#snow buddies puppy deaths
catindabag · 8 months
Some extra “facts” and interesting weird info about a certain self proclaimed tiger lady house cat in my TBOSAS on Crack!AU.
One of my great THG buddies was asking about Tigris Snow and her weird cheese addiction. So I just had to write some things down before I write my next short take.
Tigris Snow is extremely addicted to cheese. She’s a certified cheese addict and “cheese thief” since the day she and her little cousin (Coryo) lost their marbles after the war ended.🧀
No one knows why, but little Tigris Snow claimed that the “cheese fairies” came to her in a dream one day and saved her and her little cousin from death and starvation.
Don’t worry. Crazy Coryo Snow doesn’t mind that his poor cousin is addicted to cheese and believes in some “mythical” cheese fairies. He has his own addictions (cabbages) and problems (Highbottom & Dr. Gaul) to worry about.
In truth, Coryo’s “mythical” cabbage deities and lima bean elves commanded him to ignore the “calling of the cheese” in order to stay pretty for his sugar daddy (Sejanus).
At least both of them inherited their family’s rare ability to bargain with wild animals. They can even converse with “sacred” rabid raccoons, poisonous snakes, and wild squirrels without getting attacked.
Meanwhile, the Creeds can talk to sewer rats and fat chinchillas for some reason.
And the Ravinstills have a rare ability to command an army of Bichon Frisé puppies to do their dirty jobs for them.
Sadly, Tigris was recently fired by Fabricia Whatnot for secretly stealing and eating expensive cheese cubes and cheddar chicken sandwiches all day.
She said that her cheese fairies made her do it. A food sacrifice must be made before the “hour of the owl” in order to satisfy the ancient cheese deities of the “Golden Arches” (McDonald’s) who once ruled Panem (America) even before it existed.
Moreover, our sweet tiger was actually sewing and hiding little cheese cubes inside some of the dresses on accident purpose without Fabricia noticing. Her co-workers didn’t even know about the cheese cubes until some unfortunate lady complained about the smell.😔
That’s why our dear Tigris Snow is currently unemployed and living her best happy-go-lucky “house cat” life in Corso.
But crazy unemployed Nero Price is her worst nightmare. He’s a self proclaimed werewolf who howls at the moon all night.
She’s a poor skinny cat and Price is a crazy werewolf who runs around the city (like a wild dog) looking for rabid raccoons and Peacekeepers to fight. So it’s better for the tiger to stay home with the Grandma’am.
At least her little cousin (Coryo) buys her the best cheese tarts and sugar sticks after school (using his rich sugar daddy’s money of course).
So yeah. Tigris Snow is now the NEET (not in education, employment or training) Cat Queen in this weird universe.
However, the Grandma’am doesn’t mind. She already has big plans with old Strabo Plinth to rule Panem from the shadows after Coryo marries into the Plinth family and their fortune.
And yes, our poor malnourish looking Cabbage Boy (Coryo) is actually the real breadwinner of the family.
Coryo marrying his long time sugar daddy boyfriend (Sejanus) was the best decision he and his family ever made.🥰
At least love-struck Sejanus Plinth was willing to pay for his poor sugar baby’s bills, rent, and groceries.
So after Coryo and Seji Pie got married and had their 24 (and more) babies, crazy cat auntie Tigris decided to finally settle down and became an official cheese merchant in Corso.
She (now) even has the time to talk to her mythical cheese fairy friends without being interrupted by evil Fabricia Whatnot.
She, along with Ma Plinth also like to spend old Strabo Plinth’s filthy money on the sweetest cheesecakes and weird looking clothing hangers every weekend.
Unfortunately, Ma Plinth is the only sane person who believes in Tigris Snow’s little cheese fairy friends.
Ma even joined Tigris Snow’s little secret organization called ✨The Cult of The Golden Arches✨. But to be fair, crazy Palmyra Monty and Festus Creed are the only other official members of her cult.
Too bad. Nobody could see those little cheese fairies except for Tigris and Coryo.
However, poor crazy Coryo likes to ignore his cousin’s mythical “beasts” because he claims that his cabbage deities and lima bean elves don’t want him to bow and worship some weird annoying creatures who divided the old world with their “Golden Arches” (McDonald’s).
Reject the cheese! Bow before the cabbage!
Yeah, I know. The poor Snow cousins are unashamedly crazy and delusional with their cheese fairies, ancient food deities, sacred animals, talking cabbages, and lima bean elves.😂
But don’t be sad. Our crazy cheese tiger is still into fashion and making clothes for her little cousin and his 24 (and more) gorgeous children with Sejanus.
But selling and eating cheese is her true passion and calling (in this life anyway).🧀
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"The candles are made locally, though, which I suppose is nice for customers."
Dean, still holding the log cabin one, gave Cas a thoughtful look. "You buying this one?"
Cas blinked. "No."
"Hmm," Dean said again.
"What?" Cas cocked his head.
deancas ust, snippetfic fluff for the last day of winter 
Please see also: this wonderful comic @clenster made ❤️
Cas never ceased to be amazed by how many stores sold candles. While Dean and Sam spoke to the rattled florist, Cas investigated the large window at the front of the store. The pane had cracked in the exact shape of a man, presumably the missing employee, and the sill was lined with candles in heavy glass containers, none of which – suspiciously? – had been damaged. 
One of the candles featured a label depicting a small, quaint looking log cabin in a snowy forest. It was the sort of scene Cas admittedly was drawn to. Something about a cabin in the woods appealed to him; he could imagine himself there with happiness, sitting in a comfortable swing on a porch and watching deer be nosy at the treeline. If he imagined someone else sitting on the swing beside him, maybe even with his hand in Cas's, he and Cas wrapped up together in a thick old quilt, well, that harmed no-one.
"'Haunted Cabin'?" Dean, having snuck up alongside Cas, picked up the candle in question. "That doesn't give you any clue about the scent." He took off the metal lid and sniffed dramatically. "Hmm."
"The artificial pinene and limonene molecules are reasonably reminiscent of evergreen trees," Cas said. He could smell the candle from several inches away.
"When did candles start having themes?" Dean muttered, putting the lid back on.
"Apparently these candles have stories," Cas informed him, having already read about the Black Death and Cursed Looking-Glass varieties at the other end of the windowsill; they smelled like fake blackberries and melted plastic, respectively.
"That got anything to do with this?" Dean pointed at the damaged window and then threw a thumb over his shoulder. By a refrigerator full of loud daisies, the florist was dabbing her nose with a tissue. A few feet away Sam was checking his phone and somehow still exuding puppy-dog sympathy in her direction.
"I don't think so," Cas said. "The candles are made locally, though, which I suppose is nice for customers." 
Dean, still holding the log cabin one, gave Cas a thoughtful look. "You buying this one?"
Cas blinked. "No."
"Hmm," Dean said again. 
"What?" Cas cocked his head.
"It's just, you like cabins." Dean acted this like it was a well known, much discussed fact, and just because it was true didn't make the statement less disconcerting to Cas. When Cas declined to respond, Dean said, "You've checked out at least three different books on the topic from the public library back home, buddy."
"They were…" Cas felt, if not judged, then caught out, and hoped it didn't show on his face. "The books were interesting. Relaxing to thumb through." He wanted to leave it at that.
"Hey, a little cabin by a lake in the snow?" Dean shrugged good naturedly. "Nice crackling fire going in the hearth. Maybe you'd take a short hike and then have a good drink afterwards to warm up? Maybe." He put the candle back on the sill. "Maybe there'd be someone there to warm up with, you know?" He wasn't quite looking at Cas, but he wasn't quite looking away either. "Sounds pretty damn perfect to me." 
His eyes landed on Cas's more fully, something vulnerable in his gaze that pressed an ache into Cas's throat.
After a long moment, Cas decided it was safe to say, "Yes. I think so too." The quiet stretched between them, comfortably.
"I might have a lead," Sam said, having appeared like an apparition. 
Cas was probably imagining the disappointment that flitted across Dean's expression. "The florist was helpful?" he asked Sam.
"Ah, yeah," Dean said, sounding slightly sheepish. To Sam he asked, "You already found her ex-husband's address?"
"In a manner of speaking: according to the online obituary, he's buried in a cemetery over in Caneyville," Sam said in a lowered voice. He tipped his head toward the front of the store. "Pretty sure she doesn't know he died last year."
"Oof." Dean glanced at Cas and at Sam and back to Cas. "We can go check out the graveyard while Sam hits up the coroner's office."
"Lucky me," Sam said, rolling his eyes before he headed to the door.
Dean and Cas followed, falling into a matched stride. Dean's arm brushed against Cas's at least once more than was strictly coincidental. By the time they were out on the sidewalk, Dean had shivered a couple of times and moved even closer, like allowing any space between himself and Cas was risking a wind tunnel on such a cold late winter day. They didn't talk in the car. Dean's hand found its way into Cas's anyway.
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rainidaz3 · 6 months
The Cruel Reality Of The Buddies Movies
I never thought I’d have to make an info post on something like this, but y’know.
Before I even start writing, TW for racism and animal death.
Alright, let’s start with some general information on the Buddies movies. They’re a spin-off movie series of a series called Air Bud, basically sports and dogs in one show. From what I’ve seen of it, it’s basketball specifically.
I will call the main character of that show Air Bud. Air Bud’s children, Rosebud, B-Dog, Butterball, Buddha, and Mudbud, are the main characters of the Buddies movies.
B-dog right off the bat is one of the reasons I have to put the racism TW.
Rosebud’s entire personality is being a girl, Mudbud likes getting dirty, Butterball likes eating and farting (yes. Farting.), Buddha is Buddhist, and B-Dog is a rapper dog.
I personally liked Mudbud the most, even though Rosebud was made to cater to little girls and she was obviously made to be some sort of leader for them.
Now to get into this whole thing.
I’m not discussing the plot of Snow Buddies beyond someone dismissing a husky’s parents’ deaths, I’ll be discussing the genuinely shitty things that happened on the set.
This is where the animal death starts.
Originally, they bought 30 puppies. Most of this movie takes place in a made-up Alaskan town with a very Native American-sounding name (as if it were made to make fun of them), and it was shot in British Columbia.
Now, they bought 30 because sometimes they would fall asleep on set, need to go take a shit, etc., just puppy things!
Most of them, however, caught parasitic diseases, most diagnosed with Parvo, and died. So the team ordered 28 more puppies, exposing them to these diseases as well.
How they handled this was absolutely disgusting.
Now I must admit, the soundtrack fucking slaps, but still.
Oh and B-Dog is just a racist stereotype, by the way, thought I’d bring that up.
In this same movie, the main villain is a racist French guy. He made fun of an Asian person ONCE during the entire runtime, but that’s still not okay.
Oh yeah and the puppies were all only 6 weeks old. SIX. WEEKS. OLD. Which is in direct violation of The Animal Welfare act, which states that puppies should be at least 8 weeks old before being put in any movies. This is why they got diseases like Parvo.
This is also the only Buddies movie that doesn’t have a “no animals were harmed in the making of this movie” line. Instead, they have this.
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I’m not even going to get into anything else, if you want to know more about this, please do your own research.
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changingplumbob · 10 months
Nishidake Household: Chapter 4, Part 3
Allie has lived a long life right by Charlie's side.
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TW: Contains sim dog death, but no dead bodies
In this part Kaori finally has some time on the slopes and Charlie is working hard for her promotion. When Allie's time comes Charlie looks to those around her for comfort.
Charlie: I'm back! Don't worry, I saved enough energy for our walk
Allie: *barks*
Fair warning, this is Allie's last day.
As she and Charlie undertake their regular walk she treasures feeling the sun on her fur, the snow crunching under paw, and spending time with her favourite human being.
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Kaori also pops home after her climbing session to check that Clover is doing okay. Then it's time for her favourite hobby, flying! At least, when she boards over a jump and is up, moving through the air, it feels a lot like flying. Whatever her future holds, she can't imagine ever stopping this.
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Having maxed out the snowboarding skill can't guarantee success however and one run ends in a wipeout. She dusts off and carries on.
Charlie: Are you okay? I saw that you know
Kaori: I'm an adrenaline seeker Char, I don't mind some bumps
Allie: *barks*
Kaori: Well of course I don't mean to crash Allie
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Charlie: Maybe we hit the snow a bit hard
Allie: *whines*
Charlie: Don't worry, a bath will clean you right up
Allie: *barks happily*
Charlie: Could you tell Clover baths are not deadly, I don't think she understands
Allie: *barks in agreement*
Charlie: That's my girl
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Once the bath is done Charlie goes to tend the garden, and tenderise the faux meat wall. Kaori, having finished another snowboarding POV video, sets about fixing their dew collectors.
Allie: We need to talk about baths kid
Clover: I nearly died in mine
Allie: Baths can't kill you, just try relax
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Kaori: Do we know if the spice festival is on this week yet
Charlie: Nah, high school events are clogging the calendar up
Kaori: I suppose it's more likely we'll have one in the future than never have one again
Charlie: I love how you always find a bright side
Kaori: You're my bright side
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Charlie: So glad I found you
Kaori: You have homework
Charlie: Fudge I do. Can't I flirt a bit longer?
Kaori: Not if you want to stay employed
Charlie goes to study more opponents while Kaori sets about making more curry. I know pho is spicy but I'm not sure if it'll help in the spice challenge.
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Allie: *barks hysterically*
Charlie: Is that the alarm bark, what's happening
Kaori: I just have to shift this pot
Charlie: Holy tomato is that fire???
Kaori: Just smoke right now
Charlie: Shouldn't we, I don't know, run and call the fire fighters
Kaori: Absolutely not
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Charlie: What the duck
Kaori: I need to kick this fear of fire and this is my chance, can't let a firefighter stop me
Charlie: I know you're an adrenaline seeker but this is dangerous
Kaori: If you're worried get the dogs outside
Charlie: Why am I not routing to safety with the puppy???
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Charlie: If they make us evacuate toddlers why not puppies? This is a massive oversight
Kaori takes a deep breath and begins to extinguish the fire. Part way through the smoke alarm finally starts up as the fire spreads to an adjoining counter
Fireman: Need a hand ladies
Kaori: Who called you
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Fireman: It's automatic with the alarm
Kaori: Well I've taken care of it, and gotten over my fear of fire
Fireman: Just be careful next time you're cooking
Charlie: Are you implying we cook just because we're women
Fireman: The fire did start at the stove
Charlie: Oh, right, forgot that bit
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Kaori: I'm sorry about that Al. Weren't you a good girl being the first to discover the fire
Allie: *barks happily*
Heading back inside Allie goes to check on Charlie. Charlie has gone back to studying opponents but is glad for a chatting buddy. Kaori also makes sure Clover is okay after the scare.
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With her work task complete Charlie can spend sme time on her promotion task, raising her charisma. Sweet Allie never leaves her side as she practices. Before bed Charlie gives her a big hug and tells her she loves her. Kaori does the same.
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In the early hours Allie crosses the rainbow bridge. In a heartwarming moment, as if sensing the Grim reaper has entered the room, Kaori tucks Charlie close to her right when Allie leaves. Goodbye Allie, I miss you already and I'm glad we have a photo wall.
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That said, Olive and I have the honour of ferrying Allie to the timeless save. There she is pleased to see Geeta, Sachiko and Shigeru again. There not the only ones there for her though. She bounds happily over to her mum and two of her littermates who are waiting for her. She's at peace here now.
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Back in the normal save Charlie is understandably devastated. She had Allie for half of her own life, and doesn't have many happy memories that don't include the dog.
Kaori: I'm so sorry Char
Charlie: She was old, I know that. She'll be happy now, I'm the one who has to adjust
Kaori: What can I do
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Charlie: Nothing to be done
Kaori: Maybe you should have the day off work
Charlie: I can't Allie would want me to carry on
Kaori: Char, it's okay to take time to grieve, she was important
Charlie starts to answer but ends in tears.
Clover: *whines*
Charlie: Do you need a hug too? Mummy can do that
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Unable to make herself deliver the news on the phone, Charlie and Kaori visit the Fosters.
Charlie: I'm so glad you're here
Kayleigh: What's wrong honey
Charlie: The watcher is the meanest person ever
Kayleigh: Come again
Charlie: Allie is gone. I've heard of life extension, why not for her
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Kayleigh: If you believe in the watcher, you must believe they're the one who gave Allie to you in the first place
Charlie: So what
Kayleigh: So if they're the one who brought you two together, I doubt they would take her away to simply be mean
Charlie: But why not give her more time with me
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Kayleigh: Dogs don't live as long as humans, you know that
Charlie: Well that sucks
Kayleigh: Yes, it does
Carson: We'll never see her again
Kaori: Not in this save
Harvey: She's in the timeless save now bud
Kaori: But we have our memories, and plenty of photos
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Devin texts Charlie inviting her around so we go for a quick visit. Charlie and Kaori get to vent, cry and catch up on gossip. Me? I go and have a sneaky check up on the boys. They seem so be doing well. They babble to each other, watch the bigfoot toy with fascination and Rilian blows a raspberry!
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Charlie: We woke up and she was gone
Keira: I can't believe it
Marta: I'm so sorry you two
Kaori: Thanks
Charlie: I got to go
Keira: Already?
Charlie: I have work
Charlie trudges off and a baffled Keira and Marta look at Kaori.
Kaori: She thinks Allie would want her to soldier on regardless
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Marta: Grief can be blinding
Keira: I wish I could help
Kaori: Maybe you can
Keira: How
Kaori: Would you two consider coming and staying a few days
Keira: Absolutely! I'm between semesters
Marta: And the commute is just an illusion
Kaori: You sure you're not secretly studying philosophy
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Kaori races home to do some cleaning, she is a neat sim after all. At 6 on the dot Keira and Marta arrive, suitcases in tow. Kaori welcomes them, moves their cases to the spare room, and hopes she has done the right thing for Charlie.
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alwaysmoo06 · 2 years
Space Buddies From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Space Buddies Space Buddies.jpg DVD cover art Directed by Robert Vince Written by Robert Vince Anna McRoberts Based on Characters by Paul Tamasy Aaron Mendelsohn Kevin DiCicco Robert Vince Anna McRoberts Produced by Robert Vince Anna McRoberts Starring Jason Earles Diedrich Bader Lochlyn Munro Bill Fagerbakke Kevin Weisman Ali Hillis C. Ernst Harth Christopher Gauthier Quinn Lord Cinematography Kamal Derkaoui Edited by Kelly Herron Music by Brahm Wenger Gregory Prechel (composer, orchestrator, additional music) Production companies
Keystone Entertainment Key Pix Productions Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Release dateFebruary 3, 2009
Running time 84 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $9 million[1]
Space Buddies is a 2009 American science fiction comedy film. It is the third film in the Air Buddies franchise. It was released on February 3, 2009. Like Air Buddies and Snow Buddies, it was released directly on DVD and became the first one to be released on Blu-ray. Contents1 Plot 2 Cast 2.1 Voice cast 3 Production 4 Home media 5 References 6 External links
The film starts as Buddha and his owner, Sam, star-gazing. As a shooting star passes, Sam makes a wish that he can touch the Moon. The next day is the day of his school field trip to Vision Enterprises to watch a test launch of the Vision 1 spacecraft. However, since no pets are allowed to go, he has to leave Buddha at home. Buddha meets up with his siblings; Rosebud, Budderball, B-Dawg, and Mudbud, and invites them to come with him to go to see the test launch. They decide to hide in the school bus which soon arrives at the Vision Enterprises, and the dogs go to a space suit machine and put on space suits before following the students, who are being led by Dr. Finkel. The dogs get aboard the Space Shuttle Vision 1. At Mission Control in the Vision Enterprises, Pi confirms they are ready for launch. Meanwhile, the dogs take a close look around until they are sealed in the shuttle, which prepares for launch. Astro, who will be piloting the shuttle from Earth, launches the shuttle, and it flies to space.
At Mission Control, the humans realize the third tank of gas in the shuttle was never filled. With ten hours until the gas runs out, they look for solutions. They eventually decide to pilot the spacecraft to the old R.R.S.S. (Russian Research Space Station). They contact the cosmonaut living in the space station, named Yuri, telling him to refuel the Vision 1. As Vision 1 connects to the space station, the dogs decide to explore the space station, and they meet a dog called Sputnik who is under the care of Yuri. Sputnik explains that Yuri is quite content to stay in space, yet he wishes to go home. Yuri finds the dogs and becomes happy because the buddies can keep them company, so he traps the buddies in the kitchen, and they are saved later by Sputnik. After Yuri connects the fuel hose to the Vision 1, the fuel starts to leak from the hose. Meanwhile, the buddies and Sputnik rush back to Vision 1 to escape. Yuri activates lock-down to trap the dogs, but they manage to get to the Vision 1. Yuri tries to stop them, banging on the control switches, but sparks drop on the fuel, causing an explosion. The dogs escape from the R.R.S.S. as it explodes. Yuri barely escapes using the Cosmopod escape vessel.
