#sniper is gonna pass out in 3.... 2...-
that0nebaguette · 9 months
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"Scout here! Tried the lipstick-thing trend! I know I'm late but still!:D"
(Origin; I had a pole-vote and sniperscout won!! My favourite corny gannggggg won!!!!!!)
Yes I tried making the "lipstick-thing" trend in the tf2 world (u can't stop meee >:3 )
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darklordofthesimp · 2 years
Anything (König x Reader)
The 1st instalment in the Anything-Verse
Main Masterlist
Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Like the characters? Read their fics below!
Sunshine Masterlist || Saint Masterlist
Series Summary:  A lack of information from the chain of command results in König mistaking you for an enemy sniper.
A/N: I have no idea how we got here
Category: Angst || Hurt/Comfort || Forced Proximity || Enemies to ?
Warnings: Graphic description of violence || Graphic description of injury || Graphic language
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“You’re a liability.”
The words rang like a church bell. You were never one for petty violence but in that moment, after he’d so calmly said the words, you thought that you just might kill him.
“A liability?” You hissed, glaring at your superior like he’d grown two heads. “I’m a sniper, Sir, not a fucking ninja.”
The captain simply shifted his weight lazily, unfazed by your temper. He’d dealt with it many times throughout the years but it hadn’t bothered him because you weren’t inherently his. You were somebody else’s spitfire, under another unit’s command; but now you were part of the 141 and you needed to learn.
“Come on, Birdy. You know I’m right.”
You had Soap to thank for the name. ‘Snipers and birds both shit on people from above’. It wasn’t creative and honestly you could have thought of one hundred better names to offer, but once Ghost started addressing you by Birdy, it was set in stone.
When you said nothing, he continued.
“You can’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag,” he scoffed, swallowing a snort when your eyes widened. “Sniper’s need to defend themselves too, Birdy. You learnt that the hard way, remember?”
How could you not?
The knife wound had healed but the memory of it had not. Images of the hooded man wedging a blade into your shoulder flickered across your vision. Fists bearing down onto your jaw. Fingers wrapped around your throat.
A chill skittered across your skin.
“So, what’s your suggestion?” You crossed your arms over your chest.
When the corner of Price’s mouth quirked upward, you’d already begun to regret asking.
“Simple, really.” He shrugged, “someone’s gonna train ya.”
Your stomach dropped and a cold shiver traced the length of your spine.
“Who, Sir?” Your voice was barely a whisper. “Ghost’s not here. Everyone’s on leave.”
Price smirked.
“Not everyone.”
You felt nauseas.
Anxiety had your stomach in a death grip, and it was all you could do to not throw up. Pacing up and down the gym mats, you tried to cool your nerves.
There was only one person that had remained a complete anomaly to you and now he’d been given literal permission to beat the shit out of you.
You remembered what they loved to call ‘training’ at your old unit. You’d never been the fastest or the strongest, that was not your job. You were the one who could take make an impossible shot a kilometre away, but that’s not what ‘training’ entailed.
Your body ached at the memory.
There was a small noise by the doorway and your body stiffened. He was letting you know that he was there, his equivalent of a knock.
You both knew that he could have had you on your back whenever he pleased.
“König.” You acknowledged him as confidently as you could, turning to face the beast head on.
The giant stood in the doorway looking like the fucking bogey man himself.
“Birdy,” König inclined his head. Those dark, watchful eyes observed you from beneath his hood, taking in your visage. Heat licked the back of your neck and you began to sweat under his gaze.
He was clad in his usual getup from the waist down, the tactical cargo pants and the hefty boots being his barracks favourite. It was the hoodie that had caught you by surprise, you’d seen it a few times in passing, but up close it rendered you breathless.
“I didn’t realize you were staying with the 141,” you said, swallowing nervously as he stepped into the room, ducking his head to avoid hitting the frame above.
This was a sick, sick joke.
“My transfer was approved,” was the only explanation that he offered you.
You knew, logically, that what had happened between the both of you had been a misunderstanding. It was a communication failure on behalf of the brass that had almost gotten you killed but the idea of working with him, training with him, made your stomach drop.
König’s hands got to work removing his gloves and the memory of those fingers wrapped around your throat made you flinch.
You’d set up a sniper’s nest atop the rooftop, watching the entrance of the building the 141 was infiltrating. They were going to flush out the target and send him running right into your line of fire.
No-one had been informed of KorTac’s involvement.
You’d heard König before you’d seen him, the dismantling of your trip mine giving you enough indication to roll onto your back to investigate. By then, he was already upon you.
You’d kicked the rifle from his hands but that was where your advantage finished. He’d dragged you by your ankles from your weapon, straddling your flailing body as he got to work. The knife he’d brandished stabbed into your flesh violently, and at first, you’d thought he only punched you.
Until the searing hot pain bloomed across your body and blood sprayed across his hood.
Those emerald eyes were wild and hard as he gripped your face over your balaclava. You couldn’t think to react, dizzied by the agony of knife he twisted into your skin. His palm covered the entirety of your features, fingers tight against your temples as he pulled your head forward then smashed it back into the concrete.
You thought your skull had exploded.
Fists ploughed into your jaw but it was as though you were numb now. Finally, his fingers were drawn to your throat, squeezing tightly as he leaned in. The cloth of his hood brushed against your battered body, filling the space between you as his lips pressed against your ear.
“Your fight is finished,” he hissed heatedly. Then König pressed down into your skin.
You don’t remember what happened afterward. You knew that he’d been called off by his chain-of-command just in time to stop himself from ending your life, but that was according to Soap.
You were in a coma for two weeks.
It took you months to recover.
And only once you came back to work, fit to fight and ready to go, had you discovered that König had applied to transfer into the 141 shortly after the incident. KorTac had offered him up to fill in your position while you recovered.
Not only had the bastard nearly killed you but he’d taken your place.
Now that you were back, he would lose his place as a sniper and be back to running with the team on the ground.
König watched you carefully from where he stood.
“You’re my instructor,” you said plainly, stating the obvious. “Price made you my hand-to-hand combat trainer.
“Ironic, isn’t it,” his voice came quietly from beneath the hood, a small snort following in suit.
You would have laughed had you not been so fucking terrified. You were about to take your place back on the team, a position this giant clearly wanted and now he was given the chance to put you back into the hospital with no questions asked.
You wouldn’t be able to do anything against him. König was a mountain of a man, a force to be reckoned with, and while he tried to make himself as disarming as possible it was implausible to hide that frame.
“Did you want to get started?” König asked, leaning his hip against the table beside him. He was so casual for someone who had nearly killed you.
“No,” you said simply.
“Are you not up for this?” König ventured carefully, pushing off the bench and taking a slow step towards you. Your heart thrashed against your ribs at his approaching figure and you forced yourself to stay still. “You still have bruising-“
“That’s what happens when someone shatters your fucking face, cunt,” you snapped, casting your gaze from his. You were hoping that he wouldn’t bring it up, everyone had danced around your condition for so long. No one spoke about how fucking ugly you looked as you tried to recover.
“It was an accident,” his voice was hard, almost bewildered at your sudden aggression. “We both paid the price for someone else’s mistakes.”  
“Don’t talk to me about paying the price, you fucker,” you snapped, shoving against his chest. König yielded a step and it infuriated you even further to know that he’d allowed it. “You got the fucking job you wanted, you got the transfer you wanted, you got the training you wanted. Didn’t you?”
“Yes, but-“
“You wanna know what I got?” You snapped, shoving him harder this time. König’s eyes narrowed and he snatched your wrists, holding them against his ribs to stop your assault. You continued anyway, walking his body backward until his heels hit the wall. “I got put into a fucking coma.”  
König’s gaze softened, his chest heaving beneath your hands. You could feel his heart pounding beneath your fists, you could hear his breaths grow ragged.
“I know,” he murmured, his fingers tightening on your wrists. “I was assigned to watch over your bed for those two weeks."
You stared at him for a long moment, sniffling and gasping for air after your rant. König lowered his head and his grip loosened.
“What I did to you…” he trailed off, unable to meet your gaze. How ugly must you have become that he couldn’t withstand looking at his own handiwork?
You turned around, hiding the hot tears forming along your lashes. You were so fucking ashamed by the terror gripping your throat, embarrassed by how much your image affected you. You hated feeling disgusting. You felt like everyone’s eyes were on you at all times it was suffocating you, they gawked and stared and whispered about how your 'pretty face was ruined.'
You began to understand why people wear masks.
“You ruined me,” you rasped. “And I couldn’t do anything to stop you.”
König was silent from behind you, mulling over your words. You couldn’t bring yourself to be embarrassed by your outburst. He had stabbed you, shattered your skull, broken your nose and jaw and nearly snapped your neck- he deserved to listen to you yell at him at the very least.
Fingers slid over your shoulders, slowly turning you around to face him. You tugged against his hold half-heartedly, vision swimming beneath never-ending tears.
“Look at me, Birdy.” His voice was soft and pleading, his hand slowly moving to cup your bruised jaw. You froze as he manoeuvred you, forcing you to face him square on. König slowly lowered himself to rest a knee on the ground, leaving him still taller than you but closer to eye level.
With the hand that was free, he reached for his hood. You swallowed nervously as he carefully pulled it from his head, resting the cloth on his upright knee.
Dirty blonde hair lay splayed across his forehead, the length curling by his ears. Dark brows framed the emerald gaze that watched you intently, taking in your visage as you observed him. All of him.
The scars caught your attention.
Winding from his upper lip, across his eye and leaving a line through his brow, the winding length of damaged skin presented itself. There was another scar along the bridge of his nose that travelled across the width of his cheekbone and into his hair.
“Do I…” König trailed off, full lips parting as he mused over his next words. You stared in awe at the innocence of the freckles smattered across his features. “Are you afraid of me?”
You said nothing for a long moment, mesmerized by the features of a man that had haunted your thoughts for months. He’d been the centre of your existence for so long, the reason you ached and the reason you’d bled. König had plagued your every waking moment ever since the incident, and now he knelt before you. He was on his knees baring his vulnerabilities to you, knowing you could destroy him with it.
“Of course,” you whispered; your voice shaky as you met his gaze.
König’s expression became pleading, “then let me teach you how to beat me.”
His thumb lightly caressed your purple cheek, brows furrowed as he took in his handiwork. “Let me pay for what I’ve done by teaching you how to never let it happen again. And when you finally beat me, revenge will be yours and you may do as you wish.”
“Anything I want?” The words slipped from your lips before you could stop them.
A wry, sad smile pulled at the corner of König’s mouth.
“Anything, mein vöglein.”
My little bird.
Next Chapter
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Your post about Shanks ‘babysitting’ Yassop is so cute 😭💕 This literally gave me a thought about Shanks knowing Zeff and his little precious eggplant (Sanji)
Like, the Red Head Pirates goes to the Baratie and meet the chef, Red Leg Zeff, who has his adopted son in the ship. The little boy is respectfull and always wants to help. And Shanks just- starts to talk and play with the boy. They come to the restaurant often because of how much good the food is and everytime, Shanks plays with the kid.
Zeff also talks A LOT about his son, pround of how he is good at cooking and fighting. The Red Head Pirates ends up don't going to the Baratie for like, 2 or 3 years, and when they come again, Shanks notice the boy isn't there, Zeff tells Sanji is in the crew of some rubber boy with a Straw Hat and Shanks is like "THIS BOY IS MY SON-!" and they start to talk about everything who happened.
Bonus: Zeff starts to talk about some boy who Sanji talks a lot in the letters and Yassop, who is near to them, just yells "THIS KID YOU'RE SAYING IS MY SON" and turns out they discover that the kids of all of them are in the same crew.
Shanks: Where's your little cook? I wanted to have one of his dishes. He's getting better than you, old man. Zeff: Watch your words or I might kick you out of here. And he's not so little anymore, he's nineteen. Shanks: HE'S WHAT???? Benn: Sometimes, when years pass, people grow up. If you weren't sure- Shanks: Haha. So funny. Okay! So where is that young man? Zeff: Ugh- New pirate took him with him. See the world and shit. To find the All Blue, he said. Shanks: Look who's following his father's steps! You must be proud, huh? You'll never say it, but I know! A father always knows. And who's that new pirate around? Wouldn't hurt to know. Zeff: Strange kid. Says he wants to find the One Piece. Devil fruit user. Rubbery body. Straw hat? Reminded me of you. Luf- Shanks: LUFFY! THAT'S MY KID! Benn: He's not your son. Shanks: HE'S SORT OF SOMETHING LIKE MY KID!
And then they stay there for a long time, the Red Hair pirates enjoying the food while Shanks and Zeff have this conversation close to them. That's when Zeff talks about what he knows about his son's crew, because Shanks literally knows nothing besides the basics and what Mihawk told him about Zoro. (Making this about Sanuso because you can't say that Sanji talks a lot about Usopp and not expect me to write it like this).
Zeff: Kid got himself an interesting team. Green-haired guy that almost gets himself killed. Idiot. Eggplant hates his guts, or so he says, but he has never been too good at hiding shit so it's obvious he cares about the swordsman. He talks about a girl too. Loves her. Believes he's gonna marry her. Most precious thing in the world, he says. A treasure of navigator, apparently. Usually, he's annoying when it comes to women, but this is too much even for him. Shanks: Oh! Young love! Are you sure she isn't the reason why he joined them? Zeff: Nah, it was your kid. He's persuasive. And I wouldn't call it love. At least not with her. Shanks: Care to explain? Zeff: Lil cook talks about a young man. A sniper. He's... Fond of him. I don't know how to explain it, but I know him. There's just something about the letters... Heck, I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. But Eggplant and this kid, Usopp- Shanks: WHAT?! YASOPP! Yasopp: WHAT DO YOU WANT??? Shanks: YOUR KID'S DATING LIL COOK Yasopp: Wait what- (basically falls off the chair) WHAT?! Is he in his crew? Is he alright? Is he as cool as me? Of course he is! Wait, did you say something about dating? Zeff: They're not dating. Yasopp: Of course Usopp would date a cook, he has always loved food- Shanks: Yes, because when you left the only thing the kid could do was eat- Yasopp: Shut up! Is he alright, red leg? What does your kid say in the letters?
