#smol stans
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artsymeeshee · 1 year ago
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Finally finished the big drawing idea I had ;w; I wanted to draw a timeline-lineup of the boys and certain points in their life. Feel like I could have added a bit more but I think this works out for the most part.
(Click for better quality)
Close-ups under the read more
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eregyrn-falls-art · 2 years ago
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And here it is at last! The Gravity Falls Multi-Artist Lyric Comic tribute to the Stan Twins, "Trouble"!
Stay tuned, as @stariousfalls is working on making all of this into a video version. That will be coming along in the next few weeks!
EDIT: here is the video!
And of course, Happy Birthday to Dipper and Mabel! (Even if this project was Grunkles-centric, Stan and Ford's stories wouldn't have come to such a heart-warming resolution if it wasn't for their niblings. Credit where it's due!)
Some credits and acknowledgements below the read-more:
(I'll have remarks and thanks in another post; but for now, thank you SO MUCH TO EVERYONE who worked on this and made it spectacular!)
Polaroid Collage One: elishevart, zephrunsimperium, pinkplatiploo, mother-ofthe-universedraws, fordtato, shadeartstuff, creativepup, skysdrawings
I've been a beggar: lemonfodrizzleart
And I've been a king: kingsofjersey
I've been a loner: muria-art
And I've worn the ring: everlight_283 (instagram)
Losing myself: batman-gif
Just to find me again: tazmiilly & gin-juice-tonic
I'm a million miles smarter: eregyrn-falls-art & stephreynaart
But I ain't learned a thing: annakitsun3
I've been a teacher: gobblewanker
And a student of hurt: skysdrawings
I kept my word: orangephoenix6
For whatever that's worth: mother-ofthe-universedraws
Never been last: jackyjackdraws
But I've never been first: jasmine-sketchbook
Oh I may not be the best: stephreynaart
But I'm far from the worst: spectralreplica
Oh I may not be the best: elishevart
But I'm far from the worst: zkyeline
Oh, I've seen trouble: fexiled / fexalted
More than any man should bear: mischieflily
But I've seen enough joy: ginandshattereddreams
I've had more than my share: gin-juice-tonic
And I'm still not done: morcian-draws
I'm only halfway there: jamesfenimoreharper
I'm a million miles ahead of where I'm from: fordtato
But there's still another million miles to come: deerpines, orangephoenix6 & fordtato
Polaroid Collage Two: creativepup, cbmagus49, inkdrawndreamer, bluefrostyy, mother-ofthe-universedraws, fordtato, bewildred-grimsley, shadeartstuff, alphazed
Oh I keep on searching for the City of Gold: vililae
So I'm gonna follow this yellow brick road: cbmagus49
Thinking that maybe it might lead me on: cutebatart
I'm a million miles farther: hellmandraws
And a long way from home: eregyrn-falls-art
I know that there's a plan that goes way beyond mine: possumbreath
Got to step back just to see the design: pottersfieldcustodian
The mind fears the heart: rechoclo
But the heart doesn't mind: novantinuum
Oh I may not be perfect: tazmiilly
But I'm loving this life: hubbabubbagumpop
Oh I may not be perfect: athgalla-arts
But I'm loving this life: thisiswhereidraw
Oh I've seen trouble: purblzart
More than any man should bear: shadowofaghost5
But I've seen enough joy: alextwdgf01 & fordtato
I've had more than my share: dragonsheepstudios
And I'm still not done: acetyzias & stephreynaart
I'm only halfway there: cryptidjeepers
I'm a million miles ahead of where I'm from: chiiroptereh
But there's still another million miles to come: stephreynaart
Polaroids Collage Three: cbmagus49; fordsy; fordtato; puppylove24680; sciencevillain; lemonfodrizzleart; mother-ofthe-universedraws; possumbreath
Polaroids Collage Four: jamesfenimoreharper; gin-juice-tonic; rusted-blue; shadowofaghost5; cutebatart; possumbreath; fordtato; nour386
Polaroids Collage Five: fordtato; pinestwinssimp; tazmiillly; melodramaticwolf; eregyrn-falls-art
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misteria247 · 4 months ago
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voshkella · 4 months ago
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girls girling low quality sketches under the cut
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baekhyuns-purple-buttplug · 3 months ago
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penelopepitstopp · 4 months ago
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All I'll say is we definitely need Mackie on asap.
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anticidic · 8 months ago
who needs therapy when you have chuuya?
