raisareigns · 8 months
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TIMING: End of December SETTING: Leaving the Frost Bites Festival! SUMMARY: Emilio (@mortemoppetere) and Raisa thought the excitement was over leaving the festival. The snowpire who found them would beg to differ. WARNINGS: None
Raisa had heard some stories around town of things not being quite right lately, but this was Wicked’s Rest. Things were never quite right. She’d chalked them up to typical levels of magic and superstition. Perhaps some fae illusions even. Regardless, Raisa had assumed it would be safe to go for a walk. The evening air was crisp but not as close as she could remember some years being. She just needed a chance to clear her head and enjoy the snow.
Unfortunately as Raisa stepped back and nearly slammed straight into a stranger’s chest. She couldn’t be bothered to apologize, though, not when her eyes stayed fixed on the snowy figure prowling alongside the path ahead. 
“That’s not a normal snowman,” Raisa nearly whispered as she tried to keep from drawing its attention.
This town. This fucking town. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another. Emilio was learning that Wicked’s Rest rarely allowed the chaos to calm, even temporarily. There was always something. There were gems that turned people into strange, rock-like monsters. There was goo that swallowed apartment buildings and made statues of anyone who touched it. And there were fucking lumps of snow that moved all on their own.
Unsurprisingly, Emilio wasn’t entirely familiar with the concept of snowmen to begin with. The area where he’d grown up had had very little snow, and it wasn’t as if he’d grown up watching movies that explained the tradition. To someone who had no context for it, it was an impossibly strange sight. He stared, so enthralled by it that he didn’t notice the woman in front of him reacting until she’d slammed into his chest.
“How… do you know it is a man?” He asked, keeping his voice low to mimic hers.
Raisa’s face jerked away from the creature to take in the stranger, not bothering to hide the incredulousness that crossed her features. Quickly she let her eyes dart back to the snowy figure shifting slowly closer to the path. “What? That’s not… You call them snowmen. It’s probably not always the most correct, but are we really going to argue that right now?”
The figure’s head swiveled in their direction. Raisa sucked in her breath and took a step, then another. She didn’t hide behind the other person exactly, but Raisa didn’t want to be a shield herself if things went pear-shaped. Judging from the thing’s steady gaze, they would. And how could it gaze at them anyway? It was snow. It was just snow. The magic in this town was a lovely thing, but sometimes Raisa couldn’t stand it.
“What do we do?” Raisa asked. She didn’t want to draw more attention, but without a different distraction, she didn’t see how it mattered.
“No I don’t. I don’t call them anything.” Emilio wasn’t really sure what to do with the conversation, or the situation as a whole. There was a pile of snow with some kind of makeshift face on it stalking towards him. He was barely even familiar with snow alone. This was an entirely new thing to him. Even in all his training as a slayer, no one had ever warned him about… sentient snow? Was that what this was? Christ, he missed Mexico.
The thing seemed to be moving towards them, and the stranger who’d pointed it out was stepping behind him in a way that wasn’t quite the same as shoving Emilio forward, but felt kind of similar all the same. He wasn’t offended by it. As a hunter, after all, it was sort of his job to handle things like this. Even if he had no idea what a ‘thing like this’ actually was. 
Hesitating, he reached into his jacket pocket. His hand returned with a knife; one of many that he carried on his person. He squared his shoulders, glared at the snow. “I am going to get its head off,” he announced. “That usually kills things.”
As the stranger seemed to pause for a moment, Raisa tensed. Would he run? Leave her to fend for herself? Did he have some kind of connection to the creature? That seemed insane, but this was Wicked’s Rest. Insane things happened as innately here as walking a dog or mowing the lawn did in a suburb. 
Thankfully he pulled a knife from his pocket, and she forced herself to relax a little. He seemed to be in agreement that the creature was their priority. Though… part of her couldn’t help glancing at the metal of the knife. Surely it wasn’t iron, right? She couldn’t focus on that right now.
“Will it kill things made of snow?” Raisa asked. That seemed a bit different than killing something with blood and flesh. Perhaps heat would be helpful here, but since she didn’t exactly carry a hairdryer in her purse, Raisa didn’t have any thoughts for that one. Perhaps she shouldn’t have quit smoking in the 90s. At least then she’d have a lighter on her person. 
“I don’t know. I’ve never killed anything made of snow.” Removing the head was the sure-fire way to kill most things, he’d been taught; when you weren’t sure what something was, when you didn’t know how to take it down, your best bets were decapitation or immolation. Which… Huh. Emilio paused, looking over the snow creature thoughtfully. 
Reaching the hand not holding the knife into his pocket, he retrieved a lighter. “Maybe this works better,” he offered. He tossed it to the stranger, then pulled a second from his pocket. Another thing he carried plenty of, half to light his cigarettes and half for situations like this one. He only wished he could carry a flamethrower inconspicuously. “You want to help?”
Raisa tensed as he reached into another pocket, but she immediately snatched the lighter from the air as he tossed it to her. “Not the biggest flamethrower, but it should hopefully do the trick,” she murmured. It would hopefully keep the thing away at least. After a second to think about it, she took her eyes off the snow creature long enough to fully take in her new companion. “I’m Raisa, by the way. Seems like knowledge we should each have before we do this.”
The thing moved forward with a few heavy steps, and Raisa held up the lighter on instinct. “Don’t come this way,” she muttered, glaring at it. “We don’t have anything you want.”
The thing opened its mouth, and somehow a sharp set of teeth glinted in the low light.
Raisa swallowed hard. “Or maybe we do. Think it’s hungry? Think it wants us?”
“Sorry I don’t carry a full-sized flamethrower in my pocket,” Emilio replied dryly. In all honesty, if they made a flamethrower small enough, he would have gladly carried it with him everywhere he went. Few things could be more useful than that, couldn’t they? Most things could be killed with fire. Snow, especially so. “Emilio,” he replied flatly. “I’d say it’s nice to meet you, but nothing about this feels very nice, I think.”
The snow creature took another step, and then another. It didn’t seem to care much about Raisa’s warning, moving forward as if no words had been spoken at all. Then, it opened its mouth, and —
Fangs. Familiar fangs. Sharp, vampiric. What the hell? 
