#sniper's mother
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bunfellow · 11 months ago
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australian family should be like this
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skullz4supper · 6 months ago
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gun loving lady and her gun loving daughter
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homkamiro · 7 months ago
Ice cream date for Fem Scout and Sniper, please and thank you 🙏
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Sweet tooth vs Coffee addict who will win
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jevilowo · 9 months ago
I love dates in the tf2 lore. I love knowing exactly when stuff happened. Which makes THIS THING I JUST FOUND a BEAUTIFUL MIRACLE
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You've seen this image before, but have you noticed the dates on the prison card thingies? Presumably this is written the American Way (the writers are so american they make Scout and Sniper both call their mothers "mom" despite preferring "ma" and "mum" respectively, as shown previously SEVERal times), so Spy and Scout were arrested on
The 7th of September, 1972.
We can do a lot with this information.
Mann Co was taken over by Grey and Olivia half a month before this: roughly the 23rd of August
Contrary to popular belief, most of the comics have to take place in 1973! Seeing as 6 months after late August is late February.
This also means Scout had to have been born in 1946/7. Not sure about Sniper, I have yet to overanalyse the New Zealand timeline paragraph. I'll get to it eventually.
Medic implies in comic 6 that our mercs have worked together for "at least eight years", while talking about the lore breaking Demo eyeball halloween thing. Assuming the "at least" confusion is over the 1972 Halloween they missed while not working together, the Teufort Nine were hired in 1964.
(I've almost mentally rationalised the lore breaking eyeball as a thing they do at like 4am after regular Scream Fortress shenanigans. Almost.)
Scout claims he has known Ms Pauling for six years. During the War! update, Demoman is unfamiliar with Ms Pauling (he knows she works for the administrator, but thats it), so we can assume that is the point she started working more closely with the mercs, and also 1966/7
I really need to go back to actively working on my timeline instead of passively wondering at 11pm "hey what time of year is it in the comics" and going down a rabbit hole.
Uh if you want to build off this, feel free to, but tell society twas I, the great and nobel Jevil_Owo, who first conceptualised all this.
UPDATE! This post seems to be picking up reblog steam again, so now is a good time to say I was WRONG about the mercs being hired around 1964.
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This blog post from 2009 claims the WAR update took place in 1962, meaning the mercs have to have been hired in early 1962 at the latest.
Seeing as Scout would have been 15/16 in 1962, and as that's kind of the youngest one can be hired for just about anything, I'd assume it actually is 1962 they were hired. Ok thats enough I just felt it was my duty as Person Timelining to update people on this Discovery.
Okay this is lowkey blowing up again and I just wanted to add that Valve themselves are not aware of the comics taking place in 1973. Idiots! This is why "7 years later" is 1979 instead of 1980 like it should be. Sigh.
I had already figured that out from a few other things (see the timeline in my pinned post, I point it out a couple of times), but this solidified it lmao.
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capcapetillar · 2 months ago
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Fem fortress sniper and spy
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qoppybirdie · 1 year ago
today on mother base eli drops a diss track to the world🔥
audio source
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optimisticapocalypse · 9 months ago
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They’re doing it.
The game is playable, the comic is being teased. The fandom never died. Long live tf2
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vlasdygoth · 9 months ago
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watch it
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martwy-basen · 15 days ago
people on twitter cling to that "sniper's dad fucking SUCKS he taught him toxic masculinity and he is a BAD FATHER" narration for canon sniper so hard and i just. NEED to know why /gen
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harpy-scout · 3 months ago
Got inspired by @partyboyx3 and made my own restaurant au, I’m still working on chara profiles so take this in the meantime
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It’s just a chart of canon relationships in the au
Color code cause I added more but was too lazy to add them to the key:
Pink - Partners
Yellow - married
Blue - family
Purple - friends/best friends
Red - crush on
Green - hates/cant stand
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lesbiansforeddiediaz · 1 month ago
Where my Eddie meta differs from the popular fanon is I don't think all his problems are because he's gay and I don't think kissing a man would heal him or really benefit him much at all. (He is gay but that's not important right now)
#adding the last line so people dont think this is a straight eddie post#people like to go on about repression but the thing is i dont think hes repressing being gay#i think he genuinely doesnt know#buck 🤝 eddie thinking everyone checks out men#whether he is gay or bi or whatever he clearly believes he is attracted to women and is trying in his relationships#and is confused when they dont work out#obviously his gayest relationship/breakup was ana because they were going to d- shot by fox snipers#but to him he just saw it as him losing attraction#(there is gay meta you could do here with his reaction to that being to just stick it out and his only other real relationship at that point#having been with shannon the mother of his child)#yet for some reason people seem to have decided he knows hes gay and is stringing women along??#if eddie knew he was gay i really believe he would not date#and also he would already be with buck but this aint about him#anyway my main thing is eddie has a lot of problems and torments but i dont think being gay is one of them#and even if he knew he was gay that would not help much in this scenario besides being with his soulmate#which would heal him in many ways#but the chris and his parents problems would still be there#and kissing a random man or being with a random man would do nothing for him#buck had to realize that while it was important to realize he was bi it also didnt heal him#i dont think eddie would even have that i really think he would just go oh okay well anyway#im rambling its not even 9am but back to the repression repressing it would require him to know it and i dont think he does#and argument could be made for him repressing his love for buck but i dont think thats exactly it either#i might make a another post more about that so im going to hold that thought#but eddie is typically very self aware so maybe thats soke of where the idea comes from but in line with that self awareness#i dont think he would date women or say hes straight if he was aware he was gay even if it was something he was repressing#(i also dont really think he would repress being gay if he did know)#eddie diaz#original txt.
