#sneezy: explain
e-flo · 2 years
0 notes
wings-of-sapphire · 10 months
I watched Wish twice (once on early screening day and once on the offices release date) and I fuckin loved it. But I feel like while this was a great movie, it was Disney’s 100th anniversary one and it needed like twenty minutes more or so to develop the characters and make it a truly spectacular celebration of 100 years of Disney.
I recently read about the concept pictures for Wish— Asha being the daughter of Magnifico, Star taking a human form and having a relationship with Asha— and I liked the idea of changing up the “quirky main character” idea as well. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with girls like Rapunzel or Mirabel. They’re fun, they’re optimistic, they’re hardworking and determined. Buuuuut as more of a pessimist myself I found my favorite character to be Gabo. The short pink sarcastic side friend based off of Grumpy. Yes, the friends are based off of the seven dwarfs. But ANYHOW— I thought maybe a return to the Classic Disney Princess attitude would be nice. So I chose Kusco. Because he’s the best Disney Princess out there.
I’ve been rambling long enough. Full rewrite under the cut! Will explain more in future posts! Ask any and all questions you’d like! Now, presenting my Wish rewrite~
💫 Asha is the princess of the kingdom of Rosas. Her parents, Magnifico and Amaya, built Rosas after Magnifico’s old kingdom was burned by greedy Wishers who used magic to give them whatever they wanted, which led to their own destruction.
Asha grew up in her kingdom learning that because her father kept the magic in check and only he granted wishes, Rosas could stay safe and happy. Asha gives tours of the city to people who sail in, and as they give their wishes to Magnifico, Rosas grows stronger and safer.
Welcome to Rosas
(Though she’s on carpets and stuff and there’s servants swarming her and she’s comfortable while giving the tour— we see Asha being kind to the child of the tour group)
Asha puts on a happy face for the tourists. But the people of Rosas say they know the “real” her. They hate their princess, truthfully. But they love her parents.
Asha doesn’t really have friends. She’s above that. She’s a princess and her parents founded this kingdom that literally granted people’s wishes. Sure, she sometimes lingers in the kitchen to hang out with Dahlia, the head chef. And sure, sometimes she wished wanted to hang out with them. Dahlia and her six friends whom Asha could never remember the names of. She calls them nicknames based on their characteristics. Easy and efficient. Dahlia is Doc, since she always patches her friends up. She said Asha couldn’t call her friend Stoner, so his name is Dopey (Dario). There’s Happy (Hal), Sleepy (Simon), Sneezy (Safi), Bashful (Bazeema), and Grumpy (Gabo). They’re all close-knit and trust each other with everything.
Asha doesn’t have that.
But she’s their princess. And she remains that way. Untouchable. Unbreakable.
Until one day, Grumpy Gabo says she’s not above them for any reason other than her title. That if ranks were stripped away, she’d be talentless and left behind.
Of course Asha can’t have that.
Soooooo she sneaks into her father’s study to get some of his magic.
What? He has a ton of it.
But then stuff goes awry. Asha tampers with Magnifico’s forbidden books and… nothing happens.
Grumpy laughs at her and Asha threatens to have him imprisoned if he doesn’t treat his princess with respect. Dahlia and the gang stand up for Grumpy and Asha storms off.
Amaya tries to comfort Asha when she runs to her room and throws herself on her bed and cries, princess-style, and Amaya and Asha talk about how Asha dreams of a group of friends she can have fun with and trust, and Asha says her brain knows what her wish was, and it was to become the most powerful sorceress princess in the lands just like her papa. Amaya says that a dream is a wish your heart makes, and Asha’s heart didn’t want to be the untouchable princess of Rosas. Her head may tell her that, but everyone needs connections.
 It’s Magnifico that ends up cheering Asha up by bringing her to see the wishes of Rosas again.
At All Costs
Asha calls Magnifico “Papa” and Amaya “Mama” by the way
That night, Asha tosses and turns, and we see the magic swirls from the book start to gather around her, then shoots into the sky as she shoots up, panting.
Turns out she accidentally ripped a star out of the sky. Asha runs after the giant comet fall, where a young man is floating in a crater in the forest.
The star had taken the shape of a young man. Who can fly. And bring objects to life for a bit.
He’s glowing yellow and wears a dark teal-blue velvet cape and his glow turns pink when he spots Asha.
When Asha freaks out and grabs the boy— she’s calling him Star— and hides his glow with her pajama cloak, and asks how the heck did this happen?
Star shrugs and says he was just chilling in space when the force of someone’s dream pulled him down to land.
Asha quietly excitedly stims, saying she can’t wait to rub Star in Grumpy’s face, and Star is like please don’t rub me in someone’s face, sweetheart.
Asha glares at Star, who smirks.
Asha exclaims that anyways— she knew she was a powerful sorceress, and Star says he senses no magic on Asha.
Asha says she must’ve had magic in her, or else how could she have ripped a star from the sky?
Star says people can learn magic but right now, Asha was inexperienced. It was probably because of her connection to the stars.
That means—
No, it’s not just you. All people are connected to the stars.
You’re a Star
Asha takes Star back to her room and says they can’t let her dad know she used his books to summon Star— but maybe Grumpy would need more proof. Maybe she could sneak a peek at his book again, and summon more stars to prove to Doc and the gang that she has talent and she was sooooo qualified to be their fr— sorcerer princess.
She tells Star to stay put in her room, and she’d sneak out and take a quick look.
Star asks if he can come with.
He just got ripped from the sky and needs some more exposition than “I don’t know.” And he’s too impatient to wait for Asha to come back.
Asha says he’ll have to learn and Star magically locks the doors until Asha explains something about how he was brought here.
“You made trees dance the hula and we rode here on a singing deer.”
Star gives Asha a look.
Asha pinches the bridge of her nose and explains that her papa’s whole family was killed because of the greedy wishmakers. With him in charge, he gets to choose, and people are safe.
Star says that the people deserve more, and Asha snaps that get family decides what everyone deserves because they’re the rulers of Rosas.
Star smirks at her and says she’s adorable when she’s mad. But, she’s wrong. The people deserve a chance to get their wishes returned so they can become dreams that can be achieved by pure hard work.
Asha says they’re the same thing, and Star shakes his head. “A wish you give away. A dream you keep with you to work hard and achieve your heart’s goal.”
“Wow, you have a great personality.”
Asha rolls her eyes and says Star can come, but he has to be quiet.
In Magnifico’s study, Asha sees Star heading to the wish room, and before she can grab him, he opens the doors and sees the wishes of Rosas.
Star is amazed and Asha sighs and walks up next to them. She looks up and closes her eyes and bathes in the feeling.
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”
“Yeah… they are.”
Star quickly turns to look at the wishes above them, his glow pink.
They end up arguing again because Star wants to return the wishes to the people so they can become dreams once again and Asha says her father worked hard on protecting them
Out in the hallways, Asha ends up shoving Star into a nearby room when she hears Doc and her friends come by
Asha smooths down her skirt and holds her head high as she walks by and calls to Grumpy. She smirks and says unfortunately, they were incorrect about her being talentless. In fact, she was so powerful, she ripped a star from the sky.
She opens the door (which turns out led to the chicken coops) where Star was chilling in the sunlight where his glow looked normal.
“You brought us all here to check out your boyfriend?”
Asha rushes to explain that no, Happy, he was the star. She orders Star to step out of the sun.
Star crosses his arms.
“Excuse me?”
Dahlia and her friends all gasp and start planning Star’s funeral.
“Sorry, sweetheart, I’m a star. If you ever want your dream to come to fruition you have to be nice to people you want to befriend. Go on. Apologize and then ask me nicely.”
Dahlia and friends are now forgoing that funeral, there will be no remains left to bury.
But then Asha flares her nostrils, taps her foot, then glances at Doc. She averts her eyes and mutters, “sorry for being mean to Grumpy. Star, can you… can you please show them?”
Jaws: dropped. Wigs: snatched. Princess Asha of Rosas, apologizing and saying “please”? Sure, she cared for her people. But she never apologized if she accidentally ran into someone for walking in their way! It was her way! She was the only one who’s way mattered!
Star smiled and thanked Asha, then steps out of the sun to reveal his glow.
Jaws: even dropped-er. Wigs: even snatched-er.
After the initial “ooh”s, [something something]
Asha tells everyone that because she’s a star, she was able to be this powerful. They should all be impressed.
Star then corrects her by saying everyone was made of stardust and therefore had a connection to the stars and magic.
When Gabo laughs, Asha throws a fork at him and tells him to do that to himself.
Magnifico is calling Asha for a family meeting, and she says it’s probably about tonight’s wish ceremony. Dario’s Sabi who’s turning 100 today wants to get his wish picked. He doesn’t remember what it is as all wish-givers forget, but he knows it has something to do with his sickness. Asha tells everyone else to keep quiet about Star, or else. And with that, she leaves the room.
Star opens his arms and asks which of the group wants to help him commit a crime.
He wants to break into Magnifico’s study and return the wishes to the people of Rosas.
Gabo snaps at him that they can’t just steal from the king and queen, and everyone else agrees. But Dahlia purses her lips. “Why?”
Dario asks if he wants to betray his girlfriend like that, to which Star turns pink and rolled his eyes saying they were not dating, in fact, they were enemies! She was uptight and didn’t care about anything but her title, scoff!
“Uh huh. Sure, buddy.”
“Gabo, stop talking.”
“Yes Bazeema.”
Star explains that losing people’s wishes made them lose a part of themselves. The most beautiful part, their heart’s dream. He tells Simon that his heart is sad.
He asks that if he returns Simon’s wish back to him, and it does make him whole again, then would they believe him?
Dahlia shakes her head and says they wouldn’t be part of this. But… they wouldn’t mention anything to Magnifico or Amaya. For the time being.
Star thanks Dahlia, and she says this was for Simon. And if Asha also changes her mind, then that’s a bonus. Then she smiles. “Good luck, kid.”
Magnifico called Asha to talk with her and Amaya about a threat that’s happened to the kingdom. Last night, someone harnessed the magic of a star and ripped it from the sky, which disturbed the wishes and his magic. Someone has threatened him, and this was a warning that something was to come. He couldn’t let that fire happen again.
Amaya and Asha calm his worries, and Magnifico says he doesn’t want the people to lose faith in him. Amaya says she will explain to the people about the giant light last night since they were asking questions, but they shouldn’t let it worry them.
“Thank you, darling.”
“You’ve got this, papa. I’m sure whoever bashed that light meant you no harm.”
“Thank you, Asha.”
Star asks Asha to spend the day with him, to which she agrees until the wish ceremony that night. The two have a day in Rosas, Tangled-style. Romantic montage, beautiful moments, Star sneaking glances at Asha when she isn’t looking and Asha doing the same for him.
Star shows Asha how to be messy and see the beauties of life while Asha shows Star how she actually does have good in her and cares for her people, truly. Star gives Asha a small wand to practice some small magic as a gift. While she shows him the study, he sneaks into Magnifico’s office and steals Simon’s wish.
Star returns to the seven and gives Simon back his wish. His dream was to become the kingdom’s best knight— and now he could achieve that! They show Asha how much happier Simon is with his whole self again, and while Asha is happy for Simon and that the seven are being kind to her (after she’s been kind to them), she asks Star to promise not to steal stuff from her papa without running it by her first.
“I promise, sweetheart.”
Safi asks Asha if she can get her papa to grant his Sabi’s wish, or at least return it so he could have a chance at fulfilling his dream like Simon now can. Maybe it would reveal a way Sabino could live longer.
Asha hesitates.
In her room, Asha paces. Her papa said that if people kept their wishes, they’d be dangerous and bring another fire to burn down their kingdom. But Simon seemed so happy. She didn’t know what to do.
Later, in the wish ceremony, all her friends are happy and excited for Safi’s Sabi. Sabino only has a few weeks left to live, and if this month his wish is granted, Safi can keep his Sabi with him.
Asha did talk to Magnifico but Amaya reminded her of the dangers of people chasing wishes in the wind. They showed Asha that Sabi Sabino’s wish was too dangerous, his heart’s dream was live forever. Sure, he was sick now, but once he gets better from that, who knows what immortality will do? Magnifico revealed the true story of their home using magical glass shards—
Backstory details that’s tragic and sad
Basically a king wanted to be immortal and it led to him going insane which led to the destruction of his kingdom
He sent his son away before the whole place burned to ashes
Magnifico was that son
A Wish Worth Making (?)
Asha agrees with him that that can never happen, and Sabino’s wish must never be granted and only the royal family can keep Rosas safe.
At the ceremony
Magnifico doesn’t grant Sabino’s wish and Amaya makes a public statement about how wishes were kept with him to stay safe and anyone who tried to oppose that rule was a danger to everyone in Rosas and a traitor to the crown.
Star calls them out for this and while Simon hides his glow with his huge body, the seven create a ripple effect through the crowd with questions that question the king and queen’s authority. They bring up how Amaya reassured them but this contradicted her words. Magnifico ends the ceremony and storms up to the royal master room with Amaya.
Asha and Star have an argument, with her saying her parents were good people and him saying that Safi’s Sabi will die because her parents were scared, and with that Asha flares her nostrils and says that she is the princess, and as their superior, they should watch their tone before something bad happens.
