#snk 89
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everylevishot · 5 years ago
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Levi #1561
Chapter 89 - 会議 (Meeting)
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sandnerd · 1 year ago
L'attacco dei giganti - Ep 89 - Peccatori
Eh lo so. Avevo detto "Nei prossimi giorni", eppure ho lasciato passare i mesi, e d'un tratto da che era marzo siamo a novembre, ed ho tranquillamente lasciato arrivare la fine della serie senza aver commentato il penultimo episodio. Ma ciò mi permette di rinfrescarmi la memoria per poter al meglio seguire la fine della fine, l'ultima puntata, l'ultima con la U maiuscola, quella finale, non so se si è capito, ma è la fine, chiaro? Lo scorso episodio è stato letteralmente una pioggia di emozioni, un temporale, un diluvio universale, e tutti i fazzoletti che avevo in casa non sono bastati a placarlo, e tutt'ora rileggendo il mio commento il pianto minacciava di tornare. Ma non possiamo cincischiare con fazzoletti e metafore, abbiamo un lavoro da fare, ossia commentare il penultimo episodio della terza parte della stagione finale dell'attacco dei giganti. E andiamo.
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I nostri eroi sono distrutti dal dolore per il sacrificio di Hange, nessuno spiccica una parola, anche Pieck (ciau Pieck!) che in fin dei conti Hange l'ha conosciuta tipo due giorni prima, capisce quanto è grave l'atmosfera e che non è il caso di disturbarla. Armin intanto fa la conta dei danni causati da quel figlio di buon padre di Flock, che francamente se ci avesse lasciato due episodi fa sarebbe stato meglio, perchè infatti il serbatoio s'è potuto riempire solo a metà e Ymir sola sa se arriveranno a Salta. Ma abbiamo con noi Onyankopon, che dichiara che porterà i nostri eroi a destinazione dovesse costargli la vita; Onyankopon, veramente sei un tenerone, ma se la benzina finisce non è che tu possa fare molto eh. A meno che il velivolo non si possa alimentare a sputo, in quel caso saremmo a cavallo. Ma s'apprezza comunque l'impegno. E conclude dicendo che adesso grava su Armin la responsabilità di risolvere la situazione, tutti quanti contano su di lui. Quasi quasi la vedo la risposta di Armin, "Grazie mille Onyankopon, adesso sì che sono sereno, mi ci voleva questo peso per alleggerire il nervosismo, sei un amico". E facciamolo sto piano.
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Mettiamo di sottofondo la musica di Mission Impossible e torniamo a fare i disegnini col gesso trovato chissà dove, saremo anche in emergenza mondiale, ma un pezzo di gesso per fare i disegnini c'è sempre. Bersaglio della missione è Eren, che ora come ora si è digievoluto in una sorta di cupolone di ossa, o per dirla con le sempiterne parole amorevoli di Levi, in un grosso insetto. Logica vuole che colui che comanda l'ammasso di ossa sia nella collottola della struttura, sono 4 stagioni e passa che tagliamo collottole, ormai me le sogno la notte. Ed invece no, perchè il boss finale deve essere overpower, e se ricordiamo bene, Eren ha inglobato il gigante martello, che ha la squisitissima capacità di spostare la propria coscienza dove cacchio je pare, può pure fare un cordone che raggiunge sotto terra l'estremità opposta del globo e nascondersi lì, e buona fortuna scemi! Ma non complichiamoci la vita, che già siamo messi male così. Dunque a questo punto diventa bersaglio non solo la collottola di Eren, bensì tutto lui. Pieck propone di usare la tattica usata da Armin a Liberio, quando ha ucciso tutti quegli innocenti, piccoli e grandi, vecchi e giovani, uomini e donne, sai quando ha fatto quel massacro, sangue per le strade, gente morta abbrustolita dappertutto…Caspita Pieck, se davi un pugno ad Armin facevi meno male. Ma il biondo incassa la frecciata e prende in considerazione la proposta, dicendo che potrebbe funzionare. Ma vuole usarla come ultima risorsa, prima vuole parlarci con quel testone (wink wink) di Eren, e solo se rimane di coccio passiamo alle maniere forti. Quanto è attuale tutto ciò?? Adesso, a novembre 2023, con non so quante guerre in corso, quanto è prorompente e sublime il concetto che un comandante prima di usare le armi e la distruzione voglia tentare prima la strada del dialogo? Quanto?? Ve lo dico io, una cifra. Anche Mikasa è d'accordo con Armin, sarà anche determinata ma sai com'è, ad uccidere la persona che ama sarebbe un attimo restìa.
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Ma poniamo che dobbiamo quindi passare alla tattica boom, visto che Eren controlla i giganti tramite il sangue reale di Zeke, non sarebbe meno complesso trovare ed uccidere il gigante bestia? In tal modo fermeremmo il boato dei giganti, che è la cosa più urgente in questo momento, poi per riempire di schiaffi quel testone di Eren il tempo c'è. Ed allora così sia, Levi, un ammasso di testosterone che l'idrovolante pesa qualche tonnellata in più solo con lui a bordo, si fa avanti e dichiara che eliminerà il suo vecchio nemico, la scimmia. Chiede agli altri di prestargli la loro forza per riuscire nell'impresa, e sì, Levi, ti presto pure io la mia forza, anzi te la regalo, fa' di me ciò che vuoi.