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camellia-salazar · 3 months ago
Its a beautiful day for the Team Fortress 2 Community.
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wesleysniperking · 4 months ago
Let’s be honest, everyone…
Usopp fan club (feel free to join)
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alasoi · 8 months ago
which one of your monster snipers is the safest to be around
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↑ their dynamic in a nutshell ↑
Are you asking about the two large monsters or are you including the others? 
Well, first let’s discuss the two large ones. *Monstrous Anomaly Sniper is called MAS02/MAS2 and the Eyeless Monstrous Anomaly Sniper is called MASo* 
MAS2 is more offensive and moves faster. MASo moves slower and doesn’t seem as threatening but do not underestimate it.
When encountering MAS2, you get a fast ending. However, MASo can be a different case. It stands still and waits when prey comes close enough for it to grasp at. It smells dead (surprise surprise), so hungry carnivores are usually the ones who get eaten. The fact is MASo does NOT need to eat… The food will stay inside/drop from its open tummy anyway. 
All that said, MASo is *Slightly* safer to be around if you keep a good distance and have a good hiding place – it won’t waste his energy on you (no promises). It's technically a walking corpse so who knows.
Even MAS2 ain't brave enough to fight MASo, though it dares to threaten and snap at MASo for merely existing in its vicinity. 
If we include the other monsters and the like, the safest to be around is Obsidian Sniper – he only defends himself, so if you don’t show any signs of trying to harm him, he won’t do anything to you. He’s had to deal with harassment from other humans, so he’s more comfortable strolling around at night. 
Technically the other monster snipers (of which most of em are called reptile snipers) aren’t typically the most dangerous, but it depends. Just be still and let them approach you, so don’t touch them in case it's a timid individual. If it's a territorial individual, you better not approach it, it might tell you to leave by flicking its tongue rapidly and standing tensely.  
And uh for Lizard Sniper… it's hard to tell how dangerous he is but I don't think you want him to steal your wallet and spend all your money as a prank now do you?
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Obsidian needs some peace
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setholopod · 8 months ago
oh a sniper? like tf2.
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rosainta · 1 year ago
Day 4 of Rosain Quivan’s Daily Logs
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Started December 10th, 2023 at 8:24PM, Home Finished December 10th, 2023 at 10:45PM, Home Log #4
Author's Notes: Originally, I planned for this short story to be only a two-parter. However, I got so carried away with writing backstory and researching facts about the Siberian Mountains and the USSR that I ended up having enough for two more parts. I hope you don't mind, but hey, at least that means more Heavy and Medic-centred interaction in the future, heehee!
I won't say much more, but I hope you enjoy this history-compliant log, as well as all the little references sprinkled here and there!
Title: King of Hearts (Part Two) Fandom: Team Fortress 2 New Mexico, Badlands, Teufort City, The Cap Point 6:45PM, sometime during the Gravel War
"Well", Heavy begins, "it all starts when I first begin to live in Siberian Mountains with family, after escaping shoot-out in gulag."
Sniper nods, acknowledging the tough living conditions his friend had to endure to provide for his family. If he wasn't so curious about the toughened man's relationship with the team doctor, he would have diverged into another conversation entirely, mostly about survival tips. Ever since he was a child, had always dreamed of living in the mountains one day, just him and his camper van... but that is a story for another day.
"Anyway, our father had just been killed, and we had no money. We could not show face to society, or Soviets would put family back in gulag, so we head to Urals."
"Life was very hard on us, but Heavy had to protect family at all cost. We found small but safe community on far outskirt of Soviet city Magadan, where we meet with kind lady who let us settle in her late husband's house in exchange for manual work and company."
Heavy shifts in his chair and pulls a worn, leather wallet out of his pocket. Flipping through a few cards and other minuscule belongings, he eventually retrieves a small, faded picture.
"Here, this is lady", the robust Russian says softly, holding the photo out for the marksman to see and pointing at an aged figure. "Behind is woman's shoppe. If ever you visit Siberia, you must visit. Is very cozy."
The full image was of a youthful Heavy and his sisters and mother, alongside another woman wearing a red hood and light-brown coat. She seemed to be in her late 40's, but she would most likely be a lot older now, considering the aged quality of the picture. Everyone was smiling happily, with frosty snow cozily blanketing their feet. Behind them was a furnished wooden cabin, with the name "магазин джугджур", which roughly translates to "Jugjur Shop."
"Wow", the bushman half-whispered, "you must owe a lot to her if you kept a shot of her all these years."
