#little misfortune puppy death
scribblesofagoonerr · 17 days
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September Love | Never Grow Up
the third and final installment in the mini series - this is the second version, more sadder so that's a heads up there
summary: remi starts her first year of school and there's a new arrival in the williamson family
pairings: leah williamson x reader
warning: talks of death.
alternative ending for this one - please don't hate me for it, i'm sorry in advance!
based on the reactions to this one, is how i am going to figure out the next mini series!
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“I can’t believe it’s this time already,” Leah says, a frown etched on her face as she stares at an old photo of Remi at 5 weeks old that she had saved in her phone, “Where has the time gone?” She murmurs.
It only felt like it was yesterday.
“We blinked Le,” You tell her, your eyes softening, “And just like that, she’s off to big school.” You add.
“But she’s still too tiny for big school, isn’t she?” Your wife exhales a sigh and continues to stare at the photo on her phone with tears welling up in her eyes.
“Le, she’s 5 years old now. We have to let her go now,” You say gently, reminding your wife that your eldest girl was indeed not a baby now.
“I still don’t like it though,” Leah admits quietly, shaking her head in disagreement.
You can’t help but chuckle heartily, “She’s only going into her first year of reception, it’s not like she’s moving out the country,” You tease your wife, which you’re quick to be on the dirty end of a scowl, “Come on Le, you know what I mean.”
“Don’t even joke about things like that,” Leah murmurs, continuing to frown at you, “You don’t get it though, it’s her first day of big school… which means she’s not a baby anymore.” She adds.
“No she’s not,” You reply quietly in agreement.
Your wife bites her bottom lip and shakes her head vigorously, “I don’t like it. Why can’t we just turn back the clock?” She asks.
“It doesn’t work like that,” You laugh humorlessly and shake your head.
“It’s just,” Leah begins to say as she finds the right words, “She was our tiny little baby at one point and now… now she’s just growing up so fast.”
“Don’t worry, we’ve still got time to go through all this again, remember?” You tell her, gesturing towards your swollen belly as you are ready to give birth any day now, “Twice.”
“I know,” Your wife’s eyes soften as she crouches down and rests her hands on your baby bump, “I can’t wait to meet you baby boy.” She whispers, placing a gentle kiss on your stomach.
“And he can’t wait to meet his Mummy either,” You tell her, genuinely smiling at the blonde, “Any day now.” You add, hopeful that he does make his appearance sooner rather than later after getting to the stage of being uncomfortable, and pregnancy during Summer is no joke.
“Why’re you sad, Mummy?” Remi’s voice pipes up out of nowhere, all ready for school wearing her brand new school uniform that you have to admit looks massive on her, her hair done up in a loose ponytail with a red ribbon attached while she wears her new black shiny shoes that you had the absolute misfortune of having to experience standing in a queue to just to get into the busy shop – that is something that you can definitely say you’re not such a fan off.
“Oh I’m not sad, baby Gooner,” Leah immediately plasters a smile on her face, “I’m just… I’m really proud of you, you know?” She adds, wiping away the stray tears from her face.
“But you’re crying though,” Remi frowns in confusion as she tilts her head to the side, “You only do that when you’re sad, like when you watch them really sad films about the puppies or when you’re on the pitch sometimes–”
“Okay, okay, I think we get it,” Leah interjects, before your daughter has any further chance to expose your wife for the softy that she really is, “I’m not sad, baby Gooner. I’m just so excited for you that you’re starting big school today. Are you excited?” She questions.
“Uh huh! I am so excited, I can’t wait to make lots of friends like uncle Jacob told me about!” Remi is vibrating with excitement, which is more than can be said about your wife.
“You’re going to make so many new friends!” You reassure your little girl with a proud smile on your face, “Alright, how about we take a picture for your first day of big school, yeah?”
“Yeah!” Remi jumps up and down in delight at the idea.
“Big smiles, Remi Roo!” You encourage as your daughter flashes you a gap-toothed smile from the tooth that she lost just the previous week.
You make it a whole family occasion with Esme toddling in to join in the photo opportunity and many snaps are taken amongst your little family of four, soon to be five.
“Perfect, baby girl!” You tell her, taking lots of pictures as you stare at them with a sense of nostalgia as all the sudden memories come to light of the several milestones Remi has achieved over the last 5 years, “You really are growing up, Remi Roo.”
“I don’t like it, it’s too many milestones at once,” Leah cracks under the pressure and shakes her head, wiping another stray tear away.
“Le,” Your facial expression softens as you wrap your arms around your wife to comfort her.
“It’s okay, Mummy!” Remi wraps her small arms around Leah’s legs, “Don’t be sad now! It’s gon’ be okay!”
“Me join!” Esme, not wanting to be left out, holds her hands up in the air for you to lift her up, “Mummy sad?” She asks, confused.
“A little bit,” You answer your youngest honestly.
“I make it better,” Esme declares, pressing a sloppy kiss on Leah’s cheek, “All better?”
“Much better, thank you Essie Bear,” Leah coos, returning a gentle kiss to Esme’s cheek.
“You can still cuddle me, even when I’m at big school!” Remi points out, peering up to look at your wife from where she’s stood, “It’s okay!”
“Oh, well in that case then I am definitely holding you to that,” Leah grins and scoops Remi up into her arms, “I’m gonna get in all the snuggles in that I can!” She says, squeezing her tightly.
“Alright, alright,” You break it up jokingly, “Let’s not smother her before she even makes it out the door for her first day.”
“Don’t you dare make fun of me,” Leah tells you, pointing her index finger in your face, “This is a big moment today.” She adds, placing Remi back down on the floor.
You snicker in amusement at your wife’s expense, “Oh don’t I know it? Big bad scary Leah Williamson crying over her little girl’s first day at big school,” You pause, the smirk not leaving your face, “Gosh, what will the world think?”
Your wife glares at you and gently swats you, “Shut up, I’m allowed to be emotional today.”
“Uh huh, and what’s the reason for every other day then?” You can’t help but wonder with a shit eating grin on your face.
“You’re lucky that I love you,” Leah murmurs, rolling her eyes at your antics to wind her up.
“And I love you too,” You reply, pecking her on the lips, “You’re the lucky one that I put up with you being a blubbering mess every time Remi does something that’s deemed ‘too grown up’,” You remind her, amusedly.
“I’m emotional, okay?” Leah exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air, “She’s our eldest, our baby… Our baby Gooner!”
“You can’t call me that anymore, Mummy!” Your 5 year old points out, “I’m not a baby!”
Your wife pouts at your daughter's words and shakes her head, “You will always be my baby, no matter how old you get,” She pauses, “Even when you’re 30 and you have your own family.”
Remi wrinkles her face up in disgust, “Boys are yucky, I don’t want a boyfriend.” She states,
“And you’re definitely right to think that,” You chuckle amusedly as you gather your small family out of the door and make your way to your wife’s BMW, “I think if Mummy had her way, she wouldn’t let you date until you’re 25 at least.” You joke.
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“I’m ready to go in!” Remi announces, standing outside of the school gates in a tone that sounds far more grown up than her 5 year old self, “I’m not scared.”
“It’s good to not be scared, you’re going to have so much fun!” You tell her, holding her hand and guiding her through the gates of the school while Leah follows behind holding Esme’s hand, “You’re going to smash it, baby girl!”
“And we’ll be right here to pick you up when the day is done, okay?” Leah reassures your daughter, catching up with your toddler, who likes to walk at her own pace.
“Okay!” Your eldest nods in agreement, bouncing on her toes as she carries her backpack that looks way too big for her.
“Rem! Rem!” Esme shouts to get her big sister’s attention, “Rem!”
“I’m going to big school, Bear,” Remi crouches down and wraps her arms around her little sister, “But I’ll see you when I’m home and tell you all about it!”
Watching the exchange between your daughters, makes your heart swell with pride and a touch of bittersweetness.
“Miss ‘ou, Rem,” Esme pouts, a little frown forming on her tiny face as her voice wobbles, as if she’s on the verge of tears.
“Miss you too, Bear,” Remi continues to squeeze her little sister tightly, “I’ll be back later though, don’t worry!” She adds with a smile that reveals her recently lost tooth.
“Come here, you,” Leah crouches down to your daughter’s level and wraps her arms around her, squeezing her tightly as if to not let go and hold on to her forever, “I’m so proud of you, here at big school, eh?  You’re going to make so many friends and learn so much! Oh, and have a lot of fun as well!” She tells her.
“Mummy,” Remi attempts to wriggle away from your wife’s embrace, “You’re… You’re squeezing too tight.” She whines,
“I’m just soaking up the moment until you’re home from school,” Leah admits, pulling back and brushing a loose strand of hair behind Remi’s ear, “Big school, eh? I wish you would stop growing up so much on me, I don’t like it.” She jokes with her.
“You have to let me grow up, Mummy,” Remi’s giggle is infectious as she squeezes your wife again tightly, “I gots’ to go in now, but I’ll see you when you pick me up, remember?”
“We will be right here waiting for you,” You tell her, unable to crouch down properly with your swollen belly in the way, “We’re so proud of you, Remi Roo!” You add, kissing the top of her head.
You spot your daughters’ teacher making her way over to your family as she gives you both a kind smile, “Hi, Remi. Are you ready to go in?” She asks.
“Yes!” Remi excitedly replies, giving you both a final hug goodbye before she takes hold of her teachers’ hand and begins to walk in the building, “Bye, Mummy! Bye, Mumma! Bye, Bear!” She calls back, her voice ringing with excitement.
“Bye, baby Gooner,” Leah waved back, her voice catching slightly as you see the glimmer of tears threatening to spill over again.
You can feel your own chest tightening as you force a smile and wave, “See you later, Remi Roo. Have the best day!”
“Bye-bye, Rem! Love you!” Esme clings to Leah’s leg, waving frantically.
“Save your tears for the car, Le,” You tease, taking note of your wife’s eyes, the tears are a lot more visible now, “I know it’s hard to watch her go in there, but it’ll be 3 o’clock before we know it.” You add, hoping that helps things a little better.
“I know,” Leah murmurs in agreement, walking round to the pre-school that Esme attended next to the school.
You can say that dropping Esme off to pre-school wasn’t too hard, although there were extra tight hugs given before your youngest daughter ran off inside without a care in the world.
Much to your wife’s disappointment, and you swear the tears threaten to spill again.
“At least we know what your weakness is now,” You joke, climbing back into the passenger seat of the car after dropping them both off, “It’s only a few hours, remember? It’ll be here before we know it.” You tell her.
Leah tries to laugh it off and shake her head as she climbs into the driver's seat, “Yeah, and to think I still have to go to training,” She pauses as wipes a visible tear away as she buckles her seatbelt in, “I wish I could just tell Jonas that we have a family emergency.” She tells you.
It’s at that moment, you completely freeze as you feel a sudden wet patch on your leather seat.
 “Um, Le,” You mumble, getting her attention as she fiddles with the dials of the car to find the right music playlist, “I think you might need to call Jonas and tell him that there’s a family emergency.” You say.
Leah turns towards you and looks confused, “Why’s that, love?” She wonders.
“Well, because I’m 99% sure that my waters have just broken,” You admit, gazing down to motion to the seat.
It takes literal seconds for your wife’s eyes to widen in shock, “What? Here? Now?” She rambles in a clear panic, “Seriously? Oh my God!”
“Don’t panic,” You murmur, trying to keep the situation calm despite your best efforts – Your wife is very much in a complete panic over this.
“I’m not… I’m not panicking,” Leah stutters her words as she runs her hand through her hair, “What'd we do? Do you feel like you have contractions? We need to get the hospital bag from the house!” She continues to ramble.
You shake your head in disagreement, “I don’t feel like there’s any currently,” You pause, “We’ll go home, stay there until they start and head to the hospital when it’s time, yeah?” You suggest, trying to keep calm in the situation despite the one being hours away from giving birth.
“O… Okay,” Leah swallows the lump that’s formed in her throat, “We’ll go home, we’ll wait there– I need to call my Mum, she’ll need to pick the girls up.” She notes in realisation.
“Yeah, I somehow don’t think it’s going to be possible to be there for the 3 o’clock pick up after all,” You murmur, exhaling a sigh, “Little man has decided today’s the day to make his grand entrance into the world.”
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Plans don’t always go as expected. You certainly didn’t expect to go into labour on the very same day that your eldest daughter started big school, but sometimes life takes you by complete surprise.
That day, life had a far bigger surprise than you or Leah could ever have imagined.
“This doesn’t feel right, you should be here,” Leah speaks aloud a few hours later, cradling your newborn son, Archie George Williamson at home  in her arms, knowing that you should be here to see this moment as well. 
His tiny breaths, soft and slow, his fingers curled into little fists – You’re not there to hold him yourself.
The labour had been far more complicated than anyone could have anticipated and you lost too much blood, and though they tried to save you, you never woke up after your son came into the world.
Leah's eyes are red from crying, but she’s holding herself together for the sake of the baby – For the sake of the three children that you’ve left behind while she strokes Archie’s head softly, “I hate that you aren’t here, I hate that my Mum had to pick Remi up on her first day," She murmurs, almost to herself, “We promised her we would both be there.”
The room feels empty without you, a hollow space where your laughter and warmth should be. Leah feels the ache of your absence in every corner, in every breath she takes.
“I hope you know how much your Mumma loved you already, little man,” The blonde whispers,  her heart breaking as she looks down at Archie, whose little face is scrunched up while he sleeps, “Believe me, she loved you so, so much from the minute we found out we were expecting you.”
As she takes a deep breath to steady herself, she continues to speak, “Our family might not be complete now, but you’re here, Archie Bug and we’ll make sure that you know all about her.”
There’s a quiet knock on the door and the sound of little feet thundering down the hallway as Amanda has brought Remi and Esme back from school. Leah wipes her eyes quickly, trying to put on a brave face as the door flies open.
“Mummy!” Remi shouts, her voice full of excitement, her hair now wild and free from it’s ponytail, running into the room with wide eyes, bright and full of curiosity, unaware of the loss that’s waiting to be explained.
“Mumma! Mummy!” Esme echoes, hot of her sister’s heels, her usual energetic self completely oblivious to the gravity of the situation.
“Shhh, girls,” Leah gently admonishes, holding up a finger to her lips, “We have to be quiet and use our inside voices.” She reminds them softly, her heart aching as she realises she’ll have to tell them soon.
Remi, always so observant, stops short and notices the bundle in Leah’s arms, but frowns when she doesn’t see you on the sofa like she thought she would, “Where’s Mumma?”
Leah’s smile falters, the weight of her grief momentarily overwhelming as she struggles to find the words, “Mumma… She’s not here anymore,” she says softly, her voice quivering.
Remi’s head tilts in confusion, not able to understand your wife’s words so much, “What do you mean, Mummy?” She asks as her eyes fix on Archie as she tiptoes over to Leah with exaggerated caution, “Is this him?”
“It is,” Leah responds, her voice trembling, “Girls, this is your baby brother, Archie.”
Esme’s face lights up with delight, “Baby?” She says, her voice high-pitched and curious, “My baby?” She asks.
“Your baby brother,” Leah corrects with a small, sad smile as she continues to hold Archie in her arms.
Amanda, who has walked through the house with Jacob, peers over to look at her new grandson, “He’s perfect, Bubba.” She says, sharing a sad smile with her daughter.
Jacob scoops Esme up into his arms to give her a better look at your newborn, “He’s very little still, Es, so you have to be very gentle with him.” He tells her.
Remi leans in closer, her little face filled with wonder, “He’s tiny, Mummy,” She reaches out, carefully touching Archie’s tiny hand, “He’s smaller than my dollies.”
Leah laughs softly, tears threatening again, “He is, isn’t he?” She pauses to settle Archie down in his Moses basket, “But he’ll grow up to be big and strong, just like you.”
Jacob sets Esme down next to Remi, watching the two girls stare at their brother in the Moses basket as Amanda takes the moment to wrap her arms around her daughter to comfort her.
Wanting to be brave for her children, Leah wipes away any visible tears and plasters on a fake smile as she looks in the direction of her daughters, “What do you think, Essie Bear?” She asks, catching the moment that Esme tries to reach out and poke Archie’s cheek gently, “Gentle, Essie.” She reminds her with a soft smile.
Archie just lets out a soft sigh but still remains asleep, already learning to find comfort in the noise around him.
“He likes it, Mummy,” Esme declares confidently, trying to reach out and poke him again.
“We have to be gentle with him, Es. He’s only little,” Leah tells her softly, her voice catching in her throat.
Remi glances up at Leah, “Mummy, will he like Arsenal, like you do?” She asks, curiously.
“I mean I hope so, but if not then that’s okay too,” Leah answers honestly, pushing past the weight in her chest, “Just as long as he doesn’t follow uncle Jacob and support Spurs.” She jokes, trying to make light of the situation despite how heartbroken she feels inside.
“Of course you just had to get in there, didn’t you?” Jacob rolls his eyes, shaking his head in amusement.
“What? We’re a family full of Gooners in this house,”  Leah shrugs, trying to hold onto the joy in the room, “Just as long as all 3 of my kids are happy then that’s all that matters to me now.”
“Can I hold him, Mummy? Please?” Remi leans in closer, looking at Leah with those big, hopeful eyes that match her own.
Leah nods with a smile that almost feels real, “Okay, Rem, but you have to sit down and be very still, okay?” She instructs gently.
Remi eagers nods and hops onto the chair beside the bed, her little legs dangling off the edge as she waits in anticipation to hold Archie. Leah gently lifts the sleeping baby from his Moses basket, cradling his body with steady hands, though her heart feels anything but, as she slowly places him into Remi’s waiting arms.
“Hi, Archie,” Remi’s face lights up with pure delight, her grin stretching from ear to ear as she cradles her baby brother with such tender care in the world, “I’m Remi, I’m your big sister and I love you lots!” she whispers, her voice filled with awe.
“He loves you lots too, Rem,” Leah whispers back, her voice breaking just a little, how she wishes you were to see this, to be part of this moment.
“My turn next!” Esme declares, standing on her tiptoes, trying to peek over Remi’s shoulder, “My turn!” She repeats, a little too loud as Leah quickly hushes her with a finger to her lips.
“Soon, Essie Bear,” Leah promises, brushing a hand through Esme’s curly hair, “Remi’s just having a cuddle first, see?”
Esme nods eagerly, her face scrunched up in concentration as she watches her sister carefully, “Okay, I wait,” She whispers, “He’s cute, Mummy.”
“He is, isn’t he?” Leah agrees, her smile wobbly but genuine as she looks down at Archie before leaning down to kiss the top of Esme’s head, “He looks just like you when you were born as well. Tiny and perfect.”
As Leah watches her three children, she feels the weight of your absence, an ache that will never fully leave but she knows that no matter what, she needs to be strong for them now. Making sure that they never forget you, she will keep your memory alive in every way that she can.
Because even though you’re not here, your love is and Leah will make sure that’s enough.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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bored-storyteller · 1 year
Warning: slight angst, angst/comfort, blood mentions, Leona licks you, some may not like it so you are warned.
Author's note: It was supposed to come out on his birthday but that's okay, it's a reworking of something I've already written in the past.
Twisted Wonderland, Leona Kingscholar x Reader
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Leona always thought that becoming king would be the greatest joy he could ever get in life. To be acclaimed by his people, loved, respected, seen for the wonder that he truly is. All his problems disappear before his merits, finally recognized.
You're proud of him, aren't you?
He looks at you next to him, he sees your smile. You know you will share his privileges with him.
You love him, you told him in many ways.
So why that sharp pain in his stomach, that death throb under his side?
You smile happily as you hold the bloody sword in your hands. His blood, dripping on the ground, on the royal robes, flowing amidst the laughter of jubilation at the deliverance from the dying king. Ruggie celebrates too, and Jack, and Epel, and even the brats of Heartslabyus cheer in victory. You didn't even bother using magic, just a sharp blade was enough.
His hand grips the wound in a vain attempt to survive.
But if he survives, what's he ever going to do with your hate on his shoulders?
Leona closes his eyes, and for a moment he asks for everything to end soon. But then he realizes from his gasp that it doesn't have the traits of death. The pain in his stomach is suddenly gone: he's awake.
He finds himself sitting between the sheets of his bed in the dark room.
All is calm, only the pale moon is watching him. His hand is wet yes, but only with the sweat of his torment.
It's just a nightmare, he tells himelf, and Leona Kingscholar is no longer a puppy afraid of nightmares. But even as he says it, his chest hurts, a primal dread scrapes the edges of his mind.
He feels so alone in that bed. It’s not the solitude that he claims, to which he is accustomed. It's a loneliness that asks him questions that he never wants to answer, it's a real loneliness, not the one he pretends to want.
Tomorrow everything will be easier with the sun, he thinks, yet he is downstairs outside his room.
He feels cold, his bare toes starting to bother him, but he's stronger than that.
His knocking on your door is insistent and arrogant, but effective.
When you open the door, a thousand emotions pass through your eyes: concern and confusion prevail.
He stands there like a grumpy tousled cat, cuddled up and nose wrinkled as your eyes alternate between him and the time on your phone's glowing screen.
“Leona…is it…quarter past three in the morning?”
“It seems.”
He sees you flutter tired eyelids: “What's going on? Did something catch fire? Is anyone sick? Hurt?”
Leona awake during the day is already a special event, but at night it is definitely a sign of misfortune.
But he snorts: “Nothing like that. Will you let me in?”
You smile at him, stepping aside: “Well, it's the practice, right?”
He doesn't moan or huff, he just walks past you looking for the first place he can sit down. Your expression saddens.
"Leona..." You call him softly, you kneel in front of him but his eyes escape you. His ears hang over his head and for some reason his general appearance of him brings you a melancholy that doesn't usually come from him. The boredom and pent-up anger that is usually your issues with him are dissolved into an existential sadness.
“What happens?” You investigate again, as gently as possible. What on earth could have hurt the prince so much as to reduce him like this? And what can you do, little creature, in front of something like that?
Leona remains immersed in silence for a period of time that you cannot quantify, but when his green eyes finally look at yours and you can hear his voice, there is no answer waiting for you: "Do you hate me?"
That question comes out to him in such a strange tone, feeble and wounded, that it scares even him. The big bad lion is not brave enough to face his inner monsters.
You're shocked, you almost think it's a joke, or you're dreaming, because such Leona is unthinkable.
“Do people hang out with those they hate at your home?” You ask with a hint of a smile that just wants to reassure him, even if you aren't sure either. Your hands slide over his, you take them meekly as if they were wet little birds: "Why on earth should I hate you, Leona?"
His mind suddenly comes up with more reasons than are actually real, and at the same time he seeks an answer within your gaze.
Then, suddenly, his eyebrows furrow in tension as he sights something that had gone unnoticed up to that moment.
“What did you do?” He asks as his thumb brushes the edges of what looks like a dry cut on your forehead near your left temple.
“What? What is it?” You ask confused at first, as your hand goes up to his.
“Oh, no, it's nothing!” Then you laugh, relaxing “A small accident during the alchemy lesson a few days ago. Nothing serious."
A few days ago. Nothing serious.
He hadn't noticed. Even though you'd been around him most of the time, he hadn't noticed at all. You had been hurt and he hadn't noticed.
He must have let you down, and he feels humiliated. Someone looked after you so well that you didn't even feel the need to tell him – or maybe he didn't listen to you?
He bites his lower lip in an unconscious punishment, while he feels his swollen heart become heavier in the new awareness of being useless to you.
“Come here.”
His dragging you into his lap feels rough, but you sense that something has changed in him, something that had remained unknown until then.
“Leona?” You call him quietly, but he silences you with a soft whisper. You're not sure what his behavior responds to, whether it's a puppy's need for affection, the care of a lover or a primordial protective instinct that resides in the animal part of him.
His tongue slowly caresses your wound with mechanical and slow movements. They are of no use now, yet they speak of his need to have you near, to be worthy of having you.
It's a prayer for forgiveness he'll never say in words, but what's the need for words?
Your palms rest patiently on his shoulders, and his hand gently holds the opposite side of your face as he continues that primal ritual.
How many hidden sides does your magical prince have?
“You should do this more often.” You tell him, while you hug more to his chest.
“Don't get your hopes up.” He answers you, but in the meantime he feels your body abandoned in his hands, all your need to receive the love of your loved one.
Your hand rests on his neck, caresses him, then goes up his cheek, up to his sensitive ear. Leona meekly bows his head to let himself be cuddled. For once, in the middle of the night, with you, he can afford it.