NO, BUT. it really be like that sometimes. me when people tell me perfection doesn't exist:
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crk-grimalkin-diaries · 5 months ago
On my way to make an Avatar of Destiny/PV and Chimera Cat Cookie comic… that headcanon has been in my brain for quite sometime now
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bromance4everx · 1 year ago
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no, I am totally NOT obsessed...
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thelastspeecher · 5 months ago
Whoopsie I wrote more Horse Boy Stan AU stuff.
Have fun.
                 Stan idly chewed some feed as Mr. McGucket mucked out the stall next to his. He was still struggling to hold his human form for more than an hour, so had to stay in the stable instead of the house. But thankfully, the McGuckets treated the inhabitants of the stable like royalty.
                 Angie walked through the enormous open stable door. Stan eyed her warily. The youngest McGucket child had yet to warm up to him, even after a week of him on the ranch. She ignored him, instead walking up to her father.
                 "Pa, the farrier is here," she said. Mr. McGucket set aside his shovel.
                 "He says he wanted to get an early start, since he's shoein' a horse what ain't fully broken. Give him plenty of time fer misbehavior."
                 "That's fair. I'll go talk to him. Get ready to bring Stan out." Angie nodded. Mr. McGucket walked out of the stable. Stan looked at Angie.
                 "What's a farrier?" he asked. Angie tilted her head, her expression mildly bemused.
                 "The feller what puts horseshoes on," she said. Her tone made it clear that she thought everyone knew this already. More than the others, she seemed to forget that Stan didn’t know as much as she did about horses.
                 Which isn't saying much. Everything I know about horses, I've learned since I turned into one. And that's still not a lot!
                 "Oh." Stan looked down at his hooves. "And, uh, how does he do that?"
                 "With nails."
                 "Nails?!" Stan whinnied. "As in a hammer and nail?"
                 "And it goes in-"
                 "-into the hoof, yes," Angie said, nodding. Stan shied away, bumping into the back of his stall.
                 "Uh, I don't need any."
                 "It ain't optional, Stan. It's fer yer health. I mean, there's a reason horseshoes have been used fer centuries."
                 "Nope, I'm good!" Stan neighed. Angie approached his stall, her face now filled with concern, rather than confusion. She leaned on the gate.
                 "Ya don't need to be so scared," she said softly. Her voice was gentler than Stan had ever heard from her before. "It don't hurt."
                 "What makes you say that?"
                 "Well, I've got shoes. All of us do." Angie shrugged. "It's just part of our hygiene as folks what turn to horses." She cocked her head, looking at Stan thoughtfully. After a moment, she clicked her tongue. Without thinking, Stan walked to the front of his stall. Angie stroked his face. "Look, ya won't even feel it," she said gently. "I promise." Angie smiled. "In fact, I'll stay with ya, okay? The entire time."
                 She's got a nice smile. Wish I saw it more. Stan nodded.
                 "Angie, bring him out!" Mr. McGucket's voice called. Angie raised her voice to shout back.
                 "Sure thing, Pa!" She slipped a halter onto Stan and clipped a lead on. "If ya don't try to run away, I'll sneak extra molasses into yer feed tonight."
                 Angie led Stan out of the stable. A man was standing a short distance from the stable, talking to Mr. McGucket. A small trailer was set up by the man, as well as a small table, on which some scary-looking equipment was lined up.  Already, Stan could feel his nerves growing at the sight.  Angie, somehow sensing his anxiety, stroked his neck, making shushing sounds.
                 “Hardtack is a bit nervous,” she said to her father and the farrier.  “I figured I’d stay with him.  Keep him calm.”
                 “Perfectly fine with me,” the farrier said.  He looked at Mr. McGucket.  “That son of yours has a knack fer findin’ diamonds in the rough.”  Angie carefully guided Stan, backing him up so that he was near the trailer but facing away from it.  “It’s just a shame this feller was found roamin’.  He had to have come from a good pedigree.”  Stan felt a tap on one of his back legs.  As he had been taught by the McGuckets, he held up his hoof.  From there, he couldn’t tell what was happening, only that his hoof was being held in place.
                 “He’s got a free spirit,” Mr. McGucket said.  There were some strange noises coming from the farrier.  Stan turned his head, only for Angie to move to his side, obscuring his vision.  He snorted at her.  Angie merely smiled and stroked his face.  “I reckon whoever had him was strugglin’ to break him.  That’s prob’ly why we ain’t heard ‘bout any stallions with his description goin’ missin’.”