And they spend like, hours talking about them together, being all proud of their children <3
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haveatthee83 · 2 months
Under My Skin (Monkey D. Luffy/Reader) 6/7
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Inspo: Under My Skin by Jukebox the Ghost
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Word Count: ~6.0k
Warnings: Smut, Fluff, cursing, discussion of death and dead relatives, Cunnilingus, fingering, unprotected sex, riding, aftercare.
The Straw-Hats were following the log you had found closely, running into little hints of Roger around every corner. You and Luffy were together, everyone knew it, you didn’t hide it, and you were happy…however, one night you were in the women’s quarters with Robin and Nami and Usopp, having a little ‘girl’s night’. Usopp counts, partially because he has such good gossip all the time, true gossip mind you and partially because he had started this little tradition with Nami before any other girls joined the crew.
You four sat on the fluffy rug, one of your records playing softly in the background. You all had different face masks on and were munching on some snacks you and Sanji had made for the night. You were playing a game of Never Have I Ever, taking sips out of your drink if you had done ‘it’.
“Never have I ever…” Usopp thought carefully, “dyed my hair.” He said with a shrug. “Lame.” Nami droned, taking a sip.
 You and Robin thought about it, Robin deciding that she hadn’t and you tentatively taking a drink. “My brother put blue hair dye in my shampoo and conditioner one time.” You explained to soft laughter.
“Okay, my turn,” Nami said, sitting up straighter, “Never have I ever…hmm…Oh!” she snapped with a mischievous grin, “Never have I ever slept with someone on this ship.” She said victoriously. You all looked around at each other and Robin rolled her eyes and drank. Nami said your name confused, “Luffy’s on the ship, ding dong.” She teased.
You shrugged and shook your head, “I haven’t.” you said simply.
The girlies around you all looked at you in various states of confusion, Usopp choking a bit on the popcorn he had been munching on.
“Really?” Nami asked in disbelief, “But you two are like-like all over each other all the time.” She stammered. ‘Luffy kinda made it seem like they hadn’t but I thought it was just him being…him.’
You and Luffy were no strangers to PDA, far from it. That man always needs a piece of his body in contact with you. If you two were in the same room, he would be holding your hand, sitting you in his lap, hugging you from behind, kissing your cheek when he passed you by. He couldn’t have cared less if anyone had a problem with it either, often ignoring jeers and scolding from the crew, waving off their teasing and just continuing. It wasn’t ever inappropriate by any means, all innocent touches and simple affection, it was however…constant. You had no problem with this, loving that you get to touch him and see him as much as you wanted.
“We just haven’t.” you said, reaching for a few pretzels, “He hasn’t expressed any want to yet, and I’m not gonna make him do anything that’ll make him uncomfortable. It’s not like he’s dated a bunch of girls before or anything, you know?” you continued, munching on a few of the pretzels you grabbed, “I wanna let him pick the pace of things, and I’ll follow his lead.” You explained with a smile.
Usopp and Nami shared a look before frowning, remembering a conversation the two had had with their captain, earlier that day.
“I have a question.” Luffy asked, approaching the table his navigator and sniper were talking and tinkering at. Nami and Usopp looked up from their respective work and nodded for him to go on, confused, “How do you like…” He hesitated, ears red, “know if someone wants to um…” he trailed off, clearing his throat.
“Spit it out.” Nami said, “We can’t answer if we don’t know what you’re asking.”
Luffy nodded before sitting at the table, picking up a stray bolt and fiddling with it as he spoke, “How do you know if someone wants to have sex with you.” He spat out, ignoring his burning hot cheeks.
Nami and Usopp sputtered and flailed like the ship had been hit by a cannonball. Luffy shrank into himself a bit, embarrassed, “Sorry, it’s stupid.” He muttered, getting up to leave.
“No! It’s okay!” Nami exclaimed, grabbing Luffy by his sleeve and dragging him back down into his seat, “You just took us by surprise!” she assured.
Usopp nodded, “You don’t really…talk about this stuff.” He shrugged, “Frankly, I kinda thought you didn’t think about, that.”
“I mean, you didn’t even blink when Boa Hancock was trying to marry you.” Nami chuckled.
“Well, I do.” Luffy huffed, “I just-I don’t know what I’m doing, and I don’t wanna mess stuff up, and she hasn’t i-initiated anything,” He explained. “Like what if she doesn’t want me…like that? Like I want her?”
Usopp and Nami shared a look, “Don’t worry about that.” Nami assured with a smile, “Trust me.”
Luffy gawked, “How do you know?”
The pair took some time walking Luffy through how to tell if you were attracted to him, giving example after example.
“I’m pretty sure he’d be down.” Usopp chittered, kicking his feet out and into Nami’s lap. “He might just be a little nervous.”
You shrugged, “Like I said, I’ll let him set the pace.” You said with a resolute nod, “Besides, he might not even want to. Now,” you changed the subject, “Never have I ever…”
Later that night, Usopp had to go back to the men’s quarters after you all started to fall asleep. He crept into the room, navigating around the beds until he found where his captain was sleeping. Usopp quickly covered Luffy’s mouth and pinched his nose to wake him up. Luffy’s eyes shot open, and he smacked at Usopp’s hands.
“What the hell are you doing?” Luffy whispered.
Usopp glowered, “You have to make the first move.”
“She’s waiting on you to make the first move, that’s why she hasn’t tried anything.” Usopp whispered, patting Luffy’s chest with a smile.
Luffy watched as Usopp slid into his own bed with a bewildered expression, ‘She’s waiting for me? Huh.’
A few days passed without any advancements, the two of you carrying on as normal, neither of you bringing up your conversations from your ‘girl’s night’.
You were sat on the lawn deck, as you two often were, Luffy leant up against one of the trees, you sat between his legs, wrapped up in his arms. You rested your head on Luffy’s shoulder, pointing out different constellations for him, “That one is supposed to be of the Sun God, Nika,” you whispered, tracing the shape for Luffy. “And that’s one of the giant birds that helped pull the islands out of the sea, and that one,” you said, “is the boar that dug out the canyon on my island.” You explained with a giggle.
Luffy hugged you close and set his chin in the crook of your neck, breathing in the fresh scent of your shampoo, “You’re so cool,” he muttered, laying a quick kiss onto your shoulder, making you laugh, “and pretty,” another kiss, “and nice,” another, “and you’re all mine.” He whispered, turning your face to where he could lock his lips with yours, sighing into the kiss.
“All yours,” you muttered against his lips, nipping at his bottom lip and running a hand up into his hair.
Luffy chuckled into the kiss and pinched your side, “No biting.” He laughed out.
“C’mon,” you muttered as you pulled back, “It’s not like you don’t bite me.” you teased, running your free hand over his arm that he had wrapped around your middle. “Why can’t I?”
“I think I like it too much, makes my head go all fuzzy,” Luffy admitted, squeezing you tighter.
You giggled, dragging one of his hands up to your face, playing with his fingers, “That’s not a bad thing to me.” You chirped, planting a kiss on his palm.
Luffy’s ears ran hot as he watched you, noting that from this angle, he could see right down your tank top, the very top of your bra peeking out, making him swallow dryly. ‘Would now be a good time?’
“C’mon, pretty girl,” Luffy muttered in your ear, the hand you weren’t holding sliding over your stomach, slipping under the hem of your shirt, running over the soft skin he found there, “don’t start things you don’t wanna finish.” He chuckled, laying a soft kiss on your shoulder, enjoying the heat that radiated off of your face.
You smiled shyly, grabbing both of Luffy’s hands in yours, threading your fingers together, “Who said I wouldn’t want to?” you whispered, squeezing his hands. Luffy grinned into your skin, “Completely unrelated,” you lilted sarcastically, “I’m kinda in the mood for a bath.” You finished with a cheeky smile.
“Boo.” Luffy whined, not picking up on your hint, “Do it later. I wanna keep cuddling with ya.” He said with a comical pout.
“Or” you started, craning your neck a bit to whisper in his ear, “You could join me.” You chimed, walking your fingers up one of his arms, “We could cuddle in there,” you suggested before mumbling, “and other things.”
Luffy grinned and laid a quick kiss to your neck, “Lead the way, pretty girl.”
You hurriedly rushed to your feet, grabbing your hat from the ground, and hoisted Luffy up. You led the way to the bathroom, hand in hand, giggles and pattering feet the only thing that could be heard in the quiet night, with stolen kisses and little touches the whole way.
When you reached the bathroom door, you scanned the area a bit before slipping into the room, quickly dragging Luffy into the bathing room, locking the door behind you. You dropped your hat on the ground and wrapped your arms back around Luffy’s neck, him holding you around the waist, your back pressed against the tiled wall.
“Mind helping me get ready for my bath?” you teased, kicking off your boots, “I think I need a bit of help.” You said with a laugh. Luffy snickered and shook his head, quickly pressing his lips to yours. His thumbs slipped under the hem of your tank top, stroking the skin there. He felt your tongue flick out, quickly running over his lips and he eagerly opened his mouth, happy that you advanced the kiss. You let out a low moan as his tongue ran across your own, making a flash of heat go through Luffy’s body.
You ran your hands down his neck and under his open red shirt, trying to usher it off his shoulder. Luffy took the hint, dragging it off of him, lips never leaving yours, dropping it onto the floor before immediately returning his hands to your hips, one of them shoving the fabric up. You pulled away briefly to draw the shirt off, placing pecks on his lips the whole time, never disconnected for long. Luffy let out a shaky breath at the sight of you, his fingers twitching, he wanted to do so many things all at once that he didn’t know where to start, he was frozen.
“Whatcha need, baby?” you whispered, holding his face, running your thumbs across his cheeks, “Wanna stop?”
Luffy shook his head vigorously, making you laugh, “I just don’t know what to do next.” He admitted, his face feeling hot under your palms.
You smiled softly, “Do you want to touch me? Or do you want me to touch you?” you asked, running your hands down his scarred chest.
His eyes practically devoured you, pupils blown wide, “Wanna touch you.” He whispered. You nodded and grabbed his wrists, placing his hands just under the cups of your bra, encouraging him to explore. “What do I do?” he breathed out; his shaky touch gentle against your skin.
“Feel around, see what you like,” you muttered, “You could take off my bra if you want, too.”
Luffy swallowed his nerves and started to run his hands over your stomach, making you hold back laughter around some ticklish spots. He took in every inch of you that he could, watching the way your skin moved around his grip and the way you shivered around certain spots. “So pretty.” He muttered, running his hands over the cups of your bra, accidentally stroking over your nipples, making you gasp a little. His eyes shot up to yours, looking for any sign that he’d done something wrong.
“Keep going,” you breathed out, “feels good.”
Luffy nodded, testing the feeling of your breasts in his hands, getting a feel for the pliability and weight. “How do I take this thing off?” he muttered, mostly to himself.
You smiled and turned around, pointing at the hooks in the middle of your back, also giving Luffy a nice view of your ass through your jean shorts. “You just gotta pull the hooks off the loops, like this,” you explained, showing him how. When it was disconnected, you held the cups to your chest and turned back around, your ass brushing against his crotch, making him let out a breathy moan. “Now, you just gotta take it off my arms,” you purred, “You wanna do it?”
With an eager nod, Luffy reached up and quickly guided the bra off your arms, his breath knocked out of him as he took in your bare torso. Without even thinking, he grabbed two handfuls of your boobs. You groaned and threaded your fingers in Luffy’s hair as he dove in to kiss and bite at the crook of your neck, “Wanna eat you up,” he teased, running his thumbs over your pebbling nipples, “So pretty.” He whispered, running his tongue over a bite that made you cry out. You moaned and squeezed your thighs together, trying to fight back some of the burning desire pooling there. “What’s that?” he asked, pointing his chin down, “Why’d you do that?”
Your face burned, but you explained, “You’re making me feel good,” you started, twirling one of his curls around your finger, “Making me want to have you touch me down there, but I want you to do what you want, and you look like you’re having fun up here.” Luffy flushed and pulled back in your arms, gaze flicking between your eyes and where your thighs still clenched together.
‘Worth a shot.’ He thought to himself before reaching down to cup your sex over your clothes, making you gasp out a moan at the feeling of your shorts’ seam against your clit, “Now what?” he asked through giggles at your embarrassed expression.
“God, you’re forward.” You whispered, reaching a hand down to guide his hand to your waistband, “It’s easier if you take these off first.” You huffed, helping him yank down your shorts and underwear in one fell swoop. The man in front of you took in your completely bare form with awe, running his hands along your bare hips and thighs, squeezing at the plush around there.
Luffy grabbed your jaw and all but smashed his lips to yours, meeting you with an open-mouthed kiss, moaning into your mouth. You kissed back with fervor, running your hands over his strong arms. Luffy tentatively reached a hand down, cupping you again, surprised to feel wetness down there, making your folds slippery, Luffy pulled back from the kiss and looked at the substance on his fingers, “What’s this?”
You covered your face with your hands, “That means I’m-I’m enjoying what you’re doing.” You explained simply, and you swear a few flames lit up off of your shoulders when you saw him nod before sticking his fingers into his mouth, “Luffy, oh my god.”
Luffy thought for a minute, bobbing his head side to side, “Not bad.” He said, diving his hand back in where he had it, feeling around, trying to familiarize himself with the unfamiliar territory, quirking a brow at a loud moan that came out of you when he ran his fingers along this little nub at the top. He ran a few experimental circles around it with his fingers, surprised to find you biting back moans and your knees shaking, your thighs clamping down around his fingers. “Is that good?” he asked, doing it again.
“Really good,” you moaned breathily, wrapping your arms back around his shoulders, laying kisses up and down Luffy’s neck, moaning and biting into his skin as he continued, definitely leaving a few hickies behind. “You can-can put your fingers in-inside.” You huffed out, trying not to whine. Luffy nodded with determination, sliding his fingers back a bit, finding your fluttering entrance, carefully sliding a finger inside, moaning at the warm, wet feeling. “This helps make it easier when you wanna fuck me,” you gasped out, reaching down to palm Luffy’s hard cock through his pants, drawing out a low moan from him. He rested his forehead against your shoulder, huffing as you gently squeezed. “You can put in another finger,” you groaned, stroking Luffy through his pants.
