#smutember 2020
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verfound · 2 years ago
FIC: Sweet Dreams (MLB, Lukanette, Lemony Fresh)
Characters/Pairings: Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng; Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Ladybug thought Sweet Dreams was pretty harmless as akumas go.  After all, what could be so bad about having your favorite dream running around Paris?  Viperion was hesitant to agree, especially after he gets hit and Marinette Dupain-Cheng is suddenly standing in front of him in nothing but his favorite Jagged Stone t-shirt…
Author’s Notes/Warnings: Y’all know why I don’t generally consider myself a smutficcer?  Because this simple, easy @smutember prompt has been fighting me since 2020.  😂  I just…can’t make things easy on myself.  I can’t have just the lemonade – I need the fancy lemonade, full of fruit infusions and fun-shaped ice cubes and a little umbrella to boot, and does it come fizzy?  (Which is all to say Plot Always Happens.  😂  There was a point where this fic was two separate docs, one of which was cut up into little flashcards to get arranged on my desk because I liked the ideas just not the order they were in.  Ironically enough, this wasn’t even a prompt I was originally going to do – I just had an idea I liked, then that idea fought me tooth and nail for three years.  😂  Writers, man.  😂)
“Sweet Dreams”
Luka looked up as the bedroom door opened, a smile warming his face as Marinette walked out.  She was yawning, her short hair a mess and her arms raised above her head in a sleepy stretch that pulled the hem of his old Jagged Stone shirt higher on her creamy thighs.  She hadn’t bothered putting her pants back on.  He wondered if she’d given the same courtesy to her underwear – if it was still lying on his floor, wherever he’d thrown it earlier that night.  Her arms were still above her head, hands clasped on her elbows, when she opened her eyes and caught him staring.  A lazy, sleepy smile curled her lips.
He loved that smile.  It was one of his top five favorite things in the world.
“Hey, you,” she said, her voice thick and groggy from sleep.  That voice – the way it sounded after just waking up, in his bed, where he hoped she’d decide to spend every night for the rest of their lives – was quickly becoming a favorite thing, too.  He held his hand out for her and beckoned, wanting her closer.
“Hey,” he said, smiling as she moved his guitar to prop against the side of the couch, crawling onto his lap instead.  He chuckled as his hands found her hips, his eyes closing as her hands sank into his hair.  “Did I wake you?”
“Only in that the bed was suddenly too cold and empty,” she answered, bending to press a slow, languid kiss to his lips.  “I woke up freezing, and then I heard you out here with Claire and thought, ‘That hussy.  He could be putting his hands to much better use.’”
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haydenyoungappreciationweek · 5 months ago
Welcome to our third edition of the Hayden Young Appreciation Week! We started this way back in 2020, during the lockdown, and it's been a blast spreading our love for this amazing character ever since!!
Hayden is the heart and soul of Perfect Match - their tenacity, their unwavering love and their deep questions about life and identity make the story so much more interesting and nuanced.
For Day 1, we have two themes for you to try. One is of course Character Appreciation, where you can appreciate practically anything about Hayden!
There is also Vacation as a theme! We all know that PM as a story has its characters travelling around the world, either to get away from Eros or to plan their next move. Hayden, in particular, seems to thrive in different settings, exploring different cultures - even more so if their MC chooses the polyglot skill for them!
Any work is welcome – fics, art, edits, moodboards, interactive media, headcanons, meta, even screenshots of your favourite scenes! Our only requirements are that the works are original (nothing AI generated), and they center Hayden and present a positive depiction of them.
It is not necessary to put up your works only on the day of the theme – you can always put it up later. We will also be keeping a buffer week in case you’re not able to complete it during the week itself (till Oct 10th).
Please be sure to do the following when tagging your posts for HYAW 2023:
1. Use the tags #haydenyoungappreciationweek, and #HYAW, along with the day/theme you made the work for (#HYAW Day 1, #HYAW Day 2 etc).
2. Tag @haydenyoungappreciationweek, and hosts @sazanes and @lizzybeth1986 in your posts so we can access them easier!
FAN CONTENT BLOGS are the lifeline of our fandoms, esp for books that have long been over yet still have a strong fanbase. Many of them are hosting some incredible events that we highly encourage you to participate in if you feel so inclined!!
@choicesficwriterscreations - Accepts fic and art (no AI). Read up on their roster of events and guidelines here!
@choicesmonthlychallenge - Accepts fic and art. We're almost at the end of September but can still give in entries for the "Royal Academy" event (run by @choicescommunityevents and @ladylamrian) currently hosted - particularly Day 29! You could also participate in Picktober for next month!
@choicesholidays - Mostly fic and art. Currently no events, but be on the lookout for announcements!
@choicesprompts - Mostly fic. There are a variety of events for the next three months! There is Smutember, Flufftober and Angstgiving.
@choicespride - All content welcome as long as it features LGBTQ+ pairings and themes! Currently no events.
Hope you have plenty of fun with Hayden content today. Let's make Hayden's birthday special! 😃😃
Happy Hayden Young Appreciation Week, everyone!!
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carnal-lnstinct · 4 years ago
title:  Indiscreet fandom:  Dragon Ball Z / Super /  Xenoverse 2 pairing:  Goku x Reader (F!Saiyan Time Patroller) rating:  Mature / 18+ word count:  4k prompt: SMUTEMBER!! day 16 - Caught In the Act + day 21 - The Water Is Just Fine  AO3 / Insp. / @smutember summary:  Reader training with Whis has really left Goku feeling a little neglected, a feeling he’s not use to dealing with and he’s not going to let it go unheard. A/N:  Not a direct follow up, but this picks up on the ending of my other fic (linked in the insp.) where reader ends up with a version of Goku from a timeline where he never married Chi-Chi and he trains Time Patrollers.
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Goku was super excited to see you. Little did he realize how much he had actually missed you until he finally found you on this particular day. Your performance is poised, yet rough and tense. The focus is there, but you are tired. He couldn’t help but notice your stance and movements start to lose their vigor. That was to be expected when training under Whis for the first time..
It had been weeks, 3 he believes, since you had began your training with Whis on Beerus's home world. While the lovable saiyan was still able to pop in here and there, your interactions were brief due to the nature of Whis's training. Everything was on a schedule that had to be met or else. Goku would feel as if he arrived on the land, blinked, and was shooed by the angel as not to distract your focus at every turn. Just sent away to do some chores or continue training with Vegeta if he was present until Whis was ready to further train them as well. You had to play your own game of catch up before you could join them on their training level, making the separation feel more harder for Goku. You’re not home with him, nor able to give the affection he was so used to being drowned in. He went from seeing your face almost every morning and every night to just seeing you maybe twice a week for 15 minutes if he was lucky (or had brought something delicious to distract Whis long enough). By the time you were free to rest and chat, you were too exhausted to play or talk to Goku. He's engross in his own training by then, so you just disappeared inside the familiar dwelling of Beerus's castle to your arranged room with nothing but a single serving of food with you and an urge to collapse by the bedroom door for rest. If it wasn't your time patrol missions, then it was this new training that was keeping you two apart.
He doesn't like the change, and expected training with Whis would have you spending more time together already but Goku couldn't truly ask for anything more for you. You're already spread pretty thin between this and being a Time Patroller, yet he still wishes for the chance to be selfish and have you all to himself again at least once. He longs for your attention on him, that gleam in your eyes when you're happy to be with him or even that fire when he's crossed you somehow. He wants the warmth of your skin under his hands and the luxury of sweet whimpers from your lips. There was no telling which he craved more: your company or your touch. He's never known this frustration before. Not until all the affection was gradually taken away.
Today just seemed to bring it to a head. There was something about you that left a lingering eye on you from the male saiyan. As your training came to an end and you pried yourself free of the weighted "marshmallow man" suit, Goku couldn't fight the urge to look over your body as you straightened your posture and stretched your spine and limbs in freedom. Your skin glistened with a layer of sweat that flattered your natural glow rather than show how hot that suit could be. There was a hypnotic bounce to your ass when you walked, the sway of your hips and the way your saiyan tail swings to and fro spoke a language that whispered the key to his salvation. The tight bodysuit provided for you to wear while you trained here didn't help to deter him, either. Somewhat similar to Vegeta's in texture minus the armor and color; a version of the elder saiyan's one piece during the time he allowed himself to be corrupted by that evil wizard Babidi, the sleeveless racerback top that clung to the curve of your spine and waist, outlining your back between your shoulder blades and the bottom that squeezed around your upper legs as thigh-leveled shorts. If anything, Goku is reminded even more that he hasn't had the pleasure of holding your body in his hands for a while now and if things keep moving at this pace it would take longer before he can. Unless he got creative with the opportunity at hand.
Aside from being the training instructor to three saiyans with you here now, Whis did have a God of Destruction to tend to as well as lunch dates with a certain blue-haired beauty he never misses. Fortunately for Goku, today was one of those days Bulma set up a lunch with Whis while Beerus slept so your training would be paused until he came back, leaving you free for a while.
The moment became more favorable for him when you stumbled and carefully lowered yourself to sit examining your ankle. Now was his chance to try and get you alone. Goku lept into action, throwing up the tied bundle of food he had brought back from Conton City for you as he joined you at your side. He wastes no time placing his hands on your body, chaste touches for now on your shoulder and knee. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just got nicked by Lord Beerus trying to change those sheets of his, is all." You quickly explain before panic could settle in the other saiyan. You use his squatted position to lift yourself back up with a small wince, but found no crippling pain in adding weight to your leg. "You should see the alarm clock he hit. Well... what's left of it."
"Hmm. I don't know, (y/n). Beerus might have got you with his super destroyer magic. It might get worse before it gets better, you know!" Goku persisted with a scrutinizing eye on your ankle. A single yank on your arm and you fall into his large arms where he cradled you in his hold, a bright smile poorly blending with the alleged worry. "You should rest it up for at least the rest of the day, maybe two even."
"Super destroyer magic?" Whis repeated with a curious tone as he approached, containers of food neatly stacked in his hand having saved them from Goku's neglect. "That's one thing to call it. It's hardly anything to worry about if one is careful."
"Yeah, I'm suppose to lose a whole day of training over this little scratch? You kiddin'? It'll be fine after I soak it in a bath, it just aches a little." You insisted climbing out of his hold and demonstrated the weight you could put your ankle. However, Goku's hands grasp you on each side of your thighs, the tone of concern dialed up dramatically, suspiciously.
