#snape solo smut
marvel-snape-writes · 22 days
hii i found your work recently and i love it so much!! would you be interested in continuing the storyline of the solo snape one-shot and writing one about him and the mirror of erised?
Infatuated Reflections Plagued By Self-loathing
Severus Snape x 🤫female character🤫/The Mirror of Erised
5.7k+ words
18+ solo smut 🤭
Thank you to the person who requested this! I hope you enjoy it, and I hope that the rollercoaster of emotions does your request the justice it deserves! 😊🫶
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You’d have thought that for someone who was so often described as ‘an overgrown bat’ that nightfall would have been his favourite time of day, but not for Severus Snape. In reality, he hated when the day was over, the marking was done, and he had no other vices to drown out his own thoughts. The tossing and turning in his bed was often as a result of this. Though, albeit more often than he’d like to admit, he would sometimes think about how it must feel to spend the night with someone, rather than by himself. Not even necessarily for any fooling around, more for the company. Someone to hold, perhaps, or even someone to be held by. He knew he would be far too nervous, far too out of his depth, even, in order to hint at anything more. But just to have someone to carry him through the loneliness, that he couldn't deny he had wished for now and then.
Right now, he was sat at his desk and still trying to find different ways in which to procrastinate making the journey from his armchair to his bed. He couldn't put his finger on why, but tonight he felt a mixture of loneliness and a slight twinge of uneasiness in the pit of his stomach. Perhaps the company he was longing for tonight was something more along the lines of affection than just another body to lay to the side of in silence. His chin rested on the palm of his hand with his elbow bent on the table as he pondered into the gentle flicker of his desk candle how exactly could he get what he so craved whilst avoiding the embarrassment of speaking or bumping into a single person. He concluded only one answer: taking a visit to The Mirror of Erised.
‘Don’t be so absurd’, was the first internal voice of response. He stared down at the neatly stacked pieces of paper upon his desk and let out a deep sigh through his hooked nose. ‘You want company, you do not wish to be a burden, you do not wish for embarrassment. It is the only way’, a different voice then continued as his lip twitched, ‘Go’.
“Can I bring the mirror back to bed with me?” He asked out loud into the silence, his mind tampering with the slightly seducing reflections he may see in the mirror if it really did show the depths his desires would go on rare occasions.
There were few things he hated more than feeling like this. Very rarely he would let himself to give in to his own desires. Very rarely he would allow himself to even entertain the idea. On the rare occasion he did, it would be over in a flash; whether that be because of the self-loathed feeling of embarrassment he would bring upon himself for letting it come to that point where he had no choice except to chase his own release, or whether it was because the times between allowing pleasure into his life were so far apart that once he started, it only took a few minor strokes to reach his craved result; the hot, sticky blobs landing upon him almost as white as his own skin.
He could feel the frustration beginning to grow. It bubbled from the pit of his stomach and sent tingles down his thighs, clenching his fists a few times whilst swallowing hard. The times where he craved company that went further than just to have another person’s presence with him were what he’d fear the most. Not knowing how long it was going to last or how he would deal with it. Whether he would dare to allow himself to go through with the inevitable when it got too painful to even sleep. The feeling, the urges would come in waves. To him, they were more likened to waves of nausea — or should he say, they were about just as unwelcome as feeling nauseous. However, the way that one would ‘feel better’ after having thrown up after a long time of feeling sick, this was the same way he felt after he had given in to his own desires; not happy necessarily, certainly not proud, maybe a little relieved, but mostly just glad it was over.
Begrudgingly, he stood up from his armchair and brushed his hands down the front of his buttoned pyjama shirt. He pushed his chair back into his desk and glanced around the room to try and decide what would result in less speculation or questions if he were to be caught walking the corridors after hours. He was comfortable in his black bedclothes, but he definitely didn't have the confidence to be walking down the halls in them. His go-to solution was to grab his cloak and wrap it around his shoulders — and as much of his body as possible without looking completely ridiculous.
He stood by his chamber door for a few moments, one hand fixed on the handle and one pushing through his hair as he had a few last minute hesitations about going to find The Mirror of Erised. What would someone say if they saw him? What story would he make up? What if someone was in front of the mirror already? The thoughts took over his mind for several moments and he sighed deeply, taking one glance back at his empty bed before making the final decision to go ahead with the plan to at least attempt to fill his loneliness.
Thankfully, the corridors were quiet, or quiet enough at least to be able to hear if anyone else was coming in any other direction. Knowing exactly what to do and where to go in order to find The Mirror of Erised irritated him a little as he was hoping by the time it was in view, his desires may have calmed. They hadn’t.
As he saw the mirror in the distance, he pondered for a short while if this would be worth it at all. Would it make him feel even worse if he couldn't even converse with whatever would be standing in front of him? He stepped closer to it. What if he could cast a spell and make it talk? Or would that make it even worse?
He grumbled to himself as he approached the mirror and stood at the side of it, still in absolute disbelief that he had allowed himself to come this far. He pulled his cloak around him a little bit tighter as if for some sort of comfort — for the first time in a long time he actually felt a bit nervous. As he side stepped a little closer to the mirror, still not yet in front of it, he thought of all the possibilities that could be reflected; Which would it choose? Out of all the things in Severus Snape’s ‘ideal world’, which, in this exact moment in time, would The Mirror of Erised select as his most his desired?
He felt his heart race at the thought of the several possible outcomes and was unable to even move his feet, almost as if they had been glued to the floor. Often coming across as being so sure of himself and his actions, he was not familiar with this sudden anxiety surrounding the idea of standing in front of a mirror. He knew deep down it was because he was afraid of seeing for himself what it was that he really wanted, because if he could see it, then he knew it was real, and delving into his own thoughts and feelings and putting himself and his own desires first was something he hadn't done for years.
He took a deep breath and lifted one of his feet in order to step in front of the mirror before stopping himself in the process as he had a sudden thought; what if he were to cast the potential ‘talking’ spell on the mirror before standing in front of it? That way, if he didn't like what he saw, he could at least threaten whoever was on the other side with something if they didn't promise to keep tonight and his helplessness a secret.
He pulled his wand out of his pocket and gestured it toward the mirror, muttering the first thing that came into his head. He lowered his arm and placed his wand back into his pocket, waiting a few moments in complete silence. The breath he drew this time was even deeper than the one before, genuinely afraid of what he may discover next. His heart thumping in his chest and his hands growing sweaty, he took his first step in front of the mirror. Afraid to look at the image in front of him, his eyes instinctively closed once he was in line with it.
Just open them, Severus. Whatever you see, it is not real, he told himself, already embarrassed with how pathetic he felt. He calmed his breathing and swallowed hard, opening his eyes with a slight squint at first before opening them fully. To his surprise — or relief — there wasn't anything in the reflection of the mirror other than darkness. He couldn't even see himself. Not that he and his self-loathing was upset about it. He let out a shaky breath and stared directly at it, trying his best to focus on if there was anything he was missing. He arched a brow and sighed in defeat.
You can’t even stare into a mirror right, he grumbled inside his head, pulling his cloak around him tightly again and turning away from the mirror. He began to walk back to the door and pressed his lips together hard, unsure of if he was more angry or disappointed in himself. Even the mirror didn't have anything to offer him. Only seeing his own reflection? He knew there was a reason why he had never used the mirror for himself. What could a cold, reserved man possibly desire?
Already dreading who he would potentially bump into down the corridors back to his chamber, he placed his hand on the handle of the door to leave the room. The mirror was facing away from him now, his back toward the room, and he couldn't wait to pretend he had never even tried to communicate with it. He twisted the handle and began to pull it open, scowling to himself until he heard a voice from behind him speak into the empty room, “Severus, wait…”
The gentle voice shook him to his core, placing his free hand flat upon the wall at the side of the doorframe to try and steady himself. For a moment he convinced himself that he had imagined it, but the same gentle tone called for him again. His lips parted and he felt a shiver run down his spine, his fingertips now turning white from how hard they were pressed against the wall. His heart rate intensified wildly as he turned around and began walking back toward the mirror.
Once again, he approached the front of it with his eyes closed, still not fully convinced that his spell had worked. Had he made the mirror say what he craved most rather than showing him? Gradually, he opened his eyes again to find his answer. His head was dipped when his eyes opened fully, seeing only dainty feet. It was as his eyes trailed further up herbody that he felt himself dizzy with impossibility. Whether the reflection could speak to him or not, he found himself absolutely speechless. His eyes welled as he felt genuine emotion surge through his body for the first time in longer than he could even remember.
“I- It can’t be…” His voice trembled, bringing one of his hands to his mouth and speaking into it, “C-Can’t…”
His head shook as his eyes met the reflection in the mirror. Instead of seeing himself with what he apparently most desired, he only saw her alone. But that was enough. If he had seen himself with her after all these years, he was convinced he would've collapsed in an instant. She looked older, though she still had all the same familiarities he was so used to gazing upon in his youth. Still convinced that he was seeing things, he took a step closer. The slim figure in the mirror moved with him, shocking him to the point of stumbling backward a little and struggling to keep his balance. He desperately reached to a nearby table to try and stabilise himself, feeling himself growing more and more lightheaded by the second.
“Just take a breath,” She said, her eyes following him from the mirror, “Compose yourself,” The softness of her voice made him tingle, “Everything is going to be okay.”
“You’re not here,” He shook his head manically, covering his face with his hands as he leant back against the table, “You are not here.”
“Look at me and tell me I’m not, Severus.” She replied.
Severus slowly lowered his hands from his face again and tried not to act so startled this time when he was met with her reflection yet again. He swallowed hard and exhaled deeply. She was every bit of stunning that he remembered. Even more so, actually. Now she looked a similar age to him, he could begin to imagine what life would have been like — could have been like. But that thought made his eyes well even more.
“How are you, Severus?” She asked in a gentle tone.
“Oh, that used to be such a simple question to answer…” Severus laughed weakly, his hands trembling madly as he dared to look her reflection in the eyes again.
“Well, you’re here,” She shrugged, “Living, breathing—”
“Barely,” Severus swallowed the lump in his throat, “I’d say more just existing.”
“Oh, Severus…” It was only two words but the way she said it earned a singular tear to run down his cheek. The caring, tender tone made him feel as if she had reached out her hand caressed it. He looked up at her reflection helplessly, catching his lip between his teeth when it began to quiver.
“I can't…” He inhaled shakily, “B—Believe it…”
His chest physically pained from what was in front of him, still only half believing it was true.
“What is it?” She asked, narrowing her eyebrows empathetically and speaking again when Severus failed to do so, “I cannot leave if I am what you desire the most. That's the rules. The mirror can't lie.”
Severus nodded uneasily, mumbling under his breath, “I do not deserve to desire,” He shrugged simply, “Wherever you are, I just hope you’re happy,” He swallowed the growing lump in his throat, “Whatever that means.”
“You deserve more than anyone to desire, Severus,” She smiled softly, “A man who has prevented himself from such feelings for so long.”
Severus’ lip twitched, now staring at his feet.
“It is only natural to—”
“Be weak and give in to it?” Severus asked, arching a brow.
“Do not think of it as giving in, think more that you are allowing yourself to feel.” She smiled kindly.
Severus felt himself go strangely numb and electric at the same time. His breathing became jittery and he was struggling to try and figure out what exactly it was that she meant. It wasn't that he didn't feel anything, it was more that he felt everything all at once; shock, sadness, happiness, helpless, regret, heartbreak, loneliness, that so-called desire she spoke of, aroused, even, and when he raised his head to look at her again, justified for all of the above.