Luffy complied through the haze of pleasure, sliding his ring finger in alongside his middle, up to the knuckle. You sighed at the stretch, and you could both feel your walls fluttering around his fingers. “Move em, please.” You babbled. Luffy swallowed a lump in his throat and started stroking your walls, in and out, changing angles and speed as you started breathing harder and faster, unable to stop little whines and moans from slipping through your lips. You ran your hands all over his torso, at one point making him yelp as you gripped at his ass over his pants. “Sorry.” You huffed out a laugh, “You’ve got a nice ass though.” You muttered, running your lips over his collar bone.
“Thanks,” Luffy chuckled, reaching his free hand around and taking a handful of one of yours, “I like yours better.” He said with a smirk, relishing as you moaned into his clavicle at a change in pattern of his fingers inside you.
“Faster,” you gasped, “Just a little faster.” Luffy obliged and nudged your head with his, making you drag your head up so he could meet you with a sloppy kiss, his tongue tangled with yours. Soon after, your moans got a little louder and more frequent, your grip on his shoulders tightening, and your walls fluttering more around his fingers. All at once you whined loudly, pulling away from the kiss, your whole body twitched and your thighs clamped closed around his hand, and he watched as your eyes rolled back into your head, the whole spectacle making his poor cock absolutely ache.
“What was that?” Luffy asked eagerly, “I liked it.”
You huffed as you caught your breath, “That’s called an orgasm, Luffy.” You said with a bit of a laugh, “It feels really good.”
Luffy nodded, “That’s what that’s called then.” He muttered to himself. You knit your brows together in confusion, “I know some things. I mean, I am a pirate.” He teased with a grin and a quick thrust of his fingers back up into you, making you yelp with a moan.
“What else do you know?” you purred.
“I can show you.” Luffy muttered, backing away, guiding you to sit on the edge of the tub. When you were sat and comfortable, Luffy knelt in front of you, making your face run hot all over again. “I haven’t tried this, of course, but I’ve heard about it, so tell me what’s good and what’s not.” He spoke with caution, stroking your bare thighs as you spread them for him before he hooked one of your knees over his shoulder. He tentatively brought his face to your dripping cunt, his mouth watering as he mapped things out in his mind.
“You sure you wanna-?” you were cut off as Luffy dove in, licking a wide stripe up the length of your vulva, making you grip at his hair when he swirled his tongue around your clit, and he moaned at the taste.
‘I hope she likes this, cause this might be one of my new favorite things.’
You bit your lip and tugged gently at his hair, “Why are you so good at this stuff?” you whined, rolling your hips against his face. “I thought you said you hadn’t done any of this before?” you asked through breathy laughter.
Luffy pulled back just enough to talk, replacing his tongue with his free hand, “I haven’t.” he said, licking his glistening lips, “I’m just listening to you. I’m doing what makes you and me feel good.” he pecked at your thigh that he held before returning his tongue between your folds. You bit back a loud groan as he ventured his tongue inside you, licking at your sweet walls.
You sighed and scratched at his scalp, raking your nails through his curls. “Feels amazing,” you moaned softly, matching his tongue’s movements with your hips.
Luffy’s tongue reached deep into you, loving the feeling of you wrapped around the muscle. He wanted to make you orgasm again, and remembering how much you’d enjoyed it before, he reached his free hand up and drew tight circles around your clit with his thumb. You felt it creep up on you, the coil wrapping tighter and tighter in your stomach. As Luffy’s tongue reached a new spot inside you, it all immediately unraveled, and you slapped a hand over your mouth to keep down any loud sounds. Luffy reveled in the way your body shook, almost laughing as your thighs tried to clamp around his head. ‘New earmuffs.’ He thought cheekily. He didn’t stop though, trying to lick up every drop of your arousal, making you oversensitive, forcing you to pull him away from you by his hair.
He just looked up at you with mischievous eyes as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, “Something wrong?” he teased.
You narrowed your eyes as you recovered from the onslaught, still holding his curls, “Sit down.” You said, “My turn.”
Luffy grinned up at you with wide eyes, “Can do!” he exclaimed, plopping onto his butt in front of you on the tiled floor.
You smiled and crawled up to him, giving him a slow kiss as you fiddled with his waistband. You had just reached your tongue out across his own when you slipped your hand into his pants, grabbing onto his shaft, smiling as he let out a low moan.
He quickly helped you drag his pants and underwear off, and you tossed them into a random corner of the room. When you were given complete access to his naked body you shivered with anticipation, pulling back from the kiss so you could take him all in. “You’re so pretty.” You whispered, eyes roving over his lithe body and tan skin.
Luffy’s nose scrunched, “Can you call guys pretty?” he chuckled. “I’ve never heard of guys being pretty.”
You smiled, “Sure you can, besides,” you lilted, shifting to take his hard shaft in your hand. “You really are so damned pretty.” You said, running kisses down his jaw and neck and dragging your hand up and down over him.
Luffy’s head dropped back, lolling to the side to give you more access to his pulse point. You took great pleasure in obliging his silent request, sucking a deep bruise into that spot. All the while, you jerked your hand over his shaft, swirling around the tip.
“Do you wanna cum like this?” you asked, “Or do you wanna-?”
“Lemme fuck you,” Luffy groaned, making you flush red hot, “D’you want me to fuck you?” he asked, reaching to drag your hips up closer to his.
You nodded, straddling his hips more securely, “Want you any way you’ll have me.” You moaned into his ear before kneeling tall on your knees with his face right at your breasts. He kissed at your sternum as he stared up at your beautiful face.
“G’head.” He slurred, biting at the underside of one of your boobs. “Whenever you’re ready.”
You nodded and took a deep breath before lining him up, noticing how he tensed as the tip of his cock ran against your wet slit. You both moaned as you sank down onto him, the stretch and full feeling making you flutter and clench around him. You both took a moment, Luffy grabbing wildly at your body, overwhelmed by the tight heat and the waves of pleasure washing over him, “F-fuck,” he shuttered out, wrapping his arms tightly around your torso, hiding his face in your neck, “Too fucking good.” He whined, arms tightening around you every time you unconsciously tensed around him.
You huffed and set your hands on his shoulders, “Want me to move?” you asked, swallowing down your pleasured cries, trying to remain as lucid as you could so you could help Luffy through this brand-new experience.
“Try it,” he grunted.
You dragged yourself upwards before sliding back down, drawing out deep moans from both of you. “That okay?” you asked breathily. Luffy couldn’t find his words, so he just nodded, grabbing your hips to help guide you up and down.
You rolled your hips against his, pressing an open-mouth kiss to his bruised and flushed lips, your tongue flicking out to find his. His breath went ragged as your walls almost seemed to suck him in, his fingers digging into the dough of your hips, his own hips trying to match your pace, subconsciously thrusting up to meet your pelvis with his own.
Luffy started babbling into your mouth, drunk on the feeling of you all around him, and he found himself wanting to be entirely engulfed by you, all his thoughts centered around you and getting all that much closer to you. “So good, baby.” You moaned, nipping at his bottom lip, “So good for me.” You said, lowering him down by his shoulders so he was lying flat on the floor, your hands finding leverage atop his hips.
Luffy practically chanted your name as you bounced on top of him, entranced by the way your boobs followed your movements. He reached down, determined to make you feel as good as he did and started tight circles on your clit, drawing more entrancing sounds from your throat. You both felt so good, and without even knowing it, you both synced in thought.
‘You were fucking made for me.’
“Gonna cum,” you mumbled, keeping pace as best you could.
“Me too, keep-keep going.” He whined; the coil wrung tight for both of you.
The two of you relished in the feeling, the sounds of your moans and the slapping of skin on skin echoing around the room. You leaned down, kissing Luffy with fervor, the action sending just enough waves of hot pleasure through you both to knock you over the edge. You both moaned into the kiss, Luffy writhing under you at the intense feeling, and you felt the sheer euphoria of making him feel good, whining at the feeling of him filling you up. You rolled your hips against his, helping him ride out his orgasm, peppering kisses all across his face.
Luffy hissed, “Too much.” He said, trying to hold your hips still after a minute. You froze for him, unable to stop your fluttering core’s aftershocks. “Ah.” Luffy groaned, grip tightening.
“Want me off?” you asked gently, laying on top of him, enjoying how much of your body was pressed against his, head on his chest.
“No,” he muttered, “I like being inside you.”
You smirked, purposefully clenching your core muscles, making him gasp, “I like you inside me,” you teased, pressing your lips against his chest where your head was.
Luffy glowered down at you, “Don’t be mean.”
“I just let you cum inside me and you’re calling me mean?” you chided, running a hand along his chest. You swiped your fingers across his nipple, smiling as he flinched back at the feeling.
“I wasn’t supposed to do that, was I?” he asked, smacking his forehead, “I fuckin forgot.” You laughed at his embarrassment, “I’m so sorry, baby.” Luffy muttered, cupping your cheek in his hand.
“All is forgiven if you help me bathe.” You said, sitting up, “Water can really fuck with me with my Devil Fruit.” You said, both of you whining and hissing as you slid yourself off of his softened shaft. You stood up and held out a hand to Luffy, trying to usher him to his feet, but he wasn’t looking at your hand.
The pirate captain’s eyes locked on the spot between your thighs, watching closely as both of your cum leaked out of your abused hole. He was entranced, his cock twitching between his legs, he didn’t know how to process the sight, the physical proof of what you two had just done sending waves of heat over him, the feeling only amplifying as he took in your kiss bitten lips and the forming hickeys on your neck and shoulder. He had to actively cover his crotch in embarrassment as he felt it hop back up to life. “Shit, sorry.”
You just laughed, helping him to his feet, “It’s alright, pretty boy,” you muttered, reaching down to replace his hands with one of yours, “We can go again.”
Luffy’s eyes lit up, “Really?” you nodded and turned around, resting your elbows on the edge of the tub, arching your back so your ass was in the air, giving Luffy an even better view of your dripping hole. His face felt like it was on fire as he took in the lewd sight, but found himself stepping forward, taking handfuls of the globes of your ass, almost moaning as he saw how wet and ready you still were for him. “Perfect f’me.” He whispered, sliding his tip between your folds.
You moaned as he slid himself in place, sighing when he reached the hilt. “Go for it, Luffy.” You muttered, setting your feet, “Do whatcha want.”
Luffy moaned with you as he started a steady pattern, thrusting into you carefully. He was worried about whether you’d like it or not if he changed anything. “Don’t hold back, sweetheart.” You gasped, “I want you to feel good.” Luffy gulped but listened, speeding up the pace, thrusting harder and harder, practically drooling as he watched where you two met, entranced by how well you took him in.
The two of you moaned rhythmically, hips meeting at a steady pace, “Fuck, baby.” Luffy groaned, bending down to lay a few kisses against your spine, “Feels so good.” Your knees shook a bit as you were hit by the new angle, and you cried out when the blunt tip of his cock brushed that delicious spot inside you.
“Just like that,” you gasped, back arching even further as your body was completely overwhelmed by pleasure. Luffy scraped his teeth against your back before licking over the spot, placing sloppy kisses along the area.
“I-I’m gonna-!” Luffy was cut off as you clenched tightly around him, holding him in a vice grip as you both came, and he found himself holding you tight against him. “Fuck.” He whined, “I fucking did it again.”
You barked out a laugh as he pulled out of you, smiling back at him and turning on the hot water in the tub. You straightened up as the water flowed, “It’ll be alright,” you assured him, bringing him into a brief kiss, “Now help me clean up.”
Luffy gulped down his nerves and stepped into the tub with you, lowering down into the water, sitting next to you. You actively deflated in the water, leaning on his shoulder with a tired whine, “I hate how water makes me feel.”
Luffy nodded, fatigue seeping into his muscles as the water rose around them. “I bet it really sucks for you. I’m sorry,” he muttered, planting a kiss to your hair. You hummed and lazily wrapped your arms around him, trying to let yourself relax. “I gotcha.” He said, grabbing a rag and pouring some body soap onto it.
You sighed in pleasure as Luffy ran the rag across your skin, smiling as he scrubbed so carefully around your hickies and more sensitive areas, and he smiled back as you laid kisses on any piece of him that went past your face. Luffy gulped as he reached below the water, holding your leg up out of it so he could wash them one at a time. Luffy really liked your legs, like a lot. Without realizing or meaning to, he spent way too long just scrubbing tentatively at your calves and thighs, only noticing how much time had passed when he heard you giggling. “Sorry!” he exclaimed, quickly moving on, trying to usher you into his arms, sitting you between his legs.
“It’s fine,” You laughed, “I think it’s cute.” You said, leaning your head back for him as he grabbed a cup from the edge of the tub. “You’re just such a sweetheart and I love that.” You muttered as he ran water through your hair, his face beet red as he started scrubbing a thick lather of your floral shampoo into your hair.
“Not my fault you’re so hot.” Luffy mumbled, raising the cup back up to start rinsing the soap from your scalp, “It’s distracting.”
You scoffed, “Says you.” You teased, reaching a hand back behind you to bring his head forward so you could press soft kisses to his jaw, “You’re the hot one between us.”
Luffy frowned and pinched your side, making you jump. “Let me tell you how great you are.” He groaned, resuming his rinsing of your hair, “You gotta learn how to take a compliment, you do this all the time.” He said pointedly, kissing just below your ear before he grabbed your conditioner, running it through your ends. You flushed and stammered, “You always say nice things about me, but you never just let me say nice things about you. You always try and deny it or turn it around.” Luffy grabbed the cup again, running the water over the slick, soapy hair.
“You’re great,” he started, placing a kiss on your shoulders with every new thing he said, “you’re an amazing cook, you’re nice, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, you make me feel all fuzzy and nice when you’re around me, I love your smile,” he went on, naming every little thing he liked about you between kisses up and down your neck and shoulder, and with every word you felt your adoration for him and your embarrassment at the situation grow. “You’re perfect for me.” He said with finality.
You turned around in his arms and held his smiling face in your hands, “You’re too good for me.” You said, your heart swelling.
Luffy shook his head and pinched your side again, “No such thing.” He mumbled as you leaned in to kiss him, ‘I love you so damned much.’ He thought.