"A-Are you sure?! Let me take a look." Before you knew it you were back in his lap with one of your legs raised as he peeled off your boot. His large hand cuffs your calf muscle underneath and props your ankle up with the other to inspect it, almost completely wrapping his fingers around.
"Kakarot, what are you-"
"Ah ha, just as a I thought! it's already red and getting all swollen. You can't train on your leg like this. How about you stay off it for a while?" His thumbs rubbed around a red mark on your ankle, careful not to make direct contact. There was a scuff to the skin, but it was no different than the others.
"-That's where the suit was strapped to my leg, Kakarot. Calm down." You huffed, showing off the similar redness around your other ankle and your wrists. Shaking your leg free of his hold, you snatch up your boot with a grumble. Before you could attempt to stand up however, Goku had lept back up to his feet with you in his arms. "Hey, put me down!"
"Guess you'll be heading to Bulma's now, right Whis? Don't worry, I'll keep (y/n) busy and make sure she's not too badly hurt." The doe-eyed male easily collects the stack of containers from Whis's grasp as he balances you and your fussy movements in one arm and the food in the other. "I'm sure this will do the trick! Have fun, tell Bulma and Vegeta I said hi!" Your entire surroundings changed in an instant. The open, perpetual sunset sky of the training field now a dimly lit room with the outside visible through a window. You're brimming with annoyance from the manhandling and growl with a mouthful for the earthly saiyan. The moment he places down the containers and turn to you, your tongue is sharpened to scold and eyes noticeably glaring. Barely did "what the hell was all of that?" get pass your lips when he captured your mouth in a sudden strong kiss and your body ignited with a carnal sensation and the emotions that come with it. You almost forgot you had these feelings under the methodical and straining daily training session with Gods. The growls in your throat became submissive whimpers when you fell into his lips, playing right into his hands. Oh, how he was starved of your affections and vice versa. Your hands find a handful of his orange gi and thick black hair as your rage was quelled.
Once your body reminded you that you needed a real breath, you broke away from the kiss with a heavy sigh, sensitive insides permeated with need to take things further. "I'm sorry, please don't be mad. I just really, really missed kissing you. Like, a lot.." Goku spelled out the truth before pressing his hungry lips to your cheek, not ready to relent with a trail of kisses on your sweaty skin that lead him to your neck where he buried his nose. There's a tightness to his grip when he pulled you closer to his own body and you immediately knew he was longing for this longer than you thought. The truth settled in your cleared thoughts and you stroke the back of his neck as you leaned further against his firm body.
"...I miss kissing you, too. You should have just told me instead of all that fuss."
"Well you said that stuff has to stay between us and Whis was right there." Goku added lifting his face to look you in the eye. Ah, you did say that, but mostly to prevent oversharing of any details of your private encounters. You still had a reputation as Conton City Hero to protect.
You let out a soft chuckle and slid your hand across his cheek before lightly nudging it with a soft fist. "I'll give you an A for effort on that."
"So can we go back to kissing now? And beyond kissing?!" Excitement elevated the saiyan's voice with anticipation. He is fully ready to take you right here and now. You appear to smile wider as well, but it it immediately falls to a small frown.
"...Later." You sigh with disappointment and turn your eyes away knowing what look he was going to give. Wiggling free of the larger saiyan's hold, your feet plant firmly on the ground and you fold your arms. "I still got chores to finish up before Whis gets back and desperately need a bath after that damn suit." You locked you heart away to the whine that came from him and departed the room to carry on your duties.
"Is it later now?" Goku asks finding you again in the middle of cleaning the seer's fishbowls. There's a hopeful glint in his wide eyes that shatters when you shake your head.
"Later." You reiterate, turning away to continue.
"Now?" Asked again sometime later, his sudden appearance causing you to almost drop a delicate tea cup when he surprised you. This was one of Beerus's favorite and Whis was more than clear on what to expect from the destroyer God if something happened to it. You breathe with relief once you place the cleaned porcelain back on the shelf and shoot a glare at Goku.
"Stop that!" You snap, shoving him out the room entirely and brushing your hands on the apron before storming off to the next task.
"Hnn, I can't take it anymore! I'm pretty sure it's later now, right?" Goku whined as he hovered over you thirty minutes later. You opened your eyes and narrow them irritably from your reclined position along the edge of the large bath, the rest of your body soaking in the steaming water.
"..." A defeated sigh, "Fine. But we gotta make it quick." You hint as Whis would probably be on his way back soon. Goku lept into the air, tearing all of his clothes and boots off in record time before making a large splash in the water. It washed over the edge and swept your face as well. That created a new chore, one that would be his to clean up.
As you spit out some of the stray water splashed in your face, your seated position is shaken off balance and you look down to see the wild-haired man pulling your submerged hips into his face. A firm kiss is pressed against your sensitive lips before he laps his tongue across your clit and a sharp sensation of pleasure shoots through your body. You hadn't been touched so eagerly in weeks, your insides practically came right then and there under the abrupt stimulation. You placed a hand over your mouth to muffle a whine when his tongue spread you further open and penetrated deeper, lips pressed firmly against your wetness and wiggling tongue lapping for the sweetness of your core. Your insides twitched against his hungry mouth, encouraging Goku further when you gripped the top of his hair with your other hand and rolled your hips to meet his ministrations. All that attention had you soaking more than the water you sat in, unable to contain your composure long enough to keep alert of any signs of movement throughout the castle. While you still couldn't sense either Beerus or Whis, they didn't move as silently around the dwelling as they would anywhere else and could be heard just about any location inside with keen enough ears.
You take the continued silence outside the walls of the bathing chamber as an opportunity to lift yourself free of Goku's hold on your hips and pull him up to your face, legs quickly settling on each side of his narrow, sculpted waist and your hand finding the hard length in between. A few enticing strokes and his tip kisses your opening before he pushes into you. The larger stretch of his cock filling you left your mouth hanging open until he was fully inside, the pressure then making you bite your lip to contain a loud moan urging to bounce off the stone walls. Goku let out a stuttered breath and craned your head to kiss you deeply. Once his tasteful tongue entered your mouth to tease at yours, he withdrew himself enough to sheathe his cock fully inside again, relishing the fluttering and sucking of your insides. He placed his hands on the edge behind you to support himself as you clung to his body and the languid movements grew to a steady pace. Each thrust hitting you the same way like magic, these perfect long drags in and out stirring up the water around your connection.
"M-More." You pleaded impatiently in between the lip lock, caressing your sensitive nipples against his chest and locking your legs around his waist. Goku nodded and stood up straight in the water, taking your hips in his hands to support and direct your body to his excited humping. His motions are deeper in this upright position to both of your delight, rocking steadily against your core. He ogles the look on your face twisting with pleasure as your head further tilted back and a strangled sound is muffled behind your compressed lips. Your cheeks glow red with lust and there is a haze over your eyes when you opened them briefly. The way your energy peaked in rhythm to his inward motions and the bitten back whines on the outward. And that strong grip of your hands and tail squeezing him close as if your life depended on him bringing you to the peak of your pleasure. He knows now you needed this as much as he did.
Goku truly missed this side of you, frustrated by how quick and quiet it had to be but he longed to have it anyway he could get it from you. He needed it like he needed to breathe and fight, it seemed. While he couldn't relish being with you the way he wanted, he would greedily take this for now. Both of your bodies grow hot in the shared aura wrapping around you, the rock of your movements growing harder and faster and you bite down on his shoulder to muffle yourself as that spark of pleasure overloads your entire body, pulsing intensely with his thrusting cock also reaching his limit. You quickly press a hand over his mouth to muffle the howl that fell from his throat. One hot stream of his cum after the other filling you completely, so much you feel it seep out of you from the slowed pumps and hear it drip into the water. The balanced energy died down around you and as soon as clarity could find your thoughts, you let up your biting and reopened your ears to your surroundings. Still quiet.
"Okay..." You breathe against the race of your heart in your chest, trying to keep your pants quiet. "One more." Goku's eyes lifted from their hooded gaze at the sound of that and widened like a bright-eyed puppy. You're pretty sure he just became harder inside you and you can feel his smile behind your hand. Had he a tail, you're sure it would be wagging wildly. You gesture for him to sit. He does so without a hitch, making you bounce in his lap when he settles on the edge of the bathing pool with his feet remaining in the water. It's going against your better judgement knowing full well you still had further training to do once the Angel returned, but it may be another long time before you can be this close with your favorite saiyan like this again.
You plant your feet on each side of him and drag your hips into his lap, setting a slow pace to pick up from your last orgasm. It doesn't take long for you to bounce yourself up and down Goku's cock finding how easily it rubbed against your sweet spot in this position. "Just one more." You urge greedily as pleasure began to build anew, your hands raking across his chest. He shifts his hands from your hips to fill each palm with your ass and you feel them work in tandem with the jerk of his hips to meet your riding. You close your eyes and rest chin over his shoulder, melting all over again into blissful ecstasy boosting your desire.
When you reopen your eyes, a faint silhouette shifts in your peripheral alerting your gaze toward the door. A trick of your eyes, you figured, as nothing else moved there. But you couldn't help but notice how it was cracked opened. A particularly hard thrust from Goku knocks a sharp moan out of you and stole back your attention to the moment at hand. You close your eyes back and wrap your arms around his neck to stretch your spine lightly, granting you a deeper ride on his lap. His lips press into your shoulder, the soft vibration of his voice raising goosebumps on your surface.
So much for keen ears. Swept up in the long overdue paradise of two, neither you or Goku noticed the Saiyan Prince's presence in the doorway. This was on purpose, him having lowered his ki signature to remain undetected. He didn't mean to linger, far from it actually. Vegeta had just arrived back with Whis when he found out Goku was here to train and "damn that troublesome clown" if he thought he was going to try and surpass him without his knowledge. Vegeta had only wanted to give the younger saiyan an earful for trying to widen the gap between their power and started with following his ki along with yours. The way both your energies rose and fell he was certain that you were both training (why in the bath house, he would never know but Whis's training did seem unorthodox to him in the beginning as well) and never intended to find what he did, let alone stay as long as he had. Lowering his ki was meant to hide himself so he could sneak away without being noticed. He wanted no trace of himself to be found here while you two were going at it and he needed to get out before anyone knew he was here to begin with. He just couldn't peel his eyes away, not at first. His feet couldn't move short of ducking away when he was certain he was seen. He silently cursed himself for even letting something like this pull his attention for longer than necessary. Better he go now before he does get cau-
"A tad indiscreet, aren't we?" Whis chimed disapprovingly as he stepped from behind the Prince, startling Vegeta who let out a loud yelp. His face flushed with shame and sweat from that fight or flight sensation briefly taking hold. Whis shook his head, "Never would have taken you for the peeping type, Vegeta. I was under the impression even saiyans relished privacy."
