#snk x asoiaf
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marleysfinest · 6 months ago
i have love to share muvva
@drivemysoul my cherished snk swiftie pal. it was so delightful to watch u liveblog it truly unspoiled since i'm also quite the latecomer too and i feel very Affirmed in my own reading and feelings!! they are so damn smart and funny and full of love and deserve the world. i also feel like we're in a weird exchange program every time they quietly like my nick cave posts as a real life australian meanwhile taylor swift is practically my neighbor
@felineverdure my doppelwife down to name and possibly ethnicity whose art i LOVE (big shout out to skin tones and melinated jean, impeccable hair and noses and jawlines, contributing to the tumbleweeds of the hitchannie tag), we have the same taste in old men, responsible for More More Chefs AU. if i get my shit together for RJW halloween the bit of flojean is for her, that's how powerful kat is. every day i'm more alarmed by how hard our interests overlap (asoiaf, buzzfeed unsolved, (g)i-dle)
@avellanaslesbianas the backbone of kenuri micronation who tolerates my depravity. we've both projected loser 80s rock musicians who've aged into conservatism (morissey and cave) onto this man. her art can make me chuckle til the cows come home AND fall to my knees. besides snk i feel like a bit of a minority in this corner of tumblr as someone whose weab lifetime has mostly been in (mahou) shoujo and josei and yuri so avellana is also my bud on that front
@daryascurse OH our pedantic ass philosophical speculation about selfshipping into AoT while not white!! i feel very giddy when darya asks about katken and i count her as another shoujo comrade, furuba and bssm especially. darya also has Quite juicy music taste and vibes i just imprinted on immediately idk!!!
@strawberrystepmom my pisces brother let's run an astrology consultating business out of a houseboat
@myrtlesandasphodels is very precious for our ASOIAF shared wavelength that i *think* translates to having good robust thoughts on the women of snk. i am neglecting our girl annie so much lately but rest assured she is not forgotten. every donut i eat brings me back to carly stratmann
i will always count @oxygenbefore1775 and my NIECE @fromriches-tosin as my first friends in this fandom because i entered quite truly like, a month before RJW 2024, and i admire their writing so hard. they inspire most to keep up canon x canon writing!! i'm so behind on just reading let alone writing fanfiction but their shit is top of my damn queue. i live for all of mae's art but especially mikasa my god
@pisspope is the reason i selfship to begin with you damn witch (gn) and i do think we met on the streets of ********* five years ago and fractured the universe. i love our kink venn diagram and holding down this side of the pond together. i scroll up to our entirely spoilered boot discussion to laugh periodically. i think we will meet physically and that's a threat
@marleysfinest just that This is ur milestone event and the liveliness of your inbox every damn day shows you have a big ol heart and are so good at gathering people, it's so very moon-jupiter trine of you
MORE LOVE IN THE WORLD!!!!!!! Kat ily behind words kiss kiss mwah mwah
spread the love for muvva’s feel good 500!
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nobluesea · 6 years ago
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Jaime watched her eyes. Pretty eyes, he thought, and calm. He knew how to read a man’s eyes. He knew what fear looked like. She is determined, not desperate.
-ASOS, Jaime I
(aka that moment when they're in mortal danger and yet Jaime found the time to look at Brienne's eyes)
Yeah Jaime is totally bald and I'm having trouble processing it myself ok
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kyojinofbraveos · 8 years ago
When I asked "Then I'll ask you snk related stuff, but also GoT :) How long and how well would everyone survive the game of thrones?" I meant, how long do the snk characters survive in GoT :')
Sorry adsfgh :D This sound even better! I am gonna answer this but my imagination runs wild and I can’t stop it so please forgive me my friend, this is gonna take so long. Don’t worry, I am gonna mention the chance of their surviving as well! 
I have been waiting for an ask like this my whole life…
My crazy head canon time because my imagination runs wild once again and I can’t stop it!
