#snv isami kondo
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Kondo: Souji said a bad word during dinner. Leonidas: Where the fuck did he learn that?
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twinklemylittlestar · 1 year ago
And after seeing this awesome man with his hair down:
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I want to see HIM with his hair down:
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(yes, I think I have a soft spot for guys who wear their hair down)
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prinzrupprecht · 6 months ago
To Live or Die
Chapter 1 - flashback and memories
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I recommend reading the synopsis and prologue if you’re new here. Sorry this part is shorter than the prologue.
TW: a bit of angst
WC: 894
“Don’t you even care at all?! You’ll die! Please— Please don’t go! Souji…” You were on the verge of breaking down. You knew you were defeated and this is what he wanted. He told you he was leaving to join the front lines with everyone else. His friends needed him the most and he either chose to fight in this war or you. You didn’t like how it came down to this.
You saved him and was there for him for months as he recovered from his Illness. Even the doctor was surprised how he managed to get cured in less than 6 months from cod liver oil, turmeric milk and any green tea while being isolated for a while. You were no doctor but you saw your grandmother suffer from a fatal lung infection and recovered after going on a diet to boost her immune system back up. This was before you were dropped off at Kondo’s dojo. Has your efforts been in vain? You didn’t know whether he appreciated you helping him and being there for him. You had begged him to stay with you but it wasn’t going to happen.
“If I live— I’ll come back. We— we can live together again— forever like we promised! Just us two— oh, and Kondo-san as well.” Souji was trying to lift your spirit but it wasn’t working. You were already wiping the tears from your face. He wanted to hold you like the old days when you cried a lot and he comforted you. He stood back and hated watching you sob as it pained him.
“It’s pointless. Just— just go and die if that’s what you want. If you even live, don’t bother coming back.” Your words must’ve stung him because his eyes grew wide but soften soon after. Now you couldn’t go back on your words. He was solemn and looked down with his bangs covering his eyes. “If that’s what you want. I’ll wish you the best,” he quietly said your name after before walking away. This made you furious how he didn’t even fight for you and chose to die instead.
He didn’t even bother to look at you one last time before he disappeared out of line of sight.
~~~ flashback ended
A few months after the Boshin War ended, Okita had to go into hiding in Edo alongside Kondo, who was forced to work for the new government instead of being executed. They were finally back at Kondo’s Shieikan dojo which is now empty. “It’s quite empty here isn’t it?” Kondo saw Souji sitting outside on the porch petting one of the cats. He wasn’t paying much attention to what Kondo had just said. The Shieikan dojo was cleared out and had no new members as of recently and only Kondo and Souji lived there.
“You should eat,” Kondo placed a bowl of his homemade rice meal next to Souji but he didn’t take it from him. It was unlike him to not eat or talk when spoken to. Kondo folded his arms and sat next to him. It was silent between them for a few minutes before Kondo broke the tension.
“Nagakura-san came by earlier.” He hummed but nothing came out of Souji nor was he acknowledging what Kondo said.
“He’s going to work as a kendo trainer, isn’t that great? He also… mentioned,” Kondo held back his words as he said your name quietly which made Souji turn his head from just hearing your name.
“What about her?” Souji swallowed thickly hoping you were safe or alive that is. He ignored the part about Nagakura’s new occupation, yet he was happy that he was fine as well.
Kondo told him that you were fine and living with your uncle again where his fishing port was down in Kanagawa prefecture. Nearly a day or two of a walk to get there. Souji fell silent, was he happy that you were fine? Something was unsettling in him from the last time you two saw each other that left you both with unresolved emotions and sour moods.
“Oh, I see…” he didn’t know what to say or what to feel. He still looked up to Kondo and smiled, “I’m glad she’s fine.” Kondo sighed not particularly liking how down Souji was. You and him knew each other since you both were nine or ten.
“You two left off on bad terms? Maybe you should write a letter, it’s at least worth a try.” Kondo stood up but this made Souji seriously contemplate what his adopted father suggested. Write a letter? What would he even say? Would you even respond back? Did you hold any resentment still towards him? He wanted to see you again but had no idea how to go by with it. He was thankful he had Kondo-san still by his side supporting him.
Maybe Kondo was right. Should he try at least? He stood up and went to find one of the old rooms that had utensils and paper. Back in the day, they used to write to their families during their training days. Souji didn’t have much family but he wrote to other members and received a lot of fan letters. He still had no idea what to say or if you’d even respond.
He kept reminding himself that it was worth a try.
Proceed to the next part
➤ Chapter 2
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murielmierch · 2 years ago
A statuette from a manga page? Why not)))
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Here begins the part where I describe how it was all done:^
To begin with, I want to complain about the Condo, because while I was sawing it out of plexiglass, I managed to shoot the blade into my eye several times. It's good that I was wearing safety glasses!
After cutting the figures out of plastic and polishing them, it was necessary to glue the sketches cut out of paper on them. At this stage, I ran into a problem, because Soji didn't want to stick, and Buddha and Kojiro have small details. I had to change the construction glue to the usual one, which is more often used in school lessons.
