#so I can't really be sure if Autobots are ���good” and chill
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keferon · 5 months ago
Imagine you're in the world of Transformers. Imagine you woke up randomly in the med bay and you're a giant robot.
You don't know which version of Transformers this is, the movies or the TV series or the comics? You don't know.
But you need to pick a faction and join it right now.
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janelovespineapple · 1 year ago
Could you do Bayverse cross hairs, bumblebee, hound and hotrod and what it would be like to be in a relationship with them??
what would it be like being in a relationship with (bayverse) crosshairs, bumblebee, hound and hotrod
can u tell who's my favorite?
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-I think he would bully the shit out of you
-hes flirtatious but he teases you alot
-he prefers to be kissed in public rather than kiss someone in public if that makes sense lmao
-hes not that sweet in public tho he's not that affectionate
-in private he's a sweetheart
-he still teases you but he's alot more sweet abt it
-he definitely won't call u nicknames like "buba" thats definitely a no
-call him that and he might actually die (not in a good way)
-he prefers to call you "babe" or "hotstuff" or just your name
-everyone knows your dating because of his flirting and teasing
-it's really obvious
-if your a human everytime you need a ride he expects you to come to him
-he enjoys showing off
-he loves you alot but I think he will have trouble saying that
-gets jealous easily
-he would get so pissed off at the other person
-it might take him a while to open up
-but you'll get there eventually
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-definitely playing alot of romantic songs
-like crosshairs he's a flirt but he's more sweet about it
-you can always see him lingering around you
-whenever u say his name he's coming for u straight away
-people know ur dating because he talks about it all the time
-at this point even cons know u guys are together
-hes very protective
-and I think he gets jealous really easily so if he does he would make it so obvious
-I think he's very open to pda
-he likes touching you in any way so if you enjoy pda he's literally in heaven cause ?!?
-if you don't enjoy pda he'll back off because he respects you
-if ur an autobot he loves to race with you.
-if ur a human he loves picking u up and holding you close
-he would be the sweetest boyfriend ever
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-unlike crosshairs and bee he's pretty netural
-people won't rlly know ur dating unless they are close with you guys
-there is a flirty remark there and there but it's pretty chill
-people honestly think ur mates
-he doesn't mind pda and is pretty chill with pretty much everything
-in private is your guys time
-he likes it whenever u sit on his shoulder because he knows your there and he would be able to save u if something were to happen
-likes getting kissed on the cheek
-during fights with the cons he's definitely making sure ur somewhere else if you're a human
-if ur an autobot he's staying close to make sure you'll be safe even if ur stronger than him he's keeping a close eye on u
-does not get jealous bc he knows u love him bc ur dating him
-if he does which is rare u wouldn't even tell because he will try hide it but he would make a snarky remark
-he's just the chillest boyfriend ever
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-like bee and crosshairs he's flirtatious expect he's very awkward about it
-most of time when he flirts you can't understand him because of his heavy accent
-you ask him to repeat it and he dies then and there
-he's very playful and sweet
-like he honestly tries his best to make u smile
-one of the only few people he trusts to be inside his alt mode
-kisses ur hand
-the type to go on one knee for u
-he's very romantic it's actually sweet
-tries to impress you but probably fucks up
-yk he's giving u French nicknames
-in battle he definitely lingers so if u get in trouble he can use his time gun and save u
-I don't think he'll get jealous easily bc he's chill but if he does he's very dramatic abt it
-the most romantic boyfriend ever
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friedfriedchicken · 2 years ago
My interpretation of this episode through my Breakbee lenses:
Bumblebee is so excited to race because who does he get to see? Breakdown! He wants to see his Bestie™ and show him that he's gotten better at racing in the years they've been separated. I would not be surprised if this was a form of flirting between Transformers- an old crossover comic (I forgor which one) had Arcee & Bee as a couple and I remember some panels where they're racing each other in a very romantic-coded scene. I'm honestly really vibing with the idea of Bumblebee's love language being quality time through sports like races or friendly combat (He and Alex Malto chilled out after they did the Wakwak hunt plus they practiced Kali with Robby)
Dottie scolds Bee for racing and mans is smiling and chill about it until he remembers Breakdown. He immediately gets serious and harps on about how much Breakdown means to him without directly saying who he's talking about. This is most likely a way to keep Breakdown a surprise for the audience but also consider this from the perspective of a someone with a crush or something in a similar vein- saying his name infront of someone who might be familiar with him could open up the door for lighthearted bullying. "Oooo Bumblebee has a frieeenddddddd, they're going on a daaaate" - One of the Terrans, probably Hashtag or Thrash, if they heard and felt the need to be silly and childish lol
Bumblebee literally forgot he endangered an entire family because his head is filled with thoughts of Breakdown.