Safi is heartbroken. Without that wish, his Sabi will die.
Dahlia comforts him, and Star steels himself.
Star tells the group that they’re going to steal all the wishes. And return the dreams of the people back to them. Especially Safi’s Sabi.
“But Asha—“
“I’ll tell her when she comes back. We need to do this now.”
Back at the castle, Magnifico is pacing angrily in his room with Amaya. How dare these people question them? They’re doing everything in their power to prevent that (points to a burned tapestry of young Magnifico and his family) from happening again!
This is the Thanks I Get?!
Amaya also joins in
Cutscenes of the seven + Star breaking into the wish room again
Meanwhile, Asha goes back to talk to her parents. Maybe talk to them about Sabino again, maybe tell them everything, who knows—
Wait. There’s a noise in the wish room.
Asha uses her magic wand to open it and sees Star using his magic to lift the roof open to free the wishes. But it isn’t enough. They need more people; the roof is too heavy.
There’s a small magic scuffle with Asha and her wand against Star and his magic, and Asha ends up beating Star (much to his surprise and he’s totally not turned on by this which is why he’s bright red he’s not at all attracted to powerful women). Her heart breaks and she yells at him and all the seven and says if they ever show their faces around her again she’d banish them from Rosas.
“Don’t call me that name! Just— just go!”
“Asha, please. Safi’s Sabi—
Star stays and says he’ll be back to free the wishes and return them to the people. Sabino’s sickness has gotten worse, and he can’t wait another month for Magnifico to turn him down once again.
Asha snaps and yells at him a lot and blames him for everything that’s happened lately, the chickens, and the chalk drawing, and the dancing in the city square, and especially that sticky feeling in her chest when Star’s giving her those sad looks. So she doesn’t want to see him again.
She goes to snitch then sees the Epic Celestial Villains her parents had shifted into. Both of them used forbidden magic in the other section of the book Asha used. She asked if she had forbidden magic in her too, but they tell her she wasn’t powerful enough to handle this magic.
Their magic swirling fog is telling them via shapes that Asha was the one that ripped a star from the sky.
They’re acting different— they barely acknowledge Asha and demand that she tells them where Star is.
They crushed wishes to give them power, and Asha is of course horrified.
She saw how happy Simon was, and now those people…
Her parents weren’t survivors.
They were just power-hungry.
And now this forbidden magic was changing them.
They demand Asha tells them where Star was so they could siphon his galaxy magic and become the supreme rulers of Rosas— no one would never question them again.
Asha tells them she doesn’t know, and Magnifico uses his magic fog on Asha to make her tell them that Sleepy, Grumpy, Happy, Dopey, Sneezy, and Doc probably did know.
Amaya tells Asha she was grounded. She says Asha should sit down in her room and wait for the new era to rise.
Asha runs back to her room and cries, princess-style, and speaks out to the sky, to Star, that he was right. He was telling the truth, her parents weren’t good. And now she didn’t know what to do.
This Wish
Yeah she says she’s the first to stand in line but she’s been told that all her life okay
Magnifico makes an announcement to the people of Rosas that the entity that came from the sky was named Star, and he, along with Simon, Gabo, Hal, Dario, Safi, and Bazeema were conspiring to commit treason. He says to find them all and get him Star’s powers do he can grant all of their wishes!
Asha runs after the seven and sees them arrested by other citizens, with Gabo cursing everyone out. Magnifico waves his hand and mutes Gabo. Asha commands the soldiers to give her the satisfaction of imprisoning these traitors and interrogates them in the carriage driving them to the prison with guards posted by. 
She asks all of them where Star was, and they refuse to listen to her. They’re cold because she sort of beat them up with her magic. She says as their princess, they have to tell her.
“You all are underneath me. I am your future queen. Tell me where Star is. This is important.” She turns to the shortest in the carriage. “My parents are looking for him. Gabo, if you know where he is, you have to tell me.”
Gabo’s eyes flicker up at her saying his actual name. He glances at Dahlia, who sighs. She says that even if they wanted to, they couldn’t hand Star over, because he was already gone. He was at the place Asha first starting falling in love with him.
The guards raise an eyebrow at Asha, and she says the fools were so simple-minded that they believed her lie. Then she tells Sabi to shut up and stop sneezing.
She says the forest was where she first found Star, and Magnifico creates a dark fog horse to ride out and find Star.
Once she’s sure he’s gone, Asha whips out her magic wand and blasts the doors open. She apologizes to the seven and says nothing could make up for imprisoning them and lording her title over them, but she needed their help to help Star.
Asha and the seven run back to the Rosas town square where Star is rallying the people and telling them the truth about Magnifico and Amaya. The crowd gathers to help pull open the roofs to free the wishes.
Knowing What I Know Now
Asha joins in and leads the people
Asha apologizes to Star for yelling at him and he apologizes to her for going behind her back. He says she deserved to know. Before they go, Asha tells Star to wait.
“That… feeling. That I mentioned before? I think… I think they’re feelings. For you.”
Star’s glow slightly turns pink. “Like, do you mean…”
“Yes. Feelings of affection. I just… wanted to let you know.”
“Sweetheart, you should know I feel the same. Have since I first laid eyes on you.”
“I am pretty beautiful.”
“The beautiful-est.”
Asha laughs. “That’s not a word.”
“She’s right, it’s not,” Dahlia quips.
The two pull back and laugh awkwardly.
The seven lead the people of Rosas to help lift the roofs, but Amaya catches them and there’s a magic battle where Amaya turns into a dragon a la Malifacent. Star helps Asha suck out the evil magic, and Amaya falls to the floor. The roof is opened, and the wishes began to flow out.
Then Star is grabbed from the back by a fog hand and Magnifico tuts, telling Asha he’s disappointed in her. But now that he has the power of a Star, no one will ever question him again.
He ties down every single person and closes the roof, draining Star’s essence into his magical staff.
Asha yells and uses her magic wand against him, and the two have a giant blast of magic against each other, but the energy is draining Asha while Star’s is giving Magnifico more strength.
Star weakly whispers to Asha to remember where she came from.
Magnifico snarls do Asha that she is nothing, and Asha remembers.
“We… are… stars.”
Asha’s blast of magic is battling Magnifico’s but he’s still stronger.
Asha cries out a plea to the people, these stars just like her, and Dahlia responds.
This Wish (Reprise)
The strengths of these stars give Star enough energy to break free from Magnifico’s staff and fly over to Asha’s side, and the magic blast shines bright and blasts Magnifico back, burning away the evil magic.
When the dark clouds clear and the night sky is sparkling once again, Magnifico isn’t moving. Amaya and Asha run to him, and Amaya cries over his body. She apologizes to Star for what they did, and asks if she can help her husband.
Star sadly tells her that his powers weren’t strong enough for that.
Amaya cries, and kisses Magnifico’s lips. Then, her star soul orb thing in her chest glows bright, and Magnifico’s does too. His body glows that shimmering yellow and he’s lifted into the air and the last bit of evil magic is burned away.
Asha asks Star what he’s doing and Star says he’s not doing anything!
Suddenly, Magnifico’s eyes open and he gasps, then falls.
Amaya and Asha rush to catch him, and Magnifico asks what happened.
Star shrugs and says some sort of True Love’s Kiss.
Magnifico and Amaya walk up behind Asha and address the people of Rosas. They apologize for what they did and they know nothing could ever make up for it. But… they promise to keep working to be the best king and queen they can be. If the people will still accept them. Also, they should have what’s rightfully theirs.
Magnifico uses his magic to lift the roof and release the wishes of Rosas back to their people. Amaya tells them that now they have a chance to fulfill their dreams, and she and Magnifico will be behind them every step of the way.
Dahlia steps foreword and thanks them for apologizing.
Basically they can still remain king and queen but they start a council of representatives where people can address them directly about problems and stuff
Then, Asha turns to the seven and says she has to apologize to them. For treating them all so poorly in the past.
They forgive her, and when she asks how they can do something like that so easily, Dahlia smiles. “It’s what friends do.”
“Do you have a hearing problem, or something?”
“Sorry, Bazeema!”
Asha laughs and turns to Star who spins her around.
“I have friends!”
“You have friends!”
Meanwhile, Gabo whispers to Simon how they ever feared the princess. She was just a sad, lonely, friendless girl.
Asha turns to her wand and discovers it broken in half when she was blasted backwards.
Star restores her wand, and she says she’s going to be the most powerful sorceress in the history of ever and Gabo says she looks like a stupid fairy.
Asha glares.
“A fairy godmother,” Gabo smirks.
Star laughs and says that sounds amazing and Asha groans and bites back a smile.
Star smiles at the family, but he looks sad still. Asha holds his hands and he rubs her thumb.
“You have to return to the sky, don’t you?”
“If I had a choice, I’d choose to stay by your side.”
“I’ll keep on wishing on stars. I’ll find a way to bring you back.”
He tells Asha that they’ve learned that sending your greatest desires into the universe in hopes that they’ll be answered doesn’t do anything. It didn’t work for Magnifico, and it didn’t work for Asha. Instead, the people of Rosas should work to achieve their dreams.
Asha says she’ll work to achieve a way to find him again, then. Since she was going to be the most powerful sorceress—
“Fairy godmother~”
“Shut up Gabo.”
—she’d find a way.
Star smiles and says she’s his dream girl, and Asha jokes that’s he’s got to work to achieve her.
Star flips his cape and says it’ll be easy since he’s so absurdly handsome, and Asha snorts as she pulls him down and raises an eyebrow at him. Star turns a bright pink, then rolls his eyes as he smiles and pulls Asha up in the air with him by her waist, and the two kiss.
When they finally separate, Star is vibrating happily and he accidentally shoots out a magic blast at a nearby chicken, which makes it grow big and lay a giant egg on Gabo.
Star winks at her and returns to the sky.
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supernaturalscribe67 · 5 months
Tumblr media
Words: 7,528
POV: 3rd Person
Pairing: Gabriel x Male!Winchester!Reader
Warning(s): Fluff, Slight Angst (if you squint), Language, Brotherly Drama/Teasing, Sexual Innuendos
Summary: (Y/N) Winchester never thought he would have to play a prominent role in the fight between Michael and Lucifer, but when Gabriel's attempt at convincing Sam and Dean to accept their destiny fails, (Y/N) is left pondering the situation at hand. What happens when Gabriel reveals the truth behind his disappearance from Heaven and his own role in the fight?
Heavily Inspired by S5.8 "Changing Channels"
Hey!! I was hoping you would be able to do this request.
It could feature hurt/comfort, angst, and fluff :)
Gabriel x Winchester!Reader
He could be trans or cis, up to you.
There was a younger Winchester brother, and with 3 full blooded Winchesters meant of course, a 3rd vessel. Gabriel's vessle. You both aren't keen on the idea of possession and end up falling for each other? Destiny had brought them together for battle but their hearts yearned for something else.
(something along those lines atleast)
A/N: I've sat here for the last ten minutes staring at the Summary because my brain is non-existent right now. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this! Sorry it's so late! I also hope you don't mind that I changed the 'younger' Winchester to a middle Winchester~ I enjoyed writing something cute and fluffy after that heavy story I posted! Feedback is appreciated!
~ Much Love!
“Son of a bitch.” 
“It’s him. It’s Doctor Sexy.” 
“I’ve got genital herpes.”
(Y/N) blamed himself for this. Why he thought any hunt he and his brothers did would be normal was beyond him. When was anything the Winchesters did ever normal?
He could count on one hand the number of times he’d encountered tricksters, none of them pleasant. Still, something about this trickster was different. Slight abnormalities in the realm of possibilities, Sam, Dean, and Castiel all agreed, Castiel seeming to know more than them, but unable to voice his thoughts before being whisked away by said ‘trickster’. From there, the Winchester brothers were tossed from TV show to TV show, enduring humiliation and awkward conversation. It wasn’t until Sam was transformed into the Impala that it clicked. 
It wasn’t a trickster. It was an angel. 
That was how they ended up in an abandoned warehouse, the angel stood in the center of a ring of Holy Fire. (Y/N) tried to hide the exhaustion on his face that resulted from their hectic escapades. What he would kill to go back to their motel, crawl under the scratchy covers, and go to sleep. 
“Where’s you get the Holy Oil?” The angel asked, a small smirk playing on the corner of his lips. 
“Well, I guess you could say we pulled it out of Sam’s ass,” Dean replied, straight-faced. 
Sam clenched his jaw and sent a death glare towards him. (Y/N) snickered, earning him the same glare. He pressed his lips together, mumbled a faint ‘sorry’ under his breath, and turned his attention back towards the wannabe trickster. 
The smirk he had vanished. “Where’d I screw up?” He asked. 
“You didn’t,” Sam shook his head. “Nobody gets a jump on Cas like you did.” 
“It was the way you talked about Armageddon,” Dean explained. 
“Meaning?” The angel furrowed his brows. 
“Well, call it personal experience, but nobody gets that angry unless they’re talking about their own family.” 
The angel looked away and lowered his head, a silent confirmation of their suspicions. 
“So, which one are you?” Sam cocked his head to the side. “Grumpy, Sneezy, or Douchey?” 
