams: “so, like, can we go through protein synthesis once more? idk if i really get it.” shameless.
the only reason why she can be so carefree about it is because she has a stupid amount of confidence --- her dad’s influence without a doubt. she was bossy growing up, she liked to be in charge. her younger siblings hated her for it and her older brothers thought it was funny and encouraged it ( as long as she didn’t try her attitude on them ). yes, childhood was fun. life was pleasant and idyllic.
first years at school were exciting and leonor learnt a thing or two about cooperating. life would have kept treating leonor kindly had it not been for the death of her mother. teresa aveiro passed away when leonor was ten. it changed everything for the young girl. she lost a bit of her spark for a while, missing her mum took a piece of her and it took her a long while to mend the cracks that surrounded the hole.
she became a lot more fragile. it was the first time she really learnt what sorrow and pain was like, and she lost the ability to properly control her emotions. one could say the wrong thing and she’d feel blue for the rest of the day. it made teenage years a living hell for her. she still struggles with keeping herself in check. on the worst days, she is oversensitive to the point where people find her tiresome.
being sensitive wouldn’t have been a problem if it hadn’t been paired up with all sorts of dramatic reactions. she can go full on romeo & juliet. she’s the kinda person who will cry and ask what’s the point of living if she gets a bad dye job. sometimes it’s harmless, sometimes not so much.
but anyway. she’s a bio major. she has her master’s degree in biotech. she did her bachleour’s in st petersburg and her master’s in genoa. she just wanted to be abroad, ok, and after three years she had gotten enough of dark, gloomy and cold russia.
in genoa she met vince. it was like a dream. he just got her. he always picked his words so carefully and never upset leonor. he listened to her and he made her laugh. some months into the relationship, he was basically a leonor whisperer and could get her to calm down better than anyone else.
it was nice to have someone like that around.
oh boy, oh boy-o-boy. now there are breakdowns and there are breakdowns. when vince’s ulterior motives were revealed leonor just stopped existing for a moment. life was shit, people were terrible, and she had wasted her “best years”. it took her about six months to start functioning normally. she started joking around, got back to pulling pranks on her siblings, went out for drinks with college friends.
and now she’s here !
home apartment
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
What makes you like May so much? I notice that despite her relatively little screen time and character development, she’s in a LOT of your top 3 ships. Not hate or anything, just always curious when people latch on to minor characters
Alrighty, let’s unpack May Marigold. Like you said, she doesn’t have a lot of screen time or character development, but even if a character isn’t featured much, there are still ways you can like them right away. Funnily enough, some of the reasons I like May are the same reasons I liked Qrow from his first season even though he didn’t get a lot of focus and we knew very little about him.
1. Mannerisms, body language, and attitude
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I like expressive characters, I like characters who are dry or feisty or both, I like characters who can be in tense situations and look totally bored, I like joking characters and mock politeness and winks and attitude. May has a dry wit and an air of devil-may-care behavior around her that I find really appealing in a character. But she also has a society upbringing and it leaks into her actions here and there and that adds interest. She feels really distinctive. Also since the mains have started all seeming a bit... interchangeable, May is a nice change of pace in that way. Everyone in the above image is making pretty much the same face, but May, who looks like she couldn't be more bored.