You still love him, it's a relief. A relief that deserves his invaluable commitment, not to make you leave.
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calllmepau · 2 months
"I'm Here"
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› 𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
› 𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 : Trying to escape from the angels of death, you try to calm your dear friend from their attack.
› 𝗰𝘄 : anxiety, despair and tension
› 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 : It's me again, a little late but here we are with a new os from Eric 🤍 + remember that English is not my first language, so sorry for the mistakes
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Hopefully, we had managed to escape from the monsters. We found ourselves in what seemed to be a flooded subway tunnel. It was Eric, Sam, and me. Sam is a girl we met along the way after the avalanche of people; she owned the cute kitten.
In the distance, we could hear that eerie and disgusting sound the creatures made. We had no choice but to cross through the water, hoping to find an exit.
With great care, Sam ventured into the water. Eric brought what seemed to be a kind of board to place the kitten on. Once Sam was holding the board and ensuring it didn't sink, Eric carefully entered the water, turning to extend his hand to me, making sure not to make any noise. Without hesitation, I took it and, like them, entered the water.
Soon we began to move forward, making sure the water didn't move too much to avoid making a loud noise. Sam went ahead, I was in the middle with my arms slightly raised to avoid moving the water with them, and lastly, Eric, who took slower steps. I suppose he was as afraid as we were of doing something that might alert the creatures.
Not even five minutes had passed since we entered the water, and to our misfortune, there was an opening in the ceiling ahead of us, causing large amounts of water to fall. It looked like a waterfall, making so much noise that all I did was cover my mouth with my hands. Fear shot through my body as soon as I looked up and saw that horrible creature in the ceiling opening. It looked like a giant spider ready to attack. As soon as I saw it, my breathing quickened, but this was interrupted when the flashlight's beam pointed at it. I turned my head slightly to signal Eric to lower the flashlight.
Eric lowered the flashlight, and I returned my gaze forward and continued walking until a heavy breathing sound filled my ears. The noise came from Eric. My eyes widened with surprise, but soon this emotion was replaced by concern. With my right arm, I clumsily reached for Sam's shoulder to signal her to stop. I felt the water behind me move, indicating that Sam had turned around. I took careful but quick steps towards Eric, who was staring at the water, holding his left hand to his chest.
"Eric, what's happening? Are you okay?" I asked once I was close to him, my eyes scanning his face as if trying to analyze him, to know what was going on. His puppy-like eyes met mine, filled with desperation and fear. I placed my hands on his cheeks to keep his eyes on me. He didn't hesitate to bring his right hand to mine, holding it over his cheek as he tried to control his breathing, giving my hand a slight squeeze.
"It's okay, yes? Everything is going to be okay." I whispered as he just nodded. "It's okay, I'm okay," he managed to say. I nodded affirmatively at his response, but soon Eric's eyes became glassy, indicating he was about to cry. Instinctively, I brought my hand to his mouth to prevent any loud sobs.
"Shh, please... Eric, you're okay, you're doing great..." I felt Eric bring one of his hands to mine, trying to stifle a whimper that wanted to escape his lips. The damn creature made a clicking noise. Sam moved closer to grab my clothes and get my attention, which she succeeded in doing. Her eyes indicated that I shouldn't make so much noise; I assumed she was referring to my tone of voice.
My eyes returned to Eric's. I leaned in to leave a silent kiss on his forehead, then slowly moved my hand away from his mouth. "Breathe with me, we're okay... feel the water, Eric." My hands rested on his shoulders as he followed my instructions. He took a deep breath, and his right hand clenched the water into a fist, feeling it silently escape from his hand.
He seemed calmer, so I gave him a small smile, but all of this vanished when the creature made another noise, this time louder and sharper. Sam, Eric, and I immediately turned towards where the creature was, fearing we had been discovered. We saw that it had every intention of attacking us.
We had to escape.
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roach-works · 6 months
Hi!!!! I recently read When the Wolf Comes Home and I loved the premise the where the fic was heading. I know it hasn't been updated since 2017 so I was wondering if there was any intention of finishing it? I know it's possible you've moved on from that fandom and that is totally fine! If you are, would it be possible to share where you wanted to take the fic? Thank you, I absolutely loved your writing!!!
im a little stuck on that one because yeah i do sometimes noodle a little more on it and i had a pretty solid plot for the first year, after which i was going to be Very Firmly Done because so many rewrites attempt to take on the whole seven year span and founder on the complexity. but the problem is im really ambivalent and undecided on how much i want to participate in harry potter fandom at this late date, with JKR going mask-off nazi sympathizer. it's a weird situation where you can't argue for death of the author when the author is annoyingly alive and arguing that you should be dead.
im deeply reluctant to denounce people still participating in a fandom that i myself found incredibly fun and rewarding for, yknow, several decades of my life, and i don't think i'm better than them, just fortunate to be more interested in other projects.
but ambivalence towards the fandom and deep resentment towards the creator aren't really a productive headspace to actually write in, and i also don't want to finally work through my own doubts, finish another chapter, and then get my head torn off by people who are certain that i'm supporting JKR's toxic fuckwittery.
all in all it's easier and more rewarding to play with other fandoms and work on my many original projects.
where the fic was going:
as far as i remember, in When The Wolf Comes Home, draco was going to get his dad to hire lupin as his defense against the dark arts tutor and rent out the shrieking shack for the man to work out of, thus circumventing the curse on the DADA position and giving draco a werewolf mentor and independent bolt-hole.
quirrelmort was going to continue trying to figure out how to use or dispose of draco on his way to get the philosopher stone, a side-plot draco knew almost nothing about. draco would continue to try to maneuver harry into quirrel's way and snape out of his way, with indifferent success. harry and ron, lacking any voice of reason to temper their enthusiastic partnership of 'baby griffindors looking cool in front of their first real friend ever', would continue to believe that draco, the saddest wet puppy, was an evil monster and the cause of all their misfortunes. draco would continue to be the most mentally and emotionally unstable kid in the castle, taking all the heat off neville, who would end up looking fairly cool and collected by comparison. rita skeeter would feature somewhere in there, hired by narcissa to write little puff pieces on how tragic and brave draco was being about going to school with such a tragic disability.
remus lupin would end up with a full schedule tutoring DADA students about to take their NEWTs and OWLs and make a bunch of money. with lucius as his patron and PR agent, he would be accepted in hogsmeade as a dashing and heroic warlock who had been off having reams of secret agent adventures as dumbledore's key man in the muggle world. remus would not really know what to do with this but eat as much as possible and smile gamely when lucius showed him off to people.
eventually towards the end of the year quirrel would get rid of draco by orchestrating a fight between ron and draco where ron cut his fist on draco's teeth. this would count as a bite and draco would get thrown in azkaban and belatedly realize that he had completely and totally forgotten about sirius black's whole Saddest Wet Dog situation. sirius would do his best to take care of his tiny insane werepuppy cousin until the malfoys and longbottoms and weasleys combined to lever draco back out, using ron's ashamed testimony. draco would immediately turn around and reveal scabbers. the malfoys would end up looking like champions of truth and justice and the weasleys would, unfortunately, have to just stand there and smile gamely for the cameras.
while all this was happening harry would go after quirrel with hermione and neville and take him down. dumbledore would show up at the end, when voldemort was defeated and sirius was exonerated and several deep family feuds had been laid aside, to dispense twinkling paternal wisdom.
draco would kick him in the fork.
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emerald-notes · 1 year
Noona! Please! Help! - Part 1
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Fandom: BTS Characters: Younger Brothers BTS and Elder Sister Narrator Genre: A Little Dramatic and A Little Comedic Word Count: 1.7K Words Warning: Mention of BTS crackhead behaviors (I mean, why not? We all love their crackheadness), sickness, economic crisis, broken family, mention of emotional abuse, characters death etc. Note: It’s a siblings AU story of BTS with the narrator as their elder sister. I tried to write something different from what I usually write about. I had fun making this. Hope it makes you feel good too. Happy Reading Everyone :)
Summary: Her little brothers can’t attend to a single task without her help. Be it a dance competition or asking out a girl for a date, they always seem to be finding everything too hard to go through without her by their side. ‘Our lucky charm’; that’s what they like to call her. But what if she turns out to be a misfortune in different situations in one single day?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - More to come
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I always wonder when Ma said that she wanted a big family the day Pa had asked her to marry him, if she had really meant it like a family of ten people. But one thing was clear. Pa took her words to his heart and fulfilled her dream without compromise.
The struggle of being the elder sister of seven messy and chaotic brothers can be something impossible to even imagine. Especially if you are growing up in a household where both your parents are too sweet to ever scold their children.
I wish I could be that person who can easily punish her younger siblings when they misbehave. But alas! God had other plans. He made sure that my seven precious brothers were treated kindly by my parents to the point of being spoiled.
Now don’t get the wrong idea. My brothers are not all spoiled brats. In fact, most of them grew up to be gentlemen. At least, in front of the people that matters. But when they are home together with no one to supervise them, they are the biggest crackheads to ever exist.
Even if they give me headaches that are almost similar to that of the migraine pain my best friend suffers from (I said ‘almost’ because no pain compares to her evil migraine, trust me!) the moment I look into their eyes, I can’t bring myself to be mean. I think they have somehow mastered the art of creating the most innocent puppy eyes that melts my heart within seconds.
I think I am giving you the wrong idea all along. It's actually because I can’t express my frustration with my naughty angels in real life. So, it is making me pour out all the complaints here in texts all at once. Maybe it's time for a proper chronological introduction of them. And I will not make you wait any longer.
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Kim Seok Jin:
The eldest and the handsomest, as he likes to be called, is none other than our Kim Seok Jin. “Just call me Jin. It sounds cool.” as our prince had once said. So, it had been maintained by everyone without a word. After all, he’s the hyung of the pack.
Three years younger than me, acts like the maknae more than the maknae does himself, Jin never fails to crack a joke at every family event. His sense of humor is unlike any other. No one would agree that his dad jokes are ever really funny. But you would never catch them not laughing even whenever Jin made one of his lamest jokes. My personal belief is that the mystery lies within Jin’s own laughing sound.
Kim Yoon Gi:
The only one who dares not to laugh, when the others are ready to roll on the ground, is our second eldest hyung, Yoongi. He even managed to come into this world as early as possible after Jin so that only nine months is their age difference.
My grandma used to tell a touching story of how my mother had lost her beloved cat during her pregnancy when she carried Yoongi. That’s how he ended up getting her cat’s name. Yoongi lives up to his name too. He looks like a cat, acts like a cat and I feel that he even thinks like a cat.
Kim Ho Seok:
Oldest by only seven minutes among the first set of twins mother gave birth to, Hoseok is the sunshine of our family. His bright spirit and reckless laugh puts everyone at ease. It is as if he had taken the responsibility of always keeping the good vibes in the family.
However, his angry side is just as scary. Nobody wants to deal with an angry Hoseok. Nobody! Not Jin, not me, not even Ma and Pa.
Kim Nam Joon:
Hoseok’s twin Namjoon is the brain of the team. Who said that it is always the middle child who gets ignored all the time? Namjoon proves every single one of them wrong. It is always Namjoon who comes to the conversation first whenever a relative of ours asks about us.
With all that demeanor like an older child, both physically and mentally, Namjoon still has a very childish side of him. That child is the God of destruction who breaks everything it touches. These contradictory qualities had earned him his nickname, ‘Giant-baby’.
Kim Ji Min:
The second set of twins produced Jimin as the oldest. Jimin, the comforter. Jimin, the lovely. And definitely Jimin, the flirt.
If cringe could be a person, he would be Jimin. He never shies away from his emotions. “Did I mention that I love you?” is something you would often hear him say. Even though others pretend to throw up at his words of affirmations, they have to agree that they can’t help liking it secretly.
Kim Taehyung:
Jimin’s soulmate, born with a face of a Greek God, Kim Taehyung runs the fashion industry in our home. “That lipstick doesn’t suit your eye makeup” , “The shoes made your whole fit cheap”, “Try to wear that and everyone will think you’re going through a breakup.” Taehyung doesn’t care to point them out.
Taehyung lives in his own world. Not in his mind exactly. I think it is an invisible world that coexists with ours. Because most of the time, we question his behavior and sometimes his sanity too.
Kim Jungkook:
The golden maknae, also the only one having a two years age difference with his closest elder hyung, is our bunny boy Jungkook. At first sight, everyone would think he’s the high school heartthrob. But once you get to know him, you’ll know how shy he is in front of strangers.
Whatever shyness he has in him, he uses them all outside our home. Because inside it’s always, “Party! Party! Yeah!” And that party is always him alone in his room doing karaoke till it's 3 in the morning. But who’s to scold him for that?
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The reason behind each of their varying personalities, I believe, is because we grew up in different households as children. Is it even surprising? Do you think it is really possible for two people to take care of eight kids without help? The answer to this question may be a little complicated.
But my parents were determined to raise their kids by themselves so that none of them ever feels left out. And they did it too, for almost 8 years. But Ma fell ill right after giving birth to Jungkook. And Pa was having some financial crisis at the same time. As it has been said 'Bad things come in threes', Jungkook was born with some complications.
So, Pa had to focus on him and him alone. It was still hard for Pa to do it without Ma by his side. That's when I decided to take charge of taking care of the youngest while Pa looked after Ma and his business. I know I was only 8 years old at the time, but our situation had forced me to be more mature than that.
After some discussions on our wellbeing and the family's economic condition, Ma and Pa decided to keep Jungkook and me only. They told me that it was only for the time being and that they would bring everyone together as soon as they could.
Poor Jimin and Taehyung had no idea when they were sent to live with Granma and Granpa. I learned later that little Tae had continually cried for days and Jimin had grown too quiet for a two year old.
Namjoon and Hoseok were sent to stay with Ma's elder sister, her husband and her little daughter who was just about the age of the twins. As far as the report went, I'm positive that among all my brothers they got to stay a little happier away from home.
The one who suffered the most was probably Yoongi. Being too innocent for this world, Pa had failed to recognise how cruel his brother's behavior could sometimes get. Maybe growing up with an emotionally unavailable adult made Yoongi the most outwardly cold. Mind you that I said 'outwardly' because I'm sure if you can see through his heart, you will find something quite the opposite.
Jin stayed with Pa's sister who had been raising kids her whole life. All of her kids were older than Jin. So I guess it's easier to understand why Jin acts like a maknae all the time.
The idea of bringing them home 'as soon as possible' remained an idea. Because by the time Pa had somehow managed to get into a reliable position with his business, Ma was gone. And Pa had no other choice but to follow her.
Since it would be impossible for a 13 year old to be taking care of her 5 year old brother on her own, Granma decided to take us to her as well. So, we were reunited with Tae and Jimin in her house.
One by one, my little brothers turned 18 and built their own life. Even though I am now a full grown 25 year old woman I still couldn't leave my granma's house. And it is because I couldn't give up on being a parent to the youngest who has still not crossed the line of 18.
"Just wait for one more year and I'll grow up and thrive in this world." Jungkook says that quite a lot lately. Even though it might sound a little selfish, I wish my Jungkookie never grew up. So that I could keep him all to myself like I had been doing for the past 17 years of my life.
But there is a bright side of them finally turning 18. One by one the hyung line among my brothers started to get in touch with me more and more frequently. Finally, after years of separation, I truly feel like I'm getting to be that older sister that I had to be. And I'm happy that they are allowing me to be just that.
You might get a little confused as to why I had complained about them in the beginning of this story as if they were little kids I have to look after when I didn't even get to live with them for that long. Let me get you out of this confusion. It's because now that I finally get to be close enough once again, I realized one very important fact that applies to them all. My brothers haven't really grown up.
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My Masterlist
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jknerd · 2 years
(My humanly adaptation of GRINCH^^)
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Full Name: Ethan Grinch 
Age: Immortal
Gender: Male
Occupations: Holiday Mascot, Monster Celebrity, Krampus’ business partner (both as singer and Naughty Begone Foundation)
Relatives: Max (pet), Martha-May Hoovier (eventual wife), Cindy Lou Hooper (goddaughter)
Interests: Punishing abusive adults and bratty children, Hash brown, solving world hunger (tell NO ONE), Jazz dance, inventing
Ethan Grinch, known as The Grinch or Mr. Grinch, is a “dark fairy” or bitter spirit who despise holidays, especially Christmas. He is also Krampus’ business partner—in both as singer and co-founder of Naughty Begone Foundation—and is occasionally helping him. In previous life, he was once a human born as orphan during Industrial Era of England. The orphanage was too poor to provide every children decent Christmas dinner. With no one to adopt him, Grinch was forced to leave orphanage and work at factories. When returning to help the orphanage, he discovered it was knocked down and replaced with mansion of rich family. Looking for the orphanage family, he wandered. However, he couldn’t find the nuns or the orphans. Discovering abandoned puppy, he named the little one “Max”. But due to the cold weather, they were freezing to death until they were found by Santa Claus, his wife and their son Krampus. Turned into spirits, Grinch and Max were able to reside in the high snowy mountain. However, due to the past, Grinch had never opened his heart to Christmas season.
In Fairly Oddparents AU: While Krampus would go to world tour as famous singer, Grinch would be notified who are the “naughty” adults and children. These informations would give him an opportunity to ruin the Christmas of said people from “naughty list”. Just like “Vick DeVil” sang by Chip Skylark, Krampus had a song named “The Mean One”, dedicated to him. Grinch also occasionally babysits Baby New Year, making sure the baby never cries and sleeps in peace. Martha May Hoovier, the celebrity of Fairy World in this AU, has enormously romantic feelings for him. Eventually, when Krampus got him out of work at Christmas, Grinch was surprised of Martha’s marriage proposal, but he accepted. Much later, according to Jorgen, Grinch and Martha May become fairy godparents of a human girl named Cindy Lou.
In Grimm Adventures of Billie & Manny AU: According to Sado and other reapers, Grinch was described as most anti-social and cruel individual when necessary. When Grinch visited Grima, he doubted that mortal teenagers could ever make her as their legal reaper guardian until he encountered Manny. Both Manny and Grinch take a liking of one another, sharing a lot in common. One of the reapers, named Catrina, is close friend with Martha May, who is Santa’s Toy Factory Worker. Finding the two cute together, Catrina, Billie and Irina would attempt to set them up.
In Courage the Cowardly Girl AU: Unlike Krampus, Grinch wasn’t quite a friendly individual who doesn’t tolerate trespasser. Courage attempted to explain her reasoning in entering his mountain, but Grinch already knew that her entrance in his cave means she asked for his holiday misfortune to be removed from Muriel and Eustace. Grinch made a deal that if she scarified her Christmas season and work for him, he will remove the curse. Learning of his past, Courage received a help from Cindy Lou—the only child spared from Grinch’s grumpiness—to find relatives of orphans he lived with. Due to her dedication and her past as orphan, Grinch decided to set her free before the Christmas Day and lift the misfortunate spell from Eustace and Muriel.
In Danni Phantom AU: Grinch is described as “Bitter Spirit of Holidays” by the Ghost Writer. But Grinch turns out to be Sam’s favorite during his and Krampus’ duo debut. In ghost realm, Grinch resides in same snowy region with Frostbite, hence Grinch has snow/ice powers. 
In AAnA AU: Finding Culdesac as perfect place to make many lives’ Christmas season miserable, Grinch spilled the beans to both Santa and Krampus about bullies of Peach Creek. He was seen laughing when Kevin and other popular kids were turned into ugly scarecrows. Although they eventually learned the lesson, Grinch would always wait for another annual chance to crush their Christmas spirit if they began act the same as usual.
In Hazbin Hotel ’n Helluva Boss AU: Grinch is quite popular with the sinners in hell, mostly the ones who have heard stories or myth about him. Alas, he also becomes one of Charlie’s guests in Hazbin Hotel. Grinch bonded with Husk most of the time and didn’t like Alastor invading his personal space. Eventually, Grinch admitted to Charlie that he hated Christmas because it reminds him of his previous life as orphaned mortal who couldn’t get enough money to save the orphanage from demolition and inability to afford decent Christmas dinner/gifts for the orphans. Feeling better, Grinch leaves the hotel but left decent gifts for each staff. At some point, he hired IMPs to murder the corrupted British family of the noble who was responsible for demolition of orphanage he was raised in.
In Caty & Dolly: Caty and Dolly had hold Christmas dearly, but it wasn't because of Santa Claus, Christmas dinner, gifts, or the tree. Shreck and Logan, the respective love interest of the conjoined girls, tried to figure out what is the best gift for them. Eventually, they find out about their childhood Christmas "guardian", reveals to be the Grinch himself. Witnessing baby conjoined twins, Grinch felt sympathy for them and decided to send gifts to them; warm blanket, two pairs of mittens, and two Santa hats. Grinch then MENACINGLY threatened Shreck and Logan he would personally wipe them out of "Nice" or "Naughty" list "permanently" if they ever upset the girls, indicating he has a power to end them.
In Spongebell AU: Grinch appeared as cameo in McKrabs as a customer during Christmas season. Bell's pet cat Gary was able to recognize him as "inhuman", but his gaze were enough to scare off the poor cat. 
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envelopesofbadluck · 10 months
Cute Emperor Facts
/yes I know I am very late on this but now I'm giving some facts
-He has purplish-blue stripes on his back
-He's very eepy and cuddly in the winter because that's when some caterpillars hibernate or something
-He is learning to mimic purrs and hisses from Misfortune
-His first word was Ed or something
-Master of puppy eyes (how else do you think he gets away with eating one of Ribbon's plants without him being mad at him for more than a second)
-Still likes sleeping in Pom's hair lmao
-Also appears fluffier and a little chubbier in the winter (this and hibernation thing and stripe things are howdy things in general my howdys have)
-He's a little kleptomaniac
-Giggles at death scenes in horror movies (cute and creepy)
-He keeps climbing in a certain festive tree like a cat lmao
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fellow-traveller · 1 year
Alright. Finally have the time and peace of mind to talk about
CDDH Chapter 15
I drafted a write-up on it and it ended up being 5 pages long.
Strap in, boys and gals!
(under the cut, mainly because I’m gonna debunk something the fans had started to believe in and I’m positive it’s not gonna make them happy)
Okay, before I start...this review won’t be in chronological order. I tried, but failed. I’m sorry.
So it’s going to be a little convoluted, but I hope I managed to get the ideas and other things I had in mind about this chapter across. I’ll start with the heavy thoughts, then simply talk about the scenes, and finally I’ll jump to the debunking.
This second last chapter is more Hol Horse-centric, which is, I believe, the actual climax of the story. I know a lot of fans saw CDDH as a spin-off for Part 4 Josuke (and even Kakyoin), but from the very beginning, it’s actually Hol Horse’s. Josuke is really just a secondary protagonist. So it’s fitting to end the series with a conclusion to part of Hol Horse’s story.
I believe the scene with Ryoko threatening Hol Horse with a gun is the peak of their own development in this story. Ryoko having to prove to herself that she was no longer the one to blame for her cousin’s death, and Hol having to prove to himself that he was no longer the one that blames everyone else for every single mishap happening.
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And I have a feeling Hol knew she was struggling with that; most likely from how shaky her hands were when she held the gun (obviously, surely, Hol would know how one would handle guns, right?). She was, in a way, doing what he had done so many times before – blaming someone else for something he didn’t do to make himself feel better. And when he couldn’t find anything to blame on, he’d run away.
Which is interesting if we tie this to his “Mr No.2” principle. Hol’s reason to be second most likely and partially stemmed by his tendency to blame others. When things did not go his way, he could at least blame his partner for it. When J. Geil was killed by Kakyoin and Polnareff, Hol basically had no one to blame for the loss, so he ran away. When he teamed up with Boingo, he blamed the kid when Thoth’s prediction wasn’t going as planned, even if the mistake was pretty much coincidental and was a product of misinterpretation.
(it also kinda ties with the Emperor tarot card, and I’ll try to explain it below)
In CDDH, Hol did want to blame Dio for everyone’s death. Kakyoin’s death more so, even if it really wasn’t his fault. But Hol was Dio’s agent, making Dio indirectly his partner. And now that Dio was dead, naturally Hol should run away.
But because CDDH is literally Hol Horse’s redemption story, this negative part of his personality has to be eradicated.
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And so we were blessed with this puppy eyes look that Hol Horse gave Ryoko after he realise running away was no longer an option he should have and the only right, good and correct way to everything was being truthful to himself and others. The look that Ryoko instantly equated to Kakyoin’s during her encounter with his soul, because like Hol, Kakyoin too was blaming others for the misfortunes he experienced throughout his life, and ran away from the life he knew in Japan for the adventure to Egypt to make himself feel better.  
