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underwater snakeheart from stranglerfig's amazing series
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Snakeheart - dark ginger tom with white undercoat
Family: Rustjaw (father, deceased), unknown other kin Gender / Sexuality: Tom / gay  Personality: resting bitch face, but biggest sweetheart ever, den dad vibes, kits love him and he loves kits, popular with young folks, cats are drawn to him cuz he looks so fucking scary Backstory: Rustjaw, a junkyard cat, joined the clans when he was a young Tom, carrying with him a little fluffy ginger kit. Raised in Whisperclan, Snakeheart was named Snakepaw when he turned six moons, as his name had been Snake when he arrived. His warrior name was given to him as the *heart* was the important part. Snakeheart is the biggest sweetheart ever. As an apprentice he prioritized feeding the queens and kits, going hungry some nights in bareleaf to make sure they ate. The leader gave him his name with pride, saying those who knew him would know what his name means, and those who dont should fear him. Snakeheart is a cuddle monster. Always found outside the nursery or apprentice den, playing with young cats, Snakeheart is such a happy go lucky cat. When his father died, at the jaws of a harsh bareleaf chill, Snakeheart became even more devoted to the clan life. He believes in it, its all he’s known, and he looks forward to his own kits and apprentices.  Ideal Partner: a single queen with a kit about to be an apprentice, the med cat apprentice who is technically still an apprentice but has their med cat name, a young warrior who wants kits, a young mentor with no clue what they are doing Position | Clan: Warrior | Whisperclan
Sandrumble - dark grey tortie tom
Family: Dustpelt (father), Firefleck (mother), Sootclaw (brother), Dappledleaf (sister) Gender / Sexuality: tom / bisexual Personality: likes to spar, always wanting to play wrestle, probably why he doesnt mind playing with kits that much, would prefer an apprentice of his own though, not trusted with leadership even on patrols thanks to his love of fighting Backstory: Earning his warrior suffix for his fight first, asking questions later attitude, Sandrumble does it while defending his clan and the warrior code. Sandrumble earned his warrior name defending a kit when a storm brought adders out and a kit from Brookclan wandered away from his mother and over the border. Sandrumble fought off adders with a kit between his jaws, rain making it hard to see. He even argued with the patrol that found him trying to find a Brookclan warrior, wanting to make sure the kit got to his mother. The queen was exhaustingly grateful, and wanted to walk the then apprentice home to make sure his leader knew he deserved his warrior name.  Now known for being soft on kits, he’s often volunteered for queen sitting duty. Sandrumble does his best to find joy hunting with the older shecats, or kitsitting while she stretches her legs.  When Sandrumble isnt surrounded by kits, he loves chatting with his warrior clanmates. He likes to practice his skills on the battle field by sparring, and will spar with anyone willing to give him a good challenge. Ideal Partner: the token good fighter type, the top hunter, a single dad, a young queen, an older apprentice who has their eyes on the nursery Position | Clan: Warrior | Whisperclan
Blossomheart - fluffy calico tom with vibrant eyes
Family: Marigoldpetal (mother), Petalstorm (oldest brother), Leafdance (oldest sister) Daisyleaf (older brother), Violettail (older sister), Poppystem (older sister) Gender / Sexuality: tom / bisexual  Personality: big sweetheart, fast runner, loves going hunting, really social, chatty asf Backstory: Blossomheart was the only kit in his mothers last litter, and given a very soft fluffy name despite being a tom. Still, he wore his name with pride, training hard to become a warrior. He is a skilled hunter, and a very speedy runner. He’s more of the bob and weave fighter instead of the powerful attacking type. His warrior name may sound frilly, but when you meet him, you’ll understand there was no other way to make Blossompaw fit him any more than adding *heart* on the end. Ideal Partner: gimme the grumpy one, or the bad ass fighter type, or gimme bigger beefier bf, only accepting bigger gfs too I’ve decided, hes just giving soft bottom vibes sorry, but hes not so like ya feel? Position | Clan: Warrior | Whisperclan
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starscatteredsky · 1 month
Hello, could I ask for tips for a therian anaconda? Or for any constrictor snake
Tips for Anacondas!
pt: Tips for anacondas! end pt
wear clothes in the colours or pattern of your morph!
work on upper arm/shoulder/back strengthening! (best for arm wrestles and the tightest hugs ever! /silly)
get some fang gear!