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Questo è l'obiettivo, per far volare a destinazione questo idrovolante e salvare l'umanità hanno ucciso loro compagni, non renderanno vane le azioni di cui si sono macchiati. Adesso, con questa presa di coscienza, per Connie è possibile comprendere l'incredibile fardello che sono stati costretti a sopportare Reiner, Berthold ed Annie, quando sono stati chiamati traditori e sono stati visti come nemici, quando sono stati tragicamente divisi tra le persone che li avevano cresciuti nel continente ed i loro compagni su Paradis ai quali si erano affezionati. Reiner da coraggio a Connie, ed anche Jean ammette di non avere il diritto di giudicarlo, perchè ormai sono tutti diventati assassini per un bene più grande di loro e dei loro affetti. Ma quanto è bello vedere uomini grandi e grossi commuoversi e avere gli occhi lucidi? Non perchè io sia una sadica e mi piaccia vedere la gente che piange, ma è così rinfrescante e liberatorio vedere un così ampio corollario di emozioni, niente di taciuto o nascosto, semplice e pura sincerità tra persone che stanno mettendo il loro animo più intimo in gioco. Sublime. Ma Reiner non finisce qui il suo discorso; ha infatti l'impressione che Eren voglia essere fermato da loro, che stia commettendo tutto questo proprio per istigarli ad ucciderlo o comunque fermarlo. Ed anche Armin dice che lo pensava da un po'; infatti Eren può influenzare tutti gli eldiani, tutti tutti, portatori di giganti compresi. Eppure eccoli lì i nostri eroi, ad elaborare piani per fermarlo. Eren li sta lasciando fare, non li sta manipolando volontariamente, come se volesse, per dirla come Armin "vedere cosa sono capaci di fare". Eeeee qui la cosa cambia.
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Tutti si ritrovano in quel posto, come a dimostrare che la loro ipotesi che Eren li osserva ma non interviene di proposito è vera. E caspita se Eren ci ascolta allora tentiamo adesso la strada del dialogo! Armin ci prova, gli urla che adesso può fermarsi, ha talmente terrorizzato l'umanità che per secoli nessuno si avvicinerà di miglia a Paradis, la gente sarà talmente spaventata dalla minaccia dei giganti che costruiranno navi spaziali per andare su un altro pianeta, così Paradis avrà tutto il globo a disposizione se una mattina si sveglia con la luna storta. Ci provano tutti, Jean, Connie, che si scusa per non averlo capito ed averlo accusato per la morte di Sasha, anche Mikasa lo implora con la voce gonfia di emozione di tornare da loro e porre fine a tutto, perfino Levi gli dice che se smette adesso gli darà solo dei calci nel sederino (a me m'avresti già convinto, capitano oh mio capitano), ma Eren risponde a tutti loro che avanzerà, non fermerà il boato della terra; compare un bambino, il piccolo Eren, accanto alla fondatrice Ymir, ma a nulla servono le corse dei ragazzi, è impossibile raggiungerli. Eren risponde all'ultima domanda di Armin, vuole portare via la libertà al mondo per ottenerla a loro, e per questo sta lasciando tutti liberi di perseguire i loro obiettivi. Ognuno avanzerà, il dialogo è inutile, e l'unico modo di porre fine al boato è uccidere Eren. Fine delle trattative. E' stato bello.
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Ci spostiamo sulla nave dove abbiamo lasciato Annie e gli altri, la capoclan degli Hizuru ha dei rimorsi perchè è stata lei a fare incontrare Zeke ed Eren. Ma inutile pensarci, il passato non può essere riscritto. Ad interrompere il discorso arrivano Gabi e Falco, e Falco dice di aver visto un ricordo di Zeke, dopotutto è diventato gigante grazie al suo fluido spinale, è logico supporre che in questo vortice di passaggi di ricordi e sogni tra portatori di giganti qualcosa di Zeke sia arrivato a Falco; ed in questo ricordo Falco si librava nel cielo, volava, quindi è convinto di poterlo fare. Ed anche qui la cosa cambia. Hai presente un gigante volante quanto può essere strategicamente d'aiuto in una battaglia dove le fazioni sono tutte a terra?? Dunque mi dispiace Annie, ma forse forse parteciperai alla battaglia anche te.
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Intanto nel continente un treno si affretta ad arrivare verso la fortezza di Salta, da cui sono in partenza alcuni dirigibili. Sul treno ci sono molte nostre conoscenze, tra cui i genitori di Reiner, di Annie, di Gabi ed altri; e noto con poco stupore che la situazione sempre più tragica col passare dei minuti non ha insegnato a marleyani ed eldiani a collaborare insieme, anzi è rimasta una battaglia per la sopravvivenza, se ci fosse stato un eldiano capace di guidare il treno avrebbero felicemente ucciso il marleyano al comando. Ne usciremo migliori, dicevano. Ma le loro speranze vengono disattese, perchè poco prima di arrivare alla fortezza vedono volare via tutti i dirigibili, sono arrivati troppo tardi ed in lontananza già si staglia il vapore dei giganti che ridendo e scherzanddo hanno già spianato tutto il continente fino a lì. Seh, ridendo e scherzando, ridendo e sterminando semmai! Ma i dirigibili non stanno volando via, stanno andando contro i giganti, vogliono tentare di bombardarli. Fanno quasi tenerezza, una decina di supposte con qualche barile di esplosivo vogliono sterminare centinaia di giganti colossali capitanati dal gigante fondatore che solo lui è grosso qualche ettaro. Che teneri, veramente. Ci sarebbero state altre opzioni, tipo che ne so, sfruttare i suppostoni volanti per raccattare più superstiti possibili e portarli tutti in un posto sicuro, ma i militari so' loro, che ne so io di come si salvano degli innocenti.