Not a Breakbee thought but why is Breakdown practicing punching when he's literally gonna be speeding around as a car? The first scene they show him in he's just there. Like no one will hear him. Okay pop off sir have fun
"You ever beat 3:36?" - Breakdown, smiling, having Bumblebee's exact racing time memorized. Brain is activated.
Brief scene where the two are just staring at each other smiling.
BD was hoping Bee would be there which makes me question whether Bumblebee entered races around the world with Breakdown or Bumblebee entered races around the world to find Breakdown. They talk like it's been a while since they last met but that doesn't answer if they last met on Cybertron during the war or last year in Bohol for fun but it's probably the first option since Agent Schloder doesn't mention reoccurring blue & white cars in his earlier scene, just yellow cars.
Breakdown makes a comment about Optimus that offends Bumblebee and Bee slaps his hand away. Breakdown literally doesn't stop smiling at Bee.
"It wasn't meant to be." Breakdown, being a drama queen about how he and Bee were split by the war, circa 2023. Dude it's post-war hours and you're being silly with Bumblebee on a foreign planet WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT WASN'T MEANT TO BE??? BUMBLEBEE IS STANDING RIGHT THERE
The two briefly argue about the war and how they were on different sides but they switch topics. Now Bumblebee starts warning Breakdown about staying safe in the modern times, including the line, "Breakdown, you reckless fool!" Bee cares :)
Breakdown reacts to the mention of GHOST, meaning he's familiar with them. Did he also know Bee 'went rogue' (whatever that means, I think he just stopped going to work and changed his look without legal permission tbh) and despite being a runaway, Bee was still looking for him? Breakdown, Bee gave his everything for you 😭
"You're gonna get us both caught and I can't bail you out this time." THIS TIME??? DID BUMBLEBEE HAVE TO SAVE BREAKDOWN BEFORE?? WAS THAT WHY HE WENT ROGUE TO BEGIN WITH? Also the face Breakdown makes as Bee grabs him is silly. Random wall-pin moment like Breakdown isn't taller than Bee and could probably just leave-
"I got a family to look out for now-" Bee you just endangered them all because of Breakdown thoughts
"I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason you deserted the Autobots and went rogue." Yea, Agent Schloder, it's Breakdown. Bee literally got a sports car alt-mode for running away to find Breakdown abrjsjfnsnckskgiuhh
When Bee gets caught briefly by GHOST and Breakdown shoots him free BD doesn't have anyone following him. Breakdown could've easily run away if he wanted but nope! He went back for Bumblebee!
