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16⭐️can call me Star⭐️I read manga⭐️love of mitology⭐️Italian🇮🇹⭐️ multi-fandom
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twinklemylittlestar · 11 hours ago
When i have some romantic dreams, there could be Loki, Rosinante or some other nice One Piece character, right? No, and do you know who is in their place?
Sir Crocodile.
This is the second time i have a romantic dream about him: leave me alone, Crocodile! 😭
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twinklemylittlestar · 2 days ago
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Au fucking revoir Mister Prince
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twinklemylittlestar · 5 days ago
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twinklemylittlestar · 5 days ago
Top 10 characters
One Piece
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twinklemylittlestar · 5 days ago
Since my tastes have again are my top ten favorite One Piece characters!
10. Monkey D. Luffy (I want him as a brother)
9. Kanjuro Kurozumi (Don't ask me why I find him cute. Now I don't feel the only one doing theatre 😊)
8. Bartholomew Kuma (Gives me the vibes of a loving father...)
7. Usopp (Now we are two who is scared of everything 😂. I want to be his friend)
6. Eustass Kid (I love his aesthetic, I want to fight him...)
5. Buggy (I don't know why, but there are some scene in the manga that make him look cool 😎)
4. King the Wildfire (cute aesthetic, I'm still laughing after seeing Oda explaining how he eats 🤣. No offense)
3.🥉Katakuri Charlotte (he is the protective and silent big brother, he loves doughnuts, he looks nice...yeah, very cool)
2.🥈Rosinante Donquixote (Nothing to say, but only that I love this goofy guy 😊)
And in the first place there's...
👑 Loki 👑 (Looks like a beautiful bad guy, but the last chapter makes me wonder if this is true...The thing that makes me laugh is that I created an OC who just have a platonic realationship with him. I haven't done it (I mean creating an OC who doesn't have any romantic relationship with a canon character) since now!)
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twinklemylittlestar · 5 days ago
Spoiler for chapter 1143 of One Piece!
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Oh, he's cute ♡
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twinklemylittlestar · 5 days ago
Spoiler for chapter 1143 of One Piece!
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Yeah, what do you mean Loki? 🧐
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twinklemylittlestar · 5 days ago
Spoiler for chapter 1143 of One Piece!
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twinklemylittlestar · 8 days ago
Anonymously tell me your assumpmtions about me and I'll confirm or deny them.
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twinklemylittlestar · 9 days ago
I started reading chapter 59 of Vigilantes, yay! (≧∀≦)
Shirakumo, what the f–?
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twinklemylittlestar · 12 days ago
Alright alright, I like this game, so... Nico Robin, Hana Hana No Mi? :3
So, the Hana Hana No Mi consent the user (in this case, Nico Robin) to replicate parts of their body on the surface of an object and a living thing (human, animal...)
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In MHA we have a character that can reproduce parts of his body like Robin...but only on his body!
Exactly, this character is Mezo Shoji (the person on the right)
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twinklemylittlestar · 14 days ago
Interesting game! Brook? 🤔
[And who would have thought that this game would be easy...]
So, Brook's devil fruit is the Yomi Yomi no mi, so he's a reviving human.
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If we confront him with MHA characters, nobody have a quirk who consent to reborn. But...
There's something that Brook does in the Fishman Island arc, and I mean that him is capable to let his soul going out from his body. If you think about this as a manifestation of the soul, there's a character in a MHA film (World Heroes' Mission) that have a similar power: and it's Rody. The soul's manifestation of Rody is a little bird named Pino.
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twinklemylittlestar · 14 days ago
Let's play a game!
No, I'm not getting bored, absolutely not (liar-)
Game one (open)
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twinklemylittlestar · 14 days ago
Game one: OP & MHA powers
If you think about it, One Piece is full of powers, and some of them can be find in My Hero Academia!
Brook - Robin
[Sorry if this isn't written well, English is not my first language ⬇️]
How it works:
You just need to send an ask in which you write the name of the OP character (only one!) and their Devil Fruit. I will do the rest.
For the one who wants to be anon: sign yourself with an emoji.
What can you ask:
Paramisha and Logia Devil Fruit are definitely ok
Zoan Devil Fruits are a little difficult to find in MHA, but I accept it too
Questions you can have (maybe?):
What happen if I ask for a character whose power can't be found in MHA? Do not worry! If this happens I'll just trying to find a MHA character with a similar power.
There are also Vigilantes' characters? Yes.
You have other questions? Write them down and ask me, don't be shy (〃ÚwÙ〃)
Well, you finally arrived here reading all the things written before...RIGHT???
Of course, the game is to find an OP character that doesn't share any powers or anything with any MHA character. Just saying...
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twinklemylittlestar · 14 days ago
If you get a star ⭐️ in your inbox. It means your moot appreciates you, and your efforts in the community. Send this to 10 mutuals to continue the love! 💜
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twinklemylittlestar · 15 days ago
Happy birthday Beelzebub and Belphegor!
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[I was about to forget their birthday...]
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twinklemylittlestar · 15 days ago
so people who do this may see it.
The growing problem of "they" for trans people
Something I've noticed growing more common in my life recently has been people using exclusively "they" when referring to binary trans people who don't use "they"
Why is this a problem?
Using "they" when referring to someone when you don't know is seen as "better" in a lot of spaces now, which I can agree with as you don't know what their actual pronouns are. The problem I've noticed is that when meeting a trans person, a lot of people seem to default to "they" even after being told what pronouns they actually prefer. This can be for a lot of reasons, but the most common ones I hear are "I didn't want to assume" and "its not misgendering, they is neutral!"
Example situation
Person A meets person B, a trans woman. A doesn't know B's pronouns and so refers to B as "they." B corrects A, saying she prefers "she," but A continues to say "they" because its gender neutral. However, A does not do the same to cis women.
Do you see the problem now?
The use of exclusively "they" on trans people but not cis people, no matter your excuse, shows that you don't really see them as what they identify as and is quite transphobic since you're literally ignoring their identity and not seeing them as how they want to be seen.
"Okay, what should I do?"
Simple, just ask them their pronouns and then ACTUALLY USE THEM!! If he says he, DONT USE EXCLUSIVELY THEY! If she says she, DONT USE EXCLUSIVELY THEY! If they say they, well. yeah, use they, obviously. If xe say neopronouns and you don't know how to use those, just ask! If any part of someone's identity confuses you, just fucking ask them instead of assuming, for the love of god, and once they tell you, don't ignore what they said.
That's all. Just please stop calling people who don't use "they" by that.
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