(Y/N) bit the inside of his cheeks, lowering his head to hide the small smile that appeared. Despite the gravity of the situation, he had to admit that Sam’s question was a little funny. He blamed it on him being tired. He was quick to erase the expression off his face before lifting his head. The angel’s gaze shifted over to Sam, and he hesitated for a moment.
“Gabriel, okay? They call me Gabriel.” 
“The archangel?” Sam asked. 
“Okay, Gabriel. How does an archangel become a trickster?” Dean questioned. 
Gabriel shifted. “I consider it my own, private Witness Protection. I skipped out of Heaven, got a face transplant, and carved out my own little corner of the world. Until you three screwed it up,” his tone was full of irritation. 
(Y/N), Sam, and Dean shared a glance, almost as if communicating telepathically with one another - something they had become accustomed to growing up. While they knew significant details about the conflict between the archangels Michael and Lucifer, it seemed, to them, that the situation ran a lot deeper than it originally appeared. 
“So, boys, now what?” Gabriel’s voice broke them out of their trance. “Are we just going to stare at each other for the rest of eternity?” 
Dean licked his lips. ‘Well, first of all, you’re going to bring Cas back from wherever you stashed him.” 
“Oh, am I?”
“Yeah, or we’re going to dunk you in some Holy Oil and deep-fry ourselves an archangel.” 
Gabriel clenched his jaw, looking over at Sam, then at (Y/N). All of them shared the same serious expression. Poking his tongue into his cheek, he raised a hand and snapped his fingers. Shuffling could be heard behind the trio as they turned their heads to see a disheveled Castiel. His hair was more ruffled than usual, and a small cut ran across the bridge of his nose. Blood was splattered on the collar of his trenchcoat. He stumbled slightly. 
“Cas, you okay?” (Y/N) asked. 
“I’m fine,” Castiel replied, his icy gaze locked on Gabriel. “Hello, Gabriel.” 
Gabriel lowered his hand, crossed his arms over his chest, and smiled tightly. “Hey, bro. How’s the search for Daddy going? Let me guess. Awful,” Gabriel’s tone was harsh. 
The tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. It was obvious that there was more going on in Heaven than the Winchesters were led to believe. Multiple sides mean multiple stories. Who knows what really happened? 
“Alright, let’s get out of here. Sam, (Y/N)?” Dean slowly started to step towards the exit. 
Sam was the first to move, while (Y/N) seemed hesitant. In the end, he, too, turned his back on Gabriel and made his way towards his brothers. Castiel soon followed. 
“No,” Gabriel muttered. “Okay…hey, guys, so…” he stumbled over his words. “So what, huh? You’re just, you’re just gonna leave me here forever?” 
When the group reached the door, they all turned back to him. 
“No,” Dean began. “We’re not, because we don’t screw with people the way you do. And, for the record, this isn’t about some prize fight between your brothers or some destiny that can’t be stopped. This is about you being too afraid to stand up to your family.” 
Gabriel opened his mouth, as if to object, but stopped himself. He lowered his head in shame, turning his back to them. Wordlessly, Dean looked back, spotting a fire alarm on the wall. He easily broke the glass surrounding the alarm and pulled the handle. A shrill, faded sound echoed within the broken building. As Gabriel looked up, the aged sprinkler system burst open, showering him with cold water. Gabriel gazed at them, his face filled with defeat. 
“Don’t say I’ve never done anything for you,” Dean called out over the sound of the alarm. 
With that, Sam, Dean, and Castiel turned their backs one last time on Gabriel, walking out of the building. (Y/N), however, stayed put, his eyes locked onto Gabriel’s. He studied the look of hurt on his face, and (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel a slight pang of guilt. A part of him wanted to say something, to turn around and provide him with some type of comfort. They didn’t know what Gabriel was going through, nor what had caused him to leave Heaven in the first place. Perhaps, all he needed was someone to be there. To allow him to be heard. (Y/N) could relate to that feeling. Alas, as the ring of Holy Fire began to dissipate, over the blaring sound of the alarm, he could hear the faint shout of his older brother calling out his name. (Y/N) looked at the warehouse door, the breeze from the early morning shifting his wetting hair, then back to Gabriel. For a moment, he cast an apologetic look his way before he, swiftly, left the building. 
A couple of weeks after the incident with Gabriel, (Y/N) couldn’t seem to keep his thoughts at bay. Although his brothers had all since left the interaction behind them, refocusing their attention on their odd hunting jobs, (Y/N) couldn’t shake the reminder of the expression on Gabriel’s face. He had taken the time to carefully consider what Gabriel had been going through, or what he had been through before he had left Heaven. Sure, he wasn’t aware of the extent of it all, but he could sure sympathize with how it felt to be stuck between his brothers during their spats. Sam and Dean never threatened the sanctity of Heaven over their problems, but still. 
(Y/N) had taken many walks since then, because sleep had been so easily unobtainable. On nights when Sam and Dean slept soundly on their motel room beds - or couch, depending on who lost in the coin toss - (Y/N) would slink out of the room into the night. Alternatively, in the morning, if sleep didn’t come after the first walk, he would go on another, ultimately stopping for breakfast on his way back to the motel to appease his brothers. 
Sam and Dean were none the wiser. 
On those walks, his mind would always shift to Gabriel and the predicament he was in. In a way, he disagreed with what Dean had said to Gabriel. But, with everything that was said by Gabriel, himself, he partially agreed with it as well. Why was Gabriel so adamant about Sam and Dean allowing Lucifer and Michael to take possession of them for a fight that he wasn’t even willing to fight himself? He felt so in the dark about the whole debacle. Although he wasn’t directly involved in it, he was still interested to know what the fate of his brothers could be. It was thoughts and questions like those that kept his mind racing in the early hours of the morning, making him unable to get an adequate amount of sleep. 
That night was no different. The three of them had traveled to a town along the East Coast, following the clues of a possible Wendigo. The case had just started, and the interviews and clues left much to be desired. They weren’t even close to pinpointing the approximate area in the nearby woodland where it could reside. Sam and Dean were running thin, and (Y/N) was no help. Not with the way his mind had been racing lately. It wasn’t like he could help it, though. He tried, he did, and a part of him couldn’t see how Sam and Dean were able to concentrate whilst everything was going on in Heaven. He had always envied them for their sense of focus, something he lacked greatly at times. When he started the walks, clearing his mind was his initial goal, but going out on his own, in the dead of night, only seemed to make his thoughts louder. 
The town was small, and barely had much of a park, just some cheap playground equipment that looked as if it needed to be updated and a small trail. (Y/N) was thankful for the benches that were laid along the path. Despite the park’s size, it had a beautiful view; a full panoramic of the deep, dark ocean past craggy cliffs, cut off by a steel fence. The ocean was loud and, despite the distance from the land to the sea, mist sprayed (Y/N)’s face faintly, painting his features with minuscule water droplets. He had worn a jacket that night. Even though it was surprisingly hot during the day, as soon as the sun dropped, the temperatures did as well. 
(Y/N) had been sat on the bench for close to an hour. If he had to guess, it was nearly midnight. Not once had he been able to keep Gabriel out of his mind. Gabriel, the fight, Sam, and Dean, all took turns at the forefront of his brain, but Gabriel won most of the time. He always drifted to the sad, kicked puppy-dog look he had before he left. He couldn’t imagine what Gabriel had to go through. (Y/N) thought Sam and Dean were impossible to be with all the time, but he couldn’t fathom being near Michael and Lucifer as much as Gabriel must have. He must have been quite burnt out. 
“Do you mind if I sit here?” A voice jerked (Y/N) from his train of thought. 
(Y/N) jumped, eyes wide as he looked towards the direction of the voice. Stood, about a foot away from the bench, was Gabriel. His expression was soft, his brown hair partially damp, the locks illuminated slightly by the nearby street lamp. Once his heart rate began to return to normal, (Y/N) nodded and gestured towards the empty seat next to him. 
“Sure,” he mumbled. 
With a short nod, Gabriel shuffled over and sat down, leaning against the back of the bench. His legs were slightly spread and his hands were clasped together in his lap. For a moment, the two of them sat in silence, listening to the sound of the crashing waves from below. Even though Gabriel had done so much to the Winchesters as a part of his trickster ‘Witness Protection’, (Y/N) didn’t feel any resentment towards him, nor did he feel agitation, even with his proximity. A part of him thought he should be, that was how Dean would react, at least. Shouldn’t he be at least a little bit pissed? Perhaps it was the weeks of thinking, working the idea into his head that he and Gabriel could, potentially, have more in common than he originally thought. It could be that he was more forgiving than his brother. In the end, (Y/N) chalked it up to him being a great judge of character. 
“How did you find me?” (Y/N) broke the silence. 
“What?” Gabriel asked. 
“How did you find me? These symbols, or whatever, Cas put on my ribs were supposed to stop angels from being able to find me. Or did he just tattoo my ribs for nothing?” 
Gabriel let out a faint chuckle and shook his head. “I admit, you were hard to find. All I did, though, was follow the sound of your prayers. They were quieter than most, but they were still noticeable.” 
(Y/N) looked over at Gabriel, confused. “Prayers? I didn’t pray to you.” 
“I guess not technically. I know that wasn’t your intention half the time, but, every time you thought of me, asked those questions, made those statements, it was as if you did.” 
(Y/N) pursed his lips and gave a faint nod. “I see…”
They were, once again, engulfed in silence as they stared out onto the water. No one said anything. Surprisingly, it was peaceful.
“I guess I should be asking why you found me. Why are you here, Gabriel?” (Y/N) asked. 
Gabriel hesitated for a moment, fumbling with his fingers. “Look, I’m not good at this sort of thing, but…” he trailed. “I thought I should come here and apologize. For everything.” 
(Y/N) looked over at Gabriel as he placed his hands into his jacket pockets and leaned back against the bench. “Shouldn’t you be apologizing to Sam and Dean, too?” 
Gabriel snorted. “Are you kidding? Those two would probably stab me before I even had the chance to say anything.” 
(Y/N) smirked. “I guess you’re right. The fact that you were practically hounding them to accept being Michael and Lucifer’s vessels doesn’t help your case either.” 
“Yeah, I realized that I probably went about it the wrong way.” 
“Okay, I definitely went about it the wrong way.” 
“That’s putting it lightly.” (Y/N) mumbled. “Why the fight, Gabriel? I mean, why now?” 
Gabriel shrugged his shoulders. “Michael and Luci have been going at it for centuries. Even before this fight, they were at each other’s throats half the time.” he began to rub his fingers together. “But, this fight…it wasn’t originally supposed to only be those two.” 
(Y/N) furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?” 
“Well,” Gabriel stuttered before he stood up. Slowly, he began to pace back and forth in front of (Y/N), looking between the ground and his hands. “You know what it’s like, right? Your brothers are arguing about the dumbest things and they’ve been going at it for a while, getting a little carried away, so you have to step in and, um,” 
“Be the mediator?” 
“Yeah! You have to try and calm them down so they don’t kill each other?” 
“Well, yeah, I’ve had to do that plenty of times with Sam and Dean.” 
“Right. Back then, I had to do the same thing with Michael and Luci. Sometimes it worked, and other times, not so much. With this fight, that’s what I was supposed to do.” 
“Wait, this fight that they want to use Sam and Dean for? How’re you supposed to mediate that?” 
“I was just supposed to make sure they didn’t actually kill each other. Try to get them to talk it out. I’ve always been good at that, so it would only make sense that I would take a crack at it this go around. However, since they would be at their full power in their vessels, the last thing that needed to happen was for them to turn on me, kill me, and then each other. So, to make sure I had enough power, I, also, have to have a vessel.” 
Gabriel stopped pacing in front of him and finally faced him, his hands together in front of him. (Y/N) stared at him intently, eyes narrowed in concentration. It was as if Gabriel could see the gears working in his mind. If Michael needed a vessel, which was Dean, and Lucifer needed a vessel, which was Sam, then, that meant…
(Y/N)’s eyes widened. “Am I your vessel?” He breathed. 
“Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!” Gabriel smirked, although it wasn’t as confident as the one he had when he was covered by his trickster persona. 
(Y/N)’s mouth sat agape. He was gobsmacked. His lips moved up and down as he tried to form words, but his mind nor mouth would work. It all made sense, though. Why would Sam and Dean be the only vessels? Why had he never considered that he, too, was destined to be one? It was clear as glass, yet, the thought never crossed his mind. 
“You know, when you think about it, it kind of makes sense that you’re my vessel. I mean, you’re the mediator, I’m the mediator. You’re the middle child, I’m practically the middle child. There are, actually, a lot of similarities between you and me. So, it was a great pick,” Gabriel rambled, placing his hands on his hips.
(Y/N) help his hand up. “Gabriel, just…stop.” 
Gabriel looked down and cleared his throat. “Sorry,” he pursed his lips. 
(Y/N) sat there and attempted to wrap his head around the whole situation. His thoughts were foggy and the front of his head was starting to pound. He reached his hands up and began to massage his temples. 
“So, what you’re saying,” (Y/N) let out a breathy chuckle. “Is that you, the archangel Gabriel, are supposed to use me as a mediator for your two power-hungry brothers who, may I remind you, are also archangels?” 
Slowly, Gabriel nodded. “Basically.” 
“And you think this is a good idea?” 
