[bonecrusher is unconscious on the couch. he's had a rough day; one of the megatrons asked him to enter a warzone and an autobot bashed his sides in. been a while since someone properly beat him down. he's ranked up about 25 kills this time around. rocketjumper wrapped him up in a blanket a little bit after he went down for his nap/sleep.]
[…unfortunately an autobot is sneaking into the base. the autobot takes a seat on the couch next to bonecrusher, touching his foot a little bit.]
[a spike of pain shoots up bonecrusher's leg, waking him up.]
BC: ⁿʳᵍʰ… ᶠᵒᵒᵗᵐᵘⁿᶜʰᵉʳ, ᶦ ᵗᵒˡd you not to wake me up fr- oh- god. damnit.
A!BC: Apologies for popping in without permission.
BC: what do you want?
A!BC: Nothing in particular. Just need to get away from (A!)Rocketjumper. You know how she is.
BC: yeah, yeah… the one with the beige camo sports bra and the sadistic problems, i assume?
A!BC: The one with the sadism and the different top, yes. We had another argument. I'm not going to delve into it. What's your issue?
BC: someone got a good hit in on the battlefield. i need to get tougher.
A!BC: Everyone gets winded from a well placed shot to the side, Bonecrusher. The only way I see you getting more resistant to those is expecting the hit and tensing up before impact.
BC: sure. would you like to lay with me?
A!BC: I'm not into that.
BC: not what i intended. need someone to sleep with and everyone else is already asleep.
A!BC: Why not Footmuncher?
BC: he's masturbating in the fridge again.
A!BC, stunned: …? The fr… Ag… What??
BC: it's best to not question it. my best guess is that he likes the feeling of cold on his… y'know.
A!BC: I wish I didn't. Please never mention that again.
BC: tl;dl, he'd be too cold for it to be comfortable. rockie's already comfy and i don't want to hobble over to her and wake her up just to ask her about sleeping together.
A!BC: Hmm. You assume that she'd not like to be woken up, because she recently went down for bed, correct?
BC: no. she's just… sore.
A!BC: ..."Sore"... how?
BC: i'm not sure, she hasn't explained it to me. knowing her, she probably got reamed by someone.
A!BC: Hmm. What do you assume the chances are, that your Rocketjumper interfaced with my Rocketjumper?
BC: pretty high. they both hung out at one point, with one of them being locked in the cell at the end of the hall. hey, you never told me how you felt about that, i just remembered. any thoughts about that?
A!BC: I've felt a little bit of reprieve about it. I was free from her mocking and her rudeness, and her bullying. It left me more time to focus harder on my work. It was... peaceful, for a time. [A!Bonecrusher flips a claw.] A!BC: And yet, somewhere deep in my processor... there was rage. A member of the team was lost temporarily. I don't know why the rage was there. I shouldn't feel angry for knowing someone was kidnapped, but knowing it was her... [Low growl.]
BC: [inaudible chuckle.] you remind me of me, back when i was skating down the highway leading to mission city. i was filled with utter hatred for optimus prime -- still am. -- such that i wasn't thinking clearly. you, you're a more... docile form of that, i think.
A!BC: I suppose so. Any other topics you want to ping-pong around?
BC: ...nah.
[A couple seconds of silence.]
BC: ...well. how do you feel about cuddling for the night?
A!BC: Suppose I can.
[A!Bonecrusher wiggles around, throwing his legs over the armrest to his left and laying down next to Bonecrusher. He gets comfortable.]
A!BC: Don't get weird.
BC: at ease.
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randomposts-27 · 8 months
Bonecrusher: me hate you
Barricade: I know Bonecrusher
Bonecrusher: me hate everyone
Barricade: I know Bonecrusher
Bonecrusher: me think you good listener
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rbillustrations · 1 year
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New Transformers related work from me for a cover of TFUK Guide.
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le-sluagh · 2 years
If Transformers as Vines 8 !!!
Many Insecticons in here, I think they deserve more spotlight !
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transformersslutt · 2 years
Watching Transformers G1 Part 581
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Oh no they colored his optics wrong
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Oh no the perspective
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crying-fantasies · 7 months
Loved your Prowl/Constructicons/reader thing you wrote earlier!
