#smitten darcy
janeykath318 · 1 year
The Power Of A Smile (shieldshock)
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Prompt: “Quit smiling at me! I keep messing up my sentences when you smile at me like that.”
Darcy had always thought of Captain America as being a super serious, judgmental jock with little to no sense of humor. He came across as rather uptight in all the media coverage and interviews she’d seen and the stories Tony told her about Steve and his supposed stick up the ass didn’t help her perception of him.
So, she was a little surprised when she toured the Smithsonian and saw the vintage video clip of him smiling and laughing with the Howling Commandoes.
“So he could smile eighty years ago,” she mused aloud. “I won’t lie. It’s pretty darn cute. I wonder what it would take to get him to smile nowadays. Maybe recite the pledge of allegiance while standing on my head?” She snorted at the thought. “Not that I’ll get to make that discovery.”
Turns out, Darcy was very much proven wrong.
She moved into Avengers tower with Jane two months later and in all the chaos and excitement, almost forgot that she was gonna be working near her heroes (and sorta heroes).
They were in the middle of setting up Jane’s equipment when Darcy stepped out for an emergency snack and coffee run. When She returned, she heard a deep voice talking to Jane.
“Where would you like it, Dr. Foster?”
She couldn’t quite hear Jane’s reply, but when she walked in, Captain America was calmly moving the heaviest machine as if it weighed nothing. Darcy couldn’t help but stare.
“Holy beefcake!! Jane, you called in the big guns. And by big guns, I mean those biceps. Yowza!”
Jane winced. Darcy did too, cringing at her terrible lack of filter. She braced herself for an annoyed look or long suffering sigh from Steve, but his shoulders seemed to shake a little and when he turned back around, he was straight up grinning.
“Steve, this is my assistant, Darcy Lewis. Darcy, meet Steve Rogers.”
Jane’s look at Steve was apologetic, but Steve just stuck out one giant hand and shook Darcy’s, still smiling.
“Pleased to meet you, Ms. Lewis.” He said, not at all sounding irritated or uptight.
Darcy’s brain went into buffering mode and she found speaking difficult all of a sudden.
“Uh-uh-uh. Same,” she finally managed. “Thanks for the help. Wanna share some snacks?”
“Thanks, but I’ve got a long, boring meeting to get to,” Steve told her. “If you need any more help, don’t hesitate to ask.”
“We won’t,” Jane answered for her. “See ya around, Steve.”
When he’d gone, she turned to Darcy and sighed.
“Please try to work on your filter, Darcy. I don’t mind it when we’re alone, but we’re new here and the bosses might not understand. We’re lucky Steve has such a good sense of humor.”
“Yeah, Whodathunkit?” Darcy murmured, ripping open a Snickers bar. She was still stunned. Had Tony fed her bad intel?
As she came to find out, he had indeed been inaccurate in his description of Steve, at least when it came to off duty Steve.
This Steve was pretty chill and friendly and had a very funny dry sense of humor. Also, he was definitely not a prude. In fact, he’d straight up join in on the rather inappropriate conversations she and Clint had about their favorite fictional character’s sexual proclivities.
“You’re bad, Cap,” she said in amazement during one such conversation. “Tony said you wrinkle your nose when anyone makes so much as an innuendo.”
“When he’s making them, I do.” Steve shrugged. “If he drew incorrect assumptions, that’s on him. And anyway, who really wants to talk to Tony about sex?”
“You have a point there,” Darcy admitted with a shudder. Steve grinned at her and again she was promptly struck dumb.
Darcy, Jane, and Natasha were sipping drinks and chatting about Darcy’s latest failed date, another frustrating episode in her sad relationship story.
“He was one hundred percent Neanderthal. Incapable of taking his eyes off my boobs for one second. Why are men like this?” Darcy complained. “He was kinda cute at first, but I would have used my taser on him if I’d stuck around any longer than I did.”
“I’m sorry,” Natasha sympathized. “That is unfortunately an all too common occurrence. However, I do know of some genuinely good single men, if you are ever interested in trying again.”
Darcy sighed and shook her head. “I appreciate the offer, Nat, but I think I’ll just…..” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Steve sidle up to the bar with Sam, both chatting pleasantly. Steve turned, drink in hand, and locked eyes with her, face lighting up in a big smile. Darcy’s heart skipped a beat and she stared back mesmerized.
Natasha had to poke her to get her attention back.
“Earth to Darcy!! What were you saying?”
Darcy struggled to get her scrambled brain back online.
“Uh, I was saying I think I’ll take a break from dating for awhile,” she finally managed, though her words lacked any conviction.
She didn’t see Natasha and Jane look behind them and smile knowingly at each other.
“Well, you let us know when you change your mind. I’ve got the perfect man in mind,” Natasha declared, looking much too pleased for Darcy’s liking.
Avengers tower had a new resident and Darcy had taken it upon herself to give Bucky the grand tour and help him feel welcome. He didn’t say much, but he didn’t seem uncomfortable with her, so she kept on with her cheerful commentating. It was going well until they reached the gym and Steve happened to be there. He was lifting weights and winked and grinned at Darcy, causing her to stumble to a halt and forget what she was sayin. Ugh. She’d had enough.
Marching over to Steve, she put her hands on her hips and glared.
“Quit smiling at me! I keep messing up my sentences when you smile at me like that!!”
Steve opted for non-compliance.
“I mean it Steve! If you don’t cut that out, I’m gonna kiss that stupidly pretty smile off of your stupidly pretty face!”
Steve set down his weights, but kept on smiling at her.
Not one to make idle threats, Darcy dragged one of the exercise steps over to him and used it as a step stool while she followed through on her promise. Steve didn’t even try to run, but responded very enthusiastically and she quickly gathered that he’d been hoping for this result.
She heard slow clapping from behind them and Bucky’s rusty chuckle.
“Hmm, it would appear this is what you wanted all along, huh?” She asked when she was able to catch her breath again.
“Yeah,” Steve admitted, with a sheepish smile.
“You could have said so,” she playfully chided. “I’ve been kinda pining.”
“Natasha said you weren’t ready to date again, so I decided to give you the space to make up your mind,” Steve explained. “But you make me smile so much, it was challenging.”
“Aww,” Darcy cooed. “Well, let me tell you, the smile campaign worked brilliantly. I can’t even think straight when you’re in the room.”
“Ditto,” Steve replied happily, then he kissed her again.
It was a good thing Darcy had opted against trying to memorize her wedding vows, because the way Steve was looking at her as she read them off the little card was making her a gooey mess inside and she knew she would have made a fool of herself if she didn’t have them written down.
Steve, who had eidetic memory, didn’t have to worry about that and got both of them choked up with his heartfelt words. He had the most earnest pair of puppy dog blue eyes and she knew he meant every word he said.
She’d given Tony a lot of grief over the years about his misleading description of Steve, and he’d finally admitted he’d been very wrong about his teammate. In fact, he’d gone and got himself ordained so he could officiate the ceremony. Darcy had agreed, but had given him strict guidelines, which he mostly followed, much to their relief.
“I now pronounce you Captain and Mrs. America—er—husband and wife. Have at it, Darcy!!”
Grinning widely, Darcy kissed her new husband so thoroughly that he was rendered speechless for a solid minute and a half after they broke apart.
“Finally, it’s my turn to make you lose your wits,” she declared triumphantly.