“Absolutely not.” 
Gabriel sighed. “Look,” He returned to his spot on the bench next to (Y/N), his body now facing him. “The times when my mediation did work was when they had their smaller fights. Little bickers here and there. When Michael and Luci are really, really mad at each other, nothing can get between them. So, most likely, what would happen is I would need to get involved in the fight to stop them.” 
“Oh, God,” (Y/N) grumbled and placed his face into his hands.
“But, believe me, that is the last thing I want to do. I mean, Michael and Luci, they’re both strong on their own, but, if they were to team up against me for trying to stop them, even with you as my vessel, I don’t stand a chance. It would be two against one.” 
(Y/N) just nodded, running his hands down his face, his gaze returning to the cool, pounding waves. A chill ran down his spine. He hadn’t realized how cold he had gotten, what with the mix of wind and misty air.
“Why are you telling me this now?” He asked quietly. “Why wasn’t I told any of this before?” 
“Well, when I went off the grid, everyone just assumed that it was my way of backing out of the fight. In a way, I guess they were right.” 
“And back at the warehouse? Why didn’t you tell me then?”
“Because I still had no intention of joining the fight. However, after what Dean had said to me…” Gabriel shook his head. “I realized that he was right. I am a coward. I tried to push your brothers into accepting their roles as vessels because I want this fight to be done and over with. I just wish the fight didn’t have to happen. I figured it would be wrong if I didn’t tell you now. You deserve to know.” 
“Well, I appreciate that. And, for the record, I don’t want this fight to happen either. The last thing I want is my brothers to get involved in something that has nothing to do with them.”
“The fight’s gonna happen one way or another, and I thought getting your brothers to go along would be the best way to go about it. Once I listened to your prayers, though, I realized how it would affect you. I know you wouldn’t want to lose either one of your brothers, even though they can be assholes sometimes.” 
(Y/N) snorted. “Like you’re one to talk.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, unlike your brothers, mine can be caring and nice when they want to be.” 
“Believe it or not, Michael and Luci both have the capability of being nice! I witnessed it firsthand.” 
“It’s not! Granted, they were a whole lot nicer when they were fledglings, kind of got a little rocky as they got older, but they could still be nice!” 
“Wait, wait, wait, fledglings?” 
“What’re fledglings?” 
“Newborn angels.”
“So…baby angels?” 
“In a sense,” Gabriel shrugged. A mischievous smirk then appeared at the corner of his lips. “Do you want to hear some embarrassing stories about when Michael and Luci were younger?” 
“Of course I do,” (Y/N) sat back, turning his body to face Gabriel as well. 
“Okay, but, in return, you have to tell me some embarrassing stories about your brothers.”
(Y/N) bit his lip as he contemplated the offer. Finally, he smirked. “Deal.” 
For the next while, Gabriel and (Y/N) went back and forth, sharing their embarrassing stories from their abnormal families. They joked, laughed, and, overall, had a good time. Not only did it lighten the mood from the bombshell Gabriel had dropped, but it allowed them to grasp a basic understanding of their past and present lives. 
There were a few things (Y/N) learned throughout their conversation. One; Gabriel and his brothers shared some scary similarities with the Winchesters in regards to mannerisms and attitudes. Two; Gabriel could talk for a millenia if he was given the opportunity. And three; (Y/N) felt oddly calm around Gabriel. It hadn’t even struck him how easily Gabriel was able to shift the conversation as smoothly as he did. (Y/N) wasn’t too sure how he could feel that way around him. As they sat there and talked, after everything that was said, and after everything that happened with the warehouse incident - he’ll never forget the nutcracker - he couldn’t help but feel a strong sense of comfort around him. There was something about Gabriel that filled (Y/N) with a sense of peace and belonging, and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it as to why that was. 
It wasn’t like he was complaining, though. 
They talked until the moon sat near the far end of the sky. Unbeknownst to them, the two had begun to scoot closer to one another as the conversation continued, getting to the point where their knees and shoulders were touching. It wasn’t uncomfortable or awkward. Neither of them pulled away out of instinct. It felt right. It felt natural. 
Gabriel droned on and on about, yet, another story when Lucifer was a young angel. He seemed to have more stories about him than he did of Michael. (Y/N) was quite the opposite. He had more stories about Dean than he did with Sam. Both of them laughed as Gabriel tried his best to continue. 
“So - so Dad got angry because Lucifer kept letting the bugs out of their sanctuary, and -” Gabriel looked over at (Y/N), and his smile vanished. 
(Y/N) glanced up at him, noticing the change of demeanor instantly. His smile, too, disappeared. “Is something wrong?” 
As he kept his eye on him, Gabriel reached up and gently brushed his thumb against (Y/N)’s bottom lip. (Y/N) felt his cheeks heat up and his brows furrow in confusion. 
“Your lips are blue,” Gabriel stated. He glanced up at the sky and his brows shot up. “I am so sorry. I didn’t realize we had been out here so long.” Gabriel sat up. 
“How long how we been out here?” (Y/N) dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone. 
3:27 AM
“Oh shit,” he mumbled as he quickly stood up. 
His legs and ass were completely numb, causing him to sway at the rapid movement. Gabriel was by his side in an instant, hands on his shoulders to steady him. They had been out together for, close to, four hours. No wonder (Y/N)’s lips were blue. He shivered, teeth chattering lightly. Once (Y/N) was able to stand on his own, Gabriel took off his jacket and draped it over (Y/N)’s shoulders. (Y/N) shook his head. 
“Oh, no, Gabriel, it’s okay. I just need to get back to the motel.” He stuttered tiredly. 
“I’m the reason you were out here for so long. Consider it a, um, token of my appreciation for talking to me,” Gabriel smiled sweetly.
(Y/N) returned the smile. “Well, thank you for keeping me company.” 
“Let me take you back to the motel.” 
“No. If Sam and Dean see you, they’ll kill you and then me.”
“Then I won’t let them see me.”
Without another word, Gabriel reached up and pressed his index and middle fingers against (Y/N)’s forehead. (Y/N) inhaled shakily and closed his eyes. One second, he was standing in the park, then, the next, he and Gabriel were standing in front of the Winchester’s motel room. He breathed a sigh of relief once he saw the faded numbers etched onto the door. 
“Thank you,” he smiled and retrieved the key from his pocket. 
“Anytime. And, uh, if you ever feel the need to talk again under better weather conditions, feel free to pray. When the prayers are sent directly to me, it’s a lot easier for me to hear.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” 
“Now go warm up.”
(Y/N) flashed Gabriel one last smile as he turned the key to the room and opened the door. Gabriel vanished. 
Moonlight pooled in through the cracked door as (Y/N) crept into the room. He felt the warmth flood his face and hands as he entered. Despite the heavy jacket he had gone out with, having spent hours in the windy, misty park, he was bound to get cold eventually. He didn’t think he would get that cold, though.
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see Sam sleeping soundly on his stomach, face nuzzled against the cheap pillow, and Dean sprawled out on the couch, legs and arms spread in uncomfortable positions that he would undoubtedly complain about the next day, mouth slightly open, and drool coating his chin and pillow. (Y/N) was thankful for his stealth ability.
Slowly, he made his way over to the unoccupied bed and crawled underneath the covers. Not bothering to change his clothes or take off his shoes, he nestled into the thick - yet somehow extremely thin - comforter. His eyes closed as soon as his head hit the pillow.
That was the best night’s sleep he had gotten in ages. 
Well, it would have been, had he not been awoken by a flying pillow to the face.
(Y/N) groaned as he opened his eyes ever so slightly. The sunlight beamed in through the window, caressing his skin, and he hated it. He glanced tiredly in the direction that the pillow came from and found Dean with an amused grin spread across his lips.
“Mornin’ sunshine,” Dean greeted.
“Fuck off,” (Y/N) grunted as he grabbed the pillow and chucked it lazily back at him. He missed terribly. 
“Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” Sam teased as he sat a cup of steaming coffee on the nightstand next to (Y/N).
“Thanks,” he mumbled and sat up. “And I just got a pillow thrown at my face, am I supposed to jump for joy and sing Kumbaya?” 
“Are you sure it’s the pillow and has nothing to do with you getting back so late?” Dean quirked a brow.
(Y/N) went to reach for the coffee cup, but stopped himself. He glanced at Dean, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed. “How do you know about that?” 
“Well, one, you’re wearing the exact same thing you were wearing yesterday, plus you wore your shoes to bed. Two, I heard you getting back last night,”
“Bullshit. You were passed out.”
“Do you realize how loud you stumbled in? I’m surprised Sammy didn’t wake up because of it. My third point, though,” Dean pointed down to his brother’s chest. “That’s not your jacket. So…did you get lucky?” 
(Y/N) looked down at himself and his brows raised. He was still wearing Gabriel’s jacket. He had been so tired and cold last night that he had completely forgotten to take it off or even give it back. He reached up and played with the collar gently. He had to remember to thank Gabriel for giving it to him.
Oh, wait, prayers! Thank you for the jacket, Gabriel!
“Well?” Dean pressed.
“Huh?” (Y/N) looked over at him. 
“Did you get lucky?” 
(Y/N) snorted. “If I got lucky, do you think I would be here right now?”
“Not unless it was bad.”
“Would that mean I still got ‘lucky’ if it was bad? What kind of luck is that?” 
“You’re dodging the question.”
(Y/N) rolled his eyes. “No, Dean, I didn’t get lucky.”
“Then who’d you meet?” Sam asked.
“Why does it matter?” (Y/N) questioned.
“Because you’re smiling,” Dean pointed out, taking a sip of his coffee. “And you don’t smile like that normally. It’s kind of freaky.”
“Oh, fuck off, Dean,”
(Y/N) hadn’t even realized he had been smiling, but he could hear it in his voice. Dean was right, it had been ages since he had smiled like that. His cheeks were starting to hurt. He reached over, took a sip of his coffee, then put it down. He stood up from his spot on the bed and stretched his aching muscles.
“So,” Dean pursed his lips. “Who was it?”
“You’re not gonna let this go, are you, Dean?”
“Nope,” Dean popped.
(Y/N) shook his head. “It was just this guy that I met at the bar. He bought me a drink, we sat and talked and, when the bar closed, we went to the nearest park and continued our talk.”
Dean’s smirk faltered and was replaced with a frown. “That’s it? You just…talked?” 
“Yeah,” (Y/N) shrugged.
“You’re more boring than Sam,”
“Hey!” Sam exclaimed.
“What do you want me to say, Dean? ‘I found this guy at the bar, we went to the park, I gave him head, he gave me a twenty, said ‘no homo’, and walked away’?” (Y/N) asked. 
“Well, that would have been a hell of a lot more entertaining than ‘we just talked’.”
(Y/N) waved him off. “Whatever,” he mumbled, then kicked his shoes off.
Sam took a sip of his coffee and cleared his throat. “I wouldn’t get too comfortable. We’re gonna go look for that Wendigo.”
“I’m taking a shower before we go, so…” (Y/N) stuck his tongue out at Sam.
Sam smirked and shook his head as (Y/N) gathered some of his clothes from his duffel bag. Without another word, he vanished into the bathroom.
(Y/N) was sick for a week after that. As it turns out, cold air and wet hair don’t necessarily mix well. At first, he tried to push through it, but fatigue and a sore throat caught up to him and left him on research duty for the duration of the Wendigo hunt. During that time, whenever Sam and Dean were out looking for clues, leaving him alone in the stuffy motel room, he would pray to Gabriel. Gabriel would be quick to respond.
The two would sit and talk for hours, idle chit-chat here and there, and would always seem to dance around the topic of the fight one way or another. Those talks continued well after (Y/N) felt better and the Wendigo hunt concluded. (Y/N) resumed his nightly walks, and Gabriel would accompany him. In the mornings, when Sam and Dean would occasionally catch onto (Y/N)’s disappearing acts, he would play it off as a spontaneous trip to the local bar scene, fabricating stories about meeting a dreamy man he would talk to or go back to his place. It wasn’t a complete lie, so he didn’t feel as bad when he told them. 
As the months went on, (Y/N) could feel himself growing fonder of Gabriel. It was a strong feeling. Is that what love felt like? He could only assume. Yet, the feeling was more than that. He felt connected to him in a much stronger sense of the word. A spiritual sense, perhaps? He couldn’t quite pinpoint the cause of those feelings, but the last thing he was going to do was fight himself on them, despite how obvious it was that his brothers would disapprove of his relationship with Gabriel. That’s what secrets were for. He had gone long enough without telling them, what’s a couple more months or years?
Whenever they were together, (Y/N) felt whole, as if a lost piece of a puzzle he didn’t even know he had found its way to him. When he was with his brothers, or by himself, he found his mind constantly shifting to thoughts of Gabriel. Of what they would talk about, of Gabriel’s smile, of the way his stomach would turn whenever they stood or sat close to one another. He would crave his presence, desperate to hear the sound of his voice. It was killing him, slowly, from the inside out, and he knew if he didn’t say anything soon, he would combust. He had to tell Gabriel his feelings.