Theory building in his mind, Emilio reached up to the cross hanging around his neck and held it forward, taking a step towards the mound of snow. It let out a strange hiss and stepped backwards. “What the fuck,” Emilio murmured, brow furrowing. 
Raisa rolled her eyes. She hadn’t been trying to critique his lack of preparedness, but honestly in a place like Wicked’s Rest, such things could be considered standard preparation. If anything, not having a lighter or knife on her right now was a flaw of Raisa’s. She should have known better than to go to a public event without anything useful. 
“No,” Raisa agreed. “It’s not particularly nice.”
Emilio even had a cross? Raisa took back even her joking comment. He’d clearly come prepared for much more than she had and lived every day a little more prepared in a place like this.
“Not just teeth then,” she observed. Raisa swallowed hard. “Well, hopefully that’s a sign decapitation will be an option.” She looked around, eyes scanning wildly. When it seemed like the only option, she snatched a stick up off the ground. “It’s not a stake, not really, but maybe it’ll work in a pinch.”
At least they were in agreement there… though Emilio suspected it would be hard not to be. If she’d said she were enjoying herself with the killer pile of snow and all, he might have just left her there. (He wouldn’t have. His goddamn sense of duty was always going to win out above his irritation.)
Said irritation was high now, rivaled only by his confusion. What the hell was this thing? It acted like a vampire, backing down from the cross and all, but it was definitely made of fucking snow. He wasn’t imagining that — Raisa had commented on it, too. So it was real and it was snow and it was a vampire.
Fuck this town.
Emilio glanced back to Raisa, quirking a brow at the stick in her hand. Shifting his grip so that he held knife, lighter, and cross all in one hand, he reached the other into his jacket and pulled out a stake, offering it to her. “This will work better,” he said flatly. “Not sure it will work, though. I think — I think fire. I think that’s the best way. Works on vampires. Works on snow.”
Raisa could have kissed him just then, stranger or not, as he handed her a proper stake. Some kind of hunter maybe? That was the only thing that made sense to have this many things on hand. Perhaps she’d have to be wary of him in the future, but for right now, they were on the same side. She just needed to make sure he didn’t figure out anything to the contrary. Besides, Raisa liked humans; she couldn’t survive without them.
Dropping the stick and taking the stake from his hand, Raisa nodded her head to him. “Regular old Boyscout, aren’t you?” She held the fire up a little higher than the stake. His logic was sound. “I’ll distract it. You burn?”
Clearing her throat, Raisa spoke up and directed it at the snow vampire. “Surely you can find a better meal somewhere else. Somewhere without fire.”
It opened its mouth again and made a noise not unlike a hiss, but it also reminded Raisa of a spray of water hitting cold snow. Interesting that. She took a few steps away from Emilio–not far enough to put herself on her own but far enough that the creature would have to make a choice if it lunged.
She seemed grateful for the stake, and that was a good thing. He was working under the assumption that she was human — he usually did, if he couldn’t sense anything to the contrary — but if she weren’t, there was always a chance that the arsenal of weaponry stored in his jacket pockets would give him away as a hunter. This could be a dangerous thing, he knew; there were plenty of supernatural people who’d jump at the chance to take out a hunter, regardless of what code they followed or what they were hunting. 
Better still, this stranger seemed okay with the idea of helping him instead of allowing him to serve as a distraction to aid her escape. Emilio wouldn’t have minded if she’d opted to use him to get away; after all, hunters were designed to be cannon fodder, to fall on the sword so that other people could get away. Emilio probably could have handled the snowy vampire on his own… but it was kind of nice to have a helping hand all the same.
“Yeah,” he agreed, “sounds good.” He stood off to the side as she spoke to the thing, observing the creature. It seemed to look between the two of them, and he wondered if it was capable of any kind of logic or if it was a tossup. Regardless, it seemed to settle on Raisa as the tastier target after a moment, and it leaped towards her. Emilio used the distraction to get behind the thing, lighter at the ready as he moved forward.
The creature had moved slowly so far, but as it leapt toward her, Raisa really hoped that she hadn’t misjudged Emilio and his intentions in this fight. She dodged to the side, swinging out with the stake but unsurprised when her arm met nothing but air. The goal hadn’t been a hit, though. The goal had been to stall, and that’s what Raisa was doing.
“Shouldn’t you be looking for a popsicle or something?” she asked to taunt it. “Our blood hardly seems like it would be good for a snowy diet.” Raisa made a face as she wondered what exactly would happen inside that thing if it bit into one of them. Where would it go? Would the blood seep out through the snow? Would chunks of their flesh sit inside it like little frozen chunks floating in an icy river? Disgusting. 
As the thing shuffled forward, Raisa tried not to look over its shoulder at Emilio. Trust. She was trying to trust him.
He traded his knife for his flask. This wasn’t what he usually used it for, of course. He much preferred to drink the cheap whiskey sloshing around inside the container, but it tasted enough like lighter fluid that he knew it would probably burn like it, too. He unscrewed the top, the smell of it hitting the air all at once. Emilio had no reaction, of course; he was pretty accustomed to the stench of cheap whiskey. It hung off just about every item of clothing he owned. 
Moving towards the mound of snow, he sloshed the liquid onto it as Raisa provided her distraction. He wasn’t sure how much the creature felt; it didn’t turn towards him, but that may have been because it was so determined to get to Raisa. Flicking the lighter on, he held the flame against the snow and lit it up. With the alcoholic accelerant, it burned hot. The creature let out a high screech, already drooping as it turned towards Emilio and lashed out with a twiggy arm. The slayer darted backwards, moving a little too quickly for his bad leg in a way that resulted in more of a stumble than a graceful jump. He scowled. 
“The stake!” He called to Raisa. “Stick it in the back with the stake. Avoid the fire. We see if this works at all, yes?”
Raisa took another step back, flinching herself as Emilio flung something toward the creature. Liquid? Alcohol? She tried not to look at him, but she thought from her periphery vision that he held up a flask of some sort. Typical, she thought. If he was a hunter, this was one more sign. They all seemed to have their vices in plentiful supply. 
As the creature screamed, Raisa stumbled away from it, ready to let the fire run its core and take the thing down. When Emilio yelled for her to stake it, momentarily she froze. Get near it while it was on fire? Risk that kind of exposure herself? But she forced herself to ignore that impulse. He’d started this. Now Raisa needed to finish it.