Long time ago I mentioned that the head of Ackerman family that gave up his life to save the clan reminds me nobody but Ned Stark, so I associate these two honorable people here once again.
And of course as you noticed, I associate Ackermans with Stark Family. These two families are bot loyal, but that doesn’t mean they can be controlled, even by to people dearest to them. Like Starks rebelled at ASOIAF series, Ackermans also rebelled against First King and his ideology even though they were close to royal family. They are noble, strong and they endure winter safe and sound.
I associate Tully Family with East Sea Clan. In ASOIAF series, Tullies and Stars have built a close alliance, like East Sea Clan and Ackermans. Choosing Tullies as East Sea Clan definetely has no connection between their family symbol, trout and @falcon94ssy ‘s last crazy theory. 
Jaeger Family would be close to Greyjoys, they have many parallels and they do not sow in the end. Who else say that reference? Since Grisha grew up at Winterfell, hehehe, Eren and Zeke are quite familiar to North. Our Grisha first married to Dina, who is a relative of the King but then after some unfortunate events, who knows maybe she turned into a Whitewalker o.O, Dina died and he married Carla. Don’t you worry, mama Carla is handling his adoptive elder son and his baby boy Eren quite well. But well… Their surviving chance is not that high… *whispers* Dina is gonna kill Carla when she turns to a Whitewalker and Carla is gonna burn herself to make an escape to her sons*
Fritz family is like Targaryens, these both families have the blood of Kings running through them and because of that they have, let’s say, magical powers. Targaryens does not burn in fire, they can ride dragons etc because they are blood of Valyria. Fritz can control and manipulate Eldians and Pure Titans because they are blood of Ymir Fritz. They have a high chance to survive in GoT if they won’t lose to the madness inside them. Other wise, it would be a feast for crows.
 I am gonna quote my one of old post there about Walls:
In Game of Thrones, there is a bigass icy wall but that wall has not just been built by ice and stone, there is also magic in it. As a fan of both series, I was able to make this connection and thought that our wall in SnK has also been built with not just stone and stuff, but also with magic, a.k.a Colossal Titans.
We can associate The Whitewalkers with Pure Titans. In GoT it has been revealed that Whitewalkers are originated from people. If a people dies in North and nobody burn his/her body, they turn to a Whitewalker. In SnK, to turn an Eldian to a Human you have to inject spinal fluid of a Titan, aka Titan serum.
Also I can cause why not, I associate Night’s Watch with Survey Corps. In the end,they are both trying to keep evil monsters at the other side of the wall.
Now let’s come a little closer to our characters as individuals!
Eren would be the way he is. He would try his best, never give up, always fights but in the end Mikasa or sometimes Armin or someone else would help him in the end. He would sworn to kill all Whitewalkers and would want to join Night’s Watch. He also would be a warg like Bran maybe. @kuchen-ackerman ‘s post about Eren and Bran HERE.
Armin would read his books and make researches in the citadel, I can see him being a maester like Aemon or who knows, Qyburn when he grows up. *cough*Gesumin*cough. Maybe a mix of them both?
Mikasa might look like an East Sea blood from outside but damn, these girl is an Ackerman from head to toe. Her day would go as keeping Eren and Armin safe, sword training, horse riding and keeping Eren and Armin safe more in Winterfell. 
Yeah, trio lives at Winterfell but they travel a lot since Eren is a half Greyjoy and Mikasa is a half Tully.
Eren and Armin would want to join the honorable Night’s Watch but Mikasa would try to stop them because she knew how dangerous it is.
Plus, we know what happened to Armin’s family! They are a close family to the Warden of the North, Ackerman Family and that is why Armin can use Winterfell’s old library whenever he wants and his Grandpa is also the maester of Winterfell!
I can see Historia sitting on the Iron Throne. She would look so good there the Iron Throne would be jealous. 
I think Erwin would be like a Lannister, but not like Tywin, Jaime or Cersei but  like Tyrion. He would advise Historia and definetely protect his Queen from all the dirt going on in the Red Keep. Water would flood never better, if you know what I mean.
