#because she acts like joining the Decepticons in obvious answer
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keferon · 5 months ago
Imagine you're in the world of Transformers. Imagine you woke up randomly in the med bay and you're a giant robot.
You don't know which version of Transformers this is, the movies or the TV series or the comics? You don't know.
But you need to pick a faction and join it right now.
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lavendertownsghost · 2 years ago
Earthspark opinions (spoilers under break)
Earthspark is pretty good! Like, it is a kids show and that’s fairly obvious at some points, but the plot and characters were all pretty solid. I’m not going to call them ‘plot holes’ but there are definitely some threads i hope season 2 answers (is season 2 confirmed?)
Dot and Megatron’s relationship is great, and that’s another thing i really hope season two goes into more. Alex is also a great character, we love good dads and just having parents be actual people.
the kids are also wonderful, and they actually act like kids! emotional moments, impulsive decisions and all.
now for spoilers;
I WOULD DIE AND KILL FOR NIGHTSHADE. I really hope they have a cat alt-mode, their headpiece looks kind of like cat ears but since they don’t have an alt-mode that could change. I saw a rumor that Jawbreaker is going to have a dinosaur alt-mode, so that would be interesting. I don’t know how I feel about Hashtag’s name, but she is very excitable and cute.
I find it interesting that Megatron was acting like the cassettes were unruly children, and even more interesting that after Optimus let them go, Frenzy acted like she didn’t want to follow Soundwave anymore. Really hoping she and Lazerbeak run into the kids and get forcibly added into the found family.
speaking of which, I love how Wheeljack was dragged into being Dad 2. Eventually every character is getting added into this family, it’s only a matter of time.
I liked how Megatron openly questioned everything GHOST does with the captured Decepticons, because that’s fucked up! At least they’re not experiment on them that we know of, but I really hope that’s addressed in season 2.
Loved the Screamer cameo, he’s in gay baby jail where he belongs. Where is Ratchet though? they have to have him somewhere in season 2.
Things I want / am looking forwards to in season 2;
like i said before, Frenzy and Lazerbeak meeting the kids. if they join back up with Soundwave after he presumably escapes, I really want a scenario where Soundwave has one of Dot’s kids hostage, and she has one of the cassettes hostage. And then at the same moment, I want them to realize that they’re threatening the other’s kids.
I really want to see what Alex and Megatron’s relationship is. they both care a lot about Dot, and I hope they get along.
I need to know how Dot and Megatron met. Was it before Megatron joined GHOST? Did they fight each other at some point? I really want Dot to have known him an an enemy first.
I really want Lost Light characters. I know that’s unlikely, but hear me out! Since we have a canon nonbinary character, having a gay couple would be a nice next step. Using one of the canon gay characters from IDW would be a good way to go, even if it’s just mentioning that the reason Ratchet isn’t there is that he’s on his honeymoon with his husband Drift.
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amosbrittany · 6 years ago
Shattered Chapter 1
Disclaimer : I don’t own Transformers Animated or any characters for that matter.
Notes : I haven’t done fanfiction, let alone TF based, in ages. And never for TFA, So I don’t really know what the hell I’m doing but what the hell, I’m going for it. lol I took quite a few liberties, pulling bits from various continuities to build this sucker.
Warnings : I have a tendency to put characters through hell. Violence and character death this chapter. Eventual Optimus/Sentinel, Megatron/Ultra Magnus, Bumblebee/Blitzwing, Jazz/Prowl and Ratchet/Pharma.
Summary : The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but Sentinel’s latest stunt might just kill them all...or worse.
The Fringes had to be the worst possible place to put a space bridge. On the very edge of Autobot territory, it took a regular beating from the Decepticons and even anti-Cybertronian organics. Crews came and went during its construction and maintenance, at times never making it back to Cybertron at all. For the most part, the disappearances were blamed on the Cons. It was a dangerous assignment that wasn't helped in the slightest if the crew assigned were full of incompetent or delinquent workers,  which was typically the case as no one with a whole procoessor would settle for the post.
Sentinel Prime knew Alpha Trion  sent him out here in particular as punishment, pure and simple. After the unmitigated fiasco Megatron's trial had been, he'd not only lost his position as Magnus but as second-in-command as well. He was bumped all the way down to repair duty with a group of fools and sent off to the Fringes. Naturally, he was angry. He was angry with the Decepticons for living up to their cursed name, at Alpha Trion, and at Optimus for not only upstaging him with the Powermaster armor but for taking his job afterward. He was humiliated and bitter. His team didn't help make the situation much better.
There were four other bots on the large rockbound base with him. Broadside was one of few triple changers in their ranks who could turn into a plane and a sea craft...but he was deathly afraid of both heights and water. Sentinel had no idea how that was feasibly possible, but he imagined the bot would have a spark attack on Earth when the rain came. Second was Landfill, and despite being a decent soldier and overall nice guy, he lived up to his name. Quite literally. Sentinel had no idea where the stench was emanating from on the mech's person and it was almost insulting that the mech couldn't pick it up himself. The whole team kept a wide distance from him at all times. Sentinel knew he could be whiny at times himself, but Huffer took the oil cake. He took the oil cake and complained the whole time he ate it at that. He avoided literally everything difficult, whining about it for good measure and he was the most likely bot Sentinel was going to throttle one day.
The only member of the team worth anything was the medic and truth be told, Sentinel had major concerns about the mech. Dark rumors from Delphi on Messatine followed this bot after his experimental jet upgrades following the success of the twins. Pharma had apparently glitched in the processor and hard from the procedures, not only setting a plague loose on the facility, but sawing a Decepticon defector that recently joined their ranks in half. Length ways. After some orbital cycles under intensive therapy, the doctor was cleared for limited duty and shipped off with him out to the Fringes, away from the good people of Cybertron in case he lost it again. There were a few times the Prime caught his medic giggling in an alarming manner and even talking to himself, so Sentinel wasn't entirely comfortable with his presence. But Pharma was the best in the field, so he prayed it panned out well for them.
"Can you not figure out why Landfill stinks so bad? What kind of doctor are you?" Huffer whined, shaking Sentinel out of his thoughts rudely. They stood gathered at the base of the space bridge, surveying the damage recently wrought by an agitated Deception that had attacked in passing.
"Last time I checked, it was my job to make sure you don't offline and continue to function optimally...Not help you smell like fragging rosewood." Pharma hissed, brandishing an inactive saw in place of his left hand at the minibot. "And if you don't shut up, I will ram this up your tail pipe and turn it on!"
Sentinel snorted. At least he didn't have to babysit the doctor.  He glanced up at the patchwork space bridge, the south pole smoking the hit and run. It happened frequently and it was damned annoying. "Could you all just pipe down so we can fix this and get it over with?" He scowled at the rest of the team.
"But...But that's so high up..." Broadside frowned.
"Oh for frag's sake..." Pharma rolled his optics, hands thrown in the air. "You have a plane alt-mode. What is your malfunction?!"
"At least it isn't as bad as yours-" Sentinel could appreciate Huffer's brave attempt at snark, but the screaming that followed it as the jet transformed and proceeded to run the minibot down in retaliation just ground further on his nerves.
Landfill called from a few yards away. "Permission to come closer?"
"Permission denied." Sentinel grumbled. "Go, I don't know...Scout the area or something, make sure the Cons don't set anything unwelcome up."