The thing had started shifting, from melting but not fast enough to actually cause destruction. “Here goes,” Raisa muttered, more to steal up her courage than anything else. She lunged, stake held up at the ready. 
As the stake plunged into the center of its icy back, the snow creature screamed. Raisa had already jumped back again, which was good since it immediately tried to swing back around on her. It didn’t make it. The creature fell to the ground in a heap as the snow melted, suddenly much faster than before. 
Raisa took a deep breath as she stared down at the remains. “Now that it’s over,” she said with a wild hope that it was in fact over, “what the fuck was that?”
Asking her to stake the creature was… half ‘quicker solution,’ half curiosity. The fire would melt it eventually, but there was always a chance it put itself out, or set something else on fire in the meantime. If there was a faster way around things, Emilio figured the smart road was to take it. And part of him really did want to know if staking this would have the same effect as staking a normal vampire. It would be handy for future endeavors, wouldn’t it? If he ever came across something like this again, he wanted to know how to take care of it quickly, and with less fumbling. 
Raisa, stake in hand, seemed willing enough to indulge him. She was hesitant at first — fine, fair, it was on fire — but she recovered quickly enough, lunging forward with that stake in hand. Emilio watched it sink into the snowy surface of the creature’s back, took a step forward just in case it didn’t do anything and the snow made a move towards Raisa. 
But it wasn’t necessary. The creature, with a scream that sounded almost human, fell in a heap. Snow became water instead of dust, and Emilio tilted his head a little as the sound abruptly cut off into heavy silence. He stared at it for a moment, brow furrowed, until Raisa spoke.
Looking back to her, he shrugged. “Vampire, I guess,” he replied. “But not normal. Wasn’t undead.” He would have felt it otherwise, but he wouldn’t add that. If she didn’t already know he was a slayer, he wouldn’t hand her the information on a silver platter. “But… don’t know if it was alive, either? Never seen anything like it. You?”
Raisa just stared at him for a moment. “You guess?” she repeated. She could have told him it wasn’t normal, regardless of what it was. Only after did she realize she should have probably sounded more confused by the idea of a vampire. Then again, even humans surely had to acknowledge what was right in front of them some of the time. They couldn’t always be in denial, could they?
Still, she snorted as he said it wasn’t undead but might not have been alive. “Seemed plenty alive to me,” Raisa quipped. “Certainly moved like it was.” Whether that was because of an active life or some form of magic seemed less certain, but probably best not to acknowledge how much consideration she had along those lines. The more unknowing she seemed, the better off she would probably be.
Raisa stared down at the puddle of water in front of them. Tentatively she reached out with her foot and nudged the water with the toe of her boot. Maybe she was asking for possession. Thankfully nothing happened. “Me? I’ve never seen anything like this.” She shook her head and sighed. “I’m sure some people would be naive enough to say they’d seen it all now, but… not in this town.”
After a moment, Raisa realized she should give him his things back and held them out. “Thanks for all this. I don’t know how I would have handled that if you hadn’t come by.”
“Well, I don’t think I can say for sure.” There were a lot of different things it could have been; in Wicked’s Rest, there were more options than there might have been elsewhere. This town attracted strange; that was why Emilio had come here to begin with. Maybe that was why Raisa wasn’t particularly surprised by the existence of vampires. If she’d lived in Wicked’s Rest a while, Emilio doubted this was the first supernatural thing she’d seen here.
Raising a brow, he looked down at the puddle that had been chasing them moments before. “Living things have hearts that beat,” he pointed out. “Blood, bones, organs. Moving does not make something alive.” Not by his definition, at least. Vampires weren’t alive; neither were zombies, neither were mares, or ghouls or spawn. And even beyond the undead, inanimate things could become animate, but that didn’t make them alive. “Maybe there was a ghost.” He’d never heard of one possessing a mound of snow, but… Stranger things had happened.
He watched as she poked at what remained of the snow with her foot, tensing a little as if expecting it to rise back up and attack. But it didn’t. Whatever it was seemed to be well and truly gone now. “I don’t think anyone will ever see it all.” There’d been a time when he’d thought he had, but… She was right. Not in this town.
Taking his things as she held them out, Emilio shrugged. “Wasn’t very fast. Probably could have just run from it.”
“I suppose,” Raisa agreed. Far too many beings existed in that weird in-between, and she wasn’t particularly a fan of it. “Didn’t seem like a ghost unless it was one that had a particularly strong sense of hunger? Can vampires have ghosts?” She knew there were some that didn’t quite keep their humanity. The idea of a vampire ghost was an odd one, and the pure hunger of it didn’t track with the kind of being that had enough humanity left to become a ghost. 
“They never will,” she echoed. Raisa glanced up at him, shoving her hands back in her pockets as she looked across the road at the emptiness around them. “We could have, but I do have to admit that leaving such problems for someone else isn’t usually the best option.” She did appreciate when it was an option, but Raisa also knew she couldn’t avoid every problem in life.
She took a deep breath and nodded more to herself than him. “Well,” Raisa said, “I guess that’s handled.” Raisa looked up at Emilio. “Weirdest evening ever, but nice to meet you, I think.”
“I don’t know,” he admitted with a shrug. “Ghosts aren’t my thing.” Maybe he’d ask one of the Ballards about it, find some answers. It would be helpful to know more on the off chance that something like this happened again, after all. Emilio preferred being overprepared to underprepared. If nothing else, he could give Lil and Jonas a word of warning. If this was something that might happen again, the two of them deserved to be in the know about it.
He agreed with Raisa, though; he wasn’t one to leave dangerous problems for other people to clean up. Nonthreatening problems, sure — he often left the aftermath of his cases at Axis for the police to worry about, and he’d called the morgue more than once to let Kavanagh deal with corpses he’d found in investigations that weren’t related to the case — but things like this? Things that could hurt people? “I’m not much of a runner, either.” Though he wouldn’t have faulted her if she’d taken off.
Quietly, he huffed a laugh. “Had weirder,” he admitted. “Nice to meet you, too, though.”
Raisa shifted her hands into her pockets with a rueful smile. Situations like this were always interesting. The two of them had been thrown together by the creature, but there wasn’t anything further to connect them now that it was over. Yes, she’d met someone knew, but now that she didn’t have to, Raisa wasn’t in the mood to stick around. 
