#snowball fights one episode
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izzy140105 · 6 months ago
This is what I imagine the Jon Snow tv show would've been about 💀✋
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mcybree · 1 year ago
Flower husbands relationship with martyn in 3rd life? Why did they hate him so much? Why did Martyn try to get Jimmy to leave Scott that one time? Why did Scott say him and Martyn were going to sleep together once they were both dead? Many questions that plague me at night
(^ edit: anon clarified, ask was referring to the “I wanna cuddle together before we die” comment from martyn)
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welcometoteyvat · 1 year ago
fei ren zai save me ................. !!!!!!! there are ~970 source comic panels uploaded but only 260 translated on mangadex... pain
if u are looking for funny slice of life featuring mythical creatures and smooth animation please go read or watch (it also has a sister comic+donghua called all saints street, abt western demons and supernatural creatures, which is considerably easier to find subs for on youtube and also just as funny imo. also has kinda more plot)
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solbaby7 · 1 year ago
Killing Me Softly
pairing: cassian x reader
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[ part 2 ]
warnings: swearing, violence, blood, jealous themes, angst
summary: [based off that episode in greys were Mer got beaten by that patient who didn’t remember anything when they woke up]
It had started out as a normal fight.
Something small and fixable.
But somewhere along the way, things had snowballed and the playful Cassian you’d always known had disappeared before your very eyes. “You have a responsibility,” His tone is firm; slightly condescending and you can feel the attitude beginning to form when his arms cross over his chest. Cassian shoulders squared out, spine straight and wings pulled taut as he stood his ground. “The answer is no.”
“Cass, you’re not even listening. I told you I had this planned a week ago,” It comes out rushed, brows furrowed as you tried to meet something else besides that hard wall behind hazel eyes. “Besides it’s the med wing, they always have volunteers coming in to help—it’s just one date.”
“This really isn’t up for discussion,” His steely exterior nearly crumbles to pieces when he sees the way you visibly deflate, fingers grazing over the pretty dress you’d spent three days searching for with Mor and Cass had to pretend to be thrilled when you came barreling through his bedroom door with it in hand. You were beaming, smile so wide he thought your cheeks would split in two. “Now, go get changed.”
Guilt bubbles in his belly at the sight of you, jaw clenched tight and eyes blinking furiously to push back the frustrated tears; you had been really excited. You say nothing when you breeze past him, making sure not to touch him or make eye contact when you disappear back where you came and Cass doesn’t even need to turn around to know the way Azriel is looking at him. “Thought you said the med-wing was fully staffed? Easy day, you said.”
“Don’t even start.”
“It was just one date, she bought a dress and everything.” Az doesn’t buckle at the remorse that begins to scrunch at hard features, hands that clench and unclench at his sides as Cass battled a war that didn’t take prisoners. “If you won’t act on your feelings for her then leave her be so she can be happy.”
“Seriously, mind your fucking business.” Cassian all but snarls, golden eyes like burning lava when regarding his brother; the words hitting much harder than and punch. “She had a job to do and she’ll be here doing it. We don’t have time for stupid dresses and dates when people are dying.”
You don’t speak when you re-emerge in something more sturdy, medical equipment neatly organized in a bag that you held loosely in one hand. A whole folder of papers had been shoved in your grasp from a brooding General, inky hair flying away from his face when the wind cut through on his speedy departure. Frustration builds but you don’t allow it to overcome you, ignoring Azriel’s inquisitive stare, arms crossed over his chest and thick leathers hugging muscular thighs. “You okay?”
You sigh, gesturing to the stack of papers while you begin down the hall. “I’m busy.”
Times flows significantly slower now that you’re aware you’re missing something of importance; you’d really been looking forward to dressing up. Taking special time on your hair and the dark kohl that Mor insisted would make your eyes pop. The bittersweet daydream of what could’ve been is interrupted by the ruffled patient, his body covered in a serious of wrappings and notes near his side table on the tonics he’d been given—heavy duty sedatives and even stronger pain alleviants. Dosages so high there was no was he should’ve been moving, eyes blinking into consciousness and slurred speech stumbling from his tongue. “Where am I?”
“Sir, it’s okay just relax. I’m only here to help.”
“I shouldn’t be here,” Your hands are gentle when they reach out for him in attempts to soothe but it only makes him more agitated, arms whipping around wildly and his volume steadily increases. “Who are you? Why am I here?”
“Sir, please. If you just calm down I can explain—you were hurt, I’m only here to help.”
Rational thought and logic make no home in the frantic patients mind, his terrifyingly sturdy grip latches onto your shoulder. You’re jostled in close, bandages and antiseptic falling from your grasp and you only have time for one sharp yelp before his hands are wrapped around your neck. It takes alarmingly little effort for him to get to his feet, slamming your form down on the cot he’d been recovering in for days. Broken noises pull from your throat, nails scratching at his arms and face and whatever skin you can get your hands on, punching and kicking and reaching for anything to help and just as a black spots line your vision you finally get a good kick in, enough to push you from his hands and your body tumbles to the floor with a thud.
Deep heaving breaths pull from you, sucking in as much oxygen as your lungs will allow and tears you didn’t even realize you’d let out are streaming down the curve of your cheeks as you struggle to gain your footing, to get out of the room but hands are back around your arms. A broken cry fills the air when your face is shoved into the wall, heavy weight pushing you over and over until blood pooled from your temple and choked noises caught in your throat.
You can’t even remember when it stopped, a darkness overtaking you but even that’s abruptly ripped away from you for what feels like just seconds later. Someone screaming, strangled, pain filled shouts when you feel a set of hands on your body, lifting you from the floor and setting you on a cool table. “She’s awake,” You hear Madja firmly speak, hands quick yet sturdy when reaching into her bag to pull out medical grade scissors. “Anyone not necessary needs to leave.”
“She’s family, we aren’t leaving her.” Azriel retorts even stronger, leaving no room for discussion and you can feel the warmth of his hands on your own when he looks down at you. “You’re going to be okay, we’re here. We’re all here.”
You can’t even form words, eyes watery and panicked when darting between both of his own and the grip you have on his fingers when the healer pressed down on your abdomen is enough to have him barking at her for pain relief. “I can’t just give her things without a full assessment.”
“Assess faster—she’s in too much pain.”