You sucked in a sharp breath, pulling away, “You love me?” you asked with wide eyes.
Luffy’s face lit up red, and he felt his mouth go dry, “Yeah,” he admitted quietly, “I-I do.”
You beamed, kissing him deeply, “I love you too.” You said, seemingly out of breath all of a sudden. Luffy let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and wrapped you tightly in his arms, just sitting there in the warm water, just holding you.
“By the way,” he asked, snickering, “Was it River that was the oldest?” he asked, laughing out loud when you smacked his chest.
“Robin,” Zoro barked, barging into the women’s quarters in the middle of the night.
“What do you want?” Nami whined, slapping her pillow on top of her head.
“Robin, get Franky on that fucking room.” He snapped with a notably horrified look in his eyes. “Now!” Zoro practically begged.
Robin sat up in her bed, laughing at his desperate tone, “Girl’s night worked!” she cheered, making Nami groan and Zoro glower.
“Can’t even take a fuckin piss in peace.”
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hab-a-nice-day · 5 months
First NHL Hat Trick for Our Favourite 1OA April 9, 2024
Pregame Media Ops: Slaf commenting on how all the young guys on the team are growing... A nice, humble reflection from the one who's had the steepest growth this season:
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First Period 1:05: Matheson rips it and scores. The guys are pumped, Matty leads the high five line in front of the bench.
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Oh, wait. It deflected off Slaf, who was obstructing the goalie's view at the net. #17 on the season for this kiddo.
Kelly Greig caught up with him during intermission to give him credit for the deflection. After apologizing for not having much of a voice for the interview, Slaf laughed off the praise as usual:
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Second period 8:43: Suzy dishes a nice pass that Slaf puts right into the net.
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Cue Slaf immediately crediting Suzy for that Spooky Suzuki pass:
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Of course Cole had to grab Slaf's face... because who can resist pinching those goofy baby boy cheeks?
Not Coco, the king of nose boop cellys and chin scratches, obviously.
And Slaf was all... 😝
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Goal #18, check. 2-0, Montreal. Little guy returns to the bench all smiles... and on hatty watch.
Gally scores, 3-0. And then, after RHP hit a player and created a little space, he and Slaf executed a quick line change and Savy sent a long pass in his direction, for this beauty at 11:22:
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And it started raining hats... A pretty special experience for the fans and for Slaf, who later quipped that he'd had a hat trick as a kid and the only one who threw his hat was his dad. [I don't know whether that's a laugh about it or cry about it piece of information, but anyhow it's very endearing.]
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TSN's Frankie Corrado was thrilled and may have used the phrase "ELITE SNIPER JURAJ SLAFKOVSKÝ!" and gushed a little about Slaf's perfect-for-Montreal personality. [He loves Junior, and I am here for it.]
His teammates weren't bothered by his success either and gave him a round of fist bumps, head pats and congratulatory stick taps. Mike snatched up the puck before skating over and giving Slaf a little extra congratulations, Suzy reached over the bench to give him a good stick tap, and Newy had a happy head pat for the team's baby. Slaf later mentioned that one of the guys saved a hat for him.
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Montreal went on to score 5 more goals, ending the game 9-3. Big W.
The three stars at the Bell Centre:
⭐⭐⭐ Dvo
⭐⭐ Gally
⭐ Slaf
The little fist bump between Gally and Slaf in the tunnel... Aww.
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First career hat trick, 19 on the season now. How did that feel when you saw the hats flying on the ice?
—Marc Denis, RDS
Slaf wasn't able to respond right away because of cheers coming from the crowd. He asked if he should respond then decided to wait a little.
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Once the crowd quieted enough, Marc Denis asked him a few questions, and Slaf mentioned how happy he was for Dvo (who scored two goals in his first game after returning from injury/surgery) "and especially for Gally." (who also scored two goals and got an assist).
Listen, we've seen it a couple of times… You're pretty calm and quiet right now but you're had some crazy reactions when you're scoring goals.
Juraj, immediately... 😝
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Where does that comes from?
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Marc Denis translated his answers for the crowd and Slaf broke out his best "Merci beaucoup!" walking the fine line between cracking himself up and patting himself on the back for his efforts as he signed the lens:
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The kid was happy, the team was happy for him.
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He hasn't stopped smiling and he shouldn't. I mean, it's a pretty cool moment for him, especially to be at home for the fans to obviously reward him like that. I mean, they support him. They love him for a reason. I think he's gonna be a good player here for a long time, an important player on this team.
—Brendan Gallagher, Montreal Canadiens, Post Game, April 9, 2024
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The progression he's had this year is unbelievable. He's a special player, so it's been a lot of fun to watch him from up top per the TV. Now to see it on the ice, see his first hat trick, was a special moment. Yeah, he was having a good time.
—Christian Dvorak, Montreal Canadiens, Post Game, April 9, 2024
Slaf was beaming during the post game media ops, although admitted that he hadn't been able to nap that afternoon because he just couldn't fall asleep.
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He was pretty hoarse, too, but shrugged it off as no big deal, jokingly adding that being tired and under the weather was a small price to pay if it helped to achieve the same results every game.
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After a little more chatting, one of the reporters brought up Slaf's latest history-making accomplishment...
Maybe you've been asked, but you're the second youngest player to score a hat trick for the Habs. How does it feel?
...which led to a classic *humble shrug* Slaf moment:
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I don't even know these records. It's not important. [ … ] It's not about records, it's… Yeah… I'm just happy for team win, and yeah, I got lucky, scored three. [ Laughs ]
—Juraj Slafkovský, Montreal Canadiens, Post Game, April 9, 2024
The Habs can count their team lucky to have scored such a gem of a kid.
Slaf's parents, Juraj, Sr. and Gabriela, and his little sister, Lucia, had recently left Montreal after visiting him for his 20th birthday, so they didn't see his hatty in person, but some of his friends were who were visiting from Košice were at the game and got to celebrate the win with him and some teammates.
After the game, my friends and I went to a restaurant with a few guys from the team. It was a great evening. We were heading to New York the next morning, so I couldn't stay up too late. Unlike my pre-game nap, I didn't have any trouble falling asleep. I took some medicine since I was a little sick—I had lost my voice, I had a cold and a runny nose. Nothing too serious. With three goals against the Flyers, I have 19 goals. I don't really like talking about my personal records. I've already said it: I want to win, I want to help my team. But I'm not gonna lie, I want to reach 20 goals. I still have three games left to do it. I can say the same thing for the 50 points—I have 48 after 78 games. Reaching those personal goals would be great. At the beginning of the season, those numbers looked unrealistic but then things improved. My game has probably grown more than some people expected, but I don't want to slow down.
—Slaf (via French + Slovak versions of his NHL blog), April 13, 2024
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bcolfanfic · 27 days
— helen of troy west virginia backstory part 2
young veterans au / part 1
cw for infidelity- just the modern au equivalent of croz being a little shit <3
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- nash dies. that’s the long and short of it.
- he loved helen and wyatt so much, had photos of them taped to his bunk- talked about them constantly.
- but unfortunately, all the love in the world couldn’t change the war being what it was. the desert was still the desert.
- nash bonded with some kids in the area around the air base because they made him feel like a Dad in a way he couldn’t be with baby wyatt so far away. then those kids got hurt, some of them fatally and he spiraled.
- started smoking out where people went to smoke even though they weren’t supposed to be up that high in that particular sight line in that particular area. stopped caring when he got barked at to not be up there or at least put a damn helmet on if you’re gonna be stubborn.
- got really ugly with his words when ev was trying to get him to come back down once. ev told someone to go get rosie to bitch at him, and rosie came just in time to be standing there with ev when nash got a sniper round through the skull.
- the officers that have to go tell helen hate their job just a little more than they already do when a 20 year old with a baby on her hip is who opens the door. wyatt just over a year old <\3
- all the other unit families get a notification that someone was killed and it doesn’t have a name attached but jeanie hears her phone ringing about 30 thirty seconds after she opens the email and gets the worst feeling in her gut.
- helen sobs her poor sweet heart out on the phone to jeanie for an hour till her phone dies because she couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to the battery life. looks at wyatt where she put him in a playpen and just starts crying all over again.
- jeanie goes down for the funeral and brings helen and wyatt right back home with her. wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing they were alone and hurting.
- it’s good for helen. the crosby kiddos adore her and love baby wyatt. and it helps jeanie feel less lonely too.
- they sleep in the same bed most nights. sweet girls.
- then helen is there the night croz calls jeanie (over threat of death from benny) to tell her what he did (:
- before that night helen would always poke her head in and linger a little when she skyped croz because she liked talking to him- and talking the others who knew nash. (ev would poke his head in to say hello to them every now and then. premonition <3)
- but this night croz looks like he’s going to vomit when helen pokes her head in, very awkwardly says he needs to talk to jean about something (ie: *leave*). she steps out, but has a bad feeling about it.
- jeanie <\3 comes out of her room twenty minutes later pale faced and looking like she’s 2 seconds from bursting into tears.
- which happens immediately when helen in all her sweet girl soft voice self asks what happened and she just all dry says it as briefly as she can.
- he cheated.
- sweet helen is about ready to go to bagram and smack himself herself but ugh. loves her best friend so much. more or less holds her while she cries, tells her it’s not her fault, that she’s done everything right by him- etc etc.
- and is. a very good friend in general about the whole thing. tells her she’s *not* an idiot or a pushover for wanting to fix things because she still loves him. and that if people give her shit for it she’ll kill ‘em <3.
- strokes her hair and kisses her head when jeanie works herself up saying maybe the other girl was just prettier- maybe she didn’t look like she had 3 kids in five years, maybe. which helen shuts down immediately. tells her that not to be a bitch, but there’s no way she was prettier than you. not possible. (:
- jeanie says in passing one night that she wishes she was into girls, maybe that’s the problem- and her and helen have a little awkward silent lull stare at each other that they. do not unpack further. which could mean nothing.
- helen sits against the wall off camera the next time she skypes with croz and gives him her whole i don’t want a divorce but speech. croz kinda gets the idea she’s there bc jeanie keeps looking off camera for moral support but. he’s in the doghouse lmfao he can’t say shit about it.
- helen eventually does go back to west virginia with wyatt and both girls cry a lotta big tears the day she leaves.
- little rebecca cries and begs to go live with auntie helen, sweet thing. helen smooches her head and promises she can call her whenever she wants as long as she’s good for her mama.
- goes back to west virginia and puts nash’s folded flag on the mantle. muscles through sorting out his things with wyatt, his little double, playing with the empty cardboard boxes all the stuff is going into.
- calls jeanie a lot. sees the news in august 2021 about how much of a shit show the pull out from afghanistan is and feels like she can’t sleep until jeanie tells her croz got out okay and is on the way home.
- soothes jeanie’s nerves about seeing him again after everything - and breaks her own heart doing it because of how much she desperately wishes her own husband got to come home too.
- tries to push it down, tries to essentially factory reset her and wyatt’s life. takes him to little play groups, goes to church- focus on what doesn’t make her want to cry until she’s gasping for air.
- some time passes and jeanie texts her that croz said ev got orders to go down to do flight training at the air base in (: west virginia (:
- jeanie: i don’t think he has a girlllll (;
- helen: 😐
- croz is however, also in on trying to set them up. gets her address from jeanie and gives it to ev like hey maybe wouldn’t hurt to just see how she’s doing (: maybe she could use help with yard work or something (:
- so ev does exactly that. in all his sweet pretty awkward glory knocks on her door and even more awkwardly blurts out asking if he can cut her grass or something.
- didn’t intend to get so nervous and ridiculous looking but he kinda forgot how pretty she was until she opened the door.
- and was like ohohohoh.
- good thing he’s cute. lmfao.
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Here With Me
Chapter 3 part 2
“Here with Me Ch.1” Sneak Peak Ch 2 Here with Me Ch.2
Here with Me Ch.3 p-1
Master List
a/n credit to the artist for the gif. Name is label beneath the gif. The picture for this one. The artist @namedlunagoddess
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Taglist- @glitterypirateduck , @vicky-09 , @eustassarm
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Captain Price hollered over the radio. Their moment ruined yet again. The sounds of gunfire and explosions came all back to them. They quickly pulled apart and she helped him back up to his feet. Her eyes changed again but back to green.
“We should head out now”
König couldn’t help himself with stealing glances at her from time to time. Looking at her up and down König noticed she only carried a side arm that was strapped to chest. Her hands were covered in blood. She ran ahead and the sounds of screaming and crying were heard but cut short with a inhuman shriek. As they fought their way back to Captain Price. She came running out of the building covered in blood. Wiping her face clean she looked over to him with a stern, serious expression.
Walking beside him she wiped her hands clean with a black rag. That she pocketed in her side pocket.
Sighing softly and wiping my hands clean. This is awkward enough. Being around my crush and looking like a bloody beast. I try to wipe my hands clean but my gloves are all bloody.
They arrived in the nick of time. Ghost sat in the corner with Soap applying pressure to his wound in his shoulder. Gaz and Price keeping a look out from anyone approaching.
She rushed over to Soap kneeling down beside him she pulled him into her lap. Looking over his wound she looked to Ghost.
“Hold him down this is gonna hurt like hell.”
She pulled her gloves off and closed her eyes. Her fingers she pinched his wound closed then she pulled his flesh back in its place and began to allow the flesh to weave its self back together.
Soap laid in agonizing pain. Ghost held him down while soap tried to get up from her lap and yelling and crying in pain.
“He’ll live but his arm will be sore for a few days”
She nodded to Ghost and pulled her gloves back on. While doing this Simon noticed hand the small bite marks on her hands.
Quickly pulling her hands away, hiding her hands under her gloves she walked pass König and straight to Captain Price.
“Captain this is all I recovered from the bunker. Where’s Laswell?”
Price took the flash drive placing it in his chest pocket. Looking to her he patted her back and offered her a weak smile.
“It’s too early to celebrate love. We’re trapped.”
“We got snipers perched up in the abandoned buildings. Soap took one in the shoulder just a few minutes before you got here.”
“My radio is jammed at the moment.”
“Leave it to me Captain”
Pulling off her glove she raised her hand to her mouth. The sounds of her biting her flesh made Price wince at her method. König stood up walking over to her he grabbed her shoulder before she could walk away.