I can see Hange as a Grand Maester next to Historia. I want her to be more active though, please forget about that old man called Pycelle and imagine what kind of new things le goddess Hange would bring to Westeros. Or who knows, maybe she would definetely be like Aemon and be a a maester at Night’s Watch? Yeah, I like it more that way.
I already told Levi would be from Ackerman Family because I associate Ackermans with Starks. Maybe who knows like Jon Snow he also would be a bastard? But since this is my au, I am writing that Kuchel Ackerman is safe and sound with her son cause I can cause why not? He wouldn’t like all the dşrt and drama that is going on at King’s Landing and ask Erwin and Hange to join him in Winterfell. Who knows, maybe he would go wherever they are just to protect them?
Kenny would be the Lord Commander of Kingsguard, though it is actually unusual for Ackermans to join it. He joined the Kingsguard to serve Uri but after his death he just stayed in. He sometimes goes to Sept and stand in front of Uri’s grave. 
Sasha would be from the Tarly Family, in the series Tarly are known for their hunting skills in the end. It is like Martin created Tarly for Sasha! 
I can see Connie Springer as Connie Tyrell. Wow, that sounded quite good! I think the rose motifs would fit him quite well, I would love to see Connie as Knight of Flowers. He would try his best at King’s Landing but I don’t think he would manage to nail it since Connie is a pure cinnamon roll and King’s Landing is a intrigue swamp.
Jean would be a Baratheon. He would be an artist like Renly, but that wouldn’t stop him from being extremely honest like Stannis and having some of Robert’s recklessness. But since he is a smart and caring person, I think he would also grow. He would have one of highest chances to survive.
Man, I use ‘would’ so much.
I don’t know why, but I feel like Ymir would be no one, a faceless man. A girl has no name, in the end. She was worshipped, betrayed and lost her way in life and her first task was killing the new Queen of Andals but she refused it and now she is on the run from faceless men.
Bertolt is so sweet for both Got and Snk, he is the character I struggled most as I wrote these head canons because Bert just does not belong to those cruel worlds, he deserves better. Anyway, I think he would be from the Vale and maybe an Arryn because I once read this au smartpass where Bert dreams of flying above the Walls and leaving but some people notices him and tells him he doesn’t have right to enjoy freedom and shoot him down. It was an emotional one for me. So, I am making him Lord of Vale, Bertolt Arryn. Unfortunately I don’t think someone as sweet as Bert would have that much chance to survive if he leaves the Vale.
Annie would be from the Reeds, but like her lord father she doesn’t like to join to other lords and they would mostly stay at Greywater Watch. The other lords would not be that found of them, too. Most of the Westeros would mock them as crannog men but Annie wouldn’t give a shit.
Reiner would a Martell. I know, the look is not connected at all but the character definetely does. Martells are quite smart, passionate and a little crazy. These fits Reiner so well too as best as I say. Also, Berik is a Martell as well because I want it to be that way!
Zeke is a full time Greyjoy. From head to toes. Since we don’t have the Warrior backstory and he doesn’t have that much screen time, damn you Isayama really, I can’t read his character that well but as far as my meta senses works, it fits Zeke to be a kraken, an Ironborn. 
So that is it, these are all I can think of right now! I know that was not the answer you wanted and I am sorry, I couldn’t stop my imagination! It took the control of my fingers, I am sorry!
Feel free to add anything you want!
Thank you for reading!
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sunson · 6 years ago
might fuck around and start writing again
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hamliet · 3 years ago
Hello! What do you think about the chosen one trope?
It might seem like I hate it from a lot of my posts, but I actually like it a lot when it's explored in complex stories. I also don't mind it played straightforward in very simple stories (like fairy tales, etc).