"Y-You misunderstand! It's not like that at all, I was looking for Kakarot to train with is all, I swear!" Vegeta beseeches The Celestial for understanding. It was the truth, yet how he was found failed to hold any weight to his argument. The bathroom door suddenly slams open, you standing there wrapped in a towel and dripping wet. You heard Whis's voice carry enough through the opening to pull yourself out of the moment and investigate, a sharp glare on the defensive Prince.
"YOU?! ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?" You screech out, super saiyan ki transforming you in the peak of your frustration and rage.
"Oh dear, what's Bulma going to think of her husband spying on others in their most vulnerable moment?" Whis sighed with a phony sadness at the thought and placed a finger on his chin in thought. "I wonder what kind of tasty reward she could provide for telling something like that?"
" Regardless we do have a schedule to keep up. Sorry to interrupt your mating ritual but I feel it will have to wait for another time." Whis reminded you, the tip of his staff pointing to Vegeta. "Unless you feel Vegeta can help you two speed things along."
"NO FUCKING WAY!" You griped as Goku came up behind you dressed from the waist down and catching up on the fuss.
There's a strong force that rattled the foundation beneath you all while you're off your guard, the results of a large blast from a nearby wall being taken down. "What's all this racket?!" Beerus appeared in his nightly attire, eyes barely open but the glare on his face and annoyance in his tone was very evident. And if not, the small purple orb hovering above his palm sure spelled it out clear. "I warned you all before... TO BE MORE QUIET WHILE I'M NAPPING!" The destructive ki ball was thrown in the direction of the bathroom where you were all lined up for it, scrambling to get out of the way and hopefully far enough from the impending blast that was going to come from its impact.
"YIKES!" Goku ducked low to the ground with his hands over his head.
"-LORD BEERUS WAIT!" Vegeta jumped away in the nick of time as he was the closest for a direct blow.
"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, VEGETA!" You cry out in a leap for your own life, unfortunately losing your towel in the process.
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chromemist · 4 years ago
Smutember Day1: Dirty Talk
My first contribution to Smutember! Day 1 , dirty talk. I went with sexting. Voltron fandom, Klance.
Warnings: bottom keith, top lance, talk of light bdsm/spanking/rimming.
Lance felt his phone vibrate in his jacket pocket. He'd forgotten to turn it on silent mode before class started. But he was in a boring lecture where he could easily get all the same information from the textbook, so he wasn't as irritated as he should be. He could use a distraction from the teacher’s drone. Looking at his lock screen, he saw that Keith had sent him an image.
Lance and Keith hung around the same circle of friends, and while they weren't enemies, they didn't see eye to eye most times. Lance didn't know exactly what it was about Keith that bugged him, if he were being completely honest with himself. Maybe what bugged him about Keith was what attracted him to the dark haired, moody boy. But he tried not to be that honest with himself about Keith. It was just easier to ignore the sexual tension between them if he just didn't acknowledge it.
Sighing, Lance hid his phone behind his laptop and opened the chat. And then nearly choked on his breath. He coughed lightly twice to hide his surprise and not raise the suspicion of the teacher.
Because Keith had sent him a nearly nude photo.
'Holy shit, I could've been taping that?!' Lance thought wildly, forgetting he was not supposed to be acknowledging Keith's good looks.
In the photo, Keith was standing in front of his mirror, the rest of his single dorm room laid behind him. But the focus, really, was on Keith. Or rather his half naked body. The camera was angled so that it showed only the bottom half of his face, the bottom lip being bitten with a half smirk.
Lance's eyes roamed down the pale flesh, and he could feel the drool pooling in his mouth already over the dark trail of hair leading down from Keith's belly. The hair disappeared under a pair of very small, very tight, bright red boxer briefs. The thumb of Keith's free hand was dug into the waistband, pulling one side down to show off more tantalizing skin.
*Keith: 'How do they look on me?'
Lance nearly choked on air again. No! This wasn't happening! He was not oogling his sort-of friend. He was not imagining tracing the defined abs with his tongue. He was not committing to memory the shape of Keith's dick straining against the shorts.
And he certainly was not getting hard in the middle of his class.
Desperately trying to ignore the lust thrumming through his veins, he texted back with shaky hands.
*Lance: 'Um, dude… wrong number?'
The reply was immediate, and almost caused Lance to drop his phone 
*Keith: 'Are you sure I got the wrong number Lance?'
Lance did gently put down his phone. He was now at a crossroads of how to handle this. On the one hand, he could take a chance that Keith wasn't joking (and the chances were high. Keith wasn't very good at jokes), and was seriously coming on to him. They could do something about all this tension building up between them.
On the other hand, Lance could just ignore it, play it off as a joke. And things between them would stay the same. Complicated and filled with messy emotions.
Lance picked his phone back up and stared at the picture of Keith. Maybe, it was time to start being honest with himself. Lance took a deep breath in and replied.
*Lance: 'My mistake. It's the right number.'
Lance bit his lip in anticipation as he watched the little dots at the bottom of the screen bounce as Keith typed back.
*Keith: 'Thought so. So then, about my question…'
*Lance: 'I'm in the middle of class! Can this wait till later?'
*Keith: 'You're in a boring as shit class. I know, I had the same teacher last year.'
Lance chewed his lip and peeked over the top of his laptop. The professor was too focused on his presentation, and none of his classmates around him that were still awake seemed to care. His phone vibrating in his hand brought his attention back.
*Keith: 'Well?'
Cheeky brat. Two could play at this game.
*Lance: 'Well what? Did you want me to say how nice they look on you?'
Lance waited till he saw the dots move, then quickly sent an addition.
*Lance: 'Or did you want me to say how nice they'd look on the floor?'
He grinned triumphantly as the dots stopped moving for a moment.
*Keith: 'Oh yeah, would they? And how would they get on the floor?'
Lance breathed out slowly as a blush rose to his cheeks. He could do this! It was just some sexting with a semi-friend  that he was finally admitting that he was stupidly attracted to. And he wasn't bad at dirty talking. It was just...different with Keith.
*Lance: 'If I tell you, what do I get in return?'
*Keith: 'You get to come to my dorm to finish me in person.'
Another picture was sent, and it made Lance's dick throb in anticipation. Keith was now laying in bed, the camera angled down the line of his body to show off the sizable tent between his spread legs. His free hand was resting on his belly, as if waiting for instructions.
Lance shifted in his seat. Oh yeah, he was definitely hard now, and definitely would be doing that awkward trying-to-hide-a-hardon shuffle out of class. But he was committed to this now.
*Lance: 'I'm a hands on kind of guy. So I'd start by slowly running my hands over your chest. You're all hard muscle, but I bet your skin is so soft and smooth.'
*Keith: 'Why go slow? What if I want you to be fast and get to the good stuff quickly?'
Lance snorted quietly. Keith was definitely going to be a brat.
*Lance: 'I know you have little patience, sweetheart. But this is the good stuff! I want to take my time with you, slowly unravel you and relax you. Am I gonna need to tie your hands to the headboard?'
*Keith: 'Maybe. You could probably convince me if you asked nicely.'
He raised an eyebrow over that response. That was unexpected. Something inside Lance pinged, though. He had a feeling he knew what Keith was up to.
*Lance: 'And how would I ask you nicely? Begging on my knees, looking up at you with my big blue eyes? Or flipping you over onto your belly and grinding my hard cock onto your ass through our clothes until you submit? I'm flexible, you know. Either way is good.'
A minute later another picture was sent. This one showed Keith now laying on his stomach, his ass in the air and one dark blue lust blown eye staring at the camera where it was pointed over his shoulder.
*Keith: 'The second option. Though it's pretty funny that you think you could overpower me.'
And bingo. 'I got your number now Keith.' Lance thought, grinning wickedly as his fingers flew over the screen.
*Lance: 'What's funny is that you want me to think that you don't want my thick, hard cock up your ass, owning you completely while you lay there at my mercy. You know you want me to fuck you hard and fast, take everything I've got to give. But you also know that what really gets you going is being treated like the pillow princess you're pretending you're not. You're such a little brat.'
There was no response for minutes. No picture, no dots moving. Had he gone too far? Was he wrong about Keith? Those thoughts swirled in his head until a response popped up.
*Keith: 'If I'm such a brat, maybe you'll have to gag me then too, sometime.'
Well shit.
*Keith: 'So I'm on my stomach, hands tied up. How are my shorts ending up on the floor now?'
It was official. Keith was going to be the death of Lance. He was going to die in this classroom from a lack of blood flow to his head. The one with the actual brain, not the one he was currently thinking with 
*Lance: 'I'm gonna start by laying my body over yours, and slowly grind my cock against that pretty, perky little ass of yours. Gently kiss and nip at your shoulders, maybe leave a few marks, before slowly making my way down your spine.'
*Lance: 'I bet you'd be squirming the entire time. Trying to hold back all the sounds you want to make. But they'd escape as little whines, and just urge me on.'
*Keith: 'I'd try tugging on my bindings, cause I'd wanna flip you over by then and climb on top of you.'
*Lance: 'Then I'd have to spank you enough to get you to hold still. But not hard, cause I know you want it like that.'
*Keith: 'Fuck, it wouldn't take long for me to stop. I'd want your hands back on me.'
*Lance: 'And I'd reward you for being a good boy. I'd tug your underwear down your thighs slowly, and kiss all over your ass. You know how you're always telling me to shut up?'
*Keith: 'Yeah…'
*Lance: 'Well I'd put my tongue to better use. Spread your cheeks and open you up with my tongue. Lick you all over till we're both sloppy and you're begging for me.'
Lance shifted in his chair again as his cock throbbed painfully. He looked at the time and saw that the class would be ending soon, thank fuck. He really needed to get some relief.
Lance watched as the dots started and then stopped moving a few times, yet no new message popped up. Lance grinned, biting his lip as he speculated what Keith was doing.