“I won't tell if you don't, Severus.” She whispered.
“I-I’m sorry?” Severus widened his eyes.
Before he knew it, his mouth was as wide as his eyes. He watched in awe as she began to undress in front of him in the mirror, half not thinking he was worthy to witness such beauty, half being in so much awe he was unable to bring his eyes away. She stopped once she got to her underwear and left those items of clothing on, looking back into his eyes now. Severus’ eyes quickly diverted, however, now shyly looking at the floor
“For heavens sake, just do what every fibre of your being is telling you to,” She stood now with her hand on her hip, “Take a look.”
Severus’ breathing grew heavier, afraid of what would become of him if he looked at her properly.
“For me?” She bit her lip.
He took a shaky breath and lifted his head, “I…” He swallowed hard.
“Deserve to stop putting off your own desires?” She finished for him.
“I haven't had single desire in my life since the day you...” He began to admit, though couldn't finish the sentence, so only exhaled a sad sigh.
“That is absurd, Severus.” She shook her head.
“I have been afraid to open myself and love again because I fear the loss of it,” He forced himself to look into her eyes, “Because of the loss I felt when I lost you.” His voice was shaky, unsure of whether he felt more or less pathetic admitting this to a reflection in a mirror rather than an actual human being.
“We cannot never love again in fear of loss, Severus,” She frowned, “Otherwise we would never love again.”
“That is the point.” His words were spoken with a slightly sharper tongue this time, “In reality, your death barely happens to you at all, it happens to your friends and family. They’re the ones who feel it. They're the ones who have to deal with it. Day in, day out. Nothing but pain and sadness, nothing but—”
“Severus, Severus!” She butted in, in an attempt to stop him digging himself a deeper hole, “I am here right now, aren't I? The one thing you desire the most? The one telling you that it is okay to have desires and lust. It is completely natural to have a burning want for something and go ahead and allow yourself to feel it,” Their eyes met in the mirror again, “Why is it yourself that you are so unforgiving?”
“Why do you insist on staying and breaking my heart?” He spoke with the most pained expression on his face.
“This is me telling you that it is okay. What is it that you want from me, permission to give in to what you crave the most?” She asked.
“Yes!” Severus practically pleaded, his eyes burning with threat of bursting into tears.
He watched as the image in the mirror reached behind, unclasping her bra and dropping it carelessly to the floor whilst not even breaking eye contact for a moment, “Is that enough?”
Severus’ body shivered from head to toe at the image before him. His eyes twitched. His lips twitched. His cock twitched. He swore he could even hear his heartbeat. Even though she wasn't real, even though she was just a reflection, the effect she was having upon him that once felt like a sin now felt so natural. It was as if her permission had allowed him to feel this way. As if that was all he ever needed in order to allow himself pleasure in anything after her death.
“Fuck…” He muttered under his breath as cock stirred in his underwear, unable to tear his eyes off the image in front of him. Hesitantly, he placed his hand over his crotch and inhaled sharply when he felt the obvious bump.
“Too scared to see the damage, Severus?” She taunted him through the mirror.
“And don't even think about blaming me,” She snapped quickly, “This is all inside your head, not mine.”
Severus’ lips pressed together — he was far too aroused at this point to argue. Even if it would be arguing with a reflection in a mirror. He felt like he was having an out-of-body-experience. His palm brushed back and forth over the bump in the front of his pyjama bottoms and he swallowed hard, feeling the temperature in his body rise. The instinct to chase his arousal had hit him like a ton of bricks; he wanted it, needed it, and had been instructed to do so by the only person who could command him to do anything.
“Is this you giving in to your desires, Severus?” She asked, biting her lip from the view.
“Giving in to you,” He inhaled shakily, “Always giving in to you.”
“Show me.” She whispered.
Severus felt a shiver all the way down to the tip of his cock from her tone of voice and pushed his hand into the front of his pyjamas, then boxers. He could feel himself throb from the simple motion of just brushing his fingertips over the bare skin. For the first time in a long time, he showed barely any hesitation as he wrapped his hand around his cock completely, gently giving himself some slow strokes as his body adjusted to this rare form of pleasure.
“Y…” He squeaked as he watched her topless reflection, “You…”
“Feast upon the image to your hearts content, Severus,” She pressed her hands against the sides of her breasts and pushed them together, “If my permission is what it took to allow a little only natural pleasure into your life, it’s all yours.”
“All… mine…” He breathed out, the thought alone making his body ache with want. His wrist also ached from the restriction his clothing was giving him as he continued to stroke his length up and down.
“Do you like the thought of that?” She asked, tilting her head.
“Fuck, yes.” He nodded quickly.
“I told you to show me.” Her eyes gestured to his hand moving back and forth in the front of his pants.
Severus inhaled sharply, his eyes remaining completely fixated to hers as he pushed down the front of his pyjama pants and boxers. He moaned quietly at the new freedom of his wrist, but it still wasn't enough. He pushed the waistband of both items of clothing down so that they were set below his hips, allowing his pulsating length and aching balls to be completely free and on show. His mouth continued to gape as his hand wrapped around the base of his cock, squeezing himself gently before starting to stroke it up and down again, bringing himself even closer to the mirror.
“That’s it, Severus,” The reflection cooed, “Chase that feeling you've been denying yourself for all this time.”
He reached out a shaky hand and placed it against the boarder of the mirror, helping steady himself as he stood with parted legs. His fist slid up and down with ease, perhaps a little bit too much ease, but this situation was playing with his head in more ways than one. Usually, on the scarce occasions he found himself with his hand wrapped around his cock, his eyes would be closed in order to flood his head with images that would get him off the fastest, but now his eyes remained open. Those images were right in front of him. His eyes took their time in tracing every detail of her bare body, the only item left upon her being her bottom underwear. The fact that is was exactly how he had imagined her to be, exactly what he dreamed to have and hold each night he closed his eyes; beautifully aged, just how he always pictured she would be. His eyes settling upon her breasts earned a particular throb from his cock, urging him to speed his hand up. Her eyes followed his and he let out several soft whimpers, his lips still parted as precum leaked into his fist, making the movements even slicker. He was completely and utterly mesmerised by her reflection.
He wanted to reach out and touch her. Every inch of her, skin on skin. He craved it. He had never seen such beauty like this so close. Sure, he had dreamed of growing old with her and being able to hold her at every stage of aging life, but he never thought he would get this close. So close, but yet so far. So out of reach, but such a stunning reflection before him. It was like turning torture into art.
“Agh, shit…” He grunted when he purposely brushed his hand under the head of his cock with a little more pressure a couple of times. He rolled onto his tiptoes and felt his entire body shudder in pleasure.
“Are you sure you want to chase the ending that fast, Severus?” Asked the mirror.
“Wh-Wha…” His heavy gaze lifted to hers.
“You don't want it to be over so quickly, do you?” She spoke softly, “Not after how long you've just gone without it,” Her eyes glanced down to his pumping fist for a brief moment, “Savour it.”
One hand stayed against the boarder around the mirror and the other remained around his cock, breathing heavily as his movements slowed down. Instead, he tapped his fingertip against the tip of his length and inhaled shakily when he saw the string of precum attached between them. He whimpered manically as he spread the stickiness around the head of his cock and narrowed his eyebrows, pressing his lips firmly together to try and not make a sound. After a few moments, he wrapped his fist a little looser around himself and parted his legs slightly more. He let go and glanced down at his stubborn arousal, lightly tracing a sticky finger back and forth over the prominent vein bulging against his skin.
“Oh, oh, ohhh…” He hissed through clenched teeth, but he couldn't take it for long; before he knew it, his fist was back around him fully again, though loose enough still to allow swift movements.
“Are you going to fuck your hand and pretend it's mine?” The reflection asked, biting her lip as her eyes fell to his hand again, “Pretend it's me?”
His free hand now lay flat against the border of the mirror and he took a deep, shaky breath. His eyes met with hers and he began to slowly move his hips back and forth, thrusting into his open fist. He shuddered in pleasure and dared himself to tighten his fist and his mouth fell open, moaning “fuck” every few seconds. His hand moved from pressing against the border of the mirror to gripping onto it and grunting every time he bucked his hips, his fingertips now turning white and slightly painful from how desperately he was holding onto it.
“Mmmhh…” He groaned lowly, feeling himself pulsate madly in his grip.
“You’re being so good to yourself, Severus,” Her reflection purred, “Does it feel nice to allow yourself to give in to your desires?”
Severus couldn't even fathom a verbal response. His jerking wrist was now working in time with his hips, his lips pressed firmly together to try and not allow any louder moans to pass through them. His fist twisted and moved in perfect rhythm, and for the first time in as long as he could remember, he was doing it without guilt. His eyes which would usually be squeezed shut to try and block out the shame were — albeit heavy — wide open and burning into hers. There wasn't a thing that could stop him at this point, not even the fact that he hadn't locked the door. He was so focused on chasing his release at this point, he couldn't even spare himself a moment to reach for his wand and cast a spell to lock it, either.
“Ugh, fuck, I…” He inhaled sharply, “I-I’m so close…” His breathing became even more jittery, “S…”
“Are you going to cum, Severus?” Her reflection asked, biting her lip.
“Y—Yes… yes!” He whined helplessly, his fist firing relentlessly up and down his entire length.
“Are you going to cum for me, Severus?” Her voice was the most seductive thing he had ever heard.
His thighs tensed and the flickering sparks in the pit of his stomach grew into embers and began to rise higher and higher, earning a jolt of his hips into his hand. He quickly removed his hand from the mirror and placed it just beneath the tip of his length, his jaw tensing and toes curled, suddenly feeling the pleasure of a thousand summer days spent with her hit him all at once in some form of sticky euphoria as his climax began to land upon his cupped hand. He felt dizzy with pleasure and had no choice other than to place his hand back against the border of the mirror again to steady himself whilst his other hand was far too busy pumping up and down his length — the orgasm of which was now spraying against the mirror itself.
“Oh, g—good, god!” Severus’ voice was practically strangled, the veins in his neck almost popping out as his head swung back in ecstasy, “Fuck! Mmmh!” His fist continued to pump recklessly up and down his length and his eyes rolled back, string after string of its effect continuing to land upon the mirror. His wrist ached but the movements continued, grunting breathlessly as he refused to stop.
“Severus, Severus,” She whispered softly as his head remained tilted back, “Say my name…” She spoke in a firm but gentle voice.
Severus regained the strength to lift his head again and opened his eyes, twitching cock still in hand and feeling his heart skip a beat once their eyes met again. He swallowed hard and panted heavily, paying no mind to the mess he had made upon the mirror now trailing down the surface of it. The relief he felt was like something he had barely ever experienced. Euphoric, guilt free relief.
“Say it.” She whispered again, smiling sweetly.
Severus licked his lips shakily, his eyes flickering to the reflection of her lips in the mirror and leaned forward. He pursed his lips and allowed his eyes to fall shut as they pressed upon the mirror itself whilst whispering, “Lilly.”
He placed his hand flat upon the mirror at the side of his head in some hope of being able to feel her. His lips remained pressed against the mirror in some hope he would be able to taste her. He couldn't. It was just cold. Numb. And when he pulled back to gaze upon Lilly’s reflection in the mirror once more, so was his heart. She was gone.
He felt like his heart had been completely torn out of his chest. His eyes welled with tears; frustration, heartbreak, shock and sadness all mixed into one. His hand pressed against the mirror again as if hers would be there to touch it on the other side. Still nothing.