Some of the stories that do it best are Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Witcher, which explore both the positive and negative (lonely) aspects of being the chosen one, and Harry Potter, which focuses on choice playing a role. Straightforward "I'm the chosen one because X said so" in a story that is otherwise complex is not interesting to me, but "why did X say so?" (Harry Potter; also Katniss Everdeen being forced into an artificial symbol role) "what happens if you choose not to be?" (Anakin Skywalker of Star Wars) "what if you're not actually the chosen one after all?" (SnK's Eren Jaeger; Vin from Mistborn) "what are the ways being the chosen one can give you a complex?" (Buffy Summers; Ciri; Daenerys from ASOIAF; also Eren Jaeger from SnK in an extreme example--but with a twist, since the actual "you" was Mikasa all along) are very, very interesting questions to explore.
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rainbowredrobin · 4 years ago
Fandoms Page
Main Fandoms
DC & Watchmen & Stormwatch / The Authority Comics
Marvel Comics
Haikyuu!! & Big Wind Up!
Naruto & Boruto
Yu Yu Hakusho
DBZ / Dragonball
Sailor Moon
FMA / Full Metal Alchemist
Casshern Sins
Pandora Hearts
Space Dandy
Wolf’s Rain
Gundam : IBO
Lupin the III
One Piece
Sengoku Basara
Nabari no Ou
Detective Conan / Case Closed
Parasyte : the Maxim
Fruits Basket
LOTR / The Hobbit
Star Wars
Breakfast Club
Studio Ghibli movies
Teen Wolf
Power Puff Girls
Hey Arnold!
Ed, Edd N Eddy
Ace Attorney
Yakuza games
Fire Emblem
The Wolf Among Us
Resident Evil
Dream Daddy / DDADDS
Until Dawn
Among Us
Yuppie Psycho
Devil May Cry (+ the anime)
Kingdom Hearts
Metal Gear
Vincent : The Secret of Myers / Therapy with Dr. Albert Krueger
Critical Role
19 Days
H & H Roman Company
Here U Are
Back to School
At the End of the Road
King’s Maker
Greek Lore
Getting Into
Demon Slayer / KNY
Kuroko’s Basketball
Jujutsu Kaisen
Yuukoku no Moriarity
Revoluntionary Girl Utena
Princess Jellyfish
Beast Stars
Steven Universe
Black Clover
YOI / Yuri On Ice
Deadman Wonderland
Death Parade
Yona of the Dawn
Burn the Witch
How to Use an Angel
The Way of the Househusband
Bungou Stray Dogs
Seven Deadly Sins
Dr. Stone
Used to be Into
BBC Sherlock & BBC Merlin
SNK / Attack on Titan
Harry Potter
South Park
Blue Exorcist
Black Butler
Corpse Party
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Outlast games
The Walking Dead
Star Trek
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aalyrion · 6 years ago
Since I suddenly got six more weeks of maternity leave and, hence, a ton of free time, I’m looking to take some fic prompts (to occupy this new found free time with).
Fandoms: asoiaf, dragon age, h x h (if Hisoillu, otherwise if gen), and maybe snk.
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toukakirishimaukaku · 7 years ago
The Lovers, Death, Judgment!
The Lovers: What is your favorite ship? 
Touken, Hsiao x Saiko, Mutsurie
Death: Which character’s death (disappearance) affected you the most?
Death: Tie between Shirazu and Arima 
Disappearance: Hide. Definitely Hide.
Judgement: What is the most important part of Tokyo Ghoul to you?
The hope. This manga presents us with so many terrible situations that impact characters for years yet Ishida shows that it is possible to be happy. Whether you work towards that happiness and/or someone extends a hand of kindness, it’s still possible. TG is one of the few series that gives me hope for this world (others being stories like SNK, One Piece, Berserk).
The other thing would be how painfully realistic it is. From discrimination to mental illness to sexual abuse, I learned a lot that I otherwise wouldn’t have from the place I’m in. While I knew how shitty it is and could be, the manga showed me the complexities and greyness of it all and to look at issues from a less biased mindset.