                 “Ya can still rent out an unbroken stallion fer stud,” the farrier said.
                 “Ya won’t get as much as ya would if he was broken.  Folks tend to prefer horses what came from a sire and dam what could be trained,” Mr. McGucket replied.  The farrier chuckled.
                 “True enough.  Miss Angie?”
                 “Yes?” Angie said, looking over at the farrier.
                 “How goes breakin’ this feller?”
                 “What makes ya think I’m breakin’ him?” Angie asked.
                 “He seems awful fond of ya.”
                 “Oh, I’m just good with horses, that’s all.”
                 “Yer whole fam’ly’s got a knack I ain’t never seen ‘fore,” the farrier drawled.  “If you ain’t breakin’ him, who is?”
                 “Lute ‘n Pa ‘re workin’ on him.  I’ve been too busy trainin’ fer competition to help.”
                 That’s a lie.  She just doesn’t want anything to do with me.  Stan eyed Angie, who was gently holding his face still, keeping him from looking at whatever scary things the farrier was doing.  But I guess that’s not completely true, either.
                 “Ah.  How goes the breakin’, then, Mearl?” the farrier asked.
                 “Quite well, actually.  Sure, Hardtack here is spirited, but he clearly wants to learn how to take a rider.”
                 “Think you’ll run him in competitions?”
                 “Maybe.  Depends on how well he gets along with our other horses, since he acts like a loner at times.  We’re a bit worried that he might be better off with a fam’ly what only wants one horse.  If that’s the case, we’ll sell him after we break ‘im.”
                 “Smart.  That’ll raise his value.”
                 “Hopefully we’d be able to get more ‘n what he cost,” Mr. McGucket said with a nod.
                 That was the current plan.  To get Stan used to switching between horse and human forms.  Then, once he had it under control, the McGuckets would lie that they sold him because he didn’t fit in with their other horses, so that no one questioned where “Hardtack” went once Stan left town.
                 But with each day that passed, the plan was sitting heavier and heavier in Stan’s stomach.  The McGuckets paid a lot of money to get Stan from the auction, and were spending even more to house and feed him.  At night, when he was trying to fall asleep, Stan could hear Filbrick’s voice in the back of his mind.
                 “You’re still relying on other people to get by.  You cost these people thousands of dollars, and you’re just gonna leave the second you can?  What kind of man are you?”  Stan closed his eyes.  They snapped open as he felt the farrier gently lower his hoof.
                 “One down, three to go,” the farrier said.  He tapped Stan’s other back leg.  Stan obediently lifted his hoof.  “You weren’t wrong, Mearl.  This feller wants to behave proper.  He wants to do right.”  Stan’s head drooped.
                 Yeah, but it’s never worked out, has it?
                 The farrier was gone, along with his torture devices.  After being brought back to his stall by Angie, Stan waited patiently for her to remove his halter and lead.  Once she did, she beamed at him.
                 “I reckon ya behaved better ‘n any of our actual horses,” she said.  Stan stomped his newly shod hooves.
                 “You were right.  I didn’t feel a thing.”
                 “I knew ya wouldn’t.  He’s the best farrier ‘round.”  Angie shrugged.  “Sure, he costs more ‘n some of the other farriers in the area, but it’s worth it.”  The grass Stan had grazed on that morning churned in his stomach.
                 “Yeah…” he mumbled.  Seemingly oblivious to Stan’s shift in mood, Angie leaned forward, her eyes twinkling.
                 “Turn human.”
                 “Huh?” Stan asked, taken aback.  Angie grinned.  It was the same mischievous expression Lute made when he teased Stan.
                 “Just trust me.”
                 “…Okay.”  Stan closed his eyes and concentrated.  His body was overcome by a familiar surge of pain.  When it faded, he opened his eyes.  He was human.
                 But who knows how long it’ll last.
                 “Why’d you want me to turn human?” Stan asked, getting to his feet.  Whenever he switched between forms, he collapsed to the ground from the pain.  The McGuckets didn’t seem to have that problem, but they had years of experience.  Angie’s grin broadened.
                 “Look at yer hands and feet,” she instructed.  Stan looked down.  He frowned.  His fingernails and toenails looked like they were painted with a dark gray, metallic polish.
                 “What the hell?” he muttered.  Angie giggled.  Like her smile, it was nice.
