#so Friday wedding it was!
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victorluvsalice · 2 years ago
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Welcome to Summer Friday in the Chill Valicer Save, everyone -- otherwise known as THE VALICER WEDDING UPDATE! Which is so massive at ninety pictures that I had to take advantage of the fact that I'm now on the new post editor and can upload more than ten pictures at a time to a post. ^^; So you're only getting hit with six posts today instead of nine (that works out to fifteen pictures a post, if you're curious). You're welcome. :p
So, let's get started with -- farm chores! Yes, it may have been Victor and Smiler's wedding day, with bonus Victor and Alice vow renewal, but that doesn't mean they got a day off from their usual activities around the farm. So this is how they spent their morning prior to the big event:
-->Victor started off his day by taking a turn to feed the chickens, then got sent to make some more eco upgrade parts -- and I guess the fabricator actually likes him now, because it didn't try to attack him ONCE. I guess I'm glad, since he needs the eco upgrade parts (especially since I discovered that you CANNOT Copypasto them while he was feeding the chickens), but I do kinda miss dye-sprayed Victor from that one alternate timeline. Maybe one day in the future! :p Anyway, Shadow wandered in while he was finishing up said parts, and I discovered to my delight that they could become companions -- I promptly had them do so, then had Victor take Shadow out for an early-morning jog (discovering in the process that the community garden area has these mysterious blue lights hovering around the trees when it's dark! I don't know if my screenshot did it justice, but it was pretty cool :D).
-->Alice went right back to writing her latest book, "Vorpal Rhymes" -- if she's gonna be an official Bestselling Author aspiration-wise, she's gotta keep the books coming! This proved to be a little difficult, though, simply because Guidry kept coming in to chat and distract her. *sigh* Dude, I don't know why you keep trying to talk to her, you guys don't really vibe well. As shown when, upon finishing her book and finding herself needing a bath, she chose to transform into her werewolf form to lick herself clean, and Guidry immediately got all scared and annoyed with her for doing so. Sir -- sir, you are a ghost. A ghost with a storied history of being a paranormal investigator if we believe your in-game backstory! You should be at least somewhat used to this! *shakehead* Don't let him get you down, Alice -- I think your beast form is pretty neat.
-->Smiler probably had the easiest morning out of the three to start, just recycling a bunch of trash piles before heading to their robot bench to make more chatterbots and a computer chip for future robot upgrades. However, as they were finishing up that, I happened to look over at the chicken coop and noticed it was REEKING. O.o How did that happen? I promptly had them give it a scrub and dump some more feed out there for the chickens, since we do have a full coop. Always something when you live on a working farm!
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astravires · 7 months ago
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.:. the future is perfect from the end of the line .:.
we've gone all cyberpunk for @gloomiegalaxie's femboy friday! this theme is like, a core aesthetic for me.
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maizeyart · 6 months ago
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unopenablebox · 2 months ago
on the other hand the wedding planning subreddits' deep hatred of non-saturday weddings is making me somewhat concerned
i mean i'm sincerely uncertain of whether i will even be properly married in jewish law because 🌸 isn't jewish and you're not getting me anywhere near a ketubah. but. well. i do kind of want a couple of brachot and a chuppah and so on and i suppose in that case i would possibly like to find a reform rabbi who doesn't make my eyes roll back into my head to marry us
but that bring us into conflict with two ideas, the first being that saturday is shabbat, we would like an outdoor ceremony if we can swing it, and any time on saturday when the sun is shining is not a time most rabbis are thrilled to be conducting weddings. and the second being that the general report of the internet is that having a wedding with majority out of town guests on, god forbid, a sunday, means no one will come or else they will all hate us beyond words for making them use pto to travel on monday, and also they won't drink because it's a sunday night and therefore won't dance, and then i suppose they'll all try to kill us with hammers.
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watercolourcritters · 10 months ago
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Gentlebeard wedding but make it sapphic!! (Or, lesbian Stede makes Ed her bi wife at last <3)
A little "You're so beautiful" for @gbweddingweek, late posting here for their May 8th prompts!!
A sticker of this is up for sale on my Ko-fi (along with a bunch of other OFMD stickers)! Photo under the cut. I also take commissions for lil cartoons like this!