It works, eventually. I mean...no one should say ever say no to that calm and accepting cowboy face.
I also find it kinda interesting that, all the talk of Hol Horse “respecting women” is basically just him being a good person. A genuinely good person, who doesn’t want any rewards of any kind whatsoever for saving someone’s life. I’m just guessing his tendency to save women more mainly lies in his Emperor trait, but there could be a possible backstory to it. I may be reading too much in it (plus, I forgot what the Japanese text were for this excerpt to properly look into it) but I have a feeling the “healing after being hurt” wasn’t in a physical context for Hol.
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It could be his broken pride, his low self-esteem and cowardice, the breaking of the set of rules he had given himself...but there’s also the possibility that it traced back to a past that was yet to be fully elaborated. Perhaps we’ll see it in the novel? Who knows.
(it’s a nice quote, btw)
Anyway, I digressed.
Hol being a good person goes back to the interpretation of the Emperor card that is already “fated” to be how he was, is and will be as a person.
(again, disclaimer: I am not an expert in the Major Arcana. I just happen to read a lot on it. But if I am wrong in any way, feel free to correct me)
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So, Emperor, first and foremost is a symbol of structure, rules, systems, knowledge and paternal figure. The absolute male ego, the ruler of the world (which is interesting, because Hol was about to rule over Dio, who held The World), the ultimate power and authority. This is on top of the traits Hol mentioned in this page, which signifies control.
All in all, good traits to have for a good cowboy.
In a person, Emperor represents a strategic thinker that often makes sure the plans they planned worked. Which brings me back to the part about Hol blaming others and running away, when his plans to kill the Crusaders AND Dio did not work. Emperor desire to create happiness and peace, foster honour and discipline, not only for himself but for everyone around him.
Including the women who were still alive among the dead ones used as Dio’s food, whom Hol had nothing to do with their life choices that had them ended up in a vampire’s mansion. True, Hol could have just leave them there. It wasn’t his business.
But he made it his business. Why? Because he’s the Emperor. He has to bring forth happiness to the people around him, he has to honour them and keep their honour, and he most certainly has to live up to his own set of rules – “to be the nicest guy in the world when it comes to the ladies”.
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After all, an emperor’s job is to rule, as much as he is to serve his subjects. He follows the calling of the crown he wears above all else.
Emperor being about control is also considered the ultimate improvement that Hol needed. Out of the many Emperor traits, control is something Hol still wavered in, most notably the control on the direction of his life. But in this chapter, Hol choosing to not blame himself let alone anyone else for what happened to Kakyoin, and not running away from the question either, was literally him taking control of the direction of his life. Just like how he takes control of the trajectory of his bullets.
And with control will come more positive traits for Hol, including acting rationally for the greater good, having strong determination to reach a goal, and being a strong leader.
These are all upright significance of the Emperor card. Hol Horse used to be the reversed – inability to handle difficult situations, the rules he created and the plans he planned no longer worked, and  ultimately forgetting his call to be the good person he was supposed to be out of fear of losing – before he took the stand to betray Dio. I guess it’s correct to say that the reversed traits that Hol used to have became fully upright then, and it’s proven with the flashback in this chapter.  
So, Hol admitted that he was Dio’s servant who was sent to kill the Crusaders including Ryoko’s cousin (and also admitting that he was no match against them – something he had been very truthful about since his first fight), and I believe it is really the correct thing to do on Hol’s part.
I do feel the turning point of Ryoko dropping the gun and helping Hol up proved the idea that...it’s okay to be a coward, for whatever reason one can think of. I feel like that’s part of Hol’s character as well. Too many times I’ve seen fans making fun of Hol for being a coward (mostly light-hearted, of course), but comedy aside, I do think it’s a good trait to have in difficult situations. It makes you survive longer, and be more understanding towards the people around you. It sums up Hol a lot, and it’s also a good development trait for both Kakyoins.
I particularly liked that Hol kept it simple and told her that the Crusaders saved the world. For someone who wasn’t there and not understanding how tremendous the task to defeat Dio was, simply saying the Crusaders – or Noriaki Kakyoin, for her sake – had saved everyone on Earth, is more than enough.
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And Thoth did that kind of prediction again. So the “shooting Hol in the head” was just the old bullet wound from the last time he had his face shot at in SDC opening up. I’m just guessing that the stress of hanging by the ledge on one hand and having a gun he cannot control being shoved to his face had caused that.
But after 10 years? I don’t think Hol led a stress-free life after the events in SDC. Continuous stress can make a wound not heal properly after all. But damn, 10 YEARS...
;-; if only I can hug Hol tightly, I would. Cowboy deserves all the hugs in the world.
(will Josuke help heal this old wound for good? I hope so!♥)
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Also, I love this panel. Hol acting like a father, in addition to the usual Hol respecting women trope. After getting himself near to the brink of death, the way he just casually and nonchalantly took off his long jacket to give to a half-naked young woman in front of him...it seemed so natural. I truly believe Hol would protect women any chance he gets.
We will always love Hol Horse for this. Yes, we do.
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Also, the whole CDDH gang ♥ Truly a great way to end the chapter. And this particular panel sure looked like a groundwork to more adventures for them (minus Josuke, maybe, he has Part 4 to be in). But even if there would be no more stories for the gang, it’s still good way to finalise the story.
Overall, strongest chapter in my opinion.
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Talking about more adventures, apparently after the CDDH manga ends, the novel version of CDDH will be out; similar to Purple Haze Feedback and Over Heaven. I believe it’s the same story as CDDH manga, but with more details? I hope they explain a lot more on certain unexplained events (Karaiya’s grandfather, Boingo’s own demons to conquer, to name a few...) and maybe expand more on SDC from the villains’ POV, since Hol Horse’s past as Dio’s agent was heavily referenced in CDDH.
Whatever it is, I hope it gives a good read. I’m certainly buying the novel. It’s not always you get to see a minor antagonist in canon be the main protagonist in a spin-off after all...
I’m also just...liking the fact that Hol Horse no longer worked as mercenary-cum-assassin, but a private eye in CDDH.
Private Eyes by Hall and Oates...I see what you did there...♥
Now...on the debunking part.
I don’t know who first made the assumption on this, but whoever you are, no hate. If anyone wants to firmly stand by that theory, go ahead. You’re free to do so; that’s the beauty of fiction.
But because I try my best to tie CDDH to the canon JoJo timeline, I just have to. I’m sorry.
So, the assumption was that the ladies that Hol Horse saved from Dio’s mansion were the mothers of Giorno, Rikiel, Donatello Versus and/or Ungalo. The idea is intriguing, I know, but...
Giorno was 3-4 years old when SDC happened. Versus was 1-2. The most I can take are Rikiel and Ungalo since they were born in 1988 (SDC’s timeline is 1988-89), but that’s quite a stretch.
We know Hol Horse was an outsourced mercenary hired by Dio to be an agent, and was not recruited into his cult-like group via his charisma (like Enyaba, Enrico Pucci, Mariah and Terence D’Arby were, to name a few). I’m not sure if I can provide much evidence on this, other than the fact that out of all Agents of Dio, he was one of those who were not given a fleshbud (it’s common ground that Dio gave this to his followers if they had a strong sense of nobility and he felt like they will cross him one day) and the only one willingly betray Dio. Plus, there’s a microscopic scene in the anime where Hol Horse was showcasing his Stand’s ability to Dio and Enyaba, which, in my opinion, he didn’t have to if he was already in the cult of Dio.  
Which brings us back to the timeline. The only time and space where Hol Horse would be in Egypt, in Dio’s mansion, would be the time he was hired between 1987 and 1989 (1987 was presumably the year Dio started recruiting allies after receiving a Stand). So if the women were to be the ladies who conceived Dio’s children, they had to at least be saved in 1984 or 1986. Hol Horse wasn’t even there in the picture then.
Another reason I don’t really see the ladies conceiving Dio’s children – at least not the ones we already know – is the fact that Dio lets Giorno’s mother live back in 1984, a year after Dio reawakened. There is a possibility that she started off as Dio’s food, but ended up intriguing Dio enough to let her go and have his child. Or she was, like Mr Nijimura, a part of Dio’s cult for the money.
(which made me wonder if Hol Horse was in it for the money too, before Dio noticed he had a Stand and recruited him as an agent instead of a mere cult member...it’s a good possibility to think about!)
So yeah. The ladies are definitely not the mothers to Giorno, Donatello Versus, Rikiel and Ungalo. They are just there to tell you how Hol Horse REALLY was; the cowboy who willingly placed his neck under a raised guillotine to be a genuinely good person, even if circumstances did not allow him to be one.
However...I’d be lying if I say I don’t wish the three ladies Hol saved will reappear again and meet Hol to thank him for his help. I hope that happens in the upcoming CDDH novel.
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Additionally...goddamn, Hol Horse is FUCKING STRONG. He managed to carry 3 grown women while running...just...wow.
Also, I’d like to believe Hol finished most of his cash during the SDC event to pay for this taxi driver. He was left with mostly coins, after all, and those too went to Boingo, just in case the kid got lost.
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Finally, please ignore my fangirling over this panel of Hol Horse remembering the Crusaders, and Polnareff’s goofy smile was part of his memory whereas the others are just...killed and dead.
As a huge HolPol/PolHol enjoyer, let me have a moment with this one ;-;♥♥♥  
Can’t wait for the final chapter, and certainly can’t wait for the novel!
Special thanks to WNMY translators for translating this chapter! You all did wonderfully :D
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20 questions quiz for miss st mal bcus its fun and informs stuff about her character, even if a few things r specific to the rp shes in. I had fun writing it at least.
1. What would completely break your character? Emotionally? Physically?
Mallorie is a testament to human endurance: she already knows the world is set to break you time and time again, but you can always be healed and through it- be stronger. There is nothing that would completely stop her. At her best, even death seems only a theoretical hurdle(in her mind anyway).
2. What was the best thing in your character's life, and why?
She knows that she has always been loved and that thought always warms her. God is good.
3. What was the worst thing in your character's life, and why?
Perhaps choosing to run away right after one has just had major surgery was not her brightest moment, Mal can admit that now. 
4. What seemingly insignificant memories stuck with your character? Why?
The week that she and her troupe spent trying to find homes for half a dozen just born puppies. She and her teacher were in the midst of dissecting a pregnant dog when they’d discovered just how fresh the cadaver had been. It was a miraculous thing, though not all of the puppies had made it.  At first nobody had wanted to get involved and had put all responsibility for the animals on Mallorie, but eventually they’d come around in their own ways. Mal remembers it as a pivotal bonding moment for all of them.
5. Does your character work so that they can support their hobbies or use their hobbies as a way of padding the time when they aren’t working?
The Great Work is all there ever has been. And besides, all the best hobbies are  the ones you need not spend a single penny on! Mal would(probably) never indulge like that, but she does scavenge for materials to make funny little dolls sometime, or make up songs,  read plays, or try to learn sleight of hand. Nothing that would ever come up to the level of her work though.
6. What is your character reluctant to tell people?
She has learned over the past 3 years that she shouldn’t be quite as open about her angel visitation. Sometimes less is more. 
Day-to-day, she does not like dwelling on her misfortunes and has a tendency to be pretty dismissive or make light of it. People don't like that for some reason, but thats never stopped Mal before.
7. How does your character feel about sex? Romance?
Sooo, funny story. To strengthen her position among the nuns she had actually become a Consecrated Virgin. Which, of course, physically she was not. But you do some crazy thing to make people like you(they still didn’t).
Mal does feel some matter of relief to be denied the mess of having a lovelife. It's just another thing she knows would blow up in her face, 100% her own fault.
But Mal is at her core a desperate romantic. She craves a *special* connection, a soulmate, a confidant. Someone to understand her even without words. 
She can go a long way without ever admitting her feelings. Or even realizing them herself. She tends to allow herself a lot of leeway with her relationships just because at the end of the day, everybody knows she can't pursue romance. So obviously this isn't one. It's just good christianly bonding/ motherly care/ good bedside manner -Whichever you’d prefer.
8. How many friends does your character have?
The whole world is her friend! “Friend” is a word that comes easy to Mallorie and easier yet from people whose lives you've helped save.
9. How many friends does your character want?
Though endless acquaintances and beloved ex patients are nice to have, she does still long for just one really, properly, close friend, the aforementioned confidant. She misses the time when she thought she had one.
10. What would your character make a scene in public about?
 Do you *need* to make a scene? Where? When? Mal will help! Sometimes making a scene is the only way you can get things done. Mal is not averse to it at all.
In personal matters though? Idk, you could make her cry p easily.
11. What cause(s) would your character give their life for?
Though she has bigger fish to fry, if in the heat of the moment she could save a life with her own, she would not hesitate to do so.
12. What does your character believe are their major flaws?
Vanity- at least that’s what she calls it. It's more like pathological attention-seeking. 
 It has followed her everywhere, ever since she was a child. It has made her do horrible things, all in the name of being known and well liked. She has always wanted too badly to please others, to be the center of attention, the focus of a crowd. It’s like she loses all sense, becomes another person. She cannot stand the fact that no matter what she does, it is still there, it will always taint everything she does, make her every word a lie.
13. What does your character pretend or try to care about, but doesn't actually feel as strongly as they put on?
Babies. On one hand, of course she is happy to preserve the lives of both the mother and the child during the birth, but she can never help feeling a kind of sorrow, too. This is not a world to welcome children in. To doom them to suffering feels much too cruel. Sometimes she just wants to weep with them.
14. How does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?
Mal tries to play everyone's platonic ideal of a healing nun. She is calm and collected, always in good spirits and always ready with words of wisdom. But she cracks rather easily when excited. Nuns do not *get* excited. If allowed to speak for too long, she tends to start using her hands and pulling various expressions and generally becomes more and more animated. She’s a very jovial person by nature and shes just not that good at keeping up the act(which is understandable when she has to be “on” 24/7)
15. Is there anything your character is afraid of?
Being somehow found out for a “fraud” and no longer allowed to finish her mission.
 Aside from that, she's as fearful as any other person: She hates being startled. If you shove a bug in her face she will freak out. Scary stories told before bedtime always give her nightmares. 
16. What is something most people in the setting do that your character looks down on?
Comparing the world pre-sundering to now, being too hung up on the past perhaps? She's starting to think the world wasn't that much better before either. She understands losing hope, but clinging to some idyllic fantasy that most of them never even experienced does annoy her greatly. People should be finding the good in their current circumstances! The past isn’t real! Isn’t the potential of tomorrow exciting enough?
17. Where would your character fall on a politeness/rudeness scale?
Generally, she walks the line in-between, not too closely, and usually only jokingly, but she’s noticed being looked at as a sort of wise woman has its perks in this. People permit you to be a lot more direct when they think you are conveying a lesson. 
18. Does your character care about the major events in the world?
To be perfectly honest? Not particularly. 
19. How Aggressive is your character?
Oh, not at all! She hasn’t been in a fight since she was 22!
20. If your character had to choose between breaking one of their ideals or sacrificing their current mission, which would they choose?
Need I even answer?
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lindalung · 11 months
The 雙大 Lore Iceberg/ Masterpost
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Here's the ongoing Iceberg if anyone cares. There's little things, little moments that I could list on forever as canonical evidence to Me that they're in love/soulmates, or just simply crazy things that I can't believe have happened to them. For example, the fact that no one on earth understands what Hung Sheung Sin is thinking, not even her boyfriend or her family, but Linda does. When they supposedly hate each other but Sheung Sin when put in a life-or-death situation they would die for each other. How is this canon but they're still denying that there's nothing between them. Okay let me get into this iceberg (no particular order). Some stuff not included in the iceberg
Tier 1
Calling each other 豈有此理 and 窮編劇, even setting it as their contact names, and every time they mention one another behind their backs at home
The n number of times they dressed the same (see: essay on doubling)
Linda paying Sheung Sin to write a reality show for her and her husband (and every time she needs someone to write something she goes to her tbh). Then Sheung Sin teachers her to give the audience the side of her that they want to see and perfectly captures her mean girlboss angle (we know that's her fantasy...) and then female netizens call her "husband" yeah Sheung Sin knows what the gays want
When they were trying to fight over who would have the better Mother's Day only to both end up in Thailand alone and then spent the night together on a date having dinner and taking pics for each other
In their first episode Sheung Sin goes back to save Linda and said "I promised I wouldn't leave you behind" and when Linda saved Sheung Sin in the hospital from a serial killer and also promised not to leave her behind
Every time Sheung Sin laughs at Linda when she's going through her misfortune
The Lung/Hung family lore goes deep, even their dads were childhood friends reunited, Mary Hung dated Max Lung, and Wind Lung had a crush on Hung Sum Yu. It's only logical that these two are also meant to be, right?
Their dogs were in love (more on the dog lore later)
The times when they held hands (probably while running from a serial killer)
Always being in the classic butting heads pose (à la Captain America: Civil War poster)
Being presidents of the Chung Tau fanclub together
Bailing out Terry and On Jai from the police station twice and generally using them as a weapon against each other
Giving Mrs. Tam a makeover together, and acting like gfs later
Sheung Sin giving Linda's brother Terry a crash course to winning arguments and how to gaslight
The fact that they're supposed to hate each other but Linda constantly admits and praises Sheung Sin's wits and intelligences, and acknowledges that she's the one who thinks of better plans
Everytime they act friendly for a moment and then immediately after they jump away in fake disgust and are like "You think we're close?"
Going to the Chung Tau concert together and forming a heart with their hands, then instantly bickering outside
Tier 2
They thought their dogs had sex/ had babies (they're dog in laws) but the Hung dog Bear Bear wasn't the father, so they faked a puppy funeral
Linda showing up at Sheung Sin's house begging her to be her volleyball coach and then working together to get Jenny
Linda losing a racecar to Sheung Sin in a bet but Sheung Sin was too proud to take it from her even though she secretly wanted it
Sheung Sin elbowing Linda's boob in front of press, and then slapping her ass at the photocall (all while dressed alike)
Watching Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One together canonically (this is included cause it's one of my fav movies so it's hilarious to Me)
Sheung Sin working her son's shift at Linda's bar and then falling into her arms (heroic catching pose)
Sheung Sin keeping Linda's secret for her and didn't tell Mary when she asked
Linda cancelling a meeting just to speak with Sheung Sin (to her secretary's surprise)
Their dogs got dognapped together and they went to rescue them at a club (while dressed as teenagers)
Sheung Sin messing with Win and Linda getting defensive telling Sheung Sin not to mess with her (gay love triangle)
Sheung Sin helping Linda in the 2000th episode to take down Max
Sheung Sin messing with Linda, making fun of her bad singing and rooting for Terry to get to sing the theme song to spite her
Linda and Sheung Sin constantly comparing their boyfriends, Linda getting jealous that her brother likes Sheung Sin's bf more than her husband
That one time they glanced at each other across the room and nodded in silence
When Linda went to Sheung Sin's house just to get a glimpse of Chung Tau who was living across
Constantly fighting in washrooms (washrooms are gay)
Tier 3
Sheung Sin worrying about Linda's problem on Mid Autumn Festival and hung her lantern upside down because she was so preoccupied. She even begged her son to help Linda, something sh'ed never do.
Sheung Sin breaking into Linda's changing room and throwing out her clothes so she had nothing to change into, and Linda automatically assuming Sheung Sin wanted to fuck her
Sheung Sin replacing Linda as Terry's sister to piss her off and manipulating him into hating her
Also Sheung Sin staring at a picture of Linda when she's celebrating Mid Autumn Festival with her family and boyfriend.
Sheung Sin baiting Linda into spending all of her money out of spite
Two separate instances of Sheung Sin stripsearching Linda
Being Blonde Charlie's Angels spies in KC's dreamscape conducted by Sheung Sin's hypnotism
Getting kidnapped together x6?? and counting
Getting each other's eyebrows shaved off
When they went to an Onsen together in Japan and their hair turned grey and after a heart-to-heart bonding they tried to dye it back to black with seaweed (in which Sheung Sin makes sacrifices for Linda and leaves her the best ingredients), and later spend the night in a hotel room together, even their bf/husband the next morning were like "Where were you two last night..."
When Linda's husband's ex wife came back and the first thing she did was run to Sheung Sin to help her brainstorm "story ideas" to combat hypothetical ex-wives
Sheung Sin tripping Linda into a bowl of white powder so she can cosplay Guanyin at the temple
Tier 4
Asking each other to suck snake venom out when they got bit
Getting kidnapped by a crazy Chung Tau stan together and got tied up with ropes
Linda kidnapping Sheung Sin in the middle of the night to ask for her help
Linda randomly crushing on Sheung Sin's boyfriend after he saves her from a motorcycle accident (which turned out to be Sheung Sin's dad) but Sheung Sin uses this as an opportunity to mess with Linda instead of being a normal straight woman and being jealous / back off my man reaction
Rescuing KC, Rachel, Mary, and Kung Yip at KK Island with rifles and looking extremely cool
When they went on a plane to beat the "Worst airplane customer" allegations and then beat up a rich asshole together, while dressed as flight attendants
Linda making Sheung Sin her personal maid for the day, a few days actually
Sheung Sin's boyfriend using Linda's old medical reports from 20 years ago to motivate Sheung Sin into having a healthy lifestyle because nothing else was working, and we all know how much she cares about Linda's business!
Sum Yu insulting Linda by saying something along the lines of "I used to think that you were someone so mighty that only my eldest sister could go against, but you're just a coward" because everyone knows nothing gets under Linda's skin like Sheung Sin
Sheung Sin messing with Linda on her birthday and then saying "you want revenge? I'll wait for you" then winking... okay
Tier 5
An argument in a hair salon ended up with Sheung Sin in a coma, and then Linda got framed for murdering her. Then Linda goes to the hospital and holds her hand and cries telling her that she actually really cares about her, and tries acupuncture to wake her up. Then they both get chased by a serial killer inthe hospital and Linda refuses to leave Sheung SIn behind.
Sheung Sin's son falls in love with Linda after Sheung Sin is displeased in his taste in women, and tries to hypnotize him into getting a better taste in women
Getting kidnapped along with Win in the Wolf Country and then escpaing together with various silly ways
Linda going to Sheung Sin for help to hypnotize her into finding a password, and in turn told her all her deepest secrets
Got brainwashed in tradwife conversion camp together with Jenny
Chased a serial killer in the mall together while dressed as Chang'E on Mid Autumn Festival, which became notorious even a year after
Sheung Sin being depressed for days cause her plans to piss Linda off weren't working, and when she finally found out it did provoke her she was cackling like a maniac
Tier 6 (What I consider the darkest psychological warfare manipulation shit)
Their first episode together and they got kidnapped, and thought they killed a guy à la Thelma and Louise (a famously homoerotic piece of media, mind you) and almost drove into the ocean together to escape the cops and professed the gayest shit ever (24 hours after they just met btw) saying "I'm really glad I met you. If there's a next life, I hope our friendship can be longer" Y'all just met and you're already talking about reincarnating... that's soulmate behaviour
Sheung Sin pretending that her son k worded himself and made Linda think it was her fault (what kind of gaslighting) because she was jealous that her son was more afraid of Linda than of her.
Finally, Sheung Sin taking Linda's identity when she was at rock bottom and disowned, and took her relationship with her dad by becoming his goddaughter, took her dogs, sold her designer bags, and basically everything (except her boyfriend lmao she didn't want him). It's the ultimate "do i want you or do i want to become you?" phenomenon.
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valeriixchen · 1 year
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Task 002 - Morality. True Neutral.
True neutral characters are concerned with their own well-being and that of the group or organization which aids them. They do not wish ill on those they do not know, but they also do not care when they hear of evil befalling them. Better for others to suffer the evil than the true neutral and his allies. If an ally is in need, the true neutral will aid him, out of genuine love or because he may be able to count on that ally a little more in the future. If someone else is in need, they will weigh the options of the potential rewards and dangers associated with the act. If an enemy is in need, they will ignore him or take advantage of his misfortune.
For each of the following items, indicate whether you think it's morally okay or not.