*Lance: 'Class is almost over. Are you preping yourself for me? Are you getting yourself nice and slick so I can slide right in as soon as I get there?'
*Keith: 'Yeah…'
Lance's grin grew wicked again.
*Lance: 'How many fingers do you have fucking yourself open?'
*Keith: 'Two. All the way.'
*Lance: 'Oh, sweetie, you're gonna need more than that in order to take me.'
*Keith: 'Bullshit.'
The sounds of shuffling and chairs scraping against the floor alerted Lance to the end of class. He quickly fired off a text before packing up his laptop.
*Lance: 'Think what you want for now, but you'll see soon enough. Class just ended, so you have about ten minutes to get yourself open. I need to be inside you as soon as I get there, so your ass better be up in the air and ready.'
With that, Lance gathered his things up, moving his laptop bag in front of his crotch. He looked down at the newest text, and tried to speed up his awkward boner waddle.
*Keith: 'Door's unlocked.' 
And a picture of Keith's naked and raised ass, with four fingers buried between his cheeks.
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ashtheshortstack · 4 years ago
Into The Rush
Rating: Explicit Ship: Adrien/Marinette Smutember 2020
Tags: Smut, Camping Trip, No Miraculous AU
There were many reasons Adrien had been excited for this trip with his friends. He’d never been camping before and taking a trip out into the woods was very exciting. His father was always so suffocating, trapping him at home and not allowing him to go out with friends. Adrien didn’t understand why his father was so overprotective, but he’d been like that ever since his mother, Emilie, had gotten ill and passed away. While his mother’s death tore him apart, Adrien handled the situation much better than his father. Gabriel became much colder and closed off, almost cruel. He’d always been a stick in the mud, but he’d become so over the top without Emilie to handle him.
Thankfully, there was Nathalie. She’d stepped in a lot since his mother passed. And because of her, Adrien was able to go on a trip with his friends. He was mostly excited about spending the weekend with Marinette. He’d had a ridiculously huge crush on his best friend since starting school four years ago. Despite how much he liked her, he tried to date other girls. Adrien desperately hadn’t wanted to ruin his first real friendship with all his romantic feelings.
Kagami had been good for him. She was wonderful as far as first relationships went. It helped distract him from the fact that Marinette had started dating Luka as well. Even while he was with Kagami, and no matter how much he cared for her… it wasn’t what he felt for Marinette. He felt like he was leading Kagami on. She was understandably upset when Adrien decided to end things with her, but she hit the nail on the head when asking if he had stronger feelings for someone else.
When Marinette and Luka broke up, Adrien was shocked. He thought she was so happy with him. It’s why he was willing to let her go… so she could be with someone who could give her that. Alya eventually spilled that Marinette liked someone else more. Part of him had a hunch that maybe that person was him… and maybe he’d get a chance alone with her sometime during the weekend to confess his feelings with hope she’d reciprocate.
It was a nerve wracking thought, but he wanted to tell her. He wanted her to know. As much as he was terrified that she’d deny him and it could very well ruin their friendship, the thought of her saying yes outweighed the risk for him.
However, he hadn’t planned on stumbling upon her in the woods. Naked. In a small pond as she washed her skin.
Keep Reading
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ellephedre · 4 years ago
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Thanks to @floraone​ for hosting the challenge! AO3 version here Translated for week 3 and 4 of the Smutember 2020 challenge, tropes #mutual masturbation and #established relationship
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ghostlyhamburger · 4 years ago
Finally Whole
Prompt: Morning After
Request: Adrigaminette with confused Marinette
Rating: E
Read on Ao3
Marinette woke up in an unfamiliar bed as the sun streamed across her eyes.
She rolled over to avoid the hideous light of the daystar and found her face pressed against soft breasts, softer than any pillow. She snuggled up against her newfound pillow person and tried to drift back to sleep.
She heard a sleepy groan from her other side, and felt an arm wrap around her, a warm chest pressed to her back. She smiled as she enjoyed the comfort of being close between two warm, cozy people…
Her eyes shot open suddenly as she realized she didn’t remember falling asleep with anyone else--she didn’t remember anything after an akuma had hit her with some sort of beam. She had vague memories of purifying the akuma, going to Adrien’s birthday party, then…nothing.
She lifted her head slightly to see exactly whose boobs she was resting on, and her eyes widened when she recognized Kagami, sleeping topless beside her.
“Morning,” murmured a gravelly, sleep-thick voice behind her as the other person in the bed shifted against her. She felt lips brush the back of her shoulder and then—yep, that was a dick pressed against her thigh.
Marinette was too comfortable to move, but she had to know who the third was in the threesome she’d apparently had and forgotten. Her brain was already spinning from realizing she’d slept with Kagami—she’d definitely idly thought about it before, but had no idea that her friend was into women at all! She wasn’t sure if she could handle knowing who else was there.
Kagami groaned, turning away from Marinette in her sleep, taking away her “too comfy” excuse. The person behind her was still pressing slow, languid kisses against her shoulder, her neck, and—she couldn’t let him keep kissing her without even knowing what he looked like.
So she turned. And she saw Adrien smiling at her.
“Hey, Sleeping Beauty,” he murmured, before easily pressing his lips against hers.
She had so many questions, but she ignored them for the moment, letting herself just enjoy the fact that she was kissing Adrien. She almost forgot about her situation until she felt his—Adrien’s dick—pressing against her.
Marinette pulled back with a shy smile. “Um. Hi.”
“Hi,” he said, grinning at her, melting her goddamn heart why was he making this so hard.
“I, uh—what’s going on?”
Adrien frowned, concern evident on his face. “You do remember last night, right? I didn’t think you had anything to drink…”
“I—the akuma,” she replied. “I don’t remember anything after coming to your party. I-I guess Ladybug’s cure didn’t get me or something…”
“You really don’t remember,” he said. He finally pulled away from her, and while she could think clearly without his dick pressing against her, she felt cold without his legs tangled against hers. “We, uh—we slept together. All three of us.”
“What?” she exclaimed, sitting up, scrambling back away from him. She glanced around the room and realized it was Adrien’s bedroom, and she was sharing his large bed.
“What’s going on?” Kagami murmured, stirring awake.
“Mari doesn’t remember last night,” Adrien said. “The akuma.”
“Mm,” she hummed in response. “Thought you were more direct than normal.”
“What did I do?” Marinette asked, almost fearful to know the answer. She realized she was now pressed against Kagami and shifted again with a small squeaking noise.
“Well,” Adrien said, “you basically showed up, walked right up to me, and told me you loved me.”
Marinette squeaked again, her face turning red as she hid behind her hands.
“And then,” he said, gently taking her hands in his, “I told you that I think you’re an amazing, wonderful person, and I couldn’t believe I was so lucky to have someone like you care about me. Then you kissed me, and I realized I care about you so much.”
“Really?” she asked. “That’s—I’ve been trying to confess to you for years and that’s all it took?”
He smiled. “Yeah, that’s all it took.”
“So how did we go from that to this?” she asked, gesturing at the three of them.
“I saw you kissing him,” Kagami said. “And I was, admittedly, jealous, but you are my friend, so I wanted to congratulate you on finally speaking your mind. But then you kissed me, and I realized that I wasn’t exactly jealous of you.”
“You said you loved us both,” Adrien added. “And started rambling about Andre being wrong, and that you didn’t want to keep making yourself unhappy to make us happy, and then asked if you could date us both. You kissed Kagami again, and—I’m only human.”
Kagami chuckled. “He immediately asked if we wanted to go to his room.”
“I mean, you said yes,” Adrien mumbled, ducking his head, but smiling.
Marinette nodded slowly, taking in this new information, and letting her eyes wander over the two gorgeously naked people in bed with her. The sheets had slipped, revealing them both from the waist up. She couldn’t help but stare at Kagami’s breasts, the perfect size for her form with dark peaked nipples just begging to be touched, or at Adrien’s toned chest, years of modeling giving him a perfect physique.
Kagami chuckled. “See something you like, Mari?”
She made that embarrassing squeaking sound again, bringing her hands up to cover her face. “I-I just—” She lowered her hands slowly as a wicked idea came to mind. “Can you remind me what happened next?”
Adrien grinned. “Well, you pretty much got on the bed and took charge all night. You told us to touch you…like this…” He leaned close to run a hand along her side, from her hip up to her breast.
Kagami followed his lead, cupping her other breast. “You told me to kiss you,” she murmured, leaning close to press her lips against Marinette’s. Her fingers found her nipple, gently pinching and making her moan softly.
“You said you wanted to find out which one of us tastes better,” Adrien said, his lips just brushing Marinette’s ear. “You asked us to strip each other down.”
“I-I didn’t get jealous watching you?” she asked, gasping as Kagami and Adrien both kissed her neck, Kagami’s tongue against her skin as Adrien grazed his teeth against her.
“Didn’t seem like it,” Kagami said. “You were touching yourself, threw your clothes halfway across the room and showing us how beautiful you are.”
“And how wet,” Adrien said, shifting closer to Marinette, pressing his body against her. She groaned softly, feeling him hard against her leg. “You were such a tease, letting us see you but not letting us touch you…but then, once Kagami was naked, you started making out with her.”
“A bit like this,” Kagami murmured, lying back and pulling Marinette on top of her.
Marinette gasped as their legs tangled together. She kissed the other girl, letting instinct take over as she palmed Kagami’s breast with one hand. Her other hand rested on her hip as she wriggled her own hips, pushing her core against Kagami. She moaned as their bodies intimately met, Kagami’s pussy pressing against hot and wet her thigh while she let herself grind similarly on her friend.
“Fuck, that’s still hot,” Adrien murmured. “Mari, you—I’m not sure what you did exactly, but you ate her out and you made her scream.”
Marinette pushed herself up on her forearms, biting her lip as she studied Kagami’s expression. The other girl was staring back at her hungrily, expectantly. So Marinette kissed her neck, slowly moving down her body. She couldn’t help but moan softly when she kissed Kagami’s breast, savoring the subtle taste of sweat on soft skin, the feel of her nipple against her tongue.
“Mmm,” Kagami groaned. “Marinette…”
Marinette’s lips trailed lower, following a path plotted out by her hands running over Kagami’s body. She shifted her body between her legs, sliding one finger against Kagami’s slit. “Fuck,” she muttered. “You’re so wet…”
“I bet she tastes amazing,” Adrien murmured.