“N—No… no.” His lip quivered, desperately trying to think of any way to bring her back to him again, “Tell me it wasn't real…” He inhaled shakily, “Tell me I just imagined it…” His burning, tear filled eyes stared back at only his own reflection, “No, no, no!” His self-loathing surging through his veins like never before, “My heart is already breaking, why don't you just twist the fucking knife?!”
He felt beyond overwhelmed with emotion, as if he was about to hyperventilate as he panted. In a moment of both weakness and madness, his fist pounded against the mirror a couple of times, though only for want to hurt himself rather than the reflection of her that once stood there. The room was silent despite his sobs. He forced his red eyes open and parted his trembling lips, shaking his head as he stared helplessly into the mirror whilst whimpering.
“I just…” He inhaled deeply, pleading loud in his voice now, “I just cannot face myself alone again.”
He turned himself around and leant back against the mirror, sliding down it with the hope of landing and sleeping in herembrace at last. He buried his face in his hands and continued to bawl, tears now seeping through his fingers and trailing down his wrists. Anyone who walked past the room would think that something was dying inside, but to Severus it felt as if something already had; a wound that had already been far from healed ripped wide open again and stinging him all the more this time in the process. He felt what it was like to have her there with him and then lose her right in front of him all over again.
‘Why had she gone? This wasn't how the mirror worked.’, were the words whizzing around his head. He hated that he had come to this conclusion, but he saw no other way; deep down, he would never want her to see him like this; miserable, embarrassed, alone. His desire was for her to tell him that giving in to what he desired most was okay, and she did that. She saw him with his lustful, loyal eyes. She saw him allowing himself to feel pleasure after all these years of avoiding it, feeling unworthy. He didn't desire for her to see how he really felt now that she was gone and the years since. She really only ever got the better version of him, and even subconsciously he made sure of that.
He had never really known love until it came to him in the form of her, and he felt as if his heart was no longer needed ever since she was no longer here. He knew even if he did allow himself to feel for someone who wasn't her, she would always be the constant in his life — regardless of whether she was living, a reflection, or not here at all. She lived so deeply in his heart she was almost like a dagger; if removed, he would die. The promise he made because of her kept him alive. Though far gone from this world, she kept him alive.
“Lilly…” He finally removed his hands and rubbed his puffy eyes, sniffling, “Oh, my sweet Lilly,” He swallowed the lump in his throat, wiping under his eyes, “Don't leave me in charge of my own heart. It only knows you.”
He heard the rain hit against the window and took a deep breath. Even the sky was crying, mourning with him all over again. He was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. The infatuated reflections plagued by self-loathing, the once guilt-free pleasure that he felt only a few moments ago was gone, just like her, and only left him wondering how it was possible for something so beautiful to cause him such pain.
Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know your thoughts 🫢😁♥️
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distantdarlings · 10 months
HAVE ME // t. nott
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Theodore Nott x Fem Reader Insert
+ SUMMARY - *Requested, based on this* When you are paired with Cormac McClaggen for a mid-semester project, he takes it as an opportunity to shoot his shot. However, despite your numerous rejections, he doesn't seem to want to let up. That is until Theo gets involved.
+ WARNINGS - SMUT, depictions of violence (a small fight, specifically), blood described very briefly, Cormac is hitting on reader and won't leave them alone, language, oral sex (perf. on reader), kissing, dom!Theo, fem reader, not proof-read
+ MUSIC (listened to while writing) -
Hotel - Montell Fish
The chatter around the classroom slowly dwindled as Professor Snape silently slipped through the door of his office. Everyone was waiting patiently for the results of his decision from yesterday. He mentioned that the mid-semester project would be partnered rather than solo. To you, that was bad news, but to others in the class, it was good. You worked best when you didn’t have to sort out the ideas getting bounced around aloud. But if you had to work with a partner, please let it be someone halfway decent.
“So,” Snape starts, “I have here the list of partners for the mid-semester project. As a reminder, you will be handling very toxic materials, so for the sake of all of our time, be careful with them.” His expression hinted at boredom, despite the unfortunate things he was referencing. Last year, someone nearly lost a hand with this project, and—to be quite honest—that was one of the reasons you were so excited about it. You liked the challenge and, even better, overcoming it. But you couldn’t do that with a shitty partner. Your fingers crossed beneath your open notebook.
“Malfoy with Weasley, Berkshire with Granger,” he began listing the names. Your hips shifted uncomfortably. He was pairing everyone with the opposite house. Surely he’d grant you some mercy with how well you’d been doing in this class?
“—Nott with Finnigan—” Your thoughts were briefly interrupted as Theodore’s name was called. That was an interesting pairing; however, you knew that Potions was one of Theo’s strong suits, and, granted they worked well together, the both of them would successfully keep their eyebrows intact. 
Your eyes found the older boy, tracing over every line on his face. You were friends, pretty good friends. His whole group of Slytherins were friendly with you, really. But there was something about him that had shocked you to your core from the first night you’d met him and started chatting at the Sorting ceremony when the both of you were eleven. He was quite literally one of the most attractive people you’d ever seen, and it seemed like he knew it too. The way he held himself down to the way he communicated with people, he just knew he was alarmingly alluring. 
He had a way of staring right into your eyes when you spoke to him, almost to the point it felt as if he was reading your mind. No matter what, he’d give you his full attention, even more so than his other friends, it seemed. Maybe you had always imagined it, but if you called his name, he was there. He would be waiting with his ear next to your lips, eager to hear what you had to say, no matter how you were feeling. Perhaps it was cliche, but you felt as though you could tell him anything, and you did. 
His eyes found yours suddenly. His lips parted into a crooked smile, his dazzling white teeth peeking through slightly. You returned the action, raising your eyebrows in an amused fashion at his partner for the project. He shrugged, the smile never leaving his face. He pointed at you and mouthed, ‘You’re coming up.’ You rolled your eyes and laughed silently as you brushed him off. You were laughing, but, in all seriousness, this wasn’t a comedic matter. Your Potions grade was potentially on the chopping block here, and you were getting nervous. Snape didn’t grade depending on who did what; he simply graded on the project's legitimacy. You could do this by yourself, but if whomever your partner ended up being fucks it up, you both were screwed. And, on top of it all, you would have to work with a Gryffindor, someone you likely barely knew. Perfect. 
Your name perked your ears as Snape paused for a moment, trying to decipher his own handwriting. Merlin, was he trying to tease you? You glanced around, wondering who hadn’t been selected yet. You hadn’t been paying attention. “Ah! With McClaggen.”
Your heart sank. You turned to glance over your shoulder at the showy Gryffindor sitting in the back corner of the classroom. He sent a wink and a small smirk your way, to which you replied by quickly turning back around. Did the universe hate you? It must. That was the only answer. Shit.
“Get to work,” he instructed, returning to his office and firmly shutting the door behind him. You weighed out the options in your head on how angry Snape would be if you asked to switch partners. You were sure he picked them for a reason…or maybe he didn’t? Merlin, help. Should you even bother with this? Maybe you could convince McClaggen to let you do all the work. He could sit patiently by and be quiet.
The classroom bustled gently as students were standing and finding their partners. Small groans echoed as everyone paired up. Apparently, you weren’t the only one that disliked your partner. Usually, you wouldn’t have expected Professor Snape to have paired Gryffindors with Slytherins. Who knew? Maybe he was trying something new.
You hid a wince and got to your feet. You collected your notebook and school bag and made your way over to the smirking boy. His hands were placed cockily behind his head, and one leg rested, crossed over the other. He maximalized every bit of space he took up, like a peacock. You repressed a groan and sat down in the seat next to him, neatly spreading your things out. 
“Well, hello,” he cooed. “I don’t think I’ve spoken with you before.”
“I don’t think so either,” you chuckled nervously, eyes finding the back of Theo’s head. He sat towards the front of the classroom, partnered with the clumsy Gryffindor. You wondered if he was having the same doubts you were. As if on beat, his head turned and made eye contact with you. He hid a smile at your current predicament and gave you a small wave with his fingers. You rolled your eyes and, with the hand farthest from McClaggen, pretended to choke yourself with it. Theo laughed aloud before turning back around when his partner tapped his shoulder.
“What’s so funny?” your partner asked, quirking an eyebrow. 
“Nothing,” you smiled, “how about we get started?”
Most of the class period was spent discussing the potion the two of you wanted to brew. The assignment was to pick one of the most difficult potions to brew and to make and document the experience successfully. All of the potions you were to choose from were in the very last chapter of your textbook, and the two of you flipped through the pages, unsure. 
Every so often, Cormac (you’d learned his first name was) would point at something on one of the pages and scoot ever so closer to you. He was so close now you could smell the peppermint candy he swished around his mouth. His arm rested alongside the back of your chair, and you were…immensely uncomfortable. Your back straightened so as not to come into contact with his arm. 
Throughout this whole experience, you’d glance Theo looking back at the two of you every so often and wonder if you could signal him to distract the boy. It wasn’t that you felt threatened; you just wish he’d back the hell up. If you had a personal bubble, it had long since combusted. His face was so close to yours, and no matter how far you leaned away, he’d get closer. Finally, you’d had enough.
“Cormac,” you laughed nervously. You placed one hand on his chest and slowly pushed him back toward his own seat. 
“What is it?” he asked. No matter what you did, that stupid smirk never failed.
“You are very close to me,” you explained, trying to remain as polite as possible. He shrugged and chuckled a bit, gaining on some of the space you’d placed between the two of you. 
“Well, that’s because I want to get closer to you,” he said. 
“Uh, no,” you tittered, “that’s okay. Let’s just do the project.” You tapped the textbook and pretended to immerse yourself back in the information, hoping he’d let it lie. He didn’t. His arm wrapped back around your chair, and your eyes slipped close in exasperation. 
“Cormac, please—”
“What? Don’t you want to get to know each other before we do a project together?” he asked, scooting closer yet again.
“No, I really don’t. I just want to get this done.” His face resumed its previous proximity to yours. He smirked at the closeness and you sighed, turning your face away from his, begging Theo to glance back again.
“Oh, I see…is he your boyfriend?” Cormac asked. Your face shot back to his.
“What? No! He’s just a friend,” you said.
“That was a very quick, rushed answer,” he laughed, “but if you say so, that’s even better for me—”
“Please, let’s just do the assignment,” you pleaded, “I’m really not interested.”
“Not even for a trip to Hogsmeade?”
“No, not really, you’re not my type.” You glanced back at Theo. He was finally looking back. Only this time, his eyes were locked on the boy beside you, with his face so close to yours. His eyes gleamed blood red, and his jaw clenched tightly. Your eyebrows furrowed, begging him to intervene somehow. If Cormac wasn’t too embarrassed to shoot his shot in the middle of class, surrounded by his peers, you were almost positive he’d continue to harass you outside of the classroom. Maybe even when the two of you were alone, and he might not let up at that point.
“What is your type?” he asked. “Brooding assholes in Slytherin?” He said this part a bit louder, making direct eye contact with Theo. You could feel the tension building slightly, and did your best to diffuse the situation. You partially blocked their gaze of each other.
“Please don’t say that about him.”
“I thought you said he wasn’t your boyfriend. Why are you defending him?”
“He’s not my boyfriend, but he is my friend, and I’d like you not to call him names,” you spoke sternly, eyes hardening on the boy. He was plucking the last strings of your patience. 
“Fine, I will—” you nodded at his promise “—if you let me take you to dinner.”
The bell signalling the end of class interrupted the conversation. Thank Merlin. You quickly gathered your things together and shoved them into your bag, praying he’d just drop the subject and let you move on with your day. You’d figure out a way to deal with him later. For right now, you just wanted to get your free period started as soon as possible. He stood right when you did. You ignored him and made for the exit, walking as quickly as looked natural.