I'm especially intrigued by the way you write from Devastator's perspective and about the gestalt psyche as a whole, any headcanons about that? (no pressure!)
Thank you for your kind words!
Well, it's mostly based on what happened in RID and the combiners wars, where, from time to time, you can see mainly the thoughts of the center of the combiner and the thoughts of the very combiner in between, a psyche born from every component, and it was just so cool to me, because in the way it acts and how it talks you know who is inside, of course, it changes between the gestalt's own team.
I remember, back with G1, every component needed to have a personality component, as in their own "me" had to be hard enough to not get lost inside or something like that, and if that didn't happen the combiner would be weak, and sometimes I link that "me" with the idea of "what I want to do" in order to form a combiner.
If there is consensus over at least one thing, a combiner can happen, or you use the Enigma of Combination and create one by force, whatever goes your way, really, but in the second scenario you must see if it can stay together because launching together 3 or more bots can result in all of them going their way without a real objective and simply fall apart.
Defensor, for example, can transform since all the protectobots share a single ideology: "I must protect my people and I must protect the defenseless humans", because we've already seen how this specific combiner treats humans as they were his kids, that comes from Streetwise, maybe a little bit of First Aid is what handles the main idea since Defensor is also know for having medical knowledge to some point, the part were he stops to think before going full rage? That's Hot Spot alright, but that fury when the innocent is in danger's way? That's Blades, the part that tries to calm the wounded? That's Groove, they aren't exactly close to one another, but sharing a similar, if not exact, objective in mind is what makes Defensor, but their differences show in how they can't keep their force shield together for more than a few seconds.
Devastator, it's been said time and time again how the constructicons all share one thing, rage, anger, be it against the autobots or whatever, their rage is what forms the most iconic combiner of all times, but it isn't perfect, in almost every continuity Devastator is an amalgam of different mechs that didn't want anything to do with one another (like, majority of all the decepticon gestalt teams) but by Megatron's order it must happen because it just must, hence you have a strong as fuck combiner, but that's it, there is no great procedure and the constructicons have been burned from this, in the early comics you motive how Mixmaster wasn't as crazy as be ended up for example and Scavenger's anxiety is also more notorious, Bonecrusher is mad all the time like Long Haul and Hook is way more fixated on making everything perfect, they're all mad at something, just look at Scrapper, who wanted to be away fromt them for a moment, and what happened to him, most irregular components merged together must remain together to be sane since now they are tainted with one another and it can cause insanity.
Now, Devastator with Prowl, finally there is no only anger in their shared mind, there is options, thousand upon thousands of options than the whole team has ever seen, than what Devastator even had the processor to even imagine, and Prowl gives him something that he never had before: the idea of freedom, and they all love it because Prowl is a mad, gray freedom that they would die for to be real.
Then we have perfect child, perfect team and perfect combiner: Superion, whose whole gestalt team is in synchrony by force, because it's Superion himself that put his components in mute an goes on his way, using the shared idea of destroying the decepticons of his components to keep going and not falling apart, but this is a bad movement, since there is no center there is no bond, no talk, and Superion struggles to even talk or do something as simple as moving something if it isn't related to eliminate the decepticons.
Now, if we put in something they want, or at least one of the components want, you may catch the interest of the others or the combiner itself, as it happens with Prowl, the constructicons and Devastator, because they share it, and depending from how they take it you have a different result, and since the constructicons are awful and insane Prowl's little human conjunx is also theirs to some degree now, so, somehow in their beaten psyches, Chainbreaker is also theirs.
Devastator hasn't been formed since it's time of great peace (freaking finally) but he'll also go along the lines of "if he is yours then he is mine, since you're a part of me" kind of thing if he sees Chainbreaker, more prepared when all his components know about Prowl's progeny, not like with reader when he was hit with the revelation during the bond, and just for the record, the son of a glitch that asked you out was Bonecrusher.