When GHOST begins surrounding the Transformers, Bumblebee crouches, leans towards Breakdown, and spreads his arms out LIKE HE'S GONNA PROTECT HIM- I'M SCREAMING AT YOU ABOUT THIS- BREAKDOWN DOESN'T EVEN FLINCH BUT BEE GOES TO DEFEND HIM- GO SMALL MAN GO
Breakdown asks Bee (probably jokingly) if he could shoot some GHOST agents. Bee is definitely a human-ally sort of Transformer and yells at BD initially but then chills out immediately then tells Breakdown to 'try not to hurt anyone'. Instead of fighting or protesting against Breakdown (we saw Bee tackle Swindle, no questions asked), Bumblebee just tells him to be careful 🥺 Bumblebee what
The two bots then get Dottie's help to clear up the agents and flee backwards to loop around the track to the exit- banter and whooping including
Back to an earlier point- Bee has absolutely no issue with Breakdown overturning GHOST vans. Bumblebee's reputation with humanity is second, priority is Breakdown- help my soul is gone for these two robots
When Agent Croft shoots Breakdown and he starts rolling, Bumblebee quickly transforms into robot mode with his arms out, ready to help BD. Breakdown sits up and grabs Bee's chest (idk if it's for stabilization, to pull him closer, both, or neither) and the vibe of the scene then shifts from adrenaline action to dark and dramatic. We get a close up on Breakdown's face too with him nodding and frowning, understanding the situation as he tells Bee that they're gonna have 'one last race'. Man made up his mind so fast- I'm screaming crying sobbing. Even Breakdown's usually energetic voice gets serious even though he's smiling at Bumblebee. Obviously this makes Bee panic QwQ
Breakdown gently touching Bumblebee's chest before he shoved him away to block GHOST off is so 😭 SPECIFICALLY Breakdown touches Bee's Autobot insignia- the thing that separated them in the war
As Breakdown drives off, Bumblebee screams his name twice, the first in confusion and the second with emotion. Bee's voice cracks seeing BD do this and he chases after Breakdown but can't catch up, even after Breakdown's front wheels are shot and he starts grinding his metal against the road- Bee even drives faster but doesn't make it to Breakdown 🥲👍
Epic slow motion scene where it starts raining hard. Lightning and thunder are used for dramatic reasons to light up Breakdown who calls for Bee with an arm out. Bumblebee drives over and BD tosses Bee over a wall to get him out of the racetrack area. Literally the audio stops besides for deep humming and Bumblebee is shown transforming midair, reaching out for Breakdown with a look of sad shock on his face. I'm shivering and crying.
"Ha, slowpoke." If you saw this scene I literally don't need to explain because oml...
Bumblebee says "Breakdown, you reckless fool." but with very clear depression in his voice. He cares :,(
After that they show Breakdown's unconscious (I hope QwQ) body in a GHOST van because he got captured and is going to robot jail which people have said NO ONE EVER LEAVES
The episode ends with Bumblebee leaving the Malto family after endangering them and no longer being safe to be around. I'm- dude lost pretty much everything in the span of one day
Okay I'm normal now :) no I'm not
Edit: Fixed some grammar because I keep coming back to this
I've watched Security Protocols 3½ times and it gets more insane to me each time. Like I've realized Bumblebee says "Breakdown, you fool" twice, once when he warns him not to race anymore and once after Breakdown is caught. Breakdown very specifically smiles a lot, even if there's seemingly no reason to, especially when Bee is around! Both bots also reference their origins and it runs around my brain like a little hampster! They considered being on the same side but Breakdown had to be with the rest of the Stunticons so they didn't! They were on opposite sides of the war yet entirely remained friends! Bumblebee fought Swindle, another Stunticon, in an earlier episode and I need to watch it again because my brain needs to connect the Stunticons together and theorize. Also, after throwing Bee to safety, Breakdown just collapses. Dude took gunfire to the face and popped his tires- man took bullets for Bee, was greatly injured by it, and still saved him. I'm in shock and screaming and crying and I wanna know more so bad
TL;DR: I needed to scream into the void because I like Breakdown and his relationship with Bumblebee so much. Episode 14 as a whole scratches my brain so much like yes please I hate when drama happens please give me more it tastes great especially with how pretty a whole ton of scenes are in this episode specifically!
Edit: Swindle is a Combaticon, not a Stunticon. Sorry- I wrote this at midnight while deep in the brainrot 😭😭😭
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bitegore · 3 years ago
Red Dragon's 08-08 Fic Wrapup
So if you follow my ao3 you may have noticed that I posted something to the tune of 20+ fics today. and also if you were paying attention you may have noticed that I was also asking for prompts today and all the fics are short as hell. yes i did write these all today and then posted them as i went.