                 “That’s what happens to the shoes when we’re human,” she said giddily.  She held out her hands, splaying her fingers.  Her fingernails had the same appearance as Stan’s.  “It might look like nail polish, but it ain’t.  It’s iron.”
                 “Why do the horseshoes turn into a weird nail thing?” Stan asked, staring at his fingernails.  He gently tapped one.  It felt like metal.  Angie shrugged.
                 “A horse’s hoof is basic’ly a big fingernail.  That’s why ya can’t feel the shoe bein’ put on.”
                 “Wait.”  Stan frowned at Angie.  “Do horses walk on their fingers?”  Angie giggled again.
                 “I prefer to think of it as walkin’ on tip-toes constantly.”
                 “I had no idea.”
                 And I was a horse less than a minute ago.
                 “Yeah, it’s a mite odd.”
                 “But still, the horseshoes aren’t nail polish, so why do they look like it?”
                 “Well…” Angie drawled, “Pa suspects it has somethin’ to do with the shoes ‘n nails bein’ made of iron.  Iron is a weakness of fae, and our gift comes from a fae.  But since we ain’t fae, iron don’t make us sick, it just…acts a bit dif’rent ‘n it might be s’pposed to at times.”
                 “So, you don’t know,” Stan said flatly.  Angie grinned.  Stan clenched his hands into fists a few times, enjoying the frustratingly rare sensation.  “No one in town questions your whole family having painted nails?”
                 “We tell folks that there’s a hereditary defect in our fingernails ‘n toenails, so’s they need a protective coatin’ to keep from breakin’,” Angie replied.
                 “Huh.  That’s smart.”
                 “My grandpappy came up with it.  He was gettin’ sick of wearin’ gloves in public all the time.”
                 “Yeah, I guess that’s not really in style anymore,” Stan mumbled.  His leg suddenly spasmed.  He fell to the ground.  Angie leaned over the gate, looking concerned.  But the spasm was just the beginning of Stan returning to horse form.  Angie stepped back and turned away, giving Stan privacy as he transformed.  When he finished, Stan got to his four feet (or toes) and whinnied.  Angie turned back around.
                 “Eventually, you’ll get the hang of stayin’ human,” she said.  Stan sighed.
                 “I dunno.”
                 “You’ve only been at this fer a week.  It took Lute ‘n I years!”  She winced.  “Not- not that I’m sayin’ you’ll take years.  Lute ‘n I, we just enjoyed bein’ horses a bit much.  And we were younger, too.  I reckon you’ll figure it out in a couple months at most.”  Stan shook his body all over, trying to settle back into being a horse.
                 “Fingers crossed.  Or, hooves crossed, I guess,” Stan muttered.  Angie chuckled.  At her laugh, Stan couldn’t help but blurt out what had been bothering him since she brought him to the farrier.  “Why are you being so nice to me?”  Angie cocked her head.
                 "You've been icing me out the entire time I've been here. But you were nice to me about the shoes.  And just now, you showed me the thing with the fingernails.”  Angie’s lighthearted demeanor evaporated.  Her shoulders sagged slightly.  She stepped away from Stan’s stall.
                 "I don't like what ya did to me," Angie said after a moment.  Her voice was quiet, but unlike before, it wasn’t because she was trying to keep him calm.  She sounded almost mournful.  "It was humiliatin', someone grabbin' me and ridin' off on me when I was in horse form. It- it was also awful scary. I didn't know if ya meant to keep me or not." Angie sighed. "But...ya were so nervous earlier, over somethin' I knew ya didn't need to be worried 'bout.  I wanted to keep ya calm and show ya somethin’ fun to make the experience less negative.”
                  “You didn’t have to do that,” Stan said.  Angie straightened.  She glared at him.
                  “I know that!  I just don’t like seein’ our horses distressed, that’s all,” she snapped.  “I don’t- this don’t mean I like ya, okay?”
                 "Maybe I should get distressed more," Stan said, “if it’ll make you be nice to me.” Angie huffed and crossed her arms.
                 "That just cost ya the extra molasses I promised ya."  She stomped away.  Stan watched her leave, frustrated and saddened to have their dynamic so quickly fall back to normal.
                 One of these days I'll learn my lesson and stop poking people. He sighed. But not today.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 2 years ago
ok this has been plaguing my mind so naturally i’m offloading it so someone else shares this burden. i am DYING to know what megumi thinks of the rinko/gojo situation (granted, if anything). like, he is a child who hears gojo call rink babe and sweetheart all while being touchy and i assume megumi also sees gojo with other hookups or atleast flirting/getting numbers. do you see megumi saying anything to gojo (before he knows it’s casual) since we see him warming to rinko?