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raptorfae53 · 4 months
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OK so after a bunch of you liked my post regarding Arachnus prime and with all the new info revealed at tfcon 2024, I think it'd be right to show off the plan I concocted for the rest of TFA season four surrounding it:
Episode 1+2 - The Trial of Megatron
Now considered heroes team detroit are joined by some new faces as megatrons trial commences ,but a visiting travelling show unmasks itself as a surprise jailbreak! But theirs more than meets the eye to this seemingly chaotic scene.
Tldr: Megatrons trial gets Interrupted by the stunticons trying to bust him out of prison and the verdict of which has him thrown in jail indefinitely, Megatron himself isn't too displeased with this however and intends to manipulate everyone around him to get out, starting with the new magnus,Sentinel.
Episode 3 - A Devestating plan.
DirtBoss is back,and with the promise of free oil has roped some new bots into his latest scheme,one involving getting that troublesome Bulkhead out of the picture for good,or rather putting him to better use...
Tldr: Dirt boss cronenbergs a combiner out of Bulkhead,Scrapper,Mixmaster, and four other bots (the animated versions of Scavenger, Longhaul,Hook and Bonecrusher).
Episode 4 - Planet of the Micromasters
After Bulkheads disappearance,bee is acting more sullen and avoidant at the rest of team detroit. So when a jaunt through Detroits new spacebridge leads him to a planet full of tiny Cybertronians who immediately take to him as their leader,it's going to take the whole team to pry him back home,especially since his "subjects" aren't ones for sharing...
Tldr: Bumblebee understandably isn't taking the respective disappearance and death of two of his friends well, and team detroit open up about how the situation has affected them too to get him back from the micromaster horde.
Episode 5 - Triple trouble
Sentinel unveils a new team of autobots to deal with the decepticon menace,the triple changers! Stronger than the average bot with three distinct modes,but these new supersoldiers have a dark secret that causes chaos their grand unveiling...
Tldr: sentinel buys the blueprints for blitzwings triple changer tech from lockdown (who has his own plans for the tech...) to build new Autobot triple changers, and it goes terribly and predictably wrong.
Episode 6+7 - I think I'm a clone now
New autobots are popping up all over detroit,causing trouble and chaos regardless of intent across the whole city,and they all look like Optimus Prime! What or who could be behind this?
Tldr: Blackarachnia clones optimus multiple times (four to be precise, resulting in tfa versions of optimus primal,toxitron,pyro and nemesis prime) in order to figure out how to purge herself of her technoorganic side,only for them to escape and wreak havoc across the city.
Episode 8,9 and 10 - Sideways in spacetime
Thrown through a rip in spacetime by a spacebridge accident, Optimus and Blackarachnia and pals find themselves in a parallel world where their fates were switched and Blackarachnias attempt to get home unleashes a whole new breed of monster into their reality!
Tldr: this previous post.
Episode 11 - It came from Cybertron
In optimus and ironhides absence, Sentinel sends a new bot, Cosmos to keep tabs on team detroit, but when a chance encounter leaves this bot thinking he's an actual alien invader,trouble follows...
Tldr: desperate to keep in control of everything Sentinel sends his secretary to keep team detroit in line and overworked as is,it pushes poor cosmos over the edge and he goes crazy,and the optimus and Ironhide-less detroiters have to catch him before he's hunted for sport by Master Disaster and Nemesis Prime.
Episode 12+13 - Transform and Rise Up!
"Megatron" unleashes his superweapon,a machine that turns cybertrons metal surface into a beast infested jungle!!!, leading to Sentinel Magnus to finally give in and unleash Megatron to deal with this "predacon" insurgency as a last resort, It doesn't end well...
Tldr: Sentinel finally snaps,makes a horrible decision in the heat of the moment fueled by stress and prejudice and all of Cybertron pays the price as the autobots are forced into exile on earth.
I hope you like this long-in-the-works post regarding tfa season four, I do have plans for a season five to wrap everything up once and for all (as well as introduce tfa versions of even more characters including the other maximals and sixshot) but I'm still considering how exactly to structure and plot it,in turn I will probably do some more writing and possibly some art for the characters and scenarios introduced here, so do watch this space!