Vision 1 travels to the Moon. Soon after, the Vision 1 approaches and lands on the Moon (Before this event had occurred, B-Dawg had mistaken the Moon for the "Death Star"). They soon begin to get out of the Vision 1 and walk around the area within the place they had landed. Mission Control finds that the sounds from their helmets happen to be soft barks, and conclude they are golden retriever puppies, and this is broadcast on the news. The children find out through the news ("We're live at Vision Enterprises, where quite a furry tale is unfolding. It seems five golden retriever puppies have been accidentally launched into space".). The dogs, while on the Moon, meet a ferret named Gravity who is their mission control assistant. But since their only communication is from audio, they don't know she's a ferret. She orders them to get back on the Vision 1.
When returning to Earth, the path is changed by an unworthy Dr. Finkel. The path's telemetry is reverted into a meteor shower. The "auto-avoidance system" takes control of the Vision 1, rotating and shifting heavily between every meteor in its path, but the Vision 1's data communications antenna is busted when it becomes struck by a meteor. Budderball is sent to repair the antenna by doing a space walk outside of the Vision 1. At Mission Control, the adults are puzzled about the change of the telemetry course of the Vision 1 when Sam accuses Dr. Finkel of changing the path. As Dr. Finkel's denies it, Pi uses the security camera to confirm that Dr. Finkel was indeed at the desk at 7:49 pm, the time when the telemetry course was changed. As Dr. Finkel is taken away by security, Sam approaches Dr. Finkel and calls him "Dr. Stinkel".
The Mission Control center receives Yuri's distress signal in the Cosmopod before the Vision 1 enters the atmosphere through the blackout zone. They wait 4 minutes until they arrive, but they arrive early. Vision 1 ends its mission by slowing down on the take-off strip. The dogs find out Gravity is a ferret, and also that Budderball is related to skunks. Yuri crashes his pod, and is rescued by some soldiers, telling them he comes from space.
Pi awards the dogs wings of true heroism, with their title as "Space Buddies". Once at home, Buddha gives Sam a Moon rock he had taken from his journey, fulfilling his wish of touching the Moon. The film ends with Sputnik back at home with his old owner, Sasha, saying, "It is the journey and friendship that matters the most". CastBill Fagerbakke as Pi Diedrich Bader as Yuri Kevin Weisman as Dr. Finkel Lochlyn Munro as Slats Bentley Ali Hillis as Astro Spalding Pat Finn as Bill Wolfson Nolan Gould as Sam Wayne Wilderson as Tad Thompson C. Ernst Harth as Guard at the gate to HQ John Czech as Brazil Reese Schoeppe as Sasha Nico Ghisi as Bartleby Quinn Lord as Pete Gig Morton as Billy Sophia Ludwig as Alice Michael Teigan as Deputy Dan
Voice castSkyler Gisondo as B-Dawg Field Cate as Buddha Liliana Mumy as Rosebud Henry Hodges as Mudbud Josh Flitter as Budderball Amy Sedaris as Gravity, a black-footed ferret Jason Earles as Sputnik, a Bull Terrier
The film was shot in these locations:[2]
Abbotsford Airport, Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Fort Langley, Langley Township, British Columbia, Canada
Langley, British Columbia, Canada
Vancouver Film Studios, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Home media
The film was released on DVD and Blu-ray February 3, 2009.[3] References
http://www.cameraguild.com/index.html?news/guild/080411_BC_Locals.html~top.main_hp[dead link] "Space Buddies (Video 2009) - Filming & Production". IMDb.com, Inc. Retrieved May 26, 2022.[user-generated source]"Space Buddies DVD Movie". CD Universe. Retrieved May 26, 2022.
External linksOfficial website Space Buddies at IMDb vte
Air Budvte
Films directed by Robert Vince Categories:2009 films2009 direct-to-video films2010s science fiction comedy filmsAmerican direct-to-video films2000s English-language filmsAmerican children's filmsAmerican science fiction comedy filmsAnimals in spaceDisney direct-to-video filmsFilms about dogsAmerican sequel filmsDirect-to-video sequel filmsFictional dogsWalt Disney Pictures filmsFilms directed by Robert VinceAir Bud (series)American space adventure filmsFilms shot in VancouverCanadian direct-to-video filmsCanadian sequel filmsCanadian children's filmsMoon in film2000s American films2000s Canadian films
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straydoggirl · 3 years
Puppy death,Why Puppy death?
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avidgrapejuicelover · 3 years
childe brings home a puppy
pairing: diluc x childe
genre: pure fluff
warnings: none
word count: 4.1k
summary: Exactly what the title implies. Childe brings home a puppy, and chaos ensues.
A/N: because i have absolutely no self-control when it comes to chiluc, i ended up writing this oneshot last night to fulfill my craving. i hope reading it is as indulging for you as it was for me writing it.
also on ao3 under the user playfuldreams
Snow flurries danced on the wind as they fell to the cold ground, blanketing Mondstadt. Childe made his way to the gates of the city slowly. His face was slightly flushed from the drinks he had at Angel’s Share.
Kaeya had asked to hang out in order to discuss plans for the festivities that were coming up. Childe knew Diluc was busy with the winery during Yule, so he agreed.
They managed to come up with a rough idea of where and how to celebrate, but three Death After Noons later, their conversation was less on actual planning and more of random thoughts. Charles ended up cutting Childe off since he was scared of what would happen if Master Diluc found out. Kaeya laughed at Childe’s pouting face as he ordered a fifth Death After Noon.
Childe had stumbled out of the bar when Kaeya’s other drinking buddy, Rosaria, walked in. Thankfully, the cold winter winds sobered up Childe somewhat. Enough for him to make his way back to the winery and back to his firefly.
After saying good night to Lawrence and Swan, he made his way out of Mondstadt’s city gates and back towards the winery. Humming a Snezhnayan song, Childe strolled through Springvale swaying with the breeze and melody, enjoying the cold late night air.
Only when he got past the bend by the domain, the wind picked up as did the amount of snow falling. Childe started jogging in order to reach the winery faster. As he passed the wooden platform by the now frozen puddle, he heard a small whimper that tugged at his heartstrings causing Childe to slow down. He came to a stop once he heard the noise again.
Looking around, Childe saw some bushes shiver.
No, that’s not right, something in the bushes was shaking. Childe walked over carefully. Well, as carefully as he could inebriated. Moving the leaves, Childe laid eyes on a small orange fur ball whimpering. Childe knelt down and realized it was a puppy.
The puppy continued to whine and shiver as the snow fell harder around them. Childe pet the puppy gently. All Childe wanted to do was take it back with him and keep it safe and warm. However, even his hazy mind knew Diluc probably would not need a small puppy causing havoc while the winery got ready for the festivities.
Plus, Childe had rarely seen Diluc interact with small animals, or animals in general, unless they were livestock or his falcon. He figured Diluc wasn’t a huge fan of them.
So Childe set aside his sympathies and got up. He stood up too fast causing him to stumble and feel nauseous. Diluc would not be happy to see him this drunk.
Childe took once last look at the puppy before continuing his walk to the winery.
He paused a few times to take in the fresh cold air to try and sober up a little. And each time, he heard the pitter-patter of small paws followed by a whine. After the third time, Childe looked back only to have his doubts confirmed.
The puppy had been following him. Childe groaned. It looked even sadder now with it struggling to walk after him.
Childe closed his eyes and took a deep breath to try and clear his mind. A sad whimper interrupted him. He let out another groan, sliding his hands over his face.
He looked down at the puppy who managed to make it all the way to him. His heart clenched at the sight of the puppy-dog eyes.
“Okay you win. But you better be on your best behavior if you want to stay.” Childe said.
He picked it up rather easily, seeing as it was too weak to struggle against him, and stuffed it into his coat, blocking the snow whirlwind before continuing on his way to the winery.
He just hoped he could keep the puppy a secret long enough for him to come up with a plan to convince Diluc to keep it.
Adelinde greeted him in the foyer once he got to the winery.
“Welcome back Master Childe. Allow me to take your coat.” She made a move to remove his outerwear. Childe jerked back causing the puppy to let out a small bark.
Adelinde looked at Childe’s stomach, where he was currently holding the puppy. She blinked twice before composing her face to look back at Childe.
“I assume you’ll be needing help with that?” She asked.
He should have known he wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret from Adelinde. Childe carefully unfurled his coat to show the puppy. “Do you think you could bring some blankets to warm it up?”
Adelinde hummed. “We should probably give it a warm bath before wrapping it up in blankets.”
She called for Moco and Hillie to heat some water for both the puppy and Childe. She turned back to Childe.
“Please hand it to me. I’ll make sure it’s cleaned up and warm.” Adelinde extended her hands.
Childe hesitated. He didn’t want to lose the warmth of the small animal. And something about it reminded him of his younger siblings.
“I... I’ll wash it up myself. We can save more water that way. And I’m sure you’re busy enough with all the preparations.” Childe said.
Adelinde opened her mouth as if to retort. but instead of saying anything, she closed it before nodding.
Childe started up the stairs, taking care to not sway too much. He paused midway.
“Is Diluc back yet?” He asked, turning his body slightly.
“Master Diluc has not returned from his outing.” Adelinde answered. Childe nodded in response, continuing up the stairs.
Once he was in the bedroom, he carefully laid the puppy wrapped in his coat on the bathroom floor. He checked the temperature of the water, making sure it was not too hot. Like always, the heat was just right. As expected of the Dawn Winery Staff.
Childe picked up the puppy that was still shivering and gently wet it with some water. The puppy didn’t seem to expect that so it began to struggle in his hands.
“Hey, I just want to wash you. You’ll feel better once you’re all cleaned up.” Taking care not to put in too much strength, Childe kept a firm grip on the animal as he continued to rinse its fur.
He managed to clean all the dirt off and dry it. Satisfied to see it was no longer shivering, Childe wrapped it in a towel and set it on the floor so it was still in his view while he washed up.
Although Childe wanted to take a long bath, he knew Diluc would be back soon. So he cut his bath short and got dressed once he felt he was sober enough.
Picking up the puppy, he went back down to find Adelinde and figure out a place for the animal to sleep.
Childe found her by the fireplace in the living room.
“Is there a place it can sleep?” He asked.
“I suppose there is an extra room I can prepare for the puppy. Is it a present for Master Diluc?” She asked.
“Uhh... something like that” Childe said.
“And I assume you wish for it to be a surprise?”
Childe nodded.
“Very well. I’ll be sure to inform the staff and have everything ready for it’s stay.” Adelinde said. She turned to ready the room for the puppy but paused and looked back at Childe after a few steps.
“Does the puppy have a name?” She asked.
Childe hadn’t even thought of one. He didn’t even think he would be able to keep it in the mansion. He looked down at the puppy in his arms and blurted out the first word his still alcohol induced mind could think of.
Adelinde stared at him before smiling politely. “How very... descriptive.” And with that she left to get the room ready.
Childe sat down in front of the fire with the puppy, Sunsettia, on his lap. The puppy’s fur did remind him of the fruit, but maybe something else would have been a better name. Oh well, Diluc can just come up with another one if he doesn’t like it.
Childe began drifting off, feeling warm and content. A few minutes later, Adelinde woke him up gently and let him know the room was ready.
“Master Diluc will probably be coming later than usual, so you should go and get some rest, Master Childe. I’ll be sure to keep an eye on Sunsettia.” Adelinde said. Childe handed over the now sleeping puppy before getting up.
“Thanks Adelinde.” He said, heading to the bedroom for a much needed sleep.
There were still five days before the party. This meant that Childe still had to hide the puppy from Diluc for five whole days. It was a lot easier than it should have been since Diluc was swamped with getting everything in order for the celebration. But that also made it more difficult to keep the small animal from getting out of control.
Since it was a puppy, Sunsettia was rather energetic. Childe made sure to let it out whenever Diluc went into town.
He tried to tire Sunsettia out as much as possible so that it would sleep quietly at night without making a sound.
His plan worked for the most part. The staff’s children ended up coming and playing with Sunsettia after hearing about the puppy. Even though the staff told their kids, it seemed that they haven’t spread the word to Diluc.
After having no complications for three whole days, Childe began to let his guard down. Diluc was busy, going in and out of the winery all day, and Sunsettia had been good about being quiet when Diluc was at the winery since the puppy was usually napping.
Childe figured he could actually pull the surprise off.
Of course, the moment he began thinking that, he doomed himself.
Diluc ended up coming back home early two days before the party.
One of the workers’ kid had alerted him that Diluc was on his way, so Childe had enough time to hide Sunsettia in the back with some of the staff to keep an eye on it.
Diluc walked into the living room, unbuttoning his coat and laying it over one of the chairs. He sat down beside Childe in front of the fire to warm himself up.
“Everything going well with the preparations?” Childe helped Diluc out of his boots before placing his feet on his lap. Childe massaged them to help work out some of the stress his lover was feeling.
Diluc closed his eyes and hummed. “As well as it could be. Although Venti kept bothering me about increasing the amount of alcohol I would have out, which I’m sure Kaeya incited.”
Childe laughed, increasing his pressure in the middle of Diluc’s sole when he saw a positive reaction.
“I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to add a few more bottles. It is Yule after all.” Childe said.
Diluc opened his eyes to meet Childe’s. “You’re only saying that because you want to drink more too.”
“You got me there!”
Diluc moaned softly as Childe continued to work out the tension in his feet. Childe started to work on Diluc’s legs as well.
“You aren’t going to be the one who has to deal with all the drunkards destroying our property.” Diluc said.
“We have more than enough money to fix some property damage. Come on, you don’t want to be a downer.”
Childe continued to work on Diluc’s calves before sliding back down to his feet.
Diluc sighed in pleasure as he caved. “I guess I could include three more bottles.”
“That’s the spirit!” Childe finished up his massage.
“Want me to do your back too?” He asked Diluc.
“Aren’t you tired? I heard you’ve been playing with the kids all day.” Diluc said. Childe tensed up.
“Haha... they said I was just playing with the kids right?” Childe asked.
Diluc sat up and looked at him for a moment before asking, “You didn’t try to fight them did you?”
“Me, try to fight the kids? Of course not!”
“Then why do you sound so suspicious?” Diluc narrowed his eyes.
Childe cursed internally. Diluc always had good instincts, especially when it involved Childe and trouble.
“There’s nothing to be suspicious about. So I might have taught them some sword movements but that’s all. I promise!” Childe said, putting on his most innocent face.
“Uhh huh...” Diluc did not look convinced.
“Why don’t we go up, and I’ll give you a back massage that will make you feel brand new!” Childe tried distracting him.
He pulled Diluc up by his arm and began dragging him towards the stairs.
Diluc halted at the bottom of the stairs causing Childe to jerk back into him.
“I have something else in mind that you could do to help relieve my tension.” Diluc whispered in Childe’s ear. He shivered in response.
“Oh? And what would that be?” Childe asked coyly, slowly walking up the stairs backwards, facing Diluc.
Diluc followed him.
“Instead of just a back massage, why don’t you give me a full body one?”
“Hmm,” Childe licked his lips as he saw Diluc’s eyes fill with lust. “I like the sound of that.”
Diluc grabbed Childe’s hand and tugged him up the rest of the stairs towards their room.
Once in the room, he pressed Childe against the closed door. Diluc kissed Childe’s lips hungrily and slid his hands underneath Childe’s shirt, letting himself melt against his lover.
Their lips broke contact as Diluc began leaving a trail of kisses on Childe’s neck, stopping over his collarbone. He licked the skin there a couple of times before sucking on it and biting gently.
“Someone seems to be pent up.” Childe chuckled, already breathless.
“Shut up, we barely had any time together this past week.” Diluc mumbled against Childe’s skin. He lifted his head to meet Childe’s blue eyes. “Unless you want to stop.”
“Hey now, I never said anything about stopping.” Childe said. He most certainly did not want to stop now.
“Good.” Diluc grunted. “Now where’s that massage you promised.”
“Coming right up, Master Diluc.” Childe said as he slid his hand towards Diluc’s pants.
He would make sure this massage would release all of Diluc’s tension.
The next day, Diluc was finalizing the details on the special menu for Angel’s Share and double checking everything for the celebration. The party would be tomorrow so all of the staff was running around to get everything set.
Most of the decorations were already put up, and the gift bags were put together and ready to hand out. Childe had spotted at least three mistletoes on his way to fetch Sunsettia from the kids he let the puppy play with.
He had already sent his letters and presents to his family and friends two weeks ago, so they should be arriving soon. Now, he just had to figure out how to hand the puppy over to Diluc.
Childe had thought about all the ways he could let Diluc know. None of which he liked completely. So, he decided to just wing it. Whatever happened would happen. And if Diluc did get mad about the puppy, he just give him another “full body massage” to ease his anger.
Childe laughed to himself before shaking the night’s memories out of his head. He did not need a rod in his pants when he met the kids.
He heard their laughter coming from around the corner. Following the sound, Childe found the kids playing tug-of-war with Sunsettia and a rope.
Sunsettia was putting up a good fight, but was ultimately unable to rip the rope out of the larger kid’s hands.
“Having fun?” Childe asked.
The kids turned to look at him.
“Yeah! Is he gonna stay here forever?” One of the kids asked.
“Hopefully.” Childe laughed.
“Yay! That means we can play with Sunny forever!” The kids cheered making the puppy bark.
“Sunny?” Childe asked.
“Sunsettia is too long to say, so we shortened it to Sunny!” Another kid said.
“I see. Sunny is easier to say.”
The kids nodded in agreement.
Childe was about to propose a game they could all play with Sunny when he heard his name being called.
Childe knew that voice, and there was only one person in Mondstadt who called him by that name. All the color left Childe’s face as he turned to the kids.
“Quick! Go hide with Sunny over there!” Childe urged the kids. Thankfully, they understood the gravity of the situation and picked up the dog to go hide behind some of the crates nearby.
After making sure the children and puppy weren’t able to be seen, Childe turned towards the footsteps approaching him.
Diluc stood in front of Childe. His hair was slightly ruffled and his cheeks flushed from the cold.
“Diluc, love, firefly, sunshine!” Childe stammered.
Diluc raised his eyebrow. “...Are you okay?”
“Of course! I’m lovely!”
“...Right.” Diluc continued to stare at him. Childe felt sweat drip down his spine as he prayed to the Tsaritsa that the children and Sunsettia would stay quiet.
“Anyway, I was actually going to ask if you could escort the last of the batches on their way from Stone Gate. The knights, inefficient as always, had a mix up and are unable to come and help. Diluc said.
“Of course I can, sunshine! Should I head down now?” Childe asked. He was a little apprehensive about leaving the puppy alone with the kids, but he knew the staff would keep anything from getting out of hand. And besides, his lover needed his help.
“They’ll probably get there within the next hour so if you could be there by then that would be great. “
“Got it!”
“Thanks.” Diluc smiled.
Childe figured the Tsaritsa was still discontent with him getting with one of Barbatos’ beloved bloodlines.
Why did he think this?
Because his prayers were not answered as Sunsettia thought it was a good idea to start barking.
Diluc clearly had heard it as his eyebrows furrowed at the sound. So Childe, having no time to think of anything else, tried to cover up the bark by... barking himself.
“Woof!” He ended up saying.
Diluc blinked.
“Did... Did you just bark at me?” He narrowed his eyes.
“Haha... maybe.” Childe said, licking his lips.
Sunsettia clearly wasn’t finished because the puppy continued to bark, making Childe cover it up with his own barking.
“Woof! Woof! Ruff!” Childe said. He was honestly close to crying when he saw Diluc’s expression.
He turned his face slightly to peek at the kids. Their faces were mortified, probably thinking they ruined the surprise. Childe moved a hand behind his back so that it was out of Diluc’s view to motion for them to get ready to run away.
“Why on Teyvat wou-” Diluc started.
“Ruff!” Childe ended up interrupting him to hide another bark.
Diluc closed his eyes and took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. Childe used that moment to motion the kids to run. Thankfully, the message passed on as he saw them scamper away.
“Are you going to explain or am I just going to have to accept this as is?” Diluc said, not having caught the kids running.
“Uh... It’s a new fad in Snezhnaya my sister told me about. It’s a new way of saying I love you.” Childe lied through his teeth with the best smile he could put on.
Diluc opened his mouth, pausing, before letting out a long sigh.
“You bark at someone to tell them you love them?” He asked, still not believing it 100%. But what did he know of the current fads in Snezhnaya.
“Ruff ruff!” Childe said, laying it on.
“Well at least it fits you.” Diluc said.
Childe blinked and tilted his head.
“You always did act like a dog. Always biting me to mark your territory. Don’t think I don’t notice.”
With his words, Childe’s mind filled with the previous night’s escapades causing blood to rush below his waistline.
“If you prefer, I can meow too.” He said, the puppy no longer in his mind. Diluc watched as Childe stopped within a foot of him.
Childe leaned in. “And maybe if you touch me just right, I’ll even purr for you.” He said in a sultry voice.