“See you around, Emilio,” she said as she took a step in the direction she’d intended to go. Mentally she made a note to keep an eye out if she saw him around.
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beau-m-swan · 4 years
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i mean i want to make a joke but i can't get past whatever this person was trying to figure out and why
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Jay Wasley x Reader
I wish we had better snow in England!
y/n and I had decided to get away from Vegas for the holidays, both of us needing a break after a busy year of work. Ghost Adventures was still as popular as ever and y/n had started their own paranormal show on Discovery+ which got good reviews. This holiday was just going to be the two of us, no family or friends, although we had sent gifts to everyone in advance before leaving so they didn't think we'd forgotten them.
The cabin y/n had rented had been so peaceful, it was very cliche with lots of cuddling by the fire and well other things taking place in front of the fire that shall not be named. When we went to sleep y/n was giddy because the weather report for the area said we should expect snow on Christmas morning, though the sky looked clear when we went to sleep and I didn't have it in my heart to ruin y/n's joy.
'Jay...get up...merry Christmas...' y/n says in a sing-song voice while shaking me slightly.
I grumble a little before opening my eyes to the most beautiful sight in the whole world, y/n staring at me with wide y/eye/c eyes that held a mischievous twinkle, 'merry Christmas y/n,' I yawn.
Rubbing my eyes I sit up in bed, and only when I take y/n's appearance more clearly do I do a double-take, 'err y/n why are you dressed like you're going outside?'
y/n jumps off the bed and gives a little twirl, showing off her thick coat, bobble hat, gloves and wellies before ripping open the curtains nearly blinding me in the process from the bright morning light, 'it's snowing Jay, so you know what that means...' she pauses.
I shrug my shoulders and watch the snow hit the window, 'what does it mean y/n?'
y/n pouts before smiling widely, 'it means we can build a snowman.'
Before I can say anything in reply y/n is already out of the bedroom leaving me still processing everything that had just happened in bed. Growing up in England snow was a very rare occurrence and when it did snow it never stuck around for long which was why y/n always went about the perfect white Christmas. I roll out of bed and start to get dressed, wanting to see what damage y/n had already done outside. They were usually a little tightly wound so to see them relax and become almost childlike was refreshing. I wasn't against fun, I just liked a heads up first, but for y/n I would put on a smile and go outside to help.
After wrapping up because the snow was coming down quite heavy I head outside to see that y/n had done an okay job at building the base of the snowman but the other elements didn't quite fit, 'err y/n is that supposed to be a snowman? Where's the scarf and hat, why does it have a cape?'
y/n scowls at me and puts their hands on their hips, 'no it's a snowpire, you know a cross between a snowman and a vampire, can't you see the cape and fangs?'
I shake my head and can't keep the smile off my face, 'those don't look like fangs y/n, they look like normal stones.'
y/n huffs childishly, 'you just can't see my vision, Jay.'
I roll my eyes as I head back inside the warmth, I knew how y/n could make it a more convincing snowpire as they were calling it. Entering the kitchen I find two carrots and cut the tips off, these would be better fangs. I put them in my pocket and head back towards the front door.
As I approach y/n she was ranting about how rocks and stones don't come shaped like fangs, so I pull the carrot tips out of my pocket and put them in place of the two end stones, 'here two carrot tips can be the fangs.'
y/n's eyes light up and they throw their arms around me, 'oh my god Jay it's perfect. Thank you.'
I hug them back, our body heat keeping the other warm, 'now take a photo so we can head back inside and open presents.'
y/n pecks my lips and pulls out their phone. I step back as they snap photos that would be online in minutes, I manage to take a picture without them looking of them standing next to the snowpire looking really proud of themselves, this would be a beautiful memory in the future.
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Mid-afternoon, Snowpirate Engine
Till: Hey, Alex. Whatcha doin’?
Alex: Eating a family sized bag of chips.
Layton: What? No way--that tiny little bag is definitely not family sized.
Alex: *with a stuffed mouth* Every bag of chips is “family sized” if you’re an orphan.
Till: A L E X.
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tutuntuntuinen · 2 years
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Season 2 finale was like... Yeah, snowpirate!
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onetrainscifi · 3 years
I also think it would be cool if like, Snowpirate breaks down or something and it's *very tense* because Ben and Alex are both freaking out and trying to fix the problem before everybody on their half of the train freezes to death and it's really high stakes and the music makes sure *we know* it's a very dire situation and right when Alex or Ben throws their wrench or hammer or whatever in frustration they hear A VOICE that comforts them and tells them exactly what they need to do to fix everything. And *of course* it's Melanie's voice and *of course* the train is saved so both Alex or Ben and the audience are thinking awww, she's always with them because of what she taught them! And she's in their hearts! And it's really sweet and emotional. And then Alex or Ben looks up and says thank you to the imaginary Melanie Spirit that's keeping watch over them but it turns out it's not *just* her spirit and she's with a group of survivors with the kind of tech that allowed her to hijack the train's security systems and stuff so she IS actually watching over them and only recently figured out how to patch into their PA system and talk to them...but yeah. I think that'd be cool.
You are definitely onto something that would be super cool
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icebreaker01 · 3 years
Asha Predictions
Well, apparently after inducing high levels of anxiety into most of the Snowpiercer community, TNT has decided to premier almost all of S3 through promos.  I SWEAR, I could write the script at this point folks.  Or at the very least give a really nice synopsis........which I might do.  I still have four days left.
So let’s get going with my Asha predictions:
At first I was one hundred and twenty-five percent sure the person falling through that hole/roof/bunker weak spot was Melanie, because WHO else would be wandering around in the snow? Well, apparently the whole crew on SnowPirate, who got a little case of cabin fever.  Because from the promos, it looks like a lot of them go wandering off into the white. To date I have seen Bennett, Layton, Josie, possibly Alex, and even Melanie in survival suits.  Later they show five people standing in snow suits with most of their headlamps focused forward.  What is shown in the forefront may or may not be a person.  But the table they are gathered around looks suspiciously like the one in the scene where the one person (now confirmed as Bennett) falls though the roof.  So I would speculate this is the group coming to check out the bunker Bennett stumbled/fell into. So apparently wandering off the train is now the thing to do for fun.