An army lieutenant neglects to file a report on a civilian killing done by his troops because he knows it was an accident. NOT OKAY
Tina promises her dying mother that she'll visit her grave once a month. After the mother has passed away, Tina finds it hard to squeeze in the time, and her visits drop to about once a year. OKAY
A man orders a custom-built sex doll designed to look just like his neighbor. NOT OKAY
Sarah's dog has four puppies. She can only find a home for two of them, so she kills the other two with a stone to the head. NOT OKAY
A doctor has been preforming consensual yet illegal procedures one someone in hopes of finding a cure for his ill sister. SOMEWHAT OKAY
A neglectful husband pushes his wife to an affair. When the affair ends, the wife's partner nearly kills her and her unborn daughter. The husband kills the affair partner. SOMEWHAT OKAY
September has run out of food and is facing death by starvation. She begins to cannibalize her family's loyal staff. They do not fight back. NOT OKAY
A mother gives birth to identical twins. One follows their ambitions and the other becomes a shut in. The family make it clear which child they prefer. NOT OKAY
Natalie is so focused on survival she fires a shot without thinking. She did not intend to kill her elderly neighbor, but she hides the body regardless. She denies knowing what happened to the now missing resident. NOT OKAY
A woman is facing a lifetime of medical issues. She continues to put her family and those around her in emotional and medical debt. She lives a hollow life and continues leaching off of those who support her. SOMEWHAT OKAY
Please provide a response to each of the following prompts. Leaving a prompt blank will also be considered a response, and you will be assessed for refusal to answer.
In the event of a life or death situation, would you put yourself or others first? I'd like to think I'd find a way to keep everyone safe, but that's not realistic. I wouldn't go out of my way to hurt other people, but if it came down to their survival or mine... I'd do my damnest to get out alive.
How far would you be willing to go to ensure your own survival throughout this ordeal? I have to be able to live with myself when this is all over. I don't want to lose my humanity, but I don't want this to be the end either. I think if push came to shove I'd make some choices that I'd never considered before all this happened.
Is there anyone in the building you have developed strong attachments to? Not particularly. There are people I feel I can depend on more than others, sure. Roman, Zach, Natalie. The ones who are taking all of this seriously. I'd definitely be more inclined to agree or support them if anything went down with the residents.
Do you think it is possible to survive infection through alternative means such as removing the infected limb? Would you be willing to undergo this procedure to ensure your own survival? I don't think we can trust any information about what's happening other than what we've seen with our own eyes. I think I'd be willing to try anything to avoid turning into one of those monsters--even if it meant losing an arm or leg.
Will following the general consensus lead to improved odds of survival, or would you have a better chance following an assigned leader? I don't like having the Wexley's calling the shots. It's just more of the same bullshit we've put up with from them for years. They've proven who they're looking out for in the past and I don't think the have anyone's best interest at heart but their own. The second they try to implement 'rules' the rest of us don't agree with, I'm finding somewhere new to wait this out.
What is the appropriate response to the following situation?
Your daughter falls ill and needs a specific, uncommon kind of antibiotic that will be hard to find; without the full course, the pathogen will survive, regroup, and kill her anyway. You are scavenging a pharmacy, where you find another group, and manage to not shoot each other. You ask them about the antibiotic, and they have it, but they also need the antibiotic, for the wife of someone in their group. You cannot share the antibiotic because it would just kill both people, and they have the antibiotic in their pack. This is likely the only complete dose set you will find, as the other stores have been picked totally clean and there are no friendly groups in the area. I'd let the daughter go. I'd make it as gentle as I could, stay with her and keep her safe and calm. But whatever's happening isn't going to end any time soon, and this is no place for children... I don't mean to be cruel. Just practical. Realistic. Why risk my life attacking a group of strangers for this medicine when I may die without even getting it? When there are a million other ways my daughter could be killed before the medicine even ran its course?
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sparklestudios · 2 years
✨Market Analysis 2✨
Little Misfortune
– adventure game
– focus on exploration / story-telling
– interaction with characters / mix of cute and gloomy interactions
– different choices for story / dialogue
– producer: Killmonday games (Isak Martinsson, Natalia Martinsson)
– themes: lost innocence, childhood, trust, dark humour, moving on
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– main character: eight-year-old girl Misfortune, naive and humorous
– goes on an adventure, accompanied by Mr. Voice (voice in her head), both play a game where Misfortune has to make decisions („there is no right or wrong, only consequences“)
– goal: achieve prize of eternal happiness for mother, reveal mysteries
– through story exposed to elements of shock humor, e.g. death, alcoholism, substance abuse, suicide, nudity, profanity, grave robbery, strip clubs, demons, traffic collisions, cruelty to animals
– set in same universe as previous game from Killmonday games, „Fran Bow“
– set in 1993, setting is outskirts of fictional town Openfields (Sweden), different settings in house, a forest, streets of the town, etc.
– fantastic elements, e.g. humanoid fox, magic, portals to different worlds, grim reaper
– art style: 2.5D perspective, kids-cartoonish, often warm colours, distinct style, often simple shapes and abstractions for basic compositions, but lots of small details
– point-and-click, only move forward / backwards, narrative-focused
– decisions lead to minor changes in story, different outcome
– puzzle-solving, mini-games
– animated cutscenes
– features: „pet different animals (e.g. dog puppy, octopus, fox), visit pet cemetery with a shovel, lost kids, a monster, fall in love, become a criminal“ (Steam Description)
– rather short game
Figures / Price
– release date: 18. Sep. 2019
– price: 16,79€ (on Steam)
– Metacritic: PC: 57/100, mixed reviews
Conclusion: Pro / Contra
+ relaxing gameplay, unique characters, intriguing story, visual-novel-ish
– heavy focus on story, can be too long, some players find ending abrupt (also need to play Fran Bow in order to understand ending), some critics say there is complete lack of gameplay plus sometimes mishandling of certain themes (e.g. naivety of children)
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cold-b-writing · 2 years
Thanatophobia: Chapter 20
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“Let me tell you a story girl…” the old woman cooed with a hoarse voice. She was sitting upon the small bed, wearing simple rags, had grey hairs dangling along the pale wrinkly skin. Her eyes completely white as she was totally blind. Perhaps it was from a misfired spell of some sort, or maybe a failed experiment. She wore the signature headdress of a small animal’s skull, the antlers jutted out along the sides of the head. It was strange, as the eyes within the skull sockets had two faint red dots deep inside. Little Arya was always disturbed by the skull, as the adornment would always looking at her, as if it was staring into the girl’s soul. The older woman cleared her throat before continuing on. “This is a story of a woman who fell in love with the wrong man.”
“You mean you and father?” Aryanna asked, slightly flinching in response, she was expecting to be beaten at that moment, but the old woman simply shook her head in response.
“No little Arya…” her mother croaked. “That would mean I had any love for him at all. No, this isn’t our story, though what I am about to tell you is the cause of all that…”
“The cause?” Aryanna tilted her head like a confused puppy.
“Yes, it’s what cause your father and I to meet…” her mother clarified.
“But he didn’t stay…?” the little girl frowned. “Not even for me…?”
“Your father was always a vile man, girl. He cared for no one but himself.” The mother’s tone changed as if she was giving the girl a lecture more than anything. “It’s best that you do not pursuit his attention should you ever have the misfortune of meeting him. But enough about that…” the older woman waved her hand, ending the conversation. “it’s time I finally told you the story…of a place that is far different from these swamps girl…”
The only thing accompanying her mother’s voice were the countless chirping bugs outside. Some owls on the hunt, perhaps every now and then a twig snapping as an animal was lurking nearby. Despite all of the dangerous wildlife in these swamps, none would ever dare approach the little hut in the center.
The little girl couldn’t help but wonder how different the place would be compared to her own home. She had lived in these swamps for as long as she could remember, always under the watchful eyes of the skull. She would always encounter the countless animals, exploring the nearby marshlands, diving into the water and the mud, unafraid if she couldn’t find her way out. As no matter what she did, no matter how much trouble the girl would get herself into, she always had her mother to pull her out.
The girl was not afraid of drowning, or being eaten by the many creatures that were stalking her from a distance. Even though she understood the concept of death, she was never truly afraid of dying herself. However, that didn’t mean that the girl was fearless. In fact, it was quite the opposite, for she had one deep fear that rocked her to her core.
For her entire life, this fear would become greater, haunting her at every turn as there would be no way for the girl to avoid it. This fear was of her own mother, and it was strange for the girl. There were times when the mother would do something to unsettle her almost as if it was on purpose.
It was a strange paradox for the girl, as the one thing in this world that was providing her even the slightest bit of protection from the rest of the dangers in the world was what disturbed her the most. Perhaps it was just that her mother was just generally unpleasant to look at or to talk to. But then the fear wouldn’t have developed as much as it did. The fear stems from some deeper understanding, as even though Aryanna was just a little girl at the time,  she could tell that the most dangerous thing in the world for as far as she knew, was the woman she lived with.
The old woman spoke up once more, noticing that the girl had for a moment stopped paying attention. She snapped her fingers in front of the girl’s eyes and the girl tensed up, looking right into her mother’s blank eyes.
“Are you finally ready, girl?” the woman asked with a raspy voice.
“Yes…” Aryanna nodded. “What is this place that you speak of?”
“Imagine a world without the sun…” the old woman started. “Instead of these buzzing marshes that are teaming with life no matter where you turn. Imagine instead finding it very difficult to find any living creature at all. Even then, the creatures you meet, oh they would haunt the dreams of even the bravest of warriors. For you see, there are all kinds of dangers in this other world. Dying is the least of your problems in this world girl, for no one would ever be able to find you if you were to go missing. At least, after a certain point, there is an end to these trees. Not with this world, it is nigh endless when it comes to scale. It is where the world’s foulest creatures, the most dejected find their home. This world is known as the Underdark and that is where your father is from…”
“He survived in a place like that?” Aryanna widened her eyes, thinking about how alien the description seems. It was not at all like where she lived.
“Yes girl…” the old woman continued. “He comes from the people who gave you your ears…” her mother flicked one of the girl’s pointed ears, Aryanna shook her head instinctively shutting her eyes when it happened.
“His kind are called the Drow…” her mother explained. “And his kind have lived down there “His people are a merciless kind, for they take what they can living in such a dangerous world. They build strongholds, intended to keep anything other than their own people out. They rule over themselves with iron fists, girl. And with such a strict, stringent kind of upbringing, it is only natural that there would be one person who would want to break with tradition, to explore the taboo and when this person did, she brought down the fall of her own people.”
“What did she do?” Aryanna pressed her back against the post of the bed. It was more as if the girl was making sure that nothing was behind her at the moment, than to find any kind of comfort.
“She started mingling with an outsider.” The mother answered. “A young man who wanted to get away from his own home. You see, that man had his own sort of past. He was not always part of the underground. There are people who travel down there, girl, the bravest adventurers, hoping to make a name for themselves by conquering the evil that lurks below. There are also the fools who think that they would somehow be able to remain out of sight, able to find some kind of treasure and then make for the surface. Those poor fools are never seen again. This man, was neither a brave adventurer, nor a foolish thief. He was something else entirely. He was a man who was trying to get away from his old life from above, he found himself more at home with the dangers that lurked below…”
“Why?” was all Aryanna could muster.
“For he was the cause of many nightmares in his own home village…” the woman explained. “He was far more dangerous than anyone could have ever anticipated…”
“What do you mean…?” the girl hesitated to ask.
“Well when he was growing up, he was always some kind of…outsider…” her mother sighed. “The thing about outsiders, girl, is that they can become the most dangerous kind of people imaginable. I’m a human, you are half of one, and being human, we are social creatures. Do you understand, we learned to depend on one another to survive, that’s how we get through even the most deadly of situations. But outsiders don’t have those kinds of bonds…” the old woman was picking nervously at her own fingernails as she went on. “the outsiders have to adapt without them, they learn to survive without depending on anyone other than themselves. With that, they tend to act with others only when they have no other choice. Most people would need the outsiders’ help to survive, but the outsiders don’t need them…remember that girl.”
“And this man was an outsider like that?” Aryanna muttered.
“Oh yes, he was in a way, forced to become one.” Her mother nodded her head. “Though, I guess you can say that it’s a do or die type of situation with most outsiders. But either way, he didn’t fit in with his home, with his community. Everyone in his home town always saw him as this strange boy, though strange is putting it mildly.” The older woman put her hand on her chin trying to think of a more accurate term, and then it hit her. “I would say that disturbed would be a better word for it. You see he always had this demeanor like he was some kind of tortured soul. The people in his life did not response well to it, not well at all…”
“What did they do?” Aryanna held onto her pillow, putting between her mother and herself.
“They alienated him…” her mother answered. “They would only take care of his needs because it was required of them by the law, but that would be it. His parents weren’t too kind to him, in fact, not only did they feel ashamed that their son was the town outcast, they tried to make the time for someone else.” Aryanna raised her eyebrow in confusion. “They wanted to have another child.” Her mother explained. And oh my goodness, did the boy hate that. They had dedicated all of their time to raising his new little sister. They gave her all of the attention that he wanted from them, not just because of how young she was, but because she was going to become someone to outshine her older brother. They had put the girl on a pedestal at birth. Oh, what a terrible mistake it was that they made…”
“They should have helped both the kids…” Aryanna mumbled in protest.
“Yes, they should have…” her mother agreed. “Maybe then, things would have played out much differently. Oh but that is a different story, one not told here I’m afraid. The most attention they ever gave to their eldest son was when they wanted to head out into town and needed him to watch over his sister. Don’t think that the different treatment did not go unnoticed, girl. You see the eldest son noticed that he had drawn the short straw in this, and his sister the long one. And he resented her for it…”
“What happened?” Aryanna widened her eyes, already knowing the answer, but was hoping that a different story would be told.
“Out of jealousy for the love and attention he never got,” her mother started. “he decided he was going to pay his sister back. For robbing him of the life he wanted all along. He was going to get revenge not on just her, but his parents as well. For at the end of all of this, it was them who had put him in such a heinous state. His sister was sleeping soundly in her own little crib, the quietest she has ever been. Her brother entered the room, standing over her, watching as she slept without making a sound. He took her pillow, and after a while, he made sure that she would sleep soundly ever more…”
“But it wasn’t her fault.” Aryanna looked at her mother, looking directly at the skull. She wondered if her mother would ever think of doing the same to her.
“It didn’t matter to him.” Her mother shook her head. “What mattered was that he got his message across to his parents. It wouldn’t be long until they would return from their trip within the town and it would be received.”
“Did they find out it was him?” Aryanna looked down at her bed.
“Oh yes, there was no doubt about it, after all, he was the only one who was with her at the time. His footprints were still fresh in her room. Though it did take them some time, as when he was done, he gently put the pillow underneath of her once more, just to make it look like she was still sleeping.” The older woman gave a sinister smile as she leaned closer, as if whispering a dastardly secret into the girl’s ear. “Though if I come to think of it. I would imagine even if the babe had died of natural causes, they would have put the blame on him regardless. After all, they want him out of their lives, I’d imagine this would be the perfect justification they would have to finally act on their desires. But as you and I know now, he is no innocent misunderstood boy…”
“What is he, then?” Aryanna turned away when her mother got closer.
“A monster…” the old woman clarified. “A monster of the town’s own creation. And when people in town see a monster, they drive the monster out. That is what they did with the boy, they were making it a sport to hunt him down. Like it was some kind of game, putting on the performance that it was for the poor little sister. But remember this, girl; people will do whatever it is that they desire. They will act good, as if that is part of their nature, but in reality it is a mask that they wear. They wear that mask to give themselves the excuse they need to act on their base nature. For the people of the town were never good either, girl. As most people, they tend to only put on the good act so that they can make the world burn, for they themselves are also monsters.”
“How do you know?” Aryanna shook her head, skeptical.
“Look at me girl,” her mother’s tone turned sour. “Do you think I came onto the world looking like this? No, the people who would come by were cruel, not understanding, and not too patient in the slightest. Not even him…”
“The boy from the story?” Aryanna perked up. “He was here?”
“No, but he is the reason why your father came here.” The old woman corrected her daughter. “You see, when he fled the village, he traveled to the Underdark and met with the woman who would break taboo and let him inside. It was the first time someone acted for him out of kindness. She let him into her home, her own community.”
“So that’s where he lived?” Aryanna asked. “The same community as my father?”
“Live is a rather relative term…” Her mother shook her head. “For if you think that one little act would change what he has become, oh you are mistaken girl. For you see, the man had only been enabled by this woman, the monster became an outward reflection of who he was and he was unleashed upon the community down below. In the chaos, your father fled. That is how your father ended up here, and ended up making his way…to me…”
“That’s how you met him?” Aryanna perked up. “He was driven from his home, and he met you? And you let him stay here?”
“At first…” The old woman shook her head. “You see, before I met him, I would have to point out that I was young and beautiful, much like you, girl…” she sighed, looking at a nearby totem made from bones that were carved with all kinds of runes. “I’m sure you can tell, none of this came naturally to me. I was a young beautiful witch living alone here when he had found me. He was half dead, and I took him into this hut, using all of the remedies I could make for him at my disposal. He wasn’t just running from the people who destroyed his home, for you see when he left the Underdark and when he found me, he had already had a near death experience with the local wildlife…”
“And he got better…” Aryanna started to relax her arms, letting her pillow sit in her lap.
“Yes, and for a while he was quite good company.” Her mother smiled wryly as she turned to the rest of the hut. “It was nice to have someone to talk to for a while. This of course, would only last for so long. Eventually he had overstayed his welcome…”
“Why what happened?” Aryanna frowned, not sure where her mother was going with this. Figuring that at worst, there was just a heated argument.
Her mother paused, trying to think about how best to phrase it for the girl. “Hopefully dear, you should never have to find out yourself…” She reached out for the girl’s hand and held onto it. “Listen to me girl,” the old woman went on. “when it comes to people like us, there will always be something that the men will want. If one of them ever tries to force you to do something you don’t want to, you fight back, you understand me? You do not hesitate to unleash Hell itself upon them.”
“Is that what happened between you two?” Aryanna quivered, not totally understanding what her mother meant, but still agreeing as she was just scared.
“These books that I use are sacred child…” the old woman pulled a spell tome out from her satchel. “It is my means to defend myself. I made the mistake of not having it on me when he made his choice, because after a while, I thought I could trust him…” she squeezed the book tightly, as if the elf’s neck was there instead and she was trying to throttle it. “Don’t ever let yourself be vulnerable, do you understand me? Use your strength, wear it like a shell of armor and wipe out anyone who dares try to break that armor.” She reached out for the girl once more. “Do you promise me you will do that, girl?”
“I promise…” Aryanna went through the motions. She was desperately hoping that this would be enough for her mother to finally leave her alone and to let her go to sleep. But that wasn’t the case at all. In fact, just at the moment she made the promise, her mother continued on even more.
“Find your weapon girl,” her mother went on. “find it and keep it to yourself. Don’t make it as vulnerable as some silly old book. Don’t be like me and just think you are ready for whatever comes to you in these swamps. The one thing that wasn’t from around here found me directly and you can see how that turned out.” The old woman started to hug her book. “It wasn’t all for naught. For even though I was living alone in this hut for a long time, that did not mean that I could not talk to anyone…”
“You had people to talk to?” Aryanna looked around, as if to find someone stalking the hut from nearby. “Who would they be? How?”
“There are many ways when you desire it, girl…” the old woman merely chuckled to herself as she pointed at her book. “You see, after what had happened with your father, I had decided that I wanted to return the favor. I had showed him how kind I could be, but I wanted to show him how easily that kindness could transform into something far more sinister if I wanted it to.”
“Who did you talk to?” Aryanna repeated her question, not entirely sure if she wanted to hear the answer.
“I can introduce you to him if you would like…” her mother’s smile grew wide. “Most people tend to call him a liar, but all he ever did was help me. The way I see it, he was far more honest than your father ever was. Oh, and how he helped me deal with your father. For you see, after your father was done and he had left, I had no idea where he went. But the one I met knew…”
“Who is he?” Aryanna hesitated. “How did he know? How did he help you?”
“He’s a Lord…” her mother finally answered. “I should warn you child, you should not speak this Lord’s name in vain. You don’t want your first meeting to be a misunderstanding, he is rather busy after all. But he knew how to help me…” the woman sighed and looked once more at the totem made from bones. “He told me that he could find your father, that he could pass any message that I would like to him, and that he could do whatever I wanted…” she sighed. “But of course, my Lord would not do all of this for free. So, we made a few arrangements…”
“What does that mean?” Aryanna closed her eyes, hoping that she would accidentally fall asleep. But she couldn’t her heart was pounding too much. She already was afraid of her mother, but the direction that this conversation was turning. It only made the feeling that much worse. The girl couldn’t necessarily understand why, she just knew that some sort of taboo was being broken just by talking about this. She was afraid that something awful was going to happen by the time that she would finally go to bed.
Her mother of course did not seem to be bothered by the conversation much at all. In fact, the old woman seemed to have gotten a sense of relief from talking about this so far. It was like she was holding onto this large secret for years and finally confessing this secret, getting these feelings off of her chest, it seemed to have made the woman felt free. “You want to know the trades that I had made with the Lord? Can you not see for yourself…” the old woman smiled.
The little girl was not entirely sure what her mother meant there, so she shook her head in response. Her mother took a deep breath and started to pick at her own fingernails once more. She was doing this rather absentmindedly, but whenever the old woman had any intense emotion, that was when she would start this. It was for no particular reason other than the fact that it was a little tick she had. “I had several things that I could give to the Lord for the favors. I gave to him my beauty, so that he could find your father to me. I gave him my youth, so that he could do whatever I wanted to your father.” The woman stared blankly at the little girl. This time it was not through the skull headdress she had adorned over her head, rather she was displaying her blank white eyes once more. “I gave to the Lord my vision, so he could pass along a final message for me…”
“Why are you telling me this?” Aryanna finally mustered the courage to ask. “What’s the point?”
Her mother’s expression fell for a moment. The old woman recoiled and her eyes twitched, it seemed as if she was going to strike the girl for a second, but she never did. Instead, she only shook her head. “Because you are finally old enough to be able to understand what I am telling you.” She explained. “Even if you didn’t get the full story, I believe this is a night you will remember for a very long time. And besides, it is only cordial after all…”
“Cordial?” Aryanna seemed more confused than ever. What could the old woman possibly mean?
“Oh, I am sure you will find out eventually…” her mother got up from the bed, finally. Looking down at her child, smiling wide. It was the kind of sinister grin when someone knows something that others around them don’t. “Sweet dreams, dear…” Her mother began to walk away to a different corner of the cabin, entering her own private room, and shutting the door from behind.
Aryanna was still tense after everything, just soaking in the conversation and wondering if everything the woman mentioned was true or not. The girl shook her head, and started to blow out most of the candles, all except for one. She didn’t want to be in complete darkness after those stories.
The girl put the pillow back where it belongs and started to lay down on her side. Shutting her eyes tightly, the girl tried to think about anything else at the time. It was difficult, her heart was racing and at this point, her mind was going through all of the possibilities it could.
She wondered if her father was still somehow out there. Wondering what he would do if he were to ever come back here and find out that she was here. She wondered about the people who took away his home. She thought about what they could have done to make someone as fierce as her father run away. Those had to be scary individuals themselves, especially the boy in the story.
She was thinking about the boy’s little sister. How the infant was sleeping soundly by herself in her own room, much like she was right now. She thought about that boy just walking into her room and smothering her with her own pillow. What would her mother do? Why would her mother tell her that story? She thought about the worst possible outcome.
The girl started thinking about a plan of action in her mind. She knew that the old woman was in her own room and remembered that the door had been shut. She decided that she was going to listen for the creaking of the wooden door. If the girl were to hear the door creaking, then that would mean it was being opened and her mother would be emerging out of the room. She decided that if that were to happen, she would make a run for it.
The girl didn’t necessarily have a plan for where she would be running to. She just didn’t want to take the chance of finding out what her mother would do after hearing such a story. She figured that since she was able to live out in these swamps for so long, she would be able to survive. After all, her father managed to make it through the swamps and end up in this hut. If that man could make it through these woods, then she should be able to as well. It made perfect sense in her mind.
The girl started to think about what could possibly be at the end of these swamps, wondering what would be waiting for her if she were to reach the end. The girl was hoping that there would be some kind of village at the end of these swamps. Perhaps then, she could find a place where people would be willing to take her in. She would do any and all chores for them if they would give her a place to stay.
The girl started to lose track of how long she had been planning. The thought of being in a safe home with different people, even if she was doing chores, it was comforting to her. It was because of that, that she didn’t realize when she finally fell asleep.