"SIR YES SIR!" Obviously happy to have his orders, the truck changed forms and drove off to scout around. The asteroid was sizable, so it would almost be a mega cycle before he swung back their way.
After knocking Huffer violently into a hole that would likely take him a few cycles to climb out of, Pharma returned to the pair, gracefully transforming as he dropped down. If the slagger wasn't so crazy, Sentinel would be tempted to talk him into a casual frag or two. He was quite the piece of optic candy, the only piece available really. But the jet prattled on in the worst way about Ratchet of all people, so he doubted he would have much luck. "Enjoy yourself? Because we have work to do." Sentinel grumbled.
"I'm a medic, not a mechanic." Pharma groused back, examining his fingertips.
"It's the same damn thing." The Prime held up his hand as his comment almost earned him a scathing lecture about the differences. "I don't want to hear it. Get this scaredy-bot up there somehow and take care of it while I get Huffer! And that's an order if you need clarification!"
He ignored as Pharma acted like he asked him to move the moon, turning away in favor of fishing Huffer out of his hole so they could get to work at the base of the structure. Beyond the upkeep of the space bridge, which would be their way home in case things went south where they were, he couldn't be bothered with improvements to the troops. They were good soldiers, for the most part, but personality flaws were a pain in the aft to try and work over. Besides, he didn't necessarily mind so long as the work got done, his mind was elsewhere anyway. All he could think about were his recent failures and how he was going to get back up in the ranks, at least enough to get positioned back on Cybertron. It was glaringly obvious Optimus would be following in Ultra Magnus's footsteps and he doubted the golden mech was going anywhere any time soon.
Sentinel sighed to himself, crouching at the edge of the hole for a moment. He was finding it hard to stay angry at Optimus, at least a little. Of course, the business with Elita-1 was always at the heart of his ire, but somehow seeing what she had become and the horrible things she was out there doing like what happened to Wasp had tempered it. When Optimus had taken Megatron down and brought the remaining Decepticons back to Cybertron, he had to admit his old friend looked like he had been dragged through the slag pits. He found it hard to imagine what it was like in that battle and he sometimes wondered if he would have had as much mettle to duke it out with the tyrant in the fragging air as he had. The disgraced Prime wasn't exactly a slouch in combat simulations, but he wasn't nearly as battle-hardened as Optimus. His optics flickered thoughtfully, coming out of his musings when he realized he wasn't absently listening to Huffer complain. "Huffer?"
The hole was empty. Turning on his headlights to examine the small pit better, it looked to turn into a tunnel that dipped down after a solid foothold. He could even see where Huffed had hit the edge and likely slid his way deeper into the asteroid. Sentinel let out a long, suffering sigh. Now he had to go searching for the little pest.
<Good job, Pharma. You knocked him Primus knows where.> Sentinel scowled as he climbed down into the hole.
<Well, I say good riddance.>
<That tower better be patched by the time I drag him out.> His threat was answered with some mild grumbling. After reaching the foothold, he slid down into the tunnel, sliding for several yards before he was struck by an odd sense of vertigo. His HUD exploded with warnings on a somewhat muffled and unknown energy reading that was turning his systems on their head. Sentinel grimaces, digging his fingers into the rock to stop himself. 'Woah, that's not right...' His knees shook as he tried to collect himself. He noticed there were spidery veins of glowing violet embers visible in the cracks and further down, there were large chunks of what reminded him of raw crystallized energon that grew in abundance deeper in. Tank churning, Sentinel hurriedly climbed his way back out, thankful that getting topside cleared up his readings.
"Ugh..." Sentinel shook his head, glancing back. <Pharma, what the hell is underground in this rock?>
<How am I supposed to know? I'm a doctor. DOC-TOR. Not a digger. Landfill is the geologist specialist. Why?>  After Sentinel explained what he ran into, Pharma sounded far too fascinated for his taste. <Odd. I don't suppose you brought a sample back out with you, did you?>
<Frag no. You think I want to touch that stuff?> Sentinel made a face. Of course, now they had a new problem. <Huffer, come in.> There was silence from the minibot. <We can't leave him down there...Whatever is down there.>
<Well, I'm not going down there and getting my circuits fried. They're already bad enough as it is...>
The Prime ran a servo over his face, sighing. No, he didn't need Pharma going postal on them. Resting his elbow into his servo, he gently tapped the knuckles of his free servo against his chin as he considered what to do. There weren't many reports on the innards of the large asteroid they were on, the ones there were mostly belonged to the teams who never survived their assignment and even then, there wasn't much to them. The reports got progressively more erratic prior to their stopping completely. Given what he felt when he was down there, Sentinel mused whether the energy from the crystals had been a bigger problem than realized. It was a suspicion he was going to have to put in his report.
Pharma and Broadside returned to him. "...Well?" The medic crossed his arms, head tilted.
"...I guess we're leaving him down there." Sentinel frowned. It wasn't a great call, but he didn't want the whole team to be the next crew to go MIA. That wouldn't look good for him. "If he's all right, he'll find his way out."
"And if he's not...?" Broadside didn't look pleased.
"Then...we'll...send a report he went missing. If we find him, we find him...But I'm not sending anyone down there and don't even think about arguing with me about it. I don't know what the frag is down there and I don't really want to. It felt all kinds of wrong."
"But you're just going to leave Huffer down there?" The triple changer pressed before he glowered at Pharma. "And what about him? This psychopath was the one who knocked him in there in the first place!"
"In my defense, I thought it was a simple hole." Pharma sniffed.
Sentinel shook his head. "No one is going down there till we have more information, now let's deal with the rest of these repairs. And Primus willing, the Cons will let us call it a solar cycle."
Sentinel returned to the Axalon after sending Broadside and Pharma out to hunt for Landfill when the truck never returned to the post. They'd never had an issue with someone patrolling around alone until now. It left the Prime uncertain if it was at all connected with Huffer's disappearance...or those of past crews. It was possible the bot could have been picked off by the Decepticons, but then Sentinel was sure Landfill would have called for backup if that were the case. He went digging into the base's old files as he compiled his own report, pausing when it sounded like company had joined him. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Pharma.
And only Pharma.
"...Please tell me you didn't kill Broadside." Sentinel muttered flatly.
The medic gave him an offended look. "No. I did not. He ran off on his own, thank you very much."
"And why did you not stay with him?" He demanded in exasperation.
"Because the daft fragger decided to take a cave tunnel down to go look for that idiot Huffer. That's why." Pharma scowled back at him. "I started to follow him in, when I started to feel what you described and heard voices so I decided to backtrack and report in. This infernal rock is probably layered with particular metals and stone that keep the underground contained below because he wasn't responding to his infernal comm-link after I backed out of the cave."
Well, that explained why Huffer hadn't answered him. But something was bothering him about this situation. Something was putting a bad twist in his tank. "...Lock down the Axalon." Pharma gave him a perplexed look before he shrugged and the two of them set about doing so. Once the ship was sealed off, he felt only somewhat better.
"What is with you...?"
"Not sure...I just have this feeling there is something weird going on and it's bugging the hell out of me."
Pharma frowned, scratching his chin thoughtfully. He supposed his Prime had a point. There was something unsettling about their team's disappearances. He had a feeling even a brief exposure to whatever was below ground had helped unnerve them. "You know..." Pharma began thoughtfully, looking out the bridge window. "The Decepticons never really touch down here or properly engage. It's always passing aerial strikes. Do you suppose they are wary of the asteroid?"