And I’d like to put in a little commentary about that bunker/Ben-trap, folks.  Has anyone else noticed that everything in the room we are shown is ANCCIEEENNTTT! I mean, seriously, how old is that room?  The freeze supposedly happened in 2019.  But those are CRT screens on the desk.  Get with the times, props people.  I haven’t seen a CRT in about 7 years. The next scene in that same museum space is of someone now being lowered into that hole in the snow, who appears to be Layton, as he is the next person we see in the promo, getting a serious beat down. Fight ensues. From the progression, this is by Asha, as in the next scene we are given a clear view of her in her survival suit, whose helmet is identical to the one being worn by the person being carried in the promo.
Asha quickly learns that new-comers to the show almost always get the whatsies kicked out of them.  Layton hauls her back to SnowPirate, because that is what we do with strangers we know absolutely nothing about who initially attack us.  We take them home with us.  And apparently Asha ain’t that good a fighter if she couldn’t beat a supposedly unarmed person while she has a cricket bat.
Asha claims to be from ‘New Eden’ and apparently offers to take SnowPirate there.  But question: If New Eden was so great.......WHY are you living in that frozen bunker/Ben-trap, lady? Also, as a side note, if that lady lived in ‘New Eden’, and it was warm there with at least one tree that we can tell, WHY is she looking at those plants like she hasn’t seen anything green in seven years?
Next, it has been suggested that Asha will betray SnowPirate for some currently unknown reason.  Personally, I do not think that is correct.  Mainly because WWWAYYYYY back when S2 was just starting and they announced Asha as the new character, they clearly stated in that article that Asha would be an ally for Melanie.  So she is likely going to be part of team SnowPirate.
I think most of the first few episodes will be SnowPirate finding Asha and their going off to look for New Eden, as this is what Layton says they are going to do.
As things move on, I think something will interrupt Snowpirate’s little New Eden search.  Either coming across Melanie, or crossing paths with SnowPiercer again.  The main reason I would give the ‘crossing paths’ story the way things will go is Wilford needs the front part of his train back, and he is out looking for it.  BA is apparently incapable of sustaining a comfortable/livable temperature.  Apparently it was SnowPirate’s engine that supplied most of the heat and electricity.  Seems a bit odd to me, but I am not a writer for this show.  If I were, I promise you that Bennett and Josie are not the only two people you would see kissing in an airlock on that train.  (Article Note:  The writer of this prediction article is a firm Laytonie shipper, and she is not the least bit embarrassed to admit to that.)
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julesnichols · 3 years
☕ Everyone on Snowpirate is stupid for not radioing ahead to let Melanie know they are coming.
Yup! Though we don’t know when she left into the white and how long it took for them to catch up (iirc it was maybe about 4 or 5 days?). So it’s possible they did, didn’t get a signal, and decided to go out for her. But like on that note… she can sense the train so it would’ve been fairly reasonable for them to assume that she’d come out to meet them. It makes me wonder if they DID try that, didn’t get anything, and went out to investigate when she didn’t turn up on her own.
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pregnant-javert · 3 years
Do you ever think about how Ruth probably goes to bed every night, dreaming about the day she'll see Melanie again? And how no matter how shitty things get on Big Alicepiercer, she continues to fight, tooth and nail, because she is determined to be the head of the welcome committee when Snowpirate docks? Or about how she's convinced herself so completely that she'd know instinctively if something had gone wrong that finding out the truth will probably break her completely?
but in all seriousness YES it’s all I can think about tbh
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Top 5 characters who were left behind (when Snowpirate broke away) that Wilford will immediately be gunning for?
1. Ruth
2. Ruth -again for emphasis. Why oh why did you go back there to get your jacket? I mean we know why and it was GREAT. This was a thousand percent on brand and I loved it, of course she goes back for her beloved teals! But it is not so good for her in the “future shit shoveling department”
3. Zarah - excited for her to develop some individual agency! Perhaps she will be forced to be interesting.
4. Winnie and Lights because they want to see us cry. Also the rest of the tail. It’s gonna be a Oliver Twist up in there. Just grimy sad orphan children saying 🥺 “please sir, can I have some more?” And the jackboots yell “MORE?!” at them forever.
5. The good doctor what’s her face cause she’ll do the right thing and it won’t work out.
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the-real-anywolf · 5 years
Destiel Advent Calendar 2019
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Title: Snow Angels
Tags: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, First Kiss, Movie Reference, Unexpected Snowfamily, Fluff, SO MUCH FLUFF, It’s Gross, Sam Eats Real Pork Bacon, Frankie Made Me Tag That, Because She Thinks He's Canonically Vegetarian, And I Love My Muggsy So...
Summary: After an unexpected snowstorm hits Kansas, Dean and Sam decide to teach Cas about the joys of a snow day.
Written by: @eyesofatragedy67​ (Eyes_of_a_Tragedy)
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21665974
Snow Angels
Dean woke up at ass o'clock and stumbled his way to the kitchen. Coffee. He desperately needed coffee.
With all the patience of a child, he bypassed the fancy coffeemaker Sam had purchased and grabbed some instant and a mug from the cabinet over the microwave. It was gross, but, dude, caffeine.
Cup of joe in hand, he popped a new filter in Sam's fancy gizmo and poured in some grounds from Cas's stash in the freezer. Setting it to drip, he shuffled up the stairs to the front door and hauled it open.
Fluffy white stuff toppled through the opening, landing at his feet. It wasn't an avalanche like in the animes he secretly enjoyed (Shut up, okay? So what if he watched shojo every now and then?), more like a foot or so of snow.
He dumped the remainder of his coffee into the snow on the outer stoop and scooped some of the fresh stuff into his empty mug. Excited now, he jogged down the stairs and ran down the hall toward the bedrooms.
Bursting through Sam's door, he upended the mug right on his brother's face. "Rise and shine, Sammy!"
Sam sputtered awake, jackknifing up from his prone position. "Wha-"
He wiped his hand over his face and pulled it back, shaking off the melting slush. Dean watched, waiting for it to click.
Glancing down at his lap, which was now a pool of semi-solid snow, Sam asked, "Did you dump snow on my face?"
Dean chuckled.
