#transformers Bonecrusher
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jei-rifni · 3 months ago
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They are Funny guys i think
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bakllori · 1 year ago
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punk-rockrz · 5 months ago
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holymother of gaod
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luluchankrl · 4 months ago
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Maybe I'm even more in love with Megatron 🫦
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indragonsaur · 2 months ago
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Transformers: Cybertron chronicles: Crusher Trio
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randomposts-27 · 1 year ago
Bonecrusher: me hate you
Barricade: I know Bonecrusher
Bonecrusher: me hate everyone
Barricade: I know Bonecrusher
Bonecrusher: me think you good listener
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robotshowtunes · 5 months ago
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Bonecrusher is heavily armored and is the strongest individual Constructicon. In vehicle mode, he exerts 800,000 psi at his top speed of 30 mph. He uses a short-range concussion missile launcher to aid demolitions. In robot mode, he wields a laser pistol.
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keferon · 11 days ago
Imagine me waving my lil hands for you to pick up your drink orders haha
Request from Jackalyote
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Aaand Constructicons + Jazz + Prowl for tacocatjones. That was..supposed to be a sketch but I got carried away :]
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oldeubagel · 4 months ago
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would bee survive?
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iszapizza · 9 months ago
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prowl and his 5 bfs
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jei-rifni · 2 months ago
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rungapikattohikattara · 4 months ago
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punk-rockrz · 5 months ago
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huhuhuhuh. huhuhuh
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sjincer · 18 days ago
my friends made a silly little au where autobots are humans and decepticosns are cybertronians who should be scanning the planet for resources and any useful information
but it looks like they all end up smooching humans oh no.
had to draw constructicons (as holoforms) and prowl (police officer paul lol) tho. he thinks he’s going insane at this point
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oh yeah and quote by @countkeny about them because i just can't
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dividingcosmos · 3 months ago
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There's something about Prowl having doubted a lot of things, having his choices and decisions confusing his friends and even himself, going through a whole mental struggle, and then learning these guys who saw the inside of his brain tell him that "We like how you think!" And his eyes LIGHT UP
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And he needs Bee to say that it was ridiculous
Prowl, buddy,,,,
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revelboo · 2 months ago
Me at your post:
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Question. Have you ever thought about writing for the Constructicons? (Not with Prowl though). I think it would be hilarious.
Rewatched their G1 episodes today. Title is the song ‘Drive’ by The Matches. An attempt was made
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Constructicons x Reader
• “I’m just saying. A little appreciation.” Exchanging a look with Long Haul, Scavenger tries to ignore Hook’s grumbling as they work. Pushing against a tree until the wood splinters and breaks so he can shove it over and drag it out of the way. Pausing to tip his head up at the night sky and wonder where home is. “We’re out here busting our afts and do we get any thanks?” Hook demands. No. What they’d gotten was their energon rations cut because in the Decepticon hierarchy, they’re not much higher than Insecticons. He doesn’t like it, but understands. Being forged here on this miserable mudball not Cybertron means being looked down upon. And he has no idea where Cybertron is among those glittering stars. Can it be home when he’s never set ped there?
• “We do our job. A fragging good job,” Scrapper says, trying to keep the peace as Bonecrusher utters a harsh laugh and Mixmaster just shakes his head at him. Like he doesn’t see the scorn. Knows the others think he’s oblivious, but he’s knows they’re looked down on until they’re needed. Devastator demands their respect, but on their own? They’re second class citizens. If even that. Some of the other Decepticons are all too happy to sneer at them, to assume that since they didn’t come from Cybertron they’re less.
• Bending to gouge up a handful of soil and to intake through his vents, separating out the individual components in his head, Mixmaster growls. Scenting those trace amounts of energon that are the whole reason they’re out here in the middle of nowhere. “No one wants to hear that, though,” Mixmaster mutters. “They want us to work and keep quiet. It’s here.” Glancing at his brother when Bonecrusher bumps him. “They’re scared of us,” Bonecrusher growls, beginning to aggressively clear the land of trees, movements sloppy and giving away that he’s been into the high grade. But they all know it’s Devastator that’s feared, not them. They’re tools. Nothing more. Disrespected and mocked by the rest of the Decepticons. Something they all feel and that gets compounded when they’re combined. That dissatisfaction growing every time they combine, spreading and feeding on itself when they separate again. Reaching a boiling point with no outlet to let off some steam. Except to destroy something. And there’s nothing here but trees.
• Exhausted and not even tempted by the hot, greasy smell of fast food in the bag in the passenger seat, you go over the list in your head again. Trying to remember if you’ve gotten at least a little something for everyone. That you’re ready for the upcoming holiday. You’d volunteered to work the day before for the extra cash, but you keep wondering if you’re forgetting something. Distracted you almost miss the huge, dark shape that comes sailing out of the woods. Slamming a foot on the brake as your car slides with a scream of tires, a tree slams into the road ahead of you and goes end over end in a shower of pine needles and broken branches. What? Toggling your emergency lights on, you put the car into park and get out, wincing at the biting cold. And your breath catches as it sinks in that a tree chucked like a javelin even though there’s no wind, no plausible explanation, nearly took you out. Squinting into the dark woods, your skin prickles as a red glow flares in the shadows. Then five more.
• Hears Bonecrusher laugh and Long Haul turns to follow his stare. Sees the tiny shape through the trees silhouetted by the headlights of the car behind them. There’s no way the little human can see anything more than the glow of their optics. But there’s a whisper of excitement twisting through him as Scrapper says, “Bottle of engex to whoever squishes it before it ruins everything.”
• Heart in your throat as those red glows shift and a branch cracks, there’s a roar from the trees that crackles through you and you forget the car. Forget everything beyond the animal need to get away. Running as trees crack and get uprooted with thunderous noise behind you to send you racing across the road and into the woods on the other side in a blind panic. Don’t even know what’s chasing you, only that you don’t want to find out. Is this what a rabbit feels like with hungry foxes snapping at its heels?
• Heavy peds tearing up dirt and leaves as he tries to overtake Hook, Scavenger hears Mixmaster calling out to the organic. Laughingly saying they only want to play. You’re surprisingly fast for being so small, but even noisier than Bonecrusher somehow. Energon pumping through his lines as you break from the trees, just a little shadow silvered by the moon, almost unreal looking as you pelt through the tall grass. Catches a glimpse of terrified eyes when you glance back and then you go down, disappearing completely.
• “Where’d it go?” Hook growls, reaching to push Scavenger out of his way as the rest of his brothers catch up and he realizes there’s a sheet drop, the ground giving way so suddenly you hadn’t seen it in time to react. Leaning down to look at the still form lying in the shallow stream at the bottom, there’s a momentary flicker of disappointment. Because chasing you had made him feel more alive than he’d felt in a long time. The hunt a high almost as sweet as combining.
• Lingering at the edge of the ravine, spark pulsing still with the excitement of your fear, Scrapper’s aware of Mixmaster and Bonecrusher shoving at each other. Of Long Haul and Scavenger both still staring down at their quarry. Turning away to order them back to work, he hesitates as Scavenger bumps his arm with a fist. “It’s still alive.” And he hears the low, pained sound from the little human. “Pretty fun to chase,” Long Haul adds, shooting him a look. Primus, are they wanting to keep you? Like a pet? All five of his brothers are staring at him now. Waiting for his decision. And groaning in defeat, he gestures at the drop. “Fine, but I’m not cleaning up after it.” Because you’re a distraction, something to keep them from dwelling on how unhappy they all are.
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