You were the first out of the classroom and down the hall, trying your best to get away from him without completely abandoning Theo. A hand grabbed your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks. It roughly spun you around, yanking a yelp from your throat. You stood before Cormac, who had a sinister look on his face. 
“You never answered me,” he said. “Let me take you to dinner…”
“No, Cormac, I don’t want to go,” you said, attempting to wrestle yourself out of his iron grip. What about your thousand answers was he not grasping? 
“Let go of me.” His hand did not release you, and it did not seem like he intended to, either. You slipped your hand between his and your shoulder, trying to edge it off. He made a sound of endearment before attempting to slide a hand around your hips. You squealed and squirmed away from him, trying to prevent him from wrapping his arms farther around you.
“Hey!” A voice shouted. The both of you began to turn, but before Cormac could get his head fully pivoted, a hand appeared on his shoulder and yanked him away from you. It was Theo, and he appeared to be fuming. His jaw was tightly clenched, and his eyes were wild.
“The fuck do you think you’re doing, McClaggen?” he demanded. “She said no, you dick!”
“I don’t see how it’s any of your business. She said you weren’t her boyfriend,” the younger laughed meanly, poking him roughly in the chest. You winced at the contact. 
“Don’t fucking touch me,” he hissed, pushing the boy back from him. Cormac stumbled a few steps before regaining his footing. It appeared he was as surprised as everyone else was at the sudden hostility. Cormac laughed cockily. 
He raised a hand and swung his fist at Theo as hard as he could, getting a good hit in. Theo’s head jerked to the side from the force of the punch, and you gasped sharply, hands shooting to cover your mouth in shock. Natural instincts told you to jump back, but you rushed toward Theo, who pushed you back gently behind him, squeezing your arm firmly. It didn’t hurt, but you knew it meant to stay put. 
“Come on, Slytherin!” Cormac shouted. “Show me what your reject house is made of!”
A crowd of other students had begun to gather around the two boys, curious to see what all of the commotion was. Adrenaline pumped through your veins like ice water as you watched Theo approach the other boy, cocking his arms and wringing any stiffness out of them. 
Before you could feel the exhalation of breath leave your body, Theo swung his arm at the boy, cracking him hard across the jaw. As if in slow motion, Cormac fell back and hit the ground with a hard thud. You imagined his tailbone would be quite bruised tomorrow morning. 
Theo fell down on top of the boy, legs resting on either side of his hips, and wailed on him. Fist after fist hit the boy’s face, pushing more and more blood out of him. You screamed in shock as you realized Theo had no intention of stopping. Around the same time you did, everyone else did too. They began throwing shouts of concern and pressing in on the two boys. Everybody loved a good fight now and then but nobody wanted to see someone get killed. 
Yet, nobody put their hands on Theo for fear of being in the same predicament as Cormac currently was. That was, until Enzo and Mattheo ran up behind the crowd. You heard them ask if that was Theo.
“Enzo!” you shouted his name, waving over the crowd. His eyes quickly found yours and in seeing the distress on your face, began weaving through the crowd. Mattheo quickly followed suit. 
When they breached the barrier of the crowd, their eyes widened, and they made for their friend. They grabbed his shoulders and pulled him away from the poor boy, his face a mangled mess. You looked away quickly, not wanting to see the damage that had been done in your favor.
Once pulled away, a gathering of students ran over to Cormac and covered him with a wall of their protection, trying to see if they could help him somehow. You turned to Theo, who was breathing heavily, a single dripping of blood pouring from his nose. You turned to the bottom of your uniform shirt, found the edge of the seam, and tore a small section of it. You could get a replacement sometime later.
You approached the boy with a murderous gaze and gently pressed the piece of shirt beneath his nose. He flinched slightly but never looked away from Cormac. Maybe that hadn’t been for you, and he’d just wanted to beat Cormac’s ass—which is understandable, but still. You weren’t totally sure why he did it.
“Theo?” you spoke gently. His glare didn’t waver. The fingers pressing the material against his bloodied nose tilted his face carefully to look at you. His eyes found yours, softening slightly. 
“I’m sorry,” he breathed, his chest heaving. “I couldn’t stand him touching you like that.”
“It’s okay,” you reassured. He didn’t seem convinced. How he looked at you with such concern and worry made you wonder if he thought you were mad at him. You shook your head at the question running through your mind. Obviously, he didn’t know what you had been thinking, but you hoped he’d understand somehow. 
You helped Enzo and Mattheo pull him to his feet and escort him away from the crowd before any of the professors showed up. Speaking of which, they likely should have been out here by now. 
As you helped the boys guide Theo toward the Slytherin common room, you were careful to avoid any obvious eyes that raced past them to see what the aftermath of the commotion was. Hopefully, nobody would notice them and they could deal with the whole situation later. The group turned the corner and stopped before the entrance to the dorm room. Enzo announced the password, and the lot of you headed inside, pulling Theo up the stairs and into the boys’ dorm room. He pulled away from them suddenly and sat on his bed.
“Alright, alright, I’m okay!” he declared. “I just got a sock to the jaw; my legs weren’t broken.”
“They’re just trying to help, Teddy,” you whispered, trying to place the cloth back on his nose that had started up its intermittent spurting again. He sighed and gently grabbed your wrist, holding it away from his face. He was never rough with you, despite how angry he was.
“I’m fine, I’m just wound up, I don’t need any of you to—”
“Nonsense,” you interrupted him. “Mattheo, Enzo, would the two of you mind running down to the hospital wing and asking Madam Pomfrey if she has anything to stop the bleeding. It’s not excessive, but it’s messy.”
“Is there not a spell or something like that?” Mattheo asked, clearly concerned for his friend.
“Not one that I know off the top of my head. Would you just go ask her, please?” you repeated yourself. The two boys seemed to hesitate but eventually worked their way out of the room with their destination in mind. Once they were gone, your eyes turned back to Theo’s. An amused glint lay suspended in his eyes.
“‘Nothing that comes to mind?’” he smirks. “If a spell comes to my mind and not yours, the world must be upside down.” You conceal a laugh. You knew a spell. You knew multiple healing spells, but you wanted Mattheo and Enzo out of the room for a second. You just wanted to speak with Theo about what had happened. 
“I’m sorry I lied to your friends,” you said. “But I really wanted to talk with you privately, and I didn’t want to wait.” His eyes keep a tight hold on yours. You swallow thickly. 
“Okay, what is it?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. 
Anxiety pools in your stomach as you realize you hadn’t really planned anything to say. You wanted to know why Theo had done what he did and if it was for or because of you. Cormac had been bothering you, yes, but it could have just been that Theo really disliked him and wanted to intervene. 
“Why did you do that?” you ask. Probably the worst way you could have asked that, but it was what came out. You might as well own it at this point. 
“Do what?” he mused.
“Why did you stop Cormac?”
“That feels like a dumb question. He was laying his hands on you without your permission.”
“Would you have done that for anyone, though?” you stuttered through your interrogation.
“I suppose not….why do you ask?” he asked, the smirk never leaving his face. Your eyes fell down to his lips suddenly, noticing that there was a small amount of dried blood stained across them. A small gasp left your lips as you reached your hand out. You didn’t think through any of the following movements; you just allowed your body to do as it pleased. Your fingers gently cradled his jaw, and your thumb swiped slowly over his lips, collecting the bit of staining as it crossed. Your eyes found him again, and you realized he was intently watching you. His eyes were softened by hunger. The way they traveled down to your lips, his lips parting as he found yours, his hands clenching by his side. It sent a chill down your spine. 
“Theo,” you breathed. You could not pull your eyes away from his swollen lips. You wanted so badly to learn their taste and memorize it for eternity. Just one kiss and you could be satisfied for the rest of your days. 
“I kicked Cormac’s ass because he was laying his hands on you, and I have been desperate to do that for years…,” he whispered. “The difference between him and I, though? I ask permission.” A glimpse of a chuckle spreads over his lips, and you feel your stomach blush with heat. As if he could feel it happen to you, his nose bumped softly against yours, igniting the heat and transforming it into a flame. 
“I want you so bad,” he whispered, the air skimming your lips. “Please let me have you.”
“Have me, Teddy.” Your response was final. His hands gripped each side of your face firmly and pressed your lips together. Heat and light and everything in between exploded into your stomach, sending shocks of love into your heart. You could have melted on the spot, and you nearly did, if it weren’t for Theo wrapping one arm tightly around your waist and holding you up.
His tongue slid over your bottom lip, begging for entrance. You granted him access to every part of you with no push-back. All you wanted was to feel him everywhere and never to lose that feeling ever again. 
The both of his hands pushed around the back of your thighs and pulled them to either side of his bent knees. He settled you neatly onto his lap, you straddling his thighs against the bed. The action sent a lightning bolt of pleasure directly to your core as the space between his thighs urged gently against you. You sighed against his mouth, entangling your fingers into his hair. 
Everything about him was overwhelming. His smell, his taste, and his touch had you gasping for air. You had never realized how much you truly wanted him until this very moment. Without so much as a breath, he cradled your back with one hand and stood from his bed, lifting the two of you into the air. You squeaked from the sudden movement but relaxed instantly when he settled you against his bed. 
His lips detached from yours and quickly made alliance with your jaw and then your neck. His head worked down the frame of your body, pressing open-mouthed kisses to every sliver of skin he could find. When he reached the waistline of your uniform skirt, he tapped his finger twice against the spot where your shirt was tucked in. You nodded so quickly, it was almost pathetic. He smirked and slipped his hands between the materials. He tugged your shirt out and began laying the same types of kisses over your bare stomach. You groaned at the feeling, noticing the ardor he placed into each press of his lips. You felt worshipped and it was addicting.
His eyes flicked up to find yours as he slowly pushed himself farther down, placing himself just in front of your core. Without question, your legs began to spread for him, allowing him access to anything he wanted. You just needed to feel him; you didn’t care what he did. 
Your eyes found his face once more and scanned over the entirety of it. A deep, sinister glance rested in his eyes, holstering a lust so dark, it almost frightened you. His lips were slightly parted in a teasing, smirking way, just waiting to place themselves against you once more. And his nose had…oh, it had begun to bleed again. You reached down and swiped your thumb beneath it, pushing the excess discharge away. A small twinge of guilt hit you again at the thought of Theo getting himself hurt for you.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, frowning at the sight before you.
“You never have to apologize to me,” he breathed, “you are perfect.” And with that, he’d flipped the edge of your skirt over your legs and sunk his face between them. His tongue found your core before you could even get a word out. A breathless moan spilled from your lips as your spine arched off the bed. Your hands immediately pushed down to wrap themselves in his curls, savoring every single swipe of his tongue. 
“So fucking good,” he moaned against you, the vibrations sending messages up to your very brain. You quaked beneath the feeling, your thighs shaking against the boy’s hold on them. It was nearly becoming too much. You weren’t going to last much longer. If he wanted to do something, he’d better get to it.
“Theo, I’m…c—”
“Not yet, baby,” he whispered, pressing two chaste kisses to the inside of your thighs. You could feel the wetness spread across his lips and chin smear against your flesh. You shuddered at the sensation. It definitely should not have turned you on as much as it just did. “I want it on my tongue.”
He separates himself from you and slides his hands beneath the crook of your knees. With a firm grip, he yanks you to the edge of the bed, where your hips are lying just over the curve. His hands find your hips and flip you over onto your stomach, careful to avoid hurting you in any way. Ever so gentle.