Marinette glanced at him in surprise. “Wait, you didn’t…?”
He gave her a grin. “You wouldn’t let me have a turn. But, hey, don’t let me stop you now. She wants you…”
She smiled back at him before lowering her head and carefully running the tip of her tongue along Kagami’s folds, paying close attention to her moans and subtle shifts, when she pressed herself against her mouth, when she rested against the bed.
Kagami did taste good, she realized, burying her tongue in her pussy. But even sweeter than her arousal was the sound of her moans, the way she cried out Marinette’s name when she flicked the tip of her tongue against her clit before pushing her face fully into her pussy again.
Marinette moaned as she felt fingers against her own core, a tongue dragging along her slit. Adrien had moved behind her and was eagerly tasting her, easily sliding two fingers inside her as he did. She groaned as she sucked Kagami’s clit, the action sending the other girl over the edge, sweet and wet across Marinette’s tongue.
“Fuck, fuck,” Kagami panted as Marinette placed soft kisses along her inner thigh. “Better than…better than last night.”
Adrien lifted his head, though he kept his fingers moving in Marinette. “Then, you let me eat you out,” he said, pressing a soft kiss to the curve of her ass. “God you taste so good…”
Kagami sat up and kissed Marinette’s lips gently. “Generous, too. You rode his face while I rode his cock, said I should have him first and next time we’d switch.”
“Is this next time?” Marinette asked hopefully. “Or—how much did we do?”
She smiled. “Yes, this is next time.” She helped Marinette roll onto her back, gently pushing her legs apart. “You helped me come three times last night, once just now—I’m going to stay out of your way now.”
“Three times?”
Kagami smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind Marinette’s ear, her hand gently cupping her cheek. “Once Adrien was done, you still wanted a taste, so…you cleaned both of us up. And I finally got to taste you.”
Marinette’s cheeks pinked as she pictured the scene from the night before. She was so lost in the fantasy that she barely noticed Adrien kneeling between her legs, lifting her hips slightly to line up his cock with her.
“You do want this, right?” he murmured, the tip of his cock pushing open her folds.
“Yes,” she breathed. “Yes, please, Adrien…”
He slowly pushed himself into her, groaning as he sunk his cock deep inside her. Marinette gasped and moaned, pushing her hips up against his as she felt full and wanted.
“God, Marinette,” he groaned, starting to move his hips slightly, thrusting into her. “You feel so good…” He lowered his head to press his lips to hers, pushing his body against hers, trying to feel as much of her as possible.
Marinette just cried out in pleasure, one hand gripping Adrien’s side, the other entwined with Kagami’s fingers. She rocked her hips with Adrien, relishing the feeling of both of them touching her, wanting her.
Kagami pressed her free hand to Marinette’s cheek, turning her head to kiss her fiercely.
Marinette was gone, lost in the sensations, in the feeling of lips, hands on her body, Adrien’s cock filling her completely while Kagami sucked her tongue. Someone, she couldn’t tell who, rubbed her clit, bringing her closer and closer to the peak.
Kagami moved to trail her lips to Marinette’s ear, lightly nipping at the shell of her ear while she murmured, “Come for us, Mari. Adrien told me he wants to feel you fall apart around him.”
“Ahh-almost,” she groaned. “Kagami, Adrien, Adrien…”
“I want to hear your pretty screams again,” Kagami murmured. “You love us? Then let us make you feel so good…”
“We—nngh—we love you too,” Adrien said, the words coming out between soft grunts as he fucked Marinette hard, slamming his cock into her. He pressed his body to hers, whispered into her ear, “I love you, Marinette.”
That was all she needed to tip over the edge, wrap her legs around his hips and rock her body against his as she came. Kagami kissed her neck as Adrien’s orgasm followed, spilling into Marinette as he held her close.
“By the way,” Adrien said as he pulled out, “we do both want to date you.”
“Kind of figured that out,” she replied. She slipped one arm around each of her lovers and said softly, “I’m really glad to hear it though.”
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thatguywiththefaceog · 4 years ago
Smutember 2020-Heat
While out in space, Catra finds herself entering heat. Fortunately Adora is on hand to help out
Requested by anonymous Written for @smutember
This story is rated E for explicit and is for adults only. All characters depicted are over 18.
Catra sat in the commander's chair of the ship. It was night time, well what everyone decided was night. Hard to tell night and day in space. But everyone else on the ship was asleep while Catra was on watch. Which would be fine, expect one critical thing. She was so fucking horny right now.
As a magi-cat, she had to deal with stuff her human friends did not have to deal with like fur or hair balls. But the absolute worst would be heat. Ever since she hit puberty, ever few months she go get these uncontrollable urges just to fuck.
Making sure she was alone on the bridge, she shoved her hand down the front of her pants. “Oh yeah,” she hissed as her fingers penetrated her pussy. She aggressively massaged her walls. It wasn’t enough of course. What she really needed was Adora.
“Catra?” Came her girlfriend’s voice.
“Adora!” Catra shot up, removing her hand from her pants. “What are you doing here? It’s my watch.”
“I just remembered that it’s that time.”
“Adora, have you memorized my heat cycle?”
Adora’s cheeks grew red. “Just being a good girlfriend.”
Catra smirked. “Yeah, a horny girlfriend.”
Ignoring the rib, Adora walked and knelt in front of her girlfriend. Digging her fingers into Catra’s waistband, Adora pulled them down revealing the pussycat’s pussy. First Ones, Adora could feel the heat Catra’s vagina was producing.
“Oh fuck, Adora please,” Catra pleaded.
It was Adora’s turn to smirk. Oh she was loving this. Catra wanted it bad, so it was time to tease her some more. Placing her hands on Catra’s furry buttcheeks and spread them, revealing her pink pecker. Adora swirled her tongue against Catra’s asshole. Catra made a sound like she was hit by a tank.
“Adora, what the fuck are you doing?”
“What?” Adora said with a shit eating grin. “Doesn’t that feel good?” She gave it another lick.
“Y-yes, but that’s not what needs attention dear.”
“Oh,” Adora licked at the anus. “You mean,” lick, “this!” Adora ran her finger over her hungry lips.
“Oh, fuck, fuck, yes!”
Catra noticed for the first time that Adora had a bag with her. Fuck, how did she miss that? Adora pulled out a strap-on. Catra impatiently rubbed her thighs together as she watched Adora hook up the harness. She gave the rubber dildo a flick.
“And now…” Adora said, mounting her girlfriend. “For the finishing touch. For the honor of grayskull! I am She-Ra!”
With a bright flash of light, Catra found her herself being towered over by the eight foot tall and very muscular She-Ra.
“Holy, fu-Agh!” Catra found her pussy being impaled.
Adora aggressively fucked her as catra’s tail wagged back and forth. Adora felt her legs wrap around her waist.
Catra screamed her name over and over as her hips rolled into Adora. Catra clawed the arms of the chair as she came. Adora slowed down as Catra came down from her heat. The last thing that Catra was away before falling asleep was Adora carrying off in her arms.
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my-jedi-life · 4 years ago
My Smutember pic.... from the prompt ‘Moonlight’
Thanks to @ladyrhi​ for the beta and moodie!
@cosmo-gonika​ @greyforceuser​ @reylofanfictionclub​ @tazwren​ @reylofanficclub​ @savingwhatilove​ @smutember​
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verfound · 2 years ago
How about Sweet Dreams, We're Gonna Have a Wedding, and Papa's Guest Coach? 😘
...I don't think "Sweet Dreams" is what you think it is 😂 That one...I'm hoping to have that one wrapped up & posted soon, so we're just gonna skip that one. 😂
The other two are House Band shenanigans. "Papa's Guest Coach" is Luka taking a job on The Voice sometime after Clara's born, because he wants to stay close to the farm and be on the road less, right? Except one day childcare falls through, as every parent knows it's wont to do, and he has to bring toddler Clara to work with him one day. She's less interested in the actual singers and more interested in Papa's brand new Shiny Red Button. 😂
"We're Gonna Have a Wedding" is...ok. Well.
(...dog sex under the cut? 😂)
“Papa!  Papa!  Look!”
Luka dutifully followed his little Songbird’s pointing finger, squeezing the tugging hand wrapped in his own to show she had his attention.  When he saw what Mellie was so captivated by, he promptly choked on his coffee.
“Why’s that big dog jumping on Muffy like that, Papa?  He’s gonna squish her!” Mellie cried, clearly distressed.  Luka shot a longing glance to the front door of their home as he thumped on his chest, coughing to clear the coffee.  Their house was right there.  They were maybe twenty steps from the door (maybe more, in Mellie’s case).  They were so close.
But Gertie, their wonderful neighbor, had let her little lap dog out in the yard.  Normally Luka didn’t mind Muffin: Muffin was a little irritable around him, but the fluffy white dog was much better behaved around the kids, and they adored the small dog.  Muffin also served to stem the constant stream of when can we get a puppy (which was always met with the same answer: someday, maybe, when they had more space and he wasn’t on the road as much and…).
Luka wasn’t much loving Muffin today, though.
Because another dog had apparently broken into the yard and was actively humping Muffin into the ground.
Right in front of his too-curious-for-her-own-good Songbird.
It would have been impressive, actually, the way the dogs were going at it – if it hadn’t gotten Mellie asking questions.
…he was so not ready for this.
“Stop it!  You leave Muffy along, you big meanie!” Mellie cried, and just like that she had torn her hand from his own and had taken off towards the fence, waving her tiny fists in the air.  “Get off!   Get off!”
…yeah, he’s trying to, Luka thought wryly as he lunged after her.
(Remember the one I was talking about where Mellie sees the neighbor's dog get jumped by a stray, and Luka's crappy job at explaining things makes her decide they need to find the stray and have a wedding? Yeah. That's this one. 😂)
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Welcome to our second edition of the Hayden Young Appreciation Week!! We did our first one way, way back in 2020, followed by a birthday celebration last year. We're now back with a bang, and a full-fledged birthday week, in 2023!! We will be starting this awesome week tomorrow, 25th Sept!
Our first theme is, of course, Throwback. Here is where you can share some of your older Hayden-centric stuff and maybe even take us through the process of writing it if you're interested! (Here's a questionnaire you could try for the same).