One thing he loved about small towns was the lack of artificial lights. Sure, there were dull street lamps scattered around that looked as if they needed to be changed years ago, but the absence of skyscrapers and people, overall, meant not much was needed to illuminate the roads. Locals knew them like the back of their hand anyway. With the minimal light, almost anywhere in town, you could see the stars that decorated the night sky. If you wanted, you could pick out each constellation. Orion’s Belt and the Big Dipper were rather prominent that night.
There were several smaller parks in town, but the biggest sat in the middle of downtown. It wasn’t used as a children’s area as much as a casual gathering ground. (Y/N) could imagine dogs in the grass and elderly couples walking arm-in-arm during the daylight hours. By night, it was abandoned, the distant sound of country music playing from the only local bar. It was the perfect place for him and Gabriel to meet.
They sat on a bench in the middle of the park, heads tilted back as they stared at the stars. Their sides and legs were pressed together, and, for the first time in a while, they said nothing. Normally, their meetings were filled with lively conversation from the moment they saw each other to the moment they parted. (Y/N) had to wonder if Gabriel could tell that he wanted to have a serious discussion. Perhaps he had a lot on his mind. Or, perhaps, Gabriel was too busy reading (Y/N)’s to say anything. Regardless, they had been sat there for close to half an hour without as much as a single word to each other. (Y/N) knew just sitting there wasn’t going to do any good. He had to bite the bullet and say something. 
“Gabriel?” He started, his voice coming out small and quiet.
Gabriel hummed. “Yes?”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,”
(Y/N) hesitated. “Well, first of all, I just wanted to say that I like spending time with you.” He began to fiddle with his fingers. “And I don’t want what I’m about to ask to make our meetings stop.”
“Honestly, I think, at this point, the only thing that you can ask to make our meetings stop is ‘Hey, can our meetings stop?’.”
(Y/N) chuckled lightly. “Gabe, I’m being serious.”
“So am I,” he smirked.
“Well, um…” he paused. “Do you ever feel like we’re connected in other ways?”
Gabriel furrowed his brows. He turned his body to face (Y/N), rested his elbow on the back of the bench, and placed his cheek into his hand. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, to be honest. I mean, it feels like…more.”
Gabriel studied (Y/N)’s face, noticing his lack of eye contact. He stayed quiet for a moment, and (Y/N) could feel the anxiety building inside of him. He knew he did a piss poor job at explaining what he meant, but it was the best he could come up with. Slowly, Gabriel smirked.
“You have a crush on me, don’t you?” He teased.
(Y/N)’s eyes widened and the heat rose to his cheeks. He glanced over at Gabriel, then back down at his lap. 
“I, well…I’m not…I- that’s not the point, okay!?” (Y/N) shook his head. “The point is that it doesn’t feel like just a crush to me. It feels like an even deeper connection than that. Like something about our souls and- nevermind, this just sounds stupid,” his shoulders deflated in defeat.
Gabriel waved his hands and shook his head. “Hey, hey, it’s not stupid, alright? I get what you’re saying. You feel as if we’re connected by something other than you just being my vessel.”
(Y/N) nodded and let out a shaky breath. “Yeah, exactly.”
“I feel it, too.”
“You do?”
“I mean, yeah,” Gabriel folded his hands in his lap. “I felt that when we first saw each other, even before the warehouse. Then, everything with your brothers happened, and we met again, and, still,  I felt that connection.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I thought I was looking too hard into it. I started thinking that, maybe, the connection was all in my head. That it was, truly, just our connection by you being my vessel. When Dean said what he did about me being too afraid to face my family, I thought no one would understand my point of view on the fight. What I’ve had to go through being related to Michael and Lucifer. Then, you started to pray to me, and I knew that you understood me. That’s what made me come find you in the first place. Once we were alone, I felt this sense of…peace. I hate to admit it, but I feel like I can barely go a single day without wanting to see you. Without needing to see you. I knew it was more at that point.”
(Y/N)’s eyes were on Gabriel as he listened intently to what he was saying. He shook his head. “I feel the same way. It’s almost as if, I don’t know, I can’t breathe when you’re not around.”
“Well, please don’t stop on my account.”
“Stop it, we’re having a serious moment,” (Y/N) slapped his arm.
“Sorry, sorry,” Gabriel smirked. “I mean, as cliche as it sounds, it feels, almost as if we were meant for each other, right? Like we were meant to be together? Almost as if it was more than you being my vessel that bought us together.”
Gabriel reached over and grabbed (Y/N)’s hand, rubbing the side of it gently with his thumb. (Y/N) looked into Gabriel’s eyes, and he felt his heart soar. He reached up and caressed his cheek before they both leaned in, their lips fitting together perfectly in a sweet, loving kiss. Their eyes closed, and they both melted into a deep, sensual embrace. Almost immediately, all of the stress and worry seemingly melted away, replaced with a sense of belonging. A sense of closeness.
When they pulled back, they looked into each other’s eyes once more. A small smile creased the corner of (Y/N)’s lips.
“You’re right, it is pretty cheesy.” He whispered, his thumb tracing circles around Gabriel’s cheekbone.
Gabriel cocked a brow. “I thought we were having a serious conversation. Why do you get to make quips?”
“It’s kind of hard not to when I’m around you.” (Y/N) pressed his forehead against Gabriel’s.
Gabriel chuckled. “I guess I’m rubbing off on you, aren’t I?” He moved his hands to (Y/N)’s hips.
“I don’t see that as a bad thing.”
They sat together and enjoyed the peaceful quiet of their embrace. (Y/N) never felt more relaxed in his entire life, and he wanted to savor every moment he had with Gabriel.
Then, his mind started to drift. Drift to the fight, the battle between Michael and Lucifer, and to Sam and Dean. Gabriel had done such a good job at keeping him distracted from all the chaos that surrounded him that he hadn’t even had a chance to consider what could happen with the fight now that he and Gabriel were involved. Neither of them wanted to participate in the fight, but what would happen if they didn’t? Who would win? Would he lose one, or possibly both, of his brothers? If they did get involved in the fight, was there a possibility that he and Gabriel would lose each other? Did they even stand a chance to win against Michael and Lucifer if things were to turn ugly? Was there a chance that he could lose Gabriel even without being in the fight itself?
Gabriel reached a hand up and ran his fingers through (Y/N)’s hair soothingly. He pressed a small kiss to the corner of his lips. “Your thoughts are being really loud, Sugarplum.” He whispered. 
(Y/N) broke from his trance and shook his head lightly. “I’m sorry, it’s just…with the fight,” (Y/N) looked away briefly. “I don’t want to lose Sam and Dean, but now that I have you, I don’t want to lose you either.”
Gabriel gave him a sympathetic look as he pulled him close. “I know. This whole thing is one giant mess. I wish none of it had to happen. But I’m going to be with you every step of the way, I promise.”
(Y/N) shook his head. “You can’t promise me that. Knock on wood.”
“What?” Gabriel chuckled.
“I don’t want you to have just jinxed yourself, now knock on wood.”
Gabriel smirked as he rasped his knuckles against the wooden bench three times. “Better?”
“A little,” (Y/N) mumbled and nuzzled his cheek against Gabriel’s shoulder. “I don’t think I’ll feel better until this fight is over.”
Gabriel wrapped his arms tightly around him. “How about this? I promise to do everything in my power to keep you distracted. That way, you’re not too stressed out.”
(Y/N) pursed his lips in thought. “Not too distracted, though. I had practically forgotten about the fight until now, and I still need to stay on my toes.”
“How about I distract you just enough to keep your mind off of it?”
“That sounds perfect.”
“Well then, Sugarplum, how do you propose I keep you distracted?”
“You can start by kissing me again,”
“Oh, I can do more than kissing,” Gabriel mused in a suggestive tone and wiggled his brows.
(Y/N) slapped his chest. “Perv,” he grumbled. “Let’s just start with kissing.”
“Taking it slow, I like your style,” Gabriel nuzzled his nose against (Y/N)’s.
(Y/N) smiled widely. “Then shut up and kiss me already.”
Without another word, Gabriel leaned down, capturing (Y/N)’s lips in a deep kiss. Just like that, all of his problems dissipated, and it felt as if he was floating. The park didn’t exist anymore, nor the stumbling locals who left the bar periodically. There were no stars, no more beautiful night sky. The only two things that existed were Gabriel and (Y/N). They were complete. They were strong. They were one. It felt as if nothing in Heaven, Hell, or in between could tear them apart. 
And everything was as it should be.
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sneezarify · 6 months
i think one of my favourite things in the world is when someone sneezes and then explains what made them sneeze…like they have to justify their sneeziness 🥺 especially when it’s something unusual or cute!
“Sorry I’ve been around a lot of dust today”
“I think it’s because it’s cold in here”
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
also 🤗🤗 for the sfw/nsfw headcanons… how about nobubaga?
Nobunaga SFW/NSFW HCs
warning: period sex, oral(f+m receiving), creampie, daddy kink, cockwarming, pegging, slightest mention of Nobunaga thinking you self harm(you don’t he’s just stupid)
A/N: anything for my moots!! 🫡 I’ll try to make a few positive HCs for him but it won’t be easy…
(If you’d like to see SFW/NSFW HCs for your fav HXH character, send me an ask!!)
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-this man does not know what personal space is. You’ll sit on the couch, then he’ll sit next to you super close. You move? He moves with you. Doesn’t get that you want some space
-if you want someone that is completely and utterly devoted to you, he’s your guy
-if you’re alright with him being kinda pathetic
-he definitely has low self esteem. he’s quick to put himself down, and even ends up neglecting himself. he’ll need to be reminded that he is loved and handsome to you. show him what self care days are!
-okay I joke about his greasy hair a lot but to have such long, pretty hair he does actually have to take care of it. can it get greasy because he’s having a bad time or is too lazy to take care of it? yeah, but he usually does keep up with it
-he’s really good with hair, when he was a kid he was the one that cut everyone’s hair and styled it.
-he both likes his hair being played with and playing with your hair! also he will 100% learn how to style your hair, he’s pretty good with his hands
-pretty affectionate, he ain’t hiding his love for you. he may be a little shy kissing and hugging you in front of his friends in fear of teasing, but otherwise he’s a big PDA guy
-bad texter, but will call you anytime! he just doesn’t understand tone through text and almost always tends to seem angry or upset through text(this is the same for Phinks)
-he doesn’t understand memes. he’s not even really that old but god does he act like it. he’ll squint at your screen then be like “I don’t get it.” then will huff and say “it ain’t even funny. this is why I don’t have social media.”
-if you get a scratch and he notices, he gets angry and is like “who did this to you?” And then you have to explain to him you scratched your arm on the stove because last week he accidentally broke the handle
-also might say something like “baby… don’t hurt yourself… stop, for me.” and hold you as if you didn’t scrape your knee after eating shit in the driveway 30 minutes ago
-his attempts at romance are mediocre at best. he’s the type of guy that will buy you a head of lettuce thinking it’s a flower
-scattered flower petals around the bedroom he picked outside but it’s during allergy season so now you have to vacuum pollen off your carpet while the two of you are sneezy and choking on your fluids
-DO NOT LET THIS MOTHERFUCKER IN YOUR KITCHEN!! ANYTHING HE MAKES IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH AT BEST!! You’re 90% sure one of the things he made came to life just to beg for death
-also he’ll find some way to break at least SOMETHING. Scrubbed your nonstick pans with a fucking metal sponge thing.
-he likes to carry your things around, will follow you like a lovesick puppy while you shop, holding your shopping bags
-he knits! it’s not something he tells many people, but he picked it up from Machi when they were on a mission together and he was bored out if his mind. if you beg ask nicely he’ll make you a hat or mittens. wearing anything he makes you will make him swoon
-he’s a decent cuddle buddy, if you don’t mind being groped and grabbed the whole time
-he doesn’t smell bad most of the time, but goes days without showering at times. you’ll have to promise him sexual favors or allow him to shower with you if you want him to shower everyday
-cries when he cums sometimes…
-switch. he’ll say it’s a dom lean but… you can decide that for yourself
-y’all… this man and period sex. once he learns that’s a thing he’s asking to “help with your cramps” every time you’re on your period. yeah he’ll go down on you, yeah he’s a messy eater.
-speaking of pussy eating he’s decent! he tries to make you cum at least once on his tongue because he’s really bad at about cumming almost instantly once he’s inside you. he can go multiple rounds don’t worry, but he feels kind of pathetic after. “Just feel too good, baby, can’t help myself…”
-he’s around 7 inches me thinks. I don’t usually include dick size in these but 7 inches just seems perfect for him?
-I feel like he’d have a daddy kink. do I like that? no not really. but I can picture it
-he fucking LOVES hearing you moan and make noise. he can be a little insecure with his lovemaking skills, so hearing you enjoy yourself gets him going
-give him a blowjob and swallow his cum. he fucking loves to watch you stick out your tongue and show him it’s covered in his cum
-he likes cockwarming but he’s also super impatient and will just end up bouncing you before bending you over onto whatever surface is closest to you
-again with him being impatient, he’s not the biggest fan of lingerie. he’s going to rip it off you anyways, and he’d rather not deal with the headache of you complaining that he tore your expensive set
-he prefers cumming inside your pussy! he doesn’t want to get you pregnant, it’s more of a possessive thing. he wants to claim you!
-he’s got pretty good stamina. the first few rounds he’ll cum pretty quick, but once he gets into his rhythm, he can last a while!
