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16 posts
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
trying to come up with the longest canon-location-based names just for fun. I have some ideas. Chrysanthemumwhisperer (22 characters, my friend made this) Tortoiseshellfreckles (21 characters, my friend made this, also tortoiseshell like the butterfly) Caterpillarlightning (20 characters) Meadowsweetsplotches (20 characters) Honeysuckleshoulder (19 characters) Blackberrysplinter (18 characters) Nightingalewhisker (18 characters) Kingfisherwatcher (17 characters) Chanterellehollow (17 characters) Cassowarywhisper (16 characters)
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
more kits just.. insist on going by a name that isn't their name. like how in real life we'll try to go by a super cool nickname of our own name, except nicknames don't necessarily Exist in warrior cats so they try to make up their own name. a kit named Nightkit who goes by Bitefang, and refuses to answer to any other name. a more ambitious little one whose name is Harekit but refuses to answer to anything but Shadestar!!
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
Chickenscratch - a cat most known for their messy fighting style
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
Fleetfox and Silverjay;
two warriors from bordering Clans who were named after their cleverness, often seen racing at the border in friendly rivalry to stretch their legs and problem-solving skills
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
A litter of cats split off into different Clans from birth, all with similar yet different names, they meet at the border and wonder to themselves why this other guy looks so much like them and why their names essentially seem flipped
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
Imagine a lineage of cats named after deserts or something
Like the first cat would be named…fuckinn Muffintail…and she names her kit Clawkit and Cakekit turned into Cakenose and Cakenose named their kit Piekit
ohhh ye ye I think I could see something like this happening!
maybe Muffintail was originally a kittypet who wanted to keep their name when they joined the Clan, and their owners were bakers! it's a bit of a stretch, but I've always liked the idea that there are cats out there-- kittypets mostly, who can understand twoleg writing; what if Muffintail was able to take a peek into their owners' recipe books, and that's how they got the ideas for their kits' names?
ofc it seems that Muffintail passed on the knowledge of these tasty little desserts, of course leading to Cakenose... Piebelly, perhaps Browniespots then Fritterstripe?
much to think about :3c
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
ok i have a very small queue going that i will hopefully add to over time smiles :] still ofc feel free to bring in suggestions
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
oh yeah i guess i should mention that there's some juvenile humor here. ie. "Cockweed the warrior cat" but nothing NSFW because. nasty...
hiii so
for the sake of clarity, this blog is not a holier-than-thou my-word-is-law-and-the-standard type of thing!! it's all lighthearted and fun
you can do whatever you want with Your Warrior Cats
this is just a place to post any fleeting ideas I may have :]] and you're free to use them if you so desire!!
Admin is 22 and uses they/he/it pronouns!
feel free to submit things to the blog!! I'd love to hear everyone's ideas
my rival @badwarriorcatideas
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
cockweed . a . warrior that loioks,., like a rooster and . WHAT S+ODES THE SUFFIX WEED MEAN
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
More herb prefixes!!!!!!!!! Lovageglow, Dockpool, Boragegrove, Broomboar, Burdocknose, Chervileye, Comfreybite, Parsleywish, just.. yknow, for your sampling.. *starts kicking my feet
ohhhh smiles so so wide at this.. these are so good and yr so right, I can share some too smiles
- Chivechirp
- Mallowmoth
- Yewshadow
- Garlictuft
- Rushrunner
- Alfalfasprout
- Clovestripe
- Dillwhisker
- Fennelnose
just to name some :3c
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
i already posted this to my blog sorry but Bird prefixes with fish/water suffixes . Dovefin, Crowscale (like a fish scale), Limpkingill.. though its hard to go wrong with anything w/ fin at the end too cuz its such a cute suffix ngl
no fr i understand u... i have some favorites:
- Pigeonsplash
- Pickerelbeak
- Ravenfin
- Salmonsoar(tbh could work as a reference to salmon runs)
- Robingill
idk just a few of them i could think up on the spot LOL pls feel free to add more
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
imagine getting your asks eaten loser (<-- has been getting their asks eaten almost every single ask)
(standing behind you ominously)
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
sometimes tumblr will eat the asks in my inbox so feel free to send them as much as you'd like :]
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
A warrior named Bigheart who’s likes, SO EVIL!! Like, imagine they get caught for murder and everyone is so shocked that Bigheart has done it because they always acted to happy and kindhearted to their clanmates
so so true anon that would be hilarious
can u imagine there's another cat in the same clan named like idk Snakeheart or something and everyone was like: ermmmmm... they did it fr fr
but Snakeheart is like. one of the most loyal cats in the Clan, wouldn't it be funny if Snakeheart and Bigheart had some kind of rivalry? I'd think so, I think it'd be a fun story
It does make me wonder if Bigheart would manage to get away with it all at first, and Snakeheart would somehow have to prove that Bigheart was the killer all along? much to think about!!!
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
a batch of kittens named cabbagekit, carrotkit, parsleykit and garlickit. They're a little garden!!!!!!!!!!!! and their mamas name is Harvestheart or smth🥺
ok to add to this post; i really love the garden idea so i think it'd be very interesting if this hypothetical Clan was really big on plant names... like the whole Clan is a lil garden..
I think of a queen who likes to name her kits after various flowers :]
her name might be something like Heathsprout and her babies might be Daisykit, Violetkit, and Lavenderkit perhaps :]]
maybe the leader is Sunstar and the deputy is Rainfall or smth?
idk just a lot of ideas w/this one... smiles
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goodwarriorcatideas · 1 year ago
hiii so
for the sake of clarity, this blog is not a holier-than-thou my-word-is-law-and-the-standard type of thing!! it's all lighthearted and fun
you can do whatever you want with Your Warrior Cats
this is just a place to post any fleeting ideas I may have :]] and you're free to use them if you so desire!!
Admin is 22 and uses they/he/it pronouns!
feel free to submit things to the blog!! I'd love to hear everyone's ideas
my rival @badwarriorcatideas
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