Hello, dear, sweet Anon! I LOVE this question!!
Because I'm ME, my answer is below the cut because it's gonna be long and wordy and probably make ZERO sense but I'll try 🙃
Read Another Level on AO3 :)
What does Megumi think of Rinko and Gojo?
The shortest answer is that he thinks they're both idiots but that he really, really just wants his adoptive mom cousin to be happy.
I'm gonna answer the easiest part first.
Does Megumi also see Gojo with other hookups or flirting/getting numbers from other women?
Rarely, if ever, does Megumi witness this. Primarily because Megumi only spends time with Gojo for three main reasons: Training, a job, or to visit the Zenin estate.
Funny enough, Megumi spends more casual time with Rinko than he does with Gojo. Though Gojo will obviously tag along whenever he can because he loves to be a little shit and he wants to be around her whenever he can.
So, Megumi has actually seen Rinko get more numbers than Gojo. Though, people will typically avoid her when she's with him because they assume that Megumi is her kid and most men don't want that smoke 😂 and also because Megumi has already mastered that Zenin scowl and stare, which means he glares at anyone who gets too close to her because our lil bean is protective of his adoptive mom cousin.
(Remember in Double-Edged Words when Rinko noted that she felt the anger of two people behind her? Our lil bean of a boy was about to throw hands with an old man for his adoptive mom cousin, guys.)
Megumi has seen Gojo flirt with a few women, but he can tell Gojo acts differently with Rinko, is softer, more genuine than he is with other people in general. And Megumi also knows that Gojo doesn't even realize he does it.
What does he think when he hears Gojo call Rinko baby and sweetheart?
Gojo was actually pretty careful with what he called her around Megumi for the first few years that Rinko knew Megumi. He mainly called her 'Rinko-chan' around Megumi because he knew Rinko would freak out on him for calling her a pet name so casually in public.
Especially on jobs, Rinko will usually give Gojo a very unpleasant look if he calls her anything too familiar. And he respects that it's one of her boundaries. We'll see this a bit later, when they're at work, both of them as teachers, and he will call her Kurisaki-chan exclusively to respect how uncomfortable it makes her when he calls her anything else.
Megumi knew they slept together, especially after Gojo gave Naobito a small piece of his mind, and after in Winter Lullaby when they woke up and Gojo was literally in Rinko's bedroom, there's no beating around the bush with that one.
But for the most part, Gojo tried not to be overly affectionate with her in front of Megumi to respect her boundaries.
Because Maki is living with Rinko now, she's going to end up seeing more of their relationship than Megumi early on because she's going to be around Rinko all the time for a little while. But, in addition, because Maki is living with her, she's going to be bringing Megumi around so that Maki isn't lonely and they will train together often before they start school, meaning Gojo will be there too.
Innate Issues - Part 3 is where we're beginning to see the shift, though, where Gojo is freer with how he talks to her, and it's mainly because of how uneasy the job made both of them. When he first called her 'baby' during that job, it was out of instinct because he was trying to get her out of harm's way. He didn't want the Special Grade to clock her energy and come looking for the source, so he called her baby before he could think otherwise. He was a bit freer with how he called her baby and touched her after it was over because he'd been worried about her 🥺
BUT, remember, Megumi is perceptive and it has been said so many times that he just doesn't seem his age. So he knows what's going on lol. Because you've also got to remember that Toji was his dad. And he straight up, according to Gojo, said that he believed his dad sold him to the clan for gambling money. Kid's been through shit, ya know?
Does he ever say anything to Gojo about Rinko?
Short answer is yes, he does. But it's much later, actually. Because again, he's seen Gojo and Rinko in separate environments and just how different they are with each other.
At some point, he's going to look Gojo in the eye and just ask him what the hell he's doing with Rinko and why he hasn't married her yet.
The relationship and how he sees them together is one of the reasons he's so openly antagonistic toward Gojo when she's around, too. How he teases Gojo and calls him a child. When he and the girls called Gojo annoying and then he met Rinko's eyes through the rearview mirror, because of how he views her, she's one of the few people who get those smiles and smirks where she knows he's enjoying himself and having fun.