Diluc swallowed. Childe saw his red eyes darken and knew he would be able to get away with his lie. Of course, Childe was also going to fully take advantage of the situation as well.
With that in mind, Childe got stepped closer and captured Diluc’s lips. Childe nibbled on his bottom lip to try and get Diluc to open his mouth. Diluc happily complied, allowing Childe to slip in his tongue.
They both were in their own world, enjoying the taste and heat of one another for a good three minutes before they returned to reality with a loud crashing sound.
They broke apart, breathless. Childe, wanting to continue, leaned forward again to press his lips against Diluc’s. Except a loud bark froze him.
The lust in Diluc’s eyes vanished as quickly as it had appeared. The bark had clearly come from around the other side of the winery and not from Childe’s currently closed, puckered lips.
Childe knew he messed up.
“Why don’t you meow for me now?” Diluc said in a low voice with a deadpan face.
Now that they both were of sound mind, they could hear the chaos happening on the other side, surely caused by an energetic puppy happy to run around without restriction.
“Hehe... meow?” Childe bit his lip and winked.
Diluc glared before pushing Childe off him to go figure out what was happening.
Childe sighed, scratching his head. He could only hope one of the kids would be open to taking care of Sunsettia. With that in mind, he went after his lover to help with whatever mess was created.
Thankfully, nothing broke. Sunny had just gotten over excited and jumped onto a table causing one of the bowls filled with sunsettias to spill and hit one of the stands holding up a banner. The commotion mostly occurred due to the children trying to catch Sunny, fearing Diluc had heard the dog and the surprise was over.
Diluc helped set everything back up, while Childe managed to calm down the children before rushing to meet the delivery at Stone Gate. Everything was brought back safely to the winery and set up with no complications.
Childe rolled his shoulders, trying to get some of the tension out, as he walked into the bedroom.
Diluc was sitting at the desk going over some papers. Childe walked up to him, placing his hands on his shoulders to give Diluc a massage.
“Are you still mad?” He asked, pressing into a knot he found.
“I was never mad.” Diluc retorted. “Just surprised that I completely had no clue. My staff seem to be very good at keeping secrets.”
“That’s true. I really thought someone would slip. Even the kids kept quiet.” Childe said.
Diluc hummed as he enjoyed the massage.
“So... are you going to get rid of him?” Childe probed.
Diluc sighed.
“You even named it. And everyone seems to already have become attached. How long has it been here?”
“About 4 days.”
Diluc huffed. “If I got rid of it - what was its name?”
“Sunsettia, but the kids call it Sunny cause it’s shorter.”
“Well if I got rid of Sun-Sunsettia, I would be a terrible person.” Diluc said.
“Don’t worry! You won’t even have to do anything. The staff have been fine taking care of him, even with all the preparations going on. And the kids would love to take Sunny on walks and play with him.” Childe said.
“So you’re going to bring in a puppy and push all the responsibilities onto the others?” Diluc raised an eyebrow.
Childe paused his massage, placing a hand on his chest.
“I am simply letting everyone do as they wish.” Childe said, acting offended.
Diluc got out of the chair and took Childe’s hands in his.
“Albeit early, thank you for the gift, Ajax.” Diluc kissed Childe’s hands.
“You’re very welcome, firefly.” Childe’s heart warmed at the affection.
“Now, why don’t I find out just how to make you purr.” Diluc said, pulling Childe close by the waist.
Childe more than willingly followed Diluc’s lead. He just hoped they would save enough energy to last them through the party tomorrow night, but that was his wishful thinking.
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stillebesat · 4 years
The Sweater
Cartoon Therapy: Emile Sanders Shorts: Remy (Sleep)  Sanders Sides: Janus  Blurb: Emile had said he was making a sweater for a friend. Only he neglected to tell Remy that this friend wasn’t exactly...well...human. Fic Type: General, NotQuiteHuman!AU, Kid!Janus Overall Fic Warnings: Extra Limbs, Implied Child Abandonment Taglist in Reblog 
“You didn’t have to come.”
Remy flinched at the unexpected rumble from the towering man walking next to him. After three days spent with Emile, he was sure that he would have such a reaction under control sooner rather than later...so long as the dude stopped speaking up out of the blue like this that is. 
Emile licked his lips, adjusting his glasses as he held the tissue wrapped package closer to his chest. “Really.” 
Remy took a sip from his Starbucks cup, savoring the warmth of the hot chocolate in the chill evening air, glad that the snow had stopped falling for a glacier minute. “Gurl.” He looked up over the rims of his sunglasses and smirked, again trying to not take it to heart that this guy was a good hulking foot taller than him. “I soo did. With all the blood, sweat, and tears I put into helping you--you owe me this at least.”
It wasn’t everyday that he walked into the room reserved for teaching beginners how to be dressmakers in search of an extra spool of green thread to find this unexpectedly gentle giant awkwardly hunched over the sewing machine attempting to make….something.
He’d heard the term bull in a china shop before, but Remy had never felt the term applicable to anyone until he saw Emile. He’d been sure one wrong twitch of his dinner plate sized hands would mean bye bye sewing machine. 
Of course, after getting the big guy to spill the beans and admit that he’d been trying to make a sweater for a ‘friend’ by threatening to kick him out of the sewing lab for being there outside hours; Remy had learned that just like the Mythbusters had proven, despite Emile’s wrestling sized figure, he was just as delicate as the bull in the episode had been. His large fingers were far more dexterous -if prone to being pricked by needles- than Remy had expected of the guy who could probably crush a watermelon with his bare hands. 
But that didn’t mean he’d leave this amateur to his own devices. No Ma’am! Not after he’d seen the pitiful first attempt of something that could have been a sweater fit for a large teddy bear or maybe a small child, Remy had delegated himself as Emile’s pseudo teacher if only to ensure no sewing machines ended up crushed into teacups. 
He needn’t have worried though. Emile had a soft touch. 
The big guy bit his lip, keeping his eyes firmly straight ahead in a way that told Remy he didn’t want to make eye contact. 
That was probably wise for him because Remy could pull a mean puppy dog look when he wanted to. He’d received more than his fair share of drinks on the house from it and he could and would use those eyes against Emile if he thought it would help his case.
Emile exhaled, pushing his glasses up his nose. “I just--I don’t know if--if Stitch will like...well...strangers. He’s very shy.” 
Stitch. Like the alien from that kids movie. 
Kids movies that Emile was rather obsessed with once he opened that particular can of gummy worms though Remy was sure he was only beginning to uncover that massive iceberg of an interest. This intimidating mountain of a man had morphed into quite the giant nerdy softie when it came to him talking about his cartoons.  
Maybe that was why the sweater had been comically small. Of course, getting the proper sizing for this gift from Emile had been rather...like pulling teeth. It had taken a full hour of wheedling before Emile had admitted that he was only guessing at the size he needed for this...friend.  
“Sugarbee.” Remy shook his head. “If he likes you I don’t see how little--” and it galled him that he had to call himself little because he was a good five foot eleven inches thank you very much. “Old me would frighten him away.” 
Emile shrugged a shoulder, fingers brushing the string on the package. “He’s just...I don’t want to scare him. I barely have any trust with him as it is and if I bring someone new--” 
Remy rolled his eyes, flexing his fingers around his cooling cup. It was like the guy was talking about a feral dog and not a person. “Trust me, babes. I ain’t gonna scare him.”
The sweater on the other hand?
That was less certain.
Because it had to be the strangest one ever created. 
Like Remy had seen his fair share of Ugly Sweaters over the years.
But this one would probably take the cake if only for the fact that Emile had insisted that said sweater have six arms.
After having to figure out the logistics of that particular snag, and after doing most of the sewing of those extra arms himself, there was no way Remy wasn’t seeing the reaction of this ‘Stitch’ kid to this particular present.
Maybe the dude just liked pretending to be the alien and Emile was humoring him. 
Regardless, Remy wanted to make sure that said monstrosity actually fit. It was a good eighty-two percent of his work after all and he prided himself on his garments fitting perfectly. 
Emile exhaled, still avoiding eye contact. “Just...stay behind me okay?” 
Remy gulped the last of his hot chocolate, tossing the cup into a nearby trash can as he followed Emile around the corner into a tree filled snow covered park. “Three steps back. Got it, Princess.” 
Though seriously, if Stitch wasn’t afraid of Emile, towering giant that he was, he highly doubted his presence would be an issue.
Remy shoved his hands into his pockets, letting the big guy move ahead to cut a swath through the untouched snow like a snowplow on a highway towards a huge pine tree in an out of the way corner that had branches all the way down to the ground, hiding the trunk completely from view. It was an odd spot to meet a ‘friend.’ Especially since said friend had apparently not arrived yet. 
Remy exhaled, hunching his shoulders. “Looks like we’re early.” He commented, glancing around the park, seeing no one else. Which made sense. It was nearly sunset. It was cold. The sky had a dark enough overcast that he was sure it would start snowing again any second. Who in their right mind would be out right now?
“We’re not.” Emile said, glancing over his shoulder. “Remember. Stay back.” He again cautioned before he knelt, letting out a soft three pitch whistle. “Stitch?” He called softly. “Hey buddy, it’s me, Emile. I--I brought you something.” 
Remy frowned, staring at the silent tree. “Did you actually have me help you make a sweater for a mutant squirrel?” That or Emile had a screw loose and he’d just spent three days making a monstrosity of a sweater for an imaginary friend. “Shh!” Emile hissed before again whistling at the tree. “Stitch? It’s okay. This is Remy. He’s a…”
Remy raised an eyebrow as Emile bit his lip, glancing back at him. 
“He’s a friend, he won’t hurt you.” The big guy edged another foot closer, hand brushing the tips of the pine needles sending snow showering down off the branches. “Please come out? I--we brought you something.” 
The pine tree remained silent.
Remy shoved his hands deeper in his pockets, regretting more that he’d drunk all his hot chocolate. “Maybe he’s not home.” Everyone who was anyone in their right mind would be anywhere but outside in this weather.
“Maybe you’re scaring him.” Emile snapped back before wincing. “Ah...could you like...kneel down? Please.” 
Remy scoffed. Him? Scaring the imaginary friend? If Emile wasn’t scary then Remy definitely wasn’t scary either. “And freeze to death?” He asked, awkwardly crouching on his heels. His designer shoes were already feeling the damp chill of the snow working its way in to soak his socks, there was no way he would allow his knees to experience the same torment. 
“Stitch?” Emile pleaded, again whistling as he edged closer. “Stitch.” 
They were gonna be out here until midnight at this point. “Come on, Stitcharoo.” He said ignoring the big guy’s frantic hissing to shut up. “I’m friendly. Emile is friendly. We’re all friendily freezing here so how about you come out an--” Remy cut off as the branches rustled. 
A single yellow eye peered out at them, glinting in the fading sunlight. 
Okay. Imaginary friend out. Mutant feral squirrel back in.
“Meal?” A shaky voice asked. A young shaky voice.
Ooohhh Goodie. Remy pressed his lips together, fighting the way his heart had jumped into his throat. Freaking talking mutant feral squirrel. It had better be a mutant squirrel because if there was a freaking child living in this tree in the middle of a freaking snow storm--
Emile visibly sagged with relief. “Hey Stitch, buddy. You okay?” 
The eye gave a slow blink. “C-c-cold.” 
“Aren’t we all.” Remy muttered, glad that his sunglasses protected him from whatever baleful glare the creature was casting on him now. He gave a two fingered wave. “I’m freezing too, buckaroo.” 
Emile gave him the patented Will you shut up look that would have made any mother proud. 
Remy made a face. “You never said I couldn’t talk.” He was still behind him wasn’t he? He was crouching in the freaking snow freezing his toes off. He should be allowed to talk to the glowing eye that had better not be a child living in the tree in the middle of winter! 
Emile exhaled, before pulling off the string on the present, unwrapping the black and yellow sweater. “Remy and I made you this, Stitch. To help with the cold.” He said, holding it out in all its six-armed glory. 
A soft gasp came from the tree as the yellow eye opened wide. “Me?” 
“Yah, kiddo.” Emile said, nodding. “Can I help you put it on?”
The branches shifted, the yellow eye glancing to Remy before vanishing. 
Sugarbee hadn’t been kidding when he said his friend was shy. 
“C-cold.” The voice whispered from somewhere within the tree. “Meal. Safe?” 
Remy fought the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose, anger burning in his chest. They’d be out here all night at this rate. “Yah, honeysuckle, you’re safe. Let Emile put the sweater on you okay? I’ll stay right here.” There was no one else in the park. Who would leave a child out here alone! One that had apparently been out here for a while if previous conversations with Emile were anything to go by. 
The branches didn’t move.
“Stitch.” Emile whispered, slowly lowering the sweater, stretching out a hand to the branches. “Please? You’re cold, let me help you this time.”
Remy frowned again, poking Emile in the back. “This time?”
Emile flinched. “He--ah...he hasn’t actually let me...touch him? Before. This is the closest I’ve gotten.” 
Oh for the love of! Remy shot to his feet. “Gurl!” 
The big guy was there, a plate sized hand on his chest holding him back and radiating heat like the sun, before he could take a step. “I said he was shy.” Emile said, eyes wide and pleading. “Don’t. Scare. Him.”
Ah huh. And in the process of not scaring him they were just going to have this mysterious friend freeze to death because there would be no way a simple sweater would help the kid survive the night! Remy growled trying to move around Emile, but it was like trying to move around a mountain. “The sound of that voice tells me that’s a child, Sugarbee. A FREAKING CHILD and you’re just letting him stay here.”
“He doesn’t trust humans!” 
That pulled him up short. “Humans.” Remy repeated, lowering his sunglasses. “HUMANS? Is he not human, Emile?” If this was an actual real life Stitch then--then!! 
Emile had the grace to look embarrassed. “I--I---uhh--” 
Remy threw up his hands. He would burn that particular bridge when he got there, But right now, he needed to see this ‘not human’ child and make sure he was safe. Remy ducked under Emile’s arm, scooping up the sweater in the process. “Hey Stitcharoo.” He said crouching at the base of the tree branches, ignoring the frantic warnings hissing like a teapot behind him as he pulled off his sunglasses, hanging them from the collar of his jacket. “It’s gonna snow again, tonight. You know. Get colder? Freeze. And my buddy here is like this giant heating blanket and wants to keep you warm. You’ll like the warm. I promise it’s--”
He froze as a child’s pale hand, nearly tinged blue, popped out of the tree, visibly shaking as it poked his cheek before jerking back out of sight. 
“It’s--it’s--I uhh Hi?” Remy stuttered out, brain trying to process what had just happened as he rubbed the spot the child had touched. 
Surely. Surely, he hadn’t seen what he thought he’d seen. There hadn’t been glittering scales on that hand. No. No trick of the light. Maybe it was cosmetic? Part of a costume?
The branches rustled before two hands, two scaled covered left hands, parted them, revealing a child’s face half covered in scales, peering back at him. “Hi.” The kid said, eyes -one golden, one a regular brown- shifting to Emile as he knelt down next to Remy before focusing on Remy himself. “Safe?”
“I--” Remy blinked before nodding dumbly as a third hand, a right hand with no scales on the pale skin this time, reached out to Emile’s ginormous hand. 
Suddenly Emile’s insistence that there needed to be six arms made a lot more sense. If Remy had already seen three hands, surely that could mean that there were three more still hidden out of sight. 
“You’re safe.” Emile said, gently taking the boy’s hand and squeezing it. 
The boy bit his lip before he surged forward straight into Emile’s chest. “Wa-warm.” He whispered, multiple hands gripping onto his coat as snow from the branches above showered down on top of them.
Remy tsked, quickly shaking off the white powder, heart pounding like a drum as he took in the ragged state of the kid’s clothes, the so called ‘sweater’ he currently wore was barely worth the name, only having two proper arms and four more holes in the sides for the--for the, Gee Manetti, the kid actually had six arms!!!! as Emile pulled open his tent of a jacket to wrap around the boy. 
“I got you. I got you.” Emile soothed as he scooped Stitch--Remy really hoped that wasn’t his actual name--into his lap, getting his bare feet out of the snow. 
The boy visibly shivered, tucking his toes -normal human toes beyond the left set being more scaled- into the crease between Emile’s shirt and pants. 
Remy bit back a growl. No shoes. Barely any clothes. Some welcome to Earth this kid got. Just because he had six freaking arms didn’t mean that the boy deserved to be abandoned! Even Superman had had a willing farm couple to look after him! 
“I hope you know he is not staying here.” Remy softly scolded, moving cautiously closer. Despite his misgivings about exposing the boy to the weather, he pulled Emile’s coat away so he could get his divine gift of a sweater onto the kid, a difficult feat as Stitch had practically glued himself against Emile’s side. 
The boy made a sound of protest, but didn’t fight him, eyes barely open as he watched Remy finagle the sweater over the rags he currently wore. 
It was pathetic. The boy was practically skin and bones! Remy could feel each individual rib as he tugged the fabric over him for crying out loud! Not to mention the arms themselves were practically sticks! This kid had been neglected for some time. It was--it was---Remy did growl. No one should have to live like this! 
“If you aren’t taking him home with you, by golly I will bring him to my place.” He said, pulling each sleeve over the boy’s ice cold hands. “Crofters! Emile, he needs another three sweaters, new pants, socks, SHOES, mittens--no no gloves. Probably gloves. This isn’t RIGHT!” The boy was COLD. His scales were like ice. How he wasn’t dead yet from hypothermia or frostbite was a mystery but No Ma’am was the kid gonna spend another night out here. “He needs soup, hot chocolate, a warm water bottle, a heated blanket a--”
“I know.” 
Remy jerked his head up at Emile’s quiet words. “Well. Good.” He pulled off his coat so he could slip his own sweater over his head and use it to create some temporary pants for the kid, until he could find something better. At least the boy had two normal legs so he could stuff one into each sleeve. 
“Do--” Emile cleared his throat, keeping his eyes firmly on Stitch’s hair. “Do you...have a place for him?”
Remy blinked as he slipped his own coat back on. “Do I---of course I do--do you not?!” What had he been planning to do once he got the boy to trust him? Leave him here?
Emile flushed, ducking his head.
Okay. Okay. He took a calming breath as the boy dropped two of his hands down to grab one of Remy’s in a tight grip, golden eye practically glowing as it flickered between him and Emile. “Rephrase. Do you have a place to stay yourself, Em?” 
“Not one safe for him.” Came the soft response. “I...it’s barely safe for me.” 
Barely safe for a guy who could feasibly dead lift a car? Punch a hole in concrete? He’d have to unpack the meaning of that particular admission some other time. Right after he had time to process that this kid had six freaking arms and was either an actual alien or escaped mutant experiment of some sort. 
“Right.” Remy exhaled, running his free hand through his hair. “Right. First. We get you both back to my place. Second. Get him warm and fed.” Maybe to a doctor--did he even know any doctors who could handle this?! “Third. Figure out living arrangements. Capiche?” Oh and Fourth. Figure out the boy’s actual name or give him a cooler one because no way would he be continuing to call him Stitch. 
That was a simple enough list right? Just four things. Nothing complicated about that. 
Emile blinked, adjusting his glasses. “But you don’t know me.”
Remy scoffed, squeezing the boy’s hands. Sure three days haraunanging the guy on how to properly thread a bobbin wasn’t a normal way to invite someone to be your roommate, but it wasn’t the worst way either. “I don’t know the kid either, Em. But I do know that he needs a home and if you need one too then you’ve got one with me.” The dude had a good heart. He’d been attempting to make a sweater instead of buying one and poking holes in it for crying out loud. 
“I--uh--” Emile cleared his throat. “Thanks.” 
“Don’t mention it.” At least not until he got them all out of the cold. Then they could talk.
The kid shivered again, tightening his grip on their hands. “Safe?” He whispered, resting his head against Emile’s chest, eyes flickering between them both. 
Safe? There was no question about it. Not with another snowstorm coming. Not when Remy desperately itched to pull out all his extra fabric from his sewing closet to throw onto the kid just to give him a proper, better fitting outfit. “Of course, honeysuckle.” He said, pulling the tent of a coat that Emile wore back over the boy to protect him from the cold. “We’ll keep you safe.” He looked up, meeting Emile’s eyes, smirking as he found acceptance there. “We promise.”
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amphii-writes · 4 years
Random Haikyuu Head Canons I Have
these are all taken from my discord server cause i remember to write them there, if you want to request fanfics, my requests are W I D E open! there is also nO order! these are just all the headcanons i could find tbh
warnings: mentions of blood, and just overall wild times, swearing
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Asahi loves knitting sweaters because his shoulders are broad and he also loves seeing the reactions from his teammates when they get a sweater from him! He says he buys them but he doesn’t
Aone likes knitting socks because he has big feet and he loves fluffy knee high socks but his team will never know
Asahi and Aone regularly hang out and knit together! (after asahi wasnt scared of him anyways)
Nishinoya gives you shiny rocks he finds because “your eyes shine like them!”