Instagram | Etsy | Ko-fi / Tip Jar
[ID: Digital art of Ed and Stede from OFMD, both drawn as women in a cartoon style. They are both wearing white wedding dresses, and Stede is dipping Ed as if going in for a kiss. Text overhead reads "You're so beautiful!" in cursive, with just 'beautiful' in red. Both Ed and Stede are smiling broadly, and Ed has an arm around Stede's shoulders and one hand on her cheek, while Stede has an arm under Ed's back and a hand holding her thigh up. Ed's hair is long and down, with a blue flower in her hair. Stede's hair, also long, is pinned up with pink flowers. Stede wears blue heels, while Ed wears pink ones, in the matching shades of each other's hair flowers. The artist's signature reads @ watercolourcritters. End ID.]
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[ID: a sticker of the art above, held in my hand. End ID.]
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araybiaa · 7 days ago
gonna start writing again tomorrow and hopefully another fic will be posted sometime next week ;)
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danwhobrowses · 2 months ago
Well Critters the year is almost up, at least for me here in England. Aside from the general pensiveness and reflection of the past year, it also means I'm about to (technically) complete my first full year of following the CR episodes as they came out; a year full of twists, turns, uprisings, downfalls, and just so much going on - only for the campaign to now be nearing its end.
We knew the end was coming sure, but since December's 4SD announced itself as the last of the campaign the number of episodes remaining has grown more finite, likely to be around 1-4 more episodes, and confronting the end is very different to acknowledging it ending. Admittedly in the confronting part I've become a liiiiittle bit of a mess, loaded with panic and worry beyond my own control; I sometimes tell myself that I'm being silly, they're fictional characters, the story's likely already recorded its end, and I never had any control or influence on the story to begin with, but as expected such attempts are both hollow and in vain. It's been a while since I was this invested in a story, or fandom for that matter, and the fact that most key and decisive moments will be determined by dice rolls continuously does nothing to soothe my nerves, or my uncertainties towards how it'll end - after all, the hardest battle has yet to be fought, the biggest decisions yet to be made, and Ludinus Da'leth is way WAY too calm about being trapped in a Force Cage for my liking.
I wonder if the fear and dread was the same for those watching the end of the previous two campaigns? If it was more or less than it is now by comparison? In hindsight, while the final stage so far feels more grounded compared to the more spectacular, massive miniature, larger-than-life endgame battles against Vecna and Lucien's Neo-Somnovem phases, it feels like the stakes are riskier for Bells Hells, on a low Level 15 with no cleric, dismal openings for additional support, and little wiggle room to get creative, especially since killing Ludinus - who continues to be touted as the 'strongest mage of our time' and could get even stronger depending on which way Matt goes with him - alone potentially won't end the overarching conflict, though he should still die nonetheless. At the very least I want the Hells (as we have for VM and the Nein) to all be free to live happily, be it settling down, embarking on new adventures, or just being the best they can be - and doing so with the people that mean the most to them - and at the very most I want them to make the best and kindest decision for the world as a whole, which I hope they get the chance and take the opportunity to do so.
It's still difficult to ready myself for it ending mind you, since I could have very easily spent another year with these idiots and still not be fully ready to say goodbye to them. On that however, I know not everyone shares my sentiment; some are truly ready for the campaign to be over and for C4 for explode (pun intended) onto the scene with brand new characters that in a few years time we'll also likely be unready to say goodbye to, and that's fine. But for all that can and will be said about Campaign 3 - positively and critically - it has very much delighted, disheveled, and deranged me for most of the year, usually at my desk of work, so trying to brace myself for the climax has, and continues to be, a lot of mental effort. Keeping myself positive and hopeful in these situations is tough especially when on the verge of a big battle; sometimes the negative thoughts creep in, Youtube videos full of pessimists and clickbait titles appearing unwantedly on my recommendations don't help, nor does the memory of what happened the last time the Hells were in a major boss battle at the tail end of their time on Ruidus, but when the campaign does end I want it to be looked upon fondly, and a lot of that does hinge on its conclusion. Obviously, I trust the group and Matt's storytelling, but that is only to an extent; defeating Ludinus is something I know Bells Hells are capable of doing - so long as the dice gods play ball and Matt doesn't inexplicably overbuff Ludinus to the nth degree like he did with Otohan - but the Predathos decision remains the root and focal point of the campaign's criticisms for good reason, often overshadowing and playing obstacle to character growth and direction. There is a satisfying and spectacular conclusion in there, but navigating it - even for a group that embraces 'when given two options, we pick option 3' more times than not - let alone achieving it is a very delicate path of fine margins, one that can indeed make or break the campaign - and a lot of my worries lie there, that and approaching/confronting an entity so voracious and eager to escape that it makes the gods terrified enough to deliberate breaking down the Divine Gate.