-tug on his hair… he will moan and just stare at you for a second. he won’t ASK you to do it again, but he’ll wear his hair down around you more often
-he wouldn’t let you peg him 😔 would he like it? probably, but he doesn’t want to “feel emasculated”. this is code for “I don’t want you to see me moan and whimper like a bitch while you pound me”
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kitti-bun · 7 months
Explaining how itchy and sneezy their nose is, is soooo hot to me🥰
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
I never thought Zutara would come back to twist my heartstrings, but ever since the live-action released on Netflix I've been having the exact same feelings I had for it years ago. Including the burning anger at seeing the most maddening fights between Zutara and Kataang.
There are several amazing essays online that explain why Zutara is so good and why so many people love it (Sneezy Reviews' 2-hour-long video is superb), but I don't care to delve into that. After all, it's fictional characters from a cartoon. Shipping is not that serious. Therefore, what really drives me crazy is seeing Kataang shippers and fans in general hate Zutara so passionately and not understand why. What's the point of this shipping war when Kataang won the war years ago? It's literally the canon ship. They constantly brag about it, even. So why do they get so mad and aggressive towards Zutara fans? The ATLA subreddit has more posts complaining and mocking Zutara than posts from Zutara fans discussing the ship. Twitter can't let Zutara fans gush over small scrubs without saying we have a colonizer fetish, an absolutely insane take about a cartoon, and that POC people who enjoy Zutara are sick and must be doing crazy stuff with their white partners at home. Why are people so angry with Zutara and its fanbase? I never see posts and tweets being passionate and gushing over Kataang. Why care so much about the rival ship that lost the war to yours and call its fans the most heinous things and accuse us of all kinds of nonsense?
I'm very happy to see how many of us are still around and loving this ship just as much as we did when we were kids, don't get me wrong! But I think the ship wars in ATLA have got to be one of the most toxic online. Shipping should be fun, but people really ruin it.
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his-tamine · 1 year
OK OK,, I've posted something similar before... But I am very repetitive ok? the same like 3 snz scenarios just spin around in my brain like a microwave dinner but errm.. thinking ab [A] waking up in the middle of the night to a strange muffled noise. After their sleepy haze wears off, they notice that their partner, [B] isn't in bed next to them. They get up to investigate, and are able to identify that the sound they keep hearing is coming from the bathroom. Concerned, they knock, only for the door to come open by itself, as it wasn't fully closed.
There, they find [B] sitting on the edge of the tub in their underwear, eyes watery, with a wad of toilet paper pressed to their itchy, pinkened, nose. At first, [A] assumes they'd been crying. "Babe, it's like [_] o'clock in the morning, are you alright?" [B] looks up at [A], startled, before frowning guiltily, "I didn't wanna wake you up..." They say, almost cut off, as they reflexively muffle a triple into the toilet paper. [A] immediately pieces things together-- the weird sound they'd heard, [B]'s sudden disappearance-- it all made sense now. They gently feel [B]'s cheek, and find that they're actually freezing. "How long have you been sitting here?" [A] asks, now even more concerned than before. "Um... maybe... five? Ten minutes?" [B] replies, carefully dabbing at their leaky faucet of a nose. [A] blinks at them, dumbfounded. "And you didn't think to grab like a blanket or, I don't know, maybe some pants?" "I didn't have time, I-- Htchkt! Hngxht!" [B] ducks down, muffling two more sneezes, "I was trying to be quiet.. snf.. and they just k.. heh.. kept coming," they explain. [A] chuckles softly and rolls their eyes, then bends down and slips their arm around [B]'s waist, standing them up. "C'mon, let's get you back under the covers, love." They coo, guiding their sneezy angel to the bedroom. [B] nods, still sniffling and rubbing their nose, as they returned to bed.
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goodlucksnez · 2 months
cw: some angst, sneezing, glitching,rain sfx, insults, playful nicknames
so i have going through it(depression wise) and decided well I am going to make a angst snez wav
Also I don't care I headcannon v/ox gets sneezy with rain, I mean electronic and rain don't match well so to bad this is my headcannon--also you dont bless people in hell al being polite says curse you and i love that hc --also also a/l says it literately acid rains in hell so that is cannon, shut up!
transcrip belong (do suggest you read along becuase there are moment that help explain the tone/pauses-voice acting angst is hard)
Vox: *running in the acid rain to get under a store cover* Shit, shit, shit…. This shit wasn't fucking supposed to happen, yet fucking broadcast. I guess it could get worse
Al: *appearing from his shadow realm holding some bags that are sizzling away from the rain* It appears that we will have a comparison.
Vox:  Ohh fuck, what are you doing here?
Al: Well, I was in the neighborhood getting a few supplies. And appears to have misjudged the weather and that's what I get for listening to an inferior broadcast.
Vox: *Laughs* I don't fucking control that section. That's hell 666 not dictated by my media corporation. So, you can take that comment and shove it right up your red pompous….
Al: *tsking* Don't get your antenna in a twist.
Vox: I don't want to be here any longer than necessary. How long do you think the fucking rain will last.
Al: *reaches his hand out and slips some of the acid rain, laughing as it burns his throat* at this rate Yep, and that's the taste of a long rain. We're going to be. Here for quite the long haul.
Vox*burning his hand copying al*
Al: *Laughing* I can't believe you copied me.
Vox:  I did not copy you.
Al: Yes, you did not an exact copy, but an imitation. Not quite as good as the original
Vox: fuck.
Al: Well, aren't you full and then extensive vocabulary.
Vox: Don't want to waste my breath *hitching and sneezing with a glitch* on things that don’t need it
Al: Curse you
Vox: *laughing* It's been a while since you've made me laugh.
Al: Let me recall. Wasn't that about eight years ago with this?
Vox: Yeah. We used to run the world.
Al: *sitting down and turning towards vox* Well, we might as well, I doubt we will be moving anytime soon. We haven't, really. Talked about it. *hinting about vox asking al to e part of his team*
Vox: While every time we meet it's normally not in good terms.
Al: True. We do have a knack for getting under each other skin
Vox: *sneezing and glitching*You could say that again
Al: I'm assuming you've heard of the Christmas truce during the First World War?
Vox: Even though you're older than me, I know some things. Yes, I'm aware. So is that your fucking compromise during this acidic storm.
Al: *mockingly* Well done. vox. Yes, a sabbatical.
Vox: So who the fuck wants to start?
Al: How about the one who isn't going to sneeze in the next 5
Vox: *interups al sneezing and glitching* Go ahead.
Al: *looking up as if he is remembering* Let's say my work became mundane. I was so ordinary gain a territory here. Steal soul there, takedown a tyrant an overlord, gain some territory. It was a routine. It was getting so boring. What was the point? Everyone feared me, but. *looks forlorn* What was I even looking for? So I left. Is best to leave them wanting more, right, old friend?
Vox: *surprised not seeing this side of al* Did you find it? Thing you were looking for?
Al: *laughing putting on his smiling face again, hiding his true feeling* Not yet. I have an idea, but I'm not so sure it can be achieved.
Vox: *rolling his eyes* Hopefully it won't interfere with my plan.
Al: Oh, and pray tell, what is your plan?
Vox: *glaring at him* To destroy you.
Al:I thought we have a truce.
Vox: Fair. Fair. I mean, it's not exactly a sound business practice tell my enemy the *hitching and sneezes and glitches* the plan
Al: Curse you. You all right? I would hate for my competition to die so early.
Vox: Yeah,right as rain *shudders*
Al:*remember a moment from their past* I forgot this happens to you when it rains, doesn't it?
Vox: Well, electronic and water don't exactly mix well together.
Al: Acid and rain don't work well either. But it is nice to talk like this.*his face softens and he takes on a more gentle look* Like we used to. If one were akin this to a feeling. One might think it would be longing For the old times.
Vox: Ohh, you're gonna get sentimental on me, old man.
Al: *hiding behind a mask again* You wish.
Vox: *sneezes* Stupid rain.
Al: It will pass. All things do.
Vox: Even overlords?
Al: *perks up a bit* oh? Trying gleam information now are we?
vox: Well, I have a reporter.
Al: Well, for your report, yes. Even overlords can die, I should know. I've killed enough.
Vox: *in a soft voice as if he is afraid of the answer* Where? Do they go?
Al: Not sure. Maybe that's something we can discover together.
Vox: *Sneezes*
Al: Curse you
Vox: Curse you to al. But seriously, you can go anywhere you please. And yet…. You stay. Why? Why do you? Why do you care? *is looking at al face trying to hint at the fact he left him and wanting to know why*
Al: I guess I deserve that…*takes a deep breath but cannot look vox in the face* it wasn't your fault. You know, there's nothing you could have said or done to change my mind. You weren't enough to stick around for. There is nothing I could have done….*takes a deep breath and you can see the smile fade and his claws dig not his side*Because I was nothing…..I still have.
Vox: *surprises to see this side of al, he has never seen* You don't really mean that?
 Al: *laughs and masks his pain* Just performance old pal. The rain should be stopping soon. Let's chat again. It was….*pauses* Nice to see a friend.
Vox: *in his head* He's just like before. It Feel like I never really got to meet the real Al. But today I saw a peek behind the curtains. And…. It was Lonesome.
vox: Yeah, it was nice seeing you around you outdated it static filled nonsense.
al: It's almost adorable how hard you try to be relevant in a world that doesn't care.
vox: Likewise, Bambi.
Al: To seeing the end.
Vox *sneezes and glitches out* To seeing the end
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sugarplumpowder · 1 month
To the anon who asked me to share my past experiences of getting sneezed on by my ex (let's call him M), I’ve decided to give you a properly written account.
For some context on what he looked like—he wasn’t particularly tall, maybe around 5'7" or 5'8", but he was very muscular and well-built. He hit the gym every day, though he was a bit self-conscious about his height. Ironically, despite dating taller guys before/after him, he had the loudest, most powerful sneeze of them all. He had short brown hair, green eyes, and several tattoos. He was a traditional “pretty boy” which isn’t really the usual type I go for but he was a very good looking guy. If I had to compare him to a celebrity, I'd say he resembled Josh Duhamel when he was in his 20s. I'll include a photo below to give you an idea:
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(Disclaimer - NOT my ex. Unfortunately)
Now, onto the story. M and I were together for several years but broke up about seven years ago because we just weren’t right for each other. I won't get into the details of that, but for all the things that frustrated me about him, he DID have the absolute best sneezes. I’ve actually been pretty lucky with all my partners coincidentally having sneezes I really enjoyed, but M was the only one who was bad enough at covering that I’d end up getting sprayed regularly (I’ll explain why this happened so often).
So, M was obsessed with sleeping next to a fan on his side of the bed. It didn’t matter if it was summer, winter, rain, or shine—he would always have that fan on! In fact, he claimed he couldn’t sleep without it.
To make matters more interesting, he suffered from terrible hay fever, making him especially sneezy at night. We’d be cuddling in bed, and I could always tell when a sneeze was coming—the way his expression would suddenly change, his nose starting to twitch, and his breath hitching as he fought the urge. Just before the sneeze would hit, he’d quickly turn his head away from me. His hands were often still wrapped around me, so he couldn’t even try to cover his mouth. Instead, he’d lurch to the other side of the bed and unleash one of his loud, desperate sneezes.
His sneezes were something else—usually an extremely loud and wet “HURRRshooooo” or “Huh-ARRRSSSH,” followed by a massive cloud of spray that seemed to linger in the air. No matter how careful he was to direct the sneeze away from me, he always forgot about that fan. The powerful breeze from the fan would instantly catch the droplets and send them flying right back in my direction. Before I knew it, the mist would be all over me, covering my entire body.
I’m pretty sure he never realized what was happening, but it became a regular occurrence thanks to that fan! I never mentioned it to him either because I knew he would have been mortified and self-conscious if he found out that his attempts at covering had been so futile and would have stopped doing it altogether. So, instead, I kept it to myself and quietly enjoyed being sprayed every time 😇
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twisted-sickfics · 7 months
hi friends! here’s my first fic on this blog, i hope i do it justice! and thanks sm to the anon who sent in this request, i hope you enjoy! <3 now here’s 1.8k of sick sneezy alastor
It’s not exactly out of the ordinary for no one to have eyes on Alastor for quite some time, however it seems that he’s been missing from the hotel for nearly the entire day now.
“I’m just saying, it’s odd,” Charlie explains to a very uninterested Vaggie. It seems not everyone harbors the same worry in their heart for one of Hell’s Overlords. “We’d usually see him around, like, once or twice! Now it’s just radio silence. Literally.”
“I’m sure he’ll turn up soon enough,” Vaggie says with a lot less concern about the situation than her girlfriend. “It’s not exactly odd for that creepy fucker to go lurking around. I give him a day until he’s back.”
If only that were actually the case and Alastor were truly gallivanting around all of Hell without a care in the world. Instead, it seems he’s found himself in a rather unamusing predicament.
The sound of feedback in his ears makes Alastor wince, but luckily no one seems to be around to have seen that moment of weakness. Not that any lesser soul unfortunate enough to cross his path and witness the sorry state he’s in can’t simply be extinguished with minimal effort, he would still prefer to get to Rosie’s as soon as possible.