Yamaguchi likes to have your head rest on his chest while cuddling!
Aone likes to bake
Aone dressed like a polar bear because koganegawa told him to- halloween was amazing
Daichi secretly can make some kick ass steak and is amazing at grilling sorry
Okay but real talk, Kenma and Yaku swear like sailors and it scares everyone because they always whisper the most foul, insulting things under their breath. Hearing it is like seeing a cryptid
Speaking of cryptids, Fukunaga and Shibayama are THE most true crime, mythology, and mystery obsessed fanatics on the team and often fanboy about it together 
Fukunaga’s obsession with moth man has gotten to an unhealthy stage
Kenma absolutely had a vampire phase and has read twilight. Only Kuroo knows and has sworn to secrecy via blood pact
Kuroo’s a musical nerd. Knows all of the lyrics to Hamilton, BMC, DEH, Heathers, Rent, Beetlejuice, Etc. Kenma considered dropping him because of it
Iwaizumi tells the worst dad jokes and Kyotani, wanting to beat him, started doing it too and it drives everyone insane
Yahaba and Matsukawa get along surprisingly well. Both are true crime freaks and bond over their forensic files obsessions
Matsukawa didn’t really like his thick eyebrows so he got one of his female friends to pluck it for him, but almost cried and gave up after the first hair. Oikawa called him a pussy for the next year
Hanamaki jokingly flirts with everyone on the team so most of them just got used to it, but it still confuses Kindaichi to the point of mental breakdown
Makki called Kyotani ‘puppy’ as a joke once and now mad dog is truly terrified of him
Kyotani’s dog absolutely ADORES Oikawa and it’s the funniest shit to the rest of the team
Mattsun and Makki play DnD and once convinced Yahaba and Kyotani to join. Kyotani kept rolling to fight everyone and Yahaba was a bard that kept rolling to seduce everyone. They kept yelling across the board so they had to kick them out
Outside of his school uniform, Goshiki specifically wears only plaid
Tendou makes little chocolates for the whole team every once in a while so they don’t think he’s scary
Semi and Shirabu once had a fistfight in an abandoned McDonald’s parking lot while Tendou filmed and Goshiki cheered them on
Everybody makes fun of Shirabu’s haircut but nobody dares to say it to his face. its gotten to the point where they say he got it done by a blind old lady
There’s a running joke about Shirabu also getting his haircut from prison but Goshiki is starting to suspect that it may not be a joke
Yamagata and Tendou are good friends with the mutual goal of collecting as much blackmail on their team as possible
Tendou loves animals generally considered to be ‘ugly’ like rats, crows, reptiles, etc.
80% of Goshiki’s playlist is shit overplayed on the radio. Him, Shirabu, Tendou, Kawanishi and Ushijima have a permanent ban from the aux cord
Nobody watches YouTube with Ushijima because he never skips the damn ads (other than tendou)
Suna once said y’all’dn’t’ve unironically and made a first year cry
Akagi once said UwU unironically and had an identity crisis.
Osamu has one of those rainbow gaming keyboards and is constantly on a discord call. Atsumu always yells weird shit in the background to embarrass him and once pretended to be him
During Seijoh group chat arguments. Hanamaki and Mattsukawa like to drop facebook minion memes in just to piss everyone off even more
mattsun and maki both have separate photo albums in their phones labelled ‘minion memes to piss everyone off’
Hinata carries a pocket knife and no one has no fucking idea why
mattsun and maki both have matching rat fursuits that look like they actually where in a sewer- they chased oikawa around
For all his talk of plant analogies and metaphors, Ushijima cant grow shit
Goshiki’s Bangs are the way they are because his favorite character was Rock Lee from Naruto
Oikawa has watched Ouran High School Host Club front to back so many times and he can quote all of Tamaki’s lines by heart -He keeps bothering Iwaizumi to “be his Haruhi, since you’re shorter than me”
Koganegawa has definitely gone as an Angry Bird for Halloween
Fukunaga has those reflective cat eyes, and he has terrified Yamamoto on several occasion
Hanamaki and Matsukawa have a teddy bear that they pretend is their child and they share custody
Suga always sprays whipped cream straight into his mouth whenever he sees a can
Nishinoya definitely bit people as a kid
Nishinoya would be the guy to wear shorts all year round and even if it's snowing, he'll insist he's not cold
Tendou is still stuck in his emo phase and would fangirl over Creepypasta with me and I appreciate that (me too buddy, me fuckin too)
Kyoutani LOOKS like he’d listen to viking death metal, but in reality he listens to Mother Mother and knows all the words to Ghosting
Sugawara would definitely encourage me to dumb shit and not stop me, and you’re all dumb for thinking he wouldn’t 
KENMA IS NOT ‘uwu owo’ SHY, HE IS ‘your fucking gross’ SHY SO LITERALLY STFU
Bokuto listens to Nicki Manaj. And knows all the words. To every. Single. Song.
Ushijima for some reason knows an odd amount of 90′s-2000′s R&B and he will hum along to the songs if they come on the radio (he also loves Dolly Parton) ((he says he relates to her music))
Bokuto once ate instant ramen for an entire month
atsumu let’s you put makeup on him and pretends to eat the brushes (do yk what im talking about- like n o m)
tendou ran for school president as a joke but actually won
i 100% believe that all of karasuno’s third years apologize when they bump into inanimate objects, but when suga is really tired or stressed out, he’ll yell at them instead.
Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Taketora have a group chat called "Bros who want sum hoes" and they send each other hypebeast memes and shit
Sugawara knows how to do a bunch of flexible shit because he sometimes goes to yoga with daichi and asahi's moms, its fucking hilarious
tanaka and noya both breakdance- they work as a team and sometimes go to tokyo for underground competitions- saeko drives them
Daichi knows a little ballet- nobody other than Kiyoko knows because they saw each other at the ballet class and had to work together- dont tell tanaka and noya that he lifted her though
Osamu once put glitter on Atsumu's pillow- he still finds hot pink glitter on shit
kita knits and crochets with his grandma
Kita's grandma knows everyone's names because kita talks shit bout them, her favorite is Aran
Kuroo has burnt his eyebrows off doing an experiment. His goggles didn't cover all his brows,,, so he just showed up to practice like that. No eyebrows and a chemical burn
kenma has played all kinds of games, but he was dared to play corpse party by kuroo. He wasn't scared because of the gore, he was thinking about the trauma the characters went through. Punched kuroo the next day because that game was fucked up
Lev isn't a strong swimmer, so he often grabs people by the head to keep himself up. happened with kenma and lev couldn't walk due to the force of kenmas suprised water kicks
akaashi has those fancy pens that you have to dip in ink and they're so nice
Bokuto has and will eat pencil erasers again
Daichi once almost lost his shit at his team but instead he lost his shit at the door that decided to stub his toe on the way out of the gym. not the best thing to be found yelling to.
Yamaguchi for sure has been dragged to one of terushimas parties because he didnt wanna say no. oh and terushima has like frat boy level parties too. Yams has for sure had some wild nights and doubts anyone other than Tsukishima and the party-goers will ever know
Akaashi can actually flirt very well! He reads romance novels sometimes and has analyzed any and every book in his possession! so he's actually quite charming
Daihsou unironically posted on twitter after mika broke up with him "I still see her shadows in my room"
Mattsun and Maki run a fake oikawa account; its been going ever since twitter even started getting popular and they even started sending messages in spanish. The posts would range from "I love all my fans!" to flirting with them :) Oikawa is pissed cause the account got verified before he did and most of his fans also follow the fake oikawa. Tooru has no idea who runs it JUST IMAGINE OIKAWA JUST LIKE RANTING TO THE SEIJOH 3RD YEAR ALUMNI AND JUST "no Iwa-chan, you dont understand! they run a fake account and pretend to be me!" while makki and mattsun laugh their asses off
Oh, kenma for sure has pretended to be a girl on discord and has gotten someone to buy him stuff. after they do he says in his normal voice "fucking simp" and then hangs up and blocks the other persons discord
Yamamoto, despite his rough appearance, loves kids and has and will be a human jungle gym
suna in middle school had a game with his friends about who could make kids cry the fastest
The twins switched places back in middle school and nobody could tell because of how great they are at acting like eachother
Daichi once arrested coach ukai for public intoxication after a game :|
Daichi has arrested many people from his old volleyball team but the most memorable case was when he arrested tanaka and noya for reckless driving. poor idiots got so scared when they saw their old captains face in their mirror and started to pray
tanaka, while trying to intimidate someone, once said "You dont gotta tell me twice, i may be straight but these hands are bisexual" and he often cringes at night thinking about it
Kageyama, as a comeback to Tsukishima, said "one thing about us royalty is that we love to feast" and he also fuckin hates what he said
the third years made a cult for Kiyoko. they chant every wednesday "i'll do anything for kiyoko, she makes me go loco"
oikawas fangirls are known to be fucking rabid
Makki and mattsun sang two trucks in front of the entire team. everyone was so confused. Makki: "twO TRUCKS HAVIN SEX!!" Mattsun: "oH yEs!"THEY'D SWITCH OFF AND HAVE LIKE CHOREOGRAPHY TOO LIKE THEY'D DO A TANGO WHILE THE SONG IS LIKE "two beer trucks, making love"
tendou once called Oikawa "mr. no-nationals" and got kicked in the shins before iwaizumi could save him
Tsukishima had a my little pony phase
you work with matsukawa at a morgue and he makes dead people jokes while you fix some dead guys face with wax and makeup he'd be like "so didnt he like,,, stick his head out of the sunroof of a moving fuckin car??" he'd be singing dumb ways to die the entire day
i feel like Kuroo has one crazy accident a year. like it might not be deadly but its fucking crazy like for example: Kuroo for sure has ridden in a shopping cart at past midnight with kenma (who pushed him down a hill) causing Kuroo to get scratched up hella well. he lied and said he spent the night with a girl and kenma fucking hated himself cause he would be the girl if that was true
Mattsun has flirted with the 4th years moms before (AS A JOKE), and because of this: he is known as “fuckin milf hunter” sometimes by the team
Warning, this next headcanon is talking about cannabis, weed, mary jane, the zoink root. so if your uncomfortable, please dont read below :)
dude i wanna get high as SHIT with Asahi 
i think Asahi would be one of those mfkers who takes one hit and is gone 
IMAGINE HIM SEEING TSUKISHIMA AND JUST "he looks so judgemental,,, im scared" 
OR LIKE A MAD DAICHI AND JUST "i'm gonna,,, im gonna go jump out the window now" 
Noya and Tanaka would know tho, i feel like they'd have a 6th sense when it comes to weed. they probably get some from Saeko cause she'd rather they do it in the house. they'd smell asahi like fucking dogs and just so,,, big guy had fun without us huh? 
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
Winter Wishes Make For New Beginnings
A Connor Kenway x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 2.3K Warnings: Angst, Death
Author’s Note: Day 16 of the CF’s. I really don’t know why I thought this would be a good idea to write considering the fact that I recently lost one, but I felt this needed to come out. I broke down crying while writing and revising, so if there’s mistakes, look them over. Uh...enjoy? -Thorne
           The wolf had come out of nowhere; too fast, and too agile for her to spot in in time to take it down. There was no chance for her, but the old foxhound had smelled it coming. They wrestled in the snow, a gnashing of teeth and fearsome growling, and she would’ve shot the timber wolf if she knew she wouldn’t hit the dog. When the wolf had the hound pinned, she fired a single shot, and it hit the ground in a heap of gray fur.
           The flintlock dropped at her feet and she sprinted to the dog, sliding to her knees to his side. One glance told her that it wasn’t good, too many cuts, too much blood.
           “Oh, buddy,” she breathed, gently prodding at the gash along his abdomen. “Why, bud? Why’d you jump in?” The hound simply groaned, raising a leg to paw at her.
Tears stained her vision as she shirked off her jacket and tunic, leaving her in her undershirt. She wrapped the tunic the best she could around his stomach, then her hands caressed the dog’s face, and while he whimpered, he still tried to lick her cheeks.
           Sniffling harshly, she pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I’ll come back,” she whispered, laying her heavy winter coat over him. “I promise I will come back.” She stood to her feet. “And I’ll come back with help.” The dog merely groaned and flopped on his side, umber eyes watching her for security.
           Her heart ached to stay with him, but with a determined mind, she spun on her heel and ran as fast as she could.
           Connor turned at the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, nodding at Achilles when he hit the bottom floor.
           “Connor have you seen (Y/N)?” the old man asked, and he shook his head.
           “I have not. Not since she went hunting,” he replied.
           Achilles hummed. “You didn’t go with her?”
           “There were other things on the homestead that needed my attention.” His cheeks warmed and he muttered, “She also told me that she needed some alone time and that I was to stay here.”
           The old man snorted, and Connor reacted like he usually did when he sensed ridicule.
           “What? Why are you laughing?” he questioned.
           Achilles smiled knowingly. “Seems to me that your lovesi—” The sound of a banging door echoed through the manor, followed by a terrified voice.
           Connor’s spine went ice cold at the pure fear in her voice, and he bypassed the old man, skipping the steps to the first floor. He turned the corner and there she was, coming out of the dining room. His heart dropped at the sight of tears on her face and she ran up to him, breathing heavily and swaying slightly.
           “(Y/N), what has—”
           She shook her head and grabbed his arms, panting, “Jethro—a wolf—need your help.” A coughing fit tore through her and she let him go, bending over to rest her hands on her knees as she hacked.
           He rubbed her back, brows pulled together in confusion as he tried to piece the information together.
           “Jethro was attacked?”
           (Y/N) nodded rapidly and jerked up, already making her way back to the door. “I can’t carry him,” she said. “I need your help. He’s injured—badly.”
           Connor was running after her, grabbing her bicep. “Wait. We—”
           She yanked her arm out of his grip, a fresh round of tears in her eyes as she yelled, “We don’t have time to wait around!” (Y/N) pressed a hand to her chest. “I promised him I’d come back. I have to go!”
           “I know,” he affirmed. “But let me get a horse and we can get back to him faster.”
           (Y/N) shook her head. “You go, I’m gonna start running back.” She didn’t wait for him, once again turning to sprint off in the direction she’d come. Connor shook his head and ran towards the stables; glad he’d left the saddle on one of the horses.
           They’d barely made it thirty meters to the hound before she was jumping off the back of the horse, scrambling to her feet to get to him. Connor spurred the horse a few more meters before descending and running after her, watching as she knelt beside the dog.
           “Jethro? Buddy?” she whispered, and he knew she was afraid for the worst, but when the hound’s head shifted up a bit, she let out a watery laugh, caressing his head.
           “Hey buddy,” (Y/N) greeted, then pointed back to Connor. “I told you I was coming back.”
           He squatted beside her, gently unwinding the shirt she had tied. The fabric has soaked crimson, and when he opened it, he felt his breath leave him and he stared into her eyes.
           “I—” he started, then swallowed thickly. “This is bad, (Y/N). Very bad.”
           Her lips pursed into a thin line and her eyes flooded with warmth. “I know,” she said. “But I have to do something.” With her gaze shifting to the dead wolf a few feet away, she added, “Jethro saved me.”
           Connor let out a wary sigh and opened the shirt again, wincing as he felt along the wound. “I do not feel any ruptured organs but…” he pulled his hands back, holding the hound’s abdomen. “He will not make it if we do not sew him.”
           (Y/N) started feeling along her pockets, unclipping one to pull out a small pouch. She opened it and dumped it in the snow, hurriedly grabbing one of the needles that fell out. Raising it, she met his eyes and he turned to the horse.
           “Go jerk a few hairs from the horse’s tail but be careful to avoid a kick.”
           She nodded and rose to her feet, moving to the horse. After the third pluck, the horse tried to kick at her, but she dodged it and hurried back, kneeling beside him.
           “Can you sew, (Y/N)?” he asked, and she nodded.
           “I can.” When he gave her a doubtful look, she squared her shoulders and declared. “I can do it.”
           Connor stood up. “Then I will go and make a pull.” He left her without another word, and she looked back at Jethro. His dark eyes watched her, and she knew he was in pain.
           “Everything’s gonna be okay, buddy.” (Y/N) threaded the needle, pinching the slit in his abdomen. “I’ll fix you up.” He quivered as the needle went in, but no sound left him, and he lay back on the snow, one paw pressed onto her leg.
           By the time Connor had returned and hitched the horse with the makeshift pull, (Y/N) was curled behind Jethro, one hand holding his wound, the other rubbing his head. He directed the horse beside them, then laid a hand on her shoulder.
           “(Y/N), I need to move him.” His voice was soft, and it took her a moment to move.
           When she did, she watched him pick the hound up, considerate as he could and lay him on the pull. She climbed behind Jethro and cradled him, resting her chin atop his head, her hand delicately stroking his fur.
           Connor eyed her a moment, then bent over, pressing a kiss to her head. It took everything he could not to take her into his arms when he caught sight of the tears in her eyes, instead climbing onto the horse, beginning the journey back to the manor.
           It had been to much of a hassle to try and move the dog into the manor and as the sun began to sink below the horizon, Connor carried a few more blankets down to the stables where (Y/N) had been for the past few hours.
           He stepped into the stable and frowned as his gaze drifted over her, curled around the dog, her face pressed into his fur. Doctor White had long since come to check on the hound at his request, stating that all he could’ve done had been done by them. He’d given them a firm look and with as much professionalism as he could manage, he stated that they should hope for the best, but to understand that the dog’s end was in sight.
           Connor poked at the fire just outside the stable before entering and settling behind her. He covered them with the blanket and propped his head up with his palm, his free hand softly kneading her side.
           “Are you well, (Y/N)?” he knew she wasn’t, but it was still the polite thing to ask.
           She swallowed thickly and shook her head. “No,” she replied, turning her head to catch his eye. “I’m not.”
           His heart felt for her. “What can I do for you, Otsi’tsa?” Connor touched her cheek. “What can I help you with?”
           Her eyes filled with tears and she whispered, “Just…stay with me.”
           “Of course,” he vowed, watching as she looked back at the hound, raising her hand to his head.
           For a moment, she said nothing, then she murmured, “I’ve had Jethro since I was a young girl.” She stroked his ears, softly scratching. “I found him baying in a ditch just outside Boston one day” (Y/N) let out a watery laugh. “Wouldn’t stop following me after I did.”
           “What was he like when he was a puppy?” Connor inquired.
           She snorted. “Stubborn and naughty.” Jethro gave a huff as if trying to defend himself. “Caught him more than once sneaking into a hen house to steal eggs.” She scratched at his ears again. “Wore his tail to a frazzle over it too.”
           Connor chuckled. “Did it work?”
           “No,” she deadpanned. “Damn dog went right back the day after.” Her hands stilled in his fur and she lamented, “I’d give anything to go back a few years.”
           (Y/N) sucked in a ragged breath. “I should’ve seen it coming.”
           He knew she was furious with herself. “Otsi’tsa—”
           “I should’ve known the wolf was coming.” Tears slipped down her cheeks and her fingers splayed across Jethro’s side. “It’s my fault he got all tore up,” she cried.
           Connor covered her hand with his. “He chose to protect you.” A choked sound came from her throat and she looked away. “He knew that putting himself between you and the wolf would do this, (Y/N). But he did anyway.”
           She turned and met his eyes, and though she couldn’t form the words, she mouthed, “Why?”
           He frowned and gazed at Jethro, who was resting, and remarked, “Because he loves you.”
           (Y/N) moaned lowly and rested her head down beside Jethro’s, staring up at the sky. She petted his side, whispering, “Oh, my boy.” The hound shifted, turning his head up slightly and she smiled. “Hey, boy.”
           One of his front paws lifted and she reached over, taking it in her hand. “Yeah buddy, I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
           “Look up there, buddy.” She pointed with her free hand, hoping he was looking with her. “The first star.” (Y/N) kissed his head. “Gotta make a winter wish with me, okay?” She shut her eyes and squeezed his paw.
           When she opened her eyes again, she glanced at him. “Get your wish in?” Jethro groaned and laid his head back onto the floor, causing her to laugh. “I bet you wished for a giant steak, huh?” His tail thumped once against the floor and she rested her head back against him. “Me too, buddy.”
           His eyes began to close, and she kissed his head. “You’re my best boy, you know that? The best one I’ve ever had.” She started to choke up. “I’ll stay,” she whispered. “I’ll stay with you until the end, Jethro. I won’t leave your side.”
           Connor watched her, silent tears falling down his cheeks at her anguish, and prayed that whatever wish she hoped for would come true in the end.
           He walked into the manor with a box in his arms, climbing the stairs to the second floor. “(Y/N)? Are you here?”
           “In your room,” she answered, and when he stepped inside, she looked up at him with a smile. “Hey you,” she greeted, nodding at the box. “What’s that?”
           Connor walked over to her and set it on the bed. “A present from a friend in New York.”
