dianapopescu · 7 months
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23 februarie: Sfântul Sfințit Mucenic Policarp, Episcopul Smirnei
Sfântul Sfințit Mucenic Policarp, Episcopul Smirnei, "aducând roade în tot felul de fapte bune şi crescând în cunoştinţa lui Dumnezeu" (Coloseni 1:10), s-a născut în primul secol și a trăit în Smirna, din Asia Mică. A ajuns orfan la o vârstă timpurie dar, prin îndrumarea unui înger, a fost crescut de pioasă văduva Calista. După moartea mamei lui adoptive, Policarp și-a împărțit oamenilor toate posesiunile sale și a început să ducă o viață castă, având grijă de bolnavi și infirmi. https://www.diane.ro/2024/02/23-februarie-sfant-policarp.html
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dininimapentrumine · 5 months
Botez la Biserica Penticostală Smirna, Timișoara
Suntem încântați să împărtășim cu dumneavoastră câteva fotografii de la botezul nou-testamentar care a avut loc duminică în cadrul Bisericii Penticostale Smirna din Timișoara. A fost un moment deosebit pentru noi, plin de bucurie și emoție și suntem recunoscători pentru harul și îndurarea Domnului revărsată peste adunarea noastră.Ne rugăm ca Dumnezeu să fie la fiecare pas cu cei care au încheiat…
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artparfumuri · 8 months
Bvlgari - Apa de parfum
Bvlgari Splendida Tubereuse Mystique 100 ml , pentru femei
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Splendida Tubereuse Mystique de la Bvlgari este un parfum lansat in 2019 . Creatorul din spatele acestui parfum este Sophie Labbe . Compozitie :
Note de varf : coacaze negre , Davana
Note de mijloc : tuberoza
Note de baza : vanilie , smirna
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budakbelakang · 1 year
Wahyu 1:11
yang berkata, “Tuliskanlah semua yang kamu lihat ke dalam sebuah buku dan kirimkan itu kepada tujuh jemaat: Efesus, Smirna, Pergamus, Tiatira, Sardis, Filadelfia, dan Laodikia.”
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fara-posts · 1 year
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Cea mai frumoasă zi E atunci când tu nu ştii cât de fragil e totul, chiar şi această zi Ca linia umerilor tăi Ce seamănă cu orizontul.buna dimineata frumoasa zeita a poezieiRidică-te, pregătește-te cum îmi place să te văd și nu uita să-ți porți lenjerie
pe care am ales o pentru tine
Această zi este specială
și mă vei servi toată ziua...
Între foc și plăcere...
Pasiunea... și pofta
Esti... mereu pe...
dorinta...de a mă servi...
ești a mea .....
Exact asa,
Cât de mult iubesc....
Și te dezbrăci de toate
mai putin din partea ta......
pantofi cu toc...
chiar esti o
opera de artă
care luminează ochii
Cel care se uită la tine[20.06, 11:17] Ioana: [20.06, 11:06] Ioana: [20.06, 10:05] Ioana: Ar trebui...
[20.06, 10:06] Ioana: Despre limite si limitari ....poti sau nu sa scrii...
[20.06, 10:06] Ioana: Ar trebui ...sa visam...?....ar trebui....
[20.06, 10:06] Ioana: Ar trebui sa zburam....ar trebui...
[20.06, 10:13] Ioana: Ar trebui sa dansam,sa cantam ,sa dorim ,sa aflam,sa zburam,sa visam,sa traim,sa iubim,sa cautam ,ar trebui sa ...si asa aflam ...despre limite ,limitari ,diferente intre trebuie si ar trebui ....nuante ,subtile ...feluri de a fi ,imbinari siderale de planuri si un dor nefiresc ...de gol ,de aur ,smirna ,tamaie ...copii...clinchete,argintii,zale picate si porti deschise ntr o clipa cat Cerul....va fi...si mai ales ...un fel nescris ...in care nu exista nimic din ce noi stim sau ni se pare ca am stii...simtirea ...bate cam orice ...si atat ...in rest ...sunt cautari de aur ...iar noi....pribegi ,surazatori si cam perdanti ...in fata vietii...noi revenim sau redevenim ...asa cum un poet spunea frumos ...copii...