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nova--spark · 8 months
I’m honestly kinda surprised you like Mr. Give Me Your Face from the Bay Movies. Many people don’t
Oh I adore the Bay movies.
It is a core memory.
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So, to give some backstory, I was 7 years old when the first TF movie came out. That same year, I moved from Mexico, to the United States [Texas]. My father works in car junkyards, fixes up the crashed ones and puts em for sale, fixes up some for folks, sells car parts, what have you.
Well, I was brand new to the USA, and here's this movie about living cars, who bonded with these humans, and the main one, this giant imposing robot, knelt down to speak to this young teen boy, and spoke with a gentleness and trust.
As a little kid, this movie was my first 'American' film, and intro to TF as a whole. I still remember how I cried when Bee was grabbed by Sector 7, when Optimus fought Bonecrusher, the fight for the AllSpark, and just
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I know that with the Bay movies, they made Optimus more violent, more...not like himself, but when I watch these movies, I fondly remember being that new girl, in a new country, new school, new to the language, and seeing these alien cars, and asking my dad if HE saw an Autobot or Decepticon at his job, because well, what else would he see??
I remember actually, going to see Revenge of the Fallen in theaters when my mother was pregnant with my littlest sister, and hiding my face during some of it's scenes.
Crying when Optimus died, and cheering when he was revived, with WINGS?
Bayverse may not be everyone's favorite, but it absolutely is one of mine.
Hell, this scene right here
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From Age of Extinction?
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Was the keystone of Anthea, and the whole of her story, continuity and more.
I will always, always adore Bay Optimus, because of what he symbolizes for me. His voice was comforting, and I remember feeling happy every time I saw the movies and saw him.
He is, in the weirdest and fondest of ways, a comfort character, and a core memory builder for me.
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sonicasura · 6 months
Out of all the Transformers iterations, Bayverse Autobots and Decepticons are most likely to get turned into Bakugan. The old school style toys with more simplified play style. Not the shitty reboots that get worse every time.
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Both sides would HATE it cause they are tiny gumball sized toys with barely little resemblance to themselves in ball/toy form. All the colorless gray bots get a new paint job as attributes are given at random. The more aggressive ones like Ironhide or Megatron take it a lot worse as a pockets have become the equivalent of baby jail.
Want to make the situation even more chaotic? Put all of them under a single human's care and said person being the only one who can allow them to (temporarily) assume their true form. A very weird situation since the game there is completely normal card game, not the TV show/videogame variants.
The war definitely ain't continuing unless the newly dubbed 'Bakugan Bots' or 'Bakubots' want to get thrown in the time-out for misbehaving. Let them get forced to get along for two years as forced found family is hilarious. Then toss everyone into a different Transformers iteration and watch the fireworks.
Bakubots alongside their human partner trying to survive as these versions aren't stuck in a toy form plus but are still fighting too. Meanwhile both factions are so fucking confused by this strange fleshie who can summon peculiar Cybertronians that radiate strange energy. (And share very familiar names or similar behavior.)
I love chaos plus this thought wouldn't leave me alone. Lol
Edit: Extra details cause why the fuck not?
-Q and Wheeljack are separate bots, not the same person.
-Only faction aligned bots are in this situation. Neutral such as Scourge aren't. Sentinel ain't here since he takes advantage of both factions and thus Neutral Evil. Fallen is also Neutral Evil.
-Minicons/Cassettes function as Bakugan Traps. Thus they have multiple elements to benefit from Ability and Gate Cards in return for their non-existent power.
-Size doesn't equal strength. Only power/Gs matter in a fight.
-Gate Cards can be set whenever and wherever. Only 3 are allowed out so one has to activate before another can be added.
-What each Attribute is. Pyrus: Fire, Aquos: Water, Haos: Light, Ventus: Wind, Darkus: Dark and Subterra: Earth.
I looked up a wiki for the entire cast below as I haven't watched the movies in years.