You could hear him kneel down again behind you. Your thighs shook in anticipation just before he pressed his lips back to you. His tongue swirled across you in the most delicate of motions, drawing every sound possible from your lips. Your fingers gripped the sheets as each of his movements drew you closer to the edge. You might finish any second. 
“Hey-o!” Mattheo’s voice came from just outside the door. You jumped up and glanced back at Theo as the both of you separated as fast as possible. Theo came up to sit beside you on the bed and made quick work of wiping his mouth off on his sleeve. You pulled your skirt back over your legs and stood at attention, waiting for the two boys to enter. Damn it. You had been so close. 
The two boys walked in, clutching a small vial of liquid. Mattheo raised it to show the two of them, both of whom quickly nodded, smiling innocently. Surely, they wouldn’t suspect anything of the two of you. You’d never really expressed any feelings toward the other before now. At least not publicly.
“Where do you want this?” Mattheo asked.
“If you would just take it to the bathroom, we’re headed in there so they can help me clean up the rest of the way.” Both of the other boys nodded and headed back out the way they came, moving toward the group bathroom. 
Just as they left, Theo slipped his hand beneath your skirt and traced his fingers along you, allowing one to insert itself to its hilt. You gasped sharply, trying your best to mute the sound. His hand began to pump against you, slowly rising in speed as he hit that perfect spot each time with ease. The sounds spilling from your lips became less and less controlled as he pushed you towards the edge, keeping you standing tall and refusing to let you lay back down on the bed.
“Come like this, baby,” he whispered. “Quickly, before they get back.” His finger pressed deeply up into you one last time, bruising the soft spot and forcing a rushing finish down on you. Your lips parted in a shocked moan as the proof of your end slipped down around Theo’s fingers. He worked you through the entirety of it, never tiring and never halting. He could do this all day. 
The sound of his friends heading back toward the dorm room pushed the two of you apart once again. Only this time, Theo had a telling, lustful expression imprinted on his face, and the remains of your ecstasy were still painted across his fingers. You swiped a hand between your thighs in an attempt to clean yourself off and brushed any concerns from Mattheo or Enzo off. The ‘Are you okay?’ and the ‘You guys look weird’ had nothing on the steel resolve the both of you kept planted on your faces. If Theo could fight someone for you, you could fight the urge to tell his friends he’d just let you fuck his face while they were out running an errand. Oh well, such is life. You laughed to yourself. 
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smuttyazrael · 4 months
Masterlist (18 plus all Smut)
About me
Harry Potter
T or D
T or D rules
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
After the game
The day after
A few days later
Professor!Remus x Student!Reader (Essays an excuse)
Part 2
Professor Snape x Reader (Pregnancy kink)
Stepbro! Draco Malfoy X Reader (The Summer Parade)
Brother! James Potter X Sirius Black X reader. (Loving Jamie)
Stepbro!Sirius x reader (Russian Roulette)
On the Run
Remus Lupin x reader (Ddlg, fluff, no smut.)
Sirius Solo
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Wolfy Problem
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Wolves 10
The Diner
Field Trip
Quils Day Out
Class is in session (Seth x reader x Sam)
Sam loving Part 2
Stepbro!Paul Lahote
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Vampire Academy
Dimitri x innocent!reader
160 notes · View notes
awritessomething · 8 months
I have absolutely no ideas for writing whatsoever pleaseplease leave requests!!! Smut, angst, fluff, whatever y’all want I can probably do.
Ill write for these people and probably more that I forgot (all male character x fem!reader) :
Formula 1:
Max Verstappen
Lando Norris
Oscar Piastri
Charles Leclerc
Pierre Gasly
Lewis Hamilton
Carlos Sainz
Daniel Riccardo
Mick Schumacher
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
David Rossi (preferably young)
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson
Steve Rogers
Spiderman (Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, Miguel O'hara)
Call of Duty
Keegan Russ
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Phillip Graves
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Outer Banks:
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
Topper Thornton
John B. Routledge
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Cedric Diggory
Draco malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
Blaise Zabini
Regulus Black
Severus Snape
Tom Riddle
Sirius Black
Lorenzo Berkshire
Oliver Wood
The Walking Dead:
Glenn Rhee
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Joao Felix
Jude Bellingham
Brock Purdy
Leon Draisaitl
Jack Hughes
Vince Dunn
Mitch Marner
Connor Bedard
Wayne Gretzky (young)
Jack Champion (Ethan Landry)
Patrick Bateman
Batman (Christian Bale)
Johnathan Crane
Finnick Odair
Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark, Mike Schmidt, Sean Anderson, Clapton Davis)
Rodrick Heffley
Colby Brock
Sam Golbach
Tristan Dugray
Dylan O'brien
Bellamy Blake
Patrick Dempsey (Derek Shepherd, Ronald Miller)
Joe Goldberg
Timothee Chalamet (Wonka, Paul Atreides)
Minho (The Maze Runner)
Keanu Reeves (John Wick, Neo, Alex Wyler, Dr. Beckham, Julian Mercer, Ted Logan)
Jim Halpert
Ulfric Stormcloak
Ben Schnetzer (Max Vandenburg, Brad Land, Russ Sheppard)
Ralph Macchio (Daniel Larusso, Johnny Cade)
Dallas Winston
Sodapop Curtis
Robby Keene
Zuko (atla dallas liu)
Jet (atla sebastian amoruso)
Cillian Murphy (Johnathan crane, jackson rippner, Neil Lewis)
Evan Peters (all ahs characters, Luke cooper)
What I wont do:
Beastiality or anything animal-y
Male reader (sorry)
Character x character
Threesomes or anything not 1x1
Character x oc
Specific body types (i just don’t see the point)
Daddy/mommy kinks
Incest or stepcest
(I’ll prob have to add on but its midnight rn)
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theyraylovehate · 2 years
Wheel of Fan Fiction Masterlist
Smut 🔥
Fluff 🌸
Angst 💧
*This is like brand new so most of the characters won't have anything just yet*
•Stranger things
-Billy Hargrove
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Robin Buckley (Fem/NB only)
-Johnathan Byers
-Nancy Wheeler
-Jim Hopper
-Joyce Byers
-Will Byers (No smut)
-Mike Wheeler (No smut)
-Max Mayfield (No smut)
Hateful Cuddling - Female reader 🌸
-Dustin Henderson (No smut)
-Lucas Sinclair (No smut)
-Eleven (Jane) Hopper (No smut)
-Iron Man/Tony Stark
-Captian America/Steve Rogers
-Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
-Hawkeye/Clint Barton
-Hulk/Bruce Banner
-Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes
-Black Panther/T'challa
-Doctor Strange/Steven Strange
-Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
-Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
-Starlord/Peter Quill
-Spiderman/Peter Parker
-Falcon/Sam Wilson
-War Machine/James Rhodes
-Valkyrie (Fem/NB only)
-Professor X/Charles Xavier
-Magneto/Erik Lensherr
-Wolverine/James Howlett
-Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
-Jean Grey
-Storm/Ororo Munroe
-Cyclops/Scott Summers
-Beast/Henry "Hank" McCoy
-Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
-Havok/Alexander Summers
•DC/Young Justice
-Batman/Bruce Wayne
-Superman/Clark Kent
-The Flash/Barry Allen
-Aquaman/Authur Curry
-Cyborg/Victor Stone
-Joker/Jack Oswald White
-Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
-Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
-DeadShot/Floyd Lawton
-Kid Flash/Wally West
-Nightwing (Robin #1)/ Dick Grayson
-Red Hood (Robin #2)/ Jason Todd
-Robin (#3)/ Tim Drake
-Beast Boy/Garfield Logan
-Superboy/Johnathan "Jon" Kent
-Artemis/Artemis Crock
-Red Arrow/Roy Harper
-Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
-Black Canary/Dinah Lance
-Miss Martian/Megan Morse
•Umbrella Academy
-Luther Hargreeves (#1)
-Diego Hargreeves (#2)
-Allison Hargreeves (#3)
-Klaus Hargreeves (#4)
-Five Hargreeves (#5)
-Ben Hargreeves (#6)
-Viktor Hargreeves (#7)
-Marcus Hargreeves (#1)
-Fei Hargreeves (#3)
-Alphonso Hargreeves (#4)
-Sloan Hargreeves (#5)
-Jayme Hargreeves (#6)
-Lila Aryu
-The Handler
•Harry Potter
-Harry Potter
-Ron Weasley
-Hermione Granger
-Fred Weasley
-George Weasley
-Ginny Weasley
-Draco Malfoy
-Sirius Black (Older)
-Cedric Diggory
-Oliver Wood
-Neville Longbottom
-Luna Lovegood
-Remus Lupin (Older)
-Nymphadora Tonks
-Lucious Malfoy (Older)
-Narcissa Malfoy (Older)
-Severus Snape (Older)
-Bill Weasley
-Charlie Weasley
-James Potter
Friendly Love - Male reader 🌸
-Lily Evans
-Sirius Black
-Remus Lupin
-Severus Snape
-Regulus Black
-Lusious Malfoy
-Narcissa Black
-Peter Pettigrew
•Greek Mythology
-Beatrice "Tris" Prior
-Caleb Prior
-Tobias "Four"
Zip line of Love - Nonbinary Reader (Requested) 🌸
•Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker
-Luke Skywalker
-Leia Organa
-Han Solo
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Kylo Ren
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
-Rowena MacLeod
-Charlie Bradbury (Fem/NB only)
-Chuck Shurley
-Jody Mills
-Ellen Harvelle
-Kevin Tran
•The Walking Dead
-Rick Grimes
-Daryl Dixon
-Glenn Rhee
-Carl Grimes
-Maggie Greene
-Shane Walsh
-Rosita Espinosa
-Carol Peletier
-Paul "Jesus" Monroe
-Abraham Ford
‐Tara Chambler (Fem/NB only)
-Aaron (Masc/NB only)
•The Walking Dead Game
-Violet (Fem/NB only)
IT (2017)
-Richie Tozier
-Beverly Marsh
-Eddie Kaspbrak
-Bill Denbrough
-Stanley Uris
-Ben Hanscom
-Henry Bowers
-Mike Hanlon
-Patrick Hockstetter
-Victor Criss
-Belch Huggins
-Harry Hook
•Maze Runner
152 notes · View notes
slutformelatonin · 5 months
My rules/ fandoms I will write for!
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Hello! I am Julia, I am a 20 y/o writer and AVID reader. I am apart of SOSOSOSO many fandoms! Here are fandoms I will write for. (Keep in mind that I am just getting started writing again. Please be patient and know that I am doing my best. I am still in uni so it may be hard doe me to upload as much as I'd like. Please please send me any and ALL requested for characters that seem appealing to you!!) But, here are some things I will NOT write for. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, incest, stepcest, necrophilia, somnophilia. I am writing smut and all you'd have to do for a certain character is dm me or request it !;)
Harry Potter.