[20.06, 10:21] Ioana: Asa trebuie...
[20.06, 11:08] Ioana: [20.06, 11:05] Ioana: De ce
[20.06, 11:05] Ioana: Iti e dor de dragostea si iubirea mea....
[20.06, 11:06] Ioana: Cam asa....e cafeaua ,viata ,iubirea...si buna dimineata ,dragul meu...iybirea mea...
[20.06, 11:06] Ioana: [20.06, 10:05] Ioana: Ar trebui...
[20.06, 10:06] Ioana: Despre limite si limitari ....poti sau nu sa scrii...
[20.06, 10:06] Ioana: Ar trebui ...sa visam...?....ar trebui....
[20.06, 10:06] Ioana: Ar trebui sa zburam....ar trebui...
[20.06, 10:13] Ioana: Ar trebui sa dansam,sa cantam ,sa dorim ,sa aflam,sa zburam,sa visam,sa traim,sa iubim,sa cautam ,ar trebui sa ...si asa aflam ...despre limite ,limitari ,diferente intre trebuie si ar trebui ....nuante ,subtile ...feluri de a fi ,imbinari siderale de planuri si un dor nefiresc ...de gol ,de aur ,smirna ,tamaie ...copii...clinchete,argintii,zale picate si porti deschise ntr o clipa cat Cerul....va fi...si mai ales ...un fel nescris ...in care nu exista nimic din ce noi stim sau ni se pare ca am stii...simtirea ...bate cam orice ...si atat ...in rest ...sunt cautari de aur ...iar noi....pribegi ,surazatori si cam perdanti ...in fata vietii...noi revenim sau redevenim ...asa cum un poet spunea frumos ...copii...
[20.06, 10:21] Ioana: Asa trebuie...
[20.06, 11:08] Ioana: Să....[20.06, 11:06] Ioana: [20.06, 10:37] Ioana: E greu sa explic...de ce...
[20.06, 10:37] Ioana: De la lipsa de iubire
[20.06, 10:38] Ioana: Banuiesc ca asta e la fiece om...
[20.06, 10:38] Ioana: Poate...
[20.06, 10:38] Ioana: Cheia
[20.06, 10:38] Ioana: Si ne
[20.06, 10:38] Ioana: Neamplinirea ,zborul,menirea....
[20.06, 10:38] Ioana: Si atunci ...sa zburam
[20.06, 10:38] Ioana: Sa iubim
[20.06, 10:38] Ioana: Sa dansam
[20.06, 10:38] Ioana: Sa ndraznim
[20.06, 10:38] Ioana: Sa cream...
[20.06, 10:38] Ioana: Sa iubim
[20.06, 10:39] Ioana: Sa murim
[20.06, 10:39] Ioana: Sa visam
[20.06, 10:39] Ioana: ....
[20.06, 11:07] Ioana: Să....
[20.06, 11:20] Ioana: Acest naucitor si implacabil...să....De dimineață m-am trezit
Şi cafea am pregătit!
Am pus în ea :
un strop de soare,
Un "zâmbet " parfumat
de floare,
O picătură de iubire
Şi multă, multă...fericire!
Să ai o zi minunată
Şi de Dumnezeu vegheat !Acest naucitor si implacabil...să....
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kisahpedia · 2 years
Kalender Liturgi 23 Feb 2023
Kamis Rabu Abu
PF S. Polikarpus, Uskup dan Martir
Warna Liturgi: Ungu
Bacaan I: UL 30:15-20
Mazmur Tanggapan: Mzm 1:1-
Bait Pengantar Injil: Mat 4:17
Bacaan Injil: Luk 9:22-25
Bacaan I
UL 30:15-20
Pada hari ini aku menghadapkan kepadamu: berkat dan kutuk.
Pembacaan dari Kitab Ulangan:
Di padang gurun di seberang Sungai Yordan
Musa berkata kepada bangsanya,
"Ingatlah, pada hari ini aku menghadapkan kepadamu
kehidupan dan keberuntungan, kematian dan kecelakaan.