Optimus Prime- Pyrus
Bumblebee- Haos
Ironhide- Subterra
Ratchet- Ventus
Jazz- Darkus
Elita-1- Haos
Arcee- Pyrus
Chromia- Aquos
Mudflap- Subterra
Skids- Ventus
Jolt- Haos
Bulkhead- Pyrus
Evac- Darkus
Jetfire- Ventus
Wheelie- Subterra/Pyrus
Brains- Aquos/Haos
Stratosphere- Ventus
Air Raid- Haos
Breakaway- Darkus
Silverbolt- Subterra
Mirage- Pyrus
Sideswipe- Pyrus
Sunstreaker- Haos
Crosshairs- Ventus
Hound- Subterra
Drift- Aquos
Q- Aquos
Wheeljack- Ventus
Roadbuster- Pyrus
Leadfoot- Subterra
Hot Rod- Pyrus
Topspin- Ventus
Grimlock- Pyrus
Snarl- Ventus
Scorn- Darkus
Slash- Pyrus
Slog- Subterra
Slug- Aquos
Strafe- Haos
Megatron- Darkus
Starscream- Ventus
Frenzy- Darkus/Subterra
Lazerbeak- Darkus/Ventus
Shockwave- Darkus
Bonecrusher- Subterra
Blackout- Ventus
Scorponok- Subterra
Barricade- Pyrus
Brawl- Haos
Sideways- Haos
Mixmaster- Aquos
Scavenger- Subterra
Overload- Pyrus
Rampage- Darkus
Hightower- Ventus
Long Haul- Subterra
Scrapper- Haos
Hook- Subterra
Driller- Subterra/Haos
Igor- Haos
Nitro Zeus- Pyrus
Mohawk- Aquos
Crankcase- Subterra
Crowbar- Darkus
Berserker- Ventus
Hatchet- Subterra
Devcon- Aquos
Stinger- Pyrus
Grindor- Subterra
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saxandviolins88 · 5 months
What kind of music the constructicons listen to:
Exactly what the title says
Be warned: insane levels of brain rot
Hook: He refuses to listen to human music, he thinks it is inferior and it rusts one's processor. If you indulge in its artless melodies and thoughtless lyrics you're betraying your own superior culture. IF he were to give human music a chance he'd be into EDM and his favorite artist would be Britney Spears, not only for her performance, but he would find the lyrics sadly relatable (his favorite song and MV would be Break the Ice.).
However, he would never come to listen to it. So if you ask him what he likes to listen to he would straight-up lie and say the only palatable music for him is that of cybertronian orchestras. He doesn't identify with any music from his planet and culture but he gotta keep appearances amirite??
Scavenger: He likes church choirs only because they remind him of old-cybertronian religious hymns. (he actually knows how to sing them, but no one appreciates it - well, Hook kinda does, but he only says that the traditional cybertronian culture needs to be respected).
Mixmaster: he likes dubstep.
Long Haul: He is one of those weirdos who don't listen to music, like at all. He says it's a waste of time and he has better things to do. If you ask him what's his favorite song he'll say brown noise.
Scrapper: The whole reason I made this post. Scrapper LOVES the oldies, from Frank Sinatra to The Ink Spots. HOWEVER, his favorite singer has to be Bobby Darin, he adores all of Darin's discography. Not only does he listen to it, but he has to sing it too and oh boy, he sings it a LOT (even though he can't hit any of the notes). He sings it while casually shooting Autobots down, dumping hot oil on protoforms, preparing body parts for a new project, and of course, he lovingly sings it to his gestalt mates! (he has a heart too, you know?)
The reason he is so fascinated by these kinds of songs is because they're so far removed from cybertronian culture. Love songs declaring eternal love or melodramatic breakup songs are NOT common on Cybertron‒so it's novel, different, and well, maybe he is a romantic at heart (or spark :P ).
His favorite songs to sing are: Mack the Knife, Beyond the Sea, Just In Case You Changed Your Mind, and Call Me Irresponsible.
Bonecrusher: The only music BC enjoys are Kaonian Folk songs, music made by the people for the people. These songs are obviously passed down orally and often depict the common experiences of a Kaonian‒from working in the mines, fighting in Gladiator rings, and losing a loved one to famine and/or illness. He knows how to sing all of them, but good luck making him do so.