           “To you?” (Y/N) asked and he shook his head.
           “From me to you.”
           Before she could speak, something sounded from the box and she jerked back slightly, giving him a suspicious look.
           He smiled at her. “Open it.”
           (Y/N) let out a ‘pfft’ and grabbed the top of the box, pulling it off and setting it aside. Two little white paws and a tiny black nose appeared at the side and she brought a hand to her mouth, staring at Connor with tear-filled eyes.
           “I know it has only been a few weeks since he passed but—” he watched her pull the puppy out and cradle it to her chest, one hand thumbing over the puppy’s head.
           “I wanna punch you,” (Y/N) blubbered and he smiled at her.
           “I know,” Connor replied and reached over, wiping at the tears. Before tapping the foxhound’s nose. “She is not Jethro…but I do not think he will mind her filling in for him.” Her lips wobbled and she took a few deep breaths.
           After a moment, she asked, “Have…have you named her?”
           Connor shook his head. “I would give you that honor.”
           (Y/N) nodded and raised the puppy to look her in the eyes. “I’m gonna call you…Grace.”
           He smiled. “A fine name, Otsi’tsa.”
           The foxhound let out a small growl and she laughed. “I think she likes it.”
           Connor watched her coo at the puppy, laughing when it nibbled at her nose, and murmured, “I think she does.”
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thedudeffxiv · 4 years
Character Sheet - Amoureux Melomane
(Updated 8/26/2020 Fine tuned some things and updated with new information.)
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–––– The Basics ––––
NAME:  Amoureux Melomane AGE:  27 RACE: Elezen GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Hetero ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good MARITAL STATUS: Single (Never Married) SERVER: Mateus/Crystal Date Center
–––– Physical Appearance ––––
HAIR: Snow White/Dark Purple Highlights EYES: Crystal/Ice Blue HEIGHT: 6 fulms 7 ilms/200.66cm BUILD: Athletic, Lean
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DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Ice Blue Dragon Birthmark(Seems more like a tattoo. Art one day or another!)
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Smoke Pouch on a belt or in his vest/jacket pocket. (A mix of herbs Moko Grass and Fogweed. Equivalent to Marijuana. Rolling papers and a small pocket for the butts(roaches).)
A Firearm of some sort. A small pistol, a full size shotgun or maybe even a Gunblade. (This varies due to situations the Gunblade is typically when he is on a mission or hunting.)
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Those are about the only two things that he has on him consistently, seen or unseen. He does wear various jewelry. Rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc
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–––– Personal ––––
PROFESSION: Bounty/Treasure Hunter, Smuggler (GNB and MCH in game)
HOBBIES: Riding his motorcycle
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Working on his guns, cleaning, improving… Learning what he can on Magitek and Allag tech Sparring and underground fighting
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LANGUAGES: Common, Elezen RESIDENCE: Gridania (Stays at the inn for now.) BIRTHPLACE:  Unknown (Gridania?) PATRON: None IC currently. FEARS: Tight Spaces, Death (Even if he is uncertain he can die.), Giant Bees (Tarantula Hawks are crazy scary!)
–––– Relationships ––––
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: None CHILDREN: None PARENTS: Jyvareus Jaccobs (Adoptive Parent) Unknown (Birth Parents) OTHER RELATIVES: Unknown MENTOR/GUARDIAN: None PETS: He does not consider them pets but… River - Blue Chocobo Doggy - Husky Puppy (Wolf Pup in game)
 –––– Mentality ––––
Social Level: Mostly outgoing and usually having a good time or looking for one. Optimistic View(s): Things usually work out for the best. Pessimistic View(s): Does it really matter? One  Positive Personality Trait: Patience One Negative Personality Trait: Impulsive One Personality Warning:  He won't kill but don't push him to have to hurt someone. Random Quirk: Does not litter and will pick up trash or speak to someone if he sees it happening. Addictions: Smoking the herbs. (A Moko Grass and Fogweed blend.) Habits: Hard Candies, he always has a bag on him somewhere.
Traits Options: extroverted / introverted / in between disorganized / organised / in between close minded / open-minded / in between calm / anxious / in between disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless / in between patient / impatient / in between outspoken / reserved / in between leader / follower / in between empathetic / unempathetic / in between optimistic/ pessimistic / in between traditional / modern / in between hard-working / lazy / in between cultured / uncultured / in-between loyal / disloyal / in between faithful / unfaithful / in between
–––– Additional Information ––––
SMOKING HABIT: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess. DRUGS: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ALCOHOL: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
–––– Possible RP Hooks ––––
Smoking/Drinking Buddies - Friends to relax and party with are always welcome. Maybe you are a weed dealer, all the better! 
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Aether Sensitive - He is unaware of having a connection to aether. He knows there is something to him but it is unknown currently. It is also what causes his body temp to be high.
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Dances with Dragons - This one is a bit hard to explain but he is not a dragon. However, if someone may be a dragon or has a sense for them. They may find some familiarity with him.
Wandering - He can wander into about any situation and be fitting for him, this is always an easy way. About anything really works for him but some other stuff could be…
Tracking - He has great tracking skills which got him into the bounty and treasure hunting field.
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Smuggling - He does well with not getting caught transporting small amounts of goods or information
Gridania - He grew up there for the majority of his life and even served the Gods' Quiver for a few years before starting his current lifestyles.
–––– What I Am Looking For ––––
All kinds of roleplay. I am really wanting the long term action but am open to short term, one offs, introductions and crossing paths later. Whatever comes along.
RP Themes Of The Dude
I prefer to rp in game as I like to have the unknown and random happenings. I am open to tumblr and discord rp. Just discuss that with me first.
 For any romantic encounters it will be a slow burn for sure. I am not looking for random ERP but do not mind roleplaying sexual scenes or fading to black. I just want the physical interactions to be part of a story not the story.
–––– OOC Info ––––
Mun is well over 21+ and would prefer others to be over 21 but definitely need to be 18 to interact. All characters over 18 as well.
I play evenings into the later night EST so that works best for in game interactions.  I do not mind world hopping to anywhere on the Crystal Data Center, it does not have to take place on Mateus.
I am also down to just chat about the game, rp or whatever. Communication is needed on all levels. I am very open minded and do my best to not have any judgement on anyone. I can talk about anything. Just expect respect between each other.
–––– Contact Info ––––
Message me here or in game and just contact me  for my discord. Just don't want to get a bunch of random friend requests and not have an idea where they come from.
@mooglemeet @crystalxivrp @balmungrp @ffxiv-crystal-rp​
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almaasi · 5 years
3 million words fic rec (Destiel)
I’ve officially posted 3 million words on my AO3 account!!
Here’s all 115 of my Dean/Cas fics (as of December 30th 2019). They currently make up 85% of my total fics. I posted 42 fics this year, with a new Destiel fic once every 2 weeks on average, with 24 total.
(The rest, as of the last 6 months, are Crowley/Azriaphale (Good Omens) and Garak/Bashir (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine). There’s separate fic recs for those. And here’s one Cockles fic.)
Fics listed by year (newest first), then by word count (shortest first).
Just a Sniffle (2k / canon, Cas has a cold, Dean gives him a foot rub)
Hanukkahn't Resist You (2k, AU, teacher!Dean gives autistic Jewish teacher!Cas a Hanukkah greeting card containing a pickup line)
Brothers Don't Do That (3k / canon, Cas talks to Sam about how their feelings for Dean differ while ordering take-out)
Taste the Rainbow (In the Rain) (4k / AU, strangers sharing Skittles in the rain and kissing to help Dean quit smoking)
Hit Pause Kitty Claws (4k / AU, Team Free Will are cats belonging to Death!Billie, soft fluff and feline antics)
Weird But Confident (5k / canon, Cas finds Dean’s panties in his bag and thinks Dean slept with a woman)
Enemies Closer (5k / teachers AU, Dean keyed the wrong car, Cas runs AV club and Dean joins him so he has an alibi for his crime)
Snugglebird (5k / canon, Dean’s clothes are going missing, Cas is building a nest
Texted My Ex and Got You Instead (6k, AU, title explains it, fluff, asexual!Cas)
The Angel Cake Challenge (8k / canon crossover with Good Omens (book), Dean tells Crowley & Aziraphale they’re a cute couple and they encourage him to make a move on Cas)
Let's Play Doctors (8k / canon, smut, Dean asks Cas for medical roleplay and they use the machines to watch themselves have first-time sex)
Good For You (11k / canon, Dean teaches Cas to masturbate over the phone, then shows him properly in person)
BFBF (Best Friend's Boyfriend) (11k / AU, ft. Eileen - Cas has an absent bisexual boyfriend named Dean, Sam has an absent straight brother named Dean, oops they’re the same Dean)
Dean and Castiel's Lagoon of Love (12k, canon, Cas is cursed with tentacles and that’s Dean’s kink, they roleplay Dean’s favourite anime, smut and feelings)
Measure of Thigh Love (14k / canon, Dean is turned on by big muscles, Cas has some of those. smut, bottom!Cas)
Eleven Erogenous Zones of a Fallen Angel (15k / canon, Cas accidentally has physical wings and he hates them, Dean bathes and grooms Cas to soothe him, wing kink smut)
Two Heart Pose (17k / AU, overwhelmed papa!Dean, yoga instructor!Cas helps out with baby care)
Through the Lace (18k / office romance AU, desperation & pee kink smut, Dean in panties)
Sycamore Smile (18k / AU, professor!Cas, barista!Dean with a pet bunny, both are a hot mess, Dean helps Cas KonMari his life, ft. the purest fluff and sunshine)
Circuitry and Dust (23k / AU, demiromantic antique dealer!Cas, gaming lounge owner!Dean, Cas wrongly assumes his love is unrequited so helps set Dean up with an ex-girlfriend)
He's Kind of a Hairy Fairy (24k / AU, Team Free Will & co. running a summer camp, there’s only one bed in Dean & Cas’ cabin, Rowena curses Dean with fairy wings and he has to confess his feelings to get rid of them)
First and Only (35k / AU, Dean bets Sam he can have more sex in one year, Dean & Cas become fuck buddies, but Dean wants more so asks Charlie for help)
☆ Sleigh ☆ (46k / Christmas AU, makeup artist!Cas also works for Santa, Dean tags along delivering gifts on Christmas Eve, later a long distance relationship and eventual smut)
He's a (Zoo) Keeper (74k / AU, when zookeeper!Dean isn’t dating anyone, he and beekeeper!Cas have a BFF-roommates-with-benefits thing, but then Cas becomes a wedding planner and plans their fake wedding, drama with smut and feelings)
Gulls N’ Roses (2k / canon, Dean hands Cas a rose, Cas interprets it as romantic)
Lost Night (2k / canon, Dean has nightmares, Cas dreamwalks to help)
He Called Me Honey (3k / canon, breakfast fluff, Dean dreamed he kissed Cas, talks to Sam, Cas shows up)
Note to Self: Cas Loves You (3k / canon, very drunk!Dean, Cas confesses his love)
I’m Dreamin’ of a Grey Christmas (4k / canon, Team Free Will 2.0 snow fight, Cas has some new grey hair, Dean has hearteyes, season 14 divergent)
Dry in the Downpour (5k / Pixar-short-inspired AU, umbrella-sharing)
Prince of the Ether Realms (5k / canon - season 13, must get married for a spell, Sam officiates)
Never or Forever (5k, canon, family dinner, Jody POV)
Without Further Ado (5k, canon, Dean has a list of “reasons not to be with Cas" but they’re all irrelevant now)
Wee Little Love Child (10k / canon, de-aged!Sam thinks Dean and Cas are his parents, gets them together)
Room for Two (The Mattress AU) (14k / college roommates AU, autistic!Cas, fake relationship, ALL the bed-sharing tropes)
Paramour by Post (18k / historical-ish AU, mail delivered to the wrong address, love letters, agender!Cas, bisexual!Dean)
Barbershop Duet (22k / Christmas AU, smut, shaving kink, domesticity, family gatherings)
The House That Wanted to Be a Garden (32k / AU, famous musician!Dean, gardener!Cas, fairies, accidentally moving in)
Duck Duck Boots (92k / ex-daredevil kindergarten teacher!Dean, agoraphobic Cas, small town magic realism & fate AU, looking after ducklings together)
Unconditional (2k / canon - season 13, Dean explains why he loves Cas)
Mostly in Silence (4k / canon, Cas is depressed, Dean helps with self-care)
Restaurant Revelations (4k / canon, Dean and Cas tell Sam they’re engaged)
Whoa There Cowboy (5k / canon, cowboy-kink smut, porn-watching, magic fingers bed)
Pretty Panties and the Pool Shark (6k / kid!fic AU, autistic!Cas is scared of an imaginary shark in the school pool)
Purple Horse in a Coffee Shop (8k / ultimate office romance, pride parade, coffee shop AU)
Lucid Nightmare (10k / siren!Cas AU, dreamwalk-or-die, spooky fluff)
Stumble and Fall (20k / Team Free Will as dogs AU, search-and-rescue adventure, fluff & pining)
A Place and A Feeling (24k / AU, real estate agent!Cas, Dean looking for a house)
Night Exhibition (26k / AU, security guard!Cas at museum at night, friends to lovers, sex everywhere)
The Emporium of Christmas Enchantments (28k / Christmas, magic toyshop AU, kind of like a Disney movie)
Marshmalloween (33k / Halloween AU, Dean takes Sam’s teen friends to a haunted swamp, meet old bestie Cas, ghost adventures)
Our Garden Home (36k / everyone is a garden fairy, AU disabled autistic!Cas, found families)
The Wireless (58k / solarpunk carnival adventure AU, famous hunter!Dean, famous radio presenter angel!Cas, tent sex)
What We Ache For (93k / sex worker!Cas AU, Dean wants to make love, trauma recovery, Team Free Will & found families, a dog)
Fight and Fool Around (5k / AU, bartender!Cas, Dean realises he’s bisexual, alleyway smut)
Tickle Fight Wasteland (5k / AU, fluff in a post-apocalyptic world, everyone is alive, tickle fight & cuddling)
Raising Hell in a Hotel (29k / kid!fic, living in a hotel AU, friendship, pining)
Welcome All Winchesters (60k / AU, snowy Christmas cabin, fake relationship, friends to lovers)
The Moonlighter and the Magician (67k / 1920s historical AU, asexual jewel thief!Cas, bisexual!Dean, running away together)
What’s a Hickey? (1k / canon, Cas has a hickey, talks to Sam about it)
A Postcard for Castiel (4k / AU, kid!fic, autistic!Cas exchanges compliments with Dean, teacher!Charlie)
Symbols of Affection (4k / canon, Dean accidentally texts Cas a kissy-face emoji)
In Which Dean Frogs Up (6k / canon, Dean’s turned into frog in Moondoor, needs true love’s kiss to fix)
The One Where You Are A Guinea Pig (8k / canon, title says it all, Cas takes you to the bunker, Team Free Will interact)
We’re the New Romantics (8k / gifted & talented high school camp AU, aromantic!Cas, pop culture geek!Dean)
Waiting For That Final Moment (8k / AU, Cas interrupts Dean & Lisa’s wedding at a roller rink to declare his love, polyamory)
Delirium and Doctor Sexy (9k / canon, bisexual!Dean high on magical gas, thinks Cas is Dr. Sexy)
#ThankYouSammy (9k / canon, Sam prepares a Valentine’s Day dinner-date for Dean & Cas)
Dean Winchester the Puppydog (10k / canon, puppy play, submissive!Dean, hurt/comfort, non-sexual)
Father Material (12k / AU, asexual uncle!Cas, babysitter!Dean, kid!Claire, romantic attraction)
The Tailor of Fairy Ridge (17k / fairytale AU, tailor!Cas, fairy!Dean helps with clothing designs, good witch!Charlie, evil witch!Rowena)
Take You To The Country (18k / 1920s historical AU, pining, Dean reads an elopement proposal in the newspaper and realises it’s for him, running away together)
Sharing the Rain Dog (19k / AU, musician!Dean, FBI agent!Cas, sharing custody of a dog, have to move in to look after her)
Drop Anchor (42k / pirate!Cas, sailor!Dean, trapped on a deserted island and accidentally achieve domestic bliss AU)
Snow Place Like Home (But My Home Is With You) (47k / canon, Team Free Will in a B&B over Christmas, softness, smut & domesticity)
Held in Your Tender Hands (59k / AU, agender tattooed masseur!Cas, customer!Dean, workplace sex, paintball, found families, somnophilia)
Cheek on Your Shoulder (1k / canon, Dean misses Cas, hugs him and can’t let go)
The Literal Bear Hug (1k / canon, Cas is accidentally a bear, cuddling)
If I Fall For You (2k / canon, Hannah likes Cas but Cas loves Dean)
If You Could Go Anywhere (3k / canon, Team Free Will ponder: all the drama is over, so what now?)
Cherry Pink Wedding (4k / AU, Dean & Cas both cry at Sam’s wedding)
Lettuce Share This Moment (4k / canon, Dean secretly likes salad… and Cas)
The Joke Is on You (And So Is Castiel) (4k / canon, April Fool’s Day, Cas pranks Dean & Sam when they pray for him)
Some People Would Call This Romantic (5k / canon, Dean and Cas take a long walk on the beach)
Panic Kiss (5k / AU, Dean has a panic attack, Cas calms him down, accidental kissing)
Boutique du Ballet (6k / canon, Dean loves ballet and wants to try the outfits - either crossdressing or trans-curious!Dean)
Minty Fresh Kisses (7k / canon, Dean teaches Cas to brush his teeth)
Sexier Than Doctor Sexy (8k / AU, doctor!Cas, Dean gets a prostate exam and enjoys it more than he should)
Sam Accidentally Sees the Whole Picture (10k / canon, smut, Sam is in the room while Dean & Cas do it for the first time, Sam POV)
Understanding Your Body in Ten Easy Steps (12k / canon, smut, Dean teaches Cas how to masturbate)
Roost (12k / AU, Dean and Cas are rescued fighting roosters, for some reason not that interested in girl chickens)
Dead Body Disposal 101 (14k / canon, angel!Cas wants to be a hunter so Dean & Sam show him how, Dean & Cas are bad at expressing feelings)
Of Shampoo and Fruit Flies (17k / roommate AU, autistic!Cas, confessing feelings surrounded by supportive friends)
Love Him in His Sleep (Love Him Always) (32k / canon, Dean has wet dreams about being cuddled, Cas is into somophilia and dreamwalks to gain consent)
Preacher Comfort (42k / AU, hurt/comfort, asexual preacher!Cas, nurse!Dean, hugs & cuddling, Halloween)
Nine Times We Met (And One Christmas We Parted) (58k / queer historical romantic angst AU, teacher!Cas, firefighter!Dean, meeting over the years & falling in love)
Hart of the Storm (119k / historical AU, hunter!Dean turned into a deer by shapeshifting god!Cas, magic forest)
For a Scarf in October (1k / canon, Halloween, Dean wants to buy a ~women’s~ scarf, Sam tells him it’s okay)
Of All the Bars in the World (There Are None Between Us) (2k / prison AU, Dean and Cas are cellmates, discuss past and future intimacy)
Dean’s List (3k / canon, Dean writes a list of men he’d ~go gay~ for, Sam has a suggestion to make, bisexual!Dean)
Nobody’s Daddy (3k / canon, accidental baby acquisition, Dean breastfeeds, then Cas arrives with actual milk)
Foal Delivery Service (4k / AU fusion with ‘My Little Pony’ - kid pony!Dean finds out how heteronormative the world is, then meets agender pony!Cas, later have baby ponies together)
Winchester’s Rouge (6k / canon, angst, Dean tries on makeup and remembers his mother)
Manscaping (6k / canon, Cas cuts himself shaving his junk, Dean does first aid, boners)
Sharing Hands (6k / canon - season 8, smut, Cas is possessing Dean, masturbate together)
Play Nice, Kids (10k / AU or alternate canon, reverse-verse, angel winged!Dean, wing kink masturbation, sex toys)
Hello Night (11k / historical AU, demon possessing Dean, priest!Cas, crossroads sex to save Dean, Cas/demon & Cas/Dean)
Shadows Across the Camera Lens (13k / AU, smut, dominant bottom photographer!Cas, submissive top crossdressing underwear model!Dean)
Faerie Strange Circumstances (30k / AU hunters, fairy!Cas, fairy realm adventures, Bobby’s house, Charlie, Jody)
Bad Things With You (31k / AU or alternate canon, smut, catboy!Dean, catboy!Cas, mating urges, biting, licking, fake relationship is actually real)
Cowboys and Real Estate Angels (36k / AU, bisexual retired musician cowboy!Dean, old fan!Cas, lovemaking, falling in love in one night)
Try-Something Tuesday (48k / my most popular fic of all time, teacher!Dean, librarian teacher!Cas, smut in strange places, school trips, moving in together AU)
The Feline Perspective of a Guilty Conscience (51k / canon divergent - season 9, hurt/comfort, Dean transformed into a cat, sad angel!Cas, Team Free Will, forgiveness)
Foxfire Blossom (283k / AU, florist!Dean, rich!Cas, affairs, soap opera-level drama, sex, highly problematic lies, and cheating, ALL the characters)
Angelhawke (407k / epic medieval fantasy AU, Dean and Cas are cursed to be animals in the day/night, travel with Sam and Bobby as they tell their story in flashbacks, quest to be together, based on ‘Ladyhawke’ but ~70% original story)
New fics are on their way in 2020! 