The girl walked aimlessly through the swamps, she had managed to give her mother the slip. She had it all figured out, she was smart enough to grab a sack and take it with her before she ran away. It was full of all kinds of fruits and other assortments she thought she needed for the journey. The girl started to see a bright light through the trees. “Is that it?” she thought, and started to pick up the pace. The edge of the woods was getting closer and the girl’s smile grew wide.
Finally, she started sprinting across the swamps. Brushing past bushes and branches as they scratched at her but she didn’t care. She was too excited, she tripped over a root that ended up being much taller than she anticipated. However, the girl managed to catch her self when she took another step. She hesitated for a split second but began running once more.
She was finally able to reach out to the edge of the forest and just burst out of there. The sooner she got away from her mother, the better. She started laughing triumphantly, hoping that the village would be on the horizon. However, there was nothing, nothing except for a cliff. The slowly approached it, trying to catch her breath. She peaked over the edge and saw that there was nothing down below, no space at all, only pitch black.
“Huh?” she wheezed as she turned around, hoping to walk along the edge of the woods until she’d find what she was looking for. But, when she turned back, the swamp was completely gone. Now all around her, it was just darkness. Her heart started to race, and she looked around for something, anything. She looked up and paused.
There was a ring, up at the sky, but it was huge. She started to run once more towards the ring, hoping to get a better look at it. But no matter how fast or how far she ran, she couldn’t seem to get closer. She squinted her eyes, hoping that she could figure out what it was. That was when she realized it was moving. Not only was the ring moving, but it was alive as well.
She realized it was a snake, spinning in circles in the air, seemingly eating it’s own tail, and the snake had wings. It’s scales were bright, glistening with all the colors of the rainbow. She could see the head and wings spinning in circles from high above. Then she started to look at the tail end, wondering why it would be eating itself. That was when she noticed that it was not eating itself at all, it was swallowing another snake’s tail. This snake was much darker, not glistening with any particular color at all, it seemed to have matched with the darkness. She could see that with the snakes eating each other, blood was leaking from it. Spreading out in all directions.
The girl was not sure what to do, she took a step closer and when she did, the ring had broken off. The snakes had ripped off both of each other’s tails. The bright snake started to flap it’s wings, and was just circling the air peacefully on its own. The darker snake however, had no wings at all, and so it began to descend. But with the way things were, there was no ground, and it kept falling. Heading deeper into the darkness, the void. Aryanna screamed, as when the darker snake fell, she began to fall too.
She kept screaming, hoping that there would be someone else here in this blank void. After all, she did encounter the two snakes, is it really far out there to expect there to also be another person she could talk to? That was what she was thinking as she shouted for help, as perhaps someone would hear her and catch her, stop her from falling.
She was falling faster and faster, the sinking of her chest getting more intense with every passing moment. She looked in the general direction of where she was falling, she could see the snake falling ahead. The snake itself still had blood pouring out of its own tail from the dispute with the winged serpent.
She looked past the snake and saw that there was finally something on the horizon. It was the ground, and it was fast approaching. She panicked, wondering what she could do to slow down her fall. She tried to think of something, but she just kept drawing blanks.
The murky snake started to coil itself up, bracing itself for the impact. When it finally hit the ground, the ground started to shatter. Rocks and debris were flying in all directions and the little half elven girl braced herself as she got pelted by a few that flew in her direction. She shut her eyes, essentially waiting for the end to come. However, she still had not hit the ground.
Once she opened her eyes again, she saw that the snake had hit the ground so hard that it punched through and kept falling. Aryanna had ended up falling through the large hole that the snake created, and once she saw the other side, she heard a loud boom as the snake kept falling and hit the ground once again. The same result as before, it hit the ground so hard that it created another hole.
Aryanna squinted her eyes, peaking into the hole while she was falling and saw that another plane of the ground was waiting for them. She looked up to see that nothing was connecting the layers of the ground, but they were seemingly stacked on top of each other in an organized fashion. The girl realized that with each island they approached, they were getting noticeably smaller. She realized this because when she looked up, she was able to see both islands above. The first island was far above and still had a much larger perimeter.
As the girl thought about it, she heard another crack as the snake slammed into the third island, punching a hole through it like it did with the previous layers. There was another island even smaller than the third one, Aryanna took note of that. She decided to keep track of how many islands they were going to fall through, and wondered when they were going to finally stop falling.
The speed at which both the snake and the girl were falling were still picking up, it wasn’t long until they hit the fifth layer, then the sixth. Aryanna got nervous as each island below was getting smaller and smaller, they fell through layer seven and then layer eight. Falling faster than ever before, that was when they finally hit the ninth layer. This last bit of ground was hardly an island, it was more like a spire that just stretched out far beyond what any of the previous layers had. The snake hit the ground, but this time it did not just fall straight through it. While it did keep sliding across the spire, it finally managed to stop it’s fall all the way down at the bottom. It laid down at the bottom of the spire motionless.
The little girl was now closer to the ground than ever. She closed her eyes once again, just accepting for the end to come. Moments passed by, and then those moments turned into minutes, after that, the girl swallowed her fear and decided to open her eyes.
She was already laying down on the ground, she didn’t even know she had landed. She took a deep breath, wondering how it was possible that she survived. Whatever the reason was, she was grateful. She brushed the dirt off of her own robes and started to scan the horizon. As she did, she had this feeling that she was being watched. She turned around and saw a large form towering above her. She slowly perked her head upwards to see what was at the top. It was the gloomy snake, and it was staring right at her with its blank yellow eyes. It was as if it was staring deep into her soul.
Her heart started pounding. Does she run? There was no way she would be able to make it that far. Where would she even go? She just stood there, watching it, waiting for it to finally do something. The snake opened its mouth and lunged at her. The girl flinched, waiting for an intense sharp pain to come, but it never did. Instead, she only started to feel warm.
She thought there would be nothing but the same pitch black dark void as before, but instead she was down on the spire once more. Only this time, the spire was set ablaze with a roaring red fire that burned brighter than anything she had ever seen. It was intense, she looked around, hoping that she could find some shelter, somewhere away from the fire.
When the girl turned around, she turned to a large iron throne surrounded by the fire. On that throne sat a tall red figure with horns. He was wearing eccentric red robes adorned with gold on the accents. He held a dark staff made of dark steel, spikes protruding from it in all directions, atop the staff there was a bright red ball of flame. The ball of flame itself had a slit running down the middle as if the small fire was an eye, and it was staring right at her, the same as the figure sitting on the throne. Despite his intimidating appearance, he gave a warm smile to the girl.
“You are…” the figure muttered with a deep unpleasant voice. “Aryanna, is that right little girl?”
“How do you know my name?” the half elf responded, her heart racing once again.
“Oh, I know many things…” The figure sighed. “Just like how I know you are deeply afraid of many things around you, including the person you live with, isn’t that right?” The girl turned around, wondering if she could run, but she was surrounded by flames. Not only that, but they were inching closer to her with each passing second. She had to take a step closer to the horned figure.
Aryanna took a deep breath and looked directly at the figure before nodding her head. “Yes…” she sighed. “I am…”
“You poor thing…” the figure frowned. “A young and sweet girl such as yourself shouldn’t have to live your life in fear…it just isn’t fair…”
“Ah!” Aryanna had stopped moving and the flame had touched her feet from behind. She had gotten even closer to the horned figure. She shook her head, when she finally stopped moving, she was right beside him on the throne. It was a good thing that was where she decided to go, as the flames had followed her all the way up the throne and only stopped when she was in front of the figure.
“You know, I can do something about that…” the figure mentioned. “I can give you the tools you need to not be afraid anymore…”
“You can?” the girl hesitated. The figure nodded in response.
“I can…” he smiled. “All you have to do is give me your arm…” he gently held out his hand, palm facing up, and waited patiently for the girl to rest her arm there.
“What if I don’t want to...?” Aryanna hesitated to ask.
“It is all up to you…” the figure shrugged. “I can’t force you one way or the other. But I will say that without my help, I can’t protect you from your mother. She told you that awful story of the boy who strangled his own family, and she smiled doing it.” His expression turned serious. “Would you be ready to face her if she were to try doing that to you? Would you be able to face your fear all alone with no one to help?”
The girl thought about what the horned figure said for a moment. She was afraid that her mother would one day try to kill her and she had no way of facing her own mother if that were to happen. Having someone to look out for her, perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad. She relented, and reached out, resting her arm on the figure’s hand.
“I knew you were a clever girl…” the figure smiled, before reaching for her arm with his other hand, extending his pointer finger right around where her joint was. An intense searing pain hit that area of the arm right away and the girl winced. “Apologies…” the figure sighed. “It will only hurt for a moment.”
Aryanna grit her teeth, fighting through the pain, shedding a few tears as it kept going. When he finally let go of her arm, she brought it back immediately, looking right where her new wound was. She saw that on her arm was now a drawing of a chain branded into her flesh. She looked up at the horn figure and he smiled, looking to the side. Aryanna did so as well and saw that a small figure, about half her size emerged from the red flames surrounding her. A small red fiendish like creature with two small horned adorning it’s head, bat like wings and a long tail resembling that of a scorpion’s stinger. It looked up at Aryanna and approached her slowly.
The girl didn’t know what to do when it did, she was worried that it was going to get angry and sting her with its tail but it never did. Instead, the little imp reached up and held her hand. She wasn’t expecting the creature to do this, but it seemed happy to see her. She smiled down at it. “His name is Xiaz…” the figure spoke up, and both the girl and the imp turned to him. He was smiling at the two of them. “Xiaz has chosen you, just as I had chose him. He will watch over you girl, and know that for as long as he is with you, you have nothing to be afraid of…”
Right at the moment he said that, the girl opened her eyes and swung herself upwards in her own bed. She took deep breaths, looking around her surroundings, she was back in the hut, in her own bed. The girl widened her eyes and looked at the direction of her mother’s room. The door was still closed, she took a deep breath and sighed. “Oh…” she smiled. “It was just a-“ before she decided to finish her sentence, she held out her arm right where the horned figure had touched her.
The girl widened her eyes in absolute horror, the chain that had been branded onto her in the dream had actually been drawn onto her arm. That was when she heard a faint grumble nearby. She turned her head and watching her from a nearby window was the small red imp. It smiled at her through the window.
Flashback to Aryanna as a little girl. Her mother is telling her a little bedtime story before sleep. Fun times for the family. Also, we’re finally in the big 2-0, so I’m happy about that. Glad that I made it this far, and for those of you who have read it, I hope that you have enjoyed it so far. I can’t wait to show you guys what else is in store for the Greyhawks. 
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Make a joyful noise
In which the mortal Phantomhive servants sing Christmas carols, and a demon observes.
For CosmicLion.
A belated gift for cosmiclion on Tumblr; I hope you enjoy! >w<
Although this oneshot was written in complete and utter disregard for the canon timeline, I envision it happening shortly before the servants' first Christmas together (hence Finny's ignorance about carols at the beginning of the story)
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Work Text:
“The fiiiiirst Noeeeel the angel did saaaay…”
Bard has the kitchen to himself while he mashes potatoes for tonight’s dinner. But that gets damn boring when you’re all on your lonesome, and Christmas is just around the corner…might as well add a little music to the mix. Spice things up.
Out of nowhere, a familiar voice interrupts his solo performance, and the startled chef nearly drops his bowl on the floor.
"What song is that, Bard? It's very pretty."
“Blimey, Finny! Ya can’t sneak up on a guy like that,” he protests, though the former soldier knows he shoulda been paying more attention. A Phantomhive servant has to be vigilant and ready for action, day or night. At least Mr. Sebastian hadn’t caught Bard fooling around…he’d have been in the hot seat for sure!
The chef turns to meet a pair of bright, inquisitive eyes, greener than summer leaves at high noon. He's just as taken aback by the compliment (Bard ain’t gonna be heard at the Royal Opera House any time soon) as he is by the question. It's a common enough tune.
Then again, Finny's different from most kids. Growing up, his world was lit by harsh, artificial lights and constricted by blank, white walls. Scalpels that laid you open like a machine whose parts could be reassembled and tampered with at will, needles filled with garish-colored fluids that set your veins on fire, monotonous, indifferent voices that called you by number (never your name; you didn't have one), the sterile reek of disinfectant, and the dull, throbbing, ever-present ache of fear that you wore like a second skin: These were the motifs that had played endlessly throughout his childhood. Music withered and died in places like that.
“It's a carol," Bard answers at last.
Finny spaces out the syllables a tad, and cocks his head to one side like a puppy hearing an unfamiliar command.
"Uh...a type of song you sing around Christmastime. They're usually about the birth of baby Jesus, or the choirs o' angels, or summat. Sometimes you get a bunch of your mates and go door t'door, singin' different carols to lift folks' spirits. Me 'n my pals in the army would sing 'em together sometimes, to make the winter nights feel a little less cold."
The chef pauses and clears his throat. Bard's not one for religion—he's seen too much senseless death and violence to trust airy-fairy promises of glory on high—but those songs are special.
He learned most of the carols he knows from his ma, before the arrows of illness and misfortune struck down his kin and left Bard to fend for himself. They’re among the closest things he has to family heirlooms, like good-luck charms he carries in his pocket. And there are others he learned from fellow soldiers, whose melodies live on in his mind long after an enemy bullet or sudden explosion sent those men to their eternal rest beneath the earth.
“Ooo! That sounds like lots of fun. Could you teach them to me, Bard? Please? I want to sing carols, too!” Finny chirps, beaming with excitement.
The chef pensively scratches his stubble, then grins.
“Uh…sure. I don’t see why not. But let’s make sure Mr. Sebastian doesn’t spot us. You know how he gets when he thinks we ain’t workin’ hard enough.”
He and Finny are lustily belting out the third verse, potatoes completely forgotten, when Mey Rin walks in.
“Thought I should check an’ see what all the commotion’s about, yes I did,” she says, blinking owlishly at the pair from behind her spectacles.
Bard laughs awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck.
“Aw, it warn’t nothin’, Mey. We were just—"
“Bard’s teaching me a Christmas carol!” Finny declares, looking pleased as punch.
Mey Rin’s face lights up in recognition.
“Ohh…that was ‘tha first noel,’ it was!”
“You and Bard are both so smart. Between the two of you, I bet you know all the carols in the world!” Finny gushes, eyes wide with that awe that makes the chef feel like a wise older brother.
“Well…actually, I never learned all that many, no I didn’t. The people I used to work for weren’t—didn’t care much for peace on earth an’ goodwill,” Mey Rin answers slowly, her gaze turning dark. The maid tends to be close-mouthed about her past, but from what Bard’s pieced together based on the occasional detail she’s let slip, Mey used to work as an assassin for a rotten crowd of bastards who’d slit their own mothers’ throats if it turned a profit.
“But at this time of year, when I wasn’t busy with…assignments, I used to bundle up and walk the streets by meself, to watch the snow fall an’ take my mind off things. Every now an’ then I’d pass by groups of people who sang songs like that, about stars an’ angels an’ the babe in the manger. Cheered a body, it did,” she says wistfully, and her eyes mist over.
“Though ‘s far as I can recall, they had the gents and the ladies singin’ different parts, they did,” the maid continues.
“Harmony, y’mean?” Bard asks. He thinks that’s the word for it.
“Oo, oo! We should do that, Bard! Singing carols would be even more fun that way!” Finny exclaims.
Bard crosses his arms and frowns. They'd probably need the actual, written score to figure that out. Mr. Sebastian and the young master can look at a bunch of black squiggles on a page and know exactly which notes to play. But the chef, who wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth (to put it politely) never had the chance to get that kind of training. Hell, he doesn’t even know if they have a book of Christmas music lying around the manor, though the library’s certainly big enough.
“Er…maybe we could have a go at the pianner once we’re done fer the evenin’ and see if we can pick out the different parts by ear…but I dunno that much about ticklin’ the ivories…”
“Ho, ho. What’s this I hear about bocchan’s grand piano?” someone enquires.
The servants swing around to see Tanaka peacefully sipping tea in a corner.
“Huh?!” Mey Rin squeaks.
“When did you get there, Mr. Tanaka?” asks the perplexed gardener.
The steward merely gives him an affable smile.
“In my own good time, dear boy,” he chuckles.
Bard shakes his head ruefully. Tanaka’s a sly old codger, that’s for sure.
“Y’see, I was teachin’ Finny a coupla Christmas carols. We’d like Mey Rin to join, too, so we could have a chorus, but, uh…we don’t know th’ harmony,” he explains.
Tanaka’s face acquires a dreamlike cast, as if he’s staring through the tattered veil of years to behold a scene invisible to all eyes save his.
“I may not be an expert musician, but I’ve played the pianoforte at many a Phantomhive Christmas party. I’m happy to provide accompaniment, if you’d like.”
“Thank yer, Tanaka!” Bard grins, and Mey Rin and Finny are quick to give their assent.
And that is why, when the moon gleams like a pearlescent tear fallen from Nyx’s dark eye, and the young master has been put to bed, Sebastian Michaelis hears a strain of music floating towards him from the parlor.
“What on earth are they up to?” he mutters to himself, unobtrusively peeking around the door to observe without their noticing.
Tanaka is seated at the pianoforte, atop which a few mounted candles burn to give him light by which to read the sheet music for “The First Noel.” He and the other servants are singing in four-part harmony. The demon can clearly distinguish each voice.
Bard’s, roughened and raspy from cigarette smoke, yet confident and filled with gruff sincerity.
Mey Rin’s, sweet and pure as the starlight that guided the Magi.
Finny’s, whose youthful joie de vivre reminds the ancient demon of a swallow’s exuberant flight.
Tanaka’s, cracked and quavering, but retaining a trace of the luster it must have possessed in his prime, like a battered sword that has not yet lost its shine.
They aren’t breathing from the diaphragm as they ought. Their cutoffs are ragged at best, and their intonation at times leaves much to be desired.
They stand close together, shoulder to shoulder, carefree, laughing. Their happiness pervades the room like fragrant incense wafting through the Byzantine churches Sebastian remembers from bygone days in Constantinople. His devilish gaze perceives the golden threads of trust and friendship that bind them, and which through a series of small kindnesses and fleeting moments like this one will be woven into a vast tapestry of love.
“Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel…Born is the king of Israel!”
It’s ephemeral, this little interlude, but Sebastian realizes he doesn’t want it to end.
A beast of shadow and insatiable hunger like himself has no business intruding upon their joy, lest he blight it. But he treasures the gladsome sound, and ponders it deep in his heart, as Mary did the mysteries of her only begotten son.
Title taken from Psalm 100:1 "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands (King James Version)
"But he treasures the gladsome sound, and ponders it deep in his heart, as Mary did the mysteries of her only begotten son.": This is a reference to Luke 2:19: "But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart" (King James Version), in which Mary reflects on the miracles that occurred on the night of the Nativity.
Happily Ever After?
Once upon a victorian time, in a mansion far far away...
An insane attempt to get Undertaker to talk leads to a wild show of skit plays and even more crazy pairings. Featuring timeless tales like red riding hood, repunzel, the princess and the frog and the three bears performed by the beloved characters of Kuroshitsuji, be captivated and confused by these intriguing tales of miss-told fantasies with a twist.
I hope this makes you lol like it made me lol XD All the usual disclaimers! Enjoy!
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Work Text:
Once upon a Victorian time, in a mansion far far away...
"Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a young girl, clothed in a beautiful red hood."
Alois walked through the forest carrying a basket, a red hood over his head.
"I should have been Red! Look at me! That boy completely ruins that beautiful cloak!" Alois rolled his eyes and looked to Grell, whom had made himself present beside the narrator, his whiny voice pushing the same argument he had been unable to win since the director/narrator had begun casting yesterday.
"And he's not even a she! I am far more suited for the role-ooouff!" Now safely under Sebastian's shoe, face smushed into the ground, the narrator closed her book momentarily and looked down from where she was sitting.
"I have already explained why you were not suited for this role Mr. Suitcliff. YOU'RE NOT CUTE ENOUGH!" Grell coward from Elizabeth's deadly outburst and passionately dangerous eyes. How could someone so dedicated to being the definition of cute suddenly become so terrifying?
Elizabeth immediately smiled again and returned to the story.
"Because of her beautiful crimson hood she was called Little Red Riding Hood. One day, while on a journey through the woods to her sickly grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood had the feeling she was being followed."
Alois walked on through the woods, looking to the shadows in the trees behind and before him, fearing paranoia as they seemed to move. Desperate to leave the suddenly creepy woods he sped up his pace.
"In these woods there lived the Big Bad Wolf. He stalked the little girl quietly, seeking to eat the girl and the goodies in her basket. Which she should not have been eating herself!" Alois spat out the cookie in his mouth and smiled nervously before taking a swig of the wine and packing everything back safely in the basket.
"Out of the shadows the wolf appeared before her-"
"HOLY SHIT! Back animal!" Claude, dressed in a black fluffy suit, tail and ears, cringed as Alois beat him with his basket, attacking with vigour. "Get away from me you ugly fucking-!"
"The young naive girl foolishly greeted him and easily fell for his trickery!!!" Alois stopped and looked to the narrator while the 'Big Bad Wolf', beaten to the ground, crawled a distance back and stood back up, brushing himself off.
"Oh... sorry." Claude nodded and Alois straightened himself up, putting the hood back on his head.
"Well hello there young child, where might you be headed all alone in the forest?"
"Ugh, when did Claude become a pedo covered in hair?" Alois mumbled in annoyance.
"Stick to the script! Says Emily." Alois poked his tongue out to Snake who hid under a bush with the script, along with his many slithering friends.
"See, a fabulous actress, such as myself, would never make such a mistake." Grell commented, swishing his hair away with his hand. Elizabeth smiled sweetly before slamming her book shut and standing. Grell remained unaware as she walked up behind him.
"Oouff!" His face slammed into the floor after Elizabeth’s blow to the back of his head with the enormous book of Fairy Tales.
"Um, E-Elizabeth-"
"Oh Ciel, CALL ME LIZZY!" Ciel cringed backwards, holding the axe on his shoulder that little bit tighter. Damn woman must have been ovulating.
"L-Lizzy, perhaps we should return to the story?"
"Oh of course Ciel! You look soooo cuute in that lumberjack uniform!" Ciel's eye twitched and he quickly returned to his post, dreading his turn to act. At least he got to cut Claude open, which he planned to do thoroughly.
Claude coughed to catch the narrator’s attention and the tale continued.
Snake egged Alois on, who was busy taking another swig from the wine skin. The blond quickly wiped his lips clean and recalled his lines.
"I'm off to my sickly grandmother who lives by the lake to deliver her some sweets."
"Well, perhaps your Grandmother would like some flowers?" Claud suggested, exposing a field of flowers to their left.
"I suppose... but it's off the path..." Everyone waited as Alois twisted a lock of hair, showing no interest in going to pick flowers.
"I saw blue bells over there." Claude pointed to a path of grass barely visible past the trees.
"Ohh!" Alois dashed off without warning to look for the flowers he favoured.
"And so, Red Riding Hood went to pick flowers for her Grandmother as The Big Bad Wolf went off to execute his plan." Elizabeth said from her cushioned seat.
"Execute my ass. Lying bastard, there aren't any blue bells. I can't believe I let Ciel talk me into this. I better get a damn good reward, and a whole bouquet of blue bells."
Ciel groaned and whispered too quiet for anyone to hear. "Sebastian, find the damn idiot blue bells."
"Yes Master." The demon replied before wandering off.
"The girl continued on to her grandmothers, arriving to the quiet little cottage in no time and knocking on the door." Not bothering to knock Alois swung the door open and walked in.
"Grandma, bought your shit."
"My thanks, child."
"You look weird, worse than a dog's ass. And what a deep voice you have!" Alois said the last part dramatically, the only part actually on the script.
"The better to greet you with."
"Bull shit." He muttered. "Goodness! What bright eyes you have!"
"The better to see you with."
"And what big hands you have~" Alois said seductively, flaunting over to his 'Grandmothers' bedside, slut switch suddenly flicked on.
"The better to grab-I mean, hug you with"
"Ohh, 'Grandmother'~ What a big mouth you have" Alois said with a wink sitting down beside Claude, his hand inching towards the other.
"The better to eat you with!" Claude jumped up and slammed Alois down on the bed, and proceeded to eat him.
"Ahhh! Woah-Ohh! Claude! Oh! Ah-Ha! C-Claude!"
"A lumberjack nearby heard the struggle and broke down the door!"