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w33zerbluealbum · 5 months
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This is Ricochet!!!!!!! He's a military attack helicopter. He lost his right hand in an accident and Rachet (the medical robot) was able to repair it and give him a helicopter blade spinning hand thingy, whatever you wanna call it. He has wheels on his feet so he is able to sort of rollerskate when in robot form like Bonecrusher in the first movie. His wing looking things are the helicopter blades, and those spin as well, meaning he can sort of float above ground in robot form, but can't fully fly. He has weaponry torpedo looking bomb thingys on his back for battles and he can also light up his chest lights during darker times of the day. The bottom, darker "wings" on his back are the helicopter doors. He has exceptional vision and can see very well in the dark.
Please reblog, I spent a lot of time on this and I'm pretty proud of it!!!! /nf
For non Transformers fans, here's a basic sum up of the first movie's lore if you wanna know it.
To put it simply, the Decepticons (evil robots) want to take over Earth and kill the humans. They are searching for The Cube and the Allspark, which both have immense power and if they fall into the wrong hands, they could be terribly destructive. The Autobots (the good robots) are doing everything they can to try to stop them from destroying Earth and taking it over. The Autobots are sided with the humans.
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witchofthesouls · 2 years
(Crossover snippet between Bayverse and TFP!Other!humans-into-Cybertronians with Cyber!Unfathomable!June Ayooo, shoutout to @skyite for that particular tag!)
"That has to be the most undog-like dog in existence."
Major William Lennox silently agreed with the ranger. The mechanical animal was massive and seemed far more akin to a prehistoric canid rather than the modern domestic dog.
On its hind legs, it easily towered over the tallest Autobot on the base. A terrifying fact, considering that the Big Guy, both of them, was already a solid 30 feet, and it really hammered in that it could hunt other things just as large.
It sat eerily still and absolutely silent. Not a yip, a growl, or a chuff from the beast. Not even when Miko tugged on its upright ears with a delighted scream, swinging like an energetic parakeet on its favorite perch before whipping over to slide down its back and scurry elsewhere. Preferably the higher ground of another bot's shoulder or to the roof to jump off again.
Its ghost-white eyes burned far brighter with its dark frame, lenses unblinking as it tracked the kids, especially Jack’s flickering wingspan, as it did its best to mimic a giant statue not out of place on the steps of a gothic mansion.
Bonecrusher would be an apt name for the thing; everyone had seen its teeth, jarring to see it so gentle when picking up the kids by the scruffbar.
Agent Fowler was already inoculated by his experience with the Other Half of his dimension’s reality, so seeing mechanical children that greatly outsized the average human adult running amuck across the walls and ceiling wasn't the tip of the iceberg of weirdness that could happen.
The species change was alarming, but no other issues arose from the artifact as it was sequestered by Jasper Hospital for further containment.
The rest of the base? Not as well.
Jack had already spooked nearly everyone, including this universe’s version of the Autobots, by being his strange self; unique even here with the ability to suppress himself completely, frame falling eerily silent with the lack of weight in his steps and the lack of the usual noise that Cybertronian bodies had whenever they needed to move. No whirrs, no pneumatic hiss of joints, no crack or slide of plating and seams. Appearing and disappearing like a ghost bird-cat-like boy that chased his curiosity, especially since Jack was still small enough to duck under human-sized doors and happily feed the growing murder outside. Crows that hadn't existed before their dimensional hop.
Miko was Miko. Loud and demanding and practically had another Ratchet and Optimus to jungle gym all over, shrieking and chirping over their shoulders like a pink-plated parrot. She caused her own mayhem with her multiple attempts to dart outside for an unauthorized venture into the sea. She howled and screamed whenever one ‘bot managed to catch her before she hit the waves. Her aggressive clawing into the bot’s plating had made the humans leery of her; as did her vicious gnawing in the multi-faced cephalopod of a squishmallow, digging those sharp teeth into a fat tentacle with gusto as one of the 'bots indulged her with a game of tug-of-war or a modified fetch.
Raf commanded most of the positivity by the Diego Garcia base personnel. After all, who could say they have a dragon at their place. A fire-breathing one, too. 