BUT, there will also be a part, in a later installment, where he's going to be worried about her, I'll give you a lil taste:
Her face fell for a moment before she could steel her expression, the hurt showing long enough she knew his keen eyes caught it. “No,” she admitted, watching his eyes narrow at her. “I found out today. When you did.” “Why didn’t he tell you-?” “Beats me, kid,” she said, shrugging as she smiled at him. “He’s got his reasons. Doesn’t have to tell me everything.” “But he usually does,” Megumi argued, and that ache in her chest started growing again at the look of concern on his face now. “Rinko-san-” “You’re too young to be that concerned about me,” she teased, ruffling his hair and chuckling when he swatted her hand. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure he had his reasons for not telling either of us, yeah?”
Rinko knows he's perceptive, so she tries to hide if things aren't going well and it only makes him narrow in quicker. But note when he says "he usually does" when it comes to telling her things. Wherever this is in our timeline, Megumi knows the two don't have secrets, and him realizing that they suddenly do makes him worried for her.
Megumi's relationship with Rinko really will become a bit of a reluctant parent/kid without either of them realizing it, because she's essentially lying so Megumi doesn't view Gojo any worse even though what it actually does is make him more upset because he knows she's doing it. BUT, there will also be very sweet moments, which I'll share a lil bit of:
“Megumi-” “Rinko-san,” he greeted, easily catching the ginger candy she tossed him. “You don’t need to keep bribing me, you know-” “Who said it’s still a bribe?” she asked, watching him smile at her. “Unless you’re telling me you don’t want it? I’ll eat yours too-” His only reply was opening the wrapper and chewing the candy before she could finish her statement.
And, because I have zero self-control, I'll give one last lil peek:
“I couldn’t even help,” he muttered, his jaw clenching. “I was useless-” “Don’t,” she said, pinching his ear harshly. “That doesn’t help you.” “Ow!” he smacked her hand away. “You’re as bad as he is sometimes.” “Only when you need it,” she mused, a small smile on her face as she watched him rub his ear.
OKAY, so there's my hella long rant I hope it makes sense!! 🥹
Thank you again for your question!!!! 💕💕
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artsymeeshee · 8 months ago
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Completely forgot I had this 😭
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eregyrn-falls-art · 1 year ago
And here it is, the video version of the "Trouble" Multi-Artist Lyric Comic! All the kudos in the world to @stariousfalls for editing this whole thing together!!!
Go here for the post with all of the lyric page art viewable separately. Go to the Trouble Lyric Comic tag on my main blog to see links to people's posts of their art.
Below the read-more, please find the credits, with tags/links to everyone's blogs!
And once again, huge thank you to everyone who participated in this project -- it was so much fun to work on! And special thanks to @mercury-falls for helping me to organize all of this! I'm still so jazzed to see this final product -- the "amv" to this song that I've been wanting to see since 2016, and here it is, and it's wonderful! And it's even MORE wonderful because this represents a LOT of people coming together to express and share their love for this show.
(Go here for some more extended thank-yous!)
Photo Collage One: Elishevart, Pinkplatiploo, Zephrunsimperium, Creativepup, Batman-gif, Fordtato (all newspaper clippings), Shadeartstuff, Skysdrawings
I’ve been a beggar: lemonfodrizzleart
And I’ve been a king: kingsofjersey
I’ve been a loner: muria-art
And I’ve worn the ring: everlight_283 (instagram)
Losing myself: batman-gif
Just to find me again: tazmiilly & gin-juice-tonic
I’m a million miles smarter: eregyrn-falls-art & stephreynaart
But I ain’t learned a thing: annakitsun3
I’ve been a teacher: gobblewanker
And a student of hurt: skysdrawings
I kept my word: orangephoenix6
For whatever that’s worth: mother-ofthe-universedraws
Never been last: jackyjackdraws
But I’ve never been first: jasmine-sketchbook
Oh I may not be the best: stephreynaart
But I’m far from the worst: spectralreplica
Oh I may not be the best: elishevart
But I’m far from the worst: zkyeline
Oh, I’ve seen trouble: fexiled
More than any man should bear: mischieflily
But I’ve seen enough joy: ginandshattereddreams
I’ve had more than my share: gin-juice-tonic
And I’m still not done: morcian-draws