Everything goes in one ear and out the other; you keep trying to speak, to beg them to please stop poking there and prodding at that bruise and asking if it hurt there, because it hurt everywhere. Broken whines pull from your throat, chest heaving and limbs trembling so hard the table shook. “I can feel three—no four broken ribs, collarbone fracture on the right side, shoulders dislocated on the right as well.” Madja begins, voice almost void of any emotion as she drifts from a person to a woman in charge. The High Lord in standing near your head, murmuring encouraging words while soaking in the information, a grim expression shared between him and the shadowsinger. “Damage to the brain is possible with such intense trauma to her head; two males had to physically pull the patient off of her.”
“Why would he even do this?” Rhys takes the warm cloth handed to him and gently begins to drag it over your forehead, trying his best to comfort you through the agony. “She’s harmless—she wouldn’t have hurt a fly.”
“It was the first time he’d been lucid since we’d found him; he doesn’t even remember what happened.”
Half a dozen more healers filter in the room with handfuls of equipment, eyes filled with worry when regarding one of their own but they quickly shake it off and step into line to assist. Azriel snarls at Madja’s words, stomach clenching in disdain at the helpless groans you let out, head lolling from side to side, tears treading trails into your hair as the pain overwhelms you.
Madja skims a knuckle over your jaw on accident when accessing the harsh bruising at your throat and the yelp that pulls is absolutely devastating. “Grab the restraints and hold her down,” The healer commands to the others, insisting they wrap them tighter while ignoring the deep shouts of the two males guarding you like their lives depended on it. “Her jaw is broken,” A heavy sigh pulls from Madja, dark hair tightly braided behind her shoulders. “—I have to set it and it won’t be fun so help me or get out of the room so we can do our jobs.”
Rhysand’s fingers are running through your hair, Azriel’s thumb rubbing soothing circles along the back of your hands and you feel the exact moment they both go stiff, heads turning to face the towering figure that stuttered to a stop in the doorway. “I’ll hold her arms,” The shadowsinger holds your arms with a firmness you hadn���t experienced from him before, soft apologies being whispered into your ears when your heart rate surges. “Cass, hold her legs. She needs to be still.”
The General doesn’t move, eyes wide and mouth hung open when he takes in your form. The clothes that were cut from your body, the countless amounts of thick gauze and medical towels soaked with your blood pooling in piles on the floor. Warbled streaks of crimson red is a stark contrast against the white floors; the smeared print of ten fingers and two palms drag along the wall, the small side table and the around door handle—you’d just nearly gotten away. “Cassian,” Azriel snaps, the rough tone ripping him from his trance. “Hold down her legs, now.”
The shock doesn’t wear off even if he does do as he’s told, golden eyes stuck on every bruise, ears painfully attuned to every whimper, every cry and gut-wrenching scream when your jaw was forced open, the bone shifting with a deafening crunch. “Please, please, please.” You barely get the words out; speech slurred, sweat lacing your forehead, body shaking so hard from the pain you couldn’t tell what was up from down. “Please, make it stop. Please, I’ll do anything—please stop.”
“Give her something!” Rhys snapped, wiping away tears and bracing you from moving around too much.
Madja scoffs, outnumbered and overwhelmed she calls for a tonic, allowing a higher dose than normal and your relief is instant. Deep cries fade to drawn out whimpers before your whole form goes eerily limp. “This will not be an easy recovery; if you think that was bad, just wait.” Quick hands make work of setting your shoulder with a sharp jolt and another healer is wrapping it in thick bandages to keep it in place. “Why was she even in here? The form specifically stated that supervision was required for this patient—she shouldn’t have been alone.”
“She shouldn’t have been here at all,” One of the healers muttered under her breath, hands quick and careful when tucking your hair behind your ear and dabbing your face clean of the blood that had started drying. “—she had a date today. I took this shift for her so she could go. She’s been talking about it all week.”
A silence fills the room and Rhys follows the sharp stare Azriel had trained on the General who’d been stuck in place at your feet. His hands shake where they rest near your calves, gaze seemly stuck on the socks you wore, fabric torn and stained in your own blood and he can just picture how hard you’d struggled trying to escape. Cassian says nothing, not when the others seem to catch on; putting together a piece of the puzzle in his silence—the shock that settles in every pore and the guilt that radiated from his burly form.
He only watches as they collect the soiled gauze off the floor, antiseptic filling the space when they begin to scrub your handprints off the wall, sweeping up the drywall that gave way from the pure strength put into smashing your body to pieces. “Four broken ribs,” Azriel’s voice is unnervingly calm when the last of the healers filter out, the door shutting behind with a soft click. “—a fractured collarbone; she was thrown into the wall so hard her shoulder popped out of socket.” Rhys takes a step forward, a hand raised to stop the shadowsinger but he’s sharply cut off, Az’s tone getting just a bit deeper when he stalks towards Cassian like predators did their prey. “He nearly shattered her skull—she’d be dead if it weren’t for one of the other patients. They heard her scream and found me.” Inky shadows slink around Azriel’s shoulders, but it’s the hand that pushes Cassian a step away from you that finally gains his attention.
“Azriel—“ Rhysand begins to intercept but abruptly pauses when the spymaster continues, fingers pointed at the leader of the Night Courts armies.
“You made her stay today because you were jealous.”
The High Lord goes still, violet eyes sliding from one friend to the other. “What?”
“She had a date and Cass was jealous because he has feelings for her and is too afraid to say anything.” Azriel can’t seem to stop once he’s started; such pure rage burning beneath his skin at the selfishness that resulted in such unimaginable pain.
“You think any of that matters right now?” Cassian doesn’t even sound like himself; no booming voice or need to make his point, no logical facts and carefully thought out points. He can’t even stop looking at you, eyes glassy and shoulders slumped when remembering what you’d looked like just two hours earlier. “I thought I didn’t deserve her before but now—after this? I know I don’t.”
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year ago
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about How to Pay off Debt
Understanding debt:
Let’s End This Damaging Misconception About Credit Cards
Season 2, Episode 10: “Which Is Smarter: Getting a Loan? or Saving up to Pay Cash?”
Dafuq Is Interest? And How Does It Work for the Forces of Darkness?
Investing Deathmatch: Paying off Debt vs. Investing in the Stock Market
How to Build Good Credit Without Going Into Debt
Dafuq Is a Down Payment? And Why Do You Need One to Buy Stuff?
