#so ........ mmh yeah
delta-piscium · 1 year
The first signs that Steve is getting a migraine are always ones he can’t identify until it’s too late. Things he dismisses as they occur but in hindsight knows what they meant.
The first one is a general feeling of something being wrong. But, he lives in Hawkins and a general feeling of something being wrong comes with the goddamn area code. So, a hard one to identify.
The second sign is that he’s unusually tired. But again, he lives in fucking Hawkins which is halfway to hell. And he’s been fighting devils since he was sixteen and had nightmares for just as long. So being unusually tired is actually pretty usual.
The third sign is irritability. He always feels too guilty about it to acknowledge it or look too closely though. He shoves it down and forgets what it might mean, doesn’t put it together with the other things.
The fourth sign is a sharp pain in his temples, like someone is trying to jam a pencil through them. This is when he should be alerted to what’s happening but he’ll most often write it off as a normal headache, after all, he’s rarely without one.
The fifth sign is his face going numb, combined with a dull heaviness like his cheeks suddenly have a weight in them. This is when he gets suspicious, thinking back to the other signs but he’ll still be in denial. Determined that if he just ignores it, it will go away.
The sixth sign is nausea. Something slimy that sticks in his throat and deep in his gut. This is when he resigns himself to his fate. It’s also when it’s too late because he’s been ignoring signs one through five and his migraine is about to go from something lurking in the corners to fully in his face, literally.
read the rest on ao3
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somuchbetterthanthat · 4 months
truly feel like after a certain age at the VERY LEAST Anxiety should disappear. Like, okay, you've been anxious and depressed since you were oh, right, 13 is that it? more or less. So that means your sentence is over. Welcome to the fun 30s. No more of that!
and yet
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pinkydude · 1 year
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> Trans Masculine Vagina
Reworked my trans vag mod 💜🤍💙 Two models available: Chilling and Aroused Some clipping and stretching of the models can happen depending on the pose and animation 🤲 I will also rework the textures in the future to better match with the vanilla body diffuse as well as the body hairs mods! For now, nothing a lil bit of post editing can't handle 🔥
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ofcowardiceandkings · 5 months
anyways kill all landlords
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nejiretai · 6 months
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i’d give anything to see them interact just once
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the-little-iral · 8 months
"The diligent octarians recognize as friends those who look and act like them [...] Incidentelly, in the previous game, Cap'n Cuttlefish was able to investigate the Octarian Army for many years because the octarians thought he was an ally" (source)
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terresdebrume · 6 days
I have trouble figuring out what I want. This isn't new, I'd been thinking of getting a tattoo since I was twelve and only did it when I was 21. I still don't feel the obvious "want" people seem to experience even with respect to transitioning, yet that desire hasn't moved since I came out as trans 8 years ago
So, yesterday, just because the time where I can start trying is kinda getting there fast, I decided to take a "Am I ready to have a baby" quiz, and I have to admit I was quite miffed that if you answer questions about your life with "I like my life right now" the test immediately goes to "you're not ready"
Idk, am I missing something about wanting children? I was fine with my arm without tattoo, that doesn't mean I regret mine. I don't understand why a person enjoying their life without children is apparently a sign they shouldn't have any... Are we meant to be miserable adults until we procreate?
Absolutely baffling reasoning.
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persephoneflouwers · 8 months
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the-sprog · 1 year
We've all heard true crime podcasts talking about Jason Todd's murder (and/or where the second Robin has gone), but what about the Batson's death?
Two renowned archeologists die at a dig site in Egypt , one from where years after Black Adam emerges, under mysterious circumstances. Their daughter, Mary, who had followed them there, mysteriously disappears (whereas the Batson's bodies are found, hers isn't).
The only other known connections to the three are Mary's twin, William, and Ebenizer, the uncle the kid was staying with.
But low and behold, not even a year later, kid's in the system and then disappears. Some people claim they see him sometimes in the streets of Fawcett, some say his uncle killed him to get the money that William was supposed to heredit.
(Of course, the citizens of Fawcett who actually care, those that actually know the kid, won't let him get hunted down by money hungry reporters and insensitive young adults who won't think twice about asking a child about his dead family)
Ebenizer dies not many years after that. And like that, there are no connections to their deaths. No explanation to where the twins are.
And then
Then Captain Marvel appears (along with Black Adam) 4 years after the incident.
The true crime community immediately latches onto him, convinced he's the real CC Batson, who miraculously survived whatever attack killed his wife and gained powers from it.
It doesn't help that when questioned about the site and the origin of his powers, their connection to Balck Adam the Captain becomes squimish and avoidant.
Some are convinced Black Adam was the one to murder the Batsons and that Captain is CC's ghost in search or revenge.
The people in the archeologist community don't even ask. They can't bare to treat this superhero like the friend that once knew and have been mourning for years, only for it to get snatched away when the Captain doesn't recognize them.
So imagine when, 2 years pass, Marvel has joined the Justice League, has been making progress in finding his sister, there are more members of his family now. And people haven't really given up on it, but no one really had the balls to outright ask him.
That's when Batman brings the new Robin to the Watchtower for the first time. The whole squad had heard of the new Robin, but no one had ever commented on him. Well, maybe the other two members of the Big Three had something to say, but the rest of the League didn't have a death wish, so they refrained from touching such a delicate topic.
The third Robin was smart, calculating, and so like Batman himself that the others can't help but miss the second Robin's childlike exuberance. Heck, even the mischievous and angsty first Robin would've made them more comfortable.