Lucius Malfoy
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Wesley
George and Fred Wesley
Severus Snape
Luna lovegood
Draco Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange
Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Miles Morales
Gwen Stacy
Miguel O'hara
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Leia Skywalker
Padmé Amidalla
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Han solo
Lando Calrissian
Kylo Ren
Diabolik lovers
Ayato Sakamaki
Laito Sakamaki
Kanato Sakamaki
Azusa Mukami
Shu Sakamaki
Kou Mukami
Yuma Mukami
Ruki Mukami
Yui Komori
Subaru Sakamaki
Carla Tsukinami
Kou Mukami
Shin Tsukinami
Natasha, Pierre And the great comet of 1812
Pierre Bezukhov
Natasha Rostova
Marya Dmitriyevna
Fedya Dolokhov
Anatole Kuragin
Angelica Schuyler
Aaron Burr
Alexander Hamilton
George III
Marquis De Lafayette
George Washington
Peggy Schuyler
Thomas Jefferson
John Laurens
James Madison
Hercules Mulligan
Maria Reynolds
Eliza Schuyler
Philip Hamilton
Interview with the vampire
Lestat De Lioncourt
Louis De Pointe du Lac
Claudia De pointe du Lac
Claude Frollo
Ambessa Medarda
The outsiders
Tim Shepherd
Angela Shepherd
Gotham (2016)
Jerome Valeska
Jeremiah Valeska
Bruce Wayne
Selena Kyle
Tate Langdon
Violet Harmon
Lana Winters
Kit Walker
Jimmy Darling
Micheal Langdon
Enoch O'connor
Anastasia Romanov
Gleb Vagonof
Black Butler
Alois Trancy
Ciel Phantomhive
Claude Faustus
Sebastian Michaelis
Mark Greyson
Nolan Greyson
Samantha (Atom Eve)
Ghost B.C
Any of the papa's
Any of the ghouls!
Victor Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
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dhr-ao3 · 1 month
Ley Lines
Ley Lines https://ift.tt/kd0mzpq by phoebejuno Draco Malfoy is a traitor to his father's cause. Hermione Granger will risk anything for hers. Harry Potter x Star Wars AU spanning years. I have taken all the liberties. IPs do not belong to me :) Words: 2611, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Headmaster Yoda, Anakin Potter, Padme Potter, Sheev Malfoy, Azula Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, George Weasley, Viktor Krum, Severus Snape, D0B-BE Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Time Travel, All Is Not As It Seems, Jedi Hermione Granger, Jedi Harry Potter, Sith Draco Malfoy, POV Draco Malfoy, POV Hermione Granger, Protective Draco Malfoy, I have taken all the liberties, Espionage, Spies, Star Wars AU, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Force Visions, Fate, Pining, Plot Twists, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Traitor Draco Malfoy, Plot within plot within plot, Horcruxes, Dream Sharing, Jedi Ginny Weasley, Death Eaters via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/4SVWoZH August 06, 2024 at 05:49AM
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meyrghst · 5 months
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( fluff : 𝑓𝑙 — angst : 𝑎𝑛 — smut : 𝑠𝑚 — alternative universe : 𝑎𝑢 — suggestive : 𝑠𝑢𝑔 — dark : 𝑑𝑘 )
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golden era:
nada aún...
nada aún...
I LIKE IT — ( 𝑎𝑛. 𝑓𝑙. )
descripción no lo hagamos oficial, podemos quedarnos con el "tú y yo". no preguntes, "¿qué somos?" servido no recalentado no wc ???
nada aún...
nada aún...
nada aún...
nada aún...
nada aún...
nada aún...
nada aún...
nada aún...
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marauders era:
PERFECTA — ( 𝑓𝑙. )
descripción solo tú no necesito más, te adoraría lo que dura la eternidad servido no recalentado no wc ???
nada aún...
nada aún...
nada aún...
nada aún...
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animales fantásticos y dónde encontrarlos:
nada aún...
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ao3feed-scorbus · 2 years
Kink Week V
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/L4lQPsg
by Sh1m1
Quinta parte de esta serie de oneshots pornosos: nuevos kinks, nuevas historias y alguna continuación.
Y como con una semana no me vale ya:
31 días, 31 parejas, 31 fetiches.
Slash. Yaoi. BL. Harry Potter.
Disclaimer: el mundo de Harry Potter pertenece a JK Rowling, yo solo juego con sus personajes.
Words: 296, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Español
Series: Part 5 of Kink Week
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Fenrir Greyback/Bill Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, Remus Lupin/Ron Weasley, Cedric Diggory/Oliver Wood, Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson
Additional Tags: Daddy Kink, Praise Kink, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Kinktober, Slash, Yaoi, Gay, Lesbian Sex
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/L4lQPsg
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ao3feed-rarry · 2 years
Weasley Week
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/DO6A3aH
by LadySol09
Siete días, Siete hermanos, Siete historias y mucho fluff navideño, porque la navidad tiene escrito el apellido Weasley por todas partes.
Disclairmer: El universo Harry Potter es propiedad de JK Rowling y no me pertenece. Yo solo escojo algunos de sus personajes y los hago bailar al son de mi música.
Words: 985, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Relationships: Remus Lupin/Bill Weasley, Severus Snape/Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley & Oliver Wood, Fred Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Lee Jordan/George Weasley, Harry Potter/Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Smut, Gay, Gay Sex, Masturbation, Sex Toys, Gay Fred Weasley, Gay George Weasley, Gay Bill Weasley, Gay Remus Lupin, Gay Charlie Weasley, Gay Severus Snape, Gay Lee Jordan, Gay Blaise Zabini, Gay Percy Weasley, Gay Oliver Wood, Gay Ron Weasley, Gay Harry Potter, Christmas Party, Christmas Shopping, Christmas Dinner
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/DO6A3aH
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marvel-snape-writes · 1 month
This solo Snape one shot is getting… rather hot 😮‍💨
Is it too soon to post another snippet? 😬🤣👀
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oldtowrs · 2 years
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a re-iteration of my rules for interacting with me, my blog and my work, as some of you seem to have forgotten as of late
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this is an inclusive, hate-free space. i do not tolerate transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, racism, misogyny, anti-semitism, xenophobia, elitism, or BIGOTRY of ANY KIND ! if i catch you commenting, interacting with my mutuals, interacting with me, etc. in a hateful manner you will be blocked and reported.
this world is hard enough already, and my space on the internet is meant for everyone - except for bigots.
most of my content should be friendly to minors, but because i interact with nsfw content on this blog, i suggest that minors do not interact. this includes and especially applies to my fanfiction - that is blurbs, one-shots, series, and all else that could qualify as my work. if you are a minor, and i catch you, you will also be blocked and reported for my safety and for your mental health. MEDIA CONSUMPTION IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AND IF YOU CANNOT REGULATE YOURSELF, I WILL DO IT FOR YOU.
other than that, please respect each other and me and enjoy my little slice of this hellsite and this world. thanks.
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star wars—obi-wan kenobi, kylo ren, ben solo, armitage hux, din djarin, boba fett
harry potter—remus lupin, severus snape, ron weasley, sirius black, harry potter, draco malfoy, hermione granger, theodore nott
doctor who—nine, ten, eleven, twelve
stranger things—steve harrington, eddie munson, robin buckley
a song of ice and fire—sandor clegane, tywin lannister, jon snow, jorah mormont, otto hightower, alicent hightower, aemond targaryen, aegon targaryen, gwayne hightower
the last of us—joel miller
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what to request—fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, smut are all fair game. i will link some prompts below.
i will write some mental health stuff, as i myself struggle with mental health. i will tag fics accordingly, and thus it is your job to read the tags and assess the content warnings before consuming my content !
LGBTQ+ reader fics are possible, but you must clarify this otherwise i will default to f!reader. please note however, that i will not write for a trans!reader. this is not because i am transphobic, but because i am not trans. i do not wish to take up space in the fandom that should be filled with the voices of those individuals. i do not wish to misrepresent a group that is already misrepresented in society enough.
what NOT to request—aeting disorders, suicide, rape/non-con, pregnancy, miscarriage, racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, islamaphobia, or any other bigotry or similar themes.
i will not write sexual violence or domestic abuse or anything that could be interpreted as such
i will not write for a reader from our world coming to a fandom's universe or a character coming into ours. i fucking hate that trope.
i will not write for anything similar to "hey, can i have a reader insert fic wherehe calls me this specific name, and the reader has (insert specfic description here), and they've (insert personal experience here)" sort of things. if you want a fic where the reader is specific to you, that is a commission, not a request.
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what to do—please! if you like a fic, ask more about them in my inbox, message me, like comment & reblog, tag it in your fic recs! show that you enjoyed my work! interaction matters! i promise you will not bother me!
what not to do—DO NOT REPOST my fics to any other platform, or pass them off as your own on your own blog. do not copy the events or ideas i post here and do not expand upon my work without explicit and clear consent from me
i post my works here under the user oldtowrs, on wattpad as _kenobi, and on ao3 as writingsofa_hobbit. if you see my writing anywhere else, under any other name LET. ME. KNOW.
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DISCLAIMERS— please keep in mind, i have every right to not write your ideas, and it is not that i don't like you, or your ideas, but sometimes they're too specfic, or i am just not comfortable with writing them. i am a college student—a biochemistry major with a biomedical engineering minor at a rigorous stem school so please realize that, yeah you may have requested a little while ago, but chances are i'm still in the process or writing it. i typically have 18-24 credits a semester of shit that i am not always good at and which require my time and my prioritization. if you wish to know about the status of your request, message me! send me an ask! tumblr also likes to eat my asks, so please! send me messages!
thank you for your patience and please enjoy my blog!
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©𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐑𝐒 2023- do not steal, copy, repost or expand upon my works without my explicit permission
updated—january. 10. 2023
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rckflg · 3 years
enjoy :) hope you like this free food
i will link each character’s masterlist in this post
han solo
princess leia
luke skywalker
padme amidala
anakin skywalker
obi wan kenobi
kylo ren
general hux
poe dameron
rose tico
boba fett 
fennec shand
din djarin
paz vizsla
cobb vanth
harry potter
hermione granger
ron weasley
ginny weasley
george weasley
fred weasley
charlie weasley
bill weasley
neville longbottom
oliver wood
seamus finnegan
dean thomas
cedric diggory
luna lovegood
cho chang
fleur delacour
pansy parkinson
viktor krum
voldemort/tom riddle
bellatrix lestrange
fenrir greyback
lucius malfoy
narcissa malfoy
igor karkaroff
barty crouch sr
barty crouch jr
professor severus snape
alastor moody
sirius black
remus lupin
nymphador tonks
newt scamander
theseus scamander
black widow / natasha romanov
yelena belova
hulk / bruce banner
antman / scott lang
tasm!spiderman / peter parker
hawkeye / clint barton
hawkeye / kate bishop
echo / maya lopez
daredevil / matt murdock
mobius m. mobius
deadpool / wade wilson
negasonic teenage warhead / ellie phimister
cable / nathan summers
domino / neena thurman
storm / ororo munroe
mystique / raven darkholm
wolverine / james howlett / logan
rogue / anna marie
phoenix / jean grey
cyclops / scott summers
havok / alex summers
jubilee / jubilation lee
banshee / sean cassidy
quicksilver / pietro maximoff
angel / warren worthington
x-23 / laura kinney
magik / illyana rasputina
wolfsbane / rahne sinclair
mirage / dani moonstar
nightcrawler / kurt wagner
magneto / erik lensher
please let me know which version of the x-men characters you would like me to write for when requesting
harley quinn
black canary
renee montoya
victor zsasz
harley quinn
rick flag
captain boomerang
polka-dot man
ratcatcher 2
merry brandybuck
pippin took
bilbo baggins
thorin oakenshield
michael emerson
ace merill
denny lachance
eyeball chambers
billy tessio
carlisle cullen
esme cullen
alice cullen
jasper hale
rosalie hale
emmett cullen
edward cullen
bella swan
charlie swan
billy black
jacob black
seth clearwater
leah clearwater
paul lahote
sam uley
eliot waugh
quentin coldwater
julia wicker
alice quinn
margo hansen
penny adiyodi
kady orloff-diaz
mariana andrieski
henry fogg
vanessa ives
ethan chandler
dorian gray
brona croft
victor frankenstein
vanya hargreeves
klaus hargreeves
luther hargreeves
allison hargreeves
diego hargreeves
ben hargreeves
lila pitts
CHARMED (1998)
piper halliwell
pheobe halliwell
prue halliwell
paige halliwell
leo wyatt
cole turner
CHARMED (2018)
macy vaughn
mel vera
maggie vera
harry greenwood
abigael cain
niko hamada
tommy shelby
john shelby
arthur shelby
ada shelby
finn shelby
polly gray
alfie solomons
luca changretta
aberama gold
bonnie gold
johnny dogs
jim hopper
joyce byers
dr alexei
robin buckley
steve harrington
billy hargrove
max mayfield
fiona gallagher
ian gallagher 
carl gallagher
debbie gallagher
lip gallagher
mickey milkovich 
kevin ball
veronica fisher
male!reader platonic &/or smut & fem!platonic!reader only for ian & mickey
spencer reid
penelope garcia
luke alvez
aaron hotchner
elle greenway
kate callahan
rhycroft philostrate
vignette stonemass
nick burkhardt
hank griffin
captain sean renard
seargent wu
rosalee calvert
adalind schade
vic mcqueen
maggie leigh
tabitha hutter
9th doctor
10th doctor
11th doctor
12th doctor
13th doctor
missy / gomez!master
rose tyler
yazmin khan
river song
bill potts
captain jack harkness
toshiko sato
owen harper
the mandalorian / din djarin
javier pena
maxwell lord
whiskey / jack daniels
dave york
fransisco ‘catfish’ morales
marcus moreno
poe dameron
nathan (ex machina)
apocalypse / en sabah nur
kane (annihilation)
gomez addams ; platonic!reader or familial!reader only
rick flag
takeshi kovacs
pete koslow
erik heller
stephen holder
ed baldwin
tasm!spiderman / peter parker
443 notes · View notes
ilovedilfdraco · 3 years
Excessive Infatuations | D.M
Warnings: Smut, Obsession, Stalker Draco, Oral Sex (female receiving), Praise, Degrading, Very Possessive and Toxic Draco, Solo Masterbation (Male) (Also Including Something Questionable That Was Stolen), Mentions of Knife Kink, and Slight Breeding Kink
This is long just like his di- and literally the smuttiest thing I've ever written besides the one thing I never uploaded 🧍🏻‍♀️
(All Characters are 18+)
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His 'obsession' with you simply started when your gorgeous eyes locked onto his lightened grey ones during class, never had a lady captivated him with just a single glance, and he couldn't fathom why you did.