Karena pada hari ini aku memerintahkan kepadamu
untuk mengasihi Tuhan, Allahmu,
dengan hidup menurut jalan yang ditunjukkan-Nya
dan berpegang pada perintah, ketetapan serta peraturan-Nya.
Dengan demikian engkau hidup dan bertambah banyak
dan diberkati oleh Tuhan, Allahmu,
di negeri yang engkau masuki untuk mendudukinya.
Tetapi jika hatimu berpaling dan engkau tidak mau mendengar,
apalagi jika engkau mau disesatkan
untuk sujud menyembah kepada allah lain
dan beribadah kepadanya,
maka pada hari ini aku memberitahukan kepadamu
bahwa pastilah kamu akan binasa,
dan tidak akan lanjut umurmu di tanah, ke mana engkau pergi,
menyeberangi sungai Yordan, untuk mendudukinya.
Aku memanggil langit dan bumi
menjadi saksi terhadap kamu pada hari ini:
Kepadamu kuperhadapkan kehidupan dan kematian,
berkat dan kutuk.
Pilihlah kehidupan, supaya engkau tidak mati,
baik engkau maupun keturunanmu,
yaitu dengan mengasihi Tuhan, Allahmu,
mendengarkan suara-Nya dan berpaut pada-Nya.
Sebab hal itu berarti hidup bagimu dan lanjut umurmu
untuk tinggal di tanah
yang dijanjikan Tuhan dengan sumpah kepada nenek moyangmu,
yakni kepada Abraham, Ishak dan Yakub,
untuk memberikannya kepada mereka."
Demikianlah sabda Tuhan.
Why 2:8-11
Pembacaan dari Kitab Wahyu:
Aku, Yohanes, mendengar suatu suara,
"Tuliskanlah kepada malaikat jemaat di Smirna:
Inilah firman dari Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir,
yang telah mati dan hidup kembali:
Aku tahu kesusahan dan kemiskinanmu
-- namun sebenarnya engkau kaya! --
Aku tahu fitnah mereka yang menyebut dirinya orang Yahudi,
tetapi yang sebenarnya tidak demikian;
sebaliknya mereka adalah jemaah Iblis.
Jangan takut terhadap apa yang harus kauderita!
Sesungguhnya Iblis akan melemparkan beberapa orang
dari antaramu ke dalam penjara
supaya kamu dicobai
dan kamu akan beroleh kesusahan selama sepuluh hari.
Hendaklah engkau setia sampai mati,
dan Aku akan mengaruniakan kepadamu mahkota kehidupan.
Siapa bertelinga, hendaklah ia mendengarkan
apa yang dikatakan Roh kepada jemaat:
Barangsiapa menang,
ia tidak akan menderita apa-apa oleh kematian yang kedua."
Demikianlah sabda Tuhan.
Mazmur Tanggapan
Mzm 1:1-
Berbahagialah orang,
yang menaruh kepercayaan pada Tuhan.
*Berbahagialah orang
yang tidak berjalan menurut nasihat orang fasik,
yang tidak berdiri di jalan orang berdosa,
dan yang tidak duduk dalam kumpulan pencemooh;
tetapi yang kesukaannya ialah hukum Tuhan,
dan siang malam merenungkannya.
*Ia seperti pohon, yang ditanam di tepi aliran air,
yang menghasilkan buah pada musimnya,
dan tak pernah layu;
apa saja yang diperbuatnya berhasil.
*Bukan demikianlah orang-orang fasik:
mereka seperti sekam yang ditiup angin.
Sebab Tuhan mengenal jalan orang benar,
tetapi jalan orang fasik menuju kebinasaan.
Mzm 31:3cd-4.6.8ab.16bc.17
Refren: Ke dalam tangan-Mu, Tuhan,
kuserahkan nyawaku.
*Jadilah bagiku gunung batu tempat berlindung,
dan kubu pertahanan untuk menyelamatkan daku!
Sebab Engkaulah bukit batu dan pertahananku,
oleh karena nama-Mu
Engkau akan menuntun dan membimbing aku.
*Ke dalam tangan-Mu kuserahkan nyawaku;
Engkau membebaskan daku, ya Tuhan, Allah yang setia.