It’s More Expensive to Be Poor Than to Be Rich
Making Decisions Under Stress: The Siren Song of Chocolate Cake
How Mental Health Affects Your Finances
Paying off debt:
Kill Your Debt Faster with the Death by a Thousand Cuts Technique
Share My Horror: The World’s Worst Debt Visualization
The Best Way To Pay off Credit Card Debt: From the Snowball To the Avalanche
The Debt-Killing Power of Rounding up Bills
A Dungeonmaster’s Guide to Defeating Debt
How to Pay Hospital Bills When You’re Flat Broke 
Ask the Bitches Pandemic Lightning Round: “What Do I Do If I Can’t Pay My Bills?” 
Slay Your Financial Vampires
Season 4, Episode 3: “My credit card debt is slowly crushing me. Is there any escape from this horrible cycle?” 
Case Study: Held Back by Past Financial Mistakes, Fighting Bad Credit and $90K in Debt 
Student loan debt:
What We Talk About When We Talk About Student Loans
Ask the Bitches: “The Government Put Student Loans in Forbearance. Can I Stop Paying—or Is It a Trap?”
How to Pay for College without Selling Your Soul to the Devil
When (and How) to Try Refinancing or Consolidating Student Loans
Ask the Bitches: I Want to Move Out, but I Can’t Afford It. How Bad Would It Be to Take out Student Loans to Cover It?
Season 4, Episode 4: “I’m $100K in Student Loan Debt and I Think It Should Be Forgiven. Does This Make Me an Entitled Asshole?” 
The 2022 Student Loan Forgiveness FAQ You’ve Been Waiting For
2023 Student Loan Forgiveness Update: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 
Our Final Word on Student Loan Forgiveness 
Avoiding debt:
Ask Not How Much You Should Save, Ask How Much You Should Spend 
How to Make Any Financial Decision, No Matter How Tough, with Maximum Swag
Your Yearly Free Medical Care Checklist
Two-Ring Circus 
Status Symbols Are Pointless and Dumb 
Advice I Wish My Parents Gave Me When I Was 16 
On Emergency Fund Remorse… and Bacon Emergencies
Should You Increase Your Salary or Decrease Your Spending? 
Don’t Spend Money on Shit You Don’t Like, Fool
The Magically Frugal Power of Patience
The Only Advice You’ll Ever Need for a Cheap-Ass Wedding 
The Most Impactful Financial Decision I’ve Ever Made… and Why I Don’t Recommend It 
3 Times I Was Damn Grateful for My Emergency Fund (and Side Income) 
Buy Now Pay Later Apps: That Old Predatory Lending by a Crappy New Name 
Credit Card Companies HATE Her! Stay Out of Credit Card Debt With This One Weird Trick 
Ask the Bitches: Should I Get a Loan Even Though I Can Afford To Pay Cash? 
The Bitches vs. debt:
I Paid off My Student Loans Ahead of Schedule. Here’s How.
I Paid off My Student Loans. Now What?
Hurricane Debt Weakens to Tropical Storm Debt, but Experts Warn It’s Still Debt
The Real Story of How I Paid Off My Mortgage Early in 4 Years
Case Study: Swimming Upstream against Unemployment, Exhaustion, and $2,750 a Month in Unproductive Spending 
That’s all for now! We try to update these masterposts periodically, so check back for more in… a couple… months??? Maybe????
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rustymind · 4 months ago
third of december - drabble
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just imagine...
you and your boyfriend, satoru started dating exactly one year ago
now you're walking around the same streets and neighborhoods like last year when he confessed
it's not as cold now, you two are simply walking around without coats; you in a t-shirt and him in a dark gray sweater
the sun is already starting to set, your date is over, but he'll spend the night at your place anyways
you are thinking about all the amazing moments you two had, not only this one year, but eversince you got to know eachother
he was there when you were laughing, and he also stayed when you cried
giving you cute little things that reminded him of you, saying you got it as a reward for smiling so much so prettily
but also showing up at your door – in the middle of the night if that was necessary – with your favourite chocolate and cd's whenever he sensed that something was wrong or you were just feeling a little lonely
he snapped you out of your thoughts by shaking your shoulder like an excited child
"look, it's snowing!!"
you could feel the temperature getting colder with each second so you needed to find an activity to warm you up
the next thing you know is that you stand on the middle of the empty road with a snowball in your hand, grinning from eat to ear
"hey toru!" you say and as he turns around 'cluelessly', you throw the snowball at him
he knows what you're planning but let's the snowball hit him anyways, now having a reason for a whole snow-war
to the way home, you spend the entire time running from him, hiding behind cars, waiting for him in turns
he is acting like a complete child, but next to him you're no better either
satoru is not letting you win, the fight only stops when you surrender by waving a white handkerchief, raising your hands
he throws a last snowball at you anyways, earning a smack on the head in return
"i surrendered!!" you pout which he simply replies with a smirk "i know, you were an easy target!"
both of your clothes are cold and wet now, you feel like you're freezing in place if you stop walking
satoru notices you eyeing his sweater and crosses his arms stubbornly.
"don't look at me like that, i'm cold too!"
he says while you narrow your eyes, knowing that you'll win anyways.
"it's the third of december."
you declare.
"you're supposed to give me your sweater!"
"no way!"
just seconds later, he is helping you put on the dark sweater, ruffling your hair afterwards
the vibes are similar to last year's, with a small change. back then you thought that you were the luckiest person in the whole world, now you know it
and he knows it too
the walk back to your place is calm, but definetly not quiet
you are walking hand in hand, your head leaning on satoru's shoulder as he continues to speak about whatever comes to his mind, also reminding you how much he loves you in almost every minute
his sweater is staring to warm you up a bit, you can also smell his calming scent on it, filling your mind
after you get home and get changed into dry clothes, he makes some tea while you are clinging to him, your arms wrapped around his waist as you rest your head against his back
you cuddle on the couch with the hot drink in your hands, watching a random romcom as he plays with your hair
"you know i love you, right?"
he'd stop and look at your face constantly, getting a kind chuckle from you.
"you don't have to ask me every two minutes, you know! and i love you too."
you smile. he simply rolls his eyes with a childish pout and begins to braid your hair.
he speaks again a few moments later.