collect textiles, clothes, shoes, etc with the "snakeskin" texture!
get some squeezy fidgets, squishies, stressballs, etc!
consider getting chewlery as well!
get some coloured contacts with slit eyes!
make or commision a therian mask! (ive never seen a snake therian mask but i bet they'd be so cool!)
collect snake themed jewellery
try using tattoo pens, henna, or something else to draw on snake scales!
get an exfoliating face wash, lip scrub, lotion, or something else to help with shedding urges/phantom feelings/dysphoria! (taking out contacts can help with this too!)
sunbathe or otherwise spend time warming up!
anacondas love water, have some fun floating or swimming around!
give great squeezy hugs!
hope these help!! have a great day!! -👾
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[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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why does this body have so few bones? needs more muscle but not in a bulky way. let me just be a strong and elegant tube, please.
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Why did you stop being Prince Snakeheart? That was such good times
I’m sorry to disappoint you, I was never snakeheart 🤭🐍 I have no chill about stuff so I’d defo have blabbed. I’m pretty sure @sarahscribbles uncovered the mystery though, not that she’s spilling 🤭
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hayheadd · 4 months
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Catologic doodle... Daniil Snakeheart doing the siller maneuver... Go to #pathywcau to witness the depths of my insanity
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quirkycritters · 2 months
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Behold, the second half of my Art Fight attacks! IM FREEEEEEE YEAHHHHHHHH (come find me on AF!)
In order, these are for @little-angelbun , @hammieboye1 , @kazehita , @bunbiiit , @wiltingthing , Snakeheart , @helmetavenue , and NightfuryDraws !
I had a blast getting to experiment with and practice my toon style this year, and this was barely a fraction of what I had planned- looking forward to next year YIPPEEEEE
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almostunbrokenarts · 2 months
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Snakeheart/Snakestar - my old Warrior Cats RP OC
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oxceen · 4 months
Alterhuman alphabet!
(credits to @/local-xenogender-icon)
A - awakening
When did you realise you are an alterhuman? At what age, how long ago?
I awakened around two years ago, when I was 12. My neighbour/friend and I were hanging out outside our houses and he asked if I knew what a therian is. I said no, and he explained it to me, and told me that he is one. I was really interested, because I've felt very cat-like since I was a kid, and often saw myself as a cat, and afterwards I researched more about therianthropy and asked my friend a ton of questions and around a week later I confirmed that I am indeed a therian!
B - balance
Does your identity affect your social life (school, work, etc.)? Does it cause troubles or not?
It doesn't really affect my social life much, but I get phantom ears very often and it gets uncomfortable sometimes, and my friends often ask me if im ok bc I'm aggressively rubbing my palm against my head to try and get rid of my phantom shift :,)
C - city
Do you live in a city? If yes, is it hard for you to be away from nature? Does your therio/kintype even need nature?
I live in a sub-urban area (thankfully) because cities are pretty overwhelming for me. The area I live in has plenty of trees and bushes but it's mainly just in people's front yards and I wish there was a small forest nearby that I could walk around in, but sadly there isnt't :(
D - diary
Do you have a diary about your alterhuman experiences? If not, do you want to start one?
I used to, but I kept forgetting to add entries to it so I gave up lol
E - experience in the community
What is your experience and thoughts about the alterhuman community?
So far, everyone's been really nice! Everyone seems to be really supportive of eachother and I've only seen discrimination in the community once or twice. I'm also a little concerned about the nonhumans who are severely struggling mentally due to their nonhumanity.
F - friends
Have you told your friends about your identity?
My three closest friends know, and they're very supportive!
G - gear
Do you have any gear? If yes, is it handmade or bought?
I have an ear headband that my neighbour gifted me for christmas, and although the colours are wrong, I love it and wear it pretty often. I also have a half-finished yarn tail that's been a WIP for a couple months now because I can't find the time to finish it. And I also have a necklace with a green gem, a rainbow and a wolf pendant! It was originally just the gem to match with my best friend's purple gem, but then I added the rainbow (bc LGBTQ+) and the wolf pendant came from an old necklace I got alongside a book (Wolves of the Beyond, I def recommend) that I got in 2nd grade.
I - identity
What is (are) your therio/kintype(s)?
Vancouver coastal grey wolf, Turkish Angora, Western jackdaw, orca and banded linsang!
J - jokes
Do you like to make little jokes about your identity or is it rather serious for you?