Sentinel's optics flickered with surprise at how he had never considered that. "That...would make sense. I mean if anyone would know these parts...It would be the Decepticons. But..." He frowned. He didn't want to try and communicate with a Con again. It would look bad, especially after the last time he had struck a deal with one. Of course, losing three of his four team members was pretty bad too. But maybe he could get answers without completely damning himself. He pulled up the communications array and started to ring up Cybertron. Pharma gave him a curious look but stayed quiet as the line was opened with high command. Sentinel sighed as he found Optimus staring back at him.
"Sentinel...?" The SIC seemed a little surprised to be hearing from him since all of his reports were in file format and he generally let Pharma deal with the talking. It was hard enough just looking at him and seeing just a bit of the Elite Guard badge on his shoulder.
"I'm going to cut to the chase, Optimus." Sentinel completely skipped over pleasantries. He hadn't wanted to make this call but he had little choice. "Earlier this solar cycle, one of my men took a tumble down a tunnel. When I attempted to retrieve him, my systems were assaulted by a strange energy source, so the retrieval was aborted. Landfill who was sent out on a scouting assignment has not returned. I sent Broadside and Pharma to look for him, but they found nothing and Broadside decided to venture underground to find Huffer. Pharma attempted to go with him, but was assaulted by the same queer energy and reported back. We can't contact them and they've-"
"Oh look, there's Huffer!" Pharma piped up cheerfully.
"Uhh..." The Prime's faceplate heated up as he glowered at the jet, paying the amused look Optimus gave him no mind. He stood to look over the console, seeing the minibot. But his gait was...off and he had an odd, distinct violet glow emanating from his biolights. Pharma took his pedes off the console and leaned forward for a better look himself.
The SIC called to them. "Sentinel? Is it Huffer? Is he all right?"
"Well, he looks kind of funny-" Not that he wasn't built funny for a minibot to begin with but something was quite off now. But neither of the bots had much time to contemplate the differences as the short mech launched himself into the air and threw himself into the windshield. Pharma shrieked, falling back out of his seat and Sentinel staggered back in shock. Huffer's faceplate was twisted in a ghoulish visage of hateful rage as he proceeded to pound on the thick glass, quickly causing the material to crack under his blows. The Prime cursed as he accidentally dented his leg on his chair to get back, drawing his shield and lance out while engaging his face visor. "Pharma, behind me!"
"SENTINEL! What's going on?!" Optimus looked alarmed, unable to see anything but their panicked faceplates and their defensive positioning.
Pharma scrambled to get behind him as he backed further along the bridge. The windshield gave out under the minibot's assault. Sentinel tensed as the small fragger charged them, faster than he thought Huffer capable, if that even was Huffer. As the minibot lunged at him, mouth open wide with gnarled denta, the Prime struck out, driving his lance straight in. The smaller bot went rigid and twitched, speared through on the energy lance, momentarily stunned. Sentinel relaxed slightly before tensing anew as Huffer tried to drag himself towards him along the lance, as if it was a mere inconvenience at worst. The roar of a chainsaw made him jump as Pharma darted forward and pressed the saw into the minibots's head, tearing the helm apart. Violet goo spattered everywhere as the body finally went still, limbs dropping. Sentinel threw his lance down, stepping back from the speared body in horror.
"Good lord..." The medic murmured, his plates shaking. He turned off the saw, shaking off the foreign fluids. They looked over at the communication array where Optimus was just gaping at them in shock. Pharma turned to Sentinel. "He broke through the bloody window..."
That blatant observation jarred him out of his stupified state. "YA THINK?!" Sentinel sqawked back at him.
"What the hell did I just see..." Optimus's optics flickered.
Pharma crouched by Huffer, nudging him onto his back for a better look. Shards of violet were embedded under several cables, his denta were shattered as if he had been chewing on something hard and volatile, and violet goo oozed from the wounds they had inflicted to his frame. He could, however faintly, pick up on that same wrong energy they had felt from the caverns below. That feel of unease returned anew. "I don't know, Optimus Prime...But I think you should send us back-up. Immediately. Because I have a feeling Broadside and Landfill might be returning much the same way very soon."
It looked for a moment that he had lost his ability to process let alone vocalize, but Optimus regained his wits as he nodded grimly. "Understood. We'll be there asap!"
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years ago
Mar 17 Bevel’s Movie Stream - end of season 1 of Star Trek Discovery
Prowl now has exactly zero tolerance for the presence of Tyler on screen, at all, in any context.
Even though their plan at the end worked, he objects to it because it carried too great a risk of making everything worse.
Today Bevel 7:20 pm *enjoy refreshments and all the lounging space you like, fun straws included* Tarantulas 7:20 pm (( is the audio skippy for anyone else? Bevel 7:21 pm ((Ah, good, I was wondering if it was my audio issues ((If it's still skippy on this song, I'll refresh some ((Ok, lemme refresh and see if that helps Tarantulas 7:22 pm (( kk! Bevel 7:23 pm ((my laptop has an audio glitch so I never know if audio issues are on my end or not Bevel 7:37 pm ((gonna start at 45 after if that's good for everyone? ItsyBitsySpyers 7:37 pm ((i assume this is fuzzytime cause fancy dance also?)) Prowl 7:38 pm ((works for me)) Tarantulas 7:38 pm (( dangit it's still skippy for me ItsyBitsySpyers 7:38 pm ((it's slightly twitchy audio here but still okay i think)) Ratchet 7:39 pm [[ what the heck the entire time i've been here it hasn't shown any messages ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 7:39 pm *Soundwave slides in like you do. Nobody seems to be here aside from Bevel, so he'll dance a few steps into the room.* *She already knows he does.* Ratchet 7:39 pm [[ did mine at least go through ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 7:39 pm ((i see them now)) Ratchet 7:39 pm [[ about ratchet bringing snacks? ]] Bevel 7:39 pm ((is it being skippy for anyone else but Hex? I'm honestly getting my normal audio glitch far as I can tell ItsyBitsySpyers 7:40 pm ((i didn't see the snax)) Ratchet 7:40 pm [[ fuq u rabbit k i'll rewrite as soon as i've scooped dinner into a bowl ]] Bevel 7:40 pm ((Oh, Fabu your messages went to private chat with me instead of the group chat Ratchet 7:41 pm [[ raBBIT whY ]] Bevel 7:41 pm ((because it hates happiness Ratchet 7:42 pm *pops in and heads for the snack table, if indeed there is one* Bevel 7:42 pm ((ok, last song and then I'll start Ratchet 7:42 pm *for the first time in quite a while Ratchet has BROUGHT snacks. not a lot, but one for each bot he has come to expect will be here. yes, soundwave and co. included. prowl's is naturally in liquid form.* Bevel 7:44 pm *claps for Soundwave's short dancing before anyone else arrives* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:44 pm *Soundwave freezes where he is and assumes a more composed figure. He prods the snacks meant for him and his curiously.* Prowl 7:44 pm *appears; surveys room; takes seat next to ratchet* Bevel 7:45 pm ((ok i forgot the opening to the song was like three minutes lol gonna start if everyone's ready Ratchet 7:45 pm *they're all the same, except for Prowl's. and Ratchet is taking the one for him and MOVING AWAY from the snack table* Bevel 7:45 pm Thanks, Ratchet! *she's gonna vault over her chair to get to the table quickly because why the frag not* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:46 pm *Well, he'll take their portion and MOVE AWAY to his own spot as well. With a polite* [[...Thank you.]] Ratchet 7:46 pm *he's trying a thing, but that's TOO close to Soundwave.* Don't mention it. Hey, Prowl. Prowl 7:47 pm Hello. Tarantulas 7:47 pm *time for tarantulas to show up just in time for the actual eps* Bevel 7:47 pm *best timing Tara* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:48 pm [[Ah, yes... the mirror timeline. We are in for a night, aren't we.]] Prowl 7:48 pm *hi tarantulas prowl is going to sort of stare at you and will you to come over.* Bevel 7:48 pm I hope so. I want to find out what happens with Lorca. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:48 pm *Settles into his seat and rests a few coils of his feelers over himself. Part warmth preservation, part protective blanket.