Since there are so many, i'm just gonna post them all in one big megapost. Mind the warnings on the ones with warnings, please.
1. watch your step - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40885263 Wheeljack fucks up his knee trying to get the job done, but he's not going to let that stop him. Warnings: Non-graphic injury
2. impotent threats - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40886244 you've got a murderous helicopter tied up in your bed. This can only end badly, but before that… well, before that, you might as well enjoy yourself. Second-person reader-on-Vortex "in media res" violent rape that's established to have been going on for a while and he's really mad about it. Warnings: Rape/Noncon, Non-Graphic Injury, Non-Consensual Bondage
3. way above me, find you there - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40886871 Onslaught thinks about Blast Off and whether or not they count as "friends".
4. same old story - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40887144 Literally just Megatron and Optimus fighting, g1 grapple-on-the-ground style. Warnings: violence.
5. I swear this time I'm getting back to good - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40887330 Impactor decides to work with Carnivac. Double drabble, set around the end of Sins of the Wreckers.
6. Negotiate This - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40887678 Megatron wants the Autobots to surrender. After all, he has their Prime. Prowl knows better than to accept these ridiculous terms, though. No matter what Megatron does to his leader, he knows better than to think Optimus would ever be okay with them. Warnings: NSFW, Rape/Noncon, Non-Graphic Violence, what may be the world's cruelest fade to black honestly
7. The Joy of Consumption - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40887918 Tarantulas eats someone, like he wanted to do to Cheetor. Warnings: NSFW, Graphic Injury, Cannibalism/Hard Vore, debatable noncon/rape depending on how sexual you want to read it
8. Stop Moving - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40888308 No one wants to do Vortex's tune-ups, but someone has to. Today that someone is Hook. Warnings: NSFW, One-sided Attraction, Vortex being a sex pest in Hook's general direction
9. I told you to hold still - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40888824 TFW this fucker keeps coming into the medical wing because he's injured and will not stop trying to get you to jerk him off about it Warnings: NSFW, Self-Inflicted Injury, One-sided Attraction, Vortex being a sex pest in Hook's general direction
10. Old Traditions and New Experiences - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40890102 it's take your not-quite-rehabilitated knife catboy to temple day in New Crystal City and Wing is going to make sure Drift participates. Projection train goes brr, I'm Jewish and I'm making the New Crystal City's religious practices feel like going to shul and you can't stop me.
11. Great. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40891410 Bumblebee gets shot with an experimental weapon. Time to figure out what it's done to him. G1-style silliness.
12. just another lab accident - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40892865 Wheeljack's blown half his torso off. How come he and Ratchet are so chill about all this? Or: Ratchet and Wheeljack have an arrangement, much to the bafflement of some of the other Autobots. Warnings: NSFW, Graphic Injury
13. quick tour - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40894308 Skullsmasher and Hun-Grr get along from the get-go. Warnings: Non-Graphic Violence
14. deterrent - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40894548 Some idiot's laid hands on First Aid and Buzzsaw and Vortex are here to show the entirety of the galaxy why that is a very bad, very fatal idea. This one is set in @cleverthylacine's Voice of Stanix AU which I enjoy a lot! You can find it here. Deterrent has been officially canonized to VOS which I'm very excited about haha. Warnings: Major Character Death, Non-Graphic Injury, implication doing heavy lifting
15. go on, Doctor, smile. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40894959 Pharma needs Tarn to let him put a sabotaged part in his chest. How better than to play like he'd been beaten? And how better to pretend (ugh) that his pride had been beaten out of him (ugh, Primus) than to let the fucking asshole fuck him? One of probably several attempts to kill Tarn before Pharma went fully scorched-earth and tried out killing all his patients in order to maybe get Tarn with a virus. Warnings: NSFW, Noncon/Rape, Graphic Depictions of Violence, general emotional Bad
16. "I'm gonna die if- " - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40895442 Vortex is one good hard rub away from an orgasm and he needs it so bad, First Aid, please stop worrying about the near-fatal wound in his chest, please please please. First Aid would really appreciate it if his fuckbuddy would have one iota more self-preservation and stopped begging him to jerk him off so First Aid could keep him from offlining on the spot and THEN jerk him off. Please. Warnings: NSFW, graphic injury
17. you've got to be kidding - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40895661 Seriously, can't Megatron ever just stay dead?