Aku akan bersorak-sorai dan bersukacita karena kasih setia-Mu,
sebab Engkau telah menilik sengsaraku.
*Lepaskanlah aku dari tangan musuh-musuhku
dan bebaskanlah dari orang-orang yang mengejarku!
Buatlah wajah-Mu bercahaya atas hamba-hamba-Mu,
selamatkanlah aku oleh kasih setia-Mu!
Bait Pengantar Injil
Mat 4:17
Bertobatlah, sabda Tuhan, sebab Kerajaan Surga sudah dekat.
Bacaan Injil
Luk 9:22-25
Barangsiapa kehilangan nyawanya karena Aku,
ia akan menyelamatkannya.
Inilah Injil Suci menurut Lukas:
Sekali peristiwa Yesus berkata kepada murid-murid-Nya
bahwa Anak Manusia harus menanggung banyak penderitaan,
dan ditolak oleh tua-tua, imam-imam kepala dan ahli-ahli Taurat,
lalu dibunuh, dan dibangkitkan pada hari ketiga.
Kata-Nya kepada mereka semua,
"Setiap orang yang mau mengikut Aku, harus menyangkal dirinya,
memikul salibnya setiap hari dan mengikut Aku.
Karena barangsiapa mau menyelamatkan nyawanya,
ia akan kehilangan nyawanya;
tetapi barangsiapa kehilangan nyawanya karena Aku,
ia akan menyelamatkannya.
Apa gunanya seorang memperoleh seluruh dunia,
tetapi ia membinasakan atau merugikan dirinya sendiri?
Demikianlah sabda Tuhan.
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leontiucmarius · 2 years
Test de cultură generală. Care este diferența dintre smirnă și tămâie?
Probabil că ați auzit că tămâia și smirna au fost două dintre darurile aduse Pruncului Iisus de către cei trei magi, alături de aur. Dar ce sunt acestea?  Tămâia și smirna sunt cunoscute drept darurile […] Articolul Test de cultură generală. Care este diferența dintre smirnă și tămâie? apare prima dată în Descopera. Această știre a fost preluată de pe portalul amintit Această informație preluată…
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ciochinaflorin · 2 years
212. SELECTEAZĂ CORECT 8. IMPERATIVELE DOMNULUI ISUS I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Apocalipsa capitolele 2 și 3 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 31 Iulie 2022 I Cum îmi pot verifica viața pentru a-mi cunoaște starea spirituală ? Doar folosind etalonul Cuvântului Lui Dumnezeu. (more…)
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alkitabsaja · 3 years
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Follow & Share f i t @alkitabsaja Bukan penganiayaan yang merusak Gereja, tapi kemakmuran!! Persecution has never hurt the Church, only prosperity! Amsal 30:8 Jauhkanlah dari padaku kecurangan dan kebohongan. Jangan berikan kepadaku kemiskinan atau kekayaan. Biarkanlah aku menikmati makanan yang menjadi bagianku. 30:9 Supaya, kalau aku kenyang, aku tidak menyangkal-Mu dan berkata: Siapa TUHAN itu? Atau, kalau aku miskin, aku mencuri, dan mencemarkan nama Allahku. Proverbs 30:8 Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: 9 Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain. #alkitabiah.org #matikemana.com #alkitabsaja #anabaptists #fundamental #prosperity #falsegospel #injilpalsu #kemakmuran #aniaya #persecution #smirna https://www.instagram.com/p/CW8NwczvyTI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cokyuruyen · 8 years
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24.10.2016 -  08.15
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pubmusiclife · 3 years
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Nicopolis ad Istrum and Marcianopolis
The Latin language infiltrated much more easily than elsewhere. This was mainly due to the presence of the army, which required a common language for communication. In the civilian settlements lived Roman citizens who had acquired these privileges by birth as Italians or by army service. They were the vehicles of the dominant language and culture in this province. The official Roman cults underlay the religious life in this area. In the 2nd century people from other parts of the Empire, primarily from the Hellenic East, came here, with the army or as civilians. Their presence however was not so conspicuous as in the cities in the interior.