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I dirigibili si dirigono dunque verso i giganti, e qui il comandante delle forze armate fa un discorso che onestamente dovremmo inciderci nel cervello, noi e tutti i politici del mondo, e che per ovvie ragioni scriverò per intero.
"A tutti i soldati dello squadrone di dirigibili e di questa fortezza! Questo è l'ultimo baluardo rimasto all'umanità. Sulle vostre spalle grava un peso incommensurabile. Tuttavia qualsiasi sarà il risultato sappiate che la responsabilità non sarà soltanto vostra. La colpa è di tutti noi adulti. Abbiamo utilizzato l'odio continuando a farlo crescere credendo che ci avrebbe salvato. Abbiamo scaricato ogni nostro problema sull'"isola dei demoni". E come risultato di tutto ciò è nato quel mostro che adesso è giunto a restituirci il rancore che abbiamo continuato a provare. Se mi sarà possibile avere di nuovo un futuro non farò mai più lo stesso errore. Lo giuro. Vorrei che tutti voi facciate un giuramento. Abbandoniamo per sempre quest'epoca di odio reciproco...diamo inizio ad un mondo dove avremo più considerazione del prossimo e qui diciamo addio ai nostri mostri."
Quanto è potente questo segmento. Quanta presa di coscienza che attanaglia lo spettatore, messo davanti ai propri demoni insensati ed al proprio odio immotivato. Ma gli anime sono per bambini. Mortacci di chi lo dice. Anche la signora Braun si accascia a terra sotto il peso delle sue colpe, perchè comprende finalmente di non aver mai visto suo figlio come un essere umano, bensì come uno strumento per vendicarsi di Paradis. Quanto ha sbagliato, come madre e come essere umano. Se ci pensiamo, è lo stesso identico errore che hanno fatto i genitori di Zeke con lui, non l'hanno mai visto come un bambino, per loro era lo strumento per vendicarsi di Paradis, era un oggetto utile alla restaurazione dell'impero Eldiano, non gli interessava di crescerlo con amore ed affetto, e sappiamo bene com'è andata a finire. La storia si ripete.
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Ed a morte si aggiunge morte, i civili da terra vedono il gigante fondatore creare con un fulmine una sua appendice a forma di gigante bestia, che con la classica posa di giocatore di baseball lancia rocce contro i dirigibili, facendoli a brandelli in tipo 30 secondi. Niente può fermare l'avanzata dei giganti, se non fosse per quella nuvoletta bianca alle spalle del fumo scuro sprigionato dal bombardamento fallito. Dalla nuvoletta spunta il velivolo pilotato da Onyankopon, è arrivata la cavalleria che non vede l'ora di disossare qualche gigante troppo cresciuto. Eccoli lì i nostri eroi, più incacchiati che mai, portati grazie all'ultima goccia di carburante proprio sopra il fondatore, per poter avvicinarsi il più possibile al gigante bestia. Da terra i civili vedono i nostri eroi trasformarsi ed apparire il gigante corazzato ed il gigante carro, increduli capiscono che le forze di Eldia stanno combattendo anche loro i giganti, non importa più il sangue e la provenienza, l'obiettivo ultimo è la fine del boato. Ed a questo guarda Armin, chiedendo ad Eren dov'è la libertà di cui tanto si riempie la bocca davanti a tanta morte.
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E che dire raga', questo episodio è un alzarsi in piedi, un tendere verso quella che sarà la fine. E come ci stiamo arrivando bene a questa fine, tutto è messo al suo posto in maniera perfetta, i personaggi si stanno riunendo nello stesso punto, la grande battaglia del nostro tempo ha inizio, col Signore degli anelli avevo sinceramente meno hype. Confermo quanto detto per la scorsa puntata, dove si è pianto naturalmente di più mentre qui abbiamo fatto un'analisi degli intenti delle parti in gioco, abbiamo vagliato le due alternative, tentato di metterle in pratica grazie ad Armin, abbiamo scoperto qualcosa che forse si dimostrerà un asso nella manica, ed Eren tuttavia rimane un po' oscuro nel suo intento, vuole distruggere il mondo ma nello stesso tempo lascerà i suoi compagni liberi di fare ciò che vogliono, anche ucciderlo se riescono. L'affetto che prova per loro non è stato dimenticato, anzi, è il motore ed il carburante di ogni sua azione, per loro vuole creare un mondo senza guerre, per loro sta massacrando milioni di persone, ma se loro non vorranno farglielo fare sono liberi di distruggerlo. Si farà comprendere nella puntata finale? Non rimane che scoprirlo, vi invito a sintonizzarvi qui "nei prossimi giorni" questa volta speriamo davvero, per parlarne insieme. Come al solito, offrite i vostri cuori! -Sand-
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itsfantasticac · 8 months ago
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Capcom vs. SNK comic by Hiroyoshi Koutake, from a 2000 DNA Comics compilation.
Capcom vs. SNK Millennium Fighter 2000 4Koma Kings (Dec. 15, '00) pg. 89
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codysknife · 2 months ago
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happy 35th anniversary, Final Fight!
on November 25, 1989, 35 years ago - Final Fight hit the arcades and nothing's been the same since. here's to another 35 and more!