And lastly, all the references. It allowed so many metas which really made me appreciate the series and made me look back at others I’ve read/watched and look at them with a fresh perspective. This and ASOIAF made me appreciate the art of writing so much and made me want to write something as amazing as them.
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isamajor · 7 years ago
the valentine fandom ask meme, that's weird, when it's on my dashboard it's numbers, but on your blog it's letters.
Ah yes, it’s strange, me too when I go to this post via my dashboard it’s numbers but this time, thanks to you, I went via my blog and yes, it’s letters, here…
A. Your favourite non-canon ship?
Via fandom (it’s hard to chose juste ONE)  :
FFVII - Tseng x Sephiroth, my damn guilty pleasure
SnK - Reiner Braun x Bertholdt Fubar
TF2 - Sniper x Medic
Pokemon - Steven Stone x Cynthia
ASOIAF / GoT : Davos x Stannis
APH - Rome x Germania
Expeditions: Vikings - Røskva x Female Thegn
C. What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)?
All my Expeditions: Viking ships since the fandom is very small (it’s a shame, this game is gold). So I ship the very rare Asleifr x Female Thegn, Ketill x Asleifr, Nefja x Ketill, Nefja x Female Thegn, Røskva x Aife, etc…
D. Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of.
Eren x Mikasa or Eren x Levi in SnK.
G. A non-canon ship that should be canon?
Reiner x Bertholdt in SnK. /out
H. Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time?
I think it’s the love triangle Hojo x Lucrecia Crescent x Vincent Valentine. Or perhaps Tseng x Sephiroth, haha.
N. Is there a ship you feel gets undeserved hate in fandom?
I usally don’t follow fandom’s wars and all so… Recently I was saddened by all the anti-CloTi… I’m not really a CloTi or a Clerith fan (more a AerTi fan, haha) but I saw really heinous comments since the Square Enix expo.
AB. Is there a character you have several ships for?
Oh my sweet summer child… I am a multi shipper for so many characters !!! (find me a good reason and I can almost ship anyone with anyone, haha)
Thank you very much for asking ♥
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dontworryeruri-blog · 7 years ago
Tagged by @shippingeruri and @eatyourfuckingcookies Thanks!
Rules: Write your 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people   
These are in no particular order Yes I realize three of them are Marvel, but they're technically three separate universes hnnggghhh
- Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith (snk)
- Grand Admiral Thrawn (Star Wars)
- Victor Nikiforov (yoi)
- George Weasley (Harry Potter)
- Thor Odinson (Marvel: MCU)
- Teddy Altman (Marvel: comics)
- Magneto (X-Men: films)
- Tobio Kageyama (Haikyuu!!)
-Arya Stark (asoiaf)
-Wonder Woman (DCU)
I don't know anyone! Sooooo... @erwin-smith @ennoshitachikara-s (I think most people I follow have been tagged already??)
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hamliet · 6 years ago
different anon but i’d like to know your top 10 “well written but i hate them” villains!
1) Dino Golzine, Banana Fish
2) Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou, Hunter x Hunter
3) Father, Noragami
4) Ozai, ATLA
5) Father, FMA
6) Delores Umbridge, Harry Potter
7) Petyr Baelish/Littlefinger, Game of Thrones/ASOIAF
8) Tywin Lannister, Game of Thrones/ASOIAF
9) Rod Reiss, SnK (I guess? It’s complicated.)
10) Maaaaaybe Voldemort? I really don’t know, though, he’s a little too... idk. 
I’m honestly stalling there. There are characters whose actions I despise but whom I kind of find interesting enough not to hate (Light Yagami, Zeke Jaeger, etc.) and villains whose actions I don’t like but I still pity (Joffrey Baratheon, Azula, etc.), and then villains whose actions I dislike and whom I don’t think are well written (Ramsay Bolton), and villains whom I think are well done in terms of serving their purpose but they’re not like, great or complex villains (Foxx in Banana Fish, Genthru in HxH)... it’s very complicated! Lol. 
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