#sniper au
dictearchive · 2 years
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riovano-sandrax · 2 years
Source is my fantasies about krs BCZ I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.ahem. 
Ok so we know that krs was a strategist in team 1 right? And from what we know even though he was a strategist he still went to the frontlines even if LSH and CJS told him not to.
And from what we know he didn’t have any other talents or skills like record (not instant bcz he gets that when he becomes team leader) 
So I had this idea that due to LSH and CJS opposition to him recklessly running to the frontlines, he decided to help them in ways other than strategy.
If you think that normal bullets or weapons won’t work on the monsters, which you are right but what if the sniper and bullets he uses are created from a special ability user.
I don’t really have a name for them or gender or really anything appearance wise, but you can have them be mysterious or something or you creat an identity for them if you like.
But their ability isn’t support or attack based, not even healing or anything else.
It’s creation. Only weapons tho, which is plenty of things so they were dubbed the ‘special’ grade 1 ability user bcz of how useful it is. I didn’t really think of any rules or backlash the ability might have but you don’t really need to explain that.
So about how they(special grade 1 ability user) create the sniper for krs is up to you.
But they should probably know each other beforehand so setting up the convo can be easier.
But krs will probably be really straightforward and just go to their workshop or wtv and ask them to create it. Everything else is up to you.
So about how you’re gonna start the Fic I really want you to include both cale(og krs) and og krs..when he was og krs? 😭 
Timeline can be after cale stabbed him self with a chopstick, (you should probably not include hunters cuz they’re a bitch and just toooooooo much) or a few years prior to that event when they just be chilling in the villa and cale Vibing with his slacker life.
I should have probably explained this at first since all the things I said about og krd is when cale is recalling a record when he’s at the training grounds at the villa or black castle/castle of light? In the FOD.
So liek the wolf kids be training with Choi Han and Hannah and one of them (your choice) ask cale if he knows how to wield any type of weapons.
We know cale would say no but for the sake of this Fic….he’ll tell them.
And his family should probably know about the transmigration but no need to write that it’s too much. But say that they know about it and they chill.
So when one of them asks this question all of them focus on cale bcz they want to know too. Especially Choi Han (if he isn’t the one who asked) since he knows about the weapons on earth.
So yea cale says he wields a sniper they ask what that is (add convo of your choice and other people present when this convo happens if you want) amd fast forward to when cale is sketching out a blue print for a sniper.yes. They go to the lab and shit and stuff stuff I don’t want to write too much about this bcz it’s not important details I trust you can take care of that. So Rosalyn and Eruhaben are there cuz if not then where would they be lol. Cale gives the blue print to Eruhaben and told the group to get out so he can start creating it (ik they should probably go to a blacksmith or weaponsmith….? Idk but sniper pretty complicated and literally from another world so it’s should be handled by gramps) Choi Han asks about the bullets and cale says he wrote the formula and materials to make the stuff inside a bullet (yk the powder thingy that’s black) on the blue print.
So fast forward two days later or how ever much you want. The sniper is created and literally all of his family at this point heard of this new weapon and they’re very curious so all of them gathered in the training grounds (all of them should be there but you can choose who to include in dialogue and narration so yea ppl can be there but you just don’t know..)
Oh yea cale should probably wear headphones or the equivalent of headphones in that world I guess should probably exist since winter and the cold exist so yea OH EAR MUFFLERS I think that’s what they called so yea that.
It’s 12 rn so I’ll finish this tomorrow but the outline right now is:
1-Someone ask cale about weapon. He creat blue print. He request grandpa to make weapon
2-during the time Eruhaben the creating the sniper he recalls a record which is what I told you about I DONT WANNA WRITE UT AGIAN A
3-weapon done. We go boom boom.
(I wrote this way before for one of my fav authors, but they’ve been busy lately so here do what you want with it)
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lenny-link · 6 months
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TF2 x Steven Universe ⭐️
guess who’s bacc with another crossover au that nobody asked for 😎
pls dont ask me about lore/story/drawing fusions i have no idea i just wanted to draw the mercs as gems lol
but id love to hear ur ideas!
edit: if you ever wanna draw about this go ahead! just tag me :)
edit2: Fusions !
edit3: Lore !
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redmarqar · 8 months
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i finally decided to design them all and i like it so far!! wonder if i'll be able to keep the designs without changing them a million times
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ato-dato · 6 days
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frenchoniontf2 · 2 months
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The chaotic bunch of emotions are all over the place but they're incredibly coordinated when they have a goal in mind to drive the mind, which in this case would be Ms Pauling!!
Oh yeah and Administrator's there too ig
Heres part 1 !
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manicpumpkindreamgirl · 2 months
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Tf2 zombie apocalypse concept I had for Scout and Sniper. I changed their outfits a bit but I wanted to stay true to the original looks
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leenabb104104 · 2 months
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Cross is sleepy, let him sleep! 😴 💚💕
@legacygirlingreen @thora-sniper @sukithebean @thecoffeelorian @neyswxrld @somewhere-on-kamino @clonethirstingisreal @royallykt @morerandombullshit @burningfieldof-clover @tbnrpotato @keantha @anxiouspineapple99 @justanotherdikutsimp @antisocial-mariposa
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avioid · 3 months
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i gothified them
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averageludwig · 5 months
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vamp au but i actually draw the other vampires in the au whatttt
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yjcorefourenjoyer · 5 months
I wanna see an au where Tim drake is a sniper.
think about it! Tim who has been watching from a camera now watching from a sniper. He’s already used to wait long hours just to get the perfect shot just now he’s using a different weapon, just him Staring through a lens watching for the smallest movement… who’s he hunting? Idk you choose
But like it would take some practice sure! but Tim would get the hang of it no matter what au he was in, and think of how the missions would go in this au! whether it was a superhero, vigilante or assassin mission any with sniper Tim would be so cool!
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dictearchive · 2 years
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cedarin · 8 days
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Stone age sniper is done!
I made two versions since i really enjoyed drawing his body and wanted to show him off hehe.
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lenny-link · 2 months
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Magma collab with my AMAZING friend @homkamiro ‼️‼️
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homkamiro · 7 months
im so NORMAL about your tf2 mlp au i love it so much im yelling about it forever please please more OMNOMNOM
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Winter wrap up, winter wrap up,
Let's finish our holiday cheer!
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up,
'Cause tomorrow spring is here!
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blingusdlingus · 9 months
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fuck it. my tumblrinas get an early look at the 2 page comic i did for my upcoming sonic riders zine. read it and weep folks.
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