* Ratchet 7:49 pm [[ i just got the best ask ]] [[ i'm laughing ]] Tarantulas 7:49 pm *oh, no need to will him to come over, he's already on his way, prowl* Ratchet 7:50 pm *Ratchet is going to will Tarantulas to sit on the other side of Prowl, please* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:50 pm ((what's the ask)) Prowl 7:51 pm *is lap an acceptable compromise* Ratchet 7:51 pm *no that's specifically what Ratchet is willing Tarantulas to not do. other side, other side, other side.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:51 pm [[...The one who died handling the tardigrade.]] [[He wonders how much worse she will be here.]] Prowl 7:52 pm She's still alive. Perhaps she has some healthy self-preservation abilities. Ratchet 7:52 pm [[ "You know, Jazz answers as Iacon Central Headquarters often enough I'm half waiting for mechs to start calling his private comm thinking they have the number for the actual central headquarters." ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 7:52 pm ((LMAO)) Bevel 7:52 pm ((lol Prowl 7:52 pm ((omg)) Tarantulas 7:54 pm *sadly for prowl, tarantulas is gonna settle in at prowl's side unless suggested otherwise* Prowl 7:55 pm *well, good enough. he'll quietly weave an arm around Tarantulas's elbow.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:57 pm [[Easily.]] *Mutter.* Prowl 7:58 pm ... Keep this footage out of Decepticon hands. Bevel 7:58 pm ...which Decepticons? ItsyBitsySpyers 7:59 pm [[He has shared none of it.]] Prowl 7:59 pm All Decepticons, obviously. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:59 pm *Looks at Bevel. What did you do.* Bevel 7:59 pm Even the negative polarity ones? *nothing, she's just wondering specifics* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:00 pm [[Even them. If they were captured and interrogated by Ra-- by the enemy, the information would become available to someone we already know would use it.]] Prowl 8:00 pm The terminology "negative polarity" is poor because it sets up a false dichotomy along a single axis while ignoring all the other axes upon which two universes might be "opposite" to each other. Bevel 8:02 pm The only other word I have heard used was shattered. Prowl 8:02 pm As have I. Also flawed for the same reasons. It's "broken" in comparison to an artificially-established list of criteria via which a universe is defined as "unbroken." From the perspective of a Decepticon in a "shattered" universe, OUR universes are the "shattered" ones in which Decepticons have morally drifted astray. Bevel 8:03 pm Oh oh! How about emberverse? Since they have embers instead of sparks. Prowl 8:03 pm Better, we'll go with that. Bevel 8:03 pm *yay* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm *Quietly adjusts his language banks.* Prowl 8:04 pm Anyway—them too, because possessing an ember isn't necessarily going to ensure they possess the correct moral code. Bevel 8:04 pm I will keep these records safe. Soundwave can help. Prowl 8:04 pm A single network, that one person is capable of destroying completely by ACCIDENT, links a large number of universes, and much organic life is dependent upon it. Ratchet 8:05 pm Sounds like exactly the kind of thing Megatron'd love. Prowl 8:05 pm He said that "life as they know it"—in other words, organic life—will die if the system dies. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:05 pm [[It is.]] Bevel 8:05 pm That would be awful. Prowl 8:06 pm It does. Organic life's weak spot. Destroy it and mecha rule the universe—every universe. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm [[...He hopes the Stamets we know understands his alternate's work well enough to save them without him.]] Prowl 8:08 pm It wouldn't be on the top of every Decepticons' priority lists, but enough. Bevel 8:08 pm ...This guy sounds like Megatron but less angry. Tarantulas 8:08 pm I think it depends more on how clever Stamets is in the first place. He should be able to figure it out on his own. Tarantulas 8:10 pm * !!! organic life signs made undetectable* Tarantulas 8:11 pm *he wonders if stamets gave her that tech. tara might have a small crush on the man now* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm *Only now?* Tarantulas 8:11 pm *hush you* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm *....Has trouble imagining himself doing the same thing in the Michael human's shoes.* *She is a brave fleshling.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm *Leans forward.* Prowl 8:17 pm *same* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm [[The coordinates should still be in the captain's chair. That is where he modified them.]] Prowl 8:18 pm ... A good act. She made it more believable by not acting like she was totally on board with him. She used her real reluctance and distrust to make it MORE believable that she was joining him. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm *Nodding.* Prowl 8:19 pm *in prowl's opinion that's some damn high level acting there. level 10 spy work.* *it's probably more like level 6 spy work, which is why it's a good thing prowl isn't an agent himself.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm *Uncomfortable shift. This is a trap. Lorca is going to take them all out despite his promise to Michael.* Bevel 8:20 pm *Bevel was impressed either way* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm *OH* Ratchet 8:21 pm It's not her Georgiou, but it's nice to see 'em together again. Prowl 8:22 pm In a twisted way, yes. Bevel 8:22 pm *watching the hand-to-hand avidly* Tarantulas 8:22 pm *hums in agreement* Ratchet 8:22 pm [[ that's a high kick prowl would be proud of ]] Prowl 8:22 pm Of course, she is a tyrant. And we've no evidence she's any less brutal a tyrant than Lorca would have been. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:25 pm *Plating shudder.* [[That did not look pleasant.]] [[But there is an obvious problem with this 'victory'.]] *Motions to Philippa's comment.* Prowl 8:25 pm What? The fact that she's going to die anyway? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm [[Yes. That is, a problem for her. Personally, he would be glad to see it. One moment of mercy cannot guarantee more.]] [[...And that was damned stupid.]] Prowl 8:26 pm It was. Bevel 8:26 pm Oh. Oh no. Tarantulas 8:27 pm *bouncing in his seat a little* Bevel 8:27 pm She should not have done that. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm [[-Throw her back.-]] Prowl 8:27 pm Because it went so well the last time someone with the goals, skills, and aspirations of an emperor entered their universe with the rank of a captain. Ratchet 8:27 pm *sighs and leans forward to put face in hands* She really did that. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm *PERK. Look... look at how beautiful...* Tarantulas 8:29 pm *isn't it tho* Prowl 8:29 pm What's she going to do with her?! Release her in the wild? Keep her in a cage and comb her fur sometimes? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:30 pm *Shakes himself a little. What he wouldn't do to travel that, just once...* [[They can do nothing except keep her a permanent prisoner. It would be better she were dead.]] [[NINE MONTHS?]] [[...Nine months facing the Klingons without their warping ability...]] Bevel 8:32 pm Oh no. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm *Primus below.* Bevel 8:32 pm Oh no they lost. Prowl 8:32 pm But have they any legal right to lock her up? She's committed no crime against Starfleet. By their own laws they have no just reason to keep her locked up. Therefore, they're either legally obligated to set a dangerous warlord free, or morally obligated to violate their own laws and wrongfully imprison what is, technically, an innocent person. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm [[Surely the various threats against the Michael human's person...?]] Prowl 8:34 pm She thought that she was speaking t-- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm *Oh, this is going to be a rough one, isn't it.* Prowl 8:34 pm *DAMN those needle fingers.* *give him a moment.* ... She thought she was speaking to a traitor who had attempted a coup against her. She was within her legal rights to punish said traitor accordingly. She ceased her attempts when Michael's true identity was revealed. Tarantulas 8:35 pm *processes for a moment, then wraps an extra arm or two around prowl. can't help himself* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm [[...That will not help his perception of her, will it.]] Prowl 8:36 pm *... why arms?* Tarantulas 8:36 pm *nnno reason* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:37 pm [[And he supposes that is true. Perhaps they will get lucky and she will pick a fight with someone capable of ending it.]] Ratchet 8:37 pm *shifts aside a little* Prowl 8:37 pm *looks at ratchet. ... looks at tarantulas. hm.* Ratchet 8:37 pm *... scoots a little to put legs back in contact with Prowl's* Prowl 8:37 pm *... looks at feet.* *oh, prowl's not going to like this scene. please no more tyler scenes.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm [[...She is willing to use Saru for insight, and yet she will not return the favor.]] Prowl 8:39 pm She's under no obligation to face that. The "favor" he asks for is high. *dammit they're having a tyler scene even though she left. he'd got his hopes up when michael left.* Bevel 8:39 pm Especially after he tried to kill her. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm [[She -ate one of his brethren-. It might help restore his opinion of her.]] Prowl 8:41 pm Not knowingly or willingly. She can make it up to him another way. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm *Soft vent. He can see he's outnumbered on this.*