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myokk · 4 months
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“She’s tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me”😤😤😤
(Regency AU with Eloise and Sebastian inspired by my slow trek through Bridgerton these days & @bassicallymaestra ‘s AMAZING regency inspired art😮‍💨😇🙏)
#I just have a love of big regency dresses what can I say😔🙏#if you haven’t seen them yet this is a study of the GORGEOUS P&P illustrations from the 1890s by Charles Brock#they are all just so spectacular & I stare at them alllllllllll the time wishing I had an ounce of his talent🙏🙏🙏#so I do these studies to pretend even though I change some things😅😅 bc these studies is the best way to improve imo🙏#but I remembered halfway through why I rage quit trying to draw with my fountain pen a year ago😂😂😂#that thing is amazing for writing and I love it like a child#but drawing?! tbh I should have used my drawing ink pen but whatever#I woke up with a hankering to do some crosshatching (which I hate) in an attempt to get over myself#also!!!!!! when Mr Darcy says something like that it’s no wonder Elizabeth jumps at the bit to believe every awful thing she hears about him#it’s like Mr wickham’s dumb stories that nobody else in their right mind would believe#are speaking right to her soul. like OF COURSE that asshole from the assembly would do all of those things😤😤#he called me ugly so OF COURSE he would deny mr wickham his living😤😤#(I don’t blame her I would do the same🤝🤝)#ALSO why tf did he even say that when he’s clearly smitten from the beginning#I’m sure if he knew that she heard him he would simply perish from mortification#well thst is my p&p - inking horror - inspiration rant of the day🙏🙏#(I read p&p at least once a year & it is the only fanfic I really read😅😅😅)#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fanart#hphl#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy oc#eloise#eloise babbit#regency au
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freckled-moss · 11 months
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askladarmin · 7 months
can someone pls tell me to stop reading regency romance aus it’s permanently altering my vocabulary and manner of speaking
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amuseoffyre · 1 year
Neil talking about this season being inspired by Austen just hit me:
Aziraphale is like the Emma for his side of the story. He’s trying to arrange everything just so. He wants people to be happy without pausing to ask what they want. He has this perfect ideal of how everything is going to go and he’s clinging to it. He will arrange for people to fall in love and everything will be fine! Which makes Crowley his Mr. Knightley, fond but critical of Aziraphale’s schemes and entirely smitten on him without giving it voice until it’s too late.
Only he and Crowley are in different books. Crowley is the Lizzie Bennett. He’s the one who won’t do what is expected of him and asks questions and rejects the role he’s meant to be in. He misinterprets Aziraphale’s actions and intentions and in the proposal it’s very much like Darcy’s first awful “I love you against my better judgement” proposal. And likewise, he doesn’t understand that a lot of Aziraphale actions are in the name of protecting him, much like Darcy is trying to shield people from Wickham without ever explaining why.
They are running in different narratives in their own heads because they never talk to each other. They never ask what the other wants or fully understands what the other is thinking. There’s always another side to the story and neither of them is fully aware of it.
I can’t remember if this is right, but I think Neil mentioned Mansfield Park as Aziraphale’s favourite and I feel like this is prescient for the set up for season 3.
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imnothulk · 2 months
The Odinson-Banner Ceremony.
(I wanted to begin by apologizing, I'm sorry it took me so long to write this. @thir-0dinson )
It was a beautiful day in Iceland, it wasn't too cold, thanks to the invisible dome Tony fabricated, The northern lights were bright and colourful. The gold decorations accentuated with purple flowers (thanks too Iyla) made it quite a sight to see.
Bruce was nervous, but excited. His best men, Pietro, Peter and of course Tony, stood behind him. Thor's best woman Valkyrie and groomspeople Fenrir and Darcy stood on the other side of the altar. Everyone was still waiting on (the other) groom to appear.
The crowd was big, they really went all out on the invitations. He could see his kids in the first few rows. He could see his friends and family, everyone gathered for the special occasion.
Suddenly the crowd quietened, the piano started playing the wonderful wedding melody. Bruce turned to see his beautiful fiance at the end of the isle, his sister Hela by his side and walking him down the isle as they approach him.
When Thor stood before him, Loki began to speak.
"We are gathered here today to witness the sacred union of Bruce and my brother Thor. We stand here to honor and celebrate the love shared between these two people, as they come together to start their new life with a solemn vow, surrounded by their closest family and friends."
Pietro stepped forward and handed each groom their respective ring.
"Now as we begin, please face each other and declare your vows, Brother you may go first"
Thor smiled and began to speak
I am- very old, i have seen galaxies rise and fall and thousands of empires play their course. I have seen the most beautiful of collapsing stars and gods and temples and buildings that would blow a mortals mind. I have seen the beauty of the edges of space.
And yet, none of that compares to what i see when i look into your eyes. They are like a thousand stars, as large and comforting as my fathers castle and yet as small amd comfortable as being in your arms.
I thought the day you said yes to marrying me would be the happiest day of my life. I was wrong. It dosent even hold a candle to this day, this day that we will be joined together forever. I may outlive you, but i will ensure your memory outlives time. I will ensure i leave a monument to our love for future species to find and think "Oh. Those men were in love. Those men loved each other with a love that survived the ruins of galaxies.
I wish nothing more than for you to be my eternity."
Bruce was crying by the end of it, Loki wiped a tear from his cheek and cleared his throat "Wow okay, Bruce you may declare your vow"
He took a deep breath before speaking.
When I was young I always dreamed of one day finding someone and falling in love, it was one of my greatest dreams. Then the gamma thing happened, and I thought that dream was no more.
That was until you came into my life once more, not only as a friend and work collegue but as more.
You changed my life and showed me how to love again and for that I owe you everything, you make me happy like no one has before, I'm smitten for you.
I spend hours everyday researching and learning and studying different areas of science, lately it's mostly astrology. I've seen countless pictures of stars and suns and countless wonders, but none of it compares to the beauty I see when I gaze at you.
I am the luckiest man alive, and I will continue to be as long as I have you."
Thor smiled brightly and wiped the tears from his eyes. Loki gave the pair a second before continuing.
"Beautiful vows, wonderful. Now, Brother you shall take your ring and place it on his finger as you repeat after me, 'I Thor Odinson, take thee Bruce to be my husband' ".
Thor places the gold ring on Bruce's finger uttering the words "I Thor Odinson, take thee Bruce to be my husband".
"Now you Bruce, take your ring and place it in his finger and repeat the words "I Robert Bruce Banner, take thee Thor to be my husband".
Bruce holds Thor's hand and places the ring on his finger "I Robert Bruce Banner, take thee Thor to be my husband".
Loki smiles at both of them "Now by the powers vested in me by myself, I now declare you both husband and husband, you may kiss the groom"
Bruce moves forward, kissing Thor sweetly. The room erupts in cheers for the newly married couple.
It was truly a day to be remembered.