Without talking more to death about the god stuff and Predathos thing like we the fandom have already done aplenty, there's not much else I can say except that I'm worried but also trying to be hopeful. The campaign ending in tragedy or a pyrrhic victory is possible but it's not an outcome I personally desire or want to entertain. You could perhaps aptly translate that to my general feelings towards the new year too; having wants and wishes, hopes and hesitancies, fears and fandom, just currently a bit more compressed here than it is for the full year - and given our recent run of the years playing dystopia simulator, I'm more hopeful in one than the other right now - and perhaps it would do good to start the year with something to smile about. Right now, it's just that it's happening; it's happening, it's soon, and it's very apparent how close we are to finishing, which means I'm panicking and rambling, and panicking, and of course, rambling. I don't know what emotions will January send me through, but I do hope with all my being that they'll be positive ones.
So whether or not you reached the end of this, I wish you all a Happy New Year and, much like the end of Campaign 3, I hope it's a good one.
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whatsthisascianbullshit · 4 months ago
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"You had best take care when playing with summoning little mage - you never know what you might awaken..."
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fridaywormteeth · 6 months ago
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Going to his own wedding like a man heading for the gallows
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namtanlovesfilm · 4 days ago
now that mgb has taken the wednesday slot, why do I feel like break up service is gonna take the monday slot after ossan's love th & either sweet tooth or boys in love is gonna take the friday spot after thamepo? mayhaps it's wishful thinking bc I need break up service like yesterday & I'm getting desperate but anyways.........
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naffeclipse · 8 months ago
I'm opening comms again real soon, within an hour or two, just a heads-up
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supercalime · 11 months ago
Honest question, why do yall care? I mean, if it’s real, good for them but like, this feels so gross. I’ve seen how fans treat them like characters, they deserve all the privacy they can get, relationship or not
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onthewaytosomewhere · 5 months ago
🥲💃 or 🎤- your choice!
morgan!! it's here it's done - and well cuz i can't decide you get all 3 lolz
Alex is wrapped in Henry’s arms. The DJ is playing the wrong song, not the one they practiced the whole dance to for hours. Instead, Henry pulls him close, starting with their hands entwined and the other resting on their backs. That doesn’t last long, as now he has Henry’s arms wrapped around him, one hand around his back, almost resting on his ass, beneath his unbuttoned tux jacket and the other around his shoulders, holding him to him.
Alex is wrapped around Henry similarly, a pinky tucked under his waistband where no one can see, again, thanks to a tux jacket. His other hand is entwined in the hair resting on the nape of his neck; he loves how he’s let it grow out over the years once he realized Alex likes to play with it just as much as Henry loves his. This moment is perfect, even if it hasn’t played out the way they planned, but really, they’ve been rolling with the punches all day. Alex knows that when he looks back at this, all he’ll remember is the good moments, and even the moments that went wrong will still be perfect.
Of course, it started with Henry in tears this morning and Alex bypassing everyone’s plans to keep them apart to fix that. He arrives in Henry’s room, and slips past Bea and Pez as they are hunting down Henry’s notes for his vows, the notes that are in Henry’s hands as Alex enters the room. Alex has him wrapped in his arms before Henry can spill out his thoughts about how his vows are not nearly good enough for their wedding. How Alex deserves so much better than the mediocre vows Henry has come up with. Alex situates them on the bed in the room and has Henry read them to him, arguing that the vows are for him and that he should be the one to judge them. Of course, Alex is also in tears before Henry is done because Henry’s vows are perfection and make him feel so many things that he can’t put into words.
Having already cried about the vows helps Alex keep his tears in check during the ceremony, but that only lasts until they are sitting at the table set up for them for their reception. June is giving a speech that both succeeds in embarrassing him and making him an emotional mess. Of course, Bea does an equally fantastic job of embarrassing and making Henry cry, so they’re quite the pair sitting at their table in tears, holding each other. Now, they’re entwined in each other, and Alex gestures for the DJ to play another slow song so he can stay right where he is.
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zsbrainrot · 1 year ago
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Happy Buddy Daddies Friday!