Our second theme is a word that is often associated with Perfect Match xD Indescribable!! We all know this is viewed as a peculiar characteristic of all Matches - that they struggle to process emotion from the abstract, thus making a lot of artwork difficult to decipher. This theme is a chance to explore what that could mean for a Hayden who is clearly unique in their ability to question and understand deep abstract concepts.
Any work is welcome - fics, art, edits, moodboards, interactive media, headcanons, meta, even screenshots of your favourite scenes! Our only requirements are that the works are original (nothing AI generated), and they center Hayden and present a positive depiction of them.
It is not necessary to put up your works only on the day of the theme - you can always put it up later. We will also be keeping a buffer week in case you're not able to complete it during the week itself (till Oct 6th).
Please be sure to do the following when tagging your posts for HYAW 2023:
1. Use the tags #haydenyoungappreciationweek, and #HYAW, along with the day/theme you made the work for (#HYAW Day 1, #HYAW Day 2 etc).
2. Tag @haydenyoungappreciationweek, and hosts @sazanes and @lizzybeth1986 in your posts so we can access them easier!
FAN CONTENT BLOGS are the lifeline of our fandoms, esp for books that have long been over yet still have a strong fanbase. Many of them are hosting some incredible events that we highly encourage you to participate in if you feel so inclined!!
@choicesficwriterscreations - Fic and art are both allowed. Recently they have also begun a separate LGBTQ section that you can definitely take a look at! Here is their usual roster of events.
@choicesmonthlychallenge and @choicesseptemberchallenge2023 + @choicesoctober - Any and all content welcome! Here are their prompts for September and October!
@choicespride - Any and all content welcome as long as the work centers LGBTQ+ characters and/or themes. Currently they are running the Bisexual Awareness Week!
@choicesflashfics - Primarily for fics under 2500 words! Next week's prompts will be up soon!!
@choicesholidays - All content welcome! Currently they are running their Halloween-themed Festival of Fears for October!
@choicesprompts - Primarily writing. Currently running their Smutember Event till Sept 30th!
@nadiaparkappreciationweek - Any and all content on Nadia Park welcome! We will be hosting this event on 8th Oct so feel free to participate then too!
Looking forward to a lot of Hayden love this week!!! 💖💖💖
Happy Hayden Young Week, everyone!!!
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chromemist · 4 years ago
Smutember Day 23
I’m posting way out of order! But here’s the sequel to Day 1.
It’s a small quickie, but told from Keith’s POV picking up after Lance leaves his class. Enjoy!
Keith had lost track of time between the last picture he had sent and the sound of his door opening. He had been too busy fucking himself on his fingers, like he'd been told to do, and the resulting pleasure was robbing his brain of any higher functions. Distantly, he heard his door being locked and an inhale of breath.
"Oh fuck..." came the familiar voice of Lance. Keith only whined and pumped his fingers, the squelching sound of the lube loud in his quiet room. "Fuck I can't wait..." Lance moaned, and Keith felt the bed dip as Lance climbed on the mattress behind him.
He heard a bag being dropped, and then the sound of a zipper being pulled down. Lost as he was in the fog of pleasure, he remembered to toss his bottle of lube in Lance's direction. A small rustle of clothing, the cap popping open, and the slick sound of Lance lubing himself up came quickly. A small tap on an ass cheek alerted him to Lance wanting his attention. He turned his head and his bleary eyes caught the sight of Lance, clothes still on and his hard, dripping cock jutting out from his pants and boxers pushed down just enough. Drool filled Keith's mouth at the sexy image.
"Fingers out. Let me know if it's too much." Lance instructed between panted breaths.
Keith complied, grabbing the pillow under his head as Lance grasped one hip. Without another word, he felt Lance position his (admittedly large) cock at Keith's hole and push in. Both boys groaned, Keith relishing in his tight heat being filled with his crush’s hard cock. His heart hammered in his chest. He didn't know if he'd seduced Lance into a one night stand, or if this could be something more. But he was sure as hell going to enjoy this.
"Oh fuck, Lance!" He moaned as he felt Lance bottom out. The material of Lance's clothing brushing up against his naked, sweaty skin turned him on just a little more. And the stretch around Lance's girth was incredible. Keith's hold on his pillow tightened as Lance pulled out halfway, then pushed back in.
"Shit, I'm not gonna last long. You feel too good." Lance said in a strained voice as he gripped both of Keith's hips.
"That's fine." Keith moaned and arched his back as Lance started moving faster. "We can-ah right there!" 
Keith could feel Lance's shit eating grin being pressed into his shoulder as the other boy bent down over him. Keith did not need the sass right now though, so he tightened himself around the pounding cock inside him. Lance's reaction was immediate, and so worth whatever punishment Lance would give him later. If that was a future possibility.
"Ah shit! You brat!" Lance wailed into Keith's shoulder as his arms tightened around the pale boy. His hips stuttered, and Keith chuckled into his pillow. "See if I fuck you again after this." 
Keith laughed at Lance's muttered threat, though his heart skipped a beat. "Idle threats." He murmured, moving his hips back to meet Lance's cock the boys found their rhythm again. "Mmm… you know you're gonna again."
"You're so sure of yourself." Lance picked up his pace, fucking his cock into Keith's prostrate on every push in.
"Ah, yeah! Right there!" Keith whined. "You said-oh fuck harder- you were gonna tie me up. I'm looking forward to it."
Lance merely whined and sped up the pace. Before Keith could beg for Lance to touch him, the other boy reached down and grasped Keith's bouncing cock. Keith moaned brokenly as he tilted his head to watch the tanned hand pump his cock.
"Fuck, fuck Lance! I'm almost there!" Keith cried, as he felt the familiar tingling in his belly building up.
"I got you baby. Come for me." Lance whispered into Keith's ear.
That was it for Keith. He bit his pillow and wailed into it as he came, shooting cum over Lance's hand and the blanket beneath him. He shook in Lance's arms as his orgasm crashed over him and he was milked through the spasms.
He was so blissed out he barely felt Lance pulling out, only registering it when he was turned over on his back. Keith blinked his hazy eyes up at Lance and watched as the other boy hovered over him, fisting his cock in a cum soaked hand. He smiled and reached up with one hand, batting away Lance's hand to replace it with his own.
Lance moaned and cursed, gripping the blanket as Keith pumped his cock for him. "Come on Lance. Come on me. I wanna feel it."
Lance tipped his head back, moaning loudly as he did just that. Cum shot out over Keith's hand, landing in warm sprays across his belly.
"Fuck yeah, that's it baby. Get me nice and dirty," Keith purred, milking Lance through his throes of pleasure.
"Shit, Keith. You're gonna be the death of me, I swear," Lance panted as his hips came to a stop. Keith released him and, making sure he had Lance's attention, raised his own hand to his mouth to lick the drops of cum off, humming in appreciation over the salty taste.
Lance cursed through a snort of laughter. "Yeah, definitely gonna kill me," he said while climbing off the bed.
Keith's heart momentarily dropped, as he thought Lance was getting ready to just leave. But Lance only shucked off his shirt and dropped his pants and boxers to kick them aside. Keith sighed quietly in relief as Lance turned to get some tissues. Keith quickly stripped off his soiled blanket from the bed and tossed it aside.
Lance handed Keith some tissues as he came back, and made a shooing motion with his hands. Keith scooted over against the wall, then wiped himself off as Lance climbed in under the sheet next to him. Keith tossed the tissues into his trash can, then tucked himself up under the blanket next to Lance. Both boys turned to face each other on their sides, legs tangling together.
"So, what brought this on?" Lance asked quietly.
Keith was never really good at lying, so he simply said, "I figured it was finally time for us to stop beating around the bush about us."
Lance nodded while gently brushing Keith's hair out of his face, tucking it behind an ear. He smiled, making Keith's insides turn to jelly.
"So, where do we go from here?" He asked, tracing Keith's cheek.
"How about dinner, and we see where this takes us?" Keith suggested.
Lance's smile brightened as he snuggled closer. "That sounds great to me. After cuddles though." 
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coffeecomicsgalore · 4 years ago
Unveiled Love
Chapter 26 – Heat
“Dammit.” Marinette muttered as she looked at her case.
“What’s wrong, Marinette?” Tikki questioned as she hovered near her chosen.
“I forgot to take my birth control.”
Tikki looked down and was confused at what the problem was. “Why can’t you take it now?”
Marinette shook her head. “No. I mean, yeah. I can take one now, but I forgot to take it the last three days. I must have been so stressed out and frazzled getting out of the house every morning that I just forgot to take it.”
“Pills are effective, right? You won’t become pregnant by missing a few days?”
“Right.” Marinette said quickly before taking a pill and swallowing it with the cup of water she had sitting on her bedside table. She then thought it over and a well of confusion ran through her. “Uh... I’m not sure? I’m just not going to tempt fate today, or the next few days, just in case. But if we do, then I’ll make sure I take off the earrings and have Adrien wear protection.”
“Good thinking!” Tikki floated back over to the counter and ate her cookie as Marinette finished getting ready. 
When Marinette gathered her bag and her sketchbook, she looked over to the kwami and smiled. “Ready? I need to head to the market to get some fresh peppers and onions for tonight. We ran out and I want to make Adrien his favorite.”
Tikki’s eyes brightened and zipped into her purse, peaking out of the clasp as Marinette made her way out the door. “Any dessert?”
Marinette giggled. “Yes. I’m stopping at the bakery to pick up the passionfruit and mango cheesecake that papa had made specifically for him. It’s one of his favorites, too.”
“Ooh!” Tikki squealed, excited for the special treat tonight.
Marinette passed by the market and saw that they had a fruit and vegetable stand with an array of fresh goods. She walked up to the stand and looked at all the options, before picking up an orange pepper and bringing it to her nose to take in the aroma. Pressing it lightly, she agreed that it was perfect for her dish, and popped it into her canvas bag before stepping to the side and doing the same to a yellow one.
As she was minding her own business, she heard someone yelling and noticed a few people running. Marinette turned around and watched as she saw a woman with wolf-like features, yet still retaining her human form.
Marinette watched in horror as the wolf-lady started to beam lights at people. They didn’t change much, besides gaining elongated fangs and claws, but Marinette didn’t want to chance getting struck. She jumped behind a streetlamp as she looked for an easy way to get to cover, finding one and running towards it to transform. Before she could get there though, a beam of light hit her in the back, causing Marinette to fumble and fall to the ground.
Gritting her teeth, Marinette got up and looked over her hands, noticing the claws on her fingertips. She poked her new fangs with her index finger, then rushed to the alleyway when she felt the push coming from her purse.