“Mein Schatz?”
“Where you going? Your hand is bleeding, why did you bite yourself?”
“Bitte Schatz?”
He was shocked that she had just bit down on her hand and her eyes started to flood with red tears. His heart pounded so much in his chest at the thought of her hurting herself. She pushed him aside and started to walk out of the building. König tried to stop her but Price grabbed him on his vest.
König looked at Price and back to Sparrow as she walked outside.
“Bitte wait!”
“Kö, wait here I’m fine”
Stopping and sighing at his voice. It made her heart flutter that this giant of man was so concerned and worried for her. This is what this line of work required.
She looked up to the sky. Turning around to face him.
Nodding to him. She walked out into the open and started to run towards the building.
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She jumped to the abandoned buildings. Running throughout the building.
Finding her prey with ease.
Sneaking into the building smelling the air. Sniffing out the soldiers was an easy task. One of them must’ve cut themselves. The smell of blood was thick in the air. The sounds of one of them running their fingers over the bullets alerted me.
They were preparing their rifle. I have to move quickly and quietly.
Sneaking into the room where they sat made this easy. The smell of gunpowder and blood filled the air around me.
With one swipe of my hand I had claim their lives. Watching the blood pool around my feet made my nose and mouth water with bile. This is something I’ve never gotten use too. The smell of iron filled my senses. But the sounds of someone gasping behind me pulled me from my thoughts.
A soldier dropping his gun at the sight of me. He mumbled something and ran out of the room. I quickly went after him jumping on his back rolling him onto his back pining him down to the down under my feet.
He trembled with fear begging for mercy. Upon closer inspection he’s is a young boy no more then a teenager. His eyes full with tears. Begging me to spare him.
Looking at him and smelling his hands. They reek of gun oil and gunpowder.
“What’s your name child?”
Watching the boy tremble in fear he stutters out his name.
“Ha h h ha Hadir”
“My child why are you here with these bad men?”
“And tell me have you taken a life?”
“My mother and sister were killed or sold. They killed my father and put me here. I refused to take a life they t t th they told me they wanted me to kill one of the men down below”
“I never held a gun before until now. I want my mom and sister”
“My child stay here. I will help you find your mother. Hide for now and cover your ears”
Walking out of the room she made her way up to the top. Sneaking into the room where 5 men sat waiting for Captain Price or Ghost to make an appearance.
Smelling the air around her was filled with gunpowder, the strong smell of blood. And gun oil.
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Growling the darkness of the room made her strike fear into their hearts. Her eyes glowed red as the light hit it just right.
Kicking a pebble towards their direction got their attention.
Leaping towards one of them. Pining him down ripping his throat away holding it in her hands she stood up walking towards the men that cowered in fear in the corner.
Shushing them with her bloody hand she smiled to them. Looking at her claws she looked back at them. Waiting for a response or reaction from them.
The sounds of men screaming, gurgling echoed the room of the building across the street where Price and his men waited.
“I’m not finished!”
One of the soldiers tried to make a run for it before she pounced on him. Ripping them all to shreds, kneeling on the ground covered in blood. She had to calm herself.
Taking a deep breath in and out.
König listened to the sounds of gunfire and the screams. This made him more nervous for his sparrow safety. He yanked himself from Price grasp and charged his way to her.
He didn’t bothering looking to see there were anyone watching or waiting for him. He immediately ran across the street. Kicking the door down he ran up the stairs sweeping the area as he went.
He had to protect her from the enemy soldiers. The sounds died down this made his heart and mind tremble with anxiety and fear.
All was quiet. No sounds.
This wasn’t good especially in his line of work.
He walked into the room. The smell of iron filled the air around him. Swallowing thickly he held his gun tightly sweeping the room until he walked into the main room.
She spoke out in a stern, serious manner.
“Kö, stay over there!”
“I don’t want to hurt you!”
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She cowered to the corner of the room covered in blood. Holding her hands up in a surrendering posture.
“Kö, please keep your distance. When I’m in this form it’s hard to control on my urges for blood shed and my temper as well. Give me a moment please”
Watching her she trembled her hands shaking from the adrenaline rush. Tears streaming down her cheeks she held back her cries.
“There’s a boy in the other room in the closet. I spared his life. I offered to help him find his mother and sister.”
“Okay, Sparrow look at me”
He walked over to her slowly and cautiously. He placed his gun on the ground stepping over it he walked over to her his arms open.
“Kö, no no no stay over there!”
Tears streaming down her face she tried to get him to keep his distance but he kept walking towards her.
“Sparrow, bitte look at me.”
She looked up to him realizing he was holding her in a tight embrace. She nuzzled her face into his chest crying deeply. Her whimpers and stifled sobs muffled into his chest. His heart shattered at this sight of her vulnerability. The love for her was ignited by his will to protect her and care for her. He had to confess his feeling for her now.
“I hate when I lose control of myself. I’m trying I’m always trying to be better, I’m always trying.”
“Sparrow look at me. You’re here with me”
“I’m here with you”
“I will never let you be alone. And never let anyone hurt you anymore.”
“Let me be your lover, protector. Your shoulder to cry on. Let me carry you and take the weight off your shoulders.”
Lifting her chin looking upon her red puffy eyes. Her pink lips. Her flustered cheeks.
She never looked more beautiful in this moment.
“Please Sparrow let me be the one for you”
“Let me care for you and show you how I will take care of you.”
“I will wait for as long as you want”
“Awww Kö, you’re not afraid of me”
“You don’t see me as a freak”
He stroked her cheek. Wiping the tears from her face. Brushing the stray hairs away from her face.
“Mein Schatz, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”
“I fell in love with your soul before I had the liberty to touch you my schatz”
*radio static*
“Bravo-06 to Sparrow”
“How’s copy”
She sighs but before she could answer. König slams his lips into hers. Asserting his dominance over her mouth as he pushes his tongue into her mouth exploring her mouth. She moans are muffled in his mouth. Biting her lip gently. He pulls away. Looking at her cute pink flustered face.
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novellagg · 10 months
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[▶] Clip 1: Scaredy cat line playing a horror game on a livestream, but Eunjeong and Sujin can't stop swearing.
They hadn't even played 5 minutes of the game, yet Aina was already cowering in the back of the webcam, passing the mouse over to Sujin instead. Once their character reached an ominous looking black door, Su-Jin abruptly paused.
“There is no way I'm going inside.”
“Come on guys, it isn't even that scary-” Eunjeong snatched the mouse from Su-Jin and opened the door. Suddenly, a loud scream emerged from the computer's speakers- “FU**”
The room instead filled with their silent laughter and wheezing as they tried to recover from the jumpscare. Meanwhile, the live chat struggled to keep up with the amount of ‘ㅋㅋㅋ’ and ‘jajaja’ being spammed.
Two more jumpscares and a lot more swearing later, a staff member came into the room and hurriedly told them to end the live.
A few days later, Aina went live again, this time alone in her studio.
“Did you get scolded?” She giggles while hiding her face in her hands, “yeah the unnies got scolded a lot by our manager… I think they might be banned from going live.”
[▶] Clip 8: Nari is worryingly competitive during the pepero game.
“Hey. don't pull away from me no matter what.” Nari gave Aina an 'ok' gesture with her hands as she placed the chocolate stick between her lips.
“Okay, whenever you're ready.” The MC spoke from behind Nari and Aina, watching closely to make sure there was no foul play.
Nari and Aina moved towards each other with sudden haste, causing the members to let out a chorus of shocked gasps. For just a moment, Aina hesitated and began to laugh, but Nari kept going, causing them to kiss abruptly before falling apart.
The entire studio erupted into chaos.
“What?! Did you just kiss??” Someone yelled.
Aina looked defeated, lying on the floor and clutching her stomach as she let out a painful laugh.
“Hey! So what!" Nari jumped up with the crumb in her hands and kissed Sujin on the cheek.
Amongst all of the pandemonium, the MC just stood there, confused, and in silence.
[▶] Clip 12 + 13: Dambi being a homosexual on ‘Bi-Live’.*
*Bi-Live is what she calls her live streams.
"Have you ever given white day chocolates? No, I went to an all girls school.” She kept reading through the live comments absentmindedly, “I got a lot of Valentines Day chocolates, though.”
“Which idol is most your type? Oh-” she doesn't even take 2 seconds to think before answering-“fromis_9 Jiheon, she's so pretty.” Dambi chose to politely ignore the ‘I meant a male idol’ comment that shortly followed.
[▶] Clip 15: Aecha being interrogated by Jonathan on theKstarnextdoor for her compulsive butt spanking habits.
“This next one is for Aecha Noona. K-Butt sniper-” Nari, Haeun, and Dambi instantly burst out laughing.
“Wow. I had a feeling this was gonna to be talked about.” Nari jested while smiling.
“Yeah, it really needs to be brought up more. It's becoming troublesome.” Dam-Bi added with a straight face.
“We have multiple pictures of you touching the members butts, is there a magnet or…? What do you have to say for yourself?” Jonathan held up a collage of at least 20 pictures.
Aecha giggled nervously, pupils shaking as she scanned the paper. “Um, how do I respond to this?-" The studio audibly laughs around her- “their butt's are very satisfying to squeeze, like a fidget toy you know?” Her hands were squeezing the air in a very, *questionable* way.
“Ok, that's nice, but can you please put your hands down? I don't want our show to be rated 19+.”
A/N: whoops, guess who made this in a rush instead of studying for their mock exams (*^3^)/~☆ i wasn't gonna post this but i spent so long trying to edit the graphic in my tablet so i thought i'd share ♡ creds to @/desi6ner for the template!
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justyoursicanon · 2 years
No need to call, when your already home
Summary: After the events of ‘Just A Call away’, holidays are right around the corner and Scout already packed up to go home. Luckily for him, Sniper decides to do his best friend a favor.
Along the way, the marksman recalls his blooming feelings for his best friend for the past 2 years, how will he deal with this as he joins him for the holidays as well as meeting his family?
Part 3 > Part 4 > Part 5
“Take turns and late night talks”
You may start reading! ^^
"And like holy shit! It was the best damn bed time story I eva heard my whole childhood!" Scout exclaimed. "But yea that's basically how Jack's whole writing gig became huge. And now I gotta help the asshole with his art cover, not that I mind at all, am hella excited!" Scout laughed.
Sniper nodded and hummed as he listened to Scout ramble more about Jack, from all the info he got for the past 5 hours of the trip. Jackson was Scout's second eldest brother, was one of the first out of all 8 of them to finish collage and from childhood he started to write and it turned into a career. "Sounds like a good bloke, can't wait to meet him." Sniper slips out, and immediately regrets it. What if Scout didn't actually want him to meet Jack?
"Oh your so gonna love Jackass! I know you like fantasy and horror type shit so I bet ya gonna like some of his other works." Scout quickly replies. Sniper let out a small sigh of relief, and slightly flushed at the mention of his interest in novels. He didn't expect Scout to remember any of his interests.
Silence fell upon both of them for the next hour, the air comfortable and cold as the night as it flew through the window, it made Sniper shiver slightly. Even with his folded up long sleeves.
"Hey I think we should stop for the night, already got like what? Half n half a way through the trip? You go pass out ova here and I'll drive next." Sniper quietly chuckled. "And let you on the wheel for the night? Like I said mate, ain't letting ya drive my camper." Scout let out an exaggerated sigh while falling back in his seat. "And I thought I was da stubborn one." Scout muttered, getting another chuckle out of his friend.
Another few moments pass by during the drive, and Sniper finally came to a stop. "Finally! Man I thought u drank like 10 cups a coffee this morning and didn't tell me the whole trip!" Sniper hummed in response, slightly stretching and opens his car door to hop out.
Closing the passenger seat, Sniper finally relaxed and leaned onto the somewhat comfortable seat and sighed, taking off his glasses as he looks out the window and at the clear midnight sky. "Alright let's get this damn thing moving." "Oi, watch it ya gremlin, this things my prized possession." "Yea yea whateva legs now go sleep." Sniper playfully rolled his eyes and tilted his hat over his eyes, steadies his breathing and tries to fall asleep.
Not even 10 minutes later, a smooth and musical tone can be heard in the camper. Sniper slightly tilts his hat away from his eyes and they land on the radio, where the small screen and non clear numbers glow brightly. Did Scout turn on the radio?
Soft humming can be heard beside him, as well as the distant drumming of fingers tapping on the wheel.
Sniper might as well use this as an advantage and listen to his friend's humming to sleep.
He really couldn't
Throughout the whole ride of 5-6 hours, Sniper couldn't stop thinking about his feelings for Scout.
He thought about confessing at some point of the holidays.
Which he obviously scratched off and continued thinking.
Scout.. Was really a miracle to Sniper. At least one of the closest friends he has ever gotten with. Besides Demo and Engineer being close seconds.
Don't get him started on Spy, he picks information as fast as he changes his cigarettes.
Back to the point, Scout was someone Sniper deeply cared for. He didn't wanna ruin anything between them.
Even if the thought of dating the runner sounds amazing.
Sniper also knew how much of a risk this was, dating a coworker? Confessing to your best friend? Hell he didn't even know if the guy was even into blokes!
Sniper let out a big sigh, alarming his forgotten friend who paused his little tapping session on the wheel.
"You alright Snipes? Can't sleep?" Sniper didn't reply, hoping Scout would think he only shifted in his sleep.
"Don't try to fool me Legs I can see ya mouth moving up." Scout grinned and smacked the hat away from his face. Sniper chuckled and put his hat back on.
"Nah but for real, can't sleep? Last thing I remember is you somehow sleeping on that one mission we had when we had ta bunk and you." He points his index finger at Sniper, but his eyes were still glued to the road ahead of him. "Somehow slept the whole night while Heavy was snoring like a goddamn bear!" "Oi I was bloody cold and tired at the time! Needed to get all the sleep I can get!" Sniper defended, and playfully smacked the others shoulder.
Scout laughed along, both his grip tapped hands landing on the wheel again, and silence fell upon them.