//Everyone @theironcan @official-pietro-maximoff @reallyreallyspiderman @iyla-difransisco @bisexualswordlady @fenrir-lokison @yeahimdarcy @agent-maria-hill @agent-maria-hill-ofshield-blog @blackwidow-nat-official2 @buckybarnesoffical @clintbarton-thearrowguy @capt-carter-mostly-official @capn-america @deadpool-wade-wilson @daredevil-isnt-catholic-or-blind @friday-the-ai @harleykeener69 @hawkeye-jr @i-am-not-a-toaster @iyla-difransisco @king-ofwakanda @kamala-msmarvel-khan @littlemsbumblebee @midtown-news-official @mysister-isstillaposer @midtown-news-official @natasha-rogersbarnes @nothawkeyeofficial @okoye-general-official @official-buckybarnes @officialscottlang @reallyreallyspiderman @stephenstrange-md-phd @starlordofficial @spidey-official @that-punk-from-brooklyn @therealbuckybarnes @unofficial-non-poser @vpotts-official @virginia-pepper-potts01 @moongirlwidow @midtown-news-official @definitelynot-peterp4rker @mini-green-goblin @goddessof-death @loki-laufeychild
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witchy-scribblings · 1 year
are you still watching?
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shinazugawa genya x reader
synopsis ➳ it might have been you who selected the movie currently playing on your tv, but as of right now it was the last thing you could focus on.
warnings ➳ characters are aged up, shy genya, dom reader, making out, dry humping, coming in pants, dirty talk, praise kink, lowercase, mdni!
wordcount ➳ 2.3k
[crossposted on ao3]
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it might have been you who selected the movie currently playing on your tv, but as of right now it was the last thing you could focus on.
you knew this scene and its dialogue by heart now, the tension-filled first confession of mr. darcy towards elizabeth bennet was and would always be one of your favorite moments in cinematic history, but right now you could hardly care about any of it, unlike your lovely boyfriend, who was hanging on to every heated word that elizabeth dished back to the object of her unfortunate infatuation. and that was the problem.
he looked so damn good when he was focused on, well, anything, really.
it would be an understatement to say that you were utterly smitten with genya. despite his extremely rough exterior, he had never been anything if not kind and sweet towards you, even way before going steady. he had been an amazing friend back then (still is), if a little awkward with certain kinds of affection, and an equally outstanding boyfriend. despite still shying away from your love at times, which you actually just found all the more endearing, he never let you doubt his own feelings towards you, and showed that he cared in his own smaller but just as meaningful ways.
for example, letting you sit him through what could be your fiftieth (but his first) rewatch of pride and prejudice. he had agreed, not without making a face, and somehow ended up being more invested in the old drama than you.
you couldn’t keep from stealing quick glances at him even if you tried, but he just looked so good in his gray baggy t-shirt and red sleeping shorts. you loved that he didn’t feel stiff and nervous under your legs as they rested across his lap, and even had a big, warm hand rubbing up and down the expanse of your calf, warming up the skin and sending shivers through you, but he didn’t seem to notice. he didn’t because, against all odds, he was loving the wretched (you’d regret your own wording in the morning) movie and you wished he’d lay all of that undivided attention on you instead.
as much as you loved it whenever he got into something you enjoyed, you needed him in a different headspace right now.
to be fair, you had been dating genya for a relatively short amount of time, and he had made a lot of progress with processing your displays of affection (he didn’t nearly faint every time you kissed him anymore!), but you really wanted to take things a little bit further. even making out could prove a bit of a challenge, so you never really pushed because the last thing you wanted was to make him uncomfortable and, truthfully, you could reign in those needs, for heaven’s sake! you weren’t a horndog.
…not like you were currently drooling over your very oblivious boyfriend. not at all.
maybe it wouldn’t hurt to just ask .
“hmm? w’cha need, babe?” and you hesitated because how could you not? he was still watching the movie, although you could tell he was paying attention to you as well. how would he react if you just blurted it out? you were okay with rejection, but you didn’t want him to feel guilty for denying you and completely ruin the mood. would he faint, even? you really hoped not, because that would ruin the night for sure. but you couldn’t just backpedal now; it’d be weird and awkward to just say “nevermind” without a proper explanation.
“...can i get on top of you?” you were fearing the words had been too forward, but instead of overreacting, genya just spared a quick glance to your legs and threw a confused look your way.
“but you’re already on top of me, baby.”
god bless his dumb ass .
“no, no,” and you giggle, of course you do, feeling more relaxed after you were suddenly reminded that this was just your boyfriend; your idiot, lovely boyfriend. “i meant, can i sit on your lap?”
you could tell he was blushing now, but, to your surprise, that seemed to be the extent of his reaction to your request. outwardly, at least.
“uh… sure can, babe,” and you were baffled as much as pleased by the way genya had easily acceeded, but it only took you one second of curious consideration before you acted on your words and shuffled slowly to place yourself on top of him, with both legs straddling his thighs (you could tell he was way stiffer now) and pressing your chest snuggly against his. you peered into his wide eyes. “b-babe… the tv’s the other way…”
“i don’t wanna keep watching the movie right now, genya…”
your shy boyfriend looked too stunned to answer, so you waited patiently, letting your hands roam up and down his firm chest through the thin cotton, adoring the way you could feel his tiny shudders and hear the hitch of air in his throat. your fingers traveled further upwards, until they came to cradle his jaw in both hands; the skin felt warm and clammy to the touch. you made sure he didn’t miss the way your eyes flitted to his parted lips.
“is this okay?” you breathed against his lips, a silent plea. his body was so close, so warm and hard compared to yours, you could feel it despite having full layers of clothes in between. your thumbs ran circles on his reddened cheeks and your nose brushed against his from how close you were hovering towards him. you just needed the green light to close-
“yes, yes it’s so okay-,” you didn’t let him finish, couldn’t let him finish before your lips fell on his almost of their own volition, and his words merged into a moan that you gladly swallowed into your mouth. the kiss was gentle, experimental if only to gauge his every reaction and make sure he was comfortable with your advances.
so far, you knew he was.
you knew from the way his hands immediately flew to your hips to brace himself against your onslaught of affection, the way he shivered when you ran your tongue along his lower lips after every playful nibble, the way your mouth, pressed so insistently against his as the kiss grew in fervor, couldn’t contain the tiny, pleading whimpers coming from his throat.
at some point, you pulled away just enough to observe how he was faring and, boy, was it a sight to behold; genya, with his thin lips looked deliciously kiss-bruised and glossy with spit, his skin flushed all the way to his ears and possibly down to his chest, if you were to guess, and his unfocused eyes staring absently at you.
you weren’t any less than thrilled to have him so messed up from just some kissing.
“p-please…,” he murmurs, trying to chase after your lips like they’re his new vice, but you swiftly snake a hand into the unruly tresses of his mohawk and pull him back, maybe a little harder than you should have, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care when you are rewarded with a loud groan that goes straight to your cunt, right along with the messy babbling you’ve pathetically reduced his speech to. “please, baby, kiss me more. y’r lips so sweet ‘n warm, i need more, more please, i- ah!”
you can feel your pussy soaking through the thin material of your panties when you grind yourself on genya’s crotch, once, twice, steadily building a rhythm where with every push and pull of your hips you could feel his dick getting harder and growing bigger.
“i can feel you through your shorts, baby,” you moan, shamelessly, keeping that one hand at the back of his head while your free one went to soothe the tight grip he held on your hip, through your oversized sleeping shirt. “your cock feels so hot and hard against my pussy, genya…”
if he’s embarrassed by your vulgar choice of words, genya doesn’t show it, and you’re sure it’s because he’s already so far gone into the steady pleasure, into your addictive touch, that he couldn’t be embarrassed even if he tried to.
he’s so unbelievably horny at this point that everything you say only serves to make his dick twitch inside his briefs.
when you lift yourself up a little, he follows and he whines , and you can’t help the amused giggle because he’s so damn needy already, but you let it play in your favor by taking the chance to slide his shorts down to his mid thighs; before you settle back down, you make sure to ogle the mouth-watering print of his cock tenting the material of his underwear.