Realization flitting across Sam's face, he repeated, "You dumped snow on my face!"
Grinning, Dean turned to leave the room. "Sure did, bitch! Get your ass dressed. Coffee's brewing. I'mma go see if I can find Cas. We're having a snow day!"
He didn't wait for Sam's response, but he could feel the 'jerk' aimed at his retreating form.
Dean did a cursory check of the bunker, but his finely feathered friend was nowhere to be found. Making a pit stop at his room, he layered up for proper snow play, then followed the sounds of banging in the kitchen. He found Sam preparing a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and fresh fruit.
"Bacon, Sam? Did I traumatize you?"
Bitch face firmly planted, Sam replied, "I know you. We're going to be out there forever. We'll need the protein. Did you find Cas?"
"No, I'm gonna try angel radio in a few minutes." He snagged a strip of bacon from the plate it was draining on. "Mmm, yummy pork."
Sam rolled his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were tilted in a smile. His brother prepped plates for them both and placed them on the table. Dean grabbed utensils and the roll of paper towels.
"You want orange juice or milk, Sammy?"
Sam opted for OJ, so Dean poured two glasses and sat down to eat. When they were done - Sam having stolen a piece of Dean's bacon, and Dean swiping a grape and strawberry from Sam's plate - Sam grabbed the dishes, and Dean sat back to pray.
"Red rover, red rover, can Castiel come over? If you can hear me, buddy, well-"
There was the signature fwup that heralded Castiel's appearance, along with a tension that was probably just in Dean's head. Or pants.
"I don't understand your red rover reference, Dean. Is it about Opportunity? I can assure you, she's in a far better place than-"
Dean interrupted, "I remember, Cas. But that’s not what meant. I’ll explain it to you later,” he promised. “It's a winter wonderland outside, and Sam and I are going to have a snow day. You want in?"
Cas did that head tilt thing Dean had grown so fond of. "What is a snow day?"
Dean's head whipped toward Sam, who had a look on his face that was morphing from disbelief to glee. Grinning, the brothers turned toward Cas, and Dean asked, "Do you want to build a snowman, Cas?"
.... :::: :::: ....
Bundled up in all the layers they could find, Sam and Dean joined Cas in the war room.
Dean was making a list on the note app on his phone. "We need supplies, Sammy."
Sam dropped a duffel on the table. "I'm way ahead of you, man."
Dean grinned and patted the pocket of his jacket. There was something special in there. "Awesome. C'mon, Cas, let's go outside and start your education."
Carefully trudging up the outside stairs, Dean led the trio to the edge of the woods. "Okay, Cas," Dean clapped his gloved hands together, "follow my lead."
Dean started rolling the ball that would be the base of his snowman, watching as Cas's pile of snow grew larger. He reached over and helped position Cas's hands, shaping the pile into something rounder.
"Yeah, like that. You just make that as big as you want it, alright, because we're going to put another one on top of it." He glanced over to find Sam already on his second stack. He pointed and Cas’s gaze followed. “Like that. Your goal is to create a base big enough to build on, then you’re going to add another until you’ve got a humanoid shape. Got it?”
“I understand, Dean.” He watched, eyebrow quirked, as Cas started molding a much larger shape, then shrugged it off. The angel would figure it out.
Dean finished his base, then got to work on the middle layer. He became absorbed, humming under his breath as he packed the snow. When he had the head done, he looked over to see Sam was accessorizing his creation and explaining it to Cas.
“Yeah, you decorate it however you want. Mine is a moose, so I need to find some branches to make into antlers.”
“Oh.” Cas was doing that adorable head tilt thing, and Dean held back a laugh when he continued, “Inias is a panda, so I don’t think he would have decorations?”
"Why do I know that name?" Dean asked.
Cas looked over with wounded eyes. "Inias is one of my fallen brethren. We were… very close."
A lightbulb went off in Dean's head. "Dark hair, blue eyes, 'bout your height? Showed up with that bitch Hester a while back?"
Cas nodded. "Yes."
"He seemed like a good guy."
The small smile gracing Cas's face was a vast improvement over the pain of just minutes before.
Sam paused in the middle of buttoning one of his flannels around his moose’s torso. “Hmm, what if we grab some of the paint from the basement and paint him?”
Dean went back to examining his snowman. “Okay, brother, let’s get you suited up, hmm?”
He found two decent arm sticks, ones with a bit of bulk to them, then quickly removed his jacket and a light blue flannel. Putting the leather back on, he wrapped the snowman in the cotton then pulled the first item out of his pocket. He walked to the back of it and attached two clips to the bottom of the shirt, then laid the straps over the shoulders. Back at his snowman’s front, he hooked the ends of the suspenders to the front of the shirt and stepped back to examine his work.
So far, so good.
Dean looked over to see Sam’s moose finished; he’d gently wrapped toilet paper around the sticks to make them look more like antlers, crafty bastard, and there was a cocktail glass with a paper umbrella and a pitchfork in one of its moose-y mitts. He felt a moment of grief, but it was quickly replaced with fond memories. Some of which Sam would never know about, thank you very much.
His brother was now helping Cas delicately apply paint to his snowpanda. It was looking pretty good. Dean rummaged through Sam’s bag, knowing there would be charcoal briquettes in there for eyes. He took two, then moved back to his sculpture.
Gingerly pushing the lumps of coal into place, he whispered in a hokey accent, “You been a bad boy, mon ami.” Then he pulled a treasured cap out of his pocket and situated it on top of his head. Almost done. “Don’t be mad. I know these aren’t yours, but you need teeth, ‘k?” He crammed a set of plastic vampire teeth into the head and stood back, laughing and somewhat offended on his friend’s behalf.
Glancing at Sam, he could see his brother’s understanding. And Cas had a similar look on his face. He nodded at them and said, “Snowpire.”
They both smiled at him indulgently as he added the final touch - a single drop of blood from the fingertip he’d pricked and applied to the tip of a fang.
Looking over, he threw out, “Mental note to sterilize all of this stuff later, Sam,” and got an affirmative in response.
Cas reached into his pocket and came back out with two pieces of clear blue rock in his hand. They were rough, with jagged edges, but smooth on the surface. His friend placed them where the eyes would go and leaned in close, whispering something under his breath that Dean couldn’t quite make out. He caught the word “cupcake”, though, and it made him smile.