18. Favorite - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40896126 Shattered Glass - Impactor and Bulkhead are playing all sorts of games with each other. Well, mostly just Impactor. Bulkhead is just having fun with the game. Warnings: NSFW, Noncon/Rape, general SG!Autobot crunchiness
19. stop going off into trouble. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40896459 oneshot of Redshift and Astrotrain cuddling and talking after the events of Transmissions from Cybertron
20. Sharing Stuff (Sharing Snuff) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40896717 Vortex and Dead End share an interest. Vortex might as well help him get hooked up with some of the good shit. It's just so interesting to see from the outside. Warnings: NSFW
21. Sit and Stay - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40897065 Hook knows how to deal with Vortex now. Followup to "Stop Moving" and "I told you to hold still", contains less of Vortex being a sex pest. Warnings: soft NSFW, injuries
22. HURRY UP - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40897698 Vortex and Wheeljack both have an interest in some fairly extreme painplay. Except Vortex is essentially on parole, and he's worried that actually doing anything might reflect badly on him. Wheeljack just kind of really wants to get this show on the fucking road immediately because come on, just fuck him already please. Warnings: NSFW
sorry about accidentally posting this half formatted. here we go
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Four in a Row
[King and Blackberry are chilling on the couch, watching some gruesome shows. Bonecrusher's out like a light in the recliner chair, dreaming up something wonderful.]
D!BC: ...see? that's exactly what i was describing to you. rip a guy's jaws apart and he won't be doing much insultin', huh?
A!RJ!BC: Primus alive... why did I wake up and watch this with you?
D!BC: i felt like watching something entertaining.
A!RJ!BC: This is entertaining to you??
D!BC: ...well, i found the gore pretty engaging. the writing's terrible, though.
A!RJ!BC: Well, yeah, you can't follow up a question with five more questions from other people. Only a dipshit would do that.
D!BC: [sarcastic smile.] you're aware of the fourth wall, right?
A!RJ!BC: How else would we be here, talking to eachother?
D!BC: good point.
[A loud bang echoes throughout the base. Something's approached the bunker door, and it seems it's grumpy.]
D!BC: ...speaking of the fourth wall.
BC: [speaking of grumpy. bonecrusher's awake.] who's,,, breaking pots outside?
D!BC: not sure. going to check.
[King gets off of the couch, and approaches the bunker door lever. He lifts it up.]
A!BC: What did the five fingers say to the face?
D!BC: are you in for a penny or in for a pound?
A!BC: I'm in for a drink. Long day, you know how it is.
A!RJ!BC: Is Rocketjumper with you?
A!BC: Tch. I wish. If I had known you'd been here, I woulda woken her up. Can't wake a lion and not expect to lose some fingers, though.
A!RJ!BC: Thank Pr-
BC: okay. hold the fuck on. why are there four of me in my base now? is this some sore of fucking joke?
A!BC: No, but you became one.
[An air of silence fills the room.]
BC: i'm going to act as if i didn't just get insulted by the world's most boring transformer.
A!BC: I hope you're a theater kid. What flavors of energon've y'all got?
A!RJ!BC: A lot. We got orange pekoe, black coffee, toxic sludge, barbed wire, milf milk, raspberry, cranberry-flavored ketchup mix, regular, grape-
A!BC: 'Milf milk'?
D!BC: the only one you questioned there was 'milf milk'?
A!RJ!BC: I swear to Primus, if I get interrupted three times in one day, I'm killing all three of you. No cap. ... A!RJ!BC: Anyways, we also got battery acid, root beer float, milk, chocolate milk, and a bunch more. Continue.
A!BC: What does 'milf milk' taste like?