“i really, really need to grind on your big cock now, genya. can i?” you ask sweetly, watching him throw his head back against the top of the couch and close his eyes to escape your impish smile and lustful gaze before they make him come embarrassingly early.
“p-please… i want it, baby, i-”
“i think you can do better than that, baby boy,” you coo, and you wonder how much you should push without risking ruining everything you’ve built-up until now but, it seemed, genya found it much easier to tolerate your teasing when he was already in the mood.
“b-babe, please… i need you t’grind your p-pussy on my cock…” he was doing so well, barely even stuttering, and you decided to reward him with a sensual trail of wet kisses on the side of his neck, tense like a bowstring with the self-imposed effort not to thrust up against your core himself. “‘m so so so hard for you, baby… i’ll be such a good b-boy for you…”
“yes you will, baby,” you sigh contentedly and, with that, begin to roll your hips back and forth, swiveling in circles and alternating between fleeting rolls and harsh grinding. “you’re already such a good boy, genya, letting me make you feel so good for me. aren’t you feeling good?”
as if the death grip he held on your hips and the desperate need to match your pace weren’t answer enough, you gave him time to put his own words together, to piece them despite the mist in his brain that only let him whimper and groan and moan breathily and raggedly into your neck.
“y-yes, you feel so good, oh my god, so so good… please don’t stop, please, i’m-” 
“oh? are you close, genya?” and this time he does seem too embarrassed to answer, but you can tell by the trembling of his thighs against yours, the increasing volume of his voice and his clenching hands at your sides that it is, indeed, the case. 
your pussy flutters at the thought of your sweet, lovely and pathetic boyfriend creaming his pants just from some light dry humping, and you decide right then and there that he’s going to do. just. that. 
“n-no…” he finally denies, but it comes out so weak and unconvincing that he has to force himself to try again, “no, no i can’t… can’t cum like this, please-”
“you can, and you will, genya,” your voice is a gentle authority that leaves no room for debate, and he whines shamefully. desperately. “you’re going to be a good boy for me, aren’t you?”
“...y-yes, but-”
“and good boys make a mess when they’re told to, don’t they?” he’s so lost in your steady rhythm, trying so hard to fend off his impending orgasm that he can’t even come up with a reply. so you do it for him. “yes, they do. and since you are my dirty, little good boy, you’re going to come in your undies and-”
-and that’s exactly what he does. without warning, actually.
it is so sudden that you only know it happens because genya releases a strangled cry and a beautiful chorus of breathless “oh, oh, oh!” at about the same time you start to explicitly feel, through your sodden knickers, his throbbing prick soiling both of your crotches with his sticky seed, hips barely able to keep from chasing his relief with insistent jerks.
you find out later that night (because he tells you through mortifying embarrassment) that that had been the hardest he’d come to date. and you believe him, because it takes him a long time to ride out the euphoria, to settle back from the beautiful arch of his back into a boneless heap of post-orgasmic bliss, panting messily all the while, and you observe, feeling the mess between your thighs grow colder and stiffer as the seconds tick by, but you let him have his moment. he deserves it.
then, the post-nut clarity seems to hit and genya grimaces heavily, everything dawning on him at once; the mess, the shame, the relief, the utter adoration he holds for you because holy shit you really made him do that but he’s-
“s-sorry, oh my god-”
“nope, i’m not letting you apologize for that. you were so fucking hot, genya.” you relish on his flush, but let your tone soften with sincerity. “is everything all good, though? i really hope i didn’t go too far, baby…”
“no… you didn’t.” he seemed to struggle with finding the words, even more with finding your eyes, but you knew his words were honest. “that was actually really good…”
“i’m glad,” and you are, because despite the latent embarrassment, you can tell he enjoyed himself as much as you did. the living room is blanketed in comfortable silence, pride and prejudice still playing in the background, unattended, while you cuddled into his chest.
“but… y’know, there’s actually somethin’ wrong…” his words spike some unease inside of you, but when you look up to try and guess what could possibly be wrong, you’re met with a toothy quirk of his lips and wild-looking eyes that harbor a thrilling promise.
“you haven’t come yet, babe…”
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there's a line from an old jesse mccartney song that perfectly describes the last few minutes of ep 4: "but nothing's greater / than the rush that comes with your embrace / and in this world, alone — in this i see your face... /"
the inherent romance of seok-ryu hugging seung-hyo for all but one second; how that's more than enough for his mind to be instantly flooded with memories tinged by her touch, saturated by her smile: lit by her laughter.
the wide-eyed look of wonder in his eyes as she embraces him, the way his pupils grow impossibly large — as if to say: "she's touching me. my god, she's really touching me. she's really real."
how that one hug is enough to remind seung-hyo of every single time she's ever put her arms around him — how he's frozen within that moment, wishing that the warmth of her skin against his could last forever.
how his hand flexed and fisted (darcy hand flex! darcy hand flex!) when seok-ryu fell against his chest during that flashback — as if he might shake apart with the force of his feelings for her. with the effort of keeping still when all he wants to do is hold her.
how even after their argument earlier in the episode, he still stooped to water seok-ryu's plant: because she lives and breathes and grows stronger in every aspect of his life. because it was something she'd given him — and he can't help but treasure it.
how the episode title changes from "past perfect" to "present perfect continuous" — because seok-ryu isn't just a memory of first love anymore for seung-hyo. she's tangible. she's touchable. she's real.
she's hugging him, and for once all the parts of his innermost self — the awkward teenager, the smitten twenty-year old, the careful adult; are in perfect agreement: each are in love with seok-ryu. they always have been. 🤍
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fieldsofwriting · 1 month
Ryis Headcannons!
I combined two asks for this one, so enjoy pre-dating headcannons, and what the townies would think of y'all dating!
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I think Ryis would be instantly smitten with you. He's new to town, your new to town. It just makes since for it to be a natural thing that you guys would get along!
He'd ask you to hang out all the time. Or like, he'd be doing something and say "Hey you should totally join us later!"
After some initial getting to know each other awkwardness, and once you guys are like- comfortably friends is when he'd start flirting.
It be little things, like if your hanging out and are just like "Wow! That's a cute flower." He'd slide in with the, "Not as cute as you."
He'd also always have a spot next to him open for you at the Inn. He'd also always have your favorite drink next to him.
It get to the point that people wouldn't even try to sit next to Ryis because that was your spot and everyone knows it.
He'd ALWAYS walk you home on Friday nights. It doesn't matter how late you guys are out. He'd always do it.
Same thing with the Markets, he'd come to get you and take you to Darcy's stand right away to try the iced coffee.
Darcy compliments you guys like, "Oh! What a cute couple!" before you and Ryis with intense blushes are like "N-No! We're just friends!"
After that though Ryis would start thinking about how nice it was that someone thought you were his.