The kid mostly kept to himself, but no one could ignore the way his eyes were staring holes in Captain Marvel. Something that made everyone queesy. Batman included.
Sure, the Captain had always been an incognita, something the Bat never quite managed to crack. He'd heard the rumors, but had never managed to confirm them. More things pointed towards an unfortunate uncanny resemblance and some very awkward coincidences than a true and proper resurrection of any sort.
The way the Captain talked about his powers, how they worked, the very history of the Champions of Magic... If you added CC Batson to the equation none of it added up.
But Robin's stare was knowing.
And that scared everyone in the room.
"So the rumors where true then, Mr. CC?" It's a surprise to only Billy when Robin calls him by that name.
"Robin-" Batman started to admonish, only to be interrupted by the Captain.
"Where did you heard that name?" It was the most intimidating they'd ever seen him.
"It's aaaallll over the internet. Everyone thinks you're Mr. CC Batson, but I know you are."
The Captain's face was calculating, brows furrowed, looking at every inch of the child's masked face as if it held every answer to all the questions in the universe.
He let out a sigh. "CC Batson died 6 years ago in Egypt, Robin. There's no... Weird conspiracy about it."
"Robin! Enough. Stop trying to force people into telling you their secret identity."
Robin turned towards Batman defiantly. "You're acting like you don't already know!"
"I don't."
Robin sputtered. "I-b-w-whAT!?"
The rest of the League stared in shock. Sure, most of them had also heard the rumors about the fallow hero, but none had wanted to confront him directly about it. If it was true, it surely seemed like a hell of a sore subject.
To have it all layed out by a child, so sure of himself, and to see the Captain's reaction, so cold and guarded, it only reinforced their belief that was a conversation that had to stay far away from.
Unless the Captain wanted to talk about it himself.
But they sincerely doubt it.
(That's why it's such a shock to them when, about 6 years after that conversation, the Captain shouts a word, leaving behind a small child who introduces himself as Billy Batson)
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motherboardmania · 1 year
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delta-piscium · 1 year
Steve holds hands for wip Wednesday 💜
thank you so much <3 sorry this is so late, I got stuck on all my writing but it is actually Wednesday today so better timing right (right?)
Steve hums in agreement, "but hey, at least we can keep each other company.” Eddie can’t help himself. He never can but especially not around Steve, he’s like a goddamn siren, or catnip. So he smirks, slants a look at him and in a voice that comes out deeper and raspier than he meant asks, “oh yeah? And what kind of company would that be?” But then, because this is Steve he backtracks, diffuses, “I could tell you about the new campaign I’m planning. I’m thinking no monsters, no fighting. Just a good happy time for everyone.” Steve peers up at him, that frown back between his eyebrows but now there’s also a glint in his eyes. One Eddie has only seen flashes off before, not now though, now it stays. Steve looks at him with interest, with determination. “You keep doing that.”  He looks between Eddie’s eyes, searching and keeping him pinned on the spot.  “You keep saying all these things filled with intent and meaning.” Eddie swallows, can’t look away. “But then nothing happens, you just switch topics, pretend like nothing. Gives me whiplash man” “I- um,” he stammers, tries to find something to say, and finally lands on, “Sorry?” Steve sits up on his elbows, still not breaking eye contact, “I just wonder why you do it?” Because you’re Steve Harrington. Because not only are you hot but so pretty that I don’t actually understand it. Because you’re so fucking kind, so caring, so good, that I can’t help but flirt even though I shouldn’t. Eddie shrugs, “dunno.”
(very late) WIP weekend (or Wednesday)/make me write
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forgondor · 1 year
not a clue why this particular one is sticking so much but since i watched glass onion I CANNOT get Whiskey saying “I love my boobs. Oops! Sorry feminists!” out of my fucking brain
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girlpetrarca · 10 months
I thought I had a decent knowledge of the basics of Christianity and yet I can't understand if what I'm writing is heretical or not :/
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nejiretai · 6 months
i feel like with leaks night coming up i wanna write here again
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swimmingleo · 2 years
I can still hear a silence
I can still hear a clock that's ticking
leo, here to ask your worst possible take on these lyrics.
I like to think it's about insomnia and the two things your brain can do in this situation 1. philosophy 2. deteriorate lol
1. philosophy, as in being by yourself in the deep of the night and having nothing to do but think about your life and surroundings like I suppose taking in the silence and appreciating it, its 'sound', thinking about how the silence by definition shouldn't be a sound but you can actually feel it, etc... and hearing the clock tick as in reflecting on time spent, and how your life's going, blah you get me
2. deteriorate, and it's my fav part, literally going crazy, your brain is exhausted and you feel like your head is gonna burst and it's quiet in the room but your brain is vibrating so you're definitely hearing smth (hallucinations? slight paranoia? sleep deprivation is smth). the clock ticking is on the bedside table and you count the minutes passing by AND you're literally going CUCKOO, cuckoo, clocks, eheee..
the ''can still'' also implies the recurrence of the phenomenon, like insomnias aren't new to the narrator and they tend to come back in situations of distress, Heartache. it also sorta makes sense within the song, as it has many allusions to night time: dreams, darkness, nights, party's over (=bedtime). the narrator can't sleep and overthinks. hop
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bar-les-coucougnes · 1 year
you can really see a character's true nature shine when theyre under pressure
cant wait to hate krauss and rudolf's guts by the end of ep3
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