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hwsforeignrelations · 6 months ago
#hey boss#u uh- u said i was working sun n wed- can i have more consistent days so i have days to block out for interviews?#.#uve been forewarned#ok so its four months into my gap year and HOLY SHIT JOB SEARCHING IS SO FRUSTRATING#so im working as a clerk at this law firm mon and wed (only 8 hours total tho)#n i THOT i had my reatil job in the bag but then boss goes “yea im really sorry but i cant give u three days - only sundays and weds”#so i was like great ok i need another job thats cool ill just bliock out sundays and weds for potential employers#THEN on sat boss texts n goes “ahhh i dont need u till next week- also can u switch ur wed to fri”. ??????? MA'AM#so i go#she says sorry kid i dont WHICH IS FINE I APPRICIATE THE COMMUNICATION#so i have an interview the next day at a coffee shop for a time THE MANAGER OFFERED#i show up after having pit my day aside for this noon interview#i walk in employees go “uh ho manager stepped out”#she camnt come back for the rest of the day AND doesnt apologize in her email- just “unfourntallyyyy i didnt have time to check my email”#MAAM YOU SEND THE INVITE#whatever#luckily last friday i was invited to this job fair by like four diff locations in san fran n was immeditaly hired#(first trial shift tmr yay!)#but the commute is gonna be KILLER#however im hopeful n i love coffee so yay#also my pet sitting is taking off ive got two sits booked for october#which is suprising bc im also traveling for half the month#manchester edenbrough st andrews milan lake como babayyyyyyy#also this thursday im heading to chicago and maine for a wedding (yay go love!) and to tenessee for another wedding in jan#so now ive got law firm retail associate barista dog sitter n i just KNOW when the holidays roll around n both retail jobs will be wack ill#be floored#but. ahem anywats good things frustrating thinsg stressful things but GOD am i glad i took this gap year#oh yea and ive been hiking tones! lands end trail#tilden park
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hailsatanacab · 2 years ago
Wip Wednesday babeeyy
eyy I've finally remembered that wip wednesday exists!! here's some proof that i'm working on something, and that something is the follower milestone gift i said i was going to do and i promise i'm doing it! i'm doing it it's happening i promise! so here's a little taster!!!! and here's Part One if you want a refresher!
And then the kid just vanishes.
In the blink of an eye, in the time it takes for him to look down, screw his face up because this is all confusing as fuck, and look back up, he’s just gone. There’s nowhere to hide, there’s nowhere to go, Jason can see everywhere around him—but he can’t see Danny.
“Well… shit."
“What, what happened?” Dickybird hisses in his ear, the unsaid, exasperated “now” very clear in his voice. 
As much as he loathes to admit it, Jason is feeling very much the same way right now. What was meant to be a simple case of “investigate the potential child abuse and put an end to it” has instead become something… less simple. When is it ever simple in his life?
Still. If working with supers, metas, vigilantes, whatever, has taught Jason anything, it’s that just because you can’t see someone doesn’t mean they’re not there.
“Hey, kid… Danny. Listen, I’m not here to hurt you and if you’re still here, if you can still hear me, then, I don’t know, do you want to get a bite to eat or something? I just want to talk. I just want to figure out what’s happening.”
Jason doesn’t hold his breath. 
Okay, no, that’s a lie. Jason holds his breath, but he swears he’s holding it so he can more accurately hear if Danny is still around. That’s all it is, he’s not attached to this kid already. He’s not.
When no answer comes—not even a whisper of a breath or the scuff of a sneaker on the pavement—he suppresses a frustrated growl and opts instead to breathe deeply and pinch the bridge of his nose.
“So…” Tim begins, drawing out the word.
The urge to growl—hell, the urge to pull out his comms and smash them on the floor—grows.
“The kid’s a meta, then. Potential powers including but not limited to: invisibility or teleportation. You think he’s still there?” There’s no reason for the kid to still be around, not at all. If it was Jason, he’d have scattered as soon as he realised the stranger impersonating his dad wasn’t the guy he thought was impersonating his dad, and honestly, wasn’t that extra fucked up? That someone impersonates people in this town often enough that it’s not a surprise? The way Danny spoke about him… What was his name?
Amorpho. Amorphous. Without shape. 
A shapeshifter?
Whatever. It’s a mystery for another time, because there’s still a more pressing mystery in front of him.
Or,. rather, not in front of him.
Yes, there’s no reason for Danny to still be here, but…
Jason sighs. 
“I’m going to Bat—Nasty Burger. Really? Is that the best burger joint here? Nasty Burger? Whatever, I’m going to get some fucking fries.”
Jason feels fucking stupid talking the air like this. He must look fucking stupid, too, but the thing is… There’s a prickling on the back of his neck, a rolling taste of green on his tongue when he glances through his peripheral, the vague weight of an unseen eyes on him. 
Call it wishful thinking, call it a hunch, call it something else, but Danny’s still here.
“There’ll be a burger waiting for you, too, if you want it. My treat.” Jason turns in a full circle, examining everything in his surroundings. Nothing seems out of place, nothing screams wrong to him. “I just want to talk.”
He waits for a full minute with no success, which makes Jason feel even more stupid, before clicking his tongue and making his way to the, hopefully ironically named, Nasty Burger.
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