Granted, it was only small licks of flame, but it set the excitement ablaze throughout the base and implemented far more fire extinguishers with Jack’s and Miko’s pyro-derived artistic tendencies to tickle Raf’s softer underbelly to play with ash and soot remains.
Compared to a polite, yet terror-inducing Jack and a hyper, bite-happy Miko, Raf was absolutely easy-going, adorableness with his chubby frame and rounded limbs and fat tail. 
More than one human had been delighted over the sight of it wagging with a suitable rock and it kicked off a new game to see what kinds of minerals would make the baby dragon the happiest. Puppy-like with his outside digging habit, voracious appetite, and constant need for nuzzles and scratches.
The mechanics and diagnostic crews started to bring in large bits of metal and rocks to pay tribute to the Predacon to spare their own equipment from being rummaged and eaten. Agent Fowler would bet his savings that quite a few people had taken videos of little dragon nosing and pawing and chirping at various Autobots for his uppsies and getting tuck up in an arm to be carted around like a football.
"That’s because you're not seeing it properly," came an amused voice from above. Both of the men looked up to see June looming over them. “Agent Fowler. Major Lennox.” 
"Ms. Darby." The ranger nodded as the other man hid his startlement well, only a small flinch; something as tall as Optimus Prime shouldn't move that sudden and silent. "Anything to share with the class?"
"I made contact with this world's version of the Foundation." The off-beat blue of her optics swirled, even far above, eddying like water. "They initialized the return procedures for our universe."
Of course, there would be procedures for multiverse dimensional-hopping.
"Good. Anything they need from our end?"
She chuckled, ponytail flicking in a serpentine motion, and she smiled. Unlike Jack's careful, closed smiles, June was far more willing to show off her own wicked teeth. Not the wide one that broke her face, but a curl of her lips for a knife-sharp gleam.
“Oh, gentlemen,” she purred. “The Foundation is so very interested in what’s going on here.”
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le-sluagh · 2 years
The terrible video who so shocked youtube that it deleted the video !
Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! (It's a not a true laugh, I'm angry)
I'm talking about that :
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transformersslutt · 2 years
Watching Transformers G1 Part 593
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I think they had fun building this. They look proud of themselves
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itneedsmoregays · 4 months
My history with Transformers
So the Transformers franchise is officially 40 years old. It's pretty amazing how an inherently silly concept like alien robots who turn into cars has lasted this long and shaped so many childhoods.
Every fan's introduction to it, young and old, is different so I'd like to share my own story:
I watched a lot of cartoons and animated movies as a kid, quite a few of which had fantastical elements. But for some reason, I was the type of kid who didn't care for superheroes or giant robots. I knew of Transformers from an old VHS trailer for Armada, as well as that McDonald's ad for Hamtaro and Transformers toys, but that was as far as my knowledge of the franchise went.
It wasn't until 2007 when my brother got Michael Bay's Transformers movie for Christmas. I'd seen one toy advert for it but hadn't give it any other thought. When he asked me if I wanted to watch it with him, I shrugged and said: "...Yeah, sure, whatever." So the next day, we sat down and watched it. After it had finished, he found it okay... but I, on the other hand, was completely mesmerized throughout the whole movie.
Everything about it astounded me: the action, the visuals, the distinctive designs of each robot, the way the parts of every vehicle folded into every robot's body. Now I finally saw how neat giant transforming robots could be.
If I remember correctly, my favourite Autobot was a tie between Jazz (the cool guy of the group) and Optimus (the big badass truck with the awesome voice). And my favourite Decepticon was Bonecrusher mainly due to his wicked design with the wheeled feet and that claw on his back, along with the fact he was the only one other than Megatron with the ball bearings to fight Optimus (I was really bummed I couldn't play as him in the PS2 game LOL). Afterwards, the very first Transformers toy I owned was Deluxe Class Wreckage which I bought from a charity shop.
It's pretty safe to say that from that point onward, I was hooked on Transformers (the Bay films at least, before I learned the problems with them later down the line). I saw the two sequels, started collecting the toys, drew the characters, played the tie-in games, and even called Dark of the Moon my favourite movie at one point.