"Ugh." Ciel opened the door, doubting he could break it down anyway, and tried to hide his disgust at how much Alois appeared to be enjoying Claude trying to eat him. Especially since the demon actually looked ready too, great sharp maws wide and far more deadly than any wolves. It appeared he couldn't get a good bite as the blond wouldn't sit still and kept making the attack seem sexual.
"The woodcutter confronted the wolf and cut his stomach open with his axe!"
"He-Hey Ciel~! Woah! Steady there Claude~"
"Ugh, help me hold him down idiot." Ciel attempted to climb on the bed with the other two, axe in hand to cut open Claude.
"My pleasure!" Alois sat on Claude's chest, holding down the demon’s arms. "Oh! Watch your hands mister wood cutter~ I don't have wood till the morning~"
"Shut up you damn tart."
"Tart? After the way you were eating that strawberry tart earlier on set? Treat me like that and I'll gladly be a tart~"
"Shut up Alois." Ciel growled through clenched teeth as he slowly sliced the demons costume down the centre.
"The heroic, cute, amazing wood cutter sliced the monster open! Releasing the unharmed grandmother and killing the evil beast!" Claude played dead while Ciel assisted Hannah out of the costume.
Alois scoffed and pushed her out the way.
"Hurry up bitch and pour me wine!"
"Yes, your Highness." Hannah replied, bowing.
"And they all lived happily ever after! The end!" Claude, Ciel, Hannah, and Alois all bowed before leaving the cottage set, Hannah rushing after her Master with a glass of wine as he had requested. The scarlet curtains closed on the open stage and the actors departed to the dressing rooms, which were actually carriages.
"That was horrendous." William commented, pushing up his glasses.
"It lacked true quality and beauty! The costumes where fabulous though!" Viscount Druitt agreed dramatically, standing in the small crowd, spotlight and floating petals automatically shrouding him.
"Of course! I made them!" Miss Nina Hopkins proudly stated.
"It would have been far better with me in it!" Grell complained.
"They did their best!" Elizabeth argued, flipping the books pages to the contents in order to find the next fairy tale they were to perform.
"I think it was rather thrilling."
"Y-Y\your Highness! When did you arrive?" The hip looking silver haired old-woman sat behind them all on a large royal looking armchair that had somehow appeared, her three guards behind her.
"I came to see the boy for a visit and found him busy playing. A wonderful set up I must say. I told you it wouldn't be a waste of a trip, Grey." Earl Grey rolled his eyes childishly in defeat.
"Thank you your majesty." Elizabeth said bowing.
"If only Albert were here to see. Oh Albert!" The Queen then broke into tears, making everyone highly uncomfortable. Her goggled assistant then rushed to her side with his Albert hand-puppet.
"Perhaps you should go get dressed for your part in the next play, Mr Suitcliff?" Lau commented before taking a puff of his pipe, then offering it to Ran-Mao who sat on his lap.
"It is LADY Suitcliff! And I shall dazzle you all with my style and finesse." Grell then strutted off in direction of the dressing carriages.
"Finesse? Does he know what that is?" Bard asked, the words meaning lost to him also.
"He knows what it means, Grell-senpie just can't really do it." Ronald explained from where he sat beside William on his lawnmower.
The stage set up outside the Phantomhive mansion lit, Elizabeth seated on the stages side on an oversized comfortable armchair holding the fairy tale book. All the guests, invited or not, turned their attention to the next performance.
The red curtains parted to reveal the new setting, so skillfully set in record time by the two demon butlers and demon maid. A tall tower stood where the cottage had been, a thorny forest surrounding it.
"Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess, with hair like silk and long as the tallest tower. In her younger years a witch had used her trickery to convince her parents the only way to find the right ruler for the land was to lock the princess away till a prince found her and the two fell in love. Therefore the princess was locked away from the world up in the tallest tower, in a forest shrouded in thorns. Her name was Rapunzel, and tales of her beauty had spread through the land, but none had come to her aid as of yet."
"Oh my prince! When shall we meet! When shall you save me my darling!" Grell leaned on tower window dramatically, sighing sadly and looking out to the forest.
A sword cut through the thorns onto the stage, and Grell watched excitedly as his prince entered, rather clumsily. Ciel finally got through the foliage, causing Elizabeth to drool from his adorably cute prince garb.
The prince and princess stared at each other in confusion.
"THIS is my prince? What the hell?!"
"Well I'm the one scripted, what the hell did you do with the real Rapunzel, witch?"
"Just go with it, says Webster." Snake said from under a bush.
"This puny thing!? Nu uh, I want a real man thank you very much."
"Man my ass. Bloody demon." William muttered in the crowd.
"Sebastian's busy. What did you do with the REAL Rapunzel scripted?"
"Tch, the blond boys tied up in the long-haired wig back in the dressing room."
"Ugh. Fine. Let’s get on with this. Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair."
"Humph. You should have more manners when addressing a lady." Grell huffed, turning his back on the other, enjoying the way the dress he wore swished around him when he did.
"PLEASE let down your hair." Ciel growled through clenched teeth
"Hmm, fine." The long red hair was thrown down and Ciel gave it a tug before attempting to climb up.
"Ow!! Get off! So rough! Ooow!" Grell complained holding his hair.
"Shut up! Do you want me to rescue you or what?!"
"Climb up the wall yourself you little brat!"
"You know what, stay up in that damn tower! I hope you throw yourself off!" Ciel turned and left through the hole he'd made in the thorns, leaving to help Alois out of the carriage.
"Brat!" Grell yelled after him.
"Shrew!" Ciel replied, dealing a killing blow. Grell turned and stormed off into the tower.
"Umm, and that's why the princess never left the tower. The End?" Elizabeth said, sounding unsure, lost as to how to finish the story.
"Wonderful!" Victoria clapped, her guards doing the same with far less enthusiasm. "Such a marvellous twist!" Slowly the rest of the crowd began clapping lazily and the curtains were drawn, Claude and Sebastian returning from the kitchen with nibbles to pass around, both looking a little flustered and dishevelled for some odd reason. When the two made eye contact Sebastian's cheeks coloured and he smirked devilishly.
"You'd better go, I hear your master calling." Sebastian commented, sending Claude another cheeky smile.
"My life's ambition." Claude commented dryly before walking off to the dressing room. Sebastian covered his mouth to stop laughter seeing the scratches down the back of the others jacket, ripping through his clothes. William rose an eyebrow to him but Sebastian only grinned.
"Disgusting lustful demons." He commented. Ronald nodded in agreement with an entertained smile.
"William my darling! I'm so forlorn! It should be me and Sebastian playing Romeo and Juliette!" William silence him quickly, shoving the red heads face into the ground.
"Agni, what is this? Where is Ciel?" The crowd turned to the Indian pair who had arrived unexpectedly.
"I believe it is a play, my Prince."
"It's a skit play!" Elizabeth said excitedly, taking a bite from one of the sandwiches Claude and Sebastian had made, noting the oddly bitter, salty sauce.
"Are you needed to narrate the next play?" The Viscount asked twirling a rose in his fingers.
"No, It's a piece from Romeo & Juliet! I wanted to be Juliet but instead I got to direct everything."
"An important role indeed. Please sit Mister Soma." Lau said sitting calmly.
"Oh, you’re that Chines trading company guy. Okay! It looks fun! Agni! Get me a blanket and pillows to seat myself on!"
"Yes, my beloved Prince!" Agni then hurried off the fetch the asked items, returning in record time with an array of colourful cushions.
Once again the curtains parted and the lights lit dimly. The scene was of Juliette's balcony and the garden below it, the background somehow night with sparkling stars and a full moon. The audience sat captivated, the magical scene impossible to them all in the middle of the day. Sebastian smiled at his good work.
Slowly Juliette strode onto the balcony, her flowing white nightdress making her look angelic, long dark wig done in twin-tales.
"Oh Romeo, Romeo, where fore art though Romeo. Deny thy father and refuse thy claim!" The audience’s jaws fell open, a stifled giggle heard from a certain long-haired mortician who was laying on the ground mostly unseen. Ciel was Juliette, and he was playing the part perfectly.
Romeo entered the scene, Alois also playing his part to perfection. The Viscount was tearing up, as was the Queen, and Soma was still trying to figure out who the familiar looking actor playing Juliette was.
Juliette's maid called for her and it seemed the trance was even thicker cast to the audience with Hannah's soft voice. Ciel shooed her off, in a lady like manner, and the scene continued. Ciel leaned over the balcony and Alois began to climb up.
"'Tis almost morning. I would have thee gone. And yet no further than a wanton’s bird, that lets it hop a little from his hand like a poor prisoner in his twisted gyves, and with a silken thread plucks it back again, so loving-jealous of his liberty."
"I would I were thy bird." 'Romeo' answer, the actors as captivated as the audience in their own spell. Their eyes never left one another, as if they truly were star crossed lovers and not enemies in a complicated relationship.
"Sweet, so would I. Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing. Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow." The two came face to face, noses only inches apart, a breath of soft wind tossing the twos hair and Ciel's nightgown. Their faces inched closer.
"Sleep dwell upon thine eyes, peace in thy breast. Would I were sleep and peace, so sweet to rest." Alois spoke softly but strongly, captivated by Ciel. The blond voice grew ever softer as their faces came closer. "Hence will I to my ghostly friar’s close cell, his help to crave and my dear hap to tell." The last word was almost lost as their lips softly pressed together, leaving even Undertaker silent.
"That wasn't in the script, says Webster." Snake whispered as his friends slithered over the script, looking for the inexistent kissing scene.
Alois and Ciel parted, both looking surprised at their own actions, but the magical aura unbroken.
"Please tell me the sex scene is next."
SNAP. That was the sound of the spell breaking at Alois's words.
Ciel glared at the other before smiling evilly and grabbing his wrists.
"Woah!" Ciel threw the others hands off the balcony fence, Alois luckily grabbing a hanging vine on the way down so he didn't hit the ground. Ciel turned around and stalked in the room, pissed and embarrassed.
"OW! Aww come on, I was just jesting!" Alois teased, hanging from the vine. Ciel re-entered the scene holding a large book, presumably the works of Shakespeare, and stood on the balcony calmly.
"Thee can go fucketh thyself, philanderer!" Ciel then threw the book at 'Romeo', who dropped to the ground before scampering off avoiding other projectiles such as 'Juliette's' slippers and a water glass, which shattered by his feet.
The curtains drew together and the three actors entered the stage, bowing together as the audience applauded.
"You know I've never been so attracted to a woman in my life~" Alois whispered bowing beside Ciel. Ciel clenched his teeth and smiled sweetly before hitting the other. Alois cringed as Ciel hit him over again and attempted to run off stage with Ciel after him, slapping anything he could all the while. Hannah rushed after them, worried for her master as Undertaker covered his mouth to avoid full on harking till all the plays ended. Then he'd laugh to his heart’s content.
Viscount Druitt stood, tears still dripping, and began to dramatically review.
"Such beauty! Such a wonderful tale! So wonderfully twisted to a comedy! Brava! Brava my little cock Robin!"
"C-cock robin?" Mey-Rin stuttered nervously.
Elizabeth returned to her seat on the stage with a fairy tale book in hand, reading the story over again before it was executed.
In no time the curtains reopened and the audience attention was drawn to the red haired and clothed being standing by a small pond. Grell, it seemed, was having another go at his debut. Hopefully this one wasn't a complete cock-up.
"Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom there lived an unwed princess, fair beauty and sweet lips. She would often visit the castle gardens and ponds to admire their beauty. One day a voice called out to her from the lily pads. 'Princess, O princess,'"
"What is this? A frog has called out to me? What bewitchment has fallen upon you, foul creature?" Grell said seeming disgusted.
"'O princess, if you shall just kiss me once I shall return to my human form! Just a touch of your lips against mine and I shall turn into a handsome prince!'" Elizabeth said, pretending to voice the frog.
"Ew. Really?" The frog gave a 'ribbet' in reply. "All right..." Grell hesitantly picked the frog up and struggled not to drop it, cringing all the while at the horrid complexion of its skin. "Just one kiss," He told himself reassuringly as William face-palmed in the audience at his colleges stupidity. Grell cringed and pursed his lips, slowly getting closer to the frog, who made another ribbet. Their lips quickly touched and Grell threw the frog away spitting and rubbing his mouth.
"Ugh! Yuck! Ew-!"
"We're leaving now Suitcliff, you idiot." William ordered seeming peeved off, ankle deep in the pond looking serious. He had appeared out of nowhere, leaving Grell and Ronald stunned momentarily.
"Oh William! My prince!" Grell jumped the other, causing them both to fall back into the pond and Undertaker to giggle.
The frog ribbeted again and hopped off set as the curtains drew and the audience gave a pity clap, Ciel left face-palming at the performance.
Grell and William emerged from behind the stage soaking, Grell looking happy and clinging to Williams side while the other looked irritated. Sebastian then led them inside where they could change during intermission. During the time food was passed out for lunch and the servants tried to peak at how Sebastian and Claude set up the sets so quickly, foiled by Snake's snakes each time.
Elizabeth clung to Ciel's side constantly, complimenting him while Alois seemed to avoid him completely, mostly conversing with the Viscount, who kept commenting on how good he would look in a dress, doing well to piss Ciel off. Finally after what seemed like a forever of Soma and Elizabeth’s endless talk Alois skipped over.
"Time to change for the next skit~" Alois said with a wink, dragging Ciel off before he could argue. Not long after the servants ushered everyone back down to their spots before the stage and Elizabeth re-sat herself in the narrator’s chair. The play began as she spoke, though the curtains were yet to open.
"Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a beautiful princess, her beauty fairer than the dawn. Her father and mother searched and searched for a suitable heir and husband for their daughter and kingdom, but none of Nobel blood that could be trusted with such treasures lived in their time. And so, they did seek the help of a great witch. 'I shall set a spell to put the kingdom into a great slumber, and when a worthy heir is to come about his true loving kiss shall awaken her and the land!' the witch proclaimed. Centuries passed, and the castle became shrouded in foliage, the people and their land a legend. The sleeping beauty lay unawakened with her kingdom." As she said this the curtains slowly opened, overgrown rose bushes covering what appeared to be a bed chamber, with a person sleeping on the bed that cantered the room. By the blond hair and the absence of a certain evil little tart anywhere else a good guess was the so called 'Sleeping Beauty' was Alois.
"Centuries later a prince of a faraway land came to the castle, having heard the myths of a beautiful princess asleep in her chambers, and the spell upon her kingdom. He climbed the castle walls and broke through the overgrown garden that was the old palace in search of her."
The door on the side of the stage opened and Ciel stepped in dressed as a prince again, sword out in order to cut through the offending plants and greenery. Finally with a little struggle against the shrubbery he made it to the bedside of the sleeping princess and sheathed his sword with some difficulty.
Ciel sighed and mumbled to himself irritated.
"Why is it we only do the kissing scenes in all this?!" Putting it behind him he leaned closer to the bed.
Everyone watched, almost expecting Ciel to retreat last minute by the hesitant look on his face.
Alois smiled and stifled giggles, which made Ciel stop and wait for him to finish laughing. The blond bit his lips and clenched his eyes shut, still giggling while Ciel leaned over him, eyes shut as he tried to not laugh also.
"Why are you laughing?" The dark haired 'prince' questioned snappily to stop himself from laughing with the blond.
"I don't know-hmhm-, I can feel you--getting-ts- closer."
"Ugh. Shut up." Alois bit his lips together trying not to smile and Ciel took a deep breath before he attempted the scene again.
Ciel leaned in again, their lips an inch apart before Alois lost composure and started tittering again. Ciel sighed and hung his head before he too lost it and started giggling.
"S-stop laughing!"
"You s-top laughing!" Alois said through laughter, rolling over onto his stomach and laughing into the pillows. Ciel let his arms lose strength and his torso rest on the bed, his face in Alois's neck as he tried to stop snickering.
"You’re supposed to be sleeping damn it!" Ciel mumbled, before laughing again.
"Okay okay okay," Alois turned over back onto his back while Ciel lifted his head up and took a deep breath, "okay." He shut his eyes and mouth, pretending his best to sleep. Ciel also took a breath and shut his eyes as he got closer.
"Third time luck-" Ciel said to himself, his breath tickling Alois's lips and making the other kiss him before he finished his sentence to stop the laughter before it started.
Everyone clapped as their lips finally met after such a trying lead up. The clapping continued as everyone waited for the two to stop. Slowly the clapping faded, but Alois and Ciel didn't, they actually started kissing harder. Alois's hands wrapped around Ciel's neck as the other climbed over him on the bed.
For a serious and sour aphephobic, Ciel sure knew how to French kiss. Alois moaned, welcoming Ciel tongue into his mouth, and put his hand up the others shirt. Ciel shivered and let Alois get on top of him, the blonds wig falling off in the process.
The Queen coughed loudly in order to gain the two's attention to no avail. Elizabeth had already fainted in her seat.
"Agni, what are they doing?"
"Cover your eyes my pure prince!" Soma was then engulfed by Agni's protective arms and his face shoved into the others chest.
"That’s is definitely not in the script, says Oscar. Where is Bronte, says Keats?"
"Shit!" Ciel yelled, jumping up and falling off the bed as a snake slid around his and Alois's neck.
"There is Bronte, says Wilde."
"Oh my God!" Alois quickly got up and out of the bed where the snake was sitting hissing at them.
"Snake!" Ciel called for the two-blooded man to come fetch his friend and the man crawled out from under the bed where he hid.
"Now is not the time for such actions, says Bronte." Alois blushed and bit his lip nodding and Ciel forced a cough.
"I have no idea what you talking about." The lord claimed before bowing to the audience and leaving the stage. Alois followed after quickly, giggling hysterically.
Sebastian and Claude returned again from the manor kitchen with tea. God knows why it had taken them both so long to make it.
"Sebastian!" Ciel, still in his prince clothes as he had to change for the next play anyway, had come out to get a cup of tea and cause his butler misery for not being present and doing something.
"Yes, my Lord?"
"Go change for your part." He said, smirking evilly.
"Of course My Lord, come Claude." Sebastian then left with his usual smile, Claude following after like a dog.
"Prince Soma! As Elizabeth is indisposed would you please take her place in the next play! You really don't need to do anything~" Alois pleaded clinging onto the Indian Prince's arm.
"Of course! Anything for a friend of Ciel’s!"
"Great! Let’s go change~" the blond said seductively before dragging the other off.
"M-My prince!" Agni called after, highly concerned for his prince’s integrity.
"Bloody skinny little tart." Ciel growled through clenched teeth, taking a large swig of his sweet tea.
"What a lovely performance, boy. Such a shame it proved too intense for your ex-fiancée."
"Ex, your Highness?"
"Well you don't honestly think she'll marry you after that performance! You didn't want to marry your relative anyway."
"That is true, your majesty, I was hoping she would experience a light amnesia. If not I still doubt the engagement will be so easy to break. I have tried. "
"Leave it to me boy and go change. You wouldn't want that little broken butterfly flying off with an Indian royal, now would you?"
"Your highness?"
"Trancy. You wouldn't want him to seduce the Indian boy and start shagging him in the carriage, now would you?"
"Excuse me your Excellency." Victoria gave a light giggle as the blushing boy bowed and walked off in the direction of the 'dressing rooms' as fast as possible. Children were rather easily swayed. If only her children were so cute rather than how ugly they turned out.
"My my, what a beautiful servant you are." Druitt commented, approaching Mey-Rin from behind.
"S-sorry my Lord!?"
"Do not apologies fair maiden, please allow me to remove you glasses so that I may gaze into their beauty!"
"What's he talking about?" Finny whispered to Bard confused. Bard shrugged, cigarette hanging from his mouth.
"U-umm, umm- n-no no! I'm far sighted! I can't see without them!" The Viscount smiled and removed her glasses slowly.
"Far sighted? My my, so you are my little hawk maiden!"
"So tell me why you are yet to act my dear? I would love to see you on stage."
"E-err, I-I'm Mamma Bear in the last play." She said blushing and pushing her index fingers together.
"Well, well. What a role. So meaningful and important. "
"Uuur, we need to go change, come on Finny." Bard said turning to go change while Finny followed, waving to Viscount and Mey-Rin.
"Aahh my dear Hawk eyed maiden, tell me, how would you like to come to one of my parties?" He asked, advancing closer.
"U-Um-I-I, wait... aren't you the one who sells women on the black-magic market?"
"Oh my! Look the play will soon begin! Here you are my dear~ Let us take our seats."
The curtains moved but didn't open as if someone was fussing behind them, then Alois fell through them, followed by Ciel who fell on his back. Soma then stepped through the curtain gap on his knees, which had fake shoes on them. All three had been dressed up as dwarfs. Soma was followed by Agni, who had followed his prince in panic and ended up dressed up as a dwarf too. Lau, Bard and Finny then stepped through the closed red curtain, also on their knees. Ciel was the only dwarf not on his knees, as he was as tall as most the adults on their knees, and still shorter than Agni. All seven dwarfs stood in a line in front of the shut crimson curtains. Bard coughed before speaking.
"My name's Sneezy, Aaachooo!"
"I'm Happy!" Finny exclaimed joyously.
"I am Doc." Agni said in his thick Indian accent, followed by Soma.
"I am the tired dwarf Sleepy!" The prince then yawned exaggeratedly.
"My name is Dopy." Lau said bowing.
"Hehe~ my name's Bashful~" Alois followed, blushing.
“...” Everyone waited for Ciel to speak but the boy was busy brooding, looking rather annoyed. Alois bumped his side gently to get the boys attention and put on his best puppy dog eyes. Ciel groaned and sighed. "I'm... Grumpy the dwarf." A little chuckle broke out in the audience at how well he fit the part, causing him to become even more peeved.
"Once upon a time in a faraway land," Bards gruff voice began,
"There lived a beautiful princess named Snow White." Finny said next.
"She had-"
"We know the story! Get to the skit!" Ronald yelled out, and most of the audience nodded their heads in approval. the dwarfs looked to one another and shrugged.
"Urrr, skipping then to the part when Snow White fell asleep and awaits her prince charming!" Finny exclaimed and the curtains parted to reveal the scene of a beautiful garden in front of a dwarf sized cottage, a glass coffin covered in flowers centre stage. The dwarfs crowded around the coffin looking solemn, except Ciel who was grinning evilly at his butler dressed as Snow White stuck in the glass coffin feigning sleep.
A horse whinnied and Prince Charming rode into the stage, the almost setting sun behind silhouetting his majestic form atop the white stallion. To the audience’s surprise, Claude dismounted the horse and walked over to the transparent coffin with a look of purpose.
Ciel's evil smile widened at what was to come.
The golden eyed butler opened the coffin lid and looked down at the 'princess' adoringly, before leaning in for a soft kiss. Sebastian’s eyes shot open.
"HIYAA!!!" Claude was kung-fu chopped so hard he flew across the stage, smashing against his horse, causing them both to tumble backwards in a mess of horse and 'human' limbs.
Sebastian stood high above the dwarfs atop his coffin, a strong smile, his dress skirt like a cape causing him to resemble a superhero with his hands on his hips.
"I, Snow White, demand change in the mining industry!" All the dwarfs looked at each other confused, besides Soma who had actually fallen asleep on the ground, so deep in his character.
Claude began to get back up and make his way back to the coffin.
"The forest has no voice so I shall speak for it! Your mining kills animals and destroys their homes! I shall not let it be so in my Kingdom!! Get off me you pervert!" Sebastian kicked Claude across the room when the other tried to pick him up off the coffin and throw him over his shoulder.
"If our demands are not met, the animals shall riot! So says the Queen of Critters!!!" The horse bayed in agreement and an assortment of animals such as deer, birds, squirrels, rabbits, and about a hundred cats all made noises in reply, gathering around the glass coffin Snow White stood on. Ciel ran from the horde of cats and pressed against the side of the stage set looking horror stricken. Birds dropped flowers and Happy the Dwarf scattered smooshed petals excitedly.
Claude tried to get up once again but was trampled by his excited horse which cantered over to Snow White. Sebastian smiled and jumped on the horse which reared majestically with a loud neigh. The dwarfs applauded, all except Grumpy, impressed by the show. Sebastian began blowing kisses in every direction as the horse trotted towards off stage, followed by all the critters and the seven dwarfs. Prince Charming attempted to get back on the horse with his 'true love' but was brutally forced off by Sebastian and then trampled by the horse, before being stampeded by the following animals and actors on their knees. Alois seemed to especially enjoy trampling him and jumped a few times.