((though i myself agree with her not going in)) [[...Did the Fire Wolf's rebels find a way into the timel--]] *Helm tilt. What is this? Are these survivors?* Prowl 8:43 pm ... Oh. They're checking f— ... for— for more Voqs. Bevel 8:45 pm I am glad the admiral is ok. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm *They MUST be desperate. A Vulcan just used his mental abilities without asking permission first. That is nigh unthinkable.* Prowl 8:46 pm *YES. IT IS, INDEED, RATHER SHAKING.* Prowl 8:47 pm *oh, good, mass slaughter of civilians, Prowl can handle this.* Bevel 8:47 pm *she'd rather go back to the mind melding ;v;* Ratchet 8:48 pm *okay nevermind the spider arms, Ratchet is shifting back over to lean on Prowl* Tarantulas 8:48 pm *tara won't bother him, rest assured* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm *...Suddenly can't hear, doesn't know what they're talking about, doing bizarre things to resurrect loved ones, who does that.* *Certainly not rational mechs like him, no.* [[It was not you. You live only because you were rescued in a moment of mistaken compassion.]] Prowl 8:51 pm She said, more or less, "One is alive, one is dead, BUT I will let you determine who is stronger." The "but" implies that she believes the answer will be the reverse of what the first half of the sentence would imply. I think she called herself the weak one. Bevel 8:52 pm Punch him. Prowl 8:53 pm Despite the fact that it wasn't really him, I think a punch wouldn't be unjustified. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm [[It would be understandable, at least.]] Bevel 8:53 pm ...that might have been just as good but I still would have punched him. Prowl 8:53 pm Understandable. Yes. That's a better word. Ratchet 8:53 pm Tilly's so good. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm ((tilly is my whole world)) Bevel 8:54 pm ((Tilly is everything <3 Prowl 8:54 pm Big change from Miss "We Have Assigned Seating." Tarantulas 8:54 pm (( truth. but hhh. i'm not feeling well irl, i might have to go nap ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm ((aaaaaaa noooo ;; but feeling good is important, if you have to nap you have to nap *pet pet* )) Prowl 8:54 pm ((:c *hugs*)) Bevel 8:54 pm ((*pets* Hope you feel better soon. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm ((we can catch you up some time)) Tarantulas 8:55 pm (( assume tarantulas had to leave for an emergency i guess ;;; ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm ((FIRE IN THE LAB)) Bevel 8:55 pm ((something exploded *sucks in air through her teeth* Nooooo. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm [[He wonders if the Earthlings know yet.]] [[...Or if they have been taken over.]] Prowl 8:58 pm *... he already misses the arms.* Prowl 9:01 pm Because the last time she asked a parent figure how to beat the Klingons, it went so well. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm *Huff* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm ((*giggles for ooc reasons*)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm ((half expected prowl to be over there like "oh hey hitting every single military installation on a planet at once, i've done that")) Ratchet 9:05 pm [[ i was thinking that []] [[ it's just like the happy fic ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm ((ye)) Prowl 9:05 pm ((i was doing duolingo lmao)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm [[...They're going to plant more?]] *Fascinated. Which quickly drops away.* [[Why is he there. He should not be there.]] Prowl 9:06 pm (("i'm a better parent than you")) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm *This cannot end well.* Bevel 9:07 pm ... Prowl 9:07 pm Hm. She suggested hitting the military installations. She meant destroying the entire planet. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm [[Of course she did.]] Prowl 9:08 pm I HAD wondered why she didn't say that in the first place. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm *...No.* Ratchet 9:10 pm [[ i'm still 100% over the "love" thing ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm [[She waited for one who would agree.]] Prowl 9:12 pm ... She is under NO obligation to be his salvation. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm *Oooh?* *What fabulous little devices.* ((rabbit why are you eating my messages)) Prowl 9:15 pm *honestly, deep down, just wants to keep Tyler off the screen as much as possible.* ((look! it spat them back out)) Bevel 9:15 pm ((gj rabbit ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm [[...That is amazing. He did not know organic - plants? Could grow so rapidly.]] Bevel 9:16 pm Whoa that is fast. Prowl 9:17 pm He isn't gone! He's still in your head! You've said so yourself! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm [[She cannot do this because you TRIED TO KILL HER.]] Prowl 9:19 pm Who is HE to accuse her of being unfair! He DID try to kill her! And—AS SHE SAID—he lied to her—in a way that endangered her life and killed a doctor! His love for her doesn't change what he did and what he is, and it doesn't obligate her to help him. She does not owe him that. Not a bit. Bevel 9:20 pm *frowns at Tyler* Ratchet 9:20 pm Why does it have to be her, anyway. He's got friends. Prowl 9:20 pm The fact that he has decided he needs her in his life doesn't mean she should give up a part of her own life for him. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm *Recording her words so hard.* Ratchet 9:21 pm [[ anyway i hate that they were ever involved i hated their whole subplot ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm ((i'm glad they had her leave tho)) Prowl 9:22 pm He said it himself. The other crewmates have been kinder to him than her. So he can turn to THEM for emotional support. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm [[.........No.]] [[They aren't this naive...]] Prowl 9:24 pm They were JUST IN the other universe! Bevel 9:25 pm ((okay, it's early enough we can end the season if y'all want Prowl 9:25 pm ((i wanna)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm ((YES PLZ)) Ratchet 9:25 pm [[ yeh ]] Bevel 9:25 pm ((aight let's do this ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm *Curls his fingers into his knees. Is this an alternate timeline from the one he knows? He's heard of a splinter where Vulcan is destroyed. It's got to be possible.* Ratchet 9:26 pm [[ i gotta run to the bathroom real quick first tho pls ]] Bevel 9:26 pm ((go for it Prowl 9:26 pm ((*runs too*)) Ratchet 9:28 pm [[ ty ]] [[ also i think i've mentioned but i appreciate that you leave the captions on ]] Bevel 9:29 pm This is the last file I could find from this part of their timeline. I will keep looking but I can show other stuff I have found. ((I need them myself but I'm always happy to accommodate, they're so useful ((Cro and Puff ran off as well so we've got a moment to enjoy CBS' beautiful logo ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm ((i use the captions too tbh. leave them on for our tv at home all the time)) Prowl 9:31 pm ((okay back)) Bevel 9:31 pm ((also also, Disco got nominated for 5 Saturn Awards \o/ Ratchet 9:31 pm [[ i have captions on for youtube and netflix, always ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm ((just a sec, waiting on soup to microwave)) Bevel 9:32 pm ((same, ok we ready? ((ok still waiting ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm ((the only time i don't use captions on movie nights is if i have to find it like on youtube or something and it doesn't have them... but tbh that's why we started renting things off amazon)) Prowl 9:33 pm ((i usually don't leave captions on because when i do i automatically focus on reading them, even if i can understand the dialogue perfectly, instead of actually looking at what's happening on screen)) Ratchet 9:33 pm [[ i usually can't understand he dialogue perfectly, i just don't process it ]] Prowl 9:34 pm ((and then get distracted/irked by captioner or timing errors)) Bevel 9:34 pm ((Same, I've got auditory processing issues bad Ratchet 9:34 pm [[ i'm usually done reading captions well before they're done speaking and can focus on the visual ]] Prowl 9:34 pm ((i focus on them THROUGH the speaking EVEN THOUGH i've already read them because my brain doesn't know how to stop looking when there are words to look at)) Bevel 9:35 pm ((Hopefully Disco's timing hasn't been too off for you, Puff ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm ((aaaaah i'm sorry ;; i hope it doesn't make mondays too rough but ye auditory processing problems here too ;; ))