And hopefully his nose will stop buzzing when he’s there.
The residents of Cannibal Town know better than to greet Alastor with anything other than the utmost respect, but they aren’t ones to unnecessarily fall at the feet of a more powerful being. For that, Alastor is actually grateful for.
Getting to Rosie’s Emporium is easier said than done, but no one other than himself needs to know that. Not even Rosie. Unfortunately, even an Overlord of Hell isn’t immune to catching a terrible cold, but it’s making his muscles ache and he feels distinctly weak.
If there’s one person he knows for sure won’t take advantage of his misery, it’s Rosie. Their relationship has always been a special one, helping each other out whenever need be with very few strings attached for such powerful beings. Compared to other favors he’s had to ask, this one is particularly benign.
The first challenge that presents itself are the other patrons of Rosie’s Emporium who currently have no idea they are on one of the Overlords of Hell’s hit list right now. “Oh my goodness, Alastor! It’s lovely to see you here dearie!”
A warm welcome. One that would be much appreciated if Alastor didn’t need the patrons out yesterday. “Yes, yes, I thought I’d pay a visit to my good friend. There’s something I’d like to talk about if you’d lend me an ear—not literally this time, I’m afraid!”
Rosie laughs at the joke, but Alastor can already tell she’s picked up on his unusual behavior if his disheveled (by his standards) appearance wasn’t already enough to go by. “Alastor, dear, I always have time for you. Let me just finish up with a few customers and we can get right away, how’s about that?”
Alastor can already feel the buzzing sensation in his nose getting more intense by the minute. If he doesn’t get away soon, he’s going to—
“Well, then I hope you don’t mind if I take a bit of a look around the store while I wait. I must say, it’s been quite some time since I’ve last paid you a visit! Toodle loo!”
It’s rushed and worse than the usual quick-witted response Alastor could give on the spot, but the last thing he’s going to do is show any kind of weakness in front of a bunch of patrons. If word got out about the Radio Demon being brought down by a silly cold, he’ll never be able to live that down. He can always get rid of one or two unsuspecting passersby in the exact right place and time to witness Alastor’s downfall, but even he can hardly control the spread of gossip amongst an entire town. That’s more in line with the Vees’ skill set.
Quickly, he finds an unoccupied bathroom and ensures that no one is within earshot.
“H̶̬̮̻͔̯̥̤̪́̑͋͋͜Ḩ̸̧̡͈̖̹͇̜̤͍̗͇̻͂̓͛̃͆͝͠’̸̣̺̯̲͍̞͕̳̣̯̿̅̅͛̒N̶͉̺͖̯̟͇͉͎̣̈́̄̋̊̒̄͐͆G̶̛̭͇̪͍̬̳̼̦̎̈́͜K̸̛̛̪̞̉̇͆̿͝͝T̵̲̤͔̈́͂! H̷̭̳̤̗̻͙̀͆̉̓͋͋͑̕͠Ȟ̵̰̥̲̳̱́̍͜͜’̷͇͕͙̰͓̪̭̞͎̋̀͜D̸̢̡̛͇̜̪̱͖̥̝̯̱̃̀́̉̄͜͝Ź̶͇͎̠̟̹̫͈͌̿͒̓͋̈́̃̆̃̿͑̚͠Z̵̧͉͓̔͐́̀͐̈́̋͛Z̶̲̬̠̠͎̩͒̆̎̄̃̿̄̒͆̇̉̓̎͠Ḩ̴̢̢̛͈̔̋͗̈̊̎̀̎̀̎͌̂͝͝! H̶̡̨̠̮͉̱͕̜̼̱̬̫̲̽̀̂̀͆͐͜H̵̨̛̗̘̹͚̰̝̬̱͐̾͌̓͑̔͊̆͊͌͐̕͝͝’̶̨͕̗͙̝͕̯̬̯̮̹͛̎͘T̴̡͖̳̱̟̫̫̰̀̂͂̃̀͋͂̕͠ͅS̴͓̘̪̫̼͉̻͈̰̟̈̀̊̍̿̀̓̋͋͛̀͌͝Ḫ̷̙̩̦̤̞͇̟̘̐̐̇͒̀́̈́̑̔̀̏̂͝͠͝H̶̤̺̣̾̃́̆͑̿̃ͅ!”
The buzzing is incessant and the faint sound of radio static begins to fill the bathroom, a true testament to his lack of control. It shouldn’t be this way, he should be better-composed. He’s supposed to be indestructible, infallible, and completely immune to any kind of illness as silly as a cold.
Unfortunately, however, Hell just doesn’t work like that.
His head pounds and he’s begging to feel dizzy. Thankfully, there are worse places to pass out than in the bathroom of a trusted friend’s place, but he has a feeling his pride won’t allow him to do even that. There’s no way he’s going to show weakness, even to himself if he can help it.
Blowing his nose alleviates some of the pressure in his head as well as the sound of radio static in the room, but it doesn’t get rid of the incessant buzzing in his nose. He has a feeling that’s probably going to stick around for a while, as annoying as it is.
That’s when he hears the bathroom door open despite him being completely certain that he’d locked it. “Oh, Alastor, dear, you could’ve just told me you weren’t feelin’ well.”
At least it’s just Rosie. Some of the tenseness in his shoulders relaxes at that. He puts a smile back on his face and turns to face her with the little amount of dignity he still has left. “It seems that even Overlords can be brought down by a simple cold, I’m afraid,” he admits in a joking manner, not willing to admit how terrible he truly feels. “Do be careful, I would hate for you to catch something because of me.”
“Nah, that’s not somethin’ you have to worry your pretty little head about, darling,” Rosie says instead, not willing to accept Alastor playing this off. “Just trust me. I can shut down the shop for the day and make you some nice tea to help with that throat’a yours.”
That’s…nice. As much as Alastor would hate to admit weakness, there’s something about being offered a warm cup of bitter tea when he feels like collapsing on his feet right now. “How could I ever turn down an offer as generous as that? I think I’ll join you for some tea and conversation.”
The “conversation” part is ballsy, even for him, considering he isn’t sure how much longer he can go without sneezing. The buzzing in his nose is continuing to bug him even after he blew his nose. But being cared about tea sounds too nice to turn down.
The shop looks much different without the hustle and bustle of busy Cannibal Town residents. For Hell, Rosie has always managed to keep the place is relatively high spirits, a true feat for anyone unlucky enough to be down here.
Great, now the static is back. And Rosie heard him.
His mask is slipping.
“Goodness, I apologize,” he says, trying to act as unbothered as possible. He can’t tell if Rosie is buying it or not since her back is turned to him, making tea. He grabs his handkerchief and rubs at his nose, hoping that will alleviate some of the annoying buzzing.
“You don’t need to act all tough around me,” Rosie chastises. “Haven’t we known each other for long enough by now? No one else is here right now. You can let your guard down, I’ve got you.”
As reassuring as that is (Rosie’s care is a good one to be in), Alastor isn’t sure he can let himself relax like that. He’s never done it before and he isn’t sure he can do it now, even with aches and soreness all over.
“You do have a way of seeing through everyone, don’t you?” Alastor says, finally letting his guard down. His voice is less animated and his ears begin to droop slightly. Anyone else would take this as an immediate sign to attack the Radio Demon, but not Rosie. Rosie is a friend. Rosie is safe.
“Here you go,” she says, sliding over a hot cup of black tea with no sugar. “That should help with your throat if it isn’t already hurting. But I have a feeling it is and you’re just not tellin’ me.”
“Oh Rosie, do tell me how it feels to be right all the time, hm?” Alastor jests. He didn’t realize how much his throat was actually hurting until he takes the first sip of tea. He tries to stifle the cough that ensues behind a fist, but an unsettling staticky sound emerges anyway.
“It feels lovely, darlin’,” Rosie quips. “But it sounds like your throat doesn’t. I really feel for you—getting sick while also bein’ in Hell? What kinda shitty luck is that?” She bursts into boisterous laughter, which Alastor doesn’t exactly appreciate but lets slide.
“I’ve had worse days, but this one is the shittyhh—
Ḩ̷̰͍̹̖̮̟͂̍͑̒̄Ḥ̸̨̯̥͕̣͙̯̠̳̘͇̀̋̄̂͒́̑͘͜͝’̸̡̡̮͔̪̰̼̖͉̝͈̝̃͗̅͋͗̓͛͌͝E̸̤̦̱͓̭͉͇̠͚͂̽̏̎͌͑̀̋̀͂̕̚͝͠͝D̷̢͎̭͙̹̙̖̭̣̣̮͖̰͖̆̚Ż̶̧̨͖̭͕͉͇̩͉̰͙͍͍̰̥̂́̉͌Z̵̳̲̝̱̦̻͙̰͕̭̪̯͗̈̋̑̍̅̓̌̆̀̔̇͜S̴̨̢̢̛̲̦͔̠͔̻̯̼̥͆ͅH̵͎͋̽̀̅̄̕Û̸̢̩̝͕̾̈́̓͂̽̀̓̉̚! Ugh, ‘scuse mbe. Well, I suppose
there’s certainly no way I can broadcast in this condition, now is there?” Might as well rest here and recuperate before heading back to the hotel, he thinks to himself, especially if Rosie is being so amenable. Wouldn’t want to face her wrath if I tried to walk out of here like this, either.
He can feel his ears drooping at this point, but he doesn’t have the energy or the necessity to keep them pointed upright. Hopefully no sneaky lesser demons are lurking around looking for pictures but Alastor is still confident in his abilities to detect any foul presences, even battling one of the worst colds of his life.
“How’s that hotel business going these days? The princess and her friends still up to their little shenanigans?” Rosie asks, trying to make conversation. Alastor thinks he still has enough energy left for that.
“Always,” he responds, the plastered smile on his face suddenly feeling slightly more genuine. “But it can be such a headache. There’s no way I could possibly be there now, imagine the migraine I would get in my state.” It’s certainly not because the thought of being doted on makes his cold, shriveled heart do funny things inside his chest.
“Just don’t stay here too long,” Rosie suggests. “Of course you’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like, dear, but I’m sure the residents would miss you dearly if you were gone more than a few days. It’s just a matter of time before one of them comes looking for you, you know.”
That, he knows too well. He can practically hear Charlie worrying all the way from the hotel lounge. But there’s no way he can show vulnerability around any of them.
Not yet.
“I’ll make sure to recover quickly, then,” Alastor says, sipping on his tea cup. “Give them nothing to worry about. I’ll be back in no tihh… no time—
“Ḩ̴̤͓̫̖͇̤͊̂́͜H̵̢̢̤̺̩̟̖͍̩̹̗̠̑̈́̈́̀͌͑̾̊͝ͅ’̸͇̈̑͒Ë̶̮̝̗͕͖̳͇̗͕̼̬͖́̐͑̈͋̒̀̄̉̈́̒̾̚͘T̵̛̗͚̰̱̭̘͉̯̝̈́̀̂̏̍̽͋͘͝S̴̡̙̺͎̬̱̘̈̅̏́̇ͅS̴̭̥̑̉̂͛̂̾̏̂̾͗Ḣ̵̢̢̞͕̹̰̯̟̰̯̠̖͕͔̀U̸̮͌͆́̏̂̎̏͝͠! Ȟ̴̱’̵̧̛̘́̏͑̌̔̅̑̀͒͂̽͗̃̄H̴̛͙̮͈̠̻̝̱͖̺̺̺͉̩͙̲̆̒́͆̃̂̕͜Ả̷͉̫̘͋̃̋̽̂͂̆̽̏̍̐̾͌̕͜͝Z̵̧̡̠̻̥̲̙͇̙̠͋͌͛̈́͐͋͊͆̔͆͗͒̍͝Z̶̢͚͓͒̆̈́͊̈̑͠ͅZ̶͉̠̗͇̥̰͎̰̱͙͉̱̜̳̣̉̒̌́̓̓͋̚͠H̸̬͓͚̻͖̣̙̬͌̈́̈́͒͌̒̍̒̌̕͠Ủ̶̧̜̱̺̘̖͖̣̣̙͇̩̣͉̄ͅ! Ḥ̴̨̼̣̩̰͓̗̞̜̘͖̱̊̍͜͝È̵̟͒̄͝’̵̙̱̻̥̼̥̹͈̎̈͋̔̅̋̿̓̔͘͜͜Ḍ̷̠̤͕̞̻̟̻͓̜̱̱̃̊̀̎̈́̓̍̇̏͂̚̕Z̸̡̜͈̝̖̈́͊̾̐̓̾̈̽̎̌̍͛̑̕̚̕Z̶̺̣̯̺̫͇̈́̒̇͒̇͆̄̓̅͋̒H̸̨̡̜̳̜̜̣̤̮̉̏̇̿͌̈́̈́́̅̊̒͂͆̇͝Ứ̵̡̙̮͍̣̼̹̠̞̣͕̇̂̑̄̑̔̑̋̎͛̚͝ͅ!”
That damned buzzing in his nose! If it were an enemy, he would be able to eliminate them in nanoseconds. But even the great Alastor can’t fight off a cold without rest and relaxation.
Thankfully, he can get plenty of it at Rosie’s.