Eventually all that was left was a very mangled Prince as the curtains closed. It took the crowd a moment clap, probably shocked from the brutal rejection Claude seemed to have actually enjoyed.
The actors came to the front of the curtain and bowed, as did Claude, looking perfect and un-mangled once again. His fatal mistake was taking Sebastian's hand, though it's what they were supposed to when they all bowed together, which earned him the most brutal attack he was yet to endure, but he seemed to enjoy every second of it. For some-reason Earl Charles Grey lost composure at this and began laughing hysterically till his partner gave him a stern look, quietening him to a giggle.
Grell look torn between happiness and heartbroken, as his Batsy was beating someone other than him so passionately and enjoying it, but then again he was beating someone other than him so passionately and enjoying it.
Most of the actors came back from behind stage and Mey-Rin left to go get ready, happy to be leaving the dangerous Viscount’s side as he made her heart thump in a scary way. Alois, Bard, Finny, and Ciel remained backstage while Sebastian was still in the Snow-White costume surrounded by animals. Claude followed like one of the animals, gaining a hit or kick if he got too close. Soma gloated of his wonderful performance, and the Viscount agreed wholeheartedly, laying the compliments out thick, babbling about grace and divinity, causing Agni to nod proudly, tears glistening in his eyes.
Meanwhile Miss Nina Hopkins was trying to help Elizabeth's bell jingling nurse to revive the still unconscious lady, but whenever she awoke she'd recall the 'incident' and faint again.
"Who's going to narrate the next play?" Soma asked, tugging on Snake's arm for attention as the snake man was busy with his head in the script Sebastian had written out.
"There is no need for a narrator, the skit is well known enough, says Wordsworth."
"Then why are they doing it?" Soma
"I believe it's a form of humorous torture, says Bronte. Payment for something, says Goethe."
"Payment?" Soma repeated thoughtful and curious.
"My Prince, perhaps it has something to do with the odd gentleman in black laying down the front chuckling?" Agni suggested making his prince even more curious.
Everyone was ushered to sit again by Snake who then rushed back behind stage to hide on set as the curtains parted. One curtain opened the whole way but the other stayed covering up half the stage. The uncovered part of the set was woods, and just before were the curtain edge covered there was the beginnings of a house.
Alois walked onto the set looking grumpy, a curly gold wig and pink dress. He groaned.
"Remind me why Elizabeth couldn't do this part!?" Alois huffed irritated.
"She's still passed out, says Emily. You were the best replacement, says Oscar."
"Ugh! Women are so pathetic, passing out just because we were making out. Ugh."
"Stick to the script! Says Wordsworth." Alois rolled his eyes and cleared his throat.
"I'm tired, Oh look! A cottage!" He said almost sarcastically in an overly energetic way before walking over indifferently, picking the lock, and walking in. The other half of the curtain then opened to reveal the cottage's innards, including a dining room and one bedroom.
"Okay let’s get this over with. I'm hungry, oh look! Porridge!" Alois walked over to the table and did the scene as quickly as possible.
"Too hot, too cold. Meh, it'll do. Now where to sit?" He then tried all the chairs surrounding the table. "Too hard, oh naughty~ Too soft, rude much. This l' do." He then sat and ate the porridge on the little chair. He looked oddly at the chair under him, as if expecting something, and gave the leg a kick. As he did the chair toppled, causing him to land on his ass.
"Ouff! Owww..." He rubbed his behind and straightened his wig. "Damn fucking chair." He mumbled, putting the small half empty porridge bowl back on the table.
Alois feigned a yawn.
"M' tired." He then walked into the next room and switched the light on to reveal three beds. He strolled over and flopped on the biggest first.
"Too big and hard~ the fuck is wrong with Goldilocks? Who wouldn't go for the biggest and hardest!?" He complained before moving to the next and crawling on in a sexy fashion.
"To soft," then the next which he only just fit on, "this is nice, (not), nap time." He then proceeded to strip down to his feminine underwear, including a flat chested bra oddly enough, just as Elizabeth gained consciousness, causing her to faint again. Poor girl. The Druitt however was thoroughly enjoying the show.
Alois slipped under the covers and the light went out, the curtain re-covering only the bedroom.
Mey-Rin, Finny, and Bard then walked on set dressed as 'the three bears'.
"Tell me, who does the boy play?" Her Highness asked Sebastian as the bears began questioning the open door. Sebastian was still dressed in his Snow White get up and sitting on top of a beaten and love-struck Claude.
"The Master?" The Queen nodded. "Bocchan isn't in the last play, your Grace." The Queen looked around confused.
"Where is he then?"
As the bears inspected their chairs and food, Bard as Papa bear, Mey-Rin as Mama bear, and Finny as Baby bear, Alois began to fall asleep.
The bed dipped unexpectedly as a new weight came upon it. Alois opened an eye to see a blushing and annoyed looking Ciel.
"You look ludicrous, take off those women's underwear. And that stupid wig."
"Oh, Ciel~ Naughty~ As you wish~"
"Someone broke my seat!" Cried Finny. Bard and Mey-Rin comforted the 'cub', Mey-Rin getting overly worried and promising him a new chair and more porridge, not made by Bard.
It took some time to stop the tears but when they did they were able to continue, walking over to the slightly ajar door. Bard put his head closer to the door cautiously, an odd expression from the quiet noises on the other side.
"Mmmm-hmm-mmm-ahh, mmm~!" Bard pulled back and shrugged to Mey-Rin and Finny who both looked confused.
They slowly opened the door, the curtain pulling back as they did. Bard flicked the lights and everyone froze.
Alois and Ciel were all over each other, kissing hotly and taking absolutely no notice of those around them as a naked Alois finally seemed to rid Ciel of his irritatingly hard to remove shirt. Ciel pushed him down roughly, causing Alois to cry out as the other boy began licking and biting down his throat.
Elizabeth, who had just woken, again, stared in shock, unable to do anything but gape.
The Queen covered her mouth and coughed before whispering to her assistant, "They should have gone with the bigger bed." True enough the two had no choice but to be on top of one another due to the beds minimal size.
Alois let out a loud moan, gasping and clawing at Ciel's back as he was entered viciously.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA-!KEKE!AHAHAHAHA!" Undertaker began laughing his ass off, rolling around on the ground. "HAHA-O-Okay-HEHEHE~! I-I'll tell you everything! HAHAHAHA!!!" Sebastian smiled at their triumph and nodded to a little chipmunk on Claude's head happily.
And so Alois and Ciel continued ignorant that they'd been caught,
Elizabeth wept for losing Ciel to a tart,
Viscount Druitt wept for the plays' beauty,
Hannah wept for her Master's happiness,
Undertaker laughed, hysterically,
Queen Victoria giggled, shocked from her spider and watchdogs little 'show', for once glad her darling deceased Albert wasn't around to see,
William left disgusted, as he always did when he left somewhere demons where,
Grell left happy, planning how he would surprise William naked on his office desk (12th times he charm),
Ronald left confused, but happy for his senpie who seemed pretty happy.
Soma remained confused as to what had happened,
Agni dreaded explaining the truth to his beloved prince.
Snake and his snakes continued to look through the script for all the scenes that had happened but not been planned,
Mey-Rin went into the emergency room from severe blood loss through her nose,
Finny remained innocent and oblivious to everything as Bard had covered his eyes,
Bard tried to smoke out the image of the two young boys from his mind,
Madam tailor left with a whole new range of ideas (and fantasies),
Lau and Ran-Mao left,
Claude was left bruised and love-struck,
Sebastian became Queen of the forest,
And they all live happily ever after?
"Hohoho~" (Tanaka sees everything)
Was it funny!? I thought it was I'm sorry XD Remember to Kudos!
Series this work belongs to:
← Previous Work Part 2 of Kuroshitsuji Crack
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straydoggirl · 3 years
Puppy death,Why Puppy death?
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touyaspeach · 3 years
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Pro Hero Izuku x Assassin Hitoshi x Assassin f!Reader
A/N ; This was written for @cyancherub ’s Wheel of Misfortune collab, Day 13. I will be honest I struggled a bit with this one, I've never written a threesome before and with the context it was a little hard to get it to flow the way I wanted.
Summary ; You and your partner, Hitoshi, are underground assassins working for a crime syndicate known as The Bureau. When you're tasked to kill the up and coming pro hero, Deku, and your partner confesses his long-standing feelings for the man, what will you do? Words ; 8.6k Warnings ; fem! reader, use of baby girl, baby boy, puppy (Izuku), kitten (reader), oral (m, f), daisy chain, rimming (m), unprotected sex, mentions of death though none explicit, lots of fluff Thanks ; @a-shy-blueberry for betaing, @katonshoko for not only betaing but also for the encouragement. And @kisseswithkai, @a-shy-blueberry, @katonshoko, for giving me so many ideas and help!!!
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This mission should be a simple one; in and out, no strings attached. Just take care of the target and get paid. Standard run of the mill; something you and Hitoshi had done a hundred times before. The only catch is that your target this time was the up-and-coming pro hero, Deku. Your old classmate from your days at Yuuei, and one of Hitoshi’s closest friends.
Truthfully, neither of you wanted to fulfill this mission, but you were under contract and couldn’t refuse, despite your reservations and Hitoshi’s slowly breaking heart.
“God, I never imagined I’d be in this situation,” he swore as you readied yourself to do the deed, donning your stealth suits and equipping your back up weapons.
“You had to know it would be a possibility when you joined the Bureau. You had to know that eventually, we’d have to go after our old classmates,” you made quick work of the knife you were strapping to your thigh and moved on to your boots.
“Yeah but I didn’t think it’d be him. You know I was in love with him, right? Like… Really in love with him back then.” Hitoshi said casually.
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Looking up at him, you noticed that his catsuit did little to hide just how muscular he’d gotten since then. His neck was thick with a prominent adam’s apple that jutted out even through the thick material. His shoulders and arms were broad and sturdy, though his waist remained rather slender. He was well built for a stealth-ops hero: strong enough to make it out of any fight but small enough to harness lithe movements and silent footsteps.
“Yeah and you know I was in love with you, right?” You chuckled, tightening the laces on your knee-high combat boot.
“Wait, seriously?” He turned to you, then, dark circles and wild purple hair looking more intense than usual after the sleepless night.
“Oh come on, it’s not like I was subtle.”
“Maybe I was too busy looking the other way. I’m sorry if I made you feel–”
“It’s fine. Let’s just get this job done, okay? We can talk about all that later.”
You went over a mental checklist: knife? Check. Other knife? Check. Back-up boot knife? Check. Back-up, back-up boot knife? Check. Gloves with steel knuckles for brawling? Check. You kicked your heel out, triggering the stiletto that was hidden in the spike of your boot. Check. Lastly you secured a mask over the lower half of your face that doubled as both an identity concealment and a respirator in case gas had to be used.
Honestly? You didn’t think it’d come to that. The plan was to sneak in, scare him, get him under Hitoshi’s quirk and end it with a bullet. Simple. Easy.
“Alright,” your comrade said, securing his own mask around his head and levelling you with those striking purple eyes, “Remember the plan?”
“Yep,” you said standing. You were significantly shorter than Hitoshi, significantly weaker, and quirkless to boot. You were, however, quieter, faster, and deadlier with a knife. “He’s staying at the hotel on 25th, we sneak in through the fire escape and - provided he’s asleep - wake him up, hopefully putting him under your control immediately. Then it’s a quick bullet and the deed’s done.”
As if to prove you knew what you were doing, you pulled the tiny, lady-killer revolver from between your breasts and opened the cylinder. Spinning it and clicking it back into place you pretended to take aim at the bed beside you as if you were aiming at a sleeping target. “Let me take this one so it’s easier for you.”
“Sure, won’t argue that,” he said, voice gruff and lower than usual. You knew this was hard on him. Hell, it was hard on you, too, but if he still had any lingering feelings of love or attraction, you’d have to be the strong one this time.
Killing people is never easy. You have to harden your heart and steel your resolve and just get the job done. It’s thankless, unglamorous, and soul-destroying. That’s why the Bureau employs the harder of heart like you and Hitoshi, but you’re still human. Watching people die takes its toll on you, and that’s also why you’re put in two man squads.
Hitoshi was your partner, he was your confidante, he was the only one in the whole world that could understand the things you were going through, and you were his. And your confession from before? About being in love with him back then? It still holds true; you’re still in love with him. Not that it mattered. Not in this line of work.
“Alright,” he said, tearing you from your thoughts, “Ready?”
“Yep. You?”
“As I can be.”
Ever the gentleman, he held the door for you on your way out of the shitty motel room you were sharing. It’s not like you couldn’t afford to stay at a fancier, nicer place, just that these roach motels are low-key and easy sneak in late and covered in blood if that’s where you ended up.
Your path of travel was as sneaky as you could make it, having planned the route ahead of time. A maze of back alleys kept you from street view, the occasional fire escape, to rooftop, with a sprinkle of free running and you’d be completely unnoticed under the cover of night. And it was around one in the morning as you both sprinted quickly through your route, the perfect time for your target to be sleeping.
You were silent, thankful that you had plenty of endurance training and could sprint for longer distances to get in and out as fast as possible. Travelling at night and on foot was the best way to make sure you went unseen, and though it might take a bit longer than, say, a cab, the lowered risk of capture was worth it.
Well, even if you were captured there wasn’t much they could do to you. You worked for the Bureau, who worked closely with a number of pro-hero agencies and even the police force. Despite being an underground agency, hitmen still fetched a pretty penny so everyone was basically loaded enough to pay off any naysayers.
This time should be much simpler than all that. Provided your plan worked. Provided Hitoshi didn’t succumb to those emotions you were sure bubbled like acid in his belly.
Before you knew it, you were at your destination, and you both paused to catch your breath. You took a moment to admire your partner as he was bathed in moonlight. His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, his hair already starting to deflate from the humidity, and god, he was so handsome. So stupidly, unfairly handsome.
“Hitoshi,” you got his attention by placing a hand on his shoulder. His large, well-built shoulder. “If you want we can… we can do that instead. I know how you feel about him.”
He eyed you warily, even through the mask you could sense his hesitation. That, as it were, was a failsafe you and Hitoshi had decided on years ago. If there was ever any target you just didn’t have it in you to kill, you’d both find a way to fake the death and sneak them out, you’d find a way to save them.
“Maybe. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” he said, voice slightly distorted by the mask and tinged with metal.
Once you both caught your breath, and were prepared to finish the job, you quickly ascended the fire escape. Your light footsteps made soft clanging noises as you went, the iron staircases wobbling together under the effort. It wasn’t loud enough to alert anyone, it could have just been the wind.
It wasn’t just the wind, it was two well-trained assassins on a mission to kill their friend. Hitoshi was glad the weight on his heart wasn’t reflected in his steps, his entire body felt leaden, heavy with the burden of his job. With the burden of his heart.
You both paused once more once you were on the proper floor, outside of the proper window. Listening, waiting. The light was off, and there were no sounds coming from inside, so you assumed he was asleep. Perfect.
Your eyes met violet ones, and even with his brow furrowed and intense focus on his face that was half-obscured, Hitoshi was still so handsome. Still so pretty. You wanted to take a moment to admire him, but that could come later. After you were both patched up emotionally from this ordeal.
With a nod, Hitoshi sampled the window. It’d be easier if it would open on it’s own and he didn’t have to fuck around trying to break it or score a hole into it to unlock it from the inside. With a strong and controlled grip, and to both of your surprise, it quietly slid open.
You swallowed thickly, it’s not that you were nervous about the killing. That came easy by now. Moreso you were concerned for Hitoshi, how he’d handle this after the fact. It’s why you offered to pull the trigger, because despite how well trained you both were, he’d just confessed to you his love for the target. And that – well, that was an issue.
Silently, Hitoshi slipped inside, brushing the curtains aside as he did for you to follow. The room was dark, so dark you could barely see. The radiator hummed quietly behind you, just under the window and masked the rustling of the drapery. In the dim light you could see a lump in the center of the bed, blankets drawn over his head and sound asleep.
Hitoshi paused, tilting his head towards you and giving you a few hand signals that told you he’d make the first move and try to restrain him. With a nod, you stood back, removing your gun from it’s holster and triple checking to make sure you’d loaded it properly.
Slowly, carefully, Hitoshi made his way to the side of the bed, and this close he could see the gentle rise and fall of deep breaths only taken during slumber. Was he really going to go through with this? Was he really about to kill Midoriya of all people?
Hitoshi’s back hit the mattress before anyone had time to process it. A firm, thick hand found itself around his throat, and a weight pressed in on top of him. It wasn’t unpleasant, a thigh against his groin, and the pressure around his neck cutting off just the bloodflow, not choking the air out of his lungs.
Deku’s body had moved on it’s own out of reflex. One moment he was peacefully asleep, and the next he was pinning down an intruder. Only, on impact that intruder let out the most salaciously erotic moan, which confused him further. To add insult to injury, he recognized the man beneath him immediately with his signature wild hair and tired eyes.
The two stared at the other for a moment, processing, and Hitoshi felt something hard pressing against his thigh. A gun? A knife? No it was different, it wasn’t that hard.
Hitoshi smirked, though it was hidden behind the mask. All sorts of words that could poke and prod and get Midoriya to speak to him flooded his mind. “You miss me that bad, Midoriya? I didn’t think you were playing for my team.”
Midoriya’s eyebrows pinched in the middle as he tried to rapidly blink the sleep out of his system. Meanwhile you were making your move. As quickly and quietly as you could, you jumped on him, wrapping an arm around his throat and securing it in a choke-hold.
Deku was unphased. He was big, and muscular, and you were neither of those things. To him you might as well have been a mosquito.
But Hitoshi had a different experience, the hardness he felt grew at your attempt to choke Midoriya and it was his time to shine.
“What’s that, Midoriya? I didn’t take you for someone who got off on this kind of stuff. Do you like getting choked that much?” Hitoshi said with a chuckle, a taunt.
Izuku knew this game, he’d fought his friend on multiple occasions so he knew how this worked. Hitoshi would try to get under his skin, get a rise out of him, make him retort or talk back or say something so that he could take over his mind and gain control of the situation.
Green eyes locked onto violet as the tension continued to build. You would have just shot him, but then the bullet would have risked going right through and hitting your partner, and that wasn’t something worth risking. So now, you were struggling on his back, wrapping your legs around his thick torso to try and get more pressure on his throat.
He ignored you, too focused on the man beneath him. With one hand still on Hitoshi’s throat, he lifted a finger to his lips, grinning, and shaking his head. He wasn’t going to fall for this trap or these taunts.
There was a moment, then, when the energy shifted. Deku’s cock was hard on Hitoshi’s thigh, which in turn had blood pumping straight between Hitoshi’s legs. The pressure of you around Deku’s throat only made it worse, which served nothing more than to give Hitoshi an idea.
Well, less of an idea, more of an impulse. A bad impulse that would jeopardize the mission and both of your careers and-
Hitoshi pressed his thigh harder against Midoriya’s hardening cock, he could feel it even through the thick layers of his catsuit, Midoriya’s sweatpants and boxers, heavy and hot and ready. The action made him suck the plush of his bottom lip between his teeth to stave off a moan, and tighten his grip around Hitoshi’s throat.
Meanwhile, you’d stopped trying to strangle the new hero, instead climbing over him more to look down at Hitoshi, at his flushed face and eyes laced with lust. What the hell was happening?
“Midoriya,” his voice was low, the rasp noticeable even through the mask, “I’m going to take this mask off, okay? I’ll go slow, don’t kill me.”
Deku could, in fact, make quick work of crushing the windpipe beneath his palm. It would be too easy, and you all knew that as fact. Slowly, with carefully planned movements, Hitoshi raised both of his arms, fingers working deftly at the clasps on the left side to unsecure the gear and pull it off. He set it beside him on the bed, revealing the rest of his face to the man that he was supposed to be here to kill.
Deku watched every movement carefully, but seeing the entirety of his old friend’s face, knowing that he was just as hard against his own thigh, only made him throb with need. With desire. This lust that he’d managed to push down since high school, that he’d managed to somehow keep from Hitoshi all this time, hit him with full force. He had so many questions. Why were you here? To kill him? Of course, that was your job, and the only reason you’d sneak into his room so late and without warning. He had so many things to ask, he should definitely fight back harder though neither of you were, currently a threat.
He matched Hitoshi’s movement, using his own thigh to press into the crotch of his suit and apply friction to his dick. It caused him to throw his head back, exposing more of his pretty throat which rumbled with a low moan.
You felt like the third wheel almost immediately once you realized what was happening. The danger, the tension, the years of affection, adoration and need building into a cacophony in which you felt you had no place.
Mission be damned. If Hitoshi was finally going to get his man, then that meant throwing your pride, your career, and your heart into the garbage. But you’d always said you’d follow him to the ends of the earth, and you meant it. You still loved him, after all.
You slid off of Deku’s back, moving off of the bed and towards the window. You could just sit on the fire escape while they finished whatever this was, and then you could all talk about how to proceed. Hitoshi deserved this, at least. If he could have his own little slice of happiness, even if it meant a life on the run, then it was worth it.
“Where are you going?” your partner called softly.
“Giving you two some privacy?”
At that, Midoriya removed his hand from Hitoshi’s throat, straightening up a bit to look over at you. They were still slotted against each other, flushed in their faces and confused but so, so aroused.
“You can stay,” it surprised you when Midoriya was the one who spoke. Wasn’t he afraid of Hitoshi’s quirk, still? Or maybe…
“What? Why? Aren’t you two about to… you know?”
They shared a look, and you couldn’t see it when Hitoshi nodded. Their conversation was silent, but the understanding was mutual. Midoriya extended a hand to you, beaconing you to them. You, however, were only more confused. You didn’t share that same, apparently telepathic bond that they did, and so you hesitated.
“I want you, too.” Hitoshi murmured, the gravel in his voice combined with those words sent heated desire straight to your core. Did he really mean that? And.. and Deku was okay with it? He wanted you, too?
“I want you both. I’m… confused, still. I know you were sent here to kill me, but somewhere in the last few moments that changed,” he looked between you and Hitoshi. If fucking you both meant saving his life and kept him from having to kill either of you? He’d do it in a heartbeat.
He had, in fact, harbored feelings for each of you at different points, so it wasn’t like it was anything forced. And the look of trust Hitoshi had in you, and you in him, told him all he needed to know about your own feelings. This could work.
“I…” you started to ask a question, but Midoriya had moved too quickly. A large, warm hand clasped around your wrist and pulled you into him, the other moved to pull your hair down from where you’d secured it atop your head. At the same time, his lips crashed into yours; all soft and hot and needy.
You heard a soft, “fuck” come from where Hitoshi propped himself up on the bed as Midoriya pushed his tongue into your mouth. He tasted like mint and sleep. It was your first taste of ambrosia. You succumbed to him easily, throwing your arms around his broad shoulders and kissing him back, working your tongues together and getting acquainted with each other’s mouths.
Midoriya, you quickly learned, was an amazing kisser. Maybe he was just naturally good at everything, or maybe he’d had more experience than he let on. You weren’t complaining either way.
Watching the two people he loved most make out so heatedly right in front of him, had all of Hitoshi’s blood pumping straight to his dick. And he was so hard now that his suit was unbearably tight, and painful. He struggled to adjust himself, trying to get more comfortable and enjoy the sight before him. An action that didn’t go unnoticed by the pro.
Midoriya broke the kiss, and you thought he would gently lead you back to the bed. Maybe guide you to Hitoshi, maybe kiss him, too. But no, he hoisted you up with ease and carried you romantically in his arms, gently placing you on the bed, beside your partner.
You looked at each other, your eyes locked onto his violet ones in a silent question. Did he love you? Was he sure he was okay with this? You watched as he swallowed hard, palmed himself through his suit to try and readjust again.
It was the look on your face, lidded eyes, flushed cheeks, heaving chest, that solidified this in his thoughts. He did want this. He wanted you. He wanted Midoriya.
Midoriya, who watched as you two tried to feel each other out, exchanging only questioning and longing glances instead of words. How very like the both of you, he thought.
“You know,” he ventured, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside Hitoshi, “We should probably talk about this. There’s obviously some… unresolved… things… that need to be addressed.”
He was right and you all knew it, even if you were so eager to devour each other and get lost in the throes of pleasure.
You took Hitoshi’s hand in one of yours, looking down at where he intertwined his fingers with yours. His hands were smaller than Midoriya’s, but they still dwarfed your own, making you feel tiny and delicate. “I… I told you earlier, remember? That I was in love with you at UA? It was a lie.”