The three of them drew back to view the finished products. Dean clasped Cas’s shoulder and said, “Good job for your first try. Next time we’ll have to-” but got no further due to the face full of snow Sam had just thrown at him.
Wiping his wet glove over his now wet face, he barked out “Oh, it’s on, bitch!” He ran in one direction, Sam in the opposite, taunting all the way, while Cas stood there looking perplexed. Dean packed a handful of fluffy ice into a solid mass fit for lobbing at little brothers.
Chucking it toward Sam, he quickly realized there was too much distance between them. Sam must have reached the same conclusion because he was no longer looking in Dean’s direction. Instead, ball of snow firmly in hand, he was eyeing Cas standing conveniently between them. Dean packed another and glanced back at his brother, nodding his understanding. The two of them let their ammunition fly, hitting their target from both sides.
Cas’s reaction was less than satisfying. “Why are you throwing ice at me?”
Dean scooped up some more and casually walked over to him. “Well, buddy, this is another part of snow days. You might understand better if I explain it to you in other terms, though. See...” he stepped closer, slung an arm around Cas’s shoulders and trailed his gloved fingers over the back of his neck. “This, Cas? This is war.” And he dumped the handful of ice down the back of Cas’s shirt.
Again, not the reaction he was going for, but he recognized that twitch in Cas’s eyes and started running. “War? War is something I was strategizing before your species learned about fire. I was orchestrating armies while your ancestors were-” SPLAT!
Dean doubled over with laughter as Sam yelled out, “You talk a big game, but you know jack shit about snowball fights!”
Oh, shit! His brother had a death wish. One minute Cas was standing, head tilted in that menacing way Dean remembered from day one; the next he was launching snowballs with unearthly accuracy and speed. And Sam wasn’t his only target.
There was a tap on his shoulder, and he turned to find his friend-turned-foe standing with both hands loaded. Dean was on the receiving end of two very cold hits to the face. He gasped in shock, then howled uproariously. He grabbed up his own heap of snow and shoved it right in Cas’s face then turned and ran toward his brother, who would make a far more convenient target.
Cas chased, and the three of them tossed snow at each other until the brothers were too exhausted to run anymore. “Truce!” Dean screamed, Sam nodding in agreement. “I beg for forgiveness, Cas! We underestimated you. You win!”
The transformation of his angel’s face was a thing of beauty. Victory looked good on him. Dean flopped back into the snow drift he was standing in and waited for his breathing to return to normal. As much as he hated to admit it, he needed to up his cardio.
Sam flopped down near him, breathing much more managed. He started flapping his arms and legs in the snow, and Dean grinned and followed suit. Cas approached them, brow furrowed with confusion.
“What are you doing now? Is this some form of exercise to increase your circulation?”
Dean stood up carefully and waved Cas over. “Nah, this is snow angels.” He pointed to the leg area and explained that it was supposed to resemble the skirt area of how angels were always depicted in artwork.
Cas nodded and moved to the side and gestured at the arms. “So, these are supposed to be the wings?”
“Yeah,” Dean rubbed at the base of his skull. “I mean, I know it’s nowhere near accurate, but it’s fun. You wanna try?”
Sam crawled out of his snow angel and ambled over to watch as Cas walked to the clear area above their figures. He laid down in the snow, and Dean waited for him to start moving, knowing it would be a sight worth remembering. Instead, he stared in awe as a set of impressions appeared to either side of Cas’s shoulders, stretching out for yards.
He heard Sam’s gasp, then, “Cas, are those your wings?”
“Yes. They aren’t visible on the mortal plain, but I can display them indirectly if I use enough grace.”
Dean looked over to see an expression of child-like wonder on his brother’s face. “That’s so cool!” Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, then stepped back to snap a pic. “I think we should get this framed.” Then he moved to photograph all of their other snow creations.
Dean stood at Cas’s feet and breathed out, “They’re amazing, Cas.”
The actual angel actually blushed. “Thank you.” He reached up and Dean gently drew him to his feet, so as not to disturb the imprint his angel left behind.
Sam called out, “I’m gonna go make some cocoa! Do you two want some?”
They both nodded, and Sam clambered down the stairs to the bunker, taking his duffel bag with him.
Dean looked back at Cas, who appeared to be having some kind of internal debate. “What’s wrong?”
The corner of Cas’s mouth quirked up, and he shook his head. “Nothing at all. I was just wondering if you know how often you think of me as your angel. I don’t listen to your thoughts intentionally, but you also stopped putting up a wall.”
It was Dean’s turn to blush. “Umm, yeah,” he spoke to the snowy ground. “Sorry about that.”
He felt warm fingers tilt his head back up. “Don’t be, Dean Winchester. I’ve been yours since the moment I saw your soul shining in the darkest depths. And I’ll be yours until all of the stars burn out.”
A tear fell from the corner of his eye, and Dean reached up to brush a stray snowflake from Cas’s cheek. He inhaled deeply, the chill air burning in his lungs. “Cas…”
His angel grinned at him, then leaned in and whispered against his lips, “I know.”
They kissed, and it was soft and sweet and everything Dean had ever wanted from this man. Well, almost.
“I swear, Cas. If you tell Sam you just Solo’d me, I’ll find a way to pluck your feathers and make a pillow out of them.”
Cas laughed, and it was glorious. “Your secret is safe with me,” he replied.
.... :::: :::: ....
It was nearing midnight on Christmas Eve, and Dean was curled up in his angel’s arms on the sofa they’d moved into the Dean Cave, watching “It’s A Wonderful Life”.
He was just about to comment on the fact that a certain dark-haired demon must have been fond of this film when both of their phones pinged. Shuffling around to reach into their pockets, they each found a new message.
Dean wondered why his brother was texting them from down the hall. He and Cas both checked the message to find an all caps “MERRY CHRISTMAS, JERKS” followed by an attachment. Cas was the first to open it, smiling radiantly at what he saw on the screen.
He turned his phone to Dean and started the video again. “I think he knows.” Dean saw zoomed in footage of the two of them, kissing in the snow. You could easily make out Dean’s astonishment and Cas’s teasing response.