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pandasnooze · 4 months
People who regularly have long sneezing fits and then act surprised when they sneeze like 3 times in a row. Like, “Ugh, sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into me today. Must be something in the air.” Around people who know them well and have seen them have long sneezing fits plenty of times before. Like, it’s okay, you don’t need to explain, just sneeze? You’re so silly?
Or the opposite. The person who is like “Bless you, geez! You done yet?!” After 3 or 4 sneezes when they’ve seen that person sneeze 7-10+ times on a regular basis. Obviously you know they aren’t. That one always gives me a little bit of a cringe “vanillas acting a bit unvanilla” vibe. BUT then when the sneezer gets all flustered feeling pressure to stop when they desperately needed just a few more. Now they’re left sniffling in and out of pre sneeze face for an hour until they finally just have another full fit. It’s just creating a whole charade, dragging out the inevitable for the poor sneezy soul.
Why the charade?
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unfinishedzizzy · 2 months
Hyperfixation town hit and guess what cartoon I'm obsessed with now? And did character redesigns of during the watch party?
That's right, the 7D. And no I'm not explaining these more then I saw a drawing of Sneezy as a sheep and spiraled from there (and also me and my friend were both peeved that Happy was played by a POC but STILL made white for no reason)
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silentsneezes · 4 months
here’s a little st/eddie fic i have sitting in docs from a while ago (i can’t remember if i’ve already posted it or not) !! featuring allergic e/ddie
Eddie takes a delicate breath as his nostrils flare: the telltale sign of a brewing sneeze. His mouth falls open, features going slack and brown eyes hazing over. He waves a hand in front of his face, a habit he picked up from Steve (despite his many taunts about it being unnecessary). His nostrils flare as his breath hitches a second time, "hhHng't!"
He stifles the sneeze into near silence, taking an experimental sniff before returning to his task: re-painting the trailer. Despite Eddie's assurances that he's over the whole "Vecna thing” (as he likes to put it), he flinches every time he sees the trailer. Demo Bat scratches line the sides and top of the old vehicle, which is why Eddie ended up spending his afternoon painting his trailer in the scorching sun (it's only 80 degrees out) and trying not to melt (hardly breaking a sweat).
He sniffles again as he stands on his tippy-toes to reach the top of the van. Swiping his nose against his arm, he curses softly and sets down the paint brush. He exchanges it for his black bandana.
Eddie presses the fabric to his itchy nose, immediately causing his breath to hitch, "HhhHNG'xT! hHj'Xnt! Heh… hhHTS'Xd!"
The black haired boy sighs and returns the bandana to his pocket. Just as he reaches for the paintbrush, he hears a twig snap behind him. He grabs the paintbrush (an admittedly bad weapon of choice) and wheels around.
Steve jumps at the brush that's suddenly held at his throat, eyes wide, "Shit! Munson!"
Eddie sighs with relief, releasing his grip on the paintbrush and hitting Steve's shoulder playfully, "Thanks for the heart attack, Harrington."
"You're one to talk," Steve argues, pulling Eddie in for a quick kiss, “I thought you could use some help.”
Eddie grins widely, “just admit you missed me, Harrington,” he teases, punctuating his quip with a sniffle.
Eddie’s nose twitches wildly, and his eyebrows knit together. His breath hitches once, a short, delicate inhale before a string of sneezes tumbles out of him, “nGshh-sdch-kscht!” The triple does nothing to cease the burning itch in the back of Eddie’s sinuses.
“Bless you,” Steve says, glancing over at Eddie and taking note of his red nose and watery eyes, “How long have you been painting for?” He asks curiously.
Eddie shrugs, swiping his wrist under his nose before continuing to paint, “half an hour give or take.”
Steve nods, grabbing a paintbrush from Eddie’s back pocket and starting to help. It’s relatively easy work, especially since Steve can reach the top of the van without having to stand on his tippy toes.
“I thought you were working today?” Eddie says curiously.
“They’re having issues with the generator at Family Video, so they gave me the day off,” Steve explains with a little grin, “Wayne’s still out of town, right?”
Eddie returns his grin, “Why do you ask?” He asks with a little smirk, despite knowing exactly why Steve asked.
Steve stops painting for a second and leans over to kiss Eddie’s cheek, “You know why,” he says, his voice soft. Eddie practically melts right then and there, he blushes and keeps painting, trying to ignore the warmth filling his stomach.
Without warning, the buzzing in his nose returns and he snaps to the side, barely managing to catch the flurry of sneezes in his palm, “hh’ETSCH! hHk’gnzschew! nnGKtchiew!”
He manages to half stifle the last two sneezes, but the first one comes too fast. He wipes his hand on his jeans, cringing a little at the wetness of his sneezes.
“Bless you,” Steve says again, raising his eyebrow a little, “Did you take any allergy meds today?”
Eddie rolls his eyes, “Does it look like I did?”
“No,” Steve deadpans, looking worriedly at his boyfriend.
“Jesus, Harrington, I was tryna make a joke,” he says lightly, “I’m okay, really. Just sneezy,” he assures a concerned looking Steve.
“Alright,” Steve says with a little nod before he starts painting again, “but you’re taking something when we go inside.”
“You got it boss,” Eddie replies with a little grin. He reaches to start painting again, but instead he flinches to the side with a few itchy stifles, “h’tsnk! g’nsch! ts’xch!”
“Bless you,” Steve says softly, glancing over at Eddie. Eddie notices this and makes a show of painting the RV again; he wasn’t going to give in that easily.
It’s Steve’s turn to roll his eyes. He dips his paintbrush and continues painting, getting the higher spots that Eddie couldn’t reach as easily. Steve considered making a height joke, but Eddie seemed to have his hands full with his brewing allergy attack.
Eddie manages to hold back his sneezes for a few minutes, but eventually his best efforts to hold back fail. He fumbles to set down his paintbrush on a nearby picnic table and grab his handkerchief from his back pocket in time to cover, “h’gNXch!-tsch! g’zxcht! heh…. hh.”
Eddie pauses for a second, his breath still hitching delicately. He keeps the handkerchief held against the lower portion of his face. It doesn’t take long for him to snap forwards again, “h’HnGSxh! hh- hehETSCH-TSHCiew!”
He manages to stifle the first sneeze, but the next two escape him, tumbling out in rapid succession.
“Bless you,” Steve says again, setting down his own paintbrush and putting the lid on the paint, “Alright, let’s get you inside,” he says gently, wrapping an arm around Eddie’s waist and guiding him towards the door.
Eddie doesn’t bother fighting back. His hands are still steeped over his nose and mouth.
“hh-hih-?” After a particularly dramatic false start, Eddie groans and rubs harshly at his nose, “Fugk me.”
“I don’t think now’s really the time, Munson,” Steve jokes with a little smirk. Eddie blushes. Steve’s hand rests on his lower back as he climbs the steps into the trailer.
Eddie misses his boyfriend’s touch when he removes his hand from Eddie’s waist.
“I’ll be right back, you should wash your hands and face,” he kisses Eddie’s forehead, “and change your clothes,” he adds bossily.
Eddie nods, knowing Steve is right, but still wanting to plop down on the couch as is. He starts with washing his hands, walking to the bathroom and lathering on soap.
He turns on the faucet and curses as the itch returns with a vengence.
“hheh-hh’ETSCHew! hh’HHG’ngXT!” He just barely manages to stifle the second sneeze, and the first left a light spray on the mirror. Eddie cringes, “gross,” he mutters as he finishes washing his hands and then grabs some toilet paper and wiping off the mirror.
Next, he splashes some water on his face. He pauses, grabbing a nearby hand towel and muffling an englaught of sneezes, “hHMPtCH! m’DTSChu! hh-hehHDSCHew! F-heh-fugk… hhGN’knt! gX-tsch!”
When Eddie looks up, Steve is standing in the doorway with a concerned expression, “Bless you Eds.”
“Sndf, thankgs,” he cringes at how congested he sounds. He finishes washing his face and then walks to his bedroom, peeling off his pollen-coated clothes and exchanging them for pjs and a cropped band T-shirt.
“hh’iTSCH! You’re k-heh-khhidding mbe-EH’nGXSchh!”
He barely manages to cover in time, spraying his palm. He walks back to the bathroom and blows his nose into a wad of toilet paper, feeling a little grossed out/embarassed by how productive it is. He washes his hands again.
He walks to the kitchen where Steve is waiting with two benadryl and a glass of apple juice. Eddie grins at the juice. He swallows the pills and then kisses Steve lightly, “thank you baby.”
Steve blushes a little and nods, “Any time.”
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bunnydexterloveselvis · 8 months
Hiiii and welcome ✨🔆 If you are accepting prompts can i request one please, would you write cuddly fluff and / or agere with a baby BDE? especially a sick fic with a cg reader! Thank you ✨✨✨
Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!! You're the first one to request a prompt!!! Thank you sooo much!!! Of course I'll write it!! How could I pass up such an amazing request? So cute!!! I've never wrote sick fics before so I'll try my best!!
Sick little baby.. (Agere!Big Daddy Elvis x reader)
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summary: //elvis wakes up with a cold, is age regressed, and has you as his caregiver
type of fic: //age regression, tooth-rotting fluff, sickfic
warnings: //being sick?? the symptoms mentioned are sneezing, coughing, headache, mild fever, etc. no vomiting or anything like that. also it's pretty mild. he just sleeps it off, cuddling????? idk some people don't like being cuddled i guess, baby talk?? i don't think there's any serious warnings here besides being sick and age regression
word count: //675 (six-hundred and seventy-five) words
It was a fresh day, and you wake up in the morning, it’s around 8am. You look over at your sweet boy who is still sleeping. “What a cutie,” you thought to yourself. You chuckled and got out of bed to make breakfast. About 15 minutes later you come back, with Elvis still asleep in the bed. You smile warmly.
“Wake up, baby,” you whisper in his ear. He shuffles around a bit and lets out a whine. His eyes flutter open and he pouts. “Mamaaa- ’m sweepy!!!” He rolls onto his back. Oh. He woke up little! You almost giggle from how cute he is. He then sneezes three times and sniffles. “got da sneezies,” He mutters, with a short, reassuring giggle. Then he coughs a bunch. “Um, little one, are you okay??” You ask, caressing his shoulder. He looks up at you with sparkling eyes but very wet eyes. “M-mama I don’ feew so.. Good..” He wipes his forehead trickling with sweat, along with that, his soft chubby cheeks are red and his eyes are half-lidded.
He’s sick. But he has a concert today! “Awww.. What are we going to do?,” you thought. You’ll have to cancel it today. Can’t do a concert if you’re sick! So you make a call to explain that E is sick, and has to cancel the concert today. After that trouble, you run back to him. “Mamaaa…” he cries and makes grabby hands at you, implying he wants something. “What is it, E, baby??” you chuckle a bit from his overexpressed tone of voice. “Mmm.. t-tummy hurts..” he forces out while clenching his hands on his soft belly. “Awwww.. It’ll be okay. Mommy’s gonna help make your tummy feel better in no time!,” you tell him, sitting down next to him, massaging circles on his sore stomach. He looks up at you with the prettiest, sparkliest eyes ever. “Weawwy?” he asks softly. A small smile appears on his face. “Wiww mama make tummy free bettew?” “Of course honey, but you need to rest, I’ll be back with some stuff to keep you busy while I make you stuff to help you feel better! Sounds okay?” You murmur, making sure you don’t scare him. He gets scared when he hears loud noises, and you took note of that as soon as you found out. “Mhm!” he nods. You find his toybox and his paci and take it to him, pop the paci in his mouth while ruffling his hair very gently, remember he has a headache too.
So you give him all his gear, and as you walk away to go make him soup for his tummy, he cries out, “Mamaaa!! Don’ leave!!” You sigh. “E, baby, I have to make you soup so you’ll feel better. Do you wanna take the yucky red-coloured spoon medicine?” you threaten “No!! No yucky stuff!! Just wan’ mama..” he frowns and looks down. You slowly approach him and run your fingers through his hair, which usually calms him down. It did. He buries his face in your chest while hugging you tight. “I-I wuv you mama” he says into you. Making you smile sympathetically, you say, “Okay.. I’ll lie down and nap with you, but the first hurt noise I hear from you, I am getting the medicine,” half jokingly. He pouts as a joke, making you giggle. 
You pet his hair while trying not to get sick yourself. His eyes get half-lidded and sleepy. You pet his forehead in an attempt to calm his headache. It worked, weirdly, more like distracted him from his headache to your soothing touch. Elvis practically did something similar, he held you, his mama, close. Never letting go. Planting a kiss on his cheek, you whisper sweet nothings into his ear to lull him into a nap. Afterwards you make him some chicken noodle soup for when he wakes up in case he gets hungry.
You really hope he naps for a while, because you can’t seem to get this can of chicken soup open.
(i don't feel like this is good enough, i feel like it's too vague. let me know if you like it!! It was a teensy bit rushed and i wrote half of it when sleepy)
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just had a thought okay. someone with a really sneezy cold and whenever they sneeze their eyes water a lot, and their friend/partner comes in or sees them or whatever right after they've just sneezed a couple times and their eyes are all watery and red and they get super worried cause they think the sickie has been crying 😭😭 but sickie just has to be like no no im okay i promise (and then the awkward task of explaining that their eyes water so much whenever they sneeze)
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