When Marinette took cover, Tikki phased out of her bag and stared at Marinette.
“Tikki!” Marinette hissed. “Can I transform even though I was hit?”
Tikki looked at Marinette as she started to sweat. “I think it will be okay since you haven’t turned into a creature, but Marinette? Are you okay? You’re sweating.”
Marinette wiped her brow as she started to feel strange. “Um. I’m not sure. I feel hot. Actually. I think- I think I need to go home.”
“Marinette! You have an akuma to battle. You can’t just go home!” 
As if Marinette wasn’t listening, she lifted herself up off the ground and made her way to the street. Tikki zipped quickly to her purse, watching her chosen with worry.
Chat Noir made it to the scene as he watched the akuma zapping people then turning around to look for their next victim. He looked around to see if he could find Ladybug silently watching from the rooftops, but she was nowhere to be found.
He opened up his communicator to see where she was, and was perplexed when her emblem was missing.
“Where is she?” He muttered, silently panicking. He knew she would have been home by that time, but for her not to answer a call was worrying. He needed to try and defeat the akuma; maybe she would show up soon?
Watching the villain from high above on a flat rooftop, he had come to realize she wasn’t doing anything that would cause a destruction of property, but he did notice a few street fights between some men and some couples going at it quite intimately with each other in the streets.
“Maybe the akuma is causing people to mate with each other?” He said to no one in particular.
“I think that’s exactly what she’s doing.” Tikki announced, startling Chat.
“Tikki? What are you doing here?” Chat said opening his palm up to the kwami. “Where’s Ladybug?”
Tikki’s eyes shifted to the side. “She’s... indisposed.”
“What do you mean, indisposed?”
“I mean, you need to go home. She needs you right now.”
“Right now? Like right this minute. In the middle of an akuma battle?”
“If you don’t hurry up, you’re going to have a bunch of alphas coming after her. I don’t think you want a bunch of other guys trying to do things to your girlfriend.”
Chat’s eyes widened and without a second thought, started to leap across buildings, and in some occasions running on all fours to help him get to the love of his life as quickly as he could. Sneaking into the alleyway near their home, Chat detransformed and Adrien quickly bolted to the doorway and up the steps, opening the door to their apartment to find her. 
“Marinette!” He called out, searching the rooms for her. 
“Kiiitttyyyyyyy,” she drawled out, her voice dripping with desire. “I’m in here!” 
Marinette continued to call out to him as Adrien ran after her voice. When he reached their bedroom and opened her door, he gasped as he noticed a very naked Marinette lying in a pile of blankets and pillows. She was sprawled out on the floor within the nest of linen, her legs open as one hand reached her navel, her pussy dripping with want. 
Adrien stood in shock as he watched her dark glare.
"Oh, kitty." Marinette said as she sat up. "My alpha! I'm so ready to be yours."
"Bu- but." Adrien tried to formulate an appropriate response, but his brain only wanted to do one thing.
"Adrien. Come to me. Fuck me so good. I want you in me."
Adrien couldn't help but continue his ardent stare. Marinette rolled from her back to her stomach, eyeing him and motioning him with a come-hither motion. Adrien could only nod, deciding that he should at least walk towards her instead of gawking like a man-child.
"Marinette. We need- we have an akuma to conquer."
"Shhh, my prince. I need you to help me first. I'm so hot for you, Adrien. I want your seed in me." Marinette moved to her knees and motioned him down to do the same, her arms wrapping around his neck and bringing him down to capture his lips with hers. Marinette tilted her head as he kissed her back, brushing her tongue against his bottom lip before nibbling on it. Adrien couldn’t help but moan in delight, and that only made Marinette want him more.
Adrien finally pulled away enough for her to rip his shirt with her claws. He noticed the sharp nails and the fangs peering through her swollen lips when she delved in to nibble on his collarbone to lick and nick his neck in between kisses. 
“Marinette? Did you get hit?”
“Yes, my love and it’s the best feeling in the world.”
“We need- mph – we need to go back out there and beat the akuma so things can get back to normal.” 
Marinette pulled away enough to give him a sultry stare. She ran her hand down his ripped shirt, feeling the divots that she had loved to learn. "My alpha, if you don't fuck me, I can't take care of the akuma. So, either fuck me now, or go defeat the akuma yourself and I’ll find a willing partner to seduce me."
Adrien wouldn’t allow anyone else to touch his lady, and while the akuma wasn’t the most destructive villain they had ever faced, he couldn’t deny that not defeating him and instead doing this in the heat of the moment spiked the arousal in him. 
He dove into her lips, running his hands up and down her warm body, relishing in the feeling of her desire. He let go of her lips long enough to lay her back down to the nest on the floor, then removed the remains of his shirt before pulling his pants and boxers down in one swift motion.
Marinette hungrily eyed his form, licking her lips as his erection sprung free from the confines of his jeans. Adrien hovered over her heated form, kissing her lips as the tip of his cock seeked the entrance to her wet core.
“My lady…” Adrien began, before licking and biting her pulse point, “you’re soaking wet.”
“I’m so ready for you, my prince.” Marinette arched her neck back expanding the space for him to devour. “Fuck me, Chaton. Please.”
Adrien thrusted in her quickly, sliding into her warm core without a second of hesitation. Marinette screamed out in approval, the feeling of his hard cock entering her and releasing the pent up frustrations that had been stewing within her since the moment she was hit. 
Adrien smirked as he felt her clench up around him, no doubt already close to climax after being aroused for so long. He started his rhythmic movements at a decent pace, but the contorted expressions she was displaying only told him one thing.
“Adrien. Please. I need more. Harder.”
Adrien kissed her lips before lifting her hips higher onto his, guiding her to wrap her legs around his waist in a way to remove any barriers of getting deeper into her core. Marinette’s gasp proved that the change in position was the right step, and Adrien made good to her request by increasing his tempo as quickly as his body would allow.
Each thrust into her caused her to moan out, her fingers digging into his forearms as the coil began to wind her up tighter and tighter until she couldn’t take it any longer.
“Fuck. Adrien.” She gasped out, and Adrien ran his hand over her hip until he reached her clit, edging her along as his thumb grazed over the sensitive bundle of nerves. 
His increased tempo, his erratic thrusts, her mewls, his moans, her fingers digging deeper into his arms, the quick ministrations to her clit - the sensations were overwhelming them both until they both fell over the edge. Their powerful orgasms made them feel like they were floating on clouds, the feeling of infinite ecstasy enveloping both until they unraveled back to their room in bliss.
Adrien slowed down his thrusts until he stilled within her, then laid his head on her chest as their erratic breathing slowed down to an acceptable level. Once they were both calm, he looked up and smiled as he noticed the calm nature of Marinette’s relaxed form. He removed himself from her and rolled onto his side beside her, watching her until she began to stir.
“Feel better?” Adrien asked, his brow glistening with sweat. He pushed away a few stray strands of hair that fell in front of her eyes, then kissed her nose to ensure she was still awake.
Marinette hummed, her eyes closed for a moment before she rolled to her side and stood up. “So much better now.” Tossing on the closest articles of clothing she could find, she called upon her transformation phrase and Ladybug motioned Adrien up to stand. “Come on kitty, we have an akuma to defeat.”
Adrien stood up and followed her lead, tossing on his clothes from earlier before transforming into his alter ego. He bowed as he led Ladybug out of the bedroom. “My heated lady first.”
With a blush, Ladybug walked out of the bedroom first, but not without Chat slapping her ass before closing the door and heading off to defeat the villain.
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wolfjustdraws · 4 years ago
Chapters: 3/30 Fandom: Lockwood & Co. - Jonathan Stroud Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage Relationships: Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood, Lucy Carlyle/Quill Kipps, Lucy Carlyle/George Cubbins, Lucy Carlyle/The Skull, Flo Bones/George Cubbins, Anthony Lockwood/Quill Kipps, Quill Kipps/Jessica Lockwood, Anthony Lockwood/The Skull, Lucy Carlyle/Quill Kipps/Anthony Lockwood Characters: Lucy Carlyle, Anthony Lockwood, Quill Kipps, George Cubbins, Jessica Lockwood, Flo Bones, The Skull (Lockwood & Co.) Additional Tags: Smutember 2020, Dirty Talk, Foreplay, striptease, Oral Sex, First Time, swap, sweet treats, long distance, Fantasy, Masturbation, Costumes, Morning After, Messy, Moonlight, naked photo shoot, Caught in the Act, Roleplay, Teeth and Claws, Yo-yo and the Baton, adrenaline rush, The Water is just Fine, Watches the Watchmen?, Clothes stay on, You Can Touch But You Can't Look, Three Is Not A Crowd, heat - Freeform, Try Everything, Ecstasy - Freeform, Free day, Vaginal Fingering, Stripping, Strip Tease, Lingerie Series: Part 5 of Smut Smoothies Summary:
Its Smutember! Time to get naughty children! ...again!
This time the stories will be a little different; some will be a shorter, some are longish, but they will all definitely be wilder!
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ghostlyhamburger · 4 years ago
Prompt: Naked Photo Shoot
Request: Adrienette, Marinette is the model
Rating: E
Read on Ao3
It started with a simple request. Marinette wanted to try out more aspects of the fashion industry, and one of those was modeling. Adrien was a good friend, he’d be able to help her do an impromptu high concept photoshoot.
She picked some random photos from the internet as inspiration and brought some props over to Adrien’s house. His lush mansion was a much better backdrop than her apartment.
They went through a few shots, Adrien directing Marinette on how to pose for maximum effect. She was grateful that she’d been able to start speaking normally around him—it would be a disaster if she still tripped over her words.
That didn’t stop her heart from fluttering every time he touched her to guide her into a pose.
They went to his bedroom for a planned shot of Marinette wrapped in a white sheet, illuminated by the sunlight from behind. She was unsure about this, but the reference photo was beautiful, so she stripped down to her underwear and wrapped a sheet around herself.
Adrien took some photos, and Marinette felt beautiful, her hair down and blowing gently from a fan set up nearby. But then he lowered the camera and said, “Uh, Mari?”
“Yeah?” she asked.
“I, uh—the camera can see your underwear through the sheet.”
She blushed. “Oh, um…I’ll be right back.” She crossed his room, still wrapped in the sheet, and walked into his bathroom to change.