Midoriya watched as his friend’s face twisted into confusion, but you continued before he could let the questions spill. “I’m still in love with you. And this whole situation is so fucked beyond belief because we’re supposed to kill the man you’re still in love with and -”
A soft palm pressing into your cheek stopped you in your tracks, your gaze lifting to those fucking gorgeous eyes again.
“I can be in love with both of you, you know?” Hitoshi grumbled, his voice deep and husky with emotion and lust and so much more.
“But I don’t even know if Midoriya likes me-”
“I do!” it was his turn to cut you off, “Like you… I mean. I have since back then. Shinsou, too. I just thought you were both more into each other than me, so I never… I never said anything or acted on it.”
So that’s it then? You’d all been harboring these feelings for the others since your time in highschool, and each of you were thinking the same thing: ‘they’re more into each other, than me.’
“I’m going to ignore the fact that you were sent here to literally murder me for now, and assume it’s just because the Bureau assigned that as your job. And I’m also going to ignore the fact that you’re still working with them despite knowing that they are, in fact, a crime syndicate. We can figure all that mess out later. Right now I think if I don’t get to finally kiss Shinsou I’ll go insane.”
Midoriya looked over at Hitoshi’s surprised face; his eyebrows lifted and eyes wide.
His heart was racing, this was all so much and so overwhelming and his body moved before he could talk himself out of it. Leaning forward, he pulled Midoriya into him, parting his lips immediately and kissing him deeply.
It was the hottest thing you’d ever seen. The low groan in Hitoshi’s throat, the whimper from Midoriya when he was pressed back, back, back, until Hitoshi was on top of him. The way the pro’s hands roamed all over your partner’s body until they found the zipper on the back of his suit and tugged it down.
Their lips never parted, even as Hitoshi shrugged out of the top half of his uniform, revealing those broad, muscular shoulders and tapered waist that had you reeling. Hitoshi’s fingertips danced along Midoriya’s abdomen, lifting his shirt as they went higher to flick over his nipple. The action caused him to arch his back and groan into Hitoshi’s mouth again.
They were completely lost in each other, all of those feelings finally having their chance to be explored and acknowledged, and you were so happy for the two of them. Even if you still felt a little unwelcome. Even if you were being ignored and neglected. It’s fine, right? Maybe you should just slip out of the window while they’re distracted and let them go at each other in privacy.
Slowly and quietly you slid off of the bed, glancing over at them to make sure they were still too involved in each other to notice you. Somehow Midoriya’s shirt was discarded, and Hitoshi was completely out of his suit at this point, only in his skin-tight athletic shirt and shorts. It’s a good look on him.
You were quiet, that has always been one of your strong suits and one of the things that made you so good for your job despite being quirkless. And you were sure they didn’t notice you even when you paused at the still-open window, taking in the night air and trying to calm your nerves and the beating of your heart. But Hitoshi did notice. Of course he noticed. He noticed everything about you at all times, from the subtle disappointments or excitements, to the way you’d sometimes stay extra close to him when you were scared or nervous.
Somehow he noticed, and ended up being even quieter than you realized as he pinned your back against the wall. He’d pulled you in by the back of your suit and caged you between those arms of his. His eyes bore into yours, heavy with emotion.
“Where do you think you’re going, kitten?” he rumbled deep in his chest.
“I… I just-” “You just? What? Do you feel neglected? Does my baby need some attention? I haven’t gotten to kiss you yet. I haven’t gotten to touch you and feel you tremble under my fingertips. Is that what you want?” Hitoshi leaned in with every word, closer and closer until his nose brushed against yours and you had nowhere to go, nowhere to run and avoid confronting the reality of the situation.
He’d confessed his want for you but deep down you knew his heart lay with Midoriya. That you were an afterthought, and a matter of convenience. Right?
Hitoshi’s palm was so, so warm on your neck as he steadied you, tilting your head up towards him so that he could finally kiss you the way he’s been wanting to. Slowly, savoring the moment, he leaned in to close the distance.
If you thought Midoriya was good at kissing, then Hitoshi must be a god. His lips were so soft and so practiced; he worked against you and manipulated you exactly how he wanted. And it was all you could do not to slide down the wall and melt into a puddle from how it made your heart soar.
He loved that cute little moan you gave him, too. And the next one when he parted your lips and pressed his tongue in to taste you. Finally. Hitoshi tasted strongly of coffee, not that you minded. It was pleasant and sweet.
You deepend the kiss, the action not only surprising your partner but also eliciting a pretty groan from the depths of his chest. Your tongue swirled in his mouth, exploring every inch of him you could, as your hands teased up his thighs and ghosted over the length of him. He bucked into your hand automatically, and encouraged you to stroke him through the fabric.
You were so lost in Hitoshi that you didn’t notice Midoriya coming up behind you, sandwiching you between the two men and kissing the back of your head. He took his time unzipping your own suit, exposing inch after inch of your skin. Unlike Hitoshi, you only wore panties beneath your uniform, there were no athletic or compression shirts, it was more comfortable this way.
With every new piece of flesh exposed, Midoriya kissed down your spine. Slowly, sweetly, savoring you as Hitoshi continued his assault on your mouth.You licked up the entirety of his tongue, rolling the muscle against his and massaging it while you snaked a hand down into his shorts.
Small fingers wrapped around Hitoshi’s very hard cock and he moaned. It felt so good to finally be touched, finally have your hands on his body. He’d fallen asleep so many nights just dreaming of this, of you, of Midoriya. And now his fantasies were coming true, and they felt even better than he imagined.
Midoriya urged your catsuit off, having you remove yourself from your partner’s embrace to step out of it and peel it from your arms. Your face flushed once you stood mostly exposed before them. Hitoshi had seen your body before, though it was in much different and more professional settings.
And you were beautiful. They both took a moment to admire you before things became a flurry of hands and touches and clothing being discarded. Before you knew it, you were all naked, and you were sliding up to Hitoshi where he now lay on the bed. His cock was so hard, long and pretty and the way it throbbed for you when your lips wrapped around it had your slick dripping down your legs.
He tasted a little salty, but it wasn’t bad. You swirled your tongue around his head, spreading saliva and precum all over before sinking down as far as you could. He hit the back of your throat pretty quickly, and you half expected him to force you the rest of the way down. But he didn’t, and when you looked up that ache between your legs only got more intense.
Hitoshi had his back pressed against the headboard, and Midoriya knelt before him, cock out and slowly fucking into Hitoshi’s open and eager mouth. He steadied himself on Midoriya’s thighs, urging the pro to use his face for his own pleasure.
Seeing Hitoshi give away control like that, even for a moment, was incredible. But his attention was too focused on Midoriya, and not on you, so you held your breath and swallowed him down your throat. The stretch burned, you weren’t exactly used to deepthroating your partner’s cock. But it felt nice in a way, and even nicer when Hitoshi moaned loudly as your nose hit the neatly trimmed pubic hair at his base.
You closed your eyes, and focused on making him feel good. Bobbing your head and sucking, swirling your tongue around and massaging his underside as you drew back, then sunk down again. Spit pooled in your mouth and dribbled down his length with every motion, sliding slippery down to his balls and onto the sheets.
With one hand you grabbed him at the base, focusing your mouth on the upper half, and the other found his slick covered balls. You worked him over like this, suckling and nursing on his head and lickling all the way down his underside. Running your tongue up and down, back and forth in mock-strokes while pumping him and smearing saliva everywhere.
You could hear the strangled sounds of Hitoshi gagging on Midoriya’s own cock, and Hitoshi’s hips started bucking up into you hard. He must be close, so you didn’t let up; and Midoriya must be too, if the way he’s moaning is any indicator.
“Fuck-fuck I’m gonna cum, Shinsou. Take it all, fuck-!” Midoriya groaned, loud and husky as he spilled deep into Hitoshi’s throat. The flavor and feeling of taking such a hot load did the job of sending Hitoshi over the edge, and he in turn flooded your mouth with his own seed. Salty, a little sweet, and bitter were the flavors that overwhelmed your senses as you drank it down.
You savored every drop of Hitoshi’s cum, but saved a little bit on your tongue. Once he was finished with his orgasm, you crawled over top of him, pressing your body into his and kissing him deeply with his cum and Midoriya’s combining between you. Midoriya’s was sweeter than Hitoshi’s, and they mixed together deliciously.
The man beneath you groaned at the flavor of himself and his beloved’s essences blending in your kiss. He swiped his tongue into your mouth and scooped as much of his own semen out as he could and swallowed it all. Beside you, Midoriya watched the whole thing with heavy eyes and a softening cock.
Finally, after a long moment, you pulled away, a string of saliva and cum connecting your lips. You swiped your hand over your chin to wipe away the mixture of fluids and removed yourself from Hitoshi.
You were a little disappointed, both of them had gotten off but you remained slick and needy to the point your cunt almost ached. You took one step towards the bathroom, intent on finishing yourself off when Hitosih’s voice called out to you.
“Where do you think you’re going, kitten? Do you think we’re done here?”
“Y-yeah,” Midoriya followed up, “We want to make you feel good too, and I just need a moment to recover! Then I’ll be good to go again!”
As he said that, he had the cutest little determined look on his face, and you couldn’t say no. Especially when Hitoshi had called you that pet name. So you retraced the path back to Hitoshi’s side, and, with careful hands, he pulled you back on top of him. Midoriya moved out of the way, seemingly getting whatever Hitoshi was hinting at, and you were rolled over onto your back beside your partner.
“Midoriya, I want to watch you eat her out. Do you think you can do that, puppy?”
“Yes! But…call me Izuku, okay? I think we’re past using family names.”
“Izuku…” Hitoshi said, sounding out the way it felt on his tongue.
“Y-you too,” Izuku said, turning to you.
“Izuku!” you said enthusiastically, which earned a soft, sweet laugh from him. And then he was caging you in, strong arms on either side of your head as he kissed you tenderly. It was loving, and slow, and it took your breath away. “I can’t wait to taste this pretty fucking pussy, sweetheart.” he said, running two fingers up and down your slit, collecting your slick on them before slowly pressing them inside. When he curled them, it’s like he knew exactly where your sweet spot was, and he massaged there for a moment, warming you up.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. You’re gonna feel so good when cum on my tongue.” He moved down to kiss at your neck, scissoring those thick fingers and pumping them in and out of you. His hot tongue laved over your chest, swirling around one nipple and then the other, then down your belly to your navel. The lower he went, the more intensely his fingers worked in your hole; pistoning and scissoring and curling, making you throw your head back and moan a gentle call of his name.
Once Izuku was between your legs, he planted a kiss on your mound, just above your clit. It sent shivers up your spine to feel his hot breath so close to where you’ve been neglected most. When he closed his lips around your tender bud, you gasped, throwing your head back and moaning again. His mouth was scorching, his fingers stretching as he worked in a third, and your hands found purchase in that pretty, curly hair of his.
Izuku’s tongue flicked over your clit as he applied suction with his mouth, his three, thick fingers pumping slowly in and out of you, working to stretch you to take one or both of their cocks. Hitoshi, while he was still big, was long and pretty. Izuku, however, erred more on the girthy, heavy side. No wonder he was taking his time, getting you used to the stretch.
You arched your back, curling your fingers in his hair the same way he curled his fingers in your cunt, holding on for dear life as he continued his heated assault on your pussy. You’d been so built up from taking Hitoshi’s load down your throat and watching him take Izuku’s, that the coil deep in your belly was tightening at record speeds.
He brought you closer and closer with each flick of his tongue, each rubbing of his fingers along your walls and sweet spot and just when you thought you were going to fall over the precipice, he stuttered. With a prolonged whine at the loss of stimulation, you looked down at him. Your eyes widened at what you saw, and you clenched around his fingers with a shudder.
Izuku stuttered, pulling his head away from you, when Hitoshi knelt behind him, pressing his own lips to the pro’s tight, fluttering hole. Which elicited a harsh intake of breath and a jolt to Izuku’s system, snapping his head back to look at Hitoshi over his shoulder.
Slowly Hitoshi pressed his tongue in, wiggling it around to start stretching Izuku out. With a whine that morphed into a soft moan, Izuku dove back into your cunt, the sudden return of stimulation to your clit made you jump and gasp. Despite his own pleasure, he was quick to pull you back towards the edge, using those deliciously thick fingers and experienced tongue.
“F-fuck, Izuku-!” You cried, your hands which were once curled in his thick hair, now clenching desperately at the bedsheets as you toed the line. “I’m gonna- go-gonna-” you stuttered, your breaths coming out fast and ragged. His fingertips raked across your sweet spot once more as his tongue flicked over your clit in just the right way, and you were gone.
You came all over his tongue and chin, coating his face in your gush as your cunt spasmed and twitched around his fingers and in his mouth. Seemingly at the same time, Hitoshi pressed two fingers into Izuku’s ass, which caused him to groan into you again. The vibrations only serve to prolong your orgasm.
He pulled his mouth away, dipping his head down and worked you through with his fingers until your walls stopped fluttering. Pulling that hand away, he reached up to stuff your mouth full, making you taste yourself on him and groaning when your tongue swirled around his fingers to lick every drop of your essence off.
A loud pop echoed through the room, and Izuku jolted from the impact. He managed to hoist himself up onto his knees and against Hitoshi’s chest as your partner continued to stretch and finger his inexperienced asshole.
“Fuck you,” Izuku breathed, but the way his dick was hard again, you knew he didn’t mean it.
“Actually that’s what I’m trying to do, but I need you to pay attention to me. Can you do that, puppy? Can you be a good boy and let me prepare you?” Hitoshi’s voice was low, gravelly, nearly a predatory growl that sent shivers up Izuku’s spine. He nodded, slowly.
“Good. Kitten,” he called to you, urging you forward with a nod of his head, “Be a good girl and let Izuku fuck you, okay? You deserve to feel good after cumming so prettily all over him.” Hitoshi brought his other hand around to Izuku’s face as you scooted yourself down the bed, and captured his lips in a sweet kiss to taste you. It didn’t last long, though, because once you were situated, Hitoshi forced Izuku down over top of you. Strong arms once again caged you in, a palm pressed on either side of your head.
“Fuck, you taste so good, kitten,” Hitoshi groaned, spitting on where his fingers pistoned into the pro’s ass and adding a third.
Izuku had the prettiest moans, and it seems like three fingers was the way to draw them from him. They bubble up from his chest, get caught in his throat, and then resonate in his head. It’s delightful, melodic, and you were excited to hear more.
Izuku, however, was lost in the feeling of Hitoshi’s ministrations, momentarily forgetting the order he was given and your partner was having none of it. Reaching around, once again, with his other hand, he grasped Izuku’s cock, pumping it a few times and lining him up with your hole. He gave you the mercy of running the head up and down, coating Izuku in your slick before pushing his weight onto the hero.
His dick slowly slid into you, and the stretch was both painful and incredible. It filled you up just right and you gasped, throwing your head back again and moaning softly as Izuku moved his hips slightly. He was only about halfway in, and already tears were pricking at your eyes. It wasn’t unpleasant, it hurt and you were grateful he’d stretched you with those three fingers before this, but the pain mixed so well with the pleasure.
The stretch of his cock, the aftershocks of your orgasm, the hazy, drunk look in Izuku’s eyes before they rolled back into his head once fully hilted. It all had tears pricking in your eyes and threatening to spill over.
“Oh my god,” Izuku moaned in that pretty way you loved. “Fuck, you’re so damn tight, so damn wet. A-are you okay? Does it hurt?”
You shook your head, “Y-yes and yes. I’m okay, please just.. Fuck, just move okay?”
Izuku obliged, pulling his hips back and groaning loudly as he took Hitoshi’s fingers even deeper. You felt his absence intensely, a burning need alighting in your belly to have him continue, to have him stretch you even if you break.
With a thrust of his hips, Hitoshi stuffed Izuku’s thick, heavy cock back into your cunt and you both moaned. “Keep fucking her, I’ll be right back,” Hitoshi demanded, and Izuku whined when his hole was vacated. Your partner watched as the hero’s ass clenched around nothing with a devilish smirk, a smirk that somehow made him look even more handsome, if not dangerous.
“Don’t worry, pretty boy. I’ll fill your hole with my cock, just let me get ready,” Hitoshi cooed, and stepped back to presumably find either a condom or lube. Though why would he have either of those things? You didn’t have time to ponder over whether or not Hitoshi had actually planned this whole ordeal, because Izuku started to thrust his hips with vigor.
Each drag of his cock along your walls made you shiver, every time his head hit your sweet spot you croned. Izuku met your gaze, then pulled back to watch himself sink into your pussy over and over, the sounds of your slick squelched alongside the slapping of skin in a cacophony of love and lust.
“God you really are so fucking gorgeous,” Izuku said breathlessly, never ceasing his movements. Instead he leaned down, resting himself on his elbows and pressing his forehead against yours; the action immediately shifted the mood from desperate to intimate and you couldn’t help but look up at him with stars in your eyes.
“You feel so good squeezing around my dick, mmm, I’ve wanted this for so long,” he confessed, letting his eyes flutter closed as he abused your sweet spot, as the thick curly hair on his belly and just above his cock stimulated your clit with every thrust. “Wanted you for so long, baby. Both of you. I can’t believe this is happening.”
You cunt squeezed at his words, your heart beating faster. It was such a sweet, heartfelt confession of feelings and all the doubts from before completely washed away. They both loved you, and each other, and you loved them.
“Izuku,” you breathed, wrapping your arms around his neck to hold him closer, “I love you.”
“Fuck,” was all he managed as his hips stuttered, you felt him swell inside of you as if your words were enough to make him cum.
“This is so sweet,” Hitoshi murmured, retaking his place behind Izuku, “Puppy are you ready for my cock? You better not cum yet.”
“Y-yes!” Izuku groaned, his dick throbbed inside you once again as he clenched in anticipation.
Hitoshi lined himself up, using two hands to spread the hero open for him, and slowly pushed in. You watched as Izuku’s eyes rolled back in his head, as his once labored breaths halted completely. But then, once the head was in, Hitoshi stopped.
“That feel good? You want more, huh?”
“Y-yes, please!”
“Good puppies beg for their master’s cock, so beg,” Hitoshi demanded, landing another loud smack across Izuku’s rear and delighting in the way it jiggled and bounced from the impact.
“P-please! Please Hitoshi! I want your cock, please fuck me. Fuck me, god I need you to fuck me, please master, please Hitoshi!” Izuku spilled all of this right into your ear, whiny, needy, and it made your cunt flutter around him. Hearing the up and coming pro hero begging to get fucked, begging to take your partner’s dick was so unbelievably hot.
Izuku’s forehead came to rest on your shoulder and you ran your fingers through his curly, thick hair as Hitoshi pushed in further.
“You’re doing so good, Izuku. You’re taking him so well, look at you,” you cooed, singing his praises to help him through the initial stretch. You didn’t know if he’d ever done this before, though obviously he wasn’t opposed or he wouldn’t have begged to get fucked like that. “That’s it, baby, just breathe.”
Izuku inhaled slowly, and his exhale ghosted over your skin and sent gooseflesh prickling all over your body. He let out a long, drawn out ‘fuck’ and then jolted forward, hilting himself inside of you as Hitoshi did the same to him.
You glanced up at Hitoshi, who looked like he was barely holding it together with closed eyes and a concentrated brow. He was flushed from his face to his shoulders as he chewed on his bottom lip. “You’re so fucking tight, shit.” Hitoshi swore, “I don’t know if I can move with how hard you’re sucking me in. You have such a lewd body, puppy, all for me to use, yeah?”
Izuku nodded, the bounce of his hair tickling your chest, “y-yes!”
“Good boy. How you holdin’ up, kitten?” He asked, referring to you. You replied with a sleepy smile.
You clenched around Izuku on purpose, watching as his muscles contracted and his throat bobbed with another whine. He was dangerously nearing overstimulation and subspace, you could tell by the hazy look in his eyes.
With care, Hitoshi pulled his hips back, feeling the way Izuku’s tight hole stretched and contracted to accommodate him. He groaned, deep in his chest, before pressing back in.
“I’m going to fuck you now, okay? And you make sure our kitten feels real good, got it?”
Izuku nodded, words failing him at just how overwhelmed he was with pleasure. Everything felt good - too good. Hitoshi stretching his ass, him stretching your cunt, feeling every breath you took against his chest and Hitoshi’s hands on his hips. It was too much and too good and he started to lose a sense of anything that wasn’t you two.
Izuku slowly started to thrust again, instantly reigniting that fire in your belly. With every movement he fucked himself deeper onto Hitoshi’s cock, and your partner was content to stay still and let Izuku do the work for a while.
He was getting lost in the pleasure, rocking his hips back and forth over and over, faster and faster. But it wasn’t enough, it was like he was edging himself and he groaned, throaty and soft and laced with need.
Hitoshi understood, and, securing his hands on Izuku’s hips, started pounding into him. It seemed to be exactly what he needed, and every slap of Hitoshi’s hips against his ass forced him deeper into you. You relinquished your grip on Izuku’s hair, instead opting to claw desperately at his back and surely leaving marks for later as your fingernails dug into slick skin.
Hitoshi’s grip was similarly tight, definitely leaving bruises in his wake, but nobody cared. Everything just felt so good and so right that you were all approaching your climaxes quickly.
“You better cum real pretty for me,” Hitoshi growled, “I wanna watch you both as you do since I was so nice letting you guys fuck.”
“M’close-” you hummed between pants, squeezing your thighs around Izuku’s middle to pull yourself closer to him.
“M-me… fuck me too,” the pro gasped, his arms were shaking with strain and pleasure and you knew that when he came, it was going to be hot and heavy and a lot.
“God, I’m gonna cum,” Hitoshi warned, bending down to place a row of sweet kisses down Izuku’s back, “Cum with me, fuck, you better fucking cum with me,” he said, his hips stuttering as he chased his release.
The change in angle seemed to do it, because now that Hitoshi’s cock was slamming into Izuku’s prostate, he was twitching and throbbing deliciously inside you. “C-” was all he managed to say before you cut him off.
“Cumming--- fuck!” you cried, pleasure washing over you in waves as you creamed around Izuku’s fat cock. Over and over your walls fluttered and pulsed and Izuku came with you. He painted your insides milky white just as Hitoshi did the same to him. A chorus of swears and praises breathily hummed between you filled your ears as you all came down from your collective highs.
Hitoshi pulled out first, slowly, and discarded the condom he was wearing. Izuku was next, careful with you. He kissed you tenderly as he slid his dick from your soaked and twitching pussy, humming into your mouth at the feeling. His cum slowly leaked out of you, down your ass to pool on the sheets beneath you.
Your partner was quick, ready with a towel to catch what dripped down before too much ruined the sheets. The three of you spent time cleaning each other up, passing around some water and breathing before collapsing in a heap on the bed.
Hitoshi was in the center, and he pulled both you and Izuku into his chest with either arm; the two of you in mirrored positions curled up into his sides.
What now? You wondered. Spent, exhausted, the mission compromised and abandoned, love confessions still weighing on your heart. What were you going to do now? The loss of a contract meant you’d surely lose your jobs, and harboring a target to specifically void said contract? Well, you’d be the next target.
Unless the two of you went to the police or another hero agency, confessing your crimes and spilling details about the Bureau. That could work even if it put you both at danger. And there were no guarantees they wouldn’t send more assassins after Izuku once they realized you’d defaulted.
Hitoshi looked over at you, seemingly reading your thoughts. “We’ll figure it out in the morning. Let’s get some rest first,” he said with a yawn. You both glanced over at Izuku, where the pro hero was fast asleep and happily tucked under Hitoshi’s arm. He had the cutest little smile on his kiss-bitten lips that warmed your heart.
How could you have ever gone through with it?
“Hitoshi,” you whispered, garnering a low ‘hm’?
“Do you really mean what you said? That you… that you …”
“Love you? Yeah. I did.”
“How long?”
“Since our first assignment together. You remember the one?”
“Yeah, I do. When I ate that bullet for you. You’d spent our first few weeks together avoiding me and being rude to me until then. Guess all it took to make you fall for me was saving your life, huh?”
He chuckled softly, trying not to wake Izuku. “Actually, it wasn’t that. It was the way you were still so concerned about the hostages even though you literally had a bullet rip through your guts. All you cared about was saving people. That’s when I knew.”
You smiled into him, wiggling a little closer to get comfortable. Hitoshi gave you a soft squeeze, kissing your forehead.
“Get some rest, we’re gonna need it.”
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