Well, now the most interesting thing is the stand. At first I just wanted to draw some pattern, but then I remembered about my sand plate and thought that something similar could be done with figurines. By the way, this is done very easily: you just need to mix sand (in my case, crushed quartz) with PVA glue (I used construction). The thinner the mixture, the longer it will dry and the more solid the sand product will be (the less glue, the more loose the craft will be). So I mixed this mixture and started shoving everything there: a glass imitation of amethyst and citrine, natural amber, marble and soil, and then I covered it all with paint.
The final stage was the varnishing of all the details of the composition separately~☆
After all this, I want to ask: is there anyone else who makes such 2D figurines by hand, or am I the only one who gets so steamed up?
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honeymyheaven · 4 years ago
SnV + modern every day romance 1
kinda long oops
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doing laundry together in comfortable silence, an 80s song playing softly in the background while the two of you are folding the dry clothes to put away. its summer and a warm breeze drifts in through the open window. he looks over at you, noting the way you bobbed your head to the song playing, humming and a smile spread across his face before leaning towards you and pressing a kiss to the top of your head
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he was tired and the apartment was dark. he looked around hearing soft breathing in the living room and saw you at the dinner table, face lit up by the candle that was about to burn up. you waited for him and he exhaled, feeling his chest tighten as he walked over and slowly lifted you in his arms, telling you to go back to sleep when you lifted your head, groggily welcoming him home.
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kissing you goodbye before heading outside and down the apartment complex stairs only to realise he’s forgotten his lanyard and rushing back up, knocking furiously on the door. he opens it up to you smiling and holding what he came back to get. you shake your head and kiss him again. he would never tell you but he forgets things on purpose just to see your smile and have an excuse to feel your lips atop his once more.
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having his head in your lap after spending the day together and you cleaning his ear, gently swabbing as he lays there, listening to you tell him about whatever show you watched the past week. he’s quiet, laying still, looking at the setting sun outside the window before glancing back up at you and whispering softly that he loves you
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him massaging your back after you come home from a particularly draining day, listening to you complain about your coworkers and your boss, noting the way your voice slowly starts trailing off before eventually being replaced by a yawn and light breathing. he laughs and looks at you curled up beside him and presses a kiss to the top of your head
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lightsoffhoney · 3 years ago
Me waiting for those Kondo Isami headcannons👀 Also I hope that you're doing well, be sure to take it easy -☕
your taste is absolutely immaculate mwah
these are just some general HCs
!! 18+ ; breathplay, spitting, praise, breeding, please take care before continuing !!
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very caring and careful is what i wanna say first of all
very much into giving rather than receiving because he absolutely loves having your hand in his hair, eyes rolling to the back of your head in overstimulation bliss
there’s nothing this man loves more after a long mission than to come home to his sweet love and absolutely fuck the daylights out of you
you know as soon as he’s back that you’ll need a few days to recover
“What a good little bunny you are,” he coos, seeing you practically jump up on him when he gets home “Missed me?”
he also absolutely adores having his hand around your neck and pressing his lips to yours, squeezing the side of your neck while shoving his tongue down your throat
the drooling mess you become makes him go absolutely bonkers, pushing into you in one thrust, feeling your hands claw at his back
“so fucking good,” he groans, burying himself in you, burying his face in the crook of your neck “gods, ive missed you so much, hnnnnn”
he loves bending your legs till your knees are by your ears and pressing into you
“open wide,” he murmurs, pushing inside, hand squishing your cheeks before spitting in your open mouth “good girl,” he praises “such a hnnfgg fuuuckkkk such a good girl you are for me.”
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Kondo: Okita really looks up to you. Sasaki, accidentally mean: He's two feet tall, he looks up to everybody.
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murielmierch · 2 years ago
At first there was a lack of horny drawings with Loki, now I can't find merch with him. All by yourself, all by yourself...
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By the way, has anyone seen merch with Kondo or Okita?
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Yep, colors are not canon
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honeymyheaven · 4 years ago
So honey 😏 can we get dad!Isami kondo headcanons? Dude looks like prime dilf material.
also he’s not been shown very much so this is purely my headcanons based on his personality thus far :)
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veeerrryyy responsible parent
would probably help out a lot but at the same time he seems to maintain that “traditional” way of being
he probably won’t be very emotionally vulnerable with his children, very much quite stern once they grow up
but while they’re little he absolutely adores putting them on his shoulders, playing with them
he would take them to town with him, show them off to everyone around him
if he has a little girl, his chest would puff up ready to burst when people compliment how pretty / adorable she is
if it’s a little boy, he would be just as proud when people tell him how responsible his son is
he would teach both his girl and boy how to fight and defend themselves and he absolutely adores seeing his kids spar
he probably doesn’t want that many children because he wants to be able to bring up his kids as well as possible and he thinks it’s better if he has less children to focus on
he’s also a realist and he tends to impose that on his children, not rlly allowing them to dream and trying to get them to have a realistic life plan
nonetheless he loves all his children and will do absolutely everything to ensure they succeed at everything and anything they set out to do
a picture to sum him up as a parent:
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