Outside, Adrien started to mentally recite physics equations, trying to think about anything other than the half naked cute girl in his room. When she came out of the bathroom, he realized that wasn’t a problem anymore—because now there was a fully nude girl in his room.
Marinette was still tightly wrapped in the sheet, but with her hair slightly mussed and the light blush on her cheeks, she looked like she’d just walked out of a movie sex scene. She stood back against the window, and the sunlight illuminated her.
He could see the curve of her breasts, her hips clearly. The camera flashing on the white sheet made the thin covering practically invisible, allowing him to see the rosy circles of her nipples, the dark shadow at the apex of her legs.
He hoped desperately that his pants would hide his erection.
“Marinette,” he said, his voice a little lower than usual. “Is it okay if I, uh, move the sheet on you?”
Something about the tone of his voice made her remember that she was naked in Adrien’s bedroom. “Uh, o-okay,” she responded.
He stepped towards her and carefully draped the sheet, causing folds to cross her breasts and between her thighs, a little bit of censorship for the camera. If his hands brushed against her bare skin, neither of them said anything.
He took a few more shots, then asked, “Can you, uh, move to the bed? I have an idea with the sheet and how you look now, you’ll look, um…”
As he tried to find the right words, Marinette smiled gently and walked over to his bed. He directed her to lie down and let her hair splay out on the mattress, and she could only hope that the wetness between her legs wouldn’t show on the white sheet.
Adrien took a few more photos. Something wasn’t quite right with them, Marinette seemed to be staring past the camera when he wanted to see her face clearly, the sparkle in her eyes she had when she smiled.
“Can I try something weird?” he asked.
“Um, okay,” Marinette responded.
Adrien moved onto the bed and straddled Marinette, focusing the camera on her face from directly above her. The photo he captured was truly beautiful, her eyes wide, her lips parted and red from her nervous habit of biting them, smooth unbroken lines of skin along her neck and shoulders.
When she got over the shock, Marinette gave a smirk and coyly asked, “So? How do I look?”
Adrien wasn’t paying attention to his words as he took another picture, and the truth slipped out. “Hot enough that I’m definitely going to be thinking about these pictures later.”
“What?” she asked, eyes wide and cheeks red.
He set aside the camera, placing it on the mattress as he tried to figure out what to say. “I-I mean, I’m not going to—not that you aren’t sexy enough—we’re friends, I wouldn’t make it weird by—”
“You’re going to youch tourself—touch yourself—thinking of…me?”
He froze, still on top of her. He’d somehow lowered himself so he was resting on his forearms, his face only inches from hers. “I—I don’t know how to answer that without making this awkward.”
“Then just tell me the truth,” she replied softly.
“Y-yeah,” he said. “I am. You’re gorgeous, Marinette, looking like a walking sex dream naked in my bed, I’m only human…”
To his surprise, her smile widened as her eyelids lowered, a sultry look that had his cock aching to get out of his pants. “It’s okay,” she said quietly. “Because I’m going to be thinking about this too.”
“Marinette,” he murmured. “Can I…?”
She lifted her head up from the mattress, a daring move that surprised herself, but when her lips connected to his, she wasn’t thinking anymore.
He readily returned the kiss, moving one hand to cup her cheek as his lips parted against hers, his tongue darting out to swipe against her lower lip. His fingers trailed down her neck to her shoulder, feeling the exposed bare skin, as her hands gripped at his T-shirt.
They parted after a too-short moment, eyes meeting as they both tried to process what happened.
“Adrien,” Marinette whispered. “Kiss me again. Please.”
He readily obliged, his lips pressed to hers once more, letting his body lower and press against hers. She gave a soft moan, and he never wanted to move from that spot.
She gave his shirt a small tug and murmured, “This isn’t fair…”
He smiled and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Just wait a minute.” He moved off of the bed, quickly pulling off his shirt and tossing it on the ground.
Marinette sat up, clutching the sheet against her body as she watched him shed his pants, then his boxers. Her eyes shut and she blushed, too embarrassed to see him completely nude. She felt the bed dip as a weight settled between her legs, then she felt warmth as Adrien kissed her again, his arms around her, gently lowering her back on the bed.
His chest pressed to hers, warm and strong through the thin sheet, and lower she could feel him pressing against the juncture of her legs.
“Adrien,” she gasped between kisses. He moved his attention to her neck, still kissing her but letting her speak. “I—oh, Adrien…”
His hand was on her breast, fingers deftly finding her nipple through the fabric. He sucked at a spot on her neck, making her wriggle beneath him, her hips pulling up to meet his.
He pulled back with some effort and said, “Just—just let me know if any of this is too much.”
Marinette nodded. “Don’t stop…”
Adrien kissed her again, pressing his body to hers. His hips rolled against hers, and he groaned as he felt the sheet was wet because of her. He couldn’t help but shift his hips, grinding against her, against the warm and wet, and she cried out, moaning loudly as her legs unconsciously spread wider apart.
“Fuck,” he groaned, kissing her neck again. “So beautiful…”
She wrapped her legs around his, bare skin sliding together as her limbs slipped out from under the sheet. His hips were pressed forward, his length pressed against her pussy, the sheet the only thing preventing them from going further. Still, her lower lips were spread open slightly from the position she was in, and as his hips canted against her, the sheet rubbed against her clit.
“Keep—ahh—keep doing that, please,” she groaned, her head tilting back, letting Adrien continue to dot her skin with marks.
He was happy to oblige, thrusting forward, wishing the sheet wasn’t in the way but not wanting to stop long enough to remove it. The warmth of her pussy through the fabric, the way her arousal and his precum soaked the sheet and let it cling to him, it was so good he couldn’t help but move his hips again and again, the tip of his cock pushing past some resistance to be engulfed by a warm wet heat each time.
“Marinette,” he groaned between kisses. “I—I’m gonna—”
She cut him off with a kiss before quickly rolling over, so she straddling his hips, rocking herself as her cunt continued to grind against him. The sheet fell from her chest, settling on top of his, giving him a view of her bare breasts finally.
Adrien’s mouth went dry as he reached up to cup her breasts, admiring them as he brushed his fingertips across her skin. She was still grinding against him, the motion making her breasts bounce in a very lovely way.
He slid one hand down her body, letting it rest on her hip, as the other hand found her nipple and just so gently pinched.
The cry she let out, the way she tossed her head back, the sensation went straight to Adrien’s cock and he came, bucking his hips up against her as he groaned out her name. His eyes locked on hers as he tried to burn the image of her riding him into his memory.
Marinette whimpered, still grinding herself against him as he came back to reality.
“You didn’t…” he muttered as he realized.
She shook her head. “I-I’m close, so close, Adrien…”
He moved his hand from her hip and let it push past the sheet to find the space between her legs. He let out a shuddering gasp as he realized just how wet she was, and despite the fact that he was well spent, his cock twitched at feeling her fully.
Marinette smiled at him and put her hand over his, gently guiding him to find a small nub. He rubbed that spot with his fingertips, just watching wide-eyed as the beautiful girl on top of him moaned in higher and higher pitches until she screamed, her body shaking as she came.
She slumped forward on top of him, her lips meeting his as she felt like every string holding her upright had been cut at once.
Adrien wiped his hand on the mattress before bringing it to card his fingers through her hair. “Marinette,” he murmured softly.
She gave a hum in reply, smiling satisfied at him.
“Do you want to go out sometime?”
She smiled. “I’d love to.” She kissed him again, and murmured, “But we don’t have to wait that long to move this sheet out of the way, do we?”
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thatguywiththefaceog · 4 years ago
Smutember2020 Oral
Adora and Catra 69 each other. 
Requested by Anonymous Written for @smutember
This story is for adults only. No minors. All characters are 18 or over.
Catra jumped into bed. She curled right next to Adora who was reading a scroll.
“Hey Adora.”
“Catra, I need to learn this stuff for the meeting with Glimmer tomorrow.”
“But that’s so boring!” Catra whined. She nuzzled against Adora’s arm. “You should take a break and pet me.”
“Catra, not now.”
“Adora no, pay attention to me.” Catra rolled around onto her lover's lap.
“Catra no.”
“Catra yes.”
Obviously not going to be able to work for the rest of the night, Adora tossed the scroll to the ground. “I hope you’re happy.”
With a shit eating grin, Catra said, “Yes I am.” She laid her head in Adora’s lap. As Adora scratched behind her ears Catra started to feel a bit frisky. She nuzzled her face into Adora’s crotch.
“Catra?” Adora said in a worrying voice.
“What? I’m not doing anything.” Catra put her zipper in her teeth and pulled it down. She stuck her fingers into the open fly and gently rubbed her crotch.
“Ah, Catra!” Adora unbuttoned her pants. Catra eagerly pulled them off, leaving Adora in her panties. They were boring plain white granny panties. Catra did not love her for her fashion sense. There was a wet spot where she was rubbing.
“Oo, someone likes being touched.”
“Now let’s get these off.” Catra peeled off the panties and Adora’s scent hit her like a ton of bricks. Oh God, it smelt so good. It was intoxicating. She dived right in, probing her wet sex with her tongue, which did not, despite rumors, have barbs.
“Oh fuck Catra! Catra!”
This was driving Catra crazy herself. As she ate out Adora, Catra's own pussy was radiating heat. Her hand wondered to her sex. Adora noticed.
“Ca-Catra. Why don’t you get up here a-and I can make you feel good too.”
That sounded tempting. “But you’re still not finished.”
“No, we can do it together.”
It clinked for Catra. “Oh, okay.” She pulled down her tights and boxers. Leaving them on the floor, Catra crawled on top, crotch to face. She shivered as she felt Adora lap up her needy pussy. Her firm hands on her furry ass. Catra purred into Adora’s vagina, her tail swayed happily back and forth.
Adora came first, her walls contracting around Catra’s tongue, her hips thrusting upward. Her muffled screams reverberating into Catra’s own sex. After a brief reprieve, Adora started up on Catra.
No longer distracted, Catra grinded herself in rhythm of Adora’s licks. As Adora licked her she massaged her ass cheeks. After a long while of build up, the pleasure was released. Juices sprayed out of Catra, smearing across Adora’s face.
Finished, Catra rolled off her prey, smiling.
“Great, when Glimmer asks me about my opinions on her economic plan, all I will know about is the taste of my girlfriend’s pussy,” Adora said.
“You’re welcome.”  
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