He gets Reina's help to give you guys the most romantic meal the Sleeping Dragon Inn has ever given someone. Hemlock is playing music, Josie got the littles to hang out at Dell's for the night. She's also serving everyone outside. Reina gives you a 'lovers inspired' meal (It's you and Ryis's favorites)
He'd take your hands after Dinner and is walking you home when he just goes... "So...what did you think of what Darcy said?"
"...mm I didn't mind... why do you ask?"
"..Oh I was just wondering you wanted to confirm her suspicions for next week?"
Needless to say, you say yes.
The whole town would be so excited that you guys can finally stop pinning over each other.
Landon is so excited as well, he gives Ryis all his dating Advice he can.
March is just excited to stop hearing about you. As much.
Everyone though is seriously so excited they think y'all are the cutest.
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A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed! Let me know if theres any other requests!
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kachowblueninja · 6 months
I need a fic with the ninja being invited to a fancy party, by their host, cyrus borg. And while the other ninja are meeting the important people of the city, the white ninja is rather distracted by Borgs daughter. Pixal in a nice shiny silk dress, silver to match her hair and zane is SMITTEN. He spends the night trying to win her over, researching the most loved male romance characters and heartthrobs and imitating them ; Westley, mark ruffalo, jack dawson, mr. Darcy, laurie, james dean,Heath ledger, danny zuko, paul rudd, james bond, tom hanks, william thacker, kevin bacon, patrick swayze, rob lowe so on and so on. She thinks hes cute for trying so hard and fumbling. He pretty much short-circuits when she greets him
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bethanydelleman · 7 months
How would the ending of Pride and Prejudice change if Jane had gone with the Gardiners to Derbyshire instead of Elizabeth, and met Darcy at Pemberley?
This is a very interesting question...
Let's assume everything happens the same way, Jane and Mr. Darcy meet while he's coming out of the stables. He probably would be surprised but not as embarrassed (still somewhat because he doesn't know if Jane knows about his role with Bingley). Jane doesn't know that Darcy interfered with her and Bingley, so all she knows is that Darcy proposed and the information about Wickham. She'd be very polite.
I think Darcy would still approach and he'd probably still go try to find the party later on the path and be polite with the Gardiners. I suspect he would enact his plan of checking if Jane likes Bingley earlier, instead of at Netherfield. We probably still have the visit with Darcy, Georgiana, and Bingley at the inn, and you know my boy Bingles will be so smitten and excited.
Here is the real problem: Darcy is unlikely to just stop by the inn without notice to see Jane like he did with Elizabeth. If he misses the letter about Lydia, then he can't save Lydia in time. However, this could be fixed, maybe Bingley is so excited about seeing Jane that he follows her to Hertfordshire (she leaves suddenly) and then he learns about the elopement as they weren't very good at keeping it under wraps. So then he tells Darcy and we're all good.
The other issue is that Elizabeth doesn't get to see Pemberley, which is so important to understanding Darcy's character, but Jane can tell her about it and Darcy bringing Bingley to see Jane would be very significant to Elizabeth too.
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acourtofthought · 10 days
Whats your ship? gwynriel/elucien 🥰
When was the moment you shipped them?
What are your top 3 reasons why you ship them?
What is one thing you'd love to see in their book?
Elucien!! I definitely think Gwynriel is endgame and I think they'll be well suited however I'm not smitten by their pairing the way I am Elain and Lucien.
The first time I read the series I had zero problems with them being mated. I saw the Hybern scene and was left thinking, "that's a fun turn of events!" When I got to the novella I thought, "oh, I wonder if Sarah's going to have her with Az instead?" but after the Az bonus in SF I no longer believed E/riel would be a thing.
Truthfully, I didn't care that much about who Elain ended up with at that point because I was there for Feysands story and I was fine with whatever story Sarah wanted to tell for the side characters. It wasn't until I entered the fandom and started looking back over the books to engage in discussions (and that I realized there was a huge discussion over who Elain would end up with) that I really started shipping Elucien. They've since knocked Feysand out of first place for my favorite SJM pairing.
My top 3 reasons?
1) Because Sarah has beautifully set them up to be the most compatible pairing of all her series. Even standing on their own they share strong similarities and I can only imagine how much fun it will be to read about them when they're finally together. They both take care in their appearances and appreciate nice clothes, they are both happiest in nature (from the authors own mouth), they share a similar sense of humor, neither is the type to lash out and use their words to hurt others. Their pairing feels like a warm sunshine soaked day, loving and kind and gentle things reigning supreme for an author who typically writes her pairings as tough, edgy, morally gray warriors who don't let their guards down easily. Feysand and Rowealin were the pairings that did whatever needed to be done to save the world where Elucien feels like the pairing who reminds you of the good in the world that you're trying to save in the first place.
2) I love the aesthetic which kind of goes along with some of what I said above. I love that they are her chance to write two characters who truly embrace that Bridgerton / P & P way of life. Sarah loves P & P and while I know she likes to incorporate the love of Elizabeth and Darcy into all her pairings, Elucien is the couple who would actually embody a similar lifestyle.
3) I think Elain and Lucien are written as struggling to find true connection within the current main cast of characters. They get along with many, offering wise advice and show how they're both capable of "seeing" the others for who they are but that same cast of main characters don't seem to "see" Elain and Lucien with that same clarity. I believe that they, more than anyone else we've seen, will be capable of bringing one another's true depth to light because I think they'll see each other in a way nobody has really has. There's a reason there are so many bad takes regarding Elain and Lucien and who they are and I think that stems from readers falling into the trap of thinking Feyre and Nesta's opinions of them are the actual truth (instead of realizing that Feyre and Nesta at times struggle to "see" certain people for who they are outside of their own personal history with them - they struggle with objectivity). I think Elain and Lucien will be beautiful together because from their POVs we'll finally see them shine in the way Sarah has always wanted them to but needed their book to finally reveal that to us.
One thing I'd like to see from their book? I can't book because there are so many things! Elain as High Lady of Spring performing Calanmai with Lucien. Or Lucien and Elain as High King and Queen (with Lucien being given Gwydion by Nesta because of his possible Starborn ancestry), overseeing the peace of their lands. Elain being the one to free Vassa's curse with "light / healing" powers. Lucien being a f-ing beast with his full powers, humbling Az once he realizes that no, he would not in fact easily defeat Lucien, Elain curing the pegasus foal illness, restoring the dying lands in the different areas of Prythian, the sisters finally seeing Elain for who she is so the three of them can finally share in a healthy relationship, seeing Lucien reuinited with his mother, making amends with Eris.....and on and on and on.
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lesbesapphic · 2 years
Illicit Affairs - pt 5
A sorority leader Wanda AU
A Ride To Remember
summary- The sorority group is celebrating the success of their event and have decided for a camping trip as a fun way to keep the team spirit up. Wanda knows another way of keeping your team spirit up especially when you keep messing with her.
Warning - mean Wanda , choking, face slapping once , pussy slapping, a little bit angst at the end, dominating Wanda, bottom reader, Wanda is kind of smitten or whipped for r , Tsundere Wanda honestly, finger fucking etc
Hello Everyone!
It is literally almost Five AM here but I wanted to keep my promise so here it is. This one is really amazing. I enjoyed writing it so much. Hope you all love reading it too.