"Anything specific keeping you up?" Sniper didn't reply at first, trying to gather his thoughts and give a reasonable answer. "Just.. A bit nervous meeting your mum and all." Scout slowed the brakes, letting the camper slow for a few moments. "Oh don't sweat about it man! My ma's real nice, too sweet for her own good. Bet she'll love a guy like ya!" Scout reassured, flashing the marksman a smile. Sniper smiled back. "I hope so." He mutters. "Thats da spirit!" Scout patted his shoulder. "But anyways go ahead and get some rest, don't want ya actually drinking 10 cups a coffee when ya wake up."
Sniper rolled his eyes, his smile never leaving his lips.
"alright, Goodnight Roo."
"Night Snipes."
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ilopisara · 4 months
21.05. 20:31 | Ilo Pisara vs Okilly Dokilly 3 - 8
Alright, folks, let's dive into this disaster of a game. We got absolutely clobbered by Okilly Dokilly with an 8-3 loss. VETOJA HYVÄT HERRAT! Seriously, what were we doing out there? Teppo Winnipeg, buddy, you’re supposed to be moving the puck not playing hot potato with it! Two shots on net from six attempts? That's like trying to hit a barn door and missing! Yuri Tarde was our only bright spot—two goals and one assist while going nine for nine in shot attempts. You must have been channeling your inner sniper because everyone else looked like they were shooting blindfolded. Jani Saari... eleven giveaways?! Are you kidding me? Were you passing the puck or handing out free samples at Costco? Historically speaking, we've had some ups and downs recently: squeaked past FENIX (3-2) and METINATAJI LV (5-4), but also got roasted by Edmonton Broilers (1-7). This inconsistency is killing us faster than my cholesterol levels after Thanksgiving dinner. Looking ahead—we need more Yuri Tardes stepping up if we're gonna turn this ship around before it sinks completely. And Jani Saari needs to stop giving away pucks like they're Halloween candy. So buckle up boys; it's either onward Ilo Pisara or back into tragicomedy territory—you decide!
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3xm-draconic · 7 months
The Jester and The Courier: a wild wasteland love.
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Chapter 1 (p2): Breathing in the Chemicals.
(Sorry had to split this into 2 parts, computer crashed while writing)
“Pair of queens” Cass smiled as she laid her cards on the table, “3 kings” Boone grinned as he laid his hand down, “Royal Flush!” Raul proudly announced as he took all the winnings, Gannon just dropped his hand of random junk cards and drank his beer “I’am never playing poker with you lot again”.
Lily smiled and laughed “I’am glad my little pumpkin’s friends are having fun” as Ulysses and Joshua helped her in the kitchen to make fried gecko steak sandwiches.
Rex playfully chased Ed-E around the living room, “Myrtle’s been gone for a while Booney…maybe we should go check on her” Cass looked to the sniper as she sipped her whisky, “yhea your right Cass, I’ll go and-” the door suddenly flung open…
“GANNON, JOSH, GUYS I NEED HELP!” Myrtle screeched as she rushed inside…carrying the naked body of some random dude…
“WHOA JESU-” Arcade started but was swiftly glared at by Joshua, “what the heck is going on, who’s the naked dude?” Cass gasped, “I ain’t got the foggiest idea, he literally dropped out of the sky on me, Gannon, Graham hurry he aint breathing!” Myrtle snapped.
Myrtle draped the body onto the couch, Gannon and Josuha immediately got to work. “Myrt we are gonna need some psycho to restart his heart” Gannon said as he took the man’s pulse, “I’ll hold him still so he won't hurt himself when he awakens” Joshua  nodded as he carefully held the man, Myrtle took out a syringe of psycho and injected it into the man…
He woke up screaming his head off and laughing like a nut, he headbutted poor Joshua and grabbed for a syringe to stab Gannon when Myrtle tackled him in a choke hold…
“Yo yo yo easy little buddy, just calm down”, the crazy bastard instead stabbed the syringe of med-x into her neck as he flailed about, “ok, ok I think it’s nap time for you” she said as she tightened her grip. Slowly he started to stop flailing…till he stopped and slumped back to being unconscious again.
“Well that was fucking stupid, he’s obviously a raider or someother culo loco” Raul gawked as Cass helped up Joshua and Boone checked Gannon to see if he had gotten hurt, “you don’t know if he’s a raider, he might have just had a bad reaction to psycho” Myrtle said as she dislodged the syringe from her jugular.
“You said something about this wack-job falling from the sky on you?” Boone grumbled, “yep, he came zooming out of the stratosphere at me like a damn rocket”, “I’am surprised he ain’t dead from impact” Gannon mumbled.
Josua left to clean up his face-bandages, his nose had bled under them “well when he wakes up we will have to see what to do about him” he herumfed.
Ulysses and Raul scrounged around for extra clothes for the guy to wear, cant have a dude with his wang-jangeler hanging out on the couch, “Myrt are you ok?...” Ganon looked to his friend worriedly, “yeah I’am fine, it ain’t the first time I’ve both been stabbed and on drugs before” she then promptly passed out.
When she awoke she heard laughing…but not her friends laughing…
A high-pitched crazed laugh that bellowed and giggled…the laughter of a mad man… 
Ulysses walked into her room “You NEED to deal with this, YOU brought it here YOU deal with it…”
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, Vigilantes 86, Replies
1) “Been quite some time but I remember the gist of it: Pop in a coma, Koichi as a sniper and Soga being useless. Yep, that`s where we were, so, let`s jump in and see what`s going to happen next, on Chapter 86: Masked Fighting Tournament.
Huh… This title does not bode well for this chapter, does it?”- Well, It’s bad for the present arc’s pacing, but honestly, this and the final few storylines of Vigilantes stuck out more in my head than the in-between stuff we had from the beginning chapters up until Bee Pop, so I honestly think this is some of the more enjoyable stuff Vigilantes has, unclear timelines be dammed.
2) “Yeah, phelps is trying to tell those dudes to fuck off, but they refuse to leave.”- Pretty much the same as it’s been since chapter 1 then?
“Now you`re telling me that he donated for this hospital in case something like this happened? Or am I jumping the gun and that`s not what we`re doing?”- It’s possible it was part of his plan for Capturing Tamao and simultaneously giving her the medical aid she needed, donating to several hospitals in order to have a support network available to receive her immediately no matter where he confronted her within the city. That, or they’d also double as a fallback option for himself if he got badly hurt whilst out on the job.
3) “Oh, now you know exactly who`s to blame, right? If he had donated more money they could`ve built a secure checkpoint rather than relying on three criminals harassing everyone that shows up.”- Sadly, access to his amassed bank account details were one of the few things Knuckles didn’t succeed in passing along to Koichi via Soga as an intermediary.
4) “…
I don`t know why but something is not sitting well with me. Why do I have the feeling we`re about to know some info that will greatly annoy me? I already know for a fact it must be about Knuckles, but I shiver at thinking what else he is gonna bullshit us about.”- How about teasing us off this current plotline for an entire flashback arc about his investigation into the proto-trigger drugs? 5) “Although we haven`t seen much of him acting as a hero, not before AfO gave him a affectionate headpat, so this might be interesting… The manga about Vigilantes is gonna talk about heroes again.”- Technically, we see him acting as a hero here, but in such a manner that it’s clearly leading into his eventual bread-and-butter tactics and persona as a vigilante, effectively meaning that we get both hero and Vigilante in operation at once. 6) “…
Wait what
What- What?
Where just gonna jump into a flashback, just like that?”- All flashback, all chapter, all the way. 7) “Ohhhh…. Not vigilantes, I see, it`s a illegal fighting ring by the looks of it.”- Not quite a vigilante yet, anyway, but certainly already taking steps to becoming one… 8) “Illegal stuff, I like it, finally we`re going in the dark side of society, with no black or white morality attached to it, just a bunch of people wanting to have fun beating the everloving fuck out of each other.”- Knowing that, was  it really so surprising seeing Rappa’s entrance into the narrative? 9) “Also, where does Knuckles fit into this? Because the way we`re going this flashback might end before we even get to the fun part”- Honestly, Rappa’s entrance into the chapter already made it a highlight for me. Koichi could have really done with a punch-loving guy like him to sharpen his edge against in a fight once Knuckles went awol on him. 10) “Hold on, he needs a sip before he can scream and writhe in agony.”- He’s chugging beer to regain Health – he’s secretly a Yakuza character! “Ohhhh- I now know where Midoriya`s father went, I wasn`t expecting this tie-back to the main series.”- Not the only one you’ll be seeing in this ring…. 11) “ooooookay what even the fuck
What you mean by stream? Wasn`t this place supposed to be a secret illegal ring? Why are you announcing it online?”- Illegal, yes, but I get the impression it was A) small-time stuff they were expecting to fall under the radar for a while to rake in some profit, and B) utterly disposable to the actual organisers, who can take the funds and flee should any police efforts be made to shut the club down, allowing them to start up again under a new name in another location. 12) “ALSO HOW LONG IS THIS FLASHBACK GONNA BE? I THINK WE`RE ALMOST HALFWAY THROUGH THE CHAPTER ALREADY, IS IT GOING TO BE ALL OF IT?”- All of it and more, it’s a whole new arc, completely disconnected from Koichi’s current predicament!... mostly. 13) “So much for an underground secret club, this shit is a convention center open for rent what the hell
the heroes were really lax back then by the looks of it, what the fuck”- I do get the sense that there is a noticeable disconnect in police and hero efficiency between both the main series and vigilantes, but I’m also generally willing to give it the benefit of the doubt here and there, since I find the overall story an enjoyable read. 14) “Oh shit, we`re going back to trigger by the looks of it
so it has some involvement of AfO, even if not directly.”-Technically, if the timeline (even if slightly wonky) is correct, then this would be Knuckles’ first real encounter with the drug, and thus, the trigger-point for everything that happened connected to it since, leading up to the current building climatic confrontation between Knuckle’s protégée and his evil Knockoff. 15) “Ha.Ha.
The whole hero name was just a long-plan to make this fucking pun, wasn`t it?”- I honestly would not have put it past Furuhashi. 16) “Huh, is that a proto-design of your future vigilante costume? It seems like it, and the timeline spirals in on itself like we`re in the end of Uzumaki
Or was it at the beginning of it? Can`t tell for sure…”-The seeds of the Janitor are definitely in there, but he doesn’t quite yet have the fight-happy joy his future persona will…in fact, his current opponent seems to have more of Knuckles’ bloodlust than Knuckles himself doe, even if it’s beginning to show a little towards the end there. 17) “Another pro hero in a undercover mission of course, their backup is waiting on the other side of the parking lot, and both sides are unaware of each other.”- Definitely not a pro hero, though arguably the most good-natured of the Hassaki, which, given he’s facing what will eventually become Knuckles, seems oddly karmically balanced out. 18) “A hug? Maybe? We can talk this over if he is not cool with it.”- Rappa’s a simple guy, with a simple wish. Punching. Short, simple, easy to wrap your head around. 19) “WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE
ALL THE WAY BACK LIKE CHAPTER 140 SOMETHING”- I find it funny/awesome that Rappa, an otherwise-unremarkable mook in the grand scheme of MHA’s story, proved to have enough enjoyable presence and personality out of all of the Hassaki to earn a cameo appearance in Vigilantes, over even Overhaul or the other higher-ranked members – and even got toleave a lasting impression on Knuckles, going by the chapter ending. 20) “IT IS HIM
THE FUCK”- Hilariously, this means that rather than get rappa a custom-made mask like the other members had, he was already wearing one 24/7 that was close enough in appearance that they just sewed a bird beak on it and called it good.
21) “THEY ARE CHIT-CHATTING, I THINK THE CHAPTER IS GONNA END BEFORE THEY ACTUALLY FIGHT”- It’s the trash-talk necessary to hype up the crowd before the bell rings, but honestly, I think Rappa’s philosophical views here wound up having more of an impact on Knuckles than he was expecting. 22) “OH MY GOD THEY ARE REALLY CHATTING
YOU TWO GET ON WITH THIS BULLSHIT BEFORE THE CHAPTER ENDS”- A good fight is like a good meal, you can’t rush it, lots of preparation has to go into the dish before you start cooking. 23) “WE SAW ONLY TWO PANELS OF IT, IT BETTER FUCKING NOT BE OTHERWISE I`LL BE PISSED.
KNUCKLES, GET BACK THERE AND GET YOUR ASS BEATEN PROPERLY”- Oh don’t worry, Knuckles likes the taster he’s got of what Rappa’s cooking up…. 24) “OH YOU FUCKING- THE FLASHBACK IS GONNA LAST ANOTHER CHAPTER
AND JUST WHEN WE GOT RAPPA BACK”- On the plus side, it means we get more Rappa next time! @thelreads
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zoeykallus · 3 years
My Beloved Enemy
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Crosshair x Female!Reader (FF)
Warnings: None yet. A little cat and mouse kinda situation though.
Author's Comment:
YES I did use a certain REBELS Episode to inspire me for this Chapter.
Here we go my first FF with Crosshair, gotta say I'm kinda excited, I hope I'll do our grumpy sniper with the scorching hot gaze justice.
I'm gonna make a lot of things up, like charakters and places, just to not collide too much with canon stuff. There will be a few charakters we all know, amongst others The Bad Batch of course.
Oh and I took the freedom to leave out his burning scar, because I like his grey hair, sue me.
You are a rebel and every now and then, you collaborate with the former Bad Batch. You're on a solo mission when you unexpectedly run into a former member of Clone Force 99 - Crosshair. Standing on opposite sides, your first encounter is understandably rather complicated.