I’m only halfway there: jamesfenimoreharper
I’m a million miles ahead of where I’m from: fordtato
But there’s still another million miles to come: deerpines, orangephoenix6 & fordtato
Photo Collage Two: Creativepup, Cbmagus49, Inkdrawndreamer, Bluefrostyy, Fordtato, Mother-ofthe-Universedraws, Fordtato & Jamesfenimoreharper, Shadeartstuff, AlphaZeD, Bewildred-grimsley
Oh I keep on searching for the City of Gold: vililae
So I’m gonna follow this yellow brick road: cbmagus49
Thinking that maybe it might lead me on: cutebatart
I’m a million miles farther: hellmandraws
And a long way from home: eregyrn-falls-art
I know that there’s a plan that goes way beyond mine: possumbreath
Got to step back just to see the design: pottersfieldcustodian
The mind fears the heart: rechoclo
But the heart doesn’t mind: novantinuum
Oh I may not be perfect: tazmiilly
But I’m loving this life: hubbabubbagumpop
Oh I may not be perfect: athgalla-arts
But I’m loving this life: thisiswhereidraw
Oh I’ve seen trouble: purblzart
More than any man should bear: shadowofaghost5
But I’ve seen enough joy: alextwdgf01 & fordtato
I’ve had more than my share: dragonsheepstudios
And I’m still not done: acetyzias & stephreynaart
I’m only halfway there: cryptidjeepers
I’m a million miles ahead of where I’m from: chiiroptereh
But there’s still another million miles to come: stephreynaart
Photo Collage Three: Cbmagus49, Fordsy, Puppylove, Lemonfodrizzleart, Jamesfenimoreharper, Gin-juice-tonic, Fordtato & Vililae, Rusted-blue, Sciencevillain, Mother-ofthe-Universedraws, Possumbreath, Shadowofaghost5, Pinestwinssimp, Nour386, Cutebatart, Possumbreath, Melodramaticwolf, Tazmiilly, Eregyrn-falls-art
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ndostairlyrium · 1 year ago
Three Songs Playlists
I was tagged by the lovely @herearedragons 💛 I'm a sucker for playlists and I have um, too many characters :'D I'm totally copying the idea of putting as many OCs as possible, but I'm making a selection of course <<
I'm tagging: @n7viper @demandthedoodles & @underneathestars and whoever likes this post ✨
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Joan of Arc - In This Moment (spotify | youtube)
Lee Van Cleef - Primus (spotify | youtube)
Questo Amore è Come un Cero - Atroci (spotify | youtube)
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Limitless - Amaranthe (spotify | youtube)
Dancing in Nightmares - South Haven (spotify | youtube)
Pissed Off and Mad About it - THC (spotify | youtube)
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Down at the Crossroads - Koritni (spotify | youtube)
My Luck is so Bad - The Real McKenzies (spotify | youtube)
Larger than Life - Lita Ford (spotify | youtube)
⬇ More in the Lost and Found Department ⬇
The Mass Effect Clowder
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In a Moment - Stereophonics (spotify | youtube)
Dead as Yesterday - Zakk Wylde (spotify | youtube)
Love Is Only a Feeling - The Darkness (spotify | youtube)
Serge (Twinkles) R'lyeh
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Drop Dead Cynical - Amaranthe (spotify | youtube)
Butterfly - Top Cats (spotify | youtube)
I Rule the Ruins - Doro (spotify | youtube)
Castor Actius
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Diablo Rojo - Rodrigo y Gabriela (spotify | youtube)
"The Sword of Damocles" from the Rocky Horror Picture Show (spotify | youtube)
Hurt - Nine Inch Nails (spotify | youtube)
Logan Klein
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Radioactivity - Kraftwerk (spotify | youtube)
Out of the Dark - Eisbrecher (spotify | youtube)
Bizzarre Love Triangle - New Order (spotify | youtube)
The Originals
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F*cked with an Anchor - Alestorm (spotify | youtube)
Hail to the King - Avenged Sevenfold (spotify | youtube)
Any Means Necessary - HammerFall (spotify | youtube)
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Never Met a Girl like You Before - The Insects (spotify | youtube)
Into the Heart of Danger - Battle Beast (spotify | youtube)
Breakthrough Starshot - Amaranthe (spotify | youtube)
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amiiancasselmanyet · 9 months ago
Thinking about how mad my one exfriend got because josh got married and stopped liking trench as a whole like yeah he wrote two albums about calling off a wedding but maybe you just lack taste 😌
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chlo-cannot-comprehend · 2 years ago
i found a really cute bird but it has the silliest name
i present to you...
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The Tufted Titmouse
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