While the fourth film was being developed, I was hungry for some more Transformers content. So I decided to try giving one of the TV shows a chance. I was unsure where to start, until I discovered a clip of Optimus and Megatron fighting from Transformers: Prime which has just finished its first season. My interest peaked, I watched the whole show and found that I loved it even more than the Bay films, finding all the characters, stories, action and humour to be major improvements. At present, it's still my favourite Transformers show. (Arcee's my favourite 'Bot while Knock Out and Starscream are tied for my favourite 'Cons)
In-between Prime's mid-season breaks, I also took the time to watch the original G1 cartoon, including the 1986 movie. It was nice to go back to the franchise's original toyetic and silly yet still adventurous and enjoyable '80s roots. Despite having been spoiled on Optimus Prime's death years in advance, it still got me emotional (that soundtrack kicks ASS).
I even bought and played the War for/Fall of Cybertron games on PS3, loving the epic scale and the robot designs which seemed like a sleek blend of G1 and Prime. It was also my first time playing a Transformers game that took place entirely on Cybertron rather than Earth, which was really cool.
Suffice to say, all this exposure to different Transformers content and having fun comparing them had strengthened my love for it. And despite now knowing full well how nonsensical, repetitive and dull the movies were by comparison, I decided to give Age of Extinction a fair chance once it finally came out... it blew. XD I didn't even bother to watch The Last Knight later, and from what I've read up on it, I didn't miss much.
And since then, my subjection to other Transformers avenues has only grown:
I watched a tiny bit of Robots in Disguise (2015) but didn't find it as engaging as Prime
Watched all of Animated (fun show, really should rewatch it at some point)
Found Bumblebee to be the best live-action movie with a touching smaller-scale story, slicker action and more memorable villains (thank you, Travis Knight)
Got to meet David Sobolov at a convention (really cool guy) and compliment him on his performance as Shockwave
Checked out all of Beast Wars (R.I.P. Dinobot)
Watched the wholesomeness that is EarthSpark (don't care what anyone says, it's great)
Had a fun time with Rise of the Beasts (loved this version of Mirage)
And I may go to TFNation this year to meet David Kaye, Gregg Berger and Kathreen Khavari. Hopefully in the future, I can meet Peter Cullen and Frank Welker as well!
So, yeah, that's my vividly detailed history with Transformers. In spite of the degrading quality of the Bay sequels, I still have a soft spot for the first movie. The effects and action sequences (especially Blackout's introduction, Scorponok's attack and the highway fight) still blow my mind, and it was the movie that struck a chord with me and prompted me to dip my toes into the vast ocean of this franchise.
And I'm incredibly thankful that I did. It's brought me so much joy over the years and I could never imagine my life without it.
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tonikkyn · 1 month
To be honest, I didn't think about how different the Constructicons are from each other. No, of course, I knew before that they were actually different. Even if I confused them outwardly, but now I finally have the whole picture.
It turns out that I needed to read these cards about g1 from the very beginning, so as not to walk around like in a fog for several years
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Scrapper is modest. Hook works until it reaches perfection. Bonecrusher is the most aggressive of all. Mixmaster is a chemist (yes, logical, but it didn't occur to me) and sometimes uses Autobots as ingredients. Long Haul is not interested in building at all. No one likes Scavenger, who even gives small gifts to his teammates, and he has low self-esteem because of this. And Devastator, contrary to my previous opinion, is far from the most friendly gestalt.
I'm probably even ashamed that I didn't know this for such a long time. I thought they were a friendly team. And how much they got used to each other that their company does not change in any way.
Eh...Well, at least if before that I thought I felt like this guy
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Now I've found someone who really looks like me
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(I can't stop laughing... This is a transformer in purple pants <XD )
To be honest, I don't know what I can wish for the end... I know that my knowledge or ignorance hardly means anything to anyone. I'm just a random person in your recommendations, maybe even in subscriptions, in hashtags or somewhere else. But I'm sorry that I was so flippant about some of my favorite Transformers... Headcanons are interesting, but canons are their foundation.
In general, all the best, peace and everything you want from this life, I hope these few paragraphs with text and nine pictures were not too wasted of time for you
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