Feel free to send in your thoughts through anons or whatever about this. A humble request, please reblog since I lost my tag list i want it to reach as many old reader as possible
Also if you wish to support me and my writing in these tough times, you can through the links below. I would really appreciate it. It will help me buy groceries or reinforcement for myself. :)
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"Is Everyone here? We are leaving in ten minutes so settle down, Folks!" The senior made the last announcement and you mentally went over the essentials you needed for the trip.
"This is going to be amazing! Guess what I have packed?" Darcy asked with a huge grin on her face, it made you smile in excitement as well, knowing whatever she'd pack would be fun. "What?" You asked after several moments, realising the doofus wasn't going to tell until you ask her. The habit funny yet annoying Sometimes.
"See my friends have vodka over there so we won't have to wait for the senior to designate a day for party and give us that lousy amount which is 95 percent water only." She started and you followed her gaze to her friends who waved at you two, you waved back and glanced at Darcy, not understanding why she was excited about vodka. "And I have got 'stuff'."
"Damn, really?!" You asked in the same excited tone now. Hushing down quietly, afraid people would know about the marijuana. God, just the thought of getting high gave you excitement. You remembered the first time you got high and couldn't shut up. You talked and talked and every little thing seemed so funny. Now you were actually excited.
"Stop grinning like a fool. Wanda would suspect." Darcy smacked your head and you slapped her back in reflex, but agreed with the woman and neutral your expression focusing on your bag on your lap, the last thing you wanted was to get in trouble with Wanda after that party. "Yeah yeah. So are we doing it tonight?" You asked and couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.
"Doing what, Detka?" Wanda asked walkin over from behind to where the two of you were sitting, "Nothing, Wanda. We were thinking of skinny dipping tonight." Darcy replied and your eyes widen while shaking your head 'no', knowing she was purposely getting on Wanda's nerves. Ever since Wanda had picked you from the party, snitching Darcy out in the process, Darcy was finding every opportunity to get on Wanda's nerves. Especially now that she had a little bit of Natasha's protection now, she could get away from her tiny transgressions.
"Darcy!" You spoke before Wanda could and the raven head woman only laughed, "Stop joking around." You exclaimed and shook your head at Wanda who looked at your questioningly over what Darcy had said. "Natasha is calling you. Don't try me, Lewis." Wanda spoke firmly and it even scared Darcy but her being her, she only showed a grin and peace sign before leaving.
"And you wonder, why I dislike her." Wanda stated the obvious and you laughed, sometimes you enjoyed their quarrel as long as it wasn't on your expense. "She is nice, Wanda." You defended your friend half-heartedly knowing whatever you say, they both would never like eachother.
"Of course." Wanda muttered in disdain before flicking the handle between the two seats up making it a one big seat, a mini couch basically, you watched her with curiosity as she held out her hand for you to take and you did, wondering what she was doing. She pulled you up from the seat with one pull and you smiled in amusement, her strength always amazed you.
Wanda put some blanket down on the seats and half laid down, pulling you in her lap, wrapping her arms around you as she settled in, your cheeks immediately reddened at the display of affection, you knew people didn't think much of it since they had assumed Wanda to be overly protective of her first mentee but you knew the truth and it made your heart flutter and your stomach summersaulted at her tiniest of affection.
"You comfortable?" Wanda asked and you nodded against her chest before looking up at her, "I would be more if I had my phone." You added and Wanda rolled her eyes, chuckling sarcastically at your response and you shrugged, it was worth a try. "Nice try. Not until you learn to sort out her priorities." Wanda ended the discussion and you wanted to roll your eyes at her remark but knew doing that in such proximity with her would only result in a smack on your ass and you rather not test her patience when she had already threaten to spank you in front of Carol and Natasha. Apparently, you mouth off to her when you are on your phone. You hardly agreed, you only get distracted and don't reply as politely as Wanda wishes for you to.
"That's why I am here so we can watch a movie. I don't want you to die from boredom." Wanda clarified the reason she was not with the other senior members and you nodded trying to stop yourself from gushing over the fact that she cared so much about you. A part of you still upset about the whole deal with Vision but that part hardly comes forward these days. You had chosen your poison, you could hardly complain now.
"Thank you." You pulled her down from her neck and pecked her cheek, a little closer to her lips, the action had Wanda surprised for a moment, you were too innocent to realise the affect of your actions and Wanda shook her head, pushing the thought of someone taking it in a wrong sense away, she knew that she would have to talk to you about your ways of showing affection in public. Wanda would never jeopardize her reputation or position by getting too carried away but she couldn't say the same for you especially knowing how much you disliked Vision and the whole deal you had with her. She decided to do it later, not wanting to put you in a sore mood now and played the movie.
"Did you bring the mosquito repellent cream?" Wanda asked few minutes into the movie once she noticed the people on the other aisle, putting theirs on and closing the windows as the sun started setting. "Oh Fuck." You muttered from your position on her lap, your head on her chest, cuddled extremely close as the two of you watched the movie. Wanda's hand shot out to your collar instead of hair knowing that people were still around even if not paying attention to you two, she pulled your head up from her chest and before you could apologise her hand came down on your mouth and you let out a whimper of pain, "Stop acting like my mom." You muttered, rubbing the stinging area.
"Then stop behaving like a child." Wanda replied, her eyes narrowing down on you and you knew what she was waiting for, "I am sorry, Mom." You replied in a snarky tone and Wanda rolled her eyes at you, "Careful there, I might just force you to call me mommy, since you love thinking of me as such." Wanda whispered in your ear and you blushed furiously, trying to hide your face in her chest, obviously not enjoying the idea of that very much. She laughed at your reaction and You wanted to come back with an smartass comment but was too afraid that she would fulfil her threat.
"Now go get me my bag. There are mosquitoes here already." Wanda muttered in annoyance as she ushered you up, patting your butt to make you hurry but you only groaned and further buried yourself in her. "I don't want to get up. I got comfortable with such efforts." Wanda sighed and closed her eyes for a moment, you stopped your whining to look at her wondering why she stopped suddenly. "One."
"What? Are you seriously counting?" You asked in disbelief, you knew that she knew how the counting scares you and despite that you always try your best to remain unaffected. Wanda's hand came down on your bare thigh in a smack and you cried out, "Fine fine. But wasn't our last event for nature? Isn't it cruel to deny mosquitoes thier nutritions? We would be basically denying them their right to reproduce?" You started and watched as Wanda rolled her eyes but couldn't successfully hide the smile of amusement playing on her lips.
"And come to think of it, it is the female mosquitoes who need our blood, you can't do that for a fellow sister? Isn't the whole point of sorority groups, sisterhood?" You asked and Wanda shook her head, "This is why I don't like you hanging out with Darcy, you little brat." Wanda pinched your cheek and you laughed, finally deciding to get up. "Only because I don't want you to hate Darcy for one more reason."
"What a good friend you are," Wanda said sarcastically and watched as you left to get her bag. She stretched on the bed, pausing the movie. "Are we stopping on that restaurant?" Wanda asked Jennifer, remembering the place when they outlined their route, when she got an affirmative, she smirked to herself and got up, meeting you halway down the aisle.
"Aren't we gonna finish watching the movie?" You asked slightly confused when Wanda didn't respond and took the bottle of cream from you. "I have a better idea." She replied and urged you to walk all way to the backseats with her hand on your lower back, touching your bare skin causing goosebumps to cover the area. It felt good, her warm hands. Maybe that was the reason you wore crop tops so frequently around her.