BC: it tastes like rocketjumper's breast milk. since you've never tasted that before, here's a translation: it's really fuckin' minty and sugary. tastes great.
D!BC: we're not giving any of the milf milk flavored energon to you as a joke.
A!BC: ...Yeah, I'll accept that.
A!RJ!BC: So why are you here?
A!BC: Hiding from the DJD. Those rat bastards are tryna hunt me down for tax evasion.
D!BC: tax evasion. you're fucking serious? not even arson?
A!BC: Not even arson, Tarn took my tax evasion personally. Close that fucking door.
[bonecrusher closes the door.]
A!BC: Thank you. I woulda said that I was here to kill you three for whatever reason, but I don't listen to non-euclidean voices ordering me around. Now, what... the fuck is on the television?
D!BC: me and blackberry -
A!RJ!BC: - That's my new nickname, by the way. -
D!BC: - were watching some gorey movies while bonecrusher took a nap. that is a human's insides.
A!BC: [Rubbing his face:] ...Why?
D!BC: i like learning about other species through very very gorey movies. i also like shitting on terrible writing.
A!BC: ...that. That makes zero sense, but alright. So, besides you three, are there any... uhm. Any... fuck! What's that one word??
BC: clone, copypaste or twin?
A!BC: Yeah, those work. Are there any other clones in here, or bots who share similar frames?
BC: we have three rocketjumpers.
A!BC: [mild brain bluescreen.] THREE. ROCKETJUMPERS.
A!RJ!BC: Yeah... two of them are Autobots, and one is a Decepticon. Guess which one is the most rotten.
A!BC: The brainwashed one.
D!BC: ding ding ding.
A!BC: How many of them are asleep?
BC: one of them's in a pain coma (not dead. yet.), another's in a sex coma, and cake's... well, i have no idea where cake went.
Cake, popping in from the hallway: I'm right here. Hi, fellas.
D!BC, BC: hi, cake.
Cake: I'll be laying down with Rockie if any of y'all need me. [She disappears back into the hallway.]
BC: ...well, there she was. whaddaya think?
A!BC: She seems rather chipper... tall, and cubic. Why is her armor angled like that?
BC: i don't know. i find it pretty attractive, though.
D!BC: [nod.] so, blue eyes beige dragon, would you like an endearing nickname?
A!BC: ...Hmm... yeah. What about...,,,,,,,, [His mind trails off.] ... ...
A!BC: Would 'Country Roads' work?
D!BC: absolutely.
A!RJ!BC: Fuck yeah, dude. [grabbin' an energon cube out of the cupboard]
BC: 'country roads' is a powerful nickname lmao. badass.
A!BC: Alright, nice. Are there any other copypaste frames in here, by chance?
BC: ...the closest to 'copypaste frames' we probably have are the german tank brothers and the dump truck brothers. otherwise, i don't think so.
A!BC: Intriguing. Where... would be the most comfortable place to sleep?
D!BC: the couch is pretty comfy. though, there's also rocketjumper, she's also very comfy.
A!RJ!BC: ALL of the beds are comfy as hell as well.
BC: the snow also happens to be... mildly comfy. if you're okay with sleeping in the brutal cold.
A!BC: I think I'll take my place on the couch.
D!BC: excellent choice.
[Blackberry's spontaneously disappeared into Bonecrusher's room. Bonecrusher's followed him, naturally.]
A!BC: ...Are... Are these fellows trustworthy?
D!BC: [taking a seat in the recliner chair:] guaranteed. they wouldn't hurt a single fiber of your being, unless you get grumpy.
A!BC: That's nice. Hopefully Tarn doesn't find us.
D!BC: we'll be fine.
0 notes
flyinguraniumrod · 28 days ago
Oh I will yap about him. I will. I think about him (and Astrotrain, and kinda Octane too) a lot every single day 😭 Honestly, one of the videos which made me really get into transformers was one where they put TFA Blitzwing's voice over clip of the bumblebee movie one. So, Bumper Robinson's voice alone led me to watching Transformers Animated and oh I am so obsessed- LOL. This show is too good, I just can't like TFP more than it. Also, I just can't not like movie version of Blitzwing, even though he isn't a triple-changer- I like probably almost all versions of him anyvayz
Yeesss, nevertheless, he didn't do little during those stellae cycles.