"but you know it! right-"
he huffs, pulling you closer to him.
as the romcom episode ends and you'd get up, you can feel that his arms stay snaked around you. when you turn back, you're met with a sleeping satoru, his eyes closed peacefully, his hair is in his face. you can't hold back your smile, kissing his cheek carefully not to wake him up.
"you know, i love you too."
you mumble, drifting to sleep.
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© s4toruz 2024 , do not copy , modify or translate my work
i looked at the calendar today and i was like: it's the third of december and i don't write anything??? we can't have that🗣
comments are appreciated!!
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eumppattv · 1 year ago
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pairing ot7 x reader genre ᩍ fluff, established relationship warnings ꕁ slight cursing ➜ masterlist a/n: requests are open :)
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heeseung mario kart ☆ ⊹ ๑
christmas is the only time of year that heeseung wakes up before 1pm. the reason for this is not because of the presents under the tree, but because he gets to take out the nintendo switch, and absolutely destroy you at mario kart. your first date was during christmas, where you played the game for over an hour. so now every year, you have a little competition. at first heeseung is eager to win, but by the end he’s purposely messing up. why? because he loves when you try to be all cocky after you’ve finally beat him. he thinks you’re too cute when you smirk and boast about how you’re better than him.
jay singing by the campfire ☆ ⊹ ๑
obviously jay is going to bust out his guitar any chance he gets. that is why every year, you gather around the campfire with the rest of the boys, and he plays while you eat smores. you of course have to feed him his, because he’s too occupied. then after the boys leave, you both stay out a while, with jay singing for you as you snuggle up to him, trying to keep warm. he sings some christmas songs, and you try to join in though you always say it won’t sound as good as his amazing voice. and of course part of the traditions would be your voice cracking, and jay laughing about it for the next year.
jake dressing layla up ☆ ⊹ ๑
you’re not sure how this tradition started, but it had turned into a vital part of you day. every year, you and jake spend time shopping for christmas outfits for layla, but keep them a secret from each other. then in the morning, you take turns dressing her up and sending her running down the stairs for the big reveal. at the end you vote for which outfit was better, and that person has to pay for dinner. let’s just say; you haven’t paid for dinner in years.
sunghoon going to the ice skating rink ☆ ⊹ ๑
i think sunghoon just likes to see you suffer, because every year he swears you’re getting better at skating; and every year you fall on your ass. still, he lives for the way he has to hold your hands and guide you across the rink. first you’d make sure to wear cute matching outfits, with each of you getting to pick every other year. then he’d teach you a couple warm ups that you have memorized by heart. at the end he’d want to race you across, but he would purposely mess up so you win. he’d then brag about how well he’s taught you, and how you should be paying him back with kisses.
sunoo baking cookies in matching pjs ☆ ⊹ ๑
one thing about sunoo is he loves his matching pj sets, especially the christmas ones. he’ll get pjs with reindeers on them, and insist you wear them. so every year, you wear your pjs and bake cookies- usually plain chocolate chip. although one year he made you try mint choco cookies, and that didn’t go well. you always make the cookies on christmas eve, so you can wake up and run to the kitchen before you open your gifts. sometimes sunoo wakes up in the middle of the night and grabs a few, claiming it was santa claus or ni-ki.
jungwon decorating your tree ☆ ⊹ ๑
yes you and jungwon spend hours decorating your tree, but the real tradition comes after you have opened all your presents. every christmas, you spend the morning opening your gifts, and the afternoon out at your favorite vintage shop. there you pick out one christmas tree ornament that represents you both for that year, to signify another year together. then the next christmas you add that ornament to the tree, and the cycle continues. jungwon says it’s a symbol of your ever growing love each year.
ni-ki snowball fights ☆ ⊹ ๑
i’m thinking like that one spongebob episode where they have the crazy snowball fight. you would go out, and spend a whole afternoon in the snow. he would try to build a snow fort to protect himself, while you desperately tried to sneak attack him. then you would hit him and he’d fall down dramatically, saying it actually hurt a lot. he would wait for you to comfort him, and then when you’re getting close he would throw a snowball at you and run away laughing.
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🝮 taglist open!
@avocarua @kpoprhia @haechansbbg @yeehawnana @lilly-bubblelops @aishigrey @gweoriz @soul-is-a-strange-kid @dior-girlie @gigification
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love-byers · 8 months ago
one of the things that makes me so confident in byler is the sheer amount of byler scenes compared to mlvn. and ESPECIALLY the final byler scene
we get like 2 solo mlvn scenes
their fight in el's room
and their talk at surfer boy's pizza
now let's count byler:
rink o mania fight
talk in jonathan's room
talk in will's room
talk on top of the car
talk in the van
talk in the cabin
the last big scene/interaction we see of a character/couple in a season is super important and says a lot about what's to come
like at the end of s1, the last interaction we see nancy have is kissing jonathan on the cheek and going back to steve. she ends the season with steve. HEAVILY foreshadowing that the story is not over between them and there is more to come, there will be a big plot point related to nancy and steve in s2.
in s2 the couples are together by the end, like literally together.
lumax are dancing, mlvn are dancing, nancy and jonathan are both volunteering at the snowball, and hopper and joyce are hugging.
and the last solo interaction we see dustin have is with steve, implying their friendship will continue and be important in what's to come, which it did in s3. 
it's the same at the end of s3. the last 4 solo interactions we see are will and mike, jonathan and nancy, el and mike, and el and joyce. 3 couples, and then the moment that begins hop's letter. all very important.
in s4 we get a solo jancy interaction, a solo byler interaction, and a solo el+ hopper interaction. the final scenes. the jancy scene isn't exactly happy, they're awkward and jonathan is still lying to her about college.
so in the same episode that mike confesses his supposed love to el, the last time we see them in the same room she doesn't even spare him a glance? the final time we see a couple together is important. and they give us nothing. not only do we not know if they're together anymore, it's making us lean towards them not being together at all.
then there's this:
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in s2, jonathan and nancy take a big leap from friends to lovers. HUGE leap. but after that, it's not acknowledged at all. things continue as normal. i remember watching 2 for the first time and getting a teensy bit worried that no one was talking about it and more drama would happen.
but then we get that last look, and we know without a sliver of doubt that they are officially together, and in love.
this is more proof that the final scene together between a duo is very important. imagine if they hadn't give us that jancy moment, we would've been so confused and upset. we'd think they were together, i mean they legit smashed....but then they don't acknowledge each other? that would've implied trouble.