2. She's someone I want to root for
When Team RWBY wanted to pretend they were in a situation where they could save everyone and everyone could win, May recognized what they were too stubborn and illogical to. May was the voice of experience and reason in that situation that point blank told them ‘there’s no saving everyone, you have to choose.’ And I mean, I was on Ironwood’s side in volume seven before he shot Oscar, but May not only has a point in what she says and in her goals, but has follow through (something Ruby didn’t have.) She wants to launch Amity Tower and so accompanies Team RWBN while feeling assured that Ruby’s friends are making up for her loss in protecting Mantle, she resolves to help Mantle after the Tower is launched with the statement that Atlas has soldiers defending it while Mantle does not and therefore she’s of better use there, and then she does what she says she was going to and goes to protect the people of Mantle even though she did it alone because Team RWB couldn’t choose anything. While Team RWB was hiding out in a mansion drinking tea, May was actually determined to do something. May is a flawed character, she calls Penny ‘robo-girl’ and gets called out for it, she’s aggressive with Marrow, she’s partially responsible for the delay of Amity being launched, and she seems to follow Robyn with too much devotion imo (considering my dislike of Robyn lol, I think this is fair.) But she’s also determined to help those in need and is willing to follow through, and uses actual logic to see the situation for what it is and understands her own limitations. Between annoying protagonists with impossible idealistic standards that act like they never have to change who feel very insincere, former heroes who have gone crazy and who might be actually fighting and trying to do good but are also down to murder anyone and therefore can’t be supported, and villains who are getting ‘redeemed’ in the sloppiest and least convincing ways possible... May stood out as someone who is trying to be both smart and caring, brave and compassionate, but realistic. Ironwood was no longer allowed to be seen in a good light and so was turned into a puppy kicking maniacal ball of crazy willing to torture and bomb just to get his way, and Ruby was not allowed to be seen as wrong or failing and so the whole narrative was about how good and right she was even if she didn’t accomplish her goal or earn a victory because hey, at least she made a rousing speech and yelled at anyone who wanted to do something she deemed not enough. May was allowed to be a moral character who just disagreed with Ruby, she was allowed to make mistakes without it either being treated as monstrous or quickly covered with pretty words about how everyone knows she’s still great. May was allowed to be a character without the authors constantly reminding us of what they want us to think of her. Maybe if she’d been in one of the earlier seasons, she wouldn’t have been as compelling to me (because that wasn’t a rarity lol,) but compare her to Ruby now and she’s amazing. Also she told Ruby she was wrong, and she may have softened it later, but still, it was one of the better parts of the whole volume. Ruby needs more people who are willing to give her hard truths, instead of people who are going to agree with and support her no matter what.
3. Potential
When it comes to characters, the first thing I really look at is if they’d be good in fan fictions, how I’d use them, how I could see them interacting in this or that scenario, and what dynamics I think they’d have. A lot of this has very little to do with actual canon, like wondering how she’d fit into a fake organization full of OCs I’d written into a couple of fan fics or wondering what her dynamic would be with the redeemed Roman Torchwick and Emerald and Mercury that I’ve often centered my stories around. But some of it is stuff like ‘How would May see Winter? What sort of tension might May have with her in Vacuo?’ ‘How would May get along with Sun and Neptune in Vacuo?’ ‘When the others get back from the void, what will May be doing?’ Much like I took to the cocky but clearly more under the surface winking argumentative Qrow in his very first season, I like what little I’ve seen of her and hope I get more of what makes her an appealing character to me later. And much like I got attached to Neo after even her very minor appearances in the first three seasons and started including her as the babied little sister figure of Roman somehow three times more cut throat than him that takes his word as gospel, I like May for what I can see her turning into in my fics even if she’s never given a lot of focus or room to grow or (God forbid) gets her character thrown to the wolves.
Also, as for shipping her with people, I feel like since she hasn’t yet taken a lot of screen time and we are wondering at how she’ll interact with people once things aren’t so tense, it’s easy to imagine her with a lot of people just because I haven’t been put off by any interactions and relationships that were badly handled or that just don’t vibe. I think I’ve listed her in the top three ships with Ilia, Sun, and Blake, and omg I just realized how funny it is that I listed May as a possible romance for all three of them. XD These ships are pretty casual, as I was looking for numbers and I’ve shipped Sun and Blake for so long, it’s hard to picture them with anyone else and there are pretty big road blocks in shipping them with many of the other mains, and I hadn’t really considered many ships for Ilia before writing the post. May just happened to be a ship I saw that I thought ‘that could be pretty cute, actually.’ However, thinking about her and Sun...
Idk, I just think it’d be neat. If BlackSun can’t be canon, this just might be my second choice. Sun is a bright, caring, loyal optimist who isn’t afraid to get serious and emotionally vulnerable and is also down for some low grade crime here and there. He values independence, he’s not pushy, but he’s also not afraid to challenge and call people out. May is cynical and a bit jaded, puts her trust in people maybe a little too much, but is also feisty and sharp witted and has a quick tongue, and she’s compassionate and willing to get her hands dirty and put what she thinks needs to be done over what others want and she’s realistic and gutsy. Also he’s got blonde hair and blue eyes and she’s got blue hair and honey colored eyes, so... Yeah. I don’t know, because it’s so hard trying to ship anything other than BlackSun for him, but there might be something the writers could work with there.
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