Lol I think it needs to be mentioned that Screamer could be a lil crazy too?
I don't think Blitzwing would be so loyal-in-a-genuine-way to Megatron [as it was already mentioned... he is scared of him, maybe Megs did something (edit: wanted to add smth here but nvm) and he kinda wants to get away, cares about the cause itself more], however, he still did a lot regarding him. Hol' up... how many 'cons even reacted, for instance - but maybe less, like Lugnut to Meg's death? I don't recall 'cons individual reactions appearing in the comics...
(I miss you readallcomics 😭... readcomiconline is so stupidly braindead with those pop-up ads I ain't gonna search rn- brah, the former literally had zero ads...)
Continuing- Ya, decepticons couldn't be held together in a decent way without Megs, but BW made the situation quite not bad.
I am not sure what else to say/add here rn since my brain is like this rn:
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I have seen some people mention this, even write fanfics, however, what was with Shockwave during Megatron's absence? Was he supposed to report from time to time during his entire mission and did he continue doing that during those decacycles? Were those Megs-exclusive calls? Or could anyone in the high-command be the one who takes the reports? (Ngl, Shock and Megs having chill-talk calls is a truly splendid headcanon btw)
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☕☕☕ am so all ears rn-
I absolutely love the worldbuilding in TFA so much, the Autobot-Cybertronian population having a phobia of organics, the stuff about functionalist society, propaganda, ejrjfkrjebehfkgkkt I love reading what people have to say about such elements of this universe- (and not going to forget the 'cons lore! since this is also the cartoon which made me prefer them to the autobots in the franchise)
Btwww, have you seen the comic @/mfdragon has posted about BW and Sumdac very recently? I ssoo see these two as having quite positive relations. I wonder where I've seen the post that was basically talking about ,,how did Sumdac get food while in Meg's base" lol cuz BW was mentioned there too (I just had a weird thought- what would be bro's opinion on fast food aka the unhealthy stuff? Idk what's my brain on)
Lol and he could take on the entire Team Prime so easily! Had the show had better and sometimes a wee faster animation, and had the 'cons not been so nerfed, Hothead would have crushed them faster. Bro loves fighting, and his smile is so precious-
Lockdown may be OVERPOWERED(as in, really and quite impressively good at fighting), but him being able to defeat decepticon high-command would be kiinda- ya know
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F. R. FR.
Oo I love such discussions too :D I jus don't feel like Not-responding, da
To me the ,,which personality is your favourite?" is a wee odd question (btw imagine somebody who isn't into transformers reading that out of context, LOL). I interpret Blitzwing's condition as something else, smth that isn't literal DID. Transformers processors work differently to human brain imo, + it's s w i t c h i n g f a c e s. Each of the three are technically Blitzwing, in my view, but with their behaviour being a bit intensified. Won't expand on these headcanons too much right now... xd but Hothead needs allat good attention too fmksjerjtdkecjk
By the way, I don't delve into what headcanons people have quite adopted too much, so my thoughts aren't necessarily close to those, da
I had such a realization last night-
I yapped about Cyberverse Astrotrain's dimples under the eyes yes
Oh but there is also DJW's Human!Error TFA Blitzwing design having wee dark circles under the eyes (just like Starscream and kinda Lugnut)
Non-g1 (talking about cartoons/series, not comics) versions of these guys are just so tired 💀💀
Each time I rewatch tfa I just can't. stop. thinking. about how t i r e d Blitzwing is, LOL. Predominantly in ,,Lost and Found"... (also not going to forget the scene near the beginning of season 1 finale)
I mean just look at how many times he's just laying- and especially how annoyed Hothead is. He's had enough and it's like he's sick of everything. Sometimes it feels like bro does N O T want to be here during the above-mentioned episode... l o l [*]
I literally started headcanoning that he got captured by Lockdown just because he wanted a wee rest after all that stuff from season 2 finale and before it and basically got surprised, no fight 💀 (dumb-aah as some would say?) Imma elaborate on that another time maybe cuz it might not sound too clear
Not gonna do any (attempts at) analysing 'n stuff rn, da
(Btw, I am planning to do a yapping session about tfa 'cons)
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flamingfandomtrashcentral · 8 years ago
Hello! First of all, let me just say your writing is amazing!!! :) Second, can I request some fluff headcanons with bayverse ratchet, jazz and tfp Soundwave with a human s/o? Please and thank you!!! (if you can't that's fine!)