it's slightly different for mileven because mikes monolgue wasn't their leap from friends to lovers, it was supposed to be their leap from childish, puppy love to real love.
but it WASNT
after the monologue, we don't see them speak. and this may have been okay if they'd done something. something to let us know they're still together in love.
with jancy, we did see them have moments before the snow ball scene, like nancy comforting jonathan and jonathan seeking out her comfort (a hug) when he saw will unconscious. but the last scene was still so important. they didn't leave us with nothing
with mlvn, we aren't left with nothing, we're left with less than nothing. we get to see them in the same room, and el doesn't even spare him a glance. she even seems annoyed by mike. it leaves mileven unanswered.
the jancy snowball scene is living breathing proof that the writers know how to leave 0 doubt surrounding a couple. they know it doesn't take much. all it would've take. was one look, one smile, to let us know mlvn are okay. and they chose not to.
not only did they choose to have el not acknowledge mike, they chose to have his last scene be with will.
let me repeat that. after mike confessed his supposed undying love for his girlfriend, his last solo scene with another character, the last we'll see of him for years until s5 is him with will, the person who's in love with him.
and it's intimate. it's mike reassuring will during a moment of fear and weakness that they'll kill vecna and save hawkins, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder as sunlight cascades down on them.
and the final scene of s4 reinforces everything i've said.
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this has always given me the vibe of, 'there'll be petty arguments, drama, little crushes and lies, but when the world is ending, who do you grab despite all of it?'
jonathan and nancy grab each other. joyce and hopper grab each other. mike and will grab each other.
once again i want you to imagine you confessed your supposed love to your girlfriend, and then a week later the apocalypse starts. wouldn't you go to her?? stand by her??
mike didn't. he stuck with will. because mlvn just aren't that kind of relationship. but byler is that kind of relationship.
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dragonbma · 4 months ago
🌲 !25 Days of Blockmas! 🌲
The holiday spirit is almost upon us! Starting December 1st, please enjoy this little board of activities I’ve cooked up for the MC:SM community. Blockmas features a handful of fun ways to partake in the fandom along with festive drawing prompts scattered in. Please note everything is optional and you do not have to complete every day to partake! Feel free to use the #25 Days of Blockmas tag so I can see your posts! Have fun and happy holidays!
✏️Day 1: Snow Day!
Toss characters into a nice chilly landscape, snowball fight, or the Icy Palace of Despair. Or perhaps just give them a nice cup of cocoa. ^^
Day 2: Scribble challenge!
Pick a character to draw using only one line. Once you lift your pen off the paper, that concludes the one line! (Feel free to color underneath the scribble!)
Day 3: Secret Admirer!
Slip an ask into the inboxes of your favorite creators and tell them how much their work means to you! Remind your beloved artists why they bring you comfort or inspiration, tell the writers how much their stories made you laugh or cry, etc.
✏️Day 4: Winter Clothes!
Wrap a character in a nice, snug sweater, puffy coat, scarf, or other festive apparel!
Day 5: Storytime!
Grab your blanket and start reading a fic you’ve been wanting to try for a while.
Day 6: The Good, ‘Ol Days…
Vibe and watch a playthrough of your favorite episodes of Minecraft: Story Mode. Alternatively, play the game yourself!
✏️Day 7: Ice Scream!
Turn a character into one of those cursed ice cream treats…
Day 8: AU Appreciation!
Send an ask to a creator about an AU they’ve crafted. You never know what may help them develop the story!
Day 9: Why is this here?
Slip some memes into a mutual’s inbox. Or many mutuals’ inboxes… Or a stranger’s inbox!
⭐️Day 10: Free Space!
Day 11: The Pen is Mightier…
Write a festive snippet about the holidays anywhere in the game! (Beacontown, Sky City, The Underneath, etc!)
Day 12: Kind Comments!
Leave appreciation on a few fanfics of your choice! Tell the authors how much they mean to you ^^
✏️Day 13: Cozy…
Time to keep warm during the snowstorm outside. Snuggle up in a blanket, sip some cocoa, or stay close to the fireplace!
Day 14: They would NOT say that—
Have fun with incorrect quotes or draw over images!
Day 15: Repetition!
Repeat any day of your choice or try one from the remaining list!
✏️Day 16: Gift Giving!
Share the holiday spirit with a few fun presents!
Day 17: Time Machine!
Revisit one of your favorite fics to enjoy the tale all over again.
Day 18: Classic Minecraft!
Have fun mining and crafting! Perhaps play with friends—
✏️Day 19: Ugh, Fine. <3
Give one of your least favorite characters appreciation. (It doesn’t have to be a lot. Just a small doodle will suffice.)
Day 20: Well-Deserved Break! Take a rest. The coming days will be rather artsy so get your pencils ready!
✏️Day 21: OC appreciation!
✏️Day 22: AU art!
✏️Day 23: Doodle a scene from a fic you enjoy!
✏️Day 24: Your choice!
^ For the prompts above, you may use OCs/AUs that belong to others!
🌲Day 25: Recap!
Sit back, relax and take a look at all you accomplished! Enjoy your holidays! If you would like, use this day as another optional Free Space!
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soubeomies · 4 months ago
꒰୨୧◞ ₊˚ 𝓕𝗈𝖼𝗎𝗌 𝗈𝗇 𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖻𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 !
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⤷ 𝓟𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 ﹕ leehan x fem!reader
⤷ 𝓦𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 ﹕ none! just reader being sick
⤷ 𝓖𝖾𝗇𝗋𝖾 ﹕ fluff
⤷ 𝓦𝗈𝗋𝖽 𝓒𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍 ﹕ 241
⤷ 𝓐𝗎𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗋’𝗌 𝓝𝗈𝗍𝖾 ﹕ guess who’s back after being in a SICKLY depressive episode lol 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
⤷ 𝓢𝗒𝗇𝗈𝗉𝗌𝗂𝗌 ﹕ being sick, you can’t help but feel upset as all you can look forward to is to spend your time in the snow with leehan.
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the sight of snow piled up in the driveway, you find yourself stuck at home. cuddled up in a warm blanket. achoo! you sneezed for the millionth time that day. damn it, why is everyone so sick lately?
the door knob turns as leehan walks into the room, a cup of warm tea in his hands. while flashing a loving smile, he approaches you with the tea. setting it down on the bedside table, he leans in, feeling your forehead to see if you had gotten any warmer.