☆ Subscribe on this page if you want new fics in your inbox!!
☆ And you can support my writing, art, and other creative projects here~
Thank you all so much for supporting me all these years. I’m so excited to see what I end up writing next~!! ♥
Elmie x
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lockdownfest · 4 years
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Lock Down Fest Masterpost PART I (20-30 March)
feed me just enough that i’ll never need a cage by Cunninglinguist. (E) 7.4k,  Tom Blake/William Schofield. “Come on.” Sco stops walking, runs a hand over the faintest marking on a tree trunk. “It’s just a little farther now.” “I’m coming.” Tom huffs a sigh, yanking his shotgun strap over his shoulder so the barrel lands in his hands. They’ve been on the road for nearly a week now, an unfortunate consequence of their last shelter getting swarmed by an army of dead ones. Though skinning rabbits to eat over hastily made fires and taking turns sleeping against trees, spending the days and nights consumed with fear, and jumping each time a stick cracked were hardly desirable circumstances, it certainly wasn’t their longest or harshest stint on the run. They had endured worse, by far, and Tom had no doubt that this particular stretch of time would come to an end when Sco said it would. He knows the way, he always knows the way. Plus, Tom wouldn’t want to spend this time with anyone else in the entire world.
If The World Was Ending by RisingShadows. (not rated) 3.7k, Tom Blake/William Schofield.  When a dangerous virus begins spreading across the country William Schofield and Tom Blake quickly find themselves the last two standing of the team working in their lab.
#unmeida by summoninglupine. (G), 788 words. Sashihara Rino/Watanabe Mayu, Kashiwagi Yuki/Watanabe Mayu.  Ready for an all-girl vacation in Okinawa, Watanabe Mayu doesn't see why she has to be the one to nursemaid their sick tour guide. Things would be different, she is sure, if Yuki was there!
I see truth somewhere in your eyes by DeyaAmaya. (M) 2.8k, Kevin Day/Thea Muldani, Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, other background relationships. In a moment of insanity, Kevin decides to check Instagram. In the multitude of inane celebrity posts telling the mass people to stay home, he finds a lovely, recent photography of Thea. Someone from their College took it. The lighting perfectly captured the dried tear tracks down her unmoving face. Kevin disregards the emotional caption and instead checks the date. 18 March, the night he-  (The night he thought he had a hallucination.)
Quarantine and exy by Fornavn.  FANART. (G) 116 words, Andrew/Neil.  The monsters is stuck at home while coved-19 is terrorizing the world. They are bored.
Alone and in a Circumstance by middlemarch. (T) 700 words, Gilbert Blythe/Anne Shirley, Marilla Cuthbert & Anne Shirley, Diana Barry & Anne Shirley. Anne had a key, so she let herself in, quiet as a mouse, arms laden with bags from the market. Her sophomore class's papers on A Tale of Two Cities were poking out almost jauntily from the quilted bag Diana got her for her birthday.
Worry by Neverever. (T) 2.4k, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark.  During the pandemic, Steve wants help the best he can but immuno-compromised Tony worries about his company and his health.
Poetry and Plants by the_many_splendored. (T) 1.9k, Adam/Belle. It's amazing how much you can open up to a person when you're locked in a bookstore reading together.
Knives and Lighters by goreds. (M) 2.1k, Annie Ryder/Peter Welland.  Annie Ryder finds herself in Bellevue's psychiatric hospital. She pretends to tolerate the whole experience, even if she really hates it. When a new, quiet guy comes to the ward, though, she finds herself intrigued.
If this is Our Last Night by remuirius. (E) 2.3k, Captain Flint/John Silver. Silver and Flint are locked up together on the Walrus. Certain of their looming death at an enraged crew’s hands, Silver finds the courage to do things he’d only dreamed of until now.
Someone Like Him by cowboykylux. (M) 2.2k, Flip Zimmerman/Reader. 'If there was one thing true more than anything else about all the reasons you loved him, it was that once your husband had his heart set on something, he was going to accomplish it.' Or, a sudden snow-storm cancels your plans for a date, and Flip Zimmerman decides that nothing, not even snow, will get in the way of treating you to something special.
Tell me it won’t always be this hard by Graendal. (T) 4.3k, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto. He’d met Midoriya a few months ago during a field trip to the library. The kids had adored him, of course, even the ones who were usually shy about participating in new activities. Midoriya had a way of projecting a sense of all-encompassing safety and comfort with just his smile.Shouto had adored him too, maybe, even back then. A silly crush that had only grown during every subsequent field trip — which is truly absurd, considering the vast majority of their interactions at the time consisted of occasional eye contact while singing children’s songs.But now that they’ve spent hours talking almost every day for the past few weeks… calling it a silly crush might be an understatement. The idea that he’s actually been able to help Midoriya through this is inordinately pleasing.If there’s a silver lining to this at all — for him personally, at least — it’s that he’d seen Midoriya’s post requesting a virtual board game buddy. And that Midoriya is a patient enough person to teach Shouto how to play everything from scratch. He’d actually seemed excited at the opportunity.Maybe the opportunity for any sort of ongoing social interaction is worthy of excitement. These are strange times.
Sanctuary (In Each Other) by WednesdayGilfillian. (T) 2.6k, Bernadette-Shelagh Turner/Patrick Turner. Set during the Christmas Special in S2. Specifically, during the unsettled night that Shelagh turned up on Patrick's doorstep.
When We Went from Strangers to This by Aerica_Menai. (T) 3.5k, Damen/Laurent. Laurent is really sick, and decides to shut himself in his apartment and deal with it alone. His downstairs neighbor, Damen, gets worried enough to check on him, which went just fine - and then Damen got himself locked in. Featuring Star Trek TOS, coming outs both accidental and intentional, and Damen being his usual sunshine puppy self.
would you lie with me by Glove23. (G) 660 words, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne. Bruce catches a virus, and Diana and Clark come to help him.
Avengers Monopoly by MsCaptainWinchester. (E) 1.4k, PeterParker/Wade Wilson, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers. The Avengers are quarantined in Avengers Tower, and Peter and Wade see this as the perfect opportunity to try the new Avengers Monopoly set. They have their own house rules for property negotiation. No one told Tony. Oops?
omg they were quarantined by Jdragon122, LunaStories. (M) 2.6k, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson. Spidey has a cold and Deadpool, being the sexy boyfriend he is, goes to take care of his baby boy. But they're under quarantine and oh no, there's no more lube? What should they do?
Superheroes Don’t Get Scared by DefendersofMCUniverse. (T) 3.6k,  Peter Parker/Wade Wilson. Peter, fresh out of college, gets invited to the tower to stay in one of the guest floors that has been left unoccupied for some time since the previous tenant ‘hero’ decided to leave for unknown reasons. Of course, a few weeks into living there and getting into a routine, the last hero pops onto his balcony. Peter offers for him to stay on his old floor because the dude looks like he could use a familiar place, and also dude is kinda terrifying, and like hell he is gonna admit that to the other heroes in the tower.
Games. Family. Love. by heizl, NickEllis1314. (G) 1.8k, Carl Manfred & Markus. Because of some rebellious protesters, Androids, and owners of said Androids, were ordered to stay inside. It'd been a long day of restlessness, and boredom, and Markus was almost genuinely excited to get Carl to bed so it could all finally be over. Carl wasn't exactly tired yet though, so they reminiscence for awhile.
What We Did During Our Quarantine by badxwolfxrising. (M) 4.6k WIP, Metacrisis Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler. Rose and the Metacrisis Doctor return to Torchwood from Bad Wolf Bay and are placed in a mandatory 72 hour quarantine. However will they pass the time? }:-)
shaking fingers, open palms by asexualf. (T) 2.4k, Fenris/Merrill. Kirkwall has issued her people remain in their homes until the sickness overtaking the city is gone. As always, the Alienage suffers the most under this new rule - and those who enforce it.
Three in a room by Tagus Knoll. (T, Underage) 4.6k, Kazuto/Darius Maynor/Chester Hayes. When Kazuto finds out they all have to be in the same room, he didn't expect that Chester, Darius and him end up dating.
‘Cause Everything Else is a Substitute for your Love by PadawanRyan. (G) 1.9k, Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz.  Patrick and Pete are each self-isolating with their kids during the coronavirus pandemic but well, Patrick’s in Chicago and Pete’s in LA.
quarantine, or: how to land a boyfriend in 14 days by TooRational. (T) 6k, Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz.  Patrick turns his head in Pete's direction and sees him, Patrick sees him, and his frown goes up a notch, and a fisted hand settles on one hip in that typical Patrick-is-a-grandma-pose, and Pete grins and runs full-tilt into Patrick's arms, disbalancing them both until they slam into the side of the house, tangled and half-frozen and definitely soon-to-be-bruised. He interrupts whatever rant Patrick had prepared that starts with 'you idiot' by tucking his frozen nose into Patrick's neck and sucking the warm air coming from Patrick's skin into greedy lungs, and grins even wider when Patrick yelps, offended as he always is by a breach of his personal space.
Shelter from the Storm by Dameceles. (T) 4k, Elincia Ridell Crimea/Tibarn.  It's a dark and stormy night when Elincia lends aid to Tibarn. He wants to return the favor, but she doesn’t have wings.
Fever 1793 by goreds. (M, MCD) 2k, Samuel Grant, Cobb Ponds. Cobbs Pond and Samuel Grant experience the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia, 1793. One of them gets better.
It all comes out in the wash by middlemarch. (G) 1.1k, Anna/Kristoff.  She'd knocked. Really, she had. It was their en suite bathroom, the room he said was over-the-top and extravagant and aggressively tiled, so it wasn't exactly her fault that she'd effectively barged in on him.
The Luckiest Man in the Whole F***ing World by OrangeTabby. (M) 7.2k, Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark. Sandor Clegane is in isolation at home after picking up the virus in the line of duty. Luckily, he’s got his cat for company and plenty of rubbish TV to stream. Then Stranger decided to go next door for a visit…. A story about friendship, food, romance and dubious television. And a pandemic.
Cabin Holiday by Isimile. (M) 1.2k, David Xanatos/Janine “Fox” Xanatos, Owen Burnett/ David Xanatos/Janine “Fox” Xanatos.  After everything that happened, they decide to spend a week away in a cabin, to relax and to perhaps talk about their relationship. They're unexpectedly snowed in, which triggers memories of the Unseelie War.
How dare the robins sing by middlemarch. (T) 900 words, Rory Gilmore/Jess Mariano, Dean Forester/Rory Gilmore, Dean Forester & Jess Mariano, Luke Danes & Jess Mariano. The two of them, the diner, for how long? At least the coffee shipment had made it in time. What he wouldn't have given for a fifth of Jack-- or anyone else. Literally, anyone.
Anchor by farfetched. (G) 5.3k, Semi Eita/Tendou Satori. Spreading their arms out either side of them, they stare at the ceiling. This is pulling on them in so many ways they didn't expect; laying here, on Tendou's floor, in Tendou's clothes, right down to their underwear because who expects a lockdown to get enforced overnight? They didn't bring anything much. They should have. They ought to chance going home. But they can't, so they don't. Home is an empty place right now anyway, and here there is food and laughter and music and in between all that is their realisation that they're not so over this Tendou thing after all.
Lockdown by needles. (T) 1.5k, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru.  You never know what will escape from a box when you open it, just ask Pandora. For some it may be a disaster, for Iwaizumi could it be a golden opportunity?
Lockdown With A Fox by runningfromrealitytoanime. (T) 4.1k, Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi.  Sakusa Kiyomi was a very careful person when it came to cleanliness so what happens if a certain setter with no sense of hygiene crashes at his place when Japan goes under a 2 week lockdown period?
Crumbles of unfulfilled expectations by Cinnamaldeide. (M) 11.9k, Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter and other multi. Collection of ficlets of the length of a tweet or two ❀
Professor Graham’s Cheekbones Hotty & Extraordinary Foodie Husband by TheSilverQueen. (T) 3.3k,  Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter. Online classes due to the quarantine are Professor Graham's students learn that: 1) Professor Graham has a cute dog; 2) Professor Graham is married; and 3) Professor Graham's husband is smoking hot.
A Long Night on The Bus by CuriousEmWanders. (E) 3.5k, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter. In which Draco & Harry are Auror partners stuck on a bus overnight. Draco has some memories that cause him to make some choices. Smut ensues, obviously.
A Pandemic by Theodore_Writes. (T) 611 words WIP, Luna Lovegood & Weasley Family. A new strain of Dragon Pox breaks out becoming a global pandemic. Many were unaware due to Fudge covering it up in an attempt to look better as a minister but when Xenophilius Malfoy/Lovegood reveals to his long time friend Arthur Weasley about what is happening around the world the entire Weasley family is horrified and takes immediate action. This is the story of what happens when a pandemic hits the Magical and Muggle world's.
A Welcome Distraction by MaesterChill. (E) 2.9k, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter.  Draco and Harry get trapped in a Ministry lift. Whatever shall they do to distract themselves?
An Intangible Embrace by Drarrelie. (G) 365 words, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter.  Harry is bored. Thank Merlin his husband had finally agreed to start using Muggle mobiles after Score was born, or he would've surely gone mad now.
And on the Seventh Day... by slytherco. FANART. (T) 0 words,  During an Auror raid, Harry and Draco are separated from their partners and end up being hunted by the wrong people. Desperate times require desperate measures, so both men are sent to an unmarked location where a temporary safe house was set up for them. Stuck for Merlin knows how long, they have plenty of time to examine their turbulent relationship.
“Are you sure you know how to play that?” by julchen_in_red. FANART. (G) 0 words, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter. Harry and Draco offer comfort and entertainment to their neighborhood under lockdown by performing a traditional wizards' evening ballad on their balcony.
Better Side of the Bed by gnarf. (T) 2k, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter.  It was all Malfoy's fault. Harry could be at the Burrow right now, but instead he was trapped in Malfoy's tiny flat. All because that dick couldn't stop bothering him about a stupid life debt he didn't even care about.
Breaking Point by Drarrelie. (T) 365 words, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter.  After almost two years as Auror partners, they've learned to function quite well together most of the time. Right now, though, Malfoy seems to be more on edge than ever.
Civil Hands (Unclean) by p1013. (E) 8.5k, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter. While he and Malfoy reached something like a truce in the years between the end of the War and now, their Quidditch rivalry has only grown. And with it, a simmering tension that is absolutely not sexual, no matter how many times Hermione raises her eyebrow when Harry's drinking at her and Ron's house. Not even when his head is resting on the kitchen table next to his empty glass, and he's moaning about Draco bloody Malfoy, and his bloody perfect seat on a broom, and his bloody perfect technique.But as Harry stares over his teammates heads towards the Puddlemere United bench, he catches a flash of wet white-blond hair and flashing grey eyes, and he thinks that Hermione's eyebrow might have a point.
Conservation for Beginners by Aneiria. (E) 4.6k, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy. Hermione Granger didn't think twice about taking guardianship of Hoddholm Island for the summer. A deserted, peaceful island among the endangered Golden Snidgets is just what she needs to escape the anxieties that the end of the war brought with it. When Draco Malfoy arrives as the other guardian and they are left to themselves for a month, they both seem to be struggling in their own ways. Can they be there for each other when they most need it?
Exposure by Bridgette_Hayden. (M) 2.6k, Harry Potter/Severus Snape.  Snape and Harry volunteer to quarantine themselves for charity, and to comfort the world. Isolation leaves them feeling exposed. 
Flames by Aneiria. (E) 3.9k, Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott.  The whole of the Ministry of Magic and its workers are forced into an in-place lockdown quarantine following a magical accident at the DMLE. When Hermione Granger and Theo Nott are put into isolation away from their boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, how will the triad cope?
G Guess I'm Stuck With You by LittleSixx. (T) 4k, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy.  Draco and Hermione are stuck in a Ministry lift on New Year's Eve.
In a Week by Suchsmallhands. (M, MCD) 12.4k, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin.  Sirius goes under quarantine in his flat, but fortunately he was able to get some reading material and a friend to keep him occupied during isolation.
Into the Wine Cellar by vivi1138. (E) 2.5k, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter.  Harry should know better than to touch random objects that do not belong to him. Getting stuck in a cellar with Malfoy, of all people, leads to an interesting development.
Lockdown with the Malfoys by a_reader_and_writer. (G) 1.2k, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy. Dracos's parents are just visiting Harry and Draco for their weekly dinner when the Ministry of Magic announces a total lockdown. Awkward situations happen.
Lockdown Husband by Houseofmalfoy. (T) 4.7k,  Rodolphus Lestrange/Augustus Rookwood. "Got ready to leave after a hook-up for the guy to break the news that we’re on lockdown. We’re stuck together. this is the start of my bad rom-com."
Risk and Reward by nagemeikenu. (G) 2.6k, Rodolphus Lestrange/Augustus Rookwood. Augustus (Gus) Rookwood manages to survive completely alone in a burned down cabin for nearly three weeks. He's rescued by a gorgeous state trooper. Fluff ensues.
She’s A Rainbow by Ladderofyears. (M) 4.8k, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter.  Draco never dreamt that he'd have to give birth without Harry, but when his beloved husband is put under MACUSA quarantine, he finds that he doesn't have a choice. With all the bravery he can muster, the best friend in the whole world and a pilfered magic mirror, Draco discovers that hope can be found even when you least expect it.
Stay with me through the storm by Pinkelephant42. FANART. (NR) 23 words, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter.  Dragon Keeper Draco finds ways to keep his boyfriend Harry on the dragon retreat longer. Harry probably doesn’t mind.
Ten below and falling by agentmoppet. (E) 8.6k, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter.  In which a pandemic results in Harry being locked in the Astronomy tower with Malfoy while they struggle to find the cure.
The Question of When by Misdemeanor1331. (G) 5.3k, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy.  When a global pandemic emerges, Draco and Hermione are once again called upon to discover a vaccine.
Unlikely Quarantine fellows by Isimile. (T) 861 words, Neville Longbottom & Blaise Zabini.  Neville and Blaise are quarantined together following an accident in their potions class and they get talking.
Spring Break by stephmex. (T) 3.5k, Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams.  Danny had been looking forward to this trip for weeks, ever since the Christmas holidays when he had planned the Spring Break vacation together with Grace. But as much as he’d been looking forward to it, boarding the plane with Charlie's small hand grasped tightly in his own feels slightly off. One thing feeling off is this stupid new virus that you just can’t ignore because the news coverage is all over the place. The other thing feeling off goes by the name of Steve—and Danny is leaving him behind with insomnia and a concussion and the sure knowledge that there is something that Steve is not telling him.
Skilled Hands and Talented Tongues by goreds. (M) 1.2k, Remy Danton/Jackie Sharp/Alan Cooke. Frank Underwood's made enemies, so it's no surprise that Jackie Sharp and Remy Danton get locked down due to a threat during one of their meetings at the White House. But Alan Cooke's there too, which just creates a brand new dynamic.
Isolated by Slashaddict96. (T) 1.3k, Connor Bowers/Richie Tozier.  Richie and his parents get stuck isolated at the hospital when a dangerous outbreak occurs. What's worse it's with his least favorite person
Free from the Maze by runningfromrealitytoanime. (Graphic Depictions of Violence, MCD). 33k, WIP, Gen.  Haru finds himself without his memories except for his name before he was chucked into the Glade populated entirely by boys. As he tries to make sense of his new life amongst the Gladers, Haru realizes there is only one goal in mind: to run and escape the Maze.
Rarely Pure and Never Simple by andthenshesaid-write. (T) 2.3k, Harry Hart/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin.  Eggsy and Harry get stuck in a train. Some important things need to be said.
a party hardly ever goes the way it is planned by middlemarch. (G) 900 words, Theodore Laurence/Amy March, Friedrich Bhaer/Josephine March.  Teddy had written she must come. He had run out of arguments.
Distances by MercuryGray. (G) 1.5k WIP, John Brooke/Margaret March.  A Modern March AU - In the midst of global pandemic, the March and Brooke families are trying hold it together.
Bracing by babywarg. (G) 2.5k, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange. In which Tony Stark makes a few declarations in response to a disease outbreak, and brooks no dissent.