"Sit." Wanda pushed some bags from the backseat aside, making some room for you two, still a little crowded but secluded enough. You were piqued with the situation, wondering if you two were going to do something, but all hopes were crushed as you were aware of how Wanda would not jeopardize her reputation. You sat down and Wanda settled down next to you before taking out some of the cream and rubbing it on her arms in slow circles, rubbing up and down and you didn't understand why the simple act was arousing you, especially when she rubbed her hands together to spread the cream evenly.
Wanda smirked to herself, aware of your tranced gaze which was fixated on her like a moth drawn to fire. It continued for awhile, you watching her rub the cream on herself with lust filled stare and clenched thighs, when you couldn't take enough you reached forward for the cream with your hand only for it to get smacked away by her, "Wha-" Before you could finish yourself, Wanda clicked on her phone one last time and threw it down on her seat before getting in your lap. Her finger placed on your lips to quieten you and you tried controlling the urge to lick it, suck it or bite it. So many things you wanted to.
"I will put it on you." Wanda cleared it up with a sweet smile and your eyes flicked from her position on your lap to behind her where almost all the seats were empty and people were already gone, you didn't even hear that, preoccupied by the brunette. You nodded slowly and when her finger brushed your lip, your tongue darted out to lick it, earning you a sharp smack on your thigh. You stopped instantly at the pain but given a chance you would do it again.
"Good girl." Wanda murmured against your ear, licking the earlobe causing you to shudder in pleasure. You could feel the wetness oozing out of you and she had only just began. You watched as she pulled back and took a generous amount of cream in her hand, rubbing them together slowly, the moisturizer sticking to her fingers. She winked at you with a cheeky grin before placing her hand on your bare stomach, her fingers expertise in tracing from front to your back. "No funny business." She said playfully when you let out a sigh of pleasure, her fingers digging into your flesh softly.
"Wanda.." You whispered surprised that your voice came out firm with how dry your throat was. "Hmm, Baby?" Wanda asked and the use of the endearment only seemed to work on you more. You wouldn't deny how much you have started loving her roughness in bed but there were still times when you would find yourself falling for her all over again everytime she would get playful with you, tease you with that adorable glint in her eyes devoid of all the cruelness you were aware she could dish out in any given moment.
"What are you doing?" You were surprised that you were still able to form sentences when she moved to your thighs and legs, rubbing the cream there with a determine look to not miss any spot but you both knew why she spend extra time on your thighs, her fingers almost brushing against your clothed center causing you to buck your hips up. "Quit being so libidinous." Wanda's hand came down on your clothed pussy and you whimpered in pain and as well as pleasure at having her touch.
"Libi-What?" You asked her, genuinely confused at her choice of words when she was the one being whatever 'libi-dibi' she was talking about. "Libidinous." Wanda replied nonchalantly, her eyes focused on your center and you noticed the shift in her eyes as your thigh muscles convulsed under her touch. "Jesus, Your cunt is soaking." Wanda observed and you felt a jolt of arousal hitting your body at her unsolicited wording.
"Fuck me then.." You said and when she made an attempt to pick up the cream again, you decided to beg, "Please..I want you so badly. I am so wet.. only for you, Wanda please..." You didn't know what you were saying, the desperation to feel her hands on you and the constant fear of someone walking in was pushing you to limits. Wanda dropped the cream and picked out a wipe from her bag, cleaning her hands, "Take these off." Wanda almost growled as she got off you and you didn't need to be told twice as you instantly pushed the clothing down your legs before leaning forward to kiss Wanda who smacked your face away, not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to remind you who was in front of you.
"I didn't give you permission to kiss me, Darling." Wanda reminded and you swallowed dryly, nodding and murmuring a soft 'sorry' and gasping when Wanda pushed you back into your seat, again getting in your lap. This time her intent was clear when her mouth attached to your neck, sucking and biting with the intention to leave marks, you moaned loudly, "Pe-People.. notice.." You let out in between your whimpers and moans, yet your hand in Wanda's hair only pushed her closer, simultaneously tilting your neck to give her more access.
"Mosquitoes.." She grumbled as she moved lower to your chest, her answer had you chuckling, remembering how she didn't like it before when you called her a mosquito while on call with Vision, quickly shaking off the thought you focused shifted on Wanda's hands, harshly squeezing your soft mound, "What's so funny, Baby?" She asked while her finger traced your areolas, not touching the hardened nub. You closed your eyes and turned your head to the side when she pinched the nub.
"Hmm?" She questioned again while pinching the other one, getting them harder and you tried jerking away from her but it didn't work as her fingers clamped down harder, "N-Nothing.." You whimpered in pain but wouldn't deny the backhanded pleasure you were recieving from her assault on your soft flesh. "Thought so." She smirked to herself enjoying the flushed state she had put you in, every inch of you was red. She loved how everything she did had a direct result on your body. So responsive.
Wanda pushed your bra up, her hand playing with your bare flesh, softly kissing your breast before sucking on your hardened nipple, slowly nibbling on the sensitive flesh at the same time moving her hand to your bare center, playing with your folds, her fingers brushing past them to collect the wetness in her fingers, "And we have hardly began, I told you, you will become my pain slut." Wanda finished her sentence with a smack to your already swollen pussy and you let out a loud cry mixed with a moan of pleasure.
Wanda pushed her fingers into your mouth to quieten you, "Shh. People are still around." You had tears in your eyes when she pushed her fingers covered in your wetness down your throat, causing you to choke on them. "So beautiful." Wanda whispered, pushing a strand of hair away from your face and you could feel yourself growing redder, "You take them in so well, such a good girl." Wanda praised, cooing at you and you wouldn't deny how your chest swells up everytime she does that to you. Unbeknownst to you Wanda had conditioned you to long for her approval and praises.
"But that's not where you need them, don't you baby?" Wanda asked and you nodded frequently, her fingers still in your mouth, hitting the back of your throat, while her other hand held your face still by the back of your neck. "Fine." Wanda pulled out her fingers from your mouth and before you could resume your proper breathing, she pushed her fingers in you and you were embarassed as well as surprised by how easily they went in. "So needy." Wanda murmured as she watched how her fingers moved in and out of you as she fucked you.
You didn't know but the way Wanda was watching you as she had her way with you was making you feel shyer than your first time with her. You could feel redness seeping in your cheeks and was pretty sure that your chest and neck were a similar shade. You closed your lips and bit your lip to hold your moans but it didn't help when Wanda's other hand rubbed your clit, playing with the nub while inserting another finger in.
"Wa-Wanda." You cried out in broken moans when she picked up her place, three fingers deep in you while her thumb simulated your clit, you couldn't help but scream her name which she stopped halfway by placing her fingers in your mouth, "Shut. Up. Slut. We don't want everyone here." She growled with annoyance and you moaned around her fingers at the look she was giving you that and a curl of her fingers was enough to push you over the edge as you came against her fingers. Your thighs convulsing, your hips bucking up to ride out your orgasm which Wanda let you.
Your saliva dripped down your chin as her fingers were pushing down on your tongue, "So gorgeous." Wanda's hand on your pussy, traced the outer lips and your whimpered at the simple touch. It felt too much in the moment. You watched as she brought the fingers to her lips, tasting you. She winked when she caught your eyes causing you to blush and to look away.