“love, i feel like your temperature is rising..” he says in a worried tone. you frown a little at his words before turning around to look out at your window. seeing the snow outside, all you wanted to do was to put on your jacket and have a snowball fight with him like you always did.
he realizes the disappointment painted across your face as he brings his hand up to your chin, turning your gaze into his eyes. “hey, it’s okay. i’m sure you’ll get better. then we can have a snowball fight, yeah?” he says reassuringly, his thumb gently caressing your cheeks.
you looked at him, your eyes gleamed expectantly. “promise?” you question him. he replied with a simple nod accompanied with a chuckle. one full of love.
“now now, focus on getting better.” he recommended, bringing the warm cup of tea into his hands as he handed it to you.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ networks : @kstrucknet @k-nets
© soubeomies 2024 all rights reserved ♡ do not copy/repost my works.
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braxlrose · 2 years ago
silly and weird tom hcs
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a/n: the last ones got deleted for some reason so I'm making a new one!
• this mf steals your food all the time. hes always munchin on something so if you have something that looks good, he's taking it. especially if it's watermelon. he loves watermelon 🍉
• he doesn't tell anybody, but he gets his nails done. he gets pedicures and manicures and loves it so much. you found out one day when he kept going off and not telling anybody where he was going. so you followed him and saw his finger and feet soaking in water 💀
• when you walked in you were trying so hard to hold in a laugh and he was so fucking embarrassed when he saw you. you thought it was extremely ironic because he always called mani-pedis "girly"
• now you two go all the time, and you're way better at making excuses than he was.
• he got high on edibles and thought his feet weren't attached to his body anymore so he started screaming 💀
• over indulges on gushers when he's high
• you guys know those Chinese finger traps? Idk if that's what they're called but you put two fingers in them and they're like really hard to get out of. he LOVES them for some reason, he thinks they're so much fun
• he loves the snow so much, and especially loves snowball fights. it's so much fun, and he also gets to wear extra layers of clothing because of the cold
• during the winter, he gets a bunch of different kinds of hot chocolates and when anybody asks what he's drinking he swears by it that it's black coffee 💀
• he loves watching futurama and says that he strives to be bender 💀 (have yall seen the new episode? I actually really liked it, ik a lot of people said they didn't but I did.)
• gets on his knees while begging (not sexually 🤨) and will even fake cry. he's a master manipulator 💀
• when you guys go to the beach he's always asking you to come play in the water with him
• for any reason if you guys happen to be at a hospital, he goes and looks at all the little newborn babies. they're so cute and he gets all smiley just looking at them.
• he loves romance movies. mf will deny it till the day he dies when anybody asks but you've seen his collection of vhs tapes and dvds. plus bill even admitted tom cried during The Notebook.
• he tries to balance random objects on his head while walking to see it he can do it. he'll add on a object every time he does it.
• he's weirdly amazing at solving Rubix cubes?
• he loves making balloons animals and he always makes the sword ones. he will literallt sword fight with anybody.
• he eats bowls and bowls of cereal so he can get to the prize at the bottom of the box. (I full-heartedly believe he's a little kid at heart)
• he tries to make home-made pizza but ends up burning it 90% of the time.
• he's extremely ticklish on his armpits, stomach and feet and will literally die laughing if you tickle him
• he also loves kids cartoon movies like fox and the hound, Anastasia, Mulan, James and the Giant Peach, etc.
• he loves slap bracelets and has an entire collection of them.
• it wouldn't be the first time you've caught him dancing and singing to Britney spears.
• tom loves everything bathes. on camera he says he prefers showers but in reality he likes bathes better. With candles, dimmed lights, bath salts, face masks, etc.
• do you guys know that episode of Friends where Monica convinces Chandler to take a bath and he ends up loving it and shit? he's just like that. if you don't know what I'm talking about here's some clips.
clip 1
clip 2
• he tried on one of your thongs one time because you dared him to wear it the whole day.
• you also dared him to get his legs waxed and he ended up doing it and he was crying the whole time
• he loves those little stories where you add in words to them. I can't remember what they're called but it asked you for like an adjective, plural noun, verb ending in ing, etc. etc. (I hope yall know what I'm talking about, I think it starts like a m or something someone tell me please 😭)
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7 @killed-kiss @memog1rl @80s-tingz @billybabeskaulitz @victryzvv9 @banshailey
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kupofdoodles · 6 days ago
my essay on how strong captain barnacles is
(i need to know what fictional characters he can beat in a fight)
this essay is excluding most examples from above and beyond because i havent bothered to watch it yet
barnacles isn’t a superhero with any powers that’s for sure, but:
- has lots of polar bear strength
lifted a colossal squid’s tentacles off of the octopod (colossal squid episode)
held a moving iceberg enough to prevent the walrus pups and the cups from being hurt (walrus pups episode)
carried a giant clam estimated to be over 400 pounds that sent kwazii and peso into the dirt (humpback parrotfish episode)
he was barely able to lift the ice on top of hugo and peso, freeing hugo and peso (great penguin race) while you can argue the gups helped lift it up he’s the one to actually tip it
speaking of the penguin race he split the iron clam in half
- his durability
the entire manatees episode (do i even need to clarify?)
SURVIVED STOMACH ACID AND WASNT EVEN HARMED (porcupine pufferfish episode)
pushed through being incapacitated by the cone snail enough where he was coherent and even trapped it in a jar (cone snail episode)
- in terms of combat knowledge, he prefers to solve things peacefully and therefore we haven’t seen how far his fighting skills can go, but he can defend himself a bit:
has evaded multiple predators (example: a shark in the beginning of caves of sac actun)
does have quick enough reflexes, seen in walrus pups when he quickly caught a chunk of ice about to fall and when he dodged a jellyfish in jellyfish bloom ep
caught a snowball natquik threw, showing his reflexes
but has been caught off guard before, like in the octopod mystery when he was grabbed by the leg
hypothetically if other lives were in danger, assuming barnacles doesn’t get caught up in trying to cool the conflict (like in bamboo rescue) he could hold his own defending himself and others because i truly believe the one thing holding him back from going all out in strength is how gentle he is
but his biggest motivator is also his biggest weakness, which is his desire to protect, which has been shown to very much get him in danger
im too sleepy for me to address every feat he’s done so liek idk :P reblogs adding on is encouraged, and i still want to know what characters he can beat in a fight
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pumpkinheadspacestation · 1 year ago
Agere age guide
3 years addition
Hi every tiny and big! Make sure to check out my previous age guides!