Must Love Dogs (Right Here at the End of the Line) by bookjunkiecat. (G) 2.3k, Bucky & PTSD, Bucky & Pal (dog), Bucky & Steve.  During the virus pandemic, an already fragile Bucky has to venture out to pick up more of his very necessary meds. Returning home, he has a panic attack and retreats into an alley. While there he rescues a dog...or rather, the dog rescues him. Once he calms down, Bucky calls a veternarian's office, and reaches a warm, calm man named Steve.
Take Two by heyjupiter. (T) 14.1k, Bruce Banner/Tony Stark. When Tony Stark is injured in Afghanistan, he wakes up in captivity to find that a mysterious American doctor has plugged his heart into a car battery and saved his life. Tony is determined to repay the favor; when he escapes from the Ten Rings, he's taking Bruce Banner with him.
I took my Power in my hand by middlemarch. (G) 1.9k, Jedediah Foster/Mary Phinney.  It wouldn't do to consider just what it was that had spilled. It was war, it was a kitchen with a corrupt steward, it was a rapidly warming April in Virginia and the man she wasn't supposed to have any finer feelings for was looking at her quizzically.
Merlin Versus Quarantine by coconutknightshade. (T) 1.3k WIP, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Leon/Morgana. Merlin isn't quite 50 Shades of Done with Quarantine, but he and Arthur do have dry-erase "Day's Since Last Meltdown" boards mounted in the kitchen.
The Night Is So Long When Everything’s Wrong by Hum My Name. (G) 4.2k, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon. One month after banishing Merlin, Arthur's given a message in the form of a dirty red neckerchief. His ex-manservant's been captured and the captors want the king to pay the ransom.Going after Merlin is the easy part. Spending a long night in a small cell with no one but Merlin with him is a bit more difficult.
Love Bug by onetruthree. (T) 3.3k, Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng.  Marinette feels the safest with her friends by her side. But when the dead come back to life, that safety is tested.
Quiet by BookGirlFan. (G) 669 words, Chat Noir & Ladybug. Ladybug and Chat Noir sit on a rooftop in an empty Paris.
Murder Scarecrow and His Pissed-Off Handler by goreds. (M) 1.7k, Gabriel Taylor/Doug Marsh. Gabriel screwed up a fairly simple mission, and now he and Doug are trapped in a tiny safe house somewhere in Eastern Europe. Sort-of romance ensues.
I Go Where You Go by CocoaBop. (T) 5k, Dong Si Cheng/Lee Taeyong. Taeyong thought he was prepared for another global pandemic. But this pandemic was different. In just a few weeks of isolation, Sicheng went from the shy, awkward roommate Taeyong rarely saw to his only anchor to the outside world.
Every Princess Needs a Castle by ShadowHaloedAngel. (T) 1.3k, Lou Miller/Debbie Ocean. Being stuck inside is sending Debbie a little bit crazy, even though she knows it's for a good reason. Fortunately she has Lou and a foster dog to help keep her sane.
Your Princess Is In Another Castle by ShadowHaloedAngel. (T) 3.3k, Nine Ball/Tammy. Nine Ball decides if she's going to be locked down, she'd rather it was with Tammy and her kids.
and the sun will shine by leighbot. (G) 5.1k, Zayn Malik/Harry Styles. They're practicing self-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Two little boys shouldn't be too hard to entertain, right?
Basic Sickness by CamGray. (M), 1.3k, Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell. Chloe snaps the mask over her face and replies, “I was always smart, you just weren’t paying attention.  Vet school didn’t hurt either.  Now come on.  I’m going to rest, why don’t you go get some work done.  You can’t nanny me all day.  You’ve got more important things to do.” Beca shakes her head.  “What could be more important than this?”  She says, stressing each syllable.
Dry Spell by aliciameade. (E) 2.7k, Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell. Tumblr prompt: Just imagine Beca and Chloe casually watching a porno together and when I say “casually” I mean “getting horny and ending up doing it right there.”
High-Speed Connection by aliciameade. (E) 4.1k, Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell, Chloe Beale/Aubrey Posen, Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell/Aubrey Posen. So Beca is a bit of an exhibitionist. So what? What could possibly happen when she decides to play with Chloe while she Skypes with Aubrey?Sin. Sin is what happens.
Ready Or Not by aliciameade. (E) 4.6k, Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell. In a time of social-distancing, Beca and Chloe finally find a way to pass the time.
She’s Such a Bad Girl by CamGray. (E) 711 words, Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell. “Chloe!” Chloe pauses her singing to call back to Beca. “Yes, love of my life?” Beca rounds the corner. “You’ve sung ‘Work From Home’ every day for the past 128 days. You know I love your singing voice, but can you please, for the love of the Carona gods, do something else.” Chloe pouts. “Well what should I do?”“I don’t know. I’m about to clean the house.” Chloe flips her hair flirtatiously and rests her arms loosely on Beca’s shoulders before saying, “You do too much. You’re not Superman you know.”
Watch Our Bodies Intertwine by tmylm. (E) 7.2k,  Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell.  Beca and Chloe are quarantined (yes, another "and they were quarantined!" fic) in Beca's Los Angeles home. Beca has managed to push away the feelings she harbored for Chloe back in college—they're adults now, she can behave herself. Or so she thinks.
you are my favorite thing by iPhone. (M) 3.2k. Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell.  Beca and Chloe find themselves alone in their apartment after the instruction comes to self-isolate. Set pre-PP3. Just pretend PP3 doesn’t exist.
Tenderness is not like money by middlemarch. (T) 599 words, Demelza Carne/Ross Poldark, Demelza Carne & Dwight Enys.  What was the real crime?
Stay Right Where You Are by Stormtrooperinclogs. (T) 2k, John Deacon/Brian May, Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor.  Brian and John are under government-mandated quarantine because of the virus. What are they gonna do???
bend the rules by perfect-porcelain. (E) 6.8k,  Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor.  Alex is stuck inside with his roommate Liam and Liam's boyfriend Spencer and he thinks he's going to go insane but when his neighbor in the alleyway across from his window moves in he supposes that the quarantine won't be so bad after all.
Just Checking In by JessJesstheBest. (G) 1k, Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor.  In an au where COVID-19 happens to Henry and Alex, they try and stay connected through self-isolation.
Malec Malaise by Fluxx. (G) 2.9k, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood.  Magnus has a cold! In the absence of his magic, it seems he managed to catch some common Mundane bug. Well, that should be fine. Nothing a little rest and tea can't take care of... right?
Going Viral by trillian_jdc. (G) 1.1k WIP, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade.  Mycroft Holmes has been exposed to the coronavirus and prepares to self-quarantine, which he's very used to. His isolation is accidentally interrupted by Greg Lestrade, who winds up sheltering in place with him.
Thank You John by AnAnYaH. (G), 352 words, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson.  Quarantine day fic.
Remote Communities by aurorlaura. (T) 3.4k, Duncan Hunter/Jimmy Perez.  Jimmy Perez, Duncan Hunter and their daughter Cassie experience the Covid-19 lockdown in Shetland.
Of Malady and Mother by Boldlynyooming. (G) 4.1k, Elnor & Zani. There was an outbreak of Beluxian flu on Vashti, and Elnor was not allowed to go out.
Confined To Quarters by ShayneyL. (E) 1.6k, Harry Kim/Tom Paris. Tom and Harry are in trouble again. Will they find a way to entertain themselves while confined to quarters? (Spoiler: yes.)
Social Distance by MiaCooper. (T) 1.2k, Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway. The terrible trials of a captain in quarantine.
Fever of Love by ladyofreylo. (E) 8.1k, Rey/Flip Zimmerman.  Rey and Flip shelter in the library overnight during a flu epidemic. Rey believes Flip is part of a racist group, and Flip can't tell Rey he's undercover because it jeopardizes his investigation. He asks her to trust him. Will she? And will she allow him to help her friend's brain-damaged brother escape the clutches of the evil organization?
I Know You by Idrilhadhafang. (M) 739 words, WIP, Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren.  After a dogfight outside the Raddus, Poe Dameron and Kylo Ren are trapped on a planet below, with no memories for either of them and only being able to rely on each other.
Please don’t take him just because you can by middlemarch. (T), 911 words, Finn & Rey, Rey/Ben Solo, Finn & Rey & Rose Tico. It wasn't a terrible job, it was the pandemic. Rey kept telling herself that, hoping she'd believe it. Or that it would all turn out to be a bad dream caused by eating government cheese before bed. Still, there were bright spots.
Something To Look Forward To by spacewitchqueen. (G) 1k, Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren.  While self-isolating, Kylo manages to make a new acquaintance. Perhaps even a new friend? Perhaps in time something more.
There’s been a Death, in the opposite house by middlemarch.  (G) 100 words, Kylo Ren/Rey.  Crisis was supposed to bring out the best in people. That was the silver lining, Rey was pretty sure that was the line anyway.
Cabin Fever by Keldae. (G) 1k, Gen. Theron hates being locked down in one location on the best of days. Being isolated with only a Sith Lord, an irate Wookiee, and (the head of) a protocol droid that won't shut up for company? He's pretty sure he's in at least the second Corellian hell.
Pinned Down by Keldae. (T) 696 words, Female Jedi Knight/Theron Shan.  The only option is to stay hidden inside and hope for a rescue.
The Waiting Game by Greyias. (T) 4.4k, Female Jedi Knight/Theron Shan, Satele Shan & Theron Shan. The worst part about all of this was the waiting. Theron hated standing on the sidelines as everyone else risked their lives. He needed something to do. Anything to keep him distracted from his own thoughts.
Darkest Before The Dawn by Val_Creative. (T) 1.4k, Kara Danvers/Lena Luther.  Lena ends up diagnosed with a serious virus. Kara gets a little panicky about this and worries enough to visit her.
Fourteen Days and Four Dozen Eggs by Mandala Rose. (E) 5.6k, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester.  As the Milton-Winchester household prepare to hunker down and #flattenthecurve, Dean makes a trip to the grocery store, for what was supposed to be their normal weekly grocery run. After all, they aren't the kind of people to panic and over-buy, right?
Hickory Dickory Dean by Carrieosity. (M) 2k,  Castiel/Dean Winchester.  When Castiel's library has to close because of the coronavirus pandemic, the librarians need to get a little creative in order to keep serving the community. Castiel has no problem recording virtual storytimes, but when it comes to adding in songs and things, he needs to call in a little extra help.
Knock by hit_the_books. (E) 2.5k, Castiel/Dean Winchester, past Dean Winchester/Lisa Braeden. Dean and Cas have been living together as roommates for about a year when the COVID-19 pandemic forces Douglas County health officials to issue a "stay at home" order. With Dean working from home and Cas trapped there with him, Dean starts to realize that he doesn't really know much about the younger man he's living with. And then he knocks on and opens up Cas's bedroom door one day and discovers far more than he was expecting.
It'll Be Fine. by ChloeDarling. (G) 1.4k,  Castiel/Dean Winchester.  Forced to self-isolate, Castiel finds himself succumbing to the boredom as he runs out of ways to keep himself entertained. Luckily, Dean Winchester has a plan to save the day.
Next Time, I Choose Death by CeliPuff, Winchesterlovr0508. (M) 1.2k,  Castiel/Dean Winchester.  In light of this pandemic, I decided to write some daily journal entries on how we survived the 14 day quarantine. It’s me, my brother and my best friend, what can go wrong?
No Dent by spnsmile. FANFIC AND FANART (E) 7k, Castiel/Dean Winchester. Because the Impala is the best place to lock Dean and Castiel away when in the middle of another fight. They really need to talk and close the distance created by their stubborn heads. At least, Jack thought so.
Throw Away the Key by CeliPuff, Ketch22. (E) 2.1k WIP,  Castiel/Dean Winchester. multiple other relationships. After his father dies and leaves him nothing but the coolest car ever manufactured, the whole world turns to shit. Caught in the middle of a pandemic while attending the funeral, Dean is told he can’t return home and has to find somewhere else to ride out the mandatory month-long quarantine. Out of options, he calls his best friend Benny.Cas has lived with Benny for awhile - the bed was comfy, rent was cheap... the orgies were just a bonus. It wasn’t a half-bad place to live out a permanent bachelor lifestyle, or an irritating lockdown - but he’s about to get more than he bargained for when Benny takes in a stray.
Outbreak 2019 by spnsmile. FANFIC AND FANART (T) 1.7k, Castiel/Dean Winchester.  There's a spreading virus around and against it the medical staff are in the front lines. Castiel is a doctor and he just texted his husband he's positive of the virus.He awaits his fate in silence thinking of Dean.
THE 100
In Fair Corona by eternaleponine. (M) 8.3k, Clarke Griffin/Lexa. While returning from a service trip abroad, Lexa volunteers to take another flight when theirs is overbooked, and Clarke is forced to accompany her. When someone on the flight gets sick, they find themselves quarantined far from home with only each other for company. Can they overcome their differences and realize that they're in this together?
Stuck with You by sgteam14283. (G) 3.3k WIP, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov, Female Ryder/James Vega, Kaidan Alenko/Female Shepard. Adults can handle being stuck somewhere for a long period of time. For the most part.
How to Have Fun in Quarantine at the UN by goreds. (M) 1.4k, Chrisjen Avasarala/Sadavir Errinwright, Arjun/Chrisjen Avasarala.  Chrisjen Avasarala and the whole of the United Nations, including Sadavir Errinwright, are on lockdown during a pandemic. Mild non-social distancing ensues.
Between Hope and Fear by Purpleyin. (T) 4.1k, Cisco Ramon/Hartley Rathaway.  During the pandemic, Hartley tries to help. He tries to keep going and do whatever he can, from a distance. Everything is going as well as can be expected, until his world comes crashing down with one phone call from Caitlin Snow.
watch the world go by by JemDoe. (T) 823 words, Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov. “The plague of 758 was a very serious issue, made worse by the Fold, Alina. Supplies were so hard to reach to the other side of the country…” “Wipe that smile off your face before talking about a plague that was made worse by your actions, then."
Cave in by Isimile. (T) 1k, Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield. Of course the cave in has to happen just when Bilbo is accompanying Thorin to a visit of the newly re-opened mines. Thorin just have the worst luck.
Nowhere else by Roselightfairy. (T) 1.2k, Gimli/Legolas Greenleaf. In preparation of an anticipated attack from nearby Dunland, Éomer has ordered that Aglarond go into lockdown.At least Legolas and Gimli are together.
a melody played in a penny arcade by aguntoaknifefight. (T) 2.7k, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims, Elias Bouchard/Peter Lukas. Jon is trapped in the Institute. Things change.Or: Peter Lukas’s post-divorce pettiness inadvertently saves the world.
A WORLD WITHOUT GRANDPARENTS by bluehair. (G) 1k, Maglor & Finwe.  I really didn't plan this. But it wanted to be written.
On the Wrong SIde of the Mirror by Imaginos_Buzzardo_Desdinova. (M) 2.1k, Gen.  Trapped on the wrong side of mirror, Imaginos must find his way back to stop the evil Desdinova. He finds only one other person who also was tricked into the mirror.
Lift Fire by Gigi_Sinclair. (G) 2.5k, Thomas Jopson/Lt Edward Little.  "Tom doesn't speak, either, until there's a strange grinding groan, the lights flicker, and the lift shudders to an unexpected stop.Oh, you have to be joking, Edward thinks, as Tom says, 'I'd heard they'd been having some problems with this one.'"
Look for the Helpers by goreds. (T) 1.2k, Captain Francis Crozier/Commander James Fitzjames.  Dr. Francis Crozier, stuck at home, lends a hand to his sick next-door neighbor, James Fitzjames.
Maybe it’s enough by choomchoom. (T) 2.8k, Drift/Rodimus, Prowl/Starscream. The boys deal with the pandemic.
Quarantined by pipermca. (G) 2.7k, Gen. Even when the Decepticons are forced into quarantine to stop the spread of a deadly disease, Soundwave still has work to do. If only his cassettes would keep it down...
The Usefulness of Bunnies as Messengers is Strictly Dependant on the Bunny In Question by theskyandsea. (G) 2.8k, Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian is quarantined in an apartment with Jiang Cheng and it's going about as well as one would expect. Which is to say, the second Wei Wuxian discovers just how hot his across-the-street neighbour is he jumps at the opportunity to talk to someone else.Even if that talking is through the medium of messenger bunnies.
We’re on a boat and... by chatcolat. (T) 1.4k, Gen. Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian get stuck on a boat and accidentally end up talking to each other for five minutes while they wait for rescue.
Carefully We Gather by tackytiger. (M) 2.4k,  Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier. They've been snowed in at the inn for six days now, and Jaskier still isn't speaking to Geralt.It's just, killing monsters is what Geralt does. Just because this one came a little bit too close to killing him first, doesn't mean that Jaskier has to get in a sulk about it. And why does he care so much, anyway?
Distanced Dears by jaskiersvalley. (T) 2.2k, Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach/Geralt of Rivia, Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer z Vengerbergu, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach/Jaskier, Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer/Cahir.  Given the fact Geralt worked in the Accident and Emergency department, it was highly likely he would catch the virus, even with every precaution. Not wanting to put his whole family at risk, he and Cahir move into Cahir's old flat and they try to weather the storm by themselves when Geralt does get infected.
No More Water, but Fire Next Time by ladivvinatravestia. (T) 7.7k, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Jaskier, Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier.  Jaskier and Ciri take shelter at a refugee camp following the fall of Cintra, where they find that Pestilence and War often ride together.
oh my god they were plague-mates by wombatpop. (T) 4.3k, Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier. “They’ve closed the streets, Geralt. We’re stuck in here.” Jaskier and Geralt stuck in an inn together. What could go wrong?
The Fortnight by Elizabeth. (E) 7.5k, Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier.  A plague is ravaging the Northern Kingdoms. First Oxenfurt is locked down, and then Novigrad. Geralt is immune, but Jaskier isn't. Rosemary and Thyme is a pretty nice place to spend a fortnight, but it's still a long time to spend with just one person--even if that person is your best friend.A lot can happen in two weeks.
Trouble In Here by Val_Creative. (M) 2.5k,  Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier. Jaskier accidentally barricades himself into Geralt’s room when he’s been cursed, forcing them to isolate together.
And they were quarantine-mates by Alecto. (T) 4.8k, Jounouchi Katsuya/Kaiba Seto. The order came down while they slept. Now Kaiba was stranded at Joey's place for the foreseeable future.
Six Feet Apart by Penguiduck. (G) 2.4k, Kurama/Reader.  You've only been living in your condo for two months, but you have yet to meet your neighbor. When you're sentenced to working from home due to the recent COVID-19 virus, you step onto your shared balcony for the first time. You meet Shuichi and really like him. The only problem? You have to stay six feet apart.
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Happy Bob Marley BD (it was Feb. 6), Tibetan New Year (Feb. 12) and Valentine’s Day week! I hope you and yours are happy and healthy. Communications from America say that things are a little less crazy now that the election is over. That’s good. Even the most pro-American Asians were thinking we went a little wacky!
With any luck, folks in the USA will continue to take deep breaths and calm down. With a little effort, things will become less hateful and more loving as both the reds and blues start to realize that working together is the only way things will ever work at all. With that sentiment in mind, this week’s 1000 words are from the Fearless Puppy On American Road book, and about a time and place that remembers the more beautiful part of the American experience.
Once something changes, it can never go all the way back to what it was. In many ways, that is a good thing. We can preserve some better parts of the life we already had while allowing room for new and improved ideas. Insisting that both those new ideas, and the parts preserved from the old, are employed as actual improvements that benefit the vast majority of us has become the non-negotiable, essential responsibility of each and every citizen. Like it or not, it seems we will have to stay actively, consciously, and intelligently involved in order to insure success.
Please be well & stay well. Love, Tenzin and the Nepali Crew
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Rural Vermont
Helpfulness. Tribalism at its best. Everyone works together on everything. Lives depend upon each other in temperatures well below zero.
Hitchhiking is no longer just getting from here to there while barely knowing my host. Nearly every ride establishes or increases a friendship.
More cows per square mile than people, more open space than cows, and more forest than open space. Pronounced seasons and cycles. Cold, white winters. Muddy springs. Vibrant green summers pulsating with life that knows it only has a few months to do what needs to get done. Rainbow autumnal foliage so brilliant that guests come from continents away to view it. Streams clean enough to drink from.
Eggs come from happy chickens — not from the cruelty of large “animal production” warehouses.
Everyone waves hello to anyone driving by.
There’s always time to speak with whomever you meet at the General Store or Post Office. There’s always time. No hurry. Life comes first. Being is more important than doing (once the doing gets done).
The only store in town is the size of five closets but has everything — food, hardware, videos, clothing, beer, and more. A giant empty cable spool acts as a table around which to enjoy coffee, home- made donuts, and the company of neighbors. A best friend makes maple syrup. Everyone grows incredible gardens.
I have spent a lot of time with four other people and five beers staring into the open hood of a pickup truck that was not in need of repair.
Wood keeps you warm three times — once when you chop it, again when you carry it in, and the third time when you burn it. Overflowing abundance lives here. Some folks want more. Few need more.