Following Chapters:
Part 2 - Hot And Cold
Part 3 - Hello Kitten
Part 4 - Look Who’s Back
Part 5 - Rebel Darling
Part 6 - Burning Anger
Part 7 - Love And Pain
Part 8 - A Difficult Reunion
Part 9 - The Bitter Taste Of Blood And Failure
Part 10 - Where The Dead Ships Dwell
Part 11 - A Lonely Firefly In Space
Part 12 - Broken Wings
Part 13 - A Helping Hand
Part 14 - The Justifier
Part 15 - The Bounty
Part 16 - Trapped
Part 17 - I Love You Too
Part 18 - When The Past Catches Up With Us
Part 19 - I've Never Been Good At Goodbyes
Part 20 - Unexpected
Part 21 - The Question
Part 22 - Sleepless Nights
Part 23 - Sleepyheads And Making Up
Part 24 - Crosshair's Conclusion
Part 25 - Good Soldiers Follow Orders
Part 26 - I'm Sorry Kitten
Part 27 - Bracca
Part 28 -Rampart
Part 29 - It's All Tactics
Part 30 - CT 6116
Part 31 - Of Wolves And Sheep
Part 32 - Dying Hope
Part 33 - Hero Of The Day
Part 34 - When The Wolf Eats The Sheep
Part 35 - The Shepherd
Part 36 - The Toll It Takes
Part 37 -Blowing Off Steam
Part 38 - Not Exactly Private
Part 39 - Accusations
Part 40 – Tension And Anger
Part 41 - Unloved Truths
Part 42 – Harsh Words
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My Beloved Enemy 1 - Crash Landing
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Things had changed a lot. After Kamino fell and his brothers left him behind again, a small Imperial troop transport had picked him up and taken him to the Star Destroyer Black Wolf. Crosshair was stationed there, working under Commander Payne. He continued his life as a soldier in the service of the Empire, trying to forget that his brothers had turned their backs on him again. Or had he turned his back on them? Sometimes he wasn't so sure anymore. As with many other things. It had all seemed so simple in the beginning, he was a soldier and he fulfilled his duties. But his brothers had resisted and turned against him. In retrospect, he didn't really feel remorse or anything like that, but he sometimes silently questioned one or the other decision of his superiors. Nevertheless, he continued to carry out orders, fulfilled his duty, he was a good soldier, one of the absolute best the empire had, he did not want to be more, he was born for it, he found fulfillment in it, was satisfied with it. However, he had no idea how much his life would soon change.
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It was colder on the Star Destroyer than you were used to. The imperial uniform you had taken from the female sergeant didn't fit you properly; it was a little too loose at the thighs and too tight at the chest. But the uniform would serve its purpose. You didn't have to hold out long, just long enough for your droid to download the necessary data from the main computer. You had reprogrammed one of the Imperial protocol droids to collect data unobtrusively before quietly running off with reams of tactical data for the Rebel movement, preferably in a T-Fighter without a transponder. That was the plan.
You stood in the hallway outside the server room and looked out. So far, only two soldiers had passed by. None of them had been particularly interested in your presence. Still, you weren't comfortable; some instinct told you that something was going to go wrong here and now.
Nervously, you shifted your weight from one foot to the other.
A moment later, a figure turned into the hallway. A tall, slender man with broad shoulders. He wore the uniform of a trooper, but it was black, not white. You couldn't tell where he was looking because of his helmet, but it seemed like he was just looking straight ahead, at his holo pad, so you hoped he wouldn't even notice your presence.
Your heart was pounding up to your throat. What the hell was taking that damn droid so damn long!!!
Just as you were about to take a deep breath, since the trooper had already passed you, the man suddenly stopped, looked up from his datapad, and turned to face you. Suddenly, panic rose in you. The trooper came back and stopped right in front of you.
He checked your uniform and finally said in a slightly raspy, deep voice, "May I ask what you are doing here, Sergeant?"
You tried to sound neutral as you replied, "Waiting for my superior officer, sir."
Wait, was he higher in rank than you? Should you have called him sir? Should he have asked you questions? You didn't know.
It was frustrating that you couldn't see his face, so it was much harder to figure out what he was thinking or planning.... His gaze lingered on your pretty face for a while, then on the blouse of your uniform.
"You should get the measurements for your uniform taken. It's too tight," he said dryly.
You look down at yourself, finally just nodding mutely in agreement, hoping he would just keep walking.
Finally, he turned around and went on his way. You caught a glimpse of his figure, slim but well-toned, obvious, broad shoulders, his back showing a respectable V-line all the way to his hips.
"Damn,"you thought, "I don't think I've ever seen such an attractive imperial before." Even though you hadn't seen his face yet.
The Trooper was only three steps away when an alarm sounded and echoed through the corridors of the Star Destroyer. The trooper stopped short. In the next moment, the communication device cracked and the droid's tin can voice blared, "I'm sorry Mistress, we're having some problems, I haven't managed to download the information without the alarm to..."
Hastily, you turned off the communication device.
Of course, the trooper heard that. You had forgotten to switch your communicator from the wrist unit to the earpiece. He had turned back around and was looking at you. The datapad fell to the floor as the trooper clenched his hands into fists.
"Oh damn," you cursed in a hushed voice.
"Rebel scum!" he growled.
You weren't a fighter, you'd never been trained, you were a pilot, a damn good one even, and an even better cook, but firefights or hand-to-hand combat were far from your strengths. Now you were facing a high-ranking trooper against whom, as you well knew, you didn't stand the slightest chance of winning.
"I can explain that," you stammered out sheepishly.
Almost amused, the Trooper raised his head and replied cockily, "Well, I'm looking forward to that explanation."
You opened your mouth as if to reply, but then quickly turned on your heel and ran off. You didn't have to turn around to know the Trooper was following you because you heard his quick, heavy footsteps on the metal floor behind you.
Adrenaline gave you a good boost. Fortunately, you were able to avoid meeting other troopers until you reached the escape pods. You didn't know how far you were from the pursuing trooper, and didn't dare turn around. You hastily swung into one of the pods, hurriedly started the launch sequence, and literally hit the switch to close the pod when you sensed you weren't alone, just as the pod fell out of the Star Destroyer.
At first, you didn't dare turn around. You stood there frozen. With fingers now trembling, you entered the destination and hastily scrambled the access so that your guest could not change the trajectory. Finally, you slowly turned around.
There he was, the trooper in his black armor. He had no weapons with him; neither did you. But unlike you, he didn't need weapons to deal with you.
In that small, confined space, so close together, you only realized how tall the man really was. As he came at you, you flinched, but bumped into the console, there was no way out.
You stared at his helmet.
Automatically, you pleaded in a soft voice: "Please don't hurt me".
He seemed to pause in surprise. Probably he was used to more aggressive behavior from rebels. He looked at you intently and finally said, "I won't unless you give me a reason to".
Now you were a little surprised yourself, because normally Imperials were not very sociable or forgiving with people like you. But you guessed that a soldier of his rank probably had enough experience to realize that you weren't exactly a fighter. He didn't exactly see you as a threat.
He made a gesture with his hand that meant you should step aside and let him go to the console.
Somewhat hesitantly, you complied with his request. The escape pod was so tight that the two of you almost bumped into each other, although you stepped so far to the side that your back touched one of the walls.
You were so close that you could smell him, the soap he had used.
The closeness, the smell, his presence, were intimidating and attractive at the same time. Your mind wavered between fear and a certain excitement that you didn't yet comprehend.
He glanced at the console, tried a few inputs, and finally sighed.
"You're not a fighter, but you're obviously gifted in other ways," he said quietly in his deep, raspy voice that sounded a bit like what you'd imagine a coiled snake would sound like.
He turned his head in your direction, which automatically made you even more nervous.
"Decrypt the console," he asked you sternly but calmly.
Unable to raise your voice, you shook your head in denial.
He took a deep breath and said with a slightly somber undertone, "Decrypt the console or I'll have to change my mind about hurting you.
Your eyes widened, but you shook your head again. When he tried to reach for you, you jerked to the side, just a hair's breadth away from his fingers. But where would you go? You fled back to the far corner of the pod. He straightened up and came at you, slowly, but with tense muscles, as you could see. He was braced for resistance.
When he was almost there, you tried to escape in panic. In the process, you somehow managed to knock off his helmet. The surprised look in his golden brown eyes was almost amusing if the situation hadn't been so serious.
You charged at him, ramming the surprised soldier off his feet and into the console. A high-pitched chirping alarm told you that this must have been a fatal mistake. You had damaged something; in any case, the escape pod was trundling wildly, leaving its normal course.
So instead of heading for the desert planet Geonosis, where you should have met the others, the escape pod was now heading for the moon beyond.The capsule entered the atmosphere and crashed onto a white surface that gave way, the capsule plunged into a cavern below, finally coming to an abrupt stop and throwing the two passengers to the ground. You both lost consciousness.
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Wrecker paced nervously, even Tech was a little nervous by now and kept looking up from his data pad.
"She should be back by now," Wrecker grumbled in his deep voice, running his hand over his scarred bald head.
"I know, Wrecker," Tech replied in a calm voice, pushing his goggles up the bridge of his nose.
Hunter had sent those two to pick you up here. Every single one of them had been against this stupid idea of sneaking you onto a Star Destroyer, but you had insisted, and the fact that The Bad Batch shouldn't show their faces on an Imperial Star Destroyer played a significant role.
"What do we do if she doesn't come? If she's captured?" asked Wrecker nervously, looking anxiously at his brother.
Tech sighed softly. He really preferred not to answer that. He wouldn't know how they were going to get you out of a Star Destroyer.
"She wasn't captured," he simply said instead.
Wrecker leaned against the shuttle and grumbled, "How can you be so sure?"
"I'm not, but anything else would be fatal. Y/N has a knack for wriggling out of dangerous situations, you know that," Tech replied, glancing at his holo pad again.
"Oh," he said suddenly.
"What?" asked Wrecker, lurking.
"There was an unforeseen Escape pod launch, but the transponder signal dropped out. Could have landed anywhere," he muttered.
"Oh great. That's Y/N for sure! How do we find her now?"
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Crosshair woke up from his unconsciousness with a mild headache and a sore shoulder. His grey hair was all messed up from wearing his helmet all day. He growled a low curse, slowly straightened himself into a sitting position, and looked around.
The pod was damaged but the shell was intact. However, he saw at first glance that the transponder was useless. You lay to his left. In the crash you had lost your uniform cap, Your lips were slightly parted. You lay on the hard metal floor of the pod, the too tight blouse had opened a little and he could see a little of your tasteful cleavage. All in all, he thought you were exceptionally pretty, he'd noticed that before. And if he wasn't so angry about the crash and the fact that you were one of the rebels, he could even enjoy the sight and imagine asking you to go out with him.
But of course, fate had brought the two of you together under very inopportune circumstances. When he reached for your neck to feel for your pulse, you jumped at his touch and slapped his hand away. You looked confused and a little panicked when you tried to straighten up but lost your balance and fell with your back against the wall of the pod. "Get your hands off me!" you demanded with a rough undertone in your voice.
He glared at you with his golden brown eyes, one of wich encircled with a Crosshairs tatoo. "I just wanted to take your pulse. Look what you did! We ended up in damn nowhere and the transponder is gone! Outside the pod there are freezing temperatures and no one will come looking for us." You snorted: "They won't be looking for you, but my people will definitely come to pick me up"
As you spoke, you did a few taps on the communication device on you wrist. He laughed humorlessly "Clever, a com with a long-range transponder function. Could be one of my brohter's ideas" You smiled smugly. But the smile froze when you saw that he was smiling too and cast a strange look at the device on your wrist. "Don't even think about it," you pressed out warningly.
Your eyes met. "I bet I can reprogram the transponder to an imperial frequency. Then my people and not yours would pick us up" You rolled your sleeve back over the device, hugging your arm protectively. "You won't!" You hissed at him.
"What is your name?" he asked in a calm voice. "What?!" it came from your lips in disbelief. "Your name, Kitten? I'm assuming you have one," he repeated. "That does not concern you!" Crosshair sighed.
"My name is Crosshair" He noticed that you were going pale.
Could it be, could it really be him? How are the chances? The tatoo on his face should have already told you who he was, but in your panicked state you hadn't really noticed before. "I've heard that name before. You are one of the clones, of clone force 99." Crosshairs face became a stone mask. "I see, you met my brothers I guess. Did they sent you? Did Hunter sent you?"
“You betrayed them”
Crosshair looked downright hurt when he replied defiantly: "I did what was necessary, what the Empire asked of me" You shook your head in disbelief. "I'm not sure if you are looking for excuses for your actions or if you are really that blind and simple-minded," you said in a low, serious voice.
"The Empire is bringing order to the chaos that you rebels have created, you wretched remnants of a failed republic. We bring law and order to the galaxy" he spoke harshly “Good soldiers follow orders!”
You laughed out loud and without humor. "You are really serious, you really are that stupid. You call genocide law and order ?! Tyranny, persecution, disenfranchisement ... that is your idea of law and order?! You are either much more stupid than you look or abnormal fanatical. How can you be so blind to the injustices of the Empire? " Your words gnawed at him, you could see that clearly, but he decided not to go into it. Instead he reached out a big strong, gloved hand in your direction and said: "Give me the transponder" You shook your head once more.
"Your moral compass has obviously suffered a total loss at some point in your life and no, I will not give you the transponder voluntarily. I am aware that I have no chance against you in a fight. But you can be sure that I will give everything to defend the device "
Crosshair clenched his fists, then relaxed them again. "I don't want to hurt you, but I'll do it if I have to, don't make it harder for you than it has to be. If the Empire picks us up here, you'll get a fair trial."
You snorted again. "A fair trial? They will torture me until I have told them everything I know about the rebel movement, then I will be executed. If you are honest with yourself, you will know that too," you said in a calm, almost resigned tone. From one second to the next, he came up to you resolutely. You knew what he was up to, still holding the arm with the transponder on your wrist protectively.
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ohworm-writes · 3 years
Worm?! lol. Hiii, I’m new here. Could I please request some head canons for sniper mask (from high rise invasion) with a (preferably) male s/o? (As long as you’re comfortable with it.) I haven’t found any for males sadly. Hope you have a good day! Thanks sm.
Tenkuu Shinpan/High-Rise Invasion: Sniper Mask Boyfriend Scenario
high-rise invasion/tenkuu shinpan masterlist
‼ Sniper Mask Relationship Headcanons with a Male S/o ‼
Featuring: Sniper Mask, Yuri Honjo, Mayuko Nise, Kuon Shinzaki
Warnings: gun mention, violence mention, cursing, blood mention
a/n - i wanted to add a lot of detail since you said there weren't any male readers, so i apologize that it took so long. i also have another sniper mask scenario that should come out soon! enjoy!
content below the cut!