Intro post
One year babies
Two year babies
I also want to add that not everything here will be accurate to all toddlers that regress to the threes and age regression is very fluid and individual to each and every tiny!
Traits And Behaviors
☠︎︎This is about the age that tiny tots start to identify with gender, they may gravitate towards certain styles and colors now
☠︎︎They can follow simple and short instructions
☠︎︎Now is about the age that these tiny tots start to like playing with other kiddos, instead of parallel play, they may enjoy playing together in games like dolls, they may build blocks together, simple puzzles are good too
☠︎︎Along side with being more interested in companionship, these kiddos may have a hard time sharing and need to be taught how to share
☠︎︎Usually in the two to three age range, these tots are just figuring out their emotions and learning how to manage their big feels, that being said, they may have a lot harder time regulating their emotions and they may have tantrums and meltdowns.
☠︎︎These babies are speaking in full sentences and are starting to express their needs with words and actions
☠︎︎Tots in their threes are starting to spring and walk around freely, you may catch them starting to climb things, jumping about, and running around the house. Even with these teeny toddlers starting to run about, their balance isn't the best yet, so make sure to be there in case they fall
☠︎︎These babies are starting to use the potty by themselves! Babies anywhere from 1.5-3 are starting to potty train, you may want to have these tots in pull ups when they go to bed but slowly, they'll become fully potty trained and need less and less help in the bathroom!
☠︎︎These tots are well on their way to doing most anything else any other kiddo can do! Big kid games may not be the best fit but most other things are on the table!
☠︎︎Sensory toys are tons of fun for these little babies, play-doh, sensory cubes, rattles and new textures to experience are lots of fun for these babies
☠︎︎Water play is a new and fun thing for these babies! Set up a fun bath with toys and bubbles and bath bombs and it'll sure be a blast for your regressor
☠︎︎These tiny tykes are starting to have more fun playing outside, mud pies and playing in the sprinkler are a must outside in the summertime and snowmen and Snowball fights will be tons of fun in the winter
☠︎︎Babies this age are starting to enjoy puzzles, playing puzzle games and putting together puzzles can be great fun for tots in their threes
The Foooddsss
These lil ones enjoy simpler tasting food, not many threes enjoy elaborate meals, a turkey sandwich with apple slices will do just fine. These babies are starting to figure out what they like and don't like, they've been eating solid foods for a bit now and they're trying new foods everyday. It's also important to note that these teenies are at a snacking age, they're rarely interested in sitting down to have a big meal three times a day, it's better to offer a bunch of small snacks throughout the day.
Shows And Movies
Similar to the ones and twos, these tiniest enjoy animated shows, maybe shows with shorter episodes since now these babies are up and running around. Movies may be a little too long for these tiny tykes but short shows are great, turning on shows like bluey, Daniel tiger or doc mcstuffins are great shows for these babies.
Boundaries And Safeties!
I think the most important note I could give everyone cg reading this post is just to get to know your tot, it can be awkward to bring up their tiny space especially if your baby is shy but the awkward conversations are important! Ask your baby what shows they like, what makes them feel safe, whether they like pull ups or they're potty trained, what foods they like, if they like to sleep with cg or they like to sleep in a crib, important questions
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astral-cookiery · 2 years ago
Hugging Headcanons. || Ft: Dark Cacao Kingdom
A/n: Surprise surprise! Guess who's alive? Such absence was caused by me being bad at keeping a solid schedule and then wanting to play Crk more than I wanted to write. Things are now being worked on heavily though!
Maybe a tiny spoiler warning for episode 14 on Affogato's? It's the last two bullets, so you can just scroll right past it if you do not wish to see spoilers. It doesn't spoil too much, I don't think.
Dark Cacao Cookie
You low-key might suffocate a tiny bit depending on the context of your hug.
If he hasn't seen you for a while, (I.e. on an adventure with the other ancient heroes) you can expect to be trapped in his armored arms until he decides to go and rest after a draining trip.
If you happen to spontaneously hug him whilst somewhere public, he'll give you an awkward side hug in response, since he doesn't want to break the stony demeanor he maintains to the other cookies.
If you're having an emotional moment while hugging and someone else walks in, the expression he gives the intruder is enough to send them scrambling away and mumbling apologies.
The cape goes around both of you. And then you're trapped in a cave of warmth.
Affogato Cookie
Smug bastard. If you ask, he'll give you some holier than thou remark before obliging, making a grand gesture with his arms and inviting you to come closer. Don't worry, he won't bite.
He'll wrap both his arms around your shoulders and pull you into his chest.
Probably gives you some stupid (not) reassuring words if you happen to be upset about something.
Bestie is not good at comforting. He's had a hundred and one problems, but a sad cookie has not been one of them.
If his vibe wasn't totally off, he'd probably give pretty comfortable hugs, seeing how his elegant clothing is made with soft silks and lined with fine fur.
If, after the events of episode 14, you do encounter him again (and don't hate him), he will most likely gladly accept a hug. His holier than thou demeanor will not falter, but he was secretly looking for a little comfort after so much work went to waste.
His hugs are probably a little more genuine than they were during his time as Royal Advisor.
Caramel Arrow Cookie
Older sister vibes
She'll hug you pretty tightly more often than not. Usually in the child way where they intentionally squeeze you like a boa constrictor, except she's an adult with wilderness training and she is significantly stronger than a child.
Awkward sibling hug? Awkward sibling hug. *pat pat.* /ref
H o l d. She'll grab you under your arms and lift you up into a hug. She will attempt to do this regardless of if you are taller or heavier than her. Caramel Arrow is strong, do not underestimate her determination.
(Using the bow and arrow gives you good arm strength last I checked)
If she's feeling playful, she'll outright throw you into the snow afterwards. And then she'll sprint off as quickly as possible. Unless you happen to drag her down with you.
Hugs often turn into snowball fights.
Crunchy Chip Cookie
He was embarrassed the first time you hugged him, and probably hid his face against your shoulder.
Really aggressive hugger. He'll probably squeeze you as hard as he can.
H o l d. (pt 2.) Crunchy Chip Cookie is the type to try and pick you up with a hug, do the awkward backward lean so that he can actually get your feet off the ground, and then drop you. Believe it or not, picking someone up via hugs is not the easiest feat.