🕹️ you can play Final Fight (SNES) here! 🕹️
🕹️ you can play Final Fight 2 (SNES) here! 🕹️
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1989: Final Fight released in arcades, formerly known as "Street Fighter '89"
1990: Final Fight released for SNES
1991: Final Fight released for Commodore Amiga & ZX Spectrum
1992: Final Fight Guy released for SNES (JP)
1993: Mighty Final Fight released for NES, Final Fight 2 released for SNES, Saturday Night Slam Masters released for Arcade, Genesis, SNES
1994: Final Fight Guy released for SNES (NA via rental), Ring of Destruction released
1995: "Medium is the Message" episode airs on the Street Fighter animated series, Final Fight 3 released for SNES, Guy & Sodom released in Street Fighter Alpha 1
1996: Guy's Metro City stage and Rolento's Industrial Stage released with Street Fighter Alpha 2
1997: "Final Fight" episode airs on the Street Fighter animated series, Hugo released with Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact, Cody & Jessica cameo in Mall Mayhem stage in Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (Arcade)
1998: Cody & his stage released with Street Fighter Alpha 3
1999: Final Fight Revenge released for Sega Saturn (JP), Cody & Jessica cameo in Mall Mayhem stage in Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (PlayStation)
2001: Final Fight One released for GBA, Rolento & Maki released in Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001
2002: Rolento & Maki return in the re-release of Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001
2003: Haggar & Poison developed in Capcom Fighting All-Stars (unreleased, PS2) to protect Metro City from the "Laughing Sun" threat - originally planned sequel to CvS2
2004: Guy released in Capcom Fighting Evolution/Jam released PS2, Haggar, Jessica & Carlos cameo'd in Alex's ending
2005: Capcom Fighting Evolution/Jam released Xbox, Haggar, Jessica & Carlos cameo'd in Alex's ending, Haggar & Guy cameo appearances in Namco × Capcom
2006: Final Fight Streetwise released for PS2/Xbox
2009: Final Fight 2 & 3 re-released on Nintendo's Virtual Console
2010: Cody & Guy alongside Metro City's Skyscraper Under Construction released with Super Street Fighter IV, Final Fight: Dbl Impact released for XBLA/PSN alongside Magic Sword
2011: Mike & "New Metro City" released in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Skyscraper Under Contruction stage featured in Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition gameplay trailer for Nintendo 3DS
2012: Cody & Guy released as (ondisc) DLC in Street Fighter × Tekken for 360/PS3/PC/iOS/Vita
2013: UDON kicks off Street Fighter Classic
2014: Rolento, Poison, Hugo & Metro City's Mad Gear Hideout stage (re)released alongside Ultra Street Fighter IV alongside bonus "Summer" and "Wild" costume theme packs
2015: Halloween Costumes released for roster of Ultra Street Fighter IV, Kotobukiya Bishoujo Poison figure released
2016: In-depth Final Fight Developer's Interview conducted & published
2017: Abigail & Zeku released as DLC in Street Fighter V, Haggar returns in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
2018: Cody released as DLC in Street Fighter V, Final Fight included on Capcom Beat ’Em Up Bundle, The Broken Gear - A Final Fight Fan Film released on YouTube, the legendary "alchemy" tech used in Final Fight is featured in first episode of Hi-Score Girl via Haggar & Guy
2019: Lucia & Poison released as DLC in Street Fighter V, UDON releases Street Fighter: Wrestlepalooza, Metro City's Ring of Justice (CPT 2019) stage released for SFV
2020: Taylor (Cody), Lucifurr (Lucia), Tamer (Poison), Olde Cat (Zeku), & Tireman (Abigail) available in the cat encyclopedia for April Fools fun in Neco Drop: Cat Friends Nation
2021: Neco Drop 2 returns with Lucifurr (Lucia) as a lead story kitty alongside a "Final Fight Make-Believe" story!, Final Fight 30th Anniversary Art Tribute published by petefighter, streetfighterlegacy & gamebasementcrew
2022: Unbox Industries releases Cody, Guy, Haggar & Hugo soft vinyl limited figures
2023: Final Fight available in Battle Hub & obtainable download in, Metro City featured as primary hub (lore & gameplay-wise), in Street Fighter 6, UDON Comics releases SF6 Origins & Street Fighter Masters: Kimberly #1, "Final Fight Gala" battle pass released via SF6
2024: Udon Comics releases Street Fighter vs. Final Fight #1 for Free Comic Book Day, and Final Fight four-part re-telling series, 52 Toys releases Cody, Guy & Hagar poseable figures, PCS Collectibles releases (alpha) Cody & Guy statue for pre-order
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8bitsupervillain · 8 days ago
Higurashi When The Manga Cry Ch. 8 Matsuribayashi pt. 103
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I wonder if in the past if Hanyuu would have been able to just bounce the bullet back towards Takano like she does with the coin here? I suppose not, because then it wouldn’t flow very well with the whole “no one has to die” line of thought.
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I always thought it was kind of strange how in the story Rika is shocked to be told that Takano is behind it all. Or that Hanyuu is shocked that Rika forgot the truth about her death and all. I think it would have been a fair assumption during any point in the past of the Connecting Fragments, or earlier chapters of the manga, to assume that Hanyuu had told Rika about her last death. This is just another peculiar change from the visual novel that I don’t understand why it was done this way. This just makes the further down the road breakdown of Takano make less sense than the visual novel.
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I do have a theory as to why Rika seems to simultaneously know everything about what’s happened to and around her, and not know a gosh darned thing. Unfortunately, now isn’t the time for that, but I promise you I will address it. After all I need to entice you to read the playthrough of the Steam version of the visual novel somehow.