Ever since then everything in his life revolved around the thought of having you all to himself one day, but that was unlikely since you've never given him an ounce of attention besides when he caught your lingering gaze.
Draco often asked himself why can't you see that I'm better for you? because from far away he would be closely watching the blush arise to your cheeks and the flirtatious words escape your lips when a certain boy who was not him would talk to you.
The amount of anger he would feel and the thoughts that would consume his brain whole everytime that boy would touch something that wasn't his, was indescribable.
But then that anger would rapidly subside because he knew that one day, you will learn that no matter what you will always be his, and he will always be yours.
He would make sure of it.
Draco was currently sitting in potions class, tuning out the professor as he was occupied with watching you from the corner of his eye. He noticed that your expression was different from most days, and he started to feel his gut twinge as many thoughts raced throughout his head, wondering why you weren't your usual bright self.
The smile that was once plastered onto the face he so adored was replaced with a frown, the captivating eyes he had only looked into once was puffy and pink, everything about your whole demeanor changed, and he so desperately wanted to know who or what did this.
The next words that instantly pulled him out of his trance was a gift from Merlin himself, "Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Y/L/N, you two will be working together today to prepare a potion." The professor drawled out in his monotone voice.
Draco nodded his head and got up from his seat immediately making his way towards the desk you were sitting at, and there was this foreign feeling in his lower abdomen that was no longer discomforting as he got closer to you. Oh what he would do to make you truly understand how he feels when he's near you.
He sat down and the fruity scented perfume you were wearing engulfed his senses, making his desire for you worsen. On the desk there was a ripped piece of parchment and on it was written the potion you two were to make.
He let out a huff and turned to you letting his gaze linger for just a moment, "What's your problem?" He pretended to act as if he just realized how strange you were acting.
"Nothing that concerns you, Malfoy. Let's just get this over with." You vaguely responded, and his heart basically shattered at your cold voice that was no longer laced with sweetness and politeness- the two things that had him weak at his knees for you.
The two things that made him fall in love with you.
The potion was finally completed after a bunch of childish bickering between the both of you and him throwing flirtatious comments your way, and now professor Snape had walked up to the table, asking the two of you to test it out. "I smell: peppermint, cologne, and something apple scented." You said, while occasionally fanning the potion fumes onto your face.
Draco's heart stopped, curiousness fogging his brain as he wondered if it was him you were smelling, is it me that you want Y/N? Because I know for a fact I want you, eventhough I've never thought about another woman except you. I'm waiting for you.
You turned to him, motioning him to share and he cleared his throat while he gained his composure. "I-I smell: fruit scented perfume," he stuttered, while fiddling with the ring on his slender finger "Uh, vanilla, and pink coconut ice."
Snape muttered something under his breath as he walked away, leaving the two of you alone in an atmosphere filled with something unknown.
You shifted in your seat, and his eyes instantly moved to you for what seemed like the hundredth time today- it probably was, and his heart warmed when he realized you no longer looked like how you did at the beginning of class.
He made you happy. He made you happy.
"What happened?" He finally asked again, this time being more polite.
"What do you mean?" You turned your gaze to the boy next to you, your elbow was resting on the desk as your palm held up your chin.
He rolled his eyes. "I don't know, you tell me."
You looked at Draco hesitantly, contemplating whether you should or should not share your troubles with him, you barely knew him after all, plus why would he want to hear about your boy troubles.
His eyes were glistening with pure intentions, like he really wanted to listen to everything, and like he really wanted to help you. It seemed as if it really pained him to see you like this, something unusual-especially for Draco Malfoy.
"It's stupid really." You shook your head, emitting a false chuckle.
"Well if it's that stupid you wouldn't mind telling me, would you love?"
Fuck, those eyes- so fucking captivating, you couldn't look away. You almost thought he put a spell on you- but perhaps it was the potion fumes clouding your senses, it did happen to be right infront of you.
"The boy I like, he's with someone else." You mumbled.
His face scrunched in confusion, who would pick anyone other than you? Who would want to be with anyone but you? How can that blind prick not see how perfect you are?
"Who would pick someone other than you?" He didn't know it but he said the words out loud.
"What?" A blush painted your cheeks, and a smile tugged on the corners of your lips, while a fluttering feeling took over your lower abdomen.
Someone- someone that's Draco Malfoy thought of you that way? It's too good to be true.
Later That Night
Draco's veiny hand was moving up and down along his hardened cock- his thumb occasionally swiping over the redden throbbing tip that was leaking with precum. The thoughts of you was clouding his lust filled mind.
His head was leaned back into the soft pillows, his eyes sealed shut and his mouth agape with whimpers and barely audible moans emitting from it, he was focusing on the pleasure his thoughts brought him and the feeling of your stolen lace knickers that was balled up in his fist.
"Are you going to be a good girl and take all of me?" He asked, his finger grazing your sensitive nipples teasingly.
“Yes Draco- just pl-" You stopped mid sentence when you felt the tip of his cock stroke your throbbing clit.
"F-fuck- please just fuck me." You shuddered, your legs subconsciously wrapping around his waist trying to get him closer to your needy cunt to relieve the emptiness you felt in your core.
He chuckled deeply against your neck, his blond hair brushing against your cheek, "My pathetic needy little whore, so fucking desperate for my cock."
You whined at his words which was soon replaced with a moan when you felt the tip of his dick slowly start to enter your cunt.
Before Draco could proceed with his lustful thoughts- a knock on the mahogany door interrupted him. He ignored it at first hoping the person would go away but they didn't.
"Fucking hell," He sneered, pulling his pajama pants and boxers back up, he then got up from his bed and made his way to the bathroom firstly washing his hands.
Drying his hands, he walked over to the door and turned the knob pulling it open. “Wha-”
“Why is Ron in the infirmary?” You seethed, barely noticing his flushed expression.
"I don't know." A smirk started to form on his lips and he shrugged his shoulders, finding your anger somewhat amusing- his fading away.
“Draco, this isn’t funny- he’s hurt.” You sighed.
His arms were crossed over his bare torso, as he leaned down towards your ear, his lips ghosted the smooth skin and then he whispered, “Someone hurts you, I hurt them, this case it so happened to be the poor Weasel.”
All of a sudden you found yourself speechless as you didn't know how to react to his words. Should you run? Should you be feeling this aroused? His words sounded somewhat pure evil, yet you still found yourself desiring him even more, you were drawn to him like he was to you.
"Is that all?" He taunted, backing away much to his dislike.
He so desperately wanted to pull you inside and act out his fantasies on you, but he wanted you to make the first move.
And you did because now you were sprawled out on his bed almost completely bare, with him inbetween your thighs.
"The amount of times I thought of you like this." Draco groaned as his finger pushed your knickers to the side and collected your arousal just to spread it all over your throbbing cunt, your hips moved upwards trying to get his fingers inside of you but he just pushed you back down into the mattress.
“Please Draco.” You cried out, tired of his nonstop teasing that has been going on since you gave him full permission to do whatever he wanted to you.
A devilish smirk appeared on his face as he knew he got you right where he wanted- displayed on his bed and begging him to fuck you, the things he thought would only happen in his dreams, maybe he was but it didn't matter, all that mattered was that he pleasured you.
Finally deciding to give in, his tongue met with your swollen clit and a moan left your lips as your fingers tangled themselves in his blonde hair. "Oh, fuck."
Your legs threatened to close but his grip tightened on your thighs keeping you in place while his tongue continued to taste your arousal like it was the most sweetest thing he has ever tasted.
“So amazing.” He mumbled against your clit, causing vibrations of pleasure to shock your body and your back to arch.
His grip on one of your thighs loosened as he moved his hand over to your entrance, sliding two slender but full fingers in and then his mouth closed on your clit- sucking on the bundle of nerves.
A whimper was released from your lips as his fingers instantly found that one spot that made you weak and when he noticed this his lips detached from you while his fingers continued to repeatedly hit that area.
You found that you couldn’t form words as you felt yourself getting closer to your high while your brain went foggy with bliss and ecstasy like euphoria.
“I can’t wait until I can feel your tight cunt squeeze my cock like this.” Draco said feeling you clench and unclench around his fingers.
“Then don’t wait.” You managed to cry out, desperate to feel him completely.
Hearing your response caused him to smirk and he took a few seconds to admire your heaving chest that made your breasts slightly bounce.
The sight made him painfully harder then he already was. “Such a desperate little fucktoy aren’t you?” He sneered while sliding his fingers out and his gaze moved towards your bare thigh, he wondered if you would let him carve his initials into your skin- officially marking you as his but he would wait until you would willingly devote yourself to him like he devoted himself to you.
Draco positioned himself over you and you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer so that his lips connected with yours.
His hand moved to grip your hair and while you were distracted with the feeling of his soft lips against yours he took the opportunity to push himself inside of you.
“Draco.” You moaned, gripping his shoulders- your fingernails probably making an indent while he started to slowly thrust deeper inside you, not giving you time to get accustomed to his large size.
“Fuck, doll, you sound so fucking perfect.” He groaned, placing kisses all over your chest and neck- marking your skin with purple and blue hues, since he knew he couldn’t do much about people looking at what was his, the only thing he could really do was show people you were already taken- already been used by him.