((soup got)) Prowl 9:36 pm ((it's been awful. the words linger on the screen long after the dialogue is over until someone says something new, and whenever klingons say something it's covered up by captions that say "[speaking in klingon]" like THANKS, NOW MOVE)) Bevel 9:36 pm ((ok gonna start now Prowl 9:36 pm ((LIKE THAT!!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm ((CASE IN POINT)) ((i hate that too don't worry)) ((ACTUALLY when the text appears on the bottom the captions should temporarily move to the top of the screen... that's how it's supposed to be)) ((idk why they don't do it like that)) Prowl 9:37 pm ((USUALLY captions i see do that. that would fix it.)) Bevel 9:37 pm ((i really wish they would do that yeah Prowl 9:37 pm ((i have like, mild auditory processing problems. when i watch something on my own i usually turn off the captions, watch until i don't process something they said, mutter in annoyance, rewind ten seconds, turn on captions, watch until i realize that idk what's happening on screen because i'm reading the captions instead, mutter in annoyance, turn them off, rinse, repeat)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm ((and if there are items on top and bottom then they just stay on the bottom)) ((oof)) Bevel 9:38 pm ((i just... keep watching and don't understand what's happening ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm *Soundwave folds his hands and settles into them. This is already going poorly.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:41 pm [[She will get herself terminated in her sleep.]] Prowl 9:42 pm I don't think the emperor will wait until she's asleep. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm [[You're probably right.]] *HUFF* Ratchet 9:43 pm [[ i love georgiou's accent ]] Bevel 9:44 pm ((Michelle Yeoh is such a gift Prowl 9:46 pm *every scene with him is unpleasant.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm *Soundwave pings Prowl.*
[[You recall Odo and Quark being trapped on the mountain and discussions of the Orion Syndicate?]] [[They speak of them.]] Prowl 9:49 pm I recall. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm [[And the Lorca human had an entire room of weapons. He is sure they have plenty to trade.]] Ratchet 9:49 pm [[ :c tilly's curls are beautiful ]] Bevel 9:50 pm ((i love her hair so much ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm ((who even eats ceti eels)) ((what person said "i'll take this mind-controlling worm bug thing and EAT IT")) Bevel 9:54 pm ((Trill~ Prowl 9:54 pm *heavy frown. Prowl does not like this place. not at all.* *it has bead curtains.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm [[...Really. On a mission and this is where she decides to be?]] ((oh my god prowl)) Prowl 9:55 pm Do you know many better places to find influential people with poor impulse control than a sex club? ((SUBTITLES)) Bevel 9:56 pm ((I'm gonna skip back and remove them for a second ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm ((can you rewind and uncover)) [[...Comment withdrawn. You are, of course, right.]] Bevel 9:58 pm ((maybe they'll be less annoying if they're smaller Prowl 9:58 pm ... See. He still has the same person underneath. Bevel 9:58 pm Oooo. *leans forward* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm *...What kind of art was that? He wants one.*
[[Their memories, at least.]] Prowl 9:59 pm A person IS their memories. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm [[You won't find an argument here. He meant a separate set from Tyler's.]] Bevel 9:59 pm So he is both Ash and Voq now? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm [[Mm.]] Bevel 10:02 pm *excited about these tattoos* Prowl 10:04 pm ((i like that she waited until after she'd got laid to interrogate them.)) Bevel 10:04 pm ((Tilly you're so perfect ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm [[He knew it.]] [[How did they NOT see this coming?]] Prowl 10:05 pm They knew something was happening. They didn't know what or how soon. They probably thought they could see it coming before it happened and head it off. ... I suppose they DID see it coming before it happened. Narrowly. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm [[...Ahhh.]] Bevel 10:10 pm They are giving it to L'rell? Prowl 10:10 pm Tyler, I expect. Mm. Could be wrong. Prowl 10:13 pm ... I'm not sure giving her the power to reunify Klingon is the best strategic decision. Bevel 10:14 pm But it was a peaceful one. Prowl 10:14 pm There are many peaceful strategies that don't involve giving her the power to reunify the army that's steadily slaughtering their people. Ratchet 10:15 pm They're competing to see who can kill the most now, though. United, they'll be more predictable. Prowl 10:15 pm And more efficient. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm [[It does prove that the Federation does not wish them to crumble and perish.]] Prowl 10:17 pm They could have proven that by finding some Klingon pacifist to hand the weapon to. Prowl 10:18 pm ... Hm. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm [[He doubts they would command the respect necessary to convince the others they would follow through with it.]] Prowl 10:18 pm They're fortunate she called for peace. In prison, she was very much against it. They wouldn't need to "convince the others they would follow through with it"—the POINT is, the Federation could prove to the Klingons that they don't want them to crumble and perish by giving the bomb to someone THEY KNOW will never detonate it. Bevel 10:20 pm ((Sarek gets 1 parent point. He's now at -99 Prowl 10:20 pm ((eyyyy, down to double digits! way to go sarek.)) Bevel 10:20 pm *memorizes this* Bevel 10:24 pm ((look at my pizza cutter ships i love them Prowl 10:24 pm ((of course the USS enterprise is hailing for help)) ((they're in trouble every 12 minutes)) Bevel 10:24 pm ((lol ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm *Can see what Prowl is getting at, but is certain they could not have found such a person in so short a time, and does not know that it would work when so much revolves around a willingness to do battle. He would like to see what happened in a timeline where that WAS the case. Make some decisions with more data.* Ratchet 10:25 pm [[ wow that season went all over the map and then some ]] Bevel 10:25 pm ((I really hope this means next season we get to see Number One ahhhhh ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm ((i think part of it was that they changed people in charge like partway through the season? but also they didn't know if they were gonna have a second so GO ALL OUT)) [[A pleasing enough tale, though he is concerned about the free-roaming Terran.]] [[For now, he should return home. There is much to do.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm ((like DANCIN time to write that up)) Bevel 10:28 pm If I find more files I will let you know. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm ((well, greeting the lady sparklight anyway)) Prowl 10:28 pm *turns to Ratchet* I will see you... the next time we have one of these, I suppose. Ratchet 10:28 pm [[ prowl pls "in between blue and magenta" ]] Prowl 10:28 pm ((there are six colors, okay)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm [[Thank you. He appreciates the additions to his records. It is surprisingly difficult to acquire this data at times.]] Prowl 10:29 pm ((red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and magenta)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:29 pm [[Something about so much of it being classified.]] *Quiet huffing.* Prowl 10:29 pm Pff. I can't imagine what kind of encryption these files were initially kept under. Ratchet 10:29 pm Mhmm. I'll see ya. Prowl 10:30 pm ... I can go outside, now. We should—visit. Sometime. Bevel 10:30 pm *yes ignore how encrypted these files were >_>* I want to see the mushroom planet. Ratchet 10:31 pm You mentioned something about that. I wasn't sure--but yes. The Ark's always open to you. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm [[It tends to be quite powerful, for organic security. He finds appealing to the right people works wonders, though.]]