Nicopolis ad Istrum and Marcianopolis, although to the north of the Haemus Mountain, initially belonged to the province of Thrace, and after 193 to Lower Moesia. Here the influence of the Greek language and culture was stronger. The government was on the model of the Greek poleis in the Eastern Mediterranean. The construction of the squares and their architectural decoration gives out the hand of the Eastern master. This influence is also evident in the cities south of the Balkan Range.
Mediterranean Dacia
The urbanization in Thrace was at a higher level compared to Moesia. What is more, with the exception of the ancient Greek poleis on the western Black Sea coast, until the reign of Trajan there were no urban centers in Moesia. In Thrace, Philippopolis was undoubtedly the most magnificent, large and beautiful city. Although during the first three centuries it was not a provincial center, it remained the most famous in these lands. Later it was chosen to be capital of the province of Thrace with the homonymous diocese of Thrace. Serdica became the chief city of Mediterranean Dacia, and Marcianopolis – capital of Second Moesia.
In Thrace the Hellenic influence persisted. The Greek language was spoken and written mainly in the cities, while in the villages Thracian dialects were used tour packages balkan. In the sphere of culture, art and religion, the local tradition was intertwined with influences from the neighboring Greek lands. In many aspects of life is evident a mixture of these two cultures and beliefs, the so- called syncretism.
The population was ethnically variegated. Three main groups were predominant. The Greeks were dominant in the seaside settlements, but they gradually penetrated into the interior. With the urbanization of Thrace and Moesia, many immigrants came from the Hellenic poleis in the eastern Mediterranean world (Nicomedia, Ephes, Smirna, etc.). Quite a few Syrians, Egyptians and Judeans also settled here. In the two provinces many Roman citizens lived too.
These were mostly veteran soldiers who received plots of land. They had adequate organizational and administrative experience, acquired during their long service. In the villages such men usually became mayors, and were often in the city government. The Thracian element, so strong in the rural areas, gradually penetrated in the cities. Wealthy local elite emerged, who occupied public and sacral posts. Men from different parts of the Empire served here (in the legions and their auxiliary units). In the 4th century, however, ethnic changes set in. Along the lower Danube and in the interior, federate tribes (allies) mostly of Gothic origin were settled. Gradually the so-called barbarian elements penetrated into Moesia and Thrace, in the military and civil life.
Even though not as imposing in appearance as the cities in Italy, North Africa and Asia Minor, the explored Roman period cities in Bulgaria exhibit a high urban development in comparison to other marginal or bordering provinces of the Empire.
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goodfests · 3 years
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Nicopolis ad Istrum and Marcianopolis
The Latin language infiltrated much more easily than elsewhere. This was mainly due to the presence of the army, which required a common language for communication. In the civilian settlements lived Roman citizens who had acquired these privileges by birth as Italians or by army service. They were the vehicles of the dominant language and culture in this province. The official Roman cults underlay the religious life in this area. In the 2nd century people from other parts of the Empire, primarily from the Hellenic East, came here, with the army or as civilians. Their presence however was not so conspicuous as in the cities in the interior.
Nicopolis ad Istrum and Marcianopolis, although to the north of the Haemus Mountain, initially belonged to the province of Thrace, and after 193 to Lower Moesia. Here the influence of the Greek language and culture was stronger. The government was on the model of the Greek poleis in the Eastern Mediterranean. The construction of the squares and their architectural decoration gives out the hand of the Eastern master. This influence is also evident in the cities south of the Balkan Range.
Mediterranean Dacia
The urbanization in Thrace was at a higher level compared to Moesia. What is more, with the exception of the ancient Greek poleis on the western Black Sea coast, until the reign of Trajan there were no urban centers in Moesia. In Thrace, Philippopolis was undoubtedly the most magnificent, large and beautiful city. Although during the first three centuries it was not a provincial center, it remained the most famous in these lands. Later it was chosen to be capital of the province of Thrace with the homonymous diocese of Thrace. Serdica became the chief city of Mediterranean Dacia, and Marcianopolis – capital of Second Moesia.
In Thrace the Hellenic influence persisted. The Greek language was spoken and written mainly in the cities, while in the villages Thracian dialects were used tour packages balkan. In the sphere of culture, art and religion, the local tradition was intertwined with influences from the neighboring Greek lands. In many aspects of life is evident a mixture of these two cultures and beliefs, the so- called syncretism.