Although I will say, it was really nice of Takano to wait for Hanyuu to get a box, or a stool to stand on so they can have their face to face here. This page reminds me of that promotional image for SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos with Chun-Li and Mai Shiranui. You know the one.
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On the off chance you don’t know the reference to a twenty year old fighting game that wasn’t well-liked. SVC Chaos was fine, it just caters to the weirdly specific audience of people who don’t particularly care for Capcom or King of Fighters games. Moving along.
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I made the joke back in part 89 that Akasaka married Millia Rage, but looking at her hair in this she kind of looks like Cammy from Street Fighter.
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I’m pretty sure this is the last time you’ll see dead bodies in the playthrough. In picture form anyway, I think there’s dialogue about the deaths still. But it’s the last time you’ll see bloody corpses in picture form at least, probably.
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One of the things I like in the manga is how it gives you hard dates about when things occurred in the series. I think the timeline adds up rather nicely to how I thought it did previously. Of course I went with the slightly more flexible “the mid-70s” when I theorized when the Irie clinic opened.
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Well, I can at least appreciate the humor in that I was once again proven immediately wrong by the manga instead of the VN this time. With the last panel there, I thought for a second that this was around the time of when Shion beat the stuffing out of Satoko in Meakashi. It very clearly isn’t, it’s obviously Tatarigoroshi, but for some reason on my initial reading of this page my mind instantly went with Meakashi.
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The translation process is interesting to me, while the anime version you have the audio to work off of, with every non-vocal version of events how do you decide what to use for a given sound effect? Why do the majority of translations use the au au au, where the manga goes uuh, uuh, uuh? Of course it’s not the same sound, Hanyuu going uuh uuh uuh puts me in mind of Maria Ushiromiya from Umineko. Maria’s is spelled uu-uu though, so I take it to mean it’s a more prolonged, continuous sound. Sort of like a prolonged ooh. I haven’t interacted with Umineko via the mod that adds voice acting, nor have I watched the anime based upon it. I’m told it’s quite bad.
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hopeymchope · 1 year ago
One last time, for old time's sake: Fuck "Attack on Titan."
It's been a while since I've posted some hate about how badly Isayama killed SNK/AOT for me in its last third. That series — which was a big fave of mine for roughly 89 chapters — eventually just completely fucking shit the bed and then faceplanted right INTO the shit. I got pretty upset about it, and honestly? I STILL get riled up when I think about it.
(If your HOT TAKE in response to this is "Y R U so emoshunly invesstd in FICSHUNUL CHARAKTURS?????? LULZ" just stfu and gtfo, ok?)
But of course, I'm referring to how I felt RE: the manga's events and ultimate ending. Said ending is relevant once more, though, because just this past weekend? The anime hit its conclusion.
As a manga reader, I tried to hang in there for a LONG time after the unfortunate timeskip hit with Chapter 90. But they finally lost me so hard at Chapter 124 that I walked. And that's the reality for most of us who were angry and disgusted. We just... left. We stopped talking about it.
That's why, today, those who're still discussing AOT are almost all the die-hard fans who never stopped loving it. Which is part of why talking smack about AOT right now has got me feeling as paranoid as Sasha trying to stealth-cram a potato down her gullet.
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Even so, I soldier forward. I've been thinking back on how bad this one hurt when it killed itself, which led me to looking over my old posts on the matter.
So, in "honor" of the end of the anime series, let me take a moment to look back on how they Shat on Titan.
One my first posts explaining the downward spiral was this long boi that attempted to summarize my MANY negative feelings at the time.
More thoughts on how it all went wrong in response to an Ask.
The timeskip was a mistake, and it felt wrong in many ways. This was the moment it began to most clearly go to hell... even though there WERE earlier warning signs.
...actually, I'd better rant about that some more.
For a while, we thought Isayama was maybe just screwing up an attempted "hate leads to more hate" message? (The ending of the series made it clear he was never trying to go there.)
Of course, at one point it was pointed out to me that the Eldians are maybe supposed to represent the history of Japan instead of the Jews, which... honestly doesn't help the situation very much, actually? It's still REALLY fucked up?
Thankfully, I wasn't totally alone in all this. (Even if it sometimes feels like I am.)
I did come back and read through the ending of the series, which... surprise!... sucked hard.
One last negative ask/response.
I see you wreckin' the tale of the peeps I loved And I'm like, "Fuck you" (ooh, ooh, ooh) The characters you had weren't enough, so I'm like, "Fuck you, and your story, too"
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ourmondobongo · 2 years ago
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Japan: will show the 01h episode whole
Crunchyroll: make it Season 04 - Part 03 - Cour 1 - Episodes 88 - 89 - 90
SNK fandom knows no peace lol
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Handheld Fighting Games of 89/94 - Fatal Fury Special
The 1994 Game Gear release of Fatal Fury Special brought the iconic 2D fighting experience to a portable platform, allowing fans to enjoy the action on the go. Developed by SNK, this enhanced version of Fatal Fury 2 introduced a larger roster of fighters, including returning characters like Terry and Andy Bogard, Mai Shiranui, and the formidable Wolfgang Krauser. Notably, this instalment made the previously unplayable bosses from Fatal Fury 2 immediately available and reintroduced fan favourites such as Duck King, Tung Fu Rue, and Geese Howard from the original game.