When he's determined to hug you after being out at his post for an extended period of time, he'll outright charge at you and then knock you into the snow.
Prepare to get mauled by an excited cookie and his equally excited cream wolves.
If Caramel Arrow wasn't there to pry him off, you'd probably freeze before you got the chance to get out of the snow again.
He will pretend to be sparring with you if anyone happens to walk by (ahem, Dark Cacao.) He doesn't want to look soft or anything! (Please imagine the thing cats do where they randomly attack you while petting them.)
This is not beta-read, probably very ooc, and probably a little self indulgent, unapologetically.
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fairyhaos · 2 years ago
✰ seventeen as boyfriends: chan edition
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event taglist: @rubywonu @cinnamoroxie @belladaises @wheeboo @minhui896 @slytherinshua @kokoiinuts @jun-of-love @dandycharmer @sweet-like-caramel @hannyoontify @doesthismeannothingtoyou @fashionminghao @icysungho @butiluvu
pairing: dino x gn!reader
genre: fluff, headcanon, mini scenario
word count: 540
warnings: none
notes: chan edn. for the 500 event! i can't believe the event has already ended, and thank you everyone for loving my works and allowing me to reach this milestone 💗
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very sweet, very loving.
loves taking care of you, even if you’re a Strong, Independent person, because he thinks you deserve to be spoiled and pampered and paid attention to every single second
also is just… so good at shutting down your irrational insecurities
lets you rant to him about anything. sometimes he’ll just hold you afterwards and lets you cry, but when you want advice then he’ll do his best to be perfectly honest with you.
wants you to be absolutely comfortable around him, letting you know he’s always, always going to be here for you
also!! soso childish omg it’s so cute
the amount of times you’ve have engaged in pillow fights, tickle fights, snowball fights, anything-fights? innumerable. uncountable.
but what can he say? you bring out the life and love in him.
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Chan can hear his voice coming from your phone speakers, and it makes him laugh.
You’re watching one of the old Going Seventeen episodes, he thinks, as he looks over at you on the couch and listens to his voice talking about nose oil and handkerchiefs. You’re grinning at your phone, eyes all soft and warm in the way they get when you’re looking at him, and it makes him smile.
“I’m right here, you know. You don’t have to watch me through your phone screen.”
You look up at him, smiling, before looking down at the screen. “Nah. This Chan does magic tricks. He’s way cooler.”
“Hey!” He doesn’t know why he feels so indignant, but he will not stand being second best to anyone. Even to himself. “I can do magic tricks too.”
Your bemused tone makes him straighten, and he shuffles closer to you on the sofa, determined to prove himself. “Yeah, really. Look. Can that Chan do… this?”
He puts his hand behind your ear and pretends to find something there, gasping exaggeratedly and pulling his hand back to show the finger heart. You blink, before slapping his hand away, laughing.
“Anyone could do that, babe.”
He’s smiling too, because he knows he’s being ridiculous, but it’s making you laugh and he loves that. “Okay, okay. I’ll show you a proper one this time.”
You hum sceptically. “If it’s bad then I’m going back to watching the Chan on my phone.”
“No, this one’s great.” Chan adjusts himself so he’s properly facing you, grinning. “I’m going to hold the entire world in my hands!”
He then goes through a whole routine of complicated hand movements, twisting them around and wiggling his fingers and stretching his arms. Your eyes follow all of his movements, before laughing and pushing at his chest.
“How long’s this going to take?” you ask, and Chan just beams.
“Patience, darling. It’s heavy, holding the whole world.” But then he stretches his hands and leans forward, and his nose is millimeters from yours, hands gentle as they cup your face delicately, and time seems to stop.
“Look at that,” he says, softly. “My whole world is in my hands.”
You pause, heart thumping. “Gross.”
That makes him laugh, pulling away. “Come on, it’s great.”
“Nah. It’s terrible,” you say, but you’re smiling. “Hey, where are you going? Do it again.”
And, well, who is he to refuse?
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year ago
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Credit and Credit Cards
Understanding credit
Dafuq Is Credit and How Do You Bend It to Your Will? 
Dafuq Is a Down Payment? And Why Do You Need One to Buy Stuff?
Ask the Bitches: Should I Get a Loan Even Though I Can Afford To Pay Cash?
Season 2, Episode 10: “Which Is Smarter: Getting a Loan? or Saving up to Pay Cash?”
Ask the Bitches: What’s the Difference Between Credit Checks and Credit Monitoring? 
When (And How) To Try Refinancing or Consolidating Student Loans
Season 3, Episode 7: “I’m Finished With the Basic Shit. What Are the Advanced Financial Steps That Only Rich People Know?”
Buy Now Pay Later Apps: That Old Predatory Lending by a Crappy New Name 
Using credit
How to Instantly Increase Your Credit Score…For Free 
How to Build Good Credit Without Going Into Debt 
Case Study: Held Back by Past Financial Mistakes, Fighting Bad Credit and $90K in Debt 
Season 1, Episode 3: “My Parents Have Bad Credit. Should I Help by Co-signing Their Mortgage?” 
Season 3, Episode 2: “I Inherited Money. Should I Pay Off Debt, Invest It, or Blow It All on a Car?”
Season 2, Episode 2: “I’m Not Ready to Buy a House—But How Do I *Get Ready* to Get Ready?”
Credit cards
A Hand-holding Guide To Getting Your First Credit Card 
63% of Millennials Are Making a Big Mistake With Credit Cards
Let’s End This Damaging Misconception About Credit Cards
The Best Way To Pay off Credit Card Debt: From the Snowball To the Avalanche
Credit Card Companies HATE Her! Stay Out of Credit Card Debt With This One Weird Trick 
Season 4, Episode 3: “My credit card debt is slowly crushing me. Is there any escape from this horrible cycle?” 
Here’s What to Do With Those Credit Card Pre-approval Offers You Get in the Mail
We’ll periodically update this masterpost as we continue to write tutorials and answer questions on credit. So if there’s anything you’re confused about, keep the questions coming!
And if we’ve helped you increase your credit score or pay off your credit card debt, consider tossing a coin to your Bitches through our PayPal. It ensures we can pay our lovely assistant and keep bringing you free articles and episodes like those above.
Toss a coin to your Bitches on PayPal
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