Both! I don't really make jokes about it myself, but my friends often joke around about my nonhuman behaviours (in a nice way) and I laugh along :)
K - knowledge
In scale of 1-10, how big do you think your knowldege about alterhumans is? Are you new to this topic?
I'd say around a 6-7. I know pretty much all the basic stuff, but the more complicated stuff like physically-identifying nonhumans and otherlinks I don't really know much about yet, mainly because I've only recently heard about them.
L - liking, loving
Do you like your therio/kintype(s)? Do you love or dislike it/them?
I like my theriotypes a lot! I find my theriotypes really interesting, there's always something new to learn about my kind.
N - nature
Does your therio/kintype live in the wild, or rather not? (E.g. it's a house pet, or it's a robot.)
All my theriotypes are wild, except for my domestic cat theriotype.
O - otherhearted
Are you also otherhearted? If yes, what is your kithtype(s)?
I'm snakehearted!
P - popularity
Is your therio/kintype "popular" or is it rather rare?
I'd say my wolf theriotype is very "popular" if you just look at it like a wolf, but I've only seen one or two therians who are coastal wolves like me.
I see domestic cat therians everywhere so it's needless to say my cat theriotype is pretty "popular"
I see crow therians and raven therians a lot, but I've never met another jackdaw like me. I wonder why /gen
I used to think orca therians are rare, but after joining tumblr I found that there are quite a lot like me!
I've never seen another linsang therian, which makes sense because barely anyone knows asiatic linsangs even exist. They were discovered only in 2013 and we know next to nothing about their reproduction, social behaviours, and diet.
R - real body
Do you feel good about your physical body? Do you experience gender dysphoria?
I don't get gender dysphoria often, but I do get species dysphoria. A lot of the time I wish my legs were shaped differently, or my face was longer, or I had a tail, wings, etc.
S - sex
Does your therio/kintype have a different sex than you?
Yes! I identify dpecifically as a male dominant/"alpha" (I dont really like using that word to describe it)/pack leader wolf because I do not feel maternal instincts toward young wolves. I know this because when I look at pictures of kittens, or see actual kittens, I feel a strong urge to look after them, clean them up, protect them from danger, etc. Aside from these two theriotypes, I don't identify as a specific sex.
T - traits
What are your alterhuman traits? (E.g. a need to hunt, bark, ect.)
I get extremely aggressive toward people who wrong me or people close to me, and my typical response is to growl/snarl at them.
If a friend gets their hand close to my face, I try and play-bite but they always draw their hand away (understandably).
When I'm in a group of people, or I see a group of people, I can often tell who the "pack leader" is within a couple seconds, even if it's not obvious to a human.
Very wide smile during tense/awkward situations or any situation where I feel threatened. It's basically a snarl but bc im physically a stupid human, no one notices >:(
Sometimes I raise my shoulders and then shake myself all out (usually involuntarily), which is like the human equivalent of feather rousing
I sometimes also bump/rub my head on my (close) friends' shoulders as a way to greet them
U - urges
If you have a theriotype, are you good at controlling your animalistic urges? Do they bother you?
I'm fairly good at controlling my urges, but when I get angry I feel like I'm gonna lose control and just go feral on everyone. It's never actually happened though.
W - wondering
How do you think you would look like, if you could physically shapeshift into your therio/kintype? (Describe or put an image here!)
I think I'd just look like any other member of my species.
Y - yarn
If you wanted to buy/make a tail, would it be real fur or fake/yarn fur?
I prefer real fur, but I'd only buy it if I'm 100% certain it's not from a cruel fur farm. But if I'm unable to buy it, I'd make my own, from yarn (which I've already started doing).
Z - zoo
How do you feel about zoos (a place, not z00philes)? Are they good or bad in your opinion? Do you want to go there to meet your theriotype (if you are a therian).
I think zoos are okay (only ethical ones), I enjoy going to them and seeing all the cool animals there. Sadly none of my theriotypes are at any of the zoos I normally visit.
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bonefall · 1 year
if bluestar had been in any state of mind for it, what do you think tigerclaw’s dishonor title would have been.
my two cents would be snakeheart—referencing that story about the snake who kills the person who nurses it back to health.
I love Graystripe's insult for him from an earlier book-- Poisonpaws, what a good name LMAO
I feel like his treachery could have justified Cuckoo as a suffix, a traitorous creature that attempted to kill its nestmates. Cuckooclaw.