*And on THAT note... a small bow to Bevel, a nod to Ratchet and Prowl with a ping for the latter, and he'll get on his way.* Bevel 10:32 pm *waves to Soundwave* ((nope weak she changed the pronouns Prowl 10:34 pm *a farewell ping to Soundwave and to Ratchet, and he disappears as well.* Bevel 10:37 pm ((Lemme know when you've got the log, Puff Prowl 10:38 pm ((got it!)) Bevel 10:39 pm ((ok!
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silvokrent · 8 years ago
Gears in Motion - 1
The seed of an idea is planted.
Part I: The Present
There was a jaunty bounce in his steps as Bluestreak walked down the hall. Upbeat rock music trailed from his speakers, encircling him in his own little bubble of sound. Apart from the electric guitar solo drifting from the gunner the halls were quiet.
The abnormal stillness was courtesy of the recent battle early that morning. Just as the sun crested the horizon an alert had come in from some important politician (Bluestreak couldn't remember his name) of a raid on the North Anna Power Plant in Virginia. Autobots had been dispatched, and by late noon the group had returned aboard Skyfire, thoroughly exhausted but still largely unharmed. Gears and Windcharger were both in the medbay, one for burn damage and the other for shrapnel in his upper torso. Blaster and his cassettes were also holed up there, keeping a close vigil on Ramhorn while one of the rhino's legs was being rebuilt.
With everyone else either on duty or in their quarters resting, Bluestreak found little else to do as he strolled through the halls. At least the quiet gave him the chance to catch up on a demo that Jazz had lent him.
So immersed was the gunner in his music that he was caught by surprise when he rounded a corner and found himself near one of the officer-only conference rooms. By the looks of it, a post-battle meeting had just ended, if the sliding-open doors and mass exodus of mechs were anything to go by. Optimus Prime exited first, Ironhide by his side as the two engaged each other in deep discussion. Jazz sprinted out and jogged after the two much bigger 'bots, doubling his pace to catch up as they turned down the corridor.
At a much more sedate pace emerged Ratchet, with Prowl in tow. Without noticing him they continued down the hall in the opposite direction.
At the sight of the Second-in-Command Bluestreak felt his spark do a happy little jig. It always pleased him to see his mentor return safe and sound, especially from a battle where Bluestreak himself hadn't been present. Suddenly eager to catch up, he hastily muted his speakers and trotted down the hall. Four meters away he'd neared enough to catch the tail-end of their conversation:
"…will have the post-op report on your desk tomorrow," Ratchet was saying. The medic sounded cranky, and he sure as the Pit looked it.
"Another datapad to add to the growing collection," sighed Prowl. At the odd inflection in his tone Bluestreak stilled, refraining from calling out and making his presence known. "Joy."
The medic tipped his helm to the side, enough to capture Prowl in his legendary periphery vision. "And here I thought you'd be throwing enough confetti to shame Mardi Gras."
The Praxian's spinal struts seemed to sink a little―a small gesture that few would have normally picked up on, but Bluestreak, so attuned to his mentor's mannerisms, recognized it for what it was. Exhaustion. "Enjoying one's job is one thing," Prowl explained in a voice that aimed for impassive, and fell a little short. "Unnecessary surplus work, however, is another matter entirely."
"So get someone else to do it for a change," Ratchet scoffed, in his usual blunt way. Sympathy for stupidity and the blatantly obvious was something he had yet to perfect, and probably never would. "Otherwise quit bitching about it."
A sharp look was cast on the medic, quickly morphing back into a look of immense self-control. "The only other mechs who can act as substitutes in my stead are Smokescreen, and Prime. As you are well aware, Smokescreen is still off-base in Vegas"―his tone made his opinion of his brother's choice abundantly clear―"doing 'reconnaissance' on alleged Decepticon activity. And Optimus already has his hands full dealing with the Attorney General. It would be unfair of me to impose."
Despite being able to only see the CMO's backside, Bluestreak had a shrewd suspicion that he was rolling his optics. "Then save it for when he gets back."
"Unfortunately, the paperwork needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later." 
"It's not anything new," Ratchet reasoned with a light shrug of his broad shoulders. "I mean, it's not like it's high clearance slag. You just need a signature saying that the contents have been peer-reviewed, right?"
"Among other things," the tactician muttered.
To Bluestreak's faint amusement Ratchet moved to rib the black-and-white in the side. "Look at it this way," said the medic, the nonchalance in his tone causing Prowl's doorwings to flick in undisguised annoyance. "It could be worse."
That was apparently the wrong thing to say.
"Oh yes. Because Ultimate Minibot makes everything so much better," Prowl shot right back.
That garnered a true bit of sympathy from the medic. There was the briefest clenching of hands, as if Ratchet were entertaining the thought of a pair of necks choking in his grasp. Probably red and yellow, if Bluestreak knew any better. Which he did.
"Those little glitches are playing that game again?" Ratchet asked, his voice as smooth as a sword being drawn from its scabbard.
"If my sources are accurate, then yes, tomorrow," Prowl confirmed, in an ominous undertone. "As if my schedule weren't tedious enough without having to take the time out my day to issue disciplinary actions."
A sigh eased out of the medic's vents. "At least two of the usual victims are safe in the medbay."