"Let's clean you up, my little slut." Wanda pulled out her fingers from your mouth and wiped them on your hot and red cheeks. You didn't know if you really liked her calling you dirty names since it was always some sort of endearment with her but your body seemed to enjoy them as the heat rushes everywhere at the idea of being her slut.
You closed your eyes and pushed your head back focusing on your breathing, you were pretty sure Wanda had someone gaurding the bus, remembering the use of her phone earlier and how no one had enter or even knock in a while now. It was easier to put the two and two together. You hissed in surprise and from the cold when a wet towel wiped down on your still a little wet pussy. "Sorry, Kitten." Wanda apologised, she obviously didn't mean it but the fact she even said it was nice to hear, you thought while nodding in acknowledgement, letting her take care of you.
She would always clean you after it, at first you found it a little, you don't know the right word for it but you felt more naked than when she would fuck you. But overtime you seemed to grow a liking to the aftercare, loving how affectionate Wanda would get and how she would even listen to whatever you want after a particularly rough play. You didn't know on what level of sweetness Wanda was on after this particular time but when she gently wiped your cheeks and placed a kiss on the one she had slapped earlier, she didn't have to say. You knew she would get you whatever you wanted. Except, another orgasm maybe.
"I love you." You whispered and instantly felt your heart racing in panic. You didn't know why but you couldn't stop yourself in time. You would always say it in your head but this time you went a little too bold. Before you could die in panic or bring yourself to an anxiety attack, Wanda placed a kiss on your lips, soft and short. "I know, Detka. I know." Wanda replied and the soft smile on her lips calmed your nerves, that meant she wasn't going to kick you out or anything. It seemed to reassure you. She didn't reject you. After all she was the one who chose you over-
"Let's not think about it much right now, huh?" Wanda phrased it as a question but you knew she would get irritated the moment you dwell on the thought again and never the one to deny her of anything, You instantly drop the thought and gave her a smile, "I want a chocochip cookie." You announced causing Wanda to laugh, "Of course you do."
"Get dressed. I will see what I can do." She leaned forward and kissed you lips one last time before getting off and picking up her phone. You moved to get dressed with a big smile playing on your lips, the same lips tingling from all of her kisses. The same lips that would be wrapped around a joint later, the thought exciting you in a completely different way. You didn't even know how your subconscious connected Wanda's kisses to Weed but you weren't complaining. The trip was going to be amazing.
Tag list - @animesailor8 @ashadash0904 @avengerswriter4eva @animalcrackers009 @lizziecanrailme @generallyconfusedbeing @crappyconfusion-main @desaulniersbriannes @genzwomensimp @squackimabird @crappyconfusion @lezzzbehonestsue @wandanatvoid @pianogirl2121 @fabgronsky @simplysimping999 @afterglow-val @ssweetcreature1 @s1ut4nat @alwaysgoodnight @wandaswigglywoos @animesailor8 @aymmgreen @cmaysf @stufiebunny @androgynouscloudenemy @wandanatlex @importantsludgeoafneck-blog @slave-of-laughter-blog @thatsamericasass04 @ultroncanpegme-reposts @lijo-8 @iamnobodywhataboutu @lezzzbehonestsue @temptationsbrew @didujustcallmedumb @sgthesstuff
If any of you don't want to be tagged in future please comment, I had an issue with my tag list so some of you who didn't ask to be tagged are also tagged.
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thesirencat · 4 months
I'm in a dire need of a Pride and Prejudice AU with liushen as Darcy/Lizzy and qijiu as Bingley/Jane!
Yqy is completely smitten by Sj, just like Bingley/Jane, they spend some time apart because of a misunderstanding related to Lqg's distrust of Sj.
Lqg, being a proud man, would doubt Sy because of Sj, and Sy would think ill of him because Sj keeps saying that he is a brute. Instant Darcy/Lizzy misunderstanding!
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midnightmayhem13 · 1 year
can you do headcanons for nebula with a strap?? i’m obsessed with your hcs for my fav gays
nsfw nebula, darcy, sharon (individual)
hehe finally ima have fun❕ minors dni and enjoy gays🩶 also i did darcy and sharon bc i'm a whore nd they don't have nsfw hcs😊
she obviously didn't know what it was at first
and honestly she's a bit weary at first
she hates men why would she try to be like that
but the first time you do it she's completely smitten
she'd go slow at first bc it's a new things but she'd immediately be obsessed
she goes fast and rough
she pushes you're tummy bulge
and she lets out loud grunts and a mix of degradation and praise
"you looks so fkn beautiful" "my filthy/slutty girl"
she'd think it's so hot if you turn into a mess and i mean like you're sentences are incoherent and you're hair is wild and voice is hoarse
shed definitely love a blowjob
like the fact of you getting on your knees for her makes her beyond horny
she'd also push you're head down so your nose is against her pelvis
since she's like techy she'd make it like an attachment so she could feel everything (squealing when i wrote that)
but she'd definitely be obsessed with you
and bend you over in any hidden area
darcy lewis
darcy is a bottom
i said it once ima say it again
she also loves that strap
just seeing it around your waist gets her wet beyond belief
her fav would be when you kinda js use her
like when you use one hand to grab her wrists and the other to make a makeshift pony tail out of her hair
she screams very loud
mommy mommy mommy
she has a mommy kink
she calls you mommy and melts at your words
she also says stuff like
'tell me you love me mommy' 'do i look pretty' 'am i doing a good job'
but when she's top she's lowk rough
she loves when you listen to her and when her big bad gf gets all submissive for her
she likes getting spanked bye
sharon carter
i'll be ass up anytime for ms carter
but she would definitely love to hit it from the back
shes definitely daddy
shes also really rough in bed
and loves hair pulling, spanking and bondage
like she loves marking you too
tying you up and listen to your whimpers while she leaves love bites all over you're body
she teases you a lot too
she leave a vibrater tied to you for as long as you can handle
only to push you over your limits
and she'll punish you for sure
if you've been misbehaving she'll make you cock warm her while she's on a meeting
but seeing you desperate makes her heart warm
not in like a sadist way
and while she is one
but when you whimper and silently beg for her to make you feel good her heart explodes with love
she'll want to hold you and make you feel good forever
sharons also a horny fck for you
shell rub your ass on her and make you grind into her
shes obsessed with you
a/n uhm anyways... idk who that was i should stick to fluff but ugh ik i alr did nsfw hcs but nebs darcy and sharon just do things to me❕
bye guys be whores and love you stay safe❕🩶
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ao3feed-narlie · 15 days
Happy Birthday! PS - Marry Me?
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Kn1Ub8e by CadburyOreo, Coach1305, eli__writes Nick suspects that Charlie is keeping a secret from him in the run-up to his birthday. Charlie hopes that with a little help from their friends, Nick’s big day will become Their Big Day. Can he pull off the biggest surprise of their lives? Words: 4608, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (TV), Heartstopper (Webcomic) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Darcy Olsson, Tara Jones, Michael Holden (Solitaire), Victoria "Tori" Spring, Tao Xu, Elle Argent, Sarah Nelson Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Elle Argent/Tao Xu, Tara Jones/Darcy Olsson, Michael Holden/Victoria "Tori" Spring Additional Tags: Smitten Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charlie Spring is a menace, Fluff, surprise wedding, beach wedding, birthday fic, Fluff fluffity fluff fluff read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Kn1Ub8e
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