This handheld adaptation maintained the series' unique gameplay elements, such as the ability to fight across two planes, providing a pseudo-3D experience. Players could also enjoy new features, including Count Down mode, where opponents are defeated within a time limit, as well as improved background graphics and additional character color schemes. While compressed for the Game Gear’s hardware, Fatal Fury Special retained much of the excitement and depth that made it a standout in the fighting genre.
In addition to the Game Gear release, Fatal Fury Special was ported to numerous platforms between 1994 and 1996, including the Super Nintendo, Sega CD, PC Engine Arcade CD-ROM², and Japan-exclusive systems like the Sharp X68000 and FM Towns.
1. Intro 00:00 2. Gameplay 00:15 3. Outro 12:01
For other Handheld Fighting games released between 1989 and 1994 check out this playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFJOZYl1h1CG_uI1-iafuDaV2LXRQTbZH
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oivgbqiqfz358 · 11 months ago
--深海人形特別篇-- 続 プロジェクト グランドフィナーレ 準備号 館主様と蒼傑達は噛ませ犬2
※前編は此方(※→ https://www.tumblr.com/azure358/744844690918162432/%E6%B7%B1%E6%B5%B7%E4%BA%BA%E5%BD%A2%E7%89%B9%E5%88%A5%E7%AF%87-%E3%83%97%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B8%E3%82%A7%E3%82%AF%E3%83%88-%E3%82%B0%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89%E3%83%95%E3%82%A3%E3%83%8A%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AC-%E6%BA%96%E5%82%99%E5%8F%B7)
武器銘 「フレイムランス」、「ボルトアクス」(※いずれも『FE蒼炎』から)。
武器銘 ガンダリウム合金製打刀「矢山」(※自分で鍛えた自作の刀)
此の通り、色とほたるの技は、CERO的にも御茶の間的にもあかん極まり無い技で(令サムの色に至っては此の手の技全技はほぼ差し替えと言うナーフ ※多分 を受けて居る位)なのだが、それでも、RXQシリーズに搭載したのはティターンズに感謝したい。
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cosmicjoke · 4 years ago
Ah, chapters 89 and 90 of AoT!  The story’s delving into it’s complex thematic territory now, and I’m sure it’s all been discussed endlessly, so I won’t talk too much about it all.
Well, first thing I just wanna say is how, when Levi and Hange come to get Eren and Mikasa out of the cells, and Hange is kind of obliviously harassing Eren, leave it to Levi to notice just how bad the kid is doing and step in.  There’s Levi’s perceptiveness on display once again.  He saw Eren was doing badly, and intervened.  It’s kind of amazing how Levi does this again and again throughout the series, acting as a buffer and a supporter for Eren when he most needs it.  Him stepping in here kind of pulled Eren back from spiraling into a black hole of depression, at least temporarily.
I think that’s what makes Eren’s choices throughout the rest of the volume so... frustrating.  Of course we all know this is a major turning point in the story, as suddenly the circumstances, the enemy, the situation, the level of danger even, has all changed radically and nothing can ever be the same.
It’s just Eren’s choice here to keep what he knows to himself, his CHOICE here not to trust his friends or his comrades, is what eventually leads to the absolute tragedy of the later arcs.  I think what’s so heartbreaking about this is that, just before the battle of Shingashina, to take back Wall Maria, Eren had been in a place where he had started to come to the conclusion that all of them were stronger together, that they could achieve together what none of them could apart.  He had started to rely more of his friends and comrades, to trust in the strength of their unity.
But after discovering the truth of the world outside, and after Eren begins to experience his father’s memories, and his realization about Dina Fritz, and how to control the power of the Founder, he rejects all of that, and decides to carry the burden of what he knows entirely alone.  We know he does this for Historia’s sake, out of a fear of what will happen to her if he tells the Corps what he knows.  But it’s Eren’s decision here not to trust his friends, not to trust Armin or Mikasa, or Levi or Hange, or even Historia herself, that, again, leads to so much tragedy.  It’s heartbreaking because of everything Eren has been through with these people, and yet still, he chooses not to trust them.  Why he feels like he can’t says more about Eren’s own issues than anyone else’, I suppose.  He doesn’t want to burden anyone else with what he knows, doesn’t, I suppose, want to sap them of their hope.  Eren’s encouragement towards Armin after Floch’s bullshit about nobody thinking Levi should have chosen him, when he tries to encourage Armin about seeing the ocean, and finding freedom on the other side of the walls, juxtaposed with his vision of his father’s sister after she’s been torn to pieces by dogs, is truly unsettling, and really the perfect glimpse into Eren’s mindset.  It shows us his true feelings of despair and hopelessness, even as he pretends at hope for Armin’s sake.  But Eren keeping all of this to himself is also such a mistake on his part.  To not trust these people who have been through hell and back with him to be able to process and handle that information themselves.  If Eren had just asked for help, had just allowed himself to accept the help of his friends, so much pain and suffering could have probably been avoided.  Historia even says herself that they have to be unified and depend on one another from here on out if they’re to have any hope.  They could have all worked together to try and come up with a solution.  If only Eren had trusted in them and their strength more.  