Theater groups that produce professional-quality plays thrive in the forests of nearby vest-pocket towns.
The purity and clarity of omnipresent Nature rubs off on its human inhabitants. Crime, violence, and assorted hatreds appear only in newspapers and on TV stations. No one here has seen those things in person.
The Town Treasurer has a sign on his office explaining, “It’s very hard to get away with anything in a town this small.” Live and let live. If it hurts no one, it’s legal.
Resourcefulness is a way of life. Anything you need can be built from left over parts of things that you don’t need anymore. If you don’t know how, someone will show you. They’ll be happy to help — even happier if you bring a beer to say hello and thank you.
Deer hunters and trout fishermen deny slaughterhouses and corporate supermarket chains their abuses and profits. Unprocessed foods, hard exercise, low stress, clean air, and clean water deny the medical industry their profits from unnecessary surgery and drugs.
Awe inspiring natural beauty excludes land developers and their profit-over-people motivation. Their concrete and steel are not welcome here. The industrial decay that would lead to profits for a large assortment of unethical folks in fancy suits is denied entry by the conscious decisions of simple, intelligent farmers in overalls.
There will never be a Wal-Mart or a crack house here. There are many guns. They are never used for anything but hunting food. People are constantly helping each other to build a barn or house, dig out snow and mud, care for the children, cook, clean, weed the garden, and feed the animals. Anything that can be done at all is usually done by a group, even if it’s actually a one-person job. Folks enjoy each other’s company. Except in the most extreme circumstances, everyone deserves inclusion.
Parties get thrown together instantly for no other reason than that someone feels like being the host.
On a Tuesday, my friend Mike told me that he was having a party at his house on the following Saturday.
“What’s the occasion, Mike?”
“The occasion is that I just came up with the bright idea of having a party. I’ll get out a side of venison and buy a keg of beer. Tell everyone you see to tell everyone they see. If anyone wants to bring more food and drink, that’s good. If not, we’ll be fine with what we’ve got, I figure.”
“OK, Mike. I’ll get everyone but the assholes informed.”
“Inform the assholes too, buddy! Who knows? Maybe if they got invited to more parties, they’d figure out how to act better and wouldn’t be such assholes.”
It was hard to argue with Mike’s logic, but then again it is hard to argue with much of anything in a clean, friendly village.
During those years of having a home community and base station, a lot of work got done elsewhere. Rest time there made hitchhiking across nearly every inch of road in Northeastern America possible. I probably hitchhiked as many miles regionally during this period as the number of miles that were traveled in all the previous cross-country trips. Each full month of whistle stops working for environmental groups and charities included many towns and cities. It included talking to independent business folks all day about various causes, sleeping wherever possible, and celebrating whenever plausible. At the end of road tours like that, staring at mountains in between long naps was more of a necessity than an option. It is a lot easier to burn yourself up on the road when you know that a perfect place to revive is waiting for you.
The focal points of the road binges included Greenpeace, Citizen’s Awareness Network, and self-organized efforts to help support a Mexican orphanage, raise awareness and funding for American homeless folks, and help the victims of a very severe African famine. The results varied. My little part as a team member in the environmental efforts worked consistently for over a decade at each. The orphanage and homeless projects I organized worked minimally. The famine relief effort worked very well. It involved a governor, two senators, labor unions, school systems, businesses, major league sports teams, rock bands, and more. Thousands of people in the Northeastern section of America gave massive help.
This is a short chapter, but it covers a long period of years. Eventually, my good friend who allowed me this cabin in paradise had to liquidate his properties. This put me back out on the street at age fifty. But for a while, my life was as close to normal as it had ever been. It included long term friends and neighbors.
Those years seem to have gone by very quickly.​
About the Author
Doug “Ten” Rose may be the biggest smartass as well as one of the most entertaining survivors of the hitchhiking adventurers that used to cover America’s highways. He is the author of the books Fearless Puppy on American Road and Reincarnation Through Common Sense, has survived heroin addiction and death, and is a graduate of over a hundred thousand miles of travel without ever driving a car, owning a phone, or having a bank account.
Ten Rose and his work are a vibrant part of the present and future as well as an essential remnant of a vanishing breed.
Follow him on Facebook, Doug Ten Rose
Travel Adventure Books can be an excellent gift to your friends and family, buy from Amazon.com
#traveladventurebooks #keepreading #kindlebooks
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The books Fearless Puppy On American Road and Reincarnation Through Common Sense by this same author are also available through Amazon or the Fearless Puppy website, where there are sample chapters from those books. Entertaining TV/radio interviews with and newspaper articles about the author are also available there. There is no charge for anything but the complete books! All author profits from book sales will be donated to help sponsor an increase in the number of wisdom professionals on Earth, beginning with but certainly not limited to Buddhist monks and nuns.
If you missed the Introduction to the new book that will be titled Temple Dog Soldier, or would like to see several chapters of it that are available for free online, go to the Puppy website Blog section. This is a book in progress. You will be reading it as it is being created! Just like you, I don’t know what the next chapter is going to be about until it is written. As the Intro will tell you, this is a totally true story — and probably the only book ever written by and about a corpse journeying completely around the world!
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tootfootroot · 5 years
Dogs the Mercs would adopt
Border Collie
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Border Collies are extremely energetic and fast (often sheep herder dogs), so it makes sense why Scout would want one. He’d get a boy and name him Buddy and take him on runs every day. They’d probably play a game where Scout throws a ball and they both race after it. Buddy usually wins because Scout runs 22 mph and the average Collie runs 30. It’s great practice for Scout!
German Shepherd
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German Shepherds are often used in the US Military. They’re well-trained and loyal to their owners, what more could Sol ask for? He gets a girl and names her Lady, and trains her himself! He knows he can rely on Lady for anything, they’d both easily put their lives down for each ofher. They have a great mutual understanding. One thing though: Sol taught her to attack people he points and says “Commie” to.
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So fluffy! Pyro can’t resist the fluffiness and poofy tail. They get a girl and name her Dolly, due to her cute little eyes that remind them of a doll. Pyro will sit in a chair and groom her fur, putting bows and little clips in her hair, luckily she doesn’t mind! And for halloween, they dress her up as a fireman! Dolly is just what Pyro needed: a loving companion.
Scottish Terrier
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What can I say? Demo is extremely proud of his culture and anything that comes from it. He picks up a boy and names him Conall (Strong wolf). Despite having to keep him from digging holes in the front yard, Demo loves his dog to death. He grooms Conall himself because he doesn’t trust anyone else and brings him a bone every weekend for him to bury in the backyard. If someone dug in his backyard, they’d think he had fossils (or a body) buried.
Siberian Husky
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When Heavy was still living in Siberia, he got a dog to help around the home. He got a girl named Bella. At first he only got her as helping hand (err, paw), but he soon got extremly attached to her. She was loyal, playful, and strong. It’s a given she loved the snow, too. She’d always try to eat it and Heavy and his family would get a kick out of it. Bella died protecting them from a bear, they organized a formal funeral for her and everything. Heavy hasn’t gotten a dog since.
Golden Retriever
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Engi has always been a dog lover. A friend’s dog had puppies and they asked if he could take one since they trusted him. He did willingly, he picked out a boy and named him Bo. It was easy to remember and say. Engi trained Bo to retreive tools he asks for when working on something, and rewards him with treats he keeps in his overalls pocket. Bo is almost always with him, they feed off of each other’s positive energy.
Chocolate Lab
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Sniper needed a hunting dog and lil ol’ Ruby fit the bill. Being with him in the Outback made it a whole lot less lonely. After a successful hunt he’d split the game right down the middle, always making it fair and equal. For a dog below average in terms of size, she sure as hell could pack away a lot. Some nights Sniper would play his saxophone by the campfire and she would howl along happily, always trying to outdo him. Once lil ol’ Ruby got too old to see or hear as good as she used to, he sent her to live with his parents, so her last few years were safe and comfortable.
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Alena (Small) is actually a descendant of one of Medic’s childhood dogs’ puppies. He figured she’d be good company during late nights in the lab. She’s well-behaved and doesn’t try to eat Archimedes, and she’s so smol!!! How could he resist? Medic would quite literally murder for Alena, just like he would his prized Dove. She’s his little Lady, and he’s currently finding a way to extend her life for as long as possible without it being painful for her.
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Spy needed a dog as sophisticated and fabulous as he. So he bought Alizeé from an expensive breeder. She’s purebred and Pageant worthy, but he’d never exploit his dog like that. He buys her expensive collars and takes her to the finest groomers. She’s his pride and joy, and would definitely kill for her. She obviously isn’t allowed in his smoke room as it would eventually take a toll on her health, instead he has a fancy dog bed much like a crib that sits next to his bed. When he reads before bed she lays beside him, he holding his book with one hand and petting her with the other. That’s the daughter he’s never wanted.
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cryptidcalling · 4 years
Stay Warm (Aka Wren gets mild hypothermia)
Wren let out a deep, resigned sigh. As the night had gotten colder, so had the inside of his RV. He had tried cranking the heat higher and higher, but all that had come was more cold. Eventually, he knew he had to check the battery. He had been so sure he charged it that morning. Yet here he was not just with an uncharged battery, but after multiple attempts to charge it he knew it was a clearly dead battery. He hadn’t changed the thing for nearly 6 years now. It was bound to die out sooner or later. But now Wren was left with a problem. He had no power, which meant no heat, no charging his phone, no lights, nothing. In any other season this would have been fine. Wren was a skilled camper, and he would have happily set up his electric lanterns and relaxed for the night before buying a new battery in the morning. However, with winter setting in and blizzard scheduled for early morning, that wouldn’t do. 
With one last glance at his dead battery, Wren headed back into the RV. It was all one large room, aside from the bathroom. His bed was tucked into the very back corner, and up against the left wall was the sofa and bathroom. Across from those was his little kitchen area, complete with a sink, fridge, and storage cabinet. The camper was tall enough to have a small loft, which Wren just used for extra storage. He flicked the light switch on and off, hoping for some kind of miracle to bring the power back. Of course, the lights remained off. Wren tried to keep his chin up. Surely, this wouldn’t be so bad. He could make it one night, easy peasy! It wasn’t like there was some huge blizzard coming, and he lived on top of a mountain where the plows couldn’t get up to clear the roads meaning he would be trapped up there until the snow cleared. Not at all! That definitely wasn’t the exact thing Haywood had been talking to him about at work that day. Nope. 
He set off digging around his RV for things to keep him warm. There was a thick winter coat under his bed that he put on, and in the storage loft were a few spare blankets. He tossed them onto his bed, and ducked back under his bed to pull out a few extra pairs of socks. He had considered just keeping his boots on, but they were dirty and wet, which would just make things worse if it transferred to his sheets and blankets. He put on a sweater and sweatpants, his coat, and 3 pairs of completely mismatched socks, then grabbed his phone before curling up under his blanket mountain. He was still a bit chilly, but definitely much better than before. Now satisfied with his preparations, Wren clicked his phone on. The bright light of the screen hurt his eyes for a moment, but once he adjusted he was able to read the screen. 9:14 pm, 28% battery remaining. He flicked it back off. Hopefully he would be able to make that last long enough to get to work the next day. He’d be able to charge it there. 
Wren slipped his glasses off and set them on the floor beside the bed. He might as well just get to sleep, it wasn’t like there was anything else to do. However, as the night went on getting to sleep proved to be more difficult than he had anticipated. As the minutes ticked on the temperature dropped steadily with them. Soon Wren was shivering despite his blanket cocoon. He tried to curl into himself further, wrapping his arms around his legs and tucking his face into his knees. It did little good. He could feel his fingers getting stiff and painfully swollen from the cold. Eventually numbness came to take the pain away from his fingers and toes, and then came creeping up his arms, legs, ears, nose, and cheeks. 
It took a lot of jerking and fumbling, but eventually he managed to click his phone on once more. 10:56 pm, 8% battery remaining. The cold must have sapped away the power as well. He needed to get somewhere warm, and fast. He tried to push himself up and out of the blankets, but he could barely feel if his arms were even moving or not. He could try and sleep his truck and blast the heat, if only he could get there. It seemed as though the more he tried the harder things became. Even when he did get his head out of the covers, he couldn’t tell which way he was facing. His glasses were still on the floor, making his eyes completely useless at this point. He tried to reach around his bed to feel for them, but now he couldn’t remember where they were. Usually he left them on the sofa. Were they on the sofa? No, no they were… maybe he put them… no… Wren couldn’t remember. His mind felt foggy and strange. He let himself lay back down, not having the energy to properly support his weight much longer. In the back of his mind, he thought he could hear something, a thumping somewhere. Then his phone began to buzz. Wren screwed his eyes shut. The light was just too bright.
Haywood carefully drove up the winding mountain pass toward Wren’s RV. He was on his way to check on the younger man, just to be safe. They had already talked about the coming blizzard at work that day, but a part of him felt like Wren hadn’t been taking the cautions seriously. Maybe it was just the man’s sweet demeanor that made him seem so naive, or maybe it was the way he would tilt his happy head to the side like a puppy. Whatever it was, it made Haywood strangely protective of his friend. He had to drive carefully up the mountain because of the winding turns and small, practically useless guard rail. The clear danger of the path just fueled Haywood’s concern. Wren definitely wouldn’t make it to work with this path all covered in snow. Knowing him, though, he would try, and that could lead to a very nasty accident. Just the thought of it made Haywood’s heart clench with concern, and he picked up his speed just a little. 
He was relieved when he finally made it to Wren’s RV, but that relief was immediately replaced with worry when he saw the lights were out. He checked his watch. 11:00 pm on the dot. He walked up to the front door and knocked. When he got no answer he tried again. “Wren? Wren it’s Haywood! I’m just here to check on ya!” He called. Again, he got no answer. He tried calling him once, twice, three times. He got nothing. “Wren!” He called again, this time with far more concern in his voice. He reached for the door, and found it was unlocked. The fool had always been more trusting than he should’ve been. “Wren buddy, where are ya? Pal?” He flicked the light switch, and felt a hard shock of fear when no lights came on. It took him only another split second to realize it was freezing in there. 
Frantically looking around the RV, Haywood spotted the blanket mound and rushed over to it. Wren’s face was barely poking out. Haywood shook him, and saw his eyes wearily blink open. “Christ almighty! Wren! Wren we gotta go right now, ya here! Come on, you can warm up in my car, come on.” Wren made no move to get up, but his bleary eyes traveled up to Haywood. 
“Who…?” Wren mumbled, his voice sounding weak. 
“Haywood! Wren it’s Haywood, I’m here to help ya, don’t worry. Come on, we’re gonna get you to my truck. C’mon.” Haywood reached under Wren’s blanket pile to get a hand into his armpit, pulling him up to drape an arm over his shoulder. His whole body felt cold, even through the coat. He pulled Wren up and out of bed, and Wren stumbled heavily when his feet hit the ground. Haywood caught him, and quickly and carefully helped him toward the door. “My glasses,” Wren muttered. 
“I’ll come back for ‘em,” Haywood promised. He was suddenly very grateful for how close he had parked to Wren’s door. He turned the car on, blasted the heat, and lay Wren down in the back seat. Immediately Wren closed his eyes, and Haywood wasn’t sure if he should be grateful or terrified. He ran back into the RV and found Wren’s glasses, stuffing them and Wren’s phone into his coat pocket before rushing back out into his car. Snow had begun to fall, and Haywood knew then that there was nothing more important than making it back home before the true blizzard hit. 
So he drove, cursing the slow and winding trails of the mountain pass. Once it was safe enough to, he drove as fast as he could get away with until he got to his home. He got Wren out of the back seat and helped him inside, carefully laying him down on the couch. Captain came to investigate, sniffing at Wren’s hands and face until Haywood shooed him away. He draped several thick blankets over Wren, and he set the fireplace ablaze. Thankfully, none of Wren’s clothes were wet. Now all that was left to do was warm Wren up and wait. 
He waited right there with him, watching and waiting for signs of Wren’s usual energy and warmth. Wren was conscious, but he felt far to tired to do much of anything. For a long while he didn’t say anything either, his mind still a bit too fuzzy to really feel grounded. But then, eventually, he turned and faced Haywood. Quickly, he gave Wren his glasses back, and they made eye contact. Wren offered him a gentle smile, and relief sank into Haywood’s bones. 
“Hey there pal. How’re you holdin’ up?” Haywood asked in a quiet tone. He wasn’t sure how much Wren would be able to handle. 
“”M, I’m okay. How come I’m at yer house?” Wren’s words were slow and mumbly, but still clearly understandable. He tried to remember himself, but his memory of the past hour or so was muddy at best, and nonexistent at worst.
“You’re here because I found you freezin’ to death in your RV. What were you thinking tryin’ to sleep in there? You could’ve died!”
Wren shied away from Haywood’s upset tone, tucking his face into the blankets a little. “I didn’t mean to worry ya. My battery died, so I figured I’d tough through one night an’ it would all be okay,” he explained. It sounded stupid when he said it out loud, and he felt a little ball of shame begin swirling in his gut. How could he have been so dumb? And selfish too, making his friend so worried! Haywood caught the look on Wren’s face. 
“Hey, buddy it’s alright. Just use your head next time okay? I’m just happy you’re alright,” Haywood reassured. Wren didn’t feel particularly reassured, but he smiled at Haywood anyways. Haywood smiled back, then stood. “I’m gonna make us somethin’ warm to drink. You just stay there and get warm.” Wren nodded, and Haywood headed into the kitchen. Captain was laying on the tiles. “Go on and say hi to Wren. He ain’t feelin’ good, so you’ll make him real happy,” he said to the hound. Captain stood, his long tail wagging, and wandered off into the living room. Haywood could hear Wren’s delighted greeting when he spotted the dog. It made Haywood smile to himself. 
He considered making them both hot chocolate, until he remembered something Wren had once mentioned to him. His parents used to make him warm apple cider when he was feeling upset. Haywood warmed up two large mugs of apple cider and headed back into the living room. Captain had jumped up onto the couch and was curled up against Wren’s side. Wren was scratching his neck, though he was clearly still having a bit of trouble using his fingers. Haywood sat down next to him and set his own mug on the coffee table. “Do you think you can hold this yourself?” Haywood asked. Wren nodded, and carefully took the mug from his hands. For a moment he just held it, letting the warmth seep into his aching hands. Once he was ready, he took a few sips from the mug, and his eyes lit up. 
“You remembered!” Wren said cheerfully. It made Haywood feel quite proud of himself. 
“I try,” Haywood replied warmly. “Now, what’re we gonna do about your stuff?”
“Whaddya mean?” Wren asked. He tilted his head slightly to the side, just like a puppy. 
“I mean you clearly cain’t be stayin’ in that RV all winter. That path is barely safe to drive on when it’s clear, let alone covered in snow.”
“I’ve been livin’ there nearly four years now.”
“Yea and it’s a miracle you ain’t gotten hurt ‘till now. I don’t care where you’re stayin’. You’re welcome to stay here if you like,  but I ain’t lettin’ you stay up there. No way in Hell.”
Wren seemed to take a moment to consider what Haywood said. Then, he looked back up to him. “You would really let me stay here? The whole winter? I don’t wanna intrude, but I don’t really got the money to afford a motel all winter long,” he admitted. In response, Haywood nodded. 
“Look Wren, I’ve known you about four years, and I feel confident sayin’ that you’re a swell guy. I don’t mind helpin’ you out. You ain’t intruding if I invited you. We just gotta make sure we grab your stuff once it’s safe to go up the mountain.” 
Wren’s smile was the most warm and happy thing Haywood had ever seen in his life. He had seen Wren smile before, he did it all the time, but this one was different. It made his chest feel warm, like looking at a baby bunny might make you feel. It was a smile that told him that he absolutely made the right choice. “Thank you,” Wren said. His tone had the same joy as his smile. 
“Any time. You need somethin’ you just ask okay? I’m here to help,” Haywood promised. “Now just relax and drink your cider. You don’t gotta worry about nothin’.” 
Wren did as he was told, cozying himself against the arm of the couch and happily sipping from his mug. Haywood flicked on the TV, trying to find a show Wren might enjoy. Eventually he was able to find a channel playing Chopped re-reuns, which they were both fairly happy with. They sat there together, with Wren chiming in here and there to say something about ingredients and recipes he needs to try. As the blizzard raged outside, the two of them remained safe and warm inside with a bloodhound smushed comfortably in between them. Soon enough Wren began to yawn, and his eyelids got progressively droopier and droopier.
“Hey pal, why don’t you head to bed? The spare room is right over there, by the staircase. It’s yours for the rest of the winter.” Wren nodded sleepily, sluggishly getting up. He kept one of the several blankets draped over his shoulders. It was nice to see him standing on his own and using his hands to properly grip things. It made Haywood really feel like everything was going to be okay. 
“Nigh-night Arlo. Sweet dreams.”
“Night night, Wren. Sweet dreams. Stay warm.”
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