Heavy smiles, putting the photo and the wallet back. "Yes, is true. Without her, Heavy and family would have probably frozen to death, or be captured and tortured in another city."
Sniper takes a sip of his martini. "I do have a question, though."
"Go ahead."
"How'd you make sure she wasn't a Soviet? She might'a been a secret agent and turned you in to the police, or maybe even captured you herself?"
"Ah, Heavy had same doubts too at time", he says, tipping the waitress as she brings him his drink.
"Luckily, lady was as anti-Soviet as I was. Her son, who was abroad in Moscow at time, was shot by Soviet officer during civilian massacre. It had ruined her husband, and he had committed suicide only a year after."
"The Soviets had ruined her life and her family, and she hated them with passion that is remarkable for such a nice lady. Maybe it was reason she was so eager to help us when she found out we were refugees."
"Oh. I see. I'm sorry to have brought that up, that must've been hard to recount," Sniper replies silently, slightly stunned and uncomfortable from the sudden change in mood that sprang from his question. Thankfully, Heavy senses his mood and puts his bottle of vodka down next to his martini.
"Do not worry, she is strong woman. Heavy's family takes good care of her, because she is part of us now", the giant says gently.
Sniper worried expression softens to a smile. "That's good to hear, mate."
"Anyway," Heavy continues, "family continues to live in mountains in secret for some time. We hunt bear, and... well, mostly bear, and we cut wood and help run shoppe with lady for a few years before only visiting once a month."
"Is nice, but eventually, family gets bored of seeing snow and killing bear all the time, you know?"
"Ah, yeah," the shartpshooter replies, though he doesn't quite know what to make of that, seeing as he's never done that before. Not minding, Heavy goes on.
"So, one day, Heavy takes family to go out and visit city of Magadan on mother's birthday. At time, I was blinded by boredom, and I did not consider how highly dangerous it was to bring family back to place where we could get imprisoned again."
"But, we were all hungry for something more than food, and it was special occasion after all, so we decided we would hide ourselves with thick coat hood and keep away from guards and populous area."
"At first, we were very excited to be back in a community again. We could see buildings, hear people talking everywhere, smell food that was not killed with fist. But sister Bronislava, who was still quite young at time, was most excited of us all, and she really loved being in city."
"She was always pointing at different stores we pass by, and her laughter when she heard choir boys singing near churches was infectious. However, her most favourite sight of all were boats at the port of Magadan."
"Even when she was very little, Bronislava loved travelling. She read many books on world, and her dream was to visit Paris one day and become pilot. Of course, she knew because of how Russia was at time that this dream could not be possible, but this did not stop her from dreaming."
"So," Heavy says, uncapping his vodka and pouring it into a glass "she was begging for us to go closer to port to see boat. 'Please, brother Misha, let us go on boat and sail!', she would say. But I said no- there were too many guards nearby and we would get caught for sure."
"Aw, can't let a little girl have some fun?," Sniper interrupts, teasing.
"If you don't want to be killed, then no," the towering man replies blatantly.
"Right, sorry, go on," Sniper says quickly, blushing.
"Sister Bronislava would not listen, though, no matter what Heavy or mother or sisters said to her. She would insist and insist, and we had to hold her back at one point so she would not run away herself, but she continued."
"She really wanted to go on the boats. Her whining turned to crying, and her crying turned to screaming, until it was certain a guard would catch us anyway because of how loud she was being. It was miserable and terrifying sight, and Heavy could already feel regret for having endangered and hurt family like this."
"But luckily," Heavy says with a chuckle, "her tantrum did not last very long. Just as family was about to leave and hide from inevitable imprisonment, a very interesting, travelling man tapped my shoulder from behind."
Just as Heavy utters the words, someone really does tap his shoulder. Heavy turns to meet their eyes, and immediately, he grins.
"Eavesdropping again, doktor?", he asks, pulling a chair for him to sit next to him and Sniper.
"Ooh, I simply couldn't resist! Mostly because I can still picture ze face you made when you turned around like a frightened deer", Medic exclaims, laughingly.
Heavy groans and rolls his eyes, whilst his two seatmates look at each other, both surprised and amused.
"The big, tough, scary Heavy, frightened? I'd never imagine such a thing!" Sniper chuckles, clinking his martini glass to cheers with the doctor's fizzing sparkling water.
"It was not as bad as doktor puts it, okay?", Heavy grumbles, eyes averted to their playful gazes. Still, you could tell by the way his face reddened and, again, the way his eyebrows lifted that it was, in fact, as bad as he put it.
"Whatever floats your boat, mein friend", Medic says, no pun intended. Sniper downs his martini in one go, signaling the waitress for another glass.
Wanting to change the subject, the flustered giant gets up to grab a deck of cards on a nearby table. He returns, shuffling the cards in his large, calloused hands.
"Let us continue story over game of cards, yes? I find that it will fit in well with next part."
To be continued in RQDL 5... Credits: Team Fortress 2 by Valve Image source: Team Fortress 2 Written by Rosain Quivan Cross posted on Amino ( Rosain Quivan )
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