Dean grabbed the cell and typed in a response. “We love you, too, bitch.” Then he tossed both phones on the table and pressed Cas down into the cushions, pillowing his head on his chest. A bell rang on screen, signaling an angel got his wings.
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iggorrek · 10 years
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Narazove čistenie tenisiek | photo by @retepllag #comebackgang #cbg #snowpirates #trochujsemsiulit
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*In an ideal world, where Snowpirate makes it back in time*
Melanie: You really risked everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Alex: Several grade-A railway traffic violations.
Layton: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Till: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Ben: Also, you may have noticed, *gulping* that's not exactly our train.
Melanie: I'll say. Where the heck is the rest of it?!
Josie: *sweating* Well, see, that's a funny story...
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icebreaker01 · 3 years
Season 3 Predictions - Part I
OK, folks.  This is only like forever late, but here it is: Icebreaker’s S3 predictions! Strap yourselves in and lets go. So I know I said WAAAAYYYY back when I would do predictions for S3, then never did. Reason for that. The show suddenly started handing out previews like candy at Halloween...., but with much more frequency, and it was hard to keep up.  I would no sooner write my prediction, then something would be in the next preview that would cause me to have to rewrite about half of it. So I have modified my predictions to things I am fairly certain about now. I will also be doing this in several posts, not just one incredibly long one.
First off:  My favorite.  Is Melanie coming back in S3? Folks, I haven’t seen secrecy like this since ‘Who shot JR?‘. (Everyone born after 1980, go look it up.)  The producers even kept things under wraps from the actors by only allowing them access to single show scripts at a time.
So, is she coming back? From the previews alone, I would say ‘possibly only as a flashback/hallucination’ right up to the very last episode.  We have two, what I consider, clear hallucinations.  One is from the first promo with Alex.  Lots of fuzzy borders......, folks I’m guessing hallucination.  The second was in the latest promo with Melanie and Wilford having a drink.  Again, fuzzy borders, bright, obscuring lights.  Hallucination.  I mean, if Melanie can hallucinate Wilford, surely she can return the favor.....am I right? However, I also feel the previews are wanting to give us that impression.  Because later we are shown a brief single shot where she could be standing on SnowPirate, as she has that ‘WT.....WHERE’S THE REST OF MY TRAIN?!’ look on her face as she looks around her.  I do not think this is a hallucination mainly because in the scene it is suggested no one else is around.  Hallucinations do not hallucinate themselves, folks.  That just starts to get weird. Personally, I REALLLLY hope to get that scene.  I want to see this woman go totally nuts just once over someone hurting her train.
Also, WWWAYYYYY back when S2 was just starting and they announced Asha as the new character, they clearly stated in that article that Asha would be an ally for Melanie.  Folks!  You do not have allies for dead people.  They don’t need them.
Now, my next case for Melanie being alive is likely the weirdest of the three.  There was a comment made by a character in one of the promos who did not sound like Melanie at all (possibly Asha?) ‘The eight of you against the great Mr. Wilford?’  Those on SnowPirate are Layton, Till, Bennett, Alex, Audrey, Josie, and Sykes.  That makes seven.  Who is the eighth person they are talking to?
But likely the two most compelling pieces of evidence I see to her being alive have nothing to do with the previews and everything to do with the posters that have been coming out. Poster one, the first one released, was of Melanie, displaying the ‘Fight For Life’ banner.  Dead people don’t fight for life, folks.  It’s plain redundant. My second biggest point is if you look on the main poster, which features the three main characters, you’ll note JC’s name is first. Folks, if you know anything about Hollywood agents, I don’t care how big your client is, you DO NOT push for star billing if they are not in the show.  Nor do you go for that star billing if they have a five second cameo.
Also, in regards to her return, let’s add to the confusion.  Two of the creative directors have directly contradicted each other in interviews.  One has said ‘We are pleased that JC will be joining us for S3’, while the other has said that Melanie is ‘not necessarily alive’. What the &%^$*%(#*&*% is that suppose to mean?
In addition, there has been one clear leak that some event occurs on the train which Melanie and Layton resolve.
Now, in regards to Melanie’s possible return, I have just one scene I can not wait to see.  Mostly because it has so much potential to be either really epic, or fall on it’s face.  Keep in mind, though I’m not sure how they managed to bring back Josie, but keeping that completely from Melanie.  What?  No one on this train GOSSIPS? SERIOUSLY? As I said, really epic, or flat on its face when these two meet again.  And I actually have a possible scene in a promo of that happening, as it makes no sense otherwise who these two people are.  The scene is of two people outside.  The first scene clearly shows them with a few yards of SP, and while the one in the larger survival suit could be Melanie, the other, having a sleeker and less bulky suit suggests this is Josie. HOWEVER, there is also a scene in a promo of Layton and Josie in one of the train’s ‘airlocks’ together.  He in a survival suit and her in that tight-fitting little number the writers like to see her in. So who can say?
Now, when might we see our favorite little dictator with a heart of gold?  My most firm belief is that since JC was on the set for so short a time, and she is their biggest draw on this show right now, there is simply no way they are not going to suck every ounce of draw they can out of this cliffhanger.  So I firmly do not believe we will see Melanie in the first episode.....or the second....or the third....or the forth.......(moving on)...or the ninth.  I think she will be the cliffhanger of E10 leading into the fourth season.  Anytime she is seen up until the last episode will be strictly in flashbacks or as hallucinations.
But, as I have said before, this show has thrown out enough red herrings to refill the aquarium car, and I’m off on my way to throw another one into the tank apparently.
If you are into further torturing yourself, like me, I give you: https://screenrant.com/snowpiercer-melanie-alive-dead-theories/ This was a fun read, but I felt they gave more credible evidence for her being alive than dead, folks.
Have fun.
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onetrainscifi · 3 years
I guess Im late to the party, but what if Wilford put his section of the train in reverse after he got done glaring menacingly after Snowpirate and got to Melanie before Layton and the others? I'm not good at math, but even though his section is longer and probably heavier, wouldn't Wilford have significantly less track to cover than Snowpirate which would have to go the long way round so they wouldn't potentially collide with the back half of the train chasing them? Anyway, I was just wondering if this theory seems possible. I don't want Melanie to be dead. She's my favorite.
It's technically possible! I think! But also holy fuck if Wilford got to Melanie first that would be BAD
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