The final panels of chapter 90 are brilliantly executed too.  It’s Eren’s cynical despair and fixation on eliminating their enemies against Armin’s genuine wonder and joy at what’s right before them.  Eren can’t appreciate the beauty of seeing the ocean for the first time, because his mind is lost in thoughts of how they’re still imprisoned, still surrounded by enemies, still trapped.  Upon seeing the ocean, he doesn’t find the freedom he sought, and this is when Eren truly begins to go into himself and begin down his dark path.  The panel of the shell in Armin’s hands, this image of something so natural and pure and wonderous, contrasted against Eren’s ominous words, asking if they kill all of their enemies on the other side of the ocean, will they be free, is truly such a haunting, tragic image to end the chapter on.  Just seeing Eren’s unwavering fixation on finding freedom, and his inability to see the beauty around them, against everyone else’ childlike wonder and excitement, really drives home the beginnings of the disconnect between Eren and everyone else.   It truly is heartbreaking.  I think Isyama’s structuring here, and exploration of these complex and tragic themes is truly incredible.  
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lostcauses-noregrets · 5 years ago
Ackerman bedhead.  Who wore it better?   
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Reblog for Levi.  Like for MIkasa.
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marmarparadoxa · 5 years ago
About the concept of TIME in Shingeki no Kyojin - and FREEDOM
Back when we learned about the Attack Titan ability to possess memories from the past and from the future, the concept of time in SNK has become increasingly puzzling. 
Initially, we have seen several times how Eren could see through the memories of the precedent Attack titan shifters, namely the memories of his father Grisha, so we knew about the possibility of seeing the past through the eyes of the past shifters.
Then, in chapter 89, we have a big new revelation. Eren Kruger saying those lines to Grisha: 
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In this moment, the things started to become more complicated: not only titan shifters possess the memories of the precedent ones, they can also see the memories of the future shifters.
Then, in chapter 121, we have Eren and Zeke that, exploiting the power of the coordinate of paths, travel through Grisha’s memories, and they see as beholders those memories . 
After having seen a lot of different scenes from Eren’s infancy, they arrive at the moment in which Grisha, at the Reiss Chapel, is going to murder all the members of the Reiss family (except of course of Ros Reiss). Here, Grisha clearly states that the inheritors of the Attack Titan have the ability to see the future, or seeing into the memories of its future inheritors:
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However, we see Grisha giving up and saying that he can’t take lives, that he is a doctor, and then giving up on killing the Reiss members. But how is it possible, when in reality Grisha had killed all of them? 
At this moment, we learn the truth: it was Eren, the present (or future) Eren, that, talking to Grisha, trying to convince him to do the massacre, was the real cause that had pushed Grisha to execute all of this, to kill the Reiss family and to steal the power of the Founding Titan:
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Hence, we learn that when Grisha was about to kill the Reiss family, he couldn’t have done it, so that Eren (a future Eren) had to intervene, to convince his father to do all of that. It was due to this intervention from the future that Grisha, in the past, had done what he has done.
So, what we see here, in other words, is a future event causing a past event. Not only, the same future event (or the future scenario where Eren has arrived where it is, where he possess the Attack Titan and the Founding Titan) wouldn’t have been possible if this past would have not happened.
Normally, a time travel from future to past leads to an alteration of the future: when one influences the past, a new future builds up. 
However, this is not the case. This future (or present, depending on at what temporal point we posit ourselves), namely a future where an adult Eren talks to his father Grisha, in order to persuade him, is the cause of a past event. In other words, we see a future event determining the same past that would in turn lead to the first-mentioned future event.  
This goes against the usual understanding of causality. Normally, an event (A) causes a second event (B), so that we have A→B. Also, according to a linear causation model, A is always temporally preceding B, or, in other words, the cause always temporally precedes the consequence. 
Here, however, we have a different scenario. In this case, a future event comes to cause a past event, and we know that, without this intervention, the future itself would have been completely different. 
Theoretically speaking, what we can see in chapter 121 is called a Causal Loop. A Causal Loop is defined as a situation in which, thanks to retrocausality or a time travel (like the one that Eren is doing), an event or sequence of events is the cause of another event, which is in turn the cause of the first-mentioned events. 
Hence, in a situation like this, the arrow of causality doesn’t go only from past to future, but also from future to past, and it does it in such a way that it creates a closed circle of causality, or a causal loop. In this scenario, a time travel would not lead to alter the future, because it would invariably cause the events that would lead to it. Hence, logically speaking we have A →B →A. 
Given this state of affairs, one could picture time not as an line, an arrow that goes from past to present to future, with an uncertain path, but instead as a closed circle. From a certain position, one could look into past, present and future at the same time, so that it is possible to take a look of what has happened, what is happening and what is going to happen.
Eren, thanks to power of the Attack Titan and of the Founding Titan, can afford to see the global picture, can see the entire circle. Thanks to the power of the paths, he can see the past, the present and the future, and the inevitability of all of this. 
In chapter 130, he even says that: 
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“Even if all of this was set in stone from the start”. 
Indeed, in such a scenario, there is no possibility of FREEDOM. According to me, this concept of time and causality sets big issue for the possibility of freedom, because if everything has been determined from the start, how is it possible to change anything? If the future has already be determined, what kind of freedom remains?
The Attack Titan is the one that has always moved forward, seeking freedom. It has always fought for freedom. 
I wonder what kind of freedom, then, there could be in the end.
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plaxicry · 5 years ago
let's talk time travel again
Okay so this is actually my first time posting but I need to get some things out real quick. I don’t know if it’s been addressed already. At least, I’ve never heard of anything similar but please correct me if it’s already been done.
So, I’ve been rewatching SnK lately. And by the end of season 3, I came across this scene again, huh.
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So, I don’t know if I’m dumb or else but, I quickly realised during this particular moment that Kruger isn’t talking to Grisha at all. He’s talking to Eren. And it is just so... obvious? 