Bayverse Ratchet
- He’s a sassy old medic who’s been around for too long to put up with anyone’s shit. He couldn’t care less what other humans or bots think about you two being in a relationship and will tell them that. As long as both of you are happy in the relationship, that’s all that matters to him. Even if someone tries to talk one of you into ending the relationship he’ll either flat out ignore them or start yelling.
- Being the only medic for the Autobots means he has very little time to spend with you outside of work, so his definition of a date is talking to you while working on the other bots. It’s a little weird, but most bots won’t hit on you during these because they don’t want to upset the person operating on them. If he gets some time away from the base he’ll try to take you somewhere nice, but that’s greatly limited by what he can do too. You’ve gone to a drive-in a few times but he usually falls asleep and you get a lot of odd looks going to a drive-in with an emergency vehicle.
- Somewhat affectionate. He’s not all over you, but he’s not as withdrawn as someone like Optimus is either. He’ll let you chill on his shoulder but will get irritable if you move too much. Human exclusive forms of affection like kissing are lost on him and you’ll get badgered with a million questions on why or how it’s considered a romantic gesture. You hugging his hand is really cute though, even he can admit that. 
Bayverse Jazz
- Doesn’t get bothered by any hate he may receive from dating a human. He’s a laid back bot and knows what is and isn’t worth getting upset over. But you getting any hate for being in a relationship with him is definitely worth getting mad over. He can trash talk like a pro, and they’ll be leaving with their head hung low by the time he’s done with them. And if you ever want to return the favor, he will be deeply moved.
- With the exception of a few of the rogue Autobots, none of them really have a lot of free time, this includes Jazz. Being the second in command, he can pull some strings to get you in to the base most days. He uses this as a chance to show off his skills and position. Look at how awesome I am at fighting! Look how respected I am around here! Isn’t that cool, tell me how amazing I am! Outside the base he still adores the good chance to show off and may or may not get into taking you to street races. Shhh, don’t tell Optimus.
- Very affectionate! He’s almost always holding and carrying you around, if he’s around your feet will rarely touch the ground. He’s down for human shit, too! He’s more than willing to try kissing but his mouth is… strange so proceed with caution. He’ll try that stretch and put his arm over your shoulder thing but it doesn’t work out too well since his arm is three times the size of your entire body. It’s the thought that counts?
TFP Soundwave
- He’s so sneaky that virtually no one knows about you two. And even if they did he wouldn’t care. He’s a devoted boyfriend and there’s nothing anyone outside the relationship can say that would stop him from loving you. And if anyone tries to bother you about it should they found out somehow, he’ll hack into their social media accounts and technological devices and give them hell. That’s a nice new phone… Sure would be a shame…. If someone… Blew it up.
- Really any incarnation of Soundwave is an extremely busy mech, so dates are few and very far apart. At the very least he’ll send a good morning/night text. If he has a low risk surveillance mission he’ll stop by your place to take you with him. You’ll get a chance to see how he does his work, and hey you might even learn something about this line of work. Whether or not that’s a good thing is up to you.
- Affectionate in his own way. You’re allowed to hang out on his shoulder when it’s just the three (can’t forget about Laserbeak) of you, but he doesn’t do much beyond that. You, however, are allowed to smother him with affection to your heart’s content. Sometimes you’ll catch him leaning into your touch but he neither confirms nor denies that.
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