Or maybe something to reference how he turned his clanmates against each other, and tried to murder his apprentice. Poisontongue, Snakespit.
I feel like the image of a creature breaking an egg with its teeth out of malice would be super fitting, or the thought of a monster that kills a songbird. Maybe Songeater or Songbite, in Clanmew it would be closer to "Songstopper." Heartcracked.
But unfortunately, she just wanted him gone as fast as possible. She wasn't in the right headspace to come up with a good warning of a name.
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kenanonsthoughts · 1 year
@bugmangaka had the kids liking warrior cats but im insane and did a lot more
they're marktable cats now
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as of my brain right now for whos drawn and shown:
Thunderclan: Snakeheart (Deputy somehow) Fuzzymouse Ravenwing Leafblaze Brightspirit (Meddie) Appletuft Windclan: Nightshade (Deputy) Jitterpelt Birchsong Mudwhisker Stormstripe Riverclan: Silvermist Shadowclan: no one drawn yet lmao
im probably gonna brainrot in silence if I dont post anything else- But I do wanna slowly build up the clans
All artwork done by me ofc- designs are fun... Scott's is my favorite ngl (Appletuft)
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-Ken Anon
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goodwarriorcatideas · 11 months
A warrior named Bigheart who’s likes, SO EVIL!! Like, imagine they get caught for murder and everyone is so shocked that Bigheart has done it because they always acted to happy and kindhearted to their clanmates
so so true anon that would be hilarious
can u imagine there's another cat in the same clan named like idk Snakeheart or something and everyone was like: ermmmmm... they did it fr fr
but Snakeheart is like. one of the most loyal cats in the Clan, wouldn't it be funny if Snakeheart and Bigheart had some kind of rivalry? I'd think so, I think it'd be a fun story
It does make me wonder if Bigheart would manage to get away with it all at first, and Snakeheart would somehow have to prove that Bigheart was the killer all along? much to think about!!!
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sarahscribbles · 1 year
Hey, did you ever work out who all your anons were?
Yeah I know who some of them were. I know:
Most of the swans
And that’s it 😂
No one understands how much I miss snakeheart 😂
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starscatteredsky · 9 months
Tips and fashion for a ball python??
tips and fashion for a ball python
pt: tips and fashion for a ball python
sunbathe! make sure to use proper sun protection!
dress in the colours of your morph!
use a heat seeing filter, mood rings/clothes/makeup/nail polish, heat seeing goggles, or other ways of connecting to the way your kintype sees!
try out some snakeskin makeup looks!
wear snake themed jewellery!
try some hissing vocals!
make/commission a snake mask, or get some fangs to wear!
make a blanket and pillo burrow
get a heating pad, electric blanket, or other things to keep yourself warm
wear leathery, sequinned, or scaley textures!
here’s the fashion inspiration board!
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(image desc in alt!)
you didn’t give any themes to follow or what morph you are, so i went with something hopefully general enough to work! feel free to re-request with more details if you want though!
x x x
x x x
x x x
enjoy and hope they help! -🩸
Requests open!!!
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[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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snakehearted culture is genuinely not understanding how people find snakes scary / disgusting
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Thanks for your writer suggestions. Clandestine F*ck is phenomenal. I am embarrassed to admit but I stalk your page. I have questions for you. Who is snakehart? You have a lot of friends because you are nice. Forgive me for asking is that sailor holly girl your girlfriend? I notice you flirt with her sometimes seems like joking sometimes not. Just curious.
Hello new friend!! 💞 That's real sweet of you and I'm delighted you liked Clandestine F*cks!! I wanna live in it so bad 🤣
Never be embarrassed about stalking my page, I'm flattered😆
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And now, to your queries.
Snakeheart is an Anon who sent @sarahscribbles a lot of messages that were written in Loki fashion. He was very sensual. The mystery continues to his true identity. (although its not me, for the record. Again. I wish)
@simplyholl is my dear friend and spiritual guru. While we're not romantically involved alas we do enjoy the occasional flirtathon. 👌She is a beautiful person and I will slay for you bbz.
I'm not sure if it was a question, but I'm very lucky to have met a lot of lovely people on Tumblr. Some for the long haul, some for a season. But whichever you are I wish you all the warm things and happy days ❤️
Here's some president Loki for you😊I know you love him. xx
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