The population was ethnically variegated. Three main groups were predominant. The Greeks were dominant in the seaside settlements, but they gradually penetrated into the interior. With the urbanization of Thrace and Moesia, many immigrants came from the Hellenic poleis in the eastern Mediterranean world (Nicomedia, Ephes, Smirna, etc.). Quite a few Syrians, Egyptians and Judeans also settled here. In the two provinces many Roman citizens lived too.
These were mostly veteran soldiers who received plots of land. They had adequate organizational and administrative experience, acquired during their long service. In the villages such men usually became mayors, and were often in the city government. The Thracian element, so strong in the rural areas, gradually penetrated in the cities. Wealthy local elite emerged, who occupied public and sacral posts. Men from different parts of the Empire served here (in the legions and their auxiliary units). In the 4th century, however, ethnic changes set in. Along the lower Danube and in the interior, federate tribes (allies) mostly of Gothic origin were settled. Gradually the so-called barbarian elements penetrated into Moesia and Thrace, in the military and civil life.
Even though not as imposing in appearance as the cities in Italy, North Africa and Asia Minor, the explored Roman period cities in Bulgaria exhibit a high urban development in comparison to other marginal or bordering provinces of the Empire.
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shuminsei · 4 years
If you have seen it I was thinking about how interesting it was that in the old Akatsuki no Yona volume 20 Sketchbook in the crossover of NG Life how we discovered that Jaeha’s true preference in women is someone like Smirna and Serizawa who are opposite in personality. I’m just curious of what you think.
what??? i have so many questions!!!
okay first, i don't know anything about akayona volume 20 sketchbook. i tried to search but i found nothing :( if anyone knows where to read them, please let me know!!!
second, i haven't read kusanagi-san's other manga yet. i honestly didn't know they have other manga!!! i am so gonna read them!
and third, once i read both NG life and akayona vol 20 sketchbook, i'll let you know about my thoughts soon!
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wrath-of-dawn · 4 years
I think it’s interesting that in the Akatsuki no Yona Volume 20 Sketchbook in NG Life crossover we discovered that Jaeha has a type when it comes what his preferences in women and that is Smirna and Serizawa. What do you think.
Hmm, I have the sketchbook but I'm not too familiar with kusanagi's NG Life. I've only read a few chapters and dont remember much so it's hard to say. Jaeha having a type however? Not surprising at all 🤣
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awesomebelieve246 · 4 years
Akatsuki no Yona Volume 20 Sketchbook
NG Life and Yona of the dawn crossover ~ Translation
Source: @Shitsumon-abound/Sorasan000 | Tumblr
The big breasted fierce lady from NG Life, the sadist type Smirna seems to be Jae-Ha's type. He's going to go after her, kind of feeling.
(The main point of the comic: Jaeha's preferred type of women are strong-minded, big-boobed, sadistic women like Smyrna. But he's also weak for people like Serizawa who are a little naive and vulnerable.)
(Smyrna and Serizawa are characters from NG Life. Smyrna is calling him an ugly bastard and threatening to throw him into the lion's den. Serizawa and Keidai are marveling at how tall and attractive Jaeha is.)
Smirna : Whatcha looking at pig?!
Smirna : Imma push you to lion's den! (Very unyielding)
But it seems that Jae-Ha is weak to Serizawa's type.
Arrow 1: NG Life’s protagonist, Saeki Keidai
Arrow 2 : Keidai’s best friend, Serizawa Mii
Serizawa : Mister, you're so tall. What's your height?
Saeki : Whoa, what's with this flashy person... is this what 'handsome' is?
Arrow 3: The one he fancies seems docile and cheerful, but when the wicked and corrupt(?) show their faces, they’re not docile at all…is the feeling he gets.
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sorasan000 · 4 years
I think it’s interesting that in the Akatsuki no Yona Volume 20 Sketchbook in NG Life crossover we discovered that Jaeha has a type when it comes what his preferences in women and that is Smirna and Serizawa. What do you think.
Man, I don't remember what it was about Serizawa that hit his type, but I feel him about Smyrna.
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