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coming to the high rise world was VERY unexpected for you
one second you're about to take a nap, right at the brink of sleep
the BOOM
you're on top of a building!
oh yeah, and there are murderers in masks right on your tail
not the afternoon you wanted, but it was the afternoon you got
you had been running from several masks, three of them right on your tail
you had been backed up near the edge of a building, the three of them circling yours you sat against the ground
when one of them slumped to the ground, dead
at first, you were confused, did he pass out maybe?
but then you saw blood and the other two dropping to the ground
no, yeah, they were all dead
you looked around for who could have done it
only to be met with another mask, a rifle at his side
you would have thought you were going to die if it weren't for the 3 girls by his side
why were 3 high school girls with one of the same kind of people that had tried to murder you?????
"Oh my god! Are you okay, sir?" A dark-haired girl ran forward and knelt down in front of you. You backed away from her, fear still coursing through you.
Your eyes landed on the masked man a few feet behind them, pointing a shaky finger towards him. "You! Why aren't you hurting us?" He stood up straight as all attention went to him, stuttering as the girl in front of you offered you a small smile.
"He won't hurt you, he'll only kill other masks, I promise!" You we're still skeptical of the group but decided it would be better than being stuck out here all alone. Silently, you took the girl's hand, letting her introduce you to the others.
When you were set in front of the masked man, he awkwardly gave his hand out for you to shake. "And this is Sniper Mask! He's scary, but-but, nice? Yeah, nice!" Yuri said, obviously unsure of her own words.
He extended his hand out for you to shake, and though you couldn't tell it, he was nervous beyond belief. He had just saved an extremely attractive guy and now he was no more than 2 feet in front of him!
"H-hey." Well, he fucked that up. You sighed, letting your shoulders slump as you took his hand, shaking it firmly. "Y/n, thanks for saving me Mr. Sniper Mask." You offered him a smile, to which his face instantly flushed, responding with nothing but a nod.
and that's where it began
at first, it was quiet between you and mr. mask
he didn't seem to make any moves to talk to you
hell, he didn't even seem to like being in the same room as you!
at least, that's from your perspective
from the other team, however...
"Kuon I-I don't. The command must of-" "Mr. Mask! You like Y/n! It's not the command, you do!" Kuon had been pestering Yuka for the past 30 minutes about her new idea. Obviously, it was nothing near the truth. It had to be the command malfunctioning.
"Admit it Mr. Mask! You're always looking at him and are fidgety whenever he's nearby!" Yuka sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as a blush crawled up onto his face. "Kuon it's not that I can assure you, I don't-" "If you won't admit it, I'm going to tell him!"
With that, Kuon dashed out of the room to find you. It took Yuka a few seconds to realize what the girl meant before he came barreling down the hall after her. "Kuon! Wait-"
Kuon didn't end up actually telling you that Sniper Mask liked you per se
but she didddd say that he wanted to talk with you more
and when he came up to the two of you, he apologized profusely for Kuon's behavior and dragged her off
but, the ordeal did help him to realize that no, this wasn't the mask's doing
he did actually like you
and little did he know that the feeling was mutual!
oh good gods you fell for him quick
you didn't even know why you liked him, but dear gods you did
you were terrified to confess to him
he barely ever shows emotion, so what are the chances he would show them to you?
well, it took him a while to confess to you, and only after you got injured by a mask did he spill
you had gone out with Mayuko to go find some supplies when a mask holding a machete came running at you two
it had cut your arm pretty bad, but you would live
Mayuko helped you wrap it up with some gauze she had found
when the two of you got back, the others (excluding Sniper Mask at the time) were all over you
you assured them that you could patch up your own wound, so you made your way back to your own room
expecting to be alone, you were surprised when Sniper Mask stopped you right outside your room's door
You held your injured arm close to your stomach, groaning as a sharp pain went through it. Your room was just around the corner, and once you were inside you could patch it up and go to sleep. At least, that's what the plan was originally.
What you didn't expect was the silent being of Sniper Mask to be laying against the door, his head shooting up as he heard footsteps. He turned his head towards you, eyes shifting from yours to your arm, and back to you.
"What happened." He said, but it came out in a much deeper tone than you had anticipated. A small blush found its way onto your face, your words catching in your throat as he leaned off of the door, making his way closer to you.
He was only a foot away, your breath hitched as his hand came towards you. He paused for a second, looking back at you, before grabbing your uninsured hand in his gloved one. Despite the fabric, his hands still radiated heat.
"I'm fine." You stated, but it didn't seem to do anything as he dragged you down the hall and up a flight of stairs. You were going to ask where he was taking you, when he grabbed one of the door handles, twisting it open and leading you inside.
There was nothing particularly special about his room, besides the rifle on his bed, of course. He let go of your hand the second the two of you were in the room, pausing a second after, before going to get a first aid kid.
You sat down on his bed, leaving the rifle alone. Unconsciously, your hands intertwined themselves together, trying to recreate the warmth he did just a few seconds ago. When he came back over, he was quick to take off your makeshift bandages and wipe the wound down.
You hissed in pain, grabbing one of his hands in the process and squeezing it to try and relive it. He gave your hand a reassuring squeeze of its own, quickly sanitizing it and dressing it with fresh bandages.
When he was done, you tried to let his hand go, but he squeezed it harder. You heard him let out a sigh, his face turning upwards as he looked at you. You couldn't see his eyes, but he was lost in yours.
Without thinking, he inched the bottom of his mask upwards with his free hand, just enough to reveal his mouth. Your heartbeat picked up, eyes widening as they flickered down to his lips.
In a second the lips you were staring at were pressed against your own. His lips were warm, the taste of coffee lingering from them. When he pulled away, you did nothing but look at him with adoration.
You cupped his face with one of your hands, your smile growing as he leans into the touch. "Y'know," he started, bringing his hand up to hold yours. "I've been meaning to ask you to become my boyfriend for a while."
"Is that so?" You asked him, earning a hum and a shrug in response. "Now seemed like a good time to ask." You chuckled softly at him, watching a smile form on his lips. "My answer is yes then, Sniper Mask."
it was hard to keep your relationship a secret from the girls
Kuon was glued to Yuma's side almost 24/7, so she caught on first
then it was a domino effect
the three of them were extremely happy for you two
they do tease you both from time to time though
Kuon is especially happy about the relationship
sure, she has a crush on Yuka, but she's happy to see the two of you together
he's very wary about it all at first
his group has been attacked before, and not to mention other masks that could hurt you
yes, he's a strong badass who could protect you no matter what
but it doesn't make him worry any less!
any time foreign masks come near, you better bet your ass they're gonna have a bullet hole (or two) in them
he loves to show off that you're his and vice versa
refers to you as "his boyfriend" a lot
also likes to say "i'm his boyfriend"
absolutely swoons if you call him "yours"
peppers your face with kisses any time he can
just giving you lots of kisses in general
likes to have you by his side most times
he always needs to make sure you're safe
you basically have your own bodyguard
usually sleeps with you on his chest and his arms wrapped around you
then again, he won't turn down being the little spoon~
genuinely fucking loves you and wants to make you know every second he can
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n6918 · 2 years
Its now night time in vale as Chronix can be seen at Blue crab (red lobster please don't sue us) eating and enjoying there time with the white haired God as outside RWBY JNPR and MEN can be seen watching them from outside with binoculars
Weiss: so why are we here
Emerald: to spy on that chronix guy and see how he seduced Cinder so we can save her
Mercury: yeah she's just jealous of Chronix, im here for the entertainment
Jaune: Weiss dragged us along for......reasons
Weiss: because i need witnesses to see all the crazy things that happen when that THING is around
Blake: Weiss your over reacting
Ruby: yeah just cause he's dating our combat teacher and one of the hottest students in school doesn't make him suspicious i mean we already know he's a immortal God
Neo: I'm here to snag some pics of his dick so I can sell it
Pyrrha: ah I see your an entrepreneur as well I for one dabble in the Arc brand
Neo: oooooh~ a fellow connoisseur
Jaune: excuse me?
Yang: yeah it doesn't get any weirder then that
Weiss: I don't care, wait there leaving the restaurant we have to follow them
Nora: oh boy HIJINKS!!!
Ren: I am in constant P A I N
And so Chronix can be seen walking threw vale with the 2 ladies who can be seen genuinely having fun with the white haired male while RWBY JNPR and MEN watch from a distance as the final scene changes to Chronix walking with the 2 woman threw a park as the 3 teams watch from a bush
Weiss: I don't get it we've been tailing them all night and NOTHING
Yang: I told you Weiss he's just a really good guy
Ruby: yeah had me waste my entire Saturday nig-[weapon senses start going off as she smells the air] what is that
Emerald: uuum whats she doing?
Mercury: I think shes on crack
Yang: no its ruby's weapon senses she must smell a powerful weapon nearby
Neo: W H A T
Nora: what is it ruby what is it girl
Ruby then smells the air before pointing at the tall building behind the 3 they are stalking as a white fang sniper can be seen on the roof with a high caliber dust sniper
Blake: that's a
Emerald: White fang assassin?!?!
Pyrrha: what are they doing
The white fang sniper then turns on there red dot sight as the 3 teams watch it land on the back of Chronixs head as he sits on a bench with Glynda and Cinder in each arm
Mercury: CRAP he's gonna get MERCed see what I did there
Jaune: hurry we gotta...
But before anyone could react a gunshot could be heard as a high power dust round Flys threw the air and hitting Chronix in the head as it passes threw his forehead as everyone stares at him in shock
Cinder: c-Chronix.....
Glynda: no...
Chronix unmoving pops the bullet out of his head as the hole quickly closes and he stands and faces where the assassin is perched before charging the bullet in his fingers
Chronix: E R A S E R. B E A M
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Everyone stares at Chronix shocked before he smiles and begins to escort glynda and Cinder back to beacon
Chronix: come on girls lets head back to beacon so I can properly end the night with a bang [grabs both there asses] also your not gonna be feeling these in the morning
As Chronix leaves with the blushing pair of women everyone else can be seen still in the bushes watching what just accured with pure shock as Ren passes out
Mercury: that was sick
Neo: i think I'm wet
Rubys brain:
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Blake: okay that's fine and dandy and all Weiss but let me ask you this.......why did the white fang just try to assassinate our friend
Not sure what you want me to add?
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uniquely-waffles · 3 years
Smash or Pass: Metal Gear Solid
This purely for shits and giggles and i blame Markiplier & Jacksepticeye for the inspo & idea. So this is me smashing & passing the MGS franchise. I’m doing all the games in the canon timeline (and that includes Rising) so Snake Eater is first and I'm going down the line. I am going off of the chronological order of the franchise cause that helps me remember all the games lol. Thank you Wikipedia and the MGS wiki for all the characters lol Again, purely shits and giggles cause i really do love this series. Also if you’re my MGS mutual, I'm not taking constructive criticism.
Metal Gear Solid 3 Naked Snake: Absolutely smash Major Zero: Pass Para-medic: Smash Signit: Smash Eva: Smash Ocelot: Smash The Boss: Pass (out of respect & cuz i’m not worthy) The Sorrow: Pass (cuz he’s dead) The Fear: ....Smash The Pain: Pass The Fury: Pass The End: Pass Volgin: Pass Raikov: Smash (he’s mine now Volgin fuck you) Sokolov: Pass Granin: Pass Johnny: Pass Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Big boss: Smash Kazuhira Miller: of course i’d smash! Paz Ortega: hmm.... smash i guess Zadornov: pass Amanda: smash Huey: ew, pass Strangelove: smash (yes please!) Hot Coldman: pass Cecile: smash (she’s very beautiful)
Metal Gear Solid 5 (Ground Zeros & Phantom Pain) Venom Snake: Definitely smash Kazuhira Miller: Smash Ocelot: Smash (i love this yeehaw bitch) Quiet: Smash me please Skull Face: It’s a pass for me dog Paz: Pass Huey: PASS (fuck you Huey) Code Talker: Pass Man of Fire: Hard Pass Zero: Pass Big Boss: Smash Metal Gear (MSX) Solid Snake: Smash Gray Fox: Smash Big Boss: Pass Dr. Magnar: Pass Kyle Schiender: Pass
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake: Solid Snake: Smash Roy Campbell: Pass Master Miller: Smash Gray Fox: Smash Kio Marv: Pass Holly White: Smash Gustava Heffner: Smash George Kasler: Pass Johan Jacobsen: Pass
Metal Gear Solid: Solid Snake: SMASH ME PLS Roy Campbell: Pass Meryl Silverburgh: Smash Otacon: i’m gonna smash the weeb Mei-Ling: smash Naomi Hunter: smashing for now Natasha Romanenko: smash Liquid Snake: I have to smash lol Psycho Mantis: Smash (for real) Ocelot: Pass (sorry old man) Vulcan Raven: Pass Sniper Wolf: Smash Donald Anderson: Pass Kenneth Baker: Pass Johnny Sasaki: Pass
Metal Gear Solid 2: Solid Snake: SMASH Otacon: Smash Raiden: SMASH ME PLS Colonel Campbell: Pass Rosemary: hmmm... Pass Olga Gurlukovich: Smash Sergei Gurlukoich: Pass Solidus Snake: Pass Ocelot: Pass Vamp: Smash! Fortune: Smash Fatman: Pass Peter Stillman: Pass Emma Emmerich: Smash Scott Dolph: Pass Richard Ames: Pass President Johnson: Pass Johnny: Pass
Metal Gear Solid 4: Old Snake: Pass (cuz he’s married to Hal) Otacon: Pass (he’s married to Snake) Colonel Campbell: Pass Naomi Hunter: Pass Liquid ocelot: Pass Meryl: Smash Johnny: Pass Ed: Pass Jonathan: Pass Raiden: Lovingly Smash Rosemary: Huge Pass Vamp: Smash Mei Ling: Smash Big Mama: ....Smash (she is still very beautiful even when she’s old) Drebin: Smash Laughing Octopus: Smash (she’s was the only BnB i liked) Raging Raven: Pass Crying Wolf: Pass Screaming Mantis: ....Pass Big Boss: Pass
Metal Gear Rising: Raiden: Smashing 24/7 Boris: Pass Kevin: Smash (he’s handsome) Courtney: Smash Doktor: Pass Sam: S M A S H Sundowner: Pass Mistral: Smash Monsoon: ....... Smash Armstrong: Pass
and i’m done thank god
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