His hand traveled to your thigh, wrapping it around his waist getting instant access to your g-spot and whimpers fell from your mouth as his tip abused it.
"How do you think Weasel will react when he finds out my cock is using your little cunt?" He sneered, gripping your chin with his hands forcing you to look at his darkened grey eyes.
"I-I fu- I don't know." You stuttered, shaking your head while tears were fogging your eyes.
He chuckled, releasing your face from his grip leaving behind a red hand imprint.
Draco buried his head in the crook of your neck and brought his thumb to your clit drawing figure eights, while his thrusts were rough and sloppy.
“I’m gonna cum inside you darling, is that ok?” His raspy voice asked.
Draco smirked against your neck, while he thought of you having his children. You would be stuck and bound to him forever. Forever his and his only.
All of a sudden his and your world went silent and the only thing that could be seen were white spots as his hips stilled while your legs shook, and then cum released from his tip and your core.
You shuddered as he pulled out and collapsed next to you, the cold air hitting your now empty cunt.
“You’re mine now.” He mumbled loud enough for you to hear.
I hope there’s no mistakes cause I physically cannot read my smut scenes 😭
Loveeee you <3
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rensraptor · 2 years
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the ask box is open,, taking requests :)
i’ll write for,,
joel miller, tommy miller, tess servopoulos, (the last of us) will only write for the game version of joel, will write all of the according to HBO’s portrayal otherwise;
loki, brunnhilde (valkyrie), bucky barnes, wanda maximoff, pietro maximoff, stephen strange, shang-chi,  (preferably andrew garfield’s) peter parker, clint barton, scott lang, eddie brock/venom, thena, druig, etc, (marvel) there’s too many others to list, dont be afraid to ask!;
kylo ren/ben solo, rey, poe dameron, din djarin (the mandalorian), fennec shand (the mandalorian/tbobf), boba fett, obi wan kenobi, darth vader/anakin skywalker, (star wars);
remus lupin, severus snape, sirius black, bill weasley, fred and george weasley, xenophilius lovegood, lucius malfoy, narcissa malfoy, james potter, (harry potter) marauder’s era too; 
steve harrington, robin buckley, jim hopper, dimitri antonov (enzo), billy hargrove, henry creel, (stranger things);
william afton, michael afton, (five nights at freddy’s);
tauriel, legolas, thranduil, kili, thorin, bard, aragorn, (lotr & the hobbit);
(and some other miscellaneous characters…)
javier peña narcos, 
javi gutierrez the unbearable weight of massive talent, 
sheriff hassan, father paul midnight mass, 
adam only lovers left alive,
10, 11 doctor who,
possibly some others within the same franchise...
i will write,,
angst? i don’t like it that much but we’ll see :)
yandere! & stalker! au’s that don’t violate the criteria below…
in headcannons, blurbs, full fics, preferences, etc etc
generally only ‘x reader’ fics but i could try some ships??
i will not write,,
smut involving minors;
anything for actual celebs atm,, sorta depends who;
r*pe or SA scenarios;
hate of any kind will not be tolerated, you will just be blocked <3
thanks y’all,,
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thcweasley · 4 years
PAIRING : George Weasley X Y/N
SUMMARY : George getting jealous of his twin brother for being closer to you .
WARNINGS : none? Make out? implying things? hehe
WORDS : 1.7k
A/N: lol this hits too close to home, growing up i was shadowed by heather sister :(  I was going to turn this into smut but im not sure.. cos i never wrote a smut before lol.
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“Focus on your work Weasley” Snape smacked George Weasley’s head with the book he was holding, causing the whole class to look at his direction.
George was already an easily distracted person to begin with. but today especially, he got his mind somewhere else.
He was looking at you and his twin brother Fred, giggling while trying to figure out snape’s task. All of his life he never thought that he would feel this much jealously towards the older twin. Sure, sometimes it bothers him a bit that people pay more attention to him, or the fact that people always refers them as “Fred & George”, not “George & Fred”. But he knew it’s a silly thing to be bothered about so he always managed to brush it off.
But not today, Fred had been assigned with you. The girl George met on his last solo trip to honeydukes. It shocked him how he never saw you around before, despite being in the same house and grade. But hes glad that he met you. George didn’t like to be cheesy, but he was so sure that you were made for him. Whenever youre around, he just felt so happy. You’re funny, kind, and on top of all you’re prettiest thing he ever seen. Sadly, for him, other people seems to think that way about you.
He introduced you 2 weeks ago to his brother and friends. You seem to get along great with everyone. He liked that, his brother and friends is everything for him. But he cant help it but feeling a little bit jealous. He didn’t wanna admit it but this jealously is most probably because he was insecure about his feeling for you. Before everything he was sure that you fancy him the same way he fancies you. But now, hes not sure. And he hated it, youre supposed to be his girl.
The class that felt so long was finally over. George quickly stood up, walking towards the common room. he just want to burry his face onto his bed now. He felt an arm linking his. “Hey you” it was you. He let out a big sigh, not knowing how to feel right now.
“Hey, did you have a good time today?” He hated how catty he sounded. Knowing you, he knew you wouldn’t able to tell.
“Yeah it was fun. Your brother is hilarious you know that?” He rolled his eyes, feeling his face getting hot.
“Well yeah hes a clown” George answered shortly. Wanting you both could just drop this conversation. He didn’t like this, being jealous of his twin brother.
“ahah yeah true, youre also funny too you know” You leaned your head onto Georges arm. At this point it was hard for him to not just pulls you into a big hug. “Whats your plan for the rest of the day?” You asked looking up on him.
“Im not sure, probably just sleep” George answered looking down to you. You looked so cute leaning on to him.
“Wanna have a study date? Snape’s test tomorrow right?” George’s ears perked up at the word date.
A smile creeps on his face. “Yeah sure”
“Brilliant! I’ll see you in 2 hours then!” You gave his arm a squeeze before you go. Leaving George all smiley by himself.
2 hours later, George found himself getting ready for his study date. He finally going to make a move on you. Its obvious that you fancy him now right? At least you were the one who refers their study session as a study date.
He tried to look around for Fred but he was nowhere to be found. He feels weird do anything without asking for the older brother’s advice. But it was time to go to meet you at the Library and he didn’t want to make you wait, so he just decided to cross his fingers and hope for the best.
“Hey” George greeted you, big smile on his face. You look up at him from the book you were reading, smiling back at him. “You got a lot of stuff here” He sat down beside you, looking at paper and pens in front of him.
“Oh its not mine” You answered. “So, do you have anything you’re particularly struggling with?”
Whilst you tried your best to explain the things that he was struggling with. George was doing his best to stay focus on what youre saying instead of you. He cant help but admire your face, your cheeks, your lips. He wonders how would it feel like you press his lips against yours.
“Are you listening to me George?” You asked, knowing the answer pretty well.
“Uh yeah, im sorry I got distracted” he blinked.
You brought your hand on to his head, messing with his red hair. “you’ve been a bit distracted these days. didn’t you got smacked on your head earlier today by Snape?” you chuckled a bit running your fingers on the back of his head. “Did it hurt?” You tilted her head closer to him, rubbing the back of his head.
He couldn’t seem to think straight at this point. The fact that youre so close to him right now, he could smell your scent. He took a deep breath trying to be brave and make a move. He put his hand on top of yours, pulling it away from his head. “Y/N..” He started, linking his fingers with yours. “I think I like you”
“Yeah?” You chuckled feeling. your cheeks starting to get warm. “Whats going on George? Why are you suddenly so serious?”
“Well, Im not sure how you feel about me. But I got nothing to lose so here I am. I like you” Surprised by his words, you didn’t say anything. So he thought he could just make a move then. He leaned in closer to you getting you lips closer to each other. Not knowing what to do you just close your eyes. He smiled, taking this as a greenlight to proceed his act. Until all of the sudden-
“Your tea is here!!” Fred walked in, causing them to pull away from each other. “Hey that’s my seat George, do you not see the stuffs on the table?” He said as he sat down filling the gap between You and George.
“Fred what are you doing here?” George asked, clearly  frustrated with the situation.
“That’s not how you greet people, my dear brother” He said handing you the tea he was talking about. “Besides, youre not the only one who got invited to this study group. Right Y/N?” You just nod at him feeling flustered, thinking about what could’ve happened if Fred didn’t just walk in.
The next day, George has been avoiding you since last night. He thought you guys shared the same feeling. But yesterday proved him wrong. He was just another friend to you
Snape’s exam was a group work, being Fred’s partner obviously made you work with him for the exam. You looked so happy, George wishes it was him working with you instead of his twin brother. He hated this so much, it’s ridiculous how jealous he felt towards his twin brother right now.
The exam’s finally over, George saw you coming up to him from the corner of his eyes. “Hey” you greeted him. “Wanna go to Three Broomstick later? I haven’t really seen you all week”
“Who’s coming?” He asked, hoping this time its just the two of you. And everything that he thought about last night wasn’t true.
“Uh everyone. Fred, Lee, Angelina and others im not sure” George snickered. How stupid of him to think that you wanna be alone with him. How stupid of him to think he got a chance with you.
“I think im gonna pass on that” he took a deep breath. “Im tired. Ill see you around” He left you dumb folded, walking away towards his room.
The night comes around. The common room feels empty, his friends had left him for Three Broomstick. George just chilling alone on his bed when he heard someone opened the door.
“George?” You walked towards him, sitting at the end of his bed “Hey, im just.. I just wanna make sure everything is okay”
“Why you here” George answered bitterly. “Arent you suppose to be out with your friends, with my brother?”
“Well yeah but I wanna check up on you. And talk about last night..”
“What do you wanna talk about Y/N?” He took a deep breath. “I already get it, you see me as a friend. If anything, you like Fred more than me. I get it don’t worry. Everyone always picks him over me, im used to it”
“George…” you scotched in closer too him, trying to stop him from rambling all these nonsenses.
“Im not even sure why I thought you like me, he is the better twin. Im just me. I just thought I have a chance with you. Throughout my life, ive always get hands down from my siblings, share with my siblings.” He realised how ridiculous he sounded but it didn’t stop him. “I love how you get along with my friends. But, i just thought, I thought youre my person. Finally someone I can proudly say mine. I thought you feel the same way as I do…” Georges voice was getting quitter when he felt your hand grabbing his. “I like you a lot and I get that you don’t feel the same way. So if youre coming here to explain that i-“
His words were cut off by your lips crashing to his. “You never let me speak Georgie”  You murmured against his lips “I don’t know how you got it all wrong” you kissed his cheek lightly. “I didn’t know you felt that way. George. I like you, im your person. Ive always been“
With a big smile he pulled in for another kiss. He held on to your waist pulling you closer to him, positioning you onto his lap. You threw your and around his neck, deepening the kiss whilst his hands lazily griped your waist.
You can feel something poking between the inner part of your legs. With a slight smile you press your legs more on to him, grinding it against him. Earning a low groan from him.
He held your hips down on him, so both of you can feel more of the friction. His lips travelled to your jaw and to the back of your neck. You could feel his hot breath, sending shivers down your spine as he moved his lips closer to your ears. “Prove it” OKAY SO Let me know if you want a part 2 smut off of this HAHAH.
hehe part 2
this was quite hard to write cos i feel bad for him ahaha. this is loosely based on a true story. but i never got my Y/N :’)
MY OTHER WORKS follow me / send request / talk to me! im lonely (if u send me anonymously maybe click here) my collaborative ford anglia playlist Christmas with the Weasley playlist
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