Leaving just Cliffjumper, Huffer, and Brawn, Bluestreak wordlessly supplied. He himself had been invited several times by the twins and Aerialbots to join in on the "fun," yet always declined. Friends or not, the sniper never felt entirely comfortable with the game, even if he privately felt that Cliffjumper deserved being taken down a peg every now and then.
They were nearing a fork in the hall, where the barracks and medbay lay in their respective directions. Still largely unnoticed by the pair, Bluestreak let himself fall back several steps, still within hearing distance without drawing attention to himself. It wasn't really eavesdropping. “Not technically, anyway,” he’d heard Sideswipe say on more than one occasion.
Medic and tactician paused to exchange parting words.
"If you catch any of the little fraggers, make sure to send them my way." The promise of unholy wrath glittered like chips of ice in the medic's optics. Ratchet drew up his chin a fraction, the threat of dire retribution not lost in his posture. "I'll make sure to sort 'em out. They'll be right as rain by the time I'm done."
"If there is anything left of them once I've caught them," Prowl vowed, expression unnaturally vexed. He gave a deep, calming breath, and the ageless tranquility Bluestreak associated with his mentor returned once more. "I will be retiring to my quarters for the evening. Should you require me for anything…"
Ratchet offered a wry smirk. "I'll know where to find you. Good night, Prowl."
The SIC dipped his head. "Good night, Ratchet."
With that said and done, the two 'bots turned and left.
His good mood feeling suddenly unsettled by what he'd overheard, the gunner backtracked in the direction of the rec room. If Prowl was tired enough to retreat to his room, then Bluestreak knew better than to disturb him.
The depressing turn his thoughts had taken was interrupted by the sounds of playful bickering and good-natured laughter. Intrigued, Bluestreak quickened his pace.
Spike, Carly, and Bumblebee were huddled in the center of the rec room. There were several rolls of colorful duct tape around the humans' arms like gaudy bangles. A dozen empty tubes of wrapping paper were strewn about the space at their feet, with another tube in the yellow minibot's hands. He was attempting to, and struggling with, wrapping the sheet over a massive brown box that easily came up to Carly's shoulders. All three of them were adorned in Scotch tape and pieces of discarded paper, and there was a vaguely handprint-shaped glitter patch on Bumblebee's aft.
"You've got to cut it first, 'Bee," Spike was saying to the scout. "If the sheet's not the right size, then it won't sit right or fold correctly."
"I've never wrapped a present before," protested Bumblebee as he tried, and failed, to redo the crease. He stuck his glossa out of the corner of his mouth in concentration. "And the scissors are too big for me to use."
"Maybe we should use a chainsaw," Carly joked, her attention half on the strips of tape she was storing on her left arm for later use. "That should be big enough. And it'll certainly cut through the paper."
"And the box, and the gifts in the box, and maybe our arms, too," Spike snorted. "Besides, we already wrapped the chainsaw. Do you have any idea how long it'll take us to rewrap it?"
The little spy lifted his head, about to reply, only to catch sight of Bluestreak lingering in the entranceway. "Hey, Blue!" he called cheerfully. Carly and Spike turned, and waved the gunner over when they spotted him. Bluestreak strode over, his optics riveted to the half-wrapped carton.
"What are you guys doing up so late? I mean, I know your curfew isn't for another hour so you don't have to drive home just yet, but it's awfully late by human standards, and I know Sparkplug doesn't like it when you're on the roads after dark." He tipped his head to the side. "What's with all the paper and tape? And why do you need a chainsaw?"
It spoke volumes of the kids' familiarity with the Autobots that they could sift through the ceaseless jabber with barely a bat of their eyes. "Dad's still at work. He's pulling a late shift, so I can stay out a bit longer," Spike answered. "And the chainsaw's not for us―it's for Dad."
"For Father's Day," Carly explained, when the sniper merely stared in bemusement. "We got him a new toolkit, too."
"And a fishing rod, since he loves going out to Bull Run Lake," Spike added. He had resumed trying to flatten the stubborn wrapping paper against the surface of the box. He was rewarded with a noise of exasperation when the paper merely sprung back up like a belligerent weed.
"And I'm helping them, since the box is so big." Giddy excitement lit up Bumblebee's optics. He looked beside himself to have been included in this obviously important human tradition.
"But if you're only wrapping a few things, then why do you need a five foot high box? Couldn't you just individually wrap them all?"
At that, the boy gave a rueful laugh. "Well, it's sort of a joke." He scratched his hair. "You see, we sort of wrapped his gifts in one box, and then put that box in another box…"
"Like nesting dolls," Carly said. "Only without the creepy faces painted on them."
"I don’t know if we can call the wrapping paper a trade-off anymore, though." For emphasis Bumblebee flailed his arms, showing off the scraps of paper that had inevitably found their way across his frame.
There was a soft thump as Bluestreak settled in to watch. "I know I’ve heard it before but could you remind me what Father's Day is again?'" Despite having lived on Earth for years he was still encountering new aspects of human culture. He supposed, he consoled himself, that it made sense he didn't remember this one. Christmas overshadowed just about every festivity, with Halloween, Fourth of July, and (oddly enough) Valentine's Day making close runner-ups. The rest of the holidays out there were either too religious in nature or just downright bizarre for most of the Autobots to concern themselves with.
At that Spike tapped his chin. "Well," he began, clearly trying to put it in a way that would make sense to a species that didn't have biological progenitors, "in most societies family is a pretty important concept. If it weren't for our parents, we wouldn't be here right now. Someone had to raise you, even if they weren't necessarily the people that helped make you. Everyone has a mom and a dad, or two moms or two dads. Or any combination of parents, really." He shrugged. "But anyway, we owe it to our parents for taking care of us as kids. Or just my dad, in this case," Spike noted. A shadow of some darker emotion briefly crossed his face.
"And since my dad is dead, Spike's letting me share his," Carly added. She gave her friend a playful swat on the shoulder, snapping Spike out of whatever fog he’d settled into.
"Yeah." He nodded. "Basically, Father's Day is for celebrating dads and doing nice stuff for them, as a way of saying thanks for everything they do for you."
The gunner gave an absent nod, his optics distant as he thought. "And it's tomorrow?"
"Yup.” Bumblebee jumped into the conversation. "That's why we're trying to get this done as fast as we can.” He regarded Spike and Carly with bright optics. “You’ll let me be there when he opens this, right? I am helping with the wrapping, so surely that means I get to watch too.”
Spike shrugged again. “He’s already got a semi-adopted daughter. I don’t see why he’d object to having a giant alien robot for a foster son.”
Bumblebee snorted. “Well, I wouldn’t go that far…”
“Too late,” Carly said.
With a flex of his doorwings Bluestreak hauled himself to his feet. “I just remembered I really need to go take care of something important, so I'll just leave you guys to your wrapping so you can get it done in time." He hesitated, then bent down and picked up a roll. "Can I borrow this?"
"Sure," Spike said. "I think we're almost done, anyway."
Bumblebee huffed as the wrapping paper once again defied him, getting further crinkled in the process. "Not at this rate, we're not."
"That’s the spirit, ’Bee.”
Unbeknownst to the laughing trio, Bluestreak had quit the room. As the gray mech hurried toward the command deck a single image kept popping up in his processor, of black-and-white armor and a resigned expression. Without slowing his pace he strode directly past his quarters, ignoring his own comment about the late hour.
He had a lot of work to do.
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