That scene later made us understand one very important thing. Paths can go both ways: past and future. “Whose memories could they be?” It’s no memories. Kruger sees into the future, and he seemingly doesn’t even know it. He sees into the memory of someone who isn’t even born yet: Eren. 
“If you want to save them all, Mikasa, Armin, and the others... Carry out your mission to the end.”
Kruger can’t and will never know them. Grisha doesn’t know them, yet. And though he will, and surely will grow some affection towards these kids, they don’t have anything to do with his goals. It doesn’t make sense. But Eren will know them, and deeply care about them.
Could it be that Kruger had some knowledge of what could possibly happen? Therefore, did he try to warn Eren through Grisha? It could be. But with Zeke and Eren travelling through the paths and literally interacting with the past, it might run deeper than that.
While he was there, did Eren found a way to pass the message through Kruger? Who would then give it to Grisha? Who would ultimately give to a post-Shiganshina Eren?
By doing this, did Eren change the future already? A different Eren. Who goes beyond our current storyline. Who we might never even see. Who failed his mission somehow. Who led to the death of his friends and everyone else. Who must not repeat the same mistakes to succeed and save them. 
Is it not Kruger, but Eren talking to himself here? Another version of himself. The one that he could have been. 
Eren and Eren. 
An image like this, and all the parallels that have been made between Kruger and him, would make a lot more sense then.
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“Carry out your mission to the end.” What mission is he talking about? Save Eldia? Destroy the world? Follow the euthanisation plan? Prevent it? Or, something else?
Beyond that, saving his friends comes to the forefront. If you want to save them, then... Eren has one great purpose. A worldly-matter purpose. But the most important thing remains to save the ones he loves. And it’s been made quite clear despite his recent actions.
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If he ‘laughed’ after Sasha’s death, isn’t it because it’s all one big piece of irony? “If you can’t, we’re doomed to repeat it all again. The same history. The same mistakes. Again and again.” Is Eren doomed to see the ones he cares about dying again and again? First, Sasha, then everyone else? Has he already seen this? Just like Eldians have suffered from the same ‘maledictions’ over and over again?
If Eren is pushing his friends away, is it only to protect them? Because he has already seen the things that might happen if they fought alongside him? Is he just trying to prevent all of this?
But what if they all had a role just as important as his? If he’s the one who can save the world, could they be a part of this scheme too? 
I guess we’ll figure all of this out soon enough.
Update: basically, it’s all about time loops.
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gloomikasa · 6 years ago
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And you smile and say, “How are you?” I say, “Just fine” I always forget to tell you, I love you I love you forever (and ever) (2/8)
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superjaegerbros · 6 years ago
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“I opened my eyes again… and spread out before me was freedom.”
Ymir ✧ February 17th [chapter 89 panel redraw + animation]
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aot-snk-4238 · 6 years ago
SNK 115 Thoughts
I have so many feelings right now. I'm so glad that Hange was the one to find Levi and save him from being finished off. And it looks like Eren and Pieck are about to have their first conversation, which I am very interesting in seeing. As for the part with Zeke...I am still trying to wrap my head around what happened. I re-read the chapter a few times, took some time to think, and read through what others had to say about it. I am definitely not quite as taken aback as I was initially, but I still have a few lingering questions that are bugging me and they all relate to Zeke's situation, so here goes:
1. Who is this girl and why is she here?
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So it looks like most people believe this little girl to be Ymir Fritz. If you ask me, I'd say that's probably true, and if it is, then...why is she a little girl? Based off of what we know so far, Ymir obtained the power of the titans around 2,000 years ago and died 13 years later, but before that, she supposedly had three daughters: Maria, Rose, and Sina. Obviously she couldn't have been a child anymore when she had them, so if this is really her, why is she little again? And why does she linger here in this mysterious 'paths' dimension? Are we looking into the past somehow? Maybe this is the place where she originally got her powers, but that only leads to more questions that I can't even put into words right now...
2. Do all new titan shifters wake up in this dimension first, or has it only been Ymir and Zeke? If so, why?
I find it so fascinating how Ymir and Zeke both ended up in this place, but it was under completely different circumstances. In this chapter, Zeke, who is already a titan shifter, actually died, but then a titan showed up out of nowhere and put him in its freaking stomach, which confused tf out of me when I first saw it. Later on, Zeke recounts waking up in that place and watching a mysterious little girl he had never seen before reconstruct his body so he would be brought back to life.
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Ymir's experience that she recalls back in chapter 89, however, was mostly quite different. For 60 years, Ymir wandered the earth as a mindless titan, stuck in what felt like an endless nightmare. Eventually, out of pure luck, she ate Marcel and was able to become human again. But unlike Zeke, she wasn't dying and she didn't get shoved into another titan's stomach. She simply ate a shifter, then woke up in that place, naked and alone.
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Notice how the little girl isn't there this time. Ymir is alone in this place, and while Zeke saw it as "paths," Ymir saw it as freedom. Zeke and Ymir are the only two people that we know of who have been here, so what about everyone else? This actually isn't the first time we've seen somebody wake up to something strange after being "reborn." Remember chapter 85?
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We are definitely not looking at a colorful night sky this time. This is much more scary and unsettling. Is this some sort of 'path' too? And why is that thing crying? I'm still stumped on the meaning of those panels and what they mean for Armin. Hell, I'm just stumped on everything right now and getting a headache just thinking about it. I love it. You know you're reading a good story when it leaves you so deep in thought you forget about everything else. I